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Executive Summary Theoretical Framework Objective of the Study Limitation of the Study Company Profile ile!tone! of the Company ajor Product! ethodolo#y



$roup Companie! Company at Pre!ent and in Future arketin# Strate#ie! adopted by T%S

Conclu!ion &iblio#raphy

Ever !ince man evolved into !ocial animal he felt the need for 'Tran!portation() *! he formed a civili+ation he felt the need for '&etter Tran!portation() Today on the thre!hold of explorin# the univer!e he feel! the need for '&e!t Tran!portation() Truly the modern world relie! on tran!port which can be airway!, roadway!, railway! and on water( &icycle wa! the mo!t important part of road tran!portation in early day! and a! the !cenario chan#ed bicycle wa! tran!formed into a fa!t, !tyli!h and trendy mode of tran!port known a! otorcycle, now-a-day! known a! otorbike(

The topic of the project i! Marketing Strategies adopted by automobile industry taking TVS Motors for comparison. T%S otor Company i! one of the leadin# bike manufacturer! in .ndia( For the !tudy, !econdary data i! collected from bu!ine!! new!paper, ma#a+ine!, company brochure!, journal! and the .nternet( The major conclu!ion from thi! !tudy wa! that T%S ha! to improve it!elf to #ain the fir!t po!ition in the market a! it i! doin# well to maintain it! third po!ition in the market( .n term! of competition, T%S ha! nick-to-nick competition with /ero /onda and &ajaj( T%S ha! a lot of work to do if it ha! to take lead and remain the leadin# manufacturer in .ndia( Thi! report incorporate! !incere effort! to !ubmit the be!t po!!ible do!!ier on the topic a!!i#ned becau!e no !tudy can be perfect( There are bound to be limitation! that . faced and within which . had to work(

.n economic!, a market i! a natural !ocial !tructure developed by any economic or economically-oriented, human interaction to facilitate the exchan#e of ri#ht!, !ervice! or product owner!hip( arket! enable people!0 !ervice!, firm! and product! to be evaluated and priced( There are two role! in market!, buyer! and !eller!( The definition implie! that at lea!t three actor! are needed for a market to exi!t1 at lea!t one actor, on the one !ide of the market, who i! aware of at lea!t two actor! on the other !ide who!e offer! can be evaluated in relation to each other( * market allow! buyer! and !eller! to di!cover information and carry out a voluntary exchan#e of #ood! or !ervice!( Thi! i! commonly done throu#h trade( The!e trade! may be handled a variety of way!, but in !mall market environment!, buyer! and !eller! typically deal in currency, and #ood!( .n everyday u!a#e, the word 2market2 may al!o refer to the location where #ood! are traded, or in other word!, the marketplace(

* marketing trateg! i! a proce!! that can allow an or#ani+ation to concentrate it! limited re!ource! on the #reate!t opportunitie! to increa!e !ale! and achieve a !u!tainable competitive advanta#e(

T!"e #$ trategie
Every marketin# !trate#y i! uni3ue, but can be reduced into a #eneric marketin# !trate#y( There are a number of way! of cate#ori+in# the!e #eneric !trate#ie!( * brief de!cription of the mo!t common cate#ori+in# !cheme! i! pre!ented below4

Strate#ie! ba!ed on market dominance - .n thi! !cheme, firm! are cla!!ified ba!ed on their market !hare or dominance of an indu!try( Typically there are three type! of market dominance !trate#ie!4
o o o

Leader Challen#er Follower

Porter #eneric !trate#ie! - !trate#y on the dimen!ion! of !trate#ic !cope and !trate#ic !tren#th( Strate#ic !cope refer! to the market penetration while !trate#ic !tren#th refer! to the firm5! !u!tainable competitive advanta#e(
o o o

Co!t leader!hip Product differentiation arket !e#mentation

.nnovation !trate#ie! - Thi! deal! with the firm0! rate of the new product development and bu!ine!! model innovation( .t a!k! whether the company i! on the cuttin# ed#e of technolo#y and bu!ine!! innovation( There are three type!4
o o o

Pioneer! Clo!e follower! Late follower!

$rowth !trate#ie! - .n thi! !cheme we a!k the 3ue!tion, '/ow !hould the firm #row6)( There are a number of different way! of an!werin# that 3ue!tion, but the mo!t common #ive! four an!wer!4
o o o o

/ori+ontal inte#ration %ertical inte#ration 7iver!ification .nten!ification

* more detailed !cheme u!e! the cate#orie!4

Pro!pector *naly+er 7efender "eactor

arketin# warfare !trate#ie! - Thi! !cheme draw! parallel! between marketin# !trate#ie! and military !trate#ie!


