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A Hypertext Writing Guide
1/17/2000 - er!i"n #$1 %&e'i!i"n Hi!t"ry(

)$ P*"n!+y, P-$.$ /ni'er!ity "0 Wi!1"n!in - Ste'en! P"int

T-i! p2ge i! 3e!t 'ie4ed 4it- 5et!12pe %'6( "r Internet Exp*"rer %'6($ C"77ent! "r !ugge!ti"n! 2re 4e*1"7e 2t 7p*"n!+y8u4!p$edu$


Intr"du1ti"n Gener2* T"pi1! A. Typing B. Writing in General C. Style Details in General D. Abbreviations E. Numbers F. Citations in t e Te!t G. "uotations &e!e2r1- &ep"rt! A. Title #age B. Abstra$t C. Intro%u$tion D. &et o%s Sub'e$ts(#arti$ipants Apparatus Design #ro$e%ure E. F. G. +. )esults Dis$ussion )e*eren$es ,t er Se$tions



Tables Figure Captions Figures III. &e!e2r1- &e'ie4! A. Intro%u$tion B. Bo%y C. Con$lusions

Appendix 1 . E!ample Title #age Appendix 2 . E!ample Ways to #resent )esults Appendix # . E!ample )e*eren$e Se$tion Appendix 6 . E!ample Table Appendix 9 . E!ample Figure Captions #age S$ienti*i$ resear$ is a publi$ venture. T ere*ore/ one o* t e essential s0ills o* t e s$ientist is to be able to $ommuni$ate i%eas an% resear$ results e**e$tively. T is yperte!t gui%e is an attempt to ma0e t e style o* 1riting use% in t e *iel% o* psy$ ology $lear to you. It summari2es a lot o* t e material available in t e Pu3*i12ti"n )2nu2* "0 t-e A7eri12n P!y1-"*"gi12* A!!"1i2ti"n 34.t e%ition5 316675 an% is oriente% to1ar% un%ergra%uate stu%ents. For e!ample/ it in$lu%es numerous ints to avoi% $ommon mista0es stu%ents ma0e. Note t e e!amples appear in a teletype font to %istinguis t em *rom t e normal te!t. Finally/ t e %o$ument is organi2e% in an outline *ormat *or at least t1o reasons. First/ it s oul% ma0e it easier *or stu%ents to 8ui$0ly lo$ate t e in*ormation t ey see0. Se$on%/ it s oul% ma0e it easier *or an instru$tor to gra%e stu%ents papers. In most $ases/ t e stu%ent $an simply be re*erre% to t e outline item t at a%%resses t e problem rat er t an 1riting t e $omment repeate%ly on multiple papers. I. Gener2* T"pi1! A. Typing 1. 9our papers must be type%. -. Set t e type1riter or 1or% pro$essor to %ouble spa$e an% 0eep it t ere t roug out t e entire manus$ript. :. ;se one in$ margins on t e le*t/ rig t/ top/ an% bottom o* t e page. T ese margins are 1i%e in or%er to leave room *or revie1er<s $omments. 4. ;se normal paragrap s in 1 i$ t e *irst line is in%ente% *ive $ ara$ters *or all paragrap s in t e manus$ript e!$ept t e abstra$t/ blo$0 8uotes/ titles an% ea%ings/ sub ea%ings/ table titles/ notes/ an% *igure $aptions. 7. ;se a 1- point *ont. In ot er 1or%s/ t ere s oul% be 1= type% $ ara$ters per in$ . >. Single spa$e a*ter senten$e terminators 3i.e./ <.</ <?</ <@<5. A. Capitali2e t e *irst letter *ollo1ing a $olon i* t e $lause *ollo1ing t e $olon is a $omplete senten$e. B. I* you are using a 1or% pro$essor/ ma0e sure t e te!t is le*t aligne% an% not 'usti*ie%. Wit le*t aligne% te!t/ t e le*t margin *orms a

: straig t line an% t e rig t margin is ragge%. Wit 'usti*ie% te!t bot t e le*t an% rig t margins *orm a straig t line. 6. Do not yp enate 3split5 1or%s at t e en% o* a line. 1=. Finally/ 'ust staple or $lip t e *inis e% pro%u$t 3%o not bot er 1it *an$y *ol%ers/ et$.5. Writing in Gener2* 1. 9ou must use $omplete senten$es. -. T e *irst senten$e o* a paragrap must be in%epen%ent 3able to stan% on its o1n5. For e!ample $onsi%er While these studies are important, there is... T is senten$e 1oul% be $orre$t in t e mi%%le o* a paragrap / but as t e *irst senten$e/ it s oul% more appropriately rea%/ While studies of the effects of :. 4. 7.
whatever on whatever else are important, there is... Try not to use slang 3e.g./ ...put a damper on...5. Do not use $ontra$tions. T at is/ instea% o* it's/ use it is.



