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Permanent Passing Status Verification

Passing Status Transcript Copy

Passing Status Transcript Copy
This transcript copy is for your use and may be
sent to any agency requiring CBEST verification.
This transcript copy is for your use and may be
sent to any agency requiring CBEST verification.
Copyr|grl @ 2008 Pearsor Educal|or, lrc. or |ls all||ale(s). A|| r|grls reserved.
Eva|ual|or 3yslers, Pearsor, P.0. 8ox 22, Arrersl, VA 01001
Ca||lorr|a 8as|c Educal|ora| 3||||s Tesl, C8E3T, ard lre C8E3T |ogo are lraderar|s, |r lre u.3. ard/or olrer courlr|es,
ol lre Corr|ss|or or Teacrer Crederl|a||rg ard Pearsor Educal|or, lrc. or |ls all||ale(s).
Pearsor ard |ls |ogo are lraderar|s |r lre u.3. ard/or olrer courlr|es ol Pearsor Educal|or, lrc. or |ls all||ale(s).

C8T-3R-PA33lN0 03
TEST DATE: 01/12/13
SSN: XXX-X6-9412
ID#: 41579296
For privacy/confidentiality reasons, only the last five
digits of your Social Security Number are reported.
1809 E. 2ND ST. APT. M

Reading Section Scaled Score: Not Taken
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Mathematics Section Scaled Score: Not Taken
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Writing Section Scaled Score: 41
Performance on Topic 1:

Your topic 1 essay met or
exceeded the minimum

Performance on Topic 2:
Your topic 2 essay met or
exceeded the minimum
Cumulative Status: Highest Results
Highest Score
Test Date

Total Passing Score: 162
Your scores will be sent to the following:
Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Vanguard Univ of Southern California

TEST DATE: 01/12/13 ID#: 41579296
SSN: XXX-X6-9412
TEST DATE: 01/12/13 ID#: 41579296
SSN: XXX-X6-9412
TEST DATE: 01/12/13 ID#: 41579296
SSN: XXX-X6-9412
This barcode contains unique candidate information


Score Information
Your California Basio Lduoational Skills 1est" [CBLS1] soore report indioates whether you passed the test, how you
perforned on the total test and eaoh seotion [Reading, lathenatios, and vriting], and how you perforned on the skill areas
in eaoh CBLS1 seotion.
CBEST Oescr|pt|on. Laoh seotion soore is based on a soale ranging fron PO to BO. lor the Reading and lathenatios
seotions, your soore is derived fron the total nunber of questions you answered oorreotly. Your soore for the vriting seotion
is based on your perfornanoe on the two essays. lf you did not pass the vriting seotion, the features of your writing that nay
need inprovenent are indioated for eaoh essay that did not neet the passing standard.
Your total CBLS1 soore was obtained by adding your soaled soores for the Reading, lathenatios, and vriting seotions. lf you
have retaken seotions of the CBLS1, the highest soore obtained on any seotion, at any CBLS1 adninistration, was used to
oaloulate your total soore.
1he passing soore for eaoh seotion of the CBLS1 is a soaled soore of 4J. A total CBLS1 soore of JPB is required for passing
status. lowever, it is possible to pass the CBLS1 with a soaled soore of B7 on one or two seotions, provided that the total
soore is JPB or higher. |t is not possible to pass the CHES1 if any section score is below S, regardless of how high the total
score nay be.
Sk|II Area Performance. Your perfornanoe on the nultipleohoioe test questions for eaoh skill area is indioated next to the
skill area title. 1he infornation will help you assess your areas of strength and weakness and/or will help you prepare to
retake any seotion[s] of the test. lor eaoh skill area, you will see one of the designations that appear below.
If you answered most of the questions correctly (scaled skill area score of 6180)
+++ If you answered many of the questions correctly (scaled skill area score of 4160)
++ If you answered some of the questions correctly (scaled skill area score of 3140)
+ If you answered few or none of the questions correctly (scaled skill area score of 2030)
Wr|t|ng Scores. Lssays are soored by California and Oregon eduoators aooording to standardized prooedures during sooring
sessions held innediately after eaoh CBLS1 adninistration. Soorers with relevant professional baokgrounds are oriented to
these prooedures and are oarefully nonitored during sooring sessions. vriting soores are deternined by sooring eaoh of the
two essays holistioally aooording to the oriteria desoribed in the CBLS1 vriting Soore Soale [see reverse side of this flyer].
Laoh essay is evaluated independently by at least two readers using a fourpoint soore soale; the total essay soore is derived
by oonbining the two individual soores. 1o obtain the vriting seotion soore, soores for both essays are sunned and
oonverted to the soore soale of PO to BO.
Lssays that do not neet the passing standard are soored diagnostioally after holistio sooring is oonpleted. 1he diagnostio
sooring provides feedbaok about the weaknesses exhibited in eaoh essay that did not neet the passing standard. 1he following
written perfornanoe oharaoteristios, whioh are inoorporated in the CBLS1 vriting Soore Soale [see reverse side of this flyer],
are evaluated during diagnostio sooring.
l. Rhetorical lorce: the olarity with whioh the oentral idea or point of view is stated and naintained; the ooherenoe of the
disoussion and the quality of the writer's reasoning
ll. Organization: the olarity of the writing and the logioal sequenoe of the writer's ideas
lll. Support and Oevelopnent: the relevanoe, depth, and speoifioity of supporting infornation
lV. Usage: the extent to whioh the writing shows oare and preoision in word ohoioe
V. Structure and Conventions: the extent to whioh the writing is free of errors in syntax, paragraph struoture, sentenoe
struoture, and neohanios [e.g., spelling, punotuation, and oapitalization]
Vl. Appropriateness: the extent to whioh the writer addresses the topio and uses language and style appropriate to the
given audienoe and purpose
Rv 6/12

