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Introduction4 Chapter 1 What you Focus on Increases..7 Chapter 2- The Internet.12 Chapter 3- What you can do with your Mind? ............................14 Chapter 4- Project Facilitation..20 Chapter 5- Your Health22 Chapter 6- Your Brain Wiring. 26 Chapter 7- An Invitation to a Place where Dreams are made of.28

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If someone sent you this short book it means you are special to his or her heart. Let me tell you what this short book would do for you if you read, understand and master it completely. It would distinguish you from the majority of people living in the world who are on autopilot. We are talking about people who wake up in the morning and wish that the day passes by and that some external forces do something to give them a good day; people who feel as if they are not in control of their lives and somebody somewhere or some government or organization owes them something; people who think that they must live everyday on conventional medicine and have no control over their health and people who believe the solution to all their problems in life is outside somewhere at some place and a billion miles away from them is fortune, love, freedom success and emotional well being. You may be sharing one or more of the perspectives above. But gone are those days. As you continue to read this book you are moving towards a positive change in your life forever. You can now say out loud I would be the champion that I have always wanted to be. Yes! You are the champion. The information that you are about to receive now would empower you dynamically and make you a superman or super lady. It would give you the control in your life that you have always wanted. It would open the gate of unending fortune, success and emotional well being. Have you ever read a book, now, that immediately you started reading, you just loved it, understood and believed everything that was in it? Have you ever read some other books at some other time, which you didnt like but never knew why?

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The information and offer you would now come across in this short book would seem too good to be true but notice that today as you have started reading this book you are at a different unit in time and place. Something has pulled you to this book. This implies that there is a degree of illumination within you and biological evolution that has prepared you for it and attracted the information to you. The information you would be receiving involves knowledge that has been highly guarded by the privilege elite class in the world and governments in the world and categorically they do not want you to know about it. All the Facts you shall come across in this book shall be verifiable by you to satisfy your curiosity. This book shall not be a series of Opinions No!! What you shall get shall be hard facts with evidence that they all do work for your benefit. This information is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. It took me a fortune to learn the information you are about to receive. The people that shared this with me are well known and you have seen some of them on T.V., Newspaper, radio and other media. I shall proceed here to name some of them but not all of them, these include some organizations too. Some of these people are my personal friends and do not work because they have to, but because they love to. Dr Ted Morter has studied and practiced Bio-Energetic medicine for over 25 years and has worked with so many people including the President of Brazil. Joel Bauer has mentored fortune 500 companies including Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Robert Allen, Jack Canfield, Victor Mark Hansen and Fred Van Liew. So has Marshall Sylver who has shared the stage with Bill Clinton and President Gurbachev of Russia. I could continue naming these people but in order to 5|P age

save my time and yours I would end at that. Note that the people in the list, including myself do not need you to be impressed by them. We are plenty impressed about us. Most of the people in that list above have their own Clinics, companies, Private jets, Islands etc. In as much as you do not need to get impressed by them you should get excited now because everything that they have and have done you can do too. This short book would set you the frame work for that, so you can begin right away. Never say tomorrow because tomorrow never comes. Take action now. As soon as you look at any of these people above and think that they have something that you do not have, you are already hypnotized and guaranteed to fail. Ok, lets go!! Let me show you how its done.

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The statement sounds so easy, and some of you may be saying oh! I have heard this thing so many times. I know this stuff. Its that new age! Blah- blah. Ok, you know this stuff right? How is that you have not yet achieved all your dreams? Why are you still broke? Why do you complain 5 thousand times a day? Why are you still over weight? Why are you always sick? Categorically you dont know this stuff, so wake up. I was also, having same problems sometime ago as you would see in chapter 4. However, there are a good number of people reading this book who are already, affluent, happy, and have several of their goals and dream a reality. If you are one of these people, every word you read and idea would just come to you like, of course, thats how it works on the other hand there are people who are lucky and who get pretty much anything they need who have never read or heard any of these words written here. The answer to this is that, some people are born with certain dispositions and others not. You may have been born with the DNA configuration to play certain sports like basketball well, sing like an angel etc. Its the same way that some people have their DNA wired to make money and attract other things. They just do it unconsciously since its already part of them. Persons without that quality can now reach that level of doing it unconsciously only by repeatedly doing it consciously several times. Thats by repeating the right formula several times. The reason why you are where you are is because you have been repeating the same failed plan over and over again. Some DNAs naturally attract power, love and others trouble and distress. So with focus on what you want you can change this DNA emission. 7|P age

