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Generalized Josephson Junctions

1. Junctions with Resistive Channel 2. RCSJ Model 3. DC Current Drive Overdamped and Underdamped Junctions Return Current Dynamical Analysis 4. Pendulum Model
October 16, 2003
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Junctions with Resistive Channel

G(v) the resistive conductance

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Tunneling between two superconductors

Giaever Tunneling



Josephson Tunneling

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Normal and Superconducting Analogy

Superconductor Superconducting Josephson Junction

LJ-1 Normal metal For a normal junction, the phase is constantly being driven back to zero so linearize near zero and add a damping time

for dc drive

for dc drive and


Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

ICRn Product
The condition Experimentally, is equivalent to

For Nb at 2K,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Capacitance of a Josephson Junction

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Generalized Josephson Junction



Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

RCSJ Model



Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

DC Current drive in the RSCJ Model

and Therefore, The equation of motion can be rewritten as where

Josephson Time Constant

Stewart-McCumber Parameter
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13


Overdamped Junction c << 1

J >> RC

A. Static Solution:

B. Dynamical Solution for i > Ic

This is periodic with period

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Overdamped Junction c << 1

The time averaged voltage is

Use the voltage-phase relation,

<v>/(IcR) v(t)/IcR Therefore,

Non-hysteretic t
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Underdamped Junction c >> 1

RC >> J

A. Static Solution:

B. Dynamical Solution The phase changes quickly compared to RC, so the voltage is just from R and C. Therefore, <v(t)> i R Hysteretic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Junction with arbitrary c

A. Static Solution: Return Current

B. Dynamical Solution

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Return Current
Energy Loss per cycle = Energy supplied by sourc

where V= IR and = 0 / (2 I R), therefore

So that

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Dynamical Analysis



Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

c = 4
i/IC C V() <V>/ICR V(t) (t) V()
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

V(t) (t)

V(t) (t) V()

c =0.5
A B i/ICC A V(t) (t)

<V>/ICR V(t) B (t) V()

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

C V(t) (t) V()

Pendulum Model for a Josephson Junction

+ Iapp Icsin R C mg app l

Single junction (RCSJ model) pendulum (damped) Coupled junctions can support non-linear excitations (breathers and moving vortices)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

Pendulum Model for a vortex

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.763 2003 Lecture 13

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