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Referencia API

Clase onetouch
Tipo: Paquete al que pertenece: Paquete digitalpersona

Tipo: Paquete al que pertenece: Descripcin: Atributos Atributo CAPTURE_FEEDBACK_GOOD Public enum CAPTURE_FEEDBACK_NONE Public enum CAPTURE_FEEDBACK_TOO_LIGHT Public enum CAPTURE_FEEDBACK_TOO_DARK Public enum CAPTURE_FEEDBACK_TOO_NOISY Public enum CAPTURE_FEEDBACK_LOW_CONTRAST Public enum CAPTURE_FEEDBACK_NOT_ENOUGH_FEATURES Public enum Descripcin La muestra es de buena calidad. Enumeracin onetouch Operacin de captura de Feedback from.

No hay muestra.

La muestra es demasiado ligera. La muestra es demasiado oscura.

La muestra tiene demasiadas manchas.

El contraste de la muestra es demasiado bajo.

Muestra con informacin insuficiente.

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Chapter 5: API Reference



La muestra no est centrada.

El objeto escaneado no es un dedo.

El dedo estaba demasiado arriba.

El dedo estaba demasiado abajo.

El dedo estaba demasiado a la izquierda.

El dedo estaba demasiado a la derecha. El escaneo luce extrao.

El dedo fue quitado demasiado rpido.

La imagen est demasiado sesgada.

La imagen es demasiado pequea.

El dedo se quit con demasiada lentitud.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Paquete al que pertenece: Descripcin: Atributos Atributo DATA_PURPOSE_UNKNOWN Public enum DATA_PURPOSE_VERIFICATION Public enum DATA_PURPOSE_ENROLLMENT Public enum Descripcin El propsito del dato no es conocido. Enumeracin onetouch Datos de huella digital para propsitos.

Los datos de la huella sern usados para la verificacin.

Los datos de la huella sern usados para la inscripcin. .

Tipo: Paquete al que pertenece: Descripcin: Operaciones Mtodo DPFPError() Protected Descripcin Construye el objeto de error. Parmetros int [in] errorCode Cdigo de error. int [in] extendedErrorCode Cdigo extendido de error. String [in] errorText El texto del error. Exception [in] exception La excepcin capturada. Class onetouch Describe la estructura del error.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


getErrorCode() int Public getErrorText() String Public getException() Exception Public

Devuelve el cdigo de error. Devuelve el texto del error. Devuelve la excepcin capturada.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


getExtendedErrorCode() int Public

Devuelve el error extendido

Tipo: Paquete al que pertenece: Descripcin: Atributos Atributo LEFT_PINKY Public enum LEFT_RING Public enum LEFT_MIDDLE Public enum LEFT_INDEX Public enum LEFT_THUMB Public enum RIGHT_THUMB Public enum RIGHT_INDEX Public enum RIGHT_MIDDLE Public enum RIGHT_RING Public enum RIGHT_PINKY Public Descripcin left little finger Enumeracin onetouch Enumeracin of fingers

left ring finger

left middle finger

left index finger

left thumb

right thumb

right index finger

right middle finger

right ring finger


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Chapter 5: API Reference


right little finger

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Operations Method toBit() long Public Descripcin Parameters Returns the finger's bitmask. The left little finger corresponds to the least significant bit of the mask. The right little finger corresponds to the most significant bit of the mask. long [in] mask

Static fromMask() EnumSet<DPFPFingerIndex> Public

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Class Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch Descripcin: This class represents a main access point to the OneTouch for Windows SDK: Java Edition library, and contains a set of static factory methods which allow the user to create various SDK classes. Connections Connector Association Source -> Destination Association Source -> Destination Association Source -> Destination Association Source -> Destination Association Source -> Destination Association Source -> Destination Association Source -> Destination Association Source -> Destination Association Source -> Destination Operations Method Static getCaptureFactory() DPFPCaptureFactory Public Static getEnrollmentFactory() DPFPEnrollmentFactory Public Descripcin Returns the default factory for DPFPCapture objects. Returns the default factory for DPFPEnrollment objects. Parameters Source Public DPFPGlobal Public DPFPGlobal Public DPFPGlobal Public DPFPGlobal Public DPFPGlobal Public DPFPGlobal Public DPFPGlobal Public DPFPGlobal Public DPFPGlobal Target Private featureExtractionFactory DPFPFeatureExtractionFactory Private featureSetFactory DPFPFeatureSetFactory Private readersCollectionFactory DPFPReadersCollectionFactory Private sampleConversion DPFPSampleConversion Private templateFactory DPFPTemplateFactory Private captureFactory DPFPCaptureFactory Private enrollmentFactory DPFPEnrollmentFactory Private verificationFactory DPFPVerificationFactory Private sampleFactory DPFPSampleFactory

