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Network Marketing Producers Self-Hypnosis Session Transcripts and Additional Productivity Tips

Whatever we plant in our subconscious minds, and nourish everyday with repetition and emotion, will one day become a reality Earl Nightingale

Time Management is a misnomer, we really have to learn to manage ourselves, and learn not to manage our time, but to manage our thinking, and actions Stephen Covey

Johneal Rouse, 2009

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Suggestion Transcripts ............................................................................... 3 Track 1 - Introduction transcript .............................................................. 3 Track 2 - The Network Marketing Producers Hypnosis session .................... 4 Appendix A- Value Tips on becoming more Productive .................................... 8 Appendix B- Your Daily Routine ................................................................... 9 Appendix C - Vision, Goals and Plans ..........................................................10 A Sample Action plan .............................................................................11 Acknowledgements ...................................................................................12

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Thank you for downloading this pdf and the Network marketing Producers SelfHypnosis session. This document contains complete transcripts of the suggestions provided within the recording as well as includes additional tips on creating a more productive daily routine for you. The suggestions on the recording available for you to listen to, will help you to develop a state of mind where you connected strongly with your vision, and are building highly productive habits. Listening every day (I recommend this at least for an initial period of 30 days, and then as you need to reinforce the suggestions) will help you to stay inspired, build momentum and take consistent action daily, on your most important priorities and action plans. I am very encouraged by the initial feedback received from everyone who has listened to this session since its recent release, and also look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.

Suggestion Transcripts
Track 1 -Introduction
Welcome to this recording. This is Johneal Rouse and I will be guiding you in to a pleasant state of hypnosis in which where youre unconscious mind will be fully ready to accept the suggestions i give you. These suggestions will help you use your time more effectively and to realise your vision for your Network marketing business. We all have the same amount of time given to us every day and the biggest difference to the level of success that you will enjoy will, without a doubt, come from how productively you make use of your time every day. Listening to this recording on a regular basis will enable to you eliminate procrastination and become an effective, efficient producer while operating from a strong centre and still acting from choice. The following session is a hypnotic recording so you are advised to listen in a sitting or reclining position where you are giving your complete attention to the sound of my voice, in particular do not listen to this recording while driving or operating any equipment. Before we begin i would like you to call to mind your vision for your network marketing business, as well as reflect on the reasons why you do this work, ie what are your personal aspirations, what does the money mean for you personally, what does, what will it enable you to do for yourself and your loved ones, maybe there is a wider contribution youd love to make that succeeding at

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the next level will allow you to do....i will stay silent for a minute to allow you to focus on what these aspirations may be for you..........

Background music- while you focus on and explore your vision and aspirations...

This concludes this session....

Track 2- The Network Marketing Producers Hypnosis session Transcript

Suggestions from after the Hypnotic Induction....... And as you enjoy these beautiful sensations of relaxation, you allow your mind to drift to your vision for your business Imagine for a moment that a year has passed from today, and your business has grown by leaps and bounds during these past 12 months and has surpassed your own expectations..... the business has exceeded your income targets...... you have had tremendous new successes in building your team and you have grown significantly in the process....youre enjoying the trusted friendships and business relationships youve developed........ You feel the joy and sense of accomplishment this brings you......and you are enjoying the benefits of all this growth...meeting your personal aspirations, using your unique talents....and sense that you are fulfilling your unique life feel great and you take the time to celebrate youre accomplishments...youre functioning from a place of inner strength and peace......and as you look back to today i want you take this inner strength, these positive feelings and the joy of accomplishment with you, as you plan and go about your day. Because you are increasingly more and more pleased with the way your network marketing and business working from home is growing and set yourself up every day to have a productive and efficient day........a day that is full of success and operate from a place of strength

