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Iwo Iwanov

| Presentation session #12 |


Anglistisches Seminar Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg PS I: Pragmatics The an! "acets #$ %anguage Use &'(ent: I)' I)an'v Referentin: Sabrina Stehwien

Social Deixis deals )ith aspects '$ sentences in )hich c'di$icati'n '$ the s'cial status '$ the spea*er+ addressee 'r third pers'n 'r entit! re$erred t' as )ell as the s'cial relati'nships bet)een them ta*es place in$'rmati'n included: s'cial class+ *in relati'nship+ age+ se,+ pr'$essi'n+ ethnic gr'up cl'sel! ass'ciated )ith -and s'metimes even sub-categ'ri(ed as. pers'n dei,is e,pressi'n '$ s'cial dei,is can be acc'mplished b! several linguistic devices including pers'nal pr'n'uns+ $'rms '$ address+ clitics/particles and the ch'ice '$ v'cabular!

Absolute relational social deixis Absolute in$'rmati'n 'ccurs in $'rms that are reserved $'r 000 000 auth'ri(ed spea*ers -e0g0 Imperial 1hina: 2mper'r re$erred t' himsel$ )ith 3(hen4. 'r 000 auth'ri(ed recipients -e0g0 titles li*e 35'ur a6est!+ r0 President+ Pr'$ess'r4 in 2nglish. Relational s'cial dei,is has 7 a,es: 80 spea*er-re$erent -re$erent h'n'ri$ics. 90 spea*er-addressee -addressee h'n'ri$ics. :0 spea*er-b!stander -b!stander h'n'ri$ics. 70 spea*er-setting -levels '$ $'rmalit!. 2,pressi'ns )hich indicate higher status are described as h'n'ri$ics0 -5ule+ 8;. Re$erent h'n'ri$ics - m're c'mm'n than addressee h'n'ri$ics - used b! spea*er t' sh') respect t')ards re$erent can 'nl! be c'nve!ed b! re$erring t' the target '$ respect 3v'us4 in "rench is a re$erent h'n'ri$ic that happens t' re$er t' the addressee -but is '$ten mista*en $'r an addressee h'n'ri$ic. Addressee h'n'ri$ics used b! spea*er t' sh') de$erence t')ards the addressee can be c'nve!ed )ith'ut a direct re$erence being necessar! the Tamil particle 3-n*a4 can be 6'ined $reel! t' an! c'nstituent '$ a sentence and c'nve!s respect t' addressees 'nl! -but n't t' an! re$erents. in several S'uth-east Asian languages it is p'ssible t' sa! e0g0 <the s'up is h't< and t' replace 'ne le,ical item -e0g0 <s'up<. )ith an alternative item t' enc'de respect t' the addressee )ith'ut directl! re$erring t' him/her There seems t' be n' such thing as s'ciall! neutral summ'nses 'r addresses= >!stander h'n'ri$ics used b! spea*er t' signi$! respect t' a b!stander+ including participants in the r'le '$ an audience and n'n-participant 'verhearers e,ample: 3m'ther-in-la)4 and 3br'ther-in-la)4 languages in s'me Australian ab'riginal languages -? s'-called 3av'idance4 language 'r st!le/register used in the presence '$ s'me'ne )ith )h'm cl'se

Iwo Iwanov

| Presentation session #12 |


s'cial c'ntact is tab''+ especiall! relatives and pr't't!picall! a m'ther-in-la) -? nearl! all the v'cabular! is replaced b! a special 3av'idance4 v'cabular! e,ample: I )ant t' eat $''d $amiliar: @ga!u mayi buda-nhu br'ther-in-la): @ga!u gudhubay bambanga-nhu Spea*er-setting a,is relati'n bet)een spea*er and speech setting 'r event man! 2ur'pean languages have distinct registers $'r $'rmal and in$'rmal 'ccasi'ns distincti'n is m're $irml! grammaticali(ed and/'r le,icali(ed in several 2ast/S'uth/S'uth-east Asian languages -i0e0 >alines+ Aapanese+ K'rean+ Aavanese+ Thai+ Tibetan. Aapanese: all levels '$ grammar -m'rph'l'g!+ s!nta,+ le,ic'n. Tamil: digl'ssic variants -di$$erences in le,ic'n. and distinct m'rph'l'g! $'r $'rmal and literar! st!les Aavanese: 8; di$$erent speech levels man! languages have replacement v'cabularies e0g0 2nglish: dine-eat+ residence-h'me+ best')-give -$'rmal. certain Australian ab'riginal languages: $'r special initiati'n rites Personal pronouns: ar!in" of respect