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Returns the default factory for Static getFeatureExtractionFactory() DPFPFeatureExtractionFactory DPFPFeatureExtraction objects. Public Static getFeatureSetFactory() DPFPFeatureSetFactoryReturns the default factory for Public DPFPFeatureSet objects. Static getReadersFactory() DPFPReadersCollectionFactory Public Static getSampleConversionFactory() DPFPSampleConversion Public Static getSampleFactory() DPFPSampleFactory Public Static getTemplateFactory() DPFPTemplateFactory Public Static getVerificationFactory() DPFPVerificationFactory Public Returns the default factory for DPFPReadersCollection objects. Returns the default factory for DPFPSampleConversion objects. Returns the default factory for DPFPSample objects. Returns the default factory for DPFPTemplate objects. Returns the default factory for DPFPVerification objects.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch Descripcin: Common structure of fingerprint data. Operations Method Descripcin Parameters deserialize() void Imports the data from the binary representation. byte[] [in] data Public The binary representation of a fingerprint object. serialize() byte Serializes opaque biometric data. Public Returns the binary representation of the fingerprint object.

Tipo: Interface DPFPData Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch Descripcin: The fingerprint feature set.

Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch Descripcin: DPFPFeatureSet factory interface. Operations Method createFeatureSet() DPFPFeatureSet Public createFeatureSet() DPFPFeatureSet Public Descripcin Creates an empty DPFPFeatureSet object instance. Returns the object created. Creates a DPFPFeatureSet object instance byte[] [in] data and fills it with data. Parameters

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface DPFPData Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch Descripcin: The fingerprint sample.

Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch Descripcin: DPFPSample factory interface. Operations Method createSample() DPFPSample Public createSample() DPFPSample Public Descripcin Creates an empty DPFPSample object instance. Returns the object created. Creates an DPFPSample object instance and fills it with data. Returns the object created. byte[] [in] data Parameters

Tipo: Interface DPFPData Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch Descripcin: The fingerprint template.

Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch Descripcin: DPFPTemplate factory interface. Operations Method createTemplate() DPFPTemplate Public Descripcin Creates an empty DPFPTemplate object instance. Returns the object created. Parameters

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Chapter 5: API Reference


createTemplate() DPFPTemplate Public

Creates a DPFPTemplate object instance and fills it with data. Returns the object created.

byte[] [in] data

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Chapter 5: API Reference

capture package

capture package
Tipo: Package Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch

Tipo: Enumeracin Paquete al que pertenece: capture Descripcin: Describes the priority of the fingerprint capture operation. Atributos Atributo CAPTURE_PRIORITY_LOW Public enum Descripcin Low priority. The subscriber uses this priority to acquire reader events only if there are no subscribers with high or normal priority. Only one subscriber with this priority is allowed.

CAPTURE_PRIORITY_NORMAL Normal priority. The subscriber uses this priority to acquire device events only if the Public enum operation runs in a foreground process. Multiple subscribers with this priority are allowed. CAPTURE_PRIORITY_HIGH Public enum High priority. (RESERVED. For internal use only.) The subscriber uses this priority to acquire device events exclusively. Only one subscriber with this priority is allowed. The process subscribing with this priority must have administrative privileges or run under the Local SYSTEM account.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: capture Descripcin: This interface describes the operation of capturing fingerprint samples from a reader. The capture operation subscribes to and monitors events on the selected fingerprint reader and notifies listeners about specific classes of events (image data and quality events, reader status events, reader events, errors). One fingerprint reader may be monitored by several capture operations. Each capture operation has a specific priority, which defines how reader events will be distributed among several concurrent operations. Operations Method addDataListener() void Public addErrorListener() void Public addImageQualityListener() void Public Descripcin Adds the data event listener. See also DPFPDataEvent Adds the error event listener. See also DPFPErrorEvent Adds the image quality event listener. See also DPFPImageQualityEvent addReaderStatusListener() void Public Adds the reader status event listener. See also DPFPReaderStatusEvent addSensorListener() void Public getListeners() T Public Adds the sensor event listener. See also DPFPSensorEvent Enumerates all event listeners for the given class. Returns an array of event listeners. getPriority() DPFPCapturePriority Returns the current capture priority. Public Parameters DPFPDataListener [in] listener The listener to be added. DPFPErrorListener [in] listener The listener to be added. DPFPImageQualityListener [in] listener The listener to be added. DPFPReaderStatusListener [in] listener The listener to be added. DPFPSensorListener [in] listener The listener to be added. Class<T> [in] t listener class.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


getReaderSerialNumber() String Public isStarted() boolean Public

Returns the serial number of the fingerprint reader to be used for the capture. Returns the status of the capture operation. Returns true if capture is started, false otherwise.

removeDataListener() void Public removeErrorListener() void Public removeImageQualityListener() void Public removeReaderStatusListener() void Public removeSensorListener() void Public setPriority() void Public

Removes the data event listener. See also DPFPDataEvent Removes the error event listener. See also DPFPErrorEvent Removes the image quality event listener. See also DPFPImageQualityEvent Removes the reader status event listener. See also DPFPReaderStatusEvent

DPFPDataListener [in] listener The listener to be removed. DPFPErrorListener [in] listener The listener to be removed. DPFPImageQualityListener [in] listener The listener to be removed. DPFPReaderStatusListener [in] listener The listener to be removed.

