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Prepared by: - MIHIR G SIMEJIYA T.Y.B.B.A. Roll o: - !"

S#ree R.P BHA$ODIA Colla%e& Ra'(o). A*ade+,* Year "-.. / "-." S0b+,))ed )o: - Sa0ra1#)ra U ,2er1,)y Ra'(o). G0,ded by: - Mr. Sa2a R0pala

I undersigned Mr. MIHIR G SIMEJIYA the student of TY . .A! here "# de$%&re th&t the 'ro(e$t )or* 'resented is +# o)n )or* &nd h&s "een $&rried out &nd &$$o+'%ished under the su'er,ision &nd guid&n$e of -rof. S&,&n Ru'&%& of R.-. HALODIA Co%%&ge! RAJ.OT.

D&te/ 0

Sign&ture 1MIHIR G. SIMEJIYA 2

5-RACTISE MA.ES A MAN -ER4ECT6. As & student I h&,e +&de & 'rodu$t 'ro(e$t re'ort on +# o)n so th&t I $&n &''%# +# *no)%edge in 'r&$ti$&% re'ort &nd get *no)%edge re%&ted to "usiness. I h&,e +&de &%% de'&rt+ent )ise infor+&tion %i*e 'rodu$tion! +&r*et! fin&n$e! et$.so I $&n &''%# it in 'r&$ti$&% &%so. This re'ort is &%so ,er# usefu% for students &s 'res$ri"ed "# S&ur&shtr& 7ni,ersit#. 8e h&,e to 're'&re the 'rodu$t 'ro(e$t re'ort in the su"(e$t of 5Entre'reneurshi' M&n&ge+ent of S+&%% S$&%e Industries6. # 're'&ring this re'ort students $&n &''%# their *no)%edge &nd $&n get theoreti$&% *no)%edge &"out +&n&ge+ent of S.S.I. As it is & '&rt of s#%%&"us I h&,e 're'&red the 'rodu$t 'ro(e$t re'ort on TYRES.

-re'&r&tion of 'ro(e$t re'ort is ne$ess&r# for +e to *no) the 'r&$ti$&% *no)%edge )hi$h is usefu% to est&"%ish our o)n unit. So+e 'eo'%e h&,e he%'ed +e in the 're'&r&tion of this re'ort. I &+ th&n*fu% to &%% those 'eo'%e )ho h&,e he%'ed +e dire$t%# or indire$t%# in the 're'&r&tion of this re'ort. I &+ &%so th&n*fu% to +# f&+i%# +e+"ers &nd friends for their ,&%u&"%e su''ort.

S.R. No.
;1. ;3. ;9. ;:. ;@. ;<. ;=. ;>. ;?. 1;. 11. 13. 19. 1:. 1@. 1<. 1=. 1>. 1?. 3;. 31. 33. 39. 3:. 3@.

Introdu$tion. -rodu$t &t & G%&n$e. I+'%e+ent&tion S$hedu%e. -&rtners &$*ground. Org&niA&tion&% Stru$ture. Justifi$&tion Of Lo$&tion. -rodu$t Det&i%s. R&) M&teri&%s B its Sour$es. M&nuf&$turing -ro$ess. N&+e &nd Address Of R&) M&teri&%s Su''%iers. N&+e &nd Address Of M&$hiner# Su''%iers. M&r*et An&%#sis. Co+'etitors And Str&teg# Ag&inst Co+'etitors. S&%es Det&i%s. 4in&n$i&% Det&i%s. 4iCed Assets. -rofit An&%#sis. re&* E,en -oint. Cost An&%#sis. -BL AD$ And &%&n$e Sheet. St&ff B L&"our. Ris* 4&$tor. 4uture -%&ns. Con$%usion. i"%iogr&'h#.

< = > ? 11 13 1: 1< 1= 1? 3; 31 39 3: 3@ 91 99 9@ 9< 9= 9> 9? :; :1 :3

In & +odern "usiness )or%d the ne) 'rodu$ts &re %&un$hed ,er# f&st%# "ut 'rodu$ts &re th&t )hi$h $&nnot "e )i'ed out in the +&r*et su$h 'rodu$t h&,e "e$o+e the '&rt of the $onsu+ers &nd 'eo'%e $&nnot %i,e )ithout su$h 'rodu$t. S+&%% s$&%e industr# in Indi& rough%# 'ro,ides e+'%o#+ent to &"out :.: +i%%ion 'eo'%e &nd $onstitutes & %&rge 'osition of the $ountr#Es eC'orts. The go,ern+ent of Indi& is )e%% &)&re of the i+'ort&n$e of s+&%% s$&%e industr# in our e$ono+# &nd gro)th of s+&%% s$&%e industr# i.e. est&"%ish+ent of ,&rious SSI. A%% Indi& industries! other "enefits B $on$essions. o&rds th&t gi,e te$hni$&%! fin&n$i&% &nd other re%e,&nt guid&n$e to s+&%% s$&%e


In F-ro(e$t &t & G%&n$eE gener&% infor+&tion &"out the unit 'rodu$ing the 'rodu$t n&+ed 5TYRES6 This infor+&tion is gi,en "e%o)/ N&+e of the unit/ 0 GO.7L TYRES -GT.LTD. Address/ 0 HOJA-ARA! >D NATIONAL HIGH8AY! GONDAL 1Gu(&r&t2 H 9<; 911 T#'e of unit/ 0 -&rtnershi' 4ir+. Li$ense No/ 0 A''%ied for registr&tion. Register No. 0 A''%ied for registr&tion. N&+e of 'rodu$t/ 0 RIDGESTONE TYRES O)ners of unit/ 0 GO-AL HAI J. SIMEJIYA MIHIR G. SIMEJIA r&nd n&+e/ 0 RIDGESTONE

Here the ti+ing of e,er# &$ti,it# is %isted. The +&(or &$ti,it# &nd &,er&ge ti+e for it is esti+&ted &s under/ 1. -re'&r&tion of 'ro(e$t re'ort 3. Registr&tion 4or+u%& 9. S&n$tion of %o&n :. ui%ding Constru$tion @. -%&nt B M&$hiner# <. -ro$ure+ent of r&) +&teri&% =. Re$ruit+ent of -ersonne% >. Tri&% -rodu$tion ?. Co++er$i&% -rodu$tion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1D3 +onth 1 +onth 1 +onth 9 +onth :@ d&#s 1@ d&#s 1.@ +onth 3 +onth 3 +onth


1st -&rtner N&+e/ 0 GO-AL HAI J SIMEJIYA .AILASH AGH! 5GO.7L -ALACE6 GONDAL Age/ 0 :9 #e&rs. Iu&%ifi$&tion/ 0 M&ster in usiness Ad+inistr&tion Di,ision of Res'onsi"i%it#/ 0 M&r*eting &nd H.R.D De'&rt+ent. C&'it&% In,est+ent/ 0 @;J 1of o)ned $&'it&%2 3nd -&rtner N&+e/ 0 MIHIR SIMEJIA G. .AILASH AG! 5GO.7L -ALACE6 GONDAL

Age/ 0 31 #e&rs Iu&%ifi$&tion/ 0 . .A Di,ision Res'onsi"i%it#/ 0 -rodu$tion &nd fin&n$e De'&rt+ent. C&'it&% In,est+ent/ 0 @;J 1of o)ned $&'it&%2