#$% distinction tu/v'us distincti'n in sec'nd-pers'n pr'n'uns T: $amiliar+ B: p'lite T/B pr'n'uns in 2ur'pean languages: T tu du tu tu t! B v'us Sie lei usted v! T du/I 6i6 du esi B &e u &e esis

"rench Cerman Italian Spanish Russian

&anish &utch @'r)egian Cree*

Helmbrecht: 7 T!pes '$ languages )ith respect t' sec'nd-pers'n pr'n'uns 80 n' T/B distincti'n -e0g0 2nglish. 90 2ur'pean-t!pe binar! T/B distincti'n -e0g0 "innish+ Tur*ish+ 1hineseD >angala/#ri!a: additi'nal neutral $'rm. :0 t)' 'r m're degrees in T/B distincti'n -e0g0 Hindi+ Tagal'g. 70 sec'nd-pers'n pr'n'uns are generall! av'ided in p'lite addressD pr'$essi'nal titles 'r *inship terms are used instead -e0g0 Aapanese+ Ind'nesian+ K'rean+ Thai.

Deri&ation of %-'or( m'st c'mm'nl! $r'm 9nd-pers-pl pr'n'un -e0g0 "rench. ne,t m'st c'mm'n: $r'm :rd-pers-pl pr'n'un -e0g0 Cerman. b'rr')ed $r'm :rd-pers-sg pr'n'un -e0g0 Italian. 8st-pers-pl+ 9nd-pers-dem'nstrative 'r re$le,ive pr'n'un -latter: Hungarian. status terms -Spanish 3usted4 $r'm 3vuestra merced4 E !'ur graceD als' &utch+ R'manian. multiple s'urces

Iwo Iwanov

| Presentation session #12 |


Social Deixis or Sociolin"uistics* s'ci'linguistics is the l')er b'und '$ pragmatics usages depending 'n s'cial relati'ns onl+ rele&ant to social deixis if the+ are "ra((aticali,ed honorifics and their usage: A. restricted vie): pragmatics is c'ncerned 'nl! )ith grammaticall! enc'ded aspects '$ c'nte,t -? pragmatics is c'ncerned )ith the meaning '$ h'n'ri$ics and s'ci'linguistics )ith the detailed recipes $'r usage '$ such terms >. br'ader vie): pragmatics as stud! '$ the c'ntributi'n '$ c'nte,t t' language understanding -? usage '$ B-$'rm intended as ir'nic/hum'r'us/angr! meaning needs a pragmatic the'r! that tells us that B is in certain cases n't the n'rmal usage -? pragmatic the'ries '$ language understanding )ill need t' access s'ci'linguistic in$'rmati'n phonological realizations associated with social dialects : A. )'uld lie 'utside the t'pic '$ pragmatics unless the! are intenti'nall! c'nve!ed and c'nventi'nall! ass'ciated )ith the relevant linguistic $'rms -ass'ciati'n '$ particular accents )ith particular s'cial c'mmunities is generall! n't intended+ but 'ccurs due t' hist'rical and s'cial reas'ns. >. cases )here s'ci'linguistics )'uld be relevant t' language understanding are p'ssible+ e0g0 t' mar* transiti'ns $r'm chat t' business s'ci'linguistics is diverse and c'ncerns inter-relati'ns bet)een language and s'ciet! in general -h')ever these include grammatical s!stems.D it is n't a c'mp'nent 'r level '$ grammar as 'pp'sed t' pragmatics

S'urces: Huang+ %evins'n 8FG:+ 5ule

Anglistisches Seminar Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg PS I: Pramatics The an! "acets #$ %anguage Use &'(ent: I)' I)an'v Spea!er: -ushra


ar!in" of !inship relations In s'me languages *inship relati'ns are indicated b! grammatical enc'ding in a speech event+ i0e0 Personal pronouns0 e0g0 Australian ab'riginal language Parn*alla: : $'rms in the $irst pers'n dual pr'n'un general $irst pers'n dual: nadli $'r m'ther and child / uncle and nephe): nadlaga $ather and 'ne '$ his children: narrine Dual pronouns: in additi'n t' singular and plural $'rms re$er t' t)' pe'ple/'b6ects .ar(onic and dishar(onic !inship relations di$$erent sets '$ pr'n'uns are empl'!ed t' distinguish bet)een generati'nall! harm'nic and disharm'nic relati'ns0 e0g0 generati'nall! harm'nic: members '$ same generati'n -eg' and siblings. H generati'n di$$ers b! an even number -grandparents and grandchild.

