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ONE ROSIE! Grandpas bellow shook the foundation of the house. Wh !

e" Rose wiped the dish#soap suds fro! her hands with a kit$hen towel% swiped the $rossbow fro! the hook% and sto!ped onto the por$h. Roooosie! She ki$ked the s$reen door open. &e towered in the ard% a hu'e% sha'' bear of a !an% deran'ed e es opened wide% tan'led beard $aked with blood and (ui)erin' 'ra ish shreds. She le)eled the $rossbow at hi!. *runk as hell a'ain. What is it" I want to 'o to the pub. I want a pint. &is )oi$e slipped into a whine. Gi!!e so!e !one ! No. &e hissed at her% swa in' unsteadil on his feet. Rosie! +his is our last $han$e to 'i)e !e a dollar! She si'hed and shot hi!. +he bolt bit between the e es% and Grandpa toppled onto his ba$k like a lo'. &is le's dru!!ed the 'round. Rose rested the butt of her $rossbow on her hip. ,ll ri'ht% $o!e out. +he two bo s slipped fro! behind the hu'e oak spreadin' its bran$hes o)er the ard. -oth were filth with reddish !ud% sap% and the other unidentifiable substan$es an ei'ht#and a ten# ear#old $ould find in the Wood. , .a''ed s$rat$h de$orated Geor'ies ne$k% and brown pine straw stu$k out of his blond hair. Red welts !arked the skin between /a$ks knu$kles. &e saw her lookin' at his hands. &is e es 'ot bi'% a!ber irises flarin' ellow% and he hid his fists behind his ba$k. &ow !an ti!es do I ha)e to sa it0 dont tou$h the ward stones. 1ook at Grandpa 2letus! &es been eatin' do' brains a'ain% and now hes drunk. It will take !e half an hour to hose hi! off. We !iss hi!% Geor'ie said. She si'hed. I !iss hi!% too. -ut hes no 'ood to an bod drunk. 2o!e on% ou two% lets take hi! ba$k to his shed. &elp !e 'et the le's.

+o'ether the dra''ed Grandpas inert for! ba$k to the shed at the ed'e of the $learin' and du!ped hi! on his sawdust. Rose un$oiled the !etal $hain fro! the $orner% pulled it a$ross the shed% lo$ked the $ollar on Grandpas ne$k% and peeled ba$k his left e elid to $he$k the pupil. No red et. Good shot3he would be out for hours. Rose put her foot on his $hest% 'rasped the bolt% and pulled it out with a sharp tu'. She still re!e!bered Grandpa 2letus as he was% a tall% dapper !an% un$ann with his rapier% his )oi$e fla)ored with a li'ht S$ottish bro'ue. E)en as old as he was% he would still win a'ainst *ad one out of three ti!es in a sword fi'ht. Now he was this ... this thin'. She si'hed. It hurt to look at hi!% but there was nothin' to be done about it. ,s lon' as Geor'ie li)ed% so did Grandpa 2letus. +he bo s brou'ht the hose. She turned it on% set the spra er on .et% and le)eled the strea! at Grandpa until all the blood and do' !eat were 'one. She had ne)er (uite fi'ured out how 'oin' down to the pub e(ualed $hasin' stra do's and eatin' their brains% but when Grandpa 'ot out of his ward $ir$le% no !utt was safe. - the ti!e she was done washin' hi!% the hole in his forehead had $losed. When Geor'ie raised thin's fro! the dead% he didnt .ust 'i)e the! life. &e !ade the! al!ost indestru$tible. Rose stepped out of the shed% lo$ked the door behind her% and dra''ed the hose ba$k to the por$h. &er skin pri$kled as she $rossed the in)isible boundar 0 the kids !ust)e put the ward stones ba$k. She s(uinted at the 'rass. +here the were% a line of s!all% see!in'l ordinar ro$ks% spa$ed three% four feet fro! ea$h other. Ea$h ro$k held a s!all !a'i$ $har'e. +o'ether the $reated an en$hanted barrier% stron' enou'h to keep Grandpa in the shed if he broke the $hain a'ain. Rose wa)ed the bo s to the side and raised the hose. 4our turn. +he flin$hed at the $old water. She washed the! off !ethodi$all % fro! top to botto!. ,s the !ud !elted fro! /a$ks feet% she saw a two#in$h rip in his Ske$hers. Rose dropped the hose. /a$k! &e $rin'ed. +hose are fort #fi)e#dollar shoes! I! sorr % he whispered. +o!orrow is the first s$hool da ! What were ou doin'" &e was $li!bin' up the pines to 'et at the lee$h birds% Geor'ie said.

She 'lared. Geor'ie! +hirt #!inute ti!e#out toni'ht for snit$hin'. Geor'ie bit his lip. Rose stared at /a$k. Is that true" 4ou were $hasin' the lee$h birds" I $ant help it. +heir tails are so flitter ... She wanted to s!a$k hi!. It was true% he $ouldnt help it3it wasnt his fault he was born as a $at3but those were brand#new shoes she had bou'ht hi! for s$hool. Shoes for whi$h she had painstakin'l tweaked their bud'et% s$ri!pin' e)er penn % so he wouldnt ha)e to wear Geor'ies old beat#up sneakers% so he $ould look .ust as ni$e as all the other se$ond 'raders. It .ust hurt. /a$ks fa$e pin$hed into a ri'id white !ask3he was about to $r . , s!all spark of power tu''ed on her. Geor'ie% stop tr in' to resurre$t the shoes. +he were ne)er ali)e in the first pla$e. +he spark died. ,n odd desperation $lai!ed her% her pain shiftin' into a sort of nu!bness. 5ressure built in her $hest. She was so si$k of it% si$k of $ountin' e)er dollar% si$k of rationin' e)er thin'% si$k to death of it all. She had to 'o and 'et /a$k a new pair of shoes. Not for /a$ks sake% but for the sake of her own sanit . Rose had no $lue how she would !ake up the !one % but she knew she had to bu hi! a new pair of shoes ri'ht now% or she would e6plode. /a$k% do ou re!e!ber what will happen if a lee$h bird bites ou" Ill turn into one" 4es. 4ou ha)e to stop $hasin' the birds. &e hun' his head. ,! I punished" 4es. I! too !ad to punish ou ri'ht now. Well talk about it when we 'et ho!e. Go brush our teeth% $o!b our hair% put on dr $lothes% and 'et the 'uns. Were 'oin' to Wal#7art. +&E old 8ord tru$k boun$ed on the bu!ps in the dirt road. +he rifles $lan'ed on the floor. Geor'ie put his feet down to stead the! without bein' asked. Rose si'hed. &ere% in the Ed'e% she $ould prote$t the! well enou'h. -ut the were about to pass fro! the Ed'e into another world% and their !a'i$ would die in the $rossin'. +he two huntin' rifles on the floor would be their onl defense. Rose felt a pan' of 'uilt. If it wasnt

for her% the wouldnt need the rifles. God% she didnt want to be .u!ped a'ain. Not with her brothers in the $ar. +he li)ed between worlds0 on one side la the Weird and the other the -roken. +wo di!ensions% e6istin' side b side% like !irror i!a'es of ea$h other. In the pla$e where the di!ensions tou$hed% the interse$ted sli'htl % for!in' a narrow ribbon of land that belon'ed to both of the!3the Ed'e. In the Weird% !a'i$ pooled deepl 9 in the Ed'e it was a shallow tri$kle. -ut in the -roken% no !a'i$ shielded the! at all. Rose e ed the Wood hu''in' the road% its !assi)e trees $rowdin' the narrow ribbon of pa$ked dirt. She dro)e this wa e)er da to her .ob in the -roken% but toda the shadows between the 'narled trunks filled her with an6iet . 1ets pla the :4ou 2ant 'a!e% she said to sta)e off the risin' dread. Geor'ie% ou 'o first. &e went first the last ti!e! /a$ks e es shone with a!ber. N aha! 4aha! Geor'ie 'oes first% she repeated. 5ast the boundar % ou $ant raise dead thin's% Geor'ie said. 5ast the boundar % ou $ant 'row fur and $laws% /a$k said. +he alwa s pla ed the 'a!e when dri)in' throu'h to the -roken. It was a 'ood re!inder to the bo s of what the $ould and $ould not do% and it worked !u$h better than an le$ture. ;er few people in the -roken knew of the Ed'e or the Weird% and it was safer for e)er one in)ol)ed to keep it that wa . E6perien$e had tau'ht her that tr in' to e6plain the e6isten$e of !a'i$ to a person in the -roken would do no 'ood. It wouldnt 'et ou $o!!itted into a !ental institution% but it did land ou into the kook idiot $ate'or and !ade people 'i)e ou a wide berth durin' lun$h hour. 8or !ost people of the -roken% there was no -roken% no Ed'e% and no Weird. +he li)ed in the <nited States of ,!eri$a% on the $ontinent of North ,!eri$a% on the planet Earth3and that was that. 8or their part% !ost people in the Weird $ouldnt see the boundar either. It took a spe$ial kind of person to find it% and the kids needed to re!e!ber that. Geor'ie tou$hed her hand. It was her turn. 5ast the boundar % ou $ant hide behind a ward stone. She 'lan$ed at the!% but the kept 'oin'% obli)ious to her fears.

+he road la deserted. 8ew Ed'ers dro)e up this wa this ti!e of the e)enin'. Rose a$$elerated% ea'er to 'et the trip o)er with and be ba$k to the safet of the house. 5ast the boundar % ou $ant find lost thin's% Geor'ie said. 5ast the boundar % ou $ant see in the dark. /a$k 'rinned. 5ast the boundar % ou $ant flash% Rose said. +he flash was her 'reatest weapon. 7ost Ed'ers had their own spe$ifi$ talents0 so!e prophesied% so!e $ured tooth#a$hes% so!e raised the dead like Geor'ie. So!e $ursed like Rose and her 'rand!other. -ut flashin' $ould be learned b an one with a drop of !a'i$. It wasnt a !atter of talent but of pra$ti$e. 4ou took ahold of the !a'i$ inside ou and $hanneled it fro! our bod in a $ontrolled burst that looked like a whip or a ribbon of li'htnin'. If ou had !a'i$ and patien$e% ou $ould learn to flash% and the li'hter the $olor of our flash% the hotter and !ore potent it was. , powerful bri'ht flash was a terrible weapon. It $ould sli$e throu'h a bod like a hot knife throu'h butter. 7ost Ed'ers ne)er $ould 'et their flash bri'ht enou'h to kill or in.ure an thin' with it. +he were !on'rels% li)in' in a pla$e of diluted !a'i$% and !ost flashed red and dark oran'e. So!e lu$k few !ana'ed 'reen or blue. It was her flash that had started all of their trouble. No% Rose refle$ted% the d had plent of trouble before her. *ra tons were alwa s unlu$k . +oo s!art and too twisted for their own 'ood. Grandpa was a pirate and a ro)er. *ad was a 'old di''er. Grand!a was stubborn like a 'oat and alwa s thou'ht she knew better than an one else. 7o! was a tra!p. -ut all those proble!s didnt affe$t an one but the indi)idual *ra tons. When Rose flashed white at the Graduation 8air% she fo$used the attention of $ountless Ed'e fa!ilies s(uarel on their little $lan. E)en now% e)en with the rifles on the floor% she didnt re'ret it. She felt 'uilt about it% she wished thin's hadnt 'one the wa the did% but 'i)en a $han$e% she would do it a'ain. ,head the road $ur)ed. Rose took the turn a bit too fast. +he tru$ks sprin's $reaked. , !an stood in the road% like a 'ra s!ud'e a'ainst the en$roa$hin' twili'ht. She sla!!ed on the brakes. +he 8ord skidded in a s$ree$h on the hard% dr dirt of the road. She $au'ht a 'li!pse of lon' pale hair and pier$in' 'reen e es starin' strai'ht at her. +he tru$k hurtled at hi!. She $ouldnt stop it.

+he !an leapt strai'ht up. 8eet in dark 'ra boots landed on the hood of the tru$k with a thud and )anished. +he !an )aulted o)er the roof to the side and disappeared into the trees. +he tru$k slid to a stop. Rose 'ulped the air. &er heart fluttered in her $hest. &er fin'ertips tin'led% and she tasted bitterness on her ton'ue. She stabbed the seat belt release button% threw the door open% and .u!ped out onto the road. ,re ou hurt" +he Wood la (uiet. &ello" No answer. +he !an was 'one. Rose% who was that" Geor'ies e es were the si=e of s!all sau$ers. I dont know. Relief flooded her. She hadnt hit hi!. She 'ot s$ared out of her wits% but she hadnt hit hi!. E)er bod was fine. Nobod was hurt. E)er bod was fine ... *id ou see the swords" /a$k asked. What swords" ,ll shed seen were the blond hair% 'reen e es% and so!e kind of $loak. She $ouldnt e)en re$all his fa$e3.ust a pale s!ud'e. &e had a sword% Geor'ie said. On his ba$k. +wo swords% /a$k $orre$ted. One on the ba$k and one on his belt. So!e of the older lo$als liked to pla with swords% but none of the! had lon' blond hair. ,nd none of the! had e es like that. 7ost people fa$in' a tru$k head#on would be s$ared. &e stared her down as if she had insulted hi! b nearl runnin' hi! o)er. 1ike he was so!e sort of kin' of the road. Stran'ers were ne)er 'ood in the Ed'e. It wasnt wise to lin'er. /a$k sniffed the air% wrinklin' his nose the wa he did when he looked for a s$ent trail. 1ets find hi!. 1ets not. Rose ...

4oure on thin i$e alread . She $li!bed into the tru$k and shut the door. Were not $hasin' after so!e knu$klehead who thinks hes too i!portant to walk on the shoulder. She snorted% tr in' to 'et her heart rate under $ontrol. Geor'ie opened his !outh. Not another word. , $ouple of !inutes later% the rea$hed the boundar % the point where the Ed'e ended and the -roken be'an. Rose alwa s re$o'ni=ed the pre$ise !o!ent when she passed into the -roken. 8irst% an6iet stabbed ri'ht throu'h her $hest% followed b an instant of intense )erti'o% and then pain. It was as if the shi)er of !a'i$% the war! spark that e6isted so!ewhere inside her% died durin' the $rossin'. +he pain lasted onl a blink% but she alwa s dreaded it. It left her feelin' in$o!plete. -roken. +hats how the na!e for the !a'i$#less di!ension had $o!e about. +here was an identi$al boundar on the opposite end of the Ed'e% the one that 'uarded the passa'e to the Weird. She ne)er tried to $ross it. She wasnt sure her !a'i$ would be stron' enou'h for her to sur)i)e. +he entered the -roken without an trouble. +he Wood ended with the Ed'e. 7undane Geor'ia oaks and pines repla$ed the an$ient dark trees. +he dirt be$a!e pa)e!ent. +he narrow two#lane road brou'ht the! past the twin 'as stations to the parkwa . Rose $he$ked the parkwa for on$o!in' traffi$% took a ri'ht% and headed toward the town of 5ine -arren. ,bo)e the! an airplane thundered% fi6in' to land at the Sa)annah airport onl a $ouple of !iles awa . +he woods 'a)e wa to half#finished shoppin' pla=as and $onstru$tion e(uip!ent% s$attered a!on' heaps of red Geor'ia !ud. 5onds and strea!s interrupted the lands$ape3with the $oast onl fort !inutes awa % e)er hole in the 'round sooner or later filled up with water. +he passed hotels% 2o!fort Inn% >ni'hts Inn% 7arriott% E!bass Suites% stopped at a li'ht% $rossed the o)erpass% and finall turned into a bus Wal#7art parkin' lot. Rose parked on the side and held the door open% lettin' the bo s out. /a$ks e es had lost their a!ber sheen. Now the were plain dark ha=el. She lo$ked the tru$k% $he$ked the door .ust in $ase3lo$ked up ti'ht3and headed to the bri'htl lit doors. Now re!e!ber% she said as the .oined the herd of e)enin' shoppers. Shoes and thats it. I !ean it. +WO

NO-O*4 said an thin' until a pair of s!all bla$k and blue shoes per$hed on /a$ks feet. +he werent Ske$hers% but the looked si!ilar enou'h. +o 'et the real thin'% shed ha)e to 'o to the !all in Sa)annah% and she had to sa)e e)er drop of 'as or she $ouldnt 'et to work. Rose $rou$hed and !ashed the top of the shoe with her fin'er% lookin' for /a$ks toes. ,!ple roo!. &e 'rew like a weed% and she alwa s tried to bu shoes a little bi''er than he needed. *o the feel too bi'" /a$k shook his head. *o ou like the!" /a$k nodded. Oka % she said% 'lan$in' at the pri$e ta'. +went #se)en ninet #nine. She would)e bou'ht the! e)en if it said fift . +he bo s wat$hed her )er (uietl % standin' in the aisle like a pair of fri'htened rabbit kittens. Rose si'hed. Would ou like to look at to s" 1ook bein' the operati)e word. +he bo s stared at the a$tion fi'ures% transfi6ed b ar!or and !us$les of $olored plasti$. Rose lin'ered b the end shelf. +he stran'er on the road kept poppin' ba$k into her head. &e wasnt lo$al9 she was sure of it. +he Ed'e was narrow here% onl about twel)e !iles a$ross. +he didnt e)en ha)e a real town% .ust a handful of houses rando!l sprinkled on the outskirts of the Wood and 'randl ter!ed East 1aporte. She knew all the lo$al Ed'ers b si'ht% and shed ne)er $o!e a$ross an one like the kin' of the road before. +hose e es werent so!ethin' she would for'et. If he wasnt fro! East 1aporte% then he was probabl fro! the Weird. 5eople fro! the -roken fa)ored 'uns% not swords. Rose bit her lip. +he Ed'ers like her passed freel between the worlds% but $rossin' fro! the -roken or the Weird into the Ed'e was a different !atter for those not born to it. 8irst% !ost people fro! the Weird and the -roken $ouldnt see past their respe$ti)e boundar . If so!eone fro! the -roken tried to follow her into the Ed'e% she would )anish fro! their si'ht when she $rossed. One !o!ent shed be there% and then shed be 'one% and the would keep ri'ht on dri)in' in their own world. -e$ause the $ouldnt sense the boundar % for the! the Ed'e si!pl wasnt there. It didnt e6ist% like a roo! behind a door that fore)er re!ained $losed. On the other side% !ost people of the Weird $ouldnt sense their boundar either and !issed it as well% 'oin' about their re'ular li)es% ne)er knowin' about the odd pla$e ne6t door that led to an e)en odder world.

Of $ourse% there were alwa s e6$eptions to the rule. So!e people in the -roken were born with a !a'i$ talent. It la dor!ant until one da the stu!bled onto an unfa!iliar road and de$ided to take it to see where it led. So!e people in the Weird !ana'ed to dis$o)er the other di!ension as well. ,nd that brou'ht the se$ond proble!0 $rossin' the boundaries hurt. +here was nothin' to be done about that. 5eople like her li)ed in the Ed'e% be$ause it was the onl pla$e the $ould retain their !a'i$% and the worked and studied in the -roken% be$ause thats where the !ade their li)in'. -ut while the e6perien$ed a$hes and dis$o!fort and a brief stab of pain durin' the $rossin'% a person nati)e to the -roken or the Ed'e would endure a'on . Still% a few deter!ined enou'h did !ake it throu'h. 2ara)ans fro! the Weird stopped b East 1aporte e)er three !onths or so. 1ike !ost Ed'ers% she sank e)er spare dollar into bu in' .unk fro! the -roken. 5epsi. 5ant hose. 8an$ pens. When the $ara)ans arri)ed% she would $arr her loot out and sell it to the $ara)an !aster at a !arkup or trade for the 'oods fro! the Weird% !ostl odd .ewelr and e6oti$ trinkets% and then unload those 'oods at a $ouple of dealers in the -roken. , little e6tra !one . +he $ara)ans didnt sta lon'. +he worlds were 'reed . +oo !u$h ti!e in the -roken% and oud lose our !a'i$. +oo !u$h ti!e in the Weird% and the !a'i$ would infe$t ou and the -roken wouldnt let ou ba$k in. +he Ed'ers had so!e i!!unit 3the $ould last in either world lon'er than other people% but e)en the e)entuall su$$u!bed. 5eter 5adrake% one of the !ost fa!ous people fro! the Weird to ha)e $rossed into the -roken% had lost his !a'i$ ears a'o. &e $ouldnt e)en enter the Ed'e an !ore. What would $ause a !an fro! the Weird to risk pain and the loss of his !a'i$ b tra)elin' to the Ed'e" &e didnt $o!e with an $ara)an3those werent due for another $ouple of weeks. It had to be so!e sort of e!er'en$ . 5erhaps he was here for her. +hat thou'ht !ade her stop. No% she de$ided. Shed been left alone for the last three ears. 7ost likel he hadnt $o!e fro! the Weird at all. +he Ed'e was narrow but )er lon'% as lon' as the worlds the!sel)es. It ran into the o$ean in the East% but in the West it stret$hed for thousands of !iles. +rue% the Wood usuall kept the )isitors out% but the did 'et tra)elers on$e in a while. +he said that in the West% the Ed'e widened. Ru!or had it that a $hunk of a lar'e Western $it sat ri'ht in the Ed'e. 5erhaps hed $o!e fro! there. 4es% that !ust be it. Who $ared where hed $o!e fro! an wa " Rose si'hed and pi$ked up a bi' .u' of bubble fluid% e(uipped with four wands. Geor'ie liked bubbles. &e $ould keep the! )er still in the air for al!ost twent se$onds. She had alread

plunked down the !one for the shoes. In for a penn % in for a pound. ,fter all% Geor'ie hadnt done an thin' wron'% and /a$k kind of 'ot rewarded for rippin' his new shoes. 7i'ht as well 'et the bubbles. It was 'ood pra$ti$e for Geor'ie. It would help hi! learn to flash ... It dawned on her that /a$k 'ot new shoes and Geor'ie would onl 'et so!e lous bubbles. It wasnt fair. No !atter what she did% she .ust $ouldnt win. Gahh% what would be the ri'ht thin' to do" +o bu the bubbles or to bu nothin' but the shoes" She wished she had a !anual or so!ethin'% so!e kind of instru$tion sheet that would $learl spell out what a responsible parent did in this sort of situation. &er i!a'ination painted Geor'ie twent ears later% sittin' in le' irons before so!e -roken ps $hiatrist. Well% ou see% it all started with bubbles ... In the aisle% Geor'ie said so!ethin'% and a deeper !ale )oi$e answered. ,n alar! went off in her head. Rose leaned o)er% peekin' around the bubble displa . , !an stood ne6t to the bo s% talkin'. She put down the bubbles and !ar$hed o)er to the new$o!er. &e stood with his ba$k to her. It was a broad% !us$led ba$k% $o)ered with a faded 'reen +# shirt that was ti'ht a$ross the shoulders and loose around his waist. +he +#shirt had seen better da s. &is .eans fared no better0 old% worn#out% 'ra fro! per!anent dirt e!bedded in the wea)e. &is hair was dark and worn on the lon'er side% not (uite rea$hin' his shoulders. &e wasnt a lo$al Ed'er% and /a$k would)e s!elled hi! if he was fresh fro! the Ed'e or the Weird. 7a'i$ didnt work past the boundar % but /a$ks sense of s!ell was still keener than nor!al% and people with !a'i$ in their blood 'a)e off a spe$ifi$ s$ent. She ne)er s!elled it herself% but /a$k !aintained the s!elled like pies% whate)er that !eant. ,nd he was under stri$t orders to tell her i!!ediatel if the en$ountered an unfa!iliar pie#s!ellin' person in the -roken. ,s she neared the!% she heard the !ans )oi$e. ... eah% but his ar!s dont !o)e. &es stu$k like that. 4ou $ant !ake hi! fi'ht. &e didnt sound like a $hild !olester% but $hild !olesters ne)er sounded like $hild !olesters. +he sounded like our law#abidin'% $hur$h'oin'% ni$e ne6t#door nei'hbor. ,nd the were )er 'ood with $hildren. Geor'ie saw her. Rose% he likes the 'u s% too. I see% she said. If the were ba$k in the Ed'e% and if she had the knowled'e to $on)ert her power into an en)iron!ental effe$t% her )oi$e would ha)e fro=en e)er thin' in a twent # ard radius. ,nd does he usuall han' out in the to aisle talkin' to little bo s" +he !an turned. &e looked to be in his late twenties. &e had a handso!e fa$e with a s(uare .aw and s$ulptured $heekbones. No bab fat re!ained on his fa$e. &is $heeks were

hollowed% his nose narrow and well $ut. She s$rutini=ed his deep#set ha=el e es. +he e es reassured her0 the were honest and dire$t. Not a $hild !olester% she de$ided. 5robabl .ust a ni$e 'u talkin' to the kids in the to aisle. &e rea$hed up and pulled a pirate fi'ure fro! the top shelf. Now this one !o)es. 4ou $an pose hi!. &e handed the to to Geor'ie% and the bo s bent o)er it. Sorr % he told her. *idnt !ean to alar! ou there. I wasnt alar!ed. She toned down the !ena$e a little. 7 !istake. &e turned ba$k to the to s. She stood ne6t to hi!% feelin' sli'htl awkward. -u in' for ourself or our son" she asked% to sa so!ethin'. 7 self. ,h. ,re ou a $olle$tor" One of those Ne)er#Re!o)e#fro!#the#-o6 t pes" Oh% thats 'ood% she thou'ht. Instead of endin' this $on)ersation on a so!ewhat $o!fortable note% ask the stran'er !ore (uestions and insult hi! while oure at it. &e 'lan$ed at her. No. I take the! out and I pla with the!. I sta'e hu'e wars. I also di)ide the! b wei'ht $lass. +here was a sli'ht note of $hallen'e in his )oi$e. *o ou ha)e !an 'u s" Geor'ie asked. 8our bo6es. Rub it in% Rose thou'ht with sudden )eno!% and i!!ediatel $he$ked herself. &e had no wa of knowin' that she $ouldnt afford to bu the! to s. &e was si!pl answerin' the (uestion. She needed to end this $on)ersation% bu the da!n shoes% and 'o ho!e. I keep waitin' for the! to !ake a 'ood 2onan fi'ure% but the ne)er do% the !an said. I stopped holdin' ! breath. Was hopin' for Green ,rrow toda % but nobod $arries hi!. Whi$h one" &e 'a)e her a suspi$ious look. &ard +ra)elin' &eroes. Rose nodded. &a)in' two little brothers !ade her into an a$tion fi'ure e6pert. - *2 *ire$t" 5arallel <ni)erse down the street has hi!% but it will $ost ou thirt bu$ks. She felt like slappin' herself. It had .ust popped ri'ht out. &is e es widened. 2an ou tell !e where it is"

Well show ou% Geor'ie )olunteered. She 'lared at hi!. We $an show hi! the $o!i$s% ri'ht% Rose" /a$ks e es were hu'e. 5lease. Rose had to $on$entrate to keep fro! 'rittin' her teeth. +hats oka % the !an said. Ill find it. +hanks for lettin' !e know its there. &e looked at her like she was so!e sort of !ania$. No% well show ou% Rose found herself sa in'. Its .ust down the street% but its hard to e6plain how to 'et to it. 2o!e on% bo s. 8i)e !inutes later% the four of the! were walkin' down alon' the Wal#7art sidewalk. +hanks a'ain% the !an said. I! Willia!. Rose% she said and left it at that. +he bo s see!ed s!itten with Willia!. /a$k in parti$ular see!ed fi6ated. It !ade sense3he was too oun' e)en to re!e!ber *ad% and none of their !ale relati)es were e)er around lon' enou'h to !ake an i!pression. , lonel kid abandoned b his father% who had run off after so!e phanto! treasure% /a$k was desperate for so!e !ale attention. I ha)e new shoes% /a$k said. Willia! stopped and looked at his shoes. 2ool boots. /a$k s!iled. It was a tin hesitant s!ile. &e didnt s!ile )er often. If Rose $ould)e 'otten ahold of *ad at this !o!ent% she would)e laid hi! out on the asphalt with one pun$h. Geor'ie took a deep breath% plainl not wantin' to be outdone in the $oolness depart!ent. She $ould al!ost feel the wheels turnin' in his blond head. She should)e bou'ht hi! those da!n bubbles so he $ould)e at least said he had so!ethin' new% too. Geor'ie blinked a $ouple of ti!es and finall burst out with the onl bit of news he $ould s$roun'e. I 'ot 'rounded for snit$hin'. Reall " Willia! said. Rose tensed. If he !entioned lee$h birds% shed ha)e to $o!e up with so!e sort of e6planation. -ut Geor'ie onl nodded. <h#huh. +hat probabl wasnt 'ood.

No. Willia! 'lan$ed at her. *oes our sister 'round ou often" No. She !ostl does this. Geor'ie rolled his e es in perfe$t i!itation of her and !uttered% Wh !e" Willia! looked at her. What !ade ou think I! their sister" &e shru''ed. 4ou look too oun'. -esides% not !an kids would $all their !other :Rose. +he rea$hed the end of the sidewalk. She took the bo s b the hand% and to'ether the $rossed the street and headed a$ross the 'rass to a s!all pla=a. So oure not fro! around here" No. 7o)ed here a $ouple of weeks a'o fro! 8lorida% Willia! said. /obs are a bit better here. What do ou do" I la floors. Rose nodded. +he area was boo!in'. E)er ti!e she dro)e b % $onstru$tion $rews had $leared !ore of the forest to !ake roo! for new subdi)isions and shoppin' $enters. , floor installer $ould !ake so!e serious !one here. No wonder he $ould afford four bo6es of to s. 5,R,11E1 <ni)erse sat sandwi$hed between a $offeehouse and a <5S shippin' store. It was re!arkabl $lean and or'ani=ed as $o!i$ shops went. In his pre)ious life% 5eter 5adrake was 2o!!odore 5eter 5adrake% the s$our'e of the -lood Sea and lo al pri)ateer of ,drian'lia% a $ountr in the Weird. , de$ade a'o he had $rossed fro! the Weird into the -roken to retire% so!ehow !ana'ed to transfor! his life sa)in's into 'ood old <.S. $urren$ % and opened 5arallel <ni)erse. 5eter ran his $o!i$ shop the wa he !ust)e run his ship0 the pla$e was pristine% the $o!i$s $ate'ori=ed b publisher and title% ea$h in a $lear plasti$ slee)e% ea$h $learl labeled with a pri$e sti$ker. +he pri$e was final. 5eter detested ha''lin'. &e 'reeted her with a sour look. Rose knew it wasnt personal. She was trouble% and 5eter detested trouble e)en !ore than ha''lin'. Its here. Geor'ie tu''ed on Willia!s slee)e. O)er there. Willia! followed Geor'ie and /a$k to the ba$k of the store.

She s!iled at 5eter. &e did his best to i!personate a stone idol fro! Easter Island. She drifted awa fro! his stare to the ba$k of the store% lookin' at the 'raphi$ no)els on the wall as she passed. She lo)ed $o!i$s. She lo)ed books% too. +he were her window into the -roken% and the let her drea!. Girl Genius ... She often wished she $ould ha)e been like ,'atha% buildin' superweapons out of a rust fork% old bubble 'u!% and a pie$e of strin'. Rose pi$ked up a 'raphi$ no)el sealed in plasti$. +went bu$ks ... Not in this lifeti!e. She looked up and saw Willia! listen while Geor'ie read out the des$ription of the a$tion fi'ure fro! the ba$k of the bo6. &e wasnt a bad#lookin' 'u % she refle$ted. 5atient% too. 7ost !en would)e shru''ed Geor'ie off b now. 7a be he was a $hild !olester% after all. Now there was a !essed#up thou'ht. Wh would e)er !an who paid a bit of attention to two bo s ob)iousl star)ed for !ale $o!pan auto!ati$all be so!e sort of $ri!inal" Willia! s!iled at her. Rose $arefull s!iled ba$k at hi!. So!ethin' wasnt (uite ri'ht about Willia!. She $ouldnt put her fin'er on it. It was ti!e to $olle$t her brothers and 'o. Rose skirted a s!all displa and ran into /a$k. &e stood in the aisle $o!pletel still% knees sli'htl bent% barel breathin'% his e es fo$used on a ra$k of books% lookin' .ust like a $at fi6ated on its pre . She 'lan$ed in the dire$tion of his stare and saw a bri'htl $olored $o!i$ book. Not a re'ular ,!eri$an one but a fatter% s!aller !an'a )olu!e. +he $o)er showed a teena'e 'irl in a sailor outfit and a bo with white hair wearin' a red ki!ono. Red letters slashed a$ross the pa'e0 Inu4asha. Rose took the $o!i$ book off the shelf. /a$ks e es followed it. What" she asked. >itt ears% he whispered. &e has kitt ears. Rose e6a!ined the $o)er and saw furr trian'ular ears in the !ane of the bo s white hair. She flipped the book. It sa s here he is a half#!an% half#do' de!on. So these arent kitt ears. Rose $ould tell b the desperate look on his fa$e that he didnt $are. She 'lan$ed at 5eter. 4ou sto$k !an'a now" 5eter shru''ed behind the $ounter. +hose are used. , fellow brou'ht the! in. Sellin' the! as a set% three for ten. If I sell the!% I !i'ht order so!e new $opies in. 5lease% /a$k whispered% his e es hu'e. ,bsolutel not. 4ou 'ot shoes. Geor'ie didnt e)en 'et an thin'.

2an I ha)e it then" Geor'ie popped out of thin air ne6t to her. No. She $ould swin' three bu$ks !a be% but not ten% and she $ould tell b 5eters fa$e that he wouldnt be breakin' the three )olu!es up. Ill bu these for the!% Willia! offered. No! She took a step ba$k. +he were poor% but the werent be''ars. 1ook% seriousl % I dra''ed ou down here and !ade ou show !e the shop. I! 'ettin' the Green ,rrow an wa 9 an e6tra ten bu$ks wont !ake an differen$e. &e 'lan$ed at 5eter. Ill pa for those. ,bsolutel not% she said% loadin' her )oi$e with steel. Rose% please3 Geor'ie be'an in a sin'son' whine. She $ut hi! off. 4oure a *ra ton. We dont be'. &e $la!ped his !outh shut. 8i'ure it out and stop wastin' ! ti!e% 5eter said. Willia! looked at hi!. It was a thousand# ard stare that pinned 5eter down like a da''er. It wasnt e)en ai!ed at her% but an ur'e to ba$k awa and lea)e 'ripped her. 5eter 5adrake !o)ed his hand to the drawer where he kept his .?@ and stood )er still. She pi$ked up the books and put the! on the $ounter. +en% ou said" +en si6t #nine with ta6% 5eter said% his 'a=e fi6ed on Willia!. Rose s!iled. She had e6a$tl ten se)ent #fi)e in her purse. Gas !one . Rose pulled out her po$ketbook% e6tra$ted the soft dollar bills and three (uarters% handed the! to 5eter% 'ot her $han'e% and all with the sa!e s!ile on her fa$e% she 'a)e the books to the kids and !ar$hed out of the store% bo s in tow. Rose% wait. Willia! followed her. /ust keep walkin' ... Rose! She turned and looked at hi!. 4es"

&e $losed the distan$e between the!. If I hadnt said so!ethin'% ou wouldnt ha)e bou'ht the books. 1et !e !ake it up to ou. Go out to dinner with !e to!orrow. 7 treat. She blinked. I dont know an bod % he said. I! si$k of eatin' alone. ,nd I feel bad about the store. Rose hesitated. &e leaned a little to look her in the e es. I reall want to see ou a'ain. Sa It had been fore)er sin$e shed been on a date. ,n kind of date. 8our ears. +o!orrow was Wednesda % the first da of s$hool. +he kids would want to see Grand!a to tell her all about it. She $ould swin' a dinner. -ut there was so!ethin' about Willia! that put her off. &e was handso!e% and she wanted to like hi!. She .ust didnt. +he stare hed 'i)en 5eter had been al!ost predator . 4oure not ! t pe. &ow do ou know" We ha)ent said !ore than twent words to ea$h other. +hat was true. She didnt know an thin' about hi!. -ut it was far !ore prudent to turn hi! down and 'o ba$k behind her ward stones. +o hide. ,nd with that thou'ht% so!ethin' inside Rose reared up% the wa it had in the be'innin' of fifth 'rade% when Sarah Walton first $alled her the dau'hter of a whore. +he sa!e *ra ton stubbornness that !ade her 'rand!other fa!ous reared its head. No% she thou'ht. +he wouldnt !ake her $ower behind the ward stones for the rest of her 'odda!n life. -ut the wouldnt for$e her to do so!ethin' she didnt want to do either. +hat would be e(uall weak. 4oure a ni$e 'u % Willia!. -ut I reall $ant. +o!orrow is the first da of s$hool% and I need to be ho!e. &e looked at her for a lon' !o!ent and raised his ar!s% pal!s out. Oka . 7a be well run into ea$h other a'ain so!eti!e. &e !ade it sound like a pro!ise. 7a be% she said. +&REE WE*NES*,4 rolled around wa too fast. , white tru$k sped b her% its horn blarin'. Rose didnt e)en spare a 'lan$e. +he needle on her fuel 'au'e had rolled to the left of the ellow E. es.

/ust !ake it to the Ed'e% she !ur!ured. +hats all I ask. +he old 8ord ru!bled on% $reakin'. She kept the speed at thirt !iles an hour to sa)e the 'as. In the distan$e% the sun set slowl % threatenin' the sk with red. She was so late. She had to sta o)erti!e3at the re'ular se)en#bu$ks#an#hour rate as usual. +he +#shirt printer had an e!er'en$ . So!e dis'runtled e!plo ee had spra ed the floor with the ta$k li(uid the used to keep the +#shirts in pla$e while the desi'ns were inked into the!. - the ti!e the owners reali=ed what had happened and $alled 2lean#n#-ri'ht% the floor was a horrid !ess of e)er t pe of dirt i!a'inable. Onl one thin' re!o)ed the ta$k spra 3 turpentine. She and 1ato a had spent the last two hours $rawlin' on their hands and knees dren$hin' the tile in it. &er fin'ers s!elled like turpentine. It was e)er where% on her skin% in her hair% on her shoes ... &er ba$k a$hed. She needed to 'et ho!e and take a shower. +rue% she was a $leanin' lad % but that didnt !ean she had to s!ell like one. , s!all part of her re'retted not a$$eptin' Willia!s offer. &e wasnt bo friend !aterial% but he $ould)e been a friend. So!eone outside the Ed'e to talk to. Water under the brid'e% she told herself. She said no% and shed li)e with it. ,head the fa!iliar $ur)e of 5otter Road appeared fro! the 'reener . 8inall . +he tru$k snee=ed. 2o!e on% bo . 4ou $an do it. +he 8ord snee=ed a'ain. She took her foot off the 'as% 'uidin' the old tru$k into a turn% and let it roll up the road into the trees. +he were down to ten !iles per hour now. , bit !ore 'as. , bit !ore ... +he $rossed the boundar % and the !a'i$ flared within her% fillin' her with war!th. +he en'ine died with a soft !ur!ur% and Rose let the tru$k 'lide off the road into the tan'led brush. +he 'reener snapped shut behind her. She parked% 'ot out% lo$kin' the 8ord% and patted the hot hood. +hanks. It was the first da of s$hool% and she was out of 'as. ,t least Grand!a had a'reed to pi$k the kids up at the end of the road and wat$h the! until Rose 'ot ho!e fro! work. <suall the walked b the!sel)es% but toda had to be spe$ial. +he d be burstin' at the sea!s with earth#shatterin' re)elations about 'oin' ba$k to s$hool. Rose started up the road. ,round her the Wood $rowded the dirt path0 hu'e trees braided their dark twisted li!bs% the 'round between their trunks soft with $enturies of autu!n. 5ale blue horsetail )ines tinseled the bran$hes. +wili'ht $rou$hed a!on' the trees. +he blanket of kud=u that swallowed trees whole in the -roken stopped at the boundar % and

here the Ed'e !oss had taken o)er% hu''in' the tree trunks like a )el)et slee)e and sendin' forth tin flowers on thin stalks that looked like o)erturned lad shoes0 bri'ht purple% !int 'reen% la)ender% pink. +he s$ents of a do=en herbs !i6ed into an earth % sli'htl bitter spi$e in the air. Sinister noises $a!e fro! the 'loo! depths of the Wood% and o$$asionall a 'lowin' pair of e es i'nited in the $anop . Rose paid it little !ind. +he Wood was the Wood9 !ost thin's around these parts knew who she was and let her be. +wo !iles separated her fro! the turnoff to the house% and Rose fell into a fa!iliar% $o!fortable stride. It lasted until the third turn of the road. She halted. +his was the spot where the !an with two swords had leaped onto her tru$k. Rose looked at the dirt tra$ks. Now that had been so!ethin' else. ,s far as she $ould re!e!ber% the tru$k hood $a!e to a little abo)e her waist. She ro$ked e6peri!entall on her toes and .u!ped as hi'h as she $ould. Not e)en $lose. If she took a runnin' start% she $ould !a be 'et one le' up on the hood. -ut he had leaped onto the !o)in' tru$k% landed on his feet% and kept 'oin' like it was nothin'. , tin hi'h#pit$hed noise fro! abo)e !ade her raise her head. +o the left a tall tree spread its bran$hes o)er the path% leanin' to the road. ,bout nine feet off the 'round% .ust before the tree trunk forked in two% a skinn shape hu''ed the bark. >enn /o O'letree. >enn stood prett far down on her fa)orite people list% onl a step abo)e his !other% 1eanne% who had been best friends with Sarah Walton durin' hi'h s$hool and whose $hief a$hie)e!ent was s$rawlin' W&ORES -I+2& on Roses lo$ker with a per!anent !arker. Gra!!ar wasnt a!on' 1eannes stren'ths% but bull in' she had raised to an art for!. +he apple didnt fall far fro! the tree3at nine% >enn was a bull and a loud!outh. ,bout a !onth a'o he and Geor'ie ran into a !isunderstandin' o)er a softball 'a!e and had to ha)e words. If it wasnt for /a$k% >enn would)e beaten Geor'ie blood % but all the kids were afraid of /a$k. /a$k fou'ht like e)er fi'ht was his last% and he didnt alwa s stop when he won. >enn $lut$hed at the tree% standin' absolutel still. &is hands had 'one white#knu$kled with desperation. Gri!e stained his shirt and threadbare khaki shorts% and a lon' s$rat$h alon' his thi'h slowl dripped blood onto his $alf. >enn stared at her. &is e es were 'lass % the whites starkl pale. Whate)er proble!s she had with 1eanne paled when fa$ed with a nine# ear#old bo terrified out of his wits. ,re ou oka % >enn " &e .ust stared.

+he bushes on her left rustled. It was a purposeful% predator sort of rustlin'. Rose ba$ked awa slowl . , shi)er ran throu'h the thin ste!s. +he bran$hes bent% dark trian'ular lea)es parted% and a $reature stepped onto the road. 8our feet tall% it stood upri'ht% its bod a !ess of rottin'% putres$ent tissue $lu!ped to'ether in a 'rotes(ue pat$hwork. Rose saw the s$ales of a forest snake on the left le'% reddish fo6 fur on the shoulder% !atted 'ra s(uirrel fu== on the $hest% brown stripes of a pi' on the lower sto!a$h ... 5art of its 'ut was !issin'% and a rottin' !ass of intestines 'lared throu'h the hole .ust under a narrow flash of ribs. Its fa$e was horrible. +wo pale baleful e es stared at her fro! deep so$kets. +he bri!!ed with intense% fo$used hatred. <nder the! a wide !outh 'aped% ar!ed with sharp trian'ular teeth% sproutin' fro! the .aws in se)eral rows. , ra''ed% whisper whee=in' $a!e fro! the $reature% hea) and wet. , wold. , thin' of hate and !a'i$% a li)in' $urse that drew power fro! its $reators ra'e. So!eone had $ursed so!e land or a house nearb % and the Wood 'a)e the $urse a for! and a purpose0 to kill e)er thin' it $a!e a$ross. In the tree% >enn whi!pered like a kitten. +he wold opened its !outh wider and stepped forward% !ena$e radiatin' fro! it like a foul $orona. It wanted to !urder her% to take a pie$e of her flesh and !ake it its own. Rose raised her ri'ht hand. +he wold hissed. Its twisted li!bs opened wide% releasin' ellow $laws. , li'ht sheen of !a'i$ $oated Roses fin'ers. +he !a'i$ )ibrated in her% strainin' to break free. +he wold ran at her% its bla$k !aw 'apin'% teeth and $laws read to rend. Rose flashed. 7a'i$ shot fro! her hand in a 'lowin' whip of white and stru$k the $reature in the $hest. +he wolds !o!entu! $arried it another step% but the i$ white fla!e of the flash burned it% burrowin' into its $hest% seekin' its !ali$e#$oated $ore. *is!e!berin' it wouldnt be enou'h. She had to kill the $urse itself. 2hunks of flesh rained fro! the wold. Rose ad)an$ed% keepin' the whip of li'ht fi6ed on the $reature. &er ar! throbbed with tension. +he wold fell apart% re)ealin' a s!all !ote of darkness $hurnin' with )iolent red and purple flashes. Rose s(uee=ed her fist. +he white whip $lut$hed at the darkness. She strained%

s(uee=in' ti'hter% her nails bitin' into her pal!. With a sound like a $ra$ked walnut% the !ote $ollapsed in on itself in a shower of white sparks and )anished. Rose let out a deep breath% stepped o)er the $arrion litterin' the path% and walked up to the tree. 2o!e on% she said% holdin' out her hands. >enn stood fro=en. 8or a !o!ent she thou'ht shed ha)e to 'o 'et his !other% but suddenl he let 'o and slid down the trunk% s$rapin' hi!self a'ainst bark and all but fallin' into her ar!s. She had to drop hi! on his feet3he was too hea) . Its 'one% she said and hu''ed hi!. *ead and done. <nderstand" &e nodded. It wont $o!e ba$k. If ou e)er see another one like that% ou run to ! house as fast as ou $an. Ill kill it. Go ho!e now. &e peeled down the road at a dead run% )eerin' left% toward the O'letree house. Rose looked ba$k at the $arrion strewn in the dirt. Onl a handful of fa!ilies $ould $lai! a !a'i$ user stron' enou'h to $reate a wold% and all of those $apable were older people and supposedl knew better. , wold $ouldnt be stopped. It was the kind of weapon that killed e)er thin' it $a!e a$ross. She hadnt seen one for ears. +he last ti!e one popped up% it took a full#blown posse to hunt it down with 'asoline and tor$hes. So!ethin' had to ha)e 'one seriousl wron' for one of the lo$als to $urse a wold into life. So!ethin' dire was happenin'. 2old dread settled in the base of her ne$k. 8or a !o!ent she $onsidered followin' >enn /o to find out if 1eanne knew an thin' about it% but de$ided a'ainst it. Shortl after hi'h s$hool% Sarah had !arried well and !o)ed to a ni$e house in the -roken. Ru!or said% 1eanne wasnt wel$o!e at Sarahs new drea! ho!e% and it !ade her onl !adder at life than she alread was. She and Rose hadnt spoken to ea$h other sin$e hi'h s$hool. She seriousl doubted 1eanne would suddenl open up to her. Rose started up the road at a brisk pa$e. +he faster she 'ot ho!e% the sooner shed !ake sure that the bo s were safe. 8ew thin's happened in East 1aporte without Grand!a AlBonores knowled'e. She would .ust ha)e to ask her about it. 7A7CRE" AlBonore 'lan$ed at Geor'ies fa$e. She ne)er $ould 'et hi! to e6plain how he knew to $all her that. She had ne)er spoken a word of 8ren$h to either of the!. -ut Geor'ie started

sa in' it when he was two% with a li'ht 5ro)enDal o)erla . She had a feelin' he didnt know hi!self wh he did it% but e)er ti!e he said the word% it brou'ht her ba$k to dr % war! hills% where she sat in the sunshine ne6t to her own 'rand!Ere % nibblin' on fou'asse that left a faint oran'e taste on her ton'ue and wat$hin' the !en down in the )illa'e pla la lon'ue with the 'ra$e of ballet dan$ers. She s!iled at hi!. What is it" 2an we 'o outside" +wo pairs of e es blinked at her fro! an'eli$ fa$es0 Geor'ies blue and /a$ks a!ber. &ooli'ans% both of the!. Is it dark" We wont 'o past the ward stones. She rolled her e es. Oh% and ou think I was born esterda % no" 5leeease. Geor'ies e es would)e done an pupp proud. -ehind hi! /a$k nodded earnestl . ,ll ri'ht. She 'a)e in before her heart !elted. Rose would be none too pleased if she found out% but what Rose didnt know% she $ouldnt fuss about. I dont trust the two of ou. I! $o!in' out on the por$h. +he were out the door before she 'ot up off her $hair. AlBonore took her tea$up to the por$h. +he old ro$kin' $hair $reaked under her wei'ht. +he bo s dashed into the ard. -e ond the lines of the ward stones% the Wood shi)ered with life. +he sk had darkened to deep soothin' purple% and the lea)es of the upper bran$hes stood out% nearl bla$k a'ainst it% rustlin' 'entl in the $ool whisper of the ni'ht bree=e. &ere and there the white spires of ni'htneedle bloo!ed between the trees. +heir ste!s% no !ore than 'reen shoots durin' the da % released a $as$ade of deli$ate% bell#shaped blosso!s with the first tou$h of darkness% sendin' a !i!osa perfu!e into the ni'ht. AlBonore breathed it in and s!iled. So pea$eful ... <nease flared at the base of her ne$k and rolled down her spine in a )is$ous wintr rush. She felt the press of so!eones 'a=e pin her% as if she had a bulls#e e between her shoulder blades. AlBonore turned% s$annin' the ward line.

+here. , dark spot ho)ered at the outer ed'e on her left. It stood on all fours% dense and i!penetrable% like a hole $ut in the fabri$ of the ni'ht to re)eal pri!ordial darkness. She $ould barel see it in the 'loo!% its silhouette !ore of a 'uess than a $ertaint . AlBonores fin'ers found the s!all wooden $har! han'in' fro! her ne$k. She 'ripped it ti'ht and whispered% Si'ht. 7a'i$ pulsed fro! her in a flat hori=ontal fan% pullin' the lands$ape and the $reature to her e es in a rush. She saw darkness and within it a narrow slit of the e e0 pale% weakl lu!ines$ent 'ra without an iris or a pupil. She tried to rea$h past it and 'li!psed a hint of a for!% $hurnin' with unfa!iliar )iolen$e. &er senses s$rea!ed in alar!. +he e e .erked out of si'ht. She released the $har! in ti!e to $at$h a blur of darkness as the $reature )anished into the underbrush without a sound. +he Wood was ho!e to !an thin's% but AlBonore had ne)er seen one so disturbin'l alien. She 'lan$ed to the kids on the lawn. Safe behind the prote$ti)e stones. It will be fine% she told herself. +he wards around Roses house were stron' and old. +he spells had rooted deep into the soil. -esides% Rose would be $o!in' up the road an !inute now% and AlBonore pitied an beast that tried to stand between her and the bo s. It was probabl .ust so!e odd $reature the Wood had dis'or'ed. +he forest stret$hed west of East 1aporte and all the wa into the Weird. 5erhaps so!e Weird beast had $rossed the boundar into the Ed'e. Stran'er thin's had happened. No need to tell Rose about it% AlBonore de$ided. +he poor $hild was paranoid enou'h as it was. ROSE !ade the final turn and paused at the ed'e of the lawn. Grand!a AlBonore sat on the por$h% sippin' hot tea fro! a tea$up. So!e ti!e a'o Grand!a had de$ided she was old enou'h to $ulti)ate a hed'e wit$h look. &er 'ra hair was teased into a se!blan$e of a $ra= !atted !ess rando!l de$orated with feathers% twi's% and $har!s. &er $lothes would)e 'i)en an de$onstru$tion#oriented desi'ner a run for his !one 0 the were artfull ripped and la ered% until she rese!bled a half#plu$ked $hi$ken with bits and tatters of fabri$ flutterin' about her as she !o)ed. +he authenti$it of her $ostu!e was sli'htl ruined b the fa$t that both her ra's and her hair were )er $lean and s!elled faintl of la)ender% and b a de$idedl unwit$h tea$up with a fluff 'ra kitten on it. Were the bo s an trouble" Rose asked% $o!in' to sit ne6t to her. Grand!a rolled her e es. 5lease. I! a hundred and se)en ears old. I think I $an handle two hooli'ans.

+he !a'i$ kept !ost Ed'e fa!ilies ali)e and well lon' past their -roken peers% and Grand!a didnt look a da older than fift #fi)e. It wasnt her a'e that was the proble!% Rose refle$ted. It was that the !o!ent the bo s !ade their pupp e es at her% all the rules and dis$ipline flew out the window. -ehind Grand!a the bo s $hased ea$h other on the 'rass0 /a$k% ni!ble and li'htnin' (ui$k% and Geor'ie% a pale 'olden#haired shadow. 5aler than usual toda . One of the! was i!personatin' Inu4asha% the half#de!on bo fro! the $o!i$ book9 the other was probabl 1ord Sessho!aru% Inu4ashas older and stron'er de!on half#brother. -ut whi$h was whi$h% she $ouldnt tell fro! here. Rose did not re'ret bu in' the $o!i$s. +he bo s had lat$hed onto the!% and the pre$ious )olu!es now o$$upied the treasured spot of honor on the top shelf in their bedroo!. Geor'ie ran out of breath and sat on the 'rass% slu!pin' forward. Rose $au'ht a si'h. &e looked about to be si$k. Grand!a pursed her lips. What was it this ti!e" , bab bird. &ed raised it this !ornin'% before she dropped the! off at the s$hool bus stop. Geor'ie $ou'hed and bent o)er on the 'rass. /a$k stopped in !idstride. &e looked at Geor'ie for a lon' !o!ent% his fa$e blank and lost% then trotted o)er and sat ne6t to hi!. If Geor'e keeps this up% it will kill hi!. Grand!a shook her head. Rose si'hed. When Geor'ie resurre$ted so!ethin'% he sa$rifi$ed a bit of his )italit to 'i)e it life. +he stron'er his power 'rew% the weaker his bod be$a!e% as if his !ind was the fla!e of a $andle that burned too bri'ht% destro in' the wa6 too fast. +he tried e6plainin'. +he tried talkin'. +he tried threats and punish!ents and pleadin'% but nothin' helped. Geor'ie breathed life into thin's that !ade hi! sad with their passin' and si!pl didnt know how to let the! 'o. What a pair. Grand!a si'hed. , $at with a death wish and his brother whos tr in' to keep half of the Wood ali)e. &er )oi$e broke a bit. &ows 2letus" she said% !akin' an ob)ious effort to sound non$halant and failin'. Sa!e% Rose said. , shadow $louded Grand!as e es. She frowned and poured Rose a $up of tea. +he bo s told !e about this Willia!. What does he do"

+raitors. &es a floorer. &e sells flowers" Grand!as e ebrows $rept up. No. 4ou know how roofers work on roofs" Well% he works on floors. ,re ou sure he isnt a $hild !olester" -e$ause thats what the do% the sidle up to the wo!an in the fa!il % woo her% and then ne6t thin' ou know the )e 'ot their di3 Rose 'a)e her an indi'nant stare. &e isnt a $hild !olester. &ow do ou know" Rose spread her ar!s helplessl . &e has honest e es" Is he handso!e" Rose frowned. &es a fine fi'ure of a !an. *ark hair% dark e es. &andso!e% I suppose. If he looks that 'ood% wh didnt ou let hi! $ourt ou" It didnt feel ri'ht% she said shortl . Grand!a looked at her% her blue e es )i)id on her wrinkled tan fa$e% like two )iolets on a freshl plowed field. I see. I saw a wold toda % Rose said to $han'e the sub.e$t. Grand!a raised her e ebrows. Oh" &ow bi'" Rose lifted her hand to show about four feet. 7 . &e was a bi' one. , fli$ker of worr !udded the $lear blue of Grand!as e es. Rose nodded. It $hased >enn /o up a tree. >enn /o deser)es it. *id ou kill it" +he shared a s!all pri)ate s!ile. , $ouple of weeks after Rose had flashed white% Grand!a had !ade a s!all wold for her to kill. 5ra$ti$e% she had said. It was !ore than that3 it was a test. Grand!a wanted to see how hot she $ould flash. Rose had blown the wold to pie$es in the first ten se$onds. Grand!a didnt speak for a full half a da after that. Grandpa had $alled it a re$ord of so!e sort and predi$ted ,po$al pse.

Rose nodded. Who $ould !ake a wold" Grand!a set her $up down with a si'h. +hats a powerful $urse. I $an. 1ee Stearns. /ere!iah 1o)edahl. ,dele 7oore. E!il 5aw. &er aunt% Elsie% $ould% too% but the poor wo!an lost her wits% what% two de$ades a'o" I heard she has tea parties. Rose drank her tea. Grand!a nodded. I)e seen her do it. She brin's tedd bears to the pi$ni$ table and pours the! in)isible tea out of a plasti$ tea set. So!eti!es the bears e)en drink it. +here was so!e real power there% but its all 'one to waste now. Rose opened her !outh to tell her about a !an who liked to .u!p on !o)in' tru$ks and stopped. It was .ust an isolated in$ident. Nothin' would $o!e of it. Wh worr her" Whoe)er has done it% Ill find out. ,nd I! sure /ere!iah and ,dele will want to 'i)e the! a pie$e of their !ind. Grand!a rose. Well% Id better be 'oin'. Ill !ake the trip to ,deles to!orrow and see what she knows. +he hooli'ans finished their ho!ework. ,lso% Geor'ie has a note fro! his tea$her% so!ethin' about stone books. Stone books" Rose frowned. 4es. I think he needs one !ade of !arble. 7arble $o!position book% Rose 'uessed. 4es% thats the one. Grand!a headed for the door and stopped% fra!ed in the doorwa . 7a be ou should 'i)e this bo a $han$e. 1ife doesnt ha)e to end after the Graduation 8air% ou know. It 'oes on. She left. Rose si'hed and poured herself !ore tea. Gi)e the bo a $han$e. Rose !ulled it o)er. 7a be she should ha)e 'i)en Willia! a $han$e. 7ost people in her position !i'ht ha)e. She hadnt dated in ears. ,nd that was e6a$tl the proble!. She hadnt dated in ears% and her .ud'!ent wasnt sound. , part of her wanted to be prett and $arefree. In her rare !o!ents of desperation% she wanted a !an to look at her like she !eant the world to hi!% and failin' that% she would settle for so!eone who thou'ht she was beautiful and told her so. Willia! would probabl fit that bill. 5art of her pointed out that so!ethin' was better than nothin'. -ut if she ended up with the wron' so!ethin'% shed re'ret it for the rest of her life. On$e bitten% twi$e sh .

1i)in' in our drea!s !eant bitter disappoint!ent when ou woke up. Shed learned that lesson well. +he in$ident with Willia! unsettled her. &ed unwittin'l pulled all of her old wants and hopes out of the re$esses of herself where shed $arefull stuffed the!% and dra''ed the entire !ess into bri'ht li'ht. Now she had to deal with it% and she resented hi! for it. 2o!e to think of it% an handso!e !an who asked her out would)e set off the sa!e $hain rea$tion. She didnt want to 'o out with Willia! .ust be$ause he was in the ri'ht pla$e at the ri'ht ti!e. ,nd she hated feelin' desperate. Rose 'ot up% 'athered the $ups and the kettle onto a platter% and $arried the! off to the kit$hen. It wasnt alwa s this wa % she refle$ted. No% she was ne)er the !ost popular 'irl in s$hool% but she had her share of 'u s kno$kin' on her door. -a$k then she dated the kind of bo s e)en a *ra ton 'irl didnt feel ri'ht brin'in' ho!e. 1ike -rad *illon. -rad had bla$k hair% hot brown e es% and $ar)ed bi$eps. ,nd the best ass in the $ount . -ut that was before the Graduation 8air. East 1aporte was too s!all to ha)e its own hi'h s$hool% and !ost kids went to s$hool in the -roken. +here was a tin $hur$h s$hool for people who didnt ha)e the papers or the !one to bribe the prin$ipal of the -roken hi'h s$hool% but aside fro! that% ou were out of lu$k. 8or those who did attend the s$hool in the -roken% hi'h s$hool !eant four ears of pretendin' to be a nor!al -roken person. 8our ears of ha)in' our nose rubbed in how poor ou were and in all the thin's ou $ould ne)er do0 $olle'e% tra)elin'% ha)in' a ni$e house ... +hats wh the Graduation 8air was a hu'e deal. It happened on the thirtieth of 7a % on$e the -roken s$hools let the kids out for the su!!er. It was the ti!e for 'raduatin' seniors to $elebrate their freedo!. E)er one attended. E)en the bluebloods fro! the lands nei'hborin' the Ed'e $a!e on$e in a while% $loaked in the powerful !a'i$s of the Weird. 8ood stalls spran' up alon' the fields ed'e% $ara)ans fro! the Weird arri)ed to e6$han'e their 'oods for the trinkets fro! the -roken% and boun$ ' !s and inflatable water slides were set up for the little kids. On$e e)er one ate and traded% people 'athered at 2rows field to wat$h the seniors show off their flash. +here was nothin' si!pler and !ore $o!pli$ated than a flash0 a burst of !a'i$% pure and dire$t. 1ike li'htnin'. It showed a persons power. +he bri'hter and !ore defined was the flash% the stron'er was the !a'i$ user. +he Ed'er kids kept to the!sel)es e)en in the s$hools of the -roken% and on$e ou hit hi'h s$hool% thats all an one would talk about between $lasses and durin' lun$h0 who flashed what $olor the pre)ious ear. +he best Ed'ers flashed pastel blue or 'reen. 4ou .ust hoped ou didnt $o!e out there and puffed out dark red% the weakest $olor% to the .eers of the audien$e. Onl the bluebloods% the aristo$rats of the Weird% flashed white% and e)en a!on' the!% not e)er one $ould deli)er a $ontrolled whip of power.

Rose rinsed out the $ups and put the! ba$k into the $abinet. 7iddle s$hool had been hell for her. 1eanne and Sarah% the two (ueen bit$hes% pi$ked on her the entire ti!e% be$ause her !o! had slept with Sarahs dad% lured hi! awa fro! Sarahs !other% and then du!ped hi!. Sarahs parents split% and Rose paid the pri$e. She was the dau'hter of a whore% and a be''ar whore at that% a 'irl who was u'l % poor% and 'ood at nothin'. She be'an pra$ti$in' her flash in si6th 'rade. She worked at it with a fanati$al de)otion. She pra$ti$ed for hours% in pri)ate% deter!ined to show the! all. When her !o! died her .unior ear of hi'h s$hool% it onl spurred Rose on. 8lashin' be$a!e an obsession. She pra$ti$ed% and pra$ti$ed% and pra$ti$ed% until !a'i$ flowed fro! her% pliant and obedient. When Rose walked onto that field at the Graduation 8air% her head held hi'h% she knew she was read . She had ears of pra$ti$e behind her. She would finall sho)e it in their fa$es. She opened her hands wide and flashed an ar$h of purest white% as defined as an of the best bluebloods $ould hope to offer. In her $hildish triu!phant drea!s% Rose had i!a'ined people $heerin'% pi$tured herself bein' hired b a blueblood house% re$ei)in' trainin'% 'oin' off to ad)enture in the depths of the Weird. She had done so!ethin' trul re!arkable. Not e)en a burst of ener' % but an ar$h% $risp and sharp like a blade of a s$i!itar that pla ed in her hands like a willin' pet. +op that% ou assholes. 7orbid silen$e 'reeted her. 8ear stabbed her $hest% and she reali=ed suddenl that she !i'ht ha)e !ade a !istake. ,nd then *ad was there at her side% and he pointed his 'un at the audien$e% and he and Grandfather took her off the field (ui$ker than she $ould think% pa$ked her into *ads /eep% and dro)e to the house like wol)es were snappin' at their heels. +hat ni'ht Grand!a didnt sleep3she walked the 'rounds% reinfor$in' the ward stones with her blood. In the !ornin'% four !essen'ers waited b those ward stones. +hree had $o!e fro! the Ed'er fa!ilies% and one fro! a blueblood noble house. Onl the blueblood !an was allowed to enter. &e sat in their kit$hen% an older 'ri==led warrior with a sword on his waist% and laid it all out. Onl bluebloods flashed white. +hat was an unshakable fa$t. In two hundred ears% no Ed'er had deli)ered su$h a fo$used and bri'ht flash. 2oupled with her !others reputation% that $ould !ean onl one thin'0 Rose wasnt her fathers dau'hter. ,t that $on$lusion% Grandpa had to be taken out of the kit$hen to keep fro! skewerin' their 'uest with his rapier. Rose denied it. It si!pl wasnt true0 not onl did she look like a *ra ton% but she was born e6a$tl nine !onths followin' her parents hone !oon. &er !other had lost her )ir'init on

her weddin' ni'ht. +he sleepin' around didnt start until Rose was in her teens3it was the death of her !others parents that had tri''ered it. +he !an shook his head. It didnt !atter% he e6plained. E)en if she was le'iti!ate% no one would belie)e her. +hose of blue blood possessed the potential for 'reat powers. Nobod in their ri'ht !ind $ould i'nore the possibilit that Rose $ould be a des$endant of a noble fa!il % a des$endant who $ould in turn pass that pre$ious blood to her $hildren. 8inall she understood. She had hoped to wow e)er one. Instead she had !arked herself to be used as a brood!are. +he blueblood outlined his ter!s0 a lar'e stipend to her fa!il % a $o!fortable life for her. +he werent offerin' !arria'e% like the other three !essen'ers fro! the Ed'e. ,fter all% the were an aristo$rati$ house% and ha)in' a !on'rel in their bloodline would be beneath the!. +he si!pl e6pe$ted her to produ$e a horde of bastards to be used as retainers for their house. &er father told hi! to 'et out. Its a!a=in' how stupid ou $an be when oure oun'% Rose refle$ted. +wo da s later% she had snu$k awa to see -rad *illon. &e told her% *ont worr % babe. Its us a'ainst the!. We $an take the! all on. +he !ade out% and then he wanted to 'o to a $lub in the $it to show the! all that she wasnt s$ared. &e asked her to 'o out and start her tru$k. &ed lost his li$ense for doin' ninet in a fort #fi)e =one and then pun$hin' a $op% and she had to pla the $hauffeur. She ne)er !ade it to the tru$k. &e $a!e out of the house behind her% brandishin' a bat% s!iled% and $lubbed her o)er the head. She )i)idl re!e!bered his s!ile. It was a s!u' 'rin that said% I! so !u$h s!arter than ou% bit$h. &e didnt hit her (uite hard enou'h. &is plan was to kno$k her out and deli)er her to the Si!oen fa!il . +he Si!oens were alwa s opportunisti$% 'rabbin' at e)er $han$e to 'et a bi''er pie$e of the pie. 1ater she found out that 8rank Si!oen% the fa!il s patriar$h% pro!ised -rad ten 'rand to deli)er Rose. +en 'rand. , fortune for an Ed'er. +he d wanted to 'et her hit$hed to Rob Si!oen% 8ranks son% so Robs babies would one da flash white as well. ,nd -rad had tried. -ut Rose had .erked ba$k at the last !o!ent% and the bat 'lan$ed off% breakin' the skin on her forehead. She stood there% her skull hu!!in' with pain% blood runnin' into her e es% shell#sho$ked. When -rad *illon had swun' that bat a se$ond ti!e to finish the .ob% he found out .ust how hot her flash $ould be. She didnt want to hurt hi!% but

she did. ,nd as he writhed on the 'round at her feet% she $ried and $ried% be$ause in that !o!ent she reali=ed that her life would ne)er be the sa!e. What followed was si6 !onths of hell. +he Ed'e $lans went after her with a )en'ean$e% so!e to 'et her for the!sel)es% others so the $ould sell her to the hi'hest bidder. ,t first she hid% then she fou'ht ba$k. Its true% she had onl one weapon% but a'ainst it there was no defense. Sooner or later she was bound to kill so!eone% and on$e she had fried a drifter hired to kidnap her% the Ed'ers reali=ed that she $ouldnt be $ontrolled and left her alone. Shortl after that% Grandpa died% and then *ad 'ot the idea for his latest brilliant s$he!e and departed% runnin' awa like a thief durin' the ni'ht. ,ll she had left was a note rantin' about treasure and how% when he returned% all of the! would be ri$h. 8our ears had passed. ,ll her drea!s died a (uiet death. She earned her li)in' like !ost poor Ed'ers did0 b workin' a .ob in the -roken for !ini!u! wa'e% paid under the table. She $leaned offi$es and !ade enou'h to bu food and $lothes and a few ite!s to barter when the $ara)ans fro! the Weird $a!e lookin' to trade 5epsi% plasti$% and $lothes for en$hanted 'oods. It was 'ood honest work. It put food on the table. ,nd it killed her a little to do it. She looked outside where the bo s sprawled in the 'rass lookin' at the e)enin' sk . ,t least when her parents had her brothers% the had the presen$e of !ind to ha)e Geor'ie at a hospital down in town and pa a !idwife fro! the -roken to !ake sure /a$k was le'al% too. -oth bo s had -roken birth $ertifi$ates and so$ial se$urit nu!bers. -ut she had been born in the Ed'e. &er dri)ers li$ense was a fake% and her parents had to fork out a s!all fortune to the prin$ipal of her hi'h s$hool be$ause her so$ial se$urit nu!ber belon'ed to so!eone else. ,t least the bo s were le'al. ,nd she wouldnt abandon the! the wa *ad did. She would star)e if she had to% but the would 'o to a s$hool in the -roken. +hat was the 'reat thin' about the -roken0 ou $ould su$$eed there on brains and dri)e alone% no !a'i$ re(uired. When the bo s 'rew up% the would ha)e !ore $hoi$es than she did. Still% she wasnt read to put her drea!s to rest either. One da % shed find a wa to li)e her life to the fullest. She was sure of it. She .ust had no idea how she would !ana'e it. 8O<R +&E wind#up $lo$k s$rea!ed at ten till si6. Rose 'ot up and went about her re'ular !ornin' ritual0 !akin' $offee% fi6in' lun$hes% puttin' on her 2lean#n#-ri'ht unifor!. She barel had a $han$e to taste her first $up of $offee when Geor'ie wandered out of his roo!% sleep e ed% his hair tousled. &e a!bled o)er to the window and awned. Would ou like so!e 7ini#Wheats" she asked.

&e didnt answer. Geor'ie" Geor'ie stared out of the window. 1ord Sessho!aru. +he de!on brother fro! their $o!i$ book" I! sorr " 1ord Sessho!aru% he repeated% pointin' throu'h the window. Rose $a!e to stand behind hi! and fro=e. , tall !an stood at the ed'e of the dri)ewa . , $ape of 'ra wolf fur billowed about hi!% re)ealin' reinfor$ed#leather ar!or% la$(uered 'ra to !at$h his $ape% and a lon' ele'ant sword at his waist. &is hair was a dark% ri$h 'old% and it fra!ed his fa$e in a 'la$ial $as$ade that fell o)er his left shoulder without a tra$e of a $url. Shed seen that hair before% .ust before its owner leaped onto her tru$k. +he po!!el of the se$ond% !u$h lar'er sword% protruded abo)e the !ans ba$k. +he !ans 'a=e fastened on her. &is e es flashed with a white 'low% like two stars. +in hairs rose on the ba$k of her ne$k. +hat isnt 1ord Sessho!aru% Rose whispered. +hats !u$h% !u$h worse. What" Sleep fled fro! Geor'ie% and he stared at her with wide e es. +hats a blueblood. Get /a$k and 'et the 'uns. &urr !

ROSE walked out on the por$h% $arr in' a $rossbow. -ehind her% /a$k la at the left window with his rifle and Geor'ie la at the ri'ht. +he blueblood towered like a spire of 'ra i$e .ust outside the rin' of stones. +all% with broad shoulders and lon' le's% he see!ed knitted fro! !ena$e and !a'i$. Its the wolf $ape% Rose told herself. 7ade hi! look bi''er and s$arier than he was. She stopped .ust before the rin' of wards and looked at his fa$e. &er heart skipped a beat. &is features were $ar)ed with breathtakin' pre$ision% $o!binin' into an o)erwhel!in'l !as$uline et refined fa$e. &e had a tall forehead and a lon' strai'ht nose. &is !outh was wide% with hard narrow lips% his .aw s(uare and bulk % et $rispl $ut. It wasnt a fa$e whose owner s!iled often. &is e es under thi$k 'olden e ebrows fro=e the air in her lun's. *ark 'rass 'reen% the s!oldered with raw power. She suspe$ted that if she stepped o)er the stones and tou$hed his fa$e% hed spark.

Rose leaned her $rossbow on her hip and took a deep breath. 4oure trespassin'% and ou arent wel$o!e. 4oure rude. I find it unattra$ti)e in all people% wo!en espe$iall . &is )oi$e sent a li'ht% )el)et shi)er down her spine. It !at$hed hi!% deep and resonant. Now that the first i!pa$t of his i!possible fa$e had worn off% she saw a network of s!all s$ars near his left e e. &e was real% all ri'ht. &e bled and s$arred .ust like the rest% and that !eant he wouldnt find bullets in his $hest a!usin'. Get off ! land and be on our wa % she said. I ha)e two rifles trained on ou as we speak. +wo rifles !anned b $hildren% he said. *a!n Geor'ie. &e shouldnt ha)e let hi!self be seen. +he wont hesitate to shoot ou% she assured hi!. I $an rip throu'h our wards with one blast. -ullets !ake no differen$e to !e% he said. , white sheen rolled o)er his irises and !elted into their 'reen depths. I$e skittered down her spine on sharp $laws. &e $ould% she reali=ed. +his wasnt an idle threat. &e wasnt the first blueblood shed fended off% but none had talked or looked like hi!. 5eople said that the true aristo$rats% bred for 'enerations deep within !a'i$% were strikin'. If that was true% he !ust)e $o!e fro! the dead $enter of the Weird. What is it ou want" What do ou think I want" She 'ritted her teeth. 1et !e !ake this $o!pletel $lear0 I wont sleep with ou. Surprise fli$kered in his e es. +hi$k e ebrows $rept up. What" Wh " Rose blinked% lost for words. &e a$tuall found it sho$kin' that she didnt fall o)er herself to spread her le's. I! waitin' for an e6planation. Rose $rossed her ar!s. 1et !e 'uess. 4oure the fourth son of a blueblood fa!il down on its lu$k0 no title to te!pt an heiress and no inheritan$e !one to pur$hase a noble bride. 4ou)e heard about the !on'rel Ed'er 'irl who flashes white and de$ided that sin$e ou $ant ha)e an heiress or a title% ou $an at least sire a brood of powerful babies% so ou $a!e to shop for a bride in the Ed'e. I ha)e no ti!e for people like ou.

+rust !e% ou)e ne)er !et an one like !e. &e !ade it sound like a threat. 4ou !ean an arro'ant snob whod for$e a wo!an into his bed without an re'ard for her feelin's" ,$tuall % I)e !et plent . -een there% done that% bou'ht a +#shirt. &e frowned. What do shirts ha)e to do with an thin'" +heres nothin' for ou here. Go awa % or Ill !ake ou 'one. &e 'ri!a$ed. 4oure rude% )ul'ar% and ou speak in an atro$ious fashion. 4oull take so !u$h work before ou $an be presentable. ,nd ou a$tuall feel that oure a suitable spouse for !e" +hat hurt. +hats ri'ht. I! rude and )ul'ar. , !on'rel. +hats wh ou should lea)e !e in pea$e. Run alon' to our fan$ ladies. I! sure one of the! will 'ladl fall on her ba$k for ou and be o)er.o ed to pop out a litter of bluebloods. I wont !arr ou% and I wont be our !istress. 1ea)e us be. I ha)e no intention of lea)in' until I 'et what I want. &e stated it as a fa$t and fi6ed her with his 'a=e. 8ear blo$ked her throat. +here was no 'i)e in those e es and no !er$ . Onl sa)a'e !a'i$ and iron will. If I wish it% oull !arr !e. Shootin' !e% runnin' !e o)er with a )ehi$le% or tr in' to sour ! disposition will do nothin' to help our $ause. She raised her $hin. Ill fi'ht ou to the end% she pro!ised. 4oull ha)e to kill !e. She .erked her $rossbow up% si'htin' his $hest. I ha)e no intention to hurt ou. Go ahead and fire% he said. I wont $ount it a'ainst ou3it will sa)e !e so!e breath. She shot hi!. It happened so fast% she barel saw it0 a thin shield of purest white flashed in front of hi!% strikin' the bolt in !idair. +he !etal and wood disinte'rated. &e looked down on her. 4our bullets and our bolts $ant in.ure !e. Rose bit her lip% fi'htin' a shi)er. It took all of her will to $ontinue 'larin' at his fa$e. +he !ena$e in his e es eased a bit. I understand wh ou insist on bein' unreasonable. +his is to be e6pe$ted% $onsiderin' our upbrin'in'. Still% we ha)e a dile!!a. I !ean to ha)e ou as ! bride. 4ou !ean to refuse !e. , !ans ho!e is his refu'e. I ha)e no wish to share !ine with a feral $at who spends all her ti!e sharpenin' her $laws and thinkin' of in)enti)e

wa s to fla !e when ! 'uard slips. Nor do I want to fi'ht ou% espe$iall not with the $hildren here. +he !i'ht be a$$identall in.ured% and witnessin' our )iolent $lash wouldnt be 'ood for the!. +heres a traditional wa to resol)e this. 2hallen'e !e. What" Rose blinked. Gi)e !e three $hallen'es% he said. +hree tasks. Ill e6$el at ea$h one. When I su$$eed% oull $o!e to !e willin'l and oull obe !e. ,nd if ou fail" &e per!itted hi!self a half s!ile. *ont $on$ern ourself with that possibilit . I wont. If ou fail% oull 'o awa and ne)er bother us a'ain. &e shru''ed. 4es% thats how those thin's are usuall worded. Roses !ind sped throu'h the possibilities. ,nd if I refuse" , white 'low frosted the 'reen irises. +he !a'i$ swelled around hi!% buildin'. It bu$kled in his 'rasp% plain e)en throu'h the two lines of wards. &e was !onstrousl powerful. She 'ot the !essa'e loud and $lear. Rose bit her lip. She had no $hoi$e. She $ouldnt risk fi'htin' hi! strai'ht on% not with the bo s here. &e was )er stron'% and she wasnt a pusho)er. &e was ri'ht3if the $lashed% the bo s !i'ht 'et hurt .ust fro! the $ollision of their !a'i$s. -esides% she wasnt sure she $ould win a dire$t $onfrontation. -ut $hallen'es" She $ould do $hallen'es. If ou $ant outfi'ht an ene! % outs!art hi!% tri$k hi!% swindle hi!3do whate)er it takes to win. +hat was the Ed'er wa . +hree tasks% she said% !ana'in' to sound upbeat. Whate)er I wish" Within the real! of possible% he said. I $ant plu$k the !oon fro! the sk and han' it around our ne$k. I want ou to swear to the ter!s% she said. &e si'hed. ;er well. &e pulled a narrow knife fro! his belt and showed it to her. +he ra s of the risin' sun 'lea!ed% refle$tin' fro! the wi$ked !etal profile of the blade. I% *e$lan Riel 7artel% ade *o!inik% ade 1o'ran% ade Rotibor% Earl of 2a!arine% 1ord of 1on'shire% S) ator% and ;eres% hereb swear to fulfill three tasks 'i)en to !e within the ne6t two weeks b ... &e looked at her.

