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New Year Message - Copyright 2014 by Dr.

Majid Naini Page 1 of 4

In the Name of the Beloved, Love, and Peace

For the New Year of 2014 ! wish e"eryone on the #ajesti$ path of %o"e pea$e and $o#passion a wonderf&% happy hea%thy pea$ef&% prospero&s and s&$$essf&% New Year. 'et #e share with yo& so#e of #y h&#b%e se%e$tions and trans%ations of (&#i)s *afe+)s and ,aadi)s a#a+ing poetry and profo&nd tea$hings abo&t %o"e pea$e $o#passion h&#anity and to%eran$e. 'et #e start with a bea&tif&% story abo&t ho%y Moses pea$e and b%essings be &pon hi# fro# (&#i)s boo- of Masna"i. A sheep fled from holy Moses (PBUH), Moses feet were blistered and his shoes were torn. Following the sheep till night in sear hing, His herd disappeared from his sight. !he sheep from e"ha#stion be ame wea$ and stopped, !hen Moses d#sted off the sheep. He was r#bbing the sheeps ba $ and head with his hand, He was petting the sheep li$e its own mother. !here was not a bit of gloom and anger (in Moses), %" ept lo&e, ompassion, and tears, there was nothing else. He said, if yo# didnt ha&e ompassion for me, 'hy were yo# r#el to yo#rself( )od told the angels at that moment, He has the merit to be ome a prophet !n another sp%endid story in Masna"i (&#i .120/-12/01 one of grand #asters of %o"e des$ribes one of the .#agnifi$ent tea$hings of ho%y 2es&s pea$e and b%essings be &pon hi# A wise man as$ed holy *es#s (PBUH), +'hat is the harshest thing in the #ni&erse(, *es#s said, +-h my dear, the most se&ere thing is )ods wrath, From that, e&en hell trembles li$e #s., !he man as$ed, +'hat shelters #s from )ods wrath( + *es#s said, +.ea&ing yo#r anger at the time (of anger). !he origin of &engean e is hell, And yo#r &engean e is a part of that whole and the enemy of yo#r faith. /f yo# are a part of hea&en, yo#r pleas#re li$e hea&en is e&erlasting. Bitter is 0oining bitters for ertain1 How an the breath of e&il be ome a ompanion of the !r#th ()od)( Hell is the anger and needs an enemy, 2o it o#ld li&e, otherwise a mer if#l one an terminate it. /f there were no enemy and foe in the world, !hen the anger wo#ld ha&e died amongst people. How an it li&e sin e it dies from the light of the (lo&e of) righteo#s ones( !here are h#ndred tho#sands of dar$ness be a#se of yo#r anger, 3alm yo#r anger, open yo#r eyes, be happy, .earn from yo#r tr#e friends and be ome a master (of lo&e).,

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(&#i a%so e3p%ains that ho%y Moha##ad pea$e and b%essings be &pon hi# insightf&%%y re"ea%ed that %o"e is the reason for the $reation of the &ni"erse and a%% $reat&res. !he holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said that )od has stated, My intention for the reation has been lo&e (mer y). / reated so they wo#ld benefit from me, And inf#se their hand with my honey. / didnt reate to profit, B#t to be genero#s to the reat#res. For lo&e, )od reated the whole #ni&erse1 %&ery parti le benefited from )ods 2#n of mer y. /f it wasnt for p#re lo&e, 'hen wo#ld )od ha&e reated the #ni&erse( )od reated the #ni&erse, 2o yo# may omprehend the glory of lo&e. !he spinning of gala"ies is a wa&e of lo&e, 'ere it not for lo&e, the whole world wo#ld perish. (&#i re"ea%s that the e%i3ir of %o"e is the on%y thing whi$h 4&i$-ens the energy of o&r so&% to soar to the highest state of e$stasy. 'o"e #a-es #o&ntains dan$e and the who%e &ni"erse sing a hea"en%y song of di"ine &nity. 'o"e s&rpasses a%% the bo&ndaries of ra$e nationa%ity gender re%igion $i"i%i+ation $&%t&re et$. 5s %o"e is &ni"ersa% so is tr&th. 'o"e is the hea%er of a%% of h&#anity)s i%%s and prob%e#s. 6hro&gh %o"e we $an be$o#e an is%and of stabi%ity joy har#ony serenity and pea$e in o&r $haoti$ &n-ind and t&rb&%ent wor%d. Be happy, oh o#r well desired lo&e, !he healer of all o#r ills. -h (lo&e), the medi ine for o#r pride and arrogan e, -h (lo&e), yo# are o#r Plato and )alen. !hro#gh lo&e, the earthly body soared to the s$ies, Mo#ntains began to dan e and be ame agile. (&#i open%y de$%ares that fear is nothing in $o#parison with %o"e. Fear is a h&#an i%%&sion and %o"e is the des$ription of the 7e%o"ed 8od. Fear is not e&en a hair in front of lo&e, %&erything is e"pendable in the path of lo&e. .o&e is the des ription of the Almighty, B#t fear is the des ription of the ser&ant (man), Affli ted by l#st and emptiness. !he fearf#l de&o#t r#ns on foot, !he lo&ers leap faster than lightning and wind. How wo#ld the fearf#l e&en at h the d#st of lo&e( !he passion of lo&e ma$es the s$y its arpet. 9nfort&nate%y %ast year o&r wor%d was again p%ag&ed with wars "io%en$e h&nger $orr&ption inj&sti$e and greed. Many peop%e in$%&ding inno$ent $hi%dren wo#en and #en ha"e been -i%%ed or inj&red and ha"e be$o#e ho#e%ess. Co&nt%ess others s&ffer fro# ins&ffi$ient food water #edi$ine and she%ter. ! tr&%y hope in the $o#ing New Year we a%% try to be -inder and #ore $o#passionate to%erant and genero&s towards ea$h other