If you now wish to be a master you have to master the basics. Here is the first basic: WHAT YOU FOCUS ON INCREASES. Focus here refers to mental, physical and emotional. You would have more of what you think and feel about using your emotions. If you spend your time worrying about bills, unpaid debts, and how worrisome your spouse is, you would keep getting more of that in your life. I am not asking your opinion. Whether you realize it or not its high time you shift your paradigm and start focusing on the things that you want. Whatever you are grateful for; would attract more of that in your life. If you are grateful with that intense emotion of a gift you received from your mum on your birthday as I did on mine, you are now sending out a vibration to the universe and the universe would give you more of that. It would attract to you people, circumstances and events that would help you create that. Concerning the example of my birth day gift cited above that led to the reception of a second gift from a friend the second incident happened a minute after I started remembering the birthday gift from my mum. Then I chose to focus on it again and minutes later I got a third gift from another friend. Well, there is no mysticism, Luck, new age or whatever you may brandish involved in this. The key for this shall be placed in your hands in the sixth chapter of this book. You can look around you now and finding out that you do not have the love you used to have from your friends; the humor, goodies, cash or the material and immaterial pleasures of your heart. All you have to do is simply to remember the time in your life that you had any of those things no matter how small it was and begin to feel grateful for that. Who should you be grateful to? Well I am not preaching here as this book is designed for people of various religions and ethnic groups. You can be grateful to God, the universe, Christ, Allah, Nature or whoever. People have different names they call God. 8|P age

The point here is sending out the thoughts of gratitude to a higher power out of your brain by thinking and feeling- most importantly feeling. It is the feeling that would bring these things to you. What people focus on in their lives is what they get. If you look into our society today you see that the people who always talk about poverty keep getting poorer while those who always talk about diseases always get ill. On the other hand, those who always think of wealth and talk of it have it in abundance. The notion of the Rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer become inevitable in this circumstance. It all begins with one thing. That thing is your focus, your thoughts, your consciousness geared towards the belief that there are more than enough goods for everyone to have a fare share. You do not have to reap off someone in order to possess. If you make a decision today that you would begin to focus only on the good aspects of people and the times you had with them that was joyous, you would notice that your relationships and activity with these people shall become better and better. Politicians and people in government positions always know how to bring about a desirable outcome in the masses simply by using the media. Commanding Generals such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler knew of such weapons. Not the physical weapon but I mean the weapon that is still used today. This involves sending out a message to the country by a medium of communication. If you study history you would see similar cases where resistance took place from groups. They simply sent out a message then other people began to pick this message, focus on it, talk about it, feel it, believe in it and it became a reality. Its all creating an ideal in the mind. Adolf Hitler did this by instilling in the minds of the young Germans that they were a special race. He did this using the media, educational system and all available media at that time. They began to believe that 9|P age

they were special. He also instilled in them that it was good to be patriotic and to die for your country so young people were happy to join the army and fight for the good of their country. Just imagine that when your baby starts growing you begin to tell her/him that s/he is the best thing in the world and that everything that s/he lays her hands or his hands on would work. Tell her that she is a genius and the medical doctors have proved it. Researchers have proved that such students would grow up better and be more successful. Compare it to another case where the person told his child that you good for nothing scumbag you would never be any good Of course this second child would become a criminal, rascal, knave and a good for nothing child. Researchers have also proved this several times without doubt. Thats how things happen in the world, when you use your mind to think about something you shall reap the fruits of that thought. This is a simple fact here to consider; its not a belief; its a fact whether you believe it or not, this is a universal law. Agree or disagree, take it or let it go. I am only giving you some things to consider not imposing anything on you. We as humans are endowed with the gift of a free will. Using your mind and taking your own decisions you can be, do and have anything and everything you want in Life. The mind is made up of two parts- the thinker and the proofer. Whatever the thinker thinks, the other part would look for evidence to prove that this is true. If you think that someone is stupid, your proofer would search for all the evidence to proof it and affirm that, thats the truth. If you think he is wise, the same principle would happen. This concept is more at a psychological level. In the sixth chapter of this book as we have said we would place the scientific, biological and quantum physical key in your hands that would enable you completely take this to the highest level. But why waiting begin now using 10 | P a g e

