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"Asked" Count the plum blossom in the spring of the heavens and the earth, to peel it after asked for.First two words of prophecy poems as a starting point, to reveal each monk not enlightenment to confusion, so asked to. Wanli the sun cloud ink shadowing Heart is reflected light things Asked if the world of mortals edal lotus out of the weight off !he "tao" heaven, tunnel "#$% &uddha, humanity of Confucianism. At the end of the law of a lot of people are in order, but way is what'(any people do not understand.!ao is the universe all abide by their own rules, laws, natural, harmonious and orderly operation. eople standing between the heaven and earth, should be good at the royal itself, in order to fit into the way of heaven and earth. eople in a way, but to find a way around. eople in a way, but inverse way.When people are able to fit into the way of heaven and earth, and heaven and earth together, be called religious people. Concept born it said) "a dime a do*en monks method at the end of the period, the word is a few".(ethod at the end of the period, people lost the mind, the peculiarity of the ob+ective world and ob+ective world development too fast, cause people to calm down and en+oy a peaceful mind, people kept chasing outward world of neon, tireless pursuit of the relationships,particularly those founded, morbid psychological spread like an epidemic, people have too much confusion and hesitation and struggle. eople adversely breach day, opposite, abandoning the moral, from -u .iangshan, however the whole society. eople are fast sliding into a corrupt, deep to the brink of self,destruction, if not timely return, ad+ust the direction, will accelerate the pace of destruction./rder people e0pect us to like us humans return to heaven, to restore, the wind of civili*ation eti1uette to return to earth.2f, as e0pected, the world will be peaceful. !ao to 3ane, simple to flowers die winter spring flowers, gurgling springs towards the bottom of the top of the mountain, is a way.!ao to deep, ob+ective world passed me by, the evolution and change, if you want to completely peep, difficult and difficult."to be continued% 4itality of the tao is 1igong practice referred to in the air'5igong in essence, gas, god refers to "gas" in the tao within, to a part of the word, but he does not cover.2f interpreted vitality of 1igong as a way to avoid the narrow, why do you say so'&ecause of a "gas" points of -in and -ang, astrologer everything, so "gas" can also be called the mother of all things, here6s a "gas" refers to the early universe, the universe is in chaos, no life, no to the naked eye can see the material, material in the form of particle dispersion in the universe, the universe is in chaos, .ao t*e this

period is called the infinite universe."7as" itself means "a% nothing again ""field% here say nothing refers to the universe and life are not visible to the naked eye, they e0ist in a hidden way, e0ist in the form of particles, they evolved into the visible matter or life at any time, although they e0ist, but to the naked eye cannot see, so relative to the naked eye can see everything, they are a way of e0istence, so, say the e0istence of all things is based on the field, in addition to the field, the e0istence of everything is fake or karma%, so also can say the universe and all life comes from nothing "field%.As .ao t*u said) "the tao gave birth to a, life two, two gave birth to three, everything", all things natural, harmonious, orderly, and is suitable for, due to that call.8othing of the word, everything of the word, for all of the word. As long as you6re monks monks with a pair of eyes and hearts to observe e0perience the world, you will find everything is a way.!heir original way and hardships are seeking is in their heart, and never abandon yourself, is abandoned, violated the word and word has been like a friend with yourself, and allows us to improve our own was taken off the himself, sublimation and can make us happy and live a more free and easy old friend left in the ruins of the mind, not too bad. What is the core of the science of uniting the monks should'What determines the practitioner realm of high and low'For the practitioner to give play to the role of the main factor is what'For a practitioner, a lot of people will say that physical fitness is the science of uniting the core, also has a lot of people will say that the human potential and psychic "ability% is the core of uniting, some people put the afterlife as the science of uniting the core, in fact, too many people practice motivation intent and uniting the core point is to abandon "picking flowers and fruit%, even is wrong or morbid. /utlook on life and values play a ma+or role in the science of uniting the, he determines your sublimation or degradation, the outlook on life, values, the direction of practice to find direction, outlook on life, the values of the set can 1uickly improve your realm.8o outlook on life, the values of the science of uniting the, lost the life value and significance, the practitioner will only blindly pursue capability, avatar weird and blindly chase the 0uan watering, the whole people slowly lost in the science of uniting the, even if at the end of the capability of uniting into a world first, avatar, no one can and psychic powers, but also is a the most evil know see the devil, the devil will only world of cholera, cholera society, the harm to the society.!hey will only use the specific function and powerful capability of convergence of money, clings to power and wealth..ike to create a "universal language" of the female by proponents of 9hang :iangyu flow is such a monster, a monster like 9hang :iangyu in China and the world around them because there is no correct outlook on life, values, and so to fall, they have a strong ability, although can also because of this strong capability and psychic let them to self,destruction.A person without the outlook on life, values can only be a person lost or degraded, if a super power and the psychic practitioner without the outlook on life, values, then she will mislead people go astray. (oral humanity also is one of the core content of the science of uniting the most main, presence of moral human nature is also a test of the practitioner6s evil is a +udgment standard, heaven, earth, day line of its road, the universe can natural harmonious and orderly operation and development, to line their virtue, to hold world with virtue, to prosperity of vegetation, everything to be able to