I* you are %oubt*ul about t e spelling o* a 1or%/ %o not guess. Coo0 up t e $orre$t spelling in an appropriate re*eren$e sour$e. >. #roo*rea% t e $opy t at you submit an% %o $orre$t minor typograp i$al errors/ *ormatting/ spelling/ or even t e 1or%ing/ 1it a pen$il. T ese $orre$tions are inevitable an% 1ill $ommuni$ate t at you are serious about your 1or0. Sty*e .et2i*! in Gener2* 1. Stu%y t is an%out. W en in %oubt about a %etail/ $ e$0 1it t e #ubli$ation &anual o* t e A#A. -. Assume you are 1riting t e paper *or submission to a s$ienti*i$ 'ournal. :. A lot o* t e *ormatting %etails $an be learne% by $are*ully mo%eling anot er A#A 'ournal arti$le. It 1oul% be a goo% i%ea to a$8uire a *e1 *airly re$ent arti$les/ be$ause t e *ormat 1as revise% in 1667. Try t e #sy$ ologi$al )e$or% or T e Bulletin o* t e #sy$ onomi$ So$iety. Bot o* t ese 'ournals publis relatively s ort arti$les t at are not too $ompli$ate%. 4. Avoi% e!$essive use o* t e terms I/ me/ an% my/ as 1ell as t e p rase personally speaking... 7. Avoi% t e use o* se!ist language. For e!ample/ $onsistently re*erring to a person as a him or he 1 en it is 'ust as li0ely *or t e person to be a she or a her/ is se!ist. +o1ever/ using (s)he or him/her all o* t e time $an also be a101ar%. I* you p rase it rig t/ you $an o*ten use t e 1or% person instea%. >. Avoi% using <empty 1or%s< or 1or%s 1 i$ serve no purpose. For e!ample/ In the Smith ( !!") study it was found that... s oul% rea% more li0e Smith ( !!") found that... A. Generally spea0ing/ use past tense in t e abstra$t/ intro%u$tion/ an% met o%. )esults an% %is$ussion se$tions $an be in t e present tense.

4 Get *rien%s to rea% it. I* t ey $annot un%erstan% it/ t en it nee%s 1or0. I* you $annot get a *rien% to rea% it/ t en try to rea% it yoursel* ma0ing believe t at you are naive. A33re'i2ti"n! 1. W en abbreviating any terms/ spell t em out t e *irst time 3in bot t e abstra$t an% again in t e bo%y o* t e manus$ript/ i* nee% be5. For e!ample/ #he Se$ual %pinion Survey (S%S) was used




Do not use too many abbreviations. W ereas one/ t1o/ or t ree $an be elp*ul/ *our or *ive $an be $on*using. :. 9ou 1ill o*ten see t e *ollo1ing Catin abbreviations use%D 10$ $ompare et1$ an% so *ort e$g$, *or e!ample i$e$, t at is et 2*$ an% ot ers '!$ versus/ against 4. Note t at 3e!$ept *or et al.5 t ese abbreviations are only use% in parent eti$ material. In non parent eti$ material/ use t e Englis translation. 7. Do not use E an% S as abbreviations *or e!perimenter an% sub'e$t. T is 1as %one in arti$les 1ritten many years ago. >. Note t e *ollo1ing $ommon abbreviations an% note also t at you %o not use perio%s 1it t em. 17 $entimeter ! se$on%s 7g milligrams 7in minutes g grams -r ours ) mean I: intelligen$e A. For e!ample/ the &ar was '.( cm wide and ." cm high. 5u73er! 1. All measurement reporting is %one in metri$ units. In ot er 1or%s/ use $entimeters an% meters rat er t an in$ es an% *eet. -. T e numbers 2ero t roug nine are spelle% out 3e!$ept 1 en it is a table or *igure number/ or a metri$ measurement/ et$.5. T e numbers 1= an% above are 1ritten as numbers. :. Capitali2e nouns *ollo1e% by numerals or letters t at %enote a spe$i*i$ pla$e in a numbere% series. For e!ample/ )s can &e seen
in *igure +, during ,lock - of Session ' such and such occurred... Note also t at t is e!ample %emonstrates