Removes the sensor event listener. DPFPSensorListener [in] listener The listener to be removed. See also DPFPSensorEvent Sets the capture priority. Modification of the priority is allowed only when the capture operation is not started, otherwise an IllegalStateException will be thrown. DPFPCapturePriority [in] priority The capture priority.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


setReaderSerialNumber() void Public

Sets the serial number of the String [in] serialNumber fingerprint reader to be used for the The serial number of the fingerprint reader to be used for the capture. capture. Modification of the serial number is allowed only when the capture operation is not started, otherwise an IllegalStateException will be thrown.

startCapture() void Public

Starts the capture. The call is asynchronous and returns immediately. The events will be sent to the listeners until the stopCapture method is called. Stops the previously started capture operation.

stopCapture() void Public

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: capture Descripcin: This interface describes a factory of DPFPCapture objects. Use one of the createCapture methods to construct a new DPFPCapture instance. Operations Method createCapture() DPFPCapture Public createCapture() DPFPCapture Public Descripcin Creates a capture object. Returns the object created. Creates a capture object on a specified reader. Returns the object created. See also DPFPReaderDescripcin and DPFPReadersCollection Creates a capture object with a specified priority. Returns the object created. Creates a capture object on a specified reader and with a specified priority. Returns the object created. See also DPFPReaderDescripcin and DPFPReadersCollection String [in] readerSerialNumber A serial number of the specific fingerprint reader Parameters

createCapture() DPFPCapture Public createCapture() DPFPCapture Public

DPFPCapturePriority [in] priority String [in] readerSerialNumber DPFPCapturePriority [in] priority

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Chapter 5: API Reference

event package

event package
Tipo: Package Paquete al que pertenece: capture

Tipo: Class Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: An abstract adapter class for receiving data events from the fingerprint capture device. The methods in this class are empty. This class exists as a convenience for creating listener objects. Extend this class to create a DPFPDataEvent listener and override the methods for the events of interest. (If you implement the DPFPDataListener interface, you have to define all of the methods in it. This abstract class defines null methods for them all, so you only have to define methods for events you care about.) Create a listener object using your class and then register it with a component using the component's addDataListener method. Operations Method dataAcquired() void Public Descripcin Invoked when the fingerprint sample is acquired. Parameters
DPFPDataEvent [in] e

The event occurred.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Class EventObject Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: An event indicating that a fingerprint has been acquired Operations Method DPFPDataEvent() Public Descripcin Constructs an event. Parameters String [in] readerSerialNumber The serial number of the reader on which the event initially occurred. DPFPSample [in] sample The fingerprint sample.

getSample() DPFPSample Public

Returns a fingerprint sample acquired.

Tipo: Class Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: An abstract adapter class for receiving error events from the fingerprint capture device. The methods in this class are empty. This class exists as a convenience for creating listener objects. Extend this class to create a DPFPErrorEvent listener and override the methods for the events of interest. (If you implement the DPFPErrorListener interface, you have to define all of the methods in it. This abstract class defines null methods for them all, so you only have to define methods for events you care about.) Create a listener object using your class and then register it with a component using the component's addErrorListener method. Operations Method errorOccured() void Public Descripcin Fired when the error occurred. Parameters DPFPErrorEvent [in] e The event occurred. DPFPErrorEvent [in] e The event occurred.

exceptionCaught() void Fired when an exception caught. Public

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Class EventObject Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: An error event occurred during a fingerprint capture. Operations Method DPFPErrorEvent() Public Descripcin Constructs an event. Parameters String [in] readerSerialNumber The serial number of the reader on which the event initially occurred. DPFPError [in] error The error occurred.

getError() DPFPError Public

Returns an error that occurred.

Tipo: Class Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: An abstract adapter class for receiving image quality feedback from the fingerprint capture device. The methods in this class are empty. This class exists as a convenience for creating listener objects. Extend this class to create a DPFPImageQualityEvent listener and override the methods for the events of interest. (If you implement the DPFPImageQualityListener interface, you have to define all of the methods in it. This abstract class defines null methods for them all, so you only have to define methods for events you care about.) Create a listener object using your class and then register it with a component using the component's addImageQualityListener method. Operations Method Descripcin onImageQuality() void Invoked when the fingerprint sample is Public acquired with unsatisfactory quality. Parameters DPFPImageQualityEvent [in] e The event occurred.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Class EventObject Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: An event indicating that the quality of the fingerprint acquired is bad. Operations Method Descripcin DPFPImageQualityEvenConstructs an event. t() Public Parameters String [in] readerSerialNumber The serial number of the reader on which the event initially occurred. DPFPCaptureFeedback [in] feedback The capture feedback.

getFeedback() DPFPCaptureFeedback Public

Returns feedback about the quality of the capture.

