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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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ISO 9001:2008 Quality System Manual


Approval Signatures:

Title: President Title: Quality Manager


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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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Atta'()ent *A+ ORGA I!A"IO A# $%AR"

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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1'0 1'1

G( (RA# $O "RO# $O)* ISS+(,

T(e Quality Manual is ',ntr,lled in a'',rdan'e -it( QP./0102 D,'u)ent and Data C,ntr,l0

D,'u)ent status s(all 3e indi'ated ,n t(e 4r,nt ',&er 5age6 C,ntr,lled ',5ies s(all (a&e t(e status ,4 *C,ntr,lled+ a sta)5ed i)5ressi,n in red0 T(ere s(all 3e a sele't nu)3er ,4 C,ntr,lled C,5ies -it( assigned nu)3er and distri3uted as listed0

7(en re8uested 3y 'ust,)ers6 sales re5resentati&es ,r ,t(er e9ternal ',n'erned 5arties ,nly * n',ntr,lled C,5ies+ -ill 3e distri3uted0 T(ese ',5ies -ill n,t re'ei&e n,ti4i'ati,n '(anges ,r additi,ns0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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T(is )anual and indi&idual 5r,'edures ,r d,'u)ents re4eren'ed t(r,ug(,ut are ',)5any ',n4idential and are n,t t, 3e l,aned6 du5li'ated ,r distri3uted e9ternally e9'e5t -(en duly aut(,ri:ed 3y t(e Quality Manager0

$ontrolle- $opies ,istri.ution:

$opy / 2 ; < 1'2 ,O$+M( " R(1ISIO

)osition President Quality Manager S(,5 Su5er&is,r

0in-er / 2 ; <

Rev' $

,ate #uly ;$$%

Responsi.le )erson n=a

,es2ription o3 $4ange Preli)inary Manual

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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"A0#( o3 $O "( "S



Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly Syste)s C,)5any 6ORGA I!A"IO A# $%AR" Atta24ment 7A8 G( (RA# 1'0 C,ntr,l C,5y Issued 202 D,'u)ent Re&isi,n Page 20; Ta3le ,4 C,ntents 20< De4initi,ns 20/ $OR)ORA"( $OMMI"M( " 2'0 >ield ,4 A55li'ati,n ;02 Quality P,li'y ;0; %IS"OR* O9 ORGA I!A"IO &'0 Q+A#I"* MA AG(M( " S*S"(M 4'0 Intr,du'ti,n and Quality Syste) E9'lusi,ns /02 Quality Syste) D,'u)entati,n /0; MA AG(M( " R(S)O SI0I#I"* 5'0 Manage)ent C,))it)ent 102 Cust,)er >,'us 10; Quality P,li'y 10< Planning 10/ Res5,nsi3ility6 Aut(,rity and C,))uni'ati,n 101 Manage)ent Re&ie10? R(SO+R$( MA AG(M( " :'0 Pr,&isi,n ,4 Res,ur'es ?02 @u)an Res,ur'es ?0; In4rastru'ture ?0< 7,rA En&ir,n)ent ?0/ )RO,+$" R(A#I!A"IO ;'0 Planning ,4 Pr,du't Reali:ati,n B02 Cust,)er C Related Pr,'esses B0; Design and De&el,5)ent B0< Pur'(asing B0/ Pr,du'ti,n and Ser&i'e Pr,&isi,n B01 C,ntr,l ,4 M,nit,ring and Measuring De&i'es B0? M(AS+R(M( "< A A#*SIS = IM)RO1(M( " 8'0 Deneral E02 M,nit,ring and Measure)ent E0; Internal Audits E0;0; C,ntr,l ,4 N,n',n4,r)ing Pr,du't E0<

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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Analysis ,4 Data I)5r,&e)ent F 1'4 ,(9I I"IO S

E0/ E01

T(e 4,ll,-ing de4initi,ns s(all a55ly t, ter)s used in t(is QSM and t(e QMS ,4 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X ,4 -(i'( t(is )anual is a 5art0

A22eptan2e $riteria. De4ined li)its 5la'ed ,n '(ara'teristi's ,4 'ust,) 5r,du'ts and ser&i'esG 3ased ,n 'ust,)er re8uire)ents and ,ur ,-n 8uality syste)0 Au-it. A d,'u)ented in&estigati,n t, &eri4y t(at a55li'a3le re8uire)ents are 3eing i)5le)ented0 $ali.ration. C,)5aris,n and adHust)ent t, a standard ,4 An,-n a''ura'y0 $on3orman2e. C,)5lian'e -it( s5e'i4ied re8uire)ents0 $ontra2t. Agreed re8uire)ents 3et-een a su55lier and 'ust,)er trans)itted 3y any )eans0 $ontrol. T, e9er'ise aut(,rity ,&er and regulate0 ,elivery. T(e 5,int in ti)e and 5(ysi'al l,'ati,n at -(i'( t(e agreed trans4er ,4 ,-ners(i5 taAes 5la'e0 ,esign. A detailed 5lan 4,r a 5r,du't0 ,esign A22eptan2e $riteria. See A''e5tan'e Criteria ,esign Re>uirements. C,nstraints i)5,sed ,n t(e design 3y a55li'a3le s5e'i4i'ati,ns and = ,r 'ust,)er re8uire)ents0 ,esign Revie?. A 4,r)al6 d,'u)ented6 ',)5re(ensi&e and syste)ati' e9a)inati,n ,4 a design I-it( ,r -it(,ut 'ust,)er in5utsJ t, e&aluate t(e design re8uire)ents and t(e 'a5a3ility ,4 t(e design t, )eet t(,se re8uire)ents and t, identi4y 5r,3le)s and 5r,5,se s,luti,ns0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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,esign 1ali-ation. T(e 5r,'ess ,4 5r,&ing a design 3y testing0 T(e re8uired testing is t(at re8uired 3y t(e 'ust,)er and = ,r a55li'a3le 5r,du't s5e'i4i'ati,n t, de),nstrate t(e ',n4,r)an'e ,4 t(e 5r,du't t, design re8uire)ents0 ,esign 1eri3i2ation. T(e 5r,'ess ,4 e9a)ining t(e result ,4 a gi&en design ,r de&el,5)ent a'ti&ity t, deter)ine ',n4,r)an'e -it( s5e'i4ied re8uire)ents0 ,ispat24. T, send ,44 t, a 5arti'ular destinati,n0 ,o2umentation. Re',rder in4,r)ati,n0 (sta.lis4. Bring int, e9isten'e0 9in-ing. Sur&ey ,riginated ,3He'ti&e e&iden'e t(at a ',ntr,l 4eature ,4 t(e a55r,&ed Quality Manage)ent Syste) -as n,t i)5le)ented -it( an a''e5ta3le le&el ,4 relia3ility0 Instru2tion. In4,r)ati,n -(i'( is gi&en 3y -ay ,4 dire'ti,n ,r ',))and 4,r a s5e'i4i' a55li'ati,n0 on@ $on3orman2e. Any de&iati,n 4r,) s5e'i4ied re8uire)ents0 (AS$. Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X O.Ae2tive (vi-en2e. >a'ts -(i'( are ,3ser&ed and d,'u)ented0 O.servation. Sur&ey ,riginated ,3He'ti&e e&iden'e t(at a ',ntr,l 4eature ,4 t(e a55r,&ed Quality Manage)ent Syste) is n,t 3eing i)5le)ented -it( ',)5lete relia3ility 3ut -(i'( d,es n,t ',nstitute a 4inding0 An ,3ser&ati,n )ay als, in'lude a sur&eya3le =audita3le ele)ent -(i'( is n,t ',ntrary t, d,'u)ented re8uire)ents6 3ut -arrants 4urt(er 8uali4i'ati,n ,4 i)5r,&e)ent0 )oli2y. Instru'ti,n and ',))and 4r,) ',r5,rate )anage)ent0 )ra2ti2e. A 'ust,)ary 5er4,r)an'e ,4 'ertain a'ts in a 5r,4essi,nal 4ield0 )ro2e-ure. Manner ,r )et(,d ,4 5r,'eeding in a 5r,'ess 'are4ully 5lanned in t(e interest ,4 ',ntr,lling ',nditi,ns0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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)ro-u2t. Result ,4 a'ti&ities ,r 5r,'esses0 EASC integrates ,nly 'ust,) 5r,du't0 )ro-u2t RealiBation. All 5(ases ,4 t(e de&el,5)ent ,4 a 5r,du't0 Quality. C,n4,r)an'e t, s5e'i4ied re8uire)ents0 Quality Assuran2e. T(,se 5lanned6 syste)ati' and 5re&entati&e a'ti,ns -(i'( are re8uired t, ensure t(at )aterials6 5r,du'ts ,r ser&i'es -ill )eet s5e'i4ied re8uire)ents0 Quality $ontrol. Ins5e'ti,n6 test ,r e9a)inati,n t, ensure t(at 5r,du'ts ,r ser&i'es ',n4,r) t, s5e'i4ied re8uire)ents0 Quality Management System CQMSD @ An esta3lis(ed d,'u)ented syste) t, ensure 8uality0 In'ludes t(e ,rgani:ati,nal stru'ture6 res5,nsi3ilities6 ',ntr,l 4eatures6 5r,'esses and res,ur'es needed t, )anage 8uality0 Quality System Manual CQSMD . T(is d,'u)ent0 Spe2ial )ro2esses. Pr,'esses6 t(e results ,4 -(i'( 'ann,t 3e 4ully &eri4ied 3y su3se8uent ins5e'ti,n and =,r testing ,4 t(e 5r,du't0 Spe2i3i2ation. Engineering li)its des'ri3ing )aterials6 5r,'esses and ',nstru'ti,n gi&ing di)ensi,n ,r in4,r)ati,n n,t s(,-n ,n dra-ings0 Spe2i3ie- Re>uirements. T(,se re8uire)ents ne'essary t, 5r,&ide 5r,du't6 in'luding designated QMS ele)ents6 design and )anu4a'turing a''e5tan'e 'riteria and 'ust,)er de4ined re8uire)ents0 Stan-ar-. A rule ,r ),del esta3lis(ed 3y aut(,rity 4,r t(e )easure ,4 8uality0 Su.2ontra2tor. Any indi&idual ,r ,rgani:ati,n t(at 5r,&ides )aterials6 5r,du'ts ,r ser&i'es t, t(e )anu4a'turer a44e'ting t(e ,ut',)e ,4 4inal 5r,du'ts0 Supplier. Any indi&idual ,r ,rgani:ati,n -(, 4urnis(es )aterials6 5r,du'ts ,r ser&i'es t, t(e )anu4a'turer0 Survey. A d,'u)ented in&estigati,n6 in'luding e9a)inati,n ,4 ,3He'ti&e e&iden'e6 t, &eri4y t(at an entity is in ',n4,r)an'e0 QSM"#ul $%"Re& $

Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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"ra2ea.ility. T(e a3ility t, deter)ine t(e 5r,du't (ist,ry t(r,ug( )arAings and re',rds0 1eri3y. T, deter)ine ',n4,r)an'e t, s5e'i4ied re8uire)ents0


$OR)ORA"( $OMMI"M( "

T(is )anual des'ri3es Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly Syste)s C,)5any IEASCKsJ )anage)ent syste) re8uire)ents 4,r ',ntra'ts 3et-een its 3usiness unit and its 'ust,)ers6 and it de),nstrates t(e ',))it)ent t, 5r,&ide 5r,du'ts t(at )eet and e9'eed ,ur 'ust,)erKs re8uire)ents0

T(is )anual 5r,&ides a des'ri5ti,n ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) in a'',rdan'e -it( ISO %$$2:;$$E and ser&es as a re4eren'e 4,r )aintaining and ',ntinu,usly i)5r,&ing ,ur 8uality )anage)ent syste)0


9I(#, O9 A))#I$A"IO

T(is )anual is a55li'a3le:

In ',ntra'tual situati,ns -(en t(e ',ntra't and 5r,du't re8uire)ents are stated in 5er4,r)an'e ter)s6 ,r need t, 3e esta3lis(ed0

7(en 5r,du't ',n4,r)an'e is attained 3y de),nstrati,n ,4 5r,du'ti,n6 installati,n6 and ser&i'e 'a5a3ilities0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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Q+A#I"* )O#I$*

Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly Syste)s C,)5any Q ALITY POLICY

