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Dare tc be Cifferent l-rr r Pator I\ lnRraa rfr r

any visitors to Melbourne 6nd your trip to Melbourne is not only enjoyable,
that once they have explored but also very memorable.
and enjoyed the major sights Au.tralia's preo((up.iiion with,porting pur.uirs
ofthe city and the well-known i' legendarl,and nowhere more.o than in
surrounding tourist attractions, Melbourne, which is home to cricket matches and
they can be left with a little extra time and a desire the Australian Open Tennis in summer; the Grand
to experience something a bit different. Whether Pri{ in autumn; Australian Rules football, rugby and
it bejoining a specialised sports tour to e4lore soccer in winter; and the Spring Racing Carnival,
Melbourne's mania for anthing spotts related, including the Melbourne Cup -"the race that
deciding to confiont a fear ofheights in a glass cube stops the nation"- in spring. All ofwhich could
300 metres above the ground, riding a Black Spur on be terribly confusing for visitors were it not for a
aBMW motorrycle tour, sailing Port Phillip Bay, or comparl deroted to reveal,ng our ciry. .porting
getting up close and penonal with a large shark, side. Melbourne Sports Tours offers a wide range
there is cerainiv no shortage ofoptions to ensure of tours incorporating major Melbourne football

Where 21
I fit

AID\e: Hit the ite11 rodd wilh Y,nlta,o. R;ght: F lol d ddl o' i dre rfdr.r l!i//r /liJ.or.r sd;l'rg

stadiums, tennis, horse racing, sking, balloon.lfthe weather

Valle,v in a hot air
and even surfing in summer. For o\.erseas conditions pernit,l'ou can experience the
visitors the rules ofAustralian Ilules beaut,v of hot air ballooning, the silence
football, comnot-tly known as AFL, are broken only by the intermittent hiss ofthc
shrouded in mysteD'. Nlelbourne Sports gas jets as,vour pjlot seeks out the perfect

Tours host visits to major AFL matches, rlird 'r'r.r.r highabovrthecin

ro 'leer voL decided to dust the mothballs offa biplane
and ensure a genuinelv t-vpical Melbournc oLrildirg' ' 'r r irrcr ard'. { nutnbero rnell- or two and take to the skies. So for anyone
weekend pastime is not onl,v explained, known ballooning conpanies offer flights, enleIlr'n r'g.' de'i c lo repl',.-rt. the exploit.
but also thoroughly enjol'ed. The iconic including Balloon Sunrise, Picturc This ofthe Red Baron, they leed drive no further
Melbourne Cricket Cround (MCG) plays Ballooning and Global Ballooning. After' than Torqr.ra1,, located at the beginning of
ho)t i,' r rn) najor.portingeverr'.and i. being collected from your hotel you wili be the Great LJcean Road, and visit Tiger Moth
also home to the nervly e{ended Melbourne transterred to one ofthe launch sites, and bc \^/orld. Fl,ving above the stunning coastline
Sports \,luseum, \\'hich has one ofthe treated to the spectacle oftongues of flame ofthe Great Ocean Road in the open
largest collectiors of Olympic memorabilia licking forrvard into tl'te balloons as they cockpit ofa biplane ma). iot be something
outside of Switzerland. gradtLally iillrvith hot air and begin to tug the majoritv oltourists manage to do, but
A favourite starting point for visitors to at their mooring lines. \Vatching the ground the rn'ile on the Lrccr oi tho.e r" l-o 5lidc
l\4elbourne *ho rre nrrg orJnf LourJge drop away as the balloon rises into the air back to terra firna aftenvard are testament

short on a feal ofheights is The Edge u'ithin and begins to ddft toward 1-our destination, to the ldct that the hour and a half drive to
the Eureka Skydeck. The Edge, a glass cube skillflrlly piioted rvith intermittent bursts of Torquaf is tine lvell spent. For those lvho
that gradually extends J metres out from the flane, and seeing Melbourne and the Yarra prcfer tn dcpa-t lrom Ihe cin,erlre rhotrgh.
side ofthe iconic Eureka Touer, is probably Valleyviewed from thoLlsands of feet up, a helicopter ride may rvell be the pefect

not the best place for those fbint ofheart is an experiencethat $,ill not be easily ansrver, ancl Nlicroflite Helicopters provide
It is on the other hand a rvonderft place to forgotten. Ofcourse as the old saying goes, the opportunity for flights to a number of
ratch people's reactions as the previousl,v \\dat goes up must come down! Once you locations ranging from the Great Ocean
opaque glass cube that they are standing on reach the ground safely and the balloons are Road to lunch at theYarraValley or simply a