multiply and grow.Cultivating rational moral can grow wise life and deeds, rational can guarantee life natural, harmonious, orderly, rational cultivation can increase your wisdom and moral 1ualities, rational and moral cultivation can increase your rational inde0, because the role of morality you will not be shortsighted, will not haggle over every ounce, not for hollowing out impulses to lose reason, because of the moral, some practitioners to seek to promote the healthy development of the society, promote the sublimation of human and evolution, because of the moral, the practitioner will not go for profit viral whisper, not for selfish motives intention to harm to society. Why 2 don6t advocate the perceptual moral'&ecause perceptual moral is unsustainable, perceptual moral unsustainable and persistence because perceptual moral is under certain ob+ective conditions and some ob+ective factors stimulated moral humanity, moral sensibility and can6t let people deeply reali*e the importance of ethics for human, only rational moral to let everybody understand the importance of morality in the human and the science of uniting the, emotional, moral and wisdom life is unrelated to the perceptual moral sometimes will let us life is messy and chaotic. With a small story proves the undesirable moral sensibility, there was a farmer, he spent forty thousand yuan to breeding some pigs, the family happily, finally see the dawn of the rich.Farmers have worked so hard to raise pigs, the worked hard sweat, pigs grew up on the market, a few months of hard work finally have the return, the family was very happy.2n the market, the farmers have a sleek pigs sold, received it with interest to si0ty thousand yuan, the borrowed money if possible, to twenty thousand yuan is left.After he sold the pig coincided with a donation, on impulse, he donated all the si0ty thousand yuan.After he put the money to donate, back home, his family did not know he gave the money to go out, my family are all very happy, thought can rich live a rich life, when he sold the pig all the money 2 donate things to tell his family, his family for his sensibility of irresponsible to the family and angry, this is a very poor family, thought pigs can be rich, therefore now owe a huge debt, the old man6s scold, the cries of the wife and children crying suddenly filled with the whole family, home messy inside, perceptual is sometimes reckless and perceptual sometimes give yourself too much trouble and trouble, let your life is in a mess. ;ational moral can strengthen the practitioner to the cultivation of moral, can cultivate and increase the practitioner the wisdom of life, can let the practitioner6s moral continuity and persistence, can make a moral for practitioners to understand the meaning of life, can let more practitioners understand moral significance for practice. Cultivate their own ob+ective and correct understanding of things is also the main content of the science of uniting the, cultivating their own ob+ectivity and the cognition of things correctly to ensure his not possessed, in the process of uniting to uniting the correct cognition, to be able to practice all produced in the process of perception, feelings, and physiological and psychological all correct cognitive evolution. /rdinary people should develop its own ob+ective and correct cognition of things, and a practitioner, in the process of uniting, out of your body and mind, there are changes in

physiological changes will bring psychological influence and change, psychological changes will affect physiological and change, if you can6t produce the correct cognition to these changes, e0tremely easy to average computer,virus or has a harmful effect on body and mind. 2n practice, most of the time there will be some illusion, the illusion is usually practice brought physiological effect, and then your subconscious guide them and prayed to the 0uan chasing illusions "pursue some boundary% of illusion, there are also some accepted some superstitious culture, formed the subconscious, subconscious in the process of uniting the superstitious culture play a role, so have some wonderful illusion or produce some feared, if processes is not good, it6s easy to average computer,virus or has a harmful effect on their physical and mental health.And some is to accept others6 suggest, and then produced in the science of uniting the illusion, say proponents, religion%, especially the practitioner should develop their ability to deal with all kinds of implied.!here is a kind of situation, through uniting the developed its own specific function "such as eye, eye%, this kind of circumstance does not belong to the illusion, this ability can be clarified. ractice is a process of development, physiological function and human body potential, in the process of this development, body and mind will continue to change, as a practitioner, to body and mind of every change in the royal and guidance, avoid possessed or abnormal psychology.$very physical and mental changes if done properly, they will get promoted, for and state through their own will increase a little.2f not when processing, can produce a lot of mistake cognition or greenery, the wrong cognition is a barrier to improve yourself, let yourself in for and borders on to the ne0t level.While average computer,virus will be falling into the abyss of self degradation and destruction, cause serious damage to their body and mind, and will become a cholera monsters in the society. As a practitioner, affirmation is the science of uniting the core essential factor, not willing to &uddha and the fairy, fairy &uddha not willing to 0ian, the importance of visible vows in uniting.4ows is a practitioner of target and the science of uniting the aim in life, handed out a positive affirmation have goals in life and cultivation target, cultivation will generate power.Will plan through various methods and their own unremitting efforts to complete their vows, longitudinal see &uddhism every &uddha and bodhisattva because handed out countless vows, and to lay down his life for his own vows give effort to complete her vows, therefore, the &uddha, bodhisattva, every :iu:ian way, etc.4ows can bring help for every practitioner, able to 1uickly improve their realm.A positive affirmation affect a person6s life, a great goal in life is the premise of success.4ows to give yourself an infinite power, the target can make oneself to find the direction.$veryone should set more for yourself can have positive effects on their vows, can produce vows let you une0pected strength, in the grey period of life, in the crossroads of life, can let you keep down, can let you find the direction. Have a great vows, your confusion and uncertainty will 1uietly slip away from you.Have a great vows, you6ll struggle to achieve their vows, dig out more rigorous, ob+ective, perfect and feasible solution, resulting in the incisively and vividly show your wisdom.4ows can make you more sensitive to something related to your vows, and able to improve your grasp of the vows about

professional speed. When 2 was <=, heavy under once) "the vast misery :inHang9hou, holy stream fan son turn to degrees. &ut heart is lack of power is not enough, difficult to control in the eyes of tears flow. erseverance to take back, longitudinal into hell no tears flow. 2 hope fans son into light, all try to give up." 2 handed out after the vows, 2 began to degrees "education% for study, 2 focus on all and degree of all "including te0t degrees, the degree of language, behavior, environment degree%, 2 started to sensitive and degree of all, and 2 began to use and degrees "improve yourself and others% about the te0t, language, behavior and environment to improve yourself and others.Constant accumulation and create can promote others and correct others wrong methods and solutions, built up a large number of degrees of the people in the study of technical skills.2 because of this a vows, 2 begin to pay close attention to human behavior, ideology, culture and ideology.2 began to develop in these areas of professional knowledge, with the passage of time, my professional knowledge is more and more rich, more and more deep, their professional ability is becoming more and more strong. 2 have been handed out many vows, one of my affirmation is "2 want the language would be as a sword, stab to all the evil spirit of heretics, let all evil evil no room". 2n order to achieve my vows, 2 started to train yourself6s ability to use language, how can 2 begin thinking the language would be into a sword, stab to the key of all the evil speech, make the evil speech don6t fight back.2 start training their ability to distinguish right from wrong, 2 also began to all kinds of knowledge are collected, train yourself for a variety of the resolving power of knowledge of good and evil, only distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, was able to identify the evil, and only to the knowledge of good and evil, and will be able to find the key that evil speech, to life one killed, evil does not e0ist speech chicanery.2 send the vows will to work hard to achieve, cultivating their own strength, reali*es own vows, high holding the sword of +ustice of speech to cut yourself to evil. 2 have vowed 2 will use the most simple words revealed the universe6s most profound truth. 2n order to achieve my vows, 2 began to study and sublimation on all areas of human, and 26m thinking about how to put the profound truth and obscure term in plain words, can let all people even didn6t go to school can also understand.With the most obvious what the universe is the most profound truth, to complete this vows will do kung fu in two ways, the most profound truth in the words of the most obvious and should have technical skills on the use of the language and terminology, so to train your command of the language and skills.>se the most simple language what the universe is the most profound truth, want to master the most profound reason need to go to the reali*ation and research, so want to go to reali*e this a vows needs in these two aspects to study. 4ows to become a man of success, vows to help when is this meaning. As the &uddha said, people have to wish, be don6t reali*e the truth'!he water of a lake very much, if it is to let people have to use a goose feather touch water, lakes dried up, spend their time, also

