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ALIENATION AS SEEN IN RICHARD MATHESON IM LEGEND Alienasi dalam karya Richard Matheson Im Legend

Bondan Stym lan ! tra E"mail# so l$%ondi&'yahoo(com S )er*ised %y# Rosyid Dodiyanto and Tri M rniati En+lish lan+ a+e and literat re st dy )ro+ram, h manities de)artement -ac lty o. social and )olitical sciences, /enderal Soedirman 0ni*ersity /l( Dr Soe)aro, 1aran+2an+kal, ! r2okerto 34566 Abstrak !enelitian ini %er7 d l 8Alienation as seen in Richard Mathesons Im Legend8 %ert 7 an nt k men+analisis )enye%a% alienasi yan+ m nc l dalam no*el Im Legend, e.ek dan %a+aimana men+atasi alienasi dalam karakter tama no*el Richard Matheson Im Legend( Dalam )enelitian ini, metode deskri)ti. k alitati. di+ nakan nt k men+analisis data dari no*el karya Richard Matheson %er7 d l Im Legend( S m%er data )enelitian ini adalah no*el Im Legend yan+ dianalisis den+an men++ nakan teori alienasi dan )endekatan mimesis( Ada %e%era)a taha) yan+ dilak kan dalam men+analisis no*el nt k men7a2a% r m san masalah( Taha) )ertama adalah mem%aca dan memahami no*el( Taha) ked a adalah Mencari data yan+ akan dianalisis, dam)ak dan %a+aimana men+atasi keterasin+an dalam no*el Im Legend( Taha) keti+a adalah men+analisis ses ai den+an r m san masalah yait )enye%a% keterasin+an, aki%at alienasi dan %a+aimana men+atasi alienasi( Taha) keem)at adalah men+analisis data den+an men+h % n+kan mereka ke teori alienasi( Taha) terakhir adalah menyim) lkan( Dari hasil )enelitian, ada ti+a )enye%a% alienasi 9%adai 7an+ka )an7an+, nyam k yan+ %erkem%an+ %iak den+an )esat, seran+an *am)ir:( Aki%at dari keterasin+an 9kekoson+an, )en r nan seman+at %ela7ar,

alkoholisme:( Ne*ille men+atasi keterasin+an nya den+an men++ nakan tera)i he2an nt k mem% at Ne*ille kel ar dari keterasin+annya( 1ata 1 nci# alienasi, )enye%a%, e.ek, diatasi A%stract This thesis entitled ;Alienation as seen in Richard Mathesons Im Le+end< is aimed to analy=e the ca ses o. alienation 2hich a))ears in Im Le+end, e..ect and ho2 to o*ercome alienation in the main character Richard Mathesons Im Le+end( In this research, descri)ti*e > alitati*e method 2as sed to analy=e the data .rom the no*el %y Richard Matheson entitled Im Le+end( The data so rce o. this st dy is the no*el Im Le+end 2hich 2as analy=ed %y sin+ alienations theory and mimetic a))roach( There 2ere some ste)s done in e&tractin+ and analy=in+ the no*el as the ans2er to the research > estions( The .irst 2as readin+ and nderstandin+ the no*el( The second 2as .indin+ the data to %e analy=ed, e..ect and ho2 to o*ercome alienation in the no*el Im Le+end( The third 2as analy=in+ them dealin+ 2ith the research > estions a%o t the ca ses o. alienation, e..ect o. alienation and ho2 to o*ercome alienation( The .o rth 2as analy=in+ the data %y connectin+ them to the alienation theory( The last ste) 2as concl din+( -rom the research, there are three ca ses o. alienation 9lon+"term storm, mos> itoes that +ro2 ra)idly, *am)ire?s attack:( The e..ects o. alienation 9em)tiness, decrease learnin+, alcoholism:( Ne*ille o*ercome alienation se Animal" assisted( 1ey2ords# Alienation, ca se, e..ect, o*ercome( 1. Background In real li.e, )eo)le ha*e interaction 2ith others at 2ork, school, or en*ironment in normal condition( Ho2e*er, sometimes )eo)le do not reali=e that e*erythin+ can ha))en( The e&am)le someone m st s r*i*e %eca se o. the %roken shi) or )eo)le 2ho are isolated %eca se o. a stran+e disease( These sit ations %rin+ )eo)le to lose contact 2ith the others and make them alienated( The concrete e&am)les o. alienation in real li.e ha))ened in LANSA 9Lineas Aereas Nacionales Airlines: .li+ht accident at a mo ntaino s re+ion o. the Ama=on at