T, )eet ,r e9'eed t(e e95e'tati,ns ,4 ,ur 'ust,)ers t(r,ug( ,ur ',))it)ent t, ',ntinu,usly 5r,&ide e9'ellent 'ust,)er ser&i'e -(ile ',nstantly i)5r,&ing t(e e44e'ti&eness ,4 ,ur Quality Manage)ent Syste)0

In additi,n6 -e are ',))itted t, e)5,-ering ,ur e)5l,yees t, get t(e H,3 d,ne ',rre'tly and e44i'iently0

T(e Quality P,li'y a'An,-ledges Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X and its 3usiness unitKs ',))it)ent t, Quality and its intent t, )aintain ,ng,ing ',)5lian'e -it( t(e ISO %$$2:;$$E standard0

T(e Quality P,li'y is rele&ant t, Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X and its 3usiness unitLs ,rgani:ati,nal g,als and )eets t(e needs ,4 t(e 'ust,)er0

T(e 5,li'y is ',))uni'ated t(r,ug(,ut t(e ,rgani:ati,n 3y )eans ,4 a State)ent ,4 Quality 3eing 5,sted t(r,ug(,ut t(e 4a'ility and end,rsed 3y t(e signature ,4 t(e President0 T(e 5,li'y is re&ie-ed and re&ised6 as re8uired6 t, re4le't Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X and its 3usiness unitKs ,ng,ing ',))it)ent t, Quality and Cust,)er Re8uire)ents0

All e)5l,yees An,- and understand t(e 8uality 5r,gra) as de),nstrated 3y 4,ll,-ing 5,li'ies and 5r,'edures0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

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I)5le)entati,n ,4 t(e 8uality 5,li'y t(r,ug(,ut t(e ,rgani:ati,n is indi'ated 3y )eeting ,r e9'eeding 'ust,)erKs re8uire)ents0


%IS"OR* O9 "%( ORGA I!A"IO

Sin'e 2%E16 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X IEASCJ (as 5r,&ided ',)5lete and 'ust,)i:ed turnAey ',ntr,l s,luti,ns 4,r a -ide &ariety ,4 a55li'ati,ns0 Pr,He'ts range 4r,) large )ulti.5(ase 5i5eline ',ntr,ls syste)s t, single installati,n relay 5anels0 Ele'tri'al design e95ertise6 in.(,use CAD6 'ust,) )anu4a'turing6 stri't 8uality ',ntr,l and 5r,He't.4,'used 'ust,)er ser&i'e )aAe EASC t(e 5r,4essi,nalsK '(,i'e0 EASC (as ,&er ;/ years ,4 ',)3ined e95erien'e -it( 'ust,)i:ing 5ress 4it ',nne't,rs6 'ust,) 3a'A5lane asse)3lies6 sta)5ing and ),lding6 PLC 5anels6 DCS ',ntr,l 3uildings6 et'0 EASC s5e'iali:es in -,rAing -it( ,ur 'ust,)erKs engineering sta44 t(r,ug( all 5(ases ,4 design6 5r,'ure)ent6 4a3ri'ati,n6 deli&ery6 installati,n and , testing0 Our (ist,ry ,4 su''ess and e95erien'e en(an'es ,ur a3ility t, su55,rt ,ur 'ust,)erKs needs0 Our 'ust,) 5r,du't is tested and ins5e'ted at all 5r,'ess le&elsG ',nse8uently6 -e are a3le t, )eet ,r e9'eed ,ur 'ust,)erKs e95e'tati,ns6 e&ery ti)e0 In t(e last se&eral years6 -e (a&e added res,ur'es -(i'( ena3le us t, 5r,du'e t(e ),st relia3le and ',st ',)5etiti&e 5r,du't in t(e industry0 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X 5r,&ides 'ust,): DESIDN ENDINEERIND >ABRICATION INTEDRATION

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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Quality System Manual

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Q+A#I"* MA AG(M( " S*S"(M

S',5e ,4 Certi4i'ati,n: Design and integration of custom automated control systems and custom control buildings. 4'1 I "RO,+$"IO A , Q+A#I"* S*S"(MS (E$#+SIO S

T(is Quality Syste) Manual 5r,&ides in4,r)ati,n t, ,ur ',)5any 5ers,nnel and 'ust,)ers6 regarding 5,li'ies and 5r,'edures 4,r assuring and ',ntr,lling 5r,du't and ser&i'e 8uality0 7it( it -e su''eed in t(e ',ntinual i)5r,&e)ent ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) and ',)5lian'e t, re8uire)ents de4ined -it(in ISO Standard %$$2:;$$E0 T(is Quality Manual esta3lis(es Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X )anage)ent 5,li'y and re4ers t, Quality Pr,'edures0 T(ese 5r,'edures (a&e 3een de&el,5ed t, 5r,&ide 5r,du't t(at )eets ,r e9'eeds 'ust,)er and a55li'a3le regulat,ry re8uire)ents0 7(en ,ne ,4 t(e 3usiness units '(,,ses t, ,uts,ur'e any 5r,'ess t(at a44e'ts 5r,du't 8uality t(e unit s(all ensure ',ntr,l ,&er su'( 5r,'esses0 C,ntr,l ,4 ,uts,ur'e 5r,'esses s(all 3e identi4ied -it(in t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)0 nless ,t(er-ise de4ined6 t(e de4initi,n ,4 s5e'i4i' ter) used -it(in t(is d,'u)ent s(all 3e ,utlined -it(in ISO %$$2:;$$E0 7(en used6 t(e A'r,ny) IEASCJ re4ers t, Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any XKs 8uality )anage)ent syste) is d,'u)ented6 i)5le)ented and )aintained0 7e are ',ntinually i)5r,&ing its e44e'ti&eness in a'',rdan'e -it( re8uire)ents as de4ined -it(in ISO %$$2:;$$E and ,ur ,-n stated 5,li'ies t, ensure t(at 5r,du'ts and ser&i'es 5r,&ided )eet ,r e9'eed 'ust,)er re8uire)ents0 T(e 'riteria and )et(,ds needed t, ensure t(at 3,t( t(e ,5erati,n and ',ntr,l ,4 t(ese 5r,'esses are e44e'ti&e0 Re4er t, se'ti,n B02 ,4 t(is )anual0 All t(e 5r,'esses t(at )aAe u5 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X 8uality )anage)ent syste) s(all 3e )anaged in a'',rdan'e -it( t(e re8uire)ents ,4 t(e ISO %$$2:;$$E Standard0

(E$#+SIO S

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Based ,n t(e 4,ll,-ing Husti4i'ati,n de4ined -it(in t(e ISO %$$2:;$$E standard d, n,t a55ly t, ,ur ty5e ,4 ,5erati,n and (a&e 3een e9'luded 4r,) ,ur 8uality )anage)ent syste)0

B010; Malidati,n ,4 5r,'esses 4,r 5r,du'ti,n and ser&i'e 5r,&isi,n T(e ,rgani:ati,n s(all &alidate any 5r,'esses 4,r 5r,du'ti,n and ser&i'e 5r,&isi,n -(ere t(e resulting ,ut5ut 'ann,t 3e &eri4ied 3y su3se8uent ),nit,ring ,r )easure)ent and6 as a ',nse8uen'e6 de4i'ien'ies 3e',)e a55arent ,nly a4ter t(e 5r,du't is in use ,r t(e ser&i'e (as 3een deli&ered0 Malidati,n s(all de),nstrate t(e a3ility ,4 t(ese 5r,'esses t, a'(ie&e 5lanned results0 T(e ,rgani:ati,n s(all esta3lis( arrange)ents 4,r t(ese 5r,'esses in'luding6 as a55li'a3le6 de4ined 'riteria 4,r re&ie- and a55r,&al ,4 t(e 5r,'esses6 a55r,&al ,4 e8ui5)ent and 8uali4i'ati,n ,4 5ers,nnel6 use ,4 s5e'i4i' )et(,ds and 5r,'edures6 ISO=>DIS %$$2:;$$EIEJ N ISO ;$$E C All rig(ts reser&ed 22 re8uire)ents 4,r re',rds Isee /0;0/J6 and re&alidati,n0

R(9(R( $(S Quality Manage)ent Pr,'edures IQPJ ISO Standard %$$2:;$$E Quality Manage)ent Syste)s C Re8uire)ents ISO Standard %$$$.;$$E Quality Manage)ent Syste)s C >unda)entals and M,'a3ulary0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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Q+A#I"* S*S"(M ,O$+M( "A"IO

T(is se'ti,n des'ri3es t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) IQMSJ d,'u)entati,n used t, ensure 5r,du't and ser&i'e ',)5lian'e t, 8uality and ',ntra'tual re8uire)ents and in'ludes t(e ',ntr,l6 re&ie-6 a55r,&al and st,rage ,4 t(ese d,'u)ents and 8uality re',rds0 T(e d,'u)entati,n stru'ture ',nsists ,4 4,ur le&els as 4,ll,-s: #evel 1 Quality System Manual (QSM): De4ines 8uality 5,li'y6 ,3He'ti&es and ',))it)ent t, 'ust,)er satis4a'ti,n and ',ntinual i)5r,&e)ent0 Addresses ea'( ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) 5r,'esses re8uired 3y ISO %$$2:;$$E0 #evel 2 Quality Procedures (QP): C,nsist ,4 d,'u)ents t, ensure t(e e44e'ti&e 5lanning6 ,5erati,n and ',ntr,l ,4 5r,'esses0 De4ines -(, is res5,nsi3le 4,r -(at6 -(en it -,uld a55ly and -(y it is 3eing d,ne0 #evel & Work instructions (WI): C,nsist ,4 d,'u)ents -(i'( s5e'i4y detailed instru'ti,ns and6 as needed6 (,- t, 5er4,r) s5e'i4i' tasAs0 #evel 4 Quality Forms (Form): d,'u)ents 4,r ins5e'ti,n and testing6 'ali3rati,n6 5r,du'ti,n and ser&i'e 5r,'esses6 re',rds6 audit '(e'Alist6 -,rA)ans(i5 standards and 8uality 5lans0

T(is Quality Syste) Manual (as 3een esta3lis(ed and s(all ',ntinue t, 3e )aintained in ,rder t, 5r,&ide t(e 4,ll,-ing: T(e s',5e ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)6 in'luding details ,46 and Husti4i'ati,n 4,r6 any e9'lusi,n0 Re4er t, se'ti,n /02 A re4eren'e t, all d,'u)ented Quality Manage)ent Syste) 5r,'edures Ias n,ted in Re4eren'e se'ti,nJ A des'ri5ti,n ,4 t(e intera'ti,n 3et-een t(e 5r,'esses ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)0

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Quality System Manual

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$O "RO# O9 ,O$+M( "S D,'u)ents re8uired 4,r t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) su'( as t(e Quality Syste) Manual6 Quality Pr,'edures6 7,rA Instru'ti,ns and6 >,r)s s(all 3e re&ie-ed6 a55r,&ed and ',ntr,lled in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP./0102 and = ,r QP./02?02 in'luding d,'u)ents ,4 e9ternal ,rigin su'( as standards6 s5e'i4i'ati,ns and 'ust,)er dra-ings0 D,'u)ent C,ntr,l s(all )aintain a )aster list ,4 d,'u)ents generated0 T(e )aster list s(all identi4y t(e 'urrent re&isi,n status ,4 ea'( d,'u)ent and its date ,4 e44e'ti&eness0 C(anges ,r additi,ns t, a55r,&ed ',)5any d,'u)ents and data s(all 3e identi4ied -it(in t(e d,'u)ent ,r a55r,5riate atta'()ents0 All d,'u)ents s(all 3e legi3le6 readily identi4ied and retrie&a3le0 In&alid and =,r ,3s,lete d,'u)ents s(all 3e identi4ied as su'(0 $O "RO# O9 R($OR,S Quality re',rds s(all 3e esta3lis(ed and )aintained t, 5r,&ide e&iden'e ,4 ',n4,r)ity t, re8uire)ents and ,4 t(e e44e'ti&e ,5erati,n ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)0 Re',rds s(all re)ain legi3le6 readily identi4ia3le and retrie&a3le0 A 5eri,di' assess)ent ,4 st,red d,'u)entati,n s(all 3e ',ndu'ted in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP./02B02 t, ensure t(at en&ir,n)ent6 a''ess and ,t(er re8uire)ents are )et0 T(e a55r,a'( t, 3e used 4,r t(e identi4i'ati,n6 st,rage6 5r,te'ti,n6 retrie&al6 retenti,n ti)e and dis5,siti,n ,4 8uality re',rds s(all 3e identi4ied in 5r,'edure QP. /02?020 R(9(R( $(S QP. /0102 QP. /02?02 QP. /02B02 ISO Standard 5'0 5'1 D,'u)ent C,ntr,l Quality Re',rds Internal Quality Audits %$$2:;$$E Quality Manage)ent Syste)s C Re8uire)ents