Iwo Iwanov

| Presentation session #12 |


generati'nall! disharm'nic: alternate generati'ns -eg' and parents 'r child. H three generati'n levels apart -great grandparents and great grandchild. #ther s'cial categ'ries are als' determined b! pers'nal pr'n'uns0 age: e0g0 in #cceanic language &ehu $'ur $irst pers'n dual pr'n'uns e,clusive/inclusive se,: pers'nal pr'n'uns di$$er )ith the se, '$ the addresse e0g0 alagas! sec'nd pers'n plural pr'n'un has t)' variants that are used acc'rding t' the se, '$ the addressee inclusive pr'n'un: includes pers'n being addressed t' e,clusive pr'n'un: e,cludes pers'n in a gr'up

'or(s of address 80. t' mar* higher s'cial status '$ the addressee and signal s'cial distance bet)een spea*er and addressee e0g0 use '$ address $'rms e0g0 Mr Lakoff 90. use '$ generali(ed address t' sh') respect t' strangers e0g0 ayi 'aunt' in 1hinese :0. claiming in-gr'up s'lidarit! e0g0 pal in 2nglish Affixes0 clitics and particles A$$i,es+ clitics and particles attached t' verbs can als' re$lect deictic in$'rmati'n0 e0g0 in K'rean di$$erent su$$i,es attached t' verb $'rms indicate s'cial relati'ns 1hoice of &ocabular+ 2trian"ular !in ter(s2 n't 'nl! reali(e *inship relati'ns bet)een spea*er and re$erent and bet)een the pr'p'situs -t!picall! the addressee. and the re$erent+ but als' bet)een spea*er and the pr'p'situs0 e0g0 ala!ali+ set '$ terms re$erring t' <$ather< '$ 'ne participant depending 'n the *inship relati'ns bet)een spea*er0 2deferential2 and 2hu(iliati&e2 pairs of lexical ite(s e0g0 in 1hinese <What's (your honora!le surname"# (my hum!le surname' As stated b! >r')n and %evins'n the use '$ h'n'ri$ic/dis-h'n'ri$ic has a t)'-sided nature: l')ering 'nesel$ raising '$ the addressee Discourse Deixis 3also called text$textual deixis4 &isc'urse dei,is deals )ith the use '$ linguistic e,pressi'ns re$erring t' the current+ preceding 'r $'ll')ing utterance in a disc'urse0 Alternati&el+0 discourse deixis can be said to refer to propositions5 2,ample: Use '$ pr',imal dem'nstrative <this<: this is h') it )'r*s 'ne is ab'ut t' tell Use '$ distal dem'nstrative <that<: That is h') it sh'uld be0 re$erring bac* t' preceding disc'urse 'Last secti'n )e discussed c'nversati'nal implicature+ in this secti'n+ )e c'nsider c'nventi'nal implicature+ and in the ne$t secti'n )e shall c'mpare and c'ntrast them0<

Iwo Iwanov

| Presentation session #12 |


The terms last+ this+ ne$t re$er t' the pri'r utterance+ current and $'ll')ing p'rti'n '$ the disc'urse0 The use '$ disc'urse deictics can be $'und in m'st+ i$ n't in all languages in the )'rld0 S'me '$ the le,ical e,pressi'ns triggering c'nventi'nal implicature can als' ta*e deictic $uncti'ns i$ the! 'ccur at the initial p'siti'n '$ an utterance0 !ut% however% actually% even Acc'rding t' %evins'n the usage '$ these )'rds indicates the relati'nship bet)een utterance and the pri'r disc'urse0 #opic-pro(inent languages such as 2ast and S'uth-east Asian languages have a special mechanism t' mar* the topic in topic construction5 topic : "i&en infor(ation co((ent: new infor(ation main $uncti'n: <precisel! t' relate the mar*ed utterance t' s'me speci$ic t'pic raised in the pri'r disc'urse+ i0e0 t' per$'rm a disc'urse-deictic $uncti'n< -%evins'n 8FG:: GG.

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