Decem%er 6@, 5AB5( This accident is an accident that cannot %e )redicted( Beca se o. this accident, a )erson %ecame alienated in the rain .orest( In that accident only / liane Mar+aret 1oe)cke 2ho 2as se*enteen years old at the time co ld s r*i*e( The )lane 2as str ck %y li+htnin+ a%o*e the !er *ian rain .orest and / liane 2as %lo2n o t o. the )lane, still stra))ed to her seat, and landed t2o miles do2n in the dense thicket( She came ro nd, %lind in one eye, 2ith a %roken collar%one and c ts and %r ises( Borro2in+ her %iolo+ical .athers ad*ice that 2ater r ns do2nstream and 2here theres 2ater theres ci*ili=ation( In the ninth day, she .o nd a small ca%in( She cleaned her in7 ries and 2orm"in.ested c ts and 2aited ntil the occ )ant came %ack( She 2as e*ent ally re nited 2ith her .ather and contin ed her st dies to %ecome a =oolo+ist( This is an e&am)le o. alienation that is taken .rom a real story( In this accident / liane .or se*eral day does not ha*e interaction 2ith the other )eo)le %eca se only she 2ho can s r*i*e( This accident makes / liane %ecome alienated %eca se she does not ha*e interaction 2ith the other )eo)le or society In literary 2ork, alienation has +ro2n since He+el and his theory o. alienation a))eared( In early nineteen cent ry, Richard Matheson se alienation as main theme o. his 2ork entitled Im legend( In this story, the main character, Ro%ert Ne*ille li*es alone %eca se there 2ere no more )eo)le li*in+ in the 2orld( He 2as s r*i*in+ .rom the *am)ire in.ection( In his ho se he % ilds a de.ense a+ainst the *am)ires attacks( He does not ha*e any interactions 2ith other h man %ein+s and he is se)arated .rom society( Im Legend is a 5A3@ horror .iction no*el 2ritten %y an American 2riter Richard Matheson( It 2as in.l ential in the de*elo)ment o. the =om%ie +enre and in )o) lari=in+ the conce)t o. a 2orld2ide a)ocaly)se d e to disease( The no*el 2as a s ccess and 2as ada)ted to .ilm as The Last Man on Earth in 5AC@, as The Omega Man in 5AB5, and as Im Legend in 6DDB(

The researcher is moti*ated in choosin+ Im legend as the o%7ect o. the research %eca se the researcher has ass mes that in this no*el the main character is alienated since he has no interaction 2ith others( It is challen+in+ to .ind o t ho2 Ro%ert str ++les to o*ercome his alienation( By doin+ this research, the researcher ho)es that the readers 2ill kno2 a%o t alienation, e..ects o. alienation and ho2 to o*ercome it( 2. Literature review In this research, the researcher se 2ill mimetic a))roach %eca se mimetic a))roach com)ares the no*el and the real 2orld( Mimetic theories e&)lain literary 2ork as ;essentially an imitation o. as)ects o. ni*erse<( Imitation re.ers to relation term and the si+ni.icance %et2een t2o thin+s in com)arison 9A%rams, 5ABA#E:( H man in daily li.e is al2ays lookin+ .or a relation 2ith the other h man %ein+s( I. the h man relations are not 2orkin+ normally, it 2ill %ecome a )ro%lem .or them %eca se 2itho t the relations a h man co ld not li*e alone only %y himsel.Fhersel.( !eo)le 2ho do not ha*e interaction 2ith others called alienation( Alienation means the state or e&)erience o. %ein+ alienated( Then alienated mean make someone .eel isolated or estran+ed 9Allen, 6DD6#5:( The +eneral de.inition o. alienation re.ers to the estran+ement that occ rs in the relation %et2een an indi*id al and that to 2hich he or she is relatin+( This %ad relation occ rs in a *ariety o. .orms, s ch as the estran+ements %et2een an indi*id al and his or her social comm nity, nat ral en*ironment, o2n sel., or e*en God( Bloom 96DDA#&*: says the 2ord Halienation im)lies an intense se)aration .irst .rom o%7ects in a 2orld, second .rom other )eo)le, third .rom ideas a%o t the 2orld held %y other )eo)le( The term alienation is also .o nd in sociolo+y( Accordin+ to the sociolo+ist alienation is se)aration o. indi*id als .rom control and direction o. their social li.e( 3. Research Method

