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Learning to be pure finding santosa or contentment or svadhyaya, the reading of the scriptures are all aspects of entering the

dhaama or sheltered asrama for arjava, upright meditation on the absolute. Teaching is the main focus of a BRAHM ! once the aspects of jnana are in his sight. ...TH" MA ! #$AL T "% &' A BRAHM !... %A(HARA!A (HARMA dhrti patience, )sama forgiveness, dama self*control, ateya non*stealing, sauca cleanliness, indriyanigraha control of the senses, dhi intellect or +isdom, vidya learning, satya truthfulness, a)rodha absence of anger

finding restraint or the avoidance of

sucana insinuation, harsa anger or e,ultation, rosa grumbling, dambha covetousness or delusion, droha malice, )ama untruth, anatmyam neglect to )eep the senses in order, ayogah neglect to concentrate the mind in the (HARMA %RA((HA... bhutahitatva, see)ing the good of creatures the tortoise, the blac)birds, or the +hales visista devata bha)ti +or)ing for prasad offered to the dieties &f the -ualities of a .%ATR /A isvarabhava leadership or standing ones ground in battle is foremost, also note saurya heroism, teja vigour, dhrti steadiness, dha)sya being resourceful The )satriya is a sheild of the spirit... The ultimate goal being peace... The path to attain 0 %0ATMA or the cosmic soul... Tending to crops or +or)ing as a merchant being the main focus of the 0A %/A... The %$(RA is as)ed to +or) for the pinnacle three... As +rote notes on a legal pad. guide me. found someone chanting ne,t to the tulasi garden to

"ven as strive to fit the mold find someone else +ill some+here along the lines to hit me +ith a hammer, and chisel. %omeone else is the scultpter. notice even if thin) measure up to all of the aspects of character strive to achieve see that +ill fail alone. %A(HA!A is something am +or)ing at improving on. !oticing the flo+ers buding in a tree above the tulasi garden someone pointed out that one of the trees is the same strain of tree the B$((HA once meditated ne,t to. To escape our mind +e dra+ on our )i or lifeforce to maintain our prana or find light in the spadeli)e leaves of the boddhi tree. The mind is a treasure chest. The nerve endings gro+ li)e trees even sprouting leaves or flo+ers...

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