o* t e e!$eptions to t e rule note% in I.E.-. Spell out any number 1 en it is t e *irst t ing in a senten$e. For e!ample/ t e senten$e +- students were used./ is not appropriate an% s oul% rea% #hirty.four students were used. 7. Try to be $onsistent 1it number *ormats. T at is/ i* you are reporting a series o* relate% numbers/ t ey s oul% all be presente% 1it t e same number o* %e$imal pla$es. For an e!ample/ see I.D.7 above. Cit2ti"n! in t-e Text 4.

7 1. -. I* you use someone<s 1or%s or i%eas/ you must give t em $re%it 1it a $itation. T is is parti$ularly important/ sin$e t e penalties *or plagiarism are severe. T ere are numerous 1ays to *ormally $ite a re*eren$e in t e te!t. E!amples in$lu%e Some fact (last name, year)., /ast name (year) noted that.../ or In 0year1, 0last name1 reported that... For more i%eas/ pay $lose attention to t e arti$les you rea%. T e *irst time t e re*eren$e is $ite% in t e te!t/ spell out all o* t e aut ors last names. For e!ample/ 2iller, 3osellini, and Seligman ( !4() suggested that... Wit arti$les t at ave t ree or more aut ors use t e Catin abbreviation *or Ean% ot ersE 1 en t e re*eren$e is $ite% a se$on% 3or t ir%5 time. For e!ample/ 2iller et al. ( !4() suggested that... or ... some fact
(2iller et al., !4().



7. >.

I* t e $itation is in parent eses an% you nee% to use t e 1or% Ean%E/ use t e ampersan% 3<F<5 instea%. For e!ample/ Some (e.g., 5stes 6 Skinner, !-") have suggested that.../ as $ompare% to 5stes and Skinner ( !-") have suggested... Note also t at t e opposite applies as 1ell/ t at is/ i* t e $itation is not in parent eses/ you must use t e 1or% Ean%E. &ultiple $itations in parent eses are pla$e% alp abeti$ally an% are separate% by a semi$olon an% a spa$e. For e!ample/ Some fact
(7arlson, !4'8 2oon, !9:8 ;artin, !:").


I* you $ite somet ing se$on% an%/ you must ma0e it $lear 3e.g./ Some fact (Smith, as cited in <ones, =ear)5. Note t at in t is e!ample/ only t e Gones re*eren$e 1oul% be pla$e% in t e re*eren$e se$tion. :u"t2ti"n! 1. 9ou must give page numbers *or %ire$t 8uotes. For e!ample/
Smith ( !4:) noted that >the world is round> (p. ).

-. :.

T ree or *our 8uotes in a 1= page paper is about t e upper limit. Display a 8uotation o* more t an 4= 1or%s as *ree.stan%ing blo$0 o* te!t in%ente% 7 spa$es *rom t e le*t margin 3%oubles spa$e% as usual5. ,mit t e 8uotation mar0s an% in$lu%e t e page number in parent eses a*ter t e last perio%. Also/ i* t e 8uotation is more t an one paragrap / in%ent t e *irst line o* t e se$on% an% any a%%itional paragrap s 7 spa$es.


&e!e2r1- &ep"rt!
T e or%er o* t e se$tions o* t e manus$ript are as *ollo1sD A. Tit*e P2ge 1. See an e!ample title page. -. T e manus$ript page ea%er is t e *irst t ing t at appears on t e title page. It $onsists o* t e *irst t1o or t ree 1or%s o* t e title an% is *ollo1e% by t e page number. It is use% by t e e%itors an% revie1ers to i%enti*y t e pages o* t e manus$ript. It is pla$e% in t e upper rig t an% $orner o* all pages o* t e manus$ript 3e!$ept *or