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and o&r en"iron#ent. ! wish a #ira$&%o&s hea"en%y %ight of %o"e wisdo# $o#passion and h&#anity wi%% shine thro&gh the hearts of a%% peop%e and their %eaders to en%ighten their hearts and so&%s to try for an e"er%asting j&st pea$e on :arth. ,aadi .$ir$a 1210 - 12;11 another renowned sage whose "erses appear on the wa%%s of the 9nited Nations s-i%%f&%%y re#inds &s of a si#p%e &ni"ersa% tr&th< H#man beings are from one another, in reation they are from one essen e. 'hen alamity brings pain to one organ, the whole body is in pain. /f yo# are not sorrowf#l from others tragedy, yo# are not worthy to be alled a h#man being. Let me share with you another mystical message from Hafez (circa 1315 to 1390), the great mystic man of love, compassion, and eloquence: /f yo# allow me, / will tell yo# a mysti al message4 Pea e is better than war and (bad) 0#dgment, oh the light of my eyes. )od will ta$e the hands of those when they fall, if they are sorrowf#l for the fallen ones. 'et #e 4&ote a great state#ent fro# the %ate Ne%son Mande%a .1;1=-20101 8od b%ess his so&%< 5o one is born hating another person be a#se of his olor of his s$in, or his ba $gro#nd, or his religion. People m#st learn to hate, and if they an learn to hate, they an be ta#ght to lo&e, for lo&e omes more nat#rally to the h#man heart than its opposite. ! tr&%y hope that we a%% join o&r hands and hearts and pray to the Di"ine ,&pre#e Creator the benefi$ent 8od of %o"e and gra$e for a better New Year f&%% of hea%th happiness %o"e prosperity tran4&i%ity har#ony and pea$e for e"ery %i"ing $reat&re on the path of %o"e pea$e and $o#passion on o&r bea&tif&% p%anet and the &ni"erse. May o&r prayers and good wishes be$o#e an o$ean of %o"e and %ight to per#eate and soften the hearts and so&%s of a%% inhabitants of the wor%d to $o#e $%oser together to wor- and he%p in bringing abo&t an e"er%asting wor%dwide j&st pea$e and har#ony that we need so &rgent%y right now in o&r &n-ind and "io%ent wor%d. 'et #e share with yo& another one of #y h&#b%e se%e$tions and trans%ations of (&#i)s #essage of %o"e and pea$e< My religion is to be ali&e from lo&e, !he animal side of my life is my mortifi ation. .o&e is the flame that when it flares, %" ept the Belo&ed, b#rns e&erything else. .o&e is the des ription of the needless )od, Being in lo&e with anything else is an ill#sion. 'hate&er is besides the lo&e of the most gra ef#l )od, %&en if it is eating s#gar, it is really a trib#lation. !he religion of the lo&ers of )od is separate from all other religions, )od is the religion and nationality of the lo&ers. !he a#se of the lo&ers (of )od) is separate from all a#ses, .o&e is the astrolabe of )ods mysteries.

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(&#i insightf&%%y tea$hes &s that o&r desire for %o"e and pea$e wi%% o"er$o#e a%% the obsta$%es in the ad#irab%e path of %o"e h&#anity and pea$e and we sho&%d %oo- at o&rse%"es and others in a hopef&% and positi"e #anner. 6ont loo$ at yo#r bad or good image, .oo$ at yo#r lo&e and yo#r (spirit#al) desire. 6ont loo$ at yo#r wea$ness and pettiness, .oo$ at yo#r willpower, oh noble one. /n whate&er sit#ation yo# are, see$ (lo&e), 2ee$ water relentlessly, oh thirsty one, !his 7#est is an a#spi io#s mo&ement, !his 7#est on the path of )od is the obsta le remo&er. !his 7#est is the $ey to rea h yo#r desires, !his 7#est is yo#r army and the banner of yo#r &i tory. 'hate&er yo# ha&e from wealth and profession, 'asnt it at first 0#st a desire and tho#ght( )o and hoose s# h a lo&e if yo# are ali&e, -therwise yo# are the ser&ant of hanging times. ! sin$ere%y hope that a%% of &s in the new year fo%%ow (&#i)s grand tea$hings and to the %ast #o#ent of o&r %i"es $ontin&e o&r efforts in the path of %o"e pea$e goodness $o#passion and h&#anity and ne"er gi"e &p and be$o#e hope%ess and apatheti$. /n the path of lo&e ar&e and s rat h, Up to the last breath dont be negle tf#l, !he Belo&ed lo&es this restlessness, Useless effort is better than sleeping (and doing nothing). !o the last breath there might be a moment, !hat the -wner of se rets ()od) will ha&e mer y for yo#. 'hoe&er is trying if man or women, !he 8ing of life is wat hing and listening. ! sin$ere%y wish that we a%% re#e#ber (&#i)s great %essons and p&t the# into pra$ti$e for 2014< This world is like a mountain and our action like sound; Whatever you say in the mountain, the echo comes right back at you. When you behave badly, you should be afraid and not at peace, because it is a seed that God will grow. Whoever plants the seeds of thorns, dont expect to find him in a rose garden. 2et a fire in yo#r heart from lo&e, B#rn all ill tho#ghts and statements. )od (of lo&e) stayed and e&erything else left, Be happy, oh fier e lo&e, the b#rner of all o#r ills.

Happy New Year, Majid M. Naini


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