Rose *ra ton. &e owned !ore titles than +itle7a6. 7a be he $ould pawn so!e of the! off% if he was short on $ash. With his looks and pedi'ree% surel so!e Weird du$hess or baroness would 'ladl !arr hi!. What was he doin' here% shatterin' her life" ... Rose *ra ton% pro)ided the are within hu!an li!its. I swear to $ause no har! to Rose or her fa!il and la no $lai! upon her or her lo)ed ones while I! en'a'ed in this $hallen'e. Should I fail% I swear to lea)e Rose *ra ton and her fa!il in pea$e ... ,li)e and unin.ured% Rose put in. ,li)e and unin.ured. Should I su$$eed% Ill 'ain a ri'ht to $lai! Rose *ra ton. &e sli$ed his pal!. 7a'i$ lashed at Rose. She stu!bled ba$k. +he ward stones rose a foot abo)e the 'round% tre!blin' in e!pt air in a stru''le to defle$t the sur'e of his !a'i$% and $rashed ba$k into their spots. 4our turn. &e held the knife out% handle first. Rose hesitated. &e did swear. +he oath was bindin'. &e $ouldnt $ause her an har!. She stepped o)er the ward lines and rea$hed for the knife. &er fin'ers $losed o)er its $ar)ed bone handle% shaped like the head of a snarlin' $at. I% Rose *ra ton% pro!ise to 'i)e ... God% she $ouldnt e)en re!e!ber his na!es% there were so !an . ... ou three tasks. If ou su$$essfull $o!plete the!% I pro!ise to $o!e with ou ... She paused. What e6a$tl followed" She had to word it in the best wa possible. &e beat her to it. ... and be pleasant and a'reeable. +hat will take a !ira$le. She had e6pe$ted hi! to add and sleep with !e. +he wa he put it left her so!e wi''le roo!. 4oure ri'ht% he said so!ewhat !ournfull . We did a'ree on hu!an li!its. ,nd be pleasant and a'reeable% she bit off before he $han'ed it and ba$ked her into a $orner. I so swear. &opeless. +he $lu!siest oath I)e e)er heard. 4ou)e had no edu$ation at all% ha)e ou" She sli$ed her pal!. 7a'i$ burst fro! her in an e6hilaratin' rush% surprisin' in its intensit . +he stones rose% shi)erin' on$e !ore% and fell. She !i'ht not ha)e his edu$ation% but she had plent of power and a brain. She would handle hi!. &e nodded !atter#of#fa$tl . 4oure !ine.

She felt si$k to her sto!a$h. Well start on the weekend% she said% drawin' herself to her full hei'ht. +wo da s fro! now. *urin' the week% I ha)e to work. &e turned and walked awa without a word. Rose stared after hi!. &e was the sword that had .ust sli$ed her life in half. +he s$reen door ban'ed open. She turned to see both bo s on the por$h. /a$k 'lared after the blueblood. &is e es were an'r . 4ou shouldnt ha)e pro!ised% Rose! I didnt ha)e a $hoi$e. She strode ba$k to the por$h. &e is )er % )er stron'. What if he takes ou awa fro! us" &e wont. Rose looked after the retreatin' 'ra fi'ure. &es a noble. &es used to people fallin' o)er the!sel)es to $ater to hi!. -ut were not his ser)ants. Were Ed'ers. &e !i'ht be stron'er% but were s!arter. We .ust need to stu!p hi! with a $hallen'e. *ont worr . Ill think of so!ethin'. 2an we hide in the -roken if we lose" Geor'ie asked. She si'hed. +hat was )er s!art% Geor'ie% but no. We $ant. 8irst% ! pro!ise is bindin'. If I break it% it will $o!e ba$k to !e in a )er bad wa % and I! not sure bein' in the -roken would keep it fro! $at$hin' !e. Se$ond% so!e people fro! the Weird $an enter the -roken for a few da s without $onse(uen$es. E)en if we ran% theres a $han$e that he would find us ... ,nd he was a lot stron'er% too. /ust the breadth of his shoulders alone showed the kind of stren'th she had no hope of $ounterin'. She had a feelin' that if she shot hi!% hed spit the bullet out% slin' her o)er his shoulder% and dra' her all the wa into the Weird. What she reall needed to do was to sta ho!e to !ake sure she $ould pi$k the kids up fro! the bus stop and wat$h o)er the!. -ut the had to eat% and !issin' a da of work wasnt an option. &er .ob% as bad as it was% was pre$ious. Onl businesses with ties to the Ed'e hired Ed'ers3the rest wanted a so$ial se$urit nu!ber and a dri)ers li$ense% and hers wouldnt stand up to s$rutin . +here were pla$es unaware of the Ed'e that hired ille'al aliens% but $o!petition for those .obs was fier$e% and the !ostl wanted !us$le for !anual labor. She $ould be fired in a blink of an e e% and there would be a line of Ed'ers read to take her pla$e. It doesnt !atter% Rose said fir!l . We wont run. +his is our ho!e. Were 'oin' to do what Ed'ers do best0 well fi'ht dirt . -ut we dont ha)e to do an thin' about hi! till this weekend. 8or now% we .ust ha)e to wat$h oursel)es and think. Grand!a $ant pi$k ou up

toda . Shes off $he$kin' on so!ethin' with ,dele 7oore deep in the Wood. ,nd I ha)e to $at$h a ride with 1ato a% be$ause our tru$k is out of 'as. When ou 'et off the bus% I want ou to $o!e strai'ht ho!e. *o ou understand" *ont talk to an one% dont lin'er% $o!e strai'ht ho!e% 'et inside% lo$k the door% and dont open it to an bod . Espe$iall hi!. She nodded in the dire$tion the blueblood had 'one. She fi6ed the! with her stare. Repeat it ba$k to !e. 2o!e strai'ht ho!e% Geor'ie said. No lin'erin'% /a$k said. Get inside and lo$k the door% Geor'ie said. *ont let the blueblood in% /a$k finished. Rose nodded. It would ha)e to do. E1SIE 7oore hu!!ed softl to herself. It was near ele)en o$lo$k. +i!e for the brun$h. It was 'oin' to be a )er spe$ial brun$h% too0 she wore her prett blue dress and had her fa)orite bab blue silk ribbon in her hair. +he sun still shone bri'ht% the weather was pleasant% the 'arden flowers prett % and the row of stuffed ani!als 'a=ed at her with adoration in their plasti$ e es. Elsie s!iled prettil % takin' her seat at the 'reen plasti$ table. 7r. 5itt% 7r. -rosnan% 7r. 2loone % 7r. -ean% how do ou do" Shall we ha)e so!e tea and bis$uits" Its alwa s a pleasure to see ou% 7r. -ana. +he bears looked suitabl i!pressed with her e6$ellent !anners. ,s the should be3she was a lad . She pi$ked up the tin plasti$ teakettle with little pink roses on the side and held it o)er 7r. -rosnans $up. +he soft fu== paws rea$hed for it. She tsked. 7r. -rosnan% I a! sho$ked at our !anners. 4ou !ust wait until I)e ser)ed the tea to all the 'entle!en. +he bear dropped his paws% lookin' asha!ed at bein' $hastised. , nast feelin' $rept down her ba$k% as if so!eone had poured $old 'oose fat onto her skin. She 'ritted her teeth% tr in' to i'nore it. +his was 'oin' to be a lo)el tea. +he feelin' intensified. +he si$kenin' sli! !a'i$ stu$k to her% tr in' to wor! its wa throu'h her skin into her bon ba$k% and deeper. It was tr in' to 'et inside.

Elsie dropped the teakettle and turned around. It stood on the ed'e of the lawn% a thin' knitted fro! shadows and darkness. It didnt like the li'ht and stu$k to the shadows $ast b the shrubs% blendin' into the 'loo!% so the onl thin' she $ould see $learl were its e es0 two slits of unifor!% sli'htl lu!ines$ent 'ra % like slanted holes into a skull stuffed with rain $louds. She threw a tea$up at it. Go awa ! +he thin' didnt !o)e. , se$ond pair of e es opened abo)e the first% the sa!e dirt 'ra . +he top pair looked at the tea$up rollin' har!lessl in the 'rass. +he botto! pair stared strai'ht at Elsie. +he dreadful feelin' alon' her ba$k 'rew stron'er. +he $old sli!e slid its wa around her ne$k and down. , faint pri$klin' sin'ed her $hest and ba$k% as if a do=en tin needle#feet tested the durabilit of her skin. Elsie s$ree$hed and swiped at the $ups% 'rabbin' the little plasti$ pie$es in a fren= and hurlin' the! one after the other at the baleful e es. Grand!a" ,! e!er'ed fro! the house% wipin' her hands on the $orner of her apron. She ran o)er on pud' le's. Whats the !atter" Elsie pointed with her shudderin' fin'ers at the dark thin'. ,! brushed her $url blond hair fro! her fa$e and s(uinted at the shrubs. What" Its tr in' to 'et !e! It ruined e)er thin'! +he bush" +he bush ruined e)er thin'" Not the bush% the thin'! Elsie pointed strai'ht at the $reature. ,! bent to look in the dire$tion of her fin'er. Grand!a% theres nothin' there but an old $rape ! rtle shrub. Elsie slapped her $heek. Stupid 'irl! ,! drew herself to her full hei'ht. Now that was un#$alled for. Into the house with ou. 1ooks like ou need a pill. No! 4es.

Elsie tried to s$rat$h% but ,! was stron'er and outwei'hed her b a hundred pounds. She was lifted to her feet and 'uided fir!l inside the house. She twisted her head and saw the dark thin' slink to the table. She shrieked% but ,! .ust wrestled her forward. , hu'e !aw split open beneath the four e es% re)ealin' .aws seeded with wi$ked teeth. Elsie $ould do nothin' but s$rea! as the !onster bit into 7r. -ana% rippin' the s!all bod of fur and stuffin' in half. ROSE hea)ed a lar'e ser)i$e )a$uu! into the ba$k of the 2lean#n#-ri'ht ser)i$e )an. 1ato a and +eresa were still inside >aplan Insuran$e. 1ato a was $hattin' up Eri$ >aplan% while +eresa finished the bathroo!. Eri$ was a handso!e fellow% and he did a )er 'ood i!pression of a happ #'o#lu$k % none#too#bri'ht t pe of 'u . 1ato a thou'ht she $ould wrap hi! around her fin'er. Rose had her doubts. It was Eri$s .ob to 'et people to like hi! and bu his insuran$e% and .ud'in' b the swank offi$e% he was rather 'ood at it. &e had su$$eeded where his un$le E!erson had failed. <nfortunatel % his un$le E!erson also ran 2lean#n#-ri'ht% whi$h !ade hi! her boss% and he wasnt half as pleasant as his nephew. Rose leaned a'ainst the )an. Worr sat in the pit of her sto!a$h like a bi' hea) $lu!p of lead. *read had pla'ued her all !ornin'% and she .ust $ouldnt 'et rid of it. <suall she $ould fi'ure out the $ause of her an6iet 3!one worries% !ore often than not3but toda she .ust worried in 'eneral. It wasnt enou'h shed run into a wold9 now there was a blueblood to deal with. Shed !entioned the wold to 1ato a and +eresa% who !ade sho$ked noises% and then +eresa reported shed run into 7a''ie -rewster the other da . 7a''ie% a 'entle $ross#e ed 'irl% had the foresi'ht. ,$$ordin' to +eresa% 7a''ie said so!ethin' bad was $o!in'. She $ouldnt sa what e6a$tl 3+eresa didnt think she knew3but she $ould tell that feelin' it s$ared 7a''ie out of her wits. 7a''ie had been wron' before. She had predi$ted a hurri$ane last O$tober and was $on)in$ed the d all be blown awa . Instead the 'ot $lear skies and /une weather. -ut 7a''ie had been ri'ht before% too. ,nd that worried Rose. She felt as if an in)isible stor! was 'atherin' and she was on the ed'e of it. Rose shut the )an door and .u!ped. Willia! stood ri'ht ne6t to her. &i% he said. She 'ulped. God% ou s$ared !e. Sorr . *idnt !ean to startle ou. &e leaned a'ainst the )an. I was .ust dri)in' b on ! wa to a .ob% saw ou% and thou'ht Id sa hi. &ow are ou"

I! 'ood% thank ou. &ere he was% handso!e and willin'% et she didnt feel an thin' ro!anti$. &er heart didnt flutter. +he reali=ation was kind of freein'. Rose s!iled. She was ri'ht. She didnt need to 'o on a date with hi!. &ow did the first da of s$hool 'o" Willia! asked. It went fine. &e 'rinned. +he didnt ha)e to tie /a$k to his $hair" &e doesnt look like he $ould sit still for lon'er than fi)e !inutes. She lau'hed (uietl . &es a 'ood kid. -oth of the! are 'ood kids. &e nodded. Is there an wa I $an talk ou into lun$h" She shook her head% s!ilin'. I dont think it would be a 'ood idea% Will. Wh not" Its not like I! 'oin' to !aul ou. She looked into his e es and $au'ht a 'li!pse of the sa!e thousand# ard stare hed trained on 5eter 5adrake ba$k in the $o!i$ shop. &e hid it ri'ht awa % but it was there% waitin' inside hi!. Rose hesitated. +his wasnt 'oin' to be eas . So!eti!es two people !eet and there is a $onne$tion of sorts. ,n instant attra$tion. 4ou look at so!ebod and wonder what it would be like. I dont wonder that about ou. 4oure a ni$e handso!e 'u . ,nd I want to like ou in that wa % honestl I do% but theres .ust nothin' there. &e .ust kept s!ilin'% his 'rin plasti$ on his fa$e. I! sorr % she said. +hats harsh% and I feel bad about it% but I dont want to lead ou on. Rose *ra ton. +he )oi$e stopped her in !id#word. She turned on her heel% her hands $len$hin' into fists. -rad *illon% she said% her )oi$e drippin' with )eno!. -rad looked .ust like he used to look in hi'h s$hool% when the d dated. &e had pi$ked up a $ouple of new tattoos and his nose was now pier$ed% but other than that% he was sa!e old -rad. Still the sa!e hot brown e es and handso!e fa$e. Still lookin' like he wanted to pun$h so!ebod % the arro'ant pri$k. She used to think that s!irk was se6 . Now she wanted to slap it off his fa$e. &er 'un was in her tote inside the )an% and -rad wouldnt e6a$tl let her 'et it. Without her 'un% out here in the -roken% -rad had an ad)anta'e. &e was bi''er and stron'er% and Rose

had seen hi! fi'ht enou'h ti!es to know she $ouldnt take hi! b herself. -ut she would !ake it e6pensi)e for hi!. -rad fi6ed his 'a=e on Willia!% si=in' hi! up. *ont know who ou are and dont $are. /ust want to know what oure doin' with ! lefto)ers" Rose bra$ed herself. In a se$ond Willia! would slu' hi!% and when he did% -rad would $o!e ri'ht ba$k at hi!. Willia! looked stron'% but -rad was no pusho)er and he fou'ht hard and dirt . She tensed% read to .u!p ri'ht in. Willia! looked at -rad with a sli'htl bored e6pression. Shes a lous fu$k% -rad said. I feel sorr for ou. Willia! said nothin'. -rad tried a'ain. Id wear two rubbers if I were ou. If ou 'o bareba$k with that whore% our $o$k !i'ht fall off in the !ornin'. 4ou dont want what shes 'ot. Willia!s stare 'ained a harsh ed'e% but Rose $ouldnt tell if he was pissed off or s$ared. +his thin' oure tr in' to start isnt worth ! ti!e% Willia! said. ,re ou done" No. Get on with it. Id lo)e to $hat% but I! 'ettin' kind of hun'r . -rad looked sli'htl $onfused. S$rew off% asshole. Willia! shru''ed. ,n thin' else" -rad 'lared at the two of the!. She tensed% e6pe$tin' hi! to leap at the!% swin'in'. &e ho)ered on the ed'e of )iolen$e% !us$les pla in' alon' his .aw. 2o!e on% she thou'ht. -rin' it. She al!ost wished he would. 4our new !ans a pusho)er. -rad sneered. &e was ba$kin' down. Rose wa)ed her hand% tr in' to hide relief. >eep on walkin'% -rad. -rad turned on his heel and stalked off. 7ust)e de$ided the odds were a'ainst hi!. Willia! s!iled% lookin' ni$e and pleasant% that sa!e flat s!ile 'lued onto his lips. Old bo friend" he asked. She nodded. So!ethin' like that.

-a$k to what we were talkin' about% he said. I appre$iate that ou le)eled with !e. -ut I think if ou 'a)e !e a $han$e% Id $han'e our !ind. I doubt it% she !ur!ured. +he door of the offi$e swun' open% and +eresa e!er'ed into the sunli'ht. Short% sto$k % and dark% +eresa took one look at Willia! and stopped% drinkin' hi! in. I ha)e to 'o% Rose said. +ill ne6t ti!e then. Willia! took a step ba$k and strode off. +eresa raised her e ebrows at her. Rose shook her head and $li!bed into the )an. She had enou'h trouble as it was. She needed to 'et throu'h the da % 'et ho!e% !ake sure the bo s were oka % and think up so!e $hallen'e for the blueblood. She felt bad about $uttin' Willia!s wooin' short% but it was best this wa . It wouldnt 'o an where between the!. 2on$entrate on i!portant thin's% she told herself. +&E da slowl $ooled down to e)enin'. /a$k slipped outside the door and sat on the por$h. +he old wood was war! under his le's% heated b the late afternoon sun. &e s(uinted at it% a bri'ht ellow $oin in the sk . Shin . Rose said to sta inside% but inside was borin'. &e sta ed inside the whole da % in s$hool% and he was 'ood and didnt fi'ht with an bod % didnt e)en s$rat$h , den when he tried to steal his eraser. &e ate the nast fried fish sti$ks without $o!plaints% e)en thou'h the tasted like dirt !i6ed with so!e kind of ! ster !eat. &e didnt 'et an warnin's or ellow ti$kets% and now he wanted to be outside. Whats the point of 'oin' to s$hool if ou $ant 'o outside after" -esides% it was onl four% and Rose wouldnt be ho!e until fi)e#thirt or e)en si6. &e sat silent% wat$hin' the woods with wide#open e es. 1istenin'. So !an little sounds. , bird% so!ewhere far to the north% s$rea!in' at an intruder to its tree. ,n'r % feist s(uirrels swearin' at ea$h other in their s(uirrel $hatter. &e wat$hed the! pla $hase up the blue spike pine. +he skin between his knu$kles it$hed% wantin' to split under his $laws% but he sat still3the pines bran$hes were too skinn . &e $ouldnt $li!b the!. &ed alread tried twi$e% and the d broken under hi! both ti!es% lea)in' hi! s$rat$hed and s!ud'ed with sti$k tar. , bi' bu' landed on the board ne6t to hi!. It was dark blue and 'loss . /a$k held absolutel still. +he beetle waddled alon' the wooden plank on bla$k $hi tinous le's. /a$k tensed% followin' it with his 'a=e. 5rett % shin bu'. 8ootsteps approa$hed fro! inside the house. Geor'ie% about to ruin the fun.

+he beetles ba$k split% releasin' a li'ht fan of shi)erin'% 'entl unfurlin' win's. +he bu' waddled on a$ross the por$h. /a$k $rept after it% soundless and sli$k. /a$k% were supposed to sta inside% Geor'ie s$olded throu'h the s$reen door. +he bu' stopped at the end of the wooden plank% as if $onsiderin' the plun'e to the 'reen 'rass below. Go awa ! /a$k !u!bled throu'h his teeth. +he beetles win's tre!bled a'ain. +he two hal)es of its ba$k rose% like another pair of hard blue win's abo)e its inse$t shoulders. /a$k% 'et ba$k inside! Rose said ... +he beetles win's sped into a blur% and it laun$hed itself into the air. /a$k poun$ed. &e $leared the por$h in a sin'le leap% snappin' at the beetle with his fin'ers% and landed in the 'rass% e!pt #handed. 7issed! Geor'ie .u!ped out onto the por$h. 2o!e ba$k here! /a$k $hased after the beetle. It flew left% then )eered ri'ht% a fat bri'ht bu==in' thin' on a whirl of $rea! win's. &e leaped% so hi'h for a se$ond he was fl in'% and $au'ht the beetle between his pal!s. Got$ha! Sharp le's pier$ed his skin. &e lau'hed and peeked between his fin'ers. /a$k! Geor'ies )oi$e ran' like broken 'lass. , sten$h lashed his nose% bitter and harsh% followed b a $reep feelin' that so!ethin' $old and sli! had dripped on the ba$k of his ne$k. &e whirled. , beast stood on the 'rass. 8i)e feet tall% it balan$ed on four skinn le's% its bod turned at an an'le% its head fa$in' /a$k. Its $hest was deep% and past it% its bod sli!!ed down% ea$h of its ribs $learl )isible% before ter!inatin' in powerful hind(uarters. It looked like a ra$in' do'. ,t first 'lan$e% the beasts hide see!ed al!ost bla$k% but when the sun tou$hed its spine% the thi$k skin stret$hed o)er the beasts ba$k turned a dark s!ok purple tinted with bla$k and 'reen% like a bad bruise. It had no fur% onl a row of short% sharp spikes runnin' down the ba$ks of its le's and alon' its spine.

+he beasts head was lon'% )er lon'% but without an ears. +wo pairs of lon' slanted e es stared at /a$k with dull% weakl 'lowin' 'ra % like fo' ba$klit b headli'hts. In his ad)entures in the Wood% /a$k had looked into the e es of a dire wolf% a fo6% a bear% and $ountless other thin's for whi$h he had no na!e% but none of the! had e es like that. +he were $ruel e es. 2ruel and !er$iless like the e es of a 'ator. +he wards would keep it awa . +he wards ... Out of the $orner of his e e /a$k saw the lines of ward stones3se)eral ards awa . /a$k fro=e. &e was )a'uel aware of Geor'ie on the por$h. &is brother took one s!all step ba$k. +he beast raised its front le'% with a hu'e paw !ade of lon' $lawed fin'ers% and stepped forward. *ont !o)e! /a$k breathed. Geor'ie be$a!e still as a statue. +he beetle slid fro! /a$ks open fin'ers and $rawled up the ba$k of his hand to take fli'ht. /a$k didnt !o)e% didnt e)en blink. &is e)er instin$t s$rea!ed at hi! that to !o)e was to die% and so he stood petrified% $au'ht in his terror. +he beast opened its !outh. Its lips drew ba$k% re)ealin' bla$k .aws filled with terrible bloodred fan's. +he 'a=e of the four e es pinned /a$k in pla$e. /a$k swallowed. +he bra$elet on his wrist 'rew hot% but he knew that if he took the bra$elet off and $han'ed shape% the beast would 'et hi! for sure. &e had to 'et behind the wards. +hat was his onl $han$e. If he ran% the beast would $hase hi!. &e knew b the wa it was built% lean and lon'#le''ed% that it was fast. It would $at$h hi! and rend the !eat off his bones. &e shifted sli'htl % slidin' a !ere in$h ba$k alon' the 'rass. Ri'ht% Geor'ies tre!blin' )oi$e $alled. /a$k turned a little% terrified to take his 'a=e off the four e es% and saw the se$ond beast paddin' slowl alon' the ward line. +he se$ond beast $au'ht hi! lookin' and stopped to show hi! a forest of narrow red fan's. It would $at$h hi! if he !o)ed. +here was no es$ape. &e was $ut off.

/a$ks heart ha!!ered in his $hest% as if tr in' to break free. +he loud beat of his pulse filled his ears% poundin' in his head. +he world turned $r stal $lear. /a$k inhaled deepl % tr in' to keep fro! 'ettin' di== . *ont !o)e% $o!!anded a (uiet )oi$e. /a$k turned his head. , few ards awa the blueblood stood at the ed'e of the lawn. +he 'idd relief that had filled /a$k )anished. +he blueblood was an ene! % too. +he !an stepped forward. &is fur $loak la behind hi! in the 'rass. S!oothl he pulled a lon'% slender sword fro! the sheath at his waist. &is e es looked past /a$k% at the two beasts. -a$k toward !e )er slowl % the blueblood said. /a$k re!ained put. +he blueblood wanted Rose. &e $ouldnt be trusted. +he beasts ad)an$ed. I wont hurt ou% the !an pro!ised. 4ou !ust $o!e $loser. Now. , s$ent drifted down fro! hi!% a li'ht% spi$ aro!a of $lo)es. +he blueblood was hu!an. +he beasts were not. Slowl % as if underwater% /a$k took a step ba$k. +he beasts stepped forward in unison. +hats it% the blueblood said. /a$k $len$hed on to that )oi$e and took another slow step. +he beasts !o)ed $loser. , third step. &e saw the !us$les bun$h on their le's and knew the were about to $har'e. Run! the blueblood barked and sprinted to hi!. /a$k dashed. &e flew a$ross the 'rass like there were win's on his feet. Out of the $orner of his e es% he saw the dark shapes )eerin' to flank hi!. +he would $at$h hi!% the would ... , hand 'rasped his shoulder and pulled hi! forward% past the !an into the 'rass. /a$k rolled% $o!in' to a $rou$h.

+he left beast leapt into the air. +he blueblood slashed with his sword% and two hal)es of a dark bod fell into the 'rass% twit$hin'. +he blade shone a'ain like a sli)er of !oonli'ht% and the se$ond beasts head boun$ed off the lawn. +he blueblood raised his hand and sank a short burst of white into the left beast% first one half% then the other. ,$rid s!oke rose% s$rat$hin' the ba$k of /a$ks throat. +he beasts le's stopped (ui)erin'. +he blueblood put another shot of white into the head of the se$ond beast% turned% and bent down. /a$k felt hi!self s$ooped off the 'round% and he $lut$hed onto the !ans ne$k. Ene! or friend% he didnt $are. +he blueblood was war! and hu!an% and he had a bi' sword. 4ou did well% the blueblood said. /a$k held on ti'hter. &is bod shook and shi)ered% as if he were free=in'. Geor'ie ran off the por$h and halted at the ward line% lookin' white enou'h to be dead. +he blueblood $arried /a$k to the line of wards and nodded at Geor'ie. 7o)e the ro$ks. Geor'ie hesitated onl for a !inute. 8RI*,4% Rose !ur!ured to herself% stridin' up the road to the house. +o!orrow was 8rida % pa da . Shed 'et her three hundred bu$ks and put so!e 'as into the da!n tru$k. >itt ears or not% she wouldnt 'o without 'as a'ain. ,ll afternoon she had been pla'ued b an6iet . It started the !o!ent she wat$hed the kids board the bus and kept buildin' and buildin'% until it blosso!ed into a full#blown dread. +he kids were well e(uipped to handle two hours at ho!e b the!sel)es. +he knew how to shoot both the rifle and a $rossbow% and the were safe behind the wards. -ut the worr spurred her on% and a !ile fro! the house% she shouldered her tote and broke into a .o'. She turned onto their narrow dirt path and ran past the bushes and into the ard. +hree dark stains dotted the 'rass% s!okin'% spreadin' foul !a'i$ into the air. +he s!ell hit her like a pun$h to the 'ut0 the thi$k rotten sten$h of 'reas roast burned o)er a fire and left to rot. Rose 'a''ed and sprinted up the steps to the house. She tore the door open% $leared the li)in' roo!% and burst into the kit$hen. +he bo s sat at the table% wat$hin' the blueblood noble at the sto)e. &e held a fr in' pan in one hand and a kit$hen towel in the other. Rose barel noti$ed as her tote slipped off her shoulder and fell to the floor% the 'un !akin' a dull $lan'.

+he four of the! stared at ea$h other. +he blueblood flipped a pan$ake with a short toss of the pan. 8I;E 4O< let hi! in" +he bo s $rin'ed. Inside" Into our house" Geor'ie du$ked as if she had thrown so!ethin' at hi!. Ill deal with ou later. Rose fi6ed the blueblood with her 'a=e. 4ou3lea)e now. &e slid the pan$ake onto a three#in$h#tall sta$k% dipped a spoon into the su'ar bowl% sprinkled su'ar onto the pan$ake% and looked at her brothers. +he first rule of eti(uette a bo learns when hes about to enter so$iet is that $i)ilit is due to all wo!en. No pro)o$ation% no !atter how un.ust and rudel deli)ered% $an )alidate a !an who fails to treat a wo!an with an thin' less than ut!ost $ourtes . +he bo s hun' on his e)er word. &e 'lan$ed in her dire$tion. I ha)e !et so!e in$redibl unpleasant wo!en% and I ha)e ne)er failed in this dut . -ut I !ust ad!it0 our sister !a pro)e ! undoin'. Rose pulled the !a'i$ to her. Get out. &e shook his head with a $riti$al look on his fa$e. She $len$hed her fist. 4ou ha)e ten se$onds to e6it ! house% or Ill fr ou.

If ou tr fr in' !e% Ill be seriousl put out% he said. -esides% pan$akes taste !u$h better fried% 'i)en that the are sweet and fluff and I! full of 'ristle. Would ou like one" &e held the platter out to her. +he !a'i$ )ibrated in her% read to be released. /a$k slid off his $hair and stood in front of the blueblood% blo$kin' her. 7o)e!

&e sa)ed !e fro! the beasts% /a$k said (uietl . What beasts" +he beasts outside. +he atta$ked !e. &ow do ou know he didnt $on.ure the beasts in the first pla$e" +o what purpose" the blueblood asked. +o 'et into the house! ,nd wh % pra tell% would I want to do that" Rose halted. She wasnt sure wh he would want to do that. If there was so!ethin' he hoped to 'ain b enterin' the house% she $ouldnt think of it. I dont know% she said. -ut I dont trust ou. &e nodded to the bo s. Start on the pan$akes. 4our sister and I need to ha)e a talk. &e !o)ed toward her. She raised her head. If he thou'ht he $ould order her around in her own house% he was in for a hell of a surprise. 8ine. Well talk outside. Where /a$k $ouldnt shield hi!. +he blueblood nodded% sidestepped her with s!ooth 'ra$e% and held the front door open for her. *ont hurt hi!% Rose! Geor'ie said. /a$k looked like a wet kitten0 !iserable. Rose !ar$hed onto the por$h% shut both the door and the s$reen door fir!l behind her% and pointed to the path. Roads that wa . &e des$ended the steps. Without the $ape% he didnt see! (uite as !assi)e. +he li'ht% supple leather of his bla$k .erkin hu''ed his broad% !us$ular ba$k% whi$h sli!!ed to a narrow waist $au'ht b a leather belt% and lon' runners le's in 'ra pants and tall dark boots. &is !o)e!ents had a sure but li'ht (ualit about the!. &e wasted no 'esture% e$ono!i$al et adroit% and as he walked a$ross the 'rass to the s!okin' stains% she was re!inded of her 'randfather. 2letus had !o)ed like that% with the a'ilit of a natural fen$er. -ut where her 'randfather had been lean and relied on speed% the blueblood% while probabl fast% looked )er stron'. She had a feelin' that if he hadnt .u!ped onto her 8ord% the old tru$k would ha)e $ru!pled around hi! like an e!pt soda $an.

+he blueblood stopped b the stain and 'lan$ed at her. She $rossed her ar!s. &e held out his hand% in)itin' her to .oin hi!. 8at $han$e. 5lease 'ra$e !e with our presen$e% he said as if she were a lad at so!e ball and he was in)itin' her on a bal$on for a pri)ate $hat. &e was !o$kin' her. She bristled. I $an see e)er thin' fro! here. *o ou $are for our brothers" Of $ourse I do. +hen I fail to understand wh $arr ou" ou take their safet so li'htl . 2o!e here% please. Or should I

She .u!ped off the por$h and walked o)er. Id like to see ou tr . *ont te!pt !e. &e knelt b the stain and held his hand abo)e it. +he power $oales$ed below his pal!. &e !ur!ured so!ethin' in a lan'ua'e she didnt understand. +he !a'i$ flowed% followin' his words% and the s!oke $ondensed into a shape. ,n awful beast stared at her. It was tall and lon'% with the deep $hest and hind(uarters of a 're hound. Its head on a lon' ne$k was al!ost horse#like in shape% e6$ept for the four dull 'ra slits of the slanted e es. +he $reatures paws were disproportionatel lar'e% their fin'ers lon' and ar!ed with three#in$h $laws. +he thou'ht of those $laws rippin' into /a$k !ade Rose 'ulp. Obe in' the wa)e of the bluebloods hand% the beast opened his !outh. Its head nearl split in half% its !aw 'apin' wide% wider% showin' rows of trian'ular teeth% bloodred and serrated% desi'ned to shred !eat. +here were two of the!% the blueblood said softl . One $a!e fro! the left and the other fro! behind the house. +he stalked /a$k and !eant to kill hi!. I understand that our edu$ation is la$kin' and ou dont trust !e% so listen to our instin$ts instead0 ou know that this is an aberration. +his isnt an ani!al% but so!ethin' else entirel . 5ut our hand into it. What" +ou$h it. 4oull feel the residual tra$es of its !a'i$. It wont har! ou. 2autiousl Rose tou$hed the s!oke. &er fin'ers tin'led with !a'i$% and she felt it% an awful sensation of tou$hin' so!ethin' sli! and rottin'% et $oarse% as if shed stu$k her hand into a putrid $ar$ass and found it filled with sharp 'rains of sand. She re$oiled.

+hat wasnt enou'h. She had to learn !ore. Rose for$ed her fin'ers ba$k into the s!oke. +he re)oltin' sensation $lai!ed her hand a'ain% and she 'ri!a$ed% lookin' awa % but held her hand within the $reature. &er fin'ers nu!bed% and then she sensed a distant e$ho of foul !a'i$% pulsin' like a li)e wire within the !e!or of the beast. It was an alien !a'i$% i!passi)e and $old like the bla$kness between the stars. Rose withdrew her hand and shook it% tr in' to flin' the !e!or of the feelin' fro! her fin'ers. &e was ri'ht. +his was no natural ani!al. +he blueblood $ollapsed the s!oke shape and offered her his hand. +ou$h !e. She stared at his pal!. 2alloused. 5robabl fro! swin'in' that blood sword. I wont bite% he said. Not until oure in ! bed% an wa . Ne)er happen. She put her hand into his. 7a'i$ slid into her fin'ers. &e was lettin' her see his power. It shone within hi!% war! and white% like a distant star. +he star di!!ed and )anished% as if hidden b a $loak% and suddenl Rose found her fin'ers in the hand of a !an% who was stud in' her with a knowin' s!irk. &is skin was war! and rou'h% his 'rip fir!% and her !ind $a!e ri'ht ba$k to his bitin' in bed re!ark. Rose .erked her hand out of his fin'ers. &is point was $lear0 e)en she knew that to su!!on those beasts% he would)e had to open hi!self to their 'reed !a'i$. It $lun' to her still% tr in' to wor! its wa inside. ,n bod in prolon'ed $onta$t with the beasts or their sour$e would be per!anentl tainted. She had dete$ted none of their !ias!a within the blueblood. &e was $lean. +he blueblood raised his hands% as if askin' for her feedba$k. 4ou)e !ade our point% she ad!itted. 4ou didnt brin' the! here. 4ou)e !ade !u$h of our edu$ation% so I take it ou know what the are. What are the % and what do the want" &e looked lost in thou'ht for a !o!ent. I ha)e no idea% he said. I! $allin' the! :hounds for now. Great. 8antasti$. I know the wanted to kill /a$k% he said. I dont belie)e he was a parti$ular tar'et. +he would)e 'one for an one else in his pla$e. +heir !a'i$ is ... 2lin' % she supplied.

+he blueblood nodded. It seeks to assi!ilate. Its dan'erous. +hank ou% 2aptain Ob)ious. +hats wh Ill sta with ou toni'ht% he said. Rose blinked. What" I didnt $o!e all this wa to ha)e ! future bride $onsu!ed b so!e aberration. 4oure ill e(uipped to deal with this threat. If our sensibilities wont per!it ! presen$e in our house% then Ill re!ain here. &e pointed to the por$h. No! 4es. &e turned his ba$k to her% walked onto the por$h% and sat on the steps. I want ou to lea)e. I! afraid its not possible. See% I pro!ised our brothers that Ill keep the! safe toni'ht% and I wont 'o ba$k on ! word. Its our ri'ht not to in)ite !e inside% but I would appre$iate a blanket. +hat would be si!ple hu!an $harit . Rose felt like sto!pin'% e6$ept she didnt want to 'i)e hi! the satisfa$tion of knowin' how !u$h he irritated her. +his is unne$essar % she said. Were safe behind the wards. I! not so sure. 1ook% I appre$iate our intentions% but I want ou to lea)e. Now. &e i'nored her. Rose 'lan$ed at the house and saw two little fa$es behind the window s$reens. Great. What to do now" -lueblood or no% he had sa)ed /a$k. &e had sworn not to har! the!% and flashin' a !an who was doin' nothin' to atta$k her went a'ainst her e)er instin$t. &e $ouldnt reall be tr in' to prote$t the!. +hat would be ... noble. She al!ost 'uffawed at the pun. 8ati'ue !u''ed her like a wet blanket thrown o)er her head. It had been a terrible da % and she had no ener' to ar'ue. 8ine. 4oure wel$o!e to the por$h.

Rose went inside% pullin' the door shut with a thud. +he bo s stared at her. If he tries to $o!e inside% shoot hi!% she said and headed for the shower. SO7E+I7ES si!ple pleasures are best% and nothin' $o!pared with a shower after work. &a)in' spent the entire da s(uirtin' $leaners and s$rubbin' offi$e $ounters and walls% Rose now thorou'hl s$rubbed herself with Irish Sprin' and a fake sea spon'e. It took her ten !inutes to drown the da in sha!poo and soap% and when she e!er'ed% put on $lean $lothes% and brushed her wet hair% she felt al!ost hu!an. While she was in the shower% her fur at the bluebloods intrusion slowl !elted into un$o!fortable unease. +he blueblood had sa)ed /a$k. &ed sta ed with the! be$ause the were s$ared and e)en !ade the! food% and then shed treated hi! like dirt. She felt bad about it. +his is stupid% Rose told herself. &e was here to for$e her into !arria'e. ,ll of this $ould be an a$t. She owed hi! no s !path . +he $reatures that had atta$ked /a$k terrified her to the )er depths of her bein'. Rose wished she $ould speak to Grand!a% but with the e)enin' rollin' into ni'ht% the trip would ha)e to wait until the !ornin'. ,nd Grand!a AlBonore% althou'h she would use a phone in a pin$h% refused to keep one at her house. In the kit$hen% /a$k brou'ht her a pan$ake on a blue !etal plate. Its 'ood% he told her. &e !ade the! spe$ial. See% he put su'ar on the!. Oh% for hea)ens sake. +ell !e e)er thin'% fro! the be'innin'. +en !inutes later% she pie$ed to'ether the whole stor . +he blueblood had $ut the beasts to pie$es in a feat of in$redible !artial prowess de!onstrated b Geor'ie with !u$h )i'orous wa)in' of his fork% brou'ht /a$k inside% pro!ised the! that nothin' bad was 'oin' to 'et the! while the were in his $are% and then pro$eeded to !ake pan$akes. If he so!ehow sta'ed this whole thin'% whi$h was still a possibilit % it was !asterfull done. +he bo s were now $on)in$ed that he $ould !o)e hea)en and earth. In their e es% in the spa$e of an hour% the blueblood went fro! the shoot on si'ht )illain to a 'lorious hero of un!at$hed !anliness. *id he eat" +he bo s shook their heads. Great. Now she had a hun'r hero on the por$h without food or blanket. ,nd her )a'ue unease had blosso!ed into full#blown 'uilt. 2o!pletel $ra= % she refle$ted as she pulled so!e sausa'e fro! the frid'e and fried it. She should be shootin' hi! in the head. Rose di)ided the sausa'e onto four plates. Eat our dinner.

She put a fork and a knife onto one of the plates. Geor'ie .u!ped off his $hair% poured i$ed tea into a plasti$ $up% and handed it to her. Rose rolled her e es and took the food and the tea o)er to the por$h. &e sat in the sa!e spot she had left hi!% starin' at the sk $olored with the first hint of sunset. +he wind swiped stra hairs fro! his lon' blond !ane. &is hu'e sword la ne6t to hi!. E)en at pea$e% he e!anated !ena$e. +hrow the plate at hi! and run% she told herself. She set the plate ne6t to hi!. +hank ou% he said. Now he thanked ou and ou 'o ba$k inside. Instead she leaned a'ainst the por$h post. ,re ou reall 'oin' to spend the ni'ht on ! por$h" 4es. I $an perfe$tl take $are of us ! self. Its fi6in' to 'et dark. 4ou should 'o ba$k to where)er oure sta in'. I! sure ! tent will 'reatl !iss !e% he said. , tent" 4es. 4oure sleepin' in a tent" Wh " ,re ou out of !one " On the $ontrar . &e rea$hed into his .erkin and produ$ed a s!all leather wallet se$ured b a strap. &e undid the strap% dipped his hand inside% and produ$ed a 'old $oin. +he sunset ra s 'linted on the !etal surfa$e. , s!all fortune. She wondered how !u$h it was worth. Would it feed the! for two weeks" +hree" So whats the proble!" &is fa$e wore a perple6ed e6pression. I tried to seek lod'in'% but unfortunatel !ost of our nei'hbors suffer fro! a $riti$al la$k of trust. +he see !e $o!in' and lo$k their doors

and shutter their windows% and no a!ount of ellin' and wallet wa)in' $an persuade the! to listen to reason. Rose pi$tured hi! standin' at the boundar of the O'letree house in that enor!ous fur $ape% with a 'iant sword sti$kin' o)er his shoulder% roarin' at the top of his lun's and then bein' upset that nobod $a!e out% and lau'hed. I! sure ! predi$a!ent see!s hilarious to ou% he said dr l . 4ou li)e in an insane pla$e populated b !ad people without a shred of $ourtes . &a)e ou tried the 7$2alls down south" +he $ould use the !one . &e turned up his nose% oo=in' aristo$rati$ hau'htiness like it was $heap $olo'ne. I wont sta in a sha$k. Well% e6$use !e% 4our &i'hness. She lau'hed harder. So!e !en in ! situation would find our 'i''lin' offensi)e. I $ant help it. It !ust be ner)es. She shook with lau'hter. +he fear that $urled inside her in a s!all% $old $hunk of i$e !elted. +he blueblood wasnt har!less3far fro! it3but on$e she had lau'hed at so!eone% it was hard to 'o ba$k to full#out terror. 4ou $ould let !e sta here. I would pa ou% of $ourse. &e dropped the $oin into the wallet. It !ade a !etalli$ $link% announ$in' there were !an !ore .ust like it. Oh% oure 'ood% she said. 4ou want !e to let ou sta in our house" Wh not" I alread pro!ised to prote$t ou% so I! bound to this propert b ! own word% at least for toni'ht. 4ou !i'ht .ust as well !ake so!e !one fro! ! !isfortune. 4oure unbelie)able. Rose shook her head. Wh in the world did he want to 'et into her house so !u$h" , s!all part of her wondered if he reall was worried about the kids% but a !u$h bi''er part of her shook its head in $ ni$al disbelief. &e was a blueblood. &e didnt 'i)e a da!n about !on'rel Ed'er bo s. I! si!pl pra'!ati$. 4ou probabl ha)e a spare bed in that house% whi$h% I hope% is $lean and soft% and therefore !u$h preferable to the hard wooden floor of this por$h. She a$tuall $onsidered it. &e $ould bust her door down with one sho)e of his shoulder. In fa$t% he $ould probabl 'o throu'h a wall% if he set his !ind to it. In ter!s of their safet % ha)in' hi! on the por$h or in the house !ade absolutel no differen$e. +he !one would be !ost wel$o!e. She $ould bu beef instead of $hi$ken for on$e. ,n e6tra set of unifor!s

for Geor'ie. 1un$hables for the kids. +he alwa s wanted the!% but at FG.HI a pop% the were a rare treat. +his would be a purel business arran'e!ent% separate fro! our other a'ree!ent% she warned. Of $ourse. I want ou to swear that ou wont atte!pt to !olest !e. &e looked her o)er )er slowl . If I $hose to !olest ou% it wouldnt be an atte!pt. ,nd ou would be !ost enthusiasti$ about it. Rose felt heat rise to her $heeks. On se$ond thou'ht% I! not sure that ! house is bi' enou'h to $ontain ou and our e'o. 8ew pla$es are. 5ro!ise or sleep outside. If ou insist. I would prefer to hear the words. &e si'hed. I pro!ise not to !olest ou% no !atter how te!ptin'. Or the $hildren. +he s!ile )anished fro! his fa$e. &is e ebrows $a!e to'ether% and his e es 'rew dark. I! a noble of the house 2a!arine. I dont !olest $hildren. I wont be insulted3 I dont $are% she interrupted. 4ou $an beat our $hest with our fist in ri'hteous indi'nation% or ou $an swear and sleep inside. 4our $hoi$e. 4oure the !ost infuriatin' wo!an I ha)e e)er !et. I swear not to !olest the bo s% he 'round out. Rose held out her hand% and he dropped a 'old $oin into her pal!. , Weird doubloon. E)en with the dra$onian fee 7a6 +a lor $har'ed for $on)ertin' 'old into dollars% the little $oin was food for a !onth. I dont ha)e $han'e. *o ou ha)e so!ethin' s!aller" >eep it% he 'rowled. Suit ourself. She opened the door with a !o$k bow and a bi' s!ile. 5lease% 4our &i'hness.

7 1ord 2a!arine will do. Whate)er. She ushered hi! inside. +he bo s had polished off the food and were washin' their plates. Geor'ie% fet$h his plate and drink fro! the por$h% please. &e will be sta in' in *ads bedroo! toni'ht3he paid for it. 4oure sleepin' in ! roo! on the floor. +he blueblood 'rowled low in his throat. In thirt se$onds Rose and the blueblood sat at the table a$ross fro! ea$h other. Rose tried the pan$akes. +he were predi$tabl $old% but still deli$ious% and she was ra)enous. God% these are 'ood. Slowl . Rose raised her 'a=e fro! her plate. &e sat )er strai'ht at the table% $uttin' the pan$ake with sur'i$al pre$ision. Eat slowl % the blueblood said. *ont $ut our food with the fork. 2ut it with the knife% and !ake the pie$es s!all enou'h so ou $an answer a (uestion without ha)in' to swallow first. Wh !e" Ri'ht. ,n other tips" &er sar$as! whistled ri'ht o)er his head. 4es. 1ook at !e and not at our plate. If ou ha)e to look at our plate% 'lan$e at it o$$asionall . Rose put down her fork. 1ord Sub!arine ... 2a!arine. Whate)er. 4ou $an $all !e *e$lan. &e said it as if 'rantin' her kni'hthood. +he ner)e. *e$lan% then. &ow did ou spend our da " &e frowned. Its a si!ple (uestion0 &ow did ou spend our da " What did ou do prior to the fi'ht and pan$ake !akin'"

I rested fro! ! .ourne % he said with a sudden re'al air. 4ou took a nap. 5ossibl . I spent ! da s$rubbin'% )a$uu!in'% and dustin' ten offi$es in the -roken. I 'ot there at se)en thirt in the !ornin' and left at si6. 7 ba$k hurts% I $an still s!ell blea$h on ! fin'ers% and ! feet feel as flat as these pan$akes. +o!orrow% I ha)e to 'o ba$k to work% and I want to eat ! food in pea$e and (uiet. I ha)e 'ood table !anners. +he !a not be 'ood enou'h for ou% but the re definitel 'ood enou'h for the Ed'e% and the are the hei'ht of so$ial 'ra$es for this house. So please keep our $riti(ue to ourself. +he look on his fa$e was worth ha)in' hi! under her roof. ,s if he had 'otten slapped. She s!iled at hi!. Oh% and thank ou for the pan$akes. +he are deli$ious. SIJ ROSE awoke earl . She had slept badl % in short bursts% wakin' up e)er hour or so to $he$k on the kids. +wi$e she thou'ht she heard so!ethin' outside% and she went out onto the por$h to in)esti'ate. She found nothin'. /ust the ni'ht% whi$h% so !undane a da before% suddenl see!ed sinister and full of dan'er. When she did fall asleep% she drea!t of !onsters% $hildren s$rea!in'% and slidin' out of $ontrol on wet !ud that see!ed ne)er to end. - fi)e% she 'a)e up on sleepin' and dra''ed herself upri'ht to !ake $offee. She passed b her fathers bedroo!. +he door was $losed. 1ast ni'ht she had 'i)en *e$lan a brief tour of the house% startin' with the bathroo!. &e see!ed to ha)e !atters well in hand. Rose wasnt surprised. +he e6isten$e of the -roken wasnt e6a$tl publi$ knowled'e in the Weird% but so!e nobilit were aware of it% .ust like a few sele$t -roken residents were aware of the e6isten$e of the Weird. &e was probabl hi'h enou'h on the so$ial ladder to be pri) to se$ret infor!ation. +our finished% Rose 'a)e *e$lan a spare toothbrush3his doubloon had paid for it and !ore 3and a fresh towel% and !ade up *ads bed with $lean sheets and blankets. +he kids told hi! 'ood ni'ht% and he disappeared behind the door. She hadnt seen hi! in her !idni'ht wanderin's. Whate)er phanto! noises had troubled her failed to bother hi!. Rose briefl $onsidered kno$kin' on the door but de$ided a'ainst it. She didnt ha)e to lea)e% not et% and she $ould use a $al! !o!ent with a $up of $offee before the kids rose.

She opened the windows to let fresh air in% boiled $offee in a s!all !etal ewer her father $alled an ibrik% allowin' the $offee to foa! up twi$e before per!anentl takin' it off the heat% poured herself a $up with a little bit of !ilk% and sat down at the table% full intendin' to sa)or the drink. In front of her% wide windows offered the )iew of the lawn runnin' into shrubs borderin' the 'rass. -e ond the! she saw the path $urlin' into !ist 'loo! between the trees. In the pre#dawn li'ht% the lea)es and the 'rass were dark and wet with dew. , $hill filtered throu'h the s$reen on the window. On !ornin's like this% she was 'rateful for a roof o)er her head and $offee. Rose brou'ht the $up to her lips% blew 'entl % and tou$hed the ri!. Still too hot. +he $reatures disturbed her. Shed ne)er sensed an thin' so ... so alien. ,ll !a'i$ had a natural $onne$tion% e)en the )ilest kind% but the beasts were dis$onne$ted fro! e)er thin'. +he werent undead9 the werent $on.ured% ani!ated% or trans!uted. +o do an of those thin's% one had to start with a natural ele!ent0 ro$k% !etal% li)in' tissue% and that base left an i!print on the final $reation. +he beasts !a'i$ had no ties to an thin'. ,s !u$h as it pained her to ad!it% she was deepl 'rateful that *e$lan happened to $o!e alon' to sa)e /a$k. +hat% far !ore than the doubloon% had earned hi! a sta in her house. &er !e!or ser)ed up *e$lan% burstin' with power% his e es i$ed o)er with radiant whiteK &e was so!ethin' else. Shed thou'ht of hi! se)eral ti!es last ni'ht% durin' her rela of $atnaps and paranoid wakefulness. She still wanted to tou$h his fa$e .ust to reassure herself that he was indeed flesh and bone. Rose dra''ed her !ind ba$k to the proble! of the bo s. Without her tru$k% she had no wa of 'ettin' the kids safel to and fro! the bus stop. 1ettin' the! walk b the!sel)es was out of the (uestion% not with those $reatures around. She had to be at work b se)en thirt and would likel sta there until fi)e% if she was lu$k % or si6. +he kids were released at three thirt in the afternoon% and the bus dropped the! off at three fort #fi)e. +he $ouldnt walk up to the house b the!sel)es% not with those beasts around% and she didnt feel $o!fortable !akin' the! wait that lon' b the !ain road. Grand!a was likel still at ,deles. +he old wo!an li)ed deep in the Wood% and whene)er Grand!a )isited her% she usuall lin'ered o)erni'ht. +he bo s $ouldnt wait for two hours b the bus stop. +he -roken had its predators as well. +he would ha)e to skip a da . , !o)e!ent on the path !ade her stret$h her ne$k to 'et a better look. *e$lan e!er'ed fro! the shadow trail% runnin'. She .erked upri'ht% e6pe$tin' pursuit. &e ran to the lawn% leaned forward for a !o!ent% shakin' his head% and be'an to $ir$le the house slowl in that telltale .o''er wa % walkin' off the burn in his lun's. Rose dropped ba$k into her $hair. &er pulse ha!!ered. 5ri$kl needles of adrenaline rush nipped at her ar!s. *a!n hi!.

&e probabl didnt know the !eanin' of runnin' fro! his atta$ker% arro'ant ass that he was. 2hew slowl % indeed. She understood wh he was the wa he was. Shed read the En$ $lopedia of the Weird and other books she bartered fro! the $ara)ans. +he nobles of the Weird en.o ed un!at$hed power. +he ruled o)er their do!ains as indi)iduals and o)er their $ountries as asse!blies under the wat$h of a $onstitutional !onar$h. +he were painstakin'l bred% edu$ated fro! birth% and brou'ht up with the sense of belon'in' to the elite. 1ike purebred show do's 'roo!ed for obedien$e trainin' $o!petitions. +heir li)es had stri$t rules. It was not reall his fault for tr in' to i!pose the! on e)er one3he si!pl didnt know of an other wa to be. -ut .ust be$ause she understood where he was $o!in' fro! didnt !ake hi! wel$o!e. *e$lan $o!pleted his $ir$le and stopped ri'ht in front of the por$h. &e wore dark pants% a shirt with ripped#off slee)es that left his ar!s e6posed% and li'ht boots. Ni$e ar!s ... +he wa he had su!!oned an i!a'e of that beast esterda 9 now that was i!pressi)e. She wanted so badl to learn how he did it% shed al!ost asked. ,l!ost. &ed lau'h in her fa$e. &e alread thou'ht she was an i'norant% rude !on'rel. No need to 'i)e hi! !ore a!!unition. +he hu'e sword was still on his ba$k. &e shru''ed it off and pulled off his shirt. Rose paused with the $up halfwa to her lips. &is 'olden hair% da!p with sweat% spilled down his ba$k. +all% bi' boned% la ered with $ar)ed !us$le% he was !ade with stren'th in !ind% but the !assi)e width of his shoulders and $hest tapered to a flat sto!a$h and narrow waist. &is hips were lean% his le's lon' and powerful. *espite all his bulk% there was a honed sleekness about hi!3he was stron'% supple% and (ui$k% a !an who spent all his life sharpenin' his bod into a weapon. +hats what the did% the nobles of the Weird. +heir ulti!ate purpose was to lead ar!ies into battle. *e$lan turned )er sli'htl . It was a tin !o)e!ent% but she $au'ht it3hed $he$ked that he $ould be seen fro! the window. &a! &e was showin' off for her benefit. Rose s!iled into her $up. -lueblood or not% he was still a !an. *e$lan fle6ed a little% displa in' a perfe$t $hest to the 'rass% and stret$hed. Rose leaned her head to the side% followin' his !o)e!ent as he turned% lettin' her stare trail the sharp line of his bi$eps to his !us$led ba$k% and o)er his $hest to his flat% rid'ed sto!a$h. +he reall did know how to !ake the! in the Weird. No hair on his $hest or sto!a$h. ,ll of that !us$le $lothed in 'olden skin% sli$ked with sweat fro! runnin'. ,'ainst the $old fo' of the !ornin'% he radiated heat as if lit fro! within b

his own war! 'low. &e was beautiful. E)en his i$eber' e es were $apti)atin' despite the !ena$e. She drank her $offee. &e !ust)e done so!ethin' trul awful to ha)e to look for a bride in the Ed'e. 7a be he was a rapist ... No% she de$ided. She .ust didnt feel that $reep )ibe fro! hi!. , killer !a be" 7urdered the son of so!ebod i!portant in a duel" +hat she $ould see. &e pi$ked up his sword. Now what" *e$lan held the blade abo)e his head% pointin' parallel to the 'rass. 8or a lon' !o!ent he stood still% utterl fo$used% and then erupted into sharp strikes. &e slashed and thrust% fluid !us$les rollin' under his skin% faster and faster% $uttin' down in)isible opponents in a lethal dan$e born of !eldin' the sword fi'ht and art. +hat was entirel !ore than a wo!an $ould take. Rose lowered her $up to the table% leaned her head on her elbow% and si!pl wat$hed. She harbored no illusions. +he onl )alue she had to hi! was in her abilit to flash and bear $hildren. If she a'reed to be$o!e his bride or his !istress% she would li)e in the house of a $old fri'id !an who would probabl despise her% a!on' people who would be so bus lookin' down on her be$ause of what she was% the would ha)e no $han$e to find out who she was. &er brothers would be ser)ants at best. It would be a terrible life. +rue% *e$lan was heartbreakin'l beautiful and h pnoti$ to wat$h. -ut she would ha)e e)en !ore fun when she wat$hed that !us$led ba$k and that perfe$t ass re$ede as he walked down the path awa fro! her house% ne)er to return. E1SIE sat in her roo! on the ro$ker% holdin' 7r. 2loone . +hrou'h the doorwa she saw her 'randdau'hter and her best friend% 1eanne% talkin' in hushed )oi$es. On the por$h% ,! s dau'hter 7ind was tr in' to do the sa!e with >enn /o% 1eannes oldest bo % but he wasnt answerin'. +he four#e ed $reature sat in the doorwa blo$kin' Elsies e6it. She had spent the whole ni'ht drawin' the ward 'l phs on the floor with a 7a'i$ 7arker. She would)e drawn !ore% but the !arker had run dr . +he $reature leaned and nud'ed at the in)isible wall of !a'i$ strea!in' fro! the 'l phs. , spark shot fro! the twisted swirls and nipped the $reatures $hin. It sat ba$k on its haun$hes and showed her its teeth0 bloodred and nast . It wanted to 'et her. She shook the tedd bear at it. It was the sa!e one who killed 7r. -ana% she was sure. +hanks for $o!in'% ,! said. I dont know what 'ot into her. She sat like that sin$e esterda noon. She wont $o!e out% and I $ant dra' her out b ! self.

Older folks 'et like this so!eti!es. 1eanne nodded in understandin'. ,! was tall and soft% with a round fa$e and a round bell and round hair of little brownish $urls. 1eanne was about the sa!e hei'ht% but skinn and wir % with a sharp fa$e. 1ike a blond ferret with boobs. ,ll of the 7eddlers wo!en bred that wa . Elsie pursed her lips. +o'ether the would dra' her out. Shed tied herself to the ro$ker with her s$ar)es% but she knew the restraints wouldnt stand up to the! for lon'. +wo !ore $reatures padded fro! the kit$hen. One slunk b ,! % al!ost brushin' her bi' butt. She shi)ered and 'lan$ed o)er her shoulder. +he $reature looked ri'ht at her. She shru''ed and turned ba$k to 1eanne. Elsie sneered. Stupid 'irl. +he $reature b the door s!iled at her. Soon% its 'ra e es pro!ised. Soon. Its not that I want to !anhandle her% but ... ,! leaned forward and said $onfidentiall % Shes wet herself. I .ust dont want it to 'et around that I abuse ! 'rand!a and all that. 4ou know how people are. 4ou dont ha)e to worr on ! a$$ount% 1eanne assured her. +he two $reatures hooked their $laws into the wall and be'an $rawlin' up the side like two hu'e u'l li=ards. +in fle$ks of plaster broke off and fell on the floor. No% I know. 4ou dont 'ossip. I .ust ... I sure do appre$iate this. With -ob awa huntin'% I! b ! self here. Id like to 'et it done before the oun'er kids are up. +hats not so!ethin' the need to see. 1eanne nodded. 1ets 'et it o)er with. +he headed to the door. +he $reature slunk out of the wa % behind the $ou$h. 1eanne stopped in the doorwa and stared at the floor $o)ered with bla$k lines. Oh ! . Shes done it o)erni'ht. I dont e)en know what this is. ,! shook her head. 1ast thin' I need is so!e foulness to pop out of these 'l phs. 4ou know" I ha)e kids in the house. 1eanne shook her head. So!eti!es the !ind .ust 'i)es out. ,! $rossed the roo! and stopped before Elsie. Grand!a. 4ou)e 'ot to $o!e out. Elsie let 'o of 7r. 2loone and $lut$hed the ar!rests of her ro$ker. +he wouldnt be 'ettin' her out% not where the beasts $ould 'et her. If oure refusin' to listen to reason% 1eanne and Ill ha)e to take ou out b for$e.

Elsie du' her nails into the wood. Suit ourself. ,! si'hed% leaned o)er% and tried to pull her free. Oh% ! 1ord in &ea)en% she tied herself to the $hair. With her 'ood s$ar)es% too. She went into a $rou$h to pull loose the knot b the $hair le's% and Elsie raked her fa$e. -lood swelled. ,! stared stunned% tears swellin' in her e es. Grand!a! Elsie raised her hands% her bon fin'ers $urled like $laws. 4ou lea)e !e alone! 1eanne stru$k at her left hand% pinnin' it down with both of hers. Elsie s$rat$hed at her% but ,! $la!ped her ri'ht wrist to the ar!rest. Elsie snapped% tr in' to bite% and ,! pressed her left hand onto her $hest% pinnin' her to the $hair. Elsie 'rowled and 'nashed her teeth% but $ouldnt rea$h ,! s ar!. +he looked at ea$h other. Now what" ,! breathed. I $ant rea$h the knot% and if I let 'o% shell $law us blood . >enn /o! 1eanne $alled. Ill 'et hi! to untie the knot% and then we !o)e her .ust like this ri'ht into the shower. >enn /o! +he s$reen door ban'ed% and >enn /o $rossed the li)in' roo! and stepped into the bedroo!. +he 'l phs shi)ered a little. Elsie bu$kled a'ainst ,! s hand. >enn /o wasnt a dud like ,! . Run! she elled at hi!. Run! 7a" I need ou ... +he first $reature padded fro! behind the $ou$h and stared at >enn s ba$k. &e turned and went white as a sheet. +he $reature stepped forward% ro$kin' on its haun$hes. >enn stu!bled ba$k. &is !outh 'aped open. &e $hoked% stru''lin'% 'ulped% and s$rea!ed% settin' the 'lass on the windows rin'in'. SE;EN ROSE didnt re!e!ber her $offee until *e$lan was done with his workout. &er drink had 'one $old. She 'ot up to 'et a fresh $up .ust as he strode throu'h the door. &e dwarfed the kit$hen% bi'% 'olden% and inti!idatin'. ,t least his shirt was ba$k on% whi$h was definitel a 'ood thin'. 2offee" she asked. &e nodded. +hank ou.

She had hoped hed take a shower% whi$h would ha)e 'otten hi! out of the kit$hen. She $ould)e used a !o!ent to $ool off. <p $lose% she $au'ht his s$ent0 a faint aro!a of sandalwood and a )er !ale !usk e!anatin' fro! his tawn % sweat#sli$ked skin. No% she told herself fir!l and took a step out of his rea$h. &e looked superb% he s!elled like a dru'% and if she went o)er and found out how he tasted% she would throw awa her freedo!% independen$e% and future with one kiss. I apolo'i=e for ! attire% *e$lan said. &is attire was (uite fine% thank ou )er !u$h. In fa$t% she should probabl 'o and 'et a bi' bla$k trash ba' and slide it o)er hi!. It would $ertainl !ake her life easier. Not a proble!. We dont ha)e !u$h use for $ere!on and for!al $lothes in the Ed'e. &is 'a=e sna''ed on her 2lean#n#-ri'ht unifor!. Wh are ou wearin' that" Its ! unifor!. E)er one in ! $o!pan wears it. Its hideous. Rose felt her ha$kles rise. +he neon 'reen unifor! was hideous% but she didnt appre$iate hi! pointin' it out. She opened her !outh. 4et despite it% ou look lo)el % he said. 8latter will 'et ou nowhere% she told hi!. Its not flatter % he said $oldl . 8latter re(uires e6a''eration. I! !erel statin' a fa$t. 4oure a beautiful wo!an wearin' an u'l sa$k of unnatural $olor. Rose stared at hi!% not sure what to !ake of it. Was it a $o!pli!ent or an insult" <nable to de$ide% she shru''ed it off. Its $usto!ar to offer breakfast to boarders% he said. I hope ou en.o 7ini#Wheats. +hats all we ha)e. She pulled a bo6 of $ereal fro! the shelf and poured it into two bowls. I wanted to thank ou for sa)in' /a$k. ,nd for sta in' with the! and !akin' pan$akes. I did what an honorable !an would do% he said. +hat said% I still refuse to 'o awa with ou. She added !ilk and pushed one of the bowls toward hi!.

*ul noted. &e hesitated as if de$idin' on so!ethin'. +he bo s are )er bra)e. +hank ou. She sat a$ross fro! hi! and looked at hi!. Suppose% .ust for the sake of the ar'u!ent% that ou win the $hallen'es. What are our intentions toward !e" ,! I 'oin' to be au$ tioned off to the hi'hest bidder like a pri=ed $ow% or are ou plannin' on keepin' !e for ourself" &is e es turned dark. *id so!eone tr to au$tion ou off% Rose" +hats not i!portant. On the $ontrar . +he sla)e trade is forbidden in ,drian'lia. If so!eones sellin' people% I want to know about it. She narrowed her e es. ,nd what would ou do about it" Id !ake the! deepl re'ret it. She had no doubt he $ould. Wh do ou $are" Its ! responsibilit as a peer of the real! to !ake sure the laws of ,drian'lia are upheld. I take it seriousl . ,ll that is 'ood% she said% but ou still didnt answer ! (uestion. What are our intentions toward !e" &e leaned forward. So!e of the hardness drained fro! his e es. +he turned deep and )er 'reen. I intend to ha)e ou. In what sense of the word" , narrow s!ile tu''ed on the $orners of his !outh. &e looked utterl fo$used% like a $at about to poun$e. In e)er sense. Rose $hoked on her $offee. Geor'ie stu!bled into the kit$hen% rubbin' his e es. Instantl % *e$lan leaned ba$k% his fa$e $asual. +here was a !o!ent there when his e es had lit up% and she thou'ht he !i'ht ha)e been pullin' her le'. ,l!ost as if he said that .ust to 'et a rise out of her. 2ould he be .okin'" Surel not. Not that she would put it past hi! to !ake fun at her e6pense% but he didnt see! $apable of hu!or.

Rose added another bowl% poured the !ilk% and distributed the food. Geor'ie $rawled into the $hair ne6t to *e$lan and poked at his 7ini#Wheats with a spoon. +hank ou for the !eal% *e$lan said% pi$kin' up his own spoon. +hank ou for the !eal% Geor'ie e$hoed. Well% at least one 'ood thin' $a!e fro! the blueblood bein' here0 Geor'ie said thank ou without bein' re!inded. Geor'ie looked at *e$lan% probabl waitin' for a $lue to his ne6t !o)e. She understood wh . So!ethin' about *e$lan tele'raphed !an. It wasnt his fa$e% althou'h he was heart stoppin'l handso!e% if 'ri!. &e had a 'reat build and he $arried hi!self well% but that wasnt (uite it either. It wasnt his swords% or his $loak% or his leathers. It was so!ethin' unidentifiable% so!ethin' in his e es or in the air he pro.e$ted% so!ethin' she $ouldnt (uite pin down. 8or la$k of a better word% *e$lan radiated !as$ulinit . +he depend on hi! in a dark alle kind of !as$ulinit . +he hit the bad 'u with a $hair before he shoots us kind of !as$ulinit . If the were atta$ked% he wouldnt hesitate to put hi!self between the! and the dan'er% be$ause thats what !en did. +he bo s didnt stand a $han$e. <nder different $ir$u!stan$es% she !i'ht not ha)e stood a $han$e either. -ut e6perien$e had tau'ht her )er well0 bluebloods were to be feared and a)oided. ,ll that ro$k#stead !anliness $ould be an elaborate a$t. She had to wat$h her e)er step. *e$lan put a spoonful of $ereal into his !outh. Geor'ie hesitated. Gettin' hi! to eat was an ordeal latel . &e was hun'r all the ti!e but ate like a bird% a bite here% a bite there. ,nd if he didnt eat enou'h% he 'ot shak . *e$lan $hewed% s$ooped !ore $ereal into his spoon% put it into his !outh% and 'lan$ed at Geor'ie. Geor'ie fid'eted under the pressure of those 'reen e es% pi$ked up his own spoon a'ain% and started eatin'. Geor'ie% oure sta in' with Grand!a toda % she said. Wh " Its not safe to walk to the bus stop or ba$k up fro! it. *e$lan paused. 4oure 'oin' to work" Shouldnt their safet be our first responsibilit " I know ! responsibilities well% thank ou )er !u$h. I dont work% we dont eat. Its that si!ple.

+he $hewed their food. She 'lan$ed at *e$lan. &e ate (uietl % en.o in' his !eal. &e $au'ht her lookin'. Its (uite 'ood% thank ou. &e had to be used to !u$h better. &e was probabl .ust bein' polite. 4oure wel$o!e% she !ur!ured. Geor'ie stirred in his seat% 'lan$in' at her. /a$k said ou s!elled like Willia! esterda . Geor'ie! +oo late. , predator li'ht sparked in *e$lans e es. +he blueblood $a!e to life like a shark sensin' a drop of blood. Whos Willia!" None of our business% Rose snapped. &es a 'u . &e likes a$tion fi'ures% Geor'ie said helpfull . &e asked Rose on a date% but she didnt 'o. *oes our sister 'o on dates often" E)er week% Rose said. Ne)er% Geor'ie de$lared at the sa!e ti!e. Its be$ause -rad *illon tried to kidnap her on their last date. She stared at hi!. &ow did he know that" 7B!Ere told !e. -rad hit her on the head with a $lub% and she fried hi! with her flash. /a$k and I liked Willia! oka . -ut -rad is a s$u!ba3 Geor'e. Rose loaded her )oi$e with steel. Go brush our teeth and wake up our brother. &e slid off the $hair and took off. *e$lan leaned forward% his features i$ed o)er. +his Willia!. What does he look like" Sho$kin'l handso!e% Rose told hi!. +hat $o)ers a lot of 'round. 4ou dont need to know what he looks like!

Of $ourse I do. If I !eet hi!% Ill ha)e to dis$oura'e hi! fro! $ourtin' ou. 4ou dont want !e to assault so!e rando! stran'er% do ou" She took her bowl to the sink. Rose% he $alled. +his is i!portant. What does Willia! look like" Rose rinsed out her bowl% 'lan$ed up to the window% and saw 1eanne O'letree on the path to her house% stridin' forward in a deter!ined fashion. , worried e6pression pin$hed 1eannes fa$e into a pale !ask. If a bi' pink elephant with rainbow win's had appeared at the end of the path% Rose would)e been less surprised. +he words died on her lips. Now what" *e$lan $a!e to stand b her. Who is that" +he for!er bane of ! e6isten$e. Sta inside% please. Rose bra$ed herself and stepped out onto the por$h. 1eanne walked up to the steps. She was a thin% narrow#hipped wo!an% who see!ed to $onsist entirel of sharp an'les0 sharp elbows% pro!inent knees% defined fa$e% and a stare% whi$h% as Rose knew fro! e6perien$e% $ould sli$e like a knife. +he hadnt spoken a word to ea$h other for the last four ears. Rose kept to herself% and 1eanne wasnt a so$ial butterfl either% not sin$e Sarah Walton !arried and !o)ed awa . +he few ti!es the had run into ea$h other in publi$% the d silentl $onspired to i'nore ea$h others presen$e. It was da!ned hard to i'nore so!ebod who was standin' ri'ht there b the por$h. 7ornin'% 1eanne. Rose kept her tone $i)il. 7ornin'. 1eannes fa$e was pale% and in her blue e es% Rose 'li!psed a s!all e$ho of fear. +here were a do=en thin's Rose $ould sa 3about Sarah% who now refused to re$o'ni=e 1eanne9 about 1eannes husband% -eau O'letree% who had taken off to ad)entures unknown9 about 1eannes dad% who .ust last Sunda 'ot so ha!!ered he puked his 'uts out ri'ht on the steps of the $hur$h% s$andali=in' all lo$al Ed'er 2hristians fore)er. -ut 1eanne stood there% with that fear in her e es% and Rose let it 'o. Whats wron'" she asked si!pl . Its >enn /o. We went to )isit ,! &aire to help with her 'rand!a Elsie. 4ou know her.

Elsie 7oore" With the tea parties" 4eah. She shut herself in her roo! and wont $o!e out. Shed tied herself to her ro$ker% and when ,! and I tried to !o)e her% she s$rat$hed ,! blood . So I $alled >enn /o to $o!e undo the knots while we held her down. &e 'ot into the roo! and started s$rea!in'. I tried to take hi! out of the roo!% but so!ethin' ripped his $lothes. It $lawed the +#shirt ri'ht off of hi! and s$rat$hed his $hest. Elsie sa s we $ant see it be$ause its hidin' and our !a'i$ isnt stron' enou'h. -ut >enn /o sees it. Wh $o!e to !e" Rose asked. &e was s$rea!in' our na!e. 1eanne swallowed and said in a hoarse )oi$e% 1ook% I know I !ade our life hell in hi'h s$hool. -ut its ! kid in there. 5lease help !e sa)e ! bo . 4ou $ant see an thin' outside of the roo!" 1eanne shook her head. I felt so!ethin'. 2old and wet ... 1ike sli!e down our ba$k" Rose shi)ered% re$allin' the beast that atta$ked /a$k. 4es. 1ike that. Wait here for !e% please. Ill be onl a !inute. ROSE hurried inside the house% dropped the atti$s ladder% and $li!bed up% fli$kin' on the li'ht. 8or ears the atti$ had ser)ed as the repositor of all sorts of .unk her father had found in his ad)entures% and now piles of bi=arre ob.e$ts 'reeted her0 old books% broken weapons% twisted pu==les whi$h% when sol)ed% showed a wa to so!e fabulous non#e6istent treasure% rolls of fake !aps% di!e#store anti(ues ... /a$k! she $alled. &e s$ra!bled up the ladder. I need the see#lantern. &urr ! &e breathed in the stale s$ents of the atti$% s$ra!bled up the pile of oddities% and plu$ked the lantern fro! the heap. It was an old% beat#up !ariti!e lantern. *is$oloration fro! ears in salt water dappled its hea) !etal base and ornate top. Rose shook it 'entl % holdin' it b the rin' in its roof% and a tin 'reen li'ht flared within the thi$k ribbed 'lass. +hank ou!

She $li!bed down% re$itin' instru$tions on the wa . Sta inside. *ont let an one in or out. Ill be ba$k shortl . If I! not ba$k b lun$h% take the 'uns and 'o to Grand!as. +he bo s looked at her. Oka " Oka . Geor'ie nodded. /a$k" Oka . Good. She headed out of the house. *e$lan" *ads roo! was e!pt % the bed so neatl !ade% she al!ost did a double take. She hurried past it and saw hi!% in his full attire% $loak and e)er thin'% standin' on the por$h. 1eanne 'aped at hi! in stunned silen$e. I! $o!in' with ou% he de$lared% pun$tuatin' the words with the white frost rollin' o)er his 'reen irises. Wh " Rose ra$ed down the por$h steps. 1eanne took a !o!ent to snap out of her *e$lan# indu$ed tran$e and followed her. +he $reatures are dan'erous% he said. ,nd oure a )er stubborn wo!an. 4ou !i'ht de$ide to 'et ourself killed .ust to spite !e. +here was no wa she $ould keep hi! fro! not $o!in' with her. Suit ourself. She headed down the path% unreasonabl irritated be$ause a s!all part of her was thrilled to ha)e a lar'e% !us$ular !an with a three#foot sword as her ba$kup. Who is he" 1eanne !ur!ured% $at$hin' up with her. , !an wholl soon be lea)in' e!pt #handed% Rose said. ,74S house was a lar'e% old affair that had started as an ,#fra!e. 1on' a'o it !ust)e had a definite shape% but the &aires were fa!ous for thinkin' the had $arpenterin' skills% and o)er the ears the house had 'rown se)eral roo!s. It looked like a sprawlin' !ish!ash now% sittin' in the !iddle of a wide lawn and bordered b s!all flower beds% !etal .unk% and four old rusted $ars% none of whi$h had run in the last fi)e or si6 ears. +he $loser the $a!e to the house% the faster 1eanne !o)ed. Rose $len$hed the lantern to her $hest to keep it stead .