> any *igures5. T us/ t e manus$ript page ea%er s oul% appear as t e *irst line o* t e title page/ rig t 'usti*ie% 1it t e number <1< eit er %ouble spa$e% belo1 it or 7 spa$es to t e t e rig t o* it. I* you are using a 1or% pro$essor/ you $an ave it put t is manus$ript page ea%er on all pages automati$ally. T e running ea% $omes ne!t an% is no more t an 7= $ ara$ters 3in$lu%ing pun$tuation an% spa$es5. It typi$ally $onsists o* a $ouple o* 0ey 1or%s *rom t e title. Type t is running ea% *lus le*t an% in all $apital letters. For e!ample/ 3unning head? ),%3#I%@ )##I#AB5S I@ 7%//5C5 S#AB5@#S 3note t at t e <)< in running is $apitali2e%/ but t e < < in ea% is not5. C oosing a title. T e title s oul% summari2e t e main i%ea o* t e paper in 1=.1- 1or%s. A goo% re$ipe to 1or0 1it 1 en reporting t e results o* an e!periment is (Bependent Daria&le) as a *unction of (Independent Daria&le) or #he 5ffects of (Independent Daria&le) on (Bependent Daria&le). Wit ot er types o* resear$ you s oul% try to in$lu%e t e variables o* interest in t e title 3an% be $are*ul not to imply $ausality5. Also/ it is a goo% i%ea to in$lu%e t e spe$ies i* you<re 1or0ing 1it animals or some %etails about t e type o* population i* you<re 1or0ing 1it umans. W en typing t e title/ $enter it on t e page an% $apitali2e only t e *irst letter o* important 1or%s. ,n t e ne!t %ouble spa$e% line is t e aut or<s name an% on t e ne!t %ouble spa$e% line is t e institutional a**iliation. For t e purposes o* t is $lass/ I 1oul% also li0e you to in$lu%e somet ing li0e In partial fulfillment of the
reEuirements for ;S=+:!, Instructor's @ame, and the Bate.






A3!tr21t 1. T e abstra$t page is #age -. -. Center t e 1or% )&stract on t is page/ t en begin typing on t e very ne!t$e% line 3i.e./ %o not insert any e!tra blan0 lines ere5. :. Type t is se$tion as a single 3%ouble spa$e%5 paragrap in blo$0 *ormat 3i.e./ %o not use in%entation5. 4. T e purpose o* t is se$tion is to provi%e a brie* 31==.1-= 1or%s5/ $ompre ensive summary o* t e stu%y. It is very important be$ause it is all t at many people 1ill rea%. 7. It s oul% in$lu%e a brie* %es$ription o* t e problem being investigate%/ t e met o%s use%/ t e results/ an% t eir impli$ations. >. It is a goo% i%ea to 1rite t is se$tion last 3a*ter all o* t e ot er se$tions are 1ritten5. 9ou mig t try ta0ing t e lea% senten$e or t1o *rom t e intro%u$tion/ met o%/ results/ an% %is$ussion se$tions an% integrate t em to *orm t e abstra$t. A. Avoi% $iting re*eren$es in t e abstra$t.