this basic principle. Take action and let me know if things dont drastically change. Let me know if you dont start living those dreams. So to repeat again, this basic principle in this lesson is a universal law governing the universe. Its not a belief. We have similar laws such as the law of gravity. Go now on top of a story building and jump down and believe that you would suspend in the air and see if you dont hit the ground and shatter. A universal law is a law, believe it or not. Its time for you to wake up and begin to realize universal laws because you had been living in a world of illusion and delusion. You had been living in some universal laws that are only applicable to your conceptual reality and simply agreements that you had made with yourself that things do operate as such. But the bad news is that, they dont. The good news is that you shall get the proven formula here.

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Information is power only when applied rightly. Some forms of information lead to power just knowing them. Look at the statistics below. Below you have several totals. An estimated 12 Million people use the internet every single day. If you are not using the internet for your benefit now-a-days you are losing. You are losing it all, bit by bit. So learn to master the basics of the internet and use it to your benefit. This is a great facilitation tool. It can help you do several things effortlessly. It can enable you make a million without ever leaving your home. I know people who have turned from making thousands to hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands to millions, millions to multi millions and multi millions to billions. All they did was that they harnessed this tool and they made use of it. Now using this tool has been made easy. You need no special ability or training to do it. The computer is now very user friendly. However, anyone can achieve a great deal of success without ever touching it, BUT, his associates would have to use it. Your workers may be the people using this tool. Why dont you just learn how to use it rather than get your secretary replying your emails for you every time. If you are a musician, teacher, writer, philanthropist, pianist, actor, hair dresser, graphic designer, entrepreneur, serial entrepreneur, programmer, student or you belong to any other profession not mentioned here I recommend that you should use the internet. Harness the internet. You would be surprised at the outcome and what you achieve from doing that. Data for internet users in the world may be of interest to you as table one below shows.
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We have already told you that what you focus on increases. Now there is a deeper level to that. This information can be analyzed in a biological level as well as at a quantum physical level. Napoleon Hill, writer of the Book known as the law of success in sixteen lessons was sponsored by J. P. Morgans and Andrew Carnegie to go out and interview the most successful people in the world and to find out their recipe for success. This project took him 25 years to come out with that book. He noticed that these people had similar definite characteristics that enabled them to attain this level of success. The interview included CEOs, owners of Fortune, 500 enterprises and highly influential people. These included people such as Andrew Carnegie himself. He also researched closely on Thomas Edison that discovered the light bulb and more than 10.000 patterns and discoveries. In fact it is thanks to him that we use the T.V. today and other similar appliances. One of the quantifiable concepts that Napoleon Hill introduced is that, the Brain is a receiver and transmitter of thoughts, frequency, vibration and energy. Let me explain a little bit what frequency and energy is. What is the smallest particle of matter? An atom, you should know this if you did elementary chemistry. When this atom is divided you have the electrons and protons circulating around it. Scientists have discovered that most of the interior of the atom is empty and the particles only contain a little fraction. By the way, still focusing a high power microscope into the atom what do you get? We get just an energy field, just frequency - A feeble vibration or set of vibrations.

