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Bibliography Primary Sources: The Moderation League, Inc. "A ational Sur!ey o" #onditions under Prohibition, $%&'.

" ( e) *or+: The Moderation League, $%&',- .nline "acsimile at: http://))).)$&23- 4isited on: $$/&5/&5$6 This pamphlet on the amount o" arrests made be"ore, a"ter, and during Prohibition reguarding into7ication sho) that at the !ery beginning o" Prohbition ($%$%,, arrests plummeted, and then slo)ly but surely rose bac+ to e!en higher than they )ere originally by the time o" $%&2, sho)ing ho) Prohibition did not in "act attain the temperate ending it )as see+ing, but only ser!ed to add "ire to the "lame o" alcohol, ma+ing it burn brighter and stronger than e!er. Anti8Saloon League o" 9isconsin. :ecords (selections,. .nline "acsimile at: http://))).)$256- 4isited on: $$/&5/&5$6 This doccument, a record o" the Anti8Saloon League as they tra!el through 9isconsin, descried their process o" unco!ering and persecuting those )ho sold li;uor illegally. These detecti!es ta+e such e7treme measures to simply e7pose small8to)n business men, truly sho)ing ho) determined the Anti8 Saloon League )as to irradicate the consumption o" alochol nation )ide, and teh amount o" po)er they e7erted, asthey )ere easily able to e7pend t)o men to rural 9isconsin in order to e7pose an under8 ground saloon host. <nited States. #ong. ational #ommission o" La) .bser!ance and =n"orcement.Enforcement of the Prohibition Laws of the United States. Message from the President of the United States Transmitting a Report of the National Commission on Law Obser ance and Enforcement Relati e to the !acts as to the Enforcement" the #enefits" and the $b%ses %nder the Prohibition Laws" #oth before and since the $doption of the Eighteenth $mendment to the Constit%tion ... By >eorge 9. 9ic+ersham. 2$ #ong., 6 sess. #ong. :ept. 2&&. 9ashington: <.S. >o!t. Print. .""., $%6$. Print. This document states ?erbert ?oo!er, the president o" the <nited States during the time o" Prohibition, and his re"lections on the success o" the =ighteenth Amendment thus "ar. ?o)e!er, he is not hope"ul, and clearly e7presses his desire to repeal the act, in response to the illicit alcohol tra""ic+ing that has caused crime rates to increase throughout the nation. This document truly opens our eyes to the "act that it )as such a prominent e""ect on the country, and one that )as so une7pected )hen the hope"ul eighteenth amendment )as originally put in place. :oose!elt, @ran+lin A. "Aocument "or Aecember Bth:Presidential Proclamation &5CB o" Aecember B, $%66, in 9hich President @ran+lin A. :oose!elt Announces the :epeal o" Prohibition." Toda&'s (oc%ment from the National $rchi es. ational Archi!es, B Aec. $%66. 9eb. &$ o!. &5$6. Dhttp://))).archi!es.go!/historical8docs/todays8doc/inde7.html0dod8date1$&5BE. This document, the o""icial repeal o" the =ighteenth Amendment and Prohibition, sho)s the assurance o" )hich the entire (or t)o8thirds, congressional assembly supported the repeal o" the act, sho)ing ho) ;uic+ly the results o" Prohibition a""ect and changed the minds o" so many po)er"ul leaders. In past times, go!ernment leaders ha!e o"ten deliberated o!er the repeal or placement o" an act "or se!eral years, but it too+ only a short amount o" time "or the maFority o" the American go!ernment to band together to help amend the past error o" enacting prohibition in the "irst place. Truman, ?arry S. "#orrespondance "rom ?arry S. Truman to Bess 9allace Truman." Letter to Bess 9allace Truman. &$ Gan. $%$%. MS. #amp La Beholle, n.p. This personal letter "rom ?arry S. Truman to his )i"e, )hile he is commanding a camp outside

o" 9ashington spea+s o" the )onders o" Prohibition, ho) he "eels that by ma+ing alcohol illegal, the country as a )hole )ill impro!e in manners, business matters, and relations )ith others. ?e, although not a "ull ad!ocate o" the temperance mo!ement, sees alcohol as a hinderance on the true potential o" the American spirit. 9hen compared to later documents, thought not as intimate as this, it illustrates the dramatic change o" heart that Prohibition caused once it )as in place, "rom those )ho pre!iously )hole8heartedly supported it. "Select Temperance Tracts:." Select Temperance Tracts). Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://;'.555$.55$0rgn1main-!ie)1"ullte7tE. The Select Temperance Tracts is a compilation o" scientists, philosophers and politicianHs "indings on )hy alcohol should be banned, or )hy is should not be consumed. A sound basis o" in"ormation, it included poems, "acts and statistics meant to s)ay those )ho are intemperate to)ards temperance. "Temperance Sermons, Aeli!ered in :esponse to an In!itation o" the ational Temperance Society and Publication ?ouse." The Nineteenth Cent%r& in Print) #oo*s. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://memory.loc.go!/cgi8bin/;uery/r0ammem/AMALL:I"ield(A.#IA Ilit(<LA$25B%62$,,E. This )ebsite allo)ed us direct access into the sermons the ational Temperance Society preached throughout the nation, including )hy alcohol should not be drun+ "rom a health perspecti!e, the religious sins o" drin+ing alcohol, and ho) your relationship )ith others is a""ected )hen alcohol is consumed, )hether it be daily or on occasion. "An American Time #apsule: Three #enturies o" Broadsides and .ther Printed =phemera." $merican Memor&. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. Dhttp://memory.loc.go!/cgi8bin/;uery/r0 ammem/AMALL:I"ield( <MB=: Iband(rbpe 5265&&55,,E. This )ebsite allo)ed us to !ie) the ational Temperance Almanac, a document that greatly in"luenced the turning o" the tides to)ard the Temperance mo!ement, in their "a!or, as the almanac is a common household item, the ational Temperance Society has itHs ideals in nearly e!ery home that possessed an almanac, seemingly innocently, but still in"luencing the minds o" those )ho do possess it. "Abraham LincolnHs Temperance Address o" $'3&." $braham Lincoln's Temperance $ddress of +,-.. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) This, President LincolnHs address that touches on the subFect o" temperance, alludes to the "act that he has the same !ie) as many that oppose temperance. ?e does not )ish to ma+e it a legal matter, and !ie)s it as a moral decision, to be le"t to your o)n )ill )hether or not you drin+. "@ull Te7t o" "9illiam Lloyd >arrison, $'5B8$'2% Jmicro"ormK : The Story o" ?is Li"e""!%ll Te/t of 01illiam Llo&d 2arrison" +,345+,67 8microform9 ) The Stor& of :is Life0 ational Archi!es, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://archi!$&garrgoog/)illiamlloydgar$&garrgoogLdF!u.t7tE. The !ie) o" one man )ho does not )ish to create more la)s li+e the one that occurred in Maine, sho)ing that he as )ell does not thin+ that drin+ing should be a legal matter, simply )hether or not you choose to parta+e in it. "Arguments Against Temperance 8 Temperance Mo!ement $'&C." Temperance Mo ement +,.;., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://mac+enMielcollins.) This !ie) lies in particularly in that drin+ing is a matter o" choice, and no one can depri!e you o" such a right. It seems to in"ringe upon the rights o" e!eryone, because although it might be dangerous, those )ho did not support temperance sa) it as a right to be able to drin+ and do )hate!er you may desire, )ithout and legal protest.

