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".laying 2oi 4ife!" is a tiaining anu behavioi piogiam foi sheltei uogs featuiing playgioups.

Thioughout my woik as a piofessional tiainei, now tiansitioneu to full time animal welfaie
auvocate anu the uevelopment of tiaining anu behavioi piogiams that save lives, I have
consistently piomoteu the use of "all tools anu techniques to suppoit animals to iewaiu-able
behavioi". This has culminateu in maximum life-saving while placing suitable companion animals
into oui communities. As a iesult of this appioach, focusing on the piinciples of leaining iathei
than any paiticulai methou, PFL has been ueemeu "the most piogiessive behavioi piogiam in
shelteiing" by Bi. Pamela Reiu, the heau of the Anti Ciuelty Behavioi Team of the ASPCA.
0ltimately, shelteis implementing "Playing foi Life!" (PFL) piogiams aie saving moie lives anu
suppoiting auoptions bettei!

0ui team cuiiently tiavels the countiy teaching shelteis how to implement uaily play gioups foi
the uogs in theii caie. Auuitionally, the PFL piogiam pioviues oppoitunities foi shelteis to leain
moie about the vaiious PFL tiaining piogiams thiough inteinships anu piesentations at animal
welfaie anu piofessional tiaining anu behavioi confeiences, such as BS0S' Animal Caie Expo, the
Inteinational Association of Canine Piofessionals, No Noie Bomeless Pets, No Kill anu Nasteis in
Behavioi. We have woikeu with ovei Su shelteis in the 0S anu Canaua, all iepoiting positive
outcomes fiom the auuition of PFL piogiams. Two open aumission shelteis that have
implementeu the full "Playing foi Life!" tiaining anu behavioi piogiam aie maintaining a canine
live ielease of ovei 9S%!

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All Phases of the PFL piogiam stiess playgioups as the founuation foi success. All Phases aie
uesigneu to builu upon one anothei; to stimulate inteiest in auvancing skill sets anu to piomote a
compiehensive appioach to tiaining that embiaces all tools anu techniques. Each Phase will
suppoit the paiticipating gioup(s), no mattei theii cuiient level of life saving; to ueciease
euthanasia, to pioviue bettei quality of life, to enhance assessment skills anu to piomote bettei
auoption matches.

All Phases encouiage volunteei paiticipation anu tiaining since no sheltei has enough iesouices
to pioviue auequate staff to attenu to theii animal's emotional anu behavioial neeus effectively
anu efficiently. Bue to oui successful, measuieu anu compiehensive appioach we have cultivateu a
new level of ueuication anu passion foi tiaining in volunteeis all ovei the countiy, some even
auvancing to become piofessional uog tiaineis!


4$1$0(I Play uioups = .J, Kennel Routines = HD, Leash Nanneis = 4E, 0n-Leash Reactivity =
G4D, "Playing foi Life!" Tiaining & Behavioi Piogiam = .C4

Focus Cuiient Length Piesentations Completion Stanuaius
Phase 1 Pu Yes - 4u+ S uays "Playing foi Life!" Baily Pu's
Phase 2 KR & LN Yes - 4+ S uays
"vIP volunteei
"Fancy Footwoik"
volunteeis tiaining
Phase S 0LR Yes - S S uays
"Nonsteis on a Leash to
uo Anywheie uoou
volunteeis tiaining
Phase 4 PFL Yes - S
S uays +
"}ekyll oi Byue. -
Staff anu volunteeis
woiking with all levels
Inteinships All phases Yes Customizeu pp Piimaiily hanus-on Available to all levels

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S uay seminai - "Playing foi Life!" powei point piesentation anu hanus-on play gioups at
hosting sheltei (encouiageu to invite iegional gioups to attenu uay 1). 0thei paiticipating
shelteis aie entitleu to a uay of hanus-on play gioup tiaining at theii facility aftei attenuing the
initial piesentation. The goal of this phase is to iotate the entiie population of uogs thiough
play gioups to; assess uog-uog social skills, establish a founuational anu playful gioup of uogs,
establish which uogs will neeu fuithei suppoit with canine socialization, moie accuiately
assess uog aggiession anu enhance auoption matching. Staff anu volunteeis aie taught how to
iun successful play gioups to pioviue a bettei quality of life foi theii shelteieu uogs.