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So Napoleon Hill discovered that the brain receives this energy and transmits it and this frequency affects other physical matter. What does this imply? It means that you can use your brain to do anything and everything. You can use it to manipulate energy. You can use it to tune into the universe. However there is something that shall limit you from doing this which we shall see in another chapter. Do you believe this? Its normal that you may not be too sure. I would like you to consider this truth- that man is evolving and discovering the abilities latent in him. This is the age of thought. Man has mastered the air around him and defied the laws of gravity. He has been able to get the air transfer him from one part of the continent to another and out of the planet too. He has mastered the air in such a way that he can use it to communicate and to hear the voice of his friends millions of miles away and to see them too. Its the same thing with the oceans. He has learned to create seas and lakes on land and islands and pieces of land on portions of the oceans and seas. There is nothing magical above in what I am telling you as the same mystery that takes place when you put on your T.V and pick up signals thousands of miles away or touching a button in your cell phone and connecting with someone at the other end of the planet. How do you understand these things? We would give you a very simple technique that you can now start using immediately. Take anything that you wish to be, do, or have. Begin to think about that thing as if you already had it. These thoughts must be followed by similar feelings and emotions, as emotions mean energy in motion. Continue to think about it and before you know it. You shall begin to see similar things that would lead you to that thing. You shall begin to attract circumstances, situations and events that would help you create that exact thing you wanted. For instance you are thinking about $20.000. You shall start receiving more of the 15 | P a g e

situations that would involve that amount, more of the people and before you know it thats what you would get. I have done everything that I am telling you here today and I guarantee you these are not a set of theories. This is the secret that they do not want you to know about. This is the secret that Napoleon Hill found from the privileged elite class. That success and wealth all begins in the mind. It is all a process that happens in the mind. Its all about the thoughts. Its all about energy. Its been said and it would be said again that everything in the universe is made up of energy. The book you are holding, the chair etc Albert Einstein said it completely Everything is energy and so are the thoughts and when you think a specific thought you are emitting a certain frequency and this can do no other thing than to match that physical reality. Its same thing. Your thoughts affect your health. So if your environment is scattered thats how you shall be sick and broke. Every thought you think results to the creation of mental part in your brain known as dendrites. Every time you think a thought these dendrites get connected to some small balls known as neurons. So each thought is a physical entity in your brain. Each thought is a physical thing. Which can be seen in a microscope as little balls connected and cables connected together (dendrites). So if you think thoughts of health, neurons of health are created. If you think thoughts of wealth its the same thing. Thats the secret to transforming your physical body. If you get a picture and keep looking at a picture, the brain begins to form those dendrites and neurons. That is what you shall become. Note that the look here is not looking at it for 3 minutes. Its positioning it where you can look at it tens of times every day. After some time, maybe days, weeks, months or years it would sling into the sub-conscious.

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The brain does not decide anything. What you expose to it, thats what you become. You think I am lying? Ok lets try this, right now as you read, dont think about an elephant. I repeat, dont think about an elephant. What was the first thing that came to your mind when you read the sentence? -An elephant, right? Thats why if you keep focusing on bills you get more bills. If you keep focusing on hard work you get more hard work. Learn to work smart rather than work hard. Use the formula we are giving you now. It has changed lives. So you can become successful and create any reality. All you have to do is to make sure that you focus on having it now so you create those dendrites and keep focusing on it until it sleeps down into your DNA. You shall realize your dreams when you become one with them. At that time your DNA has synced into union with the mind, and dendrites. At that point you cannot stop yourself from not having that dream and objective. Remember this too, its one step at a time. You cant live from having one thousand dollars to 20 million dollars. If you dont believe it you wont have it. It has to be something you can believe in. Thats why Napoleon Hill said, whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe, it can achieve. The second part is very important. Its conceiving not only that but believing that your DNA can recognize. Something close to that if you had it; your biological and chemical metabolism would not go into a shock or shutdown. Its only if you believe it that you would have it. So it must be in your area of believability. I have told you that the brain emits and sends out vibrations. What are these vibrations? - Energy. What are emotions? Energy in motion. So when you are feeling good, you are going to attract more of the things that would keep lifting you up. You are constantly emitting a vibration 24/7 i.e. Twenty four hours a day, 7 hours a week. So its good that after your moments of focus and dream building, after the moment you have chosen to 17 | P a g e

