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September 2013

eace Corps volunLeer Sexual AssaulL Advlsory Councll

SepLember 23, 2013
Ms. Carrle Pessler-8adeleL
AcLlng ulrecLor
eace Corps
aul u. Coverdell eace Corps PeadquarLers
1111 20
SLreeL, nW
WashlngLon, u.C. 20326

uear Ms. Pessler-8adeleL:
We are pleased Lo submlL Lhe second annual reporL of Lhe eace Corps volunLeer Sexual AssaulL Advlsory
Councll (Lhe Councll"). 1hls submlsslon fulfllls Lhe annual reporL requlremenL of Lhe kaLe uzey eace
Corps volunLeer roLecLlon AcL of 2011 (Lhe kaLe uzey AcL"). 1he Councll's flrsL meeLlng was May 1, 2013.
Cver Lhe pasL flve monLhs, Councll members represenLlng a wlde range of experLlse, boLh governmenLal
and nongovernmenLal, have worked Lo asslsL and assess eace Corps' efforLs Lo supporL vlcLlms of sexual
1he Councll commends eace Corps' worldwlde lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe Sexual AssaulL 8lsk 8educLlon and
8esponse program on SepLember 1, 2013. We belleve Lhls comprehenslve and layered program wlll
slgnlflcanLly lncrease Lhe quallLy of supporL and response for volunLeers who are sexually assaulLed. eace
Corps has developed a robusL monlLorlng and evaluaLlon program Lo assess Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe
program's dlfferenL componenLs, and Lhe Councll looks forward Lo vlewlng Lhe resulLs ln Lhe comlng years.
1he Councll acknowledges LhaL eace Corps sLlll has work Lo be done ln Lerms of reflnlng Lhelr Lralnlng and
pollcles and our recommendaLlons vary ln complexlLy from baslc conLenL lncluslons Lo more subsLanLlal
pollcy enhancemenLs relaLlng Lo medlcal supporL.
1he Councll Lhanks all Lhose who conLrlbuLed Lo Lhls reporL and Lo Lhe eace Corps volunLeers and Lhelr
famlly members, especlally Lhe uzey famlly, who were lnsLrumenLal ln Lhe drafLlng and passage of Lhe kaLe
uzey AcL. We presenL Lhese recommendaLlons and flndlngs wlLh confldence LhaL eace Corps sLaff and
leadershlp wlll conLlnue Lo work wlLh Lhe Councll and oLher experLs Lo creaLe and enhance Lralnlng, pollcles,
and servlces for eace Corps volunLeers who are vlcLlms of crlme.

kaLhleen eLersen !ennlfer Marsh
Councll Co-Chalr Councll Chalr
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

eace Corps volunLeer Sexual AssaulL Advlsory Councll
1o Lhe resldenL
1o Lhe Chalr, SenaLe CommlLLee on lorelgn 8elaLlons
1o Lhe Chalr, Pouse CommlLLee on lorelgn Affalrs

We, Lhe appolnLed members of Lhe eace Corps volunLeer Sexual AssaulL Advlsory Councll, do hereby
submlL Lhe resulLs of our flndlngs and offer our besL recommendaLlons Lo enhance Lhe response of eace
Corps Lo volunLeers who have been sexually assaulLed.

Stac| 8eers
vlcLlm Servlces Manager
Cfflce for vlcLlm AsslsLance, 1errorlsm and
Speclal !urlsdlcLlon rogram
lederal 8ureau of lnvesLlgaLlon

Caro|yn Co|||ns
rogram Manager and ulvlslon Chlef
ueparLmenL of Lhe Army Sexual
ParassmenL/AssaulL 8esponse and revenLlon

Carmella uonahue
ulrecLor of CuLreach and 1ralnlng
8ureau of Consular Affalrs
u.S. ueparLmenL of SLaLe

Gregory Ducot
AcLlng AsslsLanL ulrecLor
8eglonal CperaLlons for Lurope, Lurasla, LaLln
Amerlca, and Lhe Carlbbean
lnLernaLlonal Crlmlnal lnvesLlgaLlve 1ralnlng
AsslsLance rogram
ueparLmenL of !usLlce

D|ana Iaugno, 8n, MSn, Cn, SAnL-A, SAnL-,
lAAlS, ul-lAln

Iust|n nargeshe|mer, MA
8eLurned eace Corps volunLeer
CuaLemala, 2010-2012

Susan Sm|th now|ey
ulrecLor of ubllc ollcy
naLlonal CenLer for vlcLlms of Crlme

Ienn|fer Marsh, Cha|r
vlce resldenL of vlcLlm Servlces
8ape, Abuse & lncesL naLlonal neLwork

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report


kath|een etersen, Co-Cha|r
8eLurned eace Corps volunLeer
kyrgyz 8epubllc 2003-2009

G|se|a Schm|dt
8eLurned eace Corps volunLeer
kazakhsLan, 2009-2011

8ette Stebb|ns Inch, MSC, CA
Senlor vlcLlm AsslsLance Advlsor
Cfflce of Lhe SecreLary of uefense,
Sexual AssaulL revenLlon and 8esponse Cfflce

M|chae| Weaver, Mu, lACL, lCC
Medlcal ulrecLor, lorenslc Care rogram
SalnL Luke's PealLh SysLem, kansas ClLy, MC

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

"#$%& '( )'*+&*+,
-)./0123 -04 456707"7/03 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 9
5:5);"7<5 3;22-.1 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 =
1ralnlng: Summary of llndlngs .................................................................................................................... 8
ollcy: Summary of llndlngs ........................................................................................................................ 9
llndlngs 8elaLed Lo ConfldenLlallLy and Lhe aperwork 8educLlon AcL ..................................................... 10
SLaLus of revlous 8ecommendaLlons ....................................................................................................... 10
70"./4;)"7/0 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 >>
urpose of Lhe kaLe uzey AcL ................................................................................................................... 11
urpose of Lhe Advlsory Councll ................................................................................................................ 11
urpose of Lhe 8eporL ............................................................................................................................... 12
MeLhodology ............................................................................................................................................. 12
35)"7/0 >? ".-7070@ 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 >A
Cvervlew .................................................................................................................................................... 14
llndlngs ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
8ecommendaLlons ..................................................................................................................................... 17
SLaLus of 2012 1ralnlng 8ecommendaLlons ............................................................................................... 18
35)"7/0 B? C/D7)1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 BB
Cvervlew .................................................................................................................................................... 22
llndlngs ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
8ecommendaLlons ..................................................................................................................................... 27
SLaLus of 2012 ollcy 8ecommendaLlons .................................................................................................. 30
35)"7/0 E? /"F5. .5)/22504-"7/03 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 EE
8ecommendaLlons Lo Congress ................................................................................................................. 34
8ecommendaLlons Lo eace Corps ............................................................................................................ 34
SLaLus of 2012 CLher 8ecommendaLlons .................................................................................................. 33
"F5 G-1 -F5-4 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 E9
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Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

-)./0123 -04 456707"7/03
8esL pracLlces: A seL of lmplemenLed and formally evaluaLed procedures, pollcles, and
lnLervenLlons, hlghllghLed Lo show Lhelr effecLlveness ln achlevlng Lhe program's lnLended
resulLs. usually Lhls means Lhe pracLlces have been lmplemenLed ln several places or

8l1: 8ysLander lnLervenLlon 1ralnlng
Cu: CounLry ulrecLor
CuC: CenLers for ulsease ConLrol and revenLlon
Cl8S: Crlme lncldenL 8eporLlng SysLem
CML: ConLlnulng Medlcal LducaLlon
CCu: Counsellng and CuLreach unlL
ulSA: urug faclllLaLed sexual assaulL
PCn: PosL CounLry naLlonal, a local clLlzen of Lhe hosL counLry who lnLeracLs or works wlLh Lhe
Cvs or ls a member of posL sLaff
lS: lnLerlm ollcy SLaLemenL
lS1/MS1: ln Servlce 1ralnlng/Mld-Servlce 1ralnlng
LCl: Language and Cross-CulLural laclllLaLor
MedLvac: Medlcal LvacuaLlon
MCS1: Medlcal Cverseas SLaff 1ralnlng
MCu: Memorandum of undersLandlng
nAC: naLlonal AdvocaLe CredenLlallng rogram
nCvA: naLlonal CrganlzaLlon for vlcLlm AsslsLance
CPS: Cfflce of PealLh Servlces
ClC: Cfflce of Lhe lnspecLor Ceneral
CM8: Cfflce of ManagemenL and 8udgeL
CSS: Cfflce of SafeLy and SecurlLy
CvA: Cfflce of vlcLlm Advocacy
CMC: eace Corps Medlcal Cfflcer
CSSC: eace Corps SafeLy and SecurlLy Cfflcer
Cv: eace Corps volunLeer
L: osL-Lxposure rophylaxls
S1: re-Servlce 1ralnlng (lnlLlal 9 Lo 12 weeks ln counLry)
8Cv: 8eLurned eace Corps volunLeer
SAlL: Sexual AssaulL lorenslc Lxam
SAl88: Sexual AssaulL: lmpacL, 8esponse, and 8eporLlng
SA8 vA: Sexual AssaulL revenLlon and 8esponse vlcLlm AdvocaLe (MlllLary)
SA8C: Sexual AssaulL 8esponse CoordlnaLor (MlllLary)
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

SA8L: Sexual AssaulL 8esponse Llalson
SA888: Sexual AssaulL 8lsk-8educLlon and 8esponse rogram
SML: Sub[ecL maLLer experLs
SSC: SafeLy and SecurlLy CoordlnaLor
S1l: Sexually 1ransmlLLed lnfecLlon
1Cn: 1hlrd CounLry naLlonal
uSuP: unlLed SLaLes ulrecL Plre
uSSC: unlLed SLaLes ersonal Servlces ConLracLor

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

5:5);"7<5 3;22-.1
1he kaLe uzey eace Corps volunLeer roLecLlon AcL of 2011
was deslgned Lo promoLe and
sLrengLhen eace Corps' Lralnlng and pollcles regardlng Lhe prevenLlon and response Lo sexual
vlolence. Among lLs provlslons, Lhe law called for Lhe creaLlon of a Sexual AssaulL Advlsory
Councll (Lhe Councll"), charged wlLh revlewlng Lhe Lralnlng and pollcles adopLed ln response Lo
Lhe AcL Lo ensure Lhey conform Lo besL pracLlces ln Lhe sexual assaulL fleld.
ln 2012, Lhe Councll revlewed Lhe re-Servlce 1ralnlng (S1) developed for eace Corps
volunLeers (Cvs) and pollces relaLed Lo sexual assaulL response.
lor each requlremenL, Lhe
Councll consldered wheLher Lhe Lralnlng or pollcy had been developed and, lf appllcable,
wheLher lL conformed Lo besL pracLlces. 1he Councll also provlded recommendaLlons for each
1hls year, Lhe Councll revlewed sLaff Lralnlng and pollcles relaLed Lo 8esLrlcLed 8eporLlng, sexual
mlsconducL by volunLeers, and Lhe Sexual AssaulL 8lsk 8educLlon and 8esponse rogram.
Cverall, Lhe Councll flnds LhaL Lremendous progress has been made Lo ensure pollcles and
Lralnlng meeL Lhe needs of volunLeers and educaLes sLaff ln a manner conslsLenL wlLh besL
pracLlces. 1he Councll also flnds lL commendable LhaL eace Corps has conLlnued Lo lmprove,
enhance and bulld on recommendaLlons made ln Lhe prevlous reporL. 1he Councll sees a
dedlcaLlon Lo noL only lmprovlng Lhe volunLeer experlence, buL also ensurlng a beLLer
undersLandlng of Lhe complexlLles of sexual vlolence and Lhe needs of volunLeers LhroughouL
all levels of Lhe organlzaLlon. Whlle volunLeers remaln aL Lhe forefronL of lmprovemenLs, Lhe
pollcles and Lralnlng developed for sLaff wlll have a long-Lerm lmpacL on all. 1he Councll has
hlghllghLed areas where eace Corps can conLlnue Lo sLrengLhen Lhelr programs and enhance
response Lhrough a varleLy of ways, lncludlng: reflned Lralnlng conLenL on sexual Lrauma
responses and conLlnued monlLorlng and evaluaLlon efforLs for all Sexual AssaulL 8lsk 8educLlon
and 8esponse servlces and mechanlsms.
"I#J*J*K? 3LMM#IN '( 6J*OJ*K,
1he kaLe uzey AcL requlres eace Corps Lo develop and lmplemenL comprehenslve sexual
assaulL rlsk-reducLlon and response Lralnlng, Lallored Lo Lhe counLry of servlce. 1hls lncludes
culLural Lralnlng relaLlng Lo gender relaLlons, rlsk-reducLlon sLraLegles, Lralnlng on sexual assaulL
LreaLmenL avallable ln such counLry, Lralnlng relaLlng Lo medlcal evacuaLlon procedures, and
Lralnlng on a vlcLlm's rlghL Lo pursue legal acLlon agalnsL a perpeLraLor. lnvlLees are provlded
lnformaLlon regardlng crlmes agalnsL and rlsks Lo volunLeers ln Lhe counLry Lo whlch Lhey been
lnvlLed Lo serve, Lhe conLacL lnformaLlon of Lhe lnspecLor Ceneral of Lhe eace Corps for Lhe

kA1L uZL? LACL CC8S vCLun1LL8 8C1LC1lCn AC1 Cl 2011, .L. 112-37.
eace Corps Sexual AssaulL Advlsory Councll: Annual 8eporL, november 2012.
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

purposes of reporLlng sexual assaulL mlsmanagemenL or oLher mlsconducL, guldellnes regardlng
whom Lo conLacL (lncludlng dlrecL Lelephone numbers) and sLeps Lo Lake lf a sexual assaulL or
oLher crlme occurs, and conLacL lnformaLlon for a 24-hour sexual assaulL hoLllne.
ln general, Lhe Councll found Lhese Lralnlngs comprehenslve and compllanL wlLh besL pracLlces
for sexual assaulL awareness and response Lralnlng. 1hroughouL Lhe revlew process, Lhe Councll
found LhaL eace Corps had addressed several of Lhe Councll's prevlous suggesLlons based on
parLlclpanL feedback from Lhe flrsL plloL. 1he Councll ldenLlfled several recommendaLlons LhaL
wlll clarlfy and enhance Lhese Lhree Lralnlngs. 1hese recommendaLlons lnvolve Lhe need Lo
conLlnually repeaL and add conLenL relaLlng Lo prlvacy and confldenLlallLy, provlde addlLlonal
conLenL for sLaff relaLlng Lo drug faclllLaLed sexual assaulL, reflne sLaff Lralnlng relaLlng Lo sexual
Lrauma and lmprove Lhe eace Corps learnlng managemenL sysLem.
C'%JPN? 3LMM#IN '( 6J*OJ*K,
1he kaLe uzey AcL mandaLes Lhe developmenL of cerLaln pollcles relaLed Lo sexual vlolence.
eace Corps musL develop and lmplemenL a comprehenslve sexual assaulL pollcy LhaL lncludes a
sysLem for resLrlcLed and unresLrlcLed reporLlng of sexual assaulL, Lhe deslgnaLlon of a Sexual
AssaulL 8esponse Llalson (SA8L) ln each counLry, Lhe provlslon of servlces Lo a volunLeer who
has been a vlcLlm of sexual assaulL, lncludlng, aL a volunLeer's dlscreLlon, a sexual assaulL
forenslc exam ln accordance wlLh appllcable hosL counLry law, Lhe provlslon, lf necessary, of
emergency healLh care, lncludlng a mechanlsm for such volunLeer Lo evaluaLe healLh care
provlders, Lhe provlslon, lf necessary, of counsellng and psychlaLrlc medlcaLlon, Lhe compleLlon
of a safeLy and LreaLmenL plan wlLh Lhe volunLeer, Lhe provlslon of an evacuaLlon for medlcal
LreaLmenL, accompanled by a eace Corps sLaffer aL Lhe requesL of Lhe volunLeer, as well as a
cholce of medlcal provlders when evacuaLed and a mechanlsm Lo evaluaLe Lhe provlders, and
an explanaLlon Lo Lhe volunLeer of avallable law enforcemenL, prosecuLorlal opLlons, and legal

1he Councll flnds LhaL, wlLh Lhe flnal developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of a number of Lhe
recommended pollcles and servlces durlng Lhe pasL 12 monLhs, eace Corps has demonsLraLed
sLrong commlLmenL and follow-Lhrough Lo ensure LhaL proper pollcles are ln place for Lhe
educaLlon and preparaLlon of sLaff and volunLeers.