MA AG(M( " R(S)O SI0I#I"* MA AG(M( " $OMMI"M( " QSM"#ul $%"Re& $

Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

Page 1: of 49

T(is se'ti,n des'ri3es t(e )anage)ent ',))it)ent t, t(e de&el,5)ent6 i)5le)entati,n and ',ntinuing i)5r,&e)ent ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) and identi4ies t(e e&iden'e ,4 t(is ',))it)ent0 NS C,ntr,ls6 In' is ',))itted t, t(e 5,li'ies and 5r,'edures re4eren'ed -it(in t(is )anual6 t, ',ntinually i)5r,&e 5er4,r)an'e -(ile addressing t(e needs ,4 all interested 5arties and t, t(e 4,ll,-ing 8uality )anage)ent 5rin'i5les0 $ustomer 9o2us: As a 'ust,)er 4,'used ,rgani:ati,n6 -e )ust understand 'urrent and 4uture 'ust,)er needs6 s(,uld )eet 'ust,)er re8uire)ents and stri&e t, e9'eed ,ur 'ust,)er e95e'tati,ns0 #ea-ers4ip: 7e )ust esta3lis( unity ,4 5ur5,se and dire'ti,n and 'reate and )aintain t(e internal en&ir,n)ent in -(i'( ,ur e)5l,yees 'an 3e',)e 4ully in&,l&ed in a'(ie&ing ,ur ',)5anyKs ,3He'ti&es0 Involvement o3 )eople: 7e )ust ensure t(at ,ur e)5l,yees are 4ully in&,l&ed and in4,r)ed in ,rder t, ena3le t(e) t, use t(eir a3ilities 4,r t(e 3ene4it ,4 t(e ',)5any0 )ro2ess Approa24: 7e )ust ensure t(at -(en a'ti&ities and related res,ur'es are )anaged as a 5r,'ess a desired result is a'(ie&ed ),re e44i'iently0 System Approa24 to Management: 7e )ust identi4y6 understand and )anage interrelated 5r,'esses ,4 ,ur 8uality )anage)ent syste) t, a'(ie&e ,3He'ti&es -(ile ',ntri3uting t, t(e e44e'ti&eness and e44i'ien'y ,4 ,ur ',)5any0 $ontinual Improvement: 7e )ust ensure t(at ',ntinual i)5r,&e)ent and ,&erall 5er4,r)an'e s(,uld 3e a 5er)anent ,3He'ti&e ,4 ,ur ',)5any0 9a2tual Approa24 to ,e2ision MaFing: 7e )ust ensure t(at de'isi,ns are e44e'ti&e and are 3ased ,n t(e analysis ,4 data and in4,r)ati,n0 Mutually 0ene3i2ial Supplier Relations4ips: 7e )ust en(an'e ,ur a3ility t, 'reate a )utually 3ene4i'ial relati,ns(i5 -it( ,ur su55liers0 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any XKs )anage)ent rein4,r'es its ',))it)ent t, t(e de&el,5)ent and i)5le)entati,n ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) and ',ntinually i)5r,&es its e44e'ti&eness 3y: C,))uni'ating t(e i)5,rtan'e ,4 )eeting 'ust,)er as -ell as statut,ry and regulat,ry re8uire)ents t(r,ug(,ut t(e ,rgani:ati,n 3y any ,r all ,4 t(e 4,ll,-ing -ays:

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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o o o o o o

Internal and 8uality ind,'trinati,n training sessi,ns0 P,stings and 3ulletin 3,ards0 E.)ail n,ti4i'ati,n0 Esta3lis(ing a Quality P,li'y t(at is rele&ant0 Ensuring t(at 8uality ,3He'ti&es are esta3lis(ed6 rele&ant and re)ain )easura3le -(ile ',nsistent -it( 8uality 5,li'y0 Quality )anage)ent re&ie-s s(all 3e ',ndu'ted6 t, ensure t(e ',ntinuing suita3ility6 e44e'ti&eness and e44i'ien'y ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)0 Ensuring a&aila3ility ,4 res,ur'es t, i)5le)ent and i)5r,&e t(e 5r,'esses 4,r t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) and 'ust,)er satis4a'ti,n0

R(9(R( $(S: n,ne


$+S"OM(R 9O$+S

Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all ensure t(at 'ust,)er needs re8uire)ents are deter)ined and are )et -it( t(e ai) ,4 en(an'ing 'ust,)er satis4a'ti,n0 Re4er t, se'ti,n B0; ,4 t(is )anual0 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all ),nit,r and )easure 'ust,)er 5er'e5ti,n as t, -(et(er t(e ,rgani:ati,n (as )et 'ust,)er re8uire)ents0 Re4er t, se'ti,n E0; ,4 t(is )anual0 R(9(R( $(S N,ne

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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Q+A#I"* )O#I$* T(is se'ti,n ',&ers t(e ,&erall ,3He'ti&e ,4 8uality 5,li'y as e95ressed 3y )anage)ent0

Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly Syste)s C,)5any Q ALITY POLICY T, )eet ,r e9'eed t(e e95e'tati,ns ,4 ,ur 'ust,)ers t(r,ug( ,ur ',))it)ent t, ',ntinu,usly 5r,&ide e9'ellent 'ust,)er ser&i'e -(ile ',nstantly i)5r,&ing t(e e44e'ti&eness ,4 ,ur Quality Manage)ent Syste)0 In additi,n6 -e are ',))itted t, e)5,-ering ,ur e)5l,yees t, get t(e H,3 d,ne ',rre'tly and e44i'iently0

Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X )anage)ent s(all ensure t(at t(e Quality P,li'y is a55r,5riate t, t(e ,rgani:ati,n6 al,ng -it( a ',))it)ent t, )eet ,r e9'eed 'ust,)er re8uire)ents and ',ntinually i)5r,&e t(e e44e'ti&eness ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)0 EASC )anage)ent s(all 5r,&ide a 4ra)e-,rA 4,r esta3lis(ing and re&ie-ing 8uality ,3He'ti&es0 Re4er t, se'ti,n 10/ T(e 8uality 5,li'y is ',))uni'ated and underst,,d -it(in t(e ,rgani:ati,n 3y 5r,&iding training and ',ndu'ting internal 8uality audits0 Re4er t, 5r,'edures QP. /02B02 and QP./02E020 T(e 8uality 5,li'y s(all 3e re&ie-ed 4,r ',ntinuing suita3ility ,n an ,ng,ing 3asis0 Re4er t, 5r,'edure QP./020<0 R(9(R( $(S QP./020< Manage)ent Re&ieQP./02B02 Internal Quality Audits QP./02E02 Training




T(is se'ti,n des'ri3es (,- 8uality ,3He'ti&es and 5lanning are esta3lis(ed t, ensure 5r,du't and ser&i'e ',)5lian'e t, 8uality and 'ust,)er re8uire)ents0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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Q+A#I"* O0G($"I1(S Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any XKs )anage)ent s(all ensure t(at 8uality re8uire)ents: In'lude t(e identi4i'ati,n ,4 suita3le &eri4i'ati,n at a55r,5riate stages in t(e reali:ati,n ,4 t(e 5r,du't0 Are esta3lis(ed at rele&ant 4un'ti,ns and le&els Are )easura3le Are ',nsistent -it( t(e 8uality 5,li'y de4ined -it(in se'ti,n 10<0

Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X 8uality ,3He'ti&es 4all int, 4,ur )ain areas: Management Policy b!ecti"es are esta3lis(ed t, identi4y t(e intenti,ns and dire'ti,n ,4 t(e ',)5any0 In5ut 4,r esta3lis(ing )anage)ent 5,li'y ,3He'ti&es s(all in'lude: Cust,)er satis4a'ti,n sur&eys Cust,)er ',)5laints Pr,du'ti&ity and in&ent,ry re5,rts Sales and )arAeting resear'( Quality )anage)ent re&ie-s Cust,)er C,))uni'ati,n

Process b!ecti"es IPr,'esses are a'ti&ities -(i'( use res,ur'es t, trans4,r) in5uts int, ,ut5utsJG In5uts 4,r instituting 5r,'ess 8uality ,3He'ti&es in'lude: Pr,'ess 'a5a3ility studies Ins5e'ti,n6 testing and e9a)inati,n ,4 5r,'ess results Internal n,n',n4,r)an'es Ne- te'(n,l,gy and e8ui5)ent Quality )anage)ent re&ie-s

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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Quality System Manual

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Product in'lude:

b!ecti"esG In5uts 4,r esta3lis(ing 5r,du't 8uality ,3He'ti&es s(all Ins5e'ti,n and test re5,rts Cust,)er Satis4a'ti,n sur&eys Cust,)er C,)5laints Cust,)er C,))uni'ati,n Pr,du't n,n',n4,r)an'es and returns

Quality System b!ecti"es# T, a'(ie&e 'ust,)er satis4a'ti,n 3y )eeting s5e'i4ied 5r,du't re8uire)ent and 3y ',ntinually i)5r,&ing 5er4,r)an'e0 In5uts 4,r i)5le)enting 8uality syste) ,3He'ti&es s(all in'lude: Internal and e9ternal audit results Re&isi,ns t, 8uality standards C(anges t, )anage)ent 5,li'y Cust,)er satis4a'ti,n sur&eys C,rre'ti&e and 5re&enti&e a'ti,n Cust,)er C,))uni'ati,n Quality Manage)ent re&ie-s

T(e )et(,ds t, 3e used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r esta3lis(ing and i)5le)enting Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X 8uality ,3He'ti&es s(all 3e as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./020/0 Q+A#I"* MA AG(M( " S*S"(M )#A I G

Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X )anage)ent s(all ensure t(at t(e 5lanning ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) is 'arried ,ut as e95lained 3el,- in ,rder t, a'(ie&e t(e a'ti&ities n,ted in se'ti,n /02 ,4 t(is )anual and t(e 8uality ,3He'ti&es identi4ied in t(is se'ti,n0 Quality $lanning s%all include: T(e 5r,'esses ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)G T(e res,ur'es needed t, a'(ie&e 8uality ,3He'ti&esG

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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T(e ',ntinual i)5r,&e)ent ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)0

In$uts to &uality $lanning s%all include: T(e needs and e95e'tati,ns ,4 'ust,)ers and ,t(er 5artiesG Pr,du't and syste) 5r,'ess 5er4,r)an'eG Less,ns learned 4r,) 5re&i,us e95erien'es: O55,rtunities 4,r i)5r,&e)ents0

'%e out$uts of &uality $lanning s%all include: T(e res5,nsi3ility and aut(,rity t, 'arry ,ut i)5r,&e)ent 5lansG T(e identi4i'ati,n ,4 sAills and An,-ledge neededG I)5r,&e)ent a55r,a'(es6 )et(,ds and t,,lsG Res,ur'es re8uiredG Indi'at,rs 4,r 5er4,r)an'e a'(ie&e)ent6 and T(e need 4,r d,'u)entati,n and re',rds0

T(e )et(,ds t, 3e used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r 8uality 5lanning s(all 3e as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./020/0 R(9(R( $(S QP./020/ Quality Planning


R(S)O SI0I#I"*< A+"%ORI"* A , $OMM+ I$A"IO S

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers t(e )anagerial res5,nsi3ilities6 aut(,rity and interrelati,ns(i5s -it(in Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X and its 3usiness units as -ell as internal ',))uni'ati,n0 R(S)O SI0I#I"* A , A+"%ORI"* NS C,ntr,ls6 In' (as esta3lis(ed 4un'ti,ns in: Quality6 Pr,du'ti,n6 Design6 Pur'(asing6 Sales and MarAeting6 >inan'e and Pers,nnel0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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T(e 4,ll,-ing 5aragra5(s de4ine t(e res5,nsi3ilities and aut(,rities 4,r ea'( ,4 t(e a3,&e 4un'ti,ns -it( lines ,4 ',))uni'ati,ns and t(e interrelati,ns(i5 ,4 5,siti,ns as s(,-n -it(in t(e ,rgani:ati,nal '(art ,n Atta'()ent *A+ President: T(e President (as t(e res5,nsi3ility and aut(,rity t, de&el,5 and i)5le)ent strategi' 5lanning and 3udgeting and t, ensure sta44 are assigned t, ade8uately )anage daily ,5erati,ns6 in'luding t(e 5,li'ies and 5r,'edures -it(in t(is 8uality )anual0 Quality: T(e Quality Manager re5,rts dire'tly t, t(e President and is res5,nsi3le 4,r t(e i)5le)entati,n and ',)5lian'e ,4 t(e ',)5any 8uality 5,li'y6 8uality ,3He'ti&es and 5r,'edures de4ined ,r re4eren'ed -it(in t(is )anual0 T(e s',5e ,4 t(e Quality ManagerKs res5,nsi3ility and aut(,rity is t,: Maintain a 8uality )anage)ent syste) in a'',rdan'e -it( ISO Standard %$$2:;$$E C,ntr,l and re&ise as re8uired6 t(is )anual and all 5r,'edures re4eren'ed -it(inG Re5resent Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X in res,l&ing )atters 5ertaining t, 8uality -it( su55liers6 'ust,)ers and re5resentati&es 4r,) e9ternal regulat,ry 3,dies0 Ensure t(at 8uality related de4i'ien'ies are ade8uately d,'u)ented6 in&estigated and ',rre'tedG Ensure t(at )anu4a'tured ite)s are ade8uately d,'u)ented and tra'ea3le as re8uiredG