8( The objective of the !tudy i! to analy+e the cu!tomer buyin# behavior of the re!pondent! in motorbike! of different brand!( 9( To !tudy the future pro!pect! of T%S ;( To !tudy the !ale! trend of T%S otor! otor! otorbike! otor! :( To provide a fair picture of technolo#y u!ed by T%S

<( To analy+e the 3uality of after !ale! !ervice! bein# provided by T%S


8( Time Con!traint = *! the time wa! le!! !o only the !econdary data could be collected for the !tudy 9( Per!onal bia! = Since the !tudy re3uired the comprehen!ive analy!i!, !o there would be chance! of per!onal bia!(

T%S OTO" CO P*>? @'inspiration in motion 2A

T%S otor Company Ltd( wa! e!tabli!hed in ()((*!T+V+S,n-aramI!engar in .ndia( adra!A(

The T%S #roup of companie! i! mainly !ituated in Padi, Tamil >adu, in the out!kirt! of Chennai @formerly T%S

otor Company Limited i! the fla#!hip company of T%S $roup, the BS7 9(9

billion #roup( The $roup i! the /arge t man,$a2t,rer in In-ia ang/#*a//! amon# the top ten, with an annual turnover of over BS7 C<D million( Currently, the #roup ha! more than :D companie! and employee! over ;D,DDD people worldwide( Eith !teady #rowth, expan!ion and diver!ification, it command! a !tron# pre!ence in the manufacturin# of two-wheeler!, auto component! and computer peripheral!( They al!o have vibrant bu!ine!!e! in the di!tribution of heavy commercial vehicle! @/C%A pa!!en#er car!, finance and in!urance( 1980 is the red letter year for TVS when India's first two-seater moped rolled out that redefined the realm of personal transportation( .n 8FG9, the company entered into a technical collaboration with Su+uki .n 9DDD, the T%S #roup and Su+uki "! F crore( $lobally, T%S otor Company i! the fir!t two-wheeler manufacturer to be honored with otor Corporation of Hapan which helped the otor Corporation parted way! from their joint fled#lin# joint venture #ain from the experti!e of a #lobal two-wheeler #iant like Su+uki( venture with the former buyin# out the 9<(FI per cent !take of the Hapane!e company for

the hallmark of Hapane!e Juality - The Deming Prize for Total uality Management. .t

i! the only automotive manufacturer in .ndia to #et the pre!ti#iou! 7emin# Pri+e( One of it! !ub!idiarie! Sundaram Clayton wa! the fir!t company in .ndia to receive the 7emin# followed by Sundaram &rake Linin#! al!o #ettin# the 7emin# Pri+e( Thi! pri+e i! 2#iven to or#ani+ation! or divi!ion! of or#ani+ation! that have achieved di!tinctive performance improvement throu#h the application of TJ in a de!i#nated year(2Sundaram Clayton went on to be awarded the %a"an 3,a/it! Me-a/+



.ndia0! fir!t 9 !eated <Dcc motorcycle! in Sept(

oped T%S <D, launched in *u#(

Fir!t .ndian Company to introduce 8DDcc .ndo-Hapane!e Launched fir!t indi#enou! Scooterette @!ub-8DD cc variomatic !cooter!A, T%S Scooty in Hune( .ntroduced fir!t catalytic converter enabled motorcycle, the 88Dcc Sho#un in 7ec( Launched .ndia0! fir!t <-!peed motorcycle, the Shaolin in Oct( Launched T%S Fiero, .ndia0! fir!t 8<D cc, ; !troke motorcycle in *pril( Launched T%S %ictor, ;-!troke 88D cc motorcycle, in *u#u!t, .ndia0! fir!t fully indi#enou!ly de!i#ned and manufactured motorcycle(


Launched T%S Centra in Hanuary, a world-cla!! ;-!troke 8DD cc motorcycle with the revolutionary %T-i En#ine! for be!t-incla!! milea#e(

Launched T%S Star in Sept, a 8DD cc motorcycle which i! ideal for rou#h terrain(



T%S Fiero F9 T%S Centra T%S %ictor @88D ccA T%S %ictor $LK @89< ccA T%S %ictor E7$E @89< ccA T%S Flame @89< cc,ccvti technolo#yA T%S *pache @8<D cc,8:(I P! LG<DDrpmA T%S *pache "T" 8CD T%S *pache "T" 8CD EF. @Electronic Fuel .njectionA

SCOOTERS Spectra 7x @8<D ccA Spectra *x @8<D ccA

SCOOTERETTES T%S Scooty ES @CD ccA T%S Scooty MS @CD ccA T%S Scooty Pep @I< ccA T%S Scooty Pep N @FD ccA T%S Teen+