WlLh Lhe SepLember 1, 2013 release of Lhe SA8Ls and 8esLrlcLed and SLandard 8eporLlng
pollcles, eace Corps conLlnues demonsLraLlng lLs commlLmenL Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of a
comprehenslve program Lo prevenL and respond Lo sexual assaulL ln addlLlon, Lhe eace Corps'
rocedures for 8espondlng Lo Sexual AssaulL, whlch replaced Culdellnes for 8espondlng Lo
Sexual AssaulL, provldes a solld framework for all sLakeholders.
eace Corps conLlnued Lo Lake a number of poslLlve sLeps durlng Lhe reporLlng perlod. eace
Corps esLabllshed Lhe pollcy framework Lo provlde local law enforcemenL and prosecuLorlal
opLlons Lo volunLeers Lhrough lLs modlfled Legal LnvlronmenL Survey. ln addlLlon, eace Corps
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

developed Lhe SLandlng Cllnlcal Crder SeL and 1reaLmenL lan, whlch ouLllnes sLandardlzed,
evldence-based cllnlcal proLocols for Lhe cllnlcal managemenL of a sexual assaulL vlcLlm.
ln november 2012, eace Corps launched Lhe Lmergency PealLh Care and rovlder LvaluaLlon
whlch ls avallable Lo all volunLeers, noL only vlcLlms of sexual assaulL. ln lebruary 2013, eace
Corps plloLed lLs 24-Pour Anonymous Sexual AssaulL PoLllne ln seven counLrles. 1hrough
evaluaLlon of Lhls slx-monLh plloL, eace Corps anLlclpaLes launchlng Lhe PoLllne globally and
evenLually lncorporaLlng Lhls crlLlcal resource lnLo lLs Lralnlng maLerlals.
1he Councll wlll conLlnue worklng wlLh eace Corps Lo ensure LhaL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
Sexual AssaulL lorenslc Lxams (SAlL) responds Lo boLh Lhe needs and well belng of Lhe vlcLlms
as well as Lhe requlremenLs of local legal sysLems.
ln Lhe developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of Lhese pollcles and resources, eace Corps made a
slgnlflcanL efforL Lo consulL wlLh experLs and ensure LhaL Lhe pollcles conform Lo besL pracLlces
Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL models exlsL. Powever, Lhe Councll encourages eace Corps Lo conLlnue Lo
uLlllze Lhe experLlse found wlLhln lLs members when developlng and reflnlng lLs pollcles and
6J*OJ*K, .&%#+&O +' )'*(JO&*+J#%J+N #*O +Q& C#R&IS'IT .&OLP+J'* -P+
Whlle revlewlng Lralnlngs and pollcles Lhe Councll ldenLlfled several lLems LhaL would
slgnlflcanLly sLrengLhen eace Corps response and supporL for vlcLlms of sexual assaulL. 1he flrsL
of Lhese lLems ls Lo provlde prlvllege Lo all communlcaLlons beLween vlcLlms and Lhe Cfflce of
vlcLlm Advocacy and Sexual AssaulL 8esponse Llalsons. 1hls wlll help Lo ensure Lhe
confldenLlallLy of Lhe cases and would follow besL pracLlce precedenLs ln Lhe clvlllan and
mlllLary communlLy. 1he second lLem ls a recommendaLlon Lo Congress Lo exempL eace Corps
from Lhe aperwork 8educLlon AcL ln an efforL Lo allow a more Lhorough analysls and
evaluaLlon of Lhe SA888 program. 1he flnal lLems relaLe Lo eace Corps monlLorlng and
evaluaLlon efforLs as Lhey apply Lo SA888. 1he Councll flnds Lhese efforLs paramounL Lo
ensurlng Lhe success of Lhe program and lLs conLlnuous evoluLlon Lo meeL Lhe unlque needs of
eace Corps volunLeers who are vlcLlms of sexual assaulL.
3+#+L, '( CI&UJ'L, .&P'MM&*O#+J'*,
See Appendlx A.

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

CLIR',& '( +Q& V#+& CLW&N -P+
Cn november 21, 2011, resldenL Cbama slgned lnLo law Lhe kaLe uzey eace Corps
volunLeer roLecLlon AcL of 2011. 1he AcL was named ln honor of kaLe uzey, a eace Corps
volunLeer who dled whlle servlng ln 8enln ln 2009.
kaLe uzey was an ouLsLandlng volunLeer who represenLed Amerlca wlLh her passlon for
servlce and commlLmenL Lo maklng Lhe world a beLLer place. 1he AcL, a LrlbuLe Lo uzey,
marked an lmporLanL mllesLone for eace Corps and ensured LhaL eace Corps volunLeers
would recelve Lhe besL supporL and proLecLlon.

1he kaLe uzey AcL noL only codlfled and expanded eace Corps' currenL efforLs Lo supporL
volunLeers who are vlcLlms of crlme, lL mandaLed Lhe creaLlon of new pollcles, Lralnlng and
servlces LhaL wlll sLrengLhen eace Corps' admlnlsLraLlve supporL for all volunLeers.
CLIR',& '( +Q& -OUJ,'IN )'L*PJ%
1he kaLe uzey AcL esLabllshed Lhe Sexual AssaulL Advlsory Councll (Lhe Councll"), and
"#$ %&'()*+ ,#&'+- .$$/ (&/ +$,, &0/$( /#1( 1(('1++2 /& 3$4*$5 /#$ ,$6'1+ 1,,1'+/ 3*,78
3$-')/*&( 1(- 3$,9&(,$ /31*(*(: -$4$+&9$- '(-$3 ,$)/*&( ;<= /#$ ,$6'1+ 1,,1'+/ 9&+*)2
-$4$+&9$- '(-$3 ,$)/*&( ;>= 1(- ,')# &/#$3 .1//$3, 3$+1/$- /& ,$6'1+ 1,,1'+/ /#$ %&'()*+
4*$5, 1, 1993&93*1/$= /& $(,'3$ /#1/ ,')# /31*(*(: 1(- 9&+*)2 )&(0&3. /& /#$ $6/$(/
931)/*)1?+$ /& ?$,/ 931)/*)$, *( /#$ ,$6'1+ 1,,1'+/ 0*$+-@

1he AcL furLher mandaLed LhaL:
B( 1( 1(('1+ ?1,*, 0&3 0*4$ 2$13, 10/$3 /#$ -1/$ &0 /#$ $(1)/.$(/ &0 /#*, ,$)/*&( 1(- 1/
/#$ -*,)3$/*&( &0 /#$ %&'()*+ /#$3$10/$3= /#$ %&'()*+ ,#1++ ,'?.*/ /& /#$ C3$,*-$(/ 1(- /#$
%&..*//$$ &( D&3$*:( E$+1/*&(, 1(- /#$ %&..*//$$ &( <993&93*1/*&(, &0 /#$ F$(1/$ 1(-
/#$ %&..*//$$ &( D&3$*:( <001*3, 1(- /#$ %&..*//$$ &( <993&93*1/*&(, &0 /#$ G&',$ &0
E$93$,$(/1/*4$, 1 3$9&3/ &( */, 0*(-*(:, ?1,$- &( /#$ 3$4*$5,H &0 /#$ ,$6'1+ 1,,1'+/ 3*,78
3$-')/*&( 1(- /31*(*(: 1(- 9&+*)2@

ln accordance wlLh Lhe kaLe uzey AcL, Councll members were appolnLed by Lhe eace Corps
ulrecLor Lo meeL Lhe followlng quallflcaLlons:

SLaLemenL from eace Corps ulrecLor Aaron S Wllllams, november 21, 2011.
kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon AcL of 2011, .L. 112-37, Sec 8u.
kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon AcL of 2011, .L. 112-37, Sec. 8u. And 22 uSC 2307d.
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

"#$ %&'()*+ ,#1++ )&(,*,/ &0 (&/ +$,, /#1( $*:#/ *(-*4*-'1+,@ </ +$1,/ &($
.$.?$3 ,#1++ ?$ 1 E$/'3($- C$1)$ %&39, J&+'(/$$3 5#& 51, 1 4*)/*. &0
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A compleLe llsL of Councll members and Lhelr quallflcaLlons can be found aL Lhe concluslon of
Lhls reporL.
CLIR',& '( +Q& .&R'I+
1hls reporL fulfllls Lhe Councll's obllgaLlon as ouLllned ln Lhe 'Sexual AssaulL Advlsory Councll
CharLer and 8y-Laws' Lo prepare an annual reporL on lLs flndlngs from a revlew of Lhe Lralnlng
and pollcles developed by eace Corps as requlred by Lhe kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon AcL.
1he reporL revlews Lhe Lralnlng and pollcles of, and provldes recommendaLlons Lo, eace Corps.
AddlLlonally, Lhe reporL ouLllnes nexL sLeps for Lhe Councll.
1he eace Corps ulrecLor appolnLed 12 lndlvlduals, all wlLh varled backgrounds and experlence
worklng wlLh vlcLlms of sexual assaulL, as well as 8eLurned eace Corps volunLeers. A ma[orlLy
of Lhese lndlvlduals meL over a day and a half ln May 2013 and Lwo days ln !uly 2013. 1hese
meeLlngs provlded an opporLunlLy for Lhe Councll members Lo meeL one anoLher, learn abouL
updaLes Lo eace Corps' SafeLy and SecurlLy Lralnlng, Lhe lmplemenLaLlon and developmenL of
pollcles and recelve an overvlew of Lhe eace Corps Sexual AssaulL 8esponse Llalson (SA8L)
1ralnlng. 1hls 40-hour Lralnlng for SA8Ls lncludes a one-day [olnL Lralnlng for SA8Ls, SafeLy and
SecurlLy CoordlnaLors (SSCs) and eace Corps Medlcal Cfflcers (CMCs). rlor Lo Lhe concluslon
of Lhe May meeLlng, Lhe Councll members spllL lnLo Lwo sub-groups focused on Lralnlng and
1he pollcy and Lralnlng sub-groups revlewed exlsLlng pollcles and Lralnlng, applled besL pracLlce
sLandards, and drafLed flndlngs and recommendaLlons over Lhe course of Lhe followlng four
monLhs. Weekly conference calls were held Lo monlLor progress on asslgned Lasks. ln an efforL
Lo be producLlve, and mlndful of Llme consLralnLs, Lhe Councll declded Lo end Lhe exploraLory
phase on AugusL 31, 2013 and reserve furLher revlew of pollcles, Lralnlng, and proLocols
developed afLer Lhls daLe for subsequenL annual reporLs.
1hroughouL Lhe Councll's Annual 8eporL, references are made Lo 'besL pracLlces' and Sub[ecL
MaLLer LxperLs (SMLs). 1he Councll deflned besL pracLlces as Lhose procedures, pollcles, and
lnLervenLlons LhaL have been lmplemenLed by oLher agencles or organlzaLlons and had been

Sexual AssaulL Advlsory Councll CharLer and 8y-Laws, SecLlon 28. 1o vlew a compleLe llsL of Councll members and
Lhelr quallflcaLlons see appendlx 8
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

formally evaluaLed Lo show Lhelr effecLlveness ln achlevlng Lhe lnLended resulLs as deLermlned
by Lhe program. 1he besL pracLlces LhaL are appllcable Lo Lhe Councll's flndlngs have been
accepLed by naLlonal and/or sLaLewlde guldellnes, lessons learned, and lnpuL from sexual
assaulL vlcLlms. Some of Lhese sLandards lnclude Achlevlng Lxcellence: Model SLandards for
Servlng vlcLlms of Survlvors of Crlme, u.S. ueparLmenL of !usLlce. 1he Councll deLermlned LhaL
all eace Corps pollcles and Lralnlngs should be vlcLlm-cenLered and applled Lhls mlndseL when
revlewlng all maLerlals and documenLaLlon. Sub[ecL MaLLer LxperLs (SMLs) were deflned as
Lhose lndlvlduals recognlzed by Lhelr respecLlve flelds wlLh Sub[ecL MaLLer LxperLlse ln Lhe
medlcal, legal, and advocacy flelds relaLlng Lo vlcLlms of sexual vlolence.
1he AcL Lasked Lhe Councll wlLh Lhe revlew of eace Corps proLocols relaLlng Lo sexual assaulL
pollcy and Lralnlng. 1he Councll assessed all relevanL eace Corps documenLs and asked
quesLlons based on Lhe requlremenLs speclfled ln Lhe kaLe uzey AcL. lor each lLem Lhe Councll
assessed wheLher:
1. 1he Lralnlng or pollcy had been creaLed or updaLed,
2. 1he lLem meL recognlzed or promlslng besL pracLlce sLandards Lo Lhe exLenL pracLlcable,
3. eace Corps had consulLed experLs ln Lhe developmenL of Lhe lLem.