Industr# %o$&tion is nothing "ut est&"%ishing &n industr# &t & '&rti$u%&r '%&$e. Enough $&re shou%d "e t&*en for $hoosing %o$&tion "e$&use on$e & '%&nt %o$&tion is $hosen! it $&n not "e $h&nged in ne&r future or if $h&nged it +&# 'ro,e to "e $ost%ier. 4o%%o)ing &re f&$tors &ffe$ting %o$&tion/ 12 R&) M&teri&%/ Ne&rness to sour$e of r&) +&teri&% is &n i+'ort&nt $onsider&tion for +ost of the industries. If r&) +&teri&% get ne&rness tr&nsfer $ost redu$es. R&) +&teri&%s needed for the 're'&r&tion of Sh&+'oo i.e. detergent! )&ter! +i%*! et$ $&n "e e&si%# &,&i%&"%e ne&r to the +&r*et. 32 L&"or Su''%#/ A,&i%&"i%it# of )or*ing for$e or %&"or is &%so &nother inf%uen$ing f&$tor for the %o$&tion of industr#. If s*i%%ed &nd uns*i%%ed )or*ers +eet e&si%# th&t &ffe$t 'ri$ing. As ho('&r& is the &re& situ&ted ne&r Gond&%! )e $&n get )or* for$e e&si%#. There )ere s*i%%ed &nd uns*i%%ed )or*ers "oth. So )e $&n e&si%# get )or*er. 92 -roCi+it# to M&r*et/ -roCi+it# to +&r*et +&# &ffe$t the $ost. If +&r*et is ne&r th&n tr&ns'ort&tion $ost +&# de$%ine.


M&r*et is ne&r for sh&+'oo so it +&# redu$e $ost of tr&ns'ort&tion. :2 4in&n$e/ The &,&i%&"i%it# of fin&n$e &t $he&'er r&te of interest &nd &deLu&te &+ount is &%so &ffe$ting the industri&% %o$&tion. Ne&r A(i H 3 there &re +&n# "&n*s &nd fin&n$i&% institutes so )e $&n get %ess interest &+t &nd e&si%#. @2 Tr&ns'ort 4&$i%ities/ Tr&ns'ort ser,i$es &re reLuired for r&) +&teri&% su''%# &nd distri"ution of the finished 'rodu$t to the $onsu+er. There is & high)&# ne&r to the %o$&tion so tr&ns'ort ser,i$es &re &,&i%&"%e e&si%#. <2 Ser,i$es/ 4&$tors %i*e ,&%ue of ser,i$e +&# &ffe$t the %o$&tion! )here &%% ne$ess&r# or "&si$ ser,i$e &re e&si%# &,&i%&"%e &nd +&# redu$e $ost. Ne&r the &re& of the %o$&tion ser,i$es &re &,&i%&"%e %i*e )&ter! $&nteen f&$i%it#! dis'os&% of )&ste! et$...



Raw materials The +&in r&) +&teri&%s of & t#re &re n&tur&% ru""er! s#ntheti$ ru""er! $&r"on "%&$* &nd oi%. The sh&re of ru""er $o+'ounds in the tot&% )eight of & t#re is +ore th&n >;J. The rest $onsists of ,&rious *inds of reinfor$ing +&teri&%s. A''roCi+&te%# h&%f of the ru""er is n&tur&% ru""er fro+ & ru""er tree. Ru""er trees &re gro)n in the tro'i$s! in $ountries %i*e M&%&#si& &nd Indonesi&. Most of the s#ntheti$! oi%0"&sed ru""ers $o+e fro+ Euro'e&n +&nuf&$turers. A''roCi+&te%# one0third of the $o+'ound $onsists of fi%%er su"st&n$es. The +ost i+'ort&nt of these is $&r"on "%&$* )hi$h +&*es the t#res "%&$* in $o%our. Another i+'ort&nt fi%%er is oi% )hi$h is used &s & '%&sti$iser in the $o+'ound. 4urther+ore! h&rdening or ,u%$&nising &gents! ,&rious "ooster $he+i$&%s &nd 'rote$ti,e &gents &re used in the ru""er $o+'ounds. Mixing In the +iCing st&ge! the r&) +&teri&%s &re +iCed together &nd he&ted &t & te+'er&ture of &''roCi+&te%# 13; degrees Ce%sius. The $onsisten$# of the ru""er $o+'ounds used in different '&rts of & t#re ,&ries! &nd the $onsisten$# &%so ,&ries de'ending on the intended use &nd +ode% of the t#re. The ru""er $o+'ound used in & su++er t#re for & '&ssenger $&r is different fro+ th&t of & )inter t#re! &nd there &re ,er# fe) si+i%&rities "et)een the ru""er $o+'ound of & "i$#$%e t#re &nd th&t of & forestr# t#re.


De,e%o'ing &nd &d(usting the re$i'es is &n i+'ort&nt '&rt of the t#re de,e%o'+ent )or*. Component manu a!turing The $o+'ounds &re used in ru""erising ,&rious $o+'onents! su$h &s $&"%es! teCti%es or stee% "e%ts. A t#re is +&nuf&$tured fro+ 1;H9; different $o+'onents. Most of the $o+'onents &re ,&rious *inds of reinfor$e+ents. Assem"l# T#re +&*ers &sse+"%e the $o+'onents into green t#res using &sse+"%# +&$hiner#. 8hen the $o+'onents h&,e "een dr&)n onto the "e%t dru+ of &n &sse+"%# +&$hine &nd the fr&+e of & t#re h&s "een set on the "u%*he&ds of the stret$hing +&$hine! the +&$hineEs %o&ding )hee% tr&nsfers the unit# for+ed "# the surf&$e &nd the "e%t onto the fr&+e. The fr&+e is then 'ressurised &nd stret$hed to fuse )ith the &"o,e0 +entioned unit#. This is ho) & green t#re is +&nuf&$tured. $ul!anising Green t#res &re ,u%$&nised in $uring 'resses. The high ste&+ 'ressure $ondu$ted into the $uring '&d inside the $uring 'ress 'resses the e%&sti$ green t#re &g&inst the tre&d '&ttern &nd side teCts inside the +ou%ds! gi,ing the t#re its fin&% &''e&r&n$e.


Inspe!tion E&$h '&ssenger $&r t#re is ins'e$ted "oth ,isu&%%# &nd "# & +&$hine. Attention is '&id to &n# f&u%ts &nd defe$ts )ith the &''e&r&n$e of the t#re in the ,isu&% ins'e$tion. The +&$hine +e&sures the '&ttern &s )e%% &s r&di&% thro) &nd %&ter&% for$e ,&ri&tion of the t#re. 8hen & t#re h&s "een ins'e$ted! it )i%% "e tested! %&"e%%ed &nd tr&nsferred to the )&rehouse for de%i,er#.