Tipo: Class Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: An abstract adapter class for receiving reader status events from the fingerprint capture device. The methods in this class are empty. This class exists as a convenience for creating listener objects. Extend this class to create a DPFPReaderStatusEvent listener and override the methods for the events of interest. (If you implement the DPFPReaderStatusListener interface, you have to define all of the methods in it. This abstract class defines null methods for them all, so you only have to define methods for events you care about.) Create a listener object using your class and then register it with a component using the component's addReaderStatusListener method. Operations Method Descripcin readerConnected() void Invoked when the reader is connected. Public readerDisconnected() void Public Parameters DPFPReaderStatusEvent [in] e The event occurred.

Invoked when the reader is disconnected. DPFPReaderStatusEvent [in] e The event occurred.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Class EventObject Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: An event indicating that a fingerprint reader has been connected or disconnected. See also DPFPReaderStatusListener Atributos Atributo READER_CONNECTED int Public Static Const Descripcin Indicates that the reader has been connected. See also getReaderStatus() Default: 2 Constraints and tags Default: 3

READER_DISCONNECTED int Indicates that the reader has been disconnected. Public Static Const See also getReaderStatus() Operations Method Descripcin DPFPReaderStatusEven Constructs an event t() Public

Parameters String [in] readerSerialNumber The serial number of the reader on which the event initially occurred. int [in] readerStatus Either READER_CONNECTED or READER_DISCONNECTED.

getReaderStatus() int Public

Returns a reader status.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Class Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: An abstract adapter class for receiving sensor events from the fingerprint capture device. The methods in this class are empty. This class exists as a convenience for creating listener objects. Extend this class to create a DPFPSensorEvent listener and override the methods for the events of interest. (If you implement the DPFPSensorListener interface, you have to define all of the methods in it. This abstract class defines null methods for them all, so you only have to define methods for events you care about.) Create a listener object using your class and then register it with a component using the component's addSensorListener method. See also DPFPSensorEvent, DPFPSensorListener and DPFPCapture. Operations Method fingerGone() void Public fingerTouched() void Public imageAcquired() void Public Descripcin Parameters Invoked when the finger removed from the DPFPSensorEvent [in] e reader. The event occurred. Invoked when the finger put on the reader. DPFPSensorEvent [in] e The event occurred. Invoked when the finger image is acquired DPFPSensorEvent [in] e The event occurred. and the finger can be removed from the reader.

Tipo: Class EventObject Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: An event indicating an activity on a fingerprint reader. See also DPFPSensorListener. Atributos Atributo FINGER_GONE int Public Static Const FINGER_TOUCH int Public Static Const Descripcin Indicates that the finger has been removed from the reader. Indicates that the finger has been put on the reader. See also getSensorStatus(). Constraints and tags Default: 6

Default: 5

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Chapter 5: API Reference


IMAGE_READY int Public Static Const Operations Method DPFPSensorEvent() Public

Indicates that the image has been acquired and the Default: 7 finger can be removed from the reader.

Descripcin Constructs an event

Parameters String [in] readerSerialNumber A serial number of the reader on which the event initially occurred. int [in] sensorStatus Either FINGER_TOUCH, FINGER_GONE or IMAGE_READY.

getSensorStatus() int Returns a sensor status. Public

Tipo: Interface EventListener Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: The listener interface for receiving data events from a fingerprint reader. For the intermediate reader events (finger touch/gone) see DPFPSensorListener. See also DPFPDataEvent. Operations Method dataAcquired() void Public Descripcin Invoked when a fingerprint sample is acquired. Parameters
DPFPDataEvent [in] e

The event occurred.

Tipo: Interface EventListener Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: The listener interface for receiving error events from a fingerprint reader. See also DPFPErrorEvent Connections Connector

Source -> Destination

Source Public DPFPErrorAdapter

Target Public DPFPErrorListener

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Operations Method errorOccured() void Public Descripcin Fired when an error occurred. Parameters
DPFPErrorEvent [in] e DPFPErrorEvent [in] e

The event that occurred. The event that occurred.

exceptionCaught() void Fired when an exception was caught. Public

Tipo: Interface EventListener Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: The listener interface for receiving information about bad image quality. See also DPFPImageQualityEvent. Operations Method Descripcin onImageQuality() void Invoked when the quality of the acquired Public fingerprint is unsatisfactory. Parameters DPFPImageQualityEvent [in] e The event that occurred.

Tipo: Interface EventListener Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: The listener interface for receiving events when a fingerprint reader is connected or disconnected. Operations Method Descripcin readerConnected() void Invoked when a reader is connected. Public readerDisconnected() void Public Invoked when a reader is disconnected. Parameters DPFPReaderStatusEvent [in] e The event occurred. DPFPReaderStatusEvent [in] e The event occurred.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface EventListener Paquete al que pertenece: event Descripcin: The listener interface for receiving intermediate events from a fingerprint reader. For the reader data events see DPFPDataListener. See also DPFPSensorEvent and DPFPDataListener. Operations Method fingerGone() void Public fingerTouched() void Public imageAcquired() void Public Descripcin Invoked when a finger is removed from a reader. Invoked when a finger is put on a reader. Invoked when a finger image is acquired and the finger can be removed from a reader. Parameters DPFPSensorEvent [in] e The event occurred. DPFPSensorEvent [in] e The event occurred. DPFPSensorEvent [in] e The event occurred.

