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Big Ideas, Chapter 1 Intentionality Teacher efficacy Research Methodologies: correlational, qualitative/descriptive/case study, experimental, action Critical thinking,

decision-making Classroom management Theory vs. principle Validityexternal vs. internal reliability treatments Big Ideas, Chapter 2 Continuous vs. discontinuous theories of development Piagets theory of cognitive development Schemes Centration Reversibility Vygotskys theory of language development Scaffolding Private speech Zone of proximal development Sign systems constructivism self-regulation

Big Ideas, Chapter 3 Types of play psychosocial development: Erikson Moral development: Kohlberg, Piaget Social development: peer relationships Self-esteem and self-concept; social comparison Marcias identity statuses Big ideas, chapter 4 SES Bias/stereotyping: gender, racial, etc. Gardner: Multiple intelligences Ethnicity Race Stereotype threat Language differences & instruction Multicultural education Learning styles Big Ideas, Chapter 5 Classical conditioning: Pavlov Operant conditioning: Thorndike & Skinner Positive and negative -Punishment -Reinforcement Schedules of reinforcement: fixed vs. variable; ratio vs. interval

Shaping Generalization Extinction Social cognitive theory: Bandura Self-regulation: Meichenbaum

Big Ideas, Chapter 6

Sensory register, short term and Long term memory (semantic, episodic, procedural) Interference Proactive & retroactive facilitation/inhibition Schemata Primacy/recency effects Attention/perception (& limits of same) Rote vs. meaningful learning Information processing theory Rehearsal Forgetting and remembering Assisted learning/strategies, e.g. elaboration Distributed vs. massed practice Chapter 7 Big Ideas Direct Instruction and Lesson Planning Objectives, Pre-requisites, New Material, Learning Probes(wait time and calling order), Independent/Distributed Practice, Assessment

Whole class and small group discussion Mental Set Transferring Concepts/Learning Process- product studies Initial Learning

Big Ideas, Chapter 8 Constructivism: Vygotsky Cooperative learning-group work Scaffolding Discovery learning Self-regulated learning Mediated learning Methodologies: Reciprocal teaching, PALS, jigsaw, STAD, etc. ZPD Top-down processing

Big Ideas, chapter 9 QAIT model Technology in the classroom Differentiated instruction Grouping: ability, age, grades etc. Tracking Tutoring: peer, cross-age/ability, etc.

Big Ideas, Chapter 11 Accountability (individuals accountable in group work) Contingency programs Applied Behavior analysis Behavior modification Nonverbal cues Principle of least intervention Home-based reinforcement Home-school communication/report cards Allocated vs allotted time vs available time Prevention of misbehavior-rules/expectations Engaging lessons

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