?o)ard, @ran+. "9eHll 4ote Against the Terrible Man." $merica 1omen's :istor&. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://memory.loc.go!/cgi8bin/ampage0collId1musmiscE. This music score is another representation o" ho) music )as used during this time period to promote !arious issues, this one being )omenHs su""rage. The title, 9eHll 4ote Against the Terrible Man blatantly sho)s the )omenHs attitudes to)ards those )ho )ouldnHt let them !ote, and "rom early on they began their campaign. "Susan B. Anthony Speech: Is It a #rime "or a #itiMen o" the <nited States to 4ote0" S%san #. $nthon& Speech) <s <t a Crime for a Citi=en of the United States to >ote? Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $$ Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://la)&"aculty/proFects/"trials/anthony/anthonyaddress.htmlE. The address o" Susan B. Anthony, accounts "or the many prospects o" citiMenship that )omen are depri!ed o", unnecessarily so. A +ey player in both )omenHs su""rage and in the 9omenHs #hristian Temperance <nion, Anthony pro!ides a uni"ied !oice, strong and commanding, o" all )omen )ho )ish to gain !oting rights. "Teaching 9ith Aocuments: 9oman Su""rage and the $%th Amendment." Ci il 1ar $rm& N%rses' Letter. ational Archi!es, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).archi!es.go!/education/lessons/)oman8 su""rage/army8nurses.htmlE. .nce more, )omen "rom all )al+s o" li"e, in all occupations had some +ind o" interest in the su""rage mo!ement. This letter "rom an army nurse, )ho is continually gi!ing her time and e""ort "or the )el"are o" her country, )ishes to +no) )hen her due rights )ill be gi!en. "Letter to #ongress in Support o" 9omenHs Su""rage N ational Archi!es Transcription Pilot ProFect." Letter to Congress in S%pport of 1omen's S%ffrage @ National $rchi es Transcription Pilot ProAect. ational Archi!es, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. D!es.go!/content/letter8 congress8support8)omens8su""rageE. ot able to stand on the sidelines anymore, the empo)ered "igureheads o" )omenHs su""rage, =liMabeth #ady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and se!eral more )omen )rote a letter directly to congress, e7pressing their concern "or action to be ta+en sooner than later. "The Seneca @alls #on!ention (:eason,: American Treasures o" the Library o" #ongress." The Seneca !alls Con ention BReasonC) $merican Treas%res of the Librar& of Congress. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).loc.go!/e7hibits/treasures/trr535.htmlE. This document, in lieu )ith the Aeclaration o" Sentiments, is a signed document o" all the )omen )ho agree to the lines and dictations that are "ound in the Aeclaration, and those that )ish to ha!e direct action )ith su""rage, and ad!ocate the right to !ote "or all. "Aeclaration o" Sentiments." (eclaration of Sentiments. Princeton <ni!ersity, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))!e/)i+i$55+/docs/AeclarationLo"LSentiments.htmlE. The actual documentation o" the Aeclaration o" Sentiments, highlighting all o" the maFor grie!ances o" )omen )ho do not ha!e the right to !ote, outlines their )ants and needs the )omen demand "rom the go!ernment in order to enact change. "Trial :ecord in the #ase o" <nited States !s Susan B. Anthony ($'26,." Trial Record in the Case of United States s S%san #. $nthon& B+,6DC. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://la)&"aculty/proFects/"trials/anthony/trialrecord.htmlE. The documentation o" <nited States !. Anthony creates an ability to relate to Anthony, that her act )as not out o" desperation, but to pro!e a point, that se!eral innocent !otes, the simple act o" slipping a piece o" paper into a ballot is not a criminal o""ense, and anyone )ho thin+s other)ise is misguided on the means o" Fustice.