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Chapter 5: API Reference

processing package

processing package
Tipo: Package Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch

Tipo: Class Exception Paquete al que pertenece: processing Descripcin: The exception will be thrown when the sample quality is not good enough for processing. Operations Method Descripcin DPFPImageQualityExceptio Creates an exception with the n() given quality feedback. Public getCaptureFeedback() DPFPCaptureFeedback Public Returns the capture feedback. Parameters DPFPCaptureFeedback [in] captureFeedback The capture quality feedback.

Tipo: Enumeracin Paquete al que pertenece: processing Descripcin: Status of the fingerprint template. Atributos Atributo TEMPLATE_STATUS_UNKNOWN Public enum TEMPLATE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT Public enum TEMPLATE_STATUS_FAILED Public enum TEMPLATE_STATUS_READY Public enum Descripcin Status of the fingerprint template is unknown. Most probably the fingerprint template does not exist yet. Constraints and tags Default:

The fingerprint template exists, but more Default: fingerprint samples are required to finalize it. The creation of the fingerprint template failed. Fingerprint template was successfully created. Default:


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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: processing Descripcin: Creates a fingerprint template from a number of fingerprint feature sets. Operations Method addFeatures() void Public clear() void Public Descripcin Adds a new fingerprint feature set to the source data collection. Clears the source data collection and resets the result fingerprint template status to DPFPTemplateStatus#TEMPLATE_STATUS_ UNKNOWN. The caller can start template creation over again. Returns the number of fingerprint feature sets needed to create the fingerprint template. This value decreases as each feature set is added, showing the actual number of feature sets still needed in order to complete creation of the fingerprint template. Returns the fingerprint template created. Parameters DPFPFeatureSet [in] featureSet A fingerprint feature set to be added.

getFeaturesNeeded() int Public

getTemplate() DPFPTemplate Public getTemplateStatus() DPFPTemplateStatus Public

Returns the status of the fingerprint template.

Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: processing Descripcin: DPFPEnrollment factory interface. Operations Method createEnrollment() DPFPEnrollment Public Descripcin Creates an object implementing DPFPEnrollment interface. Parameters

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: processing Descripcin: This interface represents a fingerprint feature extractor. The fingerprint feature extractor converts a sample captured from a fingerprint reader into a set of fingerprint features, unique for the fingerprint and specific for any of following usages (purposes): enrollment or verification. See also DPFPSample and DPFPDataPurpose. Operations Method createFeatureSet() DPFPFeatureSet Public Descripcin Extracts a purpose-specific fingerprint feature set from the fingerprint sample. Returns the fingerprint feature set created. Parameters DPFPSample [in] sample The source fingerprint sample. DPFPDataPurpose [in] purpose The purpose of the feature set.

Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: processing Descripcin: DPFPFeatureExtraction factory interface. Operations Method Descripcin createFeatureExtraction() Creates an object implementing DPFPFeatureExtraction DPFPFeatureExtraction interface. Public Returns the object created.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: processing Descripcin: This interface provides converters for fingerprint sample data. Once a fingerprint sample has been captured from a reader, it is possible to convert it to other formats: an image or an ANSI 381compliant binary representation. Operations Method convertToAnsi381() byte Public createImage() Image Public Descripcin Converts the sample to an ANSI 381 compliant format. Converts the sample to a standard Java image. Parameters DPFPSample [in] sample The fingerprint sample. DPFPSample [in] sample The fingerprint sample.

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Chapter 5: API Reference

readers package

readers package
Tipo: Package Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch

Tipo: Enumeracin Paquete al que pertenece: readers Descripcin: Describes the fingerprint reader impression type. Atributos Atributo READER_IMPRESSION_TYPE_UNKNOWN Public enum READER_IMPRESSION_TYPE_SWIPE Public enum READER_IMPRESSION_TYPE_AREA Public enum Descripcin Constraints and tags The fingerprint reader impression type Default: is unknown. The reader scans fingerprints with a swiping method. The reader scans fingerprints with a touching method. Default:


Tipo: Enumeracin Paquete al que pertenece: readers Descripcin: Describes whether the serial number of the fingerprint reader is provided by hardware or software. Atributos Atributo SERIAL_NUMBER_TYPE_PERSISTENT Public enum SERIAL_NUMBER_TYPE_VOLATILE Public enum Descripcin The persistent serial number of the fingerprint reader is provided by hardware. Constraints and tags Default:

Default: The volatile serial number of the fingerprint reader is provided by software.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Enumeracin Paquete al que pertenece: readers Descripcin: Describes the fingerprint reader technology. Atributos Atributo READER_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN Public enum READER_TECHNOLOGY_OPTICAL Public enum Descripcin The fingerprint reader technology is unknown. Optical fingerprint reader. Constraints and tags Default:


READER_TECHNOLOGY_CAPACITIVE Capacitive fingerprint reader. Public enum READER_TECHNOLOGY_THERMAL Public enum READER_TECHNOLOGY_PRESSURE Public enum Thermal fingerprint reader.



