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Reverse Cancer
We need to know our enemies to fight them effectively…

I’ve had many opportunities to witness the situation when even strong-spirited people
suddenly paled having heard the terrible diagnosis – cancer. Everyone was accepting this
news like the death sentence without any possibility for appeal. Despite seeming
hopelessness of their situation, even seriously ill people with incurable diseases try to
hold on to life to the very last moments. This is in our human nature – we fully
appreciate health only after we lose it. Today's medicine isn't able to give full answers
about the causes of cancer. What force directs some cells to mutate, rapidly reproduce,
and grow into healthy tissue causing a lot of pain and suffering? Doctors and researchers
have created a lot of theories explaining the mechanism of tumor formation and identified
many factors stimulating the development of cancer cells. However, they haven't
managed to find the original cause. I think that the research failed for the following

First, cancer research treats the human body as a set of organs instead of looking at it as a
biological system. All efforts concentrate on the ill organ where a tumor is discovered.
The usual treatment – radiation and chemotherapy – is theoretically intended to mobilize
the body’s defense mechanisms. Unfortunately, the body is weakened by the disease and
poisoned from within. As such, it doesn’t have any reserves to come up with effective
defense. The treatment itself creates another disadvantage by making bodily fluids more
alkaline, which promotes the growth of unhealthy bacteria posing more challenge to our
immune system.

Second, medicine keeps looking for a universal drug or a combination of drugs to

effectively reverse the growth of tumors (fighting the symptoms not the cause), while
cancer is a disease involving the whole body, from the brain to the large intestine.

The “seeds” of cancer are ingrained in us from our childhood. They start “sprouting” as
transitional stages of the underlying disease. Runny nose, colds, rheumatism, arthritis,
and other conditions affecting our eyes, ears, throat, kidneys, liver, heart, bones, or the
nervous system, are all segments of one cancerous chain. As long as we don’t create
proper circumstances allowing our body to utilize it’s natural defense mechanisms
involving immunity, self-regulation, and self-regeneration, thousands of research centers
and millions of doctors with all the drugs and other methods will be unsuccessful in their
efforts to cure cancer. Even patients who have a successful surgery and get good
prognosis still have a constant unconscious fear of recurrence.

I’ve been in contact with a lot of cancer patients for many years. There are thousands of
them in hospitals all over the world. Many stay alive despite the odds. One of them was
a 39-year-old woman who came to see me in the Health Center in Moscow. She had been
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Two surgeries in the course of six months left her very
weak and she was given 2–3 months to live. She had constant 100–102F (38–39C) fever
and her vitality was visibly diminishing. I said to her: “There are three of us – you, me,
and your disease. Who do you want to align with? Two can always defeat one.” She
didn’t say anything but the expression in her eyes proved she was ready to fight to the

The first step in the treatment was large intestine cleaning with the use of enema. This
method was first introduced in 1946 by Dr. Max Gerson, an American physician. It was
used with good results for many years in the cancer clinic run by Dr. Gerson’s daughter.
Since many modern doctors treat enema as something obsolete, its use in cancer therapy
was eventually discontinued and forgotten.

The essence of this method is performing 6–8 enemas a day. The irrigation solution is
1.5qt (1.5L) of boiled water up to 100F (38C) warm mixed with 3–4 teaspoons of lemon
juice and a cup of beet juice. The number of enemas in the first stage depends on the
condition of the patient – more enemas are used for cases that are more serious. In the
next stage, an enema is used once a day or once every other day until the patient starts
producing spontaneous stools.

The therapeutic effect of this procedure can be explained this way: Intestinal cleansing
helps eliminate toxins that are produced by cancer cells in their life processes. If these
toxins are not removed, they get into the blood stream and are carried all over the body,
blocking the body’s self-regulatory mechanisms and leading to death.

In 1950-ies, Dr. Gerson pointed out to his students that the functioning of our large
intestine is closely related with the function of the brain and central nervous system.
According to him, cancer is our body’s vengeance for improperly eaten meals. In 99% of
the cases we invite cancer by poisoning ourselves, only 1% is caused by spontaneous
changes in our body. This means that we are 1% victims and 99% authors of cancer.