Secondary Sources: "Temperance P Prohibition." Table of Contents @ Temperance E Prohibition. .hio State <ni!ersity, &5$6. 9eb. $' o!. &5$6. D This )ebsite helped to gi!e an o!er!ie) o" the actions o" "drys" and ")ets" during and leading up to Prohibition, or those )ho )ere in "a!or and those opposed to it, respecti!ely. Primary source propaganda )as sho)n, depicting the t)o !ie)s the opposing classes had against one another, and the means by )hich they tried to persuade others to Foin their cause. Also, an o!er!ie) o" the actions o" the Anti8Saloon League helped to sho) us ho) in"luenced the go!ernment )as at the time o" the )riting o" the =ighteenth Amendment. "The Prohibition =ra." The Prohibition Era. Patterson ?istorical Society, &55C8&5$&. 9eb. $' o!. &5$6. Dhttp://))) This )ebsite helped to sho) ho) Prohibtion reached all areas o" the <nited States, including our home state o" e) *or+. In this recording, a local "ire lead to the disco!ery and immediate shut8 do)n o" a local illegal bre)ery, although the bre)ers )ere ne!er "ound or charged. It also related some o" he short term nation )ide results, such as the money de"icit "rom lac+ o" alcohol ta7ation, on a smaller scale- ho) it a""ected the people o" Patterson, e) *or+, and ho) spea+easies upset the la) en"orcement e!ery)here. This )ebsite helped us connect the large8scale theme o" Prohbition to a much more centraliMed, personal application, that helped us to understand Fust ho) e!eryone in America )as a""ected during this time period. "Prohibition People and Terms 8" Prohibition People and Terms 5 Aistilled Spirits #ouncil o" the <nited States, &5$6. 9eb. $' o!. &5$6. Dhttp://))) This )ebsite helped us to determine )ho )ere +ey players in the acti!ation o" Prohibition, and those )ho tried their best to repeal the act once it had been in place. Some people such as @rancis 9illard, Gohn A. :oc+e"eller Gr, and 9ayne 9heeler, all )ere in great support o" Prohibition, but a"ter it )as in place, :oc+e"eller, the only one a ali!e at this point, decided that the act itsel" )as detrimental, rather than ad!antageous to the nation, and decided it )as best to petition the act. "Prohibition." :istor&.com. AP= Tele!ision et)or+s, &5$6. 9eb. $' o!. &5$6. Dhttp://))) This )ebsite helped us lay the "oundation "or our research, especially )hen loo+ing into the causes o" prohibition8including 9orld 9ar I8, and those "e) alcohol bans that occurred throughout the country to spur the actual national declaration. In addition, this source helped to e7plain to us )hat really )ent on during prohibition, "or e7ample, the en"orcement aspect o" the la)s )ith the I:S, or International :e!enue Ser!ice, and those )ho )ent against the )ishes o" the go!ernment to bre) their o)n illegal alcohol, and the bootleggers )ho sold them. Burns, Qen. "Prohibition." P#S. PBS, &5$$. 9eb. $' o!. &5$6. Dhttp://))) This )ebsite pro!ided us )ith a )ealth o" in"ormation- the causes o" prohibition, important people )ho emerged during the t)enties, etc., but )e chose to "ocus on the une7pected causes that this )ebsite e7plained in depth. ot only did Prohibition not go as planned, it had re!erse a""ects on the country, turing a time o" temperance to a time o" abuse and o!er8consumption o" an item that )as no) deemed illegal. .rganiMed crime rose, death caused by alcohol (although at "irst the number declined, rose in response to binge drin+ing, and the economic pressured the go!ernment too+ "or the absence o"

alcohol ta7es hea!ily )eighted upon the entire country. .+rent, Aaniel. Last Call) The Rise and !all of Prohibition. e) *or+: Scribner, &5$5. Print. This boo+, true to itHs name "The :ise and @all o" Prohibition", details e!ery e!ent that occurred in response, in comparison, or e!en catalyMed Prohibition in the <nited States. <sed as a guide to e7planations o" )hy things occurred such as the "all o" the 9#T< and the rise and strength o" the Anti8Saloon League, along )ith the rise o" Al #apone and the spea+easies, it goes into deep analytical depth o" the ")hys" behind the act that shoo+ Americas "rom the !ery pits o" their stomachs that had long been "illed )ith into7icating drin+. ?anson, Aa!id G., Ph.A. "QQQ and 9#T<: Partners in Prohibition." FFF and 1CTU) Partners in Prohibition. Potsdam <ni!ersity, &5$6. 9eb. &5 o!. &5$6. Dhttp://)))&!ersies/QQQ8and89#T<8Partners8in8Prohibition.htmlE. This source is "rom the Sociology Aepartment o" the State <ni!ersity o" e) *or+ in Potsdam, meaning the Pro"essor )ho )rote this understands the topic. This being said, I )as able to learn the connection the QQQ had to the Prohibition, and )ith the 9#T<. "The Prohibition =ra." The Prohibition Era. To)n o" Patterson, &55C8&5$&. 9eb. $' o!. &5$6. Dhttp://))) This )ebsite supplied the in"ormation about the many amendments and acts passed during the time o" the Prohibition. The speci"ic e""ects o" the Prohibition on one to)n is also pro!ided, )hich gi!es insight into ho) a certain group o" people reacted to this e!ent, as opposed to an entire nation. :osenberg, Genni"er. "Prohibition." $ .3th Cent%r& :istor&. .p., n.d. 9eb. $' o!. &5$6. Dhttp://history$$%&5s/p/prohibition.htmE. Genni"er :osenberg is a historian )ho spent much o" her li"e studying history, especially more about her interest in the early &5th century. ?er article helped us to +no) )hen the Prohibition occurred and )hat actually happened during this time. Se!ern, Bill. The End of the Roaring TwentiesG Prohibition and Repeal". e) *or+: G. Messner, $%C%. Print. This boo+ )as read to obtain a stronger understanding o" the topic o" the Prohibition. It helps to sho) the e!olution o" the Prohibition, "rom )hen it )as "irst passed, to its repeal in the T)enty8@irst Amendment, to the restrictions on the AmericanHs li!es and their right to drin+ing alcohol. "$& Bad =""ects o" Prohibition *ou Should Qno)." Unreasonable !aith. .p., n.d. 9eb. &$ o!. &5$6. 8This )ebsite )as used to pro!ide in"ormation concerning the e""ects o" the Prohibition =ra on the peopleRs ideas, beha!ior, and actions to)ards the go!ernment. Meredith, 9illiam A. ".rganiMed #rime and Prohibition." .p., n.d. 9eb. 8This )ebsite )as used to "urther e7plain the political conse;uences o" this era. It pro!ided in"ormation such as statistics on the increase in crimes, and in"ormation on organiMed crimes. "Temperance Mo!ement." Ho%T%be. *ouTube, &3 @eb. &5$6. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))!1'u3SAr'9Fd<E. This !ideo easily gi!es an o!er!ie) o" the Temperance Mo!ement, pro!iding !isual a""ect and a transition into the bac+ground o" our proFect. "9oman Su""rage N Temperance P Prohibition." 1oman S%ffrage @ Temperance E Prohibition. .hio