Whats the purpose of the lantern" *e$lan asked. &e had no trouble keepin' up with the!% not with those lon' le's. Its a see#lantern% she said. I reali=e its a sea lantern. S#e#e% not s#e#a. Si'ht. It shows !a'i$ thin's to people who dont ha)e enou'h !a'i$ to see the! on their own. Neither she nor the bo s e)er had to use it% but her father had needed it on$e or twi$e and swore it worked. It would let 1eanne see the dan'er% if there was an . *e$lan frowned. E)er one $an see !a'i$. Not in the Ed'e. So!e of the people here ha)e !ore of the -roken in the! than of the Weird. +he ran up the steps. 1eanne swun' the door open. Rose paused and 'entl breathed into the trian'ular holes $ut in the lanterns top. +he pale 'reen spark 'rew wider and spread% $olorin' the la!p 'lass pale e!erald. *e$lan snapped his fin'ers. I see. It uses an ,u'ustus spiral. +he natural e6halation $arries residual tra$es of personal !a'i$% and the $oil inside absorbs and a!plifies the! b $ $lin' the! throu'h the loops and then e!its the resultin' ,u'ustus wa)e as 'reen li'ht. En) bit at Rose. She had understood about two words of what he said% and she would)e liked to know !ore. She lifted the lantern and peered inside. +he li)in' roo! la e!pt . *ire$tl opposite her% a$ross the li)in' roo! floor% was a bedroo!. +he door stood wide open% and throu'h the doorwa Rose saw >enn /o standin' alone% in a ripped +#shirt. +he s$rat$hes on his $hest looked shallow. +o the ri'ht of >enn % Elsie 7oore waited% still tied to the ro$ker% .ust as 1eanne had des$ribed. ,! sat between the! on the bedroo! floor% hu''in' her knees. ,ll three of her $hildren huddled around her% silent. +he floorboards on whi$h the sat were $o)ered with ar$ane 'l phs% written in bla$k per!anent !arker. , $reature stu$k its head out fro! behind the $ou$h and peered at Rose with four slanted e es filled with 'lowin' 'ra s!o'. She knew what to e6pe$t fro! the 'hostl i!a'e *e$lan had $on.ured% but seein' it in the flesh nearl !ade her )o!it. Oh God! 1eanne 'asped. ,! $ried out and i!!ediatel $la!ped her !outh shut% pullin' the kids $loser to her.

+he beast was at least four feet tall. Its skin was dark purple !ottled with si$kl ellow and pale 'reen% like an old bruise. +he $reatures !outh 'aped open% e6posin' a forest of narrow deepwater teeth% s$arlet red. , hound% *e$lan $alled it. +he na!e fit. , !o)e!ent to the left !ade Rose turn. ,nother beast stared at her fro! behind the lo)e seat. , third darted in the kit$hen. She looked up% raisin' the lantern hi'her. +he $eilin' tee!ed with hounds. +he shifted alon' the boards like ni'ht!arish do's with horse fa$es and !ouths full of dra'on teeth. God% there !ust be thirt of the! in there. Rose 'ripped the lantern to keep her hand fro! shakin'. 7ost of the $reatures $lun' to the wall abo)e the door to the bedroo! hidin' the $hildren% ,! % and Elsie. +heir !a'i$ dripped down in a thi$k repulsi)e wa)e% o)er the wall% o)er the door% and down on the floor below. Rose $ouldnt see it% but she felt it% and it felt hun'r . Onl now she noti$ed that the outer line of 'l phs stopped si6 in$hes past the door% $ut off abruptl as if erased. +he flesh on her ar!s broke out in 'oose pi!ples. +he hounds !a'i$ is eatin' the 'l phs. We ha)e to 'et the! out. In the roo!% ,! $la!ped her hand a$ross her !outh and sobbed. +he $hildren $lut$hed onto her% all e6$ept >enn /o% who stood b hi!self% his e es fi6ed on the floor. I told ou% he said with (uiet triu!ph. I told ou. Oka % Rose !ur!ured% thinkin' fe)erishl . Oka . We 'o around ba$k and we tr a window. She knew it was a !istake as soon as she said it. Outside the hounds would !ob the!. +here were si!pl too !an . Wont work% 1eanne whispered. +he windows onl a foot wide. On the $eilin'% a s$uffle ensued as the beasts reali'ned to fa$e the!. +he see us. 1eannes )oi$e snapped like a dr twi'. It will be fine% Rose said fir!l . &er !ind was spinnin' a !ile a !inute% $ $lin' throu'h the possibilities% none of whi$h were plausible. +he hound b the $ou$h lowered its head and started toward her% four e es fi6ed on her with predator intensit . It wants ou. 1eanne ba$ked awa onto the por$h. It wants our !a'i$.

,nother beast dropped fro! the $eilin'% flippin' in the air and landin' on all fours. +he !a'i$ at the door sha)ed another two in$hes off the lines of 'l phs. Oka . Rose su$ked in a breath. Well use !e as bait. Ill draw the! off% and ou 'o and 'et the kids ... +he first beast was onl ten feet awa . , hard hand 'ripped her shoulder and thrust her ba$k behind *e$lan. In the instant of their tou$h% she 'li!psed a tre!endous power bu$kle and sur'e within hi!. &is e es bla=ed white. No% *e$lan! , phanto! wind raised his hair. &is e es shone like two stars. +he $reature leaped. , half sphere of blindin' white e6ploded fro! *e$lan% roarin' like a tornado. Roses breath $au'ht in her throat. +he first hound perished in !idair% swallowed b the li'ht. +he blast ripped throu'h the furniture% hit the roof% and swept it awa with a $run$h of shattered wood. *e$lan snarled% strainin'. +he white 'low flared bri'hter% burned for a lon' breath% and )anished. +he roof and the far wall were 'one. Rose stared at the sk . ,bo)e the! bla$k dots peppered the $lear blue% 'rowin' bi''er and bi''er ... , shower of broken boards and $harred beast $ar$asses rained on the floor with loud thuds. She blinked% and the ne6t !o!ent *e$lans fa$e blotted out the sk . ,re ou hurt" &is e es showed sin$ere $on$ern. She stepped ba$k% stunned. No. Good. *e$lan strode throu'h the rain of refuse% un$on$erned% $rossed the floor to the roo!% and offered ,! his hand. She stared at hi! in sho$k and slowl put her hand into his. &e helped her to her feet. 4oure safe now. Who are ou ... " ,! blinked. I a! 1ord 2a!arine.

Rose shook her head. ,ll he was !issin' was the shin white ar!or and unearthl li'ht strea!in' down on hi!. ,! % Elsie 7oore said in her $ra$klin' )oi$e% her 'a=e fi6ed on *e$lan. I want ou to 'et !e a new bear. , blond one. EIG&+ -4 the ti!e the had $al!ed down the $hildren and !ana'ed to pr Elsie fro! her $hair and for$e her into the shower% it was well past se)en. Rose reali=ed that she wouldnt be !akin' it to work an ti!e soon. &er unifor! stank of 'reas % burned flesh% and she had !issed her ride with 1ato a. She borrowed ,! s $ell phone and $alled it in. 4ou better 'et our ass in here. 1ato as )oi$e 'ained a shrill (ualit . E!ersons bein' a total di$k toda . &e sa s either ou 'et in now or hell shred our $he$k. What does he !ean% shred ! $he$k" It !eans he wont pa ou for this week.

Rose stiffened. No 'as !one . Without the tru$k% she $ouldnt e6$han'e *e$lans doubloon for <.S. $urren$ . +he had enou'h 'ro$eries to last for three da s% four if she was $areful. She had no wa to pa the ele$tri$ bill% and it was due in fi)e da s. She had to 'et to work. I still ha)e no 'as% and itll take !e about a half an hour to $lean up. Shit. I $ant lea)e3I dont dare piss hi! off an !ore. It hit her0 the -roe!!er a$$ount. -roe!!er &otel had fired 2lean#n#-ri'ht two weeks a'o% be$ause the $au'ht E!erson o)er$har'in' the!. 1osin' that a$$ount had dropped E!ersons business b al!ost a (uarter% and hed been bitin' at the bit to $o!pensate for his losses so!ehow. Shed .ust sin'led herself out as the perfe$t s$ape'oat. Oka % wait% I 'ot it% 1ato a said. Well take an earl lun$h. 2an ou 'et to -ur'er >in'" Si6 !iles. She $ould walk it. 4es. Start walkin'. Well head there for lun$h and pi$k ou up. E!erson wont e)en know when ou 'ot in. , hu'e wa)e of relief rolled o)er her. +hank ou. +hats what friends are for. 1ato a hun' up.

I! so sorr about all this% ,! said. Rose for$ed a s!ile. I was 'lad to help. I! sorr about our house. ,! paled a bit% 'lan$ed at the !issin' wall and busted roof% and for$ed a s!ile% too% plainl tr in' not to $r . +here was no help for it. ,t least were all in one pie$e. E)en Grand!a. Rose looked for Elsie 7oore and found her in the ard at a pi$ni$ table. Elsie wore a fresh dress. She had braided her thinnin' hair and was flirtin' outra'eousl with *e$lan. &ow did it start" Rose asked. She was ha)in' one of her parties% and so!ethin' had $hewed up a tedd bear. One of those thin's% I 'uess. +hen she wouldnt $o!e out of the roo!. ,! hesitated. What are the " Rose shook her head. Nothin' I)e e)er seen before. 7a be she knows. ,! si'hed. If she does% oure wel$o!e to tr 'ettin' it out of her. She wont tell !e an thin'. She .ust $alls !e stupid. Rose headed to the table. Elsie 'a)e her the e)il e e. Rose i'nored it. &i there% Grand!a Elsie% she said bri'htl . Elsie pursued her lips and 'lan$ed at *e$lan. Were ha)in' a spe$ial ti!e% she said. Go awa . Oh% well% in that $ase% Ill .ust ask ou a $ouple of (uestions and be on ! wa . +he sooner ou answer the!% the faster Ill 'o awa . Elsie 'ot the !essa'e. &urr up% then. Rose $rou$hed b her. *o ou know what those thin's are" E)il. What sort of e)il" Elsie shook her head. &a)e ou e)er seen one before" *o ou know where the $a!e fro!" +he were after ! bears% Elsie )olunteered. So I $ursed the!.

5ie$es $li$ked to'ether in Roses brain. 4ou !ade a wold" Elsie nodded. -ut it $ouldnt kill the!. ,! % who had wandered o)er to the table% 'asped. 4ou !ade a wold" /esus! Its dead% Rose told her. It was after >enn /o% and I killed it. 4ou)e done lost our !ind! ,! stared at her 'rand!other. Sendin' a wold out into the nei'hborhood" Who knows what it $ould)e killed! Elsie pursed her lips. &onestl ! ,! put her hands on her hips. Whats ne6t" ,re ou 'oin' to bli'ht East 1aporte" Rose si'hed. +hat was the end of that. She wouldnt 'et an thin' out of Elsie now. She 'ot up to her feet and 'lan$ed at *e$lan% standin' to the side while ,! $ontinued to $hew her 'rand!other out. +hank ou% Rose said. 4ou didnt ha)e to help us% and ou did. I! 'rateful. *e$lans fa$e thawed a little. 4oure wel$o!e. Rose walked awa . If Elsie didnt know what those thin's were% perhaps Grand!a would. <nfortunatel % all the e)iden$e was here. +o the left% in the woodshed% an o)erturned wheelbarrow sat b the lo' pile. Rose went into the shed% wrestled the wheelbarrow upri'ht% and dra''ed it to the house. +he nearest $harred $ar$ass la onl a few feet awa . She put the wheelbarrow down and went to pi$k it up. She $ouldnt e)en lift it% let alone $arr it. Rose 'rasped its dis'ustin' le's3the feet looked al!ost like ape hands3and put her ba$k into it. +he $ar$ass slid a$ross the floor. She dra''ed it to the wheelbarrow. 1eanne e!er'ed fro! around the $orner. Rose stopped. 1eanne walked o)er. Without a word% she 'rasped the $reature. 7a'i$ pulsed in her% and she pi$ked the $orpse up and slid it into the wheelbarrow and walked awa . +hat sa!e talent3fi)e se$onds of in$redible stren'th3had !ade 1eanne the s$hools terror. She $ould onl do it on$e e)er twent !inutes or so% but on$e was usuall enou'h to do the .ob. Rose ne)er thou'ht shed see it work for her. I 'uess theres first ti!e for e)er thin'.

+he d ne)er be boso! buddies% Rose refle$ted% pushin' the wheelbarrow up the path to her house. -ut at least when 1eanne de$ided to stab her in the ba$k% she !i'ht hesitate for a se$ond or two. +he house looked undisturbed. Rose !aneu)ered the wheelbarrow behind Grandpas shed. &e sla!!ed at the walls and hissed% but she .ust 'runted at hi!. 1ater shed wheel the hound $orpse to Grand!others for identifi$ation% but now she had to 'et her spare unifor! on and start walkin'. She ran up the stairs to the por$h and kno$ked on the door. Geor'ie opened. Get read % she told hi!% runnin' to the shower. I! takin' ou to Grand!as% and then Ill ha)e to 'o to work. GEORGIE sat on the por$h steps. &is o)erni'ht ba' la ne6t to hi!. &e alwa s took the o)erni'ht ba' .ust in $ase. Inside was a book about a bo who li)ed on the ed'e of the woods% an Inu4asha $o!i$ book% spare so$ks% underwear% a +#shirt% and pants. ,nd his toothbrush. Inside% /a$k was ban'in' thin's% lookin' for his sneakers. Geor'ie $losed his e es and pi$tured /a$ks shoes. &e felt a sli'ht tu' to the left and turned toward it. Not too far. , little !ore to the left ... ,bout fifteen feet. &e opened his e es and found hi!self lookin' at the kit$hen window. 4ep. +he shoes were under the kit$hen table. /a$k !ust)e pulled the! off while he was eatin' dinner last ni'ht and for'otten about the!. &e $ould 'o inside and tell /a$k where his shoes were. Rose said to 'et read (ui$k. She had the look on her fa$e. Geor'ie knew the look well. When she $a!e out of the shower and saw that /a$k didnt ha)e his shoes% she wouldnt be happ . &e $ould sa)e /a$k fro! 'ettin' in trouble% but those were new shoes% the se$ond pair of new shoes. +he $ost a lot of !one % and /a$k had to learn to take $are of the!. It was odd with /a$k% Geor'ie refle$ted. So!eti!es hed find a pie$e of 'reen bottle 'lass and $arr it around with hi! e)er where for da s% like it was so!e 'reat treasure. -ut so!ethin' like shoes or $lothes% he didnt $are about. +he were poor. Rose tried to hide it% but Geor'ie knew the didnt ha)e !one . /a$k needed to learn not to be wasteful. Geor'ie turned his fa$e to the sun and s(uinted% feelin' the war!th on his fa$e. &e didnt !ind 'oin' to Grand!as% and he didnt !ind skippin' s$hool. Oh no% he didnt !ind that at all. Geor'ie s!iled a pri)ate s!ile to hi!self. S$hool was borin' and tedious% and he didnt $are for it. &e studied and !ade 'ood 'rades% be$ause it !ade Rose happ . So!eti!es she talked about hi! 'ettin' a 'ood .ob in the -roken% if his 'rades were hi'h enou'h. Geor'ie didnt want a .ob in the -roken. +he -roken had no !a'i$. Sta in' at ho!e also !eant he !i'ht 'et to keep an e e on *e$lan. It was his .ob to keep an e e on thin's. +hats what *ad said before he left. &e was onl si6 ba$k then% but he re!e!bered. *ad put his hand on his shoulder and said% 4ou !ind the fa!il % Geor'ie.

>eep an e e on our sister and brother for !e. &e wasnt a bab . &e knew *ad didnt reall !ean it% but he did it all the sa!e be$ause so!ebod had to do it. &e wasnt sure about *e$lan. Rose said all bluebloods $ouldnt be trusted. Rose was often ri'ht. When she said so!eone $ouldnt be trusted% the usuall turned out to be a s$u!ba'. Geor'ie du$ked his head and looked around. &e knew he hadnt said the $uss word out loud% but it ne)er hurt to !ake sure nobod heard hi!. So *e$lan was a bad 'u . -ut *e$lan had sa)ed /a$k. ,nd he didnt see! !ean. +here were !an kinds of !ean0 !ean like >enn /o% who was alwa s an'r about so!ethin'. 7ostl % >enn was an'r about his dad lea)in' hi!. Geor'ie understood bein' an'r about that% but still% his own dad left% and nobod saw hi! 'oin' around pi$kin' fi'hts with people. +hen there was !ean like Olie% who was too stupid to know when he was bein' !ean. Olie killed a pupp on$e be$ause it bit hi!% s!ashed her head with a ro$k. +he pupp hadnt known an better. She was .ust pla in'. Olie $ried afterward% be$ause he felt bad. Geor'ie hea)ed another si'h. It took hi! two da s to put the pupp s head ba$k to'ether with his !a'i$% and when hed raised her% she still didnt look (uite ri'ht. &ed $on$entrated on fi6in' her so hard% he 'ot si$k% and then Rose $ried. ,nd then there was !ean like -rad *illon. -rad was $old and )i$ious. +here was so!ethin' wron' with hi!. -ut *e$lan had no !eanness. /a$k thou'ht his swords were aweso!e. Geor'ie a'reed about the swords% but hed wat$hed *e$lan !ake a 'host of the beasts that had atta$ked /a$k% and in his opinion% that was e)en better. Geor'ie held his hand out% $losed his e es% and pretended to $all up the beast. E6$ept if he $ould do it% hed do it e)en $ooler. 7a be ha)e so!e dark s!oke swirlin' about hi!. ,nd his e es would be shin . ,nd !a be hed sa so!e ! sterious in$antation. Or not. 7a be it would be $ooler if he said nothin'. ,nd if he had a sword% it would be lon' and slender. 1ike Grandpas blades. , drop of $old% slipper !a'i$ tou$hed the ba$k of his ne$k and slid down alon' his spine as if so!ethin' rotten had splattered hi! with its nast .ui$e. Geor'ie 'a''ed. &is e es snapped open. , beast stood in front of the house on the path. +he $olor of an old bruise% it stared at hi! with four slanted 'ra e es. Geor'ie fro=e. /a$k tau'ht hi! to ne)er run fro! ani!als that $ould $at$h hi!. If he ran% the beast would $hase. &e didnt know if it $ould 'et throu'h the wards to $at$h hi!% but he didnt want to find out.

+he beast put one paw forward3it was a lon' u'l paw. 7ost ani!als had toes% but this one had fin'ers tipped with wi$ked red $laws. +he paw tou$hed the ward% testin' it. , strea! of nast !a'i$ slithered toward Geor'ie. &e sensed its hun'er0 sti$k % $old% star)ed% it wanted to wrap itself around hi! and su$k out his !a'i$. &e swallowed. &is heart beat so fast% it was tr in' to .u!p out of his $hest. *ont run. *ont run. -ehind the beast% where the path $ur)ed% *e$lan stepped out of the bushes. Geor'ie 'lan$ed at his fa$e. *e$lan nodded wordlessl % $o!in' up behind the beast on soft feet% silent like a fo6 $reepin' throu'h the Wood. Geor'ie stared at the beast. *ont look at *e$lan. *ont 'i)e hi! awa . +he beast opened its !outh and showed Geor'ie his teeth0 bi'% sharp% and red like blood. Its !a'i$ waited% hun'r % read to poun$e on hi! and 'obble hi! as soon as he !o)ed. *e$lan pulled a hu'e sword fro! the sheath on his ba$k. Geor'ie stared dire$tl into the beasts e es. 2old sweat broke out on his forehead. *e$lan stru$k. +he sword sli$ed thou'h the air in a shin !etal ar$h and $ut the bod in two. Wow. 4ou oka " , bolt of white flashed fro! his hand into the dead beast. Geor'ie re!e!bered to breathe and swallowed. Nausea tu''ed at his sto!a$h. *esperatel tr in' not to hurl% he dra''ed hi!self up% pi$ked up a ward stone% lettin' *e$lan in% and on$e the blueblood stepped o)er the line% he dropped the stone ba$k in pla$e and went to slu!p ba$k on the por$h steps. *e$lan $a!e to sit ne6t to hi!. 1ean forward% he ordered. 5ut our head down% between our knees. +hats it. +he si$kness will ease up in a !inute. Geor'ie bent forward% his head low. Slowl the nausea re$eded. +hat was s!art% *e$lan said. Starin' the hound down. I didnt want it to know ou were there. *e$lan nodded. +hank ou. I appre$iate it. +he beasts !a'i$ shi)ered. Geor'ie sat up. Ne6t to hi! *e$lan put his hand on his sword. , foul 'ra li(uid spilled fro! the hounds $ar$ass. +he flesh and bone !elted% turnin' into pale 'oo. +he !a'i$ $ur)ed around it% twistin' like $otton $and on a sti$k. *ark )apor

strea!ed fro! the surfa$e. +he puddle shrank% and the )apor 'rew darker and solidified into a tall !an. , lon' $loak with a hood hid hi!% poolin' about his feet and turnin' into s!oke at the ed'es. Geor'ie su$ked in a sharp breath. +he !ans !a'i$ pressed on hi!% trappin' hi! like a hu'e hea) slab of ro$k. 8ear skittered down his ar!s% lea)in' 'oose pi!ples. &e $ant hurt ou in this for!% *e$lans (uiet )oi$e said ne6t to hi!. &is !a'i$ !i'ht slither in% but it will be weak. Show no fear. *ont 'i)e hi! the satisfa$tion. +he )apor !an turned to the!. ,h. I wondered who shot off a !ilitar #'rade flash wa)e in this forsaken pla$e. /ust had to see for ! self. I had a 'li!!er of hope it was ! dear brother% but I see its .ust ou. &is )oi$e was soft and 'entle% but for so!e reason it $hilled Geor'ie all the wa to his bones. Whats with the $loak" *e$lan said. +he !an i'nored hi!. ,nd who would ou be" +he darkness of the hood swallowed the !ans fa$e% but Geor'ie knew the !ans e es fi6ed on hi!% pressin' down on hi! like a 'reat wei'ht. 7a'i$ snaked fro! the !an in lon'% translu$ent tendrils of dark s!oke. +he li$ked the ward and slithered throu'h it. Geor'ie stared with wide e es as the !a'i$ $rept $loser. It was hun'r ... So )er hun'r . *e$lan flashed. , s$reen of white shot fro! hi!% stin'in' the tendrils. +he dark !a'i$ re$oiled. >eep our $laws off the kid% the blueblood 'rowled. Geor'ie breathed a little. 7!!!!!. , low deep sound ru!bled in the phanto! !ans throat. ,s brash as e)er% *e$lan. +he !a'i$ swirled around hi!% ea$h translu$ent tenta$le en$ir$led b a thin )ein of dark purple. +he puddle rolled forward% and the !an ad)an$ed. Geor'ie sat fro=en. *e$lan was ri'ht there% and he didnt !o)e. &e .ust sat there% lookin' sli'htl bored. +he puddle tou$hed the ward and stopped. Interestin'% the !an !ur!ured. &e raised his ar!s% elbows $lose to his bod % hands up. +he slee)es of the robe fell ba$k% re)ealin' lon'% slender fin'ers stained with a !ottled

patina of purple and ellow. /ust like the hounds hides% onl pale. 1et us see% he said softl % stret$hin' see into a snakelike whisper. +he !a'i$ shot fro! hi! in an e6plosion of darkness and $la!ped on to the ward% bitin' at it% tr in' to pull it apart. +he tenta$les flailed and .erked% but the ward held. +he !an 'lan$ed down% and the !a'i$ tendrils stru$k at the $losest ward stone. +he $la!ped on to it and twisted% tr in' to .erk it up. +he !an ar$hed his ba$k% strainin'. &is dark !a'i$ pried the ro$k loose. +he puddle at his feet shrank faster. Geor'ies heart beat so fast inside his $hest he thou'ht it !i'ht e6plode. +he ward stone rose two in$hes. , pale network of translu$ent reddish !a'i$ stret$hed fro! it% burrowin' down into the 'round% as if the stone had roots. +he !ans ri'id bod shook with strain. +he stone 'ained another in$h of hei'ht% pullin' !ore red roots out of the 'round on both sides with a $reakin' sound. &e $lawed at the air. +he ward stone shi)ered and $rashed down into pla$e. *e$lan lau'hed% but it was harsh and $old% and Geor'ie wasnt sure what was !ore fri'htenin'% the dark !an or the wa *e$lan bared his teeth. +he know how to root their wards% *e$lan said. +he !an fli$ked the slee)es of his robe ba$k o)er his hands% first left% then ri'ht. No !atter% he said. Ill still kill the! all. Not while I! here% 2asshorn. +he !an turned to Geor'ie% and on$e a'ain% he felt as if the !ans 'a=e pier$ed hi! and $len$hed his heart in a $old fist. -o ... 2asshorn said. I shall !ake ou a deal. Re!o)e the stones. 1et !e in. Ill let ou and our fa!il lea)e. 4ou $an trade our li)es for *e$lans. ,fter all% he $ant be an thin' to ou. 4ou probabl !et hi! onl a da or two a'o. Geor'ie swallowed. &is thou'hts broke to pie$es and ran in all dire$tions% and no !atter how hard he tried% he $ouldnt $at$h an of the!. It see!s like a hard $hoi$e% the !an said. , kind tone o)erlaid his words% but it was shallow% and beneath it Geor'ie sensed ruthless hun'er. -ut upon $loser e6a!ination% it reall isnt. 4ou ha)e a !other. She lo)es ou. She feeds ou% and $lothes ou% and brushes

our hair. ,nd ou lo)e her% a! I $orre$t" +here is nothin' stron'er than the bond between a !other and her $hild. 4our !other would do an thin' to keep ou safe. Now I 'i)e ou a $han$e to do so!ethin' for her. 4ou $an sa)e her life. +hats a wonderful trade% bo . +he life of our !other for the life of a stran'er. +hats a 'ood% honorable trade. &e !otioned with his ri'ht ar!. 2o!e to !e. Geor'ie finall !ana'ed to pin down a thou'ht. No. Will ou reall let our !other die" +he !an ro$ked ba$k. I ha)e no !other% Geor'ie said. ,nd oure l in'. 4ou would kill e)er one. 8ro! the !ouths of babes ... *e$lan said. 2asshorn si'hed. It is a sha!e. I was lookin' forward to wat$hin' ou strike the bo down% *e$lan. Witnessin' ou do thin's ou hate is hi'hl entertainin'. No !atter. Soon% Ill wat$h ou fi'ht ! wolf% whi$h should pro)e (uite a spe$ta$le. 2asshorn turned to Geor'ie. ,re ou sure ou dont want to !o)e the stones% bo " I pro!ise% I would !ake it (ui$k% if not painless% for ou. 1ea)e hi! be% *e$lan said. I $ant% 2asshorn said% his )oi$e sli'htl pu==led. 4ou see% he is so )er full of !a'i$. It awakens a !ost pe$uliar sensation in !e. , kind of lon'in'. I think its hun'er. +he sa that hu!an !eat has a pe$uliar taste. I)e been de)elopin' a $ra)in' for it of late. Its odd. I)e ne)er been 'uilt of 'lutton % but on$e I kill ou% *e$lan% I think Ill 'or'e ! self on our flesh. Geor'ie shuddered. *e$lan si!pl stared. Roses )oi$e floated throu'h the kit$hen window. I found the!! &onestl % /a$k% is it too !u$h trouble to take $are of our shoes" , 'irl% 2asshorn said. Of $ourse. Is she deli$ious like the $hild" *e$lan said nothin'. I see. +here is another $hild inside% isnt there" 4ou do understand ou $ant prote$t the!" Ill pi$k the! off one b one% when oure not lookin'. ,nd then Ill feed. Espe$iall on the 'irl. Su$h a lo)el )oi$e. I bet shes su$$ulent. /ui$ . 2asshorn shi)ered. It was a !istake to $o!e here alone% *e$lan. 4ou arent enou'h to stop !e% and the lo$als are too weak to help ou. +he s$urr to and fro like 'arba'e rats atop their little 'arba'e heap between the worlds% but in the end the will all die. I know wh ! brother sent ou3he hopes to a)oid

the s$andal. I know wh ou)e a'reed to $o!e alone3 oure still hopin' to sa)e the wolf fro! the e6e$utioners a6e. None of it will !ake an iota of differen$e. ,s usual% oure too late ... 4oure ra)in'% *e$lan told hi!. ,! I" I !ust be. 2asshorn si'hed a'ain in resi'nation. Its ti!e to 'o% I suppose. I lea)e ou with this partin' thou'ht0 ou !a think ou $an put ourself between the 'irl and ! hounds in the Ed'e% but what will ou do when she 'oes into the -roken% where ! wolf prowls" &e will slit her throat and paint hi!self red. 4ou re!e!ber how !u$h he en.o s !urder ... +he puddle beneath 2asshorn had dried up $o!pletel . &e be'an to fade fro! the botto! up. +his is .ust lo)el % he said. ,nd here I was thinkin' I would 'et bored. &e dipped his fin'ers into his hood and held the! out as if blowin' a kiss. <ntil later% $hildren. &e )anished. +he last shreds of !a'i$ dissol)ed into the air. Nothin' re!ained of the beast or the puddle. Geor'ie swallowed. &is whole bod had 'one nu!b% and now little needles pri$ked his fin'ers and feet. Who was that" , si$k !an o)erdue for his $ure% *e$lan said% lookin' at his sword. 8or hi!% there is onl one kind. &es e)il% Geor'ie said softl . 4es% he is. Is he reall 'oin' to eat !e" *e$lan looked like he hurt hi!self. &ell tr . &e wont su$$eed. Ill stop hi!. Geor'ie hu''ed hi!self. Wh would he want to eat an bod " &es ill% *e$lan said. &e wanted power% and now he has it% and its twistin' hi!. Is he 'oin' to kill Rose" I pro!ise ou Ill take $are of Rose% *e$lan said. Nothin' will happen to her or ou% as lon' as I! around. Rose doesnt trust !e% and she and I will ha)e to settle this between oursel)es. -ut ou and our brother !ustnt fear !e. If oure in dan'er% find !e and Ill help. 4ou dont ha)e to handle it on our own. Ill prote$t ou. *o ou understand"

Geor'ie nodded. &e understood% and he felt deep down that *e$lan !eant it. Still% *e$lan wasnt to be trusted. Id appre$iate it if ou didnt tell our sister about this. No need to worr her. Geor'ie nodded to keep hi! happ . *e$lan 'ot up and headed down the road% ba$k in the dire$tion fro! whi$h he had $o!e. In a few breaths he disappeared behind the bend. , !o!ent later Rose burst out the door% /a$k behind her. Geor'ie .u!ped to his feet. I ha)e to tell ou so!ethin'. Not ri'ht now! -ut Rose! Not ri'ht now% Geor'ie. It $an wait until I 'et ba$k. 2o!e on. Rose and /a$k took off down the road% and Geor'ie had no $hoi$e but to follow. NINE ROSE waited inside -ur'er >in'. It was twent past ele)en% and the lun$h $rowd had et to 'ather. Shed !ade it .ust in ti!e3two !inutes after shed walked throu'h the door% the 2lean#n#-ri'ht )an% $arr in' 1ato a% +eresa% and a $ouple of other wo!en% rolled into the parkin' lot. +he sat down to eat% and she sat down to think. Rose shifted% tr in' to 'et $o!fortable in the $on$rete#hard $hair. She had no appetite. ;isions of terrif in' bruise purple $reatures kept flitterin' a$ross her !ind. Shed left the bo s with Grand!a% and AlBonore was no li'htwei'ht. Still% the an6iet ate at Rose. She re'retted $o!in' to work% but E!erson left her without a $hoi$e. She $ouldnt afford to ha)e her $he$k shredded. 1ato a swept b % $arr in' her tra . She was tall and looked taller% her bod sharp and narrow#boned% all an'les and lon' li!bs. &er hair was thi$k and lustrous% fallin' down in $ur) wa)es shed blea$hed to platinu! blond. +he blond had worn off% and 1ato as wa)es had 'ained a sli'htl 'reenish tint. 5eople $alled her 7ophead% althou'h ne)er to her fa$e. 4ou !essed with 1ato a at our own peril. 4ou want so!e food" No. In a rush Rose had for'otten to !ake a lun$h% and she had no !one . Girl% ou)e 'ot to eat!

Rose shook her head. I! not hun'r . Reall . 1ato a turned to the $ounter% where tin /uniper >o=lowski !anned the re'ister in her !ana'ers unifor!. She wont eat% /une. /uniper bristled. 4ou $o!e to ! pla$e% ou ha)e to eat% Rose. +hanks% I! not hun'r . 1ato a 'ri!a$ed. ,t least $o!e sit with us. If I sit with ou% oull tr to feed !e. Rose s!iled. Well% ou ha)e to eat! 1ato a 'runted. 1ook% dont worr about E!erson. &es an ass% but oure one of his best $leaners. I! not worried% Rose lied. +hank ou for pi$kin' !e up. 1ato a shook her head and sat at the bi''er table to the left% with the rest of the 2lean#n# -ri'ht $rew. Rose looked out the window. She wasnt in the habit of feelin' sorr for herself% but she had to ad!it that latel life .ust kept ki$kin' her. 8irst% the blueblood% then the hounds% and now% on$e her shift ended and she went ba$k% she would ha)e to fi'ht E!erson for the !one she had earned. Of all these $on$erns% the blueblood and the beasts were !ost dire. +he $reatures did rese!ble hounds% lean de!oni$ do's fro! so!e awful ni'ht!are. ,nd the wanted !a'i$. +heir power fed on it. Was there so!e sort of purpose to their atta$ks" If the assaulted people at rando!% drawn to !a'i$% then the four of the!% the bo s% Grand!a% and she% would be their pri!e tar'ets. +he *ra tons were a!on' the !ost !a'i$al of the Ed'e fa!ilies. Nothin' that a blueblood like *e$lan would be i!pressed with% she was sure% but b Ed'er standards% the stood out. &ow would she prote$t the bo s" Rose felt a spike of pani$ and s(uished it down. 8irst thin's first. Shed take the $ar$ass of the dead hound to Grand!a on$e her shift was o)er. +hen the would 'o fro! there. ,nd then there was *e$lan. She had no $lue how she would $hallen'e hi!. What $ouldnt he do" What did the fair #tale 'irls do in this situation" She strained% tr in' to re!e!ber. 7ost of the stories in)ol)ed sortin' ri$e fro! wheat and wea)in' 'old $loth fro! straw. She wasnt sure if he $ould wea)e 'old fro! straw but she wouldnt be surprised if he !ana'ed it so!ehow. No% it had to be so!ethin' else. So!ethin' she knew for sure would work. So!e $hallen'e with a tri$k to it.

*e$lans fa$e surfa$ed in her !e!or . What an arro'ant ass. She 'lan$ed at her unifor!. So what if it was an u'l sa$k of unnatural $olor" &ed said she was beautiful. , !an did tell her she was beautiful% wonderful% kind% and s!art before. &e e)en told her that he lo)ed her and offered her a safe ha)en for the bo s. ,nd she belie)ed hi!% ri'ht until the point she found out he planned to sell her off. *e$lan was an ene! . , )er odd kind of ene! % who sa)ed s!all kids fro! !onsters% tore roofs off houses with his flash e6plosions% and $on$erned hi!self with her safet . She had to keep re!indin' herself that he was the ene! % be$ause the i!pa$t his presen$e had on her was sta''erin'. It !ust be his si=e. Or !a be his sword. Or the unbelie)able power of his flash. Or !a be all of the abo)e ... Or the fa$t that he was in$redibl handso!e% and she had to keep iron $ontrol of herself to stop thinkin' about hi!. ,s far as she knew% he $ouldnt read her !ind% but 'ettin' rid of hi! would pro)e !u$h harder if he knew what went throu'h her head this !ornin' while he wa)ed his sword around. She had to be adult about this0 es% he was hot and she was )ulnerable. She 'ot it out of her s ste! this !ornin'% and that would be the end of that. &is flash was so!ethin' else. 7ost people tried to flash b holdin' their hand as a weapon and pushin' the !a'i$ out of it. <n$ons$iousl % the shaped the flash with subtle pressure into a for! si!ilar to their ar!3a lon' ribbon3and it ne)er o$$urred to the! that it $ould take an other shape. -ut hed !ana'ed a perfe$t half sphere. Rose still pra$ti$ed with her flash e)er da if she $ould help it. It had be$o!e se$ond nature to her% and she $au'ht herself doin' it without thinkin'% the wa so!e people tapped their foot or fid'eted. -ut shed ne)er tried a half sphere before. Shed fi'ured out how *e$lan had done it a !o!ent before hed let it loose0 hed held the !a'i$ inside hi!% rat$hetin' the pressure hi'her and hi'her% and then dropped his 'uard on the front of his bod $o!pletel and let it rip. +he flash si!pl burst out of hi!% sweepin' e)er thin' on its wa . It was beautiful. Rose had done it twi$e on her wa to the boundar . &ers was !u$h s!aller in !a'nitude% a !ere whisper $o!pared to his roar% be$ause she still had to walk and work afterward. -ut she knew she $ould do it% and when she poured enou'h power into it% her flash wa)e would be de)astatin'. Oh% she $ouldnt wait to show hi!. +hat would kno$k so!e of that blueblood hau'htiness down a pe'. She .ust needed a 'ood opportunit .

&e $ouldnt find lod'in' in the Ed'e. +hat was too funn . When did he learn to !ake pan$akes" 7a be it was part of their blueblood tutorin'0 ei'ht o$lo$k3swordpla % nine o$lo$k3ar$her % ten o$lo$k3pan$ake !akin' ... 1ato a said so!ethin' fro! her table. &uh" I said% whats his na!e" Rose frowned. Whose na!e" +he 'u oure !oonin' o)er.

I! not !oonin'! 1ato a 'lan$ed at +eresa. +he older wo!an nodded. 7oonin'. *efinitel . Rose rolled her e es and turned to the window. She wasnt !oonin'. She was plannin' strate' . *e$lan had to ha)e a weak point. So!ewhere. E)er bod had a weak point. &e was arro'ant. +hat was so!ethin'. ,nd he didnt know the Ed'e. She had to 'i)e hi! so!e sort of $hallen'e that in)ol)ed knowin' the terrain% so!ethin' that appeared de$epti)el eas % so eas he didnt tr )er hard until it was too late ... , !an slid into the opposite $hair. &e had wide shoulders and 'reen e es% and he wore a 2arolina 5anthers ball $ap on his head. Rose stared in $o!plete astonish!ent. , pair of worn#out .eans and a 'reen sweatshirt toned hi! down a bit% but not nearl enou'h. She was aware of the sho$ked silen$e at the table ne6t to her. What are ou doin' here" she hissed. 5erhaps I !issed the si'ht of our lo)el bod % he said. What" *e$lan leaned $loser. 7 pro!ise not to ra)ish ou doesnt e6tend to this fine establish!ent% does it" ,s I re$all% its onl )alid under our roof. &ow $ould I pass on su$h an opportunit " If ou tou$h !e% Ill hit ou with this $hair% she 'round out.

I had no idea ou en.o ed rou'h $ourtship% he said with a strai'ht fa$e. It was ne)er ! parti$ular fa)orite% but Ill do ! best to pla alon'% pro)ided Ill 'et ou in the end. Rose opened her !outh% but nothin' $a!e out. Would ou like !e to be (uiet" he asked. 4es! If ou kiss !e% I pro!ise to be (uiet for a )er lon' ti!e. +he thou'ht of hi! bendin' down and kissin' her =in'ed throu'h her brain% and she $len$hed her hands to'ether under the table% 'ri!l deter!ined to hide it. 4ou ha)e no sense at all% do ou" 4oure (uite eas to rile up. &e leaned ba$k. 4our brother is ri'ht. 4ou dont date. In her !ind she pi$ked up the $hair and hit hi! o)er the head with it. What are ou doin' here" I thou'ht I !i'ht ha)e a word with our e!plo er% *e$lan said. ,! !entioned that he de$ided not to pa ou. ,! shouldnt listen to other peoples phone $alls. 4oull do no su$h thin'. &ow did ou find !e" I followed ou. 4ou walk (ui$kl % but I! used to !ar$hin'. 4ou $ant be out here. +his is the -roken! I! aware of that% he said. 2rossin' into it felt like ! 'uts were bein' ripped out. 4ou $ould)e died. &e shru''ed. I doubt it. It hurt% but the pain passed. She on$e saw a $ara)an !aster fro! the Weird tr to $ross into the -roken. &ed 'otten upset o)er the pri$es and de$ided hed 'o and 'et the -roken 'oods for hi!self% $uttin' out the Ed'er !iddle!en. +wo steps into the nine#foot#wide boundar he went into $on)ulsions. +he Ed'ers let hi! hurt for about a !inute or two and then $a!e to 'et hi!. &e didnt $o!plain about the pri$es an !ore after that. *e$lans $rossin' !ust)e been a'on . She didnt (uite know what to !ake of it. Where did ou 'et the $lothes"

1eanne 'a)e the! to !e. She insisted% a$tuall . She said ! appearan$e !i'ht $ause a% how did she put it% :faintin' epide!i$. *ear God. -ehind *e$lan the door swun' open% and -rad *illon sauntered into the -ur'er >in'. Well% lookit here. Rose *ra ton and her fa''ot bo friend. We !eet a'ain. -rads )oi$e ran' throu'h the -ur'er >in'% and Rose found herself the fo$al point of ten stares. ,t the $ounter /uniper went white with fur . Rose 'lared. 8irst% *e$lan% now -rad. She .ust $ouldnt $at$h a break. -rad slou$hed in the aisle% hand in the po$kets of his .eans. Wait. 4oure not the sa!e 'u % are ou" 4ou 'et around% Rose. *e$lan 'lan$ed at hi! and looked ba$k to her. Who is he" Nobod % Rose 'round out% lookin' at -rad. ,re ou followin' !e now" I saw our friend fro! a$ross the street and $ouldnt help ! self. +he d had run#ins before% but hed ne)er followed up like this. 8or one% she knew where to find hi!3he still li)ed in his trailer in the Ed'e% where she was the stron'est. 8or another% she ne)er rose to the bait. -ut now hed !et Willia!% de$ided he was eas pi$kin's% and wandered o)er to harass hi!. E6$ept *e$lan wasnt Willia!. 5iss off% -rad! 1ato a $alled fro! her table. Shut the fu$k up% 7ophead% before I $o!e o)er there and !ake ou swallow our teeth. *e$lans 'reen e es fi6ed on Rose. -rad $ouldnt see his fa$e% but she $ould. It was !er$iless and so i$ed o)er it was nearl $ruel. +his is -rad" Rose was too !ad to answer. *o ou want to keep talkin' to hi!" *e$lan asked. No. +he blueblood rose. E6$use !e for a !o!ent. &e nodded to -rad. 1ets 'o $hat. -rad pulled his hands out of his po$kets. I! alwa s up for a $hat.

+he left the -ur'er >in'% headin' to the left% *e$lan !o)in' in unhurried strides and -rad a!blin' to the ri'ht of hi!. Rose stared after the!% stunned. Now what" ,t the $ounter /uniper wa)ed her thin ar!s. Rose% dri)e#throu'h window! 2o!e on! Rose .u!ped up and ran behind the $ounter% followin' /uniper to the ba$k% 1ato a at her heels. She du$ked between the fr er and the wall and ran into a pat$h of freshl !opped tile. 2areful% wet% wet! /uniper elled. Roses feet slid on the floor. She $rashed into so!e bo6es and s$ra!bled to the window. +he two !en stood in ba$k% past the dri)e#throu'h lane. /uniper flipped the swit$h% and Rose heard *e$lans )oi$e% distorted b stati$. 4ou want to talk% nows a 'ood ti!e% *e$lan said. 8u3 +he pun$h was so (ui$k% Rose barel saw it. -rad stu!bled ba$k% $lut$hin' at his 'ut% shook his head% and lun'ed at *e$lan. Sono)a3 *e$lans fist $au'ht hi! in the left side with a solid $run$h. -rad stu!bled to the side% win$in'. Ou$h% 1ato a s(ueaked. -rad whipped about. Ill3 *e$lan ra!!ed his fist into -rads solar ple6us. -rad bent o)er. Spit dripped fro! his !outh in a lon' sti$k strand. &e $len$hed and )o!ited a 'ush of foa! li(uid onto the asphalt. Eww. In ! 'odda!n parkin' lot% too. /uniper skewed her fa$e. +hat last one hurt a bit% *e$lan said. +ake it eas . 4ou ha)e ti!e. -rad !ade so!e hoarse noises and stu!bled a few steps% still bent o)er. ,bout ten se$onds later% he finall strai'htened and wiped his !outh with the ba$k of his hand. Read " *e$lan asked. -rad raised his fists. 7otherfu3 +he pun$h took hi! off his feet. &e $urled on the 'round% $radlin' his 'ut.

*e$lan leaned o)er hi!. *one" -rad nodded% his fa$e twisted. Oka . ,n ti!e ou want to speak to Rose% ou let !e know and well do this a'ain. <nderstand" -rad nodded a'ain. *e$lan rose and headed to the entran$e. Rose ran ba$k in a !ad dash% slidin' on the sli$k floor. - the ti!e *e$lan rea$hed the door% she was barrin' the doorwa . 1ets 'o out for so!e fresh air. ,s ou wish. -rad $hose that !o!ent to sta''er out fro! behind the -ur'er >in'% holdin' a $ell phone to his ear. ,t the si'ht of the!% his e es went wide and he du$ked behind the buildin'. , !o!ent of )i$ious satisfa$tion $lai!ed her% but Rose had no ti!e to sa)or it. She 'rabbed *e$lans ar! and pulled hi! down the narrow sidewalk% awa fro! -rad before he saw hi! and de$ided to finish what he started. What are ou doin'" Walkin' with ou. 4ou $ant .ust $o!e in and destro ! life! She took a deep breath and for$ed herself to $al! down. &e was tr in' to help% and hed done a lot for her. I)e known -rad for ears. &e has done people a lot of fa)ors% the kind one doesnt for'et. What happened between us happened lon' a'o% and he was punished for it alread . 4ou .ust started a new war. &ell be 'unnin' to 'et at !e now. &es !ost wel$o!e to tr it% *e$lan said with a 'ri! finalit that pro!ised painful thin's in -rads future. 4ou .ust dont understand. /ust like with ,! s roof. What about ,! s roof" Its not that he was stupid. Luite the opposite0 *e$lan was probabl one of the s!artest !en shed e)er !et. &e si!pl had no idea how life worked in a s!all Ed'er town. It probabl !ade no sense to so!eone not born here. She stopped and !et his 'a=e. *e$lan% I appre$iate what oure tr in' to do% but I dont need ou to fi'ht ! battles. It would be wonderful if life was si!ple and our beatin' up

-rad sol)ed all ! proble!s% but in realit % it will onl brin' !e !ore trouble. +hank ou% but please 'o awa . *e$lans e es studied her. ;er well% ! lad . &e turned and walked off. Rose wat$hed hi! 'o and headed ba$k to the restaurant. -rads hu!iliation would $o!e ba$k to haunt her. She knew it would% but it was so worth it. She re$alled hi! $rawlin' on the asphalt and pra$ti$all skipped. 1ato a thrust the -ur'er >in's door open. 4our new bo friend is a ps $ho killer! No% he isnt. ,nd hes not ! 3 I! tellin' ou hes a Na) SE,1 or so!ethin'. Or one of the $o!!ando ran'er 'u s. 4ou know the kind who sur)i)e in the woods b eatin' bu's and take down the whole $a!p of terrorists with a hand'un and a s!all ro$k. Rose shook her head. ,nd hes a looker% too% +eresa added. /ust like the other 'u . 1ato as e es lit up. What other 'u " E7ERSONS )oi$e ri$o$heted fro! the walls of his s!all offi$e% fillin' Roses head with rin'in'. 4ou think ou $an .ust !iss the !ornin'% and I wont know about it" Rose held her te!per in $he$k and fa$ed E!erson. , sli'ht !an of a)era'e hei'ht% he was baldin' and doe#e ed. E!erson $a!e fro! an old lo$al fa!il . &is 'randfather sold insuran$e% his father had e6panded the business% his oun'er brother still ran it% but E!erson had failed to !ake his !ark. &e was arro'ant% $ondes$endin'% and lost his te!per easil % whi$h !ade hi! a terrible sales!an. When people bou'ht insuran$e% the wanted to be reassured% and the onl thin' E!erson reassured the! of was his own inflated e'o. &e had $alled in a snarlin' ra'e about two hours after the left -ur'er >in' and de!anded 1ato a brin' her ba$k to his offi$e at the end of the shift. ,pparentl so he $ould $ause per!anent da!a'e to her hearin'. What do ou ha)e to sa for ourself" +here was so!e trouble at ,! &aires house ...

I dont 'i)e a fu$k. &e stared at her for a lon' !o!ent% his nostrils flarin'. I! not pa in' ou for this week. E!erson! What" ,re ou 'oin' to tell !e its ille'al and I $ant do it" Well% 'uess what. I .ust did. Rose $len$hed her teeth. E!erson was alwa s an ass% but this was 'oin' too far. I ha)ent !issed a da of work in two ears! E!erson lau'hed. 4ou know what% I $han'ed ! !ind. 4oure fired. 8ired" What for" 8or absenteeis!. 4ou want to $o!plain" 4ou 'o ri'ht ahead. Who the fu$k will listen to ou" 4oure an ille'al% and I $an do whate)er the hell I want with ou. &er fa$e 'rew hot. &e opened his !outh to rant so!e !ore% saw the look in her e es% and $la!ped his .aw shut. 4ou do whate)er lets ou sleep at ni'ht% E!erson% she said e)enl . -ut dont e)er $o!e to the Ed'e when I $an find out about it. She turned% left the offi$e% and kept walkin' throu'h the hallwa to the outside. 1ato a was nowhere in si'ht% fri'htened off b E!ersons h steri$s. Su$h was the Ed'e wa 0 e)er fa!il for the!sel)es. 8riend or not% 1ato a wasnt about to let her own .ob 'o down in fla!es. Rose paused on the $urb% starin' at E!ersons red &onda S<; with a )anit plate that read -OSS7,N. -oss!an. What a .oke. She was nu!b. It hadnt hit her et% she de$ided. It would e)entuall % and then shed probabl hide and $r so!ewhere. Rose shouldered her ba' and started walkin'. +EN +WO hours later% Rose sank onto the por$h steps% her phone ne6t to her. &er feet a$hed. She used the ti!e it took her to $o)er four !iles fro! the 2lean#n#-ri'ht offi$e to her house to sear$h for a new .ob. She had e6hausted e)er lead and $alled in e)er fa)or. Nobod was hirin'. Nobod e6pe$ted to hire an ti!e soon. Rose e6perien$ed her first pan' of fear. She had no wa to pro)ide for the $hildren.

She had alwa s worked. E)er sin$e *ad left and e)en before that% she had alwa s pro)ided for the!. +he werent ri$h% but the kids ne)er went hun'r . What $ould she do now" She had no reser)e. What little .ewelr 7o! had was lon' 'one3it went into the tru$k. 8irst% the trans!ission went% then the !uffler% then the belts ... +here was alwa s so!ethin' wron' with it% so!ethin' re(uirin' another in.e$tion of $ash. +he .unk in the atti$ would brin' the! nothin'. She had tried to sell it before% at a swap !eet and at a ard sale% but hardl an one bou'ht a thin'. Shed !ade a total of se)en dollars and twel)e $ents. +here was a spot in town in front of a s!all fried $hi$ken .oint% where a tru$k stopped e)er !ornin' to pi$k up laborers. +he were paid $ash. She dro)e past the! on her wa to work0 !en% !ostl 1atino% $hattin' in Spanish. -efore she had this .ob% she e)en tried waitin' with the!% but the tru$k dri)er e6plained to her that the didnt want wo!en. +he wanted !en% who $ould $lear awa the brush and do $onstru$tion. +he onl reason E!erson had hired her in the first pla$e was be$ause he and her father had been buddies when the were oun'. -ut now with *ad 'one ... She still had the doubloon. - now the news of her firin' would ha)e spread% and 7a6 +a lor would know she was desperate. &ed $har'e her an ar! and a le' to $on)ert the doubloon into $ash. &er $han$es !i'ht be better with 5eter at 5arallel <ni)erse. &e $har'ed a steeper fee% but he ne)er ha''led and ne)er tried to pull a fast one. +he doubloon would brin' in enou'h !one for a $ouple of weeks. Shed .ust ha)e to borrow the !one for 'as% dri)e out there% and hope she $ould work it out with one of the!. ,nd then what" 7a be she $ould .ust lea)e. +ake the kids% use what !one she !ade off *e$lans 'old% and .ust 'o. +he Ed'e was narrow but lon'0 it wrapped the .un$tion of the two worlds like a ribbon. +here were other settle!ents% bi''er than East 1aporte. +here had to be .obs there. -ut at least here she had the house. ,n where else% shed ha)e to pa rent ... +he sound of approa$hin' footsteps tore her fro! her thou'hts. , lon'#le''ed% lank !an strode down the path. +he sun pla ed on his reddish hair. She would)e known that red an where. Rob Si!oen. &is father had hired -rad to kidnap her all those ears a'o% so she $ould !arr Rob and !ake a brood of powerful babies for the Si!oens. Rob $a!e up and stopped at the ward stones. &e had a bit of power. &e flashed 'reen% whi$h wasnt too shabb for an Ed'er. &e was older than she b three ears and well off. &e was also a first#rate asshole. &i% Rose% he said.

She .ust looked at hi!. I heard ou)e lost our .ob. Well% that was fast. 2a!e to 'loat" &e s!iled. 4eah% a bit. *id ou hear" We at Si!oen 2he)rolet .ust 'ot oursel)es a new $leanin' $rew. Our offi$es will be all $lean and bri'ht. Rose blinked as the pi$ture snapped to'ether in her head. 4our dad paid off E!erson to fire !e. So!ethin' like that. She frowned. Its been four ears. Wh do ou e)en $are what I do" Word is% ou 'ot a bo friend% whos 'ood with his fists. ,$tions ha)e $onse(uen$es% Rose. 4ou see% -rad works for us. Odd .obs% !ostl . We like to look after our people. &ow ni$e of ou. Shed known -rads beatin' would $o!e to haunt her% but shed no idea it would be this fast. +he hit her where it hurt the !ost. 7a'i$ $lun' to her. +oo bad Rob was too s!art to start so!ethin'. Gettin' -rad beat up wasnt a 'ood !o)e. I didnt 'et hi! beat up. -rad !ana'ed that all b his loneso!e. So what does he do for ou an wa " -rad isnt !u$h 'ood aside fro! his fists ... Rose didnt e)en tr to keep her !outh fro! $ur)in'. 4ou use hi! as enfor$er% dont ou" +o $olle$t and repo our $ars. I saw hi! $allin' on his $ell ri'ht after he 'ot his ass handed to hi!. Was that to ou" +ell !e% was his )oi$e slurrin' a little" -e$ause the last I saw hi!% our pre$ious enfor$er was $urled up on the pa)e!ent in his own )o!it% lookin' for his !o!! . &e !ust)e .u!ped on that phone the se$ond he $ould talk. She lau'hed. Oh% that didnt look 'ood for our dad% did it" +he su'ar e6pression slid fro! Robs fa$e. Ne)er ou !ind. 1ets talk about ou. &ow e6a$tl are ou 'oin' to feed those bastard brothers of ours" None of our business. 4ou know ... Rob frowned% pretendin' to be i!!ersed in thou'ht. I)e alwa s fan$ied ou. *e$lan e!er'ed fro! the brush and started toward Rob in a )er deter!ined fashion. &e !ust ha)e followed her this entire ti!e. She wouldnt put it past hi!. &e probabl thou'ht

this was his $han$e to 'et into her 'ood 'ra$es3his I$ 1ordship% all poised for the res$ue. She 'lan$ed at his fa$e% and alar! shot throu'h her. She alwa s thou'ht that seein' !urder in so!eones e es was a fi'ure of spee$h% but when she looked at *e$lan% she saw it $r stal $lear. She $rossed her ar!s and looked abo)e Robs head at *e$lan. Its a bad idea. *e$lan kept $o!in'. &e didnt walk% he stalked% hu'e and lethal and )er an'r . Oh no% Rob said. Its a 'reat idea. Ill !ake ou a deal0 ou su$k !e off% and Ill see about 'ettin' ou our old .ob ba$k. Oh% ou sad% sli! bastard. 7us$les pla ed alon' *e$lans .aw. &e would kill Rob if he 'ot his hands on hi!. If ou do this% Ill ne)er speak to ou a'ain% she pro!ised hi!. *e$lan halted for a !o!ent. Oh% I like it when ou 'et !ad% Rob said. +he wa I look at it% ! dad pro!ised ou to !e four ears a'o% but I ne)er 'ot to ha)e ou. 1ike a 2hrist!as present I ne)er 'ot to unwrap. I fi'ure% I! lon' o)erdue. She had se$onds to 'et rid of Rob. Rose faked a si'h. 4oure ri'ht% Rob. I do need a .ob% and nobod see!s to be hirin'. I 'uess I)e been $hased into a $orner. I! 'lad ou see it ! wa . *e$lan resu!ed his !ar$h. Rose s!iled. +he thin' about bein' in the $orner is that now I)e 'ot nothin' to lose. ,nd I ha)e this powerful ur'e% Rob. , )er powerful ur'e to hurt so!ebod . It took hi! a se$ond. 4oure 'ettin' ahead of ourself there% bit$h. I think Ill start with ou% she said. 4ou know% when I flashed -rad% he pissed all o)er hi!self. I think Id like to see ou wet our pants% Rob. ,nd then I think Ill 'o o)er to our fa!il ho!e and see if our dadd wets his pants as 'ood as ou do. 4ou wouldnt dare. What do I ha)e to lose% ou di!wit" She lau'hed and be'an to rise fro! the steps.

Robs !outh hun' open. &e turned and saw *e$lan% loo!in' in his path. Rob went white as a sheet. Rose resorted to the last weapon in her arsenal. *e$lan% please dont hurt hi!. *e$lan leaned an in$h toward Rob. &is )oi$e was a low snarl. Run. Rob dashed down the path. &e was ne)er a 'ood runner% but he $leared the stret$h to the road at re$ord speed. 4ou shouldnt ha)e stopped !e. *e$lan stared after hi!. &e looked like he was about to $han'e his !ind. No !atter how fast Rob ran% *e$lan would $at$h hi!. I $ould)e hurt Rob. 8irst% I $ould)e shot hi!. She rea$hed into her tote and showed hi! her 'un. Se$ond% I $ould)e fried hi! with ! flash. I didnt hurt hi!. I $ould)e% but I didnt. &is e es narrowed. Wh " *o ou ha)e feelin's for hi!" No! ,t least not the kind of feelin's oure askin' about. +hen wh " Its kind of $o!pli$ated. Ill e6plain it if ou pro!ise not to 'o off huntin' Rob. &e !ulled it o)er. ;er well. &is tone !ade it plain that he was doin' her a fa)or. Rose did her best to dis'uise lettin' out a breath and sat in the 'rass on her side of the ward line. &e sat $ross#le''ed and looked at her. &e was still wearin' the .eans and the sweatshirt. +he .eans hid !ost of his boots% and fro! his feet up to his ne$k% he should)e looked like a !an fro! the -roken. Should)e but didnt. &e held hi!self like a !an who ne)er rode in a $rowded bus. &is shoulders were too wide% his posture too for$eful% and if he were to step into one of the bus !alls of the -roken% people would probabl trip o)er the!sel)es to 'i)e hi! his spa$e. &is hair added to the effe$t% but his e es and his fa$e were worst of all. E)en when he was $al!% like now% his e es !ade ou $at$h our breath. +he were the e es of a noble fro! the Weird% who e6pe$ted to be obe ed and would enfor$e his orders without a !o!ents hesitation. Instead of lookin' like a nati)e of the -roken% *e$lan ended up lookin' like a blueblood who had dressed up in otherworldl 'arb for &alloween. ,nd she had to e6plain the $o!ple6 rules of the Ed'e to hi!. &ow would she e)er find the words"

In the -roken% when a !an assaults a wo!an% the poli$e are $alled% she said. +he re)iew the e)iden$e% and if there is enou'h of it% the !an is taken into $ustod % $har'ed with a $ri!e% tried% and if found 'uilt % put awa into a prison. What happens in the Weird" In ,drian'lia% a si!ilar pro$ess% *e$lan said. Sheriffs e6a!ine the e)iden$e and take the 'uilt part into $ustod . If the fail to apprehend hi!% the $all the headhunters% and if the fail% the $all the 7arshal. So!eone like !e. She would definitel prefer the headhunters. It sounded o!inous% but not as bad as he. Its our .ob to apprehend $ri!inals" Onl so!e. 4ou ha)e to do so!ethin' re!arkable to 'ain ! attention. 5lease $ontinue. *o ou know what happens in the Ed'e" I e6pe$t oull enli'hten !e% he said. Nothin'. She $he$ked his fa$e to see if it sank in% but it !i'ht ha)e been a !ask for all the 'ood it did her. In the Ed'e% there are no poli$e% no !arshals% sheriffs% or an kind of prote$tion. +here is no i!partial third part . Instead% the entire $o!!unit of East 1aporte sits there and wat$hes to see what will happen. -e$ause there are so few of us% e)er one knows e)er bod else and e)er thin' we do has $onse(uen$es. She took a deep breath. If a wo!an 'ets assaulted% its between her fa!il and the fa!il of her atta$ker. +he !i'ht $o!e to an a'ree!ent of so!e sort on restitution or punish!ent. Or the !i'ht spend the ne6t few de$ades l in' in wait with their 'uns tr in' to splatter ea$h others brains all o)er the lo$al 'reener . Nobod likes a feud. 8euds are !ess 0 !an fa!ilies are related% and when a feud flares% all of East 1aporte $an 'o up in fla!es. Inno$ent people 'et hurt% and the trade suffers. , lot of us !ake a 'ood $hunk of our !one fro! tradin' with the $ara)ans fro! the Weird and then sellin' what we bartered in the -roken. If the $ara)ans know theres a feud% the ll skip the town and )isit so!eone else. &e nodded. We tr not to feud. We tr to be reasonable. +hat !eans that punish!ent has to fit the $ri!e. 1ets sa a !an tried to kidnap !e. I would be within ! ri'hts to kill hi!% and I)e done it before. *e$lan 'a)e her a probin' look. 4ou)e killed a person" +wi$e. -ut onl in self#defense. 7 father and 'randfather did so!e killin' to prote$t !e% too. Nobod $an 'et !ad about that. Sure% relati)es of people who! we killed hate us and

will take pains to ruin ! life if the 'et a $han$e% but publi$ opinion is on ! side. I was atta$ked% and an bod in ! pla$e would defend the!sel)es. +hats reasonable% ri'ht" 8or the sake of ar'u!ent% I suppose so. Now lets take -rad. I was onl a kid. I thou'ht I lo)ed hi!. I $a!e to hi! in the !ost diffi$ult ti!e of ! life% hopin' that he would be ! shelter. 7 ro$k in the stor!. ,nd he tried to kno$k !e out with a $lub and sell !e to Robs dad. I hate hi!. I hate hi! so !u$h that when hes near% ! hands $url into fists and I dont e)en know it. When ou beat hi! blood toda % it was 'lorious. +he hard line of his !outh rela6ed sli'htl . Glorious" he said. She nodded. Ill $herish the !e!or of hi! rollin' around in his own puke for the rest of ! life. -ut it $ost !e ! .ob. I)e heard% he said. It wasnt ! intent to !ake ou lose our e!plo !ent. Rose wa)ed her hand. No need to be so !odest. 4ou planned it all out brilliantl 3'ettin' !e fired% $uttin' off ! onl sour$e of in$o!e% all the while positionin' ourself as ! hero and sa)ior. *e$lans e ebrows $a!e to'ether. +hat is brilliant. I wish I would)e thou'ht of it. ,las% I was si!pl bein' $haritable to a fellow hu!an bein'. -rad needed to talk. ,ll I $ould do was lend hi! a willin' ear. *e$lan the Good Sa!aritan. She 'rinned. 4ou also 'enerousl lent hi! our fist. Well% ou didnt e6pe$t !e to slap hi! with an open hand. One si!pl doesnt. *e$lan s!iled ba$k. It was a 'enuine s!ile% and it transfor!ed his fa$e. Instead of a blueblood% in the spa$e of a !o!ent he be$a!e a !an% a li)in' breathin' !an% irresistibl handso!e% and funn % and so!eone she wished she knew. +he effe$t was sho$kin'. Rose looked at her feet% tr in' to hide her e es before he saw her rea$tion. Whi$h was the real *e$lan" +hat was the (uestion. -a$k to -rad% she said. When he hit !e with a bat% I flashed at hi!. It was a low flash% and it didnt kill hi!% but it hurt hi! )er badl . I still hear hi! s$rea!in' in ! sleep. ,s far as the Ed'e is $on$erned% that parti$ular $ri!e has been punished. Now ou)e opened a new $an of wor!s. -ut it was a 'lorious $an% he re!inded her.

She lau'hed in spite of herself and looked up at hi!. Luite. -rad 'ot his ass handed to hi!% and the Si!oen fa!il retaliated b !akin' ! .ob disappear. I dont bla!e ou for it. Nobod $ould)e predi$ted that ! .ob would e)aporate. -ut at the end of the da % I still ha)e no wa to feed ! fa!il . I! sorr % he said. +hank ou. Its like a $o!ple6 !athe!ati$al e(uation% *e$lan said. +he balan$e !ust alwa s re!ain at =ero. It doesnt alwa s. 5eople 'et awa with all sorts of thin's. -ut we do like to balan$e the books. 5eople will 'i)e ou a $han$e to settle thin's ourself% but if ou 'o killin' and !ai!in' people left and ri'ht% prett soon the entire town will pool its resour$es and take ou down no !atter how powerful ou are. 1ets 'o ba$k to Rob. &es a wor!% and propositionin' !e was a low thin' to do. It was hu!iliatin'. I hu!iliated hi! in return. Were e)en% and whats best is Rob thinks that nobod knows about this but the three of us. &ell re!e!ber it and ou% and hell tr to ki$k !e if he 'ets an opportunit % but its not like he was beaten in publi$ and be$a!e the lau'hin'sto$k of the Ed'e. If ou 'o after hi! and pu!!el hi! into pulp% hell ha)e to retaliate. +he Si!oen fa!il is lar'e and wealth . 7 fa!il is )er s!all. I shouldnt probabl be tellin' ou this% but all I ha)e are ! brothers and ! 'rand!other. I dedu$ed that% he said. I know that ou lo)e our brothers and wouldnt rel on the! for prote$tion unless ou had no $hoi$e. I think ou understand now% she said. I $ant $o!pete with the Si!oens. 7 flash is )er hot. -ut if ou beat up Rob% I !i'ht ne)er 'et a $han$e to use it. +he Si!oens !i'ht .ust shoot !e fro! so!e tree and nobod would bla!e the!. +hats wron'% he said. She shru''ed. Its the wa thin's are done here. I appre$iate ou !akin' an effort to understand. I know that it !ust be )er odd to ou% seein' as the bluebloods are the ulti!ate authorit in the Weird. +hats not stri$tl a$$urate. +he law is the ulti!ate authorit . Were si!pl better trained and edu$ated to enfor$e it than !ost other people% but were as bound b it as an other $iti=en. What does the law sa about for$in' a wo!an into !arria'e" she asked.

+he law applies onl to the $iti=ens of the Weird% and ou arent one. Ou$h. ,lwa s on the outside lookin' in. Rose 'ot up and brushed off her .eans. Well% its 'ood then that oull lose and head ba$k ho!e e!pt #handed. I wont lose% he said. -ut fro! now on% Ill atte!pt to keep the so$ial rules of the Ed'e in !ind. She blinked% surprised. *e$lan had !ore twists and turns than Rou'h -utt 2reek% whi$h ran throu'h East 1aporte. 8irst% he sa)ed /a$k. She $ould rationali=e that3after all% if he intended to !arr her% it was in his best interest not to stand idle while her brother was torn to pie$es. -ut then he res$ued ,! and her $hildren% and followed her into the -roken% and now he $on$eded he was out of his depth% so!ethin' she thou'ht would)e shattered his i$ bearin'. Wh did ou sa)e ,! " she asked hi!. Wh wouldnt I" She was in trouble% and it was in ! power to help her. +hats what an reasonable person would do. Wh did ou" 4ou were read to be bait to sa)e a $hild of 1eanne% who% b her own ad!ission% tor!ented ou in $hildhood. +hats different. &e leaned forward% interested. &ow" Rose sear$hed for words. She hadnt reall 'i)en an thou'ht to wh she had done it. She had rea$ted on instin$t. &es .ust a bo % she said finall . ,nd if it was 1eanne in that roo!% trapped" Would ou still ha)e 'one to sa)e her" 4es. &ow e6a$tl did he turn the tables on her" She should be the one askin' (uestions. Wh " She pursed her lips. -e$ause nothin' 1eanne had done to !e would be as awful as bein' torn apart ali)e b those $reatures. It was bra)e of ou% *e$lan said. She didnt $are what he thou'ht% she told herself. &is opinion didnt reall !atter. 1et !e sta with ou% he said. Not in a !illion ears. *e$lan% the blueblood% was dan'erous. *e$lan% the hu!an bein'% was ten ti!es !ore so. 4ou reall should stop tr in' to 'et into ! bed% *e$lan. It wont happen.

If I was tr in' to 'et into our bed% Id do so!ethin' alon' these lines. In her short datin' life% Rose had been hit with a few $o!e hither stares% but *e$lan left the! all in the dust. &e fo$used on her to the e6$lusion of all else% not reall starin'% but 'a=in' in fas$ination% as if he were pullin' her onto a ti'htrope abo)e a $has! and didnt $are if the both plun'ed to their deaths as lon' as she $a!e to hi!. It pier$ed her defenses% and Rose blushed% suddenl awkward and h per#aware as if she were a teena'er $at$hin' a bo lookin' at her and reali=in' for the first ti!e that she was a wo!an. Rose% he said% as if tastin' her na!e in his !outh. 1et !e in. She si!pl shook her head. It was all she $ould do. Shall I strip and tr to enti$e ou with ! !anl bod " ,nd .ust like that the spell was broken and she lau'hed. It wont work% but if ou do want to !ake a spe$ta$le of ourself% who a! I to stop ou% 4our E6$ellen$ " *e$lan si'hed. : 4our E6$ellen$ is the proper for! of address for an a!bassador or a bishop of the Moroastrian or 2atholi$ faith% as the st le the!sel)es as a!bassadors of their Gods will. I! neither a bishop nor an a!bassador. When it $o!es to so$ietal ni$eties% oure hopeless. -ut ha)e no fear3Ill arran'e for lessons. 1ots and lots of eti(uette lessons. 1u$kil % I ha)e both !one to hire the best tea$hers and patien$e to wait until ou learn. She bristled% and instantl his fa$e snapped into that blueblood stone#hard e6pression. Ill 'et our thin's% she told hi! and turned. 4ou work )er hard% and oure too proud to take $harit % he said. I find it ad!irable. -ut theres a fine line between proud and unwise. ,s ou pointed out% oure a sin'le wo!an in $har'e of two bo s. 4oure une!plo ed with no prospe$ts of obtainin' a new position% oure fa$in' a dan'er of unknown !a'i$al ori'in% and oure ill e(uipped to deal with it. I need a pla$e to sta . I! willin' to e!plo ou as ! hostess and will defend ou and our brothers a'ainst this dan'er or an other for the duration of ! sta . I ha)e alread sworn not to har! ou and our fa!il . 4ou 'et !one and a $apable adult !ale under our roof% while I 'et a roo! and three !eals a da . +o turn !e awa is both foolish and irresponsible% and oure neither. She stopped. &e was ri'ht. What do ou 'et out of it" ,s I)e !entioned% I intensel dislike sleepin' in a tent. -ut !ore i!portantl % I)e !ade the trip into the Ed'e% and should I $o!e ba$k e!pt #handed% with wild stories of so!e phanto! hounds that killed ! bride#to#be% Id be a lau'hin'sto$k. I $ant afford to lose ou

now. If ou persist in this unwise $ourse% Ill pit$h ! tent ri'ht here% in the spot where I stand% and Ill do ! best to defend ou re'ardless. &owe)er% ! defense will be !u$h less effe$ti)e. Of $ourse. , purel !er$enar reason. She had e6pe$ted nothin' else. +he $hildren had to eat. &er 'ro$er supplies $onsisted of three pa$ks of Ra!en noodles% si6 dru!sti$ks% so!e ri$e% a few potatoes% half a $ontainer of bread $ru!bs% and a pound and a half of 'round beef in the free=er. ,nd he would prote$t the!. +he both knew she would a$$ept his offer. Rose 'rasped at straws% tr in' to find so!e wa not to feel as if the $hoi$e had been stripped awa fro! her% but found none. Suddenl she was si!pl wear . +hats the other thin' I dont (uite understand about ou. 4oure an earl. 4ou ha)e !one . 4oure not u'l . I! (uite handso!e% a$tuall % he said. &andso!e was for ordinar !ortals. She rolled her e es. ,nd so !odest% too. Wh are ou here tr in' to 'et !e to !arr ou" Ill tell ou% if ou let !e in. &ow !u$h are ou willin' to pa " she asked. Our standard rate. , doubloon a da . It was 'enerous. 7ore than 'enerous3so!e fa!ilies would put hi! up for a week for a sin'le $oin. &alf a doubloon a da % she said. No% ou see% the idea behind bar'ainin' is that ou ask for a lar'er a!ount. ,pparentl % he understood sar$as! .ust fine. &e .ust $hose not to noti$e it% when it failed to suit hi!. I know that ou in the Weird think that all Ed'ers are swindlers. We arent. I wont take !ore than whats fair% be$ause I dont want to feel indebted to ou. 8or our half# doubloon% oull 'et the use of the bedroo! and three de$ent !eals a da % and our laundr done% should ou need it. 4oull 'et nothin' else. I! lettin' ou under ! roof% and I e6pe$t ou to beha)e with respe$t toward !e and ! brothers. Should ou brea$h this a'ree!ent% oull i!!ediatel lea)e. Should I brea$h it% Ill refund all related !one . ,! I !akin' ! self $lear" 5erfe$tl . Should I swear a blood oath"

No. 4our words suffi$ient. &e rose% pi$kin' up his sword. 4ou ha)e it. Rose re!o)ed the ward stones. &e stepped inside. Suppose I offered ou a $arte blan$he% he said. What does that !ean" 4ou lea)e with !e. Ill support ou in a respe$table st le. Ill pa for the edu$ation of the bo s. In return well share a bedroo!. Respe$table st le" She $hewed on those words. &ere was a $ontradi$tion if she e)er saw one. +wo% three hundred doubloons a !onth. Enou'h for a !odest but $o!fortable life. Ob)iousl % I would take $are of our rent% tuition for the $hildren% and e6traordinar e6penses. Ob)iousl . She shook her head. Is that a es or a no" She si!pl looked at hi!. I take it b our fri'id $ountenan$e that its a no% he said. ,nd !ore% ou belie)e !e to be an idiot for offerin' it to ou. E)en if oure not l in'% e)en if ou intend to do e)er thin' e6a$tl the wa ou su''est% ou asked !e to be$o!e our whore. I dont ha)e an thin' a'ainst wo!en who $hose that sort of life. -ut I! not% nor will I e)er be% one of those wo!en. If ou were to offer !e a .ob% the t pe of .ob where I didnt ha)e to earn the roof abo)e ! head b spreadin' ! le's% I would $onsider it. -ut I dont reall trust ou farther than I $an throw ou% and sin$e oure lar'e and !us$ular% that wouldnt be )er far. ,nd I! not positi)e it would be a 'ood idea to depend on ou for ! li)elihood an wa . I dont want our !one % *e$lan. I! not a be''ar or a free#loader. &e was stud in' her% and she wondered if he reall had !eant the offer or if it was so!e sort of a test. Either wa % he had her answer% and she !eant e)er word. 7 !one would let ou lea)e this pla$e. +his pla$e is ! ho!e. Would ou do it if ou were !e"

No% he said i!!ediatel . Wh do ou think I would" , hint of a !ordant s!ile tu''ed on the $orners of his !outh. I didnt think ou would. +hen wh did ou offer" I wanted to know what ou would sa . I! tr in' to learn !ore about ou. She spread her ar!s. What ou see is what ou 'et. &is e es sparked with 'reen. Is that a pro!ise" God da!n hi!. I !eant that I ha)e no bi' se$rets. <nlike ou. Wh are ou shoppin' for a bride in the Ed'e" Ill be thirt in a !onth. +he $o)enant of our title re(uires !e to !arr before I turn thirt % or I wont inherit the do!ain. +hats a bit ridi$ulous. &e nodded. On that were in $o!plete a'ree!ent. So what pre)ented ou fro! 'ettin' !arried in the Weird" I! afraid ! reputation a!on' ! peers has been so!ewhat tarnished. &e walked up the por$h and held the door open for her. Wh " It be$a!e known that I had a rather fertile i!a'ination% when it $a!e to pri)ate a$ti)ities. She stared at hi!. What sort of pri)ate a$ti)ities" +his ti!e he did s!ile% and it turned his fa$e wi$ked. *isrobe% and Ill be happ to de!onstrate. E1E;EN I+ took Rose a 'ood half hour to 'et rid of *e$lan. Shed ke ed the ward to hi!% and finall hed left to 'et the rest of his supplies. She waited for about fi)e !inutes% 'rabbed the wheelbarrow% and dro)e the bod of the dead hound to Grand!as. If the $ould fi'ure out what it was or where it had $o!e fro!% the $ould find a wa to fi'ht it.