7sefu% ti's for t#re +&inten&n$e 4AI Side)&%% +&r*ings T#re inf%&tion 'ressures -rodu$tion 'ro$ess T#res

Passenger !ars SU$ % &x& $ans Tru!'s an( "uses Retrea(ing materials )ri(gestone *ea+# T#res ,a!ts a"out t#res T#re sele!tor Inno+ation

Resear!- an( (e+elopment Testing in extreme !on(itions


In(oor testing $e-i!le testing Sa et#

,ri!tion t#res Stu((e( t#res Ris's in tra i! Impa!ts o t#res on sa et# Stu((e( or ri!tion t#res Slus- an( a.uaplaning /SI Satis a!tion En+ironment

T#res ma'e t-e worl( go roun( Your t#re sele!tion matters 0-at !an #ou (o 0-at )ri(gestone T#res (oes 0-at -appens to #our t#res a ter use En+ironmental Report 1223 )ri(gestone /ealers Retailers 8ho%ese%%ers

RIDGESTONE T#res is the eC'ert in Nordi$ $onditions! &nd de,e%o's s&fe t#res for $h&nging $onditions )hi%st &dhering to green ,&%ues. No*i&nMs 'rodu$t %ine in$%udes su++er&nd )inter t#res for $&rs! S7Gs &nd ,&ns! &s )e%% &s steering &C%e t#res! dri,e &C%e t#res &nd tr&i%er t#res for tru$*s! NO.TO- +&teri&%s for re0tre&ds! &nd he&,# t#res for &gri$u%tur&% &nd industri&% &''%i$&tions.










Tire +&nuf&$turing -neu+&ti$ tires &re +&nuf&$tured &$$ording to re%&ti,e%# st&nd&rdiAed 'ro$esses &nd +&$hiner#! in &round :@; tire f&$tories in the )or%d. 8ith o,er 1 "i%%ion tires +&nuf&$tured )or%d)ide &nnu&%%#! the tire industr# is the +&(or $onsu+er of n&tur&% ru""er. Tire f&$tories st&rt )ith "u%* r&) +&teri&%s su$h &s ru""er! $&r"on "%&$*! &nd $he+i$&%s &nd 'rodu$e nu+erous s'e$i&%iAed $o+'onents th&t &re &sse+"%ed &nd $ured. This &rti$%e des$ri"es the $o+'onents &sse+"%ed to +&*e & tire! the ,&rious +&teri&%s used! the +&nuf&$turing 'ro$esses &nd +&$hiner#! &nd the o,er&%% "usiness +ode%.

The tire is &n &sse+"%# of nu+erous $o+'onents th&t &re "ui%t u' on & dru+ &nd then $ured in & 'ress under he&t &nd 'ressure. He&t f&$i%it&tes & 'o%#+eriA&tion re&$tion th&t $ross%in*s ru""er +ono+ers to $re&te %ong e%&sti$ +o%e$u%es. These 'o%#+ers $re&te the e%&sti$ Lu&%it# th&t 'er+its the tire to "e $o+'ressed in the &re& )here the tire $ont&$ts the ro&d surf&$e &nd s'ring "&$* to its


origin&% sh&'e under high0freLuen$# $#$%es. T#'i$&% $o+'onents used in tire &sse+"%# &re %isted "e%o). Contents NhideO 1 Inner %iner 3 od# '%# 9 Side)&%% : e&ds @ A'eC < e%t '&$*&ge = Tre&d > Cushion gu+ ? Other $o+'onents 1; M&teri&%s 11 M&nuf&$turing 'ro$ess 11.1 Co+'ounding &nd +iCing 11.3 Co+'onent 're'&r&tion 11.9 Tire "ui%ding 11.: Curing 11.@ 4in&% finish 13 Tire +&nuf&$turing $o+'&nies 19 See &%so 1: Referen$es 1@ ECtern&% %in*s Inner liner The inner %iner is &n eCtruded h&%o"ut#% ru""er sheet $o+'ounded )ith &dditi,es th&t resu%t in %o) &ir 'er+e&"i%it#. The inner %iner &ssures th&t the tire )i%% ho%d high0'ressure &ir inside! )ithout the &ir gr&du&%%# diffusing through the ru""er stru$ture.N1O )o(# pl#

o o o o o

The "od# '%# is & $&%endered sheet $onsisting of one %&#er of ru""er! one %&#er of reinfor$ing f&"ri$! &nd & se$ond %&#er of ru""er. The e&r%iest teCti%e used )&s $ottonP %&ter +&teri&%s in$%ude r&#on!n#%on! 'o%#ester! &nd .e,%&r. -&ssenger tires t#'i$&%%# h&,e one or t)o "od# '%ies. od# '%ies gi,e the tire stru$ture strength. Tru$* tires! off0ro&d tires! &nd &ir$r&ft tires h&,e 'rogressi,e%# +ore '%ies. The f&"ri$ $ords &re high%# f%eCi"%e "ut re%&ti,e%# ine%&sti$. Si(ewall Side)&%%s &re non0reinfor$ed eCtruded 'rofi%es )ith &dditi,es to gi,e the sides of the tire good &"r&sion resist&n$e &nd en,iron+ent&% resist&n$e. Additi,es used in side)&%% $o+'ounds in$%ude&ntioCid&nts &nd &ntioAon&nts. Side)&%% eCtrusions &re nons#++etri$&% &nd 'ro,ide & thi$* ru""er &re& to en&"%e +o%ding of r&ised %etters &nd side)&%% orn&+ent&tion. )ea(s e&ds &re "&nds of high tensi%e0strength stee% )ire en$&sed in & ru""er $o+'ound. e&d )ire is $o&ted )ith s'e$i&% &%%o#s of "ronAe or "r&ss. Co&tings 'rote$t the stee% fro+ $orrosion. Co''er in the &%%o# &nd su%fur in the ru""er $ross0%in* to 'rodu$e $o''er su%fide! )hi$h i+'ro,es "onding of the "e&d to the ru""er. e&ds &re inf%eCi"%e &nd ine%&sti$! &nd 'ro,ide the +e$h&ni$&% strength to fit the tire to the )hee%. e&d ru""er in$%udes &dditi,es to +&Ci+iAe strength &nd toughness. Apex The &'eC is & tri&ngu%&r eCtruded 'rofi%e th&t +&tes &g&inst the "e&d. The &'eC 'ro,ides & $ushion "et)een the rigid "e&d &nd the f%eCi"%e inner %iner &nd "od# '%# &sse+"%#. A%tern&ti,e%# $&%%ed Qfi%%erQ 1&s in the di&gr&+ &"o,e2.

)elt pa!'age

e%ts &re $&%endered sheets $onsisting of & %&#er of ru""er! & %&#er of $%ose%# s'&$ed stee% $ords! &nd & se$ond %&#er of ru""er. The stee% $ords &re oriented r&di&%%# in r&di&% tire $onstru$tion! &nd &t o''osing &ng%es in "i&s tire $onstru$tion. e%ts gi,e the tire strength &nd dent resist&n$e )hi%e &%%o)ing it to re+&in f%eCi"%e. -&ssenger tires &re usu&%%# +&de )ith t)o or three "e%ts. Trea( The tre&d is & thi$* eCtruded 'rofi%e th&t surrounds the tire $&r$&ss. Tre&d $o+'ounds in$%ude &dditi,es to i+'&rt )e&r resist&n$e &nd tr&$tion in &ddition to en,iron+ent&% resist&n$e. Tre&d $o+'ound de,e%o'+ent is &n eCer$ise in $o+'ro+ise! &s h&rd $o+'ounds h&,e %ong )e&r $h&r&$teristi$s "ut 'oor tr&$tion )here&s soft $o+'ounds h&,e good tr&$tion "ut 'oor )e&r $h&r&$teristi$s. Cus-ion gum M&n# higher0'erfor+ing tires in$%ude &n eCtruded $o+'onent "et)een the "e%t '&$*&ge &nd the tre&d to iso%&te the tre&d fro+ +e$h&ni$&% )e&r fro+ the stee% "e%ts. 4t-er !omponents Tire $onstru$tion +ethods ,&r# so+e)h&t in the nu+"er &nd t#'e of $o+'onents! &s )e%% &s the $o+'ound for+u%&tions for e&$h $o+'onent! &$$ording to the tire use &nd 'ri$e 'oint. Tire +&*ers $ontinuous%# introdu$e ne) +&teri&%s &nd $onstru$tion +ethods in order to &$hie,e higher 'erfor+&n$e &t %o)er $ost.