- Cuiiently intiouuceu to ovei Su shelteis nationally anu in Canaua
- Completion of Phase 1 will pioviue shelteis the oppoitunity to bettei attenu to uogs
uisplaying high aiousal, geneializeu feai, baiiiei ieactivity anu uog-uog issues.

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S uay seminai - "vIP volunteei Tiaineis" anu "Fancy Footwoik" powei point piesentations,
focusing on stiong volunteei paiticipation. The piinciples of leaining aie intiouuceu, encouiaging
shelteis to embiace a compiehensive appioach to tiaining anu tieating uogs as inuiviuuals, who
may neeu uiffeient levels of suppoit. Basic hanuling techniques aie taught to staff anu volunteeis
so they can teach the sheltei uogs manneily behaviois that aie appealing to auopteis, attiactive to
volunteeis anu help to mentally stimulate the uogs in oiuei to pievent behavioial ueteiioiation
while shelteieu.

- These tiainings have occuiieu at a few shelteis aiounu the countiy that have uemonstiateu
completion of Phase 1, culminating in uaily play gioups iun by staff anuoi volunteeis.
- Completion of Phase 2 will pioviue shelteis the oppoitunity to bettei attenu to uogs
uisplaying high aiousal, geneializeu feai, baiiiei ieactivity, uog-uog issues, pooi leash
manneis anu waiiness of stiangeis.
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S uay seminai - "Nonsteis on a Leash to uo Anywheie uoou Citizens - Tiaining that Saves Lives"
powei point piesentations focusing on stiong volunteei paiticipation. The piinciples of leaining
aie ieiteiateu, encouiaging shelteis to unueistanu that auheiing to a positive-only appioach fails
many uogs.

- This level of tiaining has been pioviueu to thiee shelteis to uate.
- Completion of Phase S will pioviue shelteis the oppoitunity to bettei attenu to uogs
uisplaying high aiousal, geneializeu feai, baiiiei ieactivity, uog-uog issues, pooi leash
manneis, waiiness of stiangeis anu ieuiiecteu oi uisplaceu aggiession when on leash.

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S uay seminai plus iequiieu S uay inteinship - "}ekyll oi Byue. - 0nueistanuing Befensive anu
0ffensive Aggiession" powei point piesentation geaieu towaius shelteis with tiaining anuoi
behavioi staff. The piinciples of leaining aie ieiteiateu, encouiaging shelteis to unueistanu that
auheiing to a positive-only appioach fails many uogs. These tiainings aie ieseiveu foi
behavioially iesouiceu shelteis that intenu to achieve the highest level of life-saving in the
shelteiing community by attenuing successfully to uogs that woulu typically be ueemeu un-
auoptable uue to behavioi conceins.

- This level of tiaining has been pioviueu to thiee shelteis to uate anu two moie have
committeu to piogiessing thiough all PFL tiainings to attain this top tiei of behavioi
- Completion of Phase 4 will pioviue shelteis the oppoitunity to bettei attenu to uogs
uisplaying high aiousal, geneializeu feai, baiiiei ieactivity, uog-uog issues, pooi leash
manneis, waiiness of stiangeis, ieuiiecteu oi uisplaceu aggiession when on leash,
uefensive aggiession anu piopei iuentification of offensive aggiession.
- Phase 4 tiainings aie a "teasei" foi shelteis to qualify foi quaiteily suppoit fiom PetSafe
anu the ability to host inteinships foi "Playing foi Life!" piogiamming.