A C. Intr"du1ti"n 1. T e intro%u$tion begins on #age :. -. Start t is page by retyping your title 3$entere%5/ t en begin typing t e se$tion 3on t e ne!t %ouble spa$e% line5 using normal 37 spa$e in%ente%5 paragrap s. Do not type t e 1or% Introduction. :. T e main purpose o* t is se$tion is to tell t e rea%er 1 y you per*orme% t e stu%y. In ot er 1or%s/ you ave to in*orm t e rea%er o* t e resear$ 8uestion an% in%i$ate 1 y it is important/ an% o1 it is uni8ue 1 en $ompare% to previous stu%ies. 4. It starts out broa% an% be$omes more an% more spe$i*i$. For e!ample/ you mig t begin by %e*ining any relevant terms. T en go on to revie1 t e relevant literature. Avoi% an e! austive an% istori$al revie1. T en go on to ma0e $lear t e $onne$tion bet1een previous resear$ an% t e present 1or0. 7. 9ou mig t in$lu%e any ypot eses an% t e rationale *or t em. >. T e *inal paragrap usually $ontains a statement 1 i$ $learly an% e!pli$itly states 1 y t e stu%y 1as per*orme%/ su$ as #he purpose of this study was to... or #he present study was designed to investigate the... Be espe$ially $are*ul n"t to use a senten$e o* t is type earlier in your intro%u$tion. A. T us/ t is se$tion s oul% $ontain an absolute minimum o* *our paragrap sD t e general intro%u$tion/ t e literature revie1/ t e $onne$tion o* t e present stu%y to t e literature an% t e e!pli$it statement o* purpose. )et-"d! 1. Do not purposely start a ne1 page *or t is se$tion. Simply $enter t e 1or% 2ethod an% $ontinue typing on t e very ne!t %ouble. spa$e% line 3i.e./ %o not insert any e!tra blan0 lines ere5. -. T e purpose o* t is se$tion is to %es$ribe in %etail o1 you per*orme% t e stu%y. Someone s oul% be able to repli$ate your stu%y base% on t e in*ormation you provi%e in t is se$tion. :. &a0e it soun% pro*essional/ t at is/ %o not ma0e it soun% li0e a $lass pro'e$t. Assume you are 1riting *or submission to a s$ienti*i$ 'ournal. 4. Avoi% unne$essary %etails li0e the data were displayed on the computer screen and recorded on the data sheet(s). T is is similar to t e empty 1or% problem %es$ribe% in I.C.>. 7. For an e!periment/ t is se$tion is typi$ally %ivi%e% into *our subse$tionsD sub'e$ts/ apparatus/ %esign/ an% pro$e%ure. T e or%er o* %esign *ollo1e% by pro$e%ure is arbitrary. In ot er 1or%s/ you $oul% ave t e pro$e%ure $ome be*ore t e %esign. Sometimes resear$ ers $ombine t e %esign an% pro$e%ure se$tions/ o1ever/ in an e!perimental psy$ ology or resear$ met o%s $lass/ a separate %esign se$tion is typi$ally re8uire%.


B >. For a survey stu%y 3i.e./ one in 1 i$ t e parti$ipants are simply as0e% a set o* 8uestions5/ t e %esign se$tion is not ne$essary 3an% t e survey itsel* may be in$lu%e% as an appen%i!5. Su3;e1t!/P2rti1ip2nt! A. T is se$tion is labele% as sub'e$ts or parti$ipants %epen%ing on 1 et er animals or umans are use% in t e stu%y. I* animals are use%/ use t e term sub'e$ts. I* umans are use%/ use t e term parti$ipants. Do not purposely start a ne1 page *or t is se$tion. Type t e appropriate title *or t is subse$tion *lus 1it t e le*t margin an% un%erline it. ,n t e ne!t line/ begin typing normal paragrap s. In%i$ate 1 o parti$ipate% in t e stu%y/ o1 many/ an% o1 1ere t ey sele$te%. In$lu%e any %etails 1 i$ are relevant to t e stu%y 3e.g./ gen%er/ age/ et ni$ity/ strain/ 1eig t/ et$.5. I* t e sub'e$ts 1ere uman/ 1 at type o* re1ar% or motivation 1as use% to en$ourage t em to parti$ipate? App2r2tu! 1-. 1:. 14. 17. 1>. Do not purposely start a ne1 page *or t is se$tion. Type t e 1or% )pparatus *lus 1it t e le*t margin an% un%erline it. ,n t e ne!t line/ begin typing normal paragrap s. Des$ribe 1 at materials 1ere use% an% o1 t ey *un$tione% in t e stu%y. I* you use a pie$e o* e8uipment/ you must give t e mo%el number/ $ompany/ an% state 1 ere t e $ompany resi%es 3as a t1o.letter abbreviation5. 9ou must give t e %imensions 3an% per aps ot er %es$riptive %etails5 o* any important items use% in t e stu%y. Stan%ar% e8uipment su$ as *urniture/ stop1at$ es/ pen$ils an% paper/ $an usually be mentione% 1it out provi%ing a lot o* %etails. In *a$t/ you may o*ten simply mention t ese items in passing as part o* t e pro$e%ure. Be $are*ul n"t to %es$ribe pro$e%ures in t is se$tion. 9ou s oul% ma0e $lear 1 at purpose t e apparatus serve%/ but %o not give a lot o* %etails on t e use o* t e apparatus at t is point. ,ne int in t is regar% is to avoi% using a$tion verbs in t is se$tion. .e!ign 1B. Do not purposely start a ne1 page *or t is se$tion. Type t e 1or% Besign *lus 1it t e le*t margin an% un%erline it. ,n t e ne!t line/ begin typing normal paragrap s.