. \u.fended neart .100 rnetre: aborc tlr, down and stowed arvay, a champagne lig\r orcr rhe cin. flight. deparr from their
ground suddenlybecomes
very distant breakfast awaits you, tasting all the more helipad located conveniently on the Yarta
transparent. Digital photographs of the sr'veeter as vou reflect upon the flight 1ou River opposite Crown Casino.
experience are available and provide a have just experienced. And for anyone !\'ho preferc the lvater to
permanent reminder ofwhat is definitely Some people, perhaps with memories of the skies, and has the courage to encounter
an intriguing tourist attraction. the lamous flying aces ofthe past, naywish the dental h,vgiene of a shark or trvo theri
lor tho'ernl-o ra rq r l'ig1'er per'pe.tir, to experience the visceral thrill olporvered Melbourne Aquarium has the perfect
still, there are few experiences to compare llight.lucky for us in Nlelbourne, it was activity for you. Melboume Aquariullt offers
with hanging abovc Nlelbourne or the Yarra only a n-ratter of time before someone shark dives for both novice and experienccd

22 Where
betbre enjoying a relaxed dinner back at onr be.vond what many people might normally
of the many Docklands restaurants. associate with motorcycle touring. The
Fin;r1h., many visitors to Melbourne e1e.t combination ola large motorcycle, an open
to includc a tour to the Great Ocean Road load, and a plethora ofstunning scenery
or thel'arra \rallq', ho\{ever an increasing reilains an intoricating one, whether it be
number oflocal and overseas traveleLs arc for a shorter city tour or perhaps even
choosing to elrrbrace their inner Eas,vrider several days following the coast along the
and trade four wheels for fi^'o $,ith Vicmoro. beautiftrl Great Ocean Road.
Admittedlv $'hen those two wheels are Melbourne is a lovely city that rewards
attached to a sophisticared BMW those inclined to explore it and the best and
motorc\'.le and the tour includes most memorable way to experience this fair
experiencecl riders who act as I'our guides citv may well be to do somethingjust a little
rnd lt' r rdirg en.en ble. r lrc.e rour. bit adventuroirsl
managc to attain a degree ofcomfort fal

divers, and provides

the opportunitl' to
find yourselffloating
beside giant stingrays,
seren gilled sharks and
grey Durse sharks) not
to mention of course, Alrat c lcli: Miclallilht LtelioF.,r r.:.,i. rj.'$ o,r? Melbanne. Abarc t ryht: Lrettlt wiE Aqwmn Sha* Diw.
numerous different
lish. For those who
have never dived before, a short course is
provided and age and medical conditions do
apply. Ofcourse there is a distinct possibiliti, Melbourne Sports Tours Tiger Moth World
this could be one ofthose experiences that Tel: 8802 4547 Te1: 5261 5100
seem like a wonderfulidea at first but mat.
just cause you to rapidly check the fine pnnt The Edge at Eureka Skydeck Microllite Helicop:ers
on your life insurance the 6rst time a gre) Tel: 9693 8888 Te!.9587 6411
nurse glides toward you and you realise vou
are both on the same side ofthe glassl
\{hile it Picture This Ballooning Melbourne Aquarium
is ofcourse cluite comrnon to
look out to Tel:9429 0277 TeL 9620 0999
sea lrom Melbourlet beachcs,
it can be far more exciting to find yourself
looking back at the city and beaches honr Balloon Sunrise Discover Sailing
the ocean under a set ofsnapping sails on a Tel: 1800 992 105 TeL 9503 0l0l
yacht heeling over before the rvind. Discover www.hotairballooning, www. discoyersailing. com. a u
Sailing offer the opportunit,v for 2 l0 people
Global Ballooning Vicmoto
to depart Waterfront Ciq' at Docklards and
Tel: 9428 5703 Tel: 0434 240 591
sail Port Phillip Ba1'. You can choose to sail
to Brighton for lunch, or perhaps vou rvill
.njoy a brisk wiitert afternoon on the bav

Where 23

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