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Paper Clip

Student: Caio Kioshi Kuranishi Ferreira Teacher: Salvador Rodriguez Nuero English for professional and academic communication

Brief History of Paper Clip
Product Description, Materials and Assembly Process

Users needs gap(s) and former solutions/artifacts: Pros & Cons

Reasons for choosing artifact Design Problems Conclusions Bibliography

Brief History of Paper Clip

The very first paper clip was patented in United States by Samuel B. Fay in 1867.
This clip was originally intended primarily for attaching tickets to fabric; The patent recognized that it could be used also to attach papers together; The first publicity of the paper clip sells the idea: Dont mutilate your paper.

Product Description, Materials and Assembly Process

The paper clip is a flat of metal; Paper clips usually have an oblong shape with straight sides; Using the Paper clip we can attach papers without being bent or pinched and without piercing the papers; The most common material is steel or some other metal;

Recent innovations plastic-coated paper;



Product Description, Materials and Assembly Process

There are too many types of production, but one the most famous its the Paper Clip Machine, patented by W.D Middlebrook; The invention consists in some sheaves that conform a thin metal wire in a tradicional Paper Clip. See the adjacent figure; The comun size of Paper Clip is 2cm, but there are many different sizes that can be produced.

Users needs gap(s) and former solutions/artifacts: Pros & Cons

The users basically needs to attach papers, but without damaging your documents; Before the Paper Clip the people use a T Pin; They use to paste the documets together or sew the papers; Using the Paper clip the users can attach papers without being bent or pinched and without piercing the papers.

Reasons for choosing artifact

Its a very know artifact, that has a big utility in our daily; Paper Clip has a low price, and the product its very simple to be used and versatile; Other utilities beyond the attach papers: close some food package to not spoil; Push a recessed button which the user might only rarely need. For example: CDROM drives and Iphones.

Design Problems
The main problem its the amount that one clip paper can attach; Some kind of Paper Clip made by steel may rust sometimes; The size of Paper Clips box which is sold.

The Clip Paper it was an incontestable big invent; Despite being a simple product it has an important function in all the areas that you find a amount paper to be attached; The same Clip Paper can be used many times; There are not an artifact similar to Paper Clip;

Genarally it has a low price, and the users can buy a packet of hundreds for just 1 euro or less.

Bibliography$clip d

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