S%o$: T(e S(,5 Su5er&is,r re5,rts t, t(e 5resident and (as t(e res5,nsi3ility and aut(,rity t, ',,rdinate 5r,du'ti,n 5ers,nnel and e8ui5)ent s, as t, result in ,n. ti)e 5r,du't ',)5leti,n and 8uality0 Design: T(e Pr,He't Manager re5,rts dire'tly t, t(e 5resident and (as t(e res5,nsi3ility and aut(,rity t, )aintain dra-ings 4,r 'ust,) 5r,du'ts6 de&el,5 5arts list and design any re8uired ite) 4,r )anu4a'turing and 5r,du't asse)3ly0 @as t(e res5,nsi3ility and aut(,rity t, 5ur'(ase all ra- )aterials6 su3',ntra'ted ser&i'es and g,,ds re8uired 4,r 5r,du'ti,n0 Sales: Sales re5,rt dire'tly t, t(e 5resident and (a&e t(e res5,nsi3ility and aut(,rity t, re5resent Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X in t(e 3idding and 'l,sing ,4 ',ntra'ts6 5re5are annual sales 4,re'asts and de&el,5 ,5en 3usiness relati,ns(i5s -it( 'ust,)er re5resentati&es6 4,r t(e )utual 3ene4it ,4 3,t( ',)5anies0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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(ccounting: A'',unting re5,rts dire'tly t, t(e President and (as res5,nsi3ility and aut(,rity 4,r t(e 4inan'ial re5,rting and analysis6 ),ney )anage)ent6 'redit and ',lle'ti,ns a'',unting syste)s0 MA AG(M( " R()R(S( "A"I1( Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X )anage)ent (as a55,inted t(e Quality Manager t, ),nit,r6 ',,rdinate6 )anage and e&aluate t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) 5r,'esses in'luding res5,nsi3ility and aut(,rity t,: Ensure t(e esta3lis()ent6 i)5le)entati,n and )aintenan'e ,4 t(e 5r,'esses needed 4,r t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)G Re5,rt t, t,5 )anage)ent ,n t(e 5er4,r)an'e ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) in'luding needs 4,r i)5r,&e)entG Ensure t(e a-areness ,4 'ust,)er re8uire)ents t(r,ug(,ut t(e ,rgani:ati,n0 INTERNAL COMM NICATION o T(e 8uality 5,li'y6 8uality )anage)ent syste) re8uire)ents and ,3He'ti&es are underst,,d 6 i)5le)ented and )aintained at all le&els in t(e ,rgani:ati,n: A ',5y ,4 t(e 8uality )anual and 5r,'edures s(all 3e issued t, ea'( de5art)ent0 T(e 8uality 5,li'y is ',))uni'ated t, e)5l,yees 3eing 5,sted t(r,ug(,ut t(e 4a'ility and is end,rsed 3y )anage)ent0

o o

T(e Quality Manager s(all ensure t(e e44e'ti&eness ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) is 5r,5erly ',))uni'ated t, &ari,us le&els and 4un'ti,ns -it(in t(e ,rgani:ati,n t(r,ug(: De5art)ental )eetings P,sting ,n 3ulletin 3,ards Quality training sessi,ns and 5resentati,ns

R(9(R( $(S ISO Standard %$$2:;$$E Quality Manage)ent Syste)s C Re8uire)ents Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X C Organi:ati,n C(art6 Atta'()ent *A+

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

Rev. 0

Quality System Manual

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MA AG(M( " R(1I(H

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers t(e re&ie- and ',ntinu,us i)5r,&e)ent ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) t(r,ug( t(e )anage)ent re&ie- 5r,'ess0 G( (RA#: At least ,n'e year6 t(e )anage)ent re&ie- tea) s(all re&ie- t(e 8uality syste) t, ensure its suita3ility6 ade8ua'y and e44e'ti&eness0 T(ese re&ie-s s(all in'lude e&aluating ,55,rtunities 4,r i)5r,&e)ent0 T(e 5r,'ess used t, re&ie- t(e 8uality syste) and t(e 5ers,nnel -(, )aAe u5 t(e Re&ie- Tea) s(all 3e des'ri3ed -it(in 5r,'edure QP./020<0 R(1I(H I )+": Quality )anage)ent re&ie-s s(all in'lude t(e 4,ll,-ing s,ur'es ,4 in4,r)ati,n regarding t(e 5er4,r)an'e ,4 t(e 8uality syste) and ,55,rtunities 4,r i)5r,&e)ent Ias a55li'a3leJ: Audit re5,rts Iinternal6 'ust,)er and t(ird.5artyJ Cust,)er 4eed3a'A Pr,'ess and 5r,du't 5er4,r)an'e Su55lier 5er4,r)an'e Status ,4 5re&enti&e and ',rre'ti&e a'ti,ns A'ti,n ite)s 4r,) 5re&i,us 8uality )anage)ent re&ie-s C(anges t(at ',uld a44e't t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) E)5l,yee suggesti,ns 4,r i)5r,&e)ent

R(1I(H O+")+": Out5uts 4r,) 8uality syste) re&ie-s s(all 3e d,'u)ented re&ie- )inutes and s(all in'lude de'isi,ns )ade and a'ti,ns related t, Ias a55li'a3leJ: T(e i)5r,&e)ent ,4 t(e e44e'ti&eness ,4 t(e 8uality syste) and its 5r,'esses T(e i)5r,&e)ent ,4 5r,du't as related t, 'ust,)er re8uire)ents Res,ur'es needs

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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Manage)ent re&ie- )inutes s(all 3e )aintained in a'',rdan'e -it( Quality Re',rds 5r,'edure QP./02?020

R(9(R( $(S QP./020< QP./02?02 :'0 :'1 Manage)ent Re&ieQuality Re',rds


T(is se'ti,n a55lies t, t(e 5r,&isi,n ,4 all res,ur'es needed 4,r t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) -it(in Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X6 in'luding 5e,5le6 su55liers6 in4,r)ati,n and -,rA en&ir,n)ent0 Manage)ent s(all deter)ine and 5r,&ide6 in a ti)ely )anner6 t(e res,ur'es needed t,: I)5le)ent6 )aintain and ',ntinually i)5r,&e t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) T, en(an'e 'ust,)er satis4a'ti,n 3y )eeting 'ust,)er re8uire)ents

7(en deter)ining t(ese res,ur'es6 ',nsiderati,n s(all 3e gi&en t,: Current 3usiness ,55,rtunities and ',nstraints Me'(anis)s t(at -ill en',urage ',ntinual i)5r,&e)ent >uture res,ur'e re8uire)ents

R(9(R( $(S n,ne




T(is se'ti,n a55lies t, all 5ers,nnel -it( assigned res5,nsi3ilities in t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) and in'ludes t(eir training t, ensure ',)5eten'y -(en

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5er4,r)ing a'ti&ities a44e'ting 8uality during 5ur'(asing6 )anu4a'turing and ser&i'ing0 G( (RA# Pers,nnel -(, 5er4,r) -,rA a44e'ting 5r,du't 8uality s(all 3e ',)5etent ,n t(e 3asis ,4 a55r,5riate edu'ati,n6 training6 sAills and e95erien'e0 $OM)("( $*< AHAR( (SS A , "RAI I G Ea'( )anager s(all identi4y t(e ',)5eten'y needs 4,r 5ers,nnel 5er4,r)ing a'ti&ities t(at a44e't 5r,du't 8uality -it(in t(eir de5art)ent0 Managers s(all t(en e&aluate e)5l,yees under t(eir dire'ti,n t, deter)ine any ',)5eten'y ga5s0 Based ,n t(ese ga5s6 re8uired training ,r ,t(er a'ti,ns t, satis4y t(ese needs s(all 3e identi4ied and 5r,&ided t, t(e e)5l,yees t(r,ug( ,n.t(e.H,3 instru'ti,n6 internal training sessi,ns and e9ternal s,ur'es0 T, ensure t(at e)5l,yees are a-are ,4 t(e i)5,rtan'e ,4 t(eir a'ti&ities and (,t(ey ',ntri3ute t, t(e a'(ie&e)ent ,4 8uality ,3He'ti&es6 t(e 8uality de5art)ent s(all de&el,5 and 5resent 8uality ind,'trinati,n ',urses Ias neededJ0 T(ese internal ',urses s(all 5r,&ide e)5l,yees -it( a &ariety ,4 8uality related in4,r)ati,n 4,r 5er4,r)ing &eri4i'ati,ns6 &alidati,ns and 5re5aring re5,rts and )ay result in additi,nal training 3eing 5r,&ided t, sele'ted e)5l,yees as re8uired0 Re4res(er ',urses t, rein4,r'e 8uality a-areness and An,-ledge ,4 8uality 5,li'y and ,3He'ti&es s(all 3e gi&en as deter)ined 3y t(e Manage)ent Re&ie- Tea)0 T(e 5r,'edure t, 3e used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r identi4ying ',)5eten'y ga5s and ',,rdinati,n training 5r,&ided t, 5ers,nnel s(all 3e de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./02E02 "raining Re2or-s Re',rds related t, e)5l,yee edu'ati,n6 training6 sAills 8uali4i'ati,ns6 e95erien'e and training assess)ents s(all 3e retained ,n 4ile 4,r a 5eri,d ,4 n,t less t(an I1J years unless ,t(er-ise s5e'i4ied 3y ',ntra't0 R(9(R( $(S QP./02E02 Training

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I 9RAS"R+$"+R(

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers t(e 5r,&isi,n and )aintenan'e ,4 all 4a'ilities0 T, ensure 5r,du't and ser&i'e ',n4,r)ity t, re8uire)ents6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all deter)ine6 5r,&ide and )aintain all in4rastru'tures re8uired6 in'luding6 as a55li'a3le: o )uildings* Works$ace and associated utilities and e&ui$ment: T, ensure ',ntinu,us 8uality ,ut5ut6 5r,'ess e8ui5)ent as -ell as ,44i'e and s(,5 3uildings and utilities s(all 3e r,utinely )aintained in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP./0%0/ +ard,are and soft,are: T, ensure t(at ,nly a''e5ta3le ),nit,ring and )easuring (ard-are and s,4t-are are used t, &eri4y and &alidate 5r,du'ts and 5r,'esses6 all su'( de&i'es s(all 3e ',ntr,lled and su3He't t, 'ali3rati,n as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./02202 Su$$orting ser"ices: All re8uired su55,rt ser&i'es and 5r,'esses t, ensure t(e 5r,du't ,r ser&i'e ',n4,r)ity6 and 'ust,)er satis4a'ti,n s(all 3e 5r,&ided as identi4ied -it(in t(is 8uality )anual0

In4rastru'ture s(all 3e re&ie-ed 4,r ',ntinual ',)5lian'e t, ,5erati,nal needs ,n an ,ng,ing 3asis -it( re8uired ',rre'ti&e and 5re&enti&e a'ti,n taAen as de4ined under QP /02/020 R(9(R( $(S QP./0%0/ Pre&enti&e Maintenan'e QP /02/02O; C,rre'ti&e and Pre&entati&e A'ti,ns QP./02202 C,ntr,l ,4 M,nit,ring and Measure)ent De&i'es :'4 HORI ( 1IRO M( "

