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Leslie M. Drozd, Ph.D. 1001 Dove St., Ste. 110, Newport e!"h, #$ %&''0 Telepho(e: %)%.*+'.*&' , E-.!"si/ile: %)%.&0%.&0* ) E/!il: Lesliedrozd 12/!il."o/




I, LESLIE M. DROZD, PH.D., declare that the following statements are true. . I declare under !enalt" of !er#ur" under the laws of the State of $alifornia that the foregoing is true and correct. Preface and $onte%t. &. I was hired as a consultant to the Res!ondent's attorne", (en )ltshuler, Es*. to re+iew the !arental ca!acit" e+aluations,famil" assessment in the Malen-o +. Handrahan matter, conducted ." $arol L"nn (a.acoff, Ps".D. and the /uardian ad Litem re!ort of Eli0a.eth Stout, Es*., /)L for the minor child, Mila Malen-o. 1!on that re+iew I s!o-e with )ttorne" )ltshuler and it was determined that I would .ecome an e%!ert witness in this matter. 2. M" *ualifications as an e%!ert can .e found in ) which contains m" current $3. I am a national e%!ert on child custod" e+aluations 4 how the" are conducted and s!ecificall" on matters concerning allegations of !artner a.use and +iolence and alienation. I am the editor of the international !eer5re+iewed #ournal, the 6ournal of $hild $ustod". 7. In the course of m" anal"sis of this matter, I ha+e re+iewed the documents listed in 8. It is m" understanding that the !a!erwor- that I was !ro+ided was also !ro+ided to )ttorne" Stout and that she in turn !ro+ided the same information to Dr. (a.acoff. 9hus, in theor", I re+iewed the same material that these two !rofessionals re+iewed. I sa" :in theor"; .ecause neither !rofessional !ro+ided in their re!orts a list of all documents that the" considered in forming their o!inions. Summar" of $oncerns. <. M" re+iew of the data, s!ecificall" the re!orts of Dr. (a.acoff and /)L Stout, ha+e left me with se+eral concerns. 9hose concerns can .e summari0ed as follows= a. Partner or Domestic ).use or 3iolence and )lienation. )n assessment of the allegations of !artner or domestic +iolence has not ade*uatel" to a minimum standard .een re!orted

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Leslie M. Drozd, Ph.D. 1001 Dove St., Ste. 110, Newport e!"h, #$ %&''0 Telepho(e: %)%.*+'.*&' , E-.!"si/ile: %)%.&0%.&0* ) E/!il: Lesliedrozd 12/!il."o/

and thus, !resuma.l" not conducted. Measures or !rotocols e%ist in the literature >the DO3E, the D3$$, etc.? that could assist in an e+aluation of these issues. .. Lac- of 1nderstanding of the Effect of 9rauma. 9he re!orts demonstrate an a!!arent misunderstanding of the im!ortance of understanding how +ictims of trauma !resent de!endent u!on the stage of reco+er" the" are in in relationshi! to the alleged trauma. c. $onfirmator" 8ias and Distortion. It a!!ears from m" anal"sis of the data that .oth Dr. (a.acoff and /)L Stout ha+e engaged in .oth confirmator" .ias and disortion and that no ste!s ha+e .een re!orted to offset such. One such wa" to offset such is ." forming and testing h"!otheses. )nother commonl" acce!ted means of offsetting .ias 4 es!eciall" in cases where there are allegations of a.use and,or alienation is to engage in !rofessional consultations with those who ha+e e%!ertise in the issues that are !resented ." the !arties. If an" of these were done, the" wer not re!orted. d. Informed $onsent. Dr. (a.acoff states in her re!ort >and in her informed consent to the !arties? that she is not conducting a custod" e+aluation and that she will, thus, not ma-e recommendations a.out custod" and access, "et in the end of her re!ort she does #ust that. e. )nal"sis and Re!orting of 9esting Data. Dr. (a.acoff ma-es statements a.out the testing data without >a? considering or re!orting the conte%t in which the testing too- !lace and >.? re!orting whether relia.ilit" and +alidit" studies had .een conducted on the measures used with a child custod" !o!ulation. 9hus, her anal"sis of the testing is most !ro.a.l" flawed. @urthermore, she re!orts the findings in the testing section as if the" are true statements a.out the !arties and without stating what is acce!ted in the field of child custod" 4 that .eing that testing is to .e used to form h"!otheses a.out the !arties 4 h"!otheses that are not facts and not true statements and should not .e re!orted as facts without corro.orati+e data from .eha+ioral and,or clinical o.ser+ations and,or collaterals who can .ac- u! those h"!otheses as found in the testing. f. Limitations of the Data. It is acce!ted !ractice that e+aluators re!ort the limitations of their data and anal"sis. @uthermore inconsistencies in the data ac*uired should .e re!orted and e%!lained. Aeither of these things were done ." either !rofessional that engaged in an e+aluation of these !arties and this famil". B. 9hus, gi+en that the e+aluations conducted in this matter were flawed in how the" were conducted >or at least in how the" were re!orted?, the weight of the conclusions is, in m" !rofessional o!inion seriousl" in *uestion. C. DateDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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Leslie M. Drozd, Ph.D. 1001 Dove St., Ste. 110, Newport e!"h, #$ %&''0 Telepho(e: %)%.*+'.*&' , E-.!"si/ile: %)%.&0%.&0* ) E/!il: Lesliedrozd 12/!il."o/

Leslie M. Dro0d, Ph.D.

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Exhibit A

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Leslie M. Drozd, Ph.D. 1001 Dove St., Ste. 110, Newport e!"h, #$ %&''0 Telepho(e: %)%.*+'.*&' , E-.!"si/ile: %)%.&0%.&0* ) E/!il: Lesliedrozd 12/!il."o/

Exhibit B

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Exhibit D

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Leslie M. Drozd, Ph.D. 1001 Dove St., Ste. 110, Newport e!"h, #$ %&''0 Telepho(e: %)%.*+'.*&' , E-.!"si/ile: %)%.&0%.&0* ) E/!il: Lesliedrozd 12/!il."o/

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