do your prayer and planning, you should keep feeling good. Feeling good means that you are happy, joyful, feeling a little bit better than you are. You have to begin to feel whole, perfect, strong, harmonious, loving and happy. Even if these emotions are not there. Just create them and act as if its there. That is your essence and core. You are one with the divine. So as you begin to feel that way and act that way you give a chance for that omnipotence to be reflected in you. This is because as your thoughts send out vibrations it receives the vibrations from the parts in your body and sends vibrations to them also. So you have one total vibration you are sending out now resulting from all the other vibrations in your body. So if you relax, take your deep breaths and feel good. You shall be sending out the right vibration that shall help you to achieve the things you want fast and manifest your desires. How fast? It can be the next hour if you know all the things in this short book. Not just know, have it as part of your system. It should be in the subconscious part of you. You dont have to reason these concepts and mechanisms here. If you do, you wont achieve your dreams. How likely are you to? Not, never. You shall never achieve your dreams. So you have to read this short book over and over again so that it becomes part of you and those dendrites are created. Read it every night before sleeping. Read the book and do what we shall recommend here and see how everything magically changes in a little time that you wont believe. This explains why people who desire money attract it and have lots of it. This is because their thoughts and energy is focused on that. They are thinking about it almost all the time and feeling good about it. It does not take super human intelligence. Perseverance bits education. This is the reason why you have several millionaires and billionaires with very little formal education. Thomas Edison himself had only 3 months of formal 18 | P a g e

schooling. Albert Einstein was termed dull in school at a young age and was trained and studied at home with parents and had a personal teacher. He only went to school later. He was studying physics but never attended the lectures because he wanted to stay and unravel the mysteries of Mathematics. Bill Gates never finished Harvard because he was obsessed with the computer you use everyday. So he had to drop out and only got back after. All of these people became obsessed and focused on one single thing. They achieved it. Concentration and focus manifest the results of success.

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I know that most of you reading this book have goals to make big sums of money. Some of you want to win the lottery. Others have other dreams related or not related to money. Ok, apply what we have said above and see if it does not happen. Combine it with this proven system known as project facilitation. If you have a goal to make a specific amount, you would begin to attract things that resemble it and that can lead you to it. However there is a proven system that consultants have been using to make hundreds of millions every year. You can learn this system too. For the first time its being released and you can start using it, now. It would give you all the money you need. It would help you get everything and anything you ever wanted related to money. We know that all of you reading this book do not have goals of money. Some people want to be healthy; some just want to feel good about themselves. We also know most people like the success that is spelled $ucce$$, nothing wrong with that either. You are reading the right book at the right time. The only thing left for you is now to take action. When Bill Gates the richest man in the world was interviewed and asked his secret of success. He said Its being at the right place at the right time, but Larry, many people are always at the right place at the right time. The only difference is that I took action. His own words, he took action. He did not sit down meditating or looking at places. He took action. Project facilitation is simply getting to know those that run the game. The governments, when I talk of governments it is not what you are thinking. Its understanding the globe and what people need. Its understanding what major corporations need. It could be understanding what the developed and developing countries need to get developed. If you can help them do this, you would make millions for yourself in a few days or even hours. All you have to do is to understand and to know the 20 | P a g e

simple truth and concept. Some of the projects that people facilitate and make fortunes include engineering and construction, the media industry such as music, movies, and employment opportunities. Let me give you an example of how one of these projects could go. An example of one Ive done is helping some Asian workers in the textile industry get similar jobs in another continent in Europe, USA, Middle East or South Africa. Do you know what? All that was required of me and my partners was to link these people to the employer. The ransom stated for this was 10 thousand dollars per person. This is just one type of project as they are others in the niches I stated above which are even much more profitable. These people would only register such projects with an organization they trust. You can now have access to one of such organizations. The last chapter of this book gives you information on that. How do I know that this system works and people can make thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions? Its simply because I am the writer of this book. At a young age I had been thrilled and obsessed about success, especially when it came to using the internet legally. I stumbled upon writing online. I was very creative. I made few cents and was exploited by some companies that claimed that you could make a fortune via writing articles online. My voluptuous obsession led me to read and learn lots of things. How I left from being broke and made the first million. So project facilitation is something that anyone can do. It does not require any special education, no hard work, and no special connections are required. A young boy or a 100 year old person can do it. Also I can attribute my success to all of the principles outlined in this book. Not just one of them but at least most or all of them.