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

35)"7/0 >? ".-7070@
Cver Lhe lasL year, Lhe Councll assessed Lhe Lralnlng developed for sLaff ln relaLlon Lo Lhe Sexual
AssaulL 8lsk 8educLlon and 8esponse rogram (SA888). 1he kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon
AcL mandaLes LhaL eace Corps Lraln all sLaff ouLslde Lhe unlLed SLaLes regardlng Lhe eace
Corps Sexual AssaulL ollcy."
1here are Lhree concurrenL Lracks for Lhe CMCs, SA8Ls and SSCs.
1he Councll revlewed Lhe 40-hour SA8L Lralnlng and wlLhln LhaL, Lhe currlcular for Lhe one-day
Lralnlng for Lhe deslgnaLed sLaff Leam. 1he followlng Lwo sLaff Lralnlngs were revlewed durlng
Lhls reporLlng perlod:
1. Sexual AssaulL Awareness and vlcLlm SenslLlvlLy (SAAvS)
L@ ueslgnaLed SLaff 1ralnlng for MCFN8ONP E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/
Sexua| Assau|t Awareness and V|ct|m Sens|t|v|ty (SAAVS)
1he SAAvS Lralnlng ls an onllne, lnLroducLory course for sLaff on sexual assaulL awareness and
Lhe prlnclples of a vlcLlm-cenLered approach. SAAvS was developed Lhrough consulLaLlon wlLh
ouLslde SMLs, lncludlng Lhe ueparLmenL of !usLlce. SAAvS ls a foundaLlonal course ln a planned
currlculum developed by eace Corps aL PeadquarLers and ln-counLry sLaff who may have
conLacL wlLh a vlcLlm of sexual assaulL. 1hls course covers myLhs and facLs of sexual assaulL, Lhe
lmpacL of sexual assaulL on vlcLlms, famlly, frlends, work, and llfe, some of Lhe reasons
volunLeers and (vlcLlms ln general) do noL reporL sexual assaulLs, eace Corps' %&..*/.$(/, /&
F$6'1+ <,,1'+/ J*)/*.,, and vlcLlm relaLlons and communlcaLlon.
eace Corps launched Lhe Lralnlng on uecember 14, 2012, and requlred Lhe followlng sLaff Lo
compleLe and pass Lhe Lralnlng by March 14, 2013 (90 days):
PeadquarLers: Cfflce of SafeLy and SecurlLy, Cfflce of vlcLlm Advocacy, Cfflce of PealLh
Servlces, Cfflce of Lhe Ceneral Counsel, volunLeer 8ecrulLmenL and SelecLlon, Cfflce of
Congresslonal 8elaLlons, Cfflce of Clobal CperaLlons, and all 8eglonal sLaff.
Cverseas SLaff: CounLry ulrecLor, ulrecLor of ManagemenL CperaLlons, ulrecLor of
rogrammlng and 1ralnlng, 1ralnlng Manager, rogram Manager, eace Corps Medlcal
Cfflcer, AssoclaLe eace Corps ulrecLor, rogrammlng and 1ralnlng SpeclallsLs, and
SafeLy and SecurlLy CoordlnaLor.
ln order Lo evaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe Lralnlng and gauge learners' ablllLles, Lhe evaluaLor
for Lhe SA888 developed a pre and posL-LesL. AL Lhe end of Lhe mandaLory 90 day perlod
1,394 eace Corps sLaff had compleLed Lhe SAAvS Lralnlng. Accordlng Lo Lhe daLa, 97 percenL of

kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon AcL of 2011, .L. 112-37, Sec 8A.
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

sLaff passed Lhe course wlLh a score of 80 or beLLer. SLaff knowledge and awareness lncreased
13 polnLs from an average score of 78 durlng Lhe pre-LesL Lo 93 aL Lhe posL-LesL. 1he mosL
slgnlflcanL area of lmprovemenL was ln vlcLlm relaLlons (llgure 1). 1hls area of Lhe Lralnlng
lnLroduced sLaff Lo Lhe baslcs of a volunLeer-cenLered approach (or vlcLlm-cenLered approach)
as deflned by eace Corps, whaL Lo say Lo vlcLlms, and culLural dlfferences ln deflnlng and
respondlng Lo sexual assaulL.
I|gure 1: SAAVS Improved Learn|ng Areas

Slnce March 2013, eace Corps has requlred new sLaff wlLhln Lhe offlces or holdlng Lhe
poslLlons llsLed above Lo compleLe and pass Lhe Lralnlng wlLhln 30 days of Lhelr arrlval on duLy.
All oLher sLaff aL posLs and headquarLers are encouraged Lo Lake Lhe Lralnlng.
Des|gnated Staff 1ra|n|ng for IS3-13: kespond|ng to Sexua| Assau|t
ln Aprll 2013, eace Corps passed M(/$3*. C&+*)2 F/1/$.$(/ QMCFRN8ONP E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+
<,,1'+/, a reporL accompanled by lmplemenLaLlon procedures. 1hls pollcy and accompanylng
procedures ouLllne eace Corps' resLrlcLed and sLandard reporLlng opLlons, sLaff roles and
duLles ln response, confldenLlallLy requlremenLs, and Lhe servlces avallable Lo volunLeers (see
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

Lhe ollcy secLlon of Lhls reporL for an assessmenL of Lhe pollcy), effecLlve SepLember 1, 2013
afLer deslgnaLed sLaff Lralnlng.
8eLween May and AugusL, eace Corps Lralned all deslgnaLed sLaff
ln Lhe pollcles and
procedures for lS3-13, and Lhe followlng relaLed pollcles and procedures:
lS2-13: Sexual AssaulL 8esponse Llalsons
lS1-13: SLalklng
lS1-11: lmmunlLy from eace Corps ulsclpllnary AcLlon for vlcLlms of Sexual AssaulL
lS1-12: volunLeer Sexual MlsconducL
MS264 Medlcal LvacuaLlon (revlslons regardlng sexual assaulL)
MS284 Larly 1ermlnaLlon (revlslons regardlng sexual assaulL)
1hree ln-person Lralnlngs were held (1halland, llorlda, and Senegal), and approxlmaLely 270
posL sLaff were Lralned durlng Lhe week-long sesslons. 1he Lralnlngs broughL LogeLher Lhe
counLry response Leams, whlch conslsL of Lwo Sexual AssaulL 8esponse Llalsons (SA8Ls), a
SafeLy and SecurlLy CoordlnaLor (SSC), and Lhe eace Corps Medlcal Cfflcers (CMCs). 1oplcs
for Lhe Lralnlng lncluded sexual assaulL dynamlcs, Leam bulldlng, Lhe role of Lhe SA8L, vlcLlm
relaLlons, posL-Lrauma reacLlons by vlcLlms, demonsLraLlon of a Sexual AssaulL lorenslc Lxam
(SAlL), and servlce provlders eLhlcs.
1eams spenL a full day learnlng Lhe pollcles and pracLlclng
Lhe procedures Lhrough response scenarlos, and deslgnlng a response sLraLegy. 1hls was Lhe
flrsL Llme eace Corps had faclllLaLed a mulLldlsclpllnary Lralnlng for sLaff who are responslble
for supporLlng volunLeers who have been sexually assaulLed. MalnLalnlng Lhe volunLeer's
confldenLlallLy was emphaslzed ln several sesslons. 1he SA888 evaluaLor creaLed an onllne pre
and posL-LesL for Lhls Lralnlng as well, however Lhe daLa was noL avallable aL Lhe close of our
research perlod ln !uly.
1o assess Lhese Lralnlngs, Lhe Councll members revlewed Lhe Lralnlng maLerlals, lncludlng
sesslon plans and learnlng ob[ecLlves. We also were able Lo revlew Lhe SAAvS onllne course
Lhrough eace Corps' learnlng managemenL sysLem durlng our annual meeLlng aL eace Corps.
Cne Councll member observed Lhe fourLh day of ueslgnaLed SLaff 1ralnlng for Lhe lnLer-
Amerlcan and aclflc 8eglon, whlch covered pollcy and procedure Lralnlng. We compared Lhe
conLenL of eace Corps' Lralnlng Lo Lhose currenLly ln place aL our agencles and organlzaLlons,

1he pollcy names Lhese as ueslgnaLed SLaff who are Lasked wlLh respondlng Lo boLh resLrlcLed and sLandard
reporLs of sexual assaulL. 1hey are: CMC, SSC, SA8L, vlcLlm AdvocaLe, and Asslgned SecurlLy SpeclallsL.
eace Corps Medlcal Cfflcers (CMCs) were Lralned on conducLlng SAlLs ln 2011 and 2012.
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

as well as sLandards seL forLh by Lhe ueparLmenL of !usLlce ln <)#*$4*(: S6)$++$()$P T&-$+
F/1(-13-, 0&3 F$34*(: J*)/*., 1(- F'34*4&3, &0 %3*.$@

1he Councll found LhaL boLh Lralnlngs were, ln general, comprehenslve and adhered Lo besL
pracLlces ln sexual assaulL awareness and response Lralnlng. 8oLh Lralnlng formaLs meL besL
learnlng pracLlces ln regards Lo adulL learnlng deslgn, parLlclpanL lnLeracLlon, monlLorlng and
evaluaLlon of learnlng, and general conLenL provlslon. 1he Councll found Lhe ueslgnaLed SLaff
1ralnlng Lralners from eace Corps PeadquarLers adepL aL conveylng Lhe serlousness of Lhe
Lralnlng conLenL whlle engaglng Lhe parLlclpanLs ln producLlve conversaLlons beLween
headquarLers and counLry Leams. 1hls Lralnlng followed besL pracLlces ln adulL learnlng models
uslng a Lraln, pracLlce, and LesL model. arLlclpanLs appeared enLhuslasLlc and responslve Lo Lhe
Lralnlng conLenL.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>: AlLhough addressed brlefly ln Lhe ueslgnaLed SLaff 1ralnlng for lS3-
13, Lhe Councll recommends addlng more ln-depLh lnformaLlon regardlng how perpeLraLors
may use subsLances Lo faclllLaLe sexual assaulLs ln fuLure Lralnlngs. 8ecenL sLudles show LhaL
whaL was prevlously consldered a slLuaLlon of muLual alcohol consumpLlon by vlcLlm and
perpeLraLor ls acLually a pre-medlLaLed assaulL by Lhe perpeLraLor who uses alcohol as a drug.

1he Councll belleves eace Corps sLaff need Lo undersLand how alcohol ls used as a sexual
assaulL Lool ln order Lo besL supporL Lhe volunLeer.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EYB? eace Corps should lncorporaLe Lralnlng abouL sexual Lrauma
responses and Lhe neuroblology of Lrauma LhroughouL fuLure Lralnlngs for deslgnaLed sLaff. 1he
ueslgnaLed SLaff 1ralnlng on lS3-13 dlscusses Lrauma reacLlons prlmarlly Lhrough Lhe lens of
osL-1raumaLlc SLress ulsorder (1Su) and Lhrough conLenL addresslng common assumpLlons
abouL vlcLlm behavlor. lL ls lmporLanL for sLaff Lo recognlze LhaL a ma[orlLy of sexual assaulL
vlcLlms wlll noL be dlagnosed wlLh a menLal healLh dlsorder, and LhaL mosL vlcLlms have a
normal reacLlon Lo an abnormal evenL. We belleve LhaL sexual Lrauma responses and Lhe
neuroblology of Lrauma ouLslde Lhe conLexL of 1Su wlll be more effecLlve learnlng Lools
because Lhey explaln how and why vlcLlms reacL Lhe way Lhey do, boLh durlng and afLer an
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EYE? eace Corps should conLlnue Lo reflne Lhelr learnlng managemenL
sysLem, eace Corps unlverslLy. 1he Lralnlng ls effecLlve and can help ensure LhaL no maLLer
who a vlcLlm reaches ouL Lo LhaL lndlvldual ls prepared Lo respond ln a senslLlve, supporLlve and

ueParL, u. <)#*$4*(: S6)$++$()$P T&-$+ F/1(-13-, 0&3 F$34*(: J*)/*., 1(- F'34*4&3, &0 %3*.$ (2011). WashlngLon,
uC: unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of !usLlce Cfflce for vlcLlms of Crlme.
Llsak, u. V(-$3,/1(-*(: /#$ C3$-1/&32 W1/'3$ &0 F$6'1+ J*&+$()$ (2011). klngsLon, new !ersey: Clvlc 8esearch
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

lnformed manner. 1he Councll recommends eace Corps creaLe a comprehenslve onllne
learnlng sLraLegy, and we encourage Lhem Lo conLlnue Lo lmprove Lhelr onllne courses Lo meeL
besL pracLlce sLandards for onllne learnlng.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EYA? Add language, layered LhroughouL Lhe sLaff Lralnlng, whlch dlscusses
Lhe lmporLance of confldenLlallLy as lL perLalns Lo elecLronlc communlcaLlon (emall, LexL eLc)
and how Lo avold sharlng lnformaLlon ln an unsecure elecLronlc formaL. ersonally ldenLlfylng
lnformaLlon (ll) and confldenLlallLy are boLh addressed ln Lhe ueslgnaLed SLaff 1ralnlng.
Powever, Lhe Councll belleves Lhese lssues Lo be of Lhe uLmosL lmporLance, and as such Lhe
sLaff Lralnlng, all acLlvlLles, fuLure Lralnlngs and scenarlos should lncorporaLe addlLlonal pracLlcal
appllcaLlon of Lhese pollcles and pracLlces LhroughouL. 1he Councll recognlzes Lhe challenges
eace Corps faces when supporLlng a vlcLlm overseas and LhaL Lhere may be more sLaff
engaged ln order Lo provlde approprlaLe supporL. As a resulL, lL ls lmporLanL for all sLaff Lo
undersLand Lhe rules, guldellnes and consequences regardlng ll and confldenLlallLy pollcles Lo
avold poLenLlally harmful slLuaLlons for Lhe vlcLlms or Lhemselves. 1hls lncludes Lralnlng Lhe
sLaff ln lssues of ll and soclal medla, whlch Lhe Councll recommended ln 2012 (See SLaLus of
2012 8ecommendaLlons).
3+#+L, '( BX>B "I#J*J*K .&P'MM&*O#+J'*,
ln 2012, Lhe Councll revlewed Lhe Lralnlng developed for volunLeers and 1ralnees-a global
core Lralnlng package conslsLlng of Lhree modules relaLed Lo sexual assaulL. 1hese modules are
dellvered durlng re-Servlce 1ralnlng Lo all 1ralnees. 1he Councll found LhaL Lhls Lralnlng
package, developed accordlng Lo besL pracLlces ln consulLaLlon wlLh SMLs ln Lhe sexual assaulL
prevenLlon fleld and ln comblnaLlon wlLh oLher safeLy and securlLy and culLural relaLlons
Lralnlngs, saLlsfled Lhe requlremenLs ouLllned ln Lhe kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon AcL.
Slnce our revlew, eace Corps collecLed daLa from Lwo groups of volunLeers: Lhose who began
servlce afLer november 2011 recelved Lhe sLandardlzed global core sesslons on sexual assaulL
(LreaLmenL) and volunLeers who began servlce before november 2011 recelved Lhe prevlous
safeLy and securlLy Lralnlng (conLrol). 1he survey measured Lhe volunLeers' percepLlon of each
Lralnlng's effecLlveness on meeLlng learnlng ob[ecLlves relaLed Lo sexual assaulL. 1he Councll
was pleased Lo see Lhe resulLs of Lhls analysls showed volunLeers who recelved Lhe
sLandardlzed global core Lralnlng on sexual assaulL reporLed Lhe Lralnlng was excepLlonally Lo
conslderably effecLlve aL a hlgher raLe Lhan volunLeers who recelved Lhe older safeLy and
securlLy Lralnlng (See llgure 2). lor example, resulLs showed a 137.7 percenL change beLween
Lhe Lwo volunLeer groups on Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe Lralnlng Lo prepare Lhem Lo ldenLlfy
LacLlcs used by sexual assaulL assallanLs ln Lhelr hosL counLry and volunLeers (n=3130)

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

I|gure 2: ercept|ons of Lffect|veness |n 1ra|n|ng CVs to Ident|fy 1act|cs used by Sexua|
Assau|t Assa||ants |n nost Country (n=S1S0)

