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Santa is Not Coming to Palestine

Jafar M. Ramini What is it that makes our leaders tread the same path over and over and over again, knowing that it can only lead to disaster?

(LONDON) - Its the Sunda !efore "hristmas. London is wearin# its $art froc%& the li#hts are #litterin#' the !ells are chimin#& the thron# of sho$$ers are streamin# u$ and down the streets. (a$$ and )o ous are the all. *nd here I am' a +alestinian e,ile' a #randfather' a father and a hus!and' tr in# to !rin# some of this ha$$ mood into a corner of London that I call m little +alestine. *mon#st all this' m heart and thou#hts are with m $eo$le !ac% home' #oin# throu#h the most arduous winter on record. Snow has co-ered the entire Middle .ast in the last wee% or so. +alestinians inside +alestine' in the refu#ee cam$s dotted around the *ra! world are all at the merc of the elements. /a0a is not onl totall !esie#ed and free0in# !ut is also flooded ! sewa#e' courtes of the e-er merciful Israelis. In the 1est 2an% the decided this harsh winter wee% was a #ood time to cut the electricit . *fter all' the ille#al settlers need it more. I did not deli!eratel sit down to write a lament or a sad $iece' !ut the situation is -er sad and where we are headin# is totall lamenta!le. I refer here to the on #oin#' utterl useless' not to sa crin#e-ma%in# and -omit inducin# charade that is still unfoldin# in Jerusalem' Ramallah and *mman under the name of 3$eace ne#otiations. 1hat is it that ma%es our leaders tread the same $ath o-er and o-er and o-er a#ain' %nowin# that it can onl lead to disaster4 5he $ath I s$ea% of is the one leadin# ine-ita!l towards 5he 1est in #eneral and to 1ashin#ton D" in $articular. (ow is it $ossi!le that a leader of +alestine can $lace his trust in the hands of the 6nited States of *merica when administration after administration' since (arr 5ruman' has !een firml ' su!ser-ientl ' faithfull on the side of Israel4 In a s$eech on Decem!er 7th' )ust two wee%s a#o' the current $residin# 3$eace ne#otiator' 6S Secretar of State' John 8err ' descri!ed the 6S as 9the honest !ro%er:. (ow does that wor% when' in the same s$eech' the 3honest !ro%er stated' 9I ha-e s$ent almost ;< ears in the 6S State Senate' and I am $roud of m =<<> -otin# record for Israel:4 (e went on to eulo#i0e a!out Nelson Mandela. Ma !e he for#ot it was Mr. Mandela who said' 91e %now too well that our freedom is incom$lete

without the freedom of the +alestinians.: 2ut' of course' Mr. 8err s o-er-ridin# concern is the sur-i-al and the securit of Israel at an cost to us' the +alestinians. (e went on further to sa that' 9the onl wa to secure Israels lon#-term future and securit will !e achie-ed throu#h direct ne#otiations that se$arate +alestinians and Israelis.: Isnt this *$artheid' Mr. 8err 4 *s if that isnt enou#h' 8err also went on to descri!e +alestinian Israelis as a 9demo#ra$hic time !om!: and an 9e,istential threat to Israel:. 1hat are ou callin# for' Mr. 8err 4 * total ethnic cleansin# of +alestinians out of +alestine4 Lets see now what Mr. 8err actuall means ! 3direct ne#otiation. *ccordin# to lea%s $u!lished ! man mainstream Israeli news outlets he means? @ Demilitari0ation of the new State of +alestine' under 6S control. @ +uttin# the !orders !etween +alestine and Jordan under )oint IsraeliA+alestinian control. Maintaining an Israeli military presence on the western side of the River Jordan. Installing Israeli early-warning stations on the eastward slopes of the West Bank highlands. Postponement of arrangements for the final stat s of !a"a #trip. $eaving the !a"ans% as ever% &esieged and in lim&o and &ereft from the main &ody of Palestine. Do the +alestinians ha-e a sa in an of this' Mr. 8err 4 (a-e the an ri#hts4 5his a$$ears to !e a list Israeli demands. Is this what 3honest !ro%erin# *merican st le loo%s li%e4 Meanwhile' while he was in South *frica for the funeral of the late Nelson Mandela' Mr. *!!as firml re)ected the cam$ai#n in South *frica to !o cott and di-est from Israel. 91e are not callin# for the !o cott of Israel': he said. 91e are callin# for a !o cott of $roducts from the settlements.: Bou see' when the she$herd cant ta%e care of his floc% how can we !lame the $rowlin# wolf4 Bes' were told that our 3friendl relationshi$s with 5he 1est and *merica are a must if we are to achie-e our #oals. 1e ha-e to !efriend an !od and e-er !od who will ser-e our interest. Cine. *merica is the one and onl remainin# su$er-$ower !ut when ou %now that the most $owerful countr in the world is tuc%ed in !ed with our enem what do ou do4 1ithout *merican mone ' arms and total su$$ort Israel would not e,ist. *merica has $ro-ed on man occasions that the sur-i-al' securit and su$remac of Israel in the re#ion are $aramount to her interests. Ne-er for#et what Moshe Da an once said' 9 Our friends' the *mericans #i-e us mone ' #i-e us arms and #i-e us ad-ice. 1e ta%e the mone ' we ta%e the arms' we i#nore the ad-ice.:

5his is the latest $ronouncement from the 3$eace see%er' Mr. 2en)amin Netan ahu in res$onse to the *merican reDuest 3to refrain from the announcement of further settlements in the 1est 2an% and Occu$ied 5erritories. '1e are committed to !uildin# and e,$andin# settlements': he said' 95el *-i- will not !e $ressured into haltin# its settlement acti-ities.: (e was -er adamant. 91e are !uildin# and wor%in# in full #ear': he stated. 91e will !uild and de-elo$ e-er where' includin# in the settlements.: It was as if *merica had not e-en s$o%en. I cant hel$ !ein# reminded of *riel Sharons re$rimand to his then Corei#n Minister' Shimon +eres' when +eres cautioned him not to u$set the *mericans. '1e Jews own *merica': said Sharon' 9*nd the *mericans %now it.: 1hen our 3$artner in $eace is not e-en remotel interested in $eace then wh carr on4 1hen the so-called ar!itrators of $eace are o$enl slanted towards our foe' wh %ee$ trustin# them4 1hen the facts on the #round s$ea% -olumes of their continued occu$ation' coloni0ation and ethnic cleansin# of our $eo$le and land' wh in /ods name do ou continue on this $ath to o!li-ion4 1hen in)ustice !ecomes law' re!ellion !ecomes a dut . *s Dr. Martin Luther 8in# said' 9"owardice as%s the Duestion' is it e,$edient4 *nd then e,$edience comes alon# and as%s the Duestion' is it $olitic4 Eanit as%s the Duestion' is it $o$ular4 "onscience as%s the Duestion' is it ri#ht4: Is it ri#ht' Mr. 8err ' that ou reward the thief and $unish the -ictim4 Is that 35he *merican 1a 4

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