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The Sex Therapist By Joshua Sandz Published by Joshua Sandz at Smashwords Copyright 2012 Joshua Sandz This ebook

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Session 12 Resumed
(&n hindsight' & ne%er should ha%e dri%en away that day# &! & had !ollowed my heart instead o! my mind' then han es are & would)%e ne%er su!!ered the way & did#* (& spent subse+uent days and nights sending email a!ter email !illed with the words' (& lo%e you'* and (&)m sorry'* but despite my earnest attempts to re on ile our relationship a response ne%er ame, then ompelled to wonder how she ould so easily ignore me a!ter on!essing her lo%e' & ultimately ame to the on lusion that she did not are !or me as she)d said and my hurt turned to anger# -ueled by rage' the sub"e t o! my emails be ame ondemning in nature' a using her o! using me in any and e%ery way that & ould !athom' and to my surprise she responded' de!ending hersel!' and o!!ering a usations o! her own# .e went ba k and !orth that way about on e e%ery other week !or the next month and a hal!' and when my %enting was omplete we had somehow be ome tentati%e !riends# /s long as & emailed nothing more than' 0i or 0ow ya doin' she)d respond in kind' but i! & e%er tried to ha%e an a tual on%ersation &t)d be like she)d suddenly !allen o!! the grid#* (Though amusing at !irst' being ignored e%entually began hurting to the point that & belie%ed !a ing my weakness would help me o%er ome it, thus' & began going out o! my way to see her whether it was at work or home# &t was as simple as that at !irst' but as soon as & noti ed her warming up to me a little more with e%ery en ounter & started doing and saying things in an e!!ort to make her "ealous# & admit' it was a !eeble attempt to win ba k her a!!e tion' but upon realizing that my ploy wasn)t going to pro%ide the desired results & began to a ept the !a t &)d lost her by embra ing an element &)d long tried to deny# The honest to 1od truth was that 2ia had lo%ed me "ust as mu h as & lo%ed her' e%ident in her on!essions to ne%er !eeling that way about anyone be!ore' !elt e%ery time that she held my !a e to kiss me and on!irmed the night she !inally said the words' (& lo%e you,* there!ore & wondered' i! the lo%e was so strong between us' why had we not made our relationship o!!i ial#* (& re alled us both ha%ing reser%ations about doing so' her be ause she had broken up with someone to be with her then urrent girl!riend' expe ting the grass to be greener and !inding out that it was not' and & due to the !a t that e%ery woman id been with in the past had hanged soon a!ter & got in%ol%ed with them, so' e%en though our !eelings !or one another were ontinually growing stronger with ea h meeting' the !a t that neither o! us wanted to ruin what we had kept us !rom embra ing the idea# 2emory then "umped to when & ouldn)t stand being without her any longer' the moment & !oolishly de ided to speak on getting ba k with my wi!e in an e!!ort to make her mine and the e!!e t that those words had upon her' and then & re alled the last thing she said to me a!ter !inding out that & had been lying to her sin e day one# (& was the one person that you ould ha%e been honest with'* she said' and as those words e hoed in my head' the sound o! her %oi e replaying in my ear' & !inally realized that & had broken her heart#* (3nowing though personal experien e' as well as my studies' how hard it was to get ba k in the good gra es o! an a tual mate when su h a transgression was ommitted' & didn)t think & had a han e where 2ia was on erned# There!ore' & a epted what was and put together what was to be my !inal orresponden e# & apologized !or the pain &4d ause her and said goodbye' making sure to in lude that & was only doing so to keep !rom ausing her any more grie!' and on e the message was sent & deleted all means o! onta ting her !rom my phone and omputer (

(&n the days that !ollowed & thought about her endlessly' hoping that she)d see my walking away as being noble and gi%e me another han e' but when a week had !inally passed with no reprie%e & threw all hopes o! ha%ing her in my li!e to the wind and went about the task o! mo%ing on with my li!e, ne%ertheless' memories o! her' endearing rather than sad' ne%er le!t my mind'* he sighed' and then Carrie took the helm# (5ou still lo%e her don)t you6* she asked with a tilt o! her head# (& do'* he said with pursed lips# (/nd how long has it been sin e the two o! you broke up6* she asked uriously# (7early two years'* he answered' bringing a smile to her !a e as she uttered the word' (.ow # # #* / sel!$pro laimed !ool !or lo%e' the degree o! a!!e tion that 8aryl spoke o! was one whi h she had always dreamed o! but ne%er had the pleasure o! experien ing, it seemed e%erlasting' as i! s ripted !or a mo%ie' and !or that reason she ouldn)t help but wonder i! there was the possibility o! a happy ending# (.ould you take her ba k i! she e%er rea hed out to you again6* (& ha%e to honestly say that' would depend on my urrent romanti situation'* he smiled' (&! & were alone' then without a doubt would be my answer' but i! & were in a relationship it would depend on the person & am with, &! & had doubts about them' yes' but i! they were someone that satis!ied me as she did my answer would undoubtedly be' no#* (/nd your wi!e6* she posed# (She)s no longer my on ern'* he answered non halantly' baiting her to !ollow# (.hy not'* she asked' and when he told her that they had been di%or ed !or se%eral months her brain went on a !ritz as she struggled to !ind the words to sensiti%ely ask why the split had o urred# (.ell'* he began' shi!ting positions in his hair' (while & was grie%ing o%er 2ia & made the mistake o! bedding one o! my wi!e)s !irst ousins, &t was as mu h an a t o! %engean e toward her as it was a mindless attempt at reli%ing my experien es with 2ia' and when all was said and done between us she turned up pregnant# She pinned it on her then urrent boy!riend' but still she ame to me in pri%ate talking o! the possibility that the baby was mine# Be ause & had worn a ondom 99#9 per ent o! the times that we were together & was on!ident that & was not, ne%ertheless' & told her that & would be there !or her i! it was' and on e the little :lb# ;oz boy was born e%erything went to hell# The presumed !ather' guided by his mother' ob"e ted to the likelihood o! him being the dad be ause the baby did not resemble their side o! the !amily' a paternity test pro%ed that to be true' and then' under pressure !rom her parents to name the baby)s dad the dummy alled my name# 2y wi!e le!t to stay with her sister on e that got out' and & began getting threats both physi ally' !or what &)d done' and !inan ially' pertaining to what & was going to ha%e to do upon re ei%ing the results o! my paternity test' but when all was said and done' no ass uttins taken and none handed out' & was !ound not to be the !ather' and %ery soon a!terward & was also di%or ed# (/hh # # #'* Carrie uttered# 5our a%erage' sel!$absorbed' person would ha%e +uestioned 8r# 2ar ellus) sensibilities a!ter that' but that wasn)t her# She had made it a pra ti e to put hersel! in the shoes o! others be!ore passing "udgment' and in walking 8aryl)s mile she %iewed his a tions as a testament to how truly