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We have talked of achievements, and methods. Now let me tell you this. If you are not healthy, you would never achieve anything. If you cant lead yourself you must have high levels of health and vigor. You must be strong and powerful. That is the limitation that would stop you from emitting any vibrations using your mind or focusing on something. You shall always be emitting the wrong vibrations and attracting the wrong circumstances, situations and events if you do not have good health. Well, how do you do this? I am not writing to tell you a problem without a solution. I do not wish to put a plate of food in front of you and take away. Dr Ted Morter developed a system known as the Bioenergetics synchronization technique. This system would help you to monitor your health and to know when you are liable to get sick so you can take note and put yourself in order. This system is going to cost you a total of Zero $$. Ok, now your body is either too acidic in nature, too Alkaline or balanced, one of the three options holds here. You can measure the amount of acidity in your body by using your urine or your saliva. They both test for different things. I shall show you that in a moment. This is known as your PH. The test is done using a PH paper, which changes colors during use thereby indicating the alkalinity of acidity of the body. The manual is included in the purchase package. You do not need to be a scientist or a medical doctor in order to do it. Sometimes PH is known as the potential for health in a lay mans sense. This second name would help you remember the concept more and understand it too. The PH ranges from 1-14. The higher the scale you climb, the less acidic, the more alkaline and consequently the healthier you will be. When testing for PH if you use the saliva note that it would reveal to you the amount of mental stress you have and the amount of toxicity that your brain is emitting. It would show you how stinking your thoughts have been. Thereby telling you if you continue those thoughts the PH shall keep 22 | P a g e

dropping. So shall your potential for health. This shall lead you to headaches, stress and all the diseases related to that area. Testing the PH with the urine implies giving results on what you have been consuming. There are certain foods that when eaten, it digests and leaves acid in your body. Some foods have acid but when they digest with the enzymes in your stomach it leaves an environment of alkaline ash. We shall recommend a very good book for you to read. Its known as Dynamic Health by Dr Ted Morter. It would give you the complete list of what to eat and what not to eat. A good rule of thumb is for you to make sure you eat enough fruits and vegetables as most of them would leave an alkaline ash environment when they digest. You can use this method also to know how to lose weight. More of those foods that leave acid in your body would cause you to accumulate weight and grow sick. To have great health too its necessary to stop taking certain drugs, as 80% of them instead help to cover the symptoms of the disease rather than cure it. It instead helps to reduce the PH of your body. Most manufactured and industrialized foods help to reduce the PH, especially over processed foods so are negative emotions such as anger. It is a scientific fact that every thought that leads to emotion leads to secretion of a corresponding chemical in the body. Sure you know that tension and fear causes adrenaline secretion. So in order to achieve great emotional well being, you can consider practicing what we have said and also consider doing sports at least once a week. The more the sports the better, but the diet and controlling your thoughts is the most important- more important than anything. Doing sports every day and not taking care of diet and the mind would do nothing. Something you should consider is, using less electronics, use that time to go into nature and enjoy life and play with people. Believe me, I do this. Results are great. I know many 89 year old people who do these things and they look like 16 year old. Believe me I know them. At the end of this book I would tell you how you can meet them. The reasons for using less electronics, especially those that emit electromagnetic 23 | P a g e

waves is because these waves damage the cells of the body and in some scientific experiments have damaged certain plants when being exposed to them in a very little time. There are several disciplines that would guarantee you in good health such as Martial arts, Rekei, and several energetic and natural therapies. These are just few of the natural systems that you can now start using to turn around your health. When you now become a member in the exclusive organization talked of in chapter 7, you would be able to access them. I can assure you that the reason for disease is not lack or shortage of drugs such as pain killers. For example you do not have a headache due to an aspirin deficiency. Never!! Just imagine that you are a worker at a fire prevention station. You get an alarm at line one saying that there is a house on fire 3 blocks away from your station. Then you get a small knife and cut the cable that transmits the alarm sound and signal. The alarm goes off but did you put off the fire? Thats what pain killers do. You simply stop the nerves from transmitting the pains to the brain. Meanwhile the cause is still there. You only stopped the effect. It is best you work on the cause rather than work on the effect. The body is made up of seven layers which are energetic in nature. So there is a flow of energy in the body always. Some people call this energy the vital life force. Most of the times, a displacement in the flow of this energy in the body is caused when there is a misalignment between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. There are many therapies that are designed to do this one thing. That is to align the left and the right hemispheres of the brain. When this adjustment is made the results is nothing more than a release of blockages causing the vital life force energy to flow in the body. Note that the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body. So when you feel pains in your body. It probably is caused by the miscommunication of these two hemispheres. One of the easiest ways to promote this misalignment is wrong posture such as lying on the chair with your legs in the air or 24 | P a g e