B. 6. 1=. 11.


6 16. Des$ribe t e %esign an% $learly spell out t e in%epen%ent an% %epen%ent variables. In%i$ate 1 at t e levels o* t e in%epen%ent variables 1ere/ an% 1 et er t e *a$tor3s5 1ere repeate%/ mat$ e%/ or in%epen%ent. Des$ribe o1 t e sub'e$ts 1ere assigne% to groups. Des$ribe any $ontrol pro$e%ures use%. Pr"1edure --. -:. -4. -7. ->. Do not purposely start a ne1 page *or t is se$tion. Type t e 1or% ;rocedure *lus 1it t e le*t margin an% un%erline it. ,n t e ne!t line/ begin typing normal paragrap s. Care*ully summari2e ea$ step in t e e!e$ution o* t e stu%y. In%i$ate 1 at a typi$al test/ trial/ or session involve%. Des$ribe any p ases t at t e stu%y a% or any instru$tions t at t e sub'e$ts re$eive%. W en re*erring to groups/ try to use %es$riptive labels. For e!ample/ instea% o* saying Croup or the e$perimental group/ you mig t say the drugged group. Anot er te$ ni8ue in t is regar% is to use abbreviations t at emp asi2e meaning. For e!ample/ #here were three groups, including, the
control group which received " mg/kg of morphine (2"), a low dose group receiving mg/kg of morphine (2 ), and a high dose group receiving - mg/kg of morphine (2-).

-=. -1.


&e!u*t! 1. Do not purposely start a ne1 page *or t is se$tion. Simply $enter t e 1or% 3esults an% $ontinue typing on t e very ne!t %ouble. spa$e% line 3i.e./ %o not insert any e!tra blan0 lines ere5. -. Coo0 $are*ully at t e results. T at is/ ta0e a goo% ar% loo0 at all t ose numbers you $olle$t. T in0 o* %i**erent 1ays to summari2e t em/ as 1ell as to ma0e sense o* t em. T is se$tion 1ill be easier to 1rite i* you ma0e any tables an%(or *igures you inten% to use *irst. :. Brie*ly state t e main *in%ings in 1or%s. T at is/ *irst give a general %es$ription/ t en go into t e %etails. 4. W en presenting t e results o* statisti$al tests/ give %es$riptive statisti$s be*ore t e $orrespon%ing in*erential statisti$s. In ot er 1or%s/ give means an%(or per$entages 3per aps re*erring to a table or *igure5/ be*ore tal0ing about t e results o* any statisti$al tests you per*orme%. 7. W en presenting means/ it is reasonable to use one a%%itional %igit o* a$$ura$y t an 1 at is $ontaine% in t e ra1 %ata. In ot er 1or%s/ i* t e ra1 %ata $onsiste% o* 1 ole numbers/ t en t e means s oul% $ontain one %e$imal pla$e.