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

ln 2012, Lhe Councll made 22 recommendaLlons regardlng Lralnlng for volunLeers, 1ralnees,
and sLaff.
CuL of Lhe 22 recommendaLlons, eace Corps concurred wlLh Lhe followlng 19
1. Lxpand Lhe Lralnlng modules for volunLeers Lo address quesLlons of Was l raped"?
2. lnform volunLeers and 1ralnees of resources and/or supporL lf Lhey feel someLhlng ln
Lhe Lralnlng made Lhem feel uncomforLable.
3. uevelop volunLeer Lralnlng focused on vlcLlm prlvacy, lncludlng soclal medla.
4. lncorporaLe sexual Lrauma responses lnLo volunLeer medlcal Lralnlng Lo reassure vlcLlms
Lhelr responses are normal.
3. Lncourage volunLeers Lo reporL sexual assaulLs aL any Llme.
6. rovlde 1ralnees wlLh lnformaLlon abouL Lhe role of Lhe vlcLlm AdvocaLe and SA8L ln Lhe
medevac process.
7. lnclude Lhe conLacL lnformaLlon for Lhe Cfflce of lnspecLor Ceneral ln Lhe Sexual AssaulL
lmpacL, 8eporLlng and 8esponse Lralnlng module.
8. Layer Lhe Cfflce of vlcLlm Advocacy conLacL lnformaLlon Lhrough Lhe re-Servlce
9. rovlde sexual assaulL rlsk reducLlon refresher courses durlng oLher ln-servlce Lralnlngs.
10. rovlde addlLlonal Lralnlng on gender roles aL ln-servlce Lralnlngs.
11. 8emlnd Lhe volunLeers LhaL addlLlonal lnformaLlon on gender roles ls ln Lhelr Welcome
12. rovlde refresher course on eace Corps medlcal opLlons followlng a sexual assaulL.
13. rovlde lnformaLlon on eace Corps forenslc medlcal opLlons followlng a sexual assaulL.
14. Layer Lhe conLacL lnformaLlon for Lhe Cfflce of vlcLlm Advocacy LhroughouL ln-servlce
13. uevelop sLaff Lralnlng on prlvacy lssues, lncludlng soclal medla.
16. Modlfy Lhe >3*-:$ /& CF" Lo lnclude crlme sLaLlsLlcs found ln Lhe X$+)&.$ >&&7@
17. Modlfy Lhe Welcome 8ook Lo sLaLe LhaL volunLeers or 1ralnees who feel uncomforLable
ln any way, Lo lnform eace Corps and dlscuss safeLy opLlons and supporL resources.
18. rovlde wrlLLen and oral lnformaLlon abouL Lhe Cfflce of lnspecLor Ceneral durlng
19. Modlfy SLaglng maLerlals Lo lnclude Lhe conLacL lnformaLlon for Lhe Cfflce of vlcLlm
All of Lhese recommendaLlons wlll be lmplemenLed by Sprlng 2014 when Lhe revlsed global core
Lralnlng sesslons wlll be dellvered Lo posLs. eace Corps sLraLeglcally declded Lo walL unLll Lhe
Cfflce of Lhe lnspecLor Ceneral compleLed lLs evaluaLlon of Lhe re-Servlce 1ralnlng ln order Lo

eace Corps Sexual AssaulL Advlsory Councll: Annual 8eporL, november 2012.
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

comblne Lhe ClCs recommendaLlons wlLh Lhose of Lhe Councll, and Lo lnclude new lnformaLlon
on resLrlcLed and sLandard reporLlng. 1hls would allow eace Corps Lo compleLe one revlslon
process and one lnLernaLlonal rollouL of Lhe revlsed currlculum. 8y mlnlmlzlng confuslon for ln-
counLry sLaff and volunLeers, Lhe Councll belleves Lhls approach approprlaLe, and LhaL lL wlll
lead boLh Lo Lralnlng conslsLency beLween posLs and more effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
recommended changes.
eace Corps parLlally concurred wlLh Lhe followlng Lwo recommendaLlons relaLed Lo Lralnlng:
1. Add Lo Lhe 8ysLander lnLervenLlon 1ralnlng a secLlon on how volunLeers can supporL
fellow volunLeers ln Lhe afLermaLh of a sexual assaulL, lncludlng proLecLlng prlvacy,
relnforclng Lhe vlcLlm's lnnocence, and supporLlng Lhe volunLeer.
2. rovlde an overvlew of Lhe servlces provlded Lo sexual assaulL vlcLlms by Lhe CMC, SSC,
SA8L, CvA, ClC, Cfflce of Clvll 8lghLs and ulverslLy, and Lhe Sexual AssaulL PoLllne aL Lhe
end of Lhe re-Servlce 1ralnlng modules for sexual assaulL.
eace Corps parLlally concurred wlLh Lhese recommendaLlons for Lhe followlng reasons:
8efore eace Corps conducLs large scale revlslons Lo Lhese modules Lhey are awalLlng feedback
from Lhe Cfflce of lnspecLor Ceneral on Lhe conLenL of Lhe Lhree re-Servlce 1ralnlng sexual
assaulL Lralnlng modules, as well as volunLeer feedback on Lhe newly plloLed S1 feedback Lool.
eace Corps agrees Lo lnclude a secLlon on how volunLeers can supporL fellow volunLeers ln Lhe
afLermaLh of a sexual assaulL, lncludlng proLecLlng prlvacy, and supporLlng Lhe volunLeer.
Powever, Lhey have sLaLed Lhey don'L know lf lL would be besL Lo add LhaL conLenL Lo Lhe
8ysLander lnLervenLlon module or Lhe module on Sexual AssaulL lmpacL, 8eporLlng and
8esponse. 1hey would llke Lo walL unLll all Lhe feedback daLa ls analyzed Lo deLermlne where,
from a Lralnlng perspecLlve, lL ls besL Lo add Lhls lnformaLlon Lo Lhe exlsLlng Lralnlng.

rovlde an overvlew of Lhe servlces provlded Lo sexual assaulL vlcLlms by Lhe CMC, SSC, SA8L,
CvA, ClC, Cfflce of Clvll 8lghLs and ulverslLy, and Lhe Sexual AssaulL PoLllne aL Lhe end of Lhe
re-Servlce 1ralnlng modules for sexual assaulL. eace Corps belleves lL ls lmporLanL Lo provlde
an overvlew of Lhese servlces. Powever, Lhey are noL sure lL would be helpful Lo provlde Lhls
verbally or ln prlnL aL Lhe end of each of Lhe Lhree S1 Lralnlng modules. 1hey would llke Lo
explore ways Lo glve Lhls lnformaLlon so LhaL volunLeers' response opLlons are clear and Lhey
know abouL Lhe varlous resources.

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

35)"7/0 B? C/D7)1
uurlng l? 2013 eace Corps developed several pollcles requlred by Lhe kaLe uzey volunLeer
roLecLlon AcL. Many of Lhese pollcles are lnLerlm ollcy SLaLemenLs (lS), whlch allow eace
Corps Lo make alLeraLlons Lo Lhe pollcy based on evldence from lLs monlLorlng and evaluaLlon
1he Councll revlewed Lhe followlng pollcles developed ln l? 2013:
1. ueslgnaLlon of a SA8L (lS2-13: Sexual AssaulL 8esponse Llalsons)
2. 8esLrlcLed 8eporLlng (lS3-13 8espondlng Lo Sexual AssaulLs and procedures)
3. rovlde appllcable law enforcemenL and prosecuLorlal opLlons (lS3-13 8espondlng Lo
Sexual AssaulLs and procedures)
4. SafeLy and LreaLmenL plan (lS3-13 8espondlng Lo Sexual AssaulLs and procedures)
3. lorenslc Lxams (lS3-13 8espondlng Lo Sexual AssaulLs and procedures)
6. 24 Pour Anonymous Sexual AssaulL PoLllne (lS2-12 Anonymous Sexual AssaulL PoLllne)
7. Lmergency healLh care & provlder evaluaLlon
8. rovlslon of counsellng and psychlaLrlc medlcaLlon
9. Medlcal evacuaLlon (MS264 Medlcal LvacuaLlon)
10. 1raln all sLaff ouLslde Lhe uS on Lhe eace Corps Sexual AssaulL ollcy
4&,JK*#+J'* '( # 3-.D
ln Aprll 2013, eace Corps lssued MCFL8ON F$6'1+ <,,1'+/ E$,9&(,$ Y*1*,&(, QF<EY,R= whlch
ouLllnes Lhe selecLlon crlLerla and process, quallflcaLlons, and Lhe role and duLy of Lhe SA8L.
eace Corps consulLed wlLh Lhe followlng sLakeholders on Lhe deslgn of Lhe SA8L role: focus
groups wlLh eace Corps SafeLy and SecurlLy Cfflcers, reLurned eace Corps volunLeers, currenL
eace Corps volunLeers, former CounLry ulrecLors, eace Corps Medlcal Cfflcers, eace Corps
SafeLy and SecurlLy CoordlnaLors, and lnLernal experLs ln Lhe fleld of sexual assaulL (Chal
Shenoy, uavld llelslg, Ld Pobson, kellle Creene, and Claudla kurlc). As well, eace Corps led a
focus group sesslon wlLh currenL CounLry ulrecLors aL Lhe lall 2012 global CounLry ulrecLors

SA8L's role ls Lo:
Lnsure Lhe volunLeer ls ln a safe envlronmenL
Accompany volunLeers Lhrough Lhe ln-counLry response process, aL Lhe volunLeer's
ConLacL Lhe Cfflce of vlcLlm Advocacy upon recelvlng a reporL of a sexual assaulL
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

MalnLaln Lhe sLrlcL confldenLlallLy of Lhe volunLeer and any lnformaLlon recelved ln
relaLlon Lo Lhe sexual assaulL
erform Lhe duLles asslgned Lo SA8Ls as parL of Lhe ueslgnaLed SLaff ln MCFN8ON
E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/
1he selecLlon of SA8Ls began ln Aprll and conLlnued Lhrough !une. All SA8Ls were Lralned ln Lhe
Lhree reglonal 8esponse 1eam 1ralnlngs LhaL occurred beLween May and AugusL, 2013. 1hls
pollcy Look effecL as of SepLember 1, 2013 afLer all of Lhe SA8Ls were Lralned.
ln 2012, Lhe Councll recommended LhaL eace Corps develop credenLlallng sLandards for SA8Ls,
overseen by Lhe Cfflce of vlcLlm Advocacy and LhaL eace Corps collaboraLe wlLh uCu SA8C
Lo develop Lhe SA8L program. eace Corps concurred wlLh Lhe flrsL recommendaLlon and
developed lLs own lnLernal cerLlflcaLlon process conslsLenL wlLh naLlonal sLandards. 1he Lralnlng
was modeled on Lwo cerLlflcaLlon courses developed by Lhe Cfflce of vlcLlms of Crlme (CvC).
llrsL, eace Corps used CvC-11AC foundaLlonal level Lralnlng for sexual assaulL advocaLe
counselors and oLher servlce provlders. CvC-11ACs naLlonal vlcLlm AsslsLance Academy
Lralnlng sesslons for vlcLlm advocaLes and Lhe Crlmlnal !usLlce lnsLlLuLe's Lralnlng for 8ural Law
LnforcemenL served as Lhe ma[or source maLerlals for Lhe SA8L Lralnlng. As well, eace Corps
conducLed numerous deslgn meeLlngs wlLh lnLernal experLs.
llnally, eace Corps followed
CvCs lnsLrucLlonal ueslgn SLandards ln Lhe developmenL of Lhe SA8L (and ueslgnaLed SLaff)
Lralnlng. AlLhough eace Corps esLabllshed a pre and posL-LesL evaluaLlon for Lhe Lralnlng, Lhe
Lralnlngs were noL compleLe by Lhe Llme Lhe Councll closed lLs research perlod. eace Corps
parLlally concurred wlLh Lhe second recommendaLlon Lo collaboraLe wlLh uCu, clLlng Lhe
ongolng federal collaboraLlon already Laklng place and Lhe deslre Lo lnLegraLe Lhe SA8L pollcy.
eace Corps plans a conLlnuum of Lralnlng and educaLlon for SA8Ls, Lo begln ln laLe l? 2014.
.&,+IJP+&O #*O 3+#*O#IO .&R'I+J*K
lnLerlm ollcy SLaLemenL QMCFRN8ON E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/ and lLs accompanylng
procedures esLabllshes eace Corps resLrlcLed and sLandard reporLlng opLlons for volunLeers.
1hls pollcy was approved ln Aprll 2013 and Look effecL SepLember 1, 2013, afLer all deslgnaLed
sLaff were Lralned.
ln 2012, Lhe Councll recommended LhaL eace Corps revlew exlsLlng mlllLary and clvlllan laws Lo
evaluaLe resLrlcLed and sLandard reporLlng pracLlces. eace Corps concurred wlLh Lhls
recommendaLlon and consulLed exLenslvely wlLh Lhe: Lhe ueparLmenL of uefense, uS Army,
Servlce Women's AcLlon neLwork, ueparLmenL of SLaLe, 8ureau of ulplomaLlc SecurlLy, and
Consular Affalrs. 1he resulLlng pollcy reflecLs subsLanLlal efforLs Loward a comprehenslve sexual
assaulL pollcy LhaL lncludes sLalklng and procedures for lmplemenLaLlon (C3&)$-'3$, 0&3
E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/) LhaL replace Lhe earller Z'*-$+*($, 0&3 E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+
<,,1'+/. 1he Councll flnds lL commendable LhaL every reporL of a sexual assaulL wlll be


Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

deslgnaLed a resLrlcLed reporL unLll a volunLeer chooses Lo make Lhe reporL sLandard, or one of
Lhe excepLlons relaLed Lo volunLeer safeLy emerges (as ouLllned ln Lhe pollcy).