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers -,rA en&ir,n)ent in'luding 3,t( t(e (u)an and 5(ysi'al 4a't,rs -(i'( in4luen'e it0 T, a'(ie&e 5r,du't and ser&i'e ',n4,r)ity6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all )anage 3,t( t(e (u)an and 5(ysi'al 4a't,rs -(i'( a44e't t(e -,rA en&ir,n)ent as de4ined 3el,-: +uman Factors -reati"e Work Ideas: Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X 5r,),tes and en',urages e)5l,yee 5arti'i5ati,n6 'reati&ity and ne- ideas 4r,) e&ery,ne -it(in t(e ',)5any0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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Safety .ules and /uidance: Sa4ety rules and guidan'e are 5r,&ided in t(e Sa4ety ManualG in'luding t(e use ,4 5r,te'ti&e e8ui5)ent and s5e'ial 4a'ilities -(i'( (a&e 3een all,'ated 4,r 5ers,nnel0 P%ysical Factors: T(e (eat6 lig(ting6 (u)idity6 n,ise le&el6 'leanliness and 5r,5er air 4l,- -it(in ,ur ,44i'e and s(,5 4a'ilities s(all 3e ',ntr,lled and ',ntinually ),nit,red 3y all de5art)ent )anagers and su5er&is,rs t, ensure t(e 5,siti&e en(an'e)ent ,4 ,ur 5ers,nnelKs 5er4,r)an'e0

R(9(R( $(S Sa4ety Manual

;'0 ;'1

)RO,+$" R(A#I!A"IO )#A I G O9 )RO,+$" R(A#I!A"IO

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers (,- Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X 5lans t(e reali:ati,n 5r,'esses t, 5r,du'e a 5r,du't ,r 5r,&ide a ser&i'e0 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all 5lan and de&el,5 t(e 5r,'esses and su3. 5r,'esses t, ensure 5r,du't ',n4,r)an'e t(r,ug(,ut t(e )anu4a'turing6 installati,n and ser&i'ing0 T(ese 5r,'esses s(all 3e identi4ied and d,'u)ented and6 as a55li'a3le6 s(all identi4y: t(e 8uality ,3He'ti&es and re8uire)ents t, 3e a'(ie&ed 4,r t(e 5r,du't 5r,He't ,r ',ntra't in&,l&ed -(ere additi,nal 5r,'esses ,r d,'u)entati,n need t, 3e esta3lis(ed t(e res,ur'es and 4a'ilities needed t, 5r,du'e t(e 5r,du't ,r ser&i'e in&,l&ed ea'( &eri4i'ati,n6 &alidati,n6 ),nit,ring6 ins5e'ti,n and test a'ti&es s5e'i4i' t, t(e 5r,du't and 'riteria 4,r 5r,du't a''e5tan'e )andat,ry (,ld 5,ints esta3lis(ed 3y t(e 'ust,)er -(i'( re8uires t(eir &eri4i'ati,n ,4 sele'ted '(ara'teristi's ,4 an ite) ,r 5r,'ess and 3ey,nd -(i'( -,rA s(all n,t 5r,gress until &eri4i'ati,n (as 3een ',)5leted Re',rds needed t, 5r,&ide e&iden'e ,4 5r,'ess and 5r,du't ',n4,r)ity t, re8uire)ents0

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Quality Plans s(all re4eren'e 5r,'edures and instru'ti,ns t, 3e 4,ll,-ed -(ile 5er4,r)ing ea'( a'ti&ity6 as a55li'a3le0 5,n ',)5leti,n6 Quality Plans s(all 3e su3He't t, re&ie- and a55r,&al 3y t(e Quality and Pr,du'ti,n Managers t, ensure t(at all res,ur'es and 4a'ilities -ill 3e 5r,&ided0 Re&isi,ns t, Quality Plans s(all 3e re&ie-ed and a55r,&ed in t(e sa)e )anner as ,riginals0 7(en ',ntra'tually re8uired6 Quality Plans and t(eir re&isi,ns s(all 3e su3)itted 4,r 'ust,)er a''e5tan'e0 I4 s5e'i4ied6 -,rA s(all n,t 5r,'eed 3ey,nd a &eri4i'ati,n6 (,ld ,r -itness 5,int esta3lis(ed 3y t(e 'ust,)er as a ',ntra'tual re8uire)ent -it(,ut t(e a'ti&ity 3eing 5er4,r)ed and a''e5ted 3y t(e 'ust,)er0 An e9'e5ti,n t, t(is6 -,uld 3e a signed release ,r -ai&er issued ,r granted 3y t(e 'ust,)er0 T(e 5r,'edure t, 3e used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r t(e 5lanning ,4 5r,du't reali:ati,n s(all 3e as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./0%02 R(9(R( $(S QP./0%02 Planning ,4 Pr,du't Reali:ati,n


$+S"OM(R 6 R(#A"(, )RO$(SS(S

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers (,- t(e needs and e9'e5ti,ns ,4 'ust,)ers are de4ined6 i)5le)ented and )aintained in'luding t(e re&ie- and e&aluati,n ,4 all re8uests 4,r 8u,tati,n 5ri,r t, 3idding and ',ntra'ts 5ri,r t, a''e5tan'e0 ,("(RMI A"IO O9 R(Q+IR(M( "S R(#A"(, "O "%( )RO,+$"

5,n re'ei5t ,4 a 'ust,)erKs re8uest 4,r 8u,tati,n ,r in8uiry6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all deter)ine t(e 'ust,)erKs re8uire)ents: S5e'i4ied 5r,du't re8uire)ents Re8uire)ents 4,r deli&ery and 5,st C deli&ery a'ti&ities Pr,du't re8uire)ents n,t s5e'i4ied 3y t(e 'ust,)er 3ut6 ',nsidered essential 4,r intended ,r s5e'i4ied use6 -(ere An,-n Statut,ry and regulat,ry re8uire)ents6 related t, t(e 5r,du't

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R(1I(H O9 R(Q+IR(M( "S R(#A"(, "O "%( )RO,+$" All re8uested 4,r 8u,tati,n6 'ust,)er re8uire)ents s(all 3e re&ie-ed 5ri,r t, 3id t, deter)ine: 7(at is 3eing re8uested 3y t(e 'ust,)er 7(at 5r,du't re8uire)ents a55ly 7(i'( statut,ry ,r regulat,ry entity -,uld a55ly and -(at t(eir re8uire)ents -,uld 3e 7(at 5ers,nnel -,uld 3e re8uired t, 5er4,r) t(e -,rA 7(at )aterials are re8uired 7(at 4a'ilities -,uld 3e re8uired t, a'(ie&e t(e -,rA 7(at lead ti)e is ne'essary t, ensure ,n C ti)e deli&ery 7(at ',sts -,uld 3e in'urred6 t, a'',)5lis( t(e -,rA D,es Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X (a&e t(e a3ility t, )eet all ,4 t(e re8uire)ents s5e'i4ied 3y t(e 'ust,)er

5,n re'ei5t ,4 a ',nta't ,r ,rder6 and 5ri,r t, a''e5tan'e sales and = ,r t(e 5r,He't )anager s(all re&ie- and e&aluate t(e ',ntra't ,r ,rder t, deter)ine: I4 di44eren'es e9ist 3et-een t(e ,riginal 8u,te and t(e ',ntra't re'ei&ed T(e title and rele&ant issue ,4 all ',des6 standards and s5e'i4i'ati,ns a55li'a3le T(e 8uality ,3He'ti&es t, 3e attained T(e 4,r)al lines ,4 ',))uni'ati,n

S(,uld any di44eren'es 3e dete'ted 3et-een t(e ,riginal 8u,te su3)itted and t(e 'ust,)er ,rder re'ei&ed6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all n,ti4y t(e 'ust,)ers ,4 t(ese dis're5an'ies in -riting0 N, ',ntra't ,r ,rder s(all 3e a''e5ted until su'( ti)e as all di44eren'es n,ted (a&e 3een res,l&ed -it( t(e 'ust,)er0 In t(e e&ent t(e 'ust,)er d,es n,t 5r,&ide any d,'u)ented re8uire)ents6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all ',n4ir) re8uire)ents -it( 'ust,)er 3e4,re a''e5tan'e0

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A''e5ted ',ntra'ts ,r ,rders and any a)end)ents s(all 3e d,'u)ented and in4,r)ati,n distri3uted t, t(e rele&ant 5ers,nnel as re8uired0 $ontra2t or Or-er Amen-ments Any 'ust,)er '(anges t, an e9isting ',ntra't ,r ,rder s(all 3e su3He't t, t(e sa)e re&ie- and a55r,&al as an ,riginal ',ntra't ,r ,rder0 Based ,n t(e re8uested '(ange6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all ad&ise t(e 'ust,)er ,4 any ',st ,r s'(edule i)5a't and s(all re8uire a55r,&al ,4 t(ese '(anges 4r,) t(e 'ust,)er 5ri,r t, a''e5tan'e0 C(anges t, ',ntra'ts ,r ,rders initiated 3y Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all 3e su3)itted t, and a55r,&ed 3y t(e 'ust,)er 5ri,r t, 3eing i)5le)ented6 in'luding any ',st ,r s'(edule i)5a'ts0

Re2or-s nless ,t(er-ise de4ined 3y ',ntra't6 re',rds ,4 ',ntra't and ,rder re&ie-s 5er4,r)ed s(all 3e ',ntra't and ,rder re&ie-s s(all 3e )aintained ,n 4ile 4,r a 5eri,d ,4 n,t less t(an I1J years0 $+S"OM(R $OMM+ I$A"IO Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all i)5le)ent e44e'ti&e arrange)ents 4,r ',))uni'ati,n -it( 'ust,)ers relating t,: 5r,du't in4,r)ati,nG In8uiries6 ',ntra'ts ,r ,rder (andling6 in'luding a)end)entsG Cust,)er 4eed3a'A6 in'luding 'ust,)er ',)5laints and sur&eys0

T(e 5r,'edure used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r ',ndu'ting and d,'u)enting t(e re8uest 4,r 8u,tati,n and re&ie- ,4 ',ntra'ts ,r ,rders6 t(eir a)end)ents and 'ust,)er ',))uni'ati,ns s(all 3e de4ined in 5r,'edure6 QP./.<02 R(9(R( $(S QP./0<02 Cust,)er Re8uire)ents and C,))uni'ati,n



A , ,(1(#O)M( "

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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Quality System Manual

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R(9(R( $(S



)+R$%ASI G

T(is se'ti,n a55lies t, t(e 5r,'ure)ent ,4 )aterials6 e8ui5)ent6 5arts6 asse)3lies6 su3',ntra'ts and ser&i'es t(at s(all 3e used in ,r 4,r) 5art ,4 5r,du't t, 'ust,)ers0 )+R$%ASI G )RO$(SS T, ensure t(at 5ur'(ased 5r,du'ts ',n4,r) t, all 8uality and ',ntra'tual re8uire)ents6 5ur'(asing 5r,'esses s(all 3e in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP. /0?020 T(e ty5e and e9tent ,4 ',ntr,l e9er'ised ,&er su55liers and 5ur'(ased 5r,du'ts s(all 3e de5endent u5,n t(e e44e't ,4 t(e 5ur'(ased 5r,du't ,n 4,ll,-ing 5r,'esses6 ,r ,n t(e 4inal 5r,du't deli&ered t, t(e 'ust,)er0 Material and 5r,du'ts 5r,'ured s(all 3e su3He't t, &eri4i'ati,n and testing6 as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./02;020 (valuation an- Sele2tion o3 Suppliers T(e 5r,'ess t, 3e used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r e&aluating and sele'ting su55liers s(all 3e as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edures QP./0?0; and QP./0?0<0 T(e 'riteria 4,r su55lier sele'ti,n6 e&aluati,n and re.e&aluati,n s(all 3e 3ased ,n t(e 'riti'ality and 'lassi4i'ati,n ,4 t(e 5r,du'ts ,r ser&i'es t, 3e 5ur'(ased as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./0?0;0 Quality re',rds ,4 su55lier e&aluati,ns and 4,ll,- u5 -it( ne'essary a'ti,ns s(all 3e )aintained in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure6 QP./02?020


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Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X 5r,'ure)ent d,'u)ents s(all ',ntain a 'lear des'ri5ti,n ,4 t(e ite)IsJ ,r ser&i'eIsJ re8uired and s(all in'lude ,r re4eren'e any ,r all ,4 t(e 4,ll,-ing as a55li'a3le: Re8uire)ents 4,r a55r,&al ,r 8uali4i'ati,n ,4: o o o o o 5r,du't 5r,'edures 5r,'esses e8ui5)ent 5ers,nnel