CBEST Wr|t|ng Score ScaIe
Score Score Point Description

A "4" is a well-formed writing sample that effectively communicates a whole message to the specified audience.
I. The writer clearly presents a central idea and/or point of view and maintains focus on that topic; the response is well reasoned.
II. Ideas or points of discussion are logically arranged, and their meaning is clearly communicated.
III. Generalizations and assertions are well supported with relevant, specific, and detailed development.
IV. Choice of words is precise; usage is careful and accurate.
V. The writer composes sentences of syntactic complexity and variety and constructs coherent paragraphs, although the response may
contain minor flaws in mechanical conventions.
VI. The response completely addresses the topic and uses language and style appropriate for the given audience and purpose.

A "3" is an adequately formed writing sample that communicates a message to the specified audience.
I. The writer presents a central idea and/or point of view, and the focus is generally maintained; the response is adequately reasoned.
II. Organization of ideas is generally clear and effective, and the meaning is generally clear.
III. Generalizations and assertions are adequately supported, although perhaps unevenly.
IV. Word choice and usage are adequate; some errors exist but do not impede meaning.
V. The writer's response may have errors in paragraphing, sentence structure, and/or mechanical conventions, but they are neither
serious nor frequent enough to distract or confuse the reader.
VI. The response may not fully address the topic (i.e., one of the tasks in the assignment may be neglected or may be vaguely or
incompletely addressed), but language and style are appropriate for the given audience and purpose.

A "2" is a partially formed writing sample that attempts to communicate a message to the specified audience.
I. The writer may state a central idea and/or point of view but loses focus on that idea; the response is simplistically reasoned.
II. Organization of ideas may be evident, but is largely ineffective, and the response is generally unclear.
III. Generalizations and assertions are only partially supported; the response may contain irrelevant, insufficient, or imprecise details.
IV. Word choice and usage are generally imprecise and distracting.
V. The writer's response may have distracting errors in paragraphing, sentence structure, mechanical conventions, and/or dependence
upon short, choppy sentences with minimal modification.
VI. The response incompletely addresses most tasks of the assignment and/or inadequately uses language and/or style appropriate for
the given audience and purpose.

A "1" is an inadequately formed writing sample that fails to communicate a message to the specified audience.
I. The writer fails to state and/or to remain focused on a central idea and/or point of view; the response lacks coherence and reason.
II. Organization of ideas is ineffective and seriously flawed; meaning is unclear throughout.
III. Generalizations and assertions are not supported or are severely underdeveloped; the presentation of details is confused.
IV. Word choice and usage are largely imprecise, and there are severe distracting errors.
V. The writer commits serious and numerous errors in paragraphing, sentence structure, and/or mechanical conventions.
VI. The response demonstrates little or no understanding of any of the assignment's tasks; language and style may be inappropriate for
audience and purpose.
Report|ng of Scores. Your test results have been forwarded to the Connission on 1eaoher Credentialing or the Oregon
1eaoher Standards and Praotioes Connission, as appropriate. Your results will also be forwarded to the institution[s] eligible
to reoeive soore reports that you indioated when you registered.
lf you passed the CBLS1, you reoeived the following with your soore report:
A Pernanent Verifioation Card, whioh oonfirns that you have passed the CBLS1. Retain this for your reoords.
1wo transoript oopies of your Pernanent Verifioation Card for you to use as nay be required by the oonnissions,
sohool distriots, or oolleges and universities.
Additional sets of soore reports [oontaining an Lxaninee Soore Report, a Pernanent Verifioation Card, and two Pernanent
Verifioation Card transoript oopies] are available fron the Lvaluation Systens group of Pearson for an additional fee. A 1est
Results Request lorn oan be found on the CBLS1 website at www.otoexans.nesino.oon.
lt is not neoessary to repeat any seotion of the CBLS1 that you have passed with a soore of 4J or higher. lf you do not pass
one or nore seotions, you nay register again and take one, two, or all three seotions of the test. lote that it nay be to your
advantage to repeat a seotion already passed-a higher soore on that seotion night help you reaoh the total soore of JPB
required to pass the CBLS1. 1he highest soore that you obtain on eaoh seotion, no natter when earned, will be used to
oonpute your total CBLS1 soore.
lf you did not pass one or nore seotions of the CBLS1, you nay retake the exanination as nany tines as you ohoose. lf you
wish to take the CBLS1 again, you nust oonplete the registration prooess again. lor infornation on reregistering, visit the
CBLS1 website.
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, P.O. Box 226, Amherst, MA 01004
California Basic Educational Skills Test, CBEST, and the CBEST logo are trademarks
of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s).
Pearson and its logo are trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s).

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