Accordin+ to Arik nto 96DDC#56A: data so rce is a set s %7ect 2here the data are o%tained( Data so rce also means the so rce that 2ill %e analy=ed %y the researcher in the order to accom)lish the research( The data are *ery im)ortant in doin+ the research %eca se researcher cannot do the research 2itho t data( The main so rce o. data is a no*el entitled Im Legend %y American 2riter Richard Matheson, a horror .iction no*el( It 2as in.l ential in the de*elo)ment o. the =om%ie +enre and in )o) lari=in+ the conce)t o. a 2orld2ide a)ocaly)se d e to disease( The researcher .oc ses on ca se, e..ect and ho2 to o*ercome alienation in Im Legends main character, Ro%ert Ne*ille, and those .oc ses are analy=ed %y sin+ Mimetic theory %y A%ram( The researcher ses the theory o. alienation .or s ))ortin+ analysis this no*el( Based on the .oc s o. the research, the method 2hich is a))lied to analy=e the o%7ect o. the research is descri)ti*e > alitati*e method( This method is sed to inter)ret and descri%e the data into a descri)ti*e .orm and .oc ses on the data %ased on the conte&t( In literat re the main so rce o. the data is a literary 2ork or an ori+inal te&t( It is analy=ed thro +h the 2ords, sentence, conte&ts, and the e&)ressions or tterances in the literary 2ork itsel.( -irst ste) in > alitati*e method is techni> e .or data collectin+ 9Cres2ell, 5AA@# 5@E"5@A:( This method is %ased on the analysis o. te&t data that em)hasi=es the inter)retati*e descri)tion incl din+ settin+, sit ation and )artici)ants( This st dy tries to analy=e the no*el descri)ti*ely %y em)hasi=in+ on ca se, e..ect and ho2 to o*ercome alienation o. the main character in Im Legend( The ste)s o. the method o. the research are# 5( Readin+ and nderstandin+ the no*el Im Legend( 6( Startin+ o%ser*ation to2ard the no*el Im Legend(

4( -indin+ the data to %e analy=ed, e..ect and ho2 to o*ercome alienation in the no*el Im Legend. @( Collectin+ any s ))ortin+ data .rom %ook and on"line articles that contain e..ect and ho2 to o*ercome alienation in the main character o. Im Legend( 3( Analy=in+ the data 2ith related alienation theories and e*idences( Data analysis is an im)ortant )art in research %eca se the analysis makes the data 2orth to the research to .ind an ans2er o. the )ro%lem disc ssed in the research( In this ste), the ra2 data 2ill %e chan+ed into a ne2 .orm o. data 2hich makes it easier to sho2 the relation amon+ the )henomena o. the research 9Na=ir, 6DD4#4@B:( Ra2 data in this research is no*el Im legend (It is sed to look .or alienation e..ect and ho2 Ro%ert Ne*ille o*ercomes alienation e..ect( 4. Discussion Cause of a ienation In I'm Legend, storm %ecomes the .irst o. the tri++er starts a+e o. a)ocaly)se( In this no*el, the storm is lon+er than the s al storm, there.ore )eo)le ha*e no other choice e&ce)t to stay at home %eca se stayin+ o tside 2ill %e more dan+ero s( Since storm co ld .ly near%y o%7ects, it h rts )eo)le( Beca se o. this reason many )eo)le ) to stay at their ho ses( As the res lt they do not ind l+e and interact 2ith others( It means that they +et alienated( The statement %elo2 )ro*es that the storm ha))ens .or a lon+ time more than s al in I'm Legend story.I wish these damn storms would end !e said as he entered the "it#hen ten minutes later.Im sure$ 9Matheson, 5A3@#6E: Statement a%o*e s ))orts the storms come .or lon+"term aro nd his )lace( Storm %ecomes the nintentionally ca se that start %rin+in+ Ne*ille to %e alienated( It is called nintentionally %eca se Ne*ille does not 2ant this condition( 0n.ort nately the storm come .or lon+"term and makes the other )eo)le sick and this is the tri++er that %rin+s Ro%ert Ne*ille to %e alone in the 2orld and %ecomes alienated(