MO'E&S T%S <D KL @<D ccA T%S KL @CD ccA

T%S KL Super @CD ccA T%S Champ @CD ccA T%S Super Champ @CD ccA

"e!earch method! may be under!tood a! all tho!e method!Otechni3ue! that are u!ed for the conduction of re!earch( "e!earch method! or techni3ue! thu! refer to the method! the

re!earcher u!e in performin# the re!earch operation!( .n other word!, all tho!e method! which are u!ed by the re!earcher durin# the cour!e of !tudyin# hi! re!earch problem! are termed a! re!earch method! !ince the object of re!earch, particularly the applied re!earch, i! to arrive at a !olution for a #iven problem, the available data and the unknown a!pect! of the problem have to be related to each other to make a !olution po!!ible( Meepin#, thi! view, re!earch method! can be put into the followin# three #roup!4 .n the fir!t #roup, we include tho!e method! which are concerned with the collection of data( The!e method! will be u!ed where the data already available are not !ufficient to arrive at the re3uired !olution( The !econd #roup con!i!t! of tho!e !tati!tical techni3ue! which are u!ed for e!tabli!hin# relation!hip! between the data and the unknown( The third #roup con!i!t! of tho!e method!, which are u!ed to evaluate the accuracy of the re!ult! obtained( "e!earch method! fallin# in the above !tated la!t two #roup! are #enerally taken a! analytical tool! of re!earch( "e!earch methodolo#y i! a way to !y!tematically !olve the re!earch problem( .t may be under!tood a! the !cience of !tudyin# how re!earch i! done !cientifically( &ecau!e of the time con!traint only the !econdary re!earch i! done in !tudyin# the market !trate#ie! of the company(


Eith !teady #rowth1 expan!ion and diver!ification, today T%S command! a !tron# pre!ence in variou! field! = two wheeler!, automotive component!, automotive !pare!, computer peripheral! and finance( Lak!hmi *uto Component Ltd( Luca! .ndian Service Ltd( *xle! .ndia Ltd( &rake! .ndia Ltd( /arita $rammer Ltd( .ndia otor Part! *nd *cce!!orie! Ltd(

.ndian >ippon Electrical! Ltd( Luca! T%S Ltd( adra! *uto Service

Southern "oadway! Ltd( Sundaram &rake Linin#! Ltd( Sundaram Fa!tner! Ltd( Sundaram Finance Ltd( Sundaram .ndu!trie! Ltd( Sundaram otor!

Sundaram Clayton Ltd( T% Sundaram .yen#ar P Son! Ltd(


8( Succe!!fully launched the %ictor and Fiero F9 model! after partin# way! with Su+uki 8( Two Eheeler! market! !how !i#n of revival after a lacklu!ter fir!t half 9( "ecently launched the Sta" Sport and 89<cc T%S %ictor $LK and four !troke ax in the pipeline, which would be launched later thi! year :( Plan! major foray into three wheeler and 3uadricycle! market throu#h fre!h inve!tment of "! <DD crore ;( *ctively lookin# to !et up manufacturin# unit in .ndone!ia and %ietnam <( Stron# focu! on "P7 and product development


T%S launched %ictor 88D cc model in September 9DD8, with leadin# cricketer Sachin Temdulakar a! the brand amba!!ador( The model proved to be a bi# !ucce!!( The !ucce!! of T%S %ictor i! e!pecially !i#nificant becau!e it wa! developed with indi#enou! technolo#y Two >ew Launche! could out T%S on a hi#h $rowth Trajectory TVS CENTRA T%S Centra a new look model ha! recently been launched and the company ha! !et ambition! tar#et! of achievin# monthly !ale! in the ran#e of 8<DDD-9DDDD bike! per month( *l!o, a new up#raded 89<cc T%S %ictor ha! been launched which will improve the trajectory of the company( TVS MOTOR COM'ANY LAUNCHES 4STAR S'ORT56 A NEW (7722 MOTORCYCLE Two wheeler major, T%S otor Company expanded it! economy !e#ment offerin# with the launch of a new motocycle, 'Star Sport() Star Sport i! a !tyli!h, compact and affordable 8DDcc motorcycle, aimed at di!cernin# urban motorcycle cu!tomer! who are on the look out for !leek and compact !tyle( The &ike ha! been built to deliver punchy four !troke performance with excellent milea#e and effortle!! maneuverability that will have cu!tomer! tackle bu!y city traffic with ab!olute ea!e(



otor ha! !et the !ta#e for entry into the three = wheeler market with the !ettin# up y!ore in Marnataka( Ee under!tand that the company