Quality )anage)ent syste) re8uire)ents0

T, ensure t(at ',ntra'tual re8uire)ents (a&e 3een ade8uately s5e'i4ied6 5r,'ure)ent d,'u)ents 4,r ra- )aterial6 e8ui5)ent6 5arts6 asse)3lies ,r ser&i'es s(all 3e re&ie-ed 5ri,r t, release0 Any a)end)ents t, a 5r,'ure)ent d,'u)ent s(all 3e 5r,'essed and re&ie-ed t(e sa)e as t(e ,riginal d,'u)ent0 7it(in a)end)ents6 t(e ,riginal 5r,'ure)ent d,'u)ent nu)3er s(all 3e re4eren'ed0 1(RI9I$A"IO O9 )+R$%AS(, )RO,+$"

Pr,'ured 5r,du'ts ,r ser&i'es s(all 3e e&aluated t, deter)ine t(e a),unt ,4 ins5e'ti,n and auditing re8uired 4,r &eri4i'ati,n ,4 5ur'(ase0 I)5le)entati,n ,4 re8uired &eri4i'ati,n a'ti&ities s(all 3e as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./02;020 Any n,n',n4,r)ing 5r,du't dete'ted -(ile &eri4ying 5ur'(ased 5r,du't s(all 3e 5r,'essed in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP./02<02 1eri3i2ation at Suppliers )remises EASC6 in ,rder t, ',ntinually i)5r,&e 8uality6 )ay ele't t, 5er4,r) an , ,r sur&ey e&aluati,n ,4 su55liers6 as needed0 $ustomer 1eri3i2ation at SupplierKs )remises 7(en re8uired 3y ',ntra't6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X arranges &isits ,4 su3',ntra't,rs 3y 'ust,)ers0

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Cust,)ers ,4 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X are 5r,&ided t(e rig(t t, &eri4y t(e 5r,du't 5r,du'ed 3y t(e ',)5any and t(e ',nditi,ns under -(i'( su'( 5r,du't is )anu4a'tured0 T(is &eri4i'ati,n d,es n,t a3s,l&e Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X ,4 t(e res5,nsi3ility t, 5r,&ide a''e5ta3le 5r,du'ts0 R(9(R( $(S QP./0?02 QP./0?0; QP./0?0< QP./02;02 QP./02<02 QP./02?02 QP./02B02 D,'0 $$$2 Pur'(asing Sur&ey Mend,r Mend,r Rating Ins5e'ti,n and Test Status Material Re&ieQuality Re',rds Quality Audits Material = Ser&i'e Classi4i'ati,n List



A , S(R1I$( )RO1ISIO

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers t(e a'ti&ities t, ',ntr,l6 identi4y6 tra'e and 5reser&e 5r,du't6 in'luding t(,se 5r,&ided 3y ,ur 'ust,)ers and (,- 5r,'esses are &alidated0 $O "RO# O9 )RO,+$"IO A , S(R1I$( )RO1ISIO

Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all 5lan and 'arry ,ut 5r,du'ti,n and ser&i'e ,5erati,ns under ',ntr,lled ',nditi,ns0 In4,r)ati,n 5ertaining t, 5r,du't '(ara'teristi's6 in'luding t(e 'riteria 4,r a''e5tan'e s(all 3e identi4ied ,r re4eren'ed -it(in t(e #,3 Binder issued 4,r ea'( H,30 7(ere t(eir a3sen'e ',uld ad&ersely a44e't 8uality6 -,rA instru'ti,ns s(all 3e de&el,5ed6 re4eren'ed -it(in t(e #,3 Binder and )ade a&aila3le0 T, ensure ',ntinu,us 8uality ,ut5ut6 Pr,'ess e8ui5)ent s(all 3e r,utinely )aintained as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./0%0/0 Only &alid6 'ali3rated ),nit,ring and )easuring de&i'es s(all 3e used t, &eri4y 5r,du'ti,n 5r,'esses and 5r,du'ts as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./02202 7,rA in 5r,gress s(all 3e ),nit,red t, ensure g,,d -,rA)ans(i5 standards and s5e'i4i'ati,ns are 3eing )aintained0

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Pr,du'ts s(all 3e su3He't t, ins5e'ti,n and = ,r testing as de4ined in 5r,'edure QP. /02;02 in'luding ',)5leted 5r,du'ts 5ri,r t, release0 Pr,du't deli&ery and 5,st.deli&ery a'ti&ities s(all 3e 5er4,r)ed and ),nit,red in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP./02102 1A#I,A"IO O9 )RO$(SS(S 9OR )RO,+$"IO A , S(R1I$( )RO1ISIO

Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all &alidate 5r,du'ti,n and ser&i'e 5r,'esses -(ere resulting ,ut5ut 'ann,t 3e &eri4ied 3y ),nit,ring ,r )easure)ent in'luding: 7(ere &alidati,n ,4 5r,du't is n,t 5,ssi3le0 7(ere 5r,du't de4i'ien'ies -ill ,nly 3e a55arent a4ter t(e 5r,du't is in use ,r t(e ser&i'e (as 3een deli&ered0 Malidati,n s(all de),nstrate t(e a3ility ,4 t(ese 5r,'esses t, a'(ie&e 5lanned results0 Arrange)ents 4,r t(ese 5r,'esses s(all 3e esta3lis(ed in'luding as a55li'a3le: Criteria 4,r re&ie- and a55r,&al ,4 5r,'ess A55r,&al ,4 e8ui5)ent and 8uali4i'ati,n ,4 5ers,nnel se ,4 s5e'i4i' )et(,ds and 5r,'edures Re8uire)ents 4,r re',rds Re.&alidati,n

T(e 5r,'edure t, 3e used and t(e 5ers,nnel in&,l&ed in 8uali4ying 5r,'esses6 e8ui5)ent and 5ers,nnel al,ng -it( re',rds t, 3e )aintained s(all 3e a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP./0%0;0 )ro2ess $4anges Pr,'ess '(anges -(i'( a44e't t(e '(ara'teristi's ,4 a 5r,du't s(all 3e identi4ied6 re',rded6 e&aluated6 re&ie-ed6 aut(,ri:ed and ',ntr,lled t, ensure t(at '(anges )ade 3ene4it t(e needs and e95e'tati,ns ,4 t(e 'ust,)er0 Re@vali-ation: A4ter '(anges (a&e 3een )ade t, a 5r,'ess and t, &eri4y t(at '(angeIsJ )ade (ad t(e desired e44e't6 3,t( t(e 5r,'ess and any resulting 5r,du't s(all 3e re.&alidated0 I,( "I9I$A"IO A , "RA$(A0I#I"*

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Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X )aintains a tagging syste) t(r,ug(,ut t(e reali:ati,n 5r,'ess as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./02;02 t(at identi4ies t(e ins5e'ti,n and=,r test status ,4 ite)s0 T(is syste) ,4 tagging all,-s 5ers,nnel t, distinguis( ite)s t(at (a&e 3een ins5e'ted and=,r tested and als, indi'ates status ,4 ite)s Ia''e5ted ,r reHe'tedJ0 Ite)s 4,und t, 3e n,n',n4,r)ing s(all 3e identi4ied 3y generating a n,n',n4,r)an'e re5,rt as des'ri3ed in 5r,'edure QP./02<02 nless ,t(er-ise de4ined 3y ',ntra't6 5r,du't identi4i'ati,n and tra'ea3ility s(all 3e 5er4,r)ed6 ',ntr,lled and d,'u)ented as de4ined in 5r,'edure QP./0E020 7(ere tra'ea3ility re8uired 3y a 'ust,)er e9'eeds e9isting 5r,'edures6 t(e e9tent ,4 ',ntr,l 4,r re',rding uni8ue 5r,du't identi4i'ati,n s(all 3e esta3lis(ed -it( t(e 'ust,)er during t(e re&ie- ,4 'ust,)er re8uire)ents re4er t, 5r,'edure QP./0<020 $+S"OM(R )RO)(R"* 5,n re'ei5t ,4 'ust,)er 5r,5erty6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all e9a)ine ite)s 4,r ',)5leteness6 5r,5er identi4i'ati,n and 5,ssi3le transit da)age0 Re4er t, 5r,'edure QP./0B02 Ite)s 4,und t, 3e n,n',n4,r)ing s(all 3e tagged and re',rded as de4ined in 5r,'edure QP./02<02 and 3r,ug(t t, t(e i))ediate attenti,n ,4 t(e Quality Manager6 Pr,He't Manager and 'ust,)er0 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X6 s(all e9er'ise 'are t, ensure t(e 5r,te'ti,n ,4 'ust,)er 5r,5erty against l,ss ,r da)age until it is used int, t(e 5r,du't ,r returned t, t(e 'ust,)er0 T(e Identi4i'ati,n6 segregati,n6 (andling and 5r,te'ti,n ,4 'ust,)er 5r,5erty 4r,) ti)e ,4 re'ei5t6 st,rage and during t(e 5r,du'ti,n 'y'le s(all 3e 5er4,r)ed as re4eren'ed in 5r,'edure QP./0B02 In t(e e&ent t(at 'ust,)er 5r,5erty is l,st6 da)aged ,r ,t(er-ise identi4ied as unusa3le -(ile under EASC ',ntr,l6 t(is s(all 3e re',rded and re5,rted t, t(e 'ust,)er0 )R(S(R1A"IO O9 )RO,+$"

Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X6 s(all 5reser&e 5r,du't during internal 5r,'essing and deli&ery t, t(e intended destinati,nG in'luding identi4i'ati,n6 (andling6 5a'Aaging6 st,rage and 5r,te'ti,n0 Re4eren'e 5r,'edure QP./02102 R(9(R( $(S QP./0B02 Cust,)er Su55lied Material

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QP./0E02 QP./0%0/ QP./02202 QP./02;02 QP./02<02 QP./02102 QP./0<02 QP./0%0; QP./0%0E ;':

Identi4i'ati,n and Tra'ea3ility Pre&enti&e Maintenan'e C,ntr,l ,4 M,nit,ring and Measuring De&i'es Ins5e'ti,n and Test Status Material Re&ie@andling6 St,rage6 Pa'Aaging Cust,)er Re8uire)ents and C,))uni'ati,n Malidati,n ,4 Pr,'esses M,nit,ring and Measure)ent ,4 Pr,du't

$O "RO# O9 MO I"ORI G A , M(AS+RI G ,(1I$(S

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers all ),nit,ring and )easuring de&i'es used 3y 5ers,nnel6 in'luding test s,4t-are6 -(i'( assist in deter)ining 5r,du't and 5r,'ess ',n4,r)an'e0 General: All ),nit,ring and )easure)ents )ade t, s(,- e&iden'e ,4 5r,du't ',n4,r)ity s(all 3e identi4ied eit(er ,n dra-ings6 ins5e'ti,ns and test 4,r)s6 ,r ',ntr,l 5lans and s(all in'lude t(e ),nit,ring and )easuring de&i'es t, 3e used0 T(e 5r,'edure and 5r,'esses t, ensure t(at ),nit,ring and )easure)ent is ',nsistent -it( t(e re8uire)ents are as des'ri3ed -it(in 5r,'edure QP./0%020 $ontrols 3or Monitoring an- Measuring ,evi2es: T(e )et(,ds used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r ',ndu'ting6 d,'u)enting and ',ntr,lling 'ali3rati,n ,4 ),nit,ring and )easuring de&i'es used s(all 3e des'ri3ed in 5r,'edure QP./022020 Ea'( ),nit,ring and )easuring de&i'e used 4,r t(e 5ur5,se ,4 &eri4ying 5r,du't 8uality ,r ),nit,ring 5r,'esses s(all (a&e a uni8ue identi4i'ati,n ',ntr,l nu)3er0 At de4ined inter&als6 3ased ,n sta3ility and degree ,4 usage6 )easuring and ),nit,ring de&i'es s(all 3e su3He't t, 'ali3rati,n0 T(e s5e'i4i' )easure)ents t, 3e )ade6 t(e a''ura'y re8uired and t(e standards t, 3e used s(all 3e identi4ied -it(in 'ali3rati,n instru'ti,ns0 Cali3rati,n I-(en re8uiredJ s(all 3e 5er4,r)ed using re4eren'e standards and ,r e8ui5)ent -(,se 'ali3rati,n is tra'ea3le t, Nati,nal Institute ,4 Standards O Te'(n,l,gy INISTJ0 7(ere n, re',gni:ed standard e9ists6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all re',rd t(e 3asis used 4,r 'ali3rati,n0 Any de&i'es su'( as Higs6 4i9tures ,r te)5lates used 3y 5r,du'ti,n s(all 3e su3He't t, a''ura'y &eri4i'ati,n 5ri,r t, usage0