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and inner peace and your actions are aligned at all times with your intention and vision. You recognise that your success is completely within your control and you are taking complete responsibility for the success you are plan each day in such a way that you take maximum action and are seeing massive results. You are relaxed, easy, focussed, positive and happy while interacting with your business partners and prospects, and in completing your days tasks. You are quick to recognise any excuses and distractions and do not allow yourself to get away with these. You focus your attention of your highest payoff tasks first and focus on one thing at a time. You are identifying which activities produce the largest results and focus uninterrupted time and effort on income generating activities, activities such as creating great content, developing new competencies, sponsoring new people and supporting your team leaders. You see yourself more and more each day as a successful leader with tremendous value and abilities to offer and therefore you attract other people with strong leadership qualities as your business partners. You are learning to be increasingly more intuitive and to trust yourself in your choice of business partners and you attract people who are focused, driven, and have a vision for success. You consistently take productive action on your vision and goals and similarly you attract other people who demonstrate their vision through their action. You are now attracting your ideal business partners and ideal clients and recognising that All leadership channels are open, all leadership channels are free, your ideal leaders now come to you. You have a daily and weekly to do list, that you keep beside you during your work day and this keeps you focussed on your priorities for the week. In addition you create a 30 day and a 90 day action plan that identifies the goals for each period and breaks down the major tasks you will complete and accomplish to get you there. These plans feed into and drive your daily action plan. You create priorities and boundaries for yourself that protect you. Your boundaries protect your time so you can stay focused and deal with interruptions and distractions in such a way that you remain within the flow of taking inspired action. In fact you use distractions and diversions to re-centre yourself, recommit to your goals, and choose to return to your days work as soon as you can. You set aside a fixed period of approximately 30 to 60 minutes each day for reviewing and responding to emails and only check and deal with emails during this fixed time each day. You clear your email inbox EVERY time you look at your emails. Either filing a message, deleting it, actioning it or replying as quickly as you can.

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You remember to treat yourself very well, you intersperse your extended periods of focussed high quality work with required periods of rest and relaxation. And you take the time to exercise and to care for your body on a daily basis. At the end of each day you review the day and your plan for the next day so your subconscious mind begins to work on preparing for the new day while you sleep. You end each day celebrating with deep gratitude everything positive you have experienced and everything you have accomplished that day and for your progress in achieving your vision. Then you easily let go of the day and enjoy a peaceful and rejuvenating nights sleep. You begin each day with gratitude for all the abundance and blessings you already enjoy in your life and take the time to prepare yourself to have a productive day at the start of each day. Note: Also see Appendix B Your Daily Routine, for tips on creating a daily morning ritual that will get you in to a state of flow every day. As you continue to grow and enjoy success you look for opportunities to outsource the parts of your business that are least important for you to do yourself. In this way you save time to focus on handling the most important tasks that need your personal attention. For tasks you choose to outsource you easily find the best people to contract with, people who are most qualified, offer the best value for money and who take pride in delivering the service you need. You are beginning to enjoy the benefits of working from home so much more every day in every way, spending more time with your family and loved ones and having more time to do all the things you really enjoy doing including taking great holidays when you choose to and indulging yourself in the occasional day or days off. You never ever quit or give up on your vision as a successful entrepreneur, should you meet with temporary setbacks, you see these for what they are and are able to bounce back in the shortest possible timeframe, you see a setback merely as an opportunity to re-focus on your vision and your goals in such a way that meets your highest benefit and the highest benefit of others. Should you need specific skills and training, you invest in training yourself and fill yourself with more value. You are easily finding the right mentors to learn from, Mentors with the qualities and competencies that you can model. You give value unconditionally to others of your unique skills, talents, your abilities and your friendship. People recognise and respect you and want to do more business with you. People recognise the value you provide and you are building an increasingly huge wave of social proof for your personal brand. You are always in the right place at the right time, meeting the right people and being offered tremendously valuable opportunities. In a couple of minutes I will bring you back to normal waking consciousness. Know that you can always come back here to revitalise yourself and reconnect Page |6

with your passion and purpose and your vision. And know that these positive feelings and ideas will continue to be fully available to you as you go about your normal day. Each of these ideas is now making a permanent impression on your subconscious mind. Each day in your daily life you become more and more aware of the full and powerful expression of these ideas. You find that the suggestions that youve just listened to become a permanent part of your thinking, your feeling, your acting and reacting. Not because ive said so, but because its the nature of your mind to respond in this way. .....Count out from trance. This concludes this session. I highly recommend listening to the recording daily for a period of at least 30 days, to allow the suggestions to take maximum effect. I congratulate you on your commitment to taking action and to taking your business to the next level. Thank you. Your Partner in Success, Johneal Rouse

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Appendix A- Value Tips on becoming more Productive

