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Essential Question

What are the similarities and differences between

how different organisms reproduce?
(my- toe- sis)






Cancerous Cells

Day 1: IWBAT generate the steps of mitosis

-Ms. K Said
-Performing mitosis
CODE: Connect.
Directions: write what you think our vocab mean and what it really means.

What you think it means

What it means




Cancerous Cells

Ms. K said: We know how organisms can divide.



Food for thought.

What do you split up or share in your life?

How do you decide if you have split it up evenly or fairly amongst everyone?
How does what you split up and share relate to cell division?

Day 2: IWBAT demonstrate steps of mitosis using my hands.

-Mitosis Crash Course and notes
-Mitosis hand motions
-Introduction to Centers

CODE: Organize.
Directions: Organize vocabulary words in two categories.
Normal cell division:
Abnormal cell division:

Crash Course:

When do our cells need to duplicate?
How many chromosomes do our body cells have? ____________________________________
How many cells are made out of mitosis? ___________________________________________
Do they have the same amount of chromosomes? ____________________________________
What is the first thing that our DNA in chromosomes need to do before the cell divides?
What scientist first saw the process of mitosis? _______________________________________
What is cleavage and cytokinesis? _________________________________________________
What is daughter cells?___________________________________________________________

Directions for all Centers:


Sit at station currently working on

Make sure all group members have their notebook and something to write with
Turn to page in notebook that matches the station you are at
Read directions about the station
Begin station
Any questions must first be asked to 3 peers at your station. If no one knows than ask Ms.
K. (Ask 3 before me)
7. Finish station before class ends
8. Reflect on your learning in agenda book

Jobs for all Centers:

Someone in each group needs to take on the responsibility of
-Reader (read directions and questions out loud)
-Facilitator (keep everyone on track and focused on task)
-Time Keeper (watch time and make sure group finishes in one class period)
If you are going to be one of these jobs, write job here_____________________

**Remember, you do not hold this job permanently. You can be fired and replaced if you do
not carry out your responsibilities, absent many times or if group members vote you out due to
attitude or neglect to team.

Center Calendar:
Directions: Record what station you completed on which day of the week
Day of the week

Center number

Crazy Question
If our cells stopped dividing how could you
save life on Earth?

Center 1: IWBAT construct a DNA model

What does DNA look like?
Background Knowledge: Read and highlight for important information.
Inside every cell of each living thing (plant or animal) are sets of instructions called
genes. The genes provide the instructions on what is the plant or animal, what it looks like, how
it is to survive, and how it will interact with its surrounding environment. The genes are strung
together in long stands of material called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and these long strands
are called chromosomes. Most living things have pairs of chromosomes (one from each parent),
though they may have a different number of chromosomes from another living thing. For
example, humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and the fruit fly has 4 pairs.

DNA is the blueprint for life. DNA is like the book with the directions to make each
individual. It is what is copied and passed onto the next generation. Each gene on a strand of
DNA is made up of long combinations of four different nucleotide bases (A,C,G,T). It is the
various combinations of the nucleotide bases that determine everything about a living creature.
The four nucleotides are called:
* adenine(A),
* cytosine (C),
* guanine (G), and
* thymine (T).
For Example:
The gene for green eyes might have this nucleotide
The gene for blue eyes might have this nucleotide

Notice how the nucleotide sequences below are very similar. The only difference being the last
two bases. They both describe an eye with the last two characters stating the color of the eye.
Turn the page

Title: DNA
Purpose: What does the DNA molecule look like? What are the three parts to the DNA
1. Obtain the following materials: 2 pieces of licorice, 8 toothpicks, 4 pink marshmallows, 4
white marshmallows, 4 green marshmallows, 4 yellow marshmallows
2. Let the licorice be the sides of the DNA helix.
3. Allow the marshmallows represent the nitrogen bases.
Pink= adenosine
Green= guanine
Yellow= cytosine
White= thymine
4. Use the toothpicks to attach the nitrogen bases to the sides of the helix.
*Remember the patterns for pairing the bases:
Adenosine pairs with Thymine
Guanine pairs with Cytosine
5. One you have completed the construction of your DNA molecule sketch it in the space
below. Then eat your DNA

Turn the page


Questions: Answers are in background information. Make sure to read it again and highlight
1. What is DNA?
2. Why is DNA important?

3. Was your DNA molecule EXACTLY the same as your neighbors? Explain.
4. Based on your answer to number 3, do you think that every person has the same DNA
sequence? Explain
5. Complete the following base pairing:
---A G C T T C G A G C A T T C C G C T G A A G T C----- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---

Write down some ideas:

Crazy Question
If our cells stopped dividing how could you
save life on Earth?


Center 2: IWBAT compare and contrast the

phases of mitosis
Directions: watch animation of Mitosis on Smartboard. Answer the 3 questions below.
1. In what phase do chromosomes appear?
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
1a. In what phase do chromosomes duplicate?
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
2. How many cells are at the end of mitosis?
a. Do these cells resemble the first cell?
3. Describe what happens to the chromosomes at each phase of mitosis.
a. Prophase:____________________________________________________________
b. Metaphse:____________________________________________________________
c. Anaphase:____________________________________________________________
d. Telophase: ___________________________________________________________

1. Directions: watch mitosis in real cells and write/draw what you saw in the space below

Turn the page.