The second ca se that %rin+s Ro%ert Ne*ille into alienation is mos> itoes( In the 2orld, mos> itoes can ca se serio s illness or death( Only the .emale mos> ito in+ests %lood, as she needs )rotein and iron to )rod ce e++s( Ihen a mos> ito %ites, she in7ects sali*a and anti"coa+ lants into the 2o nd( It is thro +h these s %stances that a *ir s or )arasite can %e transmitted to a h man or animal 9Jalen= ela, etc( all# 6DD6:( )rotect 1athy .rom mos> itoes %ite and a*oid the diseases( <and they say 2e 2on the 2ar,< she said ;No%ody 2on it< ;The mos> itoes 2on it(< He smiled a little( 8I + ess they did,8 he said( 9Matheson, 5A3@#4D: Statement a%o*e s ))orts that the mos> itoes 2on the 2ar, the 2ar %et2een mos> itoes and h man( Mos> itoes %rin+ the diseases to attack h man and the res lt is a lot o. h man %ecome sick( It s ))orts %y the statement %elo2 %etween the storm and the mos&uitoes and e'er(one )eing si#" and the other statement she said The( #arr( diseases. 9Matheson, 5A3@#6E"6A: Mos> itoes is the nintentionally ca se that start a+e o. a)ocaly)se and %rin+ Ne*ille %ecome alienated( Mos> itoes that carry diseases attack h mans on this earth there.ore many )eo)le die %eca se o. the disease( A.ter a lot o. )eo)le are dead, Ne*ille is no lon+er a%le to interact 2ith h mans( This sit ation %rin+s Ne*ille alienated in this 2orld( The third ca se that %rin+s Ro%ert Ne*ille into alienation is *am)ires( Jam)ires are mytholo+ical or .olkloric %ein+s 2ho s %sist %y .eedin+ on the li.e essence 9+enerally in the .orm o. %lood: o. li*in+ creat res, re+ardless o. 2hether they are ndead or a li*in+ )ersonF%ein+( Bram Stokers Dra#ula in 5EAB is remem%ered as the > intessential *am)ire no*el and 2hich )ro*ided the %asis o. modern *am)ire .iction 9Matthe2# 5AA4:(

Jam)ires ha*e terri%le kind o. stren+th( It is descri%ed %y the sentence *no one will )elie'e him* that means a )erson m st meet a *am)ire to .ind o t their stren+th( The )o2er o. *am)ire is n)redicta%le and )eo)le 2ill %elie*e a.ter seein+ it %y hisFher o2n eyes( Jam)ires attack h man 2itho t mercy %eca se *am)ires see h man as their .ood( Jam)ires are al2ays lookin+ .or )eo)le to +et hisFher %lood( The concl sion is *am)ires start the )la+ e that kills a lot o. h man in the 2orld( Jam)ires are stron+er than h man( Jam)ires %ite and kill )eo)le to +et their %lood( Jam)ires are ndead creat re and they start the a+e o. *am)ires( Jam)ires kill almost all the h man )o) lation( The res lt is *am)ires take o*er 2orld .rom h man and *am)ires %rin+s Ne*ille alienated in this 2orld( !ffects of a ienation Em)tiness comes to Ne*ille as a res lt o. the alienation that makes him o*er2helmed %y dee) sadness( He can only ho)e that it 2ill end 2hen he meets someone o t there 2ho can red ce a little misery o. li*in+ in em)tiness( In Im Legend em)tiness %ecomes one o. the alienation e..ects( This condition a))ears a.ter a lot o. )eo)le died %eca se o. the lon+ term"storm, mos> itos disease, and *am)ire attacks( Ne*ille starts .eelin+ lonely since he lost his child and 2i.e( This is the reason 2hy Ne*ille is *ery lonely %eca se )eo)le that he lo*ed ha*e +one .rom his li.e( These sit ations %rin+ Ne*ille into the em)tiness 2here there are no more )eo)le e&ist in this 2orld( Em)tiness comes to Ne*ille as a res lt o. the alienation that makes him o*er2helmed %y dee) sadness( He can only ho)e that it 2ill end 2hen he meets someone o t there 2ho can red ce a little misery o. li*in+ in em)tiness( The second e..ect is decrease learnin+( Alienation %rin+s alienated )eo)le losin+ the s)irit o. learnin+( This kind o. matter ha))ens %eca se there is no 2illin+ness o. indi*id als to im)ro*e the e&istin+ state and they cannot do m ch %eca se alienation .orces them to end re( 9Cherry, 6D55:
Decrease learnin+ occ rs in %e+innin+ Ne*ille?s alienation( At that time, Ne*ille has decreased enth siasm .or learnin+ %eca se his 2i.e dies( Altho +h he is tryin+ to read, he +ets