+he wheel stu$k on so!e rando! ro$k. +he a$rid sten$h risin' fro! the $ar$ass would)e !ade e)en Grandpa 2letus )o!it. Rose thou'ht she would be used to it b now% but no% after a third of a !ile% she $ould still s!ell the dead bu''er. Rose $ursed at the wheelbarrow% 'ritted her teeth% and for$ed it throu'h the trellis shrouded in tin pink roses into her 'rand!others ard. She took a deep breath and pushed it ba$k behind the house% out of si'ht% and threw a tarp o)er it .ust in $ase. Grand!a AlBonore was in the kit$hen% drinkin' tea. I heard ou lost our .ob% she said the se$ond Rose stepped into the kit$hen. Oh% for the lo)e of God ... ,nd I hear ou ha)e a fellow sta in' with ou. ,$$ordin' to 7arlene% who heard it fro! Geraldine ,sper% who heard it dire$tl fro! Elsie 7oore% hes so!e sort of a looker. &es .ust a boarder. Rose went to the sink and s$rubbed her hands with soap. +he last thin' she needed now was a le$ture on the terrible dan'ers of lettin' bluebloods into the house. /ust a bit of !one to tide us o)er. She hoped and pra ed that on$e the looker fet$hed his possessions% hed sta at the house and not 'o sear$hin' for her. &a)in' hi! turn up on Grand!as doorstep would !ean nothin' but trouble. ,$$ordin' to the hooli'ans% this boarder has a hu'e sword. Rose rolled her e es to the $eilin'. What else did the tell ou" Not !u$h. +he )e been )er $lose!outhed about it. Not at all like the!. Is he handso!e" &e is. It isnt Willia!% is it" No% Rose si'hed% droppin' into a $hair and rea$hin' for the spare $up. ,bo)e the! the $eilin' shook with (ui$k thu!ps. +he kids were pla in' in the atti$ a'ain. What did ou learn at ,deles" Oh% this and that. 1ots of 'ossip. 5aulas e6pe$tin' twins. +he arent her husbands% and when he finds out% therell be hell to pa . So!e other thin's. Grand!a looked awa . What else"

Grand!a hea)ed a si'h. *o's ha)e been disappearin'. Seth &ines has 'one into the -roken. +ook his wife and son with hi! and left prett !u$h e)er thin' behind. &is sister 'ot ahold of hi!% but he wont talk. She 'ot )er little out of hi!. &ed told her the d been atta$ked b so!ethin'% so!e stran'e $reatures. Oh% and he $lai!s a blueblood res$ued the!. -e$ause thats .ust what we need% nobles fro! the Weird. 4es% the definitel didnt need an !ore of those. Rose wiped her hands on a towel. It had to be *e$lan% of $ourse. Who else" I think I)e 'ot one of those $reatures in a wheelbarrow at the ba$k por$h. Grand!a AlBonore rose. 1ets see it. +he stepped out onto the ba$k por$h. Rose drew the tarp aside. AlBonore brushed the tips of her fin'ers a$ross the $reatures hide% leaned $lose% until her nose al!ost tou$hed it% sniffed the $harred hide% and strai'htened. What is it" Rose asked. AlBonores forehead wrinkled. I dont know% she said softl . 1ets brew so!e tea and find out. GR,N*7, AlBonore pi$ked up a pie$e of white $halk and drew a $o!pass rose on the surfa$e of the table with brisk pra$ti$ed !o)e!ents. Geor'ie stood b the table% transfi6ed. /a$k s$ooted on his $hair% holdin' his hands to'ether% as if in pra er. Rose pla$ed a fat $andle at tra!ontane% the north point% and lit it. +he tin blade of the fla!e dan$ed on the wi$k. , $ube of i$e 'ra$ed le)ante% the east. Rose added a $hunk of 'ranite at the ostro% south% and looked at /a$k. Now" he asked. Now. /a$k opened his hands and dropped a fat 'reen $aterpillar onto the table. Rose nud'ed it onto ponente% the west% and spat on it. +he $aterpillar s(uir!ed% but re!ained put% pinned b the s!all $har'e of !a'i$. +his was the old fa!iliar Ed'e !a'i$. Not flash or s$ientifi$% but the si!ple earth kind that worked. *e$lan would sneer at it% .ust like all of his loft friends would sneer at her if she e)er left with hi!. +hat was fine. She had nothin' to pro)e to hi! and no intention to 'i)e up her freedo!. No !atter how he looked at her.

Grand!a AlBonore snapped a s!all =iplo$k ba' open and dropped a sli)er of the beasts flesh into the $enter of the rose. +he sten$h nipped at the inside of Roses nostrils. She 'ri!a$ed and turned awa to 'ulp so!e untainted air. Wh does it stink so bad" /a$k $la!ped his nose shut. We dont know. Grand!a AlBonore !otioned the! to the table. &old hands. +he stood around the table% holdin' hands. 2on$entrate on the flesh. Grand!a AlBonore took a deep breath and be'an to $hant. ,ll that is fro! all that was% return to our root% obe ! words. ,ll that is fro! all that was% return to our root% obe ! words ... +he !a'i$ strea!ed fro! the!% lo$kin' onto the odorous $hunk. , thin puddle of water spread fro! under the i$e $ube% for!in' a perfe$t $ir$le. +he hunk of 'ranite shuddered% little fle$ks of (uart= 'listenin'. +he fla!e of the $andle 'rew to two in$hes. +he $aterpillar writhed. +he flesh in the $enter refused to !o)e. +he tried it a'ain ten !inutes later. Nothin'. Its like its not of this earth% Rose !ur!ured. +here are other thin's we $an do. Grand!a AlBonore pursed her lips. +he $ould and the did. 8our hours later% Rose $ould barel lift her head. Grand!a AlBonore pi$ked up a rollin' pin% looked at the $hunk of flesh3their third% the first two had been $onsu!ed b )arious spells3and hit it with the rollin' pin. Rose frowned. What for" +o !ake !e feel better. &er $ell phone ran'. Rose .u!ped si6 in$hes in the air. Whos $allin' ou" I dont know! She pulled the phone open. 7a be it was a .ob offer. &ello"

&i% Rose% a !ale )oi$e said on the other end. &i. &old on a !inute. She $o)ered the phone with her hand and !outhed Willia! at Grand!a. Go. Grand!a AlBonore nodded to the ba$k por$h. Ill .ust be a !inute% Rose pro!ised. She went out the ba$k por$h% a$ross the 'rass to the old wooden swin' han'in' fro! the !assi)e li!b of a 'narled oak. +he ni'ht had fallen% the darkness $ool and spi$ed with the deli$ate% sli'htl bitter s$ent of 5oor 7ans Or$hids drippin' fro! the )ines windin' about the tree and the faint !i!osa perfu!e of ni'htneedle flowers. +he house windows $ast off weak li'ht onto the darkness#dren$hed lawn. &ow did ou 'et ! nu!ber" She s$ooted onto the swin'. One of our friends 'a)e it to !e. +he one with 'reen hair. 1ato a. &ow do ou know her" I $a!e b our work. I thou'ht !a be I $ould take ou to dinner. +he said ou were fired.

She heard real $on$ern in his )oi$e. 4es% I was. Sorr to hear that. &ow are the bo s takin' it" +he dont know et. So ou need a .ob" I $ould ask around ... -ut of $ourse% the wouldnt hire her. Not with her stellar Ed'e paperwork. Still% it was so thou'htful of hi! to offer. +hats )er ni$e of ou% but I! doin' oka for now. , faint ed'e appeared in Willia!s )oi$e. I heard there was a !an in)ol)ed. 1ato a and her bi' !outh. - now the whole Ed'e knew she was let 'o be$ause of a !an. Not that she 'a)e a da!n about what the thou'ht or said about her. I wasnt fired be$ause of hi!. 4ou see% E!erson% ! boss% and ! father% the used to be friends. I dont e)en know wh I! tellin' ou this ... 5robabl be$ause ou need so!eone to talk to. I! here% and I)e 'ot ti!e.

She si'hed and pushed a'ainst the 'round out of habit% startin' the swin' swa in' ba$k and forth. +he $hain protested (uietl . What is that $reakin'" he asked. &ow in the world did he hear it throu'h the phone" I! sittin' on an old swin'. ,h. So what about this E!erson" 1ike I said% he and ! father used to be friends. +hen ! father left. &e went on to ... to ad)enture. E!erson sta ed behind% !arried% 'ot a .ob in the fa!il business% and tried to li)e a (uiet life. I think% thou'h% he alwa s wanted to 'o off with ! father% but ne)er 'ot bra)e enou'h to break free. In the last ear% E!ersons life fell apart. &e didnt do so well as an insuran$e sales!an% and his dad !ade hi! run 2lean#n#-ri'ht instead. &is wife left hi!. &e has !one proble!s% and hes ski!!in' off the top of the business. Its all $rashin' down around his ears. I think e)er ti!e he saw !e% he thou'ht of ! dad li)in' the 'ood life so!ewhere. &e would)e fired !e an wa % sooner or later. &e sounds like a real pri=e% this E!erson. &es .ust an unhapp % an'r !an. I dont ha)e to put up with hi! an !ore% and I! 'lad. Its in the past now. 4ou know% ou $ould)e told !e about this other 'u % Willia! said softl . I! not afraid of a little $o!petition. She hesitated. Willia!% I thou'ht we had settled this. 5lease% dont !ake !e hurt our feelin's a'ain. &e lau'hed (uietl . It was an odd lau'h% deep and bitter. *ont worr . I re!e!ber where we stand. Sin$e ou told !e so!ethin' pri)ate about ourself% Ill tell ou so!ethin' pri)ate about !e. I ne)er had a fa!il like ou do% Rose. +hats wh I like ou so !u$h. 4oure kind and s!art% and prett % and ou take $are of our brothers. Nobod e)er took $are of !e like that. I think I alwa s wanted to find so!eone like ou to settle down with. +o ha)e a real fa!il . I dont know if I would be 'ood at it% but Id like to tr . I would keep ou and the kids safe. Nobod would e)er hurt ou. Sorr % but I $ant .ust let ou 'et awa without a fi'ht. , hea) wei'ht settled on her $hest. +here was sin$erit in his )oi$e that was i!possible to fake. &e .ust laid it all out for her. Willia!% she said as 'entl as she $ould. I! sorr that oure alone. -ut I dont think I3I dont think we% !e and the bo s% are the ri'ht fa!il for ou. I know that ou think of !e as Rose% the bi' sister to the bo s% but I! ! own person. I want to be happ % .ust like

e)er one else. When a !an .oins our fa!il like that% it will be be$ause I lo)e hi!. I dont think I would e)er fall in lo)e with ou. +here is no spark between us% and ou know it as well as I do. She listened to the lon' silen$e. 4oure an odd wo!an% Rose% he said finall . 7ost wo!en would en.o all the attention. I ha)e enou'h attention as it is% she !ur!ured. 8ro! that !an who 'ot ou fired" Rose si'hed. &es an arro'ant ass who thinks I! lower than dirt. If I $ould 'et rid of hi!% I would. I $ould run hi! off for ou. No% I think its best I handle it ! self. I3 She raised her e es and saw *e$lan standin' two feet awa % his sword on his ba$k. Rose" Willia! asked. &ello" *e$lans e es bla=ed like two white stars. &e held out his hand. Gi)e !e the phone% Rose. Whos that" Willia! asked. &is )oi$e lost all war!th. 1et !e speak to hi!. *e$lan rea$hed for the phone. I ha)e to 'o% she told Willia!. +alk to ou later. She snapped the phone $losed. *a!n it% *e$lan snarled. I told ou to 'i)e !e the phone! She .u!ped off the swin'. &ow lon' ha)e ou been standin' there" 1on' enou'h. Was that Willia!" She i'nored hi! and headed to the house. ,nswer !e% he de!anded. I dont ha)e to% she said% stru''lin' to keep her $al!. 4ou ha)e no ri'ht to order !e around. Rose !ar$hed to the ba$k por$h. 4ou stubborn fool% ou ha)e no idea who oure dealin' with.

I ha)e a )er 'ood idea. She stopped and looked at hi!. 1ets 'et this one thin' $o!pletel $lear. 4ou dont own !e. I! not our sla)e or our ser)ant% and I dont 'i)e a da!n what $olor our blood is% how old our fa!il is% or how !u$h !one and power ou ha)e. I let ou sta in ! house be$ause ou pa !e and I! ba$ked into a $orner. *ont think for a !o!ent that Ill let ou 'i)e !e orders and run ! life. She turned on her heel and went into the house. *e$lan was onl a step behind. Grand!other sat at the kit$hen table. &er fa$e was )er pale. &er 'a=e fi6ed on *e$lan% as if he were a !urderous !ania$. Rose didnt bla!e her. &is e es were $o!pletel frosted o)er and his fa$e pro!ised a stor!. Where are the bo s" Rose asked% noti$in' *e$lans $loak% draped o)er a $hair. So hed $o!e here first% and then tra$ked her down to the ba$k. ,sleep% Grand!a said% her )oi$e $arefull neutral. No need to wake the!% then. *e$lan and Ill 'o up to the house. Ill $o!e ba$k for the bo s in the !ornin'. *e$lan swiped his $loak% han'in' it on his left ar!% bowed% and 'entl pi$ked up Grand!as hand% brushin' his lips a$ross her knu$kles. /e )ous re!er$ie a)e$ tout !on $oeur pour )otre a$$ueil si $haleureu6 et de )otre 'entillesse. -onne nuit% 7ada!e AlBonore. /e )ous en prie. ,u re)oir. Grand!as )oi$e was $lipped with tension. Rose bristled. &er knowled'e of 8ren$h was !ini!al% but she $au'ht thank ou and our kindness. *e$lan stepped to the outside door and held it open for her. Rose% ou $an sta here% Grand!a said (ui$kl . Ill be fine. Rose for$ed a s!ile and left the house. She waited until the $leared the lawn and started down the path to her house% before she spun to hi!. What did ou sa to her" I said% :+hank ou )er !u$h for our $ordial re$eption and our kindness. Good ni'ht% 7rs. AlBonore. What were ou doin' in ! 'rand!others house" &is )oi$e was a$id. 1ookin' for ou. 4ou were 'one for a lon' ti!e. I thou'ht ou !i'ht be in dan'er% and I tra$ked ou down. It wasnt e6a$tl diffi$ult3 our wheelbarrow left )er $lear tra$ks.

She 'lared at hi!. 4ou terrified ! 'rand!other. I was the )er soul of $ourtes . 4es% thats wh shes sittin' in the kit$hen with a deer#in#the#headli'hts look on her fa$e. *ont $o!e here. E)er. 7 'rand!other has nothin' to do with an of this. &e stepped $loser to her. Now% ou listen to !e. +here are thin's 'oin' on here that ou arent e(uipped to deal with% and whether ou like it or not% I)e $hosen to prote$t ou fro! the!. If that !eans I ha)e to enter our 'rand!others house or follow ou into the -roken% then oull .ust ha)e to deal with it% be$ause e)en if the lot of ou pile all of our !a'i$ to'ether% ou $ant stop !e. +he !a'i$ bu$kled inside her% spurred b her an'er. +he ni'ht 'ained a pale shi!!er% and she reali=ed her flash had leaked into her e es% !akin' the! 'low. I wouldnt be so sure% she 'round out. &is e ebrows $a!e to'ether in disbelief% and then his own e es bla=ed white. +he 'lared at ea$h other. No !ore stallin'% Rose. 4ou)e lost our .ob. 4ou ha)e all the ti!e in the world now. 4ou)e pro!ised the first $hallen'e to!orrow. *eli)er. 4oull ha)e our $hallen'e. I look forward to it. 8ine. 8ine. +he didnt speak all the wa ho!e. +WE1;E /,2> sauntered into the house% followin' Rose and Geor'ie. Rose headed into the kit$hen% Geor'ie went into their roo!% and /a$k a!bled a bit in the li)in' roo!% de$idin' what to do. If he went ba$k outside% hed ha)e to sta inside the ward lines. &e $ould 'o to the kit$hen and steal so!ethin' to eat ... /a$k passed b the door to *e$lans roo! and fro=e. +he blueblood sat on the bed. In front of hi! on a rou'h $an)as la kni)es. 7an % !an sharp kni)es. +he sun filtered into the roo! throu'h the window% and the li'ht pla ed on the s!ooth surfa$es of the blades.

*e$lan pi$ked up a knife and drew a soft $loth o)er it. , spi$ s$ent spread throu'h the air. 2lo)es. /a$k liked the wa *e$lan s!elled. 1ike pu!pkin pie spi$e% !i6ed with leather% and sweat. It wasnt a 'irl t pe of s!ell. *e$lan raised his hand and !otioned for hi! to enter. /a$k snu$k in% !akin' no sounds% and stopped b the bed. &e didnt sa an thin'% .ust wat$hed the $loth slide up and down the blades with a )er soft sound0 whoosh% whoosh% whoosh ... *o ou like s$hool" *e$lan asked. No. Wh not" +he !ake us sit still for a lon' ti!e. Is it hard for ou" /a$k shru''ed his shoulders. Rose sa s if I want to be a 'ood predator% I ha)e to learn to be patient and do it. She sa s patient predators dont 'o hun'r as !u$h. ,nd ou want to be a 'ood predator" /a$k nodded. *e$lan took another ra'% dabbed so!e oil on it% and threw it to hi!. /a$k snat$hed the ra' out of the air% fast% before *e$lan $ould $han'e his !ind. &e looked at the blades and looked at *e$lan. +he blueblood nodded. /a$ks hand ho)ered o)er a lar'e% flash da''er. No% too bi'. -i' !eant slow. &e was a s!all $at% and he was stron' for his si=e. +here were thin's that were a lot bi''er and stron'er% but few thin's were faster. +railin' point knife% *e$lan said as /a$k held his hand o)er the narrow blade with an upward $ur)in' ba$k ed'e. +he $ur)e !akes the blade lon'er. Its li'ht and (ui$k. Good for slashin'. /a$k !o)ed his hand to the knife to the ri'ht% with a ba$k ed'e that swooped down in a $on$a)e $ur)e to a ra=or#sharp point. 4ata'an $lip. +he ba$k ed'e $ur)es down. So!e people lea)e the ba$k ed'e false% so its dull. I like !ine sharp. Its a fast knife. Good for ti'ht (uarters and (ui$k stabbin'.

/a$k stared at the!% torn. Slashin' like $laws or stabbin' like teeth" 8inall he pi$ked up the ata'an $lip and 'entl drew the $loth alon' the blade. &is teeth did !ore da!a'e than his $laws. /a$k drew the $loth alon' the blade. Whoosh. &e s!iled. *o ou know what :ane!i$ !eans" *e$lan asked. /a$k shook his head. Its a kind of disease that happens when our bod la$ks blood or iron. 5eople who ha)e it be$o!e tired (ui$kl . +he re usuall pale and weak. &a)e ou e)er heard Rose !ention it when she talks about Geor'ie" Geor'ie isnt ane!i$% /a$k said. &e would be oka e6$ept for Grandpa. Grandpa and all the ani!als are !akin' hi! si$k. Grandpa" *e$lan raised his e ebrows. We keep hi! in the shed out ba$k% /a$k said helpfull . So he doesnt eat do' brains. *e$lan 'a)e hi! an odd look. 2har!in' Ed'e $usto!% keepin' elderl relati)es lo$ked up. -e$ause of Grandpa% Geor'ie $ant fi'ht that 'ood. I prote$t hi! in s$hool% but hell 'o into !iddle s$hool when hes twel)e and I wont. I dont know what to do about that et. *e$lan 'a)e hi! another odd look. Is the s$hoolwork hard" /a$k shook his head. -orin'. We do word lists. 4ou ha)e to !e!ori=e the wa words are spelled and pretend to read the! ba$k. I dont ha)e to. I alread know how to read. Rose tau'ht !e. What about !ath" *e$lan asked. /a$k shru''ed. I $an add thin's to'ether. I alread know how !an an'les are in a trian'le. Its $alled tri#an'le. I! not stupid. &e held on to the knife a bit too lon'% but !ade hi!self put it down and looked at the trailin' point blade. *e$lan nodded. /a$k took the knife into his fin'ers. &e liked the wa it felt% li'ht and $o!fortable. 1un$hs awful% he )olunteered. +he 'i)e ou fish sti$ks. +he taste like $ardboard. Geor'ie sa s the re !ade fro! ! ster !eat. Nobod eats the!. &a)e ou e)er eaten $ardboard" /a$k nodded. I $hewed it.

Wh " I wanted to know if its 'ood to eat. /a$k put the knife down with relu$tan$e. What kind of ani!al do ou $han'e into" *e$lan asked. /a$k narrowed his e es into sl slits. I! not supposed to tell ou. Wh not" -e$ause Rose told !e not to talk to an bod about it. *e$lan leaned forward and fi6ed hi! with his e es. /a$k tensed. If *e$lan were a $han'elin'% hed be a wolf% /a$k de$ided. , lar'e white wolf. ;er s!art and with bi' teeth. *o ou alwa s do what Rose sa s" Ooooh. +hat was a tri$k (uestion. If he said he did% *e$lan would think he was a !a!as bo . If he said he didnt% hed ha)e to tell hi! that he was a $at. /a$k thou'ht about it. No. -ut I alwa s know I! supposed to. I see% *e$lan said. /a$k de$ided he had to e6plain% .ust so there wouldnt be an doubt that he wasnt a !a!as bo . 7 !o! died. 7 dad left to hunt for treasure. I dont re!e!ber hi!. &e was a 'ood dad% I think% but he !i'ht ha)e been not that s!art% be$ause when Grand!a talks about hi!% she $alls hi! :that stupid !an so!eti!es. She $an do that be$ause hes her son% so I dont 'et !ad. ,ha% *e$lan said. So until ! dad $o!es ba$k% I! Roses $ub. So I ha)e to do what she sa s. 7akes sense% *e$lan said. 4ou like Rose" /a$k said. 4es% I do. Wh " -e$ause shes s!art% kind% and prett . She stands up to !e. +hats hard to do.

/a$k nodded. +hat !ade sense. *e$lan was hard to stand up to. &e was tall and bi' and he had a sword. Rose is pri$kl . She is $ertainl that. Shes ni$e% too% /a$k said. She takes $are of !e and Geor'ie. ,nd if ou ask her reall ni$e% shell !ake ou a pie e)en if shes tired fro! work. ,nd shes funn % *e$lan said $onfidentiall . -ut Id appre$iate it if ou didnt tell her that. If she knew I thou'ht she was funn % she !i'ht not take !e seriousl . Wo!en are like that. /a$k nodded. &e $ould keep a !anl se$ret% and it wasnt so!ethin' that Rose had to know. If ou win the $hallen'es% oull take Rose awa . +hats the a'ree!ent% *e$lan said. 2an we $o!e" 4es. -reakfast! Rose $alled. /a$k started for the door and turned. &is e es flashed with a!ber fire. I wont help ou win% he said. *e$lan 'rinned. I wouldnt ha)e it an other wa . ROSE $rou$hed b hi!. /a$k wished he were bi''er. &e disliked it when people $rou$hed to talk to hi!% but he knew Rose did it so she $ould look at his e es. 8o$us% /a$k. &e nodded. 4ou dont $hase the lee$h birds. 4ou dont stop to $at$h a bunn . 4ou run as fast as ou $an% and when ou 'et tired% ou hide as well as ou $an. *o ou understand !e" &e nodded a'ain. Repeat it. Run and hide. No lee$h birds.

Rose bit her lip. Its )er i!portant. I know that *e$lan sa)ed ou and hes ni$e to ou% but he wont be ni$e to !e if I ha)e to 'o awa with hi!. &e said we $ould $o!e. Rose stopped. Where" With hi! and ou. Rose hu''ed hi!. /a$k% of $ourse he would sa that. &e would sa an thin' to 'et the two of ou on his side. 4ou $ant trust hi!. /a$k s(uir!ed until she let hi! 'o. Rose si'hed and took hold of his bra$elet. ,re ou read " &e nodded. Run and hide. Run and hide% he repeated. Rose slipped his wrist out of the bra$elet. +he roo! swa ed. +he floor bu$kled and pun$hed hi! in the fa$e. ROSE stepped onto the por$h. *e$lan waited for her in the ard% his handso!e fa$e serene. 4ou wanted a $hallen'e. *e$lan nodded. I! a#flutter with anti$ipation. ,#flutter. Ri'ht. Rose held the s$reen door open and let /a$k onto the por$h. &e padded out on disproportionatel bi' round paws and blinked at the sun with hu'e a!ber e es. +hi$k fur% spotted with rosettes of rust and deep brown that see!ed al!ost hunter 'reen% $lothed hi! in a dense $oat. /a$k wrinkled his !u==le% shakin' his white whiskers. +he lon' $ho$olate tufts of fur at the tips of his lar'e ears tre!bled. &e looked adorable% like a pouf % stout kitten on lon' le's% sli'htl lar'er than a bi' house $at% but she knew those bi'% soft paws hid ra=or#sharp $laws. E)en at ei'ht% /a$k was deadl . In lean ti!es% when the didnt ha)e !eat% he went out huntin' and !ore often than not $a!e ba$k with a turke or a hare% so!eti!es sli'htl $hewed up. /a$k knew the Wood like the ba$k of his hand. ,nd when he didnt want to be found% e)en an e6perien$ed hunter $ouldnt dis$o)er his hidin' pla$e. She had to resort to !a'i$ to find hi!.

&ere is our first $hallen'e. Rose s!iled. She $rou$hed and petted /a$k on the head. &e rubbed a'ainst her knee. She whispered% Go! Steel !us$les tensed under the fur. /a$k leaped off the por$h% sailin' throu'h the air as if he had win's. &e landed in the 'rass and bolted% his rosettes blendin' into a blur. , blink and he )anished in the trees. *e$lan looked after hi!. What is he" Ed'e l n6. Rose strai'htened. 4ou ha)e until !ornin' to $at$h hi!. If he returns here free b sunrise% ou forfeit. *e$lan nodded% pi$ked up a sa$k l in' at his feet% and headed into the forest. R<N and hide. Run. Run. Run. , hare s$ent trail. +ast . &a)e to keep runnin'. /a$k leapt o)er the lo' and kept 'oin'% fl in' o)er the forest floor. &eat spread throu'h his !us$les. +he s$ents of the Wood bathed his fa$e. &e kept 'oin'% faster and faster% leapin' fro! one !oss#$o)ered trunk to the ne6t. ,bo)e hi!% lee$h birds $ir$led with 'uttural $ries so!ewhere hi'h abo)e the $anop . Run and hide. No lee$h birds. &e dashed to and fro% $onfusin' his s$ent trail .ust in $ase% leaped and ran deeper and deeper into the Wood% until finall he 'rew tired and s$ra!bled up the trunk of a hu'e pine into the dense blanket of needles and la on a bran$h% pantin'. -irds $hirpin'% little tin fat birds. +ast . , s(uirrel poked its wa out of the hole in the tree. /a$k la still for a lon' ti!e. 1on' enou'h to !ake hi! sleep . &e awned% $losed his e es% and sank into a war!% happ nap. , lon' twistin' sound e$hoed throu'h the Wood% .erkin' hi! awake. It wasnt like an noise he had e)er heard. 1ike a lon' wail. It pri$ked his ears% and he rose to a half $rou$h.

It was a trap. &e la ba$k down. It was a trap% be$ause *e$lan was s!art. What !ade that sound" What if it wasnt *e$lan" /a$k rose a'ain and la ba$k down. Run and hide. &e ran and he hid. &e waited for the sound to $o!e a'ain. &e waited and waited% but the Wood was full of little ani!al noises and no wails. It didnt hurt to look. &e would be )er % )er $areful. ;er $areful. /a$k slunk up the tree bran$hes% hi'her and hi'her% di''in' his $laws into the fra'rant bark% until he rea$hed the top of the pine towerin' abo)e the folia'e. +he sun shone fro! hi'h abo)e3he had slept for se)eral hours. In the distan$e a tin star sparkled a!on' the 'reener . /a$k $rou$hed in surprise. +he star winked at hi!% a little shin spot. Oh% he wanted to see it. 8irst the sound% then the star. 2urious. +he spot of li'ht tre!bled and swa ed ba$k and forth% 'lintin'. &e had to see it up $lose. /ust to find out what it was. &e would be $areful. Nobod would know. /a$k slid down and set out throu'h the bran$hes. &e !o)ed (uietl and slowl % like a shadow on soft paws% lea)in' no si'n of his passin'% takin' his ti!e. <p and down the bran$hes% throu'h the tan'les of wild whiteberr % throu'h the sea of dense feather ferns% up the !oss fallen tree% onward and onward% until he $a!e to the ed'e of a $learin' and !elted into the darkness between the bran$hes. In the $learin' a lon' lean saplin' bent nearl to the 'round% held b a rope. +he rope was atta$hed to a pie$e of wood% and that pie$e of wood was thrust into a sti$k dri)en into the 'round. , sprin' snare. /a$k had seen those before. +he pie$e of wood was a tri''er bar. +here would be bait atta$hed to the tri''er bar b a rope. /a$k slunk throu'h the shadows% $ir$lin' the snare. Sure enou'h% a taut rope was atta$hed to the tri''er bar and on the end of that rope hun' a star. /a$k la down and s(uinted a'ainst the 'lare. Not a star but the knife% the wi$ked% sharp% prett knife he had $leaned in *e$lans roo!.

Ooooooooooooh. /a$k for'ot to breathe. +he knife rotated on the rope% 'lintin' in the sun. Sharp. Shin . &e had to ha)e the knife. /a$k la still% listenin'% waitin'. +ra$es of *e$lans s$ent hun' abo)e the $learin'% but the blueblood was lon' 'one. +he !o!ent he tou$hed the knife% the rope would ank the tri''er% and the saplin' would .erk strai'ht% pullin' a hidden loop. +he loop would $at$h hi! and send hi! fl in' throu'h the air. /a$k swallowed. +his had to be done )er $arefull . S&O<1*N+ ou be out lookin' for ! brother instead of sittin' here eatin' lun$h" Rose passed the potatoes to *e$lan. 4oure supposed to want !e to fail% re!e!ber" *e$lan sna''ed two additional Ed'e bur'ers off the platter. &e see!ed to reall like the!. +he werent an thin' spe$ial. Shed seasoned the 'round beef with 'arli$% salt% pepper% and a pin$h of swa!p spi$e% added an e(ual a!ount of $ooked ri$e% shaped the !i6 into oblon' patties% rolled the! in bread $ru!bs% and fried the!. +he ri$e !ade the !eat 'o twi$e as lon'% and nobod $ould taste it. *e$lan ate like a horse. If he did !ana'e to $at$h /a$k% whi$h she seriousl doubted% Rose )owed to 'o down to 7a6 +a lors and e6$han'e the two doubloons now in her possession for so!e !one . She would need !ore 'ro$eries to feed hi!. &a)in' hi! in her kit$hen was like tr in' to ser)e lun$h to a deadl ti'er. *e$lan was too lar'e% his shoulders too broad% his e es too predator . &is fa$e was ins$rutable. She wished she $ould sear$h his head and find out what reall went on in there. &e $au'ht her lookin' and hit her with a dire$t stare. &is 'a=e lin'ered on her fa$e. On the other hand% it probabl was best she didnt know what he was thinkin'. *e$lan sli$ed a pie$e of the bur'er% put it into his !outh% and $hewed with an e6pression of $o!plete happiness. 7 wife will ne)er ha)e to $ook% he said. Wh " Geor'ie asked% i!itatin' *e$lans sur'i$al pre$ision with his own knife and fork.

-e$ause I e!plo a $ook. -ut I want ou to pro!ise !e% Rose ... &e put another pie$e of the bur'er into his !outh and paused. 4ou reall should $ut our food into pie$es s!all enou'h so ou dont ha)e to swallow before ou $an talk% she said. +ake that% 7r. 7anners. I wasnt bus $hewin'. I was sa)orin' the taste. It !i'ht surprise ou% but when I find so!ethin' deli$ious% I take ! ti!e to en.o it. &is 'a=e $au'ht hers .ust in $ase she !issed his innuendo. 4ou dont sa % she said dr l . &e ate another bite. 5ro!ise !e that when we !arr % oull o$$asionall !ake these. ,s a spe$ial treat. 4oure i!possible% she told hi! and slid the platter of bur'ers $loser to hi! in spite of herself. Geor'ie poked his bur'er with his fork and leaned o)er to *e$lan. &er fried $hi$ken is better% he said. Geor'ie! She 'lared at hi! in outra'e. Whose side are ou on" 4oure not supposed to tell hi! ! fried $hi$ken is 'ood. Geor'ie blinked in $onfusion. What a! I supposed to sa " 4oure supposed to tell hi! I! a horrible $ook% so hell 'o awa and lea)e us alone. *e$lan !ade an odd noise that sounded so!ewhat like a stran'led $ou'h. Geor'ie 'lan$ed at *e$lan. &ell ne)er belie)e !e. &e likes our bur'ers. 4ou ha)e to $on)in$e hi!. -e $har!in'. <se our Ed'er wiles. Geor'ie furrowed his e ebrows in thou'ht and looked at *e$lan. *ont eat her fried $hi$ken. It tastes 'ood% but she puts rat poison in it. +he ins$rutable !ask on *e$lans fa$e shattered. &e leaned forward and lau'hed. >NI8E. >nife% knife% knife.

/a$k $rawled throu'h the 'rass like a fluff $aterpillar. &ed $ir$led the $learin' three ti!es% stud in' the lure fro! all an'les% until he finall deter!ined the si=e of the loop. It la in wait in the 'rass% read to sna' hi! the !o!ent the knife was tou$hed. -ut the loop was lon' and narrow. &e $ould .u!p o)er it. &e knew he $ould. /a$k $rou$hed in the 'rass% ti'ht and read fro! the ends of his white whiskers to the tip of his short tail. /u!p% bite the knife% and sprin' the trap. Sure% the lure would)e $au'ht an other beast% but /a$k wasnt a du!b beast. &e was s!art. /a$k e6ploded into fli'ht. &e sailed o)er the loop% air rushin' past hi!% e)er thin' $r stal $lear and slow around hi!. +he handle of the knife loo!ed before hi!. &e bit it% the feel of its treated wood handle like hone in his !outh% and flew b % free and $lear. +he saplin' spran' upri'ht. +he loop whistled past hi!. Safe! , 'reen net rushed at hi! fro! below. &e tried to )eer in !idfli'ht% but it $au'ht hi! and $la!ped hi! ti'ht. &e s$ra!bled in its soft folds% sli$in' at it with his $laws. +he knife slid fro! his !outh and fell throu'h the !esh to the 'round. , !eow of despair broke fro! /a$k. &e boun$ed a $ouple of ti!es in the knot of the net% suspended hi'h abo)e the 'round like a kitten in a sa$k% and then the net was still. +&IR+EEN , whisper rustlin' of lea)es !ade /a$k open his e es. &e unsheathed his $laws and hissed. *e$lan e!er'ed fro! the under'rowth. &e !o)ed (uietl and his e es were different now0 fo$used and dark. &unters e es. /a$k tensed. +he blueblood approa$hed the net and then stopped% lookin' up. ,re ou hurt" /a$k hissed and spat% 'rowlin' fi'htin' noises. Ill take that as a no. *e$lan bent down% pi$ked up the knife% wiped the handle on his slee)e% and sat on a !oss lo'. +here is a 'reat differen$e between a knife and a sword. &e unsheathed the s!aller sword he $arried at his waist. +he afternoon sun $au'ht it% turnin' the blade into a beautiful lon' $law bri'ht with refle$ted li'ht.

Swords are lon' and $u!berso!e. +he are !ade to kill our opponent in battle fro! a distan$e. &e 'lan$ed at /a$k with his s$ar 'reen e es. Swords are not for ou. &e sheathed the sword and pi$ked up the knife. >ni)es are (ui$k. Effi$ient. Luiet. +heres no su$h thin' as a knife battle. When a knife!aster pulls out his blade% he doesnt want to fi'ht off his opponent. &e !eans to kill hi!. *e$lan leapt off the lo' and stru$k at the e!pt air so (ui$kl he be$a!e a blur. Ro'ues $arr kni)es. +he knife sli$ed and stabbed unseen opponents in a shi!!erin' dan$e of steel. /a$k wat$hed% !es!eri=ed. So (ui$k. +hie)es. Spies. ,ssassins. +he $arr kni)es. *e$lan tossed the blade into the air% $au'ht it b the tip% and flipped the knife so the handle landed into his pal!. , knife!aster ar!ed with a blade like this $an 'o throu'h a roo! full of soldiers. I)e seen it happen. /a$k wanted the knife so badl % e)en his tail it$hed for it. *e$lan e6a!ined the blade. , fi'htin' knife like this $ant be stolen. -ut ou $ould earn it. /a$k pri$ked his ears. If ou pro)e to !e that ou $an be (ui$k% effi$ient% and (uiet. *e$lan sat ba$k on the lo'. +wo !iles north fro! here% there is a trail of the beasts that $hased ou. +he run fast alon' the 'round and the $an $li!b% but the re slow in the trees. , forest $at $an easil outrun the! in the bran$hes. If su$h a $at were to tra$k the!% (uietl and patientl and find their lair ... /a$k 'rowled and spat. &e would fi'ht the!% he would ... No fi'htin'% *e$lan said. Sleek% stealth % and silent. 1ike a knife slidin' into a !an in the darkness. +ra$k the beasts. 8ind their lair. *ont be seen. If ou do this and show !e where the are% oull earn the knife. &e s!iled. -ut thats an ad)enture for to!orrow. Ri'ht now we ha)e to de$ide what to do with ou. I $au'ht ou fair and s(uare. ,re ou 'oin' to $o!e (uietl like a wise and patient predator% or will I ha)e to $arr ou in the net% like a wild beast"

ROSE sat in the atti$% the enor!ous dust En$ $lopedia of the Weird spread open on her lap. +he book was two feet tall% about a foot thi$k% and hea) as hell% and her thi'hs were sweat and rapidl 'oin' nu!b in her .eans. She had 'one throu'h the -estiar but found nothin' that had to do with the hounds. +he En$ $lopedia was her ne6t best bet. She turned the bi' pa'e and ad.usted her posture a bit. &er butt was 'oin' nu!b% too. ,drian'lia% 8or!al 8or!s of ,ddress. She s$anned down the ranks ... Earl. Earl of *o!ain Na!e. 1ord Na!e. She awned and flipped ba$k a pa'e. Earl3deri)ati)e of the Northland .arl. E(ui)alent to 2ount in Gauli$ E!pire. 1anded noble abo)e )is$ount but below !ar(uis. What was his na!e ... Earl 2ar!ine" 2ar!aine" 2a!arine. 4es% that was it. She turned the pa'es to the inde6 and found Earl 2a!arine. Earl 2a!arine0 noble rulin' Earldo! of 2a!arine. +raditional do!ain of the *uke of the Southern 5ro)in$es. 7ost fre(uentl used as a $ourtes title. 2ourtes title. She wasnt sure e6a$tl what that !eant% but she 'ot the 'ist of it. 8or all of his la#di#da !anners% *e$lan wasnt e)en a real earl. Rose sni$kered. Rose! Geor'ies hi'h#pit$hed )oi$e shattered her thou'hts. 2o!in'! She pushed the book off her lap and went down the ladder% dustin' off her .eans. Geor'ie% did ou 'o outside" She !ar$hed onto the por$h. *idnt I tell ou to sta inside" *e$lan stood in the ard. In his ar!s $urled /a$k. &is e es were shut. &e 'rowled softl in his sleep and kneaded *e$lans ar! with his $laws. *e$lan didnt e)en win$e. I think hes tu$kered out. Where do ou want hi!" +he world reared and ki$ked her in the teeth. She took a !o!ent to re$o)er% and when she spoke% her )oi$e was al!ost nor!al. Ill take hi!. *e$lan 'entl deposited /a$k into her ar!s. I! sure it would hurt his feelin's% but he !akes a handso!e kit. 4ou should)e seen hi! when he was a bab % Rose said throu'h her sho$k. Nothin' but fu== and ear tufts. E)er !inute was like a National Geo'raphi$ >odak !o!ent. She took /a$k inside and 'entl put hi! in his bed.

In an hour she ser)ed dinner. /a$k slept throu'h it. ,fterward Geor'ie $urled up to reread Inu4asha% et a'ain% and Rose brewed a $up of tea and es$aped onto the por$h. &er solitude didnt last. *e$lan sat ne6t to her on the steps. *isappointed" &is )oi$e held no !o$kin'% and she shru''ed. 4es. &ow did ou do it" I set four traps and baited the !ost ob)ious one with a knife he drooled o)er in ! roo!. What did she e6pe$t" ,fter all% /a$k was onl ei'ht. It was a hu'e burden to put on hi!. She shouldnt ha)e done it in the first pla$e. When she had pi$tured *e$lan tra$kin' /a$k throu'h the woods% the idea of hi! settin' traps and lures had ne)er entered her !ind. -o s and kni)es% Rose !ur!ured. Irresistible attra$tion. We ne)er 'row out of it. &e $ertainl didnt% $onsiderin' how !an swords and kni)es he dra''ed around with hi!. *ads entire roo! was full of blades. In the soft li'ht of the afternoon% *e$lans features 'ained a new tint. &is e es looked into the distan$e. &e see!ed to be wrestlin' with his thou'hts. +he harsh line of his !outh rela6ed. &is 'a=e lost its a''ression. Sittin' like this% he see!ed al!ost approa$hable. +he ur'e to tou$h hi! returned. It was natural% she told herself. &e was so handso!e% and she had no life. -ut .ust be$ause she felt the irrational desire to kiss hi! didnt !ean she had to follow throu'h with it. +he last ti!e he let the blueblood persona slip% he was reasonable. 7a be if she told hi! a little !ore about the!% he would understand and lea)e the! in pea$e. 4ou see! to like /a$k% she said $arefull % testin' the waters. &e tried his best% he said. +ell !e% wh didnt he $han'e shapes when the hounds were after hi! on the lawn" +he sur)i)al instin$t should)e dri)en hi! to be$o!e a l n6 in the fa$e of dan'er. Rose looked into her $up. It !i'ht be different in the Weird% but when $han'elin's shift in the Ed'e% its al!ost like a sei=ure. +he fall down and $on)ulse. Its fri'htenin'% and it $an last up to a !inute. If he had $han'ed shapes% the $reatures would)e torn hi! apart before he had a $han$e to finish. It took us a lon' ti!e to tea$h hi! not to 'o $at e)er ti!e he 'ot s$ared. *id ou see the bra$elet he wears" 4es.

I tau'ht hi! that so lon' as the bra$elet sta s on% he knows not to $han'e shapes. Its not a$tuall !a'i$% or an thin'. /ust $onditionin'. +hat !ust)e taken a lot of work. &is )oi$e betra ed respe$t. It did. *e$lan hesitated% !ullin' so!ethin' o)er. So!ethin' was $learl eatin' at hi!. In the Weird% the $han'elin' $hildren are se're'ated and taken to spe$ial s$hools until the be$o!e adults% he said finall . She 'lan$ed at hi!. 4ou e6ile $hildren" *e$lan 'ri!a$ed. Its not e6a$tl like that. +here are spe$iali=ed trainers% who o)ersee their edu$ation ... &e fell silent. 4es% he said with a !easure of resi'nation. We e6ile $han'elin' $hildren. Its $o!!on wisdo! that its better for the!. I $an see how people would think that. &is thi$k e ebrows $rept up. I didnt e6pe$t ou to a'ree with that. So!e $han'elin's are born hu!an. /a$k was born a kitten. We knew so!ethin' was wron' when he was in the wo!b% be$ause ! !other felt $laws% and when Grand!a did her spells% all the tests kept pointin' to the forest. We $ouldnt take ! !other to the hospital% be$ause ! parents were afraid /a$k would die without !a'i$% and ! dad had to pa a hu'e bribe to the !idwife fro! the -roken% so we $ould 'et hi! the proper do$u!ents. When /a$k was born% he wouldnt nurse. 7 !other would pu!p her breast !ilk% and we had to feed it to hi! out of a bottle. It took hi! three da s to $han'e into a hu!an% and when he finall did% he was still blind for al!ost a !onth. &e looked odd as a bab . I thou'ht he was defor!ed. She swallowed the last of her tea. E)en now% with /a$k% its ... its hard. &e has !o!ents when he stops understandin' whats bein' said. &e hears the words and knows what the !ean% but the .ust dont penetrate. &e doesnt alwa s $o!prehend wh people rea$t the wa the do. ,nd he fi'hts like a !ania$. Older kids are terrified of hi!. E)er ti!e ! phone rin's and its the s$hool% I 'et pani$k % be$ause I alwa s think he !ust)e hurt so!eone. So es% I $an see how so!e people !i'ht find it too !u$h. Ordinar hu!an kids are hard enou'h as it is. *ont 'et !e wron'% I would ne)er 'i)e /a$k up. Ne)er. +he d ha)e to pr hi! fro! ! dead fin'ers. -ut I alwa s wonder% what if I! doin' thin's wron'" &es one of the !ost so$iali=ed $han'elin's I ha)e e)er seen% *e$lan said. &e 'oes to a re'ular s$hool. &e pla s. &es s!art and $an be reasoned with% and he shows e!path for

other people. &e talked about prote$tin' Geor'e. I dont think ou understand how re!arkable that is. She 'lan$ed at hi!. &es .ust a little bo % *e$lan. 4ou talk like he isnt hu!an. *e$lans fa$e looked haunted. I ha)e a friend% he said. We were soldiers to'ether. Not onl was he a blueblood% but he was also a soldier. ,n offi$er% no doubt. No wonder he thou'ht orderin' people around was the onl wa to $o!!uni$ate. &ow lon' were ou in the !ilitar " +en ears% *e$lan said. +hats a lon' ti!e% she said. I thou'ht it was better suited to !e than bein' a peer% he said. Wh " she wondered. I wasnt responsible for an one but ! self% he said. It was si!ple that wa . So not an offi$er then. Were ou happ " I was $ontent% *e$lan said. I was 'ood at killin'% and I was praised and rewarded for doin' it well. It felt like the ri'ht pla$e for !e at the ti!e. I thou'ht ou were all about balls and eti(uette and wo!ani=in'% she needled hi!. +he look she 'ot ba$k was deadl serious. 4ou ha)e an odd )iew of the life of a peer. 7ostl its work. 1ots and lots of work and lots of responsibilit . ,t that ti!e in ! life% I didnt want it. I still dont% but now I ha)e no $hoi$e. &is )oi$e was bitter and hollow. Rose looked awa % not sure what to do with herself. +ell !e about our friend. &es a $han'elin'% *e$lan said. , predator like /a$k. +here are few paths a $han'elin' $an take in our so$iet % espe$iall if the arent born into a fa!il of !eans. 7 friend was born poor. &e was abandoned b his !other at birth and 'i)en to the 2itadel% ,drian'lias pre!ier !ilitar s$hool. 2han'elin's born into wealth fa!ilies are tau'ht a $ertain wa so one da the $an reenter so$iet . ,nd our friend wasnt" she 'uessed.

*e$lan shook his head. &e was a ward of the real!% and the real! ne)er !eant for hi! to li)e with other people. +he !ade hi! into a killer. &e was raised to ha)e no e!otions% onl stri$t $ontrol and stri$t punish!ent when he failed. &e told !e that he 'rew up in a bare roo!% twel)e feet b ten feet% whi$h he shared with another bo . &e was allowed no personal possessions e6$ept his $lothes% a toothbrush% a $o!b% and a towel. +hats awful% she said. 4ou $ant lo$k $hildren up like that. ,n $hildren. /a$k has to be able to run in the Wood% to pla . Without it% he would3 Go insane% *e$lan finished. Or learn to sur)i)e and $arr a lot of hate. &ow $ould our friend be$o!e a soldier after this" &e had to ha)e been3she sear$hed for a ri'ht word and $ouldnt find it3not oka . &e fit ri'ht in% *e$lan said. We were in the Red 1e'ion. We did the ne$essar thin's people dont want to know about. -la$k ops" she asked. What do ou know% 1ato a pro)ed ri'ht3he was one of those bu'# eatin'% wilderness#sur)i)in'% take#out#terrorists#with#a#pine$one#and#bubble#'u! t pes. -la$k sounds about ri'ht. We went where nobod else $ould 'o% and we were )er 'ood at killin' e)er thin' we found there. We werent bound b treaties or $on)entions. In that t pe of unit% few thin's are $ertain. 4ou rel on ourself and% if oure lu$k % on a !an or wo!an ne6t to ou. I wat$hed out for ! friend% and he wat$hed out for !e. &e sa)ed ! life a few ti!es% and I repaid the fa)or. Neither of us $ounted who owed what to who!. I would)e died for hi! if needed. Wh " -e$ause he would)e done the sa!e for !e% *e$lan said. Who did ou fi'ht" *e$lan shru''ed. +he >in'do! of Gaul. +he Spanish E!pire. +he 8OG1. What is the 8OG1" *e$lan dra''ed his hand a$ross his fa$e as if tr in' to peel the !e!ories off. Its a reli'ious se$t. 8or$es of Great 1u$ifer. +heir pri!e dire$ti)e is to establish do!inion o)er the entire world% and the 'o about it in prett terrible wa s. ,drian'lia is full of refu'ees% fro! past $onfli$ts and present. So!e of the! $o!!it heinous $ri!es and re(uire e6traordinar !easures to be neutrali=ed. *urin' one of these !issions% thin's went wron' and ! friend !ade the !istake of beha)in' like a hu!an.

What happened" +here was a da!. , s!all band of $ri!inals held it and its workers for ranso!. +he had atta$hed a de)i$e to the da! supports and threatened to set off an e6plosion and drown the town below it. +he da! was )er old% al!ost lab rinthine% and e)er one who knew its la out was inside% bein' held hosta'e. 7 friend went in be$ause he was a $han'elin'. &e $ould rel on his sense of s!ell% and our superiors $ounted on his lo'i$ pre)ailin' if he had to !ake a !orall diffi$ult $hoi$e. &e was told that if the situation put the li)es of the hosta'es a'ainst the se$urit of the da!% he was to pla$e 'reater i!portan$e on keepin' the da! inta$t. If the da! had failed% the potential loss of life would be !u$h 'reater than the deaths of the si6 people trapped inside. &e tra$ked down the hosta'es% but the $ri!inals had (uarreled% and one of the! set off the $har'es. 7 friend had a $hoi$e0 he $ould 'o after the $har'es or he $ould sa)e the hosta'es. &e had what he $alled an atta$k of hu!anit and res$ued the hosta'es. +he da! burst% floodin' the town. +he flood didnt result in an deaths% but the finan$ial da!a'es were sta''erin'. &e was $ourt#!artialed. Wh " 8or sa)in' people" 8or disobe in' an order. &e was senten$ed to death. -ut nobod was hurt! It didnt !atter. *e$lans fa$e was !er$iless. 4ou see% the wanted to kill hi! not be$ause he disobe ed the order but be$ause he was a $han'elin' who was .ud'ed unstable. +he had turned hi! into a lethal killer% and the were happ to use hi! as lon' as he did e6a$tl as told. -ut now the $ould no lon'er predi$t his a$tions. +he were 'oin' to put hi! down like an ani!al" What kind of $ountr would do that" &e was a ward of the real!% and the real! was afraid of what he !i'ht do ne6t. +he didnt want the responsibilit of keepin' the publi$ safe fro! hi!. *id ou tr to help hi!" 4es. I left the !ilitar and assu!ed the title% be$ause ! status as a peer would 'i)e ! words 'reater wei'ht. I petitioned% I lobbied% I ar'ued that if an ordinar soldier were in his pla$e% he wouldnt ha)e re$ei)ed the death penalt . &ed abandoned his $areer to res$ue his friend% and he said it without an bra)ado% like it was the ob)ious lo'i$al thin' to do% not e)en deser)in' a se$ond thou'ht. +en ears of his

life% and hed turned his ba$k on it for the sake of another person. Not !an people would do that. She wasnt sure she $ould)e done it. +hat was ad!irable. Rose bit her lip. *id ou sa)e hi!" No. I failed. &ed said it with su$h bitterness. &is e es had turned distant and !ournful% as if dusted with ash. She wanted to rea$h out and tou$h hi!. +o so!ehow !ake it better. ,t the last !o!ent% 2asshorn% the brother of the *uke of the Southern 5ro)in$es% adopted ! friend% assu!in' $o!plete responsibilit for his a$tions. -e$ause 2asshorn was $hildless% and a hi'h peer% he $lai!ed the bloodline pri)ile'e. -asi$all % ! friend was his onl heir% and as su$h% the real! $ouldnt kill hi!. 2asshorn paid an e6orbitant su! for his release. +hat was )er kind% Rose said. *e$lan 'a)e her a flat look. What did I sa " 2asshorn is a bri'and. &es a sli! stain upon the honor of the *ukes house. &e didnt adopt ! friend out of kindness. &e adopted hi! be$ause that was the onl wa he $ould)e sa)ed hi! fro! e6e$ution. See% ! friend is lethal with a blade% and he hates3 , $la!! tou$h of foul !a'i$ brushed her. Rose fro=e. She didnt reall belie)e the had killed all the beasts% but she had hoped. ,pparentl % she was wron'. >eep talkin'% *e$lan said. I doubt the $reature understands whats bein' said% but its likel sensiti)e to the tone of our )oi$es. Where is it" she asked li'htl . On the left% near a s!all shed. 1ets 'et up and stroll a bit. &e rose and offered her his hand. She took it !e$hani$all % before reali=in' she had done it% and the walked side b side% wanderin' toward the road. &er hand rested in *e$lans $alloused fin'ers% as if the were a $ouple of teena'ers 'oin' stead . &e was buildin' his !a'i$ for one hell of a flash% his whole bod wound ti'ht% full of barel $ontained )iolen$e. It was like walkin' ne6t to a ti'er who de$ided that he liked ou0 *e$lan held her hand li'htl % but he wasnt about to let her 'et awa .

&e s(uee=ed her fin'ers. In that !o!ent Rose felt a $onne$tion between the!% an alar!in'l inti!ate bond. She 'lan$ed at hi! to reassure herself she was i!a'inin' this and saw the sa!e thou'ht !irrored on his fa$e0 he had her hand and he liked it. She turned awa . , little $loser. *e$lan applied subtle pressure to her ar!% but didnt let 'o of her hand. +he $reature $rou$hed in the ! rtle b the shed. +o see it out like this% unafraid in full da li'ht% was eerie. *e$lans )oi$e was stead . When I sa du$k% ou3 No. What do ou !ean% no" I dont want ou to kill it. 4oull do our bi' kaboo! thin' and blow ! shed to s!ithereens. ,nd Grandpa 2letus with it. She didnt e)en want to think what it would do to Geor'ie. &e 'lan$ed at her% indi'nant. I dont 'o kaboo!. +ell it to ,! s roof. +hat kaboo! is the reason all of us are still breathin'. +he $reature wat$hed the!% !akin' no !o)e to ad)an$e. I! not sa in' it wasnt ne$essar . -ut that was her house. She isnt a noble swi!!in' in !one . She $ant .ust wa)e her hand and 'et another roof. 4ou didnt e)en warn her first. 5eople need to ha)e a !o!ent to prepare for that kind of sho$k. *e$lan halted% and so did she. +he stood entirel too $lose. &er ba$k was to the $reature. Its !a'i$ dripped onto her skin% s(uir!in' alon' her spine in a slipper tri$kle. *e$lan lo$ked his teeth. It !ade his .aw e)en s(uarer. +hat hound is less than two feet awa fro! the shed. +heres no wa I $an strike at it and not sin'e the shed. Its ph si$all i!possible. ,nd I)e left ! swords inside. +hats wh ou should let !e take $are of this.

&ow% pra tell% will ou !ana'e that"

1ike this. She spun around and whipped a blindin'l white line of !a'i$ at the beast. +he flash snapped% sli$in' the beasts head off its ne$k like a 'iant ra=or blade. +he headless torso fro=e in a half $rou$h for a lon' !o!ent and toppled o)er. +he oppressi)e !a'i$ )anished. *e$lan stared at her% open!outhed. Rose s!iled. *e$lan released her fin'ers and strode to the headless bod . &!!% he said. &!! ba$k at ou% she told hi! and went to $he$k the brush for si'ns of other beasts. She didnt feel an % but it didnt !ean the werent there. +he sear$hed the bushes% but no other beasts were in attendan$e. Where do the keep $o!in' fro!" Rose wondered. ,nd wh " Wh is si!ple. +he hun'er for the !a'i$. I 'uess I better 'et a sho)el. We should bur that da!n thin'. Who tau'ht ou to flash" &e said it like he e6pe$ted her to lie. Nobod tau'ht !e. I pra$ti$ed for ears. Se)eral hours a da . I still do% when I ha)e ti!e. *e$lans fa$e refle$ted disbelief. *ont look so surprised% she told hi!. I! the Ed'er 'irl who flashes white% re!e!ber" +he reason for our trip to this horrible% awful pla$e where ou ha)e to !in'le with unwashed $o!!oners. I knew ou $ould flash white. I didnt know how pre$ise ou are. 4oure pre$ise. 4ou kno$ked aside ! bolt. 4es% but I didnt ai! for the bolt spe$ifi$all . I .ust sent a wide pulse of !a'i$ fro! the front of ! bod % like a shield. It would)e kno$ked awa one bolt or ten. Oh. Well% thank ou for the tip! Now I know how ou did it. +he looked at ea$h other. /ust how pre$ise are ou" he asked.

She 'a)e hi! a sl Ed'er s!ile. *o ou ha)e a doubloon on ou" &e rea$hed into his po$ket and produ$ed a $oin. Ill !ake ou a deal. 4ou throw it in the air% and if I hit it with ! flash% its !ine. *e$lan looked at the doubloon. It was sli'htl lar'er than a (uarter fro! the -roken. &e tossed it hi'h abo)e his head. +he doubloon spun in the air% $at$hin' the sunli'ht% shinin' like a bri'ht spark ... and fell into the 'rass stun' b a thin white whip of her flash. *e$lan swore. She 'rinned% plu$ked the still#hot $oin fro! the 'rass% blew on it% and showed it to hi!% tauntin' hi! a little. Gro$eries for two weeks. , pleasure doin' business with ou. I)e onl !et one person who $ould do that% he said. She was a flash#sniper in our unit. &ow $an ou do this with no proper trainin'" *id ou stud flashin'" she asked. 4es. Wh " -e$ause its the best weapon a)ailable% and I wanted to be 'ood at it. ,nd e)er bod in ! fa!il was 'ood with it. I was a noble% and I had to uphold the honor of our na!e. I had a !u$h better !oti)ation than ou% she said. When I was thirteen% ! !others parents died in a house fire. Grandpa *anilo alwa s s!oked like a $hi!ne . +he whole house was $o)ered with $i'arette butts% and one ni'ht hed s!oked one too !an . Nobod 'ot out ali)e% not e)en ! 'randparents $at. +heir death broke ! !other. She .ust kind of died ri'ht then% but her bod kept on li)in'. She started sleepin' around and didnt stop. Shed ha)e an bod whod ha)e her. 7arried% blind% $rippled% $ra= % she didnt $are. She said it !ade her feel ali)e. I! sorr % he said. It !ust)e been )er painful for ou. It wasnt fun. 5eople $alled ! !other a slut to ! fa$e. 1eanne% who lent ou the $lothes" She used to $hase !e around the s$hool% $hantin' :whores bit$h. Shed written it on ! lo$ker on$e in bi' letters. 4ou were the son of a noble!an% handso!e% wealth % probabl well liked. 5oor little ri$h bo . I was the dau'hter of a whore% penniless% u'l % and despised. I had a lot of !oti)ation to flash well. I wanted to ra! ! flash down the worlds throat to show e)er one that I was worth so!ethin'.

&ow did it work out for ou" Not so well% she ad!itted. -ut now pla in' with ! flash is a habit. I tau'ht ! self a lot of fun tri$ks. ,ha. *e$lan pointed to the tree. *ouble sli$er. +he !a'i$ slashed fro! hi! in two e)en strea!s% runnin' low throu'h the 'rass% and $ollided in a brilliant e6plosion at the tree. &e had used a !ere fra$tion of his power% .ust to show her the !o)e. *e$lan had better $ontrol than she had thou'ht. *ont be upset if ou $ant do it ri'ht awa % he said. It takes a bit of pra3 &e $la!ped his !outh shut with a $li$k as she sent two identi$al strea!s of !a'i$ into the tree. Oh ! ... she !ur!ured inno$entl . -all li'htnin'. , sphere of !a'i$ i'nited o)er his shoulder and s!ashed into the tree in a shower of sparks. She hadnt seen that one before% but she had pra$ti$ed !akin' spirals for ears3!ostl be$ause she thou'ht the looked neat3and a sphere was .ust a folded spiral. +he tri$k would be to snap it with a spin% the wa he had done. She $on$entrated and wat$hed in satisfa$tion as a white ball for!ed o)er her shoulder. It was a bit lopsided and it didnt spin as well as his% but she was able to send it fl in' into the bark. *e$lan shook his head. <nbelie)able. Its killin' ou that ou $ant stu!p !e% isnt it" Rose 'rinned. She ne)er 'ot to show off. +o ha)e hi! here as her audien$e was satisf in' be ond words. Shed !ana'ed to i!press a blueblood fro! the Weird. ,n earl and e6#soldier. It didnt 'et better than that. *e$lan planted his feet into the 'rass and $on$entrated. &is e es shone. , 'hostl bree=e stirred his hair. , $risp line of white burst fro! his ba$k to rise two feet abo)e his head. +he top of the !a'i$ line $ur)ed down% stret$hin' all the wa to the 'rass in a white half ar$h% and be'an to $ir$le hi!% drawin' a perfe$t rin' in the dirt. Wow. ,ta!ans defense% he said% lettin' it die. Rose tried it. She had no proble!s $reatin' the strai'ht upward line% but as she tried to bend it down% it stru$k at the 'rass under a sharp an'le% not $ur)ed 'entl the wa *e$lans had.

*e$lan s!iled. 1et !e see it a'ain% please. &e re$onstru$ted the ar$h. It took !e a ear of $onstant pra$ti$e to learn how to do this. Rose wat$hed the ar$h 'o around hi!. +urn. +urn. +urn. 1ike a whip. +urn. Gi)e !e a few !inutes. 4ou ha)e ti!e. &e sat in the 'rass. ,re ou .ust 'oin' to sit there and wat$h !e" 4es. Wat$hin' prett peasant 'irls is what we poor little ri$h bo s do best. 5easant" &e shru''ed. 4ou started the na!e#$allin'. She snorted and went to work. It was harder than it looked% and for the first few !inutes the si'ht of hi! on the 'rass distra$ted her. &e looked like a paintin' with his stron' bod % lon' lean le's% and absurdl handso!e fa$e. +here was hu!or in his 'reen e es% and when their 'a=es !et b $han$e% he winked at her. She nearl sin'ed herself with her own flash. -ut soon% she sank into the task% and *e$lan and the rest of the world faded. So!eti!e later *e$lan stirred on the 'rass. *o ou want !e to tell ou how its done" No! &e 'rinned. She stru''led with it for another half hour% until it dawned on her to put a spin into the line. ,t first it !erel sa''ed% but the harder she pushed% the lower it $ur)ed% until finall her line of white ar$hed down 'ra$efull and spun about her% like an obedient pet. She turned% thrilled% and saw hi! stridin' a$ross the lawn to her. &e paused and du$ked under the spinnin' line of her flash. &e was so $lose% the pra$ti$all tou$hed. She let the flash die. +hats in$redible% he said (uietl . Its not that in$redible% she said. It took !e a ear to learn it.

I pra$ti$ed a lot !ore than ou. I $an see that. She 'lan$ed at his fa$e% and all thou'hts s$attered fro! her head. She saw ad!iration and respe$t in his e es% an a$knowled'!ent one would 'i)e an e(ual. +he looked at ea$h other. Slowl his e es darkened to deeper 'reen. +he wa he looked at her !ade her want to take the half step to $lose the s!all distan$e between the!% open her !outh% and let hi! kiss her. She $ould al!ost feel his lips on hers. 1ike pla in' with fire. Rose !oistened her botto! lip% bitin' it a little to 'et rid of the phanto! kiss% and saw *e$lans 'a=e sna' on her !outh. Oh no. No% no% no. -ad idea. &e took a step forward% his hand rea$hin' for her. Rose sidestepped. +hank ou. It !eans a lot to !e% $o!in' fro! so!eone like ou. I think we better di' a 'ra)e for that thin'. +he sten$h is killin' !e. She headed to the ba$k of the house for a sho)el. Rose% he $alled. &is )oi$e was deep and tou$hed with a hint of $o!!and. She pretended not to hear hi! and hid behind the shed. Shed done pre$isel the sa!e thin' for whi$h she had berated Geor'ie durin' lun$h. *e$lan had won the first $hallen'e% and if he did ha)e an doubts about her abilities% she had shattered the!. Now he knew that not onl $ould she flash white% but she did it e6traordinaril well. ,nd the wa he looked at her left her with no (uestions0 *e$lan wanted her. She had to stu!p hi! on the se$ond $hallen'e% or in a few da s shed be pa$kin' her thin's and followin' hi! into the Weird. 8O<R+EEN +&E first word that $a!e to !ind when one saw 7a6 +a lor was solid. ,bout two hundred and fift pounds% he had the build of a pro wrestler 'one to fat. &is bullet#shaped head was sha)ed bald% and his s!all 'un 'ra e es were the )er definition of unfriendl as he stared at Roses tru$k throu'h his stores front window. Rose slid her )ehi$le into the parkin' spot in front of +a lors 7etal *ete$tors. +he ellow s$ript in the window% bri'ht and shin in the !ornin' li'ht% pro!ised to pur$hase rare $oins and s$rap 'old for the best pri$es. Geor'ie fid'eted in the ba$kseat% uneas . 4esterda s $hi$ken episode re!inded her that pla$in' all her e''s in one basket wasnt the !ost prudent $ourse of a$tion. +rue% she

wanted Geor'ie to earn 'ood 'rades% and 'o to s$hool in the -roken% and possibl 'et a de$ent pa in' .ob there% but in the end Geor'ie li)ed and breathed !a'i$. &e was an Ed'er. She had ne'le$ted the Ed'er part of his edu$ation% and it was ti!e to $orre$t that o)ersi'ht. +here are two people in 5ine -arren who $an fen$e pre$ious !etals% she said. Gold% sil)er% .ewelr % an thin' like that. One is 5eter 5adrake and the other is 7a6 +a lor. 5eter is )er strai'htforward in how he deals. &ell $har'e ou a flat fort #fi)e per$ent fee. +hat !eans that for e)er hundred dollars% 5eter takes fort #fi)e and ou keep fift #fi)e. Geor'ies s!art e es turned $al$ulatin'. So he takes al!ost half" 4es. &e wont tr to $heat ou% but he also wont ha''le. 5eters $o!i$s store is doin' well% and he has !one . &e doesnt ha)e to hustle to !ake a li)in'% so he $an afford to let so!e deals 'o. +hats wh ou !ust onl 'o to 5eter as a last resort. ,lwa s $o!e here first. She 'lan$ed at 7a6 throu'h the windshield. 7a6 +a lor will tr his best to dupe ou. &ell $lai! our stuff is fake% and hell tr to 'i)e ou so!e ridi$ulousl s!all a!ount for it. &es a bi' !an% and hell 'et loud and tr to inti!idate ou. &e also keeps a 'un in his desk% and he likes to take it out and wa)e it around durin' ha''lin'. Now% I heard a ru!or that the 'un isnt e)en loaded% but we know what the 'olden rule for 'uns is% ri'ht" E)er 'un is loaded% Geor'ie re$ited. +hats ri'ht. We treat e)er 'un as if its loaded% with a round in the $ha!ber and the safet off. We ne)er point 'uns at other people% e)en when we think the re not loaded% unless we intend to shoot the person% es" 4es% Geor'ie a'reed. We hold the 'un to the side and down% so we dont shoot our feet b a$$ident% or barrel up. ;er 'ood. She nodded. So the 'olden rule sa s% we !ust treat 7a6s 'un as if its loaded. Would he shoot us" Geor'ie shifted in his seat. Not )er likel % she assured hi!. &is store is a front. Nobod bu s !etal dete$tors. +he onl wa he $an sta in business is to !ake !one off people like us. If he shoots so!eone% what would happen" 5eople would 'o to 5eter instead% Geor'ie said. +hats ri'ht. If were s!art% we $an 'et 7a6 to $o!e down on the fee. ,n thin' below a third is 'ood. So% were 'oin' to sit here in our tru$k for a bit !ore% as if were de$idin' what

to do% and then well 'o inside and ha''le. No !atter how loud or stupid 7a6 'ets% keep $al!. Oka % Geor'ie pro!ised. Rose du' in her po$ket and pulled out a ru!pled pie$e of paper. /a$k .oined !e for the !ornin' e6er$ise. Well be ba$k before lun$h. *e$lan She had awakened to find this pie$e of paper on the table. She was a li'ht sleeper% but *e$lan !o)ed like a wolf% and nobod $ould hear /a$k when he didnt want to be heard. +he had snu$k out of the house like two thie)es in the ni'ht. Rose frowned at the note. When he was tin % /a$k used to run off into the woods. 1eft to his own de)i$es% hed be 'one for da s% and so Rose kept so!e of his fur and hair and $law and nail $lippin's so she $ould find hi!. She had done a (ui$k s$r in' spell% but it had a short ran'e% and /a$k was nowhere within two !iles fro! the house. +hat !eant *e$lan had taken hi! into the wilderness of the Wood. &er initial i!pulse was to run after the!% but Rose stopped herself. 8irst% she had no idea where the had 'one. Se$ond% her kit$hen was e!pt 3the literall had nothin' to eat. +he last of the $ereal was 'one. Geor'ie had finished it. &e was still hun'r % and she was hun'r as well. Geor'ie $ouldnt 'o too lon' without a sna$k% not with the drain his !a'i$ pla$ed on his bod . She $ould spend a $ouple of hours sear$hin' for /a$k% or she $ould 'o and 'et so!e !one and bu food. So she had borrowed four dollars fro! Grand!other3it nearl killed her to do it3put a 'allon of 'as into the tru$k% and dro)e out to see 7a6 +a lor. It irritated her that she hadnt woken up in ti!e to stop *e$lan. 1o'i$all % she had nothin' to worr about. *e$lan had sworn not to har! the bo s. /a$k was a $han'elin' .ust like *e$lans friend% and the e!otion she had 'li!psed behind *e$lans blueblood fa$ade felt 'enuine to her. &e had sa)ed /a$k on$e9 it !ade no sense that he would put hi! into an sort of dan'er. -esides% the safest pla$e in the Ed'e now was b *e$lans side. She kept herself fro! pani$kin' throu'h lo'i$% but worr ate at her. /a$k was 'one. +he d probabl 'one deep into the Wood. Wh " +he didnt tell her% and there was nothin' she $ould do about it% not without !akin' so!e !a.or !a'i$ happen. Inside the store% 7a6 started rearran'in' thin's on his desk. See" &es 'ettin' ants . 1ets 'o. Rose popped the doors open% and to'ether she and Geor'ie stepped into the shop.

7a6 sat behind the 'lass $ounter. What do ou 'ot" Rose showed hi! the doubloon. &e rea$hed for it% but she shook her head. 4ou $an see it fro! ri'ht here. 7a6 s(uinted. , hundred bu$ks% he said. She $losed her fist o)er the doubloon and nodded to Geor'ie. 1ets 'o to 5eter. +hat da!n pirate wont 'i)e ou !ore% 7a6 'rowled. Rose 'a)e hi! a witherin' look. +he $oin is e6a$tl one#half oun$e of 'old. Ri'ht now a half# oun$e <.S. Gold Ea'le is tradin' for four hundred and fift #se)en dollars and fort #se)en $ents and a half#oun$e 7aple 1eaf is 'oin' for four hundred and si6t #four dollars and ninet #four $ents. &ow did ou know that" I went to the librar and looked it up on the Internet. 5eter $har'es a flat fort #fi)e per$ent% so I should 'et at least two hundred and fift dollars for ea$h of ! $oins. 7a6s bead e es shone. 2oins" 2oins. ,s in !ore than one. &ow !an do ou ha)e" She shru''ed. +hree for now. +here will be !ore. Nine hundred and fourteen dollars for the whole thin'% 7a6 offered. +hats a third. I dont think so. I !i'ht 'o as low as twel)e hundred. Nine fift . Ele)en se)ent #fi)e. 4ou wont 'et a better pri$e ... She shru''ed. I $an alwa s take it to a .eweler in the $it . Its an hours dri)e. 7a6 rea$hed under the $ounter. - the ti!e hed pulled out a Glo$k and put it on the 'lass% Roses 'un pointed at his head.

+hats a .NN% 7a6 sneered. It will boun$e fro! wet laundr . I $an shoot ou three ti!es before ou s(uee=e off one shot. 4ou think ! bullets will boun$e off 7a6s fa$e% Geor'ie" Geor'e didnt !iss a beat. If the dont% we $an take hi! into the Ed'e and Ill raise hi!. 7a6 blinked. Rose s!iled at hi!. One thousand twent #ei'ht dollars and twent #fi)e $ents! 7a6 said. , twent #fi)e per$ent fee. *one. She didnt put awa the 'un until the peeled out of the parkin' lot. 4ou did )er well% she told Geor'ie. Geor'ie s!iled in the rear)iew !irror. +in sharp needles pri$kled Roses hands% a belated rea$tion to the adrenaline rush. It finall sank in3she had a !onths worth of !one . What would ou like to eat" Whate)er I want" Whate)er ou want. 8ren$h fries% Geor'ie said. ,nd $hi$ken nu''ets. ,nd then !a be shri!p. Shri!p would ha)e to wait till ho!e% but nu''ets and fries she $ould !ana'e. Rose !ade a left into the 7$*on alds dri)e#throu'h. ROSE took her 'a=e off the road for a se$ond to steal a 'lan$e at the white Wal#7art ba's in the passen'er seat. Shed bou'ht beef% and $hi$ken% and shri!p for Geor'ie. She !ana'ed to sna' a $ouple of pa$ks of $ountr #st le pork ribs on sale. Shed 'otten potatoes. ,nd $heese. ,nd the to!atoes she liked. ,nd apples for /a$k. ,nd e''s% and butter% and !ilk% and $ereal ... +he tru$k was full of ba's. She was too paranoid to put the! into the tru$k bed. Who knew what !i'ht happen" +he $ould fall out or fl off. She had enou'h 'ro$eries for a !onth% and all of her bills were paid. It was a !ost wonderful feelin'. She would 'o ho!e and spend an hour puttin' it all up% separatin' the !eat into dinner#si=ed portions% wrappin' it in plasti$ wrap% and puttin' it all into her free=er. Rose 'rinned. No worr about the food. 8or a !onth.

Rose" Geor'ie asked. &!!" Wh dont ou like *e$lan" Now there was a loaded (uestion. She wanted to tell hi! the truth% without !in$in' her words% but both he and /a$k were s!itten with *e$lan. 1ookin' at hi! fro! the bo s perspe$ti)e% *e$lan was the )er definition of $ool. +he were two bo s raised b wo!en. Enter *e$lan% who had swords and !a'i$% who was stron' and !anl % and who stood up to her% so!ethin' neither of the! $ould do. Its little wonder the wanted to be like hi!. 8or the thousandth ti!e% she wished *ad hadnt run off. *o ou like *e$lan" she asked $arefull . 4es. Wh " she asked. &es s!art% Geor'ie said. &e knows a lot of thin's% and his !a'i$ is as 'ood as ours. &e said that his house has its own librar % e6$ept ou dont ha)e to ha)e a $ard to $he$k the books out. 4ou $an .ust 'o and take one whene)er ou want. Roses heart $len$hed a little in her $hest. I see. She swallowed. *e$lan was workin' on the kids% !ore so than she had reali=ed. &e was workin' on her% too. She $ouldnt 'et hi! out of her head. +his would ha)e to be phrased )er $arefull . ,n thin' she said to Geor'e would find its wa to /a$k. She didnt want to destro their fra'ile faith in the onl $ool 'u the knew% and she definitel didnt want this situation to turn into -i' bad Rose dro)e the super#$ool *e$lan awa . -ut she didnt want to delude the! either. We)e had people fro! the Weird approa$h us before to 'et !e to 'o awa with the!% she said% $hoosin' her words as if she were walkin' a ti'htrope and the wron' one $ould pit$h her to the side. 4ou probabl dont re!e!ber be$ause ou were little. 1ike *e$lan" She doubted there was another *e$lan. +he world wouldnt be able to stand !ore than one. Not (uite like hi!. , $ouple were retainers of the nobles and one was a lesser blueblood. What happened"

Well% the first retainer tried to bribe *ad and Grandpa with presents. ,nd when he fi'ured out he was wastin' his ti!e% he set our house on fire. &e thou'ht that if we had nothin' left% Id lea)e with hi!. +hats wh the wards are so far out fro! the house now and ! bedroo! has different walls. +he se$ond retainer had a lot of people with hi!% and the tried to blo$kade the house. *ad shot hi! in the head% and then the went awa . What about the blueblood" Rose si'hed. Oh% he was a spe$ial kind of wor!. &e was )er sweet and ni$e. ,nd )er handso!e. &e tried to :$ourt !e. &ed bow down% and re$ite poetr % and tell !e I was beautiful. I al!ost belie)ed hi!. ,nd then the $ara)an fro! the Weird $a!e into town and one of the traders% 4ani$e3 ou re!e!ber her% ri'ht" She wears a )eil% Geor'ie said. 4es. 4ani$e re$o'ni=ed hi!. &e was a sla)er and a wanted $ri!inal. If I had 'one with hi!% he would)e au$ tioned !e off like a $ow. I wouldnt ha)e a $hoi$e3I would be for$ed to 'o with whate)er !an bou'ht !e. She wouldnt ha)e. Shed ha)e fou'ht to the end% and the would)e had to kill her% but there was no need to fri'hten Geor'e. *e$lan isnt like that. We dont reall know what *e$lan is like. ,ll that we ha)e to 'o on is what *e$lan tells us and how he a$ts. I know he see!s like a $ool 'u . She fell silent% reali=in' she wanted )er !u$h to belie)e that he was a $ool 'u . &e see!ed ... it would be a sha!e if he turned out to be a s$u!ba'. +here was war!th underneath all that arro'an$e% and !ore% there was inte'rit . She sensed it )er $learl . *e$lan had a !oral $ode. She suspe$ted that there were lines he wouldnt $ross% but she didnt e6a$tl know where those lines la . We dont know what hell be like on$e I a'ree to 'o with hi!% she said. What if he takes !e with hi! and lea)es ou here" &e told /a$k that he would take all of us with hi!% but reall nothin' would for$e hi! to keep his word. What if he does take us with hi! and then !akes ou into ser)ants or drops ou off at so!e orphana'e" Or kills the! and lea)es their bodies on the side of the road. &is pro!ise not to har! e6pired on$e he won the $hallen'es. Surel % he wouldnt. Not *e$lan. -ut a'ain% she had no 'uarantees. -esides% if I 'o with *e$lan% Ill ha)e to be his wife. ,nd *e$lan doesnt lo)e !e. Wh not" Geor'e asked.

