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Allergic bronchitis is an illness wherein someone has severe allergies that lead to a bronchial immune system reaction.

Chronic bronchitis is not caused by a bacterial infection. It is a long-term inflammation or irritation of the bronchial tubes. It lasts longer than three months and it is often triggered by allergies. The overactive immune system often treat the harmless substances entering in the wind pipe as dangerous and send antibodies to counteract them which results in the deposition of fluid inside the wind pipe or the lungs which are in fact the dead antibodies and harmless substances entering the body. Because chronic bronchitis is caused by allergens rather than bacteria, its often called allergic bronchitis.

hat is a non-allergic bronchitis!

Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes which gets narrow due to the viral infection and starts secreting fluid in them. It results in cold and flu which then receds away after couple of days as the virus or bacteria is removed, by administering the antibiotics.

hat are the various symptoms of an allergic bronchitis!

The chief symptom of allergic bronchitis is a daily cough that lasts for at least three months. The intensity of the cough might differ from person to person. There may be some sputum from coughing, but not necessarily. If you smo"e, this cough is often called a smo"ers cough. This dry cough is often very bad at the night often leading to sleeplessness due to constant coughing.

Shortness of breath
This is another main symptom that will typically get worse over time. If you have allergic bronchitis you will e#perience shortness of breath during e#ercise or other activities. As the disease gets worse you may e#perience $yspnea while resting, in which case you could have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease %C&'$( or emphysema.

Wheezing sound
Another common symptom is whee)ing-a high-pitched sound made by air coming through the narrow airways of the bronchial tubes. &ther possible symptoms of allergic bronchitis include

*atigue sore throat headaches chest pain Bluish-gray s"in color. +welling in the lips

hat are the various causes of allergic bronchitis!

An allergic bronchitis is caused by different environmental , genetic factors namely-

Tobacco smo"e $ust Chemicals

'ollution .old Animal dander. *aulty diet leading to the triggering of respiratory tract infections in the body heredity

/ow an allergic bronchitis is diagnosed!

If your doctor suspects your may have chronic bronchitis, he or she will send you to a pulmonologist, a doctor who speciali)es in the treatment of diseases, conditions and abnormalities of the lungs and cardiopulmonary system. 0our pulmonologist will run some tests including a chest 1-ray, a CT scan of your lungs and bronchial tubes and a pulmonary function test.

hat are the various treatment procedures available to cure allergic bronchitis!
If you have allergic bronchitis, your doctor can help you control the symptoms with several different medications and treatments including bronchodilators li"e albuterol, corticosteroids and2or o#ygen therapy. If you suspect that you may have bronchitis visit your doctor at the earliest. A complete physical e#am will be conducted to determine the e#tent of the infection 0ou may also be re3uired to have a chest #-ray, a lung function test, and a pulse o#imetry test to chec" the levels of o#ygen in the blood. +putum samples can be chec"ed for signs of an infection as well.

hat preventive measures can be adopted to not fall prey to the allergic bronchitis!
There are several things you can do to help prevent an allergic bronchitis flare up.

ash bed lines and blan"ets wee"ly in mild, allergy-free detergents. 'urchase a good vacuum cleaner with an /4'A filtering system and use it often to dust and vacuum. +hampoo your pets wee"ly to "eep their dander to a minimum, and "eep pets out of your bedroom. +tay away from areas where people are smo"ing. *inally, get your flu shot annually to reduce your chances of getting sic".

hat are natural remedies for treating an allergic bronchitis!

There are several home made remedies for the allergic bronchitis which are less harmful to the body.

.i# half a teaspoon of ginger with half teaspoon each of pepper and cloves. This combination can be blended with a little honey to ma"e it more palatable or had as a tea infusion. There are compounds in ginger, pepper and cloves that help reduce fever and improve the immunity of the person suffering from bronchitis.


Add half a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of mil" and drin" this thrice a day. This natural remedy for bronchitis in children is more effective when ta"en on an empty stomach. Infuse spinach leaves in water and add a pinch of honey and ammonium chloride. $rin" this as a natural e#pectorant to loosen phlegm and reduce chest pain. 'owder the "ernels of almonds and mi# this powder in a glass of orange 5uice. $rin" this every night before 6se the powder of dry chicory root mi#ed in honey. 0ou can get chicory root powder in most herbal or alternative medical stores. remedies. hen ta"en thrice daily, this is one of the most effective chronic bronchitis home


If you do suffer from shortness of breath or tightness in the chest, rubbing turpentine over the chest can offer some much needed relief. arm salt water gargles can also help to loosen the phlegm and reduce constriction that you may feel in your $uring a bronchitis attac" have a hot bath with 4psom salts every night. 7emain immersed in this water for at least 89 minutes. This should offer some relief from the congestion and coughing that often gets worse during the night.

The alternate placement of hot and cold towels over the chest is believe to help treat both acute and chronic bronchitis. Apply hot towels thrice and end with a cold towel. This can be repeated several times a day to loosen the phlegm and reduce chest pain.

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