nothin+( It s ))orts %y this .ollo2in+ )hase( %ut in a moment the )oo" was on his la+

again. !e loo"ed at the )oo"#ase a#ross ,rom him. -ll the "nowledge in those )oo"s #ouldn't +ut out the ,ires in him. all the words o, #enturies #ouldn't end the wordless mindless #ra'ing o, his ,lesh. 9Matheson, 5A3@#3: Then Ne*ille reali=ed the %ooks in .ront o. him cannot c re the an+er inside( He reali=es he cannot +et anythin+ .orm these %ooks( This makes Ne*ille sto) readin+ the %ooks( The ne&t sentence is sayin+ that Ne*ille slam %ook. The )oo" shut with a thud. 9Matheson, 5A3@#@: He closes the %ook %eca se he does not +et 2hat he needed to +et o t o. his alienation( Ho2e*er, a.ter se*eral time he alienated, he is startin+ chan+e his )oint o. *ie2 a%o t learnin+( He +ets a moti*ation to heal *am)ire and ho)es that he co ld +et .riends %y c re a *am)ire( Another reason is to s)end time %y doin+ se. l acti*ities( Since then Ne*ille starts to trans.orm decrease learnin+ in to increase learnin+( This is re.lected in the .ollo2in+ )ara+ra)h( He sat in the li*in+ room, tryin+ to read( He?d made himsel. a 2hisky and soda at his small %ar and he held the cold +lass as he read a )hysiolo+y te&t( -rom the s)eaker o*er the hall2ay door, the m sic o. Schon%er+ 2as )layin+ lo dly( 9Matheson, 5A3@#@: The > otation a%o*e s ))orts that Ne*ille tries to read the )hysiolo+y te&t accom)anied %y a 2hiskey and soda( M sical accom)animent also accom)anies him in readin+ the te&t( This )ro*es that Ne*ille tries to read a )hysiolo+y te&t accom)anied %y 2hiskey and the lo d strains o. the son+ %eca se he is alienated .rom others and he does nothin+, so he tries to read the te&t .or killin+ the time( Alienation nder+one %y Ne*ille in Im Legend mi+ht ha*e di..erent e..ect than in the real 2orld( At .irst he stays in decrease learnin+, % t a.ter he reali=es that he needs .riends and acti*ity to s)end time %y doin+ se. l acti*ities( Ne*ille con*erts Alienation condition Becomes a s)irit to learn somethin+ ne2(