N&tur&% ru""er! or 'o%#iso'rene is the "&si$ e%&sto+er used in tire +&*ing St#rene0"ut&diene $o0'o%#+er 1S R2 is & s#ntheti$ ru""er )hi$h is often su"stituted in '&rt for n&tur&% ru""er "&sed on the $o+'&r&ti,e r&) +&teri&%s $ost -o%#"ut&diene is used in $o+"in&tion )ith other ru""ers "e$&use of its %o) he&t0"ui%du' 'ro'erties H&%o"ut#% ru""er is used for the tu"e%ess inner %iner 9$o+'ounds! "e$&use of its %o) &ir 'er+e&"i%it#. The h&%ogen &to+s 'ro,ide & "ond )ith the $&r$&ss $o+'ounds )hi$h &re +&in%# n&tur&% ru""er. ro+o"ut#% is su'erior to $h%oro"ut#%! "ut is +ore eC'ensi,e C&r"on %&$*! for+s & high 'er$ent&ge of the ru""er $o+'ound. This gi,es reinfor$e+ent &nd &"r&sion resist&n$e Si%i$&! used together )ith $&r"on "%&$* in high 'erfor+&n$e tires! &s & %o) he&t "ui%d u' reinfor$e+ent Su%'hur $ross%in*s the ru""er +o%e$u%es in the ,u%$&niA&tion 'ro$ess Gu%$&niAing A$$e%er&tors &re $o+'%eC org&ni$ $o+'ounds th&t s'eed u' the ,u%$&niA&tion A$ti,&tors &ssist the ,u%$&niA&tion. The +&in one is Ain$ oCide AntioCid&nts &nd &ntioAon&nts 're,ent side)&%% $r&$*ing due to the &$tion of sun%ight &nd oAone TeCti%e f&"ri$ reinfor$es the $&r$&ss of the tire


Manu a!turing pro!ess Tire '%&nts &re tr&dition&%%# di,ided into fi,e de'&rt+ents th&t 'erfor+ s'e$i&% o'er&tions. These usu&%%# &$t &s inde'endent f&$tories )ithin & f&$tor#. L&rge tire +&*ers +&# set u' inde'endent f&$tories on & sing%e site! or $%uster the f&$tories %o$&%%# &$ross & region. Compoun(ing an( mixing Co+'ounding is the o'er&tion of "ringing together &%% the ingredients reLuired to +iC & "&t$h of ru""er $o+'ound. E&$h $o+'onent h&s & different +iC of ingredients &$$ording to the 'ro'erties reLuired for th&t $o+'onent. MiCing is the 'ro$ess of &''%#ing +e$h&ni$&% )or* to the ingredients in order to "%end the+ into & ho+ogeneous su"st&n$e. Intern&% +iCers &re often eLui''ed )ith t)o $ounter0rot&ting rotors in & %&rge housing th&t she&r the ru""er $h&rge &%ong )ith the &dditi,es. The +iCing is done in three or four st&ges to in$or'or&te the ingredients in the desired order. The she&ring &$tion gener&tes $onsider&"%e he&t! so "oth rotors &nd housing &re )&ter0$oo%ed to +&int&in & te+'er&ture %o) enough to &ssure th&t ,u%$&niA&tion does not "egin. After +iCing! the ru""er $h&rge is dro''ed into & $hute &nd fed "# &n eCtruding s$re) into & ro%%er die. A%tern&ti,e%#! the "&t$h $&n "e dro''ed onto &n o'en ru""er +i%% "&t$hoff s#ste+. A +i%% $onsists of t)in $ounter0rot&ting ro%%s! one serr&ted! th&t 'ro,ide &ddition&% +e$h&ni$&% )or*ing to the ru""er &nd 'rodu$e & thi$* ru""er sheet. The sheet is 'u%%ed off the ro%%ers in the for+ of & stri'. The stri' is $oo%ed! dusted )ith t&%$! &nd %&id do)n into & '&%%et "in. The ide&% $o+'ound &t this 'oint )ou%d h&,e & high%# unifor+ +&teri&% dis'ersionP ho)e,er in 'r&$ti$e there is $onsider&"%e non0 unifor+it# to the dis'ersion. This is due to se,er&% $&uses! in$%uding hot &nd $o%d s'ots in the +iCer housing &nd rotors! eC$essi,e rotor $%e&r&n$e! rotor )e&r! &nd 'oor%# $ir$u%&ting f%o) '&ths. As & resu%t! there $&n "e & %itt%e +ore $&r"on "%&$* here! &nd

& %itt%e %ess there! &%ong )ith & fe) $%u+'s of $&r"on "%&$* e%se)here! th&t &re not )e%% +iCed )ith the ru""er or the &dditi,es. MiCers &re often $ontro%%ed &$$ording to the 'o)er integr&tion +ethod! )here the $urrent f%o) to the +iCer +otor is +e&sured! &nd the +iCing ter+in&ted u'on re&$hing & s'e$ified tot&% &+ount of +iC energ# i+'&rted to the "&t$h. Component preparation Co+'onents f&%% into three $%&sses "&sed on +&nuf&$turing 'ro$ess/ $&%endering! eCtrusion! &nd "e&d "ui%ding. The eCtruder +&$hine $onsists of & s$re) &nd "&rre%! s$re) dri,e! he&ters! &nd & die. The eCtruder &''%ies t)o $onditions to the $o+'ound/ he&t &nd 'ressure. The eCtruder s$re) &%so 'ro,ides for &ddition&% +iCing of the $o+'ound through the she&ring &$tion of the s$re). The $o+'ound is 'ushed through & die! &fter )hi$h the eCtruded 'rofi%e is ,u%$&niAed in & $ontinuous o,en! $oo%ed to ter+in&te the ,u%$&niA&tion 'ro$ess! &nd either ro%%ed u' on & s'oo% or $ut to %ength. Tire tre&ds &re often eCtruded )ith four $o+'onents in & Lu&dr&'%eC eCtruder! one )ith four s$re)s 'ro$essing four different $o+'ounds! usu&%%# & "&se $o+'ound! $ore $o+'ound! tre&d $o+'ound! &nd )ing $o+'ound. ECtrusion is &%so used for side)&%% 'rofi%es &nd inner %iners. The $&%ender is & set of +u%ti'%e %&rge0di&+eter ro%%s th&t sLueeAe ru""er $o+'ound into & thin sheet! usu&%%# of the order of 3 +etres )ide. 4&"ri$ $&%enders 'rodu$e &n u''er &nd %o)er ru""er sheet )ith & %&#er of f&"ri$ in "et)een. Stee% $&%enders do so )ith stee% $ords. C&%enders &re used to 'rodu$e "od# '%ies &nd "e%ts. A $ree% roo+ is & f&$i%it# th&t houses hundreds of f&"ri$ or )ire s'oo%s th&t &re fed into the $&%ender. C&%enders uti%iAe do)nstre&+ eLui'+ent for she&ring &nd s'%i$ing $&%endered $o+'onents. Tire "uil(ing Tire "ui%ding is the 'ro$ess of &sse+"%ing &%% the $o+'onents onto & tire "ui%ding dru+. Tire0"ui%ding +&$hines 1T M2 $&n "e +&nu&%%# o'er&ted or fu%%# &uto+&ti$. T#'i$&% T M o'er&tions

