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Qettcrs-Patcnt No, 61,020, dated January 8, 1867.


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`'IO ALL WHOM IT MAY GQNCERN: Be it known that I, CHARLES M. RAYNALE, of Birmingham, in the county of Oakland, and -State of Michigan, have invented anew and useful Improvement in the Mode of Propelling Vessels; and I do hereby declare that the following is a'fnll, clear, and exact description of the same, reference being had to the annexed drawings,
making part of this specification, in which l

Figure 1 is a perspective view of the stern of a vessel.

Figure is a vertical transverse section; and Figure 3, a perspective view of one of the plungers. In all the figures I employ the same letters in the indication oi identical parts. A is the stern of a vessel; on each side ofthe vessel I place- a chamber, B, opening directly astern. This` tubular chamber extends horizontally within the hull and then turns at right angles upwards. The chamber being open at thc lower extremity will be filled with water to the height of the external water line, the water

rising in 'the vertical portion of the chamber. This part of the chamber is tted toireceive the plunger C, which
is formed with an external case fitting the tube. -This case sustains the valve C', which is hinged on one side

to thecase, and when closed forms a head for the plunger. This valve in closing shuts against the central par tition 0', or may be made to work against proper valve seats in the lower edge of the case. The vopening of the valve is limited by a stop, C,`ivhi_ch is represented as a bar attached to the case, and carried below the valve.
The form of this stop is not important; any arrangement will be suiicient that stops thc valve atsuch a point as will Vpermit the water about the plunger tofescape freely, and insure at the same time its prompt return to the

valve seat, where the forward thrust of tile plunger commences. These plungers may he worked byany conve-n
ient arrangement of the actuating mechanism. I have shown one form, viz, the connecting-rods attached respectively to the wrists of a double crank, D, so constructed that the plunger-s shall each alternately rise as( the

other descends. The water will till part of the vertical portion of B B, and the reciprocating plungers pressing
against the same will force the vessel forwardwith the expulsion of the column of water. As the plunger rises

the inward pressure of >the'colurnn of water will ll the chamber in front of the plunger. The opening valves
as the plungers are raisedwill permit the escape of such water as may leak past the plunger. .

I do not claim the propulsion of vessels by the forward thrust of a reciprocating plunger, acting directly against the water, for this Iknow has been already done. My improvements relate to cheapening and simplifying

the construction of Asuch propellers by'hringing the chamber B upward >so that the plungers could operate verti
cally and against the column maintained in the chambers at the height of the external surface. In a horizontal cylinder, closed, as it necessarily must hc at the inner end, there is a resistance to the backward action of` plunger from the leakage water in the forward end of the cylinder. Invthe vertical arrangement there is no resist

ance to the upward action of the plunger,4 and the outwardly opening valve prevents the plunger from acting'as
a pump to sustain the weight of the column of water following its action. I am thus able to operate the plungers with the minimum of resistance to their upward action. What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is--- Y

A vessel constructed with pipes B B, opening directly astern, and bentvat right angles upward, in combina tion with reciprocating plungers C, open above, and working vertically in each, said plungers being constructed with outwardly opening valves C', and arranged to operate substantially as and for the'purpose set forth.
In testimony whereof I have signed my lname to this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.


E. Mason,
Jenn S. Hontmesnmn.

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