The last e..ect o. alienation is alcohol( Alcohol addiction is a .orm o. de)endence on alcohol, 2hich is ca sed %y a ha%it( It a..ects the li.estyle o. the alcohol addicts, so that their li*es cannot %e se)arated .rom the alcohol( E&cessi*e alcohol cons m)tion can also %e harm. l .or the )eo)les %ody 2ho cons me it( The %ad res lt o. drinkin+ alcohol can %e .elt i. this %ad ha%it is done .re> ently( He sat in the li*in+ room, tryin+ to read( He?d made himsel. a 2hisky and soda at his small %ar and he held the cold +lass as he read a )hysiolo+y te&t( -rom the s)eaker o*er the hall2ay door, the m sic o. Schon%er+ 2as )layin+ lo dly 9Matheson, 5A3@#@: The > otation a%o*es clearly s ))ort that Ne*ille?s li.e cannot %e se)arated .rom alcohol( It can %e seen 2hen he reads %ook 2hile drinkin+ alcohol and he also t rns the son+ lo dly( Alcohol al2ays accom)anied Ne*ille 2hen he is alienated( Ne*ille does all the acti*ities that re> ire alcohol as a com)lement to the loneliness and alienation in the 2orld( The res lt, Ne*ille %ecomes alcohol a% sers and al2ays drinks alcohol in the rest o. his days in the 2orld( "verco#e A ienation Animal"Assisted Thera)y $AAT: is a ty)e o. thera)y that in*ol*es animals as a .orm o. treatment( The +oal o. AAT is to im)ro*e a )atients social, emotional, or co+niti*e . nctionin+( Animals can also %e se. l .or ed cational and moti*ational e..ecti*eness .or )artici)ants 9Rick Co2les, 6DDE:( Animal"Assited Thera)y a))ears in Im Legend as the 2ay that sed %y Ne*ille to sol*e his alienation( One o. the 2ays that Ne*ille ses to sol*e alienation is Animal"Assited Thera)y( Ne*ille 2ants the do+ to accom)any him in his alienation( This do+ +i*es real ho)e .or Ne*ille to red ce alienation that he .aces( His Alienation )ro%lem +oes 2hen the do+ %ecomes his )et( %. Conc usion and Reco#endation The o%7ect o. the research is taken .rom Richard Matheson?s I'm legend makes the researcher c rio s in .indin+ o t the ca se, the e..ects and ho2 to o*ercome

alienation in the main character, Ro%ert Ne*ille( The researcher a))roach and alienation theory to c t o)en Ro%ert Ne*ille?s alienation(

ses mimetic

A.ter analy=in+ the ca ses, the e..ects and ho2 to o*ercome alienation in the no*el I'm legend, the researcher concl des that the main reasons o. Ne*ille is alienation is a *am)ire attack, lon+"term storm and mos> itoes( Lon+"term storm makes mos> itoes m lti)ly > ickly, then the mos> itoes carry diseases attack )eo)le and ca se many deaths( Besides, *am)ire attack ca ses many )eo)le die and t rn them into *am)ires( All o. these make the )o) lation died( This condition %rin+s Ne*ille in a com)lete loneliness( The ne&t e..ect decrease learnin+, in the %e+innin+ o. the story Ne*ille cannot st dy %eca se o. alienation( Then a.ter he +ets moti*ation to +et o t o. his alienation, he ses his time to st dy and learn somethin+( The last is alcoholism, Ne*ille drinks to m ch alcohol( It makes him to %e an alcoholic( Mean2hile to o*ercome his alienation, Ne*ille ses animal"assisted thera)y, the do+ he .o nd is sed as a tool to red ce his alienation( A.ter analy=in+ this st dy, some moral lessons can %e +ot .rom the e&)erience o. Ne*ille in I'm legend( -irst, do not yo +i*e ) in o r li.e since nothin+ is im)ossi%le in this 2orld( In I'm legend Ne*ille has no li.e e&)ectancy and . t re, % t he still str ++les ntil the end o. his li.e( Second, do not think too m ch a%o t the )ast %eca se 2e li*e in the . t re( In the %e+innin+ o. the story Ne*ille al2ays thinks a%o t his )ast( It ha nts him( Ho2e*er in the end, he reali=es that he m st do somethin+ .or his . t re and it 2orks( -or . rther research, another interestin+ to)ic .rom this no*el 2hich can %e analy=ed is *am)ire e*ol tion( Besides, ho2 to s r*i*al in a)ocaly)se condition can %e an interestin+ thin+ to %e analy=ed( These can +i*e a dee) descri)tion and in.ormation to other reader and st dent(

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