<ni!ersity, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. D arguments/)oman8su""rageE. This )ebsite pro!ided as great insight into the many "aces o" prohibition, especially ho) it led into )omenHs rights acti!ism, directly mentioning ho) ta78paying citiMens should all be gi!en the right to !ote, yet )omen, )ho pay ta7es, are depri!ed o" such a pri!ilege, and during prohibition the drys too+ the side o" the )omen, )hile the )ets )ere strictly opposed. Ling, Sally G. "=liMebeth @riedman T @ascinating 9omen o" Prohibition N Sally G. Ling T @loridaHs ?istory Aetecti!e." Sall& I Ling !loridas :istor& (etecti e. .p., 6$ Guly &5$$. 9eb. &% Aec. &5$6. D$$/52/6$/eliMebeth8"riedman8"ascinating8)omen8o"8prohibition/E. This )ebsite )as used to gi!e in"ormation about =liMebeth @riedman. It taught us that she )as a more important person then )e had thought, being president o" the 9#T< at one time. Ling, Sally G. "Mabel 9al+er 9illebrandt T @ascinating 9omen o" Prohibition N Sally G. Ling T @loridaHs ?istory Aetecti!e." Sall& I Ling !loridas :istor& (etecti e. @loridaHs ?istory Aetecti!e, $C Guly &5$$. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. D$$/52/$C/mabel8)al+er8 )illebrant8"ascinating8)omen8o"8prohibition/E. This )ebsite )as used to pro!ide much in"ormation and numerous ;uotes "rom and about Mabel 9al+er 9illebrandt. She )as an important )oman "igure during the Prohibition =ra and this )ebsite helped sho) that. "Prohibition." P#S. PBS, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))"8 prohibition/E. This )as a )ebsite that ga!e us much in"ormation about the Temperance Mo!ement, the 9#T<, and many people that played signi"icant roles throughout the era. /A. "The Beer 9ench." The #eer 1ench. /A, &$ Mar. &55'. 9eb. &% Aec. &5$6. Dhttp://thecolumbus)ench.) Pictures o" many o" the )omen )ere gi!en "rom this )ebsite. These pro!ide !isuals to see )ho the people are. " ational 9omenHs ?istory Museum." Ed%cation E Reso%rces. ational 9omenHs ?istory Museum, n.d. 9eb. 6$ Aec. &5$6. Dhttp://))).n) resources/biography/biographies/"rances8eliMabeth8caroline8)illard/E. More in"ormation )as ta+en "rom this )ebsite to understand @rances =liMabeth #aroline 9illardRs role as a )omen during the Prohibition =ra. "Prohibiton =ra ?istory." Prohibition Era in $merica. .p., n.d. 9eb. &% Aec. &5$6. Dhttp://))) This )ebsite ga!e bac+ground in"ormation about the Prohibition to "urther our understanding o" the main topic. "Prohibition." P#S. PBS, n.d. 9eb. $$ Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) "9omen in the Progressi!e =ra." 1omen in the Progressi e Era. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).n)!eera/)ctu.htmlE. This )ebsite )as used to gi!e us a picture o" )omen )ho shut do)n a saloon. This is important in sho)ing us ho) the )omen too+ action during this time. "9omen o" the ?all." !rances E. 1illard. ational 9omenHs ?all o" @ame, n.d. 9eb. 6$ Aec. &5$6. Dhttp://))).great)"8the8hall/search8the8hall/details/&/$C%8)illardE. In"ormation about important )omen )as recei!ed "rom this )ebsite. 9e )ere able to learn )ho the )omen )ho actually played a role in the Prohibition era )ere. Mo!ement, Abolition. "Abolition, 9omenHs :ights, and Temperance Mo!ements."National Par*s Ser ice. ational Par+s Ser!ice, $C Aec. &5$6. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).nps.go!/)ori/historyculture/abolition8)omens8rights8and8temperance8mo!ements.htmE. This timeline helps to sum up the e7tent o" our proFect, ho), through both the temperance mo!ement and the Prohibition era, )omen gained rights and played maFor roles in go!ernment, e!en leading to their