CI'UJO& -RR%JP#$%& D#S 5*('IP&M&*+ #*O CI',&PL+'IJ#% /R+J'*,
1he kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon AcL requlres LhaL Lhe sexual assaulL pollcy lnclude an
explanaLlon of avallable law enforcemenL and prosecuLorlal opLlons, and legal
1he MCFN8ON E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/ and lLs procedures esLabllsh Lhe
requlremenLs for provldlng volunLeers who have been sexually assaulLed wlLh an explanaLlon of
local law enforcemenL and prosecuLorlal opLlons, as well as legal represenLaLlon Lo fully explaln
Lhese opLlons. under Lhe pollcy, volunLeers are provlded wlLh an overvlew on Lhe local law
enforcemenL and legal sysLem by elLher Lhe CMC or SSC. lf Lhe volunLeer has furLher
quesLlons LhaL sLaff cannoL answer, Lhe volunLeer ls provlded wlLh local legal counsel Lo answer
quesLlons and provlde deLalled explanaLlons.
1he lnlLlal lnformaLlon provlded by sLaff ls based on eace Corps Legal LnvlronmenL Survey
(LLS) for each PosL CounLry. 1hls documenL provldes posL sLaff wlLh an overvlew of Lhe law
enforcemenL and legal envlronmenL ln Lhe hosL counLry, lncludlng processes such as how Lo flle
a complalnL wlLh local pollce and sexual assaulL relaLed laws. eace Corps Look sLeps Lo
formallze and sLandardlze Lhls documenL ln 2009. 1he Cfflce of Ceneral Counsel ls worklng wlLh
Lhe Cfflce of SafeLy and SecurlLy Lo revlew every LLS for each eace Corps counLry Lo ensure
speclflc lnformaLlon abouL sexual assaulLs ls lncluded ln Lhe LLS. 1he Councll commends eace
Corps for formallzlng and sLandardlzlng Lhls Lool and encourages Lhe agency Lo make Lhese
efforLs a prlorlLy.
3#(&+N #*O "I&#+M&*+ C%#*
1he kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon AcL requlres LhaL eace Corps sexual assaulL pollcy lnclude
Lhe compleLlon of a safeLy and LreaLmenL plan wlLh Lhe volunLeer, when necessary."
eace Corps has been uslng a safeLy plan documenL slnce hlrlng Lhe vlcLlm AdvocaLe. 1he plan
ls sLrucLured as a conversaLlonal gulde Lo faclllLaLe a dlscusslon wlLh a volunLeer Lo dlscuss
sLraLegles Lhe volunLeer can adopL Lo lncrease Lhelr safeLy as well as whaL Lo do should Lhey
encounLer a dangerous slLuaLlon. lncluded ln Lhe plan ls whaL eace Corps can do Lo supporL
Lhe volunLeer ln mlLlgaLlng rlsks as well as sLaylng emoLlonally and physlcally safe. 1he Councll
wlll conLlnue Lo work wlLh eace Corps ln Lhe developmenL and revlew of Lhls documenL.
1hough codlfled ln MCFN8ON E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/,, Lhe correspondlng procedures for
Lhls pollcy do noL lnclude Lhe safeLy plan. 1he procedures sLaLe Lhe vlcLlm AdvocaLe has Lhe
prlmary responslblllLy for developlng Lhe safeLy plan wlLh Lhe volunLeer, ln parLnershlp wlLh Lhe

kA1L uZL? LACL CC8S vCLun1LL8 8C1LC1lCn AC1 Cl 2011, .L. 112-37. Sec 88.
kA1L uZL? LACL CC8S vCLun1LL8 8C1LC1lCn AC1 Cl 2011, .L. 112-37. Sec. 88.
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

CMC, SSC, and Cu. All four of Lhese sLaff members have responslblllLy for checklng ln wlLh Lhe
volunLeer on Lhe safeLy plan.
1he eace Corps developed Lhe SLandlng Cllnlcal Crder SeL and 1reaLmenL lan (1C 340
ALLachmenL P) LhaL ouLllnes sLandardlzed, evldence-based cllnlcal proLocols for Lhe cllnlcal
managemenL of a sexual assaulL vlcLlm. 1he Sexual AssaulL ulscharge lnformaLlon and
lnsLrucLlons form (1C340 ALLachmenL l) provldes an overvlew of Lhe LreaLmenL provlded Lo Lhe
volunLeer, any lnsLrucLlons regardlng care, and follow-up care plan. 8oLh forms are based on
forms offered by Lhe SAAC cllnlcal members. AfLer revlslon, Lhe forms now show Lhe laLesL
cllnlcal LreaLmenL proLocols and menLal healLh assessmenL. 1he Councll wlll conLlnue Lo work
wlLh eace Corps ln Lhe developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of Lhese forms.
3&ZL#% -,,#L%+ 6'I&*,JP 5Z#M, [3-65\
1he kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon AcL sLaLes LhaL Lhe sexual assaulL pollcy shall lnclude aL a
volunLeer's dlscreLlon, provlslon of a sexual assaulL forenslc exam ln accordance wlLh appllcable
hosL counLry law."
1he lnLerlm pollcy lS3-13 E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/, ouLllnes how a
volunLeer wlll be provlded wlLh a SAlL based on Lhe counLry's laws ln cases where Lhe
perpeLraLor ls a hosL counLry naLlonal or ln any oLher case where Lhe vlcLlm ls lnLeresLed ln
crlmlnal prosecuLlon. ln 2012, Lhe Councll recommended LhaL eace Corps creaLe a separaLe
healLhcare envlronmenL survey for each hosL counLry. ln response, eace Corps developed a
Lool Lo evaluaLe Lhe SAlL exam faclllLles and examlners ln each hosL counLry. 1he Councll wlll
conLlnue Lo work wlLh eace Corps Lo revlse Lhe evaluaLlon form.
ln slLuaLlons where boLh Lhe vlcLlm and Lhe perpeLraLor are eace Corps volunLeers, Lhe eace
Corps Medlcal Cfflcer (CMC) wlll compleLe Lhe forenslc exam. ln 2012, Lhe Councll
recommended LhaL Lhe eace Corps adopL Lhe medlcal forenslc examlnaLlon forms provlded by
Lwo Councll members and creaLe an accompanylng lnsLrucLlon gulde. 1hese recommendaLlons
were lmplemenLed and CMCs have been provlded wlLh Lhese forms and manuals.
BAYF'LI -*'*NM'L, 3&ZL#% -,,#L%+ F'+%J*&
ln laLe 2012, Lhe eace Corps lssued MCFL8OL <(&(2.&', F$6'1+ <,,1'+/ G&/+*($. 1hls lnLerlm
pollcy esLabllshed a plloL, sLaff quallflcaLlons and duLles, Lralnlng, and procedures for Lhe
PoLllne. ln lebruary 2013, eace Corps launched Lhe PoLllne plloL ln seven counLrles: 1ogo,
1anzanla, Armenla, !ordan, lndonesla, Cuyana, and !amalca. 1he plloL ran from lebruary unLll
AugusL 13, 2013. volunLeers ln Lhe fleld were noLlfled of Lhe hoLllne Lhrough LexL, emall and
flyers. eace Corps wlll evaluaLe Lhe plloL and use Lhe daLa Lo develop Lhe global PoLllne.
8ecause Lhe hoLllne was ln Lhls plloL phase, Lhe lnformaLlon for Lhls servlce had noL yeL been
lncorporaLed lnLo all Lralnlng maLerlals.

kA1L uZL? LACL CC8S vCLun1LL8 8C1LC1lCn AC1 Cl 2011, .L. 112-37. Sec. 88.
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

5M&IK&*PN F&#%+Q )#I& #*O CI'UJO&I 5U#%L#+J'*
Accordlng Lo Lhe kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon AcL, Lhe eace Corps sexual assaulL pollcy
shall lnclude, lf necessary, Lhe provlslon of emergency healLh care, lncludlng a mechanlsm for
such volunLeer Lo evaluaLe such provlder."
1hls pollcy was developed lasL year ln relaLlon Lo
medlcal pollcles and Lhe Councll found LhaL eace Corps consulLed wlLh approprlaLe SMLs. 1he
SA888 evaluaLor worked wlLh Lhe Cfflce of PealLh Servlces Lo develop an onllne mechanlsm Lo
allow volunLeers Lo assess Lhelr uS and ln-counLry healLh care provlders. 1hls assessmenL
launched ln november 2012 and ls avallable Lo all volunLeers, noL only sexual assaulL vlcLlms.
1he Councll has noL revlewed Lhls documenL buL wlll conLlnue Lo work wlLh eace Corps ln lLs
developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon. As of !uly 31, 2013, 292 volunLeers compleLed Lhe survey Lo
evaluaLe Lhelr provlder. 8ased on Lhls daLa, 81 percenL raLed Lhelr local healLh care provlder
excellenL Lo good whlle 11 percenL raLed Lhelr local healLh care provlder falr Lo poor.
Cverwhelmlngly, denLlsLs are Lhe healLh care provlder mosL ofLen raLed as falr Lo poor.
CI'UJ,J'* '( )'L*,&%J*K #*O C,NPQJ#+IJP 2&OJP#+J'*
Accordlng Lo Lhe AcL, Lhe sexual assaulL pollcy should also lnclude lf necessary, Lhe provlslon of
counsellng and psychlaLrlc medlcaLlon."
1he Councll flnds LhaL eace Corps provldes
medlcaLlon and psychlaLrlc servlces ln accordance wlLh besL pracLlces, and under Lhe guldance
of medlcal and psychlaLrlc sLaff aL eace Corps headquarLers.
2&OJP#% 5U#PL#+J'*
ln 2012, Lhe Councll found LhaL eace Corps provlded an effecLlve and approprlaLe pollcy for
provldlng volunLeers wlLh Lhe opLlon for a medlcal evacuaLlon ln accordance wlLh Lhe AcL LhaL
requlred Lhe agency Lo provlde, Lo Lhe exLenL pracLlcable, a cholce of medlcal provlders
lncludlng a mechanlsm for such volunLeers Lo evaluaLe Lhe provlder."
volunLeers are able Lo
evaluaLe Lhelr provlders uslng Lhe same onllne mechanlsm ouLllned under Lmergency PealLh
"I#J* #%% 3+#(( 'L+,JO& +Q& ;3 '* +Q& C&#P& )'IR, 3&ZL#% -,,#L%+ C'%JPN
As sLaLed ln 'SecLlon 1: 1ralnlng,' eace Corps Lralned all sLaff who wlll respond Lo a sexual
assaulL ln Lhe new pollcles and procedures beLween May and AugusL, 2013. AddlLlonally,
Lralnlng for Lhe remalnder of Lhe overseas sLaff was under developmenL when Lhe Councll
compleLed lLs research ln !uly. 1he Councll wlll assess Lhls Lralnlng ln 2014.

kA1L uZL? LACL CC8S vCLun1LL8 8C1LC1lCn AC1 Cl 2011, .L. 112-37. Sec. 88
kA1L uZL? LACL CC8S vCLun1LL8 8C1LC1lCn AC1 Cl 2011, .L. 112-37. Sec. 88
kA1L uZL? LACL CC8S vCLun1LL8 8C1LC1lCn AC1 Cl 2011, .L. 112-37. Sec. 88
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY]? 4&,JK*#+J'* '( # 3-.D H#PTKI'L*O )Q&PT,
eace Corps should revlew Lhe background check process for Lhe SA8Ls and deLermlne lf
furLher lnvesLlgaLlon and more frequenL checks should be conducLed. 1he eace Corps already
has procedures Lo conducL perlodlc background checks of sLaff, aL Lhe daLe of hlre and updaLed
every Lhree-3 years dependlng on Lhe sLaff person's conLracL and lederal regulaLlons. 8ecause
of Lhe senslLlve naLure of Lhe SA8L poslLlon, Lhe Councll recommends LhaL eace Corps conslder
Lhe feaslblllLy Lo updaLe Lhe background check annually.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY9? 4&,JK*#+J'* '( # 3-.D 0'*Y4J,P%',LI& -KI&&M&*+
eace Corps should develop a pollcy for all SA8Ls who are noL eace Corps sLaff Lo slgn a non-
ulsclosure AgreemenL (nuA) LhaL lncludes admlnlsLraLlve acLlon for vlolaLlng Lhe nuA. SLandard
vlcLlm response lncludes confldenLlallLy proLecLlons of vlcLlm lnformaLlon. SA8Ls who are
members of eace Corps sLaff are already sub[ecL Lo confldenLlallLy requlremenLs conLalned ln
lS3-13 E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/@ Powever, non-sLaff are currenLly under no such duLy Lo
proLecL vlcLlm confldenLlallLy. 1herefore, Lhe Councll recommends LhaL non-sLaff SA8Ls be
requlred Lo slgn a non-dlsclosure AgreemenL Lo proLecL vlcLlm lnformaLlon.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY^? .&,+IJP+&O #*O 3+#*O#IO .&R'I+J*K D&K#% .&RI&,&*+#+J'*
1he Councll recommends LhaL Lhe legal represenLaLlon ln Lhe pollcy be cross-referenced
Lhrough a hyperllnk Lo Lhe onllne Lralnlng wlLh MS774. eace Corps' provlslon of legal
represenLaLlon represenLs a cruclal parL of vlcLlm care, and should be referenced ln con[uncLlon
wlLh Lhe pollcy.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY=? .&,+IJP+&O #*O 3+#*O#IO .&R'I+J*K /7@
eace Corps should develop an MCA beLween Lhe ClC and Lhe CvA LhaL requlres Lhe ClC Lo
noLlfy Lhe CvA when Lhe offlce lnlLlaLes a sexual assaulL allegaLlon lnvesLlgaLlon. 1he Councll
has concerns over lmpacLs on a vlcLlm should a vlcLlm flle a resLrlcLed reporL buL Lhe ClC ls
noLlfled of an assaulL Lhrough a Lhlrd parLy or oLher means. 1he Councll belleves an MCA wlll
help Lo provlde clarlflcaLlon ln Lerms of how Lhe agency wlll supporL a volunLeer durlng an
lnvesLlgaLlon whlle noL undermlnlng Lhe resLrlcLed reporLlng opLlon.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY_? .&,+IJP+&O #*O 3+#*O#IO .&R'I+J*K C)2/ )Q&PT%J,+
uevelop a one-page, counLry-speclflc checkllsL for CMCs Lo use when dlscusslng reporLlng
opLlons wlLh volunLeers. 1he checkllsL should be counLry-speclflc and lnclude lnformaLlon on
SAlL examlnaLlon locaLlons, evldence collecLed, LransporLaLlon Llme Lo Lhe exam slLe, and oLher
relevanL lnformaLlon. eace Corps has done an excellenL [ob of dellneaLlng some of Lhe deLalls
lnvolved ln provldlng Lhe volunLeer a compleLe plcLure of Lhe reporLlng opLlons and whaL wlll
be lnvolved ln Lerms of medlcal forenslc care. All CMCs are Lralned currenLly on how Lo dlscuss
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