of a new plant at >anjan#ud, near

would be tar#etin# the !ub = one tonne pa!!en#er and #ood! carrier! !e#ment of the market( Eith an inve!tment of about "!( <D crore in pha!e ., it will cater to both pa!!en#er and car#o !e#ment!( The total inve!tment for the three = wheeler and four = wheeler 3uadricycle project are expected to be in the ran#e of "! <DD crore in the next 9 to : year!( .t plan! to #o with the petrol ver!ion of three wheeler! and expect! hi#her demand to come from & cla!! town!( The company expect! hi#her mar#in and low competition in three = wheeler bu!ine!! a! compared to it! two = wheeler bu!ine!!( Three = wheeler !ale! have #rown at a C*$" of IQ over the la!t F year! to 9(9C lakh unit! F? D<, and are expected to #row at the !ame rate for the next five year!( T%S i! expected to roll out it! fir!t three = wheeler by the end of F? DI to #arner a :DQ market !hare with around 8,DD,DDD unit !ale! by the end of F? DF(

THREE 8 WHEELER MARKET SCENARIO There are two main !e#ment! in the .ndian Pa!!en#er three = wheeler market! are4 >umber of !eat! includin# driver not exceedin# ; and maximum max not exceedin# one tonne >umber of !eat! includin# driver excludin# ; but not exceedin# I max ma!! not exceedin# 8(< tonne The three = wheeler #ood! carrier !e#ment! are4 aximum ma!! not exceedin# one tonne Other! *round F<Q of the three = wheeler !old in .ndia belon# to the !maller vehicle! cate#ory in which &ajaj *uto i! the major player and ha! around FDQ market !hare( The other player! in the !e#ment are *tul *uto and Pia##io $roup, .taly(

Similarly, in the three = wheeler !e#ment, dome!tic !ale! of the #ood! carryin# variety #rew a whoppin# ;C(F<Q( Thi! #rowth in 9DD9-D: could have po!!ibly come from two factor!4 8( The increa!in# number of citie! who!e corporation! have le#i!lated that lar#er #ood! carrier, like truck! be kept out for lo#i!tic purpo!e 9( The increa!e in the number of offerin#! in thi! cate#ory, e!pecially from companie! !uch a! ahindra P ahindra and Pia##io %ehicle! Private Ltd(

3UA&RICYCLE 8 A NEW INTRO&UCTION IN THE IN&IAN MARKET There i! a new challen#e emer#in# in the Juadricycle !e#ment( The!e new vehicle! could impact on the entry level !ale( Juadricycle! are three wheeler! converted into four wheeler! by u!in#, a column axle( *ll the major unit! have prepared 3uadricycle! prototype!( 'LANS SETTING U' MANUFACTURING UNITS IN IN&ONESIA9VIETNAM T%S otor i! actively lookin# to !et up a foothold in the !outh-ea!t *!ian market! and

ha! made top level vi!it! to .ndone!ia and %ietnam( .ndone!ia i! the third lar#e!t two wheeler market in the world with an e!timated !i+e thi! year of 9 million unit!( Pre!ently, in .ndone!ia there i! one motorcycle for every 8< people, in %ietnam one for every I people( Further, in .ndone!ia ;D million hou!ehold!, repre!entin# GCQ of the total not havin# motorcycle( er#er of the En#ine Component! 7ivi!ion of Lak!hmi *uto Component! with T%S otor! T%S otor would mer#e en#ine component divi!ion of Lak!hmi *uto Component Ltd otor @L*CA and inve!tment! and other a!!et! with it!elf and the dwap ratio ha! been fixed at once pha!e of T%S



! .Star and "pache # key $olume dri$ers ' uch of the volume #rowth i! bein# contributed by the Star and *pache alon# with a fillip from the %ictor variant!( For the period *pril - October DC, the company recorded F,:I,;D< unit! of two wheeler! compared to I,ID,G;8 unit! recorded in the previou! year, at a #rowth of 99Q( The motorcycle! durin# thi! period clocked <,G;,8<< unit! at a #rowth rate of :DQ( T%S Star brand cro!!ed the 8 million !ale! mark !ince it! launch and with the recent launch of the electric !tart variant the demand for the vehicle i! expected to #row further in the comin# month!( *pache continue! to be in demand and ha! captured !i+eable !hare in the premium !e#ment of the motorcycle market() %& 'rand 'uilding ( focus to sustain 'The company ha! been !pendin# whole-heartedly in creatin# it! key model brand!( The company plan! to capitali!e on the !i+able !ucce!! achieved by top brand! in re!pective !e#ment!( The Star, %ictor and *pache in re!pective !e#ment! have done well and all future effort! would be directed toward! keepin# the brand ima#e live and fre!h by introducin# newer variant! of the exi!tin# !ucce!!ful bike!() :+ Trying to capture the )magination of people TVS M#t#r /a,n2.e T%S e;en "r#-,2t in #ne g#

otor!, the country0! third lar#e!t two-wheeler manufacturer, launched !even

product! here on Thur!day in a fir!t-of-it!-kind rollout in the .ndian automobile indu!try(