1= >. A. W en presenting nominal or or%inal %ata/ give t e per$ents rat er t an *re8uen$ies 3sin$e per$ents are in%epen%ent o* t e sample si2e5. T e general *ormat *or presenting an in*erential statisti$ isD Statisti$3%*5 H value/ probability H value. Note t at i* t e statisti$s are generate% 1it a $omputer/ you $an give t e e!a$t p values. Also/ i* t e $omputer output says t e probability is .====/ t en report it as .==1. W en a$tually presenting t e results/ try to emp asi2e t e meaning o* t e statisti$s. T at is/ $learly %es$ribe 1 at it is you are testing an% 1 at signi*i$an$e means *or t e variables involve%. See some e!amples o* t e $orre$t 1ay to present t e results o* several $ommon statisti$al tests. Do not %is$uss t e impli$ations o* t e results in t is se$tion. Do not tal0 about t e meaning o* t e alp a level or t e null ypot esis/ an% 1 at $ an$e *a$tors ave to %o 1it it. Sin$e you are 1riting *or t e s$ienti*i$ $ommunity/ you $an assume t e rea%er 1ill ave a 1or0ing 0no1le%ge o* statisti$s. I* you are presenting a lot o* material ere/ you may 1is to employ sub ea%ings 3as is %one in t e met o%s se$tion5. T ese sub ea%ings s oul% ave meaning an% relevan$e to t e %ata an% s oul% elp to organi2e your presentation o* it. In ot er 1or%s/ t ey s oul% n"t be organi2e% by t e type o* analysis employe%. Sin$e t is is not e!pe$te% by t e rea%er/ it is a goo% i%ea to pre$e%e t e sub ea%ings 1it a paragrap in*orming t e rea%er o* t e logi$al organi2ation o* t is se$tion. In $ases 1 ere t e rea%er 1oul% e!pe$t somet ing to be signi*i$ant an% it is not/ you s oul% a%%ress t e issue. Do not provi%e ra1 %ata unless/ *or some reason/ you re8uire a single sub'e$t approa$ . Be $are*ul 1it t e 1or% EproveE. Sin$e statisti$al tests are base% on probability an% $an be in error/ t ey %o not really prove anyt ing. 9ou $an only use 1or%ing t at implies $ausality i* you a$tually manipulate% t e in%epen%ent variable 3i.e./ per*orme% an e!periment5. For e!ample/ suppose you manipulate% 1 et er sub'e$ts re$eive% a %rug 31 ile employing appropriate $ontrol pro$e%ures/ et$.5 an% *oun% a signi*i$ant %i**eren$e in memory per*orman$e 31it t e %rug users per*orming more poorly t an nonusers5. In t is $ase/ you 1oul% be able to $on$lu%e t at t e %rug 12u!ed t e %i**eren$e in memory abilityI it impaire% it. As anot er e!ample/ suppose t at you $ompare% %rug use 3as %etermine% *rom t e results o* a survey5 1it memory ability an% *oun% a $orrelation 3greater use 1ent along 1it poorer memory per*orman$e5. Sin$e $orrelation %oesn<t say mu$ about $ausality/

B. 6. 1=. 11.


1:. 14. 17. 1>.

11 1e $oul% only $on$lu%e t at t ere is a re*2ti"n!-ip bet1een %rug use an% memory ability. .i!1u!!i"n 1. Do not purposely start a ne1 page *or t is se$tion. Simply $enter t e 1or% Biscussion an% $ontinue typing on t e very ne!t %ouble. spa$e% line 3i.e./ %o not insert any e!tra blan0 lines ere5. -. T e purpose o* t is se$tion is to evaluate an% interpret t e results/ espe$ially 1it respe$t to t e original resear$ 8uestion. :. Start o** 1it a brie*/ non.te$ ni$al summary o* t e results. In ot er 1or%s/ tell t e rea%er about t e main *in%ings 1it out using statisti$al terminology. 4. T en go on to %is$uss t e impli$ations o* t e results. In ot er 1or%s/ 1 atever 1as *oun% nee%s to be %is$usse%. 7. It is also important to %is$uss o1 t e results relate to t e literature you $ite% in t e intro%u$tion. In ot er 1or%s/ emp asi2e any t eoreti$al $onse8uen$es o* t e results. >. 9ou mig t 3or mig t not5 also mention any limitations o* t e stu%y an% any suggestions *or *uture resear$ in t is se$tion. A. Finally/ you nee% an en%ing paragrap in 1 i$ you ma0e a *inal summary statement o* t e $on$lusions you ave %ra1n. B. T us/ t is se$tion s oul% $ontain an absolute minimum o* t ree paragrap sD t e non.te$ ni$al summary/ %is$ussion o* t e results an% t eir impli$ations/ an% t e $on$lu%ing paragrap . &e0eren1e! 1. Start on a ne1 page. Center t e 1or% 3eferences at t e top. As usual/ %ouble spa$e. -. Any $itations ma%e in t e manus$ript must be presente% in t is se$tion an% vi$e versa. T at is/ i* somet ing is not $ite% in t e te!t/ t en it s oul% not appear in t is se$tion. In still ot er 1or%s/ t is is not a bibliograp y. :. In any o* t e previous se$tions/ 1 enever you say somet ing li0e studies have shown you must provi%e a $itation. T is se$tion tells t e rea%er 1 ere t ey $an *in% t ese $itations. 4. T is se$tion is alp abeti2e% by last name 3o* t e *irst aut or involve% in t e stu%y5. 7. Normal paragrap s 3i.e./ *$e in%ente%5 are employe% *or ea$ re*eren$e. >. For ea$ aut or/ give t e last name *ollo1e% by a $omma an% t e *irst 3an% mi%%le5 initials *ollo1e% by perio%s. A. Separate multiple aut ors 1it $ommas an% t e last aut or 1it t e ampersan% 3<F<5 rat er t an t e 1or% Ean%E. B. A*ter t e aut or3s5 $omes t e year 3in parent eses an% *ollo1e% by a perio%5. 6. For a 'ournal re*eren$e/ un%erline t e title o* t e 'ournal/ volume number an% a%'a$ent pun$tuation mar0s 1it a single unbro0en