-e$ause I! not a lad . I dont ha)e 'ood !anners% I! not edu$ated% and I! not de!ure and sweet. I sa what I !ean% and I! not alwa s ni$e. &e probabl thinks he $an for$e !e to be pleasant% but no !atter what $lothes I wear and how ou !ess with ! hair% Ill still be !e. 2rude% )ul'ar% and disa'reeable. Rose si'hed. See% *e$lan is used to people obe in' his orders. -a$k in the Weird% when he orders so!ethin'% people fall o)er the!sel)es to !ake it happen. I! not like that. +hats wh we ar'ue so !u$h. We would dri)e ea$h other insane% and if we fou'ht% *e$lan would win. 7 !a'i$ is like a li'htnin' strike. Its pre$ise and $ontained% be$ause I ha)e 'ood $ontrol. *e$lans !a'i$ is like a hurri$ane. +erribl % terribl powerful. &e blew the roof off ,! s house. Reall " 4es. &is flash .ust e6ploded and killed a whole bun$h of those hound beasts. +ore the roof ri'ht off. She stopped herself. 1ast thin' she needed was a new wa to feed Geor'ies hero worship. -otto! line0 we $ant trust *e$lan. &es )er stron'% and we dont want to be at his !er$ . If she were born into a 'ood Weird fa!il % it !i'ht ha)e been different% Rose thou'ht% 'uidin' the tru$k up to Grand!as house. She !i'ht ha)e had tutors and $lothes. Of natural $olors. She would ha)e been witt and $arefree% and then *e$lan !i'ht ha)e thou'ht she was the $oolest thin' sin$e sli$ed bread. &e !i'ht ha)e tried to win her. Now that would be an interestin' e6er$ise0 the arro'ant% i$ % !onstrousl powerful *e$lan bowin' and askin' her to dan$e or !akin' polite s!all talk with Grand!a in 8ren$h before askin' for per!ission to take Rose for a stroll in the park. Oh% that would be hilarious. She killed the s!ile that stret$hed her lips and let the fantas die. 1i)in' in a drea! ne)er did her an 'ood. She would ne)er be a lad . She was born an Ed'er !on'rel. Good for3how had he put it"3a $arte blan$he% but little else. 4esterda when he stepped $lose to her and she looked into his e es% she reali=ed he wanted her. Not .ust her% the white#flashin'#freak% but her as a wo!an. It wasnt a $al$ulated !o)e like that stare he had 'i)en her before. It was a $o!pletel spontaneous and honest de$laration of attra$tion% and it was $o!pletel de)astatin'. She had thou'ht about it all e)enin'% and then half of the ni'ht% and now a'ain% she was thinkin' about it and $ouldnt let it 'o. +he idea of bein' in *e$lans bed filled her with a kind of happ terror. It wasnt an alto'ether unpleasant feelin'% and she was furious with herself for it. &e was so out of pla$e in her house that Rose ne)er e6pe$ted hi!% and when she ran into hi! while strai'htenin' up or $ookin'% her heart did a little skip. +hat skip was dan'erous.

Wat$hin' hi!% talkin' to hi!% was dan'erous. She had been fooled before% and she $ouldnt afford to be fooled a'ain. She needed to 'et her head on strai'ht. When she allowed herself to drea!% bein' the ob.e$t of a bluebloods lust didnt enter her fantasies. No% she drea!t of a re'ular 'u % a ni$e 'u with a stead .ob% so!eone whod lo)e her as !u$h as she lo)ed hi! and take $are of her .ust like she would take $are of hi!. So!eone like Willia!. E6$ept her heart didnt !ake those little .u!ps when she saw Willia!. She pi$tured herself li)in' in the -roken% with a re'ular 'u % .ust like a re'ular fa!il % 'oin' to a re'ular .ob ... *ear God. She would slit her own throat out of boredo!. I dont know what I want% she !u!bled. 8i)e !inutes later% she dro)e up to Grand!as% parked% and e ed the house. Grand!a had to be d in' to 'i)e her a pie$e of her !ind re'ardin' *e$lan. +his !ornin' Rose 'ot awa without a $on)ersation b !akin' e6$uses about Geor'ie needin' to eat. 7a be if she 'ot lu$k % she $ould 'et awa with her hide inta$t a'ain. 2o!e on% Geor'ie. &e $li!bed out of the tru$k% and to'ether the !ade their wa up the steps and into the kit$hen% whi$h s!elled like )anilla and $inna!on. S!ells like $ookies% Geor'ie said. Grand!a AlBonore s!iled and handed hi! a plate of $ookies. +here ou 'o. Wh dont ou 'o to the por$h% Geor'ie% and let !e and Rose talk a bit. Rose bit her lip. She knew what was $o!in' and tried to beat a hast retreat% .ust like this !ornin'. I brou'ht ba$k our four dollars% she announ$ed% puttin' the !one on the table. I reall $ant sta . I ha)e 'ro$eries in the tru$k and the !i'ht spoil ... Sit! Grand!a pointed to a $hair. Rose sat. Where is /a$k" With *e$lan. ,nd ou trust *e$lan enou'h to lea)e a $hild with hi!" Rose 'ri!a$ed. +he snu$k out this !ornin'. - the ti!e I woke up% the had 'one be ond the s$r in' spell. /a$k worships the 'round *e$lan walks on% and he probabl wanted to show off in the Wood. I! not happ about it% and Ill $hew hi! out when the 'et ho!e% but

I dont think *e$lan would hurt hi! or let hi! be har!ed. &e sa)ed /a$k on$e% and I dont belie)e he has it in hi! to in.ure a $hild. ,nd what !akes ou think so" Rose shru''ed. Its a feelin' I 'et fro! hi!. , feelin'" Grand!a fi6ed her with an intense blue 'a=e. Ill hear about the blueblood. ,ll of it. ,ll of it took al!ost a half hour. +he !ore Rose talked% the !ore the $orners of Grand!as !outh sa''ed. *o ou like hi!" she asked when Rose fell silent. Wh would ou e)en ask !e that" I3 Rose! *o ou like hi!" , little% Rose said. /ust a little. Grand!a si'hed. 7ost of the ti!e% I want to stran'le hi!% Rose added to ease her fears. 8or so!e odd reason% her atte!pt to reassure Grand!a a$tuall !ade thin's worse. AlBonores fa$e paled. Lue *ieu nous aide. God help us ... What did I sa " I dont like hi! enou'h to 'o awa with hi!. &es arro'ant and o)erbearin' and3 Grand!a raised her hand% and Rose fell silent. AlBonore opened her !outh% $losed it% and shook her head. ,n thin' I sa will onl !ake thin's worse% she !ur!ured. What do ou !ean" Grand!a si'hed. 4ou ha)e a flaw% Rose. 4oure darin'. /ust like ! 2letus% .ust like our father. Its a *ra ton trait% and it has brou'ht us nothin' but !iser . 4ou see a $hallen'e% and ou !ust 'o after it. Rose blinked. She didnt $hase $hallen'es% at least not intentionall . ,t least she ne)er thou'ht she did.

,nd this *e$lan% hes a terrible $hallen'e% Grand!a AlBonore $ontinued. 5roud and powerful. ,nd he looks ... 4ou know ourself how he looks. I know oull turn ourself inside out% tr in' to win. *e$lan is the sa!e wa 0 he saw ou out the window on the phone and went out the ba$k door like he was about to stor! a $astle. &e has de$ided oure his. Ill unde$ide it for hi!. Rose snorted. &e thinks hes alread won. Well% I ha)e a surprise or two $o!in'. +hats what I! afraid of% Grand!a !ur!ured. 4ou !ust understand% hes a dan'erous !an. ;er dan'erous. I $ursed hi!. 4ou what" I $ursed hi!% Grand!a repeated. +hat e)enin' when Willia! $alled% he $a!e throu'h the door askin' for ou% and I didnt know who he was% so I $ursed hi!. Oh God. What did ou $ast" Rubber le's. +he Ed'ers had !an talents. +he abilit to $urse wasnt the rarest talent% but it was one of the stron'est. +he older ou were% the stron'er was our $ursin'. +he elder Ed'ers had the $ursin' !onopol % and the didnt war! up to new#$o!ers until the were past !iddle a'e% whi$h for so!e Ed'er fa!ilies hit around se)ent or so. 8or !ost $urses% there was no $ure. +he had to be broken b the tar'et or left to run their $ourse. If the tar'et did !ana'e to break our $urse% the !a'i$ lashed out ba$k at ou. While ou tried to deal with the $onse(uen$es% a )er put#out $ursee !i'ht arri)e with his trust shot'un% intendin' to use ou for tar'et pra$ti$e. ,nd if the $urse did su$$eed% often the fa!il of the affli$ted would petition one of the older $ursers for help to brin' ou down to si=e. +hen ou reall had proble!s. ,n Ed'er had to be well alon' in ears and ha)e a 'ood deal of respe$t before she $ould 'et awa with $ursin' so!eone% or the retribution would be swift and brutal. Rose had learned $ursin' when she was onl si6% b a$$ident% .ust like e)er one else. +he fa!il was out at a barbe (ue% and a 'irl na!ed +ina Watt had stolen her doll and thrown it on the 'rill. Rose wished +inas hair would fall out. ,s soon as she said it% her !a'i$ 'ushed% and then the had to 'o ho!e. +he ne6t ti!e she saw +ina% her lon' blond hair was 'one% and short stubble $o)ered her head. E)er one was allowed one $urse% their first one% be$ause thats how ou learned ou had the power. -ut after that% ou learned to $ontrol ourself or there would be hell to pa . 1u$kil for her% Grand!a was a $urser as well% one of the best in East 1aporte% and Rose 'ot !ore

edu$ation in the art of $ursin' than she would e)er need. +he onl proper wa to learn $urses responsibl was to suffer throu'h !ost of the!. Grand!other knew a lot of $urses% and Rose had wanted to learn badl . Shed tried rubber le's on for si=e when she was twel)e. Rubber le's was an e6$ru$iatin'l painful $urse. +he )i$ti! felt her le's torn apart like strin' $heese. If she tried to take a step% she would ine)itabl plu!!et to the 'round. +he $urse left no har!ful effe$t and )anished after a half hour or so% but !eanwhile a person $ould lose her !ind. ,nd Grand!a had $ast it on *e$lan. It was a wonder he didnt slau'hter the lot of the!. Wh would ou $urse hi!" Grand!a shru''ed. &e surprised !e. What happened" 4our blueblood 'runted a bit and shru''ed it off. /ust !us$led on ri'ht throu'h it. ,nd thats when I hit hi! with the bottle of oli)e oil and !issed. &e dod'ed% took the bottle out of ! hands% and told !e in perfe$t 8ren$h that while he appre$iated ! )i'or when defendin' ! fa!il % if I atte!pted to hit hi! a'ain% I would sorel re'ret it. +hat sounded like *e$lan. &es 'ood at inti!idation% Rose said. Grand!a nodded% her e es opened wide. Oh% I belie)ed hi!. -esides% the $urse had ba$klashed and I had to sit down. *o ou know what I was 'oin' to do for a li)in' before our ro'ue of a 'randfather sailed into port with his ship and a dashin' s!ile" No. Our )illa'e supplied retainers for 2ount d,rtois of the >in'do! of Gaul in the Weird. 7 fa!il % in parti$ular% had ser)ed hi! for ears. +rust !e% I re$o'ni=e blood when I see it. I dont know what *e$lan told ou% but that bo has 'enerations of blueblood an$estors to prop hi! up. Rose wa)ed her hands. I dont think he is all that hi'h on the peer ladder. So!eti!es he for'ets to a$t like a blueblood% and hes al!ost nor!al. -esides% I $he$ked hi! in the En$ $lopedia % and it sa s :Earl 2a!arine is a $ourtes title. &e probabl 'ot it for his !ilitar ser)i$e in the Red 1e'ion. Grand!as !outh $losed with a $li$k.

What did I sa now" Nothin'% Grand!a said. Nothin' at all. 4oure ri'ht% /a$k is probabl safe with hi!. Still% dont ou think ou better $he$k on the!" Rose 'lan$ed at the $lo$k on the wall. +hirt !inutes past noon. She was late% but the $han'e in sub.e$t was awfull sudden. +here is so!ethin' oure not tellin' !e. *ear% I $ould fill this roo! with thin's I! not tellin' ou. Grand!a had that parti$ular 'lint in her e es that said ar'uin' was useless. Rose shook her head and went to look for Geor'ie. She found hi! $urled up on the da bed% asleep. 1ea)e hi! with !e% Grand!a AlBonore said. &e needs the rest. Ill walk hi! ba$k when hes awake. Rose si'hed% hu''ed her% and left. She went down the steps% $rossed the lawn% and went to her tru$k. , $hallen'e $haser. She ne)er $onsidered herself to be that wa . Well% es% she did work on her flash until it be$a!e an obsession% but that was be$ause she had so little else to o$$up her. What she needed to do was to 'et ho!e% ha)e a lon' talk with /a$k about not 'oin' off on wild field trips with ene!ies of the fa!il % and e6plain to *e$lan ... What the hell did she want to e6plain to *e$lan" +hat in the !o!ents when he for'ot about bein' a blueblood% she found herself drawn to hi! like a foolish little !oth is drawn to a bu'#=appin' lantern" Rose dro)e ba$k to the house. *e$lan and /a$k were still out. She dra''ed the 'ro$eries in and sorted the! out between the free=er% frid'e% and pantr . , ba' of apples and a plasti$ $ontainer of strawberries $a!e up !issin'. 5robabl still in the tru$k. She went outside. ,s Rose approa$hed the tru$k% broken 'lass $run$hed under her foot. Glitterin' shards fro! a busted windshield la on the road% stret$hin' to the left in a shin trail. , (ui$k 'lan$e at the tru$k assured her that her own windshield was inta$t. Rose $rou$hed and e6a!ined the 'lass. Odd. Not the t pi$al spra or sheet of 'lass that resulted fro! a $rash. It looked as if so!eone had s!ashed a windshield and then $arefull poured the pie$es out to 'et her attention. She $ould)e sworn it hadnt been there when she 'ot ho!e. +he sparklin' trail ended at an old pine. Rose frowned% looked up% and saw a li$ense plate dan'lin' off a bran$h on a $ord. -OSS7,N. E!ersons li$ense plate. What in the world ...

She s$anned the road. ,t the far left a $hunk of red !etal la on the side% b so!e bushes. She .o''ed to it. It was a pie$e of a red $ar hood in the pre$ise to!ato shade of E!ersons S<;% its ed'es dark fro! the blowtor$h burn. 8arther down the road% another $hunk la .ust before the bend. Rose strode to it% passed the $ur)e% and saw a third red spot a hundred ards down. , trail of $ar $ru!bs% leadin' awa fro! the house% toward the -roken. ;er well. She .o''ed ba$k to her tru$k and started it. She had to see where the $ar parts led. 8I8+EEN A1AONORE rose fro! the table% where a s!all pie$e of the beast floated in a .ar of for!aldeh de. +he rest of the bod had be'un to de$o!pose% and shed had to bur it when she $ould no lon'er stand the s!ell. +alk to !e% she whispered. She had tried e)er thin'. She had $alled on ,dele 7oore% 1ee Stearns% and /ere!iah. +he looked throu'h their books and diaries% and $ast their spells% and burned their herbs. She e)en !ade the trip down to speak to Elsie% or what was left of her. &er efforts earned her nothin'. +he $olle$ti)e wisdo! of East 1aporte had failed. Whate)er the beast was% where)er it $a!e fro!% it was e)il. On that e)er one a'reed. Ru!ors flew about. +o the north% 7ala$hai Radish and his fa!il were 'one fro! their trailer% their pla$e torn apart and left open. 7ala$hai was ne)er the sharpest tool in the shed and his tru$k was !issin'% so it was possible he .ust lost his !arbles and took off with his wife and his kids without tellin' an one. -ut AlBonore doubted it. ,dele heard ru!ors of the do's )anishin' into the ni'ht. ,nd *ena ;au'hn found her li)esto$k slau'htered. So!ethin' killed the s!all herd of p '! 'oats and painted the hill where the 'ra=ed with their entrails. +he were under atta$k. *read sat in her $hest like a hard $lu!p of i$e. Where would it end" What did the $reatures want" She had no answers. +he onl weapon the had was Rose and her flash. AlBonore rubbed her fa$e. Rose ... If it wasnt one thin'% it was another. +he $hild .ust $ouldnt $at$h a break. 1ord 2a!arine bothered her. +he bo was a 'enuine arti$le. 8lawless !anners. 8lawless poise. &ed pi$ked up on the faint tra$e of a$$ent in her spee$h when she $ursed hi! and replied in refined% aristo$rati$ 8ren$h. Not so!ethin' one $ould easil falsif . ,nd power. Su$h 'reat power. When she had 'one to )isit Elsie% shed seen the da!a'e to the house. +he roof was $o!pletel 'one and !ost of the wall% too. ,! said hed done it in one burst. E6pe$ted fro! the one of the Red 1e'ionnaires% of $ourse. +he were the ,drian'lian

weapon of last resort. Shed heard stories about the! when she was a little 'irl. +he fou'ht like de!ons. So!e of the! werent e)en hu!an. What in the world would an earl be doin' in su$h a le'ion" +he bo looked like a born rake. &e would s!ash Roses heart to pie$es. AlBonore si'hed. In ti!es like these% she wished for 2letus. Not that the old ro'ue would be an help. &ed 'rin and tell her to lea)e the kids alone so the $ould ha)e their fun. 2letus alwa s reasoned with his heart while she alwa s reasoned with her brain. -ut still she !issed hi! so badl . 8or a while she sat% lost in thou'ht and !e!ories. When she finall shru''ed the! off% the tea in her $up had 'one $old. She tou$hed the teapot. 2old% too. Oh well. She would ha)e to learn !ore about this *e$lan. ,nd if Rose wasnt there to answer the (uestions% she would .ust ha)e to ask Geor'ie. +hat re!inded her. She better $he$k on the bo . AlBonore $rossed into the sittin' roo!. +he da bed la e!pt . Geor'ie" she $alled. &e didnt answer. Geor'ie" AlBonore strode throu'h the house% fro! the kit$hen to the bedroo!% throu'h it to the other bedroo!% past the bathroo!% to the stora'e roo!. +here he was% starin' out the window. She $a!e up to hi! and petted the pale blond hair. What are ou doin' here% all b ourself" She 'lan$ed throu'h the window and fro=e. On the ed'e of the ward% dark beasts prowled. +wo% four% si6% !ore% !ore ... +he bun$hed to'ether% $rawlin' on one another% pilin' into a narrow p ra!id. AlBonore $au'ht her breath. +he ward stones were stron' and old% but the hi'her ou rea$hed% the weaker the !a'i$ barrier be$a!e. +he p ra!id was now si6 beasts hi'h. Ei'ht. Nine. +he top hound pressed a'ainst the ward and toppled into the ard. It fell inside the ward% flippin' in the air to land on all fours% shook itself% and padded toward the house. Geor'ie looked at her% his e es hu'e and terrified. +he re $o!in'.

/<S+ before the boundar % a narrow o)er'rown path )eered ri'ht fro! the !ain road. , s!all red pie$e of a $ar door la at the bend% and another rested a little down the path .ust in $ase Rose failed to 'et the !essa'e. She parked the tru$k and took her .NN out of her ba'. She was so $lose to the boundar % that whoe)er left the trail of $ar parts $ould du$k into the -roken when she 'ot near. In the -roken her flash was useless% but her bullets would fl past the boundar .ust fine. Rose lo$ked the tru$k and headed down the trail. , few !o!ents later the dense brush ended abruptl % and she found herself at the be'innin' of a pasture. , low hill rose in front of her% at the ape6 of whi$h towered a !assi)e oak. , few de$ades a'o li'htnin' had hit it% shearin' one of the bran$hes on the ri'ht side. +he stor went that so!e knu$klehead i'nored the rule about standin' under the lar'e isolated trees durin' a thunderstor!% and when the li'htnin' $lea)ed off a bran$h% it fell and $rushed his horse. E)er sin$e% the 'iant of a tree be$a!e known as the *ead &orse Oak. +oda the tree see!ed e)en !ore lopsided than usual. , lar'e oblon' thin' hun' fro! a thi$k bran$h on the ri'ht side% swa in' sli'htl . Rose frowned. Now what" +he thin' !oaned. She s(uinted and reali=ed what it was0 E!erson% wrapped in white plasti$ and hun' upside down b the seat belts of his $ar. &e !oaned a'ain% weaker. Rose took the safet off her 'un% took a deep breath% and ad)an$ed toward hi!% slowl % s$annin' the surroundin's as she $a!e. &er e es strained to $at$h the (ui$kest 'li!pse of dan'er. &er ears sear$hed for the sli'htest sound. She heard nothin'% onl wind% $ri$kets% and the distant s!all noises of the Wood. Step. ,nother. Rose shi)ered. She was al!ost there. E!ersons fa$e was the $olor of a ripe plu!. &is e es looked at her% unfo$used% but failed to see. Its oka % she told hi! softl . Its oka . I)e 'ot ou. -lood was probabl rushin' to his head. She had to 'et hi! down. E!ersons lips !o)ed. Woo ... 4es" Woo ... Wolf.

Wolf" Wolf! &is )oi$e 'ained a sudden intensit . Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf" , wolf didnt wrap hi! in plasti$ and han' hi! off the tree. Oka % oka % she !ur!ured. 2al! down. Ill 'et ou down. She rea$hed for the seat belts. , bla$k sha'' wolf e!er'ed fro! behind the tree. &u'e% as bi' as a $alf% it stared at her with two lar'e 'olden e es% its 'lare $old and )i$ious% and s!art. +oo s!art. +his wasnt an ordinar wolf. +his was a $han'elin'. E)er hair on the ba$k of her ne$k stood on its end. Rose be$a!e utterl still. +here was no other $han'elin' in East 1aporte% e6$ept for her brother. -elow the e es% the bla$k !u==le 'aped% re)ealin' enor!ous i)or fan's. Rose $lut$hed E!erson% pullin' hi! to herself% and flashed. +he white ar$h of ,ta!ans defense swept around her% se)erin' the seat belt rope. E!erson fell. +wo hundred pounds of dead wei'ht hit her% and she dropped hi! to the 'round. +he wolf snarled. It was a horrible sound% fur and blood#thirst rolled into a sa)a'e pro!ise. 4ou $ant ha)e hi!% she said. +he wolf snapped. Its teeth rent the air a hair awa fro! her flash. 5ani$ shot throu'h her. +he white ar$h split into three% ea$h whip of white speedin' so fast% the blended into a $ontinuous white barrier around her and E!erson. +he wolf halted% pu==led. +he were trapped. She $ouldnt keep the three ar$hes !o)in' indefinitel % but to atta$k hi! with her flash% shed ha)e to drop her defense. +he 'old e es told her that if she 'a)e hi! a fra$tion of a se$ond% hed tear her to pie$es. Rose slowed down the ar$hes. +he be$a!e distin$t on$e a'ain. +he wolf panted at her% as if it were lau'hin'% a!used b her wi!p efforts to keep it fro! its pre .

She slowed the ar$hes enou'h that for a fra$tion of a se$ond% as ea$h ar$h passed her% she was unprote$ted. ,s the ne6t ar$h slid to the ri'ht% Rose snapped her 'un up and fired. +he 'un spat bullets and thunder. +he wolf dashed to the left% bounded off the oak trunk% and sprinted awa % into the Wood. Rose swallowed. ,t her feet% E!erson whi!pered like a $hild. Its 'one% she told hi! in a tre!blin' )oi$e. Its 'one and 'one. She $ouldnt $arr E!erson off the hill. She $ouldnt e)en dra' hi!. &er fin'ers shook. She pulled her $ell phone out of the po$ket of her .eans. It took her three tries to dial the ri'ht nu!ber. Eri$ >aplan% >aplan Insuran$e. &ow !a I help ou" the )oi$e on the other end said. +his is Rose. I! at *ead &orse Oak. I ha)e our un$le% and I need ou to $o!e and 'et hi!. &<RR4% $hild. 7B!Eres )oi$e ur'ed Geor'ie up the ladder. &e s(uir!ed up the steps into the atti$ and s$ooted aside% offerin' her his hand. She $li!bed up% $arr in' one of Grandpas 'uns. +he pulled the ladder up and the trapdoor shut with a slap. 7B!Ere slid the lat$h $losed. It wouldnt help. +he beasts would find the!. +he both knew it. It will be fine% 7B!Ere !ur!ured. It will be fine. Were 'oin' to $ast a spell ... +he eat !a'i$% 7B!Ere% Geor'e said softl . +he like it. She stopped. +hats what Rose said. 5or$elain shattered downstairs. I$ alar! shot throu'h Geor'ie. &e .erked. 7B!Eres ar!s $losed about hi!. ,nother dish $rashed. So!ethin' was !o)in' throu'h the kit$hen. -e )er silent% $hild% 7B!Ere whispered in his ear. Luiet like a !ouse. Silen$e rei'ned. , lon' !inute passed. ,round the! the atti$ la di!% e!pt e6$ept for a few bo6es. , fine la er of dust $o)ered the floor. -arel an li'ht penetrated throu'h the wooden slits of the $losed shutter that 'uarded a sin'le tin window.

Geor'ie felt the hounds !a'i$. It ho)ered on the ed'e of his senses% waitin' (uietl and patientl % waitin' for the! to use their power so it $ould poun$e. +he eerie sound of $laws s$rat$hin' at the walls nearl !ade Geor'ie .u!p. &e $lun' to 7B!Ere. She bit her lip and hu''ed hi! $loser. &e $ouldnt let the hounds 'et her. Not 7B!Ere. -ut if he opened his !ind% their !a'i$ would 'et hi!. +error s(uir!ed throu'h Geor'ie. 2laws skittered on the roof. So!ethin' bu!ped downstairs% dire$tl under the!. +he beasts knew where the hid. Geor'ie shi)ered. &is teeth $hattered% his fin'ers and toes 'one i$e# $old. , hard pun$h stru$k the boards to the left. +he s$rat$hin' 'rew louder. +he beasts du' throu'h the roof% tr in' to break in. &e $ouldnt let the! 'et 7B!Ere. Geor'ie fou'ht a'ainst his fear and for$ed it down. &e leaned ba$k in 7B!Eres ar!s. It was ti!e to find lost thin's. &e (uested outward% sear$hin' the )ast darkness before hi! with his !inds e e. +he hounds !a'i$ poun$ed on hi! in a s!otherin' wa)e% like a flood of sli!e ar!ed with a thousand !ouths. Geor'ie $hoked. So!ethin' inside hi! whi!pered. +he !ouths bit into hi! with tin sharp teeth% windin' about his le's% spiralin' up his bod . &is !ind burned with pain. &e (uested harder% desperate to be heard before the foul !a'i$ drowned hi! $o!pletel . So!ewhere i!possibl far awa % 7B!Ere $alled his na!e. &er )oi$e was full of tears. &e rea$hed out to Rose% but she was too far awa . &e $ouldnt 'et to her. &e had to find so!eone else. &e sear$hed% his !ind sta''erin' under the pressure% until he finall saw it% a bri'ht white star shinin' in the darkness. With the last of his stren'th% he tou$hed it. +he beastl !a'i$ 'aped below hi!% like the !outh of a horrible $reature% and 'ulped hi! whole. /,2> sat atop the kit$hen island and wat$hed *e$lan sear$h the frid'e with a plate in hand. &is sto!a$h 'rowled. +he d spent the whole !ornin' in the Wood tra$kin' down the beasts. *e$lan $alled the! hounds. +he $ouldnt be killed with a 'un% hed said. +he bullets

went ri'ht throu'h the!. +he onl wa to kill the! was to tear or $ut the! apart or to fr the! with !a'i$. &ed tra$ked the s$ents for hours% but !ost of the! led out of the Wood% not to it. *e$lan followed hi! e)er where. *e$lan was fun in the Wood% /a$k de$ided. &e was (uiet and he didnt do stupid thin's. -ut now the were both tired and hun'r . &e thou'ht Rose would be ho!e with lun$h% but she wasnt here. Instead he and *e$lan had to raid the frid'e. It see!s we ha)e enou'h food for a feast. We $an e)en !ake our own Ed'er bur'ers3 *e$lan dropped the plate. It $rashed to the floor with a thud. /a$k .u!ped at the sound. Sta here! *e$lan barked% his fa$e terrible. *ont follow !e% dont lea)e the house! *o ou understand" /a$k nodded. I! 'oin' to 'et our brother. *o not lea)e! SIJ+EEN A1AONORE $radled Geor'ie. &e la li!p% his skin $old and $la!! . &is pulse fluttered like a d in' butterfl under her fin'ertips. She tried to rea$h hi! a'ain and a'ain% but he had slipped so!ewhere deep% far beneath her power. -elow her the house shuddered and snapped% loud with breakin' wood and hea) $rashes% but none of that !attered. She fo$used on her hoarse whisper% pourin' e)er iota of her power into the words. 2o!e on% sweetheart. 2o!e ba$k to !e. 2o!e ba$k to our 'rand!Ere. 4ou dont want to lea)e !e% do ou" She sensed onl darkness. 2o!e ba$k to !e% bab . &er !a'i$ suffused her. , faint 'low spread fro! her fa$e to her fin'ertips. In the darkness of the atti$ and in the darkness that had swallowed Geor'ie% AlBonore be$a!e a bea$on. 2o!e ba$k to !e. She was so intent on findin' hi!% it took her se)eral se$onds to reali=e that all had 'one (uiet. +he trapdoor (uaked. So!eone or so!ethin' had 'rasped the pull rope fro! below and .erked it. AlBonore be'an to $hant soundlessl % 'atherin' the !a'i$ around her. She $ouldnt

flash% not like Rose% but she had the old !a'i$. She wouldnt roll o)er and let the! rip her to pie$es without a fi'ht. +he ne6t tu' tore the lat$h fro! the wood. +he ladder dropped down. +he !a'i$ swirled around her like a death $loud. 7ale)olent streaks shot throu'h her 'low% twistin' about her in furious ribbons. +he spell would take her life in pa !ent for its ser)i$es% but she had no $hoi$e. ,n thin' to bu Geor'ie a few !ore !inutes. +he !a'i$ ho)ered at her fin'ertips% it$hin' to be unleashed. Its *e$lan! a !ale )oi$e $alled. I! $o!in' up! She saw the blond head rise throu'h the openin'. &is fa$e was $o)ered in sil)er spatter. +he death !a'i$ )anished% repla$ed b a sin'le ur'ent need3to sa)e Geor'ie. &urr % *e$lan $alled. &es fadin'! She thrust Geor'ie at hi!. *e$lan 'rabbed the bod and disappeared down below. She s$ra!bled after hi!. *e$lan rushed throu'h the house. She followed hi!% steppin' o)er beast $ar$asses and shattered furniture. *e$lan swept the kit$hen table $lean with a brush of his ar!% sendin' dishes and .ars to the floor% and deposited Geor'ie on the table. &e briskl lifted Geor'ies e elid% e6posin' a tin line of blue surroundin' a bla$k dilated pupil. I need a $andle% he said. AlBonore turned% slidin' on 'ore splashed a$ross the kit$hen floor% 'rasped a $andle and a bo6 of !at$hes. She lit the $andle with shakin' hands. *e$lan du' into his $lothes and pulled out a s!all pou$h. &e pulled a s!all pie$e of paper fro! the pou$h% sprinkled herbs on it% rolled it like a $i'arette% and set the end on fire. , tan' sweet s$ent spread throu'h the roo!. She reali=ed what he was tr in' to do and swept Geor'ie up% raisin' his head off the table. *e$lan held the burnin' in$ense under Geor'ies nose. +he bo didnt !o)e. *e$lan 'ulped a !outhful of s!oke% pulled Geor'ies !outh open% and blew into it. No response. &es 'one% she reali=ed. Its a ni'ht!are. It has to be a ni'ht!are.

*e$lans fa$e turned 'ri!. &e 'rabbed a handful of the bo s +#shirt and ripped it apart% re)ealin' his bare $hest. 1a hi! flat. She 'rasped his hand and saw his !a'i$ 'ather% bla=in' with white. No! 4oull kill hi!! +his is the onl wa . &e pushed her aside% thrust his hand a'ainst Geor'ies $hest% and flashed. +he spark of !a'i$ slashed throu'h the s!all bod . Geor'ies e es snapped open% but the were pure white% his e es rolled ba$k in their so$kets. &e !ade a terrible $reak sound like an unoiled door% and *e$lan thrust the burnin' herbs under his nose. Geor'ie inhaled% $ou'hed% inhaled a'ain% blinked% and she saw his blue e es lookin' at her. 7B!Ere% he whispered and $ou'hed out a tin puff of s!oke. AlBonore $lut$hed hi! to her. She s!elled his hair% felt his heart beat% and finall understood that he was ali)e. We !ust !o)e% *e$lan said briskl . I $ant prote$t ou here. 2an ou $arr the bo " &e needed his hands for his sword. She swept Geor'ie off the table. &old on to !e% darlin'. *e$lan pulled a sword fro! his ba$k and strode on. ,s AlBonore followed hi!% she reali=ed his ba$k was red with blood. -easts bled onl sil)er. +he $rossed the kit$hen to the front door. *e$lan ki$ked it open. , hound lun'ed at hi! fro! the ri'ht and was $ut down in a flash of steel. *e$lan $rossed the por$h and nodded to her. She followed. +o the left% near the bushes borderin' the lawn% foul !a'i$ bloo!ed like a polluted flower% 'rowin' fro! se)eral beast $orpses. +he sil)er blood fro! their $ar$asses pooled into a lar'e puddle. +he sil)er surfa$e shi!!ered and twisted up in a $orks$rew fountain% turnin' dark and 'hostl % flowin' into the outline of a !an. AlBonore $ouldnt see his fa$e or an features% .ust a bla$k shape% like a hole in the nor!al fabri$ of the world. +he shade spoke. I .ust want the bo . /ust a taste ...

*e$lan spun about. , 'ri!a$e $la!ped his fa$e. , torrent of white ripped fro! hi!% disinte'ratin' the beasts% the puddle% and the shadow with it. 2o!e% *e$lan ur'ed her. +he wards at Roses house are better. &urr . In the distan$e% AlBonore heard the ru!ble of a $ar en'ine. , !o!ent later a tru$k shot out around the bend% Roses fa$e behind the windshield. ROSE 'entl pulled Geor'ies blanket up and 'lan$ed to Grand!a. ,re ou all ri'ht" Grand!a nodded wordlessl . Rose stepped to her and hu''ed her. AlBonore was a plu!p% happ wo!an% but ri'ht then her shoulders see!ed fra'ile beneath all those la ers of tattered $loth. She raised her hand and patted Roses ar! 'entl . I thou'ht I lost Geor'ie. 4ou didnt. ,s lon' as Rose $ould re!e!ber herself% Grand!a had ser)ed as the sour$e of her stren'th. She was the one and onl thin' that re!ained $onstant. 7other% e)en before her death% had stopped reall bein' there. Grandfather died. Rel in' on *ad was .ust askin' for hearta$he. -ut Grand!a was alwa s present% alwa s sure what to do% and if she $ouldnt help% she would at least !ake the! lau'h about it. No hu!or re!ained now. She sat on her $hair% weak and 'ra . E)en her teased#up hair drooped in defeat. Roses $hest ti'htened with a$he. Would ou like a $up of tea" Rose asked. No. Grand!other looked at the two bo s. Geor'ie slept. /a$k $urled ne6t to hi!% not reall sleepin' but bein' (uiet% wat$hin' Geor'ie throu'h the narrow slits of his half#$losed e es. I .ust want to sit% Grand!a !ur!ured. I .ust need a bit of ti!e to understand that the re oka . 4ou 'o on. See to *e$lan. &is ba$k is all ripped up. Rose studied her for a lon' !o!ent and (uietl slipped out of the roo!. In the kit$hen *e$lan sat on a $hair b the table. &e had shru''ed his leather and undershirt off% and his ba$k was to her. +wo lon'% u'l 'ashes s$ored his skin. -lood $aked in the deep% raw wounds. , $old needle of worr stabbed her. 8or all his stren'th% the beasts $ould)e torn hi! apart in that house. I dont suppose ou know how to sew the wounds shut" he asked. 4oure in lu$k. She stepped into the bathroo! and brou'ht out her first aid kit. I $an take ou to the hospital% if ou want. I ha)e the !one now% thanks to ou. &e shook his head. I trust ou.

8a!ous last words. She handed hi! a 'lass of water and two ,le)e 'el$aps. +he re anti# infla!!atories. +he will dull the pain a little bit and keep down swellin' and redness. Swallow the pills% dont $hew. Well% I thou'ht Id sti$k the! into ! nose and i!personate a walrus% but if ou insist% Ill swallow the!. Rose blinked. +oo !u$h ti!e with /a$k and Geor'ie% not enou'h adult intera$tion. Ne6t thin' she knew% shed be threatenin' to take awa his $o!i$s if he didnt finish his dinner. /a$k alwa s tries to $hew his% she !ur!ured. Sorr . &e told !e he tried to eat $ardboard. ,nd $andles. ,nd soap. Rose popped open the kit% talkin' as she worked. On$e% when he was a bab % I was in the ard% han'in' the sheets out to dr . &e was in the 'rass ne6t to !e. I turned awa for ten se$onds% and he was 'one. - the ti!e I $hased hi! down% his fa$e was $o)ered in purple berr .ui$e. I !ade hi! )o!it on the spot% and he fell asleep ri'ht in ! ar!s. I thou'ht hed passed out fro! the poison% and ! father had the tru$k% so I ran with hi! to Grand!as. Rose took out a =iplo$k ba' $ontainin' a white $loth% spread the $loth on the table% and retrie)ed three $ur)ed needles and twent pie$es of pre$ut thread% ea$h about a foot lon'. She threaded the three needles% poured water into a pot% put the needles% thread% and a pair of s!all twee=ers into it% and set the whole thin' to boil on the sto)e. &ow did it end" *e$lan asked. +urned out to be pokeweed. +he berries are poisonous% but he hadnt 'otten enou'h of it in hi! to do an da!a'e. I still re!e!ber e)er step of that run. Worst fi)e !inutes of ! life. &ow old were ou" Si6teen. 2o!e on. I need to wash off our wounds% she said. &e followed her into the bathroo!% where she took the shower head out of the holder and rinsed the wounds on his ba$k with lukewar! water. ,fterward% the returned to the kit$hen% where the li'ht was better% to e6a!ine his 'ashes. Onl the top one needs to be stit$hed. +he botto! one we $an hold to'ether with !edi$al tape and butterfl banda'es. She turned off the pot% let the needles $ool% washed her hands and ar!s to the elbows with soap% and opened the bottle of -etadine. ,re ou aller'i$ to seafood"

No. 4ou $an use iodine on !e. I wont suffer an side effe$ts. Oh% 'ood. She doused the 'au=e with -etadine and pro$eeded to $lean the 'ashes. &is ba$k re!ained ro$k stead . It was a hu'e ba$k% too% $o)ered with bul'es of hard !us$le and s$ars. 4ou dont ha)e to be that !u$h of a hard#ass% she said. Would ou find !e !ore s !patheti$ if I $ried" No. She finished $leanin' and banda'in' the lower wound. 1ast $han$e for a -roken sur'eon. No need. Rose $arried the pot o)er and retrie)ed the first needle with twee=ers. She held it for a !inute or two% .ust to !ake sure it $ooled off% then she brou'ht the ed'es of the top wound to'ether% $la!ped the needle% and pier$ed the ed'e of the 'ash. She pushed the needle throu'h% pulled it free with twee=ers% and !ade her first stit$h. - now either of the bo s would be $r in'. She would be $r in'. Shed had to sew up $uts on herself before. E)entuall ou did 'et nu!b to the pain% but the first few stit$hes hurt like hell. &e .ust sat there. &e reall was a )er s$ar bastard. 4oure (ui$k% he said. &is )oi$e 'ained a deeper undertone. If she didnt know better% shed sa he was flirtin'. , !an would ha)e to be insane to flirt while she was .abbin' sharp !etal into his wounds. Its not ! first ti!e at the rodeo. *o the ha)e rodeos in the Weird" she asked% tr in' to distra$t herself fro! the fa$t that she was sti$kin' a hu'e needle into his li)in' flesh. 4es. +he re a national sport in the Republi$ of +e6as. +e6as is a separate republi$" She finished the knot and started the ne6t. +he Weird and the -roken are !irror i!a'es of ea$h other. Sa!e $ontinents% sa!e o$eans. In the -roken% the $ontinent of North ,!eri$a is di)ided sidewa s. What do ou !ean% sidewa s" +here was a tin pause as the needle slid into his ba$k% but his )oi$e was $al! and strain# free. +he $ountries are hori=ontal0 2anada% <nited States% 7e6i$o. In the Weird% the di)ision is )erti$al. +hats how the $ontinent was settled. In the east is ,drian'lia. In the $enter is the *ukedo! of 1ouisiana% whi$h is part of the <nited >in'do! of Gaul.

Gaul" Its a kin'do! of the Old World. Gaulish tribes used to be fra'!ented into se)eral kin'do!s0 2elti$a% -el'i$a% Gal li$a. 8ran$e and -el'iu!% Rose 'uessed. ,l!ost done% she !ur!ured. So what is to the west of 1ouisiana" Republi$ of +e6as. +hen the *e!o$ra$ of 2alifornia. What about 7e6i$o" It still belon's to 2astillia. Spain. +he d run out of $ontinent% and she still had a few stit$hes to 'o. &ow did ,drian'lia $o!e to be $alled that" She knew alread % but she wanted to keep hi! talkin'. -e$ause it was dis$o)ered b ,drian Robert *rake% who $lai!ed it in the na!e of the ,n'lian >in'do!. <nlike 2olu!bus of the -roken% he reali=ed he had found a new $ontinent rather than a roundabout wa to India. 8or a blueblood% ou know a lot about the -roken% she told hi!% finishin' the last stit$h. I ser)e the *uke of the Southern 5ro)in$es. +he Ed'e tou$hes his lands. I was tau'ht about the -roken% be$ause its ! dut to keep people fro! es$apin' into it. I $an use a phone% fire a 'un% and I know the theor of dri)in' a )ehi$le% althou'h I would rather not atte!pt it. ,ll done% she said. 4ou $an 'o into our roo! and $r now. Onl if ou $o!e with !e. &e $au'ht her hand into his. +he feel of his skin al!ost !ade her shi)er. 4ou ha)e a )er li'ht tou$h. I barel felt it. *ont tr to lie to a professional liar. I need ! hand to banda'e ou. &e held on to her for another lon' se$ond and opened his fin'ers. She pulled her hand fro! his% banda'ed the wound% and $a!e around to put awa her needles. *e$lan didnt see! an worse for wear. Still as arrestin' as e)er. +hank ou% he said. No% thank ou. 8or sa)in' Geor'ie and ! 'rand!other.

,ll of the pressure and stress $a!e $rashin' down on her at on$e. &er resol)e broke like a thin 'lass tube snappin'. She fou'ht to keep fro! $r in'. &ow did ou know the were in trouble" +he bo $alled !e% he said. &e probabl reali=ed that would open hi! to the hounds !a'i$. I think he was afraid for our 'rand!other% so he sa$rifi$ed hi!self. Geor'ies heart is too bi' for his own 'ood% she said. Shed nearl lost hi!. No !ore. No !ore stran'e e6peditions. She needed to sta ho!e with the bo s and weather this !ess. &ow !an of the hounds were there" *e$lan shru''ed his !assi)e shoulders. , few. &ow !an " she insisted. 8ourteen. <nfortunatel % the house is narrow% and I was unable to rel on ! flash. I sur!ised Geor'ie and 7ada!e AlBonore !i'ht be in the atti$. -rin'in' the house down with !a'i$ would ha)e been bad for!. Its 'enerall ad)isable to keep the people ou atte!pt to res$ue ali)e. &e said it !atter#of#fa$tl % as if that were the !ost ordinar thin' in the world. &e ran into a house full of !onsters to sa)e people to who! he didnt owe an thin'. I wish there were so!e wa I $ould repa ou% she said% wipin' her hands. +here is. She looked up. What $an I do for ou" 4ou $ould kiss !e% Rose. She fro=e% the kit$hen towel in her hands% sure she had !isheard. Surel % I deser)e one kiss for sa)in' our brother. Wh would ou want !e to kiss ou" I want to know what ou taste like. , slow s!ile stret$hed his lips. *ont tell !e ou ha)ent thou'ht of it. She had thou'ht of it% but she would die before ad!ittin' it. 2ant sa I ha)e. One kiss% he said. Or are ou s$ared"

+hat sa!e deli$ious terror that she felt whene)er she thou'ht about tou$hin' *e$lan !ade it $o!pletel i!possible for her to !o)e. Not at all% she lied. +hen kiss !e. &ere was her $han$e. She $ould kiss hi! free of 'uilt without ad!ittin' an thin'. She wouldnt 'et another opportunit like that. If she li)ed to be a hundred and sta ed the entire ti!e in the Ed'e% at least she would be able to sa that in her oun' and wild da s% shed kissed a $ra= blueblood fro! the Weird. She was darin'% ri'ht" Wasnt that what darin' wo!en did" Rose $losed the distan$e between the! and rested her own pal!s on the table between his hands and his sides. If he brou'ht his ar!s in% he $ould trap her. It should)e !ade her !ore $autious% but it didnt. She was runnin' alon' the ed'e of one of *e$lans blades. One !isstep% and she would fatall $ut herself. ,nd she liked it. Its .ust a kiss. Stop !akin' a hu'e deal out of it. She leaned $lose to *e$lan. +heir lips were a !ere in$h apart. *e$lans e es were terribl 'reen. 1ike a 'rass blade with the sun shinin' throu'h it. I! 'oin' to kiss ou be$ause ou sa)ed ! brother% she !ur!ured. 8or no other reason. *ul noted% he said. She leaned another (uarter in$h forward. +heir lips al!ost tou$hed. +his is so )er wron'% she !ur!ured. &er whole bod stru!!ed with anti$ipation. &e leaned his head to her% his )oi$e low. Its onl a kiss. Its not as if I! askin' ou to do so!ethin' ... inde$ent. &e $ertainl looked as if he would like to do so!ethin' inde$ent. She li$ked her lips and kissed hi!. &e opened his !outh and let her in. &er ton'ue found his. She stroked it 'entl and reali=ed *e$lan held ba$k% keepin' hi!self under ti'ht $ontrol. Suddenl she wanted to !ake hi! lose his !ind% for no other reason than to pro)e to hi! that she $ould. She atta$ked his !outh. &er ton'ue darted in and out% her tou$h li'ht and (ui$k% teasin'% ne)er 'i)in' hi! a taste. *e$lan 'rowled low in his throat% a purel ani!al sound that !ade her want to press a'ainst hi!.

She felt the pre$ise !o!ent when his patien$e finall snapped. &is ar!s $au'ht her and pulled her to hi!. &e kissed her ba$k% thrustin' his ton'ue into her !outh% drinkin' her in. &er head spun. &e tasted like a dru'. &eat blosso!ed in her $hest and rolled down. &er bod a$hed to be tou$hed. ,nother !o!ent% and she would strip naked for hi!. Rose pulled ba$k. &is ar!s held on to her% but she took a step ba$k% and he released her. Was that de$ent enou'h% 1ord 2a!arine" &e looked at her like he was about to poun$e. Luite. I thou'ht I had to !ake the kiss !e!orable% she told hi!. Its our reward% after all. She was burnin' up. +he air around her had turned )is$ous like 'lue. She had to 'ulp it to 'et an into her lun's. *e$lan was ha)in' so!e issues $opin' with the sudden distan$e between the!. &is pants failed to !ask a lar'e bul'e. I better 'o 'et so!e air% she said% turnin' awa fro! hi!. Wait. She sensed hi! loo!in' behind her. &e leaned in% brushed her hair out of the wa % and 'entl kissed the ba$k of her ne$k. , shi)er ran down her spine. &e slid one ar! a$ross her shoulders and $hest% abo)e her breasts% pullin' her to hi!. Rose% he whispered into her ear% probabl full aware of what effe$t that s!all word had on her when he said it. &is other hand $au'ht her waist% trappin' her. Sta . &e kissed her ne$k a'ain% and it took all of her will not to rub her ba$k a'ainst hi! like a kitten ea'er for a stroke. Oh% 'et ahold of ourself. *ont be !eltin' for hi!3thats e6a$tl what he wants. Ni$e kiss% she heard herself sa . -ut no thanks. She took his hands off her bod . 4ou still ha)e two $hallen'es% she re!inded hi! and es$aped throu'h the house onto the por$h. SE;EN+EEN

O<+SI*E the sun shone bri'ht% the earl afternoon in full bloo!. Rose breathed in deep% tr in' to $al! herself. 5art of her wanted to run ba$k into the house9 the other part lau'hed in $ ni$al disbelief. Run and do what" 4ell% &ere I a!% take !e% take !e" She shru''ed it off. She had to 'i)e it to *e$lan. +he !an $ould sedu$e. Not that he had to tr terribl hard% $onsiderin' the wa he looked and what eas pi$kin's she was. 4oull be $o!pletel safe% Rose% blah#blah#blah. 4eah% ri'ht. Safe. E)entuall she would ha)e to 'o ba$k there and look hi! in the e e. She had no $lue how she would !ana'e that. &e was sta in' in her house% whi$h !eant so!e hard#and#fast rules were in order. No wat$hin' hi! while he wa)ed his sword around in the !ornin'. No thinkin' about hi!% unless it was about how she would win a $hallen'e and ki$k his ass to the $urb. No3 , !an stood in the !iddle of the lawn% .ust be ond the ward line. &e shi!!ered li'htl % dark and translu$ent% as if !ade of !an la ers of dark pant hose. , hood hid his fa$e% but she saw his hands. +he were the !ottled bruised $olor of the hounds hide. Its taken ou a while to noti$e !e% ! dear% he said. &is )o$e was $ultured and soft and he rolled his rs sli'htl . /ust like *e$lan. I was ri'ht. 4oure deli$ious. What in the hell is that" She stepped down off the por$h and approa$hed the !an slowl . &e see!ed to float out of a puddle of the 'ra 'oo that ser)ed as hounds blood% and as she $a!e near% she saw the bodies of two hounds rapidl dissol)in' into it. +he $loser she 'ot% the stron'er the sten$h of the !a'i$ be$a!e. , little !ore. 2lose enou'h so her flash wouldnt !iss if she had to use it. Who are ou" she asked. I! 1ord 2asshorn Eratres Sandine. +he fi'ure dipped his head in a s!ooth bow. , pleasure to !ake our a$(uaintan$e. ,lthou'h reall % politeness is unne$essar under the $ir$u!stan$es% but old habits die hard% ou understand. 4ou !ust for'i)e !e this s!all indul'en$e. 2asshorn% the !an whod adopted *e$lans $han'elin' friend. , streak of alar! bit into her spine with i$ fan's. +hat $ouldnt be a $oin$iden$e. She tried to show nothin' and keep her )oi$e $al!. +he hounds that atta$k us% do the belon' to ou" In the stri$test sense of the word% the belon' to no one. -ut I lead the! and intend to $ontinue dire$tin' their a$tions. &e sounded so $o!pletel reasonable% as if he were her 'uest% dis$ussin' the latest 'ossip while drinkin' tea on her por$h. I a! ... a part of the!. ,nd the are now a part of !e. Its a !ost $urious s !biosis.

&e raised his hand and showed it to her. +he be'innin's of bla$k $laws tipped his defor!ed% too#lon' fin'ers. &is skin !at$hed the $olor of the hounds% .ust a shade paler. We are one% he said. , dark $urtain of !a'i$ unwrapped and sur'ed fro! hi!% strea!in' alon' the boundar of her ward and flarin' up. -ri'ht )eins of purple and ellow twisted within it% like $apillaries. +he !a'i$ flailed and pounded at the ward% tr in' to break throu'h. She .erked ba$k% but the stones held. Wh are ou killin' us" 8or our !a'i$. 4our deaths are in$idental to the pro$ess. It is )er si!ple% reall . 4our bodies $ontain !a'i$. 7 hounds $olle$t it and brin' it ba$k to !e% per!ittin' !e to produ$e !ore hounds% et $etera% et $etera. I !ust $onfess% the pro$ess of drainin' the !a'i$ awakens baser instin$ts in !e. , need to rend and tear into the flesh. +o taste. Its an e6(uisite% al!ost painful e$stas . ,nd no !atter how !u$h I indul'e% ! hun'er is ne)er full satisfied. I $an $ontinue on for (uite so!e ti!e without be$o!in' satiated. &e lau'hed softl % and she nearl ret$hed. 4ou reali=e that oure killin' people" Whole fa!ilies. 2hildren. Of $ourse% he $hided 'entl and leaned forward to the ward% as if tr in' to tell her a se$ret. +o be thorou'hl honest% I ne)er $ared for people. +he are a botherso!e lot% preo$$upied with dut % e6pe$tations% and the !inutiae of their li)es. &e rubbed his fin'ers as if tr in' to shake so!ethin' fro! the!. I ha)e done that% ! dear. I)e $li!bed the !ountain of hu!an a!bition% and at the top I)e found et another !ountain% alas with no lotuses of fulfill!ent in bloo!. I think ou !i'ht be insane% she said. Sanit is o)errated $o!pared to happiness% ! dear. +akin' possession of ou% rippin' sweet strips of flesh fro! our bod and swallowin' the! whole% su$kin' on their .ui$e% would !ake !e infinitel happier than all the wisdo! and abilit to reason that the hu!an ra$e has to offer. ,nd that brin's !e to the purpose of ! )isit. 4ou)e per!itted *e$lan under our roof. ,nd" *e$lan has a proble!. 4ou see% he $ant kill !e if he doesnt find !e. So he dan'les ou and our brothers in front of !e like pie$es of dele$table $and . 4oure so ... &e si'hed. 7a'i$al. +e!ptin'. 7ake no !istake% ! dear% Ill kill ou. *e$lan knows it as well as I do. &es si!pl hopin' to for$e !e to kill ou on his ter!s. If he were to 'o lookin' for !e% he

would ha)e to fa$e the wolf% and he doesnt wish it. +he were friends on$e% he and the wolf. ,n'er built inside her. ,nd wh would ou be tellin' !e this" 4our li)es are of no use to ou. &e pointed at the house behind her. 4ou s(uat in filth and po)ert upon this pitiful $hunk of land% like rats on so!e enor!ous 'arba'e heap between two thri)in' $i)ili=ations. Wh fi'ht% when the $on$lusion is fore'one" No help will $o!e for ou. Sooner or later% all of ou will be !ine. I dont think so. 2asshorn looked past her. +ell her% *e$lan. +ell her I! ri'ht. I see ou)e added insanit to the list of our short$o!in's% *e$lans i$ )oi$e said. Wh !ust ou be so unreasonable" Ill ha)e ou. 2asshorn si'hed. I ate a !an last ni'ht. <nfortunatel % ! hounds usuall de)our their tar'ets% but this !an was sent to !e as a spe$ial 'ift. I ate hi! (ui$kl % with !u$h 'reed% and the rapture of feelin' his !a'i$ flow into !e is the onl thin' I now ha)e. It is ! sustenan$e% ! 'oal% and ! addi$tion% and Ill do an thin' to taste it a'ain. +here will be no es$ape. Wh prolon' the a'on " I offer ou a $han$e to be$o!e so!ethin' useful. Nourish !e. -e$o!e part of !e and !ine. I see. Rose put her hands on her hips. &ere is how its 'oin' to 'o0 Ill kill our hounds% then Ill find ou and kill ou% and then ! brothers will use our head for a so$$er ball. +hat wa oull be $on)erted into so!ethin' useful. Good#b e now. She stepped o)er the ward line to 'et a $lear shot. &is 'reed !a'i$ strea!ed to her. &er an'er e6ploded in a wa)e of brilliant white% burnin' the puddle and the hounds bod to nothin'. 2asshorn )anished. Rose turned slowl and saw *e$lan standin' on the por$h. 4O< lied to !e! Rose stru''led to keep her fur under $ontrol. 4ou pretended to want to !arr !e% bullied !e into these idioti$ $hallen'es% and all the while ou were tr in' to kill 2asshorn. I didnt lie. I .ust let ou draw the wron' $on$lusions% he said 'ri!l . &er an'er !ade e)er thin' $r stal $lear. Whats the na!e of our friend% *e$lan" +he one who turns into a wolf% the one 2asshorn adopted" Willia!% *e$lan said.

Oh% ! dear God. +he !an ou)e !et !a not be the sa!e Willia!% *e$lan said. Of $ourse its the sa!e Willia!! I .ust $a!e ba$k fro! $uttin' ! e6#boss fro! a tree% where a $han'elin' wolf had put hi!! &e wrapped hi! in plasti$% hun' hi! upside down% and left !e a trail of $ar $hunks so I $ould find hi!. Willia! knows who E!erson is. &e spe$ifi$all asked !e about hi! the last ti!e we spoke. What is the !atter with the two of ou" *o ou think this is so!e sort of a 'a!e" +hat thin' was ri'ht% wasnt he" Were nothin' !ore than bait to ou. *e$lans e es frosted o)er with white. Rose% his !ind was oo=in' out of his ears before he e)en started this !ess. &es unra)elin'9 surel ou $an see that! &e was ne)er a real soldier% or a real s$ientist% or a real noble% and now he isnt e)en a real hu!an bein'. &es blundered into power% and it $onsu!ed hi!% and now he !ust be put down like a rabid do'. ,t his end% nobod will !ourn% and he re$o'ni=es that. 4ou $ant belie)e an thin' he sa s. She brushed his ar'u!ents aside. &e had lied to her. She a$tuall thou'ht there !i'ht be so!ethin' between the!. 4es% she knew better% and es% the whole $hallen'es deal was a hu'e strike a'ainst hi!% but e)er thin' else about hi! felt so ri'ht. She was so !ad% she $ouldnt e)en see strai'ht. 7ad at hi! for l in'% !ad at herself for bu in' the lie% and !ad at the world be$ause on$e a'ain she was .ust the !eans to so!eone elses end. +he an'er sat in her $hest and hurt. Where did ou take /a$k this !ornin'" I took hi! to the Wood. +o what purpose" *ont lie to !e% *e$lan% be$ause Ill 'o and 'et ! brother and he will tell !e the truth. I instru$ted hi! to follow the hounds trail. ,re ou out of our !ind" &es a $hild! *e$lans .aw took on a stubborn set. &es also a $han'elin'. &es s!art% $unnin'% and fast. &e was ne)er in an si'nifi$ant dan'er. I was alwa s within half a !ile fro! hi!. So be$ause hes a $han'elin'% that !akes hi! e6pendable" she snapped. Or is it be$ause hes a !on'rel" 4oure not listenin'. /a$k was in no dan'er.

I! sorr . I see! to ha)e been !istaken. +he hounds are .ust so!e fluff % har!less bunnies. +hats wh an hour a'o ou bled all o)er ! kit$hen. +hats a $o!pletel different situation. I was alone in $ra!ped (uarters without ! abilit to flash. /a$k was in the tree $anop under stri$t orders to run to !e the !o!ent he sensed the hounds. ,nd !u$h 'ood it would do hi!. +he would be on hi! in the trees before ou $ould 'et our sword out. *e$lan 'rowled. 4ou bab the $hildren% Rose. Espe$iall /a$k. She 'lared at hi!. &es a predator. &es ei'ht ears old% and Geor'e is ten. Neither is edu$ated in basi$ self# defense or blade work. Geor'e doesnt know how to properl hold a knife. /a$k told !e he has ne)er ridden a horse. &ow do ou e6pe$t the! to sur)i)e" +he $ant $lin' to our skirt fore)er. &er )oi$e $au'ht in her throat% and for a se$ond she $ouldnt speak. 4ou bar'e into our life% ou pra$ti$all for$e ourself on !e% and now ou (uestion how I raise ! brothers. Who the hell do ou think ou are" 4ou tr it% *e$lan. 4ou tr raisin' two bo s when oure 'odda!n ei'hteen ears old% our !others dead% our father has taken off% oure workin' a below#!ini!u!#wa'e .ob that !akes ou fall o)er fro! e6haustion e)er ni'ht% while half of our town is out huntin' ou so the $an sell ou to the hi'hest bidder! I didnt sa ou were doin' a poor .ob% but ou $ant tea$h the! e)er thin'.

-efore I throw ou out% answer one (uestion% she s(uee=ed out throu'h $len$hed teeth. Wh us" Wh !e" Wh the whole !arr in' ruse" +he hounds are attra$ted to !a'i$. I followed their trail to a house% he said. ,nd then a beautiful 'irl $a!e out% le)eled a $rossbow at !e% and de$lared she wouldnt sleep with !e. I pla ed alon'. 4ou pla ed alon'. -itterness dripped fro! her words. *o ou ha)e an idea how s$ared I was" &ow !u$h I worried that ou !i'ht dra' !e off% lea)in' the kids behind% or that ou !i'ht kill the!" *o ou know how !u$h an6iet our pla in' alon' has $ost !e" Get out. &e sat on the por$h and s!iled% showin' her his teeth like a flash of a sword blade in the s$abbard. I dont think so. What"

We had an a'ree!ent. I ha)ent brea$hed it% so the fault lies with ou. +herefore% ou !ust issue a refund% and ou $ant. 4ou spent the !one . She opened her !outh and $la!ped it shut. 4oull 'et our !one % she !ana'ed finall . <ntil then% Ill re!ain here. 1ike it or not% Ill prote$t ou% and Ill use an e6$use to do it. 7ore% oure bound b our oath. We both swore to 'o throu'h the three $hallen'es% and I e6pe$t ou to issue a se$ond one. I! throu'h pla in'% she said. I! not. +he world doesnt re)ol)e around our whi!s. 1ea)e! she de!anded. &ell no. I would be a fool to walk awa . 4oure one of a kind% Rose. I want ou% and Ill fi'ht to ha)e ou. Well% I dont want ou. -e that as it !a % ou ha)e to $ontinue with the $hallen'es. If ou dont% there will be a !a'i$ flashba$k% and neither of us knows what for! it will take. 4ou and I $ould both die% and where would that lea)e our brothers" On$e a'ain she was ba$ked into a $orner. I hate ou% she said. &e offered her a pleasant s!ile. Ill take that o)er indifferen$e. ,lthou'h I do find ou !u$h !ore attra$ti)e when ou dont s$rea! and throw a tantru! like a $hild. If I dont s$rea!% Ill fr ou.

&e .u!ped off the por$h and loo!ed before her. *o it. 4ou want to take it to the ne6t step% then lets 'o. -ut ou wont like it. I! not one of our lo$al bo s. I know how to defend ! self. 7a'i$ shi!!ered around her. &is power flared around hi!. She $len$hed her teeth. +he s$reen door ban'ed% and /a$ks )oi$e re$ited% Grand!a said to tell ou to please fi'ht (uieter. 4oull wake Geor'ie. Rose $losed her e es and for$ed herself to e6hale slowl . She heard *e$lan releasin' his breath and felt the pressure of his !a'i$ ease.

4oull ha)e our $hallen'e as soon as Geor'ie wakes up% she said $al!l when she $ould speak. I look forward to it% ! 1ad 2a!arine% he said. She !ar$hed past hi! into the house and )er $arefull $losed the door. EIG&+EEN GEORGIE woke up the ne6t !ornin' around ten. Rose had $he$ked on hi! three ti!es b then% and when she finall saw his blue e es lookin' ba$k at her% her knees went weak and she had to lean a'ainst the door fra!e. Well% there ou are% she said. &ow are ou feelin'" Oka % he said. She $a!e $loser% sat on his bed% and tou$hed her lips to his forehead. &e felt dr and war!. No tra$e of a fe)er. *e$lan told !e ou $alled hi!. &e was $loser% Geor'ie !ur!ured. I $ouldnt find ou. 4ou were too far. Guilt $lut$hed at her. I! sorr . What happened" he asked. She told hi!. I tried to tell ou about the wolf and 2asshorn% he said. -ut ou had to hurr to work% and then I for'ot. I! sorr % she said a'ain. +he ne6t ti!e ou ha)e so!ethin' i!portant to tell !e% Ill listen% no !atter what. I tell ou what3Ill 'o and 'et us so!e tea and funnel $ake% and ou $an tell !e all about it. +here is funnel $ake" Geor'ies e es lit up. I !ade so!e espe$iall for ou. 4oure the hero. &eroes alwa s 'et funnel $ake. She $a!e ba$k% and he told her the whole stor between bites of funnel $ake and sips of raspberr tea. +he !ore he talked% the $learer the pi$ture be$a!e in her head.

I see% she said finall . She saw (uite well now. *e$lan followin' her into the -roken. &is stubborn insisten$e on sta in' in her house. She was still an'r at hi!. ;er % )er an'r . -ut $ertain aspe$ts of his beha)ior finall !ade sense. She re'retted her loss of te!per. , lot had happened in the last few da s0 *e$lans presen$e% the hounds% losin' her .ob% the atta$k on Geor'ie. ,n e)ent b itself was enou'h to upset her% but to'ether the turned her into an e!otional pressure $ooker. ,ll of it had to $o!e out so!ehow. She .ust wished it hadnt $o!e out (uite the wa it did% in front of *e$lan% who no doubt thou'ht she was throwin' a tantru!. Its hard to $on)in$e so!eone to listen to ou and lea)e our house when oure ra)in' too loud to be taken seriousl . So what happens now" Geor'ie asked. Now I need our help for ! se$ond $hallen'e to *e$lan. She hesitated. *o ou think oure stron' enou'h to walk" Geor'ie nodded. I! sorr to ask this of ou% but I need ou to $o!e to the por$h. I need the bathroo! first% he said. *o ou need help 'ettin' there" Geor'ie 'a)e her a lon' look. She si'hed and left hi! to it. When she finall 'ot !arried% if she e)er 'ot !arried% she hoped her first $hild would be a $ute little 'irl. , $ute% sweet% har!less little 'irl. A1AONORE stepped into the kit$hen% !entall steelin' herself. She had onl a few !inutes before Rose would return fro! Geor'ies roo!. *e$lan rose at her approa$h with a polite shallow bow and a narrow s!ile. -on.our% 7ada!e. -on.our% 7onsieur. She sat into a $hair and $ontinued in 8ren$h. I would like to speak about ! 'randdau'hter. &is fa$e turned $old. +he s!ile re!ained% but it 'ained that polite% i$ tint the bluebloods adopted when the wanted to stran'le the $on)ersation with $ourtes . I want there to be no !isunderstandin's% she $ontinued. +his isnt an atte!pt on ! part to broker so!e sort of tr st between the two of ou. On the $ontrar .

&is e ebrows $rept up a fra$tion of an in$h. &e reall was a blindin'l handso!e bo . *o ou find !e unworth of our 'randdau'hter% 7ada!e" Inwardl AlBonore 'roaned. She was out of pra$ti$e. I ha)e no doubt as to our pedi'ree. I !erel wish ou to understand the situation $learl . If oure willin' to listen% of $ourse. I! all ears% 7ada!e% he assured her. AlBonore took a deep breath. 7 husband abandoned !e a nu!ber of ti!es durin' our !arria'e. I sa this not to 'ain so!e s !path for ! self. Its si!pl a fa$t. &e lo)ed !e passionatel % but he lo)ed the sea !ore. -e$ause I suffered without hi!% I did ! best to raise ! son with a sense of responsibilit for his fa!il . <nfortunatel % I failed !iserabl . /ust like his father% /ohn abandoned his wife and $hildren fre(uentl . Growin' up% Rose had learned that :father is a te!porar presen$e in ones life. She fell silent. 8indin' the words pro)ed harder than she reali=ed. 5ardon. +his is diffi$ult for !e. Roses !other was trau!ati=ed b the unti!el death of her parents% and in her final ears she sou'ht to sta)e off her !ortalit b an !eans ne$essar % usuall b findin' sola$e in the ar!s of an !an who would ha)e her. E)entuall e)en that re!ed failed and she died. Rose was an adoles$ent and the bo s were !ere babies. +hus% ! 'rand$hildren were abandoned both b their !other and b their father. She 'lan$ed at *e$lan% but his fa$e was earnestl polite and about as transparent as a $e!ent blo$k. +hen Rose flashed white. 4ou !ust understand% ! lord% its been o)er a $entur sin$e an Ed'er flashed white. She was .ust a $hild% barel ei'hteen% and not at all e(uipped to either anti$ipate or deal with the $onse(uen$es. *ue to her !others loose beha)ior% it was assu!ed that Rose was the $hild of an out#of#wedlo$k liaison. O)erni'ht she be$a!e a )aluable $o!!odit . 8irst% her flash !ade her desirable as a powerful addition to an fa!il 9 se$ond% her !a'i$ hinted at the possibilit of blueblood an$estr 9 and third ... ! 'randdau'hter is lo)el % as I! sure ou ha)ent failed to noti$e. Indeed% 7ada!e. &is tone was perfe$tl neutral and pleasant. If he 7ada!e d her one !ore ti!e% she would ha)e to throw so!ethin' at hi!. Rose had a terrible life% AlBonore said bluntl . 8or al!ost a ear% she was literall hunted. +he Ed'er fa!ilies wanted her for her power% the borderland blueblood fa!ilies wanted her for breedin'% and those who didnt want her% hated her. En) $an be a terrible thin'. &er !others e6ploits alread !ade her a pariah% and her flash onl e6a$erbated the proble!. What few friends she had abandoned her. &er bo friend3who is a terrible $reature3

betra ed her. We had weathered a sie'e and arson and bein' shunned. +he sla)er was b far the worst. &e had arri)ed under the pretense of $ourtin' Rose% pro!ised her the se$urit and a$$eptan$e she so desperatel wanted% and nearl won% if not her heart% then at least her !ind. 8ortunatel his identit was dis$o)ered% but the da!a'e was done. She has learned the lesson a'ain and a'ain0 people% !en in parti$ular% $annot be trusted. I wat$hed this da!a'e happen% and I was powerless to stop it. 8inall after a ear of this $haos% thin's ha)e $al!ed. 7 son was there for her durin' that ear. E)en he understood that his fa!il $ouldnt sur)i)e this stor! without hi!. +hat is the lon'est he had e)er spent with his fa!il . &owe)er% as soon as pressure lessened% he es$aped. &e ran awa fro! his own $hildren in the !iddle of the ni'ht% on$e a'ain abandonin' the bo s to Roses $are. She took a deep breath. It was the final betra al% ! lord. It wounded Rose )er badl % and shes deter!ined to spare her brothers this hurt at all $osts. She put her life on hold% so her brothers would ne)er know what its like to be abandoned. , oun' 'irl is a $reature of drea!s% ! lord. , wo!an with one foot in the world of fantas % sear$hin' for the fa$e of true lo)e in e)er handso!e bo she sees. Rose has no fantasies. One would e6pe$t a wo!an who has 'one throu'h her trials to be bitter and an'r % but she isnt. Shes kind% sweet% selfless% and 'enerous% and I thank ! lu$k stars for this e)er da . AlBonore rose% buo ed b her an'er. &e 'ot up as well. I! sure that oure su$$essful in our pursuits of fe!ale attention% she said. I! sure that there is a trail of broken hearts in our wake% and ou probabl look at it fondl % re!e!berin' our past $on(uests. 8or so!e oun' wo!en% bein' swept off her feet b a !an su$h as ou !i'ht be thrillin'. It !i'ht e)en be a 'ood lesson in the nature of the !ale spe$ies. &owe)er% Rose has no illusions to soothe her and no parents to reassure her. If ou break her heart% it will shatter ! 'randdau'hter. It will destro her utterl % turnin' her into a bitter wre$k. So I i!plore ou% ! lord% to lea)e her in pea$e. 4ou dont need her as our troph . ,nd if ou wont% I swear to ou that Ill $urse ou with ! d in' breath. We both know the power su$h a $urse $arries. *e$lan bowed. Ill take it under ad)ise!ent. She 'rowled under her breath and sto!ped into the depths of the house% not sure if she had a$$o!plished !ore har! than 'ood. ROSE stu$k her head into the kit$hen. *e$lan sat at the table% his e es lost in thou'ht. , s!ile $ur)ed his lips. 2o!e outside% she said. We need to be in the ard for the ne6t $hallen'e. &e followed her to the por$h% where she sat in a $hair and he leaned a'ainst the rail. She stared at the trees shrouded in !ornin' fo'.

*e$lan $leared his throat. +he had !ana'ed to keep fro! sa in' a sin'le word to ea$h other durin' breakfast% but now he looked as if he had so!ethin' to sa . I lost ! te!per esterda % he said. 7 sin$erest apolo'ies. It wont happen in the future. I! also sorr . I shouldnt ha)e been (uite so ... dra!ati$. +he looked at ea$h other. 7 beha)ior aside% he $ontinued% I !eant e)er thin' I said. She stu$k her $hin in the air. So did I. ;er well. Indeed. &e sat ba$k down% and she pi$ked a spot as far fro! hi! as the por$h steps would allow. ,lso% he said after a s!all pause% our funeral $ake was deli$ious. 8unnel. 8unnel $ake. Ill 'et ou the re$ipe. Its si!ilar to pan$akes. +hank ou. +he sat in silen$e. She broke it first. *ont ou think its dan'erous to do this $hallen'e% with 2asshorn waitin' for the ri'ht opportunit " We)e destro ed a lar'e nu!ber of his hounds% *e$lan said. Sin$e I! his pri!ar tar'et% hell need to build up his for$es before he atta$ks a'ain. Were safe for two da s% !a be three. 5robabl lon'er than that% Rose thou'ht with a s!all sense of satisfa$tion. 4esterda % after the fi'ht with *e$lan% shed spent nearl all of the !inutes re!ainin' on her $ell phone. &er words didnt $arr !u$h wei'ht in the Ed'e% but Grand!as did% and now the knew the na!e of their !ena$e and what he wanted. It would be diffi$ult for 2asshorn to find pre in East 1aporte $o!e ni'htfall. So hes )ulnerable now% she said. Wh dont we 'o after hi!" I$ 'reen e es fi6ed her. I would 'o after hi!. -ut I ha)e no idea where he is% and our brother was unable to find the s$ent trail durin' our last e6$ursion.

Of $ourse. -la!e the $hild for our failure. I bla!e no one. &ow would ou feel about a side bet on this $hallen'e" No !ore deals% 1ord 2a!arine. 4ou $ant be trusted. &e see!ed unfa=ed b her snipp re!ark. If I win this $hallen'e% Ill re!ain in our house and our fa!il will assist !e in ! efforts to dispat$h 2asshorn. If I lose% Ill si'n writs of $iti=enship for the three of ou. +he writs would !ake ou le'al $iti=ens of the Weird. 4ou $ould seek e!plo !ent there. +he $hildren $ould attend s$hool. She $la!ped her !outh shut% bitin' a $austi$ repl . &er !ind spun throu'h the possibilities. +hat will .ust put us in a pla$e where ou ha)e the !ost power. On the $ontrar . 8irst% I ha)e sworn to lea)e ou alone if I fail. Se$ond% the laws of the Weird will prote$t ou% 'i)en that oull be a $iti=en% and ou $an ha)e !e arrested on stalkin' $har'es if I show up on our doorstep. +hink about it% Rose. 4ou)e lost our .ob% and ou arent likel to find another. ,nd no !atter how !u$h ou for$e the bo s to pretend that the ha)e no !a'i$% the do. +he $ant li)e in the -roken9 the would slowl suffo$ate without !a'i$. 1ook behind ou. &e raised his ar!s% en$o!passin' the house. +his is what ou)e settled for. *o ou a$tuall want to !ake so!ethin' of ourself" &e pushed all the ri'ht buttons. What 'uarantee do I ha)e that this writ isnt a worthless pie$e of paper" Ill affi6 the 2a!arine seal to it. ,s an earl% I ha)e the authorit to do so. 4oure not a real earl. +he Earl of 2a!arine is a $ourtes title. &e stared at her. ,nd where did ou $o!e b that little tidbit" I read it in a book% she said% tr in' to free=e hi! with her )oi$e. E)en us i'norant t pes do read o$$asionall . ,pparentl not )er well% he said. , $ourtes title is awarded for !eritorious ser)i$e and a $ouple of other thin's. , peer titled b $ourtes has the sa!e e6e$uti)e peer powers as a full peer. 2he$k our book. *ont !o)e. She sto!ped into the house and al!ost ran o)er her 'rand!other. Is e)er thin' all ri'ht" Grand!a asked.