*pache "T" 8CD EF. The !even product! include a completely new 89< cc motorcycle FL* E, an all new 88D cc Sta" City, an *pache variant with fuel injection technolo#y and the electric variant of a Scooty(

T%S Flame @89<ccA The other three product! were the petrol, C>$ and LP$ ver!ion of a three-wheeler pa!!en#er vehicle that will compete with the &ajaj #roup, the only player in that !e#ment( 2Thi! i! the fir!t !tep to make the announcement of T%S a! a youn# .ndian multinational company( Ee have done !i#nificant amount of hard work in the la!t three year! and now 9DDI will mark the emer#ence of new T%S,2 !aid %enu Sriniva!an, chairman and mana#in# director of T%S otor!(

/e added that the !imultaneou! rollout! are a tribute to the en#ineerin# !kill of the re!earch and development win# of T%S, makin# it the fir!t two-wheeler company to make multiple rollout! in a !in#le day(

/e !aid the production of all newly launched vehicle! will !tart in October and they will hit the road by >ovember( 2Each new rollout !i#nal! avowed intent on the part of T%S to re#ain market !hare and momentum within the indu!try( The new offerin#! are tar#eted at different !e#ment! of the two-and three-wheeler cu!tomer! with empha!i! on !uperior technolo#y, !tylin# and en#ine capabilitie!,2 !aid Sriniva!an( .n it! bid to make more environment-friendly vehicle, T%S al!o announced the launch of it! new CC%Ti @controlled combu!tion variable timin# intelli#entA en#ine, which will be inte#rated in the newly launched 89<cc FL* E( 2The CC%Ti en#ine not only reduce! the carbon dioxide but al!o cut! down carbon monoxide production by ID per cent( The .ndian auto indu!try ha! to make it! be!t effort to make a #reen revolution,2 !aid Sriniva!an(

T%S !tarCity @88DccA The new Sta" City come! in a 88D cc platform while the *pache "T" i! mated with electronic fuel injection and ha! a #reener technolo#y( Out the !even model! launched, three were ver!ion! of a three-wheeler pa!!en#er vehicle - in petrol, C>$ and li3uefied petroleum #a! @LP$A variant!( 2The C>$ i! ju!t an alternate !ource of fuel for u!( *nd it can be on any platform maybe a motorcycle or a !cooter( &ut it will be a motorcycle,2 !aid Sriniva!an(

The other four launche! were a completely new 89< cc motorcycle FL* E, an all new 88D cc Sta" City, an *pache variant with fuel injection technolo#y and the electric variant of Scooty(

T%S !cooty Teen+ Electric 2The auto indu!try ha! to make it! be!t effort to make a #reen revolution by developin# the technolo#y of the future,2 !aid Sriniva!an( The T%S chief added the company ha! plan! for a 2hybrid vehicle2 but it would take a lon# time a! the co!t i! !i#nificantly hi#h and the market i! niche(

<+*ustomer Satisfaction "nd uality The continued improvement in 3uality of it! product! ha! re!ulted in the company winnin# !everal 3uality award! a! well a! brin#in# in more value for it! cu!tomer!( La!t year, T%S *pache, which wa! awarded 0&ike of the ?ear 9DDC0 by !everal leadin# auto ma#a+ine!, wa! cho!en a! the number 8 motorcycle brand in it! cla!!, in an all .ndia cu!tomer !ati!faction !urvey conducted by T>S *utomotive( "ecently, T%S *pache won the 0>7T% Car P &ike = *** viewer! choice &ike of the ?ear 9DDI0 award, thu! reinforcin# cu!tomer0! preference( 7urin# the year, the company offered a uni3ue <=year warranty !cheme for it! di!cernin# T%S Sta" cu!tomer!(

=++esearch "nd De$elopment Several *dvanced En#ineerin# and technolo#ical re!earche! are con!tantly undertaken by the company to en!ure world-cla!! product! are offered to it! cu!tomer!( T%S otor work! clo!ely with #lobal 7e!i#n and "e!earch hou!e! to #ive the .ndian Con!umer the very be!t in term! of technolo#y, !tyle and fuel efficiency( The company ha! applied for over 8<D patent! and it! "P7 team ha! publi!hed :: technical paper! in national and international conference!

