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@a_Suggested Answers...) KERTAS PEPERIKSAAN SPM 2003 Paper 1 1D 20 8C 4B 5B 6D 7B 8A 9EF WO uB 2D BA MWD BB wc MD wC 9D 0B mC 2A BC MC 8 C 2B 27 C 8 C 8 A 80D 31C 082 Bo OBB A OSA A 85 36 A 387A 38 B 39D 40 B 41B 420 443 Bo 44 A 45 0 A 47B 8B 4D 506 Paper 2 Section A 1 (@) Gi) Internal jaws. Gi) To determine the internal diameter of an object. (b) To obtain an average value in order to obtain an accurate reading. Gi) To determine the precision of the ‘measurement, 2 (@) @ 100°C. (ii) P releases more heat as compared to Q in the same time interval. ©) @ ~~ Q = mee 8 400 = 0.25(4 2000) o = 8400 _ 035 x 4200 =38'C (ii) No heat is released to the surroundings. 3 (@) Electromagnetic waves. wv-3 ie onus a = 20 x 10"s (3 X 102 x 104) 60 000 m (©) (The distance Q is more further from the radar than of distance P to the radar. Gi) ‘To determine the closest distance of P to the radar and to Q. The distance of P to the radar is equal to the distance of @ to the radar, 4 (@) i) Refraction Gi) As water is denser than air, light waves that propagate from water to air are bent away from the normal. The eye of the person observing this phenomenon perceive that the light waves are forming a straight line. 218 oy b) on = Hh 133 = 04/h h = 04/133 0.30 m (@) The reading of the spring balance in Figure 7 is higher than 2 N as compared to the reading of the spring in Figure 8. (b) Weight of metal block, buoyant force, spring. tension. (©) Spring tension = weight of metal block ~ buoyant force Total buoyant force = total force downward (@) Archimedes’ Principle (©) (Reading is less than 7 N. i) ‘The density of salt solution is higher than the density of water. The apparent weight is higher; as such the buoyant force is higher. (a) The displacement of both balls is the same. ‘The distance of the two balls increases when they fall (b) Earth's gravitational attraction (©) (Acceleration. Gi) 10ms* (iii) Not relevant. (@ (The velocity of the ball reduces. i) The ball will experience an acceleration because it moves against the force of gravity of earth, (a) (i) Current amplifier i) SQ we (ii). The resistance of the LDR reduces because the potential difference of the LDR reduces. The base current through S increases. 8 (b) Exchange R with LDR. (© (i) LED must be replaced with a sound- emitting component. Gi) Bell and a heat dependent resistor. Gi Heat dependent Bell resistor (@) (and Gi) £ Weight, W Weight, W Figure 12 Figure 13, ® @ ow Gin) Section B 1 @ @ Gi) As indicated in the Figure 13, that is pulling the wheelbarrow. According to Figure 12, F, will cause the tyre pushed into the mud, Resistance and friction increases for forward movement. Force per unit area. pf a 500 2x 10° = 250 000 N m* Using a tyre which has a greater surface area because as the area increases, the pressure exerted by the tyre on the road decreases. ‘Momentum, p is the product of the mass and velocity p= mv where m = mass and v = velocity. ‘The unit of momentum is kg m 5° ‘The shape of the plasticine ball is more flat when the plasticine ball hits the wooden surface, which is more rigid and hard as compared to the surface of the soft sponge. When the plasticine ball hits the surface of the wood, the time of impact is shortened. This creates a high impulse force. When the plasticine ball hits the surface of the sponge, the time of impact is lengthened, causing a shorter impulsive force. The impulsive force is directly proportional to the time of impact. 279 @ @ ‘The total amount of energy in each system is constant. Before it is released, the plasticine has gravitational potential energy as a result of its position, When the plasticine is falling, the gravitational potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy. When the plasticine hits the surface of the wood or sponge, the kinetic energy is transferred to sound and heat energy. @ 1. A satellite is made from materials that have a high melting point as to enable it to withstand the extreme temperatures. This makes the satellite impregnable to being liquefied and melting. 