Time management is such a critical skill for us as Network Marketers who work from home, on either a full time or a part time basis. You need to establish what activities are going to provide you the most value for your investment in time, take consistent action, and not spend hours on activities that while seeming productive are really time wasting activities. Besides listening to the recording regularly and getting the ideas and habits established at the level of the sub-conscious mind, the following tips are useful: Recognise that multitasking is generally a bad idea and is ineffective. You want to give your entire and undivided attention to only one task at any given time. Get in to the habit of eliminating external distractions and diversions from your work day, review your current routines to establish where this might be happening. Check whether you are the one causing the distractions or another person(s). In either case determine to do away with as many of these distractions from your work day as soon as you can. Work on recognising and removing the internal distractions ie. mental and emotional blocks, that come in the way of your working with a clear and clean focus. These emotional blocks normally surface through the background mental chatter we tend to engage in, or in our feeling conflicted about specific actions and objectives. Listening to the recording on a regular basis will help quieten the chattering mind. Note: it may also occasionally bring negative emotions that we have suppressed, to the surface. While it may seem unpleasant when this happens, it is far healthier to work through these emotions rather than to block or ignore them. Ensure you create a work environment for yourself that is attractive and puts you naturally in a state of flow. This includes obvious elements such as a clean uncluttered work space, good air quality and air circulation and adequate lighting.

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Appendix B- Your Daily Routine

Whether we recognise this or not, we all have unconscious habits, routines and patterns for how we spend our time and make use of our day. The difference between people who are the most effective and everyone else is that the first group of people establish patterns and routines that work for them. Therefore if you havent already, you want to create helpful routines for everything thats important for you to do. For instance, it is helpful to do the important things at the same time every day. The first hour or two of the day before you go to work, is extremely important in terms of setting yourself up to feel healthy and strong and to have a productive day. Therefore you want to create a ritual that makes you feel healthy and happy, which in turn will increase your productivity, and your ability to get a lot of high quality work done. Your morning ritual should typically include things such as hydrating yourself sufficiently (drinking 1.5 to 2l water a day is off course recommended), exercising (anything that gets your heart rate up, exercise also shifts your emotional state and makes you feel a whole lot better), meditating, listening to inspiring messages, such as listening to the hypnosis session, and or watching your mind movie, as well as taking in a healthy energising meal at the start of the day. During the day recognise that your body goes through normal ultradian cycles. To match these rhythms, performance management experts recommend working in focussed blocks of uninterrupted time, intervals of 90-120 minutes at a time, and then taking short clean breaks to allow the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate. During the breaks you want to completely detach from work and to relax and or do something else you enjoy. Finally, we do not want to become workaholics who lose touch with who we are and why we do what we do, but must take time to renew ourselves to do things that are fun, totally unrelated to business, plan to do this at least for a day or two at a time every week.

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Appendix C - Vision, Goals and Plans

The recording presumes that you have a fairly clear vision for your business and have already established goals, and have put in place Action Plans (a daily and a weekly To Do list, as well as a 30 day and a 90 day action plan is suggested) that will get you to accomplish the goals you have set. Your vision may be viewed as tomorrows reality that you have expressed as an idea today. viz., what do you want to achieve and why do you want to do that?, how would your life be different when you achieve the vision? how will you express your unique and authentic self in realising your vision? (also see transcript of Track 1 on Page 3). Clarify your vision as a mental picture, and use the hypnosis recording to bring more focus, and to experience viscerally and with passion and purpose your expectation of realising this vision. Your vision should be backed by a strong desire to make things happen, and to take action and create something new, something that has not been created before. Starting from the vision for where you want to get to, then set specific Goals, and put in place specific Action Plans to accomplish these goals. Start with creating a 90 day Action plan and determine what you will accomplish in the next 90 days. Determine what your highest payoff tasks are. An example action plan in the form of a Mind map is available on the next page (you can create one for yourself within minutes on The recording is designed to get you in to a state of mind where you are taking consistent massive action on your Action Plans, that will provide the results you want to achieve. For example: your Action Plans may include tasks such as creating and syndicating X number of content posts every week, writing a couple of articles a day or week, effectively using social media strategies to generate prospects, putting in place and or improving your marketing systems and funnels to attract clients and partners, allotting time to recruiting and training leaders etcetera. If you do not yet have specific Goals and or specific Action plans for your business, i encourage you to develop these as quickly as possible. Email me for further resources on this subject.

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A Sample Action plan

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Financial freedom starts with a mindset and a strong desire to take action towards those goals, step by step, every single day. Bob Proctor


Thanks very much to my team members on the Social Media Mastery Inner Circle for your valuable insights and inputs in to the recording. Thanks in particular to Terry Petrovick for your generous input, suggestions and inspiration.

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