>+)ncreasing ,ation-ide ,et-ork "nd +each T%S otor Company i! a##re!!ively increa!in# it! national reach of it! !ale! and

!ervice footprint throu#h increa!ed national network for cu!tomer acce!!( Currently the product! of the company can be purcha!ed and !erviced from over :DDD point!(

?+*reating good-ill in the market# Ser$ing the society Thi! extended arm of the company believe! in !ocial re!pon!ibility and ha! involved it!elf in !everal community development initiative! that have !i#nificantly improved the !tandard of livin# of the people in <8 adopted villa#e! acro!! the country( E2#n#mi2 -e;e/#"ment The pro#ram enable! people below the poverty line in the!e adopted villa#e! to earn their livelihood by involvin# them in activitie! that #enerate income(( Hea/t. /ealth i! one of the main focu! area! of the Srini;a an Ser;i2e Tr, t( 7ental care camp!1 eye camp!, health check-up and nutrition pro#ram! are conducted( The initiative

al!o focu!e! on primary health, maternal health, child-care and lepro!y eradication( In$ra tr,2t,re &e;e/#"ment The company i! actively involved in the community development of the villa#e! by providin# infra!tructure facilitie! !uch a! hou!in#, !anitation, road!, drain!, bu! !helter!, medical centre and natural re!ource! mana#ement( Re*,i/-ing 3,ake Hit Vi//age Supported by R,ra/ Agr# Re ear2. @ &e;e/#"ment S#2iet! an- K,t2. Na; Nirman A*.i!an, the Company ha! rebuilt 'G#!er ama) a villa#e in the 7i!trict of $ujarat, which wa! hit by an earth3uake of unprecedented !cale and ma#nitude on 9Cth Hanuary 9DD8( E-,2ati#n an- Litera2! .n addition to providin# infra!tructure facilitie! like new buildin#! for !chool, the Company help! e!tabli!h computer education pro#ram! for !chool children( The Srini;a an Ser;i2e Tr, t ha! !ucce!!fully achieved FGQ primary !chool enrollment in the adopted villa#e! A+*hanging Technology -hen needed *fter the controver!ial le#al duel with &ajaj *uto on i#nition technolo#y, the Chennaiba!ed two-wheeler manufacturer T%S otor!,launched it! 89<cc motorcycle 0Flame0 with a new and modified en#ine( The company incorporated a !in#le-!park i#nition en#ine ba!ed on controlled combu!tion variable timin# intelli#ent @CC-%TiA technolo#y( The en#ine ha! been developed and patented by *u!tria-ba!ed *%L and ha! been licen!ed to T%S in .ndia( *%L i! the world leader in internal combu!tion en#ine technolo#y and develop! power train !y!tem!( .t i! a leadin# provider of technolo#y to the #lobal en#ine and automotive indu!try(

The 89<cc !e#ment ha! blurred the line between the 8DDcc and 89<cc !e#ment! and it ha! been reckoned a! the new entry level of the bike rider!, con!iderin# the element of youth and !tyle attached to it( T%S otor!, con!iderin# thi! approach and !e#ment and it! increa!in# wide acceptance, ha! pitched RFlame5 a#ain!t the current ra#e, R&ajaj Exceed5( .t i! the combination of two factor!, which would determine the acceptance of Flame( Fir!t, it i! the time and then there are the feature!( RFlame5 come! with the already accepted !in#le-!park i#nition( .t0! launch wa! to coincide with the RExceed5( /owever, due to a le#al duel with &ajaj *uto, it! launch wa! delayed( *nd in thi! !pan, the Exceed ha! been branded and promoted a! a motorcycle havin# premium feature! @milea#e8DGkm and di!c break!A( /ence, a lot would depend on the company5! brandin# !trate#y and Flame5! fi#ht with the feature! pre!ent in the Exceed @almo!t of a 8<Dcc bikeA(T%S otor!5! OP ha! been hoverin# around ;-<Q(

7ue to a !lump in the !ector, it! !ale! have been dippin#, brin#in# about a !harp decline in it! >P which decrea!ed in September 9DDI from 8(;8Q, to D(C< Q in the 7ecember 9DDI 3uarter( T%S po!ted a net profit of "! <(G: crore for the 3uarter-ended 7ecember :8, 9DDI a! compared to "! 88(;C crore in the 3uarter-ended 7ecember :8, 9DDC( )+ .aunch goods carrier& gearless scooter @.*>SA City-ba!ed T%S otor Company Ltd will !oon #et into commercial vehicle

!e#ment, !aid a top official here Sunday( Talkin# to reporter! after launchin# T%S Min# 9DDcc three-wheeler, company chairman %enu Sriniva!an !aid4 '>ext year we will launch a !ub-one-tonne #ood! carrier( * die!el-powered three-wheeler will al!o be launched() /e al!o !aid the company would launch a #earle!! !cooter, a !e#ment that i! lo##in# #rowth even when the motorcycle! are re#i!terin# !lide in !ale!( 'Ee are tar#etin# :D percent market !hare in ei#hteen month! time( The market !i+e i! around 8(G million unit! per year,) !aid /(S( $oindi, !enior vice-pre!ident, international bu!ine!! and three-wheeler!, T%S otor!(