If a cancerous tumor attacks the digestive tract, the choice of diet is an important task.
Meat, fish, dairy products, broth and other soups are not recommended. We are left with
grains, fruits, and vegetables. Combining fruits and vegetables, either raw or cooked, is
improper because they require different digestive times – 2 hours for fruits and 4 hours
for vegetables. We can, however, drink any combinations of freshly squeezed fruit and
vegetable juices because they are absorbed in practically the same time. They provide
large amounts of essential vitamins, minerals, and hormones without the necessity to
spend our body’s energy in digestive processes. My patient, while using enemas, was
able to eat only rice, buckwheat, and baked potatoes. She also drank about 2qt (2L) of
juices every day.

Beet and carrot juices play a special role in cancer therapy (see “Can We Live 150
Years?” pages 85–86). Scientific studies conducted over many years proved that these
juices slow down the growth of tumors, flush out old cancer cells, and enhance the
functioning of respiratory enzymes (beet juice can increase the enzyme functioning by
400–1000%). The role of pigments contained in beets and carrots is not exactly known,
however they’ve been proven by research to slow down the development of cancer cells.

The best combination for cancer patients is a 4:1 blend of carrot juice and beet juice.
Every day, 1–2qt (1–2L) of juice blend should be used in equal amounts, with 4-hour
intervals during the day, plus one portion at 1 a.m. Some people cannot tolerate beet
juice and react with nausea, weakness, slow heart rate, and low blood pressure. In such
cases, we have to limit the amount to two tablespoons a day and gradually increase it day
after day. We can also substitute beet juice with apple juice, adding two tablespoons of
red wine per one liter of blend.

Experts have different opinions about whether beet juice should be consumed freshly
squeezed or after 1–1.5 hours. Freshly squeezed beet juice contains 2.5 times more
active oxygen and active iron, which is essential for hemoglobin. This is why it’s better
for cancer patients to drink freshly squeezed beet juice. I would say it’s also necessary
for elderly people whose cellular breathing is impaired. Regular use of beet juice
guarantees a rejuvenated body, healthy white teeth, and 80% protection against cancer.

Cancer attacks not only our body but also the mind. This is why I asked my patient to
spend considerable time on exercises stabilizing her psychological condition. Since she
wasn’t able to relax and release her strong nervous tension, I had to teach her self-
hypnosis. We also went together through ten hypnotic regressions, taking her back to her
childhood experiences (For many people, cancer is a result of trauma in early childhood.)
We dealt, step by step, with psychological “roots” that kept her disease alive. She hadn’t
had a happy childhood: her father had abused alcohol and beaten her and her mother. She
hadn’t had toys or been allowed to bring friends home. Overall, it wasn’t a pretty picture.
Her adult life wasn’t easy either. It seemed that she could achieve anything only with
great difficulty. She blamed it all on her parents, especially the father who had done her a
lot of injustice in her childhood.

I tried to convince her during those hypnotic sessions that holding a grudge “consumes”
our body and finally leads to cancer. If anger and hatred dominate our feelings, we burn
out from inside. Such emotions don’t usually go together with good health.

The next stage in her therapy was teaching her self-healing method in order to fully
release her body’s potential defense mechanisms that remain inactive in most people all
their life.

The pharmacy inside our own body (self-healing method)

Nature provided each one of us with an excellent individual “pharmacy” containing

medicine against all diseases we can ever get. Our only task is learning how to make use
of it.
The self-healing process has two stages. The first stage is relaxing all the muscles in our
body. In the second stage, we launch a healing program in our subconscious mind (just
like a computer program) designed to trigger our body’s self-regulatory processes. Self-
healing is effective because it uses our body’s natural defense mechanisms.

Stage 1 – relaxing

Spread a soft blanket on the floor and lie down on your back. Your arms should be
stretched alongside your body with the palms facing outside and the fingers slightly
bowed, your feet tilted outside, your head turned to one side, mouth open, tongue against
the upper teeth, and your eyes closed for better concentration. Try to be calm, not to
think about anything, and, most important of all, breathe calmly and evenly. It usually
takes two to five minutes to achieve full relaxation state.

Stage 2 – self-healing

The cells in our body have a basic mental capability similar to that of a little child. We
should remember that fact when we address an ill organ. In your imagination try to
visualize the malfunctioning organ, open communication with it, and concentrate on
giving it an order. The order must be expressed clearly and decisively, as if you were
trying to correct the behavior of your beloved child.

