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lor Lhls acLlvlLy, sLudenLs wlll work ln small groups Lo analyze uow's poeLry and presenL a poem ln a choral readlng. 1hls
acLlvlLy wlll provlde sLudenLs wlLh an ln-depLh look lnLo speclflc poems. AfLer allowlng sLudenLs Llme Lo explore uow's
poeLry on Lhe webslLe, groups should choose speclflc poems Lo focus on. AlLernaLlvely, Lhe Leacher could pre-selecL
speclflc poems and asslgn Lhem Lo groups.

lor lower-level readers, Leachers can focus Lhe asslgnmenL on Lhe Choral 8eadlng and lead a reflecLlve dlscusslon on Lhe
lnLerpreLaLlve cholces groups made wlLh Lhelr poems.

5*& 6 (10/100)
MeeL Lhe members of your group-lnLroducLlons. Make asslgnmenLs-2 people should work Lhrough Lhe poem
wlLh Lhe vendler organlzer, and 2 people wlLh Lhe 1-CAS11 organlzer.
Lach person should read Lhe poem aloud someLlme durlng Lhe class, groups should dlscuss dlfferences ln Lhe
ways Lhe poem can be read.
use Lhe 8heLorlcal 1rlangle grld Lo Lalk abouL Lhe poem. ay close aLLenLlon Lo Lhe speaker, audlence, and
message. 1urn ln one 81 grld aL Lhe end of Lhe perlod.

5*& 7 (10/100)
ulscuss Lhe poem uslng 1-CAS11 grld and Lhe vendler grld.
Lveryone should have compleLed Lhelr asslgned grld before class-Leacher wlll collecL Lhem aL Lhe end of Lhe
Lveryone should parLlclpaLe ln Lhe dlscusslon elLher by offerlng your observaLlons or quesLlon Lhose of your
8egln plannlng your choral readlng of Lhe poem.

5*& 8 (10/100)
Spend Lhe perlod preparlng your presenLaLlon of Lhe poem Lo Lhe class.
8emember Lhe flrsL Lhlng you wlll do ls a choral readlng of Lhe poem. (Lveryone ln Lhe group musL parLlclpaLe.)
Work on creaLlng a vlsual for your presenLaLlon-be creaLlve!
?ou wlll have 13 mlnuLes LoLal-for your choral readlng, explanaLlon of Lhe poem, and answerlng quesLlons.

5*& 9 (40/100)
13-mlnuLe presenLaLlon of your poem

:-)*+ (,,#,,;#)$<(=$#% >%#,#)$*$-"), (30/100)
?ou wlll be assessed on your undersLandlng of all Lhe poems LaughL.

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8efore groups are asslgned poems Lo lnLerpreL, glve sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo read Lhe selecLlons boLh sllenLly and
aloud. 1hls sLep famlllarlzes sLudenLs wlLh Lhe language of Lhe LexL. AfLer Lhe LexL ls read aloud, lnvlLe sLudenLs Lo ask
clarlfylng quesLlons abouL poem. 1haL way, sLudenLs can begln Lhelr group work ready Lo lnLerpreL Lhelr asslgned poem.
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1. Asslgn poems Lo groups.
2. ln Lhelr small groups, sLudenLs read Lhelr asslgned poems aloud agaln. As Lhey read, sLudenLs should pay
aLLenLlon Lo Lheme, language and Lone. ?ou mlghL ask sLudenLs Lo hlghllghL or underllne Lhe words LhaL sLand
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ouL Lo Lhem. Croups may choose Lo read Lhelr poems Lwo or Lhree Llmes, and Lhen Lo have a conversaLlon abouL
Lhe words and phrases Lhey have hlghllghLed.
3. Croups dlscuss Lhe poem. AL Lhe end of Lhls dlscusslon, sLudenLs should agree on Lhe words, Lheme, or message
represenLed ln Lhls excerpL LhaL Lhey would mosL llke Lo share wlLh Lhe class. 1o help sLrucLure Lhe groups'
conversaLlons, you mlghL provlde Lhem wlLh a serles of quesLlons Lo answer. =>#1$.&? 4@#% 502/.-5% -9 &>$+&99&"
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4. now sLudenLs are ready Lo prepare Lhelr performance. SLudenLs should be remlnded LhaL Lhe goal ls noL Lo
perform a sklL of Lhelr scene, buL Lo use Lhe language of Lhe poem Lo represenL Lhe confllcL, Lheme, and/or
underlylng message of Lhe poem. erformances can use volce ln creaLlve ways, emphaslzlng key phrases.
SLudenLs can use movemenL, or Lhey can hold Lhelr body poslLlons Lo creaLe an lmage frozen ln Llme, much llke a
phoLograph. lL ofLen helps Lo glve sLudenLs a llsL of guldellnes or suggesLlons Lo follow when preparlng Lhelr
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1here are many ways Lo sLrucLure performances. Some Leachers ask sLudenLs Lo Lake noLes whlle all groups perform.
1hen sLudenLs use Lhelr noLes Lo gulde Lhelr reacLlons Lo Lhe performances. Cr, Leachers ask sLudenLs Lo commenL
lmmedlaLely afLer each performance. lL ls besL lf sLudenLs' commenLs are phrased ln Lhe form of poslLlve feedback
raLher Lhan ln Lhe form of a crlLlque (e.g., lL would have been beLLer lf . . .") 8efore debrleflng performances, you can go
over Lhe Lypes of commenLs LhaL are approprlaLe and lnapproprlaLe, or you can provlde sLudenLs wlLh sLarLers Lhey
could use when phraslng Lhelr feedback.
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AfLer presenLlng and debrleflng performances, glve sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo reflecL on Lhelr learnlng and
parLlclpaLlon ln Lhls acLlvlLy. Pow dld lL feel Lo presenL? 1o recelve feedback? WhaL would Lhey do dlfferenLly nexL Llme?

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