*ccordin# to Sriniva!an, the three-wheeler i! expected to beef up the top line by "!(9 billion in the comin# year, !ellin# around :D,DDD unit!( *part from the dome!tic market, T%S otor will al!o export it! T%S Min# to countrie!

like Sri Lanka, &an#lade!h, Latin *merica, >i#eria and other!( 'The impact on the bottom line i! difficult to 3uantify now,) Sriniva!an added( The 7emin# medal-winnin# company, which ha! a turnover of "!(:F(9G billion @SFCF millionA, ha! inve!ted around "!(8(9 billion in developin# it! two-!troke three-wheeler in three ver!ion! - petrol, LP$ and C>$( 'There i! lot of commonality of component! between our three-wheeler and two-wheeler en#ine!( There will be around five-!even percent co!t !avin#! due to common part!,) Sriniva!an !aid( *! the !ale! of three-wheeler i! lar#ely dependent on the !tate #overnment policy of i!!uin# pa!!en#er carryin# vehicle permit!, $iondi !aid the company would work with variou! !tate #overnment! to clear any mi!conception! about thi! vehicle !e#ment( T%S otor i! al!o wooin# the auto rick!haw driver community with !lew of incentive!(

The company i! offerin# a free per!onal accident-cum-health in!urance for the owner and hi! family @!elf, wife and three childrenA by payin# the fir!t year premium of "!(9C;( The per!onal accident in!urance cover will be for "!(8DD,DDD and the health in!urance cover will be for "!(:D,DDD( *!ked about u!in# 9DDcc en#ine in T%S Min# while many other! make !imilar vehicle with 8<Dcc en#ine!, $oindi !aid4 'The citie! are becomin# bi##er and there are more flyover!( .t i! time that three-wheeler! are powered by hi#h power en#ine!() The on-road price of T%S Min# ran#e! between "!(FD,DDD-"!(8:D,DDD dependin# on the variant(

*!ked about the po!!ible impact the !mall car! could make on the three-wheeler !ale!, Sriniva!an !aid4 'Ee don5t fore!ee any impact on three-wheeler !ale! owin# to the entry of Tata >ano or other car!() Earlier, Tamil >adu5! Local *dmini!tration handin# over the key! to two buyer!( *ppreciatin# T%S indu!triali!ation( otor for it! impre!!ive #rowth from a "!(8 billion turnover company ini!ter (M( Stalin launched T%S Min# by

in ninetie! to it! current po!ition, Stalin !aid the !tate wa! pro#re!!in# well in it!

10.Taking -omen on a ride T/E automobile indu!try i! in a !udden ru!h to cater to the tran!portation need! of the fairer !ex( %yin# with one another, the current bunch of !cooterette manufacturer! and potential player! are tryin# to roll out product! for women acro!! a#e #roup! a! their central focu!( The !pecial re3uirement! of two-wheeler ridin# women1 the feature! that will help ea!e their ridin# experience1 and acce!!orie! that can be !howca!ed a! uni3ue !ellin# propo!ition! are now drivin# innovation in de!i#nin# !cooterette! for thi! bur#eonin# cla!! of rider!( Eomen were alway! in the radar for manufacturer! of the!e two wheeler!, but only they were not projected a! the primary focu!( Thi! wa! the ca!e with the marketin# !trate#ie! that &ajaj and Minetic had adopted for the earlier ver!ion! of the Safire and the Tin# re!pectively( The primary tar#et! for the!e two-wheeler! were colle#e-#oin# !tudent!, middle-income hou!ehold! and men and women alike( >ow, with the cate#ory !howin# !i#n! of #rowin# fa!ter than the other two-wheeler !e#ment! and with the #rowth comin# from the !ur#e in

purcha!e! by women, manufacturer! !uch a! &ajaj, T%S rollin# out the red carpet to woo the diva!(

otor and Minetic are keen on

*nd, !o, after revampin# it! !cooterette, &ajaj ha! now relaunched the Safire a! the new Eave and al!o come out with the new Uwhen-you-are-happy-and-you-know-it0 adverti!in# campai#n to attract women buyer!( The new Eave i! ea!ier to ride, more powerful and, yet, more fuel-efficient and ha! attribute! that are women-friendly( Thi! partly rede!i#ned !cooterette that i! al!o more trendy and #ood lookin# iron! out !ome of the nit-picky en#ine and tran!mi!!ion problem! that had bu##ed the er!twhile Safire( >ot to be left behind, both Minetic and T%S have now launched new, !na++ier variant! of their !cooterette! and will try to hit back at &ajaj0! attempt at a comeback into the premium !cooterette !e#ment( Sma// Kineti2