downtrodden he was a!ter losing 2ia, it made her want to (/ww'* rather than look down upon him in any way' and that being the ase she mo%ed !orward with what interested her at the moment# (So you)re single now6* she asked# (5es & am'* he said proudly' and her entire mindset began to shi!t# &nstead o! "ust wanting to ha%e sex with him' the belie! that he was married ne%er holding any ground where that intent was on erned' she started to wonder' sin e she was dead$ set on getting a di%or e' i! there was a possibility that she ould ha%e him in her li!e permanently# (5ou seem pretty happy about that'* she teased# (& was' but that was only until & met that possible soul mate & promised to tell you about'* he smirked' and then Carrie began to smile ner%ously# <p to that point' enthralled by his stories' she)d !orgotten all about that promise' but with its) remembran e returned all o! the !eelings she had at the time when it was made, ne%ertheless' new to her psy he was doubt where there was none be!ore# Pre%iously' she)d assumed that the woman 8aryl hinted about was hersel!' but a!ter listening to all o! his thoughts and !eelings regarding his lady lo%e she wasn)t so sure that she measured up to the high expe tations put in pla e by 2ia# (=h okay'* she responded' somewhat hesitantly# (&s something wrong6* 8r# 2ar ellus asked# (7o' you may pro eed'* she said regally in an attempt to hide her anxiety' and as indi ated by the response' (1reat' &)%e been dying to get this o!! my hest'* 8aryl was eager to ontinue# >>>

/ll o! the die$hard readers out there ha%e seen this' ?' be!ore and understand its meaning' but !or those o! you who don)t' this star$shaped !igure is primarily used to indi ate an omission or !ootnote that an generally be !ound at the bottom o! that same page' or in this ase at the end o! the story, "ust look !or the se ond ? to !ind out what the !irst was all about# ?The true story o! 8aryl and 2ia does not end with a goodbye email, his lady !riend re onne ted with him a !ew days a!ter that' basi ally said hello and nothing else' so he took it as her way o! wanting to remain !riends# They ommuni ated on her terms a!ter that as they both mo%ed on with their li%es' but all the while' though he negle ted to e%er bring it up' there was always a !eeling down deep in his soul that what they had was meant to be# &t wasn)t until & started writing this' pi king his brain !or details' that he realized how strong his !eeling !or her still were, it messed him up pretty bad' bringing a halt to our ollaborations and ausing my most re ently missed deadline' but as you an see here we)%e worked through the dilemma' and here)s a little something extra to titillate your brains# 0is 2ia has read ea h o! the %olumes' ommenting on e%ery one' and within ea h is e%iden e that she knows &)m writing about their situation# & passed that knowledge on to him' and as he re+uested' this is the message that he wanted me to lea%e !or her' assuming that she reads this !ar# T#.#' wants me to tell you' 1#1#' two things, one' he still lo%es you' and two, he)s dying to talk to you about what' i! there is anything' he an do to bring you ba k into his li!e# @Cross your !ingers and toes kiddos and maybe &)ll be able to report some good news in the next issue#A 7ow to business# This hapter is the shortest yet' but please don)t !retB 7ext month' 8e ember 1st to be exa t' is the o!!i ial publish date !or the !inal installment o! this series, 8aryl will !inally tell Carrie the things he)s long been holding ba k' she in turn will tell him some things that ri%al his own on!ession' and when it)s all out in the open there will be !ireworksCCC =h what a happy day that will be !or me, !inding time to write is a nightmare when you)re "uggling work and the numerous other distra tions in the world' and that)s why &)m trying to make a areer out o! this# D%erything that &)%e o!!ered up to this point has been !ree so you' the reader' would ha%e ample opportunity to !amiliarize yoursel%es with my writing style' but the next issue' in the !orm o! the entire short story' will ha%e a pri e tag o! 1#99' so hope!ully you guys en"oyed the storyline enough to stay with me# &! not' then this is the per!e t time to say' Thanks' !or !ollowing me thus !ar' and hope!ully one o! my !uture titles will bring you into the !old # # # ( =n a !inal note' i! you ha%e intera ted with me up to this point or rated any o! my books' the !inal book will be !ree to you, "ust onta t me %ia any o! the mediums listed on e it has been published and &)ll gladly gi%e you the oupon ode# Conne t with 2e =nlineE TwitterE httpsEFFtwitter# omFJoshuaSandz BlogE httpEFFwww#sandzo!tyme#blogspot# omF -a ebookE httpEFFwww#!a ebook# omF"ohua#sandz SmashwordsE httpsEFFwww#smashwords# omFpro!ileF%iewFJoshuaSandz

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