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Theme: Quality Education for all Exam Oh Exam Good afternoon body!

First, honorable to all judges here and all my friends whom I love. In this o ortunity, I will tal! about Indonesian Education, es ecially about national examination. I will start with a "uestion. #o you agree with national E$amination% &r should the e$amination be abolished% I'm sure that you have different reasons to answer my "uestion! I disagree if the national e$amination is conducted as measurement for student assing. In my oint of view, the success and the com liment of student have to be determined by ersonal measurement of study during their school eriod. I thin! teachers !now the rogress of study of the student from the beginning of school. (sing this long) term evaluation, student will get award for their effort during their school. *ecause one is uni"ue and has s ecific ability and limitation. (sing one time national examination to indicate the com liment of study is unfair. *ecause it will ignore their achievement, s ecific ability and limitation as consideration. +ometimes students are not in the good condition when the national e$amination is conducted. +o that, they can not ass the e$amination threshold. &n the other hand, someone can use many ways to ass the threshold, without studying hard, such as cheating or buying answers from their friends. +uch conditions will result in untrue evaluation of study. If we tal! about education, it is not only how to transfer !nowledge from the boo! to the students but also how to increase themselves confidence, creativity, innovation, imagination, good attitude and behavior, and to re are students how they can get the best way to study. Education has also to find out and develo the ability of student to reach their as iration. If we ma!e com aration between our country and the develo ed countries, our education is still in the very bad ran!ing. #o you !now why% &ne of the reasons is that our education is still oriented on score achievement, not on the increase of ersonal ability. ,oreover, if we bac! more than -.. years ago. #o you remember /.0 1artini% 2as she school until +,0 li!e us% *ut what has she done% 2ow3 she had a great

changing! +he made the education in our country better than before. 4eah3 I5m roud of her because she had a good mentality. 0nd to be my conclusion of my s eech, I have a oetry for you. Blind is not only caused by the eyes is not functioning The most of blind caused the lost of light In the darkness, it is impossible to improve our condition Every solution always brings about new problems So firstly dont blame everyone lease, light up the candle in your heart 6his oetry has a great meaning. 6he meaning is before we have a changing in out side, we have to change our heart to be aglow. 0nd for being my closing, I will sing a song for you. 6his song is a nice and cheerful song. I su ose that you have !nown this song. 0nd this song can !ee our s irit to reach our dream. 7et5s sing the song together! !ow !ow !owyour boat "ently down the stream #errily merrily merrily merrily $ife is but a dream Finally, I ho e in this forum not only as a com etition arena, but also to increase and im rove our education "uality! than! you for your attention and good bye.

+ eech 8ontest

By: Irka Maharani SMAN 1 Blitar

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