Of the two, thou#h, Minetic0! Mine @a(k(a( Tin# GDA only feature! co!metic enhancement! that #ive the !cooterette new look! and a mar#inally better fini!h than the Tin# GD, on

which it i! ba!ed( .t continue! to feature the !ame I8(<cc, two-!troke en#ine that put! out a maximum power of ;(9 bhp and a peak tor3ue of <(I >m( The kerb wei#ht of the Mine i! a feather-li#ht G9 k# and fuel tank capacity i! four litre!( The addition! and !pecial feature! in the Mine i! the new three-tone colour that #ive! the !cooterette !portier look! and further hi#hli#ht! it! de!i#n line!, the cola-can holder in the front, mobile char#in# point in the under-!eat !tora#e area, puncture-re!i!tant tyre! and the new headlamp( Some of the!e, !uch a! the mobile char#in# point and can-holder, were al!o available in the Tin# and the!e have been retained ba!ed on cu!tomer feedback, accordin# to Minetic( Minetic ha! al!o u!ed feedback from cu!tomer! to come up with the new name V UMine0( The idea behind the new name bein# that for many year! the #ood old Minetic wa! bein# referred to @by u!er! them!elve!A a! UMine0 V a nickname that the vehicle ac3uired on it! own( Minetic0! re!earch i! al!o !aid to have !hown that UMine0 a! a word in it!elf ha! many character!tic! of a popular brand, includin# in!tant recall and identification( *! thi! !cooterette i! a !maller, li#hter packa#e with a lower price ta#, Minetic ha! decided to make it into a full-fled#ed brand of it! own( 'e""! "/, Bnlike the Mine, which feature! co!metic chan#e!, the new T%S Scooty PepN0! alteration! run deeper( For one, the new PepN !port! a brand new, more powerful FDcc four-!troke en#ine that deliver! a peak power of < bhp and a peak tor3ue of <(G >m( The en#ine feel! refined and i! !aid to be peppier compared to it! I<-cc predece!!or, which will continue to be available in the Scooty Pep( 7ual tone colour! and new racy #raphic! adorn the new Scooty PepN0! body panel!1 a new !tyli!h da!h with an ea!y-readin# !peedometer clu!ter and a fre!h new ran#e of body

colour! ha! been added( The new Scooty PepN al!o #et! a few neat touche! that !hould make it more likeable for women rider!( The LE7 li#htin# in the under-!eat !tora#e area, the cell-phone char#er below the da!hboard, the floure!cent i#nition key !lot for better vi!ibility at ni#ht and the innovative, patented centre-!tand de!i#n with extra levera#e that make! parkin# the !cooterette a bree+e, will all be feature! that will not only be appreciated by women of all a#e #roup!, but al!o by the men folk, who will invariably al!o be the u!er! of thi! !cooterette( The &ajaj Eave0! adverti!in# overtly focu!e! on women rider!, but it! other communication material and the !cooterette0! actual attribute! do not reflect that !pecific focu!( Bnlike the &ajaj, the T%S Scooty Pep and new PepN clearly focu! only on the #rowin# population of women two-wheeler u!er!, thou#h market re!earch ha! !howed that about :< per cent of the current u!er! are men( The Scooty Pep0! brand amba!!ador i! Preity Tinta and the new ad campai#n for the PepN will attempt to focu! on the improved power and playfulne!! of the new ver!ion( Minetic, meanwhile, will continue to po!ition the Mine @like it did for the Tin#A a! a practical, fuelefficient and attractive two-wheeler for the colle#e-#oin# public( The new T%S Scooty PepN ha! been priced at about "! ::,DDD, ex-!howroom in Chennai( The new Mine, on the contrary, will be available for about "! <,DDD le!!er, but will not be able to offer !imilar build and fini!h 3uality and a! many feature! a! the T%S Scooty PepN( Fuel efficiency number!, however, are unlikely to be much different between the two at about <D kmpl @in city condition!A, de!pite the Mine0! two-!troke en#ine(

T%S otor Company i! one of the leadin# bike manufacturer! in .ndia( The major conclu!ion from thi! !tudy wa! that T%S ha! to improve it!elf to #ain the fir!t po!ition in the market a! it i! doin# well to maintain it! third po!ition in the market( .n term! of competition, T%S ha! nick-to-nick competition with /ero /onda and &ajaj( T%S ha! a lot of work to do if it ha! to take lead and remain the leadin# manufacturer in .ndia(

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