Pressure fingerprint reader.


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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: readers Descripcin: Provides information about a particular physical fingerprint reader attached to the system. Operations Method getFirmwareRevision() DPFPReaderVersion Public getHardwareRevision() DPFPReaderVersion Public getImpressionType() DPFPReaderImpressionType Public getLanguage() int Public getProductName() String Public getSerialNumber() String Public getSerialNumberType() DPFPReaderSerialNumberType Public getTechnology() DPFPReaderTechnology Public getVendor() String Public Descripcin Returns the fingerprint reader firmware revision. Returns the fingerprint reader hardware revision. Returns the fingerprint reader usage modality. Returns the fingerprint reader language. Returns the fingerprint reader product class name. Returns the fingerprint reader serial number. Describes if the fingerprint reader serial number is provided by hardware or software. Returns the fingerprint reader technology. Parameters

Returns the fingerprint reader manufacturer name.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: readers Descripcin: The fingerprint reader version information. Operations Method getBuild() int Public getMajor() int Public getMinor() int Public Descripcin Returns the build number of the reader. Returns the major version of the reader. Returns the minor version of the reader.

Tipo: Interface List Paquete al que pertenece: readers Descripcin: Collection of the Descripcins of all fingerprint readers attached to the system. Operations Method get() DPFPReaderDescripcin Public Descripcin Parameters Finds a Descripcin of the fingerprint reader String [in] serialNumber The serial number. by its serial number. Returns the Descripcin found or null if nothing was found.

Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: readers Descripcin: DPFPReadersCollection factory interface. Operations Method getReaders() DPFPReadersCollection Public Descripcin Creates a new list of available reader Descripcins. Returns the object created.

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Chapter 5: API Reference

swing package

swing package
Tipo: Package Paquete al que pertenece: ui

Tipo: Class JPanel, Serializable Paquete al que pertenece: swing Descripcin Swing UI for Enrollment Atributos
Atributo Descripcin Constraints and tags

DPFPUI_PROPERTIES String Package Static Const ENROLLED_FINGERS_PROPERTY String Package Static Const MAX_ENROLLED_FINGER_COUNT String Package Static Const PREFFERED_HEIGHT int Package Static Const PREFFERED_WIDTH int Package Static Const READER_SERIAL_NUMBER_PROPERTY String Package Static Const Operations Method addEnrollmentListener() void Public DPFPEnrollmentControl() Public Descripcin Adds enrollment event listener Creates enrollment control.

Default: "dpfpui"

Default: "enrolledFingers" Default: "maxEnrollFingerCount" Default: 320

Default: 480

Default: "readerSerialNumber"

Parameters DPFPEnrollmentListener [in] listener listener to add

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Chapter 5: API Reference


getEnrolledFingers() EnumSet<DPFPFingerIndex> Public getMaxEnrollFingerCount() int Public

Returns the enrolled finger indices Returns the maximum number of fingers allowed for the user

getReaderSerialNumber() String Returns the serial number of fingerprint reader from which Public data will be captured. removeEnrollmentListener() void Public setEnrolledFingers() void Public Removes enrollment event listener Sets the enrolled finger indices DPFPEnrollmentListener [in] listener listener to remove EnumSet<DPFPFingerIndex> [in] fingers fingers enrolled int [in] maxCount maximum number to set

setMaxEnrollFingerCount() void Sets the maximum number of Public fingers allowed for the user setReaderSerialNumber() void Public

Sets the serial number of String [in] serialNumber fingerprint reader from which serial number to be set data will be captured. Setting the serial number will stop capturing.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Class EventObject Paquete al que pertenece: swing Descripcin: Event occurred as a result of user input in the enrollment control. Atributos Atributo FINGER_DELETED int Public Static Const Descripcin Constraints and tags Indicates that finger enrollment is deleted Default: 1 and template should be removed

FINGER_ENROLLED int Indicates that finger is enrolled and needs Default: 0 to be saved Public Static Const See also getID() Operations Method Descripcin DPFPEnrollmentEvent() Constructs an event Public Parameters Object [in] source event source int [in] id event id DPFPFingerIndex [in] finger finger index DPFPTemplate [in] template enrolled template DPFPEnrollmentEvent() Constructs an event with null template Public Object [in] source event source int [in] id event id DPFPFingerIndex [in] finger finger index

getFingerIndex() DPFPFingerIndex Public getID() int Public

Returns the finger index associated with the event. Returns the event ID.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


getPerformed() boolean Public getStopCapture() boolean Public getTemplate() DPFPTemplate Public setPerformed() void Public Returns the enrolled fingerprint template.