E)er thin' is perfe$t. Rose $li!bed to the atti$% 'rabbed the enor!ous En$ $lopedia% and wrestled it down. If he was l in'% she would rub his nose in it. She dra''ed the dust to!e onto the por$h and dropped it on the boards. 8or the first ti!e this !ornin'% *e$lan displa ed so!e e!otion besides ston deter!ination. Good God% where did ou find that anti(ue" None of our business. She had traded a Rand 7$Nall ,tlas% two .ars of saffron% and a three#liter bottle of 5epsi for it. Rose flipped the pa'es to the inde6 and found Writ of 2iti=enship% ,drian'lia% OP?@. It looks o)er two $enturies old% *e$lan said. Rose turned to pa'e OP?@ and read out loud. : Writ of 2iti=enship3a do$u!ent le'all $onferrin' all ri'hts and obli'ations of ,drian'lian $iti=enship. , Writ of 2iti=enship !a be issued b the followin' authorities0 the Offi$e of 2ensus% se$ured b the Seal of the 7inister of 5opulation9 the Offi$e of *o!esti$ ,ffairs% se$ured b the Seal of the 7inister of the Real!9 or a 5eer of the Real!% se$ured b that 5eers &ouse 2rest. Onl peers of rank Earl or abo)e ha)e the ri'ht to issue a Writ of 2iti=enship. +he followin' is the list of peers possessin' su$h authorit as known to the publisher on the date of publi$ation of this )olu!e. She s$anned the list and ran into Earl 2a!arine. Satisfied" *e$lan asked dr l . If she passed on this $han$e% she would be fore)er ki$kin' herself. Was there a downside to this" *o we ha)e a deal" he asked. We ha)e a deal. It nearl killed her to sa it. Rose for$ed herself to s!ile. 4oull ne)er win this one. Geor'ie $hose that !o!ent to step out onto the por$h. &e saw *e$lan% walked o)er% and si!pl hu''ed hi! without sa in' a word. *e$lans e es went wide. Slowl he put his ar!s around the bo . It was an odd !o!ent% a thin% fra'ile% blond $hild in the ar!s of a !u$h lar'er% stron'er blond !an. , )ision of the future that $ould ha)e been Geor'ies if his !a'i$ didnt betra hi!. Rose si'hed and headed to the shed. Geor'ie% tell the blueblood about Grandpa 2letus.

*e$lan let 'o% and Geor'ie sat on the por$h ne6t to hi!. &es )er tall% Geor'ie said. &e was 'ood with swords. &e had se)eral. 1ike !ine" *e$lan asked. No. &is were lon' and thin. 7B!Ere still has the!. Rapiers% *e$lan 'uessed. Geor'ie nodded. &e used to lau'h a lot and tell us stories. &e was a pirate. , pri)ateer% Rose $orre$ted% nud'in' the last ward stone out of the wa . Geor'ie% are ou up to holdin' Grandpa" Geor'ie nodded. Rose 'rasped the hea) dead bolt with both hands and .erked it aside. +he door flew open% and Grandpa 2letus $har'ed out% dra''in' the $hain behind hi!. *e$lan leapt to his feet and o)er to Geor'ie% a knife in his hand. Grandpa rea$hed the end of the $hain. +he $ollar .erked hi! ba$k% and Grandpa flew off his feet. Instantl he rolled o)er and snarled like an ani!al% $lawin' at the e!pt air with his lon' fin'ers. &is tan'led beard tre!bled as he strained on the $hain and bit the air with ellowed fan's. Rose si'hed. Grandpas pointed ears twit$hed. &e spun and lun'ed at her. She stood her 'round. , foot awa fro! her% he ran headfirst into an in)isible wall and $ru!pled to the 'round. No% Geor'ie said. -ut I want ! pint !one % Grandpa !oaned. No% Geor'ie repeated sadl . 4ou better sit down. Grandpa sat $ross#le''ed% ro$kin' ba$k and forth. *e$lan .u!ped off the por$h and approa$hed the!% peerin' at Grandpa. Were his ears alwa s pointed"

It happened after% Rose said. +he beard and hair also. &e was $lean sha)en when he died. ,nd the $laws. +hose also 'rew after death. Whats our na!e" *e$lan asked. 5lease answer *e$lan% Geor'ie said. 2aed!on 2letus *ra ton% Grandpa said sadl . 2aed!on fro! the -ritish $aed% !eanin' :battle. 2letus fro! the Greek kleitos% !eanin' :illustrious. &e retains his !e!ories" *e$lan asked% his )oi$e neutral. -its and pie$es. Rose rea$hed out and patted the !atted !ane of Grandfathers hair. 7ostl he wants to 'o down to the pub. So!eti!es its the ta)ern and he has to !eet his friend 2onnor before their $or)ette% Es!eralda% sails fro! the harbor. &e re!e!bers who we are and he re!e!bers ... the wo!an ou sa)ed with Geor'ie. &ell $r if he sees her or if I !ention her na!e. She felt $lose to tears herself and swallowed a $lu!p that blo$ked her throat. Geor'ie doesnt like to let thin's die. *e$lans 'reen e es studied her. +here are others" No hu!ans. -irds. >ittens. 1ittle $reatures he felt sorr for. *e$lans fa$e darkened. &ow !an " We dont know. &e hides the!. Geor'ie looked awa to the 'rass. 7 brother has a )er 'ood heart% Rose said. -ut he $ant let 'o of the thin's he brin's to life. We tried e6planations% rewards% and punish!ent. &e knows that hes d in'% be$ause keepin' all those $reatures ali)e is su$kin' the life out of hi!. -ut he doesnt know how to let 'o. 4ou wanted a $hallen'e. &ere it is. Sa)e ! brother fro! hi!self. *E21,N sat ne6t to Geor'ie while Rose herded Grandpa ba$k into his shed. She heard *e$lans (uiet )oi$e. 4ou didnt want our 'randfather to die" No. ,ll thin's die% Geor'e. +hats the natural order of the world. Good lu$k with that% Rose thou'ht. +he d had this talk a do=en ti!es. It led nowhere.

Who de$ided" Geor'ie said softl . Nature. Its a wa for hu!ankind to sur)i)e. Geor'ie shook his head. It doesnt ha)e to be like that. I dont want it to be like that. &e 'ot up and went inside. *e$lan sat% frownin'% his ar!s restin' on his knees. When she passed hi! on her wa inside the house% he said% Ill need so!e supplies. Would it ta6 ou too !u$h to obtain the! for !e" She stopped. &e a$tuall had so!e sort of a plan. What do ou need" -lue $andles. , !etal bowl or a lar'e pot. 2ertain herbs. , basin% the lar'er the better. So!e other thin's. +hat see!ed prett spe$ifi$. &ow sure are ou that the hounds wont atta$k" ;er sure. In that $ase% put on the $lothes ,! 'a)e ou. Ill take ou to Wal#7art. +en !inutes later% the were both in the tru$k. &er $ab wasnt that s!all% but *e$lan !ade it see! $ra!ped and tin . She started the en'ine. &a)e ou e)er been in a $ar before" No. Rose nodded at the 'uns. 2an ou use a 'un" &e pi$ked up a rifle% lo$ked% and loaded. Good. >eep the rifle out of si'ht and please bu$kle our seat belt. +he dro)e in silen$e for a $ouple of !inutes. Wh the sudden bene)olen$e" *e$lan asked. She a)oided lookin' at hi!. &ow lon' do ou think Geor'e has" Its hard to sa . I dont know what his $apabilities are and how !u$h drain hes under or for how lon'. -ut .ud'in' b his ph si$al weakness% I would sa he has less than si6 !onths. &es featherli'ht. &e $ant do !ore than two push#ups and he tires )er (ui$kl . I thou'ht he was ane!i$.

+heres our answer% Rose said. I hate to sa it% but if ou trul think ou $an $on)in$e ! brother to stop his slow sui$ide% Ill help ou% e)en if it $osts !e a $hallen'e. She dro)e on. When did ou ha)e a $han$e to see hi! do push#ups" +wo da s a'o while ou were $ookin' dinner. I 'a)e ea$h of the! a knife and put the! throu'h so!e basi$s. /a$k is a born killer. Geor'e had to sit down after a $ouple of !inutes. It wont help ou% Rose said. &e raised his e ebrows. 7akin' friends with the $hildren wont help ou% she $larified. We wont lea)e with ou. I !ade friends with the $hildren be$ause I wanted to do so. Not e)er thin' I do is $al$ulated. ,lthou'h I understand wh ou would think that. Oh" I spoke to 7ada! AlBonore at so!e len'th this !ornin'% while ou were with Geor'e. Oh% reall " &e reall did 'et around% but if he thou'ht her 'rand!a would .oin the *e$lan# worshippin' parade% he had another think $o!in'. What did she tell ou" 7an thin's. 4our 'rand!other is )er $onfli$ted. Shes unsure if she should en$oura'e or dis$oura'e !e% so she has done a bit of both. She 'lan$ed at hi!. +heir stares $onne$ted% and she didnt like what she saw in his e es0 the were resolute and deter!ined. *isturbed% she turned awa to wat$h the road. Its diffi$ult for ou to trust an one% he said. I $ontributed to this b ! de$eption. 8or this% I! sorr . -ut it was ne$essar . 4ou keep sa in' that% but ou dont tell !e wh . &e said nothin'. +hats )er illu!inatin'% she said. 4ou knew the $reatures were a threat to the whole Ed'e. I know were nothin' to ou% but $ouldnt ou ha)e at least tried to warn us out of $o!!on de$en$ " I did% he said. 4ou ha)e no law enfor$e!ent and no $entral authorit % so as soon as I $rossed into the Ed'e% I went to our $hur$h. 4our priest see!ed like a reasonable !an. I told hi! that the Ed'e needed to be e)a$uated. &e nodded% pulled out a 'un% and unloaded

twent #two shots into !e. When he reali=ed the bullets werent hurtin' !e% he threw his sidear! at !e and $alled !e an a'ent of 1u$ifer. Rose win$ed. +hats be$ause Geor'e 8arrel% the lo$al prea$her% is borderline insane. &e prea$hes hellfire and da!nation e)er Sunda and $he$ks the $hur$h for the ro'ue an'els that fou'ht a'ainst God with Satan. &es $on)in$ed the re out to 'et hi!. &e probabl thou'ht ou were an e)il an'el. I see% *e$lan said dr l . Nobod 'oes to his $hur$h e6$ept for so!e old ladies% she said. Not that it helped the situation an . Ne6t I went to the lar'est house I $ould find. 7 lo'i$ was that an one who owned a house of that si=e would ha)e so!e roots within the $o!!unit . Roses heart sank. +here was onl one lar'e house ne6t to the $hur$h. Whi$h house" +he Ronn house% with the blue roof" 4es. She al!ost $rin'ed. +he do's. &e nodded. 4es. +he owners set a pa$k of do's on !e. I suppose the were also e6pe$tin' a'ents of Satan" No% the ha)e a !eth lab in the house. +he re produ$in' ille'al nar$oti$s. +he re hi'h all the ti!e% and the re paranoid the $ops fro! the -roken will so!ehow 'et into the Ed'e and raid the pla$e. *id ou tr an one else" ,s I $rossed the road to the ne6t house% a wo!an tried to run !e o)er with her tru$k. 4ou were in the !iddle of the road! *e$lans fa$e was still i!passi)e. ,t the ne6t two houses% I was i'nored. +he saw !e and hid inside. I de$ided not to waste an !ore ti!e and be'an tra$kin' the hounds. It took !e a da and a half to untan'le the different tra$ks. One of the! led !e to an isolated house. , wo!an e!er'ed3the sa!e one who had tried to run !e o)er3and de$lared that she would not !arr !e and I better lea)e or the two kids at the windows would shoot !e. Rose stru''led for words. &e had reall tried. &ed tried !ore than !an other people would ha)e in his pla$e. 4ou !ust)e thou'ht the lot of us was insane.

+he thou'ht did $ross ! !ind. I went alon' with ou be$ause I needed a foothold in the Ed'e at an $ost. I knew that the hounds were drawn to our fa!il be$ause their !a'i$ lin'ered in the area% and $ontrar to our assertions of esterda % I dont want an one to be hurt. 4ou 'a)e !e a )er 'ood idea of what ou e6pe$ted a blueblood to be. If I went alon' with our e6pe$tations% I thou'ht I $ould reasonabl predi$t our rea$tions. ,nd I wanted to know wh ou wouldnt !arr !e. I found ou intri'uin'. ,ha. Intri'uin'. She would bu that for a dollar. Ne6t thin' she knew% hed tr to sell her so!e intri'uin' o$eanside propert in Nebraska. *e$lan% I spoke to Geor'ie% and he told !e what 2asshorn said. I thou'ht about it% and I reali=ed that 2asshorn was ri'ht0 I a! bait. E6$ept its not ou who is doin' the baitin'% its hi!. &es usin' the threat to !e as a !eans of keepin' ou put. 4ou $ant 'o out lookin' for hi!% be$ause oure worried hell atta$k !e or the bo s. +hats wh ou followed !e into the -roken% thats wh ou insisted on sta in' at ! house% thats wh ou ti!ed our e6pedition with /a$k for the !ornin' when I was 'oin' to spend !ost of the ti!e in the -roken food shoppin'. 4oure tr in' to do it e)en now. 4ou)e dan'led those writs in front of !e to !ake sure that we $an es$ape into the Weird if ou fail the $hallen'e and $ant defend us. One 'lan$e at his fa$e told her she was ri'ht. She parked. Wh are we stoppin'" he asked. Were at the boundar . 4ou !i'ht not sur)i)e it if we $ross it in a )ehi$le3its too fast. She unbu$kled her seat belt. 1ook% I understand wh 2asshorn would )iew !e as bait. &e thinks I! trash and a whore and that Ill .ust sit on ! hands% $ontent to let ou 'uard !e until he de$ides hes done pla in'. What I dont 'et is% what e6a$tl !akes ou think that I will stand for it" *e$lan unbu$kled his seat belt and leaned o)er% too $lose% blo$kin' out the world. What are ou3 &is lips tou$hed hers% war! and in)itin'. She was still furious at hi!% but so!ehow her an'er didnt stop her fro! openin' her !outh and lettin' hi! in. No% it dro)e her to hi!% and she kissed hi! ba$k% $au'ht between the ur'e to slap hi! and the thrill of tastin' hi!. &is ar!s $losed about her and he pulled her to hi!. She wasnt sure if she was trapped or shielded or both% but it !ade her feel happ and she kissed hi!. +he sound of a $ar horn blared at the!. +he broke apart. , red tru$k roared past the!% its windows down. Rob Si!oen s$rea!ed so!e obs$enit at the! and sped past the boundar into the -roken.

*e$lan 'rowled. Ill ha)e to kill hi! one da . Rose pushed on his $hest with her hand. If ou let 'o of !e now% I! 'oin' to $halk our !aulin' of !e up to te!porar insanit . &e kissed her a'ain% li'htl brushin' her lips. *e$lan! &is 'rass 'reen e es lau'hed at her. I wanted ou to be sure that I wasnt te!poraril insane. 4ou $an stop pretendin' now% re!e!ber" she said. I know ou didnt $o!e here for !e. 4ou $a!e here be$ause of 2asshorn% so no need to keep up the sedu$in' $harade. I find it botherso!e. +his is probabl the point where I should be sua)e% he said. I used to be able to do it% but so!ehow ! skills lea)e !e when I! with ou. Oh% please. She rolled her e es. I should be !ore polite about this% but I dont think oull understand !e unless I speak dire$tl % he said. Shed heard those words before. It took her a se$ond% but she re!e!bered where3she had said the! to hi! outside of the -ur'er >in'. 4oure a pri$kl % stubborn% spirited wo!an. *ont for'et $rude% rude% and )ul'ar. Onl when it suits ou. 4oure sl when o$$asion $alls for it% dire$t to the point of for'ettin' ta$t e)en e6ists% sar$asti$% fier$e% I did !ention stubborn% didnt I" 4es% she said dr l . 4oure also s!art% kind% 'entle% beautiful% and alwa s $lin' to our personal inte'rit % e)en when its in our best interests to abandon it. , little war! feelin' spread throu'h her $hest% and e)en her natural suspi$ion that he was l in' $ouldnt (uite e6tin'uish it. Where was he 'oin' with this" 4oure also (uite funn % he said.

Oh% I a!use ou" &e 'a)e her one of his de)astatin'% sli'htl wi$ked s!iles. 4ou ha)e no idea. ,rro'ant ass. ,nd all of that !eans what" /ust that I !ean to ha)e ou. She frowned at hi!. I !ean to ha)e ou% Rose% ou and all of our thorns. I! a disa'reeable and stubborn bastard% but I! not a fool. 4ou didnt reall e6pe$t !e to pass ou up% did ou" &eat flooded her fa$e% and she knew she flushed. *e$lan lau'hed. Well% ou $ant ha)e !e% she parried. 4ou lied to !e. I dont trust ou% I! not lea)in' with ou% and I! not sleepin' with ou either. Now let 'o of !e and 'et out of the tru$k% so we $an 'et throu'h the boundar and 'et this trip o)er with. +he fa$ed the boundar to'ether. It would be diffi$ult for hi!. 7ost people fro! the Weird had diffi$ult ad.ustin' to the Ed'e% let alone the -roken. -ut he had done it on$e before and showed up in the -ur'er >in' to open a 'lorious $an of whoop#ass for -rad. Still% she had to be )er $areful. What happened when ou tried to $ross the last ti!e" she asked. Its i!portant. 5ain% he said. I went into $on)ulsions. I think I !i'ht ha)e stopped breathin'% but ! re$olle$tion is !urk . +his would take so!e work. Rose 'ripped his fin'ers ti'hter. Well do this eas and slow. /ust follow !e% and if ou feel like ou !i'ht be bla$kin' out% tell !e. She an$hored her !a'i$ throu'h her pal! to his and took a tin step forward. &e followed her. , s!all portion of !a'i$ drained fro! hi!% and she repla$ed so!e of it with her own. It felt like hookin' a )ein in our ar! with twee=ers and pullin' it out slowl . ,nother step. ,'ain she $ushioned the !a'i$ drain. *e$lan was perspirin'. One !ore step. Rose felt her bod (uake. +he sho$k tra)eled down her ar!% and he 'lan$ed at her. She 'a)e hi! a bri'ht% reassurin' s!ile.

Slowl % little b little% the passed a$ross the boundar % and when the last spark of !a'i$ died within *e$lan% she 'a)e hi! all she had. ,nother breath and the were throu'h. *e$lan stu!bled and shook his head. +hat was $onsiderabl easier. Rose" She sank onto the 'rass% stru''lin' a'ainst sharp pain in her sto!a$h. Gi)e !e a !inute. &e knelt b her. ,re ou all ri'ht" She $radled a spik knot in her sto!a$h. 8ine. /ust after#sho$k. +akin' so!eone a$ross the boundar takes a bit of effort% thats all. &e pi$ked her up. +heres no need to hold !e% she told hi!. Its .ust har!less pain. Its passin' alread . &e i'nored her. What would)e happened if oud let 'o" 4ou would)e died% she said. 7 !a'i$ would)e torn out of our bod % and the sho$k would)e killed ou. 4ou !issed our $han$e to do awa with !e. *rat% she said. I 'uess theres alwa s ne6t ti!e. , !o!ent later she !ade hi! put her down% $rossed the boundar % and 'ot her tru$k. *espite it bein' Sunda !ornin'% when a 'ood nu!ber of the -rokens $iti=ens flo$ked to $hur$hes% the Wal#7art parkin' lot was $rowded. She swiped a $art. +he walked in side b side% and *e$lan stopped. &is e es sur)e ed the $rowd% takin' in the ele$tri$ li'hts% the bri'ht $olors of the pa$ka'es% rows of 'lea!in' pri!ar $olor pi$ni$ 'lassware on his ri'ht ... &e rea$hed for her and fir!l took her ar!. What" +oo !an people% he said (uietl . +oo loud. &is fa$e $losed in% and she was sure that if the had been in the Ed'e% his e es would now 'low pure white. &e rese!bled a soldier in ene! territor % e6pe$tin' a snipers shot fro! behind e)er aisle and a land !ine under e)er floor tile. &is !a'i$ re!ained in the Ed'e9 his swords and rifles and e)en her 'un sta ed in the $ar. It was a lot to take in.

She slowl pushed the $art to the side% to a displa of fresh flowers. 1ets stop here for a little while. +he stood to'ether% wat$hin' the $rowd. ,fter a few !inutes the tension in *e$lans shoulders eased. -etter" she asked hi!. 4es. 1ets tr walkin'% she said. Well take it eas . +he !o)ed down one of the wider aisles. , $ouple of oun' 'irls $o!in' the opposite wa 'awked at *e$lan% 'i''led% and s$ooted out of the wa . Rose 'lan$ed at hi!. &e had for'otten his ball $ap in the tru$k% and his hair fell down o)er his shoulders% $lasped to'ether b a pie$e of leather $ord. &is broad shoulders strained his 'reen sweatshirt. &ed pulled the slee)es up to his elbows to re)eal forear!s $orded with !us$le. +he .eans !olded to his lon' le's. +he -roken stripped hi! of the dan'erous power#sharpened ed'e and hau'ht perfe$tion. &ere he was .ust a !an% a bit rou'her about the ed'es and a lot se6ier than !ost% but knitted fro! the sa!e fabri$ as all the other people instead of bein' $ar)ed fro! a 'la$ier. ,nd the air of !ena$e that lin'ered about hi! !ade hi! de)astatin' to all thin's fe!ale. ,n older wo!an at the .ewelr $ounter nearl dislo$ated her ne$k% tr in' to 'et his attention. , housewife fussin' o)er a little 'irl in a $art looked up as the !aneu)ered around her and si!pl stared% open!outhed. , wo!an at the $lothes ra$k raised an e ebrow% tu''ed her low#$ut white blouse lower% and followed the! with a deter!ined look on her fa$e. /ust what the needed% !ore attention. Rose took a sharp turn into the aisle runnin' between the shoe se$tion and sportin' 'oods and 'lan$ed behind her. Si6 wo!en% so!e dis$reetl % so!e openl % followed the!. It irritated her to no end. I should)e !ade ou wear a ho$ke !ask% she !ur!ured. *e$lan 'lan$ed ba$k and unleashed a da==lin' s!ile. One of the oun'er 'irls s(ueaked like an unoiled door. So!ebod !u!bled% Oh% 1ord. Stop that! Rose snapped. Stop what" &e turned to her% and she found herself on the re$ei)in' end of that sa!e s!ile. She $ould)e stared at hi! for a ear and ne)er 'otten tired. +hat% she said fir!l . Luit it.

Is it upsettin' ou" +he adorin' $rowd see!ed to ha)e 'rown. 4oure 'oin' to $ause a riot. 4ou think so" I)e ne)er $reated a riot before. I did $ause a brawl at the last for!al. , lar'e nu!ber of oun' wo!en there a$tuall arri)ed with the e6pe$tation of sedu$in' !e into !atri!on % and a $ouple of their !others $a!e to blows. It was hilari3I !ean% dreadful. Si!pl dreadful. 4es. Rose si'hed in !o$k pit . Its awful to be ri$h and !ind#bo''lin'l handso!e and ha)e wo!en fawn o)er ou. 7 heart bleeds for ou. 5oor dear% how do ou !ana'e" So ou do think I! handso!e. She a$tuall stopped for a se$ond. *e$lan% I! not blind. &e looked dis'ustin'l s!u'. Oh% 'et o)er ourself. Not .ust handso!e but !ind#bo''lin'l handso!e% he said. &ed ne)er let her li)e it down. She spun about and fi6ed their audien$e with a look of witherin' s$orn. 1adies% ha)e so!e de$en$ . +he $rowd s$attered. ,nd now oure feelin' possessi)e. I think I liked ou better as an i$ blueblood. She shook her head and dropped another set of blue $andles into the shoppin' $art. NINE+EEN ROSE sur)e ed *e$lans preparations fro! the por$h. , Sand#n#Sun inflatable pool% twel)e feet a$ross and about three feet hi'h% sat in the !iddle of the lawn. +he water shone under the afternoon sun. +o the left% /a$k sat in a pine tree% starin' at the water with a wistful look on his fa$e. Geor'ie sta ed inside. &e would ne)er refuse to $o!e out3he was too polite for that3so he (uietl hid in the atti$% probabl hopin' the would for'et about hi!.

+he s$reen door swun' open% and Grand!other $a!e to .oin her. AlBonore looked better. &er hair was teased ba$k up% and she had 'ained a bit of sprin' in her step. She stared at the lawn. What is that bo doin'" ,$$ordin' to hi!% hes i!ple!entin' his plan to ha)e !e. With all ! thorns. Grand!a blinked. &e said that" &e did. ,nd she was a stupid fool% be$ause e)er ti!e she thou'ht about it% her heart beat faster. &es tr in' hard% no" Rose nodded. *e$lan had bou'ht a !easurin' tape and )er $arefull !easured the distan$e fro! the pool% !arkin' the points with white paint. Ne6t he $ut se)eral sti$ks about two feet tall% sharpened both ends% and ha!!ered the sti$ks into the !arked points. &e i!paled the $andles onto the sti$ks and then strun' white $lothesline between the!. 8ro! the hei'ht of the por$h% the $lothesline for!ed a $o!ple6 'eo!etri$al fi'ure% a se)en#pointed star en$losed in a $ir$le% with the pool in the e6a$t $enter. Well% its a si'il% Grand!other said. Rose had tried to stud si'ils before. 7 sti$al si'ns% si'ils were !ost often used in su!!onin' and al$he! . So!e of the! si'nified true na!es of !a'i$al bein's% and so!e $hanneled !a'i$ into patterns. It was borin' as all 'et#out% but shed for$ed herself to learn the basi$s. 1ooks like he used a sin'le pie$e of strin'% Grand!other !ur!ured. Rose found the knot and tried to follow the $lothesline with her 'a=e. +he stret$hes of strin' $rossed% under% o)er% under a'ain% and $a!e ba$k to the sa!e first post. 4es% she said. *efinitel a si'il% Grand!other said. Grand!a" 7!!" *id the bo s tell ou about 2asshorn"

AlBonores e es darkened% takin' on a stran'e% predator aspe$t. 4es. 4es% the did. &es in the Wood% Rose said. 7a'i$ swirled around AlBonore% dark and fri'htenin'% like bla$k win's. Of $ourse% she said e)enl % her fa$e terrible. Where else would he be" +hinks he $an hide in our ba$k# ard% does he" Well find hi!. ,nd on$e we do% Ill brin' the power of all of East 1aporte onto his head for darin' to tou$h ! 'rand$hildren. Ill see hi! weep blood tears before this is o)er. Rose shi)ered. *e$lan e!er'ed fro! the dri)ewa % $arr in' the 'rill fro! the tru$k. &e set it at the startin' point of the star% du!ped so!e $har$oal into it% and brou'ht o)er the lar'e !etal bowl filled with powdered herbs. +here were so !an thin's the didnt know et. ,nd *e$lan was their ke to findin' the! out. &e has half of ! suppl roo! in that bowl% Grand!other said. Rose snu$k a peek at her3 the dark !a'i$ was 'one% as if it had ne)er been. In the ard% *e$lan dren$hed the $har$oal in li'hter fluid and lit it. +he fla!es sur'ed up% li$kin' the bri(uettes. *o ou think he $an help Geor'ie" Rose asked. We)e tried e)er thin' else. &e $ant hurt% I suppose. Grand!a si'hed. -ut if ou dont want to lea)e with hi!% ou should stop helpin' hi!. I! doin' it for Geor'ie. I know% $hild. I know. AlBonore petted her shoulder and went inside. Rose hopped off the por$h and approa$hed *e$lan. &e spread the $oals with an o)ersi=ed fork and 'lan$ed at her throu'h the $loud of sparks. ,re ou plannin' to su!!on a de!on" she asked. &e 'ri!a$ed. No. /ust $he$kin'. &e threw a handful of herbs into the fire.

-ut ou are su!!onin' so!ethin'" ,n i!a'e. I! also bindin' it to the water. &e tossed another handful into the fire. +he 'reed fla!es poun$ed on the herbs% sendin' aro!ati$ s!oke into the air. 5roble! is% I ha)e to rea$h a$ross the boundar into the Weird. +hat will take a fair a!ount of !a'i$. Ill need a sa$rifi$e. /ust not sure if what I ha)e is enou'h. +he first hesitant tra$es of !a'i$ swirled alon' the $lothesline. +he water in the pool darkened. *e$lan be'an to intone so!ethin' in a stead !onotone. She didnt re$o'ni=e the lan'ua'e% but she felt his effort and the roilin' $urrent of !a'i$ )ibratin' within the si'il. &e $hanted for al!ost a half hour% his fa$e (uakin' with the strain. She sank ne6t to hi! on the 'rass. +he sound of his )oi$e lulled her into a kind of tran$e. Shrouded in $louds of fra'rant s!oke% he see!ed otherworldl % like so!e ar$ane sor$erer fro! a fair tale. +hen *e$lan $lasped his hair in a ti'ht 'rip% drew the knife% and sli$ed it off. ,aaa! It happened so fast% all Rose $ould do was 'asp. What" &e threw the hair into the fla!es. 4our hair! +hats wh I 'rew it% he said% 'lan$in' at the water in the pool. 5ower reser)e. +hree ears worth. -ut its not enou'h. Rose stood up% 'athered her hair% and held out her hand. &e handed her the knife. She se)ered her hair with one sharp stroke and threw it in the fire. 7ost wo!en would rather die than $ut their hair% he said. Its .ust hair% she said. I would sa$rifi$e a lot !ore to keep Geor'ie ali)e. +he water within the pool bubbled up% risin'% twistin' into a hu'e translu$ent do!e. So!ethin' bu!ped Roses elbow% and she .u!ped. /a$k! &e re'arded her with sole!n e es and held out his hand. *e$lan passed her the knife% and she handed it to /a$k. &e sli$ed a lo$k fro! his head and tossed it into the fire. It went up in fla!es.

S!ells awful% Rose said% rufflin' /a$ks hair. +he water swirled% 'e sered up one last ti!e% and snapped into shape. SO7EONE was $o!in' up the atti$ stairs. Geor'ie looked awa fro! the pi$ture. +he atti$ belon'ed to hi! and /a$k. It was a wondrous pla$e. &u'e piles of .unk 'athered a'ainst the walls0 books% weapons% rust $ontraptions% drawin's% par$h!ents ... *own in the house% Rose $leaned up an hint of dirt and $lutter% but here e)er thin' was !ess and dust . &e liked it up here. It was (uiet% and he $ould drea!. So!eti!es he i!a'ined hi!self to be a pirate like Grandpa in the hull of his ship filled with treasure. So!eti!es he was an e6plorer like *ad. So!eti!es he was a de!on ... , blond head e!er'ed% followed b the rest of *e$lan. &is lon' blond pon tail was 'one% and his head looked lopsided% the hair on one side lon'er than on the other. +he blueblood paused for a !o!ent% takin' in the 'loo! and treasures% and looked at Geor'ie on his seat on a pun$hin' ba' b a narrow window. Geor'ie si'hed. +here would be another talk about lettin' thin's die and take their natural $ourse. &ed nod and do what he alwa s did. , waste of ti!e. *e$lan $rossed the floor% $rou$hed b hi!% and looked at the !etal fra!e in his hands. Geor'e offered it to *e$lan. Grandpa 2letus stood in the pi$ture. ;er tall and red#headed% he wore loose dark pants and a li'ht shirt% with a trian'ular hat set at a .aunt an'le. , $arbine% an an$ient !usket% rested a$ross his shoulders% the sto$k held in his ri'ht hand% the barrel passin' behind his ne$k. In his other hand% he held a lon' rapier% leanin' on it sli'htl as if it were a walkin' sti$k. &is e es were ali'ht with $ra= !irth. Grand!a said he looked like a 'rown#up )ersion of /a$k% wrapped in pirate 'arb. When he first dra''ed this pi$ture down to show her% she $li$ked her ton'ue and said% 8ier$el lo al and utterl unreliable. She didnt s!ile for a whole da after that% and he hid the pi$ture in the atti$ with the rest of his stuff. Grandpa% Geor'e said% in $ase *e$lan failed to fi'ure it out. I see. What happened to our hair" I 'ot tired of it. Geor'e nodded and looked at hi!% waitin' for a le$ture. I)e !ade so!ethin' for ou% *e$lan said. Id like it if ou $a!e to see it with !e.

Geor'e followed hi! outside. , kiddie pool was in the !iddle of the lawn. ,round it was a bi' $o!pli$ated desi'n !ade with rope and sti$ks. +he $li!bed throu'h the ropes. *e$lan stepped o)er the lines% while Geor'e du$ked underneath% and the stood to'ether at the ri!. , transparent do!e rose in the !iddle of the pool% all the water bound to'ether ti'htl b the !a'i$. Within the do!e sat a s!all settle!ent of $rooked huts. 8ields and forest surrounded it% 'i)in' wa to a 'reen plain. +he top of the do!e 'lowed with soft sil)er li'ht% and he $ould see e)er detail of the )illa'e% fro! the stones on the well to tin $reatures s$urr in' about. Shaped like little hu!an#lookin' fo6es with red% brown% and bla$k pelts% the $reatures went about perfor!in' s!all tasks% $arr in' water% tendin' the fields% fi6in' the that$hed roofs. Geor'ie stared% !es!eri=ed. What is that" he asked finall . Its a willworld. *o ou know what a $o!puter is" *e$lan asked. 4es. +his is si!ilar. Its the Weird )ersion of it% onl unlike a $o!puter% the willworld has a )er spe$ifi$ purpose. It onl does one thin'% but it does it reall well. I !ade it for ! 'raduation pro.e$t when I finished ' !nasiu!. *id it take ou a lon' ti!e" , $ouple of ears. +he willworld itself is ba$k at ! house. +his is .ust a fa$si!ile ... a $op . Its an e6a$t i!a'e of the de)i$e% !ade of water and !a'i$ and linked b !a'i$ to the ori'inal. 4ou !i'ht sa its a three#di!ensional refle$tion. 8or all pra$ti$al purposes% its prett !u$h like ha)in' the real thin' at our disposal. Geor'e wat$hed the fo6es as the $arried lon' stalks ba$k to their huts. ,re the ali)e" No. +he re !a'i$ $onstru$ts. Stri$tl speakin'% the dont a$tuall e6ist. If ou were to break the do!e% ou $ouldnt pi$k one up. +he whole thin' would si!pl 'o dark. 1ook here. *e$lan walked o)er to the side% where a water $ontrol panel protruded fro! the do!e. +he willworld is a si!ulator. It lets ou stud the pro'ress of $i)ili=ation and see how it !i'ht de)elop. 4ou $ontrol the world. 4ou $an !ake it rain or ou $an $ause a drou'ht. &ere. &e turned a dial. Water rose within the do!e% strea!in' o)er the fields. +he fo6es $li!bed atop the huts. &e turned the dial the other wa % and the waters fled.

*e$lan tapped the ke s. +he inside of the do!e swirled and for!ed a s!all white#walled $it with 'ardens and $ar)ed white towers. +his is a standard $it % a kind of default. E)er thin' is 'oin' well. +here is plent of food% the weather is !ild% and the $i)ili=ation prospers. Geor'ie wat$hed the $it for a few !inutes. +in fo6es in bri'ht robes le$tured before their students in the 'ardens% strolled throu'h the !arketpla$e% and dan$ed in a s(uare while two other fo6es pla ed oddl shaped instru!ents. *e$lan pressed another ke . See this si'n" &e pointed to a hori=ontal double loop in a s!all window. I .ust set their 'eneration len'th to infinit . +he are now i!!ortal. +he $an kill ea$h other% but the wont die of natural $auses. I also sped thin's up a little% so we dont spend all ni'ht wat$hin' a sin'le s$enario. Now this $it is stored within the willworld. ,n ti!e ou wish to return to it% push this button ri'ht here and the world will be reset. 8or the first few !inutes nothin' happened. +hen the $it be'an to 'row. It filled the fields% spreadin'% sprawlin'% 'rowin' hi'her and hi'her. In twent !inutes the $it $o!pletel swallowed the do!e. Streets be$a!e tunnels. +owers turned into tall $ontraptions. 2reatures stu!bled about in $rowded streets. +he $it had 'rown filth and dark% its buildin's de$repit. Whats happenin'" Geor'e whispered. O)erpopulation. +here are too !an of the!. +here is not enou'h food or spa$e. +he old ones wont die% and the keep !akin' !ore $hildren. In thirt !inutes% the $reatures be'an fallin' on the streets% $rawlin' throu'h the filth% sear$hin' for s$raps of food. *e$lan rea$hed to reset the do!e. No. I want to see% Geor'e said. It wont be prett % *e$lan warned. I understand. *e$lan let it 'o. 8ires broke out. +he $reatures for!ed 'an's and be'an rippin' ea$h other apart% feedin' on the se)ered li!bs. Geor'e stu!bled awa fro! the do!e and $losed his e es. ,re ou unwell" *e$lan asked.

Geor'ie shook his head. +he ate ea$h other. +he little fo6es ate ea$h other. 1et us $ontinue then. +ake two. Geor'e looked at the do!e in ti!e to see the darkness swirl. +he perfe$t little $it reappeared. 8i)e !inutes into it% one of the fo6es be'an to $ou'h. +he $ou'h spread% first to the nei'hbors% then farther% en'ulfin' the entire $it . +he pla'ue% *e$lan e6plained. +he re si$k% but the $ant die. So!eti!es death is the onl wa to stop the spread of infe$tion. +his si$kness $ant (uite kill the!% but there is no $ure. +he wat$hed the fo6es sha!ble about in the dark% $ou'hin' in !iser . When the started fallin' fro! e6haustion% Geor'e asked hi! to reset the do!e. +he third tr went well for the first ten !inutes% and Geor'e be'an to ha)e hope% until a 'roup of older fo6es started s!ashin' the new buildin' with sti$ks. Wh are the doin' that" Geor'ie asked. +he dont want the $it to $han'e% *e$lan said. +he )e reali=ed that if the keep 'rowin'% the ll run out of spa$e. 8i)e !inutes later% so!e fo6es were $hained% !ar$hed to the lake% and for$ed into the water. Wh " Geor'ie whispered% wat$hin' the! drown. +he are probabl the ones who wanted the $it to 'row. +he others !ust ha)e de$ided that the population should re!ain the sa!e. +he $it $an onl support so !an fo6es. +his is their wa of $ontrollin' it. -ut ... Geor'e bit his lip% as the fo6es brou'ht out little fo6 babies and one b one threw the! into the lake. +hat was .ust about enou'h of that. &e !ar$hed to the $ontrol panel and hit a reset button. *e$lan strai'htened. I! 'oin' to 'o inside now. 4ou know how to reset the do!e ba$k to default. +he spell will probabl hold throu'h the ni'ht% but I doubt well 'et !ore than twel)e% fifteen hours fro! it% so if ou want to run it a bit !ore% best to do it now. GEORGIE felt Roses ar!s $lose about hi!. She hu''ed hi!. Its al!ost !idni'ht. 4ou should $o!e inside.

&e shook his head. Its oka % he said% starin' at the do!e. , little lon'er. *e$lan and I de$ided to sleep on the por$h toni'ht to keep an e e on ou. If ou run into an trouble% ou $o!e and 'et one of us% oka " Geor'e 'lan$ed ba$k. On the por$h% *e$lan and Grand!a were arran'in' so!e blankets. Oka % he said% rea$hin' to the $ontrol panel. If he reset it .ust one !ore ti!e% !a be it would be fine. It had to be fine. +here had to be a wa for it to end well. ROSE awoke when the first hint of sunrise $olored the sk . Geor'ie sat on the steps% hu''in' his knees. She stirred. ,t the other end of the por$h% *e$lans e es snapped open. &e looked at her fro! abo)e the ba$k of a s!all l n6 who $urled b his side. /a$k !ust)e taken off his bra$elet in the ni'ht. 5robabl to keep an e e on his brother. Rose untan'led herself fro! the blankets and went to sit b Geor'ie. &ow lon' did ou sta up" +he whole ti!e. She 'lan$ed at the pool. , beautiful $it shi!!ered within the do!e. *e$lan had e6plained the $on$ept to her last ni'ht% while she tri!!ed his hair so it didnt look lopsided. She had wat$hed Geor'ie fro! the window for about an hour% while Grand!a he!!ed and hawed and threw up her hands in dis'ust tr in' to tri! Roses own but$hered hair into so!e se!blan$e of a de$ent hair$ut. In that hour% Geor'ie had $ried twi$e. Rose had desperatel wanted to 'o and $o!fort hi!. -ut her s !path would do !ore har! than 'ood. So!ethin' profound was happenin' to Geor'ie% and he had to 'o throu'h it alone. Now% as he sat ne6t to her% he see!ed older. So!ber and al!ost 'ri!. It went wron' e)er ti!e. &e wouldnt look at her. +he $it looks fine now% she said. +hats be$ause I let the! die. I set the dial ba$k to fift wa . She hu''ed hi! and kissed his hair. 1ife is so pre$ious be$ause its short% she said. E)en the !ost resilient people are fra'ile. 1ife isnt about d in' or not d in'. Its about li)in' well% Geor'e. 1i)in' so ou $an be proud and happ . ears. I had to. +here was no other

Geor'ie hun$hed his shoulders. I! read % he said. I .ust want to see the! all. 8or the last ti!e. -ehind the!% *e$lan rose (uietl and pi$ked up his sword. +he released Grandpa fro! the shed and headed into the Wood% /a$k paddin' ahead% a lithe% feline shadow% then she and Geor'ie with a look of intense $on$entration on his fa$e% then *e$lan% and finall Grandfather% snarlin' and !u!blin' to hi!self. +he $a!e to a lar'e $learin'% where last ear *ono)ans trailer had burned to the 'round% nearl settin' the entire Wood on fire. Geor'ie si'hed and spread his ar!s. , !inute passed. +hen another. Sweat beaded on Geor'ies forehead. , rustle troubled the bushes. +he bran$hes bent% releasin' a s!all ra$$oon into the open. , bird swooped down and landed on the ri'ht. , litter of oun' kittens s$a!pered into the open% followed b an old three#le''ed bla$k 1ab. Se)eral s(uirrels e!er'ed% s$uttlin' ... , pupp with an oddl shaped head ... +he $a!e and $a!e% do=ens of !an'led% broken $reatures% repaired b Geor'ies will. +he $a!e to their !aster and sat in a se!i$ir$le around the!. Rose drew a sharp breath. So !an . Oh% dear God% so )er !an . Its a wonder hes ali)e at all. Geor'ie approa$hed Grandfather sittin' in the 'rass and hu''ed hi!. Its ti!e to lea)e% he said. +he $reature who used to be 2letus looked at hi! with rheu! e es. Will I see ou a'ain" Geor'ie shook his head. No. Grandfather hun' his head. I! tired% he said. Geor'ie rested his hand on Grandfathers shoulder and looked at the wall of $reatures. Wait! Grand!as )oi$e ran'. Rose turned. AlBonore stood behind the! on the path. She swallowed and slowl walked past the!. Grandfather saw her. +ears swelled in his e es. AlBonore stood b hi!% and he hu''ed her le's. She patted his !atted hair.

Oka % she said% her )oi$e tre!blin'. 4ou $an do it now. Geor'ies lips shaped one (uiet word. - e. , faint sound e!anated fro! the se!i$ir$le as if the undead who $ouldnt breathe e6haled in unison. +he $reatures dropped to the 'round. Grandpa toppled forward softl . , sweet si$kenin' reek of de$a in' flesh filled the $learin'. Rose 'a''ed. +he beasts !elted% their ruptured $ar$asses leakin' fluids into the 'round. ,nother !o!ent% and the de$o!posed down to their bones. - AlBonores feet% Grandfather had be$o!e dust. She e!ptied one of the herb pou$hes she $arried in her po$kets and 'entl s$ooped so!e of the powder into it. Geor'ie swa ed. -efore Rose $ould rea$h hi!% *e$lan pi$ked hi! up. Is that all" he asked. Geor'ie nodded. +he four of the! turned and headed ba$k to the house. Rose" Geor'ie raised his head fro! *e$lans shoulder. 4es" Id like to be Geor'e fro! now on% he said. Oka % she said. +hat will be fine% Geor'e. &e nodded and said% I! hun'r . +WEN+4 ROSE sat on the por$h% a $up of tea in her hand. Inside% Geor'e ate like he hadnt eaten in ears% and Grand!a was o)er.o ed to pile !ore food into his and /a$ks dishes. +he s$reen door opened% and (uiet steps approa$hed her. *e$lan sat ne6t to her on the steps. 8or a lon' !inute the said nothin'% then she leaned to hi! and brushed his $heek with her lips. +hank ou for sa)in' ! brother. She pulled awa before he $ould tou$h her. 4ou dont see! happ % he said.

I a!. Its .ust ... She du$ked her head. I)e li)ed with this fear for so lon'. &e started raisin' thin's when he was si6. &es ten now. 8or four ears% I wat$hed hi! fade. I know that it ha!pered his 'rowth. &e probabl ne)er will be as tall or stron' as he should)e been. 2hildren are resilient% *e$lan said. Gi)en the ri'ht diet and e6er$ise% hell hold his own. I)e tried to help hi!% she told hi!. I)e done e)er thin' I $ould think of. On$e Grand!a and I put hi! to sleep for ten da s% hopin' that all of his $reatures would die. -ut the .ust kept on su$kin' the life out of hi!. +his will sound so terrible% but Id $on)in$ed ! self he $ouldnt be helped. I think thats the onl wa I $ould deal with it. I ne)er stopped hopin' and tr in'% but deep down I sort of $a!e to ter!s with knowin' that one da he would .ust burn down% like a $andle. She $o)ered her fa$e. 4ou sa)ed hi!. 4ou sa)ed Geor'ie. I! so 'rateful. I dont want ou to think that I take it li'htl . Its .ust that I dont e)en know what to sa . I! s$ared to belie)e it. I should)e tried harder ... I should be thrilled% but I! .ust so ... lost. Stunned. 1ike a runner whose ra$e had been $ut short% *e$lan said. 4es. Its selfish and terrible of !e% and I! asha!ed of it. I dont know wh I! e)en tellin' ou this. &e pulled her to hi!% wrappin' his !assi)e ar! around her ba$k. She pushed awa . 1et !e hold ou% he said. I wont :!aul ou. 4ou need it. /ust sit with !e. +here was a (uiet stren'th in the wa he held her% and she drew on it% wrapped up in his war!th and the s$ent of his skin. Shed ne)er had an one to lean on% not like this. &e !ade her feel so safe that she was afraid to let 'o% terrified that she would break into tears if she did. I felt that wa when 2asshorn res$ued Willia!% he said. ,nd felt like s$u! for it. I was sure nothin' 'ood would $o!e of it. I knew it then% but what $ould I sa " No% Will% take the death instead" Wh did 2asshorn do it" she asked. 7e. I think he was plannin' the be'innin's of this insanit ba$k then. 2asshorn is older than !e b three de$ades. &es well trained and hes dan'erous and skilled% but he alwa s la$ked the perse)eran$e and dis$ipline ne$essar to trul !aster a weapon. In his best !o!ents% hes brilliant% but it will do hi! no 'ood in a dire$t fi'ht. If we $ross blades% Ill $ut hi! down. &es well aware of it. &e wanted Willia! to use a'ainst !e. Willia!s deadl with an blade% espe$iall kni)es.

-ut Willia! is our friend. +here was a tin pause. ,fter Willia! was released% I !et hi! at one of the for!al dinners &is Gra$e 'a)e. &e $a!e as 2asshorns adopted son. &e wouldnt speak to !e. Rose 'lan$ed at his fa$e. I! so sorr . *id ou e)er find out wh " No. I dont know if he was an'r be$ause I failed to se$ure his release or if it was so!ethin' 2asshorn told hi! about !e. +he ne6t thin' I knew% both of the! were 'one. 4ou spoke to hi!. What did he sa " &e !ostl tried to 'et !e to 'o out with hi!. +he last ti!e he spoke% he told !e he wanted !e be$ause the bo s and I were to'ether. &e said he ne)er had a fa!il and alwa s wanted one% and we fit the bill. Well% hell ha)e to do without% *e$lan said with the war!th of a 'la$ier. 4oure !ine% and he $ant ha)e ou. Well then. +hat sounds prett final. *o I e)en ha)e a sa in this" Of $ourse ou do% he said softl . If ou sa no% Ill ha)e to a$$ept it. Sure% he said that now. -ut the oath he swore was )er $lear. If he won the $hallen'es% *e$lan 'ained the ri'ht to her. She would be his possession. Not a wife% not a friend% a lo)er% or an e(ual. , possession. *e$lan alwa s planned thin's out. &e didnt know her at the ti!e he swore the oath and probabl thou'ht she was unhin'ed. &e had phrased his oath to 'ain as !u$h as he $ould with !ini!al risk% rel in' on his presen$e and her fear to $arr it throu'h. If onl she had $alled his bluff. &e wouldnt ha)e hurt the bo s% not in a !illion ears. &e would)e walked awa . -ut then she wouldnt ha)e 'otten to know hi!. Rose tried to i!a'ine hi! lea)in' on that da without another word. &er throat $onstri$ted. &er heart beat faster. She leaned a little $loser to hi!% seekin' reassuran$e that he was still here in spite of herself and reali=ed a si!ple fa$t. She was in lo)e with *e$lan 2a!arine. -ut lo)in' hi! and bein' with hi! werent the sa!e thin'. &e was still a blueblood% and she ... She had no dowr and no pedi'ree. She didnt fit into his world an !ore than he fit into hers. &e wanted her. She was a $hallen'e% and .ust like Grand!a said% *e$lan $ouldnt resist. ,nd on$e he 'ot her% what then" One da the would wake up ne6t to ea$h other% and he would be Earl 2a!arine% lord of a do=en pla$es with na!es she $ouldnt re!e!ber% and she would still be onl Rose.

She swallowed. In her head she pi$tured hi! walkin' out the door% ne)er to $o!e ba$k. +he an6iet s(uee=ed her heart in a lead fist. +here is no hope for us% she said softl . +here is alwa s hope% *e$lan said. ,s dan'erous as 2asshorn is% hes also irrational% and that weakens hi!. She shook her head and for$ed herself to pull free of hi!. &e didnt understand. &e $on$entrated on the bi''est threat% and it would do her 'ood to do the sa!e. 8or now% she had to keep her worries to herself. 2asshorn had to $o!e first. ,s far as Willia! 'oes% I dont know what the de)il hes doin'% but I doubt hes helpin' 2asshorn% *e$lan said. What !akes ou think that" Willia! is a de$orated )eteran with o)er a de$ade in the 1e'ion. 2asshorn $ouldnt ha$k it in the 1e'ion lon'er than si6 !onths. &ell% he $ouldnt ha$k it in the resear$h bran$h of the ,irfor$e. *e$lan shook his head. ,ll he had to do was stud w )erns% and he failed at that. I ha)e no respe$t for hi!% and I wouldnt suffer his orders. I dont see wh Will would. So wh is he here% then" She frowned. I dont know. *e$lan 'ri!a$ed. I know what I! 'oin' to do on$e I find hi!. ,nd that would be" Ill beat hi! blood . She blinked. I walked awa fro! ele)en ears in the 1e'ion to pull his ar3hi! out of the fire. One would e6pe$t a thank# ou or at least a $ordial de!eanor. 8ailin' that% one would e6pe$t so!e s!all $ourtes for old ti!es sake% su$h as a note perhaps% so!ethin' alon' the lines of :7 adopti)e father is about to !ake off with a world#destro in' de)i$e% so he $an kill us all. /ust thou'ht oud like to know. 7a be he didnt know. *e$lan 'a)e her a hard look. &e knew. , little of ou is pissed off be$ause he didnt 'o all to pie$es thankin' ou for sa)in' hi!% she said.

*e$lan swore. I $ouldnt $are less. It bothers ou. It would bother !e% too. , !an appeared at the end of the road. Sli'ht% a bit di she)eled% he wore bla$k pants% a red polo shirt% and a dark leather )est o)er it. +he shirt and pants sa''ed on his thin fra!e. &e was baldin'% and the re!ains of his short hair and a neatl tri!!ed% short beard were liberall salted with 'ra . &is fa$e radiated $al! kindness% and he s!iled at the! as he $a!e down the road% leadin' a horse to the house% but his hooded e es were solid bla$k. *e$lan fo$used on the !an with predator alertness. Who is that" Rose si'hed. +here went her $han$e to talk. +hats /ere!iah 1o)edahl. Wh is he $o!in' here" Supposedl hes $o!in' to take Grand!other and the bo s to Wood &ouse. Its a hea)il warded shelter deep inside the Wood. 4ou see! skepti$al% he said. &e has an a'enda% Rose said. +he Ed'e is )er !u$h an :e)er !an for hi!self kind of pla$e. -ut on$e in a while we run a$ross a threat thats too !u$h for an one fa!il to handle on its own. ,t ti!es like this% people like ! 'rand!a and /ere!iah step forward. +he re our elders. +here are si6 of the!% and when the a'ree on so!ethin'% East 1aporte usuall pa s attention. +he wont $o!pel ou to obe % but the issue ad)isor opinions" *e$lan asked. She nodded. So!ethin' like that. ,fter we had that fi'ht% I $alled the! for Grand!a and the had the!sel)es a huddle. +he )e reali=ed that were too weak to fi'ht 2asshorn dire$tl % so the re tr in' to outs!art hi!. 8irst step is to depri)e hi! of food% so to star)e hi! and the hounds% the :ad)ised 'ettin' the hell out of town. 1ast ni'ht e)er one with a drop of sense pa$ked up% and this !ornin'% the all dro)e out as if to work in the -roken% but none of the! are $o!in' ba$k. So!e holdouts re!ain% as usual% but what are ou 'oin' to do" She shru''ed. +he Ed'ers are out$asts. 8or so!e of us% our house and land are all we ha)e. I swear% ou $ould ha)e a wall of fire sweepin' throu'h East 1aporte% and so!e of the harder heads would hole up on their propert . +he d rather die than lea)e. /ere!iah tied his horse to a tree. So what does he reall want here" *e$lan asked.

/ere!iah hopes to $on)in$e ou and !e to $o!e with hi! to Wood &ouse% where the rest of the elders are. +he want to know !ore about 2asshorn% so the want ou to help the! with that. I! to $o!e as their prote$tion a'ainst ou and 2asshorn both. 4ou !ake the! ner)ous. &is 'reen e es studied her. *o ou want !e to $o!e" Rose pursed her !outh. Its up to ou. I dont want to ask ou to do so!ethin' ou dont want to do% but es% I would like ou to )isit Wood &ouse. +he elders are old and full of !a'i$. +he $ant atta$k 2asshorn or the hounds dire$tl % be$ause the hounds absorb an !a'i$ less intense than a flash% but I wouldnt dis$ount the!. ,nd we dont ha)e a lot of allies. We" *o ou in$lude ourself in ! fi'ht" &es destro in' ! ho!e% eatin' ! nei'hbors% and wants to kill ! fa!il . I told ou before9 I dont intend to sit on ! hands. ,nd ou need !e% *e$lan. 4ou need ! flash. &e 'a)e her a pointed stare. Rose rolled her e es. Oh% the blueblood look of s$orn. Whate)er shall I do" I do de$lare% I feel faint. *e$lan 'rowled under his breath. She patted his hand. Its not too late to re$onsider this whole :Ill ha)e ou% Rose business. Ni$e tr % he told her. /ere!iah $a!e up to the por$h. &ello% 7s. *ra ton. &is a$$ent was the old Southern% slow% refined% swallowin' his rs as if hed .ust stepped off so!e plantation in ;ir'inia. &ello% 7r. 1o)edahl% she said. Would ou $are for so!e i$ed tea" I would% thank ou. When she returned fro! the kit$hen with two 'lasses% /ere!iah s!iled at her. 1ord 2a!arine and I were .ust dis$ussin' the defenses of Wood &ouse. &e !entioned hed like to see the! for hi!self. *id he now" Rose s!iled pleasantl and handed out the tea. Will ou be .oinin' us" /ere!iah asked.

Id be deli'hted% she said. ROSE walked ne6t to *e$lan% pi$kin' her wa throu'h the forest floor thi$k with $enturies of autu!ns. +he for!ed a narrow pro$ession0 first% /ere!iah% leadin' the horse loaded with their ba's% then Grand!a% then Geor'ie% and then she and *e$lan% brin'in' up the rear. /a$k had 'one $at as soon as the set out% and he slunk alon' on their flanks. On$e in a while shed $at$h a 'li!pse of hi!% $reepin' o)er a lo' or s$ra!blin' up a tree% but he blended in so well% she wasnt e)en sure if she trul had seen hi! or if she .ust i!a'ined it. +he were onl twent !inutes into the Wood% but the $han'e was startlin'. +he forest here was older. 2olossal trees towered abo)e the!0 enor!ous pines% strai'ht as !asts% )enerable Ed'e oaks% pale poplars ... +he forest was 'rass 'reen% and e!erald% and ellow. 5at$hes of )el)et !oss $li!bed up the bark and sheathed the forest floor% so bri'ht that when the sunli'ht spillin' throu'h the breaks in the $anop stru$k it% the !oss nearl 'lowed. In the shadows% Grann Rose li$hens bloo!ed on trunks and boulders like )i)id s$arlet peonies% and in the deeper 'loo! between the twisted% !assi)e roots% deli$ate lad s slipper flowers stret$hed on thin stalks% and ellow#% brown#% and red#$apped !ushroo!s the si=e of footstools s(uatted in $lu!ps and rin's. +he air s!elled of life% 'reener % and !a'i$. It filled Roses lun's and $arried awa worr . She s!iled (uietl to herself and kept walkin'% followin' /ere!iah and Grand!a alon' the trail she $ould barel see. I! too old for this% Grand!a !ur!ured. I do re$olle$t that ou !ade this sa!e trip all b /ere!iah said. Well% thats true% Grand!a !ur!ured. I was alwa s of the opinion that so!e wo!en i!pro)e with a'e% /ere!iah $ontinued. 1ike fine wine. Rose rolled her e es. /ere!iah 1o)edahl was puttin' the !o)es on her 'rand!other. What was the world $o!in' to" +he rea$hed a 'ro)e of pines. +he trees stood )er dense here% the stubb broken bran$hes near the roots supportin' pale $lusters of bone wind $hi!es. Ea$h $hi!e $onsisted of a skull% suspended fro! a !etal rin' a!on' an assort!ent of s!all bones. 5ast the $hi!es% the forest stood unnaturall still. Not a sin'le pine needle !o)ed. Is there a spell on the trees" *e$lan asked softl . -one ward% Rose !ur!ured ba$k. ;er old% )er stron'. our loneso!e earlier in the week%

+he $a!e to a halt at the trees !arked b $hi!es. 7ost skulls were possu!% wolf% l n6% but three were hu!an% and one% hea) #.awed and oddl flat% had two thi$k fan's $ur)in' down like sabers. *e$lan nodded at the bi=arre skull. +roll. +hats $orre$t% /ere!iah said. One $a!e our wa fro! the Weird about fift >illed two little 'irls and ate the!. ears a'o.

&ow did ou !ana'e to brin' hi! down" +heir hides too thi$k for a bullet% and the re i!!une to !ost poisons. /ere!iah plu$ked a wide trian'ular leaf fro! a low bran$h and held it up. It was sli'htl lar'er than his hand. 8orest +ear. If ou boil the sap of the tree% it !akes 'lue% $lear% odorless% and )er stron'. We ser)ed the troll a freshl slau'htered $ow on a blanket of these lea)es dipped in 'lue. +rolls are du!b $reatures. &e 'ot down on all fours to eat his feast% and the lea)es stu$k to his feet and hands. &e tried to shake the! off% and when that failed% tried to pull the! off with his teeth and 'ot a leaf stu$k to his fa$e for his trouble. +hen he pani$ked and rolled% until he was $o!pletel $o)ered. +he ori'inal plan was for hi! to suffo$ate to death% but he so!ehow 'ot to his feet and ran blindl % until he kno$ked down a power line pole and 'ot hi!self ele$tro$uted. I! be'innin' to see that one doesnt disturb our town without $onse(uen$es% *e$lan said. Oh% were .ust si!ple $ountr folk. /ere!iah 'a)e hi! a !ild s!ile. We dont take kindl to ha)in' our $hildren !urdered% but reall we keep to oursel)es. Were !ostl har!less. 7a'i$ strea!ed to hi!% 'atherin' about his bod in a deep red $loud. &e raised his hand up to the sk . &is bla$k e es narrowed to !ere slits% and he barked a sin'le word. -reak! +he !a'i$ shot up and )anished. , !o!ent later a lon' serpentine bod $rashed throu'h the $anop and thudded to the 'round. , lee$h bird. ,bout fi)e feet lon' and pale blue% it rese!bled a stork% but instead of the nor!al feathers% its tail split into two lon'% snake#like whips% tipped with blue tufts. +he lee$h bird flailed in $on)ulsions% slappin' its broken bat# like win's on the 'round. It had no beak. Instead% its .aws were )er lon' and narrow% full of sharp needle#teeth. 7a'i$ spiked fro! it in dan'erous bursts% but the fell short of /ere!iah. *readful $reatures. 8oul !a'i$% too. 2o!!on wisdo! sa s oull turn into one if bitten. I ha)ent witnessed that happenin' in ! lifeti!e% but I wouldnt dis$ount it. /ere!iah raised his rifle and shot the lee$h bird twi$e. It .erked and be$a!e still. &e waited a !inute or two% approa$hed the $ar$ass% then pulled out a !a$hete fro! his belt and ha$ked the head fro! the bird in a sin'le $hop. &e pi$ked it up and tossed it at the ward. +he head $rashed into the woods and )anished. Wind stirred the $hi!es. -ones rattled a'ainst ea$h other with a dr $latter.

It takes blood to open it% /ere!iah said. &e ha$ked at the lee$h bird% $ar)in' it like a $hi$ken% and nodded at the blood $hunks. Ea$h of ou% take one and pa our dues. Lui$kl now before the blood $ools. One b one the fed the $ar$ass to the ward. When /a$k des$ended fro! the trees and dra''ed the last pie$e to the spell and pushed it in with his furr head% the $hi!es fro=e% but be ond the! the Wood $a!e to life% as if so!eone had pressed 5la on an in)isible re!ote. -ran$hes shi)ered. S!all red lea)es fluttered to the 'round here and there% breakin' free fro! the )ine 'arlands drippin' fro! hi'h bran$hes. 7a'i$ bloo!ed like a flower. 2o!e% /ere!iah ordered. In the went. +he Wood 'rew darker here% older% harder. 4oud ne)er 'uess the town roads were onl a half hour awa . +he trees were trul enor!ous now. It would take se)eral people with their ar!s outstret$hed to en$lose one of the trunks. Odd $reatures skittered in the bran$hes0 so!e s!all and furr % so!e s$al % so!e with e es that 'lowed oran'e and red. /a$k spat% and hissed% and pro!ised trouble in his $at lan'ua'e% until *e$lan pi$ked hi! up to keep hi! put. +went !inutes later% the finall rea$hed Wood &ouse. It sat on top of a low !an#!ade hill% shaped like a p ra!id with its top $hopped off. , wooden palisade% $enturies old and slathered with $la to prote$t it fro! !oisture and fires% surrounded the ape6 of the hill. 7oss and underbrush hu''ed its roots% tr in' to $li!b up the palisade% and pale flowers thrust throu'h it to the sun% as if a wa)e of 'reener had $rashed a'ainst the wooden walls. Rose re!e!bered $o!in' here onl on$e% when she was )er s!all. +he $li!bed up the side of the hill% usin' an$ient stone blo$ks pla$ed there like 'iant steps. +he wooden 'ate swun' open with a $reak. , weather#s$arred tote! pole stood to the ri'ht% ne6t to a bonfire pit filled with stones. , tall oak rose strai'ht up% a s!all wooden lookout platfor! sittin' in its bran$hes like a tree house. +o the left% a bi' lo' $abin waited for the!% its walls so la ered with !oss and li$hen that the buildin' see!ed to ha)e 'rown fro! the Woods floor% and behind it a s$atterin' of s!aller buildin's onl intensified the illusion0 the stru$tures sat to'ether like toadstools in a rin'. +he wooden 'ate behind the! shut% and Rose turned to see 1eanne slidin' a hea) wooden bea! a$ross it. , few other fa!iliar people walked in the ard0 all about her a'e% !ost sin'le and !a'i$all adept. +he Ed'ers with the least to lose% she reali=ed. Wel$o!e to Wood &ouse% /ere!iah said. +WEN+4#ONE

1EE Stearns $lai!ed he was half#2herokee Indian% but his hair% skin% and fa$e said he was whiter than the 5illsbur *ou'hbo % and ru!or had it that both of his parents were about as 2herokee as pi==a. It wasnt so!ethin' people dared to sa to his fa$e or behind his ba$k. &is skin was s!ooth and pale% al!ost satin % despite his ad)an$ed a'e. &e looked at the world with water blue e es% and his hair was $orn silk blond. It was as if the sun had blea$hed hi!. 1ee drew the e e. &e was also known to lose his te!per if he thou'ht people stared at hi! too !u$h% and as Rose found a seat a$ross fro! hi! at an old wooden table in the Wood &ouse hall% she took $are not to look at hi! too lon'. Gapin' at the other fi)e elders wasnt a 'ood idea either. +here was a lot of power in the roo!% and the looked far too so!ber to tolerate foolishness ri'ht about now. Rose 'lan$ed to her 'rand!a. AlBonore 'a)e her a $areful s!ile. Rose looked at her hands. She was terribl aware of *e$lan% sittin' )er still ne6t to her% about as perturbed as a 'ranite $ra'. ,t least the $hildren were e6$used fro! the !eetin'. 1eanne had brou'ht >enn /o to Wood &ouse% probabl so the elders $ould (uestion hi!. Geor'e and >enn /o de$ided to $all a tru$e for the ti!e bein' in the na!e of e6plorin' Wood &ouse. +he 'ot off eas . Wh dont ou introdu$e us to the oun' !an% Rose" /ere!iah said. Rose $leared her throat. *ire$tl a$ross fro! us is ,dele 7oore. If Grand!a pretended to be a hed'e wit$h% ,dele was one. She was tall for an older wo!an% with skin the $olor of $offee 'rounds. &er hair strea!ed down to her waist in lon' 'ra dreads% ea$h lo$k wo)en with bead strin's and leather $ords tin'lin' with s!all bone and wood $har!s. &er $lothes were la ers of threadbare fabri$% 'reen% oli)e% and brown. She wore a do=en ne$kla$es% so!e of dried !ushroo! $aps stu$k onto a thin thread% so!e of dried blosso!s% so!e of dis$arded snakeskin% and one or two of tin % $heap beads probabl bou'ht at Wal#7art% of all pla$es. &er fa$e was wrinkled% and her hair had lost its $olor% but ,deles e es were (ui$k and oun'. +o the left of ,dele is E!il 5aw% Elsie 7oores nie$e. E!il looked a lot like her aunt. &a''ish and sli'ht% she rese!bled a dried#out $row. &er !outh drooped downward% and in all of her twent #two ears% Rose had ne)er seen E!il s!ile on$e. Of all present% with the e6$eption of herself and *e$lan% E!il was the oun'est and looked the oldest. 4ou alread know /ere!iah and Grand!a% Rose $ontinued. +he !an on the ri'ht is 1ee Stearns. Ne6t to hi! is +o! -u$kwell.

&ello. +o! -u$kwell sounded like an orner bear and looked like one% too. -i'% al!ost se)en feet tall and three hundred pounds hea) % he sat hun$hin' his thi$k shoulders. &e was also the hairiest !an she had e)er seen. &is reddish beard was alwa s tan'led% his hair lon'% and the hair on his !us$ular forear!s rese!bled fur. Ru!ors said that if he 'ot drunk enou'h% he so!eti!es 'ot his .ollies b strippin' naked and s$arin' hikers out in the -roken into thinkin' he was -i'foot. +o! was also 8red Si!oens un$le% on$e re!o)ed. ,nd this is Earl *e$lan 2a!arine% Rose finished finall . Silen$e fell. &ow do we know ou are who ou sa *e$lan shru''ed. 4ou dont. +hen how do ou e6pe$t to pro)e ourself" Rose tensed. Shed e6pe$ted the (uestion. It was natural that the would want to test hi!% but testin' *e$lan was like tr in' to pet a stran'e pit bull. *e$lans e ebrows $rept up an ei'hth of an in$h. I dont ha)e to pro)e an thin'. I $a!e to ou be$ause 7iss *ra ton $on)in$ed !e it would be benefi$ial to ! $ause. I! here to kill 2asshorn. I ha)e no other purpose or a'enda% and on$e I! done% Ill return ba$k to where I $a!e fro!. Its up to ou to a$$ept !e or not. It reall was a!a=in' how *e$lan $ould shift into blueblood !ode. &is tone wasnt e6a$tl i!perious% but it !ade it see! as if his words were $ast in stone. What 1ee !eans is we would like to see so!e proof of our power% Grand!a said. 5lease% indul'e us. &e bowed his head. ,s ou wish% 7ada!e. 7a'i$ stirred within *e$lan% like a la= !onster% awakenin' slowl % stret$hin'% testin' its $laws. It built stron'er and stron'er. , white 'low rolled o)er his irises. It was as if the side of the roo! where he sat had darkened% but the !a'i$ within hi! 'lowed% swellin'% risin'% terrif in' and i!possibl stron' like a hurri$ane. +he tin hairs on the ba$k of Roses ne$k stood on their ends. *e$lans e es bla=ed white. , 'hostl wind brushed Rose. She $ould a$tuall see it3a thin )eil of pale 'low% strea!in' about *e$lan% windin' a'ainst hi!. ou are" 1ee asked.

She rea$hed out and put her fin'ers on his hand. &e 'lan$ed at her with his star#e es and pulled the !a'i$ inside hi!self% sheathin' it like a weapon. She wasnt sure what was !ore i!pressi)e0 the sheer !a'nitude of his power or the ease with whi$h he $ontrolled it. 1ee opened his !outh and $la!ped it shut. Grand!a looked pained. <p until now% so!e of the! probabl thou'ht the $ould take $are of *e$lan if it $a!e to that. Now the knew that all of the! put to'ether $ould slow hi! down% but killin' hi! would be another !atter entirel . ,dele leaned forward. We would hear about 2asshorn% she said. If its at all possible% 1ord 2a!arine. *e$lan leaned forward. What I sa here !ustnt lea)e this roo!. If it does% Ill ha)e to return% and I wont be alone% he said. &eads nodded around the table. It 'oes ba$k to the E!pire of the Sun Serpent% *e$lan said. In the -roken% settlers fro! the Eastern half of the world $a!e to the West and killed the nati)e tribes% who la$ked te$hnolo' and the !eans to effe$ti)el resist. 1ee looked like he was about to sa so!ethin' but thou'ht better of it. In ! world% the opposite was true. +his $ontinent was ho!e to a powerful e!pire. Its people $alled itself tlatoke% and the $alled their real! the >in'do! of the Sun Serpent. +heir !a'i$ was born in the .un'le% and it was e6tre!el powerful and diffi$ult to $ounter. ,bout si6teen $enturies a'o the $rossed the o$ean and be'an raidin' the Eastern $ontinent% terrori=in' the $oast of ,n'lia and what is now the Gauli$ E!pire% all the wa south to Etruria. +he killed% raped% stole sla)es% and de!anded bowls of 'old dust in tribute. +his $ontinued for appro6i!atel two hundred ears% until the abruptl stopped. <suall raids die down 'raduall % but the tlatoke si!pl )anished. *e$lan paused. So!ethin' s$rewed up the kin'do! of the shin snake% +o! -u$kwell said. *e$lan nodded. +he raids had spurred resear$h. , $entur later% the peoples of the Eastern $ontinent had de)eloped the !eans to $ross the o$ean% but the fear of the tlatoke was so 'reat that al!ost three hundred ears passed before the first )o a'e took pla$e. When the first war fleets arri)ed at the Western $ontinent% the found no tlatoke. 5lent of ruined $ities and te!ples% but no people. 7ore% a lot of the !a'i$#saturated flora and fauna one would e6pe$t was 'one. +he woods were oun'. E)en now its diffi$ult to find a thousand# ear#old tree. +he spe$ies of plants and ani!als that did sur)i)e had de)eloped 'reat

defenses. Western ani!als are bi''er and stron'er than their Eastern $ounterparts% and so!ethin' as slu''ish as a )a!pire )ine has e)ol)ed into an a$ti)e predator. What killed the tlatoke" /ere!iah asked. It is un$lear. +he sear$hes of the ruins didnt pro)ide an definiti)e answers. If so!ethin' did kill the inhabitants% the were $onsu!ed% be$ause no inta$t skeletons re!ained. -ut the resear$hers did find si'ns of stru''le. -roken furniture. &oles in the walls. 2law !arks. +he hounds% Grand!a said. *e$lan $ontinued. E)entuall sur)i)ors were found% isolated bands hidin' out in the wilderness. +he were al!ost unre$o'ni=able. 1e'ends said the raiders had worn steel ar!or and bri'htl $olored robes% but their des$endants had re'ressed into pri!iti)is!. +he use of !a'i$ and $ulti)ation of $rops were forbidden. +he for!er tlatoke li)ed in s!all no!adi$ 'roups% wore furs% and hunted with bows and spears. In three hundred ears% the !ana'ed to fall fro! a 'lorious% ad)an$ed $i)ili=ation to people who no lon'er re!e!bered how to read the writin's of their an$estors. +heir oral traditions persisted% howe)er% and their le'ends spoke about a 'ift fro! the Sun Serpent% whi$h then turned on the! and destro ed their kin'do!. E)en in the Weird% 'ods dont a$tuall interfere in the li)es of the !ortal !en. We pra to the!% but we ha)e et to see definiti)e proof the e6ist. So nobod was (uite sure where this 'ift $a!e fro!. 5erhaps it was !anufa$tured b tlatoke priests. 5erhaps it fell fro! the depths between the stars as !eteorites do. 5erhaps it was an artifa$t of a for'otten nation. Whate)er its ori'in was% the 'ift destro ed the tlatoke $i)ili=ation and )anished. What happened" Rose asked. +he $ontinent was settled. New $ountries spran' up. So!e% like ,drian'lia% won their independen$e fro! their !other states. +he tlatoke be$a!e a bi=arre histori$al ! ster . +hen% about three hundred ears a'o% the 'reat#'randfather of the $urrent *uke of the Southern 5ro)in$es de$ided to drain a !ire pond. ,s the pond was drained% a stran'e e''# like ob.e$t e!er'ed% sheathed in $la . It was too hea) to !o)e% and so &is Gra$e ordered the shell broken. <nder the $la la $era!i$% followed b a la er of pure iron% then !ore $era!i$% then lead. 8inall when all the la ers were $ut throu'h% &is Gra$e found a stran'e de)i$e. ,s soon as the de)i$e was tou$hed% it $a!e ali)e and produ$ed the first hound. +he hound killed one of the workers. +he !a'i$ it absorbed then strea!ed ba$k into the de)i$e% and a se$ond hound was born. 4ou should)e destro ed it% E!il 5aw said. We tried% *e$lan said. +he de)i$e absorbs !a'i$. Its i!per)ious to fire. ,tte!pts were !ade to $rush it and en$ase it in !olten !etal% but the were unsu$$essful. Its !ade of a

!aterial not found in the Weird. ,s far as we know% its fun$tion is si!ple0 it pulls !a'i$ fro! its en)iron!ent and produ$es hounds% whi$h then $olle$t !a'i$ and return it to the de)i$e. We dont know wh it does what it does. We know hu!an bein's are the hounds preferred pre . We know it $ant be stopped. Is that what killed the Weirds Indians" +o! -u$kwell asked. +hats what so!e belie)e. +he de)i$e was $lassified as an :i!!inent threat to the real!. , bunker was built% !i!i$kin' the ori'inal ob.e$t0 se)eral la ers of iron% lead% $era!i$% and 'lass were arran'ed in su$h a wa as to pro)ide !a6i!u! isolation fro! the en)iron!ent. +he de)i$e was pla$ed into the bunker. Its e6isten$e was kept se$ret fro! the 'eneral publi$ to pre)ent pani$ or terrorist a$ts. 1ee Stearns snorted. Of $ourse. +he bunker is lo$ated in -eli 8orest% *e$lan said. Its an u'l % inhospitable pla$e% and nobod in their ri'ht !ind trespasses there. +he stru$ture itself sits on a slab of $era!i$% and the forest is burned% salted% and fen$ed off for a !ile around the bunker. On$e e)er two weeks a $rew !ade up of !e!bers of a se$ret bran$h of the *ukes personal 'uard tra)els to the bunker and destro s an en$roa$hin' plants or ani!als to pre)ent the de)i$e fro! a$$essin' en)iron!ental !a'i$. ,ppro6i!atel two weeks a'o% 2asshorn Sandine% brother of the $urrent *uke% broke into the bunker and stole the de)i$e. It was brilliantl done0 he had been se$retl $uttin' a narrow trail into the forest for the last ear and a half% endin' it about twel)e !iles fro! the bunker. &e then $o!pro!ised the bunker and airlifted the de)i$e twel)e !iles to the trail b !eans of an ,irfor$e w )ern he had stolen fro! a lo$al ar!or . +he de)i$e killed the w )ern but not before it 'ot 2asshorn to his es$ape route. &e loaded the de)i$e onto a $art and dro)e it out of ,drian'lia into the Ed'e. I think we all $ould use so!ethin' to drink% ,dele said. ON2E i$ed tea had been distributed% the !ood in the roo! li'htened and Rose breathed easier. Wh would 2asshorn do it" ,dele asked% sippin' her tea. Wh is 'ood% but I want to know how $o!e the beasts arent killin' hi!% Grand!a said. *e$lan drained half his 'lass. Its diffi$ult to understand 2asshorn. &es !ad% but he has flashes of 'enius. &es a!oral% but he takes pains to be polite. &es failed at e)er thin' he e)er tried. 2asshorn e6pressed the desire to be a duke like his father. 2enturies a'o titles used to be hereditar . Now titles are ad!inistrati)e posts that $arr a 'reat deal of $i)il and !ilitar responsibilit . One $ant inherit a title. One !ust earn it and pass the re(uisite e6a!inations pro)in' his or her $o!peten$ in order to $lai! it. +he hi'her the rank% the

!ore strin'ent are the re(uire!ents. Sons and dau'hters of nobles often re$ei)e )er spe$iali=ed edu$ation fro! birth in anti$ipation of tr in' to assu!e the title. +he ha)e an ad)anta'e% be$ause the wat$h and learn as their parents 'o)ern% in the sa!e sense as the bakers son knows about bakin' bread fro! wat$hin' his father !ake it. -ut no !atter how 'ood their test s$ores are% nobod % not e)en an heir to the throne of ,drian'lia% $an assu!e a title without first pro)idin' ser)i$e to the real!. So!e $hoose $i)il% so!e !ilitar % but all ha)e to ser)e. +he !andator period of ser)i$e is se)en ears in the !ilitar and ten for the $i)il ser)i$e. 7ilitar for ou% I take it" +o! -u$kwell asked. *e$lan nodded. 2asshorn passed the e6a!inations at fifteen. *id spe$ta$ularl well% in fa$t. ,ll that re!ained was the period of ser)i$e. 2asshorn atte!pted the ,irfor$e% be$ause it is $onsidered the !ost $erebral of all !ilitar o$$upations. ,irfor$e like planes" 1ee Stearns asked. ,irfor$e like fl in' beasts% *e$lan said. W )erns% !an ti$ores% and so on. Within a ear 2asshorn was booted fro! the ,irfor$e ,$ade! for plottin' to kill one of his instru$tors. +hat effe$ti)el barred hi! fro! an !ilitar bran$h e6$ept for the Red 1e'ion% who will take an one. Whether oure a wanted $ri!inal or a $ertified lunati$3the dont $are. +he $an take an a)era'e person and in two ears turn hi! or her into a !ass !urderer. /ust deplo in' the! often $auses pani$ in the ene! . +he Red 1e'ion dis$har'ed 2asshorn in si6 !onths% dee!in' hi! $o!pletel unsuited to !ilitar ser)i$e. +o s$rew up like that takes talent. +o! -u$kwell shook his head. &e !ust be spe$ial. *e$lan 'ri!a$ed. &e $ertainl thinks so. With the !ilitar $rossed off his list% 2asshorn atte!pted the $i)il ser)i$e. &e was fired fro! Eli=abethian <ni)ersit for pla'iaris!% ha)in' ser)ed a little o)er twent !onths. +wo da s later% so!eone set the $a!pus on fire. +hen 2asshorn took a sabbati$al for three ears. +hen he atte!pted !anufa$turin' resear$h. +o !ake a lon' stor short% in the !eanti!e 2asshorns oun'er brother% Ortes% finished his se)en ears% ser)in' in the ,ndrian'lian Na) with distin$tion% and 2asshorn hadnt e)en !ana'ed to pass a half !ark. +heir test s$ores were tied. -e$ause the were siblin's% Ortes had the option of si'nin' a wai)er to 'i)e his brother fi)e ears to $o!plete the ser)i$e re(uire!ent. , peer title $ant re!ain )a$ant for lon'. ,ll peers ha)e duties% and so!eone has to fulfill the!. So what happened" Rose asked. Ortes was willin' to si'n the wai)er% if his father wished to 'i)e 2asshorn another $han$e. +he *uke de$ided he needed to think so!e !ore on the !atter and in)ited his sons to 4ule *inner at the du$al !anor. 7ost of the nobles and their fa!ilies were present at the

$elebration. I was ei'ht% and I re!e!ber it )i)idl . 2asshorns de!eanor was bi=arre. &e see!ed not to know where he was. 7idwa throu'h the e)enin' he stood up and started talkin'. &e ranted like a lunati$ and atta$ked Ortess wife% $allin' her a whore and bla!in' her for a nu!ber of odd and illo'i$al thin's. ,pparentl % ears earlier% when Ortes and /ane were affian$ed% 2asshorn had !ade so!e ad)an$es toward her and she turned hi! down% but to hear hi! tell it% the in$ident had happened earlier in the e)enin'% not nearl a de$ade a'o. Ob)iousl % no wai)er was si'ned% and Ortes be$a!e *uke shortl after his father retired. 2asshorn later $lai!ed that so!eone had added a nar$oti$ to his drink% but b then it was too late% and he see!ed to a$$ept it. ,pparentl % he found a new wa of obtainin' the power he alwa s wanted. /ere!iah frowned. Wh the Ed'e" Wh our s!all ne$k of the woods" *e$lan rested his ar!s on the table and leaned forward. +he Ed'e has no stron' poli$e or !ilitar for$e. ,n resistan$e he en$ounters will be fra'!ented% sin$e nobod but Ed'ers $are what happens between the worlds. ,s to what his purpose is% I dont know. I think he !a ha)e started with so!e idea of $on(uerin' the Ed'e% buildin' up an ar! of hounds% and a)en'in' hi!self on all the people who wron'ed hi! in ,drian'lia. &owe)er% whate)er he has done to earn i!!unit fro! the hounds is $han'in' hi!. I! not sure how !u$h of his hu!anit re!ains. I think his $on(uerin' plans bit the dust% Rose said. &e si!pl wants to absorb !a'i$ and eat us now. &e kept his fa$e hidden% but his hands looked like paws. &e has $laws instead of nails. If he $on(uers the Ed'e% it will be so he $an feed. &e $ant be reasoned with% +o! -u$kwell said. 1ee turned to hi!. &ow do ou know" +o!s bush beard !o)ed around a bit. &is fa$e looked sour. 8red Si!oen sent -rad *illon up to hi! with 'ifts. &e what" Grand!a drew fro! the table in sho$k. I told hi! not to do it% +o! 'rowled. I said fro! the 'et#'o that it was a lous idea and it wouldnt end well% but there was no reasonin' with hi!. 8red thinks he $an bu the world. Rose thou'ht of 2asshorn ra)in' on about the deli$ious !an he had re$ei)ed as a 'ift. Nausea s(uir!ed throu'h her. 2asshorn ate -rad% didnt he" &e sure did% +o! said. ,t least thats what 8red said% before he and the whole $lan peeled out of the Ed'e like their arses were on fire.