Each one of our organs has its own “personality,” for example our stomach and our liver
are stubborn and not very reasonable. They need to be addressed in the form of a harsh
command. Our heart is much wiser and it listens to requests expressed gently and

Having completed the first stage you can, for example, imagine looking inside your heart
and try to see a small bright flame in it – the source of love and saving energy. Imagine
that the flame grows, fills your whole heart, and then spreads throughout the entire body
from the top of your head to the tips of your fingers and toes. Try to feel how it cleanses
your body, removes inflammations, and brings health and vigor. Quietly say to yourself:
“Every breath brings me closer to full cleansing. The light in my body is the healing

If you know a specific spot with a lump or inflammation, put your right hand on it and
imagine that the healing light is emitted from the center of your palm and it melts the
lump just like sunrays melt snow or ice in the spring.

This was just an example. Everybody has enough imagination to develop his or her own
healing scenario. The most important thing to remember is to relax your muscles and to
enter the healing program into your subconscious mind. You can pick any time for self-
healing sessions but it’s done better when there is nobody around to interrupt you. If you
enjoy quiet music, turn on your favorite piece for a better relaxation effect.
Both people with cancer and their caretakers have to understand that the patients’
optimism, love for life and faith in the possibility of healing play the decisive role in
victory over the disease. In much too many cases, ill people become passive observers
expecting miraculous help from doctors. Such patients lie passively in bed, refuse to take
action, and worry to death despite being told hundreds of times about the possibilities of
modern medicine and the importance of not giving up. As long as patients’ own attitude
doesn’t change, such “psychotherapy” coming from other sources has no effect.

Surgical removal of tumors is an invasive procedure involving our body’s complex

structures. In many cases, it can be compared to an attempt on repairing an electronic
device with the use of a hammer and a crowbar. It’s often the last resort, when we run
out of other options. If the surgeons find out that nothing can be done, the patient is
stitched up and sent home to die. Sometimes the patient doesn’t even know the terrible
truth, only the immediate family. Wouldn’t it be better to be honest instead of putting on
a spectacle? This would allow the ill person to consider something else that could turn
out to be the last chance. It may seem cruel, but truth cannot be cruel. It doesn’t kill.
Truth can heal if the affected person finds enough courage and strength to face and
understand it.

People ignored the principles of moderate eating and physical exercise. They poison
their lungs and blood with cigarette smoke, drinking too much coffee, and eating
excessive amounts of sweets. All this puts a lot of strain on our body’s defenses. Our
body begs for some cooperation by sending us different signals, but we ignore them or
silence them with various pills. There is time when the only option is listening to our
tired body’s signals and helping it recover. It’s a chance to prolong our life and it’s up to
us to use it.

Going back to my female patient, she had to work on herself quite a bit before she got
cured. On top of all methods I just described, she went through four liver-cleansing
routines, took various herbal baths, used aerobic and aquatic therapies, exercised a lot
(including some specific exercises for cancer patients), followed a special diet, and drank
herbal teas (raspberry, black currant, nettle). After six months of intensive work on her
health, she went to see the doctor who had written her off. He could only say, “You are
alive after all. I thought…”

I’d like everybody to stick to the following principles, no matter how grave your health
condition becomes:

1. Believe you have enough strength to fight the disease.

2. Never abandon hope for recovery.
3. Love your body and mind.

Everybody should understand that cancer is the final link in a long chain of
diseases. It’s not an illness of one single organ but of all systems in our body, one of
which gives in first. Cancer is, first of all, a result of unhealthy lifestyle, inability to
handle stress, ignorance of our physiology, and disregard for the laws of nature.
Efforts concentrated on fighting specific tumors have little chance of success. Cancer
kills well-known politicians, movie stars, and other celebrities, even though they have
enough money to afford the most expensive treatments. It’s an unavoidable result of the
lifestyle most people live. The seeds of cancer exist in everybody from the time we are
born (it’s in the genetic memory of infants). It takes time for the disease to develop and
manifest itself. Many people don’t live long enough – they die earlier of other diseases.
It’s most often diagnosed in rich, well-developed economically countries. However, even
early detection doesn’t guarantee cure if we don’t take radical steps in changing the
lifestyle. Statistics in well-developed countries doesn’t give much reason for hope
despite modern medical equipment, availability of pharmaceuticals, and high level of
medical training – one out of four Americans die of cancer. People living in
underdeveloped countries simply don’t live long enough to develop cancer. They die of
earlier diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, and the like.

Cancer-preventing Nishi system

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