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qualities of good financial forecast 2 capital expenditure improve manufacturing and will contribution to?

3 external improvements inn cash flows resulting from 4 internal improvements in cash flows do not require 5 in inventory financing ------- qualifies as a form of collateral 6 !" is an example of######## $ a wor%ing capital loan with !" and inventory as collateral %nown as & return on investment reflects ' ban% strategy that increases effective cost of borrowing money with out increasing interest rate %nown as########( is%a )awab %oi bataye* +, a form- ban% finance to company that is used to finance expansion efforts called### ++ recording revenues when occurred +2 a bond contract is called +3 review of company.s boo%###### +4 price buyers willing to pay +5 an effort to buy stoc% called####( is%a answer b* +6 atmosphere in retail out let called### +$ example of the distribution intermediaries having an influence on the product planning of the comapany###(is%a answer b* +& distributors which are customers of /01 fall in the category of +' which of the following techniques have lower amount of human error and bias## ## ( ans was media pannels, 2, which of the folowing is not the sales promotion ob)ective###( i dont remember the options* 2+ laptops are sold through which distribution###(selective* 22 which is not type of non probability sampling###( options forget##* 23 range of cofficent of determination## 24 leaders use different style with different members of the same group member ( options not remeber* 25 using#####approach managers evaluate the organi2ational effectiveness## 26 combination between 2 members of pro)ect team from different functions at same level of authority %nown as 2$ organi2ation ta%es input from 2& 134 stands from 2' 134 has ####phases 3, temporary part time and self employed wor%ers are called 3+ popular method of increasing responsibility and control of employees (is%a answer b btana %oi##* 32 system is set of#### 33 main flaws of classification method to evaluate )ob###(is%a b btana* 34 measurement method rate employees performance relative to one another %nown as## 35 graphic solution for lines program model is stated in terms of ####decision variables## 36## ai% swal line credit say tha### 3$ what is vending machine### 3& in social style model analytic are people who are##### 3' person who helps you to buy stoc% brand asset valuator model %a concept tha %oi### 4, venture investors %a concept tha %oi#### 4+ marginal tax rate %a %oi sawal tha ###is%a concept dai%h laina###

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