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T(e use ,4 5ers,nally ,-ned t,,ls and gages used 4,r t(e 5ur5,se ,4 5r,du't e&aluati,n 3y 5r,du'ti,n 5ers,nnel s(all 3e 5er)itted6 5r,&ided t(ese t,,ls are underst,,d 4,r use as re4eren'e ,nly0 T(e 'ali3rati,n status ,4 ea'( ),nit,ring ,r )easuring de&i'e s(all 3e indi'ated 3y a 'ali3rati,n sti'Aer ,r tag a44i9ed t, t(e ite) 'ali3rated0 Identi4ied ,n t(e sti'Aer ,r tag s(all 3e t(e date t(at t(e 'ali3rati,n -as 5er4,r)ed and t(e ne9t date ,n -(i'( 'ali3rati,n is due0 M,nit,ring and )easuring de&i'es6 in'luding test (ard-are and s,4t-are6 s(all 3e sa4eguarded 4r,) adHust)ents t(at -,uld in&alidate t(e )easure)ent results0 All ),nit,ring and )easuring de&i'es s(all 3e re),&ed 4r,) use 3y t(e date t(at 'ali3rati,n is due and s(all 3e 5r,te'ted against da)age and deteri,rati,n during (andling6 )aintenan'e and st,rage0 7(en ),nit,ring ,r )easuring de&i'es are 4,und t, 3e ,ut ,4 'ali3rati,n6 5re&i,us d,'u)ented &eri4i'ati,n ,r test results 4,r -(i'( t(e de&i'e -as used s(all 3e re. e&aluated t, assess t(e &alidity ,4 results ,3tained0 Cali3rati,n re',rds s(all 3e )aintained and u5dated t(r,ug(,ut t(e li4e ,4 ea'( ),nit,ring ,r )easuring de&i'e0 C,)5uter s,4t-are used 4,r ),nit,ring and )easuring ,4 s5e'i4ied re8uire)ents s(all 3e &alidated 5ri,r t, initial use and re',n4ir)ed as ne'essary0 Cali3rati,n 'erti4i'ates re'ei&ed 4r,) ,utside la3,rat,ries and in (,use generated 'ali3rati,n re',rds s(all 3e retained ,n 4ile in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP./02?020 T(ese re',rds s(all 3e )ade a&aila3le t, t(e 'ust,)er u5,n re8uest0 R(9(R( $(S QP./02?02 QP./0%02 QP./02202 Quality Re',rds Planning ,4 Pr,du't Reali:ati,n Cali3rati,n C,ntr,l and Re'all

8'0 8'1

M(AS+R(M( "< A A#*SIS = IM)RO1(M( " G( (RA#

T(is se'ti,n a55lies t, t(e 5lanning and i)5le)entati,n ,4 ),nit,ring6 )easure)ent6 analysis and i)5r,&e)ent a'ti&es t, assure 5r,du't and syste) ',n4,r)ity and ',ntinually i)5r,&e t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) e44e'ti&eness0

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Planned and i)5le)ented a'ti&ities t, assure 5r,du't and syste) ',n4,r)ity and t, ',ntinually i)5r,&e t(e e44e'ti&eness ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) are de4ined -it(in se'ti,ns E0;6 E0<6 E0/ and E01 ,4 t(is )anual and as ,utlined 3el,-6 in'luding t(e )et(,ds and statisti'al te'(ni8ues t, 3e e)5l,yed0 T, de),nstrate 5r,du't ',n4,r)ity during t(e reali:ati,n 'y'le6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all 5lan and i)5le)ent t(e ),nit,ring and )easure)ent a'ti&ities de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./0%0E0 T, ensure 5r,'ess ',n4,r)ity6 t(e ),nit,ring and )easure)ent )et(,ds de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./0%0B s(all 3e used -it( &alidati,n ,4 5r,'esses ',)5leted in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP./0%0;0 T, ensure ',n4,r)ity ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)6 internal 8uality audits s(all 3e 5lanned and ',ndu'ted as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./02B020 T, ',ntinually i)5r,&e t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)6 ),nit,ring and )easure)ent data s(all 3e ',lle'ted and analy:ed in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP./0220; in ,rder t, su55,rt t(e 5lanning 4,r ',ntinual i)5r,&e)ent as de4ined -it(in 5r,'edure QP./020<0 Met(,ds and statisti'al te'(ni8ues used6 in'luding t(e e9tent ,4 t(eir use6 s(all 3e r,utinely e&aluated during Quality Manage)ent Re&ie-s as des'ri3ed -it(in 5r,'edure QP./020< t, ensure t(at in4,r)ati,n ',lle'ted re)ains use4ul6 rele&ant and su55,rti&e ,4 ',ntinual i)5r,&e)ent0

R(9(R( $(S QP./020< QP./0%0; QP./02B02 QP./0%0B QP./0%0E QP./0220; Manage)ent Re&ieMalidati,n ,4 Pr,'esses Quality Audits M,nit,ring and Measure)ent ,4 Pr,'esses M,nit,ring and Measure)ent ,4 Pr,du't Analysis ,4 Data


MO I"ORI G A , M(AS+R(M( "

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers t(e a'ti&ities used t, ),nit,r and )easure t(e ,&erall e44e'ti&eness and e44i'ien'y ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)6 as -ell as 5r,du't attri3utes6 5r,'ess ade8ua'y and 'ust,)er satis4a'ti,n0 $+S"OM(R SA"IS9A$"IO :

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As ,ne ,4 t(e )easure)ents t, e&aluate t(e 5er4,r)an'e ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)6 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all ),nit,r t(e 4,ll,-ing 4a't,rs t(at a44e't 'ust,)er 5er'e5ti,n as t, -(et(er re8uire)ents (a&e 3een )et: Issues 'ausing 'ust,)er dissatis4a'ti,n su'( as: o o o de4e'ti&e 5r,du'ts ,r ser&i'e late deli&ery 5,,r res5,nse ti)e t, in8uires ,r ',)5laints

Issues 'ausing 'ust,)er satis4a'ti,n6 su'( as: o o o e95e'ted 5r,du't 8uality ,n ti)e deli&ery attenti,n t, in8uires ,r ',)5laints

T(is data )ay 3e ',lle'ted using t-, sur&ey )et(,ds as de4ined in 5r,'edure QP. /0%0? Data ',lle'ted s(all 3e ',)5iled 3y t(e Quality de5art)ent and 5resented ',ntaining: t(e results ,4 inter&ie-s and 8uesti,nnaires a ',n'lusi,n as t, -(at 4a't,rs (a&e ',ntri3uted t, t(e 'urrent le&el ,4 'ust,)er satis4a'ti,n a ',)5aris,n t, 5re&i,us results and trends0

Cust,)er satis4a'ti,n re5,rts s(all 3e distri3uted6 re&ie-ed and analy:ed during 8uality )anage)ent re&ie-s as des'ri3ed in 5r,'edure QP./020<0 Analysis s(all deter)ine ,55,rtunities 4,r i)5r,&e)ent6 su'( as: ',rre'ti,n ,r 5re&enti,n ,4 n,n',n4,r)ities ',ntinu,us i)5r,&e)ent0

O55,rtunities 4,r i)5r,&e)ent s(all 3e d,'u)ented6 a55r,&ed and 5lanned and 5r,'essed in a'',rdan'e -it( 5r,'edure QP./020<0 Results ,4 i)5r,&e)ent i)5le)entati,ns s(all 3e re&ie-ed 3y t(e Manage)ent Re&ie- Tea) t, ensure t(e e44e'ti&eness ,4 t(e a'ti,ns taAen0

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MO I"ORI G A , M(AS+R(M( " O9 )RO$(SS(S: Pr,'esses utili:ed t, 5er4,r) ',ntra'ted -,rA -(i'( dire'tly a44e't 8uality s(all 3e a'',)5lis(ed under ',ntr,lled ',nditi,ns as de4ined in 5r,'edure QP./0%020 T, ensure ',ntinu,us 8uality ,ut5ut6 5r,'esses e8ui5)ent s(all 3e r,utinely )aintained as s5e'i4ied in 5r,'edure QP./0%0/0 T(e )et(,ds used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r t(e ),nit,ring and )easure)ent ,4 5r,'esses s(all 3e s5e'i4ied in 5r,'edure QP./0%0B0 7(ere a55li'a3le6 5r,'ess )easure)ents s(all 3e 5er4,r)ed t, ',n4ir) t(e ',nsistent ,ut5ut ,4 a 5r,'ess ,r 5r,'esses t, a'(ie&e 5lanned resultsG i4 5lanned results are n,t a'(ie&ed6 ',rre'ti&e a'ti,n s(all 3e taAen t, ensure 5r,du't ',n4,r)ity as de4ined in 5r,'edure QP./02/020

MO I"ORI G A , M(AS+R(M( " O9 )RO,+$": General Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all 5lan 4,r ),nit,ring6 )easure)ents6 test and 5r,du't = ser&i'e &eri4i'ati,n a'ti&ities re8uired 3y ',ntra't and esta3lis(ed t, ensure 5r,du't ',n4,r)an'e as s5e'i4ied in 5r,'edure QP./0%0E0 T(ese a'ti&ities s(all 3e identi4ied and d,'u)ented -it(in 8uality Plans and in'lude t(e 4,ll,-ing stages ,4 5r,du't reali:ati,n: Re2eiving All in',)ing ite)s re'ei&ed 4,r usage -it(in deli&era3le 5r,du'ts s(all 3e 4,r-arded t, 5r,du'ti,n6 in&ent,ry ,r st,rage until t(e re8uired ins5e'ti,ns and test (a&e 3een ',)5leted ,r t(e re8uired test re5,rts ,r 'erti4i'ati,ns (a&e 3een re'ei&ed and &eri4ied as a''e5ta3le0 Su3)itted ,3He'ti&e e&iden'e ,4 t(e su55lierKs &eri4i'ati,n ,4 5r,du't 8uality )ay als, 3e re&ie-ed and e&aluated t, deter)ine i4 8uality and ',ntra't re8uire)ents (a&e 3een )et0 Any 5r,du't ,3ser&ed as n,n',n4,r)ing s(all 3e identi4ied and 5r,'essed as s5e'i4ied in 5r,'edure QP/02<02 In@)ro2ess Parts6 ',)5,nents6 su3.asse)3lies and asse)3lies 5r,du'ed ,r 5r,'ured s(all 3e &eri4ied and tested as re8uired during )anu4a'turing0

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In.5r,'ess ins5e'ti,ns s(all 3e a'',)5lis(ed as identi4ied -it(in Quality Plans and in a'',rdan'e -it( d,'u)ented 5r,'edures and rele&ant instru'ti,ns0 7,rA in.5r,'ess s(all 3e ),nit,red -it( -alA.t(r,ug( sur&eillan'e t, ensure g,,d -,rA)ans(i5 and s5e'i4i'ati,n ',)5lian'e are 3eing )aintained0 Pr,du'ts s(all n,t 3e all,-ed t, 5r,gress t, t(e ne9t ,5erati,n until t(e re8uired &eri4i'ati,ns and test (a&e 3een ',)5leted0 Any n,n',n4,r)ing ite)s s(all 3e identi4ied and 5r,'essed as s5e'i4ied in 5r,'edure QP/02<020 9inal All ',)5leted 5r,du'ts s(all 3e su3He't t, 4inal ins5e'ti,n and ,r testing as identi4ied in t(e Quality Plan 5ri,r t, s(i55ing ,r6 -(en a55li'a3le6 su3)issi,n t, t(e 'ust,)er 4,r e&aluati,n and a''e5tan'e0 All ',ntra'ted -,rA ,5erati,ns and n,n',n4,r)an'e ',rre'ti,ns s(all 3e &eri4ied 4,r ',)5leteness and a''e5ta3ility0 nless ,t(er-ise a55r,&ed 3y t(e 'ust,)er6 ,nly ite)s -(i'( )eet ',ntra't re8uire)ents s(all 3e s(i55ed t, t(e 'ust,)er 4,r e&aluati,n and a''e5tan'e0 Re2or-s Re',rds s(all 3e )aintained 4,r a )ini)u) ,4 1 years ,r as re8uired 3y indi&idual 'ust,)ers0 Quality re',rds are t, identi4y t(e 5ers,nnel aut(,ri:ing 5r,du't release and s(all 3e 4iled and )aintained as s5e'i4ied in 5r,'edure QP./02?02