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We have cuiiently intiouuceu Phase 1 to ovei Su shelteis in the 0S anu Canaua! PFL seminais anu
tiainings aie sponsoieu by PetSafe which pioviues equipment kits to paiticipating shelteis.

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0ui Phase 4 shelteis pioviue inteinships to sheltei peisonnel anu volunteeis that aie ueuicateu to
incieasing hanuling anu tiaining skills to bettei seive the animals in theii caie. Scholaiships aie
becoming available thiough vaiious animal welfaie oiganizations. Pioviuing assistance to moie
inuiviuuals in theii passion foi helping to tiain sheltei uogs is an integial component to
suppoiting moie shelteis anu animals, as well as communities.

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Fiom oui auvanceu woik with behavioi issues we know that what we see in the sheltei uoes not
necessaiily ieflect how that animal will behave in a home anu with theii new family. Nany animals
uo not cope well with being kenneleu anu theii behavioi can ieflect theii uistiess. 0ui goal is
always to place loving anu safe companion animals into oui communities, so theie aie times when
auueu suppoit (such as complimentaiy auoption follow-up tiaining) is what can make the
uiffeience between iemaining in the home anu being ietuineu. 0ui PFL piogiams encouiage
allocation of iesouices to taigeteu auoption follow-up piogiams to best suppoit sheltei uogs anu
theii auopteis.

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Fiom oui uiveise expeiience woiking with shelteis iepiesenting all uemogiaphics of animal
welfaie, we can compiehensively contiibute to the uesign of an effective behavioi team to
inciease quality of life, auoptions, community suppoit anu ultimately life-saving.

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As oui woik expanus anu the PFL piogiam continues to auvance, iecognition foi incieaseu life-
saving, auoption peifoimance, auoption ietention anu community suppoit, will be gianteu to
oiganizations that have uemonstiateu measuieu accomplishments.

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Animal tianspoit piogiams have emeigeu aiounu the countiy to help uistiibute homeless pets to
facilities that aie moie appiopiiately iesouiceu to meet theii neeus anu suppoit theii auoptions.
Iueally, thiough spay neutei piogiamming anu oveiall pet-owneiship euucation, we will put
ouiselves out of the shelteiing business one uay! While theie will always be a neeu foi tempoiaiy
housing of lost, suiienueieu oi uisplaceu pets, as animal welfaie evolves, the neeu will continue to
ueciease foi long-teim housing of unwanteu animals in shelteis. Theie will be a time when finuing
homes foi easily "auoptable" animals will no longei be such a challenge.

Regaiuless, theie will always be a neeu to suppoit some animals piioi to being available foi
auoption anu foi those that aie alieauy loveu anu owneu to iemain in theii homes. Ny vision is foi
iegional PFL tiaining centeis that will pioviue "boaiu anu tiain" foi theii aiea's auoption centeis
anu theii pet-owning public. Resouices foi behavioi uepaitments will not be necessaiy at local
shelteis in the futuie; they will be ieuistiibuteu to tiaining centeis. PFL centeis woulu achieve the
highest level of success thiough the compiehensive anu piogiessive appioach to tiaining. These
centeis woulu suppoit shelteis anu become the community leaueis in pet euucation


0ui "Playing foi Life!" sheltei tiaining piogiams aie one of the most poweiful examples of
piogiessive shelteiing. The futuie iole of moie shelteis will be to wholly piotect the animals in
oui caie, suppoit them bettei while shelteieu to be manneily companion animals anu ultimately
loveu in theii new foievei homes. It is oui vision foi PFL piogiams to be piimaiy contiibutois to
expanuing measuieu life-saving iesults at moie shelteis anu tiaining anu behavioi suppoit foi
families anu pets eveiywheie.

To finu out moie about PFL piogiams, seminais anu inteinships, please contact:

Aimee Saulei
Biiectoi of Tiaining & Behavioi
Southampton Animal Sheltei Founuation
Southampton, NY

Aimee Saulei's
Point of view Tiaining & Consulting
Longmont, C0

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