Rose rubbed her fa$e. -rad was sli!e% but to die like this ... Nobod deser)ed that. She thou'ht of the bo s bein' eaten and had to $len$h her hands under the table. *e$lans lar'e hand settled on her fist. &e rubbed her hand with his dr war! fin'ers. So ou do know where 2asshorn is" Silen$e fell around the table. &es in 7oss Ra)ine% ,dele said. +he Wood started d in' there about si6 da s a'o. 1ee threw his hands in the air. ,nd he needs to know that wh " Its his !ess% E!il $reaked. 1et hi! $lean it up. +hats a real 'ood point. 1ee swun' to *e$lan. Wh arent !ore of ou fellows here takin' $are of this proble!" Wh is it oure here b our loneso!e" Its our !ess. +e$hni$all % the *uke has no .urisdi$tion in the Ed'e% *e$lan said. So its our !ess at the !o!ent. -ut the did send ou% /ere!iah said. Oh% $o!e on. +o! -u$kwell slapped the table with his bi' hands. &es $o)ert ops% if I e)er saw one. +he aint 'onna send a battalion to help us out% be$ause that would !ean the d ha)e to ad!it that *ukes ps $ho brother !ade off with their superse$ret apo$al pse !a$hine% whi$h the werent supposed to ha)e in the first pla$e. +he sent one 'u % a killer% and if he fails% the re 'onna den the e)er knew an thin' about the whole deal. Not (uite% *e$lan said. &is hand still stroked Roses under the table. I ha)e a ti!e li!it. If in a fortni'ht I dont infor! &is Gra$e that 2asshorn is dead and the de)i$e is destro ed% the *uke will take further !easures. +he Red 1e'ion% Grand!a said softl . *e$lan nodded. What does that !ean" 1ee Stearns asked. Grand!as !outh flattened into a se)ere line. When the Red 1e'ion $o!es throu'h% nothin' re!ains. 4ou !a hide in the -roken% *e$lan said% but the ll pur'e East 1aporte. It will be like ou were ne)er here.

1ee 'lared. +he ha)e no ri'ht! +hink% +o! -u$kwell said. 8ift fellows .ust like hi!. +he ll $o!e and wipe the pla$e out% so we ha)e nothin' to $o!e ba$k to. +hats what the <.S. did in >orea. +he dont want us sittin' in East 1aporte spreadin' ru!ors of their doo! !a$hine. ,nd he3+o! stabbed his fin'er in *e$lans dire$tion3hes the one whos 'onna $arr the responsibilit for us 'ettin' wiped off the !ap on his soul. It will be his $all. Nobod wants to !ake a $all like that. Wh are ou here" ,dele asked softl . Wh did ou $hoose to be the one" I ha)e ! reasons% *e$lan said. +his wasnt 'oin' to 'et the! an where. +here is a $han'elin'% Rose said% i'norin' *e$lans sharp 'lan$e. &is hand abruptl left hers. 2asshorn has so!e sort of hold o)er hi!. &is na!es Willia!. Is he the one who hun' E!erson on *ead &orse Oak" E!il 5aw asked. Rose nodded. *e$lan and Willia! were friends% and he wants to sa)e hi!. ,n ar! budd % I bet. +o! -u$kwell nodded. 8i'ures. Its 'ood for us. 7akes it ni$e and personal% so oull fi'ht harder. 4ou 'ot a plan" I $an take 2asshorn in a one#on#one ph si$al fi'ht% *e$lan said. -ut he knows this. I need to separate hi! fro! the hounds. Sin$e the de)i$e produ$es the hounds $ontinuousl % one at a ti!e% the onl wa to 'et 2asshorn alone is to rapidl destro a lar'e nu!ber of his beasts. <nfortunatel % he see!s to be dire$tin' their a$tions. &e !a not be full hu!an% but he would re$o'ni=e a trap. I would know !ore if I $ould sur)e his position and see what sort of odds we were fa$in'. /ere!iah rose. I think we)e heard enou'h. We need to $onfer. 1ets let the oun' ones 'et so!e air. ,S the wooden door shut behind her and *e$lan% Rose blinked a'ainst the sunli'ht and sank on the por$h. Well% that went as well as it $ould. 4ou told the! about Willia!% he said. 4es% I did. Words like :dut dont !ean !u$h to the!. +he understand friendship and fa!il . +he wouldnt tou$h ou be$ause oure powerful and the re afraid of retribution fro! the Weird. +he $ant hurt the hounds% be$ause the absorb !a'i$. -ut the $ould hurt Willia!. With thin's the wa the are% if the saw a stran'e $han'elin'% the !i'ht a$t first

and ask (uestions later. +he re all $ursers% *e$lan. 4ou saw what /ere!iah did to that bird% and ou know what ! 'rand!other tried to do to ou. She fa$ed the wei'ht look in his e es. I know its a pri)ate thin' between ou and hi!. -ut it was best the knew. +he !i'ht not hurt hi! now. Wh the sudden lo)e for Willia!" ,re ou .ealous" She narrowed her e es. 4ou didnt answer ! (uestion. I worr about Willia!% be$ause hes i!portant to ou% she said. -e$ause I feel that until the two of ou settle thin's between oursel)es% it will eat at ou. ,nd if Willia!s trul helpin' 2asshorn ... 4oull ha)e to kill hi!% wont ou" 4es% *e$lan said. &e would ha)e to kill his best friend. Rose looked awa % at the trees% at the 'rass% at her hands. &er sto!a$h $hurned. It had all 'one so wron' so!ehow% and so fast% and fi6in' it see!ed i!possible. +wo weeks a'o% life was a nor!al drud'er % and see!in'l o)erni'ht% her stable world be$a!e the pla$e where de!oni$ $reatures hunted s!all bo s so the $ould eat the! and the !an she lo)ed had to pi$k between his sur)i)al and the life of his best friend. She was $au'ht in an u'l drea! and $ouldnt wake up% and the fear that $lun' to her e)er se$ond was worst of all. She was s$ared for the bo s and Grand!a and terribl fri'htened for *e$lan% so badl it hurt inside% as if her bones a$hed. If she let herself drea! .ust a little% she 'li!psed a hint of fra'ile happiness that !i'ht e)en be hers% if not fore)er% then for a little while% and it was about to be ripped awa fro! her. She was so si$k of bein' s$ared. 4ou said ou were a 7arshal. Is this what ou do" she asked. +his is what our .ob is like" *e$lan nodded. ,nd its alwa s like this" +his is probabl the worst% he said. -ut es% there are alwa s $hoi$es I dont want to !ake. Its ! dut as 7arshal. , lot is ridin' on ! ba$k ri'ht now. If I fail to kill 2asshorn% people will die% the *uke of the Southern 5ro)in$es will be dishonored and possibl ha)e to step down% our town will be wiped out% and Ill lose ou. ,nd I dont e)en know if I ha)e ou.

Rose $hewed on that. *id I dont e)en know if I ha)e ou !ean I dont e)en know if ou like !e or did it !ean I dont e)en know if Ill win the $hallen'es and 'et to own ou" 4ou wont lose !e .ust be$ause ou)e failed% she said. If I fail% Ill be dead% *e$lan said. Suddenl she was an'r . ,ll that worr and fear !i6ed in her% and hi! talkin' so $al!l about d in' s(uee=ed it to'ether into pure fur . She was furious at 2asshorn for puttin' the! all throu'h it. Oh no% ou wont. &is e ebrows $rept up. 4oull sur)i)e this% she told hi!. Ill be ri'ht there to !ake sure oull !ake it out ali)e% e)en if I ha)e to dra' our blood bod out of the Wood on ! ba$k. I still ha)e a $hallen'e left% and I will stu!p ou with it. 4ou wont rob !e of ! )i$tor % 1ord 2a!arine. , li'ht sparked in his e es. Ill ha)e to postpone ! d in' then. 4ou do that% she told hi!. I dont know what will be$o!e of this thin' between ou and !e% but no brainsi$k blueblood $ra$kpot is 'oin' to take awa ! $han$e to find out. &a)e ou !ade up our !ind% then" he asked. ,bout what" ,bout surrenderin' to our !anl $har!s" 4es. Not et% she said. I! still thinkin' about it. Is there an thin' I $an do to persuade ou" &e leaned forward% a dan'erousl fo$used e6pression on his fa$e. &is 'reen e es turned war! and wi$ked% and she fro=e% snared in his stare. I $ant think of an thin'% she !ur!ured. &e was $lose% entirel too $lose% onl a $ouple of in$hes awa . She saw his lips% $ur)in' in a sl s!ile% a network of thin s$ars b his left e e% his lon' e elashes ... ,re ou sure% 7iss *ra ton" he asked% his )oi$e low and husk . I! sure% she whispered% and then he $losed the distan$e between the!.

&is hand $upped the ba$k of her head% and he kissed her. She opened her !outh% tasted i$ed tea and *e$lan. &e s!elled of sweat% !i6ed with li'ht sandalwood !usk and sun#kissed skin. She would re$o'ni=e his s$ent an where% .ust as she would re$o'ni=e the stren'th in the ar!s around her. &e held her as if darin' the world to $o!e o)er and !ake an issue of it. She let herself sink into that e!bra$e% slidin' her hands up the hard !us$les of his $hest to his ne$k and to his short hair. &e pulled her $loser% kissin' harder% hun'rier% and she li$ked the inside of his !outh and !olded herself to hi!. *e$lan 'rowled% a )er !ale possessi)e sound that sent a thrill fro! her ne$k down her spine. +he floor behind the! $reaked. +he broke apart a fra$tion of a se$ond before the door swun' open. Rose stared strai'ht ahead% tr in' to $at$h her breath. Well% it took so!e doin'% but the de$ided to help ou% Grand!as )oi$e said behind her. We ha)e a plan% or so!e se!blan$e of one. +o!s $o!in' out to e6plain it to ou. &es all e6$ited at pla in' soldier a'ain. What e6a$tl happened to the two of ou" 4ou look like ou 'ot into ! pantr and ate all of ! .a!. Were fine% Rose !ana'ed% stealin' a 'lan$e at *e$lan. &e looked halfwa between shell# sho$ked and frustrated. ,ll ri'ht then. AlBonores tone plainl said she wasnt sure what the were sellin'% but she sure as hell wasnt bu in' it. She lin'ered for another lon' breath% shook her head% and went inside. We need a barn% *e$lan said. What" , barn% he said% with the 'ra)it of a $o!!ander plannin' an atta$k. We need a barn or one of those stora'e areas for the -roken )ehi$les. , 'ara'e" &e 'a)e her a short nod. , pri)ate% relati)el re!ote lo$ation% with thi$k walls to da!pen the sound and preferabl a sturd door I $ould bolt fro! the inside% keepin' our 'rand!other% our brothers% and all other painfull anno in' spe$tators out ... Rose be'an to lau'h. , !ake#out bunker ... I! 'lad ou find our dile!!a hilarious% he said dr l .

+o! -u$kwell e!er'ed onto the por$h then and s(uee=ed his 'iant bod between the two of the!. &eres the deal. ,tta$kin' 2asshorn head#on is strai'ht out% be$ause hes 'ot too !an hounds with hi!% ri'ht" Ri'ht% Rose said. +o 'et to 2asshorn% ou need to nuke the hounds. +o nuke the hounds% ou ha)e to separate the! fro! 2asshorn or atta$k hi! at his lair. +his is what 'u s in the -roken $all a $at$h#NN. &eres how I! 'oin' to !ake our da ... ou do ha)e ranks in the Weird% dont ou" We do% *e$lan said. What was ours" 1e'ionnaire 8irst 2lass. What is that" Is that like an offi$er" No% *e$lan said. ,n N2O% then. +o! 'rinned. I was a Staff Ser'eant ! self. Suppose I $all ou :Ser'eant% would ou 'o with that" +hat will be fine% *e$lan said. Good then% Sah'ent. Rose rolled her e es. 8unn how ser'eant be$a!e sah'ent all of a sudden% and +o! had !orphed fro! a surl bear into *e$lans best budd % all s!iles and $a!araderie. It was a $lassi$ Ed'e ta$ti$. Shed seen it e!plo ed with outsiders before. +he si6 elders didnt know *e$lan% the had no wa of )erif in' the infor!ation hed 'i)en the!% and the were afraid of hi!. So +o! -u$kwell had $hosen to pla a friend% hopin' to establish $o!!on 'round% 'et into *e$lans $onfiden$e% and stab hi! in the ba$k if ne$essar . With so!e !en% it !i'ht ha)e worked% but *e$lan had 'ood instin$ts and -u$kwell was la in' the none#too#bri'ht were#all#.ust#ar! #buddies on too thi$k. 2asshorn !i'ht be a 'oner% but he was hu!an to be'in with% so hes still )ulnerable there. We build a trap% and the elders will $urse his arse into sleep. No !atter how inhu!an he is% the si6 of us arent without skill. Well hold hi! at least for a few hours. 7eanwhile ou and Rose here lead the hounds into the trap% kill the! off% and then 'o after 2asshorn. Good plan% eah"

Great plan% *e$lan said. What kind of a trap" &a)ent thou'ht that far et% +o! said. &ow are ou 'oin' to $urse hi!" Rose asked. Sleep would be the ob)ious $hoi$e0 unlike pain $urses% it was subtle. 2asshorn wouldnt e)en know an thin' was wron'. &ed si!pl 'et tired and fall asleep. +o $ast sleep% we need a thin' of his. &air. 5ie$e of $lothin'. &a)ent thou'ht that far et% +o! said. So!e plan. Rose si'hed. O)er half a !illenniu! of e6perien$e between the si6 of the!% and this was what the $a!e up with. +rap first% *e$lan said. Without the trap% we ha)e no plan. -ullets dont work a'ainst the hounds. +he 'o strai'ht throu'h their bodies. *is!e!ber!ent works. 8lash does% too% but we ha)e onl two flashers. 8ire% but the know to steer $lear of it. So it has to be so!ethin' subtle. 2an we poison the!" +o! asked. *e$lan shook his head. I doubt it. I know that the first ti!e it was found% the had tried he!lo$k and arseni$ on hounds with no result. Ideall % we need a slow#a$tin' trap% so!ethin' that would kill the! slowl or in a 'radual fashion so as not to alar! 2asshorn out of his sleep. 1ike drownin'" +o! asked. 1ure the hounds out into a lake and drown the! one b one" 5ossibl . <nfortunatel % the $an hold their breath for a lon' ti!e% and the re 'ood swi!!ers. Silen$e fell. 1eanne wandered o)er and $a!e to sit in a ro$kin' $hair. +oo bad we $ouldnt ele$tro$ute the hound like that troll% *e$lan said. Oh% now that is a $apital idea% Sah'ent. +o! nodded. E6$ept we dont know if ele$tri$it works a'ainst then. It does% 1eanne said. -efore >aren Roe left for the -roken% she told !e she killed a hound with ele$tri$it . +a sered it to death. &ow do ou +aser so!ethin' to death" +o!s e ebrows rose. &er !o! 'ot it into her head that >arens house would 'et broken into and bou'ht her one of those e6pensi)e 'un#lookin' +asers% 1eanne said. 4ou pop a $artrid'e in and fire% then

ou dis$onne$t the $artrid'e and reload. Shes kind of hard to bu for% so e)er 2hrist!as or so the fa!il would 'et her so!e of those $artrid'e pa$ks. +he re like si6t bu$ks for two. She shot the beast on$e% but it didnt $roak% so she .ust kept reloadin' the $artrid'es and shootin' it until it stopped wi''lin'. She said the da!n hound $ost her o)er two hundred bu$ks. Well% we $ant take ti!e to +aser the!% and I .ust dont see how wed be able to sti$k ea$h one of the! with a li)e wire. +he d o)errun us% +o! said. Wh dont ou .ust put the two to'ether" *rop a li)e wire into a lake and ele$tro$ute the lot of the! until the drown" Rose asked. +he !en looked up% and she found herself on the re$ei)in' end of two stares% one 'reen% one brown. What" +hats a 'ood plan% *e$lan said. It !i'ht work% +o! said. *e$lan 'lan$ed at hi!. Is there a lar'e enou'h lake nearb " 1aporte 5ond% +o! said. *e$lan 'ot up. I need to see it. +o! nodded. Its perfe$t. It will take us a 'ood hour to 'et there on foot% thou'h% so if we want to 'o toda % best to do it now. I need to $he$k on ! dau'hters an how% !ake sure the $leared out. &oll % I! not worried about% but Ni$ki !eanders like !olasses in /anuar . She was supposed to be out this !ornin'% but I bet shes still there% s(uattin' on her ba's like a !other hen. Ill $o!e% too% Rose said. If oure 'oin' to $urse 2asshorn% Ill ha)e to pi$k up a $ouple of thin's fro! Grand!as. +he bo s are reasonabl safe here for the ti!e bein'. 1eanne si'hed. +hats all 'ood% but how are ou 'oin' to !ake the hounds 'o into the water" *e$lans fa$e was unreadable. Well use bait. 1ike what" 1eanne frowned.

One of us% Rose said. +he hounds are attra$ted to !a'i$. &e !eans !e or hi!% 1eanne. One of us will be bait. +WEN+4#+WO ROSE hu''ed herself and peered at the pla$id% tea#$olored water of 1aporte 5ond. +wel)e hundred feet lon' and $lose to fi)e hundred feet a$ross at the widest spot% the pond sat in a depression .ust west of town. +all 'ra ish $ presses flanked it like 'uards% their bloated trunks blo$kin' the shore $o!pletel e6$ept for the far west end. , broken% dilapidated do$k .utted sadl fro! the $enter of the pond. Ne6t to her% *e$lan $rou$hed and dipped his fin'ers into the water. +o! -u$kwell 'a)e hi! a wide berth. *e$lan wasnt bu in' all his ,w% shu$ks% Sah'ent nonsense% and she suspe$ted -u$kwell reali=ed that as well% be$ause he wat$hed *e$lan the wa one would wat$h a lar'e predator ani!al. +here used to be a rowboat% she e6plained. 4ou $ould take it to the do$k and fish. +he boat sank about two ears a'o% and nobod bothered to 'et another one. ,nd ou $ant reall swi! in it3too !u$h al'ae. *e$lan pi)oted on his feet and 'lan$ed up to where twin power lines were et$hed a'ainst the sk . Were stealin' power fro! the -roken% +o! e6plained. <sed to be there was no wa to run a power line into the Ed'e. -ut about fift ears a'o% the boundar $rawled out farther into the -roken% about fort feet or so. Nobod knows what $aused it% but when it was done $rawlin'% we found a power pole in the Ed'e and the line was li)e. We 'ot to'ether and !ade a deal with the lo$al $o#op that owned the pole. We pa the! a shitload of !one % and the dont ask whats drainin' their power. *e$lan looked at the do$k. Rose followed his 'a=e. +he do$k wasnt )er bi'. +wel)e b twel)e feet. Old tires hit$hed to its sides bobbed in the water. Either she or *e$lan would be on that do$k% flashin' to 'et the hounds attention. Shed been thinkin' about it for the last two hours% and the !ore she thou'ht about it% the !ore $ertain she be$a!e that she should be the one. She $ould do it. Get on the do$k. Ele$trif the pond. 8lash a few ti!es to attra$t the hounds and wat$h the! pile into the deadl water. Si!ple enou'h. &ow hard $ould it be% ri'ht" She pi$tured herself on the do$k% surrounded b hounds. ,nd what if ele$tri$it didnt work on the!" ,lar! s(uir!ed throu'h her. No% it was a !istake to think like that. She raised her $hin up a bit. It would be fine. E)en if the ele$tri$it didnt kill the!% it would be fine. She had !ore than enou'h flash to deal with the!.

If she stood on the do$k instead of *e$lan% he would be safe. &e $ould 'o after 2asshorn while she dealt with the hounds. 2asshorn would be asleep% and *e$lan would ha)e an easier ti!e dealin' with hi!. If she $ould .ust o$$up the hounds% he !i'ht $o!e out of the fi'ht ali)e. Rose hu''ed herself ti'hter and 'lan$ed at *e$lan. &e was lookin' at her. , !an who knows what hes doin' $ould hold that do$k for a lon' ti!e% +o! was sa in'. I fi'ure we $ut the line there. &e pointed at a break between two $ presses. I know so!e fellows in town who work at a tire#retreadin' plant. We $an 'et so!e bias tire tread3the stuff $o!es in rolls3and roll it out on that do$k to insulate it and keep ou fro! slippin' into the water% $ause if the beasts 'et to the do$k% oull be standin' in so!e sli! 'ore. Well 'et ou so!e rubber#soled boots% and oull be 'ood to 'o. +here is no need for hi! to be on the do$k% Rose said. I $an do it. Ill be fine. 7 flash is al!ost as powerful as his. +o! !ade a low 'ru!blin' noise into his beard. 2asshorn will be asleep% she said. &is hounds will be o$$upied. Its the perfe$t ti!e for *e$lan to 'o after the!. No% *e$lan said. *e$lan% this !akes total sense% she said. No. +o! shru''ed. If he sa s no% its a no. Its his show. Wh the hell not" She $rossed her ar!s. Its a 'ood idea. 4ou wont 'et another $lean shot at hi! like that% *e$lan! &e si!pl rose. Ill es$ort ou to our house. +o! furrowed his e ebrows at the!. Well% ou sort it out between oursel)es. Ill swin' b ! dau'hters pla$es and pi$k ou up at our house in about an hour. +wo% if I ha)e to dra' Ni$ki out of the Ed'e ki$kin' and s$rea!in'. +&E4 didnt speak on the wa to AlBonores house. ,dele had plent of supplies at Wood &ouse% but an self#respe$tin' $urser preferred to use her own. If nothin' else% Grand!a would feel better with fa!iliar thin's. Rose $olle$ted the twi's and herbs while *e$lan stood

'uard o)er her% and she had to restrain herself to keep fro! s!a$kin' hi! to 'et the 'ri! e6pression off his fa$e. +he returned to Roses house in silen$e. Would ou like so!e tea" Rose asked as the went up the steps. &e nodded. She went into the kit$hen. &e had no reason to be stubborn about it. &er plan !ade perfe$t sense. It also had one added benefit% whi$h she de$ided wasnt i!portant enou'h to !ention. If thin's went wron'3and the were bound to 'o wron' when oure standin' on a rottin' hunk of wood in the !iddle of an ele$trified lake surrounded b !onsters3if thin's went wron'% she would 'o down alone. *e$lan would still sur)i)e to fi'ht another da . &e had !ore of a $han$e a'ainst 2asshorn than she did. It was a 'ood plan. She .ust needed *e$lan to see it. She poured the boilin' water into the teapot% set the tea to steep% and went in sear$h of hi!. She found hi! behind the house% at the woodshed. &e sat on the ben$h% his lar'er sword on his lap% and he slowl % !ethodi$all drew a soft $loth alon' the blade. Rose sat on a tree stu!p s$arred with the strikes of $ountless wood a6es and waited. &e i'nored her. 7 wa is a 'ood wa % *e$lan. 4ou know it is. 7 $ontrol is better than ours. I! !ore pre$ise. &e 'lan$ed up. &is e es were pure white. Great% his bri'hts were on% but nobod was dri)in'. She had to !ake hi! see reason. Is this so!e sort of bluelood $hi)alr thin'" -e$ause I ha)e news for ou% ou $ant e6a$tl afford to be $hi)alrous% *e$lan. Ri'ht now% oure an ar! of one with !e as our National Guard )olunteer unit. 4ou ha)e to let !e help% and this is the best wa to do it. &e said nothin'. ,t least talk to !e% da!n ou! &e set the sword aside and walked to her. +he deter!ination on his fa$e shot a bolt of alar! down her spine. She ba$ked awa . &e $au'ht her and pushed her ba$k li'htl . &er ba$k pressed a'ainst the wall of the house. She reali=ed that for the first ti!e the were trul

alone% with no risk of interruptions. Well% if he thou'ht he $ould bull her into ba$kin' down% he had another think $o!in'. Rose. Rose .erked aside% but he barred her es$ape with his ar!. 4oure stron'er% I 'et it% she 'round out. She tried to push hi! aside% but she !i'ht as well ha)e tried to push a train. &e didnt !o)e an in$h. Rose% he said softl . 1ook at !e. She 'lared at hi!. +heir stares $onne$ted% and there was so!ethin' so arrestin' and possessi)e in his 'rass 'reen e es that words died on her lips. &e looked at her like she was so!e 'reat treasure. 1ike nothin' else !attered. &e looked at her like he lo)ed her. War!th tou$hed her $heeks% and she knew she blushed. &e looked her o)er% stud in' her ne$k% her e es% her throat% slowl % takin' his ti!e. She was lo$ked in his ar!s. +he heat of his bod seeped throu'h the thin fabri$ of her shirt. She s!elled hi!% that )er fa!iliar s$ent of sandalwood% and $lo)e oil he had used to $lean his sword% and sweat. &is $hest pressed on her% the !us$les hard but supple% and her nipples ti'htened. She was $au'ht. I! 'oin' on that do$k instead of ou% she said. No. 4ou dont understand. I understand perfe$tl . &is bi' bod bra$ed hers. &is hips kept her pinned. &e raised his hand and slid his fin'ers up the side of her ne$k in a lon' $aress% up her $hin% and to her lips. She shi)ered. &e brushed her lower lip with a $alloused thu!b. >issin' !e wont !ake !e !ore a'reeable% she whispered. I! not tr in' to !ake ou !ore a'reeable. &is )oi$e was rou'h and low. I .ust $ant help ! self. +he !us$les on his ar!s fle6ed% and she reali=ed *e$lan was fi'htin' for $ontrol. &e swallowed% his e es dark.

, !illion reasons to 'et awa streaked throu'h her head. &e was a blueblood% and she was an Ed'e !on'rel. &e lied to her. &e wanted to own her. +he had no future to'ether. &e ... If so!eone told her that ri'ht now in this )er !o!ent% trapped between the wall of her own house and *e$lans ri'id bod % that she $ould ha)e one thin' and one thin' onl before she died% she would $hoose to be with hi!. Nothin' 'ood e)er happened to people who didnt take $han$es. She kissed hi!% !oldin' herself a'ainst his lar'e fra!e% supple softness to his hardness. &is $ontrol snapped. &e lun'ed for her% pushin' her a'ainst the wall% and kissed her ba$k% furious and passionate% drinkin' her in. +he e$ho of the kiss rolled throu'h her bod % dra''in' a low !oan fro! her. She slid a'ainst hi!% workin' her hands up the hard !us$les of his ba$k. &e pulled her to hi! and buried his fa$e in her ne$k. &is teeth and ton'ue pla ed with her skin% raspin' o)er the sensiti)e spot on her pulse% paintin' heat o)er her flesh. War!th spread throu'h her. *e$lan kissed her a'ain and a'ain. &er bod ti'htened. &e 'round into her% and she slid up and down with hi!% 'i)in' soft resistan$e to the hard thrust of his ere$tion. &is )oi$e was a hot breath in her ear. God% I want ou. I want ou% too% she whispered. She wanted hi! so badl that e)er ti!e he tou$hed her% she wanted to hold on to hi! to keep hi! fro! lettin' 'o. +he thou'ht of hi! standin' on that do$k% $ollapsin' under the wei'ht of hundreds of hounds% al!ost !ade her s$rea! in frustration. &e wasnt 'oin' to die there. I! still 'oin' on that do$k. &is )oi$e was low and so suffused with need% it was al!ost a snarl. I know. I! $o!in' with ou. What" Well do it to'ether. &e thrust his hand under hers% pushed her bra down% releasin' her a$hin' breast% and brushed the nipple. , .olt of pleasure% intense and une6pe$ted% rippled throu'h her. I $an handle the hounds. 4ou dont ha)e to ... she whispered. 4es% I do.

&e kissed her a'ain% stealin' her breath% and nipped her lip with his teeth. She pulled at his +#shirt. She wanted hi! naked% she wanted to feel his skin a'ainst hers. &e pulled awa fro! her and swept her off her feet. -ed. She wound herself about hi!% kissin' his ne$k and the $orner of his .aw. Good idea. +he tore throu'h the house and into the bedroo!. &e dropped her on the bed% 'rasped the fabri$ of her +#shirt% pulled up% and the old worn#out $otton tore in his hands. Sorr . I ha)e another one. She pulled off his shirt and ran her hands down his bod % fro! his $hest o)er the hard rid'es of his sto!a$h% and then she was slidin' hi! out of his .eans and rubbin' her hand down the hard shaft of his ere$tion. &e !ade a raw ani!al sound in his throat and stripped the last shreds of $lothin' fro! her. 8or a !o!ent she saw hi! towerin' abo)e the bed% tall% 'olden% knitted with $ar)ed !us$le. She was too hot and too wet and too i!patient. &e lun'ed for her% and she !et hi! halfwa % kissin'% rubbin'% stokin' the fire inside both of the!. &is ton'ue pla ed on her skin. &e $upped her left breast% strokin' the nipple with his fin'ers until it a$hed. She !oaned. &is hips slid between her le's. &e dipped his head down and $au'ht her nipple in his hot !outh% sendin' a wa)e of pure pleasure throu'h her. She du' her fin'ers into the hard !us$le of his ba$k and ar$hed herself% wel$o!in' hi!. Now% she whispered. Now% *e$lan% dont wait. &e heard her. &is lips found hers. &e thrust into her% and she 'asped. &er bod resonated with pleasure% wantin'% de!andin' !ore. She 'round a'ainst hi!. &e thrust a'ain and a'ain% deep% hard% buildin' to a rapid fier rh th!% his wei'ht a stead sweet pressure on her. She was full% so wonderfull full of hi!% and she wanted !ore. She kissed his .aw and his throat% and he thrust harder. She $lawed at his ba$k% taut with strain% and the a$hin' need within her blosso!ed into a $as$ade of bliss. She felt herself risin' hi'her and hi'her% propelled b his thrusts and lost in the hot 'lide of their bodies% until so!ethin' within her snapped. 5leasure drowned her% s!otherin' all thou'ht. She s$rea!ed his na!e. &er bod s$rea!ed with her% 'rippin' hi!% pu!pin'. &e $len$hed and e!ptied hi!self into her with a hoarse 'rowl. +he la to'ether in a hot% sweat tan'le% and for a while% lost in the aftersho$ks% she $ouldnt tell whi$h li!bs were hers and whi$h were his. +hat was not the wa it was supposed to 'o% he said% his )oi$e still rasp with e$hoes of lust.

&ow was it supposed to 'o" &e pulled her to hi!% $losin' his ar!s around her% and Rose sank into hi!% i!plausibl happ . &e ran his fin'ers alon' her ar!. Slow and sensuous. Sophisti$ated. She turned on her side and kissed hi!. &ow terribl inappropriate of ou% Earl *e$lan Riel 7artel 2a!arine. 4ou)e re!e!bered ! na!e. I feel the need to $elebrate this !o!entous o$$asion. I thou'ht we .ust did that% she !ur!ured% out of breath. -ut if ou insist on a do#o)er% I! sure we $an do this a'ain in the near future. *o ou know what happens when ou o)erflash" he asked softl . No. I)e done it on$e. &e pulled her $lose% his !us$led ar! under her breasts. We were trapped in a field while the Gauls su!!oners ran a horde of !arloks at us. +he re si!ian ani!als% lar'e predator apes. +here was no $o)er and no support. +here were .ust the fi)e of us% and we stood ba$k to ba$k and flashed. I re!e!ber ! !outh was full of blood. 7 )ision wa)ered. I felt like ! ar!s were stret$hin' out into the distan$e. What happened" Willia! went into rendin'. 2han'elin's do this on$e in a while% espe$iall after pubert . +he lose tou$h with realit and 'o berserk. &e went $ra= % and we .ust hit the 'round% be$ause when he rends% he kills e)er thin'. Id asked hi! about it on$e% and he told !e rendin' is 'oin' to the pla$e where there is no God. 7ake of that what ou will. When he finall wore hi!self out% the fi)e of us were the onl thin's ali)e on the field. What would)e happened if ou had kept 'oin'% had kept flashin'" she asked. I would)e died. I wouldnt ha)e e)en known it. 4oud think that ou $ould push .ust a tou$h further% and then the world would fade and so would our life. &e kissed her $heek. I wont let it happen to ou. She frowned. 4ou dont know when to stop% he said. 4ou o)erdo it. I)e wat$hed ou flash for two hours strai'ht% when ou were tr in' to 'et ,ta!ans defense down. 4ou ha)e no $lue where our li!its are. She rose on her elbow. *e$lan ...

+here were ti!es when I)e deferred to ou. +he ti!e when ou stopped !e fro! 'oin' after Si!oen or the ti!e when ou told our elders about Willia!. I did so be$ause ou understood the situation better. Its our turn to defer to !e. I know what I! talkin' about% Rose. I was a professional soldier for o)er a de$ade. 4oure brilliant% but ou need trainin'. If ou 'o on that do$k alone% oull die% and I wont let it happen. No. She pushed awa fro! hi!. *ont ou see3 I see. &e pulled her ba$k and kissed her. 4oull !a'nifi$entl kill the first wa)e of the hounds% and then the se$ond wa)e will tear our throat out% and e)er one will $r at our funeral and des$ribe how ou laid down our life for the 'ood of our nei'hbors. She re$oiled. &e rea$hed o)er% pi$ked up her hand% and kissed her fin'ers. We do this ! wa . We both sur)i)e% and then we deal with 2asshorn. &is stare fi6ed her. 5ro!ise !e% Rose. What he said !ade sense. She wasnt too proud to understand that% and she still 'ot what she wanted3he wouldnt be on the do$k alone. Oka % she said si!pl . Well do it our wa . -ut we still need so!ethin' fro! 2asshorn for this $urse to work. *e$lans e ebrows furrowed. *o ou think Geor'e is stron' enou'h to reani!ate a $reature" Onl for a short while. &e !i'ht be% she said. Well ha)e to ask hi!. If he $an do it% then I !i'ht ha)e a plan. &is hand wandered down her bod % strokin'. &e kissed her% and she slid ti'hter a'ainst hi!. Rose" +o!s 'ruff )oi$e $alled fro! the por$h. *e$lan swore. GEORGE sat on a fallen lo' and looked at the three dead $rows l in' on the 'round before hi!. Sad% bla$k bodies. 1ifeless. +he had been $arefull killed% with a bow and arrow. Not a lot of da!a'e to repair. -ehind hi!% /a$k sniffed at the air. &e probabl thou'ht the birds would !ake a ni$e sna$k. +o the ri'ht% 7B!Ere and Rose sat on an old wooden lo'. I $ant belie)e oure 'oin' to !ake hi! do this. 7B!Ere was an'r . &er $heeks were flushed.

&ell raise so!ethin' a'ain% sooner or later% Rose said. -ut not so soon! Rose was usin' her reasonable )oi$e. &e ne)er won an ar'u!ent with that )oi$e. When would it be not too soon" Rose asked. I dont know! 7B!Ere wa)ed her ar!s. Not now. If it was up to ou% not too soon would !ean ne)er. ,nd whats wron' with that" 4ou $ant e6pe$t hi! ne)er to use his talent a'ain% Rose said. Geor'e% *e$lan said. Geor'e looked at hi!% $rou$hed b the $rows. What I! about to ask ou to do is $alled $o!bat ne$ro!an$ . Were 'oin' to pla so!e 'a!es first% and then well do the hard part. <nderstand" Geor'e nodded. -efore% when ou raised thin's% ou felt a $onne$tion between ou and the!% ri'ht" Geor'e nodded a'ain. It felt like ha)in' a fish on a )er thin line% alwa s shi)erin' and tu''in' the line% but not too hard. ,nd so!eti!es ou stopped the! fro! doin' thin's. 1ike the ti!e ou stopped our 'randfather fro! atta$kin' Rose. Geor'e nodded a'ain. &e $ould do that. &e didnt do it )er often% be$ause he wanted thin's to be ali)e and do thin's on their own% but es% he $ould do that. I want ou to take it a step further% *e$lan said. Id like ou to raise one of those birds and keep a )er 'ood $ontrol of it. 4ou ha)e to understand that this bird is raised for this one !ission onl . On$e the !ission is o)er% ou !ust let it 'o% be$ause it did its .ob and it deser)es to rest. *o ou understand" Geor'e nodded. *e$lan kept lookin' at hi!.

I understand% Geor'e said. Go ahead% *e$lan said. Geor'e tou$hed the bird on the ri'ht. She was the s!allest% and he felt sorr for her the !ost. +he bird pulled at his !a'i$% it stret$hed% snapped% and Geor'ie re$oiled% bitin' his lip. It alwa s hurt when he raised so!ethin'. &e $ouldnt see the arrow hole under the feathers% but he felt it% and he fed a little of his !a'i$ down the line% $losin' it up% ni$e and neat% .ust in $ase. +he bird shi)ered. Slowl % she stret$hed one le'% then the other% rolled% and 'ot to her feet. 7B!Ere su$ked in her breath. Now ou)e done it. 4ou)e started the whole thin' o)er a'ain. ;er 'ood. *e$lan rose to his feet and !o)ed to stand b the bird. I want ou to $lose our e es and turn around% keepin' the bird )er still. I! 'oin' to tou$h the bird% and I need ou to tell !e when I do. Geor'e $losed his e es. , faint tou$h disturbed the !a'i$. Now% he said. ;er 'ood% *e$lan said. What a! I doin' now" 4oure pinnin' the win's to the bod . I need ou to tell !e when ou feel !e let 'o. , lon' !o!ent passed. +he pressure on the $row )anished. Now! E6$ellent. 4ou $an turn around now. *e$lan walked awa until se)eral ards separated the!. +r to !ake it walk toward !e. &er% Geor'ie $orre$ted. Its a 'irl bird. Sorr . 5lease !ake her walk toward !e. Geor'e tu''ed on the line. &ed ne)er before tried to !ake a bird walk. Stoppin' the $reatures fro! !o)in' was eas . +his was harder. +he $row stu!bled and spun in pla$e. +ake our ti!e% *e$lan said. Geor'e $on$entrated. +he lon'er he fo$used on the !a'i$ between the!% the !ore $o!ple6 it be$a!e0 at first it was a line% then it was a whole bun$h of thinner lines% wo)en to'ether%

and then the lines fra$tured into a 'lowin' web that $lut$hed at the bird. &e tried to tu' on the web. +he $row .erked and fell into the dirt. Geor'ie shook his head% tr in' to $lear his )ision. Its all ri'ht% Geor'ie% ou dont ha)e to do it% 7B!Ere said. Grand!other% let hi! be% Rose said. 5lease. Geor'e si'hed. +his .ust wasnt the wa to do it. Get o)er to *e$lan% he whispered. +he $row pi$ked herself up and spread her win's. She took to the air% flew a few feet% and landed on *e$lans shoulder. Sorr % Geor'e said. Its 'ood% *e$lan said. +r it a'ain. Geor'e nodded. It took hi! a 'ood ten !inutes to fi'ure out what he needed to do. &e had to $on$entrate )er $losel on the path before the $row to 'et her to walk. If he let up% she would fl o)er to *e$lan. When the $row had finall done her little walk% Geor'e let out a happ si'h. +ired" *e$lan asked. No. New 'a!e% then. *e$lan opened his hand and showed hi! a s!all reddish ro$k. &e tossed the ro$k into the dirt. 2an she brin' it ba$k" +he $row swooped% 'rasped the ro$k% flew ba$k% and dropped it into *e$lans pal!. Geor'e s!iled. *e$lan raised his e ebrows. +his is supposed to be harder than walkin' the bird. Its easier for !e. ,ll he had to do was to $on$entrate on the ro$k and then on *e$lan. &e used to !ake the birds steal $herries for us% /a$k said. *e$lan bent ba$k and hurled the ro$k into the bushes. +he $row took off fro! his shoulder and followed the path of the ro$k% per$hin' on a bran$h. Geor'e frowned. &e $ouldnt see the ro$k fro! where he sat. 4ou $ant find it" *e$lan asked.

I ha)e to look throu'h her e es to find it% Geor'e said (uietl . ,nd ou dont like doin' that% *e$lan said. Geor'e shook his head. -e$ause ou for'et oure not a bird when ou do it" ,nd its hard to re!e!ber how to 'et ba$k" Geor'e startled. &ow did ou know that" 7 aunt is a ne$ro!an$er. What I! askin' ou to do is $alled ne$ro!anti$ possession. +here is a tri$k to it. If I pro!ise ou that I $an help ou 'et ba$k to our bod % will ou tr it" Rose! 7B!Ere .u!ped off the lo'. Geor'e% ou dont ha)e to do it% if ou dont want to% Rose said. Its our $hoi$e. Nobod will be an'r if ou dont. Geor'e thou'ht about it. &ed done it onl on$e with a $at% be$ause /a$k was a $at whene)er he wanted% and he had ne)er been one and wanted to know what it was like. +he onl reason he had returned to his bod at all was be$ause /a$k found hi!% sittin' still in the ard% and ta$kled hi! fro! behind% kno$kin' the wind out of hi!. +he worst thin' was that he $ouldnt e)en re!e!ber what it was like to be a $at. &e .ust re!e!bered the )a'ue% s$ar feelin' of lookin' and lookin' for so!ethin' and not bein' able to find it% and knowin' that he was lookin' for his own bod . &e wanted to know what it was like to be a bird. Geor'e looked at *e$lan. Oka % he said. Whene)er oure read . *e$lan nodded. Geor'e looked at the $row% 'rasped the line of !a'i$ stret$hin' between the!% and pulled% propellin' hi!self into the bla$k bod . +he world e6ploded into $olors for whi$h there was no na!e. 8or a lon' !o!ent% he sat still% lost in the )ibran$ and shi!!erin' 'low of the lea)es% until so!ethin' nud'ed hi! 'entl fro! the ba$k of his !ind. +he ro$k. &e was supposed to find the ro$k.

&e hopped off the bran$h into the lea)es and sear$hed the 'round. +here it was% 'litterin' with a do=en hues. So prett . 5rett % prett ro$k. &e took it into his beak and $rashed throu'h the bush. +he sunlit 'rass was so beautiful. In the distan$e% he saw fi'ures0 two standin' to'ether% $r stal $lear and 'lowin'% one stron'er% the other weaker. Words surfa$ed in his !ind. Rose. 7B!Ere. &e wasnt sure what the !eant% but he knew the !ade hi! feel 'ood. &e saw another fi'ure% s!aller% with an odd tint to it. &e knew it as well. /a$k. , fourth fi'ure waited to his ri'ht% the lar'est of the! all. *e$lan. &e had to do so!ethin' for *e$lan. &e felt drawn to hi!% and he didnt know wh . &e spread his win's and flew to hi!% landin' on his ar!% *e$lan war! and rou'h under his $laws. +he ro$k fell fro! his beak. +here was a fifth fi'ure% one he hadnt seen before. It slu!ped on the 'round% $urled into a ball. +here was so!ethin' oddl fa!iliar about it% but it didnt 'low like the others. *e$lan opened his !outh and !ade a noise. I$e sla!!ed into hi!. &e $ried out% the world swirled% and Geor'e .erked up% 'aspin'. &is fa$e was wet. Ne6t to hi!% /a$k stood with an e!pt bu$ket. Roses ar!s $losed about hi!. +he felt so $o!fortable and war!. Sho$k breaks it% *e$lan said. *oesnt take !u$h% espe$iall if he didnt spend a lot of ti!e in the other for!. +he lon'er he possesses so!ethin'% the !ore intense the sho$k has to be. We had ne$ros$outs whod burn ea$h other to 'et out% but that was after hours of i!!ersion. Well onl need a !inute% if that. 4ou oka " Rose asked. Geor'e s!iled% the swirl of $olors slowl fadin' in his head. I re!e!ber this ti!e% he said. I re!e!ber what its like to be a bird. +WEN+4#+&REE +&E deeper one di)ed into the Wood% the darker it be$a!e. +he trees 'rew taller and thi$ker% their trunks risin' hi'h abo)e like $olossal te6tured $olu!ns. +heir bran$hes spread and twisted% bound to'ether b !oss and li$hen and bri'ht blue bun$hes of horsetail )ines% drippin' down like the hair of phanto! tree spirits. +he $anop for!ed its own separate le)el% re!o)ed fro! the forest floor% and as Rose found her wa throu'h the Wood% she 'lan$ed around on$e in a while abo)e to !ake sure /a$k hadnt 'otten awa fro! Grand!a. &e was none too pleased at sta in' behind.

She looked at *e$lan% who strode on% see!in'l at ho!e in the wilderness. &e $arried a s!all pa$k. In the pa$k% two $rows rode% $arefull se$ured. -a$k at Wood &ouse% Geor'e had reani!ated both. &e didnt possess the! at the !o!ent% but he would sense when the were free and take the! o)er. It was a si!ple plan. +he would 'et $lose enou'h to 2asshorn% wait for the ri'ht !o!ent% release the $rows% and let Geor'e use the! to steal an ite!. +hen the $rows would fl awa and the would $hase the!% retrie)e the ite!% and 'et awa % hopefull ali)e. Geor'e would be allowed onl fi)e !inutes of possession. 8i)e !inutes later% read or not% Grand!a and /ere!iah would awaken hi!. 8i)e !inutes was a safe enou'h ti!e li!it% a$$ordin' to *e$lan. She didnt want to put Geor'e throu'h it% but the had no $hoi$e. It was a fli!s plan all around% but it was the onl one the had. Shed spoken to /ere!iah and 1eanne. On$e Geor'e awakened and the no lon'er needed his 'ift% /ere!iah would take hi! and /a$k and 1eanne and her son out into the -roken% supposedl to 'et supplies. She had 'i)en 1eanne enou'h !one for a de$ent hotel roo!. With her stren'th% 1eanne would be able to handle the bo s. No !atter what would happen in the Ed'e% her brothers would be safe. +he Wood thri)ed around the!. 1ife rei'ned here. , hundred s!all noises filled the silen$e0 birds bi$kerin'% s(uirrels s$ree$hin' an'ril at Ed'er er!ines that $a!e to steal babies out of their nests% bad'ers 'runtin' hea)il % and the $areful $ou'hin' bark of the fo6 sounded so near et far. Ed'er !oss sheathed the trunks% its lad s#slipper#shaped flowers all but 'lowin' with pastel reds% ellows% la)ender% and purple. 8allen trees ser)ed to an$hor new life% sendin' shoots up and 'i)in' pur$hase to )ines. +he perfu!e of $ountless flowers and herbs floated in the air% !i6in' with ani!al s$ents. E)en the li'ht% filtered throu'h the $anop % was )erdant and e!erald 'reen. In the $haos of the Wood% she and *e$lan were .ust two s!all !otes of life. ,t other ti!es% she would)e lo)ed to sit and listen to the Wood breathe% but toda she didnt ha)e that lu6ur . 2areful% Rose $alled out% when *e$lan paused b a pat$h of bri'ht pink 'rass that had broken throu'h the $arpet of pine straw and dirt#hu''in' $reepers. ;er poisonous. She rea$hed to the nearest )ine% sna''ed a handful of pale ellow berries% and handed so!e to hi!. 8alse $herries% she said. &e popped one into his !outh. +astes like the real thin'.

She $ould find no fault with the wa *e$lan !o)ed throu'h the woods3like a wolf% soundless and li'ht on his feet. &is fa$e had $losed in a'ain. +he hardness around his !outh was ba$k and so was the $old% distant stare. She had insisted on $o!in' with hi! a'ainst AlBonores wishes. &er 'rand!other had been beside herself. Wh do ou ha)e to take hi! there" So!ebod has to. &e doesnt know the Wood. 1et +o! or /ere!iah do it. We !i'ht ha)e to run out of there like a bat out of hell% and I $an run !u$h faster than either +o! or /ere!iah% and I flash hotter. -esides% he trusts !e. &ell be $o!fortable with !e. AlBonore had pursed her lips. I wish ou wouldnt. I onl ha)e one 'randdau'hter. 1ookin' at *e$lan% Rose 'ot a feelin' that he also wished she hadnt $o!e. 7 helpin' ou bothers ou that !u$h% huh" she asked finall . I wish I didnt ha)e to rel on ou. 4ou didnt twist ! ar!. Its ! ho!e thats in)aded and ! fa!il who is the tar'et. I understand that. &e shook his head. +he point of bein' a professional soldier is so $i)ilians dont ha)e to fi'ht. We do the thin's we do so people like ou $an 'o to sleep safe. ,nd here I a!% rel in' on a $i)ilian wo!an and a $hilds talent. 4es% it bothers !e. ,s well it should. If I 'o awa with ou3 she started. &is head $a!e up sharpl . &e looked at her. If I 'o awa with ou and if we de$ide to be to'ether% e)entuall oull 'o awa on so!e !ission and Ill be left at ho!e% pa$in' and bitin' ! nails% hopin' oull $o!e ba$k ali)e. Its not alwa s (uite that dra!ati$% he said (uietl . -ut its often dan'erous. 4es% he ad!itted. What would I ha)e to do to $o!e with ou" she asked.

&e 'a)e her a frost stare. 4ou would ha)e to pass so!e se$urit e6a!inations and $o!peten$ tests to be re'istered as one of ! operati)es. Its a bad idea. I would be !ore worried about ou than about the !ission. She s!iled. &e didnt sa no. I suppose Ill .ust ha)e to learn to be 'ood enou'h so ou dont worr so !u$h. I hope oure a 'ood tea$her. 4oure an i!possible wo!an% he 'rowled. &e % I didnt show up at our house de!andin' ou $hallen'e !e. 4ou were the knu$klehead who pi$ked !e% so ou onl ha)e ourself to bla!e. +he halted in unison. +he stood at the ed'e of a narrow !eadow. +he Wood be ond it had lost its )ibrant $olor. +he trunks stood bare and 'ri!% and the underbrush had shri)eled to a li!p tan'le of wilted lea)es. +he !a'i$ was 'one. +he forest la dead and oddl preser)ed% as if !u!!ified. , taint of foul !a'i$% alien and sharp% stained the dead trunks and withered 'rass. If it had $olor% it would drip fro! the Wood like purple putrid sli!e. +he e)iden$e of the hounds presen$e. Its fri'htenin' what the do% Rose said. *e$lans ar!s $losed about her for a brief !o!ent and $rushed her to hi!. &e let her 'o al!ost i!!ediatel % but hed pa$ked so !u$h into that one fier$e hu'0 want% need% worr % reassuran$e ... &ed prote$t her with his life. Stran'el % it !ade her indi'nant. Nobod should ha)e to be in the position of ha)in' another person 'i)e up their life for the!. She didnt want the wei'ht of *e$lans death. +he fear took a ba$kseat% and $old an'er started dri)in'. 2asshorn. If she had an hope for the future with *e$lan% or e)en without hi!% she had to destro 2asshorn and the hounds. +hat was the onl wa . *e$lan would be there% fi'htin' to the last. She had to do the sa!e. +o'ether the walked into the bli'hted Wood. +WEN+4 !inutes later% Rose la ne6t to *e$lan on the ed'e of a ra)ine. -elow the!% the 'round dropped off sharpl . , stran'e $ontraption sat in the $enter of the ra)ines floor% a tan'led !ess of 'ears and !o)in' parts% as if an enor!ous $lo$k had 'otten )iolentl si$k and )o!ited all of its insides before turnin' inside out. In the $enter of the de)i$e hun' an oblon' $luster of pale sil)er 'low% like a lar'e bat$h of $otton $and wo)en of lu!ines$ent fo'. ,round the de)i$e% hounds la side b side% pa$ked ti'ht like !at$hes into a bo6. Rose tried to $ount the!. &undred and twel)e. &undred and thirteen. &undred and ... too !an . If the see us% we will be torn to pie$es.

+he !a'i$ risin' fro! the ra)ine nearl !ade her 'a'. It filled the 'ap% $rawlin' alon' the 'round and up the slope% as if it were too hea) to dissipate. She felt the !ere tra$es of it% but when the slithered past% her whole bod re$oiled fro! the $onta$t. She wanted to .u!p to her feet and run ba$k into the Wood% to .u!p into a lake or to 'rab a handful of !ud and s$rub herself .ust to s$rape the sli! patina off. She $len$hed her teeth and la absolutel still% afraid to breathe. &er !ind painted a horde of hounds strea!in' up the wall of the ra)ine. She i!a'ined wi$ked da''er teeth rippin' into *e$lan% tearin' flesh off his bones. ,ll of what the were% all their fears% worries% happiness% all that !ade the! hu!an% didnt !atter. +o hounds% the were .ust !a'i$# infused !eat. 2old des$ended on her% lo$kin' her !us$les. &er heart ha!!ered. *e$lans hand $a!e to rest on her shoulder. She looked at hi!% wide#e ed% and saw $al!% stead in' stren'th in his e es. &e didnt lose his head. &e didnt see! afraid. She held on to his $oura'e like a $rut$h and e6haled her pani$ in tin % silent breaths. So!ethin' stirred on the floor of the ra)ine. *e$lan fo$used on the !o)e!ent. &is e es turned 'la $iall $old. , $lu!p of the hounds parted% and a tall fi'ure rose% swaddled in a lon' $loak. 2asshorn. +here he was. +he finall found the sono)abit$h. +riu!ph filled her. +hou'ht he $ould hide% did he" 2asshorn swa ed% as if woo= % but ri'hted hi!self. &e fli$ked his fin'ers% and the hounds parted before hi!% $learin' a path. Slowl he dra''ed hi!self to the de)i$e. She stared at his ba$k and wished hi! dead. If the were within flashin' distan$e% she !i'ht ha)e tried fr in' hi!. +he de)i$e e!itted a s$ree$h of !etal rubbin' a'ainst !etal. Gears whirled. 2asshorn $rou$hed down and pi$ked so!ethin' off the 'round. +he 'lowin' $one in the $enter of the de)i$e split open. , dark ob.e$t slid out% wrapped in a !e!brane la$ed with thi$k purple and ellow )eins. +he ob.e$t fell to the 'round with a wet thu!p and s(uir!ed% stret$hin' the !e!brane. 2asshorn approa$hed it and pulled a lar'e% wi$ked#lookin' hook into the li'ht. , thi$k $hain stret$hed fro! the hook% disappearin' into a dead tree to the left.

+he thin' in the !e!brane wri''led. With a brutal strike% 2asshorn stabbed the hook into the !e!brane and ki$ked a le)er protrudin' fro! the wooden blo$k ne6t to hi!. +he $hain snapped taut% dra''in' the !e!brane sa$k a$ross the 'round and .erkin' it in the air% to the tree% where it hun' suspended three feet fro! the 'round. 2asshorn s$rat$hed at the !e!brane% brushin' it awa % re)ealin' a full for!ed hound writhin' upside down on the hook. &e 'rasped the beast b the head% and she saw 2asshorns hand. &is fin'ers had 'rown )er lon'% and on top of ea$h one sat a two#in$h bla$k $law. +hose $laws du' into the beasts ne$k% but the hound did nothin' to resist. 2asshorn stru$k. &is $laws sli$ed the hounds throat. , strea! of 'ra spilled fro! the wound. 2asshorn pi$ked up a $up fro! the 'round and held it under the strea!. +he li(uid splashed into the $up and onto his hands. , few se$onds later% the hound stopped .erkin'. +he strea! of fluid died. 2asshorn wiped his hand on the beasts ba$k and brou'ht the $up to his lips. &er sto!a$h $len$hed. Rose $la!ped her hand o)er her !outh to keep fro! )o!itin'. ,s 2asshorn lifted the $up% the $loak slid off his shoulders. &e was nude underneath it. &e was )er tall with broad shoulders and a lar'e $hest% but inhu!anl thin and $orded with ti'ht !us$le like a 're hound. Splot$hes of ellow and purple stained his skin. &is ar!s and le's were disproportionatel lon'. 2asshorn tipped the 'lass% turnin'% and she saw his fa$e. &e !ust ha)e been a handso!e !an at so!e point. She still 'li!psed e$hoes of it0 the lar'e hooded e es% the s(uare line of the .aw% the shadow of what had on$e been a broad% stron'% !as$uline fa$e. &e !ust)e looked si!ilar to *e$lan in the past% but no lon'er. , network of )eins stood out on his te!ples% like rope threaded under his skin. &is lon' hair% still 'olden blond% had thinned and now dripped fro! his s$alp in isolated $lu!ps to his $hest. &is fa$e sa''ed and wrinkled% and when he opened his !outh to swallow the $ontents of the 'lass% she $au'ht si'ht of his teeth. &is !outh was filled with bloodred fan's. 2asshorn e!ptied the 'lass. So thats how he did it. &e paid for the i!!unit to the hounds !a'i$ with his !ind and his bod . *e$lans stron' fin'ers pressed on her ar!. She 'lan$ed at hi!. &is 'a=e was fi6ed on a point well abo)e 2asshorn% on the other side of the ra)ine. She looked and bit ba$k a 'asp before it had a $han$e to es$ape. , wolf la in the brush% solid bla$k and hu'e% like a ni'ht!are $o!e to life. In her !e!or % hed been enor!ous. Shed thou'ht fear had pla ed tri$ks on her% !akin' hi! lar'er than he reall was% but no% he reall was that hu'e.

*e$lans lips !o)ed% and he !outhed a silent word. Willia!. +he wolf shifted his 'a=e and saw her. &is e es flared with a!ber. &is bla$k lips rose in a silent snarl% and Willia! showed the! a !outh full of fan's. Rose shi)ered. So!ethin' wasnt ri'ht. If Willia! was in lea'ue with 2asshorn% then what in the world was he doin' hidin' in the bushes" , $rash !ade the! 'lan$e down. 2asshorn had hurled his $up at the de)i$e% and it boun$ed off. &e leaned ba$k% dra''ed his $lawed hands throu'h his thinnin' !ane% and be'an braidin' it in a !e$hani$al fashion% the wa he !ust)e done a thousand ti!es. &ed !ana'ed to plait a $ouple of in$hes when the entire thin' slid off his head% lea)in' hi! bald. 2asshorn stared at the hair in his hand in disbelief and flun' it fro! hi!. It $au'ht on one of the 'ears and hun' there. +he $ouldnt ha)e asked for a better opportunit . Rose 'rabbed *e$lans ar!% $len$hin' her fin'ers until he looked at her and whispered so (uietl she $ould barel hear herself. &air. &is hair. 2asshorn sank into the dirt. +he sea of hounds brushed a'ainst hi!. &e hu''ed one and put his $heek a'ainst the pale hide. +he beast la down on its side% and 2asshorn la atop it. *e$lan nodded and rea$hed to the pa$k ne6t to hi!. 2arefull the unwrapped the $rows. Rose pra ed Geor'e would see the hair. Shed stressed what he had to look for0 $lothes% a brush with hair on it% personal ite!s% sil)erware ... &air% that !u$h hair% .ust fresh off the bod % was an $ursers drea!. Onl blood was better and onl short#ter!3it rotted too (ui$kl . +he wolfs 'a=e burned her as the worked. +he ra)ine ran al!ost two !iles in e)er dire$tion of tou'h wooded terrain. She knew Willia! wouldnt be able to 'et to the!% but the wa he stared at the! !ade her want to s$rea!. Rose $len$hed her bird. - now Geor'e would feel the! handlin' the $rows and would be pa in' attention. She pointed the bird so the hair was dire$tl in front of it and whispered o)er and o)er% &air% hair% hair% hair% hair ... *e$lan released his bird. , !o!ent later she let hers 'o. +he $rows swooped down like two bla$k ro$ks. *e$lans $row plun'ed and $a!e up% its $laws $au'ht in the fabri$ of 2asshorns $loak. No% she whispered. No% no% Geor'ie ... , hound snapped up its head% then another. , dark bod lun'ed up% and the $row went down.

+he se$ond bird !ade a slow $ir$le abo)e the hounds% turned% )eered left3he was 'oin' after the $up. Roses heart ha!!ered. She s(uee=ed her hands into fists% willin' the bird to turn ri'ht. ,t the last !o!ent% the $row dropped ri'ht and sna''ed the braid off the 'ears. , tendril of dark !a'i$ snapped fro! the de)i$e% stin'in' the birds win's. Rose held her breath. 2o!e on% Geor'e% $o!e on% ou $an do it. +he $row faltered% .erked% beatin' its win's furiousl % and flew up% hi'her and hi'her% disappearin' be ond the trees headin' ba$k to East 1aporte. Rose dropped her head fa$edown into the dirt. &e did it. &er brother did it. *e$lans hand 'ripped her shoulder and .erked her up% hard. In the ra)ine below the!% the hounds were risin'. *e$lans fa$e was dark. ,t the other end of the ra)ine% Willia! retreated% $rawlin' awa . +he slithered fro! the $liff. +en feet. +wel)e. 8ifteen. +went . *e$lan hauled her upri'ht and breathed one word. Run! +he dashed throu'h the woods% runnin' as fast as the terrain would allow. +he tree trunks flew b . She leapt o)er the bran$hes and $rashed throu'h the brush. 8aster% *e$lan $alled dire$tl behind her. Rose s(uee=ed out a burst of speed. +he air seared her lun's. &er side be'an to hurt. She kept runnin'. +he woods blended into a blur% pun$tuated b her hoarse breaths. +he burst into a s!all 'lade. *e$lan $au'ht her ar! and spun her around. We !ake a stand. She doubled o)er% tr in' not to )o!it. &e didnt e)en look winded. *e$lan pulled a sword fro! the sheath on his ba$k and turned it o)er on$e. <se short#ran'e flash% he said. +he less noise we !ake% the better. +he first hound padded out of the bushes into the open. It tensed% the !us$les alon' its lon' li!bs $ontra$ted% and it leapt into the air.

*e$lan swun'. +he blade $lea)ed the hound in two% and he sank flash into the ruin of the bod . ,$rid fu!es sur'ed fro! the hounds $ar$ass. Rose $ou'hed and !o)ed awa fro! hi!. Short#ran'e flash. She $ould do that. , hound burst throu'h the shri)eled brush. It !ade for her% .u!pin' in 'reat leaps% !aw 'apin'% bloodred fan's read to rip. +he four e es 'lared at her with lu!ines$ent 'ra . +he hound lun'ed% and Rose flashed. &er short% $ontrolled burst of !a'i$ $lea)ed a$ross the $reatures shoulder all the wa deep throu'h the $hest. +he top half of the beast slid aside% betra in' a 'li!pse of soft purplish innards filled with 'ra sli!e% and $rashed to the side. ,nother hound dashed at her fro! the ri'ht. Rose flashed a'ain and wat$hed its head roll throu'h the dead 'rass. , dark flood of the beasts $a!e lopin' throu'h the Wood% stark a'ainst the dull% !a'i$# drained trees. It headed strai'ht for the!. In a !o!ent the would be o)erwhel!ed. Rose leaned ba$k and took a deep breath. , line of !a'i$ thrust fro! her% $ur)in' to the 'round. It split into three and be'an to $ir$le her. +he fore!ost beast sprinted% !us$le fle6in' under the bruise#$olored pelt% le's pu!pin'% horrible teeth bared. It leaped at her and fell aside% $ut in three pie$es. +he !ade ri'ht for her. With her flash bla=in' bri'ht% she !ade an irresistible tar'et. She $on$entrated on rotatin' the ar$hes as fast as she $ould% sli$in' throu'h the hideous bodies until the 'round 'rew wet with their 'ra slui$e. +o the left% *e$lan stru$k at the strea! of hounds% his blade a lethal whirl. &e $ut with deadl pre$ision% fast and unstoppable. E)er ti!e his sword sli$ed% so!ethin' died. &e was absolutel beautiful. +he last hound paused on the ed'e of the $learin'. Rose dropped her flash and sent a sin'le sharp bolt of blindin' white at it. *e$lan flashed at the sa!e ti!e% the two flashes $onne$ted% and the hound went down. +he $learin' was wet with 'ra blood and littered with s!okin' bodies. *e$lan looked her o)er. <nhurt" She nodded. &ow !an did we kill" he asked. She sur)e ed the $arna'e. 8ift " +went #two. &e wiped his sword and slid it ba$k into his sheath.

Onl twent #two" She $ouldnt belie)e it. It see!ed like !an !ore ... +went #two. &e took her b the ar!. Run. -efore the rest 'et here. +he ran throu'h the woods. I dont think Willia!s helpin' 2asshorn% she said. I dont think so either. +hen what is he doin' here" &ell if I know. If Willia! had been in lea'ue with 2asshorn% he had onl to !ake a noise% and the entire swar! would)e been on the!. What was that" *e$lan asked. What" +he sphere of flash ou did ba$k there" Its a !odified ,ta!ans defense% she told hi!. When I saw Willia! for the first ti!e% I 'ot s$ared hed 'et throu'h and split the ar$h into three. 8or so!e reason% I $an rotate the! a lot faster this wa . Wh % ou ne)er saw so!ethin' like this before" I dont think an one has e)er seen an thin' like this before% he told her. >eep runnin'. +&E4 rea$hed the palisade in re$ord ti!e. Grand!a waited inside b the 'ates. *e$lan did a little bow. 7ada!e. 4es% es% she told hi! with a sour fa$e. +o! wants to see ou inside. *e$lan nodded. *id ou 'et the hair" Rose asked. We ha)e it. *e$lan disappeared into the buildin'. Rose $ollapsed on the 'round. She la on her ba$k% her ar!s and le's flun' wide. &er bod felt like wet $otton put throu'h a washin' !a$hine. ,re ou all ri'ht" AlBonores fa$e blo$ked the sk .

8ine% she said% breathless. Ill .ust lie here for a bit. &es !ade of iron0 he runs )er fast and ne)er 'ets tired. +he hooli'ans es$aped% AlBonore said. What" /ere!iah $alled !e on our phone. &e took the! and 1eanne with her bo out into the -roken% .ust as a'reed. +he sat all (uiet and ni$e% until he stopped to !ake a ri'ht onto the freewa at the 'as station% and then the threw the tru$ks door open and bolted. Rose $losed her e es and 'roaned. Wh !e" /ere!iah and 1eanne tried to $at$h the!% but the re 'one. +he went ba$k to the house. Rose pushed off the 'round and sat. She felt a thousand ears old. Where else would the 'o" Its /a$ks fault. &es $on)in$ed well all fail to fi'ht 2asshorn without his help% and he !ust)e talked Geor'ie into it. Ill 'et the! and take the! out to 1eanne. I doubt the ll $o!e out for an one but fa!il % so its either ou or !e% and it will ha)e to be !e% sin$e oull be $ursin' 2asshorn. &urr % Grand!a said. ,ll ri'ht. Rose pushed herself to her feet. Go! AlBonore wa)ed. Rose headed for the 'ates. She briefl $onsidered 'ettin' *e$lan but de$ided a'ainst it. &ed need to prote$t the palisade while the $ast their $urse% and she knew the Wood like the ba$k of her hand. Shed be ba$k in a $ouple of hours% after she dropped the bo s with 1eanne. +he bo s had to be taken to safet % and the faster she !ana'ed it% the better it was for e)er one in)ol)ed. +WEN+4#8O<R ROSE .o''ed at a brisk trot down the road. &er bod a$hed. +here was $learl wisdo! in all that runnin' *e$lan did in the !ornin's. If she e)er hoped to keep up with hi!% shed ha)e to take up runnin'% e)en thou'h she hated it with a passion. She walked a lot% but there was a world of differen$e between walkin' a few !iles down the road and runnin' for our life. ,nd $leanin' offi$es for ten hours a da didnt e6a$tl i!pro)e her athleti$ abilit . Shed ha)e to ride better% too. She did well enou'h at slow speed% but a $anter would ha)e her han'in' on for dear life% and the 'allop was ri'ht out.