8'2'1 I "(R A# A+,I" Internal 8uality auditing ,4 ea'( syste) 5r,'ess s(all 3e 5lanned and ',ndu'ted at least ,n'e a year t, deter)ine: t(e e44e'ti&eness and ',ntinued suita3ility ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) t(e e9tent t, -(i'( t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) ',n4,r)s t, t(e re8uire)ents ,4 t(e ISO %$$2:;$$E standard t(e e9tent t, -(i'( t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) ',n4,r)s t, internal syste) re8uire)ents0

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Audit 5r,gra) 5lanning s(all taAe int, ',nsiderati,n t(e status and i)5,rtan'e ,4 t(e a'ti&ities and areas t, 3e audited as -ell as t(e results ,3tained 4r,) 5re&i,us audits0 T(e 5r,'edure used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r 5lanning6 ',ndu'ting6 re5,rting and 4,ll,-ing u5 ,n internal 8uality audits s(all 3e de4ined in 5r,'edure QP./02B020 T, ensure ,3He'ti&ity and i)5artiality ,4 t(e audit 5r,'ess6 internal 8uality audits s(all 3e 5er4,r)ed 3y 5ers,nnel -(, are inde5endent ,4 t(e a'ti&ity 3eing e&aluated0 Audit 4indings s(all 3e d,'u)ented and 3r,ug(t t, t(e attenti,n ,4 t(e res5,nsi3le )anager 4,r t(e area ,r a'ti&ity0 Manage)ent s(all taAe ti)ely ',rre'ti&e a'ti,n t, res,l&e de4i'ien'ies 4,und during an audit6 in'luding t(eir 'auses0 >,ll,-.u5 ,4 ',rre'ti&e a'ti,n taAen s(all 3e 5er4,r)ed t, &eri4y e44e'ti&eness and s(all 3e d,'u)ented0 nless ,t(er-ise de4ined 3y ',ntra't6 t(ese re',rds s(all 3e retained 4,r a 5eri,d ,4 n,t less t(an 4i&e years0 A su))ary ,4 audit 4indings s(all 3e 4,r-arded t, t(e )e)3ers ,4 t(e Manage)ent Re&ie- Tea) 4,r e&aluati,n t, deter)ine 5,ssi3le syste) i)5r,&e)ent ,55,rtunities0

R(9(R( $(S QP./02?02 QP./020< QP./0%02 QP./0%0/ QP./0%0; QP./02202 QP./0%0? QP./02B02 QP./0%0B QP./0%0E Quality Re',rds Manage)ent Re&iePlanning ,4 5r,du't reali:ati,n Pre&enti&e Maintenan'e Malidati,n ,4 Pr,'esses C,ntr,l ,4 M,nit,ring and Measuring De&i'es Measuring Cust,)er Satis4a'ti,n Internal Audits M,nit,ring and Measure)ent ,4 Pr,'esses M,nit,ring and Measure)ent ,4 Pr,du't QSM"#ul $%"Re& $

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QP./02<02 QP./02/02

Material Re&ie- Pr,'ess C,rre'ti&e and Pre&enti&e A'ti,n

ISO Standard %$$2:;$$E Quality Manage)ent Syste)s C Re8uire)ents


$O "RO# O9

O $O 9ORMI G )RO,+$"

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers t(e ',ntr,l6 d,'u)entati,n and 5r,'essing ,4 )aterials ,r 5r,du'ts t(at (a&e 3een identi4ied as n,n',n4,r)ing0 General Materials ,r 5r,du'ts t(at d, n,t ',n4,r) t, re8uire)ents s(all 3e identi4ied as a n,n',n4,r)an'e and s(all 3e ',ntr,lled t, 5re&ent unintended use ,r deli&ery0 T(ese ',ntr,ls and t(e res5,nsi3ility and aut(,rity 4,r (andling n,n',n4,r)ing 5r,du't s(all 3e de4ined in 5r,'edure QP./02<020 N,n',n4,r)an'es s(all in'lude ',nditi,ns ad&erse t, 8uality su'( as: >ailures6 de4i'ien'ies ,r '(anges in 5r,du'ti,n and installati,n 5r,'esses6 t,,ling ,r 4a'ilities Inade8uate ,r n,n ',)5liant 5r,'edures and d,'u)entati,n Inade8uate ',ntr,l ,4 -,rA

All Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X 5ers,nnel (a&e t(e aut(,rity and res5,nsi3ility t, re5,rt a n,n',n4,r)an'e during any stage ,4 t(e reali:ati,n 5r,'ess0 N,n',n4,r)ing 5r,du't s(all 3e tagged ,r segregated 4r,) ',n4,r)ing ite)s and d,'u)ented using a N,nC,n4,r)ing Material Re5,rt INCRJ0 T(e Quality de5art)ent s(all )aintain ',ntr,l ,4 NCRs0 N, n,n',n4,r)ing )aterial6 ,r 5r,du't6 s(all 3e released 4,r use ,r all,-ed t, 3e 4urt(er 5r,'essed until a *dis5,siti,ned+ NCR (as 3een re'ei&ed ,r an a55r,&al 4,r release is issued 3y t(e Quality Manager0 Revie? an- ,isposition o3 on2on3orming )ro-u2t

N,n',n4,r)ing 5r,du't )ay 3e *dis5,siti,ned+ as: Re-,rA

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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s'ra5 re5air use as is return t, &end,r ,r re8uest 4,r de&iati,n ,r -ai&er

Re5air6 Re8uest 4,r De&iati,n ,r 7ai&er and dis5,siti,ns re8uire t(e aut(,ri:ati,n 3y t(e Quality )anager and a''e5tan'e 3y t(e 'ust,)er0 N,n',n4,r)an'es re8uiring re-,rA ,r re5air s(all 3e su3He't t, re.&eri4i'ati,n and re.testing0 Aut(,rity t, use )aterials6 ',)5,nents ,r in4,r)ati,n n,t -it(in ',ntra't s5e'i4i'ati,n and re8uire)ents t(at ',uld a44e't 8uality )ust 3e ,3tained 4r,) t(e 'ust,)er 5ri,r t, i)5le)entati,n0 Reports an- 9ollo?@up A2tions NCRs s(all identi4y and in'lude: T(e ty5e and e9tent ,4 t(e n,n',n4,r)an'e dete'ted T(e dis5,siti,n ,4 t(e n,n',n4,r)an'e T(at re-,rA and re5airs -ere su''ess4ully 'arried ,ut6 re.&eri4ied and re. tested and 4,und t, 3e a''e5ta3le0

on2on3orman2es t4at are -ete2te- a3ter -elivery or use Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all n,ti4y t(e 'ust,)er ,4 t(e 5r,3le) as s,,n as 5,ssi3le and -,rA ,ut an agree)ent 4,r t(e re5la'e)ent ,r ',rre'ti,n ,4 t(e ite)IsJ in&,l&ed0

R(9(R( $(S QP./02<02 C,ntr,l ,4 N,n.C,n4,r)ing Pr,du't

>,r) NCR and NCRl,g


A A#*SIS O9 ,A"A

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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T(is se'ti,n ',&ers (,- data s(all 3e ',lle'ted6 analy:ed and used t, i)5r,&e t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste)0 Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all ',lle't and analy:e a55r,5riate data t, deter)ine t(e e44e'ti&eness ,4 t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) and t, e&aluate -(ere i)5r,&e)ents 'an 3e )ade0 Data ',lle'ted 4,r analysis )ay in'lude6 3ut is n,t li)ited t,: Results 4r,) 'ust,)er sur&eys0 Cust,)er6 su55lier and e)5l,yee 4eed3a'A0 Results 4r,) internal audits0 Results 4r,) 5r,'ess ),nit,ring and )easure)ents0 Results 4r,) 5r,du't ),nit,ring and )easure)ents0 Dis're5ant )aterial re5,rts0 Returned 5r,du'ts0

T(e 5ur5,se ,4 analy:ing t(is data s(all 3e: T, assess ,rgani:ati,nal 5er4,r)an'e against esta3lis(ed 8uality 5lans and stated 8uality ,3He'ti&es T, identi4y areas 4,r i)5r,&e)ent0 T, (el5 deter)ine t(e 'ause ,4 5r,3le)s0 T, 5r,&ide guidan'e 4,r t(e ),st a55r,5riate and e44e'ti&e ',rre'ti&e ,r 5re&enti&e a'ti,n t, taAe0

5,n ',)5leti,n6 analy:ed data s(all 5r,&ide in4,r)ati,n ,n: Cust,)er satis4a'ti,n and dissatis4a'ti,n0 C,n4,r)an'e t, 5r,du't re8uire)ents0 C(ara'teristi's and trends ,4 5r,'esses and 5r,du't6 in'luding ,55,rtunities 4,r 5re&enti&e a'ti,n0 Su55liers and t(eir ',ntri3uti,n0 Organi:ati,nal e44e'ti&eness and e44i'ien'y0

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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T(e results ,4 data analysis s(all 3e s(,-n -(ene&er 5,ssi3le and s(all 3e distri3uted t, )e)3ers ,4 t(e Manage)ent Re&ie- Tea)0 T(e )et(,ds used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r ',lle'ting6 analy:ing6 re5,rting and distri3uting 8uality )anage)ent syste) data s(all 3e as s5e'i4ied in 5r,'edure QP./0220;0 R(9(R( $(S QP./0220; Analysis ,4 Data


IM)RO1(M( "

T(is se'ti,n ',&ers a'ti,ns taAen t, res,l&e ,r 5re&ent n,n',n4,r)an'es -(i'( (a&e 3een dete'ted ,r are 5er'ei&ed as 5,tential 5r,3le)s 3y 'ust,)ers ,r su55liers0 $O "I +A# IM)RO1(M( " Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all ',ntinually i)5r,&e t(e 8uality )anage)ent syste) t(r,ug( t(e use ,4 t(e 8uality 5,li'y6 8uality ,3He'ti&es6 audit results6 analysis ,4 data6 ',rre'ti&e and 5re&enti&e a'ti,ns and 8uality )anage)ent re&ie-s0 T(e )et(,ds used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r 5lanning6 i)5le)enting and re&ie-ing t(e results ,4 ',ntinual i)5r,&e)ent a'ti&ities s(all 3e as de4ined in 5r,'edure QP./020<0 $ORR($"I1( A , )R(1( "I1( A$"IO Ele'tri'al Asse)3ly C,)5any X s(all 5r,)5tly ',rre't n,n',n4,r)an'es and ',nditi,ns ad&erse t, 8uality -(en dis',&ered0 T, 5re&ent re.,''urren'e6 t(ese n,n',n4,r)an'es s(all 3e in&estigated in ,rder t,: Deter)ine t(e 'auses ,4 t(e n,n',n4,r)ity E&aluate t(e need 4,r a'ti,ns t, 5re&ent re'urren'e Deter)ine and i)5le)ent re8uired ',rre'ti&e a'ti,n Re',rd results ,4 a'ti,n taAen

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Electrical Assembly Systems Company

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Re&ie- t(e i)5le)entati,n ,4 t(e ',rre'ti&e a'ti,n taAen t, ensure its e44e'ti&e t, res,l&e t(e 5r,3le)

P,tential n,n',n4,r)ities s(all als, 3e in&estigated in ,rder t,: Deter)ine t(eir 'auses E&aluate t(e need 4,r a'ti,n t, 5re&ent t(e ,''urren'e ,4 n,n',n4,r)ities Deter)ine and ensure t(e i)5le)entati,n ,4 5re&enti&e a'ti,n needed Re',rd t(e results ,4 a'ti,n taAen Re&ie- t(e results ,4 5re&enti&e a'ti,n taAen t, ensure its ade8ua'y t, 5re&ent t(e 5r,3le)IsJ identi4ied

C,rre'ti&e and 5re&enti&e a'ti,n s(all 3e t, t(e degree a55r,5riate 3ased ,n t(e )agnitude ,4 t(e 5r,3le)IsJ and risAIsJ in&,l&ed0 T(e )et(,ds t, 3e used and t(e 5ers,nnel res5,nsi3le 4,r deter)ining ',rre'ti&e and 5re&enti&e a'ti,n6 4,r initiating t(ese a'ti,ns and 4,r esta3lis(ing ',ntr,ls t, ensure t(eir e44e'ti&e i)5le)entati,n s(all 3e as s5e'i4ied in 5r,'edure QP. /02/02O; R(9(R( $(S QP./020< QP./02/02O; Manage)ent Re&ieC,rre'ti&e and Pre&enti&e A'ti,n

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