can finish her vows.$ach &uddha bodhisattva has its own vows, many successful people have their own vows, want to reali*e their vows will pay a sweat and hard study. For the determination of "willpower% is the core of the science of uniting the elements.#o any one thing, must have the perseverance, determination and willpower, what6s more, the monastery.-esterday the &uddha ning give life to seek a method, we present order without this receiving the tao and determination, because without determination and willpower and flinch from difficulties, will lead to the failure of the order or not success not too bad.#etermination and willpower is receiving the tao and the aid of order process, he can let you never flinch from difficulties, he can form you supplied to rush ahead unswervingly power of cultivation for a long time.Abbey road untold hardships, difficulties, and no way of determination and willpower, it is difficult to reach the peak of the monastery "highest%.&ut Abbey road also along with the +oy, every time to overcome inertia prey we will be pleased and happy to own growth, each ascending self transcending oneself is a kind of happiness, every time the truth and the sublimation of every time we will change for their happy and happy. /utlook on life values, the knowledge of things "see% is known are, ob+ectivity, "no%, the wisdom, morality, these comprehensive factors determine the state of the practitioner.#o you practice to a high level or low level, depends on the comprehensive factors. ?o as to establish their outlook on life values, a practitioner should cultivate is known are seen, the ob+ectivity of the training, can reduce the ego "sub+ectivity%, want to find a way to enhance their own wisdom and cultivate their morality.?o your state will continuously improve, you will constantly transcend self, your potential could be fully stimulated.A practitioner without the outlook on life values is not 1ualified to talk about state, because there is no the outlook on life values they will not repair is too high, they will not have a high level. !o the universe, life is full of evil people know me can6t fi0 for trained or the science of uniting the high level, only is known are seen to guide the practitioner to circle the state of sleep. A lack of ob+ectivity of the practitioner regardless of how to practice, is not escape out of the bondage of sub+ectivity "ego%, it is hard to dacheng, their practice is too sub+ective, so they find it difficult to have a larger breakthrough, their region and more difficult to ascend. 8o wisdom of practice is also hard to, because the science of uniting the road is full of all sorts of difficulties and problems, waiting for you to use wisdom to solve, in the process of the science of uniting the changes in physical and psychological moment, feel constantly change, how to deal with the change and change, need to practice of physical, psychological, have a correct cognition and the participation of wisdom, wisdom and practice knowledge are needed to guide them to attain the science of uniting the way, there is no wisdom, and the correct training knowledge face caused by uniting the changes you may be at sea or improper handling of body and mind, so very easy to trigger a physical disease or mental disease, severe cases may average computer,virus "psychosis%.

$very high realm of the practitioner will be moral, a practitioner worthy to talk, no moral ethics is the science of uniting the power, is each character 1uality, high level practitioners have no moral cultivation, uniting the capability and the avatar, moral practice, practice is how to improve yourself to surpass oneself sublimation of self.(oral can reduce the risk of the practitioner greenery, more help to improve the practitioner. (any people think of uniting the narrow refers to the 1igong, !aoism, &uddhism, yoga training, in fact, the practice should be everyone6s things. ractice can not only develop its own specific function, and can improve their sublimation yourself@8ot only can stimulate human potential, also can guarantee the physical and mental health, moral growth in wisdom. sychic powers should not serve as the science of uniting the goal, specific function is one of our human body function and potential, but we have a lot of people may not know their own e0ist this kind of function and ability, there are some people are simply deny its e0istence the functions and capabilities, in fact, there are a lot of the human e0istence of potential has not been developed, we need to constantly develop the functions of our body, and a variety of potential. sychic powers and sublimation does not e0ist any relationship, but a lot of special function can be useful and bring us some convenient.2f you want to sublimate or promotion for state through their own, specific function, it is impossible to achieve the purpose of training for psychic and sublimation and fi0 the state does not e0ist any relationship. >niting the most main goal should be to promote and sublimation yourself, don6t let avatar weird and :uan!ong better traction of their thinking, bind them may not be free, then you will only point, fruit picking flowers.>niting to clear their goals, it is not easy to, improve themselves in order to cultivate their own strength and the connotation, the sublime ourselves to obtain a more thorough liberation and happiness. We itself has a lot of potential, but many people may not know, these potential like gold buried in the soil.!hrough scientific training "practice%, we can inspire many we itself there is potential, we can use these potential service to yourself and others, a lot of people envy those who have wisdom brave man, actually these are all belong to everyone has some things, but people are culture, ideas, thoughts, ideology, the outlook on life values, these ob+ective factors, such as negative emotions, and bring about people6s 25 and the state of life vary widely, as long as it6s not brain function is not sound, the genetic causes of biology is insensitive with scientific training can become sensitive "wise%, the potential can be based on their scientific training or stimulated, and many people envy the 1igong master capability and psychic powers, in fact, as long as after scientific training, you can also have a strong capability and training of a specific function. ractice can make more health of body and mind, however, links to blind sometimes has a harmful effect on body and mind, so, for the science of uniting the we should have correct cognition, a method of uniting the solution to scientific and reasonable, correct the wrong practice method and the idea, can cause physiological disease and mental disease, for e0ample, we train ourselves to absorb the sun6s energy "light, heat, energy%, if we don6t support other uniting the content, we for a long time to absorb the sun6s heat, light, energy, and our body can produce heat in the fire "that is,