"inest achie!ement o" gaining uni!ersal su""rage "or all in the <nited States. "#arry ation (American Temperance Leader,." Enc&clopedia #ritannica Online. =ncyclopedia Britannica, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))$C/#arry8 ationE. This )ebsite pro!ided much in"ormation about #arry ation )ho )as a leader during the Prohibition Mo!ement and strongly a )omenHs su""ragist. "@rances = 9illard Suotes." < .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).i) This )ebsite pro!ided us )ith ;uotes "rom @rances =. 9illard. It ga!e us insight as to )hat type o" su""ragist she )as and )hat her belie"s )ere. Ling, Sally G. "Mabel 9al+er 9illebrandt T @ascinating 9omen o" Prohibition N Sally G. Ling T @loridaHs ?istory Aetecti!e." Sall& I Ling !loridas :istor& (etecti e. @loridaHs ?istory Aetecti!e, $C Guly &5$$. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. D$$/52/$C/mabel8)al+er8 )illebrant8"ascinating8)omen8o"8prohibition/E. This )ebsite )as used to pro!ide much in"ormation and numerous ;uotes "rom and about Mabel 9al+er 9illebrandt. She )as an important )oman "igure during the Prohibition =ra and this )ebsite helped sho) that. "Mc?enry #ounty Turning Point." J Carrie Nation. .p., $6 Mar. &5$&. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) This is another )ebsite that taught us much about #arry ation as )ell as gi!ing us multiple pictures and cartoons o" her. These pro!ide !isuals to see ho) aggressi!e she )as as a )omenHs su""ragist and supporter o" the Prohibition. "Prohibition." P#S. PBS, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))"8 prohibition/E. This )as a )ebsite that ga!e us much in"ormation about the Temperance Mo!ement, the 9#T<, and many people that played signi"icant roles throughout the era. ">oogle Images." 2oogle <mages. .p., n.d. 9eb. $5 Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) hl1enE. This )ebsite is )hat )e used to "ind cartoons about the )ets and drys during this time. ">oogle Images." 2oogle <mages. .p., n.d. 9eb. $5 Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) hl1enE. This )ebsite is )hat )e used to "ind pictures about the )ets and drys. ">oogle Images." 2oogle <mages. .p., n.d. 9eb. $5 Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) hl1enE. This )ebsite )as used to "ind pictures on the )et and dry sides during the time o" prohibition. ">oogle Images." 2oogle <mages. .p., n.d. 9eb. $5 Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) hl1enE. This )ebsite )as )here )e got the pictures "or the end o" prohibition. ">oogle Images." 2oogle <mages. .p., n.d. 9eb. $5 Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) sa1UE. This )ebsite )as used to "ind pictures a"ter the &$st amendment )hich repealed the $'th amendment. "Prohibition in the <nited States." 1i*ipedia. 9i+imedia @oundation, 5$ .ct. &5$3. 9eb. $$ Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://en.)<nitedLStatesE. This )ebsite helped to in"orm us on )hat the )ets and drys are and )hat people are parts o" these groups. :osenberg, Genni"er. "Prohibition." $ .3th Cent%r& :istor&. .p., n.d. 9eb. 5% Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://history$$%&5s/p/prohibition.htmE. This )ebsite )as used to learn

about the $'th amendment and ho) it put Prohibition in motion, as )ell as help to in"orm us on the 4olstead Act. "9hat Is Prohibition0" 1hat <s Prohibition? .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))$''&/)hatLisLprohibitionL"inal.htmlE. This )ebsite )as used to in"orm us on )hat Prohibition )as and )as use"ul in gi!ing us in"ormation on the Prohibition =ra.

4ideos Secondary Sources "Temperance Mo!ement." Ho%T%be. *ouTube, &3 @eb. &5$6. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))!1'u3SAr'9Fd<E. This !ideo easily gi!es an o!er!ie) o" the Temperance Mo!ement, pro!iding !isual a""ect and a transition into the bac+ground o" our proFect. " eal Ao): Prophet o" Prohibition." Ho%T%be. *ouTube, 6$ .ct. &55C. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))!1hd5gCLC)ig'E. This !ideo creates a bac+ground "or eal Ao), the go!ernor o" Portland, Maine that created the Maine deal, one o" the "irst legislati!e dri!es to)ards prohibition e!er created, and allo)s the !ie)er to "ully understand his moti!es. "9alter Breuning 8 Born Sept. &$, $'%C, Li!ed $$3.B *ears." Ho%T%be. *ouTube, 6$ Mar. &5$5. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))!1pFMLyU5l;h)E. This inter!ie) )ith 9alter Breuning, ali!e and )ell during the era o" both prohibition and )omenHs su""rage, e7presses )hat he e7perienced during his li"e, )ith )omenHs unhappiness )ith their role in society, and they decision to do something about it.