Sets an enrollment or unenrollment result to boolean [in] performed report in the enrollment UI control. True signals that enrollment or Event handler may signal the success of either unenrollment was successfully one by setting the performed property to true. performed (default), False signals failure to perform Setting the property to true or false doesn't the [un]enrollment. prevent other listeners from receiving the event - all listeners will be notified and may modify the property again. So, if there are several listeners subscribed to the event, they can combine their results using either AND ("any failure means unsuccessful [un]enrollment") or OR ("any success means successful [un]enrollment"). After notifying all listeners, the control will show the resulting [un]enrollment status. If some listener wants to signal [un]enrollment results immediately, it can set the event's properties and throw a DPFPEnrollmentVetoException. In this case all remaining listeners will be skipped and [un]enrollment status will be reflected immediately. boolean [in] stop True signals that there is no need for new captures and the capture operation may be stopped (default). False signals that the enrollment needs more fingerprint captures.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


setStopCapture() void Public

Sets a request for a capture cancellation. By default, when a fingerprint is captured and all listeners are notified, the capture operation stops. If some event listener wants to repeat capture, it may set the stopCapture property to false, then after notifying all listeners the capture will continue. If some listener wants to signal enrollment result and stop capture immediately, it can set the event's properties and throw a DPFPEnrollmentVetoException. In this case all remaining listeners will be skipped, capture will stop and enrollment status will be reflected immediately.

Tipo: Class Exception Paquete al que pertenece: swing Descripcin: Can be thrown by DPFPEnrollment listeners in order to signal that results of [un]enrollment should be applied immediately, ignoring other listeners. See also DPFPEnrollmentEvent and DPFPEnrollmentListener. Operations Method DPFPEnrollmentVetoException() Public DPFPEnrollmentVetoException() Public Descripcin Constructs a new exception. Parameters

String [in] reason

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Class JPanel Paquete al que pertenece: swing Descripcin: This class implements a Java Swing UI control for verification. Atributos Atributo READER_SERIAL_NUMBER_PROPERTY String Public Static Const Operations Method addVerificationListener() void Public Descripcin Adds a verification event listener. See also DPFPVerificationEvent and DPFPVerificationListener. Constructs a new verification UI control. Returns the serial number of the fingerprint reader from which data will be captured. Indicates that the control has a pending request to stop. Returns true when the control has a pending request to stop, false otherwise. removeVerificationListener() void Public Removes a verification event listener. See also DPFPVerificationEvent and DPFPVerificationListener. DPFPVerificationListener [in] listener the listener to remove Parameters DPFPVerificationListener [in] listener the listener to add Descripcin Constraints and tags Default: "readerSerialNumber"

DPFPVerificationControl() Public getReaderSerialNumber() String Public

isStopping() boolean Public

setReaderSerialNumber() void Public

Sets the serial number of the String [in] serialNumber fingerprint reader from which data the serial number to be set will be captured. Note that setting the serial number will stop capturing.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


start() void Public

Starts a fingerprint capture. This method makes the control begin waiting for a fingerprint capture from the reader. When the fingerprint is obtained, the control creates a feature set and generates a DPFPVerificationEvent. Event listeners may compare this feature set with their fingerprint templates and report success/failure to the control using the PFPVerificationEvent#setMatched property. When all listeners are notified, the control will show a matching status and stop capturing. If some listener wants more captures, it can set DPFPVerificationEvent#getStopCapture() to false (by default it is set to true). If the DPFPVerificationVetoException has been thrown by any listener, then remaining listeners will not receive the captureCompleted event, and the control immediately shows matching status and stops capture (unless the DPFPVerificationEvent#getStopCapture() property was reset to false).

stop() void Public

Places a request to stop capture. The stopping is asynchronous due to JNI and Swing thread interlocking. After the request is placed, all events from the capture must be ignored - check the iStopping() flag.

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Class EventObject Paquete al que pertenece: swing Descripcin: This class represents an event which occurs in a verification UI control as a result of user action. Event listeners can modify "status" properties of the event setMatched, setStopCapture thus reporting about verification results or requesting more fingerprint captures. Operations Method DPFPVerificationEvent() Public Descripcin Constructs an event Parameters Object [in] source event source DPFPFeatureSet [in] featureSet acquired fingerprint feature set getFeatureSet() DPFPFeatureSet Public getMatched() boolean Public getStopCapture() boolean Public Returns acquired fingerprint feature set

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Chapter 5: API Reference


setMatched() void Public

Sets a verification result which is reported boolean [in] matched True signals that verification was in the verification control. successfully matched . Event handlers may signal a verification failure setting the matched property into true. False signals failure to find any matching template. (default)

Setting the property to true or false doesn't prevent other listeners from receiving the event, all listeners will be notified and may modify the property again. So, if there are several listeners subscribed to the event, they can combine their results using either AND ("any failure means unsuccessful match") or OR ("any success means successful match"). After notifying all listeners, the control will show the resulting verification status. If some listener wants to signal verification result immediately, it can set the event's properties and throw a DPFPVerificationVetoException. In this case all remaining listeners will be skipped and verification status will be reflected immediately. Default value is false. setStopCapture() void Public Sets a request for a capture cancellation.

boolean [in] stop By default, when a fingerprint is captured True signals that there is no need for new captures and that the and all listeners are notified, the capture capture operation may be operation stops. If some event listener stopped (default),. wants to repeat capture, it may set the stopCapture property to false, then after False signals that the verification notifying all listeners the capture will needs more fingerprint captures. continue. If some listener wants to signal verification result and stop capture immediately, it can set the event's properties and throw a DPFPVerificationVetoException. In this case all remaining listeners will be skipped, capture will stop and verification status will be reflected immediately.