some other undesirable harmful posture. The manner you move or stand equally matters. In the last chapter of this book, you would find where you can have the best of these therapies available in the world directly from some of the inventors themselves. Other things that would cause you malice and ailment are: Negative thoughts Negative emotions Polluted air Insufficient respiratory volume Insufficient nourishment Excessive nourishment Ill-balanced nourishment Toxic water Insufficiency of water Physical fatigue Mental fatigue Poor quality of sleep Lack of physical exercise Excessive physical activity. Poor postures. You may also be wondering why I have devoted so much time in this book talking about health, when the book is on manifesting your desires. You know it is close to impossible to think of desires, prosperity and achievement when you are unhappy and ill. Do you agree to that? How do you define Freedom? We have been talking about several processes, principles and systems that can enable you manifest your desires. You may be asking or saying, In life there are no hard rules. Oh really? You think they are no principles in achieving success. I know several people who reading this would try to rationalize and say I love to be free and to live without rules. Such people invest lots of time, money, recreation, freedom in things that do exactly the opposite. Their recreation destroys the character and power within them. They use their freedom to imprison themselves. They invest their money in liabilities, disease, poverty that leads to the same things over and over again. They try to live in hallucination and to quote imaginary examples. Then they would say money is not everything that matters but happiness is. Then you look at them and they are not happy either, they are lost like a ship without radar that is being driven hither and thither in the waves. You now have what it takes to leave this group if you had been in it. You can now follow simple rules that appear to be strict but they are simple codes of financial and emotional independence that would lead you now to the champion that you truly are. 25 | P a g e


Another very important factor that shall help you in achieving your dreams and goals is to understand your brain wiring. Some people want to be CEOs and start a company. They dont understand anything about figures and how the market works. Some people just have certain skills like programming and singing, but they want to be the marketer, distributer and CEO all at once. They do not understand that when they are born they all have a brain wiring. Its same with you. When you were born you had a gift. Your job is to identify that gift and to know where you fit. If your gift is to co-ordinate activities then thats your brain wiring. If your gift is to be a leader and head and to take risks like entrepreneurs, thats it, thats where you are good at. You cant change it but you can improve it. Learn to identify where you belong and focus on it and thank God and be grateful for whom you are. Dont try to be everything. If you have not found your brain wiring, keep searching. The last group of brain wiring is specific talent such as music, golf, sports and so on. You can identify them. In a nutshell there are 4 types: the Entrepreneur, the manager, the coordinator (project facilitator) and the talent. The Entrepreneur is the person who gets the cash and is ready to take the risk to get a certain business or organization running. The manager is someone like a CEO that helps to supervise and direct these factors. The coordinator is someone who can link and direct several tasks and find where they are related leading them to a favorable succession. The talent is just a specific gift very specific in nature. Before I continue, you may be saying, I thought a CEO is an owner of a company also known as the founder? Well thats the common thing; most people think thats how it is. For example with a company like Facebook the CEO is Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, he has the specific skill and expertise in programming. Heading the board as chief executive officer entails that his brain is also wired as managerial leader with lots of 26 | P a g e

expertise in the co-ordination and management of several factors. Guess what happens? He does not control but his board members do. For several years he did what Bill Gates of Microsoft did. Bill Gates moved away from being CEO and Chair person to assistant and finally moving away completely while all of his shares, revenue and royalty still remained. In business we need various parts to create real wealth. All of those parties and factors are necessary in your company or business. The analysis of brain wiring here and the various levels can be changed to infinitely different combinations. The 4 we have given above are best for what we wish to convey to you at this moment. For those wishing to create money, it is necessary all of these 4 groups are involved. Its not only necessary its a must. You can only make much money with a company of your own. Working for someone means your money is limited to what they choose. In the last chapter of this book we would show you how you can work in a business of your own, getting the full amounts you need. Not working for some boss somewhere.