Lhese opLlons wlLh a volunLeer, buL Lhe large amounL of lnformaLlon does noL lend lLself Lo
provldlng an accuraLe, user-frlendly, and qulck counLry-speclflc overvlew.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>X? .&,+IJP+&O #*O 3+#*O#IO .&R'I+J*K 3&PLI& )'MML*JP#+J'*
1he Councll encourages eace Corps Lo esLabllsh a pollcy LhaL requlres any Lype of senslLlve or
personally ldenLlfylng lnformaLlon regardlng vlcLlms be shared Lhrough Lhelr case managemenL
sysLem (ln developmenL). Lmall and oLher forms of elecLronlc communlcaLlon are lnherenLly
unsafe and lnsecure. (See 8ecommendaLlons Lo Congress ln Lhls reporL for addlLlonal secure
communlcaLlon recommendaLlons).
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>>? CI'UJO& -RR%JP#$%& D#S 5*('IP&M&*+ #*O CI',&PL+'IJ#% /R+J'*,
1he LLS for each counLry should be revlewed and updaLed every Lwo years. Laws ln counLrles
change qulckly and lL ls lmporLanL Lo provlde volunLeers accuraLe and up Lo daLe lnformaLlon.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>B? 3#(&+N #*O "I&#+M&*+ C%#*
1he safeLy plannlng gulde should be lncluded ln Lhe C3&)$-'3$, 0&3 E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+
<,,1'+/ documenL. SafeLy plannlng ls an lnLegral parL of vlcLlm response and care, and should
be lncluded ln any formal pollcy relaLlng Lo how Lo respond Lo a volunLeer who has been
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>E? 3&ZL#% -,,#L%+ 6'I&*,JP 5Z#M,
1he Councll belleves LhaL Lhe besL response Lo sexual assaulL vlcLlms lnvolves a Lralned,
senslLlve medlcal examlnaLlon LhaL lncludes boLh Lhe LreaLmenL and gaLherlng of forenslc
evldence wlLhln one vlslL. Such response ls besL provlded by a eace Corps Medlcal Cfflcer
(CMC). lndeed, Lhe eace Corps' normal pracLlce for all healLh maLLers ls Lo encourage
volunLeers Lo be examlned and LreaLed by Lralned CMCs, ensurlng a unlform besL healLh care,
response across Lhe many counLrles ln whlch Lhe eace Corps operaLes. 1hus, Lhe eace Corps
currenL plan Lo send a LraumaLlzed volunLeer who wlshes Lo seek [usLlce for a sexual assaulL Lo
a local medlcal provlder for Lhe gaLherlng of forenslc evldence, posslbly Lo be followed by an
addlLlonal medlcal exam by Lhe CMC, falls shorL of besL pracLlce. 1he Councll undersLands
LhaL, ln some counLrles, a SAlL musL be performed by an auLhorlzed local provlder ln order Lo
be admlsslble ln courL. Powever, ln oLher counLrles a CMC could seek Lo be credenLlaled or
oLherwlse auLhorlzed Lo conducL such an exam.
1herefore, Lhe Councll recommends LhaL eace Corps develop a mechanlsm Lo ensure updaLes
are made annually ln regards Lo ln-counLry changes for posL-sexual assaulL prohylaxls. Cverall,
Lhe Councll commends eace Corps for lLs efforLs Lo reach ouL Lo mulLlple experLs, lncludlng ln-
counLry lnfecLlous dlsease speclallsLs, and we encourage eace Corps Lo uLlllze mulLlple
lnformaLlon sources Lo ensure Lhe mosL accuraLe and up Lo daLe lnformaLlon. eace Corps
requlres CMCs Lo updaLe Lhelr lnformaLlon annually. 1hls requlremenL ls llnked Lo Lhe CMC's
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

performance appralsal. ln addlLlon, every 3 years, C PC CMC's vlslL each posL Lo perform an
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>A? 3&ZL#% -,,#L%+ 6'I&*,JP 5Z#M, -,,&,,M&*+ 6'IM,
eace Corps should use only one Sexual AssaulL Cllnlcal AssessmenL lorm. 1he only dlfference
beLween Lhe orlglnal 'medlcal forenslc assessmenL' form and Lhe proposed 'cllnlcal assessmenL'
form provlded Lo Lhe CMCs ls Lhe collecLlon of forenslc swabs, cloLhlng and blood. lf Lhese
lLems and procedures are noL parL of Lhe process conducLed by Lhe CMC, Lhen Lhose boxes
should remaln unchecked. 1he Councll belleves havlng Lwo forms may lead Lo furLher
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>]? 3&ZL#% -,,#L%+ 6'I&*,JP 5Z#M, D53
eace Corps should updaLe Lhe Legal LnvlronmenL Survey (LLS) or Medlcal LnvlronmenL Survey
(MLS) Lo lnclude wheLher or noL Lhe CMC has Lhe legal capaclLy accordlng Lo Lhe hosL counLry
Lo conducL Lhe SAlL. CurrenLly, Lhe LLS does noL dlsLlngulsh beLween legal ablllLy, belng
medlcally credenLlaled, and legally auLhorlzed. As a resulL, lL ls unclear when a CMC ls noL
'legally allowed' vs 'medlcally credenLlaled' vs 'noL currenLly auLhorlzed' wlLhouL prlor
permlsslon (whlch mlghL be esLabllshed lf soughL) Lo do an accepLable SAlL ln each counLry.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>9? 3&ZL#% -,,#L%+ 6'I&*,JP 5Z#M, 3+I#+&KJP C%#*
eace Corps should conslder developlng a Long 1erm ln-CounLry Medlcal lorenslc SLraLeglc
lan." 1hls plan would speclfy goals and opLlons LhaL may allow CMC's ln Lhe fuLure Lo saLlsfy
Lhe legal and medlcal requlremenLs necessary Lo perform an accepLed besL pracLlce medlcal
forenslc exam lncludlng procedures for evldence collecLlon ln drug faclllLaLed sexual assaulL
(ulSA). 1he plan would explore opLlons regardlng cerLlfylng, credenLlallng, llcenslng or geLLlng
prlor approval of Lhelr CMC's where posslble Lo perform medlcal forenslc exams ln-counLry for
lncldenLs lnvolvlng hosL counLry naLlonal perpeLraLors and eace Corps volunLeer vlcLlms. 1he
Councll recognlzes Lhe challenges Lhls may presenL buL encourages eace Corps Lo explore Lhe
posslblllLy as more and more counLrles begln Lo adopL besL pracLlce sLandards for forenslc care
and unA collecLlon. 1he Councll belleves ongolng dlalogue beLween Lhe CMC and Lhelr ln-
counLry healLhcare colleagues wlll over Llme ralse Lhe sLandard of care for sexual assaulL vlcLlms
ln communlLles around Lhe world.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>^? 3&ZL#% -,,#L%+ 6'I&*,JP 5Z#M, )&I+J(N C)2/, +' )'*OLP+ 3-65
eace Corps should develop an lnLernal process for all CMCs Lo be cerLlfled by eace Corps Lo
perform a medlcal forenslc exam ln accordance wlLh Lhe healLhcare background of Lhe MCC.
AlLhough mosL CMCs may noL legally be able Lo or may rarely conducL a forenslc exam, Lhey
should all be lnlLlally Lralned by sexual assaulL forenslc educaLors and recelve ongolng refresher
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>=? 3&ZL#% -,,#L%+ 6'I&*,JP 5Z#M, ('I .&,+IJP+&O .&R'I+J*K
eace Corps medlcal offlcers should collecL Lhe approprlaLe forenslc samples ln Lhose cases ln
whlch Lhe Cv elecLs Lo have a resLrlcLed reporL. eace Corps has meL Lhe challenge of
collecLlng SAlL evldence for volunLeer on volunLeer sexual assaulLs by developlng procedures
and proLocols for CMCs Lo collecL, sLore and Lransfer forenslc evldence whlle malnLalnlng Lhe
chaln of evldence. lf a Cv decldes Lo make a resLrlcLed reporL 1(- requesLs LhaL samples be
collecLed, Lhe samples should also be obLalned uslng Lhe same procedures. 1he currenL lssue ls
LhaL Lhese samples may noL be admlsslble ln a hosL counLry courL of law, boLh presenLly and ln
Lhe fuLure. 1he Councll belleves LhaL as CCulS' lnLernaLlonal use lncreases, medlcal and legal
sLandards wlll evolve Lo allow Lhls evldence Lo be admlsslble ln local courLs. 8ecause of Lhls, Lhe
forenslc maLerlal may beneflL Lhe Cv ln Lhe fuLure. lor Lhese slLuaLlons, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhe
volunLeer undersLand Lhe full legal lmpllcaLlons of Lhelr cholces regardlng 8esLrlcLed and
SLandard 8eporLlng, and Lhe llkellhood LhaL Lhelr case would noL resulL ln prosecuLlon lf flled as
a 8esLrlcLed 8eporL.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>_? CI'UJ,J'* '( )'L*,&%J*K #*O C,NPQJ#+IJP 2&OJP#+J'*
1he eace Corps ls ln Lhe process of updaLlng 1C330 regardlng sychlaLrlc MedlcaLlons. 1he
agency should conLlnue Lo work wlLh Lhe CAC Lo flnallze Lhls proLocol.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EYBX? "I#J* #%% 3+#(( /L+,JO& +Q& ;3 '* +Q& C&#P& )'IR, 3&ZL#% -,,#L%+
1he Councll recommends an ongolng Lralnlng schedule for Lhe deslgnaLed sLaff (CMCs, SA8LS,
and SSCs) on Lhe Loplc of sexual assaulL response. Some ln-counLry sLaff rarely uLlllze Lhe skllls
learned ln Lhe currenL Lralnlng course, and lL ls lmporLanL Lo keep Lhe large amounL of
lnformaLlon presenLed ln Lhe Lralnlng easlly accesslble Lo ensure all sLaff can respond
3+#+L, '( BX>B C'%JPN .&P'MM&*O#+J'*,
ln 2012, Lhe Councll made 29 pollcy-relaLed recommendaLlons Lo eace Corps, lncludlng several
relaLed Lo Lhe Cfflce of vlcLlm Advocacy. eace Corps concurred wlLh 21, parLlally concurred
wlLh 4 and dld noL concur wlLh 4.
1able 1 ouLllnes Lhe sLaLus of Lhe concurred recommendaLlons (as of !uly 31, 2013). 1he
followlng Lwo recommendaLlons made ln 2012 are no longer appllcable due Lo MCFN8ON
E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/ and lLs correspondlng proceduresP
1. Modlfy Lhe Z'*-$+*($, 0&3 E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/ SLep by sLep gulde Lo handllng
Lhe call"
2. Modlfy Lhe AcLlons by Lhe CounLry ulrecLor porLlon of Lhe Z'*-$+*($, 0&3 E$,9&(-*(: /&
F$6'1+ <,,1'+/
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

1he new C3&)$-'3$, 0&3 E$,9&(-*(: /& F$6'1+ <,,1'+/ supersede Lhe former guldellnes and Lhe
pollcy ouLllnes new roles and duLles for CounLry ulrecLors and oLher sLaff. 1herefore, Lhese
recommendaLlons no longer apply.
1ab|e 1: Status of 2012 Concurred kecommendat|ons
C'%JPN -I&# .&P'MM&*O#+J'* 3+#+L,
!"#$%&' uevelop physlcal formaL for medlcal
lnformaLlon and posL-assaulL guldance Lo be
glven Lo Cvs
CompleLed/noL ?eL 8evlewed by
!"#$%&' AdopL Sexual AssaulL medlcal lorenslc Lxam

!"#$%&' AdopL Sexual AssaulL medlcal lorenslc Lxam
lnsLrucLlon gulde

!"#$%&' Modlfy 1C340 and reLlLle Lo 8esource Culde
for cllnlcal managemenL of Sexual vlolence"
and remove redundanL lnformaLlon and
modlfy subLlLles
!"#$%&' uevelop healLh care envlronmenL surveys for
each counLry Lo assess ln counLry healLh care
faclllLles, LreaLmenL lnformaLlon
ln rogress/under CurrenL
8evlew by Councll
!"#$%&' ConLlnue Lo encourage lnformal relaLlonshlps
beLween CMCs and hosL counLry healLh care
CompleLed, made parL of CMC
performance evaluaLlon
!"#$%&' Modlfy CMC reparaLlon for Managlng
Sexual AssaulL Lo lnclude a supply and
equlpmenL check llsL
!"#$%&' Move personnel lLems Lo 1C340:3 and reLlLle
Lo CMC Admln reparaLlons Lo Manage
!"#$%&' Move pages ln Sexual AssaulL ManagemenL
8esources Lo 8esource Culde for cllnlcal
managemenL of Sexual vlolence"
!"#$%&' rovlde vlcLlms an assessmenL Lool Lo
compare poLenLlal menLal healLh provlders
ln rogress
!"#$%&' Modlfy Sexual AssaulL Counsellng" Lo address
referrals Lo professlonal counselors
!"#$%&' Modlfy 1C 343 Lo offer speclflc opLlons for
counsellng and evaluaLlon of opLlons
!"#$%&' 8equlre eace Corps counselors Lo dlscuss
counsellng opLlons wlLh vlcLlms who remaln ln
!"#$%&' ConLlnue Lo evaluaLe Lhe use and
effecLlveness of LreaLmenL plans Lo lmprove
Lhelr efflcacy and usefulness
ln rogress
)"*+,$%+"# 8evlew exlsLlng mlllLary and clvlllan laws Lo CompleLed
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

)"-.,+$/0 evaluaLe resLrlcLed and sLandard reporLlng

1"0&' uevelop counLry speclflc facL sheeLs of baslc
lnformaLlon on hosL counLry laws relaLed Lo
sexual assaulL
ln progress, See also
8ecommendaLlon 2013-9
234 Modlfy Lhe safeLy and securlLy web page,
lnformaLlon for frlends and famlly, and
lamlly and lrlends Culde" as well as
PlghllghLs Lo lnclude Lhe CvA conLacL

eace Corps parLlally concurred wlLh Lhe followlng recommendaLlons:
1. Modlfy Lhe summary noLe Lxample for Sexual AssaulL uocumenLaLlon" Lo lnclude a
plcLure demonsLraLlng Lhe proper use of 1oluldlne 8lue dye.
2. uevelop an elecLronlc sLandardlzed and comprehenslve sexual assaulL dlscharge form ln
collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe CuC.
3. WlLh CuC asslsLance, modlfy Lhe CMC resources Lo provlde counLry-speclflc
lnformaLlon and recommendaLlons regardlng medlcal LesLs and medlcaLlons.
4. CollaboraLe wlLh uCu SA8C program LhroughouL Lhe developmenL of Lhe SA8L pollcy.
eace Corps agreed Lo updaLe Lhe CMC resources. eace Corps soughL advlce from ur. rlncy
kumar, Chlef of lnfecLlous ulseases and 1ravel Medlclne aL CeorgeLown unlverslLy, Lo seek Lhe
besL avenue ln whlch Lo collecL ln-counLry daLa relaLed Lo S1l reslsLance and Lo revlew eace
Corps' Plv and S1l LesLlng and LreaLmenL proLocols. Per recommendaLlon was Lo obLaln
counLry-speclflc lnformaLlon from lnfecLlous dlsease speclallsLs ln Lhe hosL counLry for S1l
reslsLance. She conflrmed LhaL eace Corps currenL S1l and Plv LesLlng and LreaLmenL proLocols
are based on Lhe laLesL CuC guldellnes.
eace Corps collaboraLed wlLh uCu as much as posslble wlLhln Lhe Llme frame of Lhe fasL-
Lracked SA8L pollcy.
eace Corps dld noL concur wlLh Lhe followlng recommendaLlons:
1. romoLe Lhe CvA phone number as Lhe prlmary form of conLacL for Cvs
2. ursue modlflcaLlon of federal law Lo granL prlvllege Lo vlcLlm advocaLes and SA8Ls
wlLhln eace Corps
3. Llnk sexual assaulL classlflcaLlons ln Lhe Sexual MlsconducL ollcy wlLh Lhe classlflcaLlons
recognlzed by eace Corps
4. Slgn MCu wlLh Lhe WashlngLon PosplLal CenLer ln uC ln Lhe evenL LhaL a Cv/1 on
medevac ls sexually assaulLed
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

eace Corps dld noL concur wlLh Lhese recommendaLlons for Lhe followlng reasons.
1. 1he mosL popular meLhods among volunLeers Lo communlcaLe are LexLlng and emalls. 1he
2012 global Annual volunLeer Survey found LhaL volunLeers' preferred meLhod of ln-
counLry communlcaLlon wlLh eace Corps sLaff was emall or LexL messages (63 of
volunLeers surveyed). eace Corps wanLs Lo supporL volunLeers' communlcaLlon cholces
and promoLe conLacL meLhods LhaL make Lhe mosL sense for volunLeers who are llvlng ln
remoLe areas, overseas, aL poverLy level and may have loglsLlcal and flnanclal challenges Lo
calllng Lhe CvA number. Calls Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes are prohlblLlvely expenslve and ln mosL
counLrles volunLeers ln-counLry cell phone companles do noL allow for lnLernaLlonal calls.