Tipo: Class Exception

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Paquete al que pertenece: swing Descripcin: Can be thrown by DPFPVerification listeners in order to signal that the capturing should be continued. Operations Method DPFPVerificationVetoException() Public Descripcin Constructs a new exception. Parameters

Tipo: Interface EventListener Paquete al que pertenece: swing Descripcin: Listener interface for enrollment control events. Operations Method fingerDeleted() void Public fingerEnrolled() void Public Descripcin Fired when old fingerprint needs to be deleted. Fired when new fingerprint was enrolled and needs to be saved. Parameters DPFPEnrollmentEvent [in] e event occurred DPFPEnrollmentEvent [in] e event occurred

Tipo: Interface EventListener Paquete al que pertenece: swing Descripcin: Listener interface for the verification UI control events. Operations Method captureCompleted() void Public Descripcin Parameters Fired when fingerprint has been acquired DPFPVerificationEvent [in] e and verification feature set is extracted. The verification event that occurred. Listeners should modify the event to signal a verification result.

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Chapter 5: API Reference

verification package

verification package
Tipo: Package Paquete al que pertenece: onetouch

Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: verification Descripcin: This interface describes a fingerprint verification operation. The fingerprint verification interface allows comparison of a fingerprint feature set (extracted from a fingerprint reader capture) with a fingerprint template (created during fingerprint enrollment). It uses a false accept rate (FAR) as a threshold to decide whether or not the feature set and template match each other close enough to accept the feature set. Lower FAR means lower probability of falsely accepted fingerprint but higher rate of false rejects (FRR); and vice versa. See also DPFPCapture, DPFPFeatureExtraction and DPFPEnrollment. Atributos Atributo HIGH_SECURITY_FAR int Public Static Const LOW_SECURITY_FAR int Public Static Const MEDIUM_SECURITY_FAR int Public Static Const PROBABILITY_ONE int Public Static Const Operations Method Descripcin Parameters Descripcin Constraints and tags False accept rate (FAR) factor corresponding to Default: PROBABILITY_ONE / 1000000 false accept probability of 0.000001 (1e-6) (most strict verification) False accept rate (FAR) factor corresponding to Default: false accept probability of 0.0001 (1e-4) (not PROBABILITY_ONE / 10000 very strict verification) False accept rate (FAR) factor corresponding to Default: false accept probability of 0.00001 (1e-5) PROBABILITY_ONE / 100000 (moderately strict verification) False accept rate (FAR) corresponding to false Default: 0x7FFFFFFF accept probability of 1.0 (every fingerprint template will successfully match).

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Chapter 5: API Reference


getFARRequested() int Public

Returns the false accept rate (FAR) factor set for the operation. Corresponding probability (normalized to [0..1]) of false accept may be estimated as: double p = ((double)getFARRequested()) / PROBABILITY_ONE;. Lower FAR means lower probability of falsely accepted fingerprint but higher rate of false rejects (FRR); and vice versa.

setFARRequested() void Sets the false accept rate (FAR) factor. int [in] farRequested Public Corresponding probability (normalized to [0..1]) The false accept rate (FAR) factor of false accept may be estimated as: requested. double p = ((double)farRequested()) / PROBABILITY_ONE. So, having the desired normalized probability p, you can calculate the farRequested value as: int farRequested = p * PROBABILITY_ONE. Lower FAR means lower probability of falsely accepted fingerprint but higher rate of false rejects (FRR); and vice versa. verify() DPFPVerificationResult Public Compares the fingerprint feature set against the DPFPFeatureSet [in] featureSet fingerprint template and returns the result of Fingerprint feature set to verify. comparison. DPFPTemplate [in] The fingerprint verification uses a false accept enrollmentTemplate rate (FAR) as a threshold to decide are the feature set Fingerprint template to verify and template match each other close enough to against. accept the feature set. See also getFARRequested()

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Chapter 5: API Reference


Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: verification Descripcin: DPFPVerification factory interface. Operations Method Descripcin createVerification() DPFPVerification Creates an instance of DPFPVerification Public object. Parameters

createVerification() DPFPVerification Creates an instance of DPFPVerification int [in] FARRequested object with a specified "false accept ratio" Public value.

Tipo: Interface Paquete al que pertenece: verification Descripcin: This interface represents a result of verification operation. Operations Method getFalseAcceptRate() int Public isVerified() boolean Public Descripcin Returns a value indicating the verification score; a number signifying how closely the fingerprint and template match each other). See also getFARRequested Returns the decision: whether or not a fingerprint feature set matches the fingerprint template closely enough. Returns true if fingerprint feature set matches the fingerprint template, false otherwise.

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