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If you have gone through this short book and enjoy it. We now want you to know that this is just a tip of the iceberg. You now can be, do and have anything and everything you want. If you now want a cheque of $30.000 coming in every week you can create that. If you now want to live till a hundred and still look like someone at 15 you can do it. If you want to travel all around the world and stay in the most luxurious hotels now it would happen. If you now want to release the gifts and the abilities that nature has implanted in you it can now be done. If you want to be happy, smart and smiling always you can have it. In fact, now you already have it. Now, all of this is just a step away. Its now just a decision away. Now you can join and enjoy a revolutionary organization that would help you have all of these. It would provide you with more of this information. It has been doing this for some time now. The good news is Its the only place where the secrets of project facilitation have been released with experts working on it. Now, its the only place where you can learn project facilitation in the world. As a member you simply benefit from this for your membership. You have the chance to learn the dynamics of project facilitation and to participate. All of this is optional. You also have access to meet other likeminded members. Some of these members you would meet include highly accomplished people in the world. Some of these people you have seen them on T.V and read about them in books, newspapers and radio. You would be learning from the right people and you would have the opportunity to share what you know too. There are some people reading this who are natural health care practitioners, others are consultants, others are very familiar with what is being talked about here and have achieved great success with it and 28 | P a g e

want to share it. Here is a place for you. The name of the organization which we have been telling you to join now is Rhodes Island Investments. The website is As a prestigious member you invest in a membership and when you get in you make that amount over and over again in only few days. Results vary with different people. I have seen people who made it the third day after joining. Believe me I am one of them, I have used these systems; I have enjoyed the benefits and I am sharing with you. I have enjoyed great emotional well being, independence and joy. You are about to or if you have been enjoying these virtues already, thats pretty too great and nice for reading this because it will add to what you already know. One of the principles that Napoleon Hill discovered about the super successful people is that they belonged exclusively to members of organizations and clubs where they had support from their friends. This he called the mastermind concept. When two or more people ally themselves, in a spirit of perfect harmony, for the purpose of attaining a definite end, if that alliance is faithfully observed by all of whom it is composed, the alliance brings, to each of those of whom it is composed, power that is superhuman and seemingly irresistible in nature. This is what RII provides to you. This information is provided to you in seminars, audios, videos, books, workshops and other forms of training available exclusively to members only. You can now join.

You have undoubtedly noticed the manner in which; you are influenced while in the presence of other people. Some people inspire you with optimism and enthusiasm. Their very presence seems to stimulate your own mind to greater action, and, this does not only seem to be true, but it is true. You have noticed that the presence of others had a tendency to lower your vitality and depress you; a tendency which I can assure you was very real! Simply a positive mastermind such as RII can give you unlimited benefits as you become a member.
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You need no proof, however, that the presence of some people inspires you, while the presence of others depresses you, as you know this to be a fact. It stands to reason that the person who inspires you and arouses your mind to a state of greater activity gives you more power to achieve, while the person whose presence depresses you and lowers your vitality, or causes you to dissipate it in useless, disorganized thought, has just the opposite effect on you. You can understand this much without the aid of a hypothesis and without further proof than that which you have experienced time after time. I appreciate your time for deciding to take this journey to educate yourself on these mechanisms that work. You are truly special and have the seeds of greatness in you. You are blessed and its out of love that we have decided to put this together for you. Whatever action you take, we appreciate it. If you call us and thank us, thats good. If you join, youve made the best decision in your life. However, we stand to lose nothing if you do nothing or decide to take on action. If you dont call me to follow up or any of my friends in RII I have nothing to lose. I would book a flight to Munich and meet the other members when I wish and we would have our meetings and banal pleasantries after which I shall hub in the next flight and head to Golden Tulip in Gold Coast Ghana and have fun. I believe in you, the reader that you are a champion. Read this book over and over again and share the gold and important information you can find in it with family, friends, and to the world. Thanks once more for reading. See you on the beaches of the World.

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