as the saying goes, we lose our%, cause the body in the fire inside the body of the state for a long time, in this state, the immunity will decline rapidly, e0tremely easy to cause various diseases, so, don6t blind to fi0 in the science of uniting the blind.2n fact as long as in the absorption of the sun6s light, heat, the energy content of the science of uniting the practice in add some content, you can resolve to absorb the sun6s light, heat, energy, the harm to oneself, in the back 26ll e0plain in detail. !heory of the science of uniting the mahayana and convenient practice, is the &uddhism.2s a comprehensive science of uniting the science of uniting the culture of &uddhism, &uddhism not only involves the outlook on life values in the science of uniting the practice "set%, and involves the science of uniting the willpower@8ot only involves the educational practice of hui, and involves the moral cultivation of humanity@8ot only involves the science of uniting the speed and all kinds of potential, and involves the character training, also involves specific functions "avatar% of the practice.?cientific and rational buddhist right training can not only guarantee the physical and mental health, but also can develop all kinds of human potential. /rthodo0 mahayana &uddhism is &uddhism, is e0actly the dharma, the ultimate truth of the universe.!heravada &uddhism is &uddha, convenient practice for those dull roots christians for convenience to guide practice, blunt root christians unknown benefits of mahayana "interest%, they can6t see mahayana &uddhism to itself and the benefits of society, that is why they refused to accept the mahayana professor of culture, because they dare not the truth, so refused to truth.As a result, they have chosen are not e0actly theravada &uddhism, theravada &uddhism doesn6t e0actly and narrow will bind their thought and the state, if the theravada christians theravada &uddhism supremely well, they don6t give up theravada, mahayana to transformation, then they could not have gone round sleep, if they can6t cross this disorder among theravada &uddhism and mahayana &uddhism, so they can never understands the truth, so, how to bridge theravada &uddhism and mahayana &uddhism this obstacle'!he theravada buddhist to theravada &uddhism as a stairway to mahayana &uddhism, like primary school culture and university culture, the relationship between theravada christians only the theravada &uddhism as a stairway to mahayana &uddhism, so have the possibility of reali*ation of the ultimate truth. What is a theravada buddhist and mahayana buddhist'!heravada &uddhism is to improve themselves, for their own happiness mahayana buddhist in relief on the basis of his own fortune are also concerned about the happiness of all life and relief.?o the theravada buddhist can only be immune, mahayana buddhists and the world. (ahayana buddhist and theravada buddhist difference is that the mahayana theravada buddhist learning became a theravada &uddhism, mahayana buddhist can put the theravada &uddhism developed mahayana &uddhism.!heravada buddhists cannot truthfully understand the motives of the doctrine of &uddha and the &uddha intention, distort the &uddha thought, culture, doctrine of intention and motivation.(ahayana buddhist truthfully understand the motives of the doctrine of the &uddha and the &uddha of intentions, they can use intention truly understand the &uddha6s teachings and motivation leads all culture, secular culture, culture of mahayana and theravada culture.

;eciting amitabha is a mahayana practitioners practice, can the theravada followers there and mahayana teachings into practice of the lesser.!he motivation of them chanting has revealed they6re theravada, some for their own interests, some weird to avatar, some merit to, sometimes in order to, to a certain level.;eal amitabha mahayana practitioners practice intention to set up the correct motive, own happiness relief at the same time, also pay attention to all life of happiness and relief.With the right chanting the purpose, to learn how to chanting, amitabha of mahayana practitioners method is mouth fortune at the same time, the e0perience of the &uddha6s vows and ideological culture, e0perience oneself is amitabha &uddha, amitabha &uddha6s own, without the second.Work e0perience time is long, the human body biological clock, the &uddha6s vows and thought culture and your body A for one, then you6ve had a &uddha.Why to after death to the pure land' (ahayana &uddhism has also show dense, e0plicit teaching heavy, tantra reconstruction.2n secret in secret, show, separate into two "block%, one "dharma%.?ecret from secret, never show, show, show teach heavy, taken by not disorderly into work, tantra rebuild, wisdom for use according to break ignorance, dense 3i:iu, for the best.

Dharma to modern development, compared with Buddha, dharma sectarian development is rapid, is full of beautiful things in eyes, factionalized.Teacher and have built for this is that all of the good people be pleased, but like ecstasy, Lin about without knowledge being in between the theory of sectarian fighting, no trade-offs and choices, without knowledge all feel helpless and confusion, do not know how to start. e rushed to the learn Buddha dharma sectarian phase of pained, sectarian Buddhism this belong to the dharma, and for the realization of the universe life phase, sublimation and evolutionary purposes, but at the last phase to have torn the dhamma, not grieved to learn the Buddha people.! ithout knowledge of beginners learn Buddha dharma must first clear his purpose, understands the truth in life, the universe the sublimation and relief as the ultimate goal of learning Buddha himself, this is the core of their learning Buddha, in the process of learning the Buddha in a wide variety of sectarian, remind oneself cannot deviate from their ultimate goal."ach sect, is at the core of things, in fact, a book sometimes #ust around one or several core concepts or things phase, as long as grasp the core, refine them, change numerous for brief, so help us clear thinking, also can help us more clear understanding of the author$s ideas, contribute to a more accurate understanding of the author of the real meaning e%pression, also help to avoid deviating from the core in the high strength of thinking, get blank brains the author means.