2. Directions: watch the animation on mitosis and fill out notes below from each slide.
Slide 1: The human body is made up of about a hundred trillion cells but we each began as
_______ cell.

Slide 2: Cells reproduce by ________________. A ______________ cell divides into two

_______________ cells that are ________________ like the mother cell. Before dividing cells
must make some ___________________.

Slide 3: Most human cells are ____________ which means they have _________ complete sets
of 23 chromosomes.

Slide 4: Before the cell divides the mother cell makes a ________ of each chromosome. This is
so that each daughter cell receives __________ complete sets of chromosomes. This is called

3. Directions: take the mitosis quiz

a. Click start.
b. Record your score here: _______
c. Write down what questions you got wrong in the space below and write the right
Wrong questions:


Center 3: IWBAT hypothesize the difference between cancer

cells and normal cells.
Directions: Write hypothesis. Read/listen to the article about cancer. Answer the analysis
questions that follow.

Question: What does cancer do to cells?

Hypothesis: _________________________________________________________________
Answers found on page 1
1. When does cancer happen? (paragraph 2)
2. What do cancer cells form and what damage can they do? (paragraph 3)
3. How do cancer cells spread through the body? (paragraph 4)
Answers found on page 2
1. Is cancer contagious? (paragraph 2)
2. What are two bad habits that can cause cancer in adults? (paragraph 3)
Answers found on page 3
1. How is cancer treated? (paragraph 1)


Reading like an investigator:

1. Why do you think this article was written? Use textual evidence to support your answer.
2. What was the main purpose of writing this article? Use textual evidence to support your

Write down some ideas:

Crazy Question
If our cells stopped dividing how could you save
life on Earth?


Center 4: IWBAT describe the positions of chromosomes during mitosis

What do the phases of mitosis look like?
Background Information: A single fertilized egg cell will divide to form two cells. These two
cells will each divide into two cells. In time, millions of cells are produced. The division of
nuclear material in which each new nucleus obtains the same number of chromosomes and the
same nuclear code as the original nucleus is called mitosis.
Regular body cells like skin and muscle cells make more of themselves when the body needs
them through the process of mitosis. Body cells only divide when your body is injured or is
growing. Mitosis occurs in five phases.
Problem: Can you identify the five phases of mitosis of an inion cell root tip based on
chromosome location?
Hypothesis: (answer the problem)
1. Locate and label parts in each phase.
2. Answer the questions that follow each phase.

INTERPHASE: Label the chromosomes, nuclear membrane, mother cell

1. Where are the chromosomes located?
Turn the page

2. Is the nuclear membrane present?

3. Are INDIVIDUAL chromosomes easily observed?
4. What important event happens to the chromosomes in this phase?

Prophase: Label the chromosomes, nuclear membrane

1. Are chromosomes visible?
2. Describe what is happening to the nuclear membrane.

Metaphase: Label the chromosomes

1. Is there a nuclear membrane?
Turn the page

2. Describe where the chromosomes are.

3. Is there evidence that the chromosomes have replicated?
4. During this phase 2 organelles called CENTRIOLES travel to opposite ends of the cell
and make string like projections that link to centromeres in chromosomes called
SPINDLE FIBERS. Why do you think they are connecting to the centromere?

Anaphase: Label the chromosomes, centriole, spindle fibers

1. What is happening to the chromosome pairs?
2. What is pulling the chromosomes?
3. Where are the chromosomes heading toward?

Telophase & Cytokinesis: Label the chromosome, nuclear membrane, daughter cells

Turn the page


1. Where are the chromosomes located?
2. How many cells have formed?

Extra Credit: Try and label as many phases in these pictures as possible.

Write down some ideas:

Crazy Question
If our cells stopped dividing how could you
save life on Earth?

Center Conclusion:
CENTERS RUBRIC: Circle the grade for each category that you think you deserve.

Improvement (1)
Completion of all There is work
missing from all

Good (2)

Awesome! (3)

Excellent!! (4)

There is less than

half of a center
not finished


You had to rush

to finish 3-4
centers before
class ended

You have tried

all 4 centers but
they are not
You had to rush
to finish 1-2
centers before
class ended

You were present

every day and
completed all 4
You finished all
centers before
class ended

You and your

group members
discussed but
never taught each
other something

You helped and

asked for help
from others in
your group

with others

Struggled to keep
up and finish
work. Had to
come after class
to finish
You did not help
anyone in your
group. Did all
work yourself

You and you

group members
had difficult time
working together
and didnt over
come it

Look back through the centers and create 2 test questions that could be used on the unit test.
1. .


Write to Ms. K about the Centers. What do you suggest I fix or keep? What did you like or didnt

Day 6: IWBAT make connections with dividing cells.

-CODE: vocabulary quiz
-Conclusion on our crazy question
-Make phases of mitosis study guide
-Take mitosis quiz
CODE: Vocabulary Quiz
Match the vocabulary word with its definition.
1. Mitosis

a. phase where chromosome meet in middle of cell

2. Prophase

b. cells the divide uncontrollably

3. Metaphase

c. type of cell division that makes 2 identical cells

4. Cytokinesis

d. splitting of the cell into two new daughter cells

5. Cancerous Cells

e. phase where chromosomes dense

If our cells stopped dividing how could you
save life on Earth?




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