in$%ude the first0st&ge o'er&tion! )here inner %iner! "od# '%ies! &nd side)&%%s &re )r&''ed &round the dru+! the "e&ds &re '%&$ed! &nd the &sse+"%# turned u' o,er the "e&d. In the se$ond st&ge o'er&tion the "e%t '&$*&ge &nd tre&d &re &''%ied &nd the green tire is inf%&ted &nd sh&'ed. A%% $o+'onents reLuire s'%i$ing. Inner %iner &nd "od# '%ies &re s'%i$ed )ith & sLu&re0ended o,er%&'. Tre&d &nd side)&%% &re (oined )ith & s*i,ed s'%i$e! )here the (oining ends &re "e,e%0$ut. e%ts &re s'%i$ed end to end )ith no o,er%&'. S'%i$es th&t &re too he&,# or non0s#++etri$&% )i%% gener&te defe$ts in for$e ,&ri&tion! "&%&n$e! or "u%ge '&r&+eters. S'%i$es th&t &re too %ight or o'en $&n %e&d to ,isu&% defe$ts &nd in so+e $&ses tire f&i%ure. The fin&% 'rodu$t of the T M 'ro$ess is $&%%ed & green tire! )here green refers to the un$ured st&te. -ire%%i Tire de,e%o'ed & s'e$i&% 'ro$ess $&%%ed MIRS th&t uses ro"ots to 'osition &nd rot&te the "ui%ding dru+s under st&tions th&t &''%# the ,&rious $o+'onents! usu&%%# ,i& eCtrusion &nd stri' )inding +ethods. This 'er+its the eLui'+ent to "ui%d different tire siAes in $onse$uti,e o'er&tions )ithout the need to $h&nge too%ing or setu's. This 'ro$ess is )e%% suited to s+&%% ,o%u+e 'rodu$tion )ith freLuent siAe $h&nges. The %&rgest tire +&*ers h&,e intern&%%# de,e%o'ed &uto+&ted tire0 &sse+"%# +&$hines in &n effort to $re&te $o+'etiti,e &d,&nt&ges in tire $onstru$tion 're$ision! high 'rodu$tion #ie%d! &nd redu$ed %&"or. Ne,erthe%ess there is & %&rge "&se of +&$hine "ui%ders )ho 'rodu$e tire0"ui%ding +&$hines. Curing Curing is the 'ro$ess of &''%#ing 'ressure to the green tire in & +o%d in order to gi,e it its fin&% sh&'e! &nd &''%#ing he&t energ# to sti+u%&te the $he+i$&% re&$tion "et)een the ru""er &nd other +&teri&%s. In this 'ro$ess the green tire is &uto+&ti$&%%# tr&nsferred onto the %o)er +o%d "e&d se&t! & ru""er "%&dder is inserted into the green tire! &nd the +o%d $%oses )hi%e the "%&dder inf%&tes. As the

+o%d $%oses &nd is %o$*ed the "%&dder 'ressure in$re&ses so &s to +&*e the green tire f%o) into the +o%d! t&*ing on the tre&d '&ttern &nd side)&%% %ettering engr&,ed into the +o%d. The "%&dder is fi%%ed )ith & re$ir$u%&ting he&t tr&nsfer +ediu+! su$h &s ste&+! hot )&ter! or inert g&s. Te+'er&tures &re in the &re& of 9@; degrees 4&hrenheit )ith 'ressures &round 9@; -SI. -&ssenger tires $ure in &''roCi+&te%# 1@ +inutes. At the end of $ure the 'ressure is "%ed do)n! the +o%d o'ened! &nd the tire stri''ed out of the +o%d. The tire +&# "e '%&$ed on & -CI! or 'ost0$ure inf%&tor! th&t )i%% ho%d the tire fu%%# inf%&ted )hi%e it $oo%s. There &re t)o generi$ $uring 'ress t#'es! +e$h&ni$&% &nd h#dr&u%i$. Me$h&ni$&% 'resses ho%d the +o%d $%osed ,i& togg%e %in*&ges! )hi%e h#dr&u%i$ 'resses use h#dr&u%i$ oi% &s the 'ri+e +o,er for +&$hine +otion! &nd %o$* the +o%d )ith & "ree$h0%o$* +e$h&nis+. H#dr&u%i$ 'resses h&,e e+erged &s the +ost $ost0effe$ti,e "e$&use the 'ress stru$ture does not h&,e to )ithst&nd the +o%d0o'ening 'ressure &nd $&n therefore "e re%&ti,e%# %ight)eight. There &re t)o generi$ +o%d t#'es! t)o0'ie$e +o%ds &nd seg+ent&% +o%ds. L&rge off0ro&d tires &re often $ured in o,ens )ith $ure ti+es &''ro&$hing 3: hours. ,inal inisAfter the tire h&s "een $ured! there &re se,er&% &ddition&% o'er&tions. Tire unifor+it# +e&sure+ent is & test )here the tire is &uto+&ti$&%%# +ounted on )hee% h&%,es! inf%&ted! run &g&inst & si+u%&ted ro&d surf&$e! &nd +e&sured for for$e ,&ri&tion. Tire "&%&n$e +e&sure+ent is & test )here the tire is &uto+&ti$&%%# '%&$ed on )hee% h&%,es! rot&ted &t & high s'eed &nd +e&sured for i+"&%&n$e. L&rge $o++er$i&% tru$*D"us tires! &s )e%% &s so+e '&ssenger &nd %ight tru$* tires! &re ins'e$ted "# R0r&# +&$hines th&t $&n 'enetr&te the ru""er to &n&%#Ae the stee% $ord stru$ture.


In the fin&% ste'! tires &re ins'e$ted "# hu+&n e#es for nu+erous ,isu&% defe$ts su$h &s in$o+'%ete +o%d fi%%! eC'osed $ords! "%isters! "%e+ishes! &nd others.