(y learning of &uddhism, buddhist scriptures in study methods and practice of technical skills in the dark, 2 don6t know how to practice the dharma, often get blank brains &uddha, after a period of time after groping research, developed a lot of practice buddhist methods and technical skills. "to be continued% $0tracting core change numerous for brief is a good way to practice &uddhism, one of the practice such as B B diamond sutra C C, each title, or is the core of each chapter, this paper is length and the ink spread all around the title and show in this paper.4iew its title should know its meaning, such as its title unknown intention or willing to strive for more accurate author, again to grasping its surrounding the title of the paper, on the ponder to the title, if not grasp the core competence, necessarily unknown its meaning, thinking, according to the author discusses an hard core its voice. (y e0perience, research enlightenment B B diamond sutra C C, sometimes its forget its title "core% is discussed, along with the author thought, in the author discusses the thinking flow as the author, the meaning and the solution of the word, unavoidably against the meaning of the title core, misinterpret the misunderstanding. 2f didn6t grasp the core competence, the author around beside the title show bo card, will be thinking of the ma*e, in which, it6s hard to +ump out of the thinking mode, it is difficult to the motivation of the authors intention and core meaning understand. ?o, at the time of the interpretation by the !ibetan &uddhism6s e0tracting core, then go on around the e0hibition e0perience and understanding, e0perience and understanding is, referred to in &uddhism, this also is the method of studying buddhist scriptures, technical skills, its function is applied to all buddhist culture itself, this is e1uivalent to the former D, the certification by e0perience to understand itself, this is the practice of the buddhas is convenient, it is the science of uniting the shortcuts%, on around the e0hibition this e0perience to understand, to remember the core "title%, then the sentence and the word, their comprehension and understanding to deviate from the title "core%, make their comprehension and understanding not deviating from the truth. Can sei*e the core, namely macro author overall argument, the author original intention and the other the word body solution.Can not flow with the author thought, and the motivation of the authors intention and meaning is the solution. 2n buddhist scriptures often can see "body solution avenue" these four words, road how to practice'?olution "e0perience, understanding, understanding%, such as the buddhist thinking to stay on the cognitive thinking can be referred to as the &uddhism culture, only solution is to use the body to body e0perience and understanding the cognitive theory of &uddhism classics to form a concept, it is called enlightened.2f yes, to learn and use of &uddhism, body of the solution is to put the theory of buddhist classics by culture evolved into ideology and concept of a process, this process is completed by cognitive and physical cognitive thinking, so, &uddhism will only be by the metaphysical culture evolved into the concept of a kind of practical, this is a culture to the concept of a conversion.$nlightened state each have different, because the reali*ation degree of

buddhist meaning body solution and positive solution and state different buddhist scriptures. $0perience as a kind of ideology, culture and ideology, the ideology, culture, ideology and physical unity, achieve macmillan as, within the shortest possible time to many outstanding people6s thought idea, culture and ideology into my body, this kind of learning method is a combination of the biological characteristic, is &uddha wisdom creates a shortcut of learning. &ody of the solution is a kind of learning methods and learning technical skills, the solution of this learning method can make perfect combination of spirit and flesh body solutions of this learning method may guide written by buddhist culture to many buddhist learned gentleman practices empirical transformation, body also is the secret of buddhist practice, this also is the way of practices.&uddhist people many people actually wasted, Cuo tuo years, few people knows &uddha "body solution avenue" four word meaning, the buddhist people in more than playing with words in the ma+ority, e0po by the !ibetan &uddhism, no insight, like a computer loaded too many buddhist scriptures, although e0po scriptures, but far from &uddha6s, unclear meaning of &uddha, not painful.?olution of a monk, &uddha body is practices the empirical way, the buddhist scholars should give up to stay in the &uddhism thought the cognitive level, avenue by !ibetan &uddhism should body solution applied to the body, practices the empirical will complete liberation. &uddhist practice should be good at using this clock, the clock can be protect our ideology, cultural knowledge, ideology, routine, the patron saint of all healthy habits such as eating well.A practitioner should be good at using biological wisdom on their ob+ective, rational and scientific practice.Clock need to plan, don6t let bad habits in the body. 2nformation connection is used to practice &uddhism classics also to practice &uddhism classics, hidden bring good effect, we have research the tantra customs ", the tantra customs "in brief describes a method of uniting e0plain the secret of the monk again, the tantric master teach is repairable.Finish my view this section, continue to study, study to a certain period, behind is detailed describes a method of uniting 2 remember mentioned in front of the science of uniting the method at this time, turn to the front, found two paragraphs written by uniting the method turns out to be the same cultivation methods, such as the two kinds of methods in the science of uniting the two beings become one and is full of tantrism cultivation method.2f we have no information capacity of the connection "information connection can be trained as a technical skill and method%, so hidden in the hidden things of buddhist scriptures and the science of uniting the way we won6t get found that the comprehension, practice the importance of the !ibetan &uddhism method, since then, often connect information as a kind of practice by !ibetan &uddhism and scientific method of culture study and technical skills. $ach area has its terms, whether scientific or &uddhism, many terms are each area is concentrated essence and core, such as thinking of &uddhism "a domain% research thorough, the term is the key and the shortcuts, and from its term, easy to grasp its core topic and direction, greatly reduce the probability of get blank brains its meaning, when its debate against its terms or core, also can easily notice.2n any research or practice dharma, (ing the first term is a shortcut, this is also my AE years of research e0perience and methods.2 study many fields and AE years of &uddhism, in the