2. eace Corps ls unable Lo lobby Congress and modlfy federal law. 1he Councll has Lherefore
made Lhls a recommendaLlon Lo Congress (see CLher 8ecommendaLlons).

3. eace Corps dld noL concur wlLh llnklng Lhe sexual assaulL classlflcaLlons from Lhe
MlsconducL ollcy Lo Lhe classlflcaLlons used by Lhe Agency's lnLernal sysLem called Lhe
Crlme lncldenL 8eporLlng SysLem (Cl8S). 1he behavlor llsLed ln Lhe Sexual MlsconducL ollcy
ls far broader and lL lncludes behavlors whlch do noL have a classlflcaLlon under Lhe Cl8S buL
whlch eace Corps conslders sexual mlsconducL (lncludlng a range of behavlors under Lhe
caLegory of sexual explolLaLlon).

4. eace Corps belleves LhaL whlle on Medevac, wheLher aL home of record (PC8) or ln
WashlngLon uC, volunLeers who are sexually assaulLed should be LreaLed by Lhe hosplLal
[usL as any regular clLlzen would be LreaLed. A eace Corps vlcLlm advocaLe would noL be
able Lo advocaLe for Lhe volunLeer ouLslde of Lhe eace Corps ln Lhls parLlcular slLuaLlon. ln
WashlngLon uC, Lhe volunLeer would be asslgned a uC vlcLlm advocaLe who would be
responslble for asslsLlng wlLh Lhe local process. Powever, wlLh LhaL sald, Lhe eace Corps
vlcLlm advocaLe could deflnlLely asslsL Lhe volunLeer ln accesslng Lhe local resources ln uC
or PC8, buL LhaL would be Lhe llmlL. eace Corps updaLed Lhe Medevac Culdes glven Lo all
medevaced volunLeers, ln order Lo provlde lnformaLlon Lo Lhe Medevacs ln uC and PC8 on
where Lo go and who Lo conLacL locally lf Lhey are Lhe vlcLlm of a sexual assaulL and do noL
wanL Lo reporL Lo eace Corps nor wanL Lhe asslsLance of Lhe C vlcLlm advocaLe.

35)"7/0 E? /"F5. .5)/22504-"7/03
1he Councll's revlew of eace Corps work relaLed Lo Lhe kaLe uzey volunLeer roLecLlon AcL
revealed several oLher areas on whlch Lhe eace Corps works, and some relaLed
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

.&P'MM&*O#+J'*, +' )'*KI&,,
ln 2012, Lhe Councll recommended LhaL eace Corps pursue prlvllege opLlons for Lhe vlcLlm
advocaLes and SA8Ls Lhrough revlsed leglslaLlon. 1he Councll recognlzes LhaL eace Corps ls noL
ln a poslLlon Lo lobby Congress for Lhese changes.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>^? )I&#+J*K CIJUJ%&K& ('I <JP+JM -OU'P#+&, #*O 3-.D,
1he Councll recommends LhaL Congress amend Lhe kaLe uzey AcL Lo creaLe a prlvllege for
communlcaLlons beLween crlme vlcLlms and Lhe Cfflce of Lhe vlcLlm Advocacy and Sexual
AssaulL 8esponse Llalsons. 1hls prlvllege should also provlde an excepLlon Lo Lhe lreedom of
lnformaLlon AcL for noLes, elecLronlc communlcaLlon and oLher documenLaLlon or
correspondence regardlng lnLeracLlons beLween crlme vlcLlms and Lhe CvA or SA8Ls. keeplng
lnformaLlon shared wlLh a vlcLlm AdvocaLe or a SA8L, confldenLlal and prlvlleged allows for Lhe
developmenL of a LrusLful and heallng relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe volunLeer and eace Corps
sLaff and culLlvaLes Lhe Lype of connecLlon necessary for recovery and heallng Lo occur.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>=? 5Z&MR+J*K C&#P& )'IR, 3-...C (I'M +Q& C#R&IS'IT .&OLP+J'*
1he Councll recommends LhaL Congress make an exempLlon Lo Lhe aperwork 8educLlon AcL
for eace Corps SA888. CollecLlng daLa from volunLeers abouL Lhelr sexual assaulL and
experlence reporLlng Lo eace Corps ls vlLal Lo Lhe monlLorlng and evaluaLlon acLlvlLles of Lhe
SA888 and follows besL pracLlces ln evaluaLlng sexual assaulL response programs. 8esL
pracLlces ln Lhe sexual assaulL fleld lndlcaLe LhaL vlcLlms should be surveyed abouL Lhe response
quallLy aL leasL Lhree monLhs afLer Lhey recelve servlces. eace Corps ls unable Lo meeL Lhls
besL pracLlce ln many cases because Lhe volunLeer compleLes or ends Lhelr servlce before Lhree
monLhs has passed. Cnce Lhe volunLeer leaves eace Corps, Lhey become Amerlcan clLlzens
sub[ecL Lo Lhe aperwork 8educLlon AcL regulaLlons, and eace Corps cannoL easlly collecL any
daLa from Lhem wlLhouL golng Lhrough Lhe lengLhy proposal process. 1he requlremenLs of Lhls
AcL have prohlblLed daLa collecLlon and placed an undue burden on eace Corps as lL aLLempLs
Lo make evldence-based declslons for Lhls program.

.&P'MM&*O#+J'*, +' C&#P& )'IR,
.&P'MM&*O#+J'*, '* 2'*J+'IJ*K #*O 5U#%L#+J'*
As noLed LhroughouL Lhls reporL, eace Corps ls monlLorlng and evaluaLlng Lralnlng, pollcles,
lmplemenLaLlon, and ouLcomes relaLed Lo Lhe SA888. 1o daLe, M&L plans and monlLorlng daLa
collecLlon sysLems exlsL for Lhe PoLllne plloL, sLaff and Cv Lralnlng, and MCFN8ON E$,9&(-*(: /&
F$6'1+ <,,1'+/@ 1he agency wlll be maklng declslons based on Lhe evldence from Lhe monlLorlng
daLa collecLed ln Lhe comlng years. 1he M&L follows besL pracLlces ln evaluaLlon ln general, and
where appllcable ln relaLlon Lo sexual assaulL prevenLlon and response programs.
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

ConversaLlons wlLh Lhe SA888 evaluaLor and oLhers led Lo Lhe followlng recommendaLlons, ln
addlLlon Lo Lhe recommendaLlons made ln 2012 regardlng M&L:
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>^? 2'*J+'IJ*K #*O 5U#%L#+J'* 3-65
eace Corps should Lrack Lhe sexual assaulL examlnaLlon access, requesLs and resulLs ln Lhelr
case managemenL sysLem. CurrenLly, eace Corps cannoL easlly counL Lhe number of sexual
assaulL exams provlded Lo volunLeers, how many exams were done by CMCs or ln-counLry
medlcal professlonals, Lhe Lype of evldence collecLed durlng exams, how many of Lhose cases
wenL Lo Lrlal, and Lhelr ulLlmaLe legal ouLcomes. All of Lhls lnformaLlon should be collecLed and
Lracked ln Lhe new case managemenL sysLem ln order Lo provlde a clear plcLure of volunLeer
needs and deLermlne how local processes lmpacL program ouLcomes.
.&P'MM&*O#+J'* BX>EY>=? 2'*J+'IJ*K #*O 5U#%L#+J'* 3&ZL#% 2J,P'*OLP+ C'%JPN
1he Councll encourages eace Corps Lo evaluaLe Lhe Sexual MlsconducL ollcy Lo ensure lL ls
noL negaLlvely lmpacLlng vlcLlms.
3+#+L, '( BX>B /+Q&I .&P'MM&*O#+J'*,
3+#+L, '( BX>B /+Q&I .&P'MM&*O#+J'*,? 2'*J+'IJ*K #*O 5U#%L#+J'* .&,+IJP+&O .&R'I+J*K
1he Councll recommended eace Corps evaluaLe lLs resLrlcLed reporLlng pollcy wlLhln Lwo years
of lmplemenLaLlon. eace Corps parLlally concurred. 1he monlLorlng and evaluaLlon (M&L) plan
for Lhe Sexual AssaulL 8lsk 8educLlon and 8esponse rogram (SA888) lncludes monlLorlng and
evaluaLlng resLrlcLed and sLandard reporLlng, as well as oLher pollcles. 1he M&L plan sLaLes LhaL
eace Corps wlll monlLor lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe pollcy for Lhe flrsL Lwo years ln order Lo adapL
Lhe pollcy Lo ln-counLry condlLlons. ShorL, medlum and long-Lerm ouLcomes are noL expecLed
unLll year Lhree Lhrough year flve. As a resulL, an evaluaLlon of Lhe pollcy's effecLlveness cannoL
be conducLed unLll l?2016 aL Lhe earllesL. 1he Councll concurs wlLh Lhls approach.
3+#+L, '( BX>B /+Q&I .&P'MM&*O#+J'*,? 2'*J+'IJ*K #*O 5U#%L#+J'* 7MML*J+N C'%JPN
1he Councll encouraged eace Corps Lo creaLe an evaluaLlon mechanlsm for Lhe lmmunlLy
ollcy Lo deLermlne lf Lhe pollcy ls resulLlng ln lLs lnLended effecL. eace Corps concurred buL
has noL yeL conducLed Lhls evaluaLlon for Lhe reasons ouLllned above. 1hese pollcles wlll be
revlewed afLer Lhey have been ln place long enough Lo gaLher enough daLa Lo make and
verlflable lnferences accordlng Lo besL pracLlces ln program monlLorlng and evaluaLlon. 1he
Councll recognlzes Lhls approach as a valld and accepLable approach Lo evaluaLlng Lhe program
effecLlveness, and would recommend a Lhorough program evaluaLlon begln no laLer Lhan four
years followlng lmplemenLaLlon.

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

"F5 G-1 -F5-4
uurlng l? 2014, 1he Councll wlll conLlnue Lo focus on Lhe developmenL and efflcacy of eace
Corps pollcy and Lralnlng for rlsk reducLlon and response Lo sexual assaulL, as well as relevanL
pollcles and proLocols. 1he Councll wlll monlLor and conLrlbuLe Lo eace Corps' conLlnued
efforLs Lo develop resources for PeadquarLers, ln-counLry sLaff and volunLeers/1ralnees. ln
addlLlon, Lhe Councll wlll provlde guldance and feedback on Lhe developmenL of new and
enhanced eace Corps' pollcles, proLocols, and sysLems relaLed Lo sexual assaulL. Speclflcally,
Lhe Councll wlll carry over Lhe followlng lLems Lo examlne ln lLs l? 2014 reporL:
LfforLs Lo lmprove securlLy and confldenLlallLy Lhrough enhanced remoLe (onllne)
counsellng opLlons.
CommunlcaLlon sLandards beLween eace Corps sLaff and vlcLlm's famlly members.
LsLabllshmenL of dlsclpllnary acLlon for eace Corps sLaff who dlsregard pollcles for
asslsLlng vlcLlms of sexual assaulL.
CreaLlon of sLandards for whaL volunLeers and sLaff are allowed Lo dlscuss on soclal
medla regardlng crlme vlcLlms
1ralnlng for volunLeers/1ralnees on, and guldance for secondary survlvors'
1he use of emall Lo communlcaLe wlLh vlcLlms wlll be furLher revlewed.

ln l?2012, Lhe Councll ouLllned four lLems lL felL could poslLlvely lmpacL pollcy and servlce
dellvery ln Lhe long-Lerm. 1he Councll was pleased Lo flnd durlng Lhe revlew process LhaL many
of Lhe lLems were addressed durlng Lhe currenL year. 1he long-Lerm lLems were:
1. 1ralnlng of eace Corps PeadquarLers sLaff on senslLlvlLy Lo vlcLlm's lssues. 1hls was
accompllshed Lhrough Lhe Sexual AssaulL and vlcLlm SenslLlvlLy 1ralnlng
2. 1ralnlng for Lhe ClC on vlcLlm senslLlvlLy and lnLervlewlng vlcLlms. We recommend
lnvesLlgaLors and oLher relevanL sLaff, lncludlng Lhose who may lnLeracL wlLh a vlcLlm,
compleLe Lhls Lralnlng. lL should be noLed Lhree lnvesLlgaLors from Lhe Cfflce of
lnspecLor Ceneral wlll be compleLlng Lhe Army's Lralnlng for sexual assaulL lnvesLlgaLors.
3. AppllcablllLy of exlsLlng advocaLe cerLlflcaLlon frameworks Lo eace Corp's SA8L
program. 1he SA8L Lralnlng referenced CvC-11AC cerLlflcaLlon courses when developlng
Lralnlng for all SA8Ls as well as lnLernal eace Corps experLlse.
4. CreaLlon of a response proLocol for CLher Sexual AssaulL" cases, conslsLenL wlLh Lhose
for rape and ma[or sexual assaulL. eace Corps revlsed lLs sexual assaulL classlflcaLlons
and no longer uses Lhe Lerm CLher" sexual assaulL. 1he resLrlcLed and sLandard
reporLlng pollcy and procedures apply Lo all classlflcaLlons of sexual assaulL, and
lncluded ln sLaff and Cv Lralnlng. lL should be noLed LhaL eace Corps has revlsed Lhelr
sexual assaulL classlflcaLlons so LhaL Lhey are more ln llne wlLh recenL changes ln sexual
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

assaulL deflnlLlons used by oLher lederal and sLaLe agencles. eace Corps no longer uses
Lhe Lerm 'CLher Sexual AssaulL'.

Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

-4<73/.1 )/;0)7D H7/@.-CF753

Stac| Ann 8eers
Ms. 8eers asslsLs crlme vlcLlms ln overseas and Lerrorlsm cases, servlng as a llalson beLween Lhe
vlcLlm and Lhe l8l LhroughouL Lhe course of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon. She collaboraLes and coordlnaLes
wlLh Lhe ueparLmenL of SLaLe, ueparLmenL of uefense, ueparLmenL of !usLlce, employers, and
oLher approprlaLe enLlLles Lo address vlcLlm needs. She assesses needs LhaL lnclude crlsls
lnLervenLlon, communlLy referrals, and compensaLlon referrals. rlor Lo worklng aL Lhe l8l,
8eers worked as a vlcLlm advocaLe ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes aL Lhe local and sLaLe levels. She has
conducLed numerous Lralnlng aL Lhe unlverslLy level and Lo law enforcemenL offlcers. uurlng
her 20-year career, 8eers has won numerous awards for her work ln vlcLlm advocacy. She holds
a 8achelor's degree ln Crlmlnal !usLlce from WesL ChesLer unlverslLy and a MasLer's ln Soclal
Work from Marywood College.
Caro|yn Co|||ns
Ms. Colllns ls responslble for developlng and lmplemenLlng a world-wlde uS Army sLraLegy and
pollcy LhaL promoLes a culLure and command cllmaLe LhaL does noL LoleraLe sexual assaulL,
sexual harassmenL, or sexually offenslve language or gesLures. Per many duLles lnclude
developlng Lhe Army-wlde pollcy ln allgnmenL wlLh leglslaLlon, ueparLmenL of uefense
lnsLrucLlon (uoul), and leadershlp dlrecLlves. Colllns manages sLraLeglc, operaLlonal, and LacLlcal
pollcy requlremenLs, and dlrecLs Lhe Army-wlde SLraLeglc CommunlcaLlons plan LhaL addresses
program awareness requlremenLs, publlc messages, and lnqulrles. Collln's background lncludes
experlence ln sLraLegy, leglslaLlve and pollcy developmenL. She has exLenslve experlence ln
budgeL developmenL, valldaLlon, and fundlng commlLmenLs, worldwlde program execuLlon,
lnLegraLed response capablllLy, and measurlng program effecLlveness and reLurn-on-
lnvesLmenL. Colllns holds a 8achelor's degree ln CccupaLlonal 1ralnlng and uevelopmenL from
Lhe unlverslLy of Loulsvllle.
Carme||a Donahue
Ms. uonahue works for Lhe u.S. ueparLmenL of SLaLe, ln Lhe 8ureau of Consular Affalrs'
ulrecLoraLe of Cverseas ClLlzen Servlces, where she supervlses Lhe 8ureau's Crlme vlcLlm
AsslsLance rogram. Slnce 2003, Ms. uonahue has led Lhe 8ureau's efforLs Lo lmprove servlces
for sexual assaulL vlcLlms Lhrough Lralnlng, advocacy, and dlrecL referrals Lo resources. ln her
prevlous poslLlon as vlcLlm AsslsLance SpeclallsL, Ms. uonahue served as Lhe Course
CoordlnaLor for Lhe lorelgn Servlce lnsLlLuLe's flve-day Lralnlng course on asslsLlng vlcLlms of
crlme. She has Lraveled overseas ln advance of ma[or world evenLs, where she asslsLed ln Lhe
Lralnlng and preparaLlon for consular servlces and emergency response. Ms. uonahue holds a
MasLer of Sclence uegree ln ubllc PealLh from 1he Ceorge WashlngLon unlverslLy. rlor Lo
[olnlng Lhe ueparLmenL, she served as Lhe ulrecLor of lorenslc and Medlcal Servlces aL
Chlldren's PosplLal San ulego, as well as Lhe CoordlnaLor of Chlldren's Servlces wlLhln Lhe Sexual
AssaulL 8esponse 1eam ln SanLa 8arbara, CA. She has provlded Lralnlng Lo law enforcemenL
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

offlcers, soclal workers, and communlLy advocaLes, and worked Lo lmprove communlLy
response Lo Lhe vlcLlms of vlolenL crlme.
Gregory Ducot
Mr. uucoL has over 20-years' experlence ln lnLernaLlonal Lralnlng, consulLlng, and program
managemenL ln LaLln Amerlca and LasLern Lurope. Cver Lhe pasL 13 years, he has focused on
lmplemenLlng unlLed SLaLes CovernmenL-funded law enforcemenL Lralnlng programs ln Lurope
and Lurasla. uucoL served wlLh Lhe eace Corps from 1993-1998, as a buslness developmenL
volunLeer ln ukralne and as a S1 Lralner. 8efore golng Lo ukralne, he worked ln LaLln Amerlca
for nearly flve years aL Lhe lundacln Arlas para La az y el rogreso Pumano and as dlrecLor of
Lhe unlverslLy of CosLa 8lca's Lngllsh for 8uslness rofesslonals program. rlor Lo arrlvlng aL
lCl1A ln 2003, uucoL worked as AssoclaLe ulrecLor of uevelopmenL for ro[ecL Parmony (P),
an organlzaLlon funded by Lhe ueparLmenL of SLaLe and engaged ln law enforcemenL
developmenL programs LhroughouL Lhe former SovleL unlon. Whlle aL P, he dlrecLed Lhe
CommunlLy ollclng 1ralnlng lnlLlaLlve, whlch faclllLaLed Lralnlng and parLnershlps beLween u.S.
pollce deparLmenLs and law enforcemenL agencles from ukralne and 8ussla. uucoL has a
8achelor of ArLs ln Spanlsh from Lhe unlverslLy of MassachuseLLs and a MasLer's degree ln
8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon from Lhe naLlonal unlverslLy/unlversldad de CosLa 8lca. Pe speaks
ukralnlan, 8usslan, lrench and Spanlsh.
D|ana Iaugno
Ms. laugno ls currenLly a loundlng 8oard ulrecLor and 1reasurer for Lnd vlolence AgalnsL
Women (LvAW) lnLernaLlonal. She ls also cerLlfled adolescenL/adulL and pedlaLrlc sexual assaulL
nurse examlner (SAnL) and conLlnues Lo work ln Lhe fleld. She ls a lellow ln Lhe Amerlcan
Academy of lorenslc Sclence and was awarded Lhe ulsLlngulshed lellow from Lhe lnLernaLlonal
AssoclaLlon of lorenslc nurses (lAln), of whlch she ls also a charLer-foundlng member. She ls a
reclplenL of Lhe CuLsLandlng AchlevemenL award by Lhe lAln and has held varlous elecLed
poslLlons ln Lhe organlzaLlon. laugno ls Lhe former dlsLrlcL dlrecLor of a chlld abuse program,
sexual assaulL Leam, and a famlly vlolence program. She has made numerous presenLaLlons Lo
sexual assaulL response Leams across Lhe counLry,, as well as Lo sclenLlflc communlLy assemblles
such as Lhe Amerlcan Academy of Sclence. AddlLlonally, laugno ls Lhe co-auLhor of %&+&3 </+1,
&0 F$6'1+ <,,1'+/, F$6'1+ <,,1'+/ <)3&,, /#$ Y*0$ F91(, and numerous oLher publlcaLlons. She has
a MasLer of Sclence ln nurslng from Lhe unlverslLy of hoenlx.
Iust|n nargeshe|mer
As a eace Corps volunLeer ln CuaLemala, Mr. Pargeshelmer served as Lhe 1reasurer of Lhe
volunLeer Advlsory Councll whlle worklng as a Munlclpal uevelopmenL volunLeer. Pe LaughL a
serles of workshops on pro[ecL deslgn and managemenL Lo communlLy leaders, organlzed a
coallLlon of naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal acLors Lo bulld a school ouL of plasLlc boLLles fllled wlLh
Lrash and faclllLaLed a serles of workshops on Lhe boLLle-bulldlng Lechnlque for CuaLemalans
and eace Corps volunLeers. Mr. Pargeshelmer has a 8.A. ln AnLhropology and CommunlcaLlon
ArLs from Lhe unlverslLy of Wlsconsln-Madlson and a MasLer's ln ubllc AdmlnlsLraLlon wlLh a
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

concenLraLlon ln nonproflL ManagemenL from Ceorgla SLaLe unlverslLy. Pe currenLly works as a
CorporaLe and loundaLlon 8elaLlons Manager for Lhe ledmonL ark Conservancy ln ALlanLa,
Susan Sm|th now|ey
Ms. SmlLh has been Lhe ulrecLor of ubllc ollcy aL Lhe naLlonal CenLer for vlcLlms of Crlme
slnce 1999. lrom 2002 Lhrough 2003, she also dlrecLed Lhe naLlonal CenLer's vlcLlm Servlces. As
one of Lhe naLlon's leadlng auLhorlLles on leglslaLlon relaLlng Lo crlme vlcLlms, she analyzes
vlcLlms' rlghLs laws, provldes Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo federal and sLaLe lawmakers and
advocaLes, and drafLs model leglslaLlon. She has LesLlfled before Congress and sLaLe leglslaLures
on bllls affecLlng Lhe rlghLs and lnLeresLs of crlme vlcLlms, and she has conducLed numerous
Lralnlng aL Lhe naLlonal and local levels. A graduaLe of Lhe CeorgeLown unlverslLy Law CenLer,
Powley recenLly recelved Lhe Lols PalghL Award for Lxcellence and lnnovaLlon from Lhe
Congresslonal vlcLlms' 8lghLs Caucus aL a CaplLol Plll ceremony. She prevlously served on Lhe
naLlonal Advlsory CommlLLee on vlolence AgalnsL Women and chalred Lhe vlcLlms Advlsory
Croup Lo Lhe u.S. SenLenclng Commlsslon.
Ienn|fer Marsh, Cha|r
Ms. Marsh currenLly works as Lhe vlce resldenL of vlcLlm Servlces aL Lhe 8ape, Abuse & lncesL
naLlonal neLwork (8Alnn), Lhe naLlon's largesL anLl-sexual assaulL organlzaLlon, managlng Lhe
naLlonal Sexual AssaulL PoLllnes and coordlnaLlng servlces and communlcaLlon wlLh 1,100
afflllaLe sexual assaulL servlce provlders naLlonwlde. ln addlLlon, Marsh acLed as Lhe 8Alnn
ro[ecL Manager for Lhe developmenL and launch of Lhe ueparLmenL of uefense Safe Pelpllne,
servlng Lhe uou communlLy worldwlde. WlLh over 10 years of experlence ln Lhe fleld of
nonproflL managemenL, Marsh has been publlshed ln Lhe [ournal S41+'1/*&( 1(- C3&:31.
C+1((*(: and presenLed aL naLlonal vlcLlm servlces conferences on onllne crlsls lnLervenLlon
besL pracLlces. Marsh LesLlfled before Congress ln Lhe sprlng of 2011 and ls a member of Lhe
u.S. ueparLmenL of !usLlce naLlonal vlcLlm AsslsLance SLandards ConsorLlum and Lhe
ueparLmenL of uefense Sexual AssaulL AdvocaLe CerLlflcaLlon rogram 8evlew CommlLLee. She
has been feaLured on A8C news and Cnn, as well as ln C$&9+$, F$4$(/$$(, and %&,.&9&+*/1(
kath|een etersen, Co-Cha|r
Ms. eLersen has exLenslve eace Corps volunLeer leadershlp experlence as a eace Corps
volunLeer Leader, volunLeer Advlsory Councll Member, eace Corps volunLeer 1ralner, and
eer SupporL neLwork member and Lralner. uurlng her four years of eace Corps servlce she
asslsLed several volunLeers who had been sexually assaulLed. ln eLersen's prlmary asslgnmenL
as a volunLeer ln kyrgyz 8epubllc, she worked aL an orphanage Lo bulld a fosLer care sysLem ln
Lhe counLry, and she Lralned several non-governmenLal organlzaLlons ln youLh developmenL
lssues. eLersen has had a 36-year career as a soclal worker, managlng soclal servlce programs
and provldlng dlrecL servlces Lo abused and aL-rlsk youLh and adulLs. She holds a 8achelor's of
Sclence uegree ln Soclology from Mlddle 1ennessee SLaLe unlverslLy.
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

G|se|a Schm|dt
uurlng her Lwo years as a eace Corps volunLeer ln kazakhsLan, SchmldL worked as a Secondary
LducaLlon Leacher, lnsLrucLlng mlddle and hlgh school sLudenLs ln Lngllsh and Amerlcan
language, hlsLory, and culLure. She also sLarLed a Women's Club for college-age glrls and
developed lessons on confldence bulldlng, women's rlghLs, and lnLrospecLlon. As a sexual
assaulL survlvor, SchmldL has personal experlence wlLh eace Corps' response Lo vlcLlms,
MedLvac processes, and posL-servlce care. She has a 8achelor's uegree ln Lngllsh from Lhe
unlverslLy of noLre uame. She currenLly works as a freelance wrlLer and edlLor whlle pursulng
personal lnLeresLs ln advocacy and vlcLlms' rlghLs.
8ette Stebb|ns Inch
Ms. lnch ls an experL ln crlme vlcLlms' rlghLs and she ls a naLlonal speaker on vlcLlm care ln Lhe
mlllLary and an ad[uncL professor. She led Lhe ueparLmenL of uefense ln several ground-breaklng
lnlLlaLlves, Lo lnclude, Lhe developmenL of Lhe uou Safe Pelpllne, Lhe naLlon's flrsL confldenLlal
hoLllne resource for mlllLary vlcLlms of sexual assaulL, and award wlnnlng Safe Pelpllne moblle
app, Lhe naLlon's flrsL sexual assaulL response app, and a secure moderaLed onllne peer supporL
forum, Lhe ueparLmenL's flrsL sexual assaulL advocaLe cerLlflcaLlon program for lndlvlduals
provldlng dlrecL asslsLance Lo mlllLary vlcLlms of sexual assaulL, and ueparLmenL-wlde sLandards
for all vlcLlm asslsLance-relaLed servlces. Ms. lnch has recelved numerous awards over Lhe years
Lo lnclude lederal Lmployee of Lhe ?ear for Lhe u.S. Army, aclflc 8eglon, and LeLLer of
CommendaLlon from Lhe under SecreLary of uefense for ersonnel and 8eadlness and. Lhe
Award for Lxcellence from Lhe SecreLary of uefense. She currenLly serves as an advlsor Lo several
naLlonal organlzaLlons asslsLlng mlllLary vlcLlms of crlme, such as Lhe naLlonal vlcLlm AsslsLance
SLandards ConsorLlum.
M|chae| L. Weaver, MD IACL
ur. Weaver has served as Medlcal ulrecLor for SL. Luke's PosplLal's Sexual AssaulL 1reaLmenL
CenLer ln kansas ClLy, Mlssourl, slnce 1980. 1he program has expanded LhroughouL Lhe SL.
Luke's PealLh SysLem's eleven hosplLals and has evolved lnLo a lorenslc Care rogram
addresslng Lhe needs of elderly abuse, chlld abuse, and domesLlc vlolence paLlenLs. SL. Luke's
esLabllshed Lhe flrsL prlvaLe Sexual AssaulL 1reaLmenL CenLer ln Lhe counLry and was parL of Lhe
flrsL and largesL Sexual AssaulL 8esponse 1eams (SA81) program ln 1974. Pe ls currenLly
Medlcal ulrecLor of Lhe SAnL program, a foundlng member of Lhe kansas ClLy lnLerdlsclpllnary
8esponse Lo Sexual AssaulL (kCl8SA), and a board member of LvAW lnLernaLlonal. Pe ls also a
member of Lhe Amerlcan College of Lmergency hyslclans Lask force LhaL developed and
publlshed Lhe LvaluaLlon and ManagemenL of Lhe Sexually AssaulLed or Sexually Abused
aLlenL." Pe has lecLured for several organlzaLlons lncludlng Lhe naLlonal College of ulsLrlcL
ALLorneys, parLlclpaLed ln Lhe vldeo resenLlng Medlcal Lvldence aL 1rlal" developed by Lhe
ueparLmenL of !usLlce, naLlonal !udlclal LducaLlon rogram, and worked wlLh Lhe ueparLmenL
of !usLlce's Cfflce on vlolence agalnsL Women Lo develop A naLlonal roLocol for Sexual
Volunteer Sexual Assault Advisory Council: Annual Report

AssaulL lorenslc LxamlnaLlons AdulL/Adolescence." Pe recenLly recelved recognlLlon from Lhe
kansas ClLy, Mlssourl, ollce ueparLmenL for hls efforLs Lo lmprove care of sexual assaulL
vlcLlms, and ln 2003, he was awarded Lhe vlslonary Award" from Lhe lnLernaLlonal AssoclaLlon
of lorenslc nurses (lAln). Pe holds boLh a 8achelor's uegree and uocLor of Medlclne uegree
from Lhe unlverslLy of Mlssourl aL kansas ClLy.

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