R&) M&teri&%s Co+'osition



112 4or Ru""er Sheet /
AMERICAN RU))ER IN/USTRIES A((ress 5 672%8239 S-#am S-anti Mar'et9 A:meri Gate9 /el-i ; 6622279 In(ia P-one 5 36;66;81&<<7<< Mo"ile 5 =36386118>?68 ,ax 5 36;66;1818<7>6

132 4or N&tur&% Ru""er /

M)S P4LYMERS A((ress 5 1689 Pan!-ratna Complex9 1n( ,loor9 C-ar Rasta9 GI/C9 $api ; 83763<9 Gu:arat9 In(ia P-one 5 36;172;1&8116<%8136>82%1&818>3 Mo"ile 5 =3638>>?3116< ,ax 5 36;172;1&136&? )*AGAT RU))ER @ P4LYMERS A((ress 5 /;629 Textile Colon#9 In(ustrial Area AAA9 Lu(-iana ; 6&&2289 Pun:a"9 In(ia Mo"ile 5 =363>?6>3<322

192 4or Oi%s! Che+i$&%s &nd &%% other reLuired r&) +&reri&%s /
ARI*ANT 4IL @ C*EMICALS A((ress 5 S-op No. 629 S-opping Center 1n(9 Ma#apuri P-ase;69 New /el-i ; 66227&9 In(ia P-one 5 36;66;1?667?1?%1?66>?1> Mo"ile 5 =363?33&&>66< ,ax 5 36;66;&6?887>6




H. M. G. High Tech Tyre Machinery & Consultancy

Street No. 2, Bachittar Nagar, Gill Road Ludhiana - 141 003, Punjab, ndia Phone: !"1#-!1$1#-2%1314% Fax: !"1#-!1$1#-2%1314% Mobile: !"1#-"%1&3'&4&& Email: h(ghightech)g(

Ma!-iner# manu a!ture( "# t-e Compan# 5 S &t$h Off 7nit S i&s Cutting M&$hine S HoriAont&% i&s Cutting M&$hine S H#dr&u%i$ utt S'%i$er S HMG H#dr&u%i$ ego+&ti$ Dou"%e C&,it# T#re Curing -ress S High -re$ision C&%end&r M&$hine S i$#$%e B MDC#$%e Auto+&ti$ T#re Line Con,e#or 4or Jointed B Mou%ding Tu"e S 1@<; HoriAont&% AIS Cutting M&$hine for Ru""er SiAe 4&"ri$ S Ru""er MiCing Mi%%s B .r&$*er Mi%%s S T#re ui%ding M&$hine for i$#$%e T#re )ith re&*er Ref%eC Ser,i$es S LCY0 1A Tr&ns,erse Cord tire first st&ge "ui%der S H#dr&u%i$ utt S'%i$er for ut#% D N&tur&% Tu"e Joining M&$hine S &t$h Off 7nit for Coo%ing The Ru""er Co+'ound Sheet S H#dr&u%i$ utt S'%i$er S e&d 8ire Gro++et M&$hine S Intern&% MiCer &nd HMG T#re -%&nt A%% these 'rodu$ts &re 're$ision +&nuf&$tured &nd ser,e +u%ti'%e uses in &uto &nd $#$%e industries.

Auto+&ti$ T#re M&nuf&$turing ELui'+ent

Tire Manu a!turing E.uipment In!lu(e( in Automati! Ma!-ines
The &uto+&ti$ tire +&nuf&$turing eLui'+ent &re designed )ith gre&t &$$ur&$# &nd h&,e to "e &sse+"%ed &nd &%igned for high 're$ision 'erfor+&n$e. A%+ost &%% the eLui'+ent needed to $o+'%ete tire +&nuf&$turing 'ro$ess &re in$%uded in these &uto+&ti$ +&$hines. e%t "ui%ding +&$hine e%t "ui%ding dru+ Auto+&ti$ "e%t ser,er 1)ith Let off st&tion "e%t2 Auto+&ti$ '%# ser,er Tr&nsfer st&tion Tr&nsfer ring e&d setting de,i$e Tire "ui%ding +&$hine Tire "ui%ding dru+ D#n&+i$ stit$her Ree% tre&d ser,er M&in s)it$h $&"inet O'er&torMs '&ne% Industri&% -C JL ser,er D%et0off st&tion Ch&fer ser,er


Cushion stri' ser,er


S* N+,RN-+ .N-L
+hri//ur, 0erala *ontact No 1 2!"1#-!4%'#-!242"$31# Ma!-iner# manu a!ture( "# t-e Compan# 5

T#re Retre&ding Ste&+ Ch&+"er T#re Retre&ding uffer T#re Retre&ding M&$hines Gerti$&% St#%e T#re Retre&ding M&$hine Tr&$tor T#re RetT#re Retre&ding Ste&+ Ch&+"er T#re Retre&ding ufferre&ding M&$hine Tro%%e#s Ste&+ Coo*ing -ressure Gesse%s T#re Ro%%ing M&$hine T#re Retre&ding A%u+iniu+ Mo%ds T#re Retre&ding E%e$tri$ Ch&+"er

T#re Retre&ding M&$hine

Ste&+ Coo*ing -ressure Gesse%s


Gerti$&% St#%e T#re Retre&ding M&$hine

T#re -rodu$tion Line


-resent +odern +&r*et is +ore i+'ort&nt &nd $o+'%eC. In '&st the 'rodu$ers used to 'rodu$e &nd se%% the 'rodu$ts &s 'er their )i%% "ut in the 'resent +&r*et $ondition the 'rodu$er h&s to 'rodu$e the goods *ee'ing in +ind the desire of the $onsu+ers. The# h&,e to 'ro,ide the $onsu+ers! goods )hi$h &re of "etter Lu&%it#! re&son&"%e 'ri$e &nd )hi$h &re e&si%# &,&i%&"%e e,er#)here. 8e tr# to &$hie,e +ore +&r*et sh&re &nd for th&t fo%%o)ing 'oints &re to "e gi,en +ore i+'ort&n$e/ ;1O Iu&%it#/ 0 Our first &nd +&in e+'h&siAe is on Lu&%it#. If )e )&nt to fight &g&inst the $o+'etitors then )e )ou%d h&,e to 'ro,ide e,en "etter Lu&%it# then our $o+'etitors. # doing so )e $&n $&'ture +ore sh&re in the +&r*et. ;3O -ri$e/ 0 -ri$e of sh&+'oo is re&son&"%e. e$&use our t&rget +&r*et is u''er! +idd%e &nd %o)er $%&ss &s sh&+'oo is used in d&# to d&# %ife. ;9O Ad,ertising/ 0 Ad,ertising is i+'ort&nt for &n# 'rodu$t. If )e h&,e to +&*e $onsu+er &"out the 'rodu$t then the +ost effe$ti,e )&# is the &d,ertising. 8e &re doing &d,ertising )ith T.G. &nd through ret&i%ers "# 'ro,iding the+ 'osters. ;:O Distri"ution Ch&nne%/ 0 A distri"ution $h&nne% is the inter+edi&r# of +&nuf&$turer to 'rodu$er. A sh&+'oo is used in d&# to d&# %ife! so )e h&,e to $hoose $h&nne% "# )hi$h $onsu+er $&n get our 'rodu$t e&si%#. 8e h&,e $hosen &s gi,e "e%o) in the $h&rt/




In the 'rodu$tion of t#res there +&# "e +&de +&n# $h&nges in its fe&tures &s 'er the 'rodu$ers )ish. So )e h&,e to *ee' )&t$h on $o+'etitor to *no) )hen the# introdu$e ne) t#res )ith ne) fe&tures &nd design. To fight &g&inst $o+'etitors our str&teg# is th&t )e tr# to i+'ro,e our 'rodu$t )ith ne) fe&turesT.. The $o+'etitors of our $o+'&n# &re +ost%# "r&nded +&nuf&$turers. The# &re %isted &s fo%%o)s/ MR4 TYRES A--OLO TYRES CEAT GOOD YEAR


Our s&%es t&rget of se%%ing sh&+'oo is 33! :;!;;; )ith "eginning "e$&use sh&+'oo is used in d&# to d&# %ife so )e $&n s&%e +ore. U4o%%o)ing &re the S&%es Det&i%s of Sh&+'oo/

Sr No. ;1.