face of an argument we must first find out its term or the core, and then put its terms or the core research thorough, then, the arguer, have violated its terms or the core be clear at a glance. (y e0perience, the first of the term, is easier to form the core thinking and overall thinking "namely macro thinking%, because, a few words of term can lead to a few hundred words or tens of thousands of words, if there is no term form the core of thinking, your thinking is no direction, you can follow authors discussion and thinking, when the author was incorrectly or deviate from the core, you might also notice. !erms of each paper core and core argument are discussed, sei*e every terms and argument will form the core of thinking, the core thinking that overall thinking "% macro thinking, no matter of a few hundred or tens of thousands of words all of this paper is around its term and core in the argument, grasp its core terms and, you know the author discussed the direction, the direction is clear, you can go from the perspective of the whole "macro% throughout the entire article. Held by the buddhist practice of the method is also a buddhist monk, method, the &uddha to create this :i(i method to fit the human body biological clock, using the human body biological clock of uniting is the great creation of the shakyas, the science of uniting the close method is the simplest and most efficient, most convenient to practice.2f the larger root, that is, by the precepts are point, if a &uddha, bodhisattva, ideology and culture, vows, are a mahayana "the best%, to speed the fruit, namely, the &uddha, bodhisattva fruit.2f small root, only by the commandment, unknown mahayana, do not know of a &uddha bodhisattva, ideology and culture, affirmation is the most e0cellent, abandon such small root device and apostles to pick a flower fruit point not so sad, if ideological culture by holding the buddhas and bodhisattvas, vows that hold the heart of the &uddha bodhisattva.&ecause of the ideological culture, vows of buddhas is as the heart of the &uddha bodhisattva.2deology and culture, by holding the buddhas and bodhisattvas vows for a period of time, clock function, ideology and culture, vows of buddhas and thy body A for one, you is the &uddha "&uddha%, &uddha "&uddha% that is for you, no no, don6t you so far in this life has the &uddha fruit, why look forward to the afterlife to nothing ethereal bliss' Any secret of uniting of mahayana &uddhism can not only guide the followers to circle road, also can stimulate the practitioners all the potential, but also in the invisible for the practitioner to set up the outlook on life values, this namely buddhist secret.!ry to ask, the outlook on life values of the loss of enlightenment, the word'.oss of the outlook on life values, life direction still foolish, why enlightenment, wordF8o matter sendoh, the buddhist monk, kind person, so the &uddha, &uddhism culture or way of uniting the method for its outlook on life values.?ecular outlook on life values are based on promising, and the way of &uddha in the outlook on life values are based on the inaction, secular outlook on life values is not refined, also can6t attain, enlightenment, immortal !aoism and &uddhism the outlook on life values are based on the inaction of the tao, put all the beings sufferings in the heart, to help all beings from sufferings for himself of the responsibility, so, how much you pay for all beings, you will think this is should, which meeting with secular outlook on life values to measure the pros and cons.2f the laity both sets up sendoh, the &uddha6s path of the outlook on life values, this is the beginning of datong, the source of bliss.!he laity should abandon the secular narrow outlook on life values, sets up the immortal

!aoism and &uddhism the inaction of the tao to the outlook on life values, let oneself gradually fit dao #$, the enlightenment, the foundation of the holy. 2ii, the mother of all buddhas B B diamond sutra C C which aims at providing a buddhist people establish an outlook on life values, this is also the ultimate of the outlook on life values, is also a great outlook on life values.(any buddhist classics to hide all has the function for the buddhist middleman establish an outlook on life values, there are many more of mahayana monk, also have the function, the most close by to make on the practitioner in the science of uniting the, in virtually an outlook on life values "this is also the heart of the &uddha, is also a concept of &uddha, buddhist an outlook on life values this also hold &uddha koan, hold &uddha idea, this is also the basis and power of &uddha%.2 now put the B B diamond sutra C C for buddhist middleman theory e0cerpts out of points on an outlook on life values and solution, make the buddhist understands me how the &uddha &uddha view for holy apostles "&uddha outlook is an outlook on life values%, make the &uddha fruit, all living can reach the bodhi. (ahayana authentic points in the third &uddha told banyan, the bodhisattva maha, should be so surrender its heart.2f all living beings, egg,laying, if viviparous, if wet raw, if im, if the color, if the colorless, if there is thought, without thought, would have thought, not without thought.2 have make into the views of nirvana and destroyed degree of.!hus destroyed degree of boundless countless beings endless, there is no living beings have destroyed degree.Why so'(ust be the bodhi, if bodhisattvas have 2 phase one phase mi0ed phase, namely the bodhisattva.&uddha told banyan, the bodhisattva maha, should be so surrender its heart. !he hidden set for all living &uddha of mahayana view "an outlook on life values% is a broken state, sets up the buddhist view of inaction, breaking secular outlook on life values 2 hold, this section of the &uddha hope every a bodhisattva "you, him and me%, should take up the responsibility of all the living that degree melts, to release all life happiness as own duty, is to make them into the views of nirvana, this is set up.!hus destroyed degree of boundless countless beings endless, there is no living beings have destroyed degree.(ust be the bodhi, if bodhisattvas have 2 phase one phase mi0ed phase, namely the bodhisattva, this is broken.!his is the sublimation of the spirit, regard living beings sufferings for himself of the responsibility, for the society for all pay a lot, but that is the responsibility of himself, for there is a break 2 hold of tip, this is known as a highly thought of high moral level, such as 2 to do any good work is seen as my social responsibility, as a kind of inevitable, so 2 made a lot of good, but 2 think oneself did not do any good, this is a kind of don6t hold me, e0cluding 7uo#eFu of liberation &uddha wisdom, this is known as one of the state.As this period of understanding harmony, will produce the right of the &uddha, 2 hold will also reduce or disappear, meaning of the &uddha, the buddhist secret, what little better. ?uch as from pra+naparamita body "phase% to e0plain the "bodhi, if bodhisattvas have my photograph, gripping, life of the phase, namely the bodhisattva".2f pra+naparamita deep lines, method of the body "heart can pack vanity, can let all things% and parts of the universe, everything