Pictures Primary Sources S)eeney, eal Games. "An American Time #apsule: Three #enturies o" Broadsides and .ther Printed =phemera." $merican Memor&. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. 5% Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://memory.loc.go!/cgi8bin/ampage0collId1rbpeE. This image re"lects a pledge o" temperance ta+en during this late $'55Hs by the #atholic Temperance Society, creating a guideline o" strict rules to "ollo) )hen one becomes temperate, and gi!es up the drin+. It sho)s ho) passionate many people )ere about the abolition o" alcohol. "Lips That Touch Li;uor..." Lips That To%ch LiK%or..., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. D This picture illustrates ho) adamant )omen )ere about their husbandHs drin+ing problem, and ho) they "inally had begun to ta+e a stand "or )hat they belie!ed in. "The Aemon o" :um: Ten Prohibition Propaganda Posters Photo >allery 8 Arun+ ?usband Qills 9i"e 8 #rime Library." The (emon of R%m) Ten Prohibition Propaganda Posters Photo 2aller& 5 (r%n* :%sband Fills 1ife 5 Crime Librar&. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).trut!.com/library/crime/photogallery/prohibition8posters.html0curPhoto1&E. This image, propaganda o" the people in support o" the Temperance Mo!ement, try to sho) the drastic a""ects alcohol consumption can ha!e on men, leading them to beat their )i!es daily, a "earsome prospect. "#artoon Prints, American." Tree of Temperance. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).loc.go!/pictures/resource/cph.6b5&33&/0co1appE. This image, depicting all o" the grand ;ualities o" temperance people, again sho)s the bias that those organiMations that supported temperance. A similar image obtained "rom the same sight, the Tree o" Intemperance, lays out all o" the !ulgar ;ualities o" one )ho drin+s, a direct parallel bet)een the t)o. "Ardent Spirits." $rdent Spirits. Library #ompany, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) This image depicts )hat alcohol )as thought to do to a man, turn him into a demon that he does not remember, a dangerous thing, something that should ne!er ha!e come into being, in order to scare people into becoming temperate. "Aa!id Pollac+ 4intage Posters." (a id Pollac* >intage Posters. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).dp!$B3E. *et another poster appealing to the parents )ho are a""ected by drin+ing, by bringing their children into the picture, trying to e7plain that )hen they drin+, they in a""ect, also )an the li!es o" their children. "Lips That Touch Li;uor." Lips That To%ch LiK%or <mage Search Res%lts. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://picsbo7.biM/+ey/lips that touch li;uorE. This image rein"orces the great idea that temperance is an all8reigning po)er, and that alcohol consumption is demonic and ungodly, and that it should not be tolerated. "Teaching Prohibition." $merica in Class. ational ?umanities #enter, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. D 9omenHs in!ol!ement in this poster is e!ident, e!en more stri+ing is the "act that she is putting her !ote in a ballot bo7. Although it begins )ith the need "or a repeal o" alcohol, it )ill later spiral into )omenHs su""rage acti!ism.

"The Arun+ardHs Progress, or the Airect :oad to Po!erty, 9retchedness P :uin." The (r%n*ard's Progress" or the (irect Road to Po ert&" 1retchedness E R%in. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).loc.go!/pictures/item/%BB536%C/E. The Arun+ardHs Progress describes ho) e!en an innocent drin+ can lead to some drastic do)n"alls, e!en death. An e7aggeration nonetheless, it instills "ear into people so that they )ill ne!er pic+ up the glass in the "irst place. "@ull Te7t o" "An In;uiry into the =""ects o" Ardent Spirits upon the ?uman Body and Mind : 9ith an Account o" the Means o" Pre!enting, and o" the :emedies "or #uring Them"" !%ll Te/t of 0$n <nK%ir& into the Effects of $rdent Spirits %pon the :%man #od& and Mind ) 1ith an $cco%nt of the Means of Pre enting" and of the Remedies for C%ring Them0 ational Archi!es, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://archi!!/&BC%5&2:LdF!u.t7tE. This site allo)ed us direct access into the )or+s o" BenFamin rush, one o" the "irst maFor political leaders in change o" the Temperance Mo!ement, as he e7presses his !ie) on ho) alcohol a""ects the body, mind and soul- and not in a !ery positi!e light, but in a blunt manner that allo)ed him to gain such an audience and such a response. "Membership #ard to the " ational #hristian Temperance <nion"" (igital Collection 5. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) itemid1$B33% As the Temperance Mo!ement )as mo!ing to)ards actually ma+ing a change in our nationHs la)s, pledges must ha!e been signed in order to pro!e your innocence to the )orld o" alcohol.

"Prohibition." Pinterest. Pinterest, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) o) on the trac+ to)ards legislation appeal, the temperance mo!ement enlists children once more to ad!ocate "or prohibition (though it )as not called that yet,, and created these propaganda posters to create sympathy "or those children so a""ected by alcohol "rom their "athers and other "amily members. " ormal." ) #ring #ac* Prohibition., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. D'/5&/bring8bac+8prohibition.htmlE. This picture again introduces the role o" )omen in the temperance mo!ement, as they )ere using their po)ers as mothers to create !otes in "a!or, because children are !ulnerable, the ne7t generation, and people )ant to preser!e their innocence "or as long as possible. The temperance ad!ocates )ere using this as le!erage, claiming that the drin+ )as poisoning the minds o" children as they sa) ho) it a""ects their parents "Maine: An =ncyclopedia." Maine $n Enc&clopedia. Publius :esearch, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. D An image o" eal Ao), allo)ing the !ie)er a better insight as to )hat +ind o" a man Ao) )as"ormal, curt, and ready "or action to be ta+en, )hether it be in his hands or others. "Maine: @irst Ary State in $'B$." Maine) !irst (r& State in +,4+. A""ordable Acadia, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).a""$5/maine8"irst8dry8state8in8$'B$/E.