-&rti$u%&rs Tu%si H&ir 4&%% Defense Sh&+'oo Tu%si Strong

SiAe 1+%2 @ +% :; +% 1@; +% @ +% :; +% 1@; +% @ +% :; +% 1@; +%

S&%es Iuot& 1'ie$es2 <!;;!;;; >;!;;; :;!;;; :!;;!;;; ?;!;;; @;!;;; >!;;!;;; 1!;;!;;; >;!;;; 119&29222

Se%%ing -ri$e 3 1; 9; 9 13 9@ 1 1; 3@

Tot&% Rs. 13!;;!;;; >!;;!;;; 13!;;!;;; 13!;;!;;; 1;!>;!;;; 1=!@;!;;; >!;;!;;; 1;!;;!;;; 3;!;;!;;; 69629829222



Tu%si soft Total


UR&) M&teri&% ReLuire+ent/ Ite+ It#. R&te Month%# 9 +onths Sodiu+ L&ur# @;;; :; 3!;;!;;; <!;;!;;; Su%'h&te @;;; 3; 1!;;!;;; 9!;;!;;; Di+ethi$one 3;;; 1> 9<!;;; 1!;>!;;; Kin$ 3;;; 1; 3;!;;; <;!;;; GHTC 1@;; 1; 1@!;;; :@!;;; Conditioner. Mi%* -otenti&%s 3;;;%tr 3; :;!;;; 1!3;!;;; A+%& 1;;;*gs 1@ 1@!;;; :@!;;; 4r&gr&n$e 1;;; 3; 3;!;;; <;!;;; Cui+"&Ao%e 13;; 13 1:!:;; :9!3;; et&%in >;; 1> 1:!:;; :9!3;; Co$&+ido'ro'# 1;;; 1; 1;!;;; 9;!;;; Total &9?&9?22 6&9<&9&2 2 U7ti%ities/ Sr. No. ;1. ;3. -&rti$u%&rs E%e$tri$it# 8&ter Total Month%# 3;;; 3@;;; 1>222 9 +onths <;;; =@;;; ?6222 Annu&%%# 3:;;; 9;;;;; 81&222 Annu&%%# 3:!;;!;;; 13!;;!;;; :!93!;;; 3!:;!;;; 1!>;!;;; :!>;!;;; 1!>;!;;; 3!:;!;;; 1!=3!>;; 1!=3!>;; 1!3;!;;; <?96>9722


UM&n -o)er ReLuire+ents/ Sr. No. ;1. ;3. ;9. -&rti$u%&rs M&n&ger A$$ount&nt Engineer Total No. of Month%# E+'%o#ees S&%&r# 1 1;!;;; 1 >!;;; 1 1;!;;; 1?9222 9 +onths Annu&% S&%&r# S&%&r# 9;!;;; 1!3;!;;; 3:!;;; ?<!;;; 9;!;;; 1!3;!;;; ?&9222 89879222

UMidd%e Le,e%/ Sr. No. ;1. ;3. ;9. -&rti$u%&rs Store *ee'er C%er* Su'er,isor Total No. of 8or*ers 1 1 1 Month%# S&%&r# @!;;; :!;;; >!;;; 6>9222 9 +onths S&%&r# 1@!;;; 13!;;; 3:!;;; <69222 Annu&% S&%&r# <;!;;; :>!;;; ?<!;;; 192&9222

ULo)er Le,e%/ Sr. no. ;1. ;3. ;9. -ost &t$h O'er&tor He&t B Coo% O'er&tor Iu&%it# Che$*er No. Of Month%# Tot&% 9 Month Annu&% 8or*ers Month%# S&%&r# S&%&r# 1; 9;;; 9;!;;; ?;!;;; 9!<;!;;; : 3 3@;; 3@;; 1;!;;; @;;; 9;!;;; 1@!;;; 1!3;!;;; <;!;;;



More O'er&tor ;@. L&"e%er ;<. 8&t$h+&n ;=. Offi$e o# Total

1 1 3 3

9;;; 9;;; 3@;; 9;;;

9;;; 9;;; @;;; <;;; 719222

?;;; ?;;; 1@!;;; 1>!;;;

9<!;;; 9<!;;; <;!;;; =3!;;;

69?7922 >9&&9222 2

ULe,e%s of M&n&ge+ent/ Le,e%s of M&n&ge+ent To' Le,e% Midd%e Le,e% Lo)er Le,e% Total Tot&% Month%# S&%&r# 3>!;;; 1=!;;; <3!;;; 692>9222 Tot&% 9 Months S&%&r# >:!;;; @1!;;; 1!><!;;; 89169222 Tot&% Annu&% S&%&r# 9!9<!;;; 3!;:!;;; =!::!;;; 619?&9222

UOther Ad+inistr&ti,e EC'enses/ Sr. No. ;1. ;3. ;9. ;:. ;@. -&rti$u%&rs Te%e'hone -ost&ge St&tioner# Ad,. B M&r*eting Stores Mis$e%%&neous Total Month%# S&%&r# 3;;; @;; @;;; 1;;; @;; 3222 9 Months S&%&r# <;;; 1@;; 1@!;;; 9;;; 1@;; 1>9222 Annu&% S&%&r# 3:!;;; <;;; <;!;;; 13!;;; <;;; 692?9222


UTot&% 8or*ing C&'it&%/ Sr. -&rti$u%&rs Month%# 9 Months Annu&% No. ReLuire+ents ReLuire+ents ReLuire+ents ;1. R&) M&teri&% :!>:!>;; 1:!@:!:;; @>!1=!<;; ;3. 7ti%ities 3=!;;; >1!;;; 9!3:!;;; ;9. 8&ge BS&%&r# 1!;=!;;; 93!;;; 13!>:!;;; ;:. Ad+inistr&ti,e ?;;; 3=!;;; 1!;>!;;; EC'. Total 791>9?22 6?9?89&22 ><9889722 UTot&% Cost of -ro(e$t/ Sr. No. ;1. ;3. -&rti$u%&rs Tot&% 4iCed C&'it&% Tot&% 8or*ing C&'it&% Total A+ount 1Rs.2 :3!;;!;;; =@!99!<;; 696>9889722

U Cost of -rodu$tion/ Sr. No. ;1. ;3. ;9. ;:. -&rti$u%&rs R&) M&teri&%s 7ti%ities M&n -o)er Re'&ir B M&inten&n$e Total A+ount 1Rs.2 @>!==!<;; 9!3:!;;; 13!>:!;;; 1!>9!=@; >797398<2


USour$e of 4und/

Sr. No . ;1. ;3.