She re$alled *e$lan bein' all indi'nant about the bo s not bein' able to ride a horse. 1ike e)er one had a da!n horse in the Ed'e. +he onl reason she knew how to ride was be$ause Grandpa had insisted on keepin' his half#blind old !are% 1o)el . She re!e!bered ridin' her as a $hild. 1o)el died a few ears ba$k% and Grandpa had ne)er repla$ed her. She wondered if Grandpa 2letus would)e appro)ed of *e$lan. Rose rounded the turn and 'li!psed the house. She bra$ed herself. +here would be an'r ellin' and tears. Shed 'et her wa in the end% but it would take so!e harsh words. , tall% dark#haired !an stepped into the road fro! between the shrubs. &e wore .eans and a bla$k leather .a$ket o)er a faded +#shirt. Wild e es looked at her% 'lowin' like two pie$es of a!ber. Willia!. Rose halted. &e !ade no !o)e to approa$h her. &is fa$e was 'ri!% his !outh a se)ere line. +he kids are safe% he said. I)e wat$hed o)er the!. 8ear tri$kled down her ne$k. She re!inded herself that she $ould fr hi! with her flash at an !o!ent. Wh are ou here% Willia!" &e shook his head. I dont know. She sear$hed his fa$e and saw a blank un$ertaint tinted with wariness. +hats e6a$tl what /a$k looked like when he blundered into the unfa!iliar territor of hu!an e!otions and $len$hed up% not knowin' what to sa or do ne6t. If /a$k was an indi$ation% Willia! was stret$hed to his li!it. &e $ould snap and lash out at an !o!ent. 2o!e sit with !e% she said% keepin' her )oi$e $al!. Well talk. &e followed her to the house. She re!o)ed the ward stones% lettin' hi! in% and pointed to the por$h $hairs. &e sat on the steps instead% and she sat on the other side% keepin' enou'h distan$e between the!. She 'lan$ed at the kit$hen window and saw two fa$es. +he du$ked% but not before she hit the! with a first#rate s$owl. Rose looked ba$k to Willia!. &e was at an e!otional $liff% and one wron' word or look $ould push hi! o)er. Shed talked /a$k fro! this sa!e ed'e !ore than on$e. Of $ourse% an ei'ht# ear#old bo and a trained killer approa$hin' his thirties were two different thin's. Shed ha)e to tread )er $arefull . &onest was para!ount. /a$k instin$tuall sensed her lies% and

Willia! would probabl do the sa!e. It was best to sta awa fro! sub.e$ts that !i'ht a'itate hi!. I saw ou with *e$lan% he said. ,re the two of ou ... " +here went the $areful treadin'. I lo)e hi!% she said. &uh. &e dra''ed his hand throu'h his hair. *oes he lo)e ou" I dont know. We didnt dis$uss it% so he doesnt know how I feel. Wh hi!" Wh not !e" &e had deli)ered the (uestions in a perfe$tl neutral tone% but she 'li!psed the e!otion behind it3a lifeti!e of re.e$tion. &e deser)ed an honest answer% and she took a !o!ent to think about it. Its diffi$ult to e6plain. Were alike in !an wa s. 4ou wouldnt think it% but we are. &e !akes !e feel wanted and safe% and he !akes !e lau'h ... &e also irritates the da li'hts out of !e. I al!ost flashed at hi! at one point. She paused. Its )er hard to break lo)e down to e6plainable pie$es% Willia!. Its a for$e% a feelin'. 4ou know when ou feel it and ou know when ou dont. So ou feel nothin' for !e" +he (uestion was deli)ered in a flat% neutral )oi$e. +hats not (uite ri'ht% she said. I dont know ou well% but there are thin's I like about ou. I like that oure honest. I like that oure patient and kind to the bo s and that ou)e wat$hed o)er the!. I didnt like that ou hun' E!erson upside down on the tree and then s$ared !e half to death. I was frustrated% he said. 4ou werent happ . &e had !ade her a present and didnt understand wh she wasnt thrilled. /ust like /a$k. I appre$iate the thou'ht behind it. I still wish ou hadnt done it. Willia! 'a)e her a suspi$ious look. On$e Geor'e and an older bo 'ot into a fi'ht. +he older bo hit Geor'e in the !outh and kno$ked hi! off his feet. /a$k de$ided to .u!p in. &e beat the older bo )er badl . -roke his nose and kno$ked out a tooth. &e thou'ht he was a hero. I 'rounded hi! for a week. If he had pun$hed the bo and left it at that% I would)e let it 'o. -ut he had done too !u$h. &an'in' E!erson off the tree was too !u$h. She si'hed. -elie)e it or not% *e$lan and I had

this sa!e dis$ussion. I dont want an one to fi'ht ! battles for !e. Its ! business% and Id like to handle it ! self. &e $onsidered it. 8air enou'h. I do ha)e feelin's for ou% she said. Gratitude for tr in' to wat$h out for the bo s and for $he$kin' on !e when Id lost ! .ob. -ut the arent the sa!e feelin's as I ha)e for *e$lan. When *e$lans 'one% I !iss hi! )er badl . Its like so!ethin' isnt (uite ri'ht with the world. I 'et it% he said. -ut what does that !ake ou and !e then" We $ould be friends% she said. 8riends !ake the world bearable. Its an honor of sorts. Of all the people that a person knows% the pi$k ou to be their friend% and ou tr to be worth of that friendship. Or at least I tr . I dont reall know ou% but I feel we $ould be$o!e friends if we had !ore ti!e. Willia!s fa$e darkened. 4ou $an tell a lot about the person b the $o!pan the keep% Rose said. 8or e6a!ple% ou ha)e a friend3*e$lan. 4ou !ust be a 'lutton for punish!ent. Willia! said nothin'. &es been tr in' )er hard to find ou% she said. +hat ti!e when ou were on the phone with !e and I wouldnt 'i)e it to hi!% he al!ost bit ! head off. No response. Whats the deal with ou and *e$lan" she asked 'entl . We were in the 1e'ion to'ether% he said. *id he tell ou that part" She nodded. Its eas to be in the 1e'ion. &is )oi$e went dull and toneless. +he tell ou when to 'et up% when to sleep% when to eat. What to wear. Who to kill. ,ll ou ha)e to do is be where the tell ou when the tell ou and dont ask (uestions. We were in for a lon' ti!e. 7ost people dont sur)i)e that lon'. &e kept to hi!self% I kept to ! self. Wed talk on$e in a while. Ne)er said !u$h% but he had ! ba$k and I had his. &e dra''ed !e out of a burnin' ship on$e and swa! throu'h the ni'ht until a $utter pi$ked us up. I was out of it% a dead wei'ht. I asked hi! wh he did it% and he said be$ause Id do it for hi!. I thou'ht he was like !e% ou see" , da!a'ed twisted sono)abit$h with no pla$e to 'o.

&e looked up. &is e es were full of fur . *o ou know he has a fa!il " &is parents lo)e hi!. &e has a !other% and she lo)es hi!. &is father thinks the sun rises and sets on *e$lans word. +he re proud of hi!. &e has a sister% and she lo)es hi!% too! I went to see the! when I be$a!e a noble% and she hu''ed hi!. &e stood there% and in ! head I saw all the blood we spilled drippin' fro! hi!% and I knew that the wouldnt $are. ,ll this ti!e I was thinkin' he was fu$ked up and alone like !e% .ust hid it better. -ut no. +he bastard $ould)e left the 1e'ion an ti!e and the would take hi! ba$k and lo)e hi! an wa . 4ou tell !e% what kind of a sono)abit$h walks awa fro! a fa!il like that" She didnt know what to sa . It isnt his fault that he has a fa!il % Willia!% she said finall . No. -ut I $ant for'i)e hi! for it. I ha)e nothin'. +he $lothes on ! ba$k" I stole the!. What ou see is e)er thin' I own. +he 1e'ion was e)er thin' I had% until the took it awa fro! !e. E)en that *e$lan threw awa . Ra'e e!anated fro! hi!. Willia! would kill *e$lan if he 'ot his hands on hi!9 she was sure of it. She had to steer hi! awa fro! )iolen$e. *e$lan didnt want to lea)e the 1e'ion. &e doesnt $are for bein' a noble. &e doesnt want the responsibilit . &e did it to help ou. I didnt ask hi! to do it% Willia! snarled. -ut he did it an wa % Rose said. I didnt ask ou to atta$k E!erson% but ou did it an wa . Its not the sa!e. It is. So!eti!es people tr to help us e)en when we dont want the help. What would ou ha)e done in his pla$e% Willia!" I would)e broken hi! out% Willia! said. ,nd so!e people would)e died in the pro$ess% ou would be wanted $ri!inals% and then *e$lan would be pissed off at ou. Willia! leaned ba$k. , lon' 'rowl re)erberated in his throat. Wh did ou follow 2asshorn out here" she asked. -e$ause ou knew *e$lan would $o!e and oud 'et a $han$e to fi'ht hi!" No. On$e 2asshorn :adopted !e% he started hintin' that he wanted *e$lan out of the wa . I told hi! no. +he thin' between !e and *e$lan would happen on ! ter!s. It didnt sit well

with hi!. &e 'a)e !e a house on the ed'e of so!e woods% !ade sure food was deli)ered to !e% but other than that% he let !e be. +hen three weeks a'o he in)ited !e to $o!e with hi! :on a little ad)enture. I de$lined. &e s!elled ... odd. ,fter he left% I went to his pla$e and broke into his stud . &e had papers prepared bla!in' !e for this entire !ess in $ase thin's went sour. So I tra$ked hi! down% but he had too !an hounds b the ti!e I found hi!. &e tried to hunt !e% and I went into the -roken. So oure here for re)en'e" Willia! shook his head. No. What hes doin' is treason. I swore to prote$t the real!. &e looked at her. +here are rules I will ne)er break. +he re in !e too deep. +reason is unthinkable. *e$lans here to enfor$e the rules as well. If the two of ou !urder ea$h other now% 2asshorn will win. Willia! 'rowled a'ain% a purel ani!al sound of warnin' and $ontained a''ression. E)er hair on the ba$k of her ne$k stood up. Rose for$ed herself to sound $al!. 2asshorns 'one insane. &e wants to eat the bo s. I dont want ! brothers to die. I dont want to die either. Is there an wa ou and *e$lan $an a$t like adults and postpone our re$konin' until we kill hi!" Willia! 'a)e her a war look. &is e es had $ooled to an al!ost nor!al li'ht brown. 4ou)e waited this lon'. Surel ou $ould wait a little lon'er. 5lease"

&e leaned ba$k and su$ked in the air throu'h his nose. ,ll ri'ht. +hank ou. Rose s!iled. Willia!s head snapped up. &e bared his teeth% his e es flashin' a!ber. , !o!ent later she heard it% too% a thuddin' of horses hoo)es. , rider burst fro! around the $ur)e0 *e$lan atop /ere!iahs dark horse. Rose stared% spee$hless. &e .ust had to show up ri'ht this se$ond. *e$lan brou'ht the horse to an abrupt halt and dis!ounted in front of the house. &e % Will. Willia! inhaled deepl . *e$lan. &ow did ou know" +he bo $alled !e.

She whipped about and saw Geor'es fa$e 'o white in the window when he saw her e6pression. 1ittle fool. *e$lan unbu$kled his sheath and leaned it and the sword a'ainst a shrub. Willia! pulled out a lar'e bowie knife and thrust it into the por$h. 4oure 'ood" 4es. Good. Willia! blurred. &e stru$k so fast% she failed to see it. *e$lan dod'ed and ra!!ed his elbow into Willia!s ribs. Willia! spun% snappin' a ki$k. *e$lan .erked ba$k% and the broke apart. +he $lashed in a whirl of ki$ks and pun$hes% too fast to follow% dan$in' a$ross the 'rass% lethal and (ui$k. Willia! ha!!ered a sa)a'e .ab into *e$lans ribs. *e$lan 'runted and s!ashed his elbow into Willia!s fa$e. Whate)er it was between the! apparentl $ouldnt be resol)ed with words. -ehind Rose% the s$reen door opened and $losed $arefull . /a$k and Geor'e $a!e o)er and sat ne6t to her. On the lawn% Willia! kno$ked *e$lan to the 'round. *e$lan rolled up% and Willia! sank pun$hes into his fa$e% one% two% three. *e$lan dropped to the 'round% $ou'hin'% and ki$ked out% swipin' Willia!s le's fro! under hi!. Willia! $rashed like a lo'% and the both leapt to their feet. Wh are the fi'htin'" /a$k asked. Willia! .abbed his fin'ers at *e$lans side. +he re $lose friends% she said. 1ike brothers. Its easier than talkin' thin's out. *e$lan $au'ht Willia!s ar!. Oh. /a$k nodded. 1ike !e and Geor'e. 1ike that% she said. Willia! ha!!ered his elbow into *e$lans sto!a$h and broke free. Rose put her ar!s around her brothers% and the three of the! wat$hed% $rin'in' and !akin' su$kin' noises when so!ethin' $run$hed. What else was there to do"

*e$lan ki$ked Willia! in the head. Willia! sta''ered% shook his head% and laun$hed a whirlwind of li'htnin'#(ui$k .abs. *e$lan blo$ked% and Willia! sank a sharp pun$h into *e$lans !idse$tion. +he blueblood 'runted and ra!!ed his head into Willia!s fa$e. -lood poured. +he sta''ered awa fro! ea$h other% out of breath. *e$lan bent o)er% shieldin' his side with his ar!. Willia! rubbed his fa$e and raised his blood fin'ers as if to sa so!ethin'. &is knees 'a)e out% and he dropped into the 'rass. *e$lan sank down. +hat was aweso!e% Geor'e said. /a$k offered no $o!!entar % apparentl too o)er$o!e with the $oolness of the fi'ht. ,re ou done" Rose $alled out. *e$lan 'lan$ed up. Will" Willia! wa)ed his blood hand. 4es% were done% *e$lan said. Good% she said% 'ettin' up. /a$k% help Willia! inside the house to wash the blood off his fa$e. She $rossed the 'rass to *e$lan. &ow are ou" 5erfe$tl fine% he said. ,re our ribs broken" 5robabl not. 2ra$ked at !ost. We fou'ht )er $arefull . *id this settle an thin'" It !ade !e feel better% he said% sittin' up. *id ou see !e ki$k hi! in the kidne s" I saw. *e$lan 'a)e her a sharp predator s!ile. &ell feel it to!orrow !ornin'. /,2> wat$hed Willia! wash his fa$e in the sink. +he water ran red. +he s$ent of blood% sharp and salt % was e)er where in the roo!. /a$k didnt $are for hu!an blood. It !ade hi! .u!p . +he skin under his bra$elet it$hed. &e s$rat$hed at his wrist and fou'ht the pri$klin'

pain of his $laws wantin' to $o!e out. &e $ouldnt help it. Willia! was bi''er and stron'er and blood . &e was a threat. , )er nast threat. +hat fi'ht was the best thin' he had e)er witnessed in his whole entire life. 4ou 'ot a towel" Willia! said. /a$k pulled a towel fro! the kit$hen $hair and brou'ht it o)er to hi!. Willia! pulled it fro! his fin'ers% wiped his fa$e% and 'lan$ed at hi!. Willia!s e es flared with 'old. Wolf% shot throu'h /a$ks head. &ed known Willia! was so!e kind of $han'elin' be$ause he saw his e es 'low while he and Geor'e wat$hed Willia! talk to Rose% but he didnt know what kind. Now he knew. Willia! lun'ed at hi!. /a$k .erked ba$k% but Willia! $au'ht hi! and dra''ed hi! up to his fa$e. /a$k .erked% but Willia!s hands held hi! like bi' iron pin$hers. Willia! stared into his e es% his fa$e $o!pletel white. Show !e our teeth. /a$k hissed. 4oure like !e% Willia! whispered. &e looked like so!eone had hit hi! in the 'ut. No% /a$k told hi! to !ake hi! feel better. 4oure a wolf% and I! a $at. Were different. Willia! swallowed. 4ou li)e here" So!ethin' was wron' with hi!% /a$k de$ided. Of $ourse he li)ed here. -ut Willia! was a bi' wolf% and it wasnt wise to !ake hi! !ad. &e si!pl nodded. *o ou ha)e a roo!" /a$k nodded. Where" /a$k pointed with his head. &is ar!s were still $la!ped to his sides b Willia!s hands. Willia! strode throu'h the house% $arr in' hi!% stepped into his roo!% and sa''ed a'ainst the door. ,ll the stren'th !ust ha)e 'one out of his ar!s% be$ause the let 'o% and /a$k s(uir!ed out and landed on the floor.

Willia! stared at his roo!. /a$k looked% too% .ust in $ase there was so!ethin' surprisin' there that Willia! saw and he didnt. It was a re'ular roo!. +wo beds% one for hi!% one for Geor'e. Rose had !ade the! both blankets with a $ro$het hook. &is was blue and bla$k% and Geor'es was red and bla$k. &e liked the blankets be$ause e)en after ou washed the!% the still s!elled like Rose. &e looked past the beds to the windowsill% where the se)en#in$h plasti$ -at!an duked it out with Super!an. In the $orner% a beat#up shelf held so!e !at$hbo6 $ars% books% and !ore fi'ures. /a$k went o)er to the shelf and pointed out the 'u s. +his is &e#7an% he said. &es ! fa)orite. Rose bou'ht hi! at a flea !arket% be$ause I liked hi!. Willia! .ust wat$hed hi!. &is e es looked hu'e% and the were 'lowin'. +his 'u % I dont know what he is% but I like his ar!or. I think he !i'ht be like a kni'ht. Onl I dont ha)e a sword that fits into his hand% so he has a 'un. So hes a 'un#kni'ht% I think. /a$k !ade &e#7an and Gun#>ni'ht fi'ht a bit and looked at Willia!. Willia! didnt look an better. I think ou !i'ht be not ri'ht% /a$k said. +hats oka . I 'et like that so!eti!es. When I! real s$ared and I .ust want to hurt so!ethin'. Its oka . +he i!portant thin' is dont pani$. &e $a!e o)er and took Willia!s hand. Rose was better at this than he was% be$ause he ne)er had to do it for an bod else% but he re!e!bered what she did. 4oure safe% he said. 4oure in a 'ood pla$e. Nobod $an hurt ou here. 4ou dont ha)e to be afraid. &e hesitated. +here is so!e !ush lo)e stuff that 'oes here% but it probabl wont work for ou. +he i!portant thin' is% this is a 'ood pla$e. Its safe and war!% and there is water and food. ,nd ou dont ha)e to be s$ared% be$ause there are ward stones and the keep bad people awa . ,nd Rose wont let an bod hurt ou. Willia! looked like he !i'ht be si$k. +his $alled for e!er'en$ !easures. Sta here% /a$k told hi!% ran o)er to the frid'e% and brou'ht hi! a $ho$olate bar. Eat this% he said. Rose 'i)es !e one when I 'et not ri'ht. It !akes ou feel better. Willia!s hand shook. Ill 'et Rose% /a$k said. No. Willia!s )oi$e sounded like he had eaten so!e ro$ks. I! 'ood. I)e 'ot it. &e 'ot up to his feet and handed hi! the $ho$olate. 4ou eat it% he said and walked out onto the por$h.

/a$k looked at the $ho$olate bar. It s!elled so 'ood. -ut $ho$olate was for e!er'en$ies. &e si'hed and went to put it ba$k into the frid'e. When he $a!e outside% Willia! was leanin' a'ainst the por$h ne6t to *e$lan% who sat in the 'rass. Rose was $hewin' Geor'e out for so!ethin'. /a$k went o)er to *e$lan and sat b hi!. &ow lon' ha)e ou known" Willia! said. I $a!e a$ross the! ! se$ond da here. 2asshorns hounds atta$ked hi!% but he hadnt turned% so I wasnt sure at first. It hurts to $han'e shape here% Willia! said. 4ou 'o into a fit. +hats what I 'athered. +he !us$les alon' Willia!s .aw went ti'ht. ,re ou sendin' hi! to &awks" *e$lan shook his head. If she $o!es with !e3and she hasnt said she would3hes sta in' with us. No &awk ,$ade! % no spe$ial s$hools% no e!pt roo!s. &is $hildhood will be as nor!al as is in ! power to !ake it. Willia! didnt look like he belie)ed hi!. &es li)ed with the! all his life% *e$lan said. 4ou think shed let !e send hi! off" +he both looked at Rose. 4ou 'ot !e for this fi'ht% Willia! said. 8or the bo . ,fter that% I! 'one. *e$lan nodded. 4ou ha)e a plan" Rose $a!e up to the!. /a$k tensed% but no $hewin'#out see!ed to be forth$o!in'. Se)eral lo$als are $ursin' 2asshorn into sleep as we speak% *e$lan said. On$e hes out% were 'oin' to send an ele$tri$ $urrent throu'h a lo$al lake. +he $urrent should be stron' enou'h to weaken the hounds. Rose and I will wait for the! on the do$k in the !iddle of the lake. Well flash a few ti!es to pull the! to us and kill the sur)i)ors. On$e the !ain bod of the hounds is 'one% we 'o after 2asshorn. Willia! s(uee=ed his e es shut and shook his head. If ou ha)e a better plan% be ! 'uest% dont keep it to ourself% *e$lan in)ited.

Willia! leaned ba$k and sta ed (uiet for a few !inutes. 8lashin' wont be enou'h. 4ou need to draw as !an hounds as ou $an to ou. 4ou want to run it" *e$lan asked. Who else" 4oure too slow. What do ou !ean" Rose asked. &e !eans that hell turn into a wolf and draw the hounds to us% *e$lan said. +hats sui$ide% she said flatl . Willia! 'ri!a$ed. +his is $o!in' fro! a wo!an whos willin' to $rawl onto a do$k in an ele$tro$uted pond. &ow do ou e)en know what :ele$tro$uted !eans" Rose asked. Willia! 'lan$ed at *e$lan. 4ou didnt tell her" *e$lan shru''ed. It didnt $o!e up. We had trainin' in industrial sabota'e% Willia! said. In $ase of a $onfli$t between the -roken and the Weird% the 1e'ion will send soldiers into the -roken and the will $ripple the industrial $enters. +he -roken runs on ele$tri$ power% *e$lan said. *estro the power plants% and e)er thin' stops. No power e(uals no water% no $o!!uni$ations% no lo'isti$s% nothin'. E)en fuel is pu!ped b ele$tri$ pu!ps. +ake awa ele$tri$it % and oull ha)e anar$h . +he Weird has a lot less people than the -roken% Willia! said. If it $o!es to war% destro in' their infrastru$ture is our onl option. 4oure s$arin' !e% Rose said. *ont worr % *e$lan told her. +he probabilit of an a$tual $onfli$t between the two di!ensions is rather low. Its !ostl a pre$autionar !easure% Willia! said. 4ou ha)e to be prepared for what our ene! $ould do rather than what the !i'ht do% *e$lan said. Willia! nodded.

Rose didnt look $on)in$ed. +WEN+4#8I;E A1AONORE sensed the approa$hin' steps a !o!ent before a $areful kno$k on the door broke the silen$e. She put down her pestle and went to 'et the door. +e$hni$all E!il should be the one to do it% 'i)en that she was the oun'est% but E!il was $ookin' a dead $at o)er the sto)e and had to keep stirrin' it. It s!elled 'hastl enou'h as it was. No need to add burned sten$h to it. AlBonore opened the door and looked at a fa!iliar#lookin' oun' wo!an. Rub % she re!e!bered. One of ,deles 'reat#'rand$hildren. +here is a !an here to see ou% the 'irl said. , !an" In Wood &ouse" &ow in the world did he 'et past the wards" 7e or our 'reat# 'rand!a" +he 'irl bobbed her dark head. 4ou% 7rs. *ra ton. AlBonore wiped her hands on her apron and stepped out. , !an waited in the ard. *ark#haired% tall% about *e$lans a'e. &e looked up% and his e es shone with wild a!ber. ,lar! shot throu'h AlBonore. 1ike lookin' into the e es of a feral beast. 4ou would be Willia!% then% she said. &e nodded. ,re ou here for ourself or for 2asshorn" 8or /a$k% he said. I see. She didnt% but that see!ed like the ri'ht thin' to sa . Willia! sat into the 'rass. +ell !e when the $urse is read . Ill draw the hounds to the lake. AlBonore nodded and went inside. So!ethin' had happened. She would ha)e to ask Rose about it% but not now. Now the had old !a'i$ to $ourt. +wo hours later% she sta''ered out onto the por$h% pale and e6hausted. &e sat in the sa!e spot. Its done% she 'asped. It had taken all of their stren'th% too. Go fast. +he $urse wont hold hi! for lon'.

Willia! pulled off his shirt% then his boots. &is pants followed% and he stood naked on the 'rass. &is bod twisted% !us$le and bone stret$hin'% flowin' like !olten wa6. &is spine bent% his le's .erked% and he $rashed into the 'rass. , )iolent tre!or shook his li!bs. &is fin'ers $lawed the air. Newl for!ed bone% wet with l !ph and blood% thrust throu'h the !us$le. AlBonore fou'ht a shudder. 8lesh $hurned and flowed% en$asin' the new skeleton. *ense bla$k fur sprouted and sheathed the skin. , hu'e wolf rolled onto his feet. Open the 'ate! AlBonore $alled. So!e oun' one slid the wooden bea! aside and wren$hed the 'ate open. +he wolf panted on$e and dashed into the Wood. AlBonore wat$hed hi! 'o. , terrible dread $lai!ed her% s(uee=in' her $hest with a $old fist% and she sank down into a $hair. +his wouldnt end well. +&E pond la pla$id% its silt#!uddled waters opa(ue and 'reen. +he afternoon had ripened into earl e)enin'% but the still had at least a few hours of sunli'ht. 8ro! her )anta'e point at the nose of the s!all inflatable boat% Rose saw the do$k )er $learl . 1a ers of ribbed tire rubber sheathed it% $o)erin' the wood $o!pletel . She !i'ht die there. ,ll the ti!es in her life shed thou'ht of d in'% she hadnt pi$tured her de!ise on a do$k $o)ered with bla$k rubber. ,t least the bo s were safe. She took the! out to the -roken to sta with ,! &aire. +he didnt like it% but the both reali=ed this wasnt a 'ood ti!e to ar'ue with her. -ehind her% -u$kwell and *e$lan rowed (uietl . +he do$k 'rew $loser and $loser. She $len$hed her hands to keep the! fro! shakin'. +en !inutes a'o /ere!iah had $alled her. &er phone finall died% $uttin' hi! off in !id#word% but not before she 'ot the !essa'e0 the $urse had been pla$ed. 2asshorn was asleep. Willia! took off into the woods as soon as he heard% and now she was in a s!all boat% headin' to a do$k that looked !ore and !ore like a death trap. Its not too late to ba$k out% *e$lan said. She shook her head% stealin' a 'lan$e at hi!. , rela6ed e6pression held his fa$e. &is bod betra ed no tension. She didnt know if he didnt feel fear or if he hid it well% but she had to do the sa!e. If she fell apart% she would be a distra$tion. +he whole point of her for$in' her wa into this situation was to let hi! sa)e his stren'th. She rolled her e es at hi!. Not a $han$e.

*e$lan s!iled at her. We had a sa in' in the ar! % +o! -u$kwell said. Often wron'% but ne)er in doubt. On$e ou de$ide what ou need to do and how to 'o about it% ou $ant afford to se$ond#'uess ourself. 4ou .ust do it. +he do$k loo!ed before the!. Rose 'ot up and $au'ht a wooden support% brin'in' the boat alon'side of the do$k. *e$lan $au'ht the ed'e and pulled hi!self up. Rose 'ripped his hand% and he lifted her onto the do$k. She sto!ped her feet in 1eannes rubber#soled boots. +he were a si=e too bi'% but she didnt own an ele$tri$al ha=ard boots and the would ha)e to do. +his whole idea see!ed a!a=in'l stupid now. Willia! was in a'ree!ent with her. When the told hi! of their plan% hed shut his e es and shaken his head. +he fa$t that shed $o!e up with this harebrained s$he!e onl !ade the whole thin' !ore ironi$. -u$kwell passed *e$lan his swords. *ont tou$h the water on$e the power lines $o!e down. Well be o)er there. &e pointed to the shore behind the do$k% where the roof of the $hur$h $ut a$ross the sk . If an of the! !ake it past ou up the road% we)e 'ot !a$hetes. ,nd I)e 'ot ! $hainsaw. I)e 'ot si6 people down there% and e)er one of us should be able to see the beasts. *e$lan nodded. Good lu$k. Sa!e to ou. -u$kwell took off. She wanted to .u!p into his boat. &ell% she wanted to .u!p into the water and swi! ashore. S$ared" *e$lan asked. 4es. She saw no point in l in'. Good. It will keep ou read . +he wat$hed -u$kwell land and pull the boat out. -ehind hi! +had S!ith wa)ed his ar!s. 1eanne appeared on the bank% 'rippin' a hu'e se)ered $able with rubber 'lo)es. She hurled it into the water. , loud sound popped% like a thunder$lap. , s!all fish surfa$ed b the do$k% white bell up. Now we wait% *e$lan said. Rose shru''ed her shoulders% tr in' to break free of the pressure that $la!ped her.

Re!e!ber% stop the !o!ent our )ision blurs% he said. 5ushin' an further is askin' for trouble. *ont be stupid. She nodded. No wind troubled the 'reener around the pond. So!ewhere in the distan$e an Ed'er warbler san' out a trillin' note. 7o$kin'birds s$ree$hed. So% re'ardin' that tidbit about our ha)in' a fertile i!a'ination when it $a!e to pri)ate a$ti)ities% she said% fi'htin' off an6iet . Was it another lie" *epends on how ou look at it. Its not e6a$tl a lie% and if ou $o!e with !e to the Weird% oull find that ru!ors of ! :$reati)it when it $o!es to bed 'a!es with the opposite se6 do e6ist. I started the! ! self and !ana'ed the! )er $arefull . +he tri$k with ru!ors is to feed the! on$e in a while% so the dont die. Wh would ou do so!ethin' like that" -e$ause I dont parti$ularl feel like bein' appraised like a side of beef b e)er enterprisin' oun' lad shoppin' for a husband. *espite ! unfriendl de!eanor% I! wealth % handso!e% and a peer. ,ll that fe!ale attention. 5oor ou. *e$lan 'ri!a$ed% his fa$e turnin' $old. &is )oi$e be$a!e saturated with hard $ ni$is!. +here is a 'reat deal of differen$e between fe!ale attention and a ne)er#endin' assault of su'ar pouts and :!arr !e% !arr !e% !arr !e. :4ou looked at !e% $an we 'et !arried now" 4ou lau'hed at so!ethin' I said% should I order a dress" 4ou kissed !e% I shall su!!on ! father9 he will be o)er.o ed to hear of our en'a'e!ent. +his wa the onl wo!an who tolerates bein' alone with !e doesnt !ind ha)in' her reputation sullied% be$ause shes either in the !arket for a lo)er or shes lookin' for a patron to support her. Luite frankl % I prefer it this wa . No painful $onfusion% no $o!pli$ated e6planations. She stared at hi!. What" he asked. Nothin'% 1ord 2a!arine. ,bsolutel nothin'. , lon' eerie howl $ut throu'h the e)enin'. Rose .erked. , flo$k of birds burst fro! the distant bran$hes. Willia! was $lose% with the horde of hounds on his heels.

*e$lan raised his hand and shot a burst of white !a'i$ into the sk . She added her own flash and then shot another% .ust in $ase. She sensed the !a'i$ first. It swelled like an i$ tide alon' the ponds ed'e% dren$hin' the brush and rollin' a$ross the water. +in hairs on the ba$k of her ne$k stood on their ends. +he !a'i$ sli!ed her in a $la!! wa)e. +in needles pri$kled at her pores. Inside her% an instin$tual alar! wailed% Run awa ! Run awa as fast as ou $an and dont look ba$k! , dark bod burst throu'h the brush. ,!ber e es 'lared at her% and the enor!ous wolf dashed to the left% )eerin' around the lake. She flashed a'ain. +he first hound pushed throu'h the bran$hes. God% that was fast. ,nother appeared. ,nother ... +he first ten or twel)e. +he ad)an$e 'uard. Rose fou'ht risin' pani$. She had to do this% she re!inded herself. +here was nobod else to do it. +here was no es$ape an wa . 8or so!e reason that thou'ht $al!ed her. It was )er si!ple% .ust like $leanin' an offi$e0 she had to do a $ertain a!ount of work before she $ould 'o ho!e. No need to fret about it. What did I sa " *e$lan asked (uietl . Not now. She raised her hand and let a strin' of white !a'i$ pla on her fin'ers% tauntin' the beasts. +he hounds entered the water. +he swa! like do's% but their heads re!ained underwater. *id the e)en need to breathe" she wondered. 5lease work. 5lease work. 5lease. 7idwa throu'h the lake% the fore!ost hound shuddered. It stru''led for another si6 ards and sank. She breathed a si'h of relief. +wo !ore drowned. +he fourth one perse)ered and kept on% headin' ri'ht for the!. One in four. -etter odds than shed hoped for. +he sur)i)in' hound $len$hed the wooden support. Slu''ish% it $rawled up slowl . +he !o!ent its head rose abo)e the ed'e of the do$k% Rose blew it off with a sharp sli$e of white. +oo !u$h% he told her. Redu$e the intensit . We ha)e a lon' wa to 'o. Wh are ou !ad" +he rest of the hounds bra)ed the water.

Rose" She re$o'ni=ed the persistent tone. &e wouldnt let it 'o. 4ou .ust said that the onl wo!en ou fa)or with our attentions are either sluts or whores and that ou prefer it that wa . I! .ust wonderin' where I fit in. I would hate to $reate an painful $onfusion for ou. &is lon' blade $ut throu'h the air and sli$ed an e!er'in' hound in half. &e ki$ked the pie$es into the water. 4oure neither. She said nothin'. *e$lan s(uared his shoulders% e ein' the approa$hin' hounds. When I was a $hild% I wat$hed an iren#pla $alled ,esus Ra'e. Its si!ilar to a !otion fil! fro! the -roken. Its the stor of ,esu% a leader of a s!all tribe% who takes on an enor!ous e!pire and su$$eeds a'ainst all odds. I )i)idl re!e!ber one s$ene in it0 ,esu% hu'e in his spiked ar!or% was about to 'o into a battle he $ouldnt possibl win. &e stood there in his tent% $aressed his wifes fa$e% and told her% :4oure the !easure of ! wrath. I was twel)e ears old% and at the ti!e I thou'ht it was a re!arkabl asinine thin' to sa . , third hound rea$hed the do$k. ,n u'l head broke the water% and Rose flashed% $uttin' the dark skull in two. O)er the ears Id $o!e to understand what the s$ene !eant% but now I finall feel it% )er sharpl . *e$lan de$apitated the e!er'in' hound with two (ui$k pre$ise strokes of his blade. ,nd I would ne)er tell ou this% if ou hadnt insisted on $o!in' on this do$k% be$ause that !eans ou feel it% too. +his used to be about honor% and dut % and ! dislike of 2asshorn. Now its about ou. 7e" She tried to $on$entrate on the ne6t 'roup of hounds swi!!in' throu'h the water. I would 'i)e all of ! self to keep ou safe. +o do that% I ha)e to kill 2asshorn. Its a si!ple trade. 2asshorn has to die% so ou $an li)e. +wo sides of the sa!e $oin. I lo)e ou% and oure the !easure of ! wrath. What did ou sa " She flashed too hard and !issed the hound. &e stepped in and sank a fo$used shot of white into the three bodies s(uir!in' in the water. I said I lo)e ou% Rose. Eas on the flash.

ROSE swa ed. She 'ritted her teeth and stood her 'round% fi'htin' to re!ain upri'ht. +he !a'i$ inside her no lon'er thri)ed and filled her up. She had to rea$h deep to pull it out. She was drainin' the last of her reser)e. ,re ou all ri'ht" *e$lans )oi$e asked. 8ine% she said. *ark bodies bobbed in the !urk waters around the do$k% their sil)er blood slidin' a$ross the surfa$e of the lake like an oil rainbow. +he sil)er wet the rubber under her feet% and she had alread slipped on$e and barel $au'ht herself. +he kept $o!in'. +wo% three at a ti!e% a fra$tion of the horde unaffe$ted b ele$tro$ution% swi!!in' throu'h the dark strea! of $ada)ers and $li!bin' on the do$k% teeth bared% e es 'lowin'. Ne6t to her% *e$lan swun' his sword% !e$hani$al% silent% and unstoppable. 1ike a !a$hine. ,nother hound. 8lash. 8lash. 8lash. &er heartbeat thudded like a ha!!er in her te!ples. One flash too !an . &er )ision be'an to blur. +o push an further would be stupid. I think I! done% she said and pulled out the !a$hete -u$kwell had 'i)en her. , hound $rawled onto the do$k% and she ha$ked at it. Gra 'oo spra ed the rubber. Will the ne)er end" she whispered. She was so tired. *e$lans hand $au'ht her waist. &e pulled her to hi! and kissed her% his lips war! and dr . Its o)er. +here are none left. +he re pullin' the $able out. Were done" she asked. 4es. +he surfa$e of the lake was 'ra with the hounds blood. -odies bobbed in the water. 4ou were ri'ht% she said softl . I ne)er $ould)e killed the! all b ! self. What did ou sa " I said ou were ri'ht ...

&e 'a)e her a da==lin' 'rin. One !ore ti!e% ! lad " 4ou were ri'ht% she told hi! with a tired s!ile. I dont think Ill e)er 'et tired of hearin' that. <na$$usto!ed to it as I a!. It took another fifteen !inutes before -u$kwell rowed up in his boat to take the! ashore. She wat$hed as se)eral Ed'ers under -u$kwells dire$tion du!ped 'asoline into the lake. When the first spark blosso!ed into oran'e fla!e abo)e the water% she felt a 'reat sense of satisfa$tion. It lasted until *e$lan $a!e to stand ne6t to her. &er throat $losed in. It was ti!e for hi! to 'o after 2asshorn% and there was nothin' she $ould do to help hi! now. She turned to hi!. *e$lans fa$e was $old like a blo$k of i$e. &e had lo$ked hi!self into a ri'id stan$e. -ehind hi!% Willia! waited% a dark shadow. Now wasnt the ti!e to break down and start $r in'. It was all or nothin'. Either he $a!e ba$k and the had e)er thin'% or he would ne)er return and the had nothin'. She wanted desperatel to run and throw her ar!s around hi!% but if she did that% lettin' 'o would be that !u$h harder for both of the!% and she sensed he was fi'htin' for $ontrol. Rose looked into *e$lans 'reen e es. I lo)e ou% she said. 2o!e ba$k to !e ali)e. &e nodded% turned without a word% and walked awa % Willia! in tow. So!ethin' broke inside her. It hurt% and she .ust stood there% tr in' her best not to $ru!ble. &e isnt dead et% +o! -u$kwells 'ruff )oi$e said behind her. Rose turned. +he bi' !an was lookin' at her. Wait until hes stopped breathin' before ou ha)e a funeral. She si!pl nodded. Well% dont stand there all ni'ht. +here is $leanup to be done. 2leanup sounded 'ood. ,n work sounded 'ood ri'ht about now. ,n thin' but waitin'. She followed hi! ne6t to the shore. /ennifer -arran handed her a pole with a hook on the end. Rose rea$hed into the water% hooked a $harred $ar$ass% and dra''ed it to shore. She hadnt reali=ed how tired she was. 8lashin' had worn her out% and the hounds bod !i'ht

as well ha)e been !ade of $e!ent. She was on her third when +o! -u$kwell dropped his hook ne6t to her and swore. What the de)il ... " , !an was runnin' up the road toward the!% his fa$e so pale% it took Rose a !o!ent to re$o'ni=e hi!. +had% sprintin' so fast he had to be runnin' for his life. She dropped her pole and ran toward hi!% a step behind -u$kwell. +he others .oined. +had $rashed into -u$kwell% 'ulped air% and bent o)er 'aspin'. &ounds. It $ouldnt be. +he d killed all the hounds. &ow !an " -u$kwell asked. , shitload of the!. +had spat on the 'round% blinkin'. +he )e busted our tru$ks. Were $ut off. Onl one road led out of East 1aporte. With the )ehi$les 'one% 'ettin' into the -roken would be nearl i!possible. +he were a full four !iles fro! the boundar . Rose sur)e ed the people around her0 si6 in all% in$ludin' -u$kwell and +had. We 'o to Wood &ouse% -u$kwell said $al!l . >eep our !a$hetes read % and sta to'ether. +he followed hi!% $ir$lin' the lake to the ri'ht. +wo shapes tore out of the woods% runnin' at full power. *e$lan and Willia!% headin' strai'ht for the!. 2han'e of plans% *e$lan 'round out when the neared. 2asshorns outs!arted us. &is reser)es are $o!in' up. We $ant fi'ht the! in the open. +oo !an . Willia!s e es 'lowed a!ber. We need a defensible position% *e$lan said. *o ou ha)e a .ail" -u$kwell stared at hi! like he was $ra= . , town hall" *e$lan asked. No% she shook her head. Gods% what do ou ha)e" Willia! 'rowled. , $hur$h! Rose said. We ha)e a $hur$h!

Willia! 'lan$ed at *e$lan% who shru''ed. I)e seen it. Its not !u$h% but it will ha)e to do. 1ead the wa . +he dashed down the street past the tin $on)enien$e store owned b +hads un$le% past the !eth heads !ansion% down to the hill% and into the $hur$h. +he ra!!ed the doors open and burst inside. Geor'e 8arrel appeared fro! behind the pulpit% his shot'un at the read . &is 'a=e fi6ed on *e$lan. &is e es sparked with $ra= li'ht. Get e fro! the house of God% defiler! 8arrel .erked his shot'un up. Willia! leaped past the! and pun$hed hi! off his feet. 8arrel hit the floor and didnt rise. -olt the door. Sta$k the pews at the sides! *e$lan ordered. We need a narrow path so the $an onl $o!e to us a few at a ti!e. Rose 'rasped the nearest pew. ,t the other end% 1eanne strained% and to'ether the flipped it on to the ne6t pew. In !inutes the nine of the! piled the ben$hes in two heaps at the sides of the $hur$h% lea)in' a narrow strip of open spa$e between the!sel)es and the entran$e. , thud shook the door. Rose .erked. 1eanne ba$ked awa % past her% to the pulpit and -u$kwell. *e$lan and Willia! took a step forward in unison. *e$lan had his two swords out. Willia! held a knife. Rose% step ba$k% *e$lan said. She re!ained where she was% dire$tl behind the two of the!. ,nother thud $rashed a'ainst the door. 4ou ha)e no flash left% *e$lan said. I ha)e !ore than the do% she said (uietl . &e 'lan$ed o)er her to the si6 people at the pulpit 'athered into a ti'ht $lu!p% and turned awa . +he doors flew open with a sound of thunder. -e ond the! a 'or sunset splashed a$ross the sk % ellow and red% the sun a !olten $oin of 'old on the hori=on. &ounds slunk into the $hur$h% !o)in' one b one% hesitantl % slowl . , !an in a dark robe followed the!% nearl bla$k a'ainst the settin' sun% as if $ut out of darkness. &e ad)an$ed at an odd 'ait% bobbin' up and down% as if unsure how to walk upri'ht. +he hood of his robe hid his fa$e. &e stopped in the doorwa and spoke% his )oi$e $arr in' with unnatural $larit throu'h the buildin'.

2asshorn sur)e ed the $hur$h. Su$h a hu!ble% (uaint buildin'% this house of the !urdered 'od. I find it oddl fittin' that our stru''le $o!es to its end here. It is said that 'ods inhabit the $hur$hes built in their na!e. So on$e ou ha)e nourished !e% I shall ra=e this stru$ture to the 'round% and fro! the ashes I shall for'e the house of a new 'od. , house befittin' !e. 8or ou see% I ha)e $o!e to know what I a!. I ha)e be$o!e a 'od. &e $raned his ne$k. 5erhaps I shall e)en hear his $ries as he flees fro! the wre$k of his house. ,fter all% he is a 'od of pit and $o!passion. &e should know how to !ourn. 4ou finall lost what pitiful 'rip ou had on this realit % I see% *e$lan said% his )oi$e drippin' $onte!pt. 4oure not a 'od. 4oure a spoiled $hild% .ust as ou alwa s ha)e been. 4ou si!pl stopped all pretenses at adulthood. , $hild that had seen $lear throu'h our trap. It was a 'ood plan for a s!all !ind like ours% *e$lan. It had onl one s!all flaw. 8or ou see% the had sent a !an to !e% and before I dined on his !a'i$ and bod % he told !e e)er thin' I wanted to know and so !u$h !ore. I knew their $apabilities% and I anti$ipated their $urse% and I had 'i)en the! the !eans to $ast it% deli)ered b ou. +he <ni)erse is $lear to !e. It has unfurled like a flower before the bri'htness of ! bein'. 4ou)e done well% but ou $annot kill a 'od% *e$lan. Well see% *e$lan said. 2asshorn turned to Willia!. 7 son. &a)e ou finall $hosen our side% then" +here was ne)er an $hoi$e about it. Willia! shook% snarlin'. Sweat broke out on his forehead. &is e es had 'one deran'ed. 2asshorns )oi$e 'ained a kindl tone. I will 'rant ou this one boon% ! son% for ou are ! onl heir. >ill *e$lan% and I will let ou run. Willia! 'rinned. &is fa$e set into a pale !ask% his 'rin an u'l barin' of teeth. &e barel looked hu!an. I ser)ed se)en ears with hi! in the unit where ou lasted a !ere fifteen !inutes. &ad ou !ana'ed to sta in instead of piss in' on ourself and runnin' like a do' with our tail between our le's% oud understand. If I owe an one a $ru!b of lo alt % it would be hi!. Not ou. Its 'ood that ou de$ided to be a 'od% be$ause I! about to 'o to a pla$e that suffers none. +hen it is de$ided. 2asshorn raised his ar!s. 4ou ha)e no priest to 'i)e ou our last rites% but do not fear. 8or I 'i)e ou our absolution and ! $o!!union. I for'i)e ou our past sins% and I shall wel$o!e ou into ! fold b partakin' of our bod and power. Get on with it% *e$lan said.

2asshorn tore off his $loak. &is bod was no lon'er hu!an. &is li!bs were lon' and ti'htl !us$led% his di'its 'rotes(uel lar'e and $lawed. &is skin had be$o!e purple and ellow hide. Spikes thrust throu'h his spine% risin' in a $rest abo)e his hun$hed shoulders. &is fa$e had lost all hu!anit . &is e es 'lowed 'ra . , se$ond pair of e e slits% narrow and shunted% shone on his $heeks. &e opened his !outh and showed the! a forest of bloodred fan's. -ehind Rose% so!eone ret$hed. *e$lan spun his sword in his hand. 2asshorn reared ba$k and e!itted a sharp hoarse s$ree$h. &ounds strea!ed fro! behind hi! in twin $urrents. With an inhu!an snarl% Willia! ripped into the!. &is fa$e turned de!oni$. -odies flew% and sil)er spra ed. +he piled on hi!% and he $ut the! down faster than she $ould see. , ps $hoti$ hi'h#strun' sound full of !ad .o ran' throu'h the $arna'e% and Rose reali=ed Willia! was lau'hin'. +endrils of dark !a'i$ rose fro! 2asshorn0 bla$k )eined with pollutin' streaks of purple and ellow. &e $lawed at the air. +he dark !a'i$ strea!ed to *e$lan. *e$lans e es turned white. , wa)e of flash erupted fro! hi!. +he two $rashed to'ether0 the brilliant white a'ainst the diseased purplish 'low. I!!ense pressure slapped Rose% nearl takin' her off her feet. +he $hur$h shuddered. , support bea! split behind 2asshorn. 2uts on *e$lans fa$e bled. She saw a line of red swell a$ross his ba$k. 2asshorns fa$e shook with strain. &is !a'i$ 'ained a foot. ,nd another. +he were too e)enl !at$hed% and *e$lan was tired. If onl shed kept hi! fro! that do$k ... Streaks of sil)er poured fro! 2asshorns e es. &e snarled. &is !a'i$ 'ained another foot. If *e$lans flash $ollapsed% all of the! would be wiped out. Rose stood% untou$hed% unhurt% in the !iddle of $haos% listenin' to the sounds of the $hur$h breakin' around the! and hounds d in' under Willia!s knife% and reali=ed that she would ha)e to wat$h *e$lan die. &is death would be'in the $hain rea$tion. One b one e)er one she knew would die as well% and the Ed'e itself would follow. She $ouldnt let it happen.

Rose 'athered her power. She had to rea$h deep% )er deep% and dra' it out% as if pullin' her heart out of her $hest. She fo$used it all into a sin'le point% $ondensin' her !a'i$ so ti'ht% she shook with the strain of tr in' to $ontain it. +he dark !a'i$ ad)an$ed. -lood dripped fro! *e$lans leather. She wished she $ould ha)e said 'ood#b e to the bo s. She wished she had told the! how !u$h she lo)ed the! and not to worr and to listen to Grand!a. She wished she and *e$lan had .ust a little !ore ti!e. Rose took a deep breath. It hurt so !u$h she shut her e es. +hen she opened the! and let her !a'i$ 'o. She held nothin' ba$k. E)er thin' that she was% e)er thin' that !ade her ali)e% she 'a)e all of it% so *e$lan and the bo s would li)e. She would ha)e 'i)en !ore% if she $ould ha)e. It tore fro! her in a blindin' bea! of li'ht% strai'ht as a needle. +he bea! pier$ed *e$lans flash and the darkness be ond it. She saw 2asshorns fa$e% a horrified !ask% e es wide open% !outh droppin' downward in sla$k bewilder!ent and terror. She heard *e$lan s$rea!. +he white bea! sli$ed throu'h 2asshorn. +he two hal)es of his horrible bod stood still for a !o!ent and then fell apart. -la$kness poun$ed on her and swallowed her whole. *,R>NESS. *arkness all around% e!pt % blo$kin' the world like a wall. If onl she $ould break throu'h it ... She didnt want to die. She flailed% willin' her hands to rise and tear up the darkness% but her ar!s were !issin' and she $ould do nothin' as the bla$kness dra''ed her off% deeper and deeper into its depths. , bolt of li'htnin' tore throu'h the dark wall. 8or a !o!ent she felt *e$lans ar!s $radlin' her% she saw his e es% heard his lips whisperin' o)er and o)er% *ont lea)e !e! +he darkness poun$ed% and he )anished. , do=en narrow streaks shattered the darkness% and she s$rea!ed% be$ause she was $len$hed in his ar!s% and he was flashin' a'ain and a'ain% siphonin' his life into her% his !a'i$ a do=en white $urrents bindin' their bodies into one. +WEN+4#SIJ

ROSE opened her e es. *a li'ht. , $eilin' stret$hed abo)e her with an all#too#fa!iliar ellow stain. It had appeared two ears a'o% ri'ht after /a$k in his l n6 shape $hased a feral to!$at up into the atti$. She had lon' suspe$ted it was $at pee. &ere ou are% Grand!as )oi$e said softl . Rose looked at her% wide#e ed. , terrible fear $la!ped her. *e$lan" ,li)e. -arel % but hes eaten so!e $hi$ken soup this !ornin'% so I do belie)e hell !ake it. +he bo s" 8ine. +he re fine. +had died. +o! -u$kwells le' had to be $ut off. /ennifer and Ru didnt !ake it% but other than that% we)e sur)i)ed the stor!. Rose breathed. +ears swelled in Grand!as blue e es. Ne)er a'ain% ou hear !e" Ne)er a'ain. Ne6t ti!e so!ethin' like this happens% ou 'o into the -roken and let so!ebod else fi'ht it out! Oka . Rose rea$hed and tou$hed her hand. Its oka . 4ou were al!ost dead% bab . 4our blueblood dra''ed ou ba$k fro! the dead% ki$kin' and s$rea!in'. What happened to Willia!" &es 'one. *idnt sa a word. /ust )anished after e)er thin' was o)er. *e$lan loo!ed in the doorwa . &e saw her and swallowed. Luietl Grand!a rose and stepped aside. Rose held out her ar!s. &e sta''ered in% slowl % and lowered hi!self on the floor near her. She took his hand in hers and fell asleep. ROSE awoke in her bed. +he li'ht $o!in' throu'h the window !eant late !ornin'. She had woken up se)eral ti!es durin' the ni'ht% terrified that she had onl drea!ed bein' ali)e and ha)in' *e$lan near. &ed slept b her bed on the floor% on a sta$k of blankets% and e)er ti!e she pani$ked% he was there% until finall she $rawled off the bed and la on the floor ne6t to hi!% driftin' off in his ar!s. +he ne6t ti!e she had shru''ed off sleep% she found /a$k $urled up on their feet and Geor'e out $old in her bed. *e$lan and the bo s were 'one now% and she was ba$k in her bed. She didnt worr . She knew he wouldnt lea)e without her.

It didnt see! real. She la for a lon' ti!e feelin' the te6ture of the sheets under her fin'ers and tr in' to $on)in$e herself that this was real% that it wasnt so!e hallu$ination flashin' before her !ind as she la d in' on the $hur$h floor. She failed and finall pushed herself upri'ht. If it was a hallu$ination% she !i'ht as well en.o it while it lasted. +he !us$les in her le's felt soft% like wet $otton% but she !ana'ed to !ake it to the bathroo! and then to the kit$hen before her le's 'a)e out. Rose! Grand!a dropped the stea!in' kettle ba$k on the sto)e and $au'ht her% slidin' her into the $hair. Where are the " Outside. &e went walkin'. &e $ant run et% but he wouldnt sta in bed. I sent the hooli'ans with hi! in $ase he topples o)er. &ere. Grand!a put a bowl of 2o$oa 5uffs in front of her. Rose put a spoonful into her !outh. Oh% ! God. +hish ish the besht thin' I e)er tashted. +hats be$ause ou ha)ent eaten in four da s. +he $ereal $run$hed in her !outh. She e!ptied the bowl and instantl felt si$k. 7ore" Grand!as e es twinkled. Id better not. Its tr in' to $o!e ba$k up. *rink so!e tea% it will help. She sipped the hot% fra'rant brew. What happened to the de)i$e" /ere!iah and the rest dra''ed it out into the -roken% $hainsawin' whate)er $a!e out of it. +he da!n thin' stopped ri'ht awa past the boundar . +he poured $on$rete on it% dro)e it to the $oast% and du!ped it off into the o$ean. I saw it with ! own e es. 4our blueblood wouldnt shut up until I went with the!. Would ou stop starin' out the window" &e will be ba$k soon enou'h. Rose looked into her tea. Where does this lea)e the two of ou" Grand!a asked softl . I! not sure% Rose said.

&es been !akin' plans to lea)e for the Weird as soon as he $an. &es deter!ined to take ou with hi!. *o ou think I should 'o" , troubled e6pression fli$kered o)er Grand!as fa$e. +his is one of those ti!es a'es wisdo! !eets ouths passion. *o ou know what usuall happens" Rose si'hed. I! about to find out" Wisdo! dashes passions hopes and ou stop speakin' to our 'rand!other. Grand!a AlBonore $len$hed her hands. 4ou know I lo)e ou% Rose. I ha)e to tell ou this% e)en if ou shall hate !e for it. I was not lu$k in lo)e. I lo)ed !adl . 5assionatel . 7ine was the kind of lo)e that burned so bri'htl % it !ade !e blind. When the fire finall di!!ed enou'h for !e to see $learl % I found out that what I wanted !ost of all was a !an I $ould depend on. , !an who would be b ! side% $o!e hell or hi'h water. ,nd that was the onl thin' 2letus denied !e. &e lo)ed !e. &e earned for !e. &e set our bed on fire. -ut when I needed hi!% Id turn around and hed be 'one% $hasin' off after so!e swa!p li'ht. So when I sa this% ou !ust take into a$$ount that I speak fro! a lifeti!e of bitter disappoint!ent. Rose blinked. 4our *e$lan% hes a drea!. 2oura'eous% asserti)e% stron'% kind. 1ets not for'et ri$h and of noble blood. ,lso arro'ant% $ondes$endin'% hi'h#handed% and snoot . Rose s!iled. Shush. 4ou wanted ! opinion% now oure 'ettin' it. *e$lan is e)er thin' a wo!an $ould want. ,nd he looks ... Grand!a si'hed in resi'nation. 4ou know the wa he looks. I! o)er a $entur old% and ! heart ha!!ers faster when he walks b . 4ou !ust ask ourself% what would a !an like this want with a wo!an like ou" I think he wants to !arr !e. I !ade it plain that bein' his 'irl to was out of the (uestion. 4ou asked for ! honest . AlBonore twisted her hands a'ain. 4oure ! 'randdau'hter% Rose. +here is no 'irl bri'hter or prettier. 4ou deser)e all the best in the world% and if it was in ! power% Id 'i)e it to ou. -ut ou and *e$lan arent on the sa!e footin'. I think ou lo)e hi!. ,nd I think he lo)es ou )er !u$h. Ri'ht now. -ut does he lo)e ou deepl enou'h to spend a lifeti!e with ou" So !u$h has happened. -oth of ou 'ot $au'ht up in this life#and#death e6$ite!ent. -ut e)entuall he has to 'o ho!e% where hes a noble and ou are what" E)en if he thinks hell !arr ou ri'ht now% what will happen when he returns to his life and his friends and fa!il see ou" +he re nobles% Rose. +he re born into the life

of pri)ile'e% and the dont know what its like to s$rape and s$roun'e for $han'e so ou $an bu bread for the kids. &e !i'ht understand it now% but what about his parents" What if hes deter!ined enou'h to !arr ou a'ainst all odds% and the shun hi! for it" It $ould !ake hi! a bitter% hard !an. &e !i'ht alwa s bla!e ou for it. &e wont e)er let ou for'et that he threw awa e)er thin' for ou. Rose looked into her $up. If ou 'o with hi!% ou !ust 'o knowin' that ou !i'ht end up a ri$h !ans !istress or that ou $ould $ost hi! e)er thin'% Grand!a said. I dont think thats what ou want. I think ou lo)e hi! too !u$h. I! afraid hell break our heart. +here% I said it. +hink about it% Rose. +hink lon' and hard before ou let hi! shatter ou to pie$es. ROSE sat on the por$h. She supposed she should ha)e stood% but she felt (ueas . *e$lan waited on the 'rass before her. She was aware of Grand!other behind her and the kids per$hed on the rail to the left. It had taken her three da s to finall re$o)er to the point that she $ould tra)el. +hree da s of *e$lan b her side showin' her how it $ould be. +his was 'oin' to be a )er diffi$ult $on)ersation. So the third $hallen'e% she said. *e$lan s!iled% and her heart .u!ped. 4ou $ould 'i)e !e so!ethin' eas . ,sk !e to pi$k ou so!e flowers. I $ant do that. +he s!ile slid off his fa$e. ;er well. Rose took a deep breath. I want ou to trust !e. She was hot and $old at the sa!e ti!e. ,n6iet pri$kled her skin% as if she were a kid who had .ust broken so!e pri=ed trinket and e6pe$ted her parents to ell at her. Winnin' the $hallen'es 'i)es ou the ri'ht to own !e. I would belon' to ou $o!pletel . Id be our possession. I si!pl phrased the oath in a wa !ost ad)anta'eous to !e at the ti!e% he said. I dont want to own ou% Rose. I want ou to want !e. ,nd I think ou do. She $ouldnt let hi! derail her. I understand wh ou)e done it that wa . -ut the fa$t re!ains that I ha)e to trust ou $o!pletel to let ou win.

&e raised his ar!s. &is tone 'rew $old. *o ou want !e to !arr thats the onl wa Ill ha)e ou% Ill do it. She win$ed. +hats e6a$tl what I dont want. What do ou want"

ou ri'ht now% is that it" If

She held herself strai'ht. I want ou to si'n three writs of $iti=enship for ! self and the kids. Ill 'o with ou into the Weird. 4oull introdu$e !e to our fa!il and friends. If in one !onths ti!e ou still want to 'o throu'h with the weddin'% Ill !arr ou. &e stared at her. What would be the purpose of that" 4oure 'i)in' !e the power to take the writs and )anish on$e we rea$h the Weird. ,re ou afraid Ill !istreat ou" Its about trust% *e$lan. I will trust ou to take !e to the Weird% to not kill the $hildren% to not sell !e to the hi'hest bidder% to not turn !e into our !istress onl to be abandoned when so!e noblewo!an $at$hes our e e. ,nd ou will trust !e to $o!e with ou and !arr ou of ! own free will% not be$ause of so!e du!b $hallen'e. &is fa$e snapped into 'la$ial $al!. Is that what ou think of !e" 4ou think !e the kind of !an who would !urder $hildren and take ad)anta'e of ou" No% she said. I dont. I want to be with ou% *e$lan. I lo)e ou )er !u$h. -ut our fa!il !i'ht hate !e% and ou !i'ht $han'e our !ind. If ou do it ! wa % oull ha)e an out. 4oull lose nothin'. So ou want !e to trust ou% but ou dont trust !e% he said. +his is the $hallen'e% she said. +hree writs% thirt da s. I wont ba$k awa fro! it. &is e6pression didnt $han'e. Geor'e% there is a wooden bo6 in ! roo!. 8et$h it. 4oull ha)e our writs% he said. Start pa$kin'. I+ took the! the whole da to pa$k what little belon'in's the had. +he had to tra)el li'ht% no !ore than the $ould $arr . Rose pa$ked a $ouple of $han'es of $lothes for e)er one. +he kids took their to s and the three )olu!es of Inu4asha. +he -roken !one would be useless in the Weird% and Rose handed it all o)er to her 'rand!other. She would 'o into the Weird without a sin'le $ent to her na!e.

*e$lan had transfor!ed ba$k into the Weird blueblood. +he 'ra leather ar!or% the sword% the pa$k% and the wolf !antle were ba$k. So was the hau'ht e6pression. &e hadnt said !ore than two words to her. +he said their tear#soaked 'ood#b es to Grand!a. 2o!e with !e% Rose asked. 5lease. AlBonore .ust hu''ed her. I $ouldnt ha)e left 2letus e)en if I wanted to. I had no pla$e to 'o and no !eans to $ross the o$ean. -ut ou will ha)e a $hoi$e. If it doesnt work out% ou $an alwa s $o!e ba$k here. ,lwa s% Rose. No !atter what% no (uestions asked. 1et !e do this thin' for ou. Ill sleep better at ni'ht. Well $o!e ba$k to )isit ne6t su!!er% Rose pro!ised. ,s the headed down the path into the Wood% Rose looked ba$k and saw Grand!a on the por$h% a lost e6pression on her fa$e. Geor'e sniffled. Ne6t su!!er well talk her into $o!in' ba$k with us% she told hi!. +he walked for the better part of the da . +he Wood 'rew darker and stran'er with ea$h step% the trees be$o!in' thi$ker% bran$hes !ore twisted. Odd $reatures skittered a!on' the $anop and bi=arre flowers bloo!ed a!on' the roots% like bea$ons of white and oran'e. 8inall *e$lan stopped. +he boundar % he said. +he !o!ent of truth. Either the had enou'h !a'i$ to $ross or the didnt. Rose held the bo s b the hand and took a step. 5ressure $lut$hed her. She 'asped at the sudden wei'ht and took another step% then another and another% and then the were throu'h. ,n in$redible li'htness filled her. +he !a'i$ pulsed within her% )ibrant% stron'% and she lau'hed softl at the si!ple happiness of it. *e$lan rea$hed into his leather and produ$ed a s!all whistle. , shrill sound sli$ed throu'h the Wood. 7a'i$ pulsed fro! the whistle. , rapid thuddin' of a horse answered% and a lar'e ani!al pushed throu'h the underbrush. +hi$k% sto$k a$ross the shoulders% with a deep $hest and powerful le's% it looked like a $ross between a -udweiser stallion and a wild ra!. It dipped its head% $rowned with two steel#$apped horns% and nu==led at *e$lan. &is na!e is Grunt% *e$lan said.

+he !ount 'runted in repl . +he pa$ked their belon'in's into saddleba's% loaded /a$k and Geor'e onto Grunts ba$k% and set off. +wo da s later% the finall !ade it out of the woods and onto the road. *e$lan pushed the!% and b ni'htfall% the $a!e upon a settle!ent. It was a s!all town% poised about a pa)ed road runnin' up a hill. +wo# and three#stor houses $li!bed up the slope% $ushioned in 'reener . So!e were whitewashed% so!e built of pink and ellow stone% !ost roofed with reddish oran'e shin'les. &ere and there streetla!ps sparked with !a'i$. So!e buildin's showed odd $upolas9 others had pe$uliar hiero'l phs s$rawled on their walls in flowin' s$ript. , s!all $arria'e slid b the!% headin' up the hill. It had no horse. *e$lan led the! up the road to a wide blo$k buildin'% !arked b a tall post with a 'lowin' 'reen lantern atop it. , dark#haired bo ran out to take Grunts reins and bowed deepl . 7 lord! Luiet% *e$lan told hi!% pointin' at the two bo s passed out on Grunts ba$k. &e tossed a $oin to the bo . It looked a lot s!aller than the doubloons with whi$h hed paid her. 8a!il suite% top floor. ,nd a dinner for four. +he had two ad.oinin' roo!s $onne$ted with a door and situated on the end of the se$ond# floor hallwa . +he roo!s were $lean and beautiful. 8or so!e reason she had e6pe$ted a s!ok !edie)al ta)ern% but instead the roo!s were al!ost !odern% e6$ept for the absen$e of ele$tri$ outlets% +;s% or an thin' else that was !eant to plu' in. +he walls were a 'entle pea$h% the floors 'olden hardwood. Ea$h bedroo! $a!e e(uipped with a $anopied bed and soft dark red $hairs. 2lusters of ele'ant 'lass bellflowers !ounted on the walls spilled soothin' li'ht. +he innkeeper deposited /a$k onto the bed in the ri'ht roo! and withdrew. *e$lan pla$ed Geor'e ne6t to /a$k. Rose went into the bathroo! and saw a toilet% a double sink% and a shower with a hu'e bathtub sunken deep into the floor. , robe hun' on the hook% so ordinar she nearl lau'hed. Suddenl she reali=ed she stank. She stripped and $li!bed in% wantin' nothin' !ore than to wash off three da s in the forest. It took her a little while to fi'ure out the $ontents of the twisted 'reen and blue 'lass bottles% but in the end% she e!er'ed% $lean% s!ellin' like tan'erines% and wrapped in a fluff $rea!#$olored towel. +he didnt appear to ha)e ele$tri$it % but the water pressure was e6$ellent and the water was hot. Shed ha)e to ask *e$lan about it.

She tiptoed past the sleepin' $hildren into the se$ond roo! and 'asped when *e$lan poun$ed on her% sweepin' her off her feet. &is lips tou$hed hers% and she !elted. She !issed hi! so !u$h% she al!ost $ried. &is )oi$e was a husk 'rowl knitted with need. I !issed ou. She put her fin'ers on his lips. Luiet% the kids ... &e 'lan$ed at the door and roared at the top of his lun's% >ids" She 'asped% e6pe$tin' /a$k or Geor'e to fl throu'h the door. *e$lan rea$hed o)er% swun' the door open% and showed her the bo s asleep in their roo!. Soundproof si'il% he said% shuttin' the door. We $an hear the!% but the $ant hear us. 4ou $an s$rea! all ou want. So I! $o!pletel at our !er$ " Rose lau'hed. &e $arried her to the bed. 4ou will be ... 7<2& later% war! and ridi$ulousl happ % she la on her side% her head on his ar!% his bod pressed a'ainst her. So this is our idea of slow and sensuous" 5rett !u$h% he said. E6plain the thirt da s to !e. Its our $han$e to $han'e our !ind% she told hi!. I! s$ared oull fall out of lo)e with !e. I! s$ared our fa!il will hate !e% and then oull !arr !e an wa to res$ue !e% but oull be$o!e a pariah and bla!e !e for the rest of our life for bein' disowned. &is $hest shook% and she reali=ed he was tr in' to hold in lau'hter. She stared at hi!% indi'nant. I want to 'i)e ou a $hoi$e% ou idiot. I dont want to !ake ou feel like ou ha)e to do it. &e broke into lau'hter. She 'roaned and $urled into a ball. I)e !ade ! $hoi$e% he said. In fa$t% I)e done e)er thin' in ! power to 'et ou ri'ht here into ! bed% and I had to work )er hard for it. I 'a)e ou no reason to belie)e that Ill abandon ou. Or !urder the $hildren and lea)e the! on the side of the road. Reall % that was pri$eless. I was a bit put out. She 'lared at hi!. , bit put out apparentl !eant three da s of the silent treat!ent. &e pulled her $lose. I! not doin' this to res$ue ou. I! doin' this for entirel selfish reasons3I lo)e ou% and I dont want to be without ou.

I lo)e ou% too% she told hi!. 1ets 'et !arried now% he offered. Well 'o down to the !a'istrate in the !ornin' ... +hirt da s% she said fir!l . ,fter our parents !eet !e. 4oure an i!possible wo!an% he said !ournfull . 4ou wouldnt lo)e !e if I wasnt% she said. +rue. She kissed hi!. &e wrapped his ar!s around her% and she s!iled. +o!orrow would brin' new troubles% but for now she was perfe$tl and $o!pletel happ . +&E $astle was enor!ous. It spread atop a hill like a $rou$hin' dra'on0 at the front% hea)il fortified entran$e% like a !outh% followed b the stret$h of the wall3the beasts ne$k. Ne6t a round tall tower stabbed the sk 3the dra'ons le'% followed b a $luster of fortified buildin's surrounded b a hi'h wall with a spiked parapet $urlin' on the ed'e of a $liff% like a !assi)e rid'ed tail around hind(uarters. +he brown stone% darkened with a'e% intensified the illusion. Rose 'aped at it. It onl looks se)ere% *e$lan infor!ed her. Inside% its )er open. +he *u$hess of the Southern 5ro)in$es has a fondness for natural li'ht and 'au= $urtains. It will be (ui$k% I pro!ise. We 'o in% I report to the *uke% and then we depart for 2a!arine >eep. Well be ho!e b to!orrow ni'ht. Rose shru''ed% tr in' to 'et rid of the tension sittin' between her shoulder blades. &er horse% a s!aller )ersion of *e$lans Grunt% i!!ediatel rea$ted b dan$in' in pla$e. &e had bou'ht it for her in that first town. +he kids ea$h 'ot a !ount of their own. Geor'e rode like a natural% with al!ost *e$lan#like ele'an$e% while /a$k !ostl $lun' to the horse% $lawin' at it at e)er bu!p% until both he and his horse dashed about in blind pani$. +he trip a$ross ,drian'lia had taken al!ost a week. -oth she and the kids had ended up with raw thi'hs after the first da of ridin'% and after that% the d taken it slow and eas . It was an odd pla$e% $lean and beautiful in so!e areas% stark in others. Ruins dotted the $ountr side here and there% s$ars of old wars. She had tried to prepare herself for the possibilit that she !i'ht dislike the Weird% but it 'rew on her% with its pat$hes of forest and horseless $arria'es% and $hildren pla in' with !a'i$ on the sides of the roads. She had been $o!pletel blindsided b *e$lans status. She had known he was a 7arshal% but shed ne)er (uite reali=ed what it entailed. 5eople bowed. When he passed throu'h a town% a report was brou'ht% usuall b a $o!!ander of the lo$al !ilitia. E)er stop was a

workin' stop. +he first ti!e so!eone $alled her ! lad % it =oo!ed ri'ht o)er her head. She had tried her best not to e!barrass hi!. <nfortunatel % she knew this would last onl until she $a!e into $onta$t with other nobles. Now she had to fa$e the *uke of the Southern 5ro)in$es. &e was the !an to who! *e$lan answered. +he !an she desperatel needed to i!press% e)en !ore so than *e$lans parents. She still wore her .eans and a +#shirt. &er hair was still a short !ess. She was still unrefined. She was Rose. ,nd *e$lan was deter!ined to dra' her into the $astle. +he rode up the road. +his was so not 'oin' to end well. +he passed under the port$ullis. *e$lan !erel nodded at the 'uards% dressed in 'ra and blue. E)er bod bowed. &e .u!ped off Grunt and helped her down off her !ount. +he kids dis!ounted% and *e$lan started toward the doors. I was thinkin'% we !i'ht .ust sta here% Rose said. We $an wait for ou. :*ear *e$lan% where is our bride" :Oh% I left her outside% 4our Gra$e. *e$lan shook his head. I dont think so. &e took her b the hand% 'entl % but she knew with absolute $ertaint that she wouldnt be able to 'et awa % and 'uided her inside into the lobb . , wide roo! stret$hed before her% ter!inatin' in a stair$ase leadin' up. On both sides of the stair$ase she saw ar$hed entran$es openin' into a )ast hall. +he floor was old worn stone. +apestries de$orated the walls. S!all trees and bri'ht flowers 'rew in hu'e pots alon' the walls. -athed in the li'ht of nu!erous windows% the hall looked surprisin'l $heer . , !an appeared. &is hair was sil)er% his $lothes bla$k leather% his fa$e 'ri!. &e looked like he $ould kill people with his stare alone. &es waitin' for ou% ! lord% he said. *e$lan nodded and 'lan$ed at her. Wait for !e% please% he said% Ill be ri'ht ba$k. &e ran up the stairwa . +he !an followed hi!. +he were alone. Geor'e looked at his shoes. /a$k rea$hed o)er% plu$ked a s!all leaf fro! the nearest tree% and ner)ousl $hewed on it. /a$k% dont do that% she !ur!ured. , wo!an e!er'ed fro! one of the entran$es on the ri'ht. /a$k swallowed the leaf. She was older% tall% dark#haired% )er beautiful% and dressed in a ra''ed shirt s!eared with $rea!#$olored paint. +he looked at ea$h other.

Who are ou" the wo!an asked. , frost sheen $rossed her e es and !elted into their dark depths. Oh God. , blueblood. I! here with *e$lan% Rose said. +hese are ! brothers. Were .ust here for a !inute. +he wo!an pursed her lips. ,re ou fro! the -roken" ,$tuall % I! fro! the Ed'e% Rose said $arefull . 2an ou paint walls" Rose blinked. 4es. Would ou !ind helpin' !e" I)e been paintin' non#stop% and ! ba$k reall hurts. +here was onl one answer to that. Not at all. +he wo!an s!iled. She had a )er war! s!ile% and Rose rela6ed a little. 2o!e with !e! +he followed her into a side hallwa % up a window stairwa to the se$ond floor and into a roo! la ered with $loth. &alf of one wall was $rea!. +he rest was steel 'ra . I think it looks better with $rea!% dont ou" the wo!an said. It looks bri'hter. +he wo!an handed her a roller. In a few !inutes all three of the! were paintin'. When I be$o!e worried% I paint the walls% the wo!an said. I)e done four roo!s so far. Well% si6% a$tuall % sin$e I $han'ed ! !ind se)eral ti!es on the $olor. 4our brothers are adorable. +hank ou. Wh were ou worried" Rose asked. -e$ause of *e$lan% of $ourse. +he whole !ess with 2asshorn nearl brou'ht !e to an earl 'ra)e. I reali=e we won% but would ou !ind fillin' in the details" Rose bit her lip. I! not sure I should tell ou. +he wo!an s!iled. I know !ost of the stor 0 2asshorn had stolen a de)i$e fro! the *uke of the Southern 5ro)in$es that feeds on !a'i$ and !akes hounds. &e took it a$ross the

$ountr into the Ed'e. *e$lan left to retrie)e it and sa)e Willia!% who !ana'ed to entan'le hi!self in this !ess. So how did it end" *e$lan was flashin' and Rose al!ost died% be$ause she flashed to kill 2asshorn and she had no flash left% and then *e$lan flashed at Rose to sa)e her% /a$k said. /a$k! Rose snapped. +he wo!ans e es widened. Reall " /a$k nodded. Grand!a said Roses !outh and her e es were bleedin'. Geor'e du' his elbow into /a$ks side. Shut up. I ha)e to know the whole stor now% the wo!an said Id rather not% Rose said. 5lease% I insist. +went !inutes and two walls later% she had the whole stor % and Rose wasnt (uite sure how shed 'otten it. 4ou reall intend to !ake hi! wait a !onth to !arr I want hi! to be sure. *o ou know how lon' the *u$hess has been tr in' to !arr hi! off" If she dis$o)ers he found a bride% ou wont es$ape. I! hopin' to a)oid the *u$hess. I dont know an thin' about !anners% hair$uts% or proper $lothes% and I hope to learn a bit before we !eet. Rose hesitated. Wh would the *u$hess $are whether or not *e$lan is !arried" I !ean% hes a $ourtes earl. I know the *uke see!s to rel on hi! and hes the 7arshal% but I was hopin' the *u$hess wouldnt take an interest. +he wo!an stopped her roller. Oh% dear. I! sorr " *e$lan has this anno in' habit. &e doesnt (uite lie. Instead he allows people to arri)e at the wron' $on$lusions and doesnt bother to $orre$t the!. 4ou know hi! )er well. Rose s!iled. ou" +he wo!an lau'hed softl .

*ear% in ,drian'lia% nobles3the are $alled peers here3peers $arr se)eral titles. , duke !i'ht also be an earl or a baron. ,n heir $an assu!e the rank of his sire onl when his sire retires or dies. <ntil then% if the heir has $o!pleted his ser)i$e and passed his e6a!inations% he assu!es the ne6t best title in his bloodline. *e$lan is a $ourtes peer% be$ause althou'h he $o!pleted his ser)i$e% his sire is still ali)e. &e is the son of the *uke and *u$hess of the Southern 5ro)in$es. Oh God. Rose dropped the roller. 1ook on the bri'ht side0 ou dont ha)e to worr about $lothes% hair$uts% or !anners. If ou !arr Earl 2a!arine% ou $ould pran$e into so$iet in a potato sa$k and it would be$o!e the latest fashion. So 2asshorn was his un$le" Rose asked. 7a be she !isunderstood ... Indeed. ,nd he alwa s hated *e$lan and 7aud% his sister. 4ou see% the !other of the $urrent *u$hess was born in the -roken. +hats wh *e$lan $an tra)el ba$k and forth between the worlds. &e is what ou !i'ht $all a !i6. 2asshorn ne)er $ould stand the *u$hess. Nobod (uite knows wh % and so he3 8ootsteps e$hoed in the hallwa . *e$lans )oi$e $alled% 7other" &e du$ked into the doorwa . 7other% ha)e ou seen3 &e saw Rose and $la!ped his !outh shut. I)e seen% and I appro)e! the wo!an said bri'htl . 7other" Rose stared at her. +he wo!an frowned. I probabl should ha)e !entioned0 that anno in' habit of lettin' people $o!e to the wron' $on$lusions and not $orre$tin' the!" &e 'ot it fro! !e. *e$lans fa$e turned i$ . 4ou .ust $ouldnt lea)e well enou'h alone. No% I $ouldnt. -ut I absolutel lo)e her% the *u$hess answered. *ont worr about the one#!onth re(uire!ent3it will take !e that lon' to or'ani=e the weddin'. Rose si!pl stared. ,n older )ersion of *e$lan appeared in the doorwa . We)e !ispla$ed the bride ... Oh% here ou are. &e shouldered his wa into the roo!. ,n e)en older !an followed. Gaunt and dressed in dark purple% he saw Rose and said% Wh % she is lo)el . &e 'lan$ed at the bo s. Whi$h of ou is the ne$ro!an$er" , oun' fe!ale )oi$e elled at the door% 1et !e into the roo!! I! his sister% da!n it!

Rose ba$ked awa % pressin' a'ainst the freshl painted wall. +he were too bi'% too loud% too full of !a'i$. /a$k hissed. *e$lan stepped forward% pushed the double doors open% took her hand% and pulled her throu'h onto a wide bal$on . *id ou see that" the *u$hess elled. &e res$ued her fro! us. +his weddin' is on! Sorr . +he re .ust e6$ited% *e$lan told her% leadin' her to the end of the bal$on . 4ou lied to !e a'ain. No% I .ust didnt tell ou the whole truth. She shook her head. , duke" Not for another twent ears or so.

God% our !other probabl thinks I! an idiot. She likes ou. She likes the kids% too. Rose% I! still !e. *oes it reall !atter if I! a duke or not" If I didnt ha)e a title% ou would)e !arried !e alread . 8or'et the $astle. 8or'et ! fa!il . One of the older !en leaned out of the doors. I .ust want to see the triple ar$h% he $alled. +hen Ill lea)e ou two alone! I lo)e ou. 7arr !e% *e$lan said. &is e es were 'reen like 'rass blades. She put her ar!s around his ne$k and kissed hi! as the triple ar$h of her flash spun about the!. In the doorwa % the older !an swore. *e$lan 'rinned at her. She 'rinned ba$k. Sa es% he said.

4es% she said. -ut not before the !onth is o)er.

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