2. A satellite is designed to minimize frictional forees eaused by its motion through air. 3. A satellite is protected by heat resistant materials so as to prevent, heat from entering it. A satellite is made from low-density materials to reduce the impulsive forces when it crashes. 2, A satellite is manufactured from rigid, light and strong materials. Thus, it would not be easily breakable or dented, 3. Assatellite is fitted with a parachute to increase the air resistance as to enable the velocity to be reduced ‘upon impact with the ground. di) 1 Electrical energy ——» Light energy —— Heat energy. (ii) For Figure 16: 3) Bulb 3 Dry cell P 2 > Switch For Figure 17: @ Bulb }_@)__| ® ® Switch Dry cell ‘al ) © All the bulbs in the Figure 16 (series circuit) are dimmer as compared to the bulbs in Figure 17 (parallel circuit). The brightness among the bulbs in both circuits is the same. The potential difference of all the bulbs in the parallel circuit is the same as the voltage of the dry cell. The potential difference in the series circuit is smaller than the potential difference in the parallel cireuit. The total current flowing in the parallel circuit is higher than the current flowing in the series circuit, 1. Using the cireuit with a parallel circuit, connection so that heat energy can be distributed uniformly even though a bulb is fused. 2, Arranging the eggs in multi storey racks so that more eggs can be arranged. 3. Using a fan to ensure that heat is distributed uniformly to the eggs. Bulbs with the same brightness are used throughout the circuit to ensure that that, heat is distributed uniformly to the eggs. 5. Using an alarm to ensure that correct timing is employed in the hatching of eggs. 6. Toensure that the temperature remains constant at 30 °C when the thermistor is fixed. Section C @ ) © i) ‘The principle of expansion of a liquid volume is applied in a liquid in glass ‘The thermometer is placed below the tongue or the armpit ofa patient, Heat from the body of the patient will be transferred to the thermometer. After a while, thermal equilibrium will be attained and the temperature indicated by the thermometer is the same as the body temperature of the patient. (Thermometer that contains alcohol is the most suitable one to be used as the freezing point of alcohol is low. Aleohol does not freeze between temperatures of 40 °C and -8 °C. The glass bulb of the thermometer is thin so that the sensitivity of the thermometer is high. The diameter of the capillary tube must be small to ensure that alcohol can expand at a high rate even though the heat supplied is small. The heat dissipated to the surroundings by the thermometer can be reduced if the walls of the thermometer are thick and constructed with a curvature. ‘Thermometer TT is most suitable as it uses alcohol, has a thin glass bulb, small 280 @ 4 @ ©) © capillary tube diameter as well as having a thick and curved wall. (i) From the ratio, 100-0 _ 20-8 O-x 8-5 100 _ 12 = ~ 3 300 = 12 _ 300, 12 = 25°C x = 25 +273 248 K (ii) The increase in the volume of mercury with increasing temperature, The atoms of an element that contain the same number of protons but differing number of neutrons are called isotopes. The atom number is the same but the nucleon number is different. (Isotope in the solid form is most suitable to be used as itis easily handled and does not make a mess. Beta particles that have medium penetration power are suitable to use as they are able to penetrate paper and less dangerous as compared to gamma rays. The half-life of the isotope must be long enough to ensure that the isotope can be used for a longer period of time. Strontium-90 is the most suitable isotope as it is a solid, it emits beta particles, has a half life of 28 years and has medium penetration power. rr) Radioactive ray detector Wheel @ Radioactive material Radioactive materials and the radioactive ray detector are arranged as shown in the diagram. High readings from the diagrams indicate a thin paper whereas a low reading indicates a thick paper. ety y + bn hy Tine may Where, N - Number of original activity T - Half-life

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