-&rti$u%&rs O)ned C&'it&%

Mr. J&inish J. R&i$hur& Mr. Mihir G. Si+e(i&

-er$ent&ge 1J2 <;J

@;J 13?!;>!;>;2 @;J 13?!;>!;>;2

A+ount 1Rs.2 @>!1<!1<; 9>!==!::; 379389722

orro)ed C&'it&% Total

:;J 622B

UInterest/ Sr. No. ;1. ;3. -&rti$u%&rs O)ned C&'it&% orro)ed C&'it&% Total C&'it&% A+ount @>!1<!1<; 9>!==!::; 379389722 -er$ent&ge 1J2 1;J 13.@J A+ount 1Rs.2 @!>1!<1< :!>:!<>; 629779137

UDe're$i&tion/ Sr. No. ;1. ;3. ;9. -&rti$u%&rs ui%ding M&$hiner# Other 4iCed Assets Total G&%ue 1=!@;!;;; 1;!3@!;;; ?!;;!;;; R&te 1J2 13J 1@J 1;J A+ount 3!1;!;;; 1!@9!=@; ?;!;;; &9<89><2


UM&inten&n$e B Re'&irs/ Sr. No. ;1. ;3. ;9. -&rti$u%&rs ui%ding M&$hiner# Other 4iCed Assets Total G&%ue 1=!@;!;;; 1;!3@!;;; ?!;;!;;; R&te 1J2 @J @J @J A+ount 1Rs.2 >=!@;; @1!3@; :@!;;; 69?89><2


UDet&i%s of L&nd &nd ui%ding/ Sr No. ;1. ;3. -&rti$u%&rs L&nd ui%ding Total Are& 9;;; #&rds 3@;; sL.ft. R&te 3@; :;; Tot&% =!@;!;;; 1;!;;!;;; 6>9<29222

UDet&i% of -%&nt &nd M&$hiner#/ Sr No. ;1. ;3. ;9. ;:. ;@. ;<. -&rti$u%&rs Dru+ He&t H Coo% M&$hine Arr&nge M&$hine De%i,er# M&$hine Mo,e M&$hine L&"e%ing Total A+ount. 1Rs.2 @!;;!;;; 1!;;!;;; @;!;;; 1!@;!;;; 1!>;!;;; =@!;;; 6291<9222

UOther 4iCed Assets/ Sr No. ;1. ;3. -&rti$u%&rs De%i,er# Ri$*sh&) BG&n 4urniture Total A+ount. 1Rs.2 <!;;!;;; 9!;;!;;; 39229222

UTot&% 4iCed Assets/ Sr -&rti$u%&rs


A+ount. 1Rs.2

No. ;1. ;3. ;9. ;:.

L&nd B ui%ding -%&nt BM&$hiner# Other 4iCed EC'ense -re%i+in&r# EC'enses Total

1=!@;!;;; 1;!3@!;;; ?!;;!;;; @!3@!;;; &19229222




Sr. No. ;1. ;3. ;9. -&rti$u%&rs S&%es G&ri&"%e Cost 4iCed Cost A+ount 1!1;!9;!;;; =3!;?!<;; 31!==!=?<

-rofit Go%u+e R&tio V S&%es




Pro it@Loss A!!ount 6st April 1227 to 86st Mar!- 122>


-&rti$u%&rs -ur$h&se A$$ount -ur$h&se Dire$t EC'enses E%e$tri$it# EC'ense 8&ter EC'ense Indire$t EC'enses Ad,ertise+ent Consu+er Stores Insur&n$e EC'ense Interest to &n* Interest to -&rtner M&$hiner# B Re'&iring Mis$. EC'enses Offi$e S&%&r# Other Contingen$# -ost B St&+' -re%i+in&r# EC'ense Te%e'hone EC'ense Net Profit

A+ount @=!1=!<;; 3:!;;; 9!;;!;;; <;!;;; 13!;;; 3;!;;; :!>@!;;; @!>1!<1< 1!>9!=@; <!;;; 3!;:!;;; @!3@!;;; <!;;; @!3@!;;; 3:!;;; 23,56,034 69629829222

-&rti$u%&rs S&%es

A+ount 1!1;!9;!;;;


)alan!e S-eet as on86st Mar!- 122>


Li&"i%ities C&'it&% Assets JAINISH RAICH7RA J. MIHIR SIMEJIA G.


Assets 4iCed Assets ui%ding 3?;>;>; L&nd

A+ount 1=!@;!;;; 1;!3@!;;; ?!;;!;;; 879><9222

3?;>;>; Other Assets <?9679672 Current Assets ?!:;!;;; Sundr# De"tor ?!:;!;;; C&sh in H&nd &n* &%&n$e 33,33,840 69629829222

Lo&n Li&"i%ities &n* Lo&n ICICI &n* HD4C &n* Net Profit

3>!;;!;;; 3;!@@!;;; 3@!;;!;;; 69629829222


STA,, @ LA)4UR
This unit gi,es e+'%o#+ent to se,er&% 'eo'%e. It reLuires $ert&in 'eo'%e )ho $&n run the 'rodu$tion! fin&n$i&% &nd other &s'e$t of the fir+ )ithout interru'tion. List of st&ff +e+"ers &nd %&"orers is gi,en "e%o)/


Co+'etition/ 0 There is the ris* of gre&t $o+'etition in tod&#s )or%d of f&st '&$e! "e$&use there &re +&n# $o+'etitors &%% o,er the +&r*et. To sust&in in this $ut0thro&t $o+'etition the "etter )&# out is to 'ro,ide "etter Lu&%it# goods &t re&son&"%e 'ri$e. This is the +ost effi$ient )&# to st&# st&gn&nt in the +&r*et. # doing so ris* of $o+'etition "e$o+es %ess. L&$* of Consu+er/ 0 )e h&,e st&rted 'rodu$ing ne) 'rodu$t in the +&r*et so $onsu+ers &re not &)&re for 'rodu$ts "ut to &,oid this ris* )e h&,e to do +ore &d,ertising &nd $o++uni$&tion in &n effe$ti,e )&#.


4uture '%&n is &d,&n$e thin*ing of future &$ti,it#. E&$h &nd e,er# $o+'&n# )&nts to h&,e "right future &nd the# tr# to do "etter &$ti,it# in future &nd thus resu%t in the gro)th of the industr#. ;1. ;3. ;9. 8e )&nt to %&un$h & ne) sh&+'oo )ith "etter Lu&%it# &nd ne) fe&tures. 8e )&nt to st&rt se%%ing our 'rodu$t in the other $ountries. 8e )&nt to 'rodu$e ne) 'rodu$ts %i*e so&'! oi% et$T


Sh&+'oo is used in d&# to d&# %ife. In '&st #e&rs 'eo'%e used so&' to )&sh their h&ir! "ut no) the use of sh&+'oo h&s "een in$redi"%# in$re&sed. E,en in s+&%% ,i%%&ges 'eo'%e h&,e st&rted using sh&+'oo. Tod&# there &re different fe&tures in sh&+'oo &nd de+&nd h&s &%so in$re&sed. Different fe&tures %i*e )ith &+%&! ,it&+ins! $h&nd&n! et$. &nd in future &%so there )i%% "e & ,&riet# of fe&tures &dded in sh&+'oo. In future there )i%% "e in$re&se in de+&nd &nd the $o+'&nies )i%% get )ider +&r*et.


ENTRE-RENE7RSHI- H G&s&nt Des&i.


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