This e7cerpt "rom a ne)spaper published during the time o" the Maine la) help sho) ho) shoc+ed the people )ere about MaineHs direct action in the line o" Temperance, almost as i" they sa) it as an illegal action, but )ere too stunned by the initial "actor o" it to really protest, simple in a)e at the prospect o" it. "Maine Memory et)or+MaineHs .nline Museum." Maine Memor& Networ*. Maine ?istorical Society, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))"act/$C5%BE. This postcard illustrates ho) e!en a"ter the Maine Aeal eal Ao) en"orced, li;uor )as still readily a!ailable and drun+, and the a""ect, although it did ma+e a point nationally, )as not e7actly tangible in the sense that it )as entirely e""ecti!e. "?istory." :istor&. Lincoln Library, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) The Maine Aeal certainly did ha!e an e""ect on other states )ho )ere leaning to)ards temperance, especially ebras+a, as they soon began the campaign "or being !oted another "dry" state, )here alcohol is absolutely banned. "A Temperance Pledge "rom Amherst #ollege." Teach US :istor& @. Teach <S ?istory, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))"orm/resources/temperance8 pledge8amherst8collegeE. .nce more, the Maine La) created a ripple e""ect- as more and more places hear about the bra!ado o" Maine, they chose to Fump on the band)agon, and continue do)n the road to temperance. Amherst #ollege pledges itHs temperance, especially use"ul "or all o" the students on their )ay through graduation. "*ester*ear .nce More." HesterHear Once More., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://yesteryearsne)s.) Another popular "orm o" propaganda )as poetry, used to ad!ocate both temperance and intemperance. This poem itsel" e7plains ho) one simply glass o" )ine can cause so much sorro) and regret, and that it should ne!er ha!e been so tempting in the "irst place. "Boo+ Music Score The Li;uor AealerHs :ights. Air88"9ait "or the 9agon." Andre)s, Printer, 6' #hatham Street, . *." The LiK%or (ealer's Rights. $ir5501ait for the 1agon.0 $ndrews" Printer" D, Chatham Street" N. H. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).loc.go!/resource/;8$E. In support o" intemperance, this passage e7plains )hy the Temperance Mo!ement in"ringes upon their due rights as sellers and entrepreneurs, appealing directly to "the capitol" or the head o" the state )ith their pressing issue, as the temperance propaganda has a""ected their li!elihood. ":e"lections: Li"e In ModerationV." Mirth and Moti ation. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://mirthandmoti!$$/$5/56/re"lections8li"e8in8moderation/E. This image re"lects ho) those )ho did not support the temperance mo!ement !ie)ed those )ho did- ho) it )as increasingly silly and unnecessary to completely abstain "rom the drin+, and that in e""ect, it )ill dri!e you to your gra!e )ith madness, )hile those )ho do occasionally indulge are the better "or it. ?ines, Aebbie. "9omenRs 4oices, 9omenRs 4otes." PoliticD;4. .p., n.d. 9eb. 5% Gan. &5$3. D$&/$5/$B/)omens8!oices8)omens8!otes/E. This image sho)s )omenHs direct role and the up ta+ing o" their su""rage. By acti!ely participating in boycotts and other protests, they embrace that they are going against the )ill o" the la), and see+ to change it "or their ad!antage.

"@earless :adicalism:." $lice Pa%l and :er !ight for 1omen's S%ffrage. Armstrong Atlantic State <ni!ersity, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))!es/historyLFournal/historyLFournalL"earlessLradicalismLaliceLpaulL andLherL"ightL"orL)omensLsu"E. This picture that pro!ides a !alid point in support o" )omenHs su""rage in such a publish place sho)s ho) )omen had become "earless in their campaigns, creating propaganda that sho)ed di!ision o" gender )as unFust and demeaning.

""9omen Bring All 4oters into the 9orld, Let 9omen 4ote" N ?eroes." Pinterest. Pinterest, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))$3'2BBB$C2$$&%6'/E. This poster, perhaps one o" the most "amous, helps to "urther ad!ocate "or )omenHs su""rage, stating the most blatant "act that )omen bring all !oters into this )orld, ho)e!er, they themsel!es do not ha!e the right to !ote. "The .regon ?istory ProFect." The Oregon :istor& ProAect. .p., n.d. 9eb. $5 Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))"m0docLIA1555%52=@82&5'8 $=658%&BB'5B5B&2&55C#E. As )omenHs su""rage )as gaining more and more publicity, entire states had begun to get in!ol!ed, and it )as not only the )omen in the state )ho )ere supporti!e- men as )ell had begun to see the importance in pro!iding )omen )ith the right they had long been depri!ed o", and made it a matter o" the state. "Borders." Pinterest. Pinterest, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))) >ro)ing more and more each day, )omenHs rights acti!ism had also gro)n more radical. 9omen )ere no) protesting right outside o" the 9hite ?ouse, imploring the president to grant them the right to !ote, as+ing, "?o) long must )e )ait "or liberty0".

"Message "or Men 8 Pictures o" the 9omenHs Su""rage Mo!ement." Message for Men 5 Pict%res of the 1omen's S%ffrage Mo ement., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)""rageLmessageLmen.htmE. A blo) directly against the belie" in liberty in men, one o" their most priMed ;ualities, dra)s the )omenHs su""rage mo!ement "or)ard, accusing them o" not )anting liberty, and depri!ing their daughters o" the pri!ilege.

"Boo+ Babe: Su""ragette in the #ity by Qate Marsh/Qatie MacAlister." #oo* #abe) S%ffragette in the Cit& b& Fate MarshLFatie Mac$lister. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))$5/5%/historical8"iction8hit8su""ragette8in.htmlE. More propaganda supporting )omenHs su""rage, this time representing a young girl scolding a boy,

e7plaining that "or all o" the )or+ they pro!ide society )ith, they deser!e a say in )hat goes on in go!ernment practices.

"9hat Is Su""rage0 <nderstanding the :ight to 4ote." 1hat <s S%ffrage? Understanding the Right to >ote. 9ashington State ?istorical Society, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)""rage/LessonPlans/su""ragelesson.asp7E. This political cartoon is representati!e o" the progress )omen )ish to ta+e to)ards e;ual su""rage, and although men do not )ish to mo!e in the same direction, the )oman is adamant, Fust as )omen during this time period.