all in one method of se0ual life, so the &uddha says there.2f pra+naparamita parts of view, can break people, various of board.2f method "buddhi% view material are of intangible, particle "game%, se0ual life all out of method, information "game%, which can break the pra+naparamita for the persistence of life, all things very easily reduce or abolish the practitioner to the persistence of life, all things can make the practitioner in the kaleidoscope of the ob+ective world, according to the ob+ective world to make the most correct cognition.With pra+naparamita view everything e0ists in the two ways of life, the tangible, a yue invisible.2nvisible is e0ist in field, the particles, the information way, karma ripe field, the particles of intangible, information will appear in a tangible way.4isible is a life, all things karma ripe the physical life and all things will change for invisible, return to nothingness.2f with the naked eye view this world, all life kaleidoscope "ob+ective world% 1uirky da**ling, if the pra+naparamita line method of se0 view, all life "ob+ective world% 3ane and 3ane. Wonderful live points in the fourth After time, must be the bodhi, bodhisattva, should have no dwelling, line on alms, not so,called color alms, not silent fragrance on alms.(ust be the bodhi, bodhisattvas should thus alms, do not live in phase, why so'2f bodhisattva not alms, its ford cannot think.&odhi, meaning in the cloud' $astern vanity, can6t think.Also, the &uddha.&odhi, south to the northwest, G d and vanity, can6t think.Also, the &uddha.(ust the bodhi, bodhisattva live free alms, ford is the same with thought.&ut must be the bodhi, bodhisattva should be as what 2 taught you to live in. &odhisattva all good wonderful lines should be far from me, not charity, not silent fragrance on alms.&ecause 2 can result in the color of fragrance of contact method.2f good wonderful lines built on an outlook on life values "&uddha view%, you can break me, bodhisattva all good wonderful natural no ok.!o give all good line, the bodhisattva should have no dwelling, line for alms. &eings need to for himself of the responsibility, a bodhisattva should by all means make being cheerful and happy, give sound color smell touch the law is a bodhisattva alms "feed% the tip of the door.&odhisattva alms "feed% beings in color "material%, should not in color non,attachment to color and line for alms.&odhisattva should with pleasant words or sounds of alms, cheerful and happy, should not to live in "hearing%, non,attachment in sound and in giving.&odhisattva should be in a variety of aroma alms beings "ob+ective conditions permit cases%, make it smell, make its pleasure, don6t live in the sweet "smell%, non,attachment and line in alms.&odhisattva should be living in a variety of delicious, pleasure, should not in taste "taste%, non,attachment in taste and in giving.&odhisattva should guide sentient beings to produce beautiful feeling, alms beings all kinds of wonderful feeling.#on6t live in touch, do not hold in touch "feeling% for alms.&odhisattva should give all the best as the principle, to unlock all the wisdom, for all 1uestions, all make the &uddha sublimation, should not in law does not hold in the law line alms. &odhisattva alms should not in phase, non,attachment in phase, should break all kinds of persistent, breaking down persistent or break the phase, the phase that is to break the natural living.#idn6t ability almsgiver, visuali*e merit is also a kind of e0perience, also is the method of a monk, this is known as cultivating moral set of monk of inaction.?upport color fragrance contact

method to the buddhas, also should thus make offerings to, not in phase, non,attachment in phase, there is a monk.2f bodhisattva not alms, its ford cannot think. Calibrated "diamond sutra" 1ualities of the merits of calibrated regularly, calibrated to give alms material 1ualities and guide sentient beings enlightenment merit of truth, the &uddha often speak to a three thousand world shippo alms in people, such as gold and silver +ewellery with +ewelry solemn beings satisfy all pleasure, to satisfy all looks stately pleasure to see people all respect for all life, not to discriminate against, not to cold, so en+oyable.!o give the merits and method applied "the merits of the truth of the guide sentient beings enlightenment%, done a very, very carefully calibrated, &uddha says in ?apporo alms for true merits such as good charity deeds of one over one million, one over ten million.As wonderful alms to evolution of sublimation, can make the person gone round sleep "&uddha%.While giving endless substance, the nature of all living unchanged, material does not make all consciousness sublimation.Calibrated such deeds, "fu sheng "school 1ualities% A< also have clear advice. As ;ichard real see the fifth &odhi, meaning in the cloud'!o meet the &uddha'Also, .ord, not can be turned to see the &uddha.Why so'&uddha said phase, namely the phase.&uddha told banyan, who all phase, all is vanity.2f in the phase of phase, then see such as come. As ;ichard real see is sets up the training the ob+ectivity of all living, guidance for real look at things, there is a buddhist monk, uniting the ob+ective truth of the ability of looking at things, of being abandoned by the law enforcement of board and things of persistent and produce error of sub+ective opinions, ability of training ob+ective truth about all living things, such as raise see is literally a minute things, don6t reduce one of points, don6t deny the e0istence of things, but also should see things without constancy, the spectacle of all the living things in birth and death, this is only for a process, why too too persistent, all process will eventually become history, we don6t hold to a process or a piece of history, but we should treat a history or a process such as ;ichard real see, we should not be e0aggerated, one should not be belittled, to correct the ob+ective real restore the truth of things, correct ob+ective truth view things and things.!he positive solution of the that title. &odhi, meaning in the cloud'!o meet the &uddha'Also, the &uddha.#on6t can be turned to see such as come, why so'&uddha said phase, namely the phase.&uddha told banyan, who all phase, all is vanity.2f in the phase of phase, then see such as come. hase instant death, rapidly changing, how can to view the body of &uddhaF?uch as may, for the "&uddha% gf for degree of all kinds of living beings, and all the living beings in the body, what is &uddha body phase'!ao is held by the body that virtual also, also, if in the phase of phase, such as the path to see such as come stake held by the principle of is see the &uddha.!he world all the phase, all instant flow, constantly evolving.All things of the world life is constantly evolving and intangible evolved into tangible, type have evolved into invisible, everything all will be the phase process, all the phase will become history, don6t persistent this process, such as real can see.2f can