""The Solitude o" Sel"": Stanton Appeals "or 9omenHs :ights." 0The Solit%de of Self0) Stanton $ppeals for 1omen's Rights. ?istory Matters, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. D$B/E. =liMabeth #ady Stanton in her speech ad!ocated many reasons "or )omenHs su""rage, one o" the most outstanding perhaps is the simple "act that as a citiMen o" the <nited States, she pays ta7es, and pre"orms all the duties o" a citiMen, )ith non o" the re)ards- she cannot !ote, di!orce, etc. "4oting :ights "or 9omen." >oting Rights for 1omen. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))."<nitLBLProgressi!e/<BL9omensLSu""rage.htmlE. The )omenHs Fournal, a popular magaMine "or outspo+en )omen during this time period, can been seen here, being read by t)o )omen, )ith the headlines reading "or su""rage ne)s. An e!eryday topic indulged by all )omen, it can easily be said that all )omen had interest in the end result o" the su""rage mo!ement. >inMberg, Lori A. "@or Stanton, All 9omen 9ere ot #reated =;ual." NPR. P:, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))$$/52/$6/$62C'$525/"or8stanton8all8)omen8)ere8not8created8e;ualE. A portrait o" the "amous su""ragette, =liMabeth #ady Stanton, a strong, independent )omen )ho not only )ished to !ote, but )anted )omen o" all generations to come to ha!e that pri!ilege as )ell.

"9omens :ights #on!ention." 1omen's Rights $merica. @ine Art America, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://""eatured/)omens8rights8con!ention8granger.htmlE. This portrait o" the #on!ention at Senca @alls, )here =liMabeth #ady Stanton e7pressed her Aeclaration o" Sentiments, illustrates ho) a single )omen, )ho has so long been seen as in"erior, can rise up against the ad!ersity o" all the men )ho oppressed her, "or the )el"are o" all the )omen in the nation. "9omenHs Loyal ational League." 1i*ipedia. 9i+imedia @oundation, 5$ May &5$3. 9eb. 5% Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://en.) ationalLLeagueE. Image o" Susan B. Anthony, representati!e o" her strict, rigid demeanor, and commandeering attitude, )hen applied to )omanHs su""rage, created a per"ect storm o" po)er and in"luence.

"Blue Truc+, :ed State." ) $%g%st .3+3. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. D$5L5'L5$Larchi!e.htmlE. This image, against the granting o" !oting to )omen, claims all o" the negati!es that )ill become )hen )omen are able to !ote, and that the country as a )hole )ill be )orse "or )ear )hen the right has been granted. "Than+ *ou to All .ur @iery 9omen AncestorsW" Conscio%s #%siness Tra el with #ettina 2ordon. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))"iery8)omen8ancestors/E. This poster, representati!e o" the passing o" the $%th amendment, allo)ing all )omen the right to !ote, uses a map to sho) the amount o" states that ha!e granted them that right and passed the amendment, a !isual appeal that is easily interpreted. "IntLa)>rrls." ) On No ember 6. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).intla)'/$$/on8no!ember82.htmlE. #elebrating their !ictory, )omen are seen in this image )a!ing banners that proclaim their ne)"ound ability to !ote. "Modern ?istory Sourceboo+:The Passage o" the $%th Amendment, $%$%8$%&5Articles "rom The e) *or+ Times." Modern :istor& So%rceboo*) Passage of the +7th $mendment +7+75.3. .p., n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))."$%&5)omens!ote.htmlE. This article pro!ides the details o" )hen and ho) the $%th amendment )as signed, but "or the hundreds o" )omen )ho had )aited so long his due right, all they cared about )as that it )as signed and passed.

"The ineteenth Amendment." The Nineteenth $mendment. .p., n.d. 9eb. $$ Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://la)&"aculty/proFects/"trials/conla)/nineteentham.htmE. This o""icial document that states Tennessee, the last state needed to rati"y the $%th amendment, )ill proceed to it, o""icially ends the struggle to su""rage that so many )omen sacri"iced "or, "or no) they ha!e the o""icial right to !ote. "?o)About9e T Aate :eport." :ow$bo%t1e. .p., n.d. 9eb. $$ Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://)))!e/lipstic+8booMe8and8the8origins8o"8slut8shaming8 dating8in8the8$%&5s/E. *et another ne)spaper article celebrating the rati"ication o" the $%th amendment, stating that it is the "la) o" the land" than+s to Tennessee.

Audio Primary Souces "Audio Molly and the Baby, AonH Molly and the Baby, Aont *ou Qno)." Moll& and the #ab&" (on' Moll& and the #ab&" (ont Ho% Fnow. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).loc.go!/item/Fu+ebo7.366CE. This song about temperance e7plains ho) a "ather )ill gi!e up his desire to drin+ "or the good o" the "amily, "or it )as thought that )hen a "ather dran+, he did not care "or his "amily, )as moody and abusi!e. "Audio The Arun+ardHs Aoom." The (r%n*ard's (oom. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).loc.go!/item/a"ccc.a66B6b$E. This song about the drun+en do)n"all o" a man )as used as a "orm o" ad!ertisement "or Temperance. Song as a popular )ay o" getting a point across during this time because people "reely listened )hether or not they supported the idea, and soon enough they listened and "inally understood the meaning, and embraced it. "Audio The Beer That Made Mil)au+ee @amous." The #eer That Made Milwa%*ee !amo%s. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).loc.go!/item/Fu+ebo7.&5&E. This song ad!ocates intemperance and allo)ing the legaliMation o" alcohol consumption to stay in place, highlighting a certain aspect o" the bre)eries and the bene"its they bring to all o" society, in particular, the beer the made Mil)au+ee "amous in itHs popularity and demand. "Audio Since My Margaret Become a Su""ragette." Since M& Margaret #ecome a S%ffragette. Library o" #ongress, n.d. 9eb. $& Gan. &5$3. Dhttp://))).loc.go!/item/Fu+ebo7.C65$E. This song highlights the impro!ements made in )omen since they became in!ol!ed in the su""rage mo!ement, speci"ically, they change s a husband sees in his )i"e. She has more "bac+bone" and is easily able to ma+e decisions, a "act he is ;uite proud o".

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