such as solid phase in management, not persistent evolution process of the things, see the &uddha. (othballed faith in the si0th ?hall bodhi white &uddha said) ".ord, there is 1uite a sentient beings, have to smell so narration sentences that have real, believe it or not".&uddha told shall bodhi) "don6t be mean, such as come out later, after the five hundred , year , old, is by repairing a blessing, at the chapters, can have confidence, as a solid, when is a person, not the HGI buddhas and &uddha second on a kind of good root, in boundless thousands of &uddha, all kinds of good. !he smell is discussed, and a read net raw believers, must be the bodhi, see such as come about knowledge, is all the living beings, and boundless blessings. Why so' Are the living beings, no answer 2 phase one phase mi0ed phase. Can6t phase, also nothing but laws. Why so' Are the sentient beings, if heart in, for my people life of all living. 2f the learning phase, namely my person life of all living. Why so' 2f taking illegal phase, namely the people life of all living. 2 was so, should not be learning, should not take illegal, to be meaning, &uddha is often said, thou shalt monk, you know 2 am like a raft that metaphors, method is should give up, and illegal. (ust be the bodhi is the &uddha said) "the blessed one, all have to smell the narration of the diamond sutra chapters, whether such as raise letter'"'&uddha told shall bodhi yue) "don6t be mean, if you have the ring fi0 the bearer, the diamond sutra as real letter, when to know this person, not the HGI buddhas and &uddha second on a kind of good, have what kind of the goodness in the boundless never &uddha. "because the diamond sutra is the mother of all the iii, to manage real faith diamond sutra is a name such as raise the buddhas%, can smell the diamond sutra as means to raise letter net, can see sita know all buddhas such as come, why so' &ecause the diamond sutra is the mother of all the iii, to manage real faith diamond sutra is a name such as raise the buddhas. !he diamond sutra is a way for such as body, also of the &uddha mind. 2s all the living beings, and boundless blessings. Why so' 2s all living beings have four phase, namely to break all kinds of perseverance, no 2 phase one phase mi0ed phase, all the sentient beings can have such as solid phase in. 2s all the living beings should not be obsessed with method "phase%, and should not be obsessed with illegal "phase%, why so'2s all the living beings, if heart take, then hold the people life of all living in me, the heart of the persistent namely.2f the learning phase, that is, hold the people life of all living in me, the heart of the persistent namely.2f taking illegal phase, that is, hold the people life of all living in me, the heart of the persistent namely.#etermining the should not, therefore, should not take illegal, should not be obsessed with method "phase%, and should not be obsessed with illegal "phase%, according to the ob+ective need, such as practical and &uddha wisdom.All kinds of wonderful reason tip are such as to load all the bamboo raft of crossing the river, across the river don6t give up, all negative tired.All kinds of wonderful tip should be such as to the principle and practical management, the ob+ective world rapidly, all kinds of wonderful reason tip should be fle0ible to use, don6t cling to the law.!he method is still should be persistent, not to mention illegal. J no have no say

&odhi, meaning in the cloud'?uch as come o have made more than three reserved advantage bodhi "'?uch as come to claim'(ust bodhi said) "as 2 said solution of &uddha, no more be a law, made his name, more than three reserved advantage bodhi. 8or have a fi0ed method, such as come. Why so' What &uddha said, is not desirable, should say, is illegal, not illegal. ?o what' All 0ian ?A8, all with a no,op, but there are differences". ?hall be the bodhi, in you, o &uddha have made more than three reserved advantage bodhi "' &uddha is in it'?uch as come to the buddhas on all the obtained from the method.?uch as come on whether the thou shalt any dharma'?hall bodhi said) "if 2 fo the meaning of positive solutions, no more be a law, made his name, more than three reserved advantage bodhi. &uddha has broken, has been in law. At ease at ease enlightenment "most% is made more than three reserved advantage the bodhi. !o the raft, yu river has, should abandon ship, against negative tired. !his also should be no &uddha means method, perseverance is a burden. !he ob+ective world, law should not hold, fle0ible use of, don6t hold on. 8or have a fi0ed method, such as come to say. How so' How the ob+ective world passed me by a available method to solve all problems' How can there be a law' !he ob+ective world passed me by any right of the theory of speech in some ob+ective conditions will be changed from right to wrong or not applicable. &uddha says)" the wuding method ". ?o no more be a law, &uddha. &uddha all theory practice of speech should not be persistent, such as persistent e0pression of &uddha, &uddha will distort, caused by the distortion persistent &uddha words will become a theory, is therefore, should not be persistent e0pression of &uddha. ?uch as holding in method, this method will turn into illegal, obsession. 2f broken, all good reason tip is used, as the world out of all the world as well as sufficient use. All 0ian ?A8, wonderful, no ok is inaction of board, better manage tip are different due to different circumstances the root se0, fle0ible use, this is also the difference of 0ian ?A8. /b+ective environment all take root there is a difference, +inpai writers turn st in miao tip on the use of natural and there are differences. !his is also the wuding method. &orn in accordance with the eighth &odhi, meaning in the cloud'2f people full three thousand shippo, which fills the world with alms, is people income, producing is not'(ust be the bodhi said) "very much, .ord. Why so'"2s, that is not the character, it is the reason for such as ford.2f someone in the classics, by holding and four other ket, etc, for others, said its f , < pet.Why so'&odhi, all the buddhas, and buddhas, made more than three reserved advantage bodhi method, from then on, the classics.&odhi, so,called dharma, namely the dharma. &odhi, if you think someone with full three thousand shippo, which fills the world with pearl, +ade, agate, gold and silver, +ewelry, such as alms, income, the person will be a lot'?hall bodhi said) "this person income at very much, .ord, why is this' !his, was the best line in inaction and non,attachment in alms by material, not clinging -u Fude "return%, as a result, such as income at the man very much. 2f someone is, by the solution of the diamond sutra and the assignment of four open, such as advice for others, ford is better than the former obtained by full three thousand ?apporo alms 1ualities which fills the world, why so'

Calibrated "diamond sutra" 1ualities of the merits of calibrated regularly, calibrated to give alms material 1ualities and guide sentient beings enlightenment merit of truth, the &uddha often speak to a three thousand world shippo alms in people, such as gold and silver +ewellery with +ewelry solemn beings satisfy all pleasure, to satisfy all looks stately pleasure to see people all respect for all life, not to discriminate against, not to cold, so en+oyable.!o give the merits and method applied "the merits of the truth of the guide sentient beings enlightenment%, done a very, very carefully calibrated, &uddha says in ?apporo alms for true merits such as good charity deeds of one over one million, one over ten million.As wonderful alms to evolution of sublimation, can make the person gone round sleep "&uddha%.While giving endless substance, the nature of all living unchanged, material does not make all consciousness sublimation. (ust be the bodhi when all the buddhas know iii and the buddhas, made more than three reserved advantage bodhi method "such as supreme is enlightenment%, from then on, the classics, the diamond sutra is the mother of all the iii, is a kind o made more than three reserved advantage the foundation of the bodhi method.&odhi, don6t cling to the dharma, clinging to the dharma will produce distortion to dharma misunderstanding, shall have the magic to see.All wonderful reason tip should follow is applied, the random in, not a persistent heart, not the heart respectively, all should tip is clever line without random application, random in. ay attention to update please dig))http)DDbbs.ifeng.comDviewthread.php'tidK<LMJG<JH

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