1line. Note t at issue numbers are typi$ally n"t in$lu%e%. Also/ $apitali2e t e important 1or%s o* t e 'ournal title. 1=. For a boo0 re*eren$e/ 'ust un%erline t e title. ,nly $apitali2e t e *irst 1or% o* t e title. Do in$lu%e t e $ity/ state 3as a t1o.letter abbreviation 1it out perio%s5/ an% t e publis er<s name. 11. See t e e!ample re*eren$e se$tion. It provi%es several types o* re*eren$es/ in$lu%ingD Single an% multiple aut or/ 'ournal arti$les/ boo0/ an% boo0 $ apter/ 1eb page/ as 1ell as a government %o$ument. Ot-er Se1ti"n! 1. A*ter t e above se$tions $ome any tables/ t e page3s5 1it t e *igure $aptions/ an% *inally any *igures/ respe$tively. Ea$ belongs on a separate page 3multiple *igure $aptions $an appear on one page o1ever5. -. Tables an% t e *igure $aptions page ave a manus$ript page ea%er an% page number 'ust li0e all t e ot er type% pages. Note t at *igures are not type%/ an% so %o not ave a manus$ript page ea%er an% page number. :. Tables an% *igures s oul% be able to stan% alone 3i.e./ you s oul% not ave to rea% t e manus$ript to be able to un%erstan% a table or *igure5. A big elp in t is regar% is t e table title or t e *igure $aption. ;se t ese 1isely to e!plain 1 at is going on in t e table or *igure. In ot er 1or%s/ %o not be a*rai% to be a little bit verbose in your table titles an% *igure $aptions. 4. Tables an% *igures s oul% not %upli$ate t e same in*ormation. Ci0e1ise/ you s oul% not repeat t e %ata point values in a table or *igure in t e te!t o* t e manus$ript. 7. Tables an% *igures are more e!pensive to in$lu%e in t e manus$ript t an te!t. T ere*ore/ i* you in$lu%e one/ it s oul% in$lu%e a reasonable number o* %ata points 3unless it illustrates a parti$ularly $omple! result5. In ot er 1or%s/ i* you only ave a *e1 %ata points to present/ %o it in t e te!t o* t e manus$ript rat er t an in a table or *igure. >. Tables an% *igures are most o*ten use% to present results/ but may also be use% to present ot er in*ormation/ su$ as t e %esign or a t eoreti$al s$ ema. A. I* you in$lu%e a table or *igure/ you must intro%u$e it in t e te!t o* t e results se$tion 3e.g./ #a&le displays the...5 2nd %es$ribe to t e rea%er 1 at s oul% be seen in it. T23*e! B. 6. See an e!ample table. Note t at A#A style tables %o not $ontain any verti$al lines/ so %o not %ra1 t em in or use your 1or% pro$essor to generate t em.


1: 1=. 11. Type t e table number an% t en 3on t e ne!t %ouble spa$e% line5 type t e table title *lus le*t an% un%erline%. Note t at t ere are no perio%s use% a*ter t e table number or title. W en using $olumns 1it %e$imal numbers/ ma0e t e %e$imal points line up. <igure C2pti"n! 1-. 1:. 14. 17. See an e!ample *igure $aptions page. Start on a ne1 page. Center t e p rase *igure 7aptions at t e top. Ea$ *igure $aption is type% *lus le*t in blo$0 *ormat. T e 1or% <*igure</ t e number/ an% t e a%'a$ent perio% are un%erline%/ *or e!ample/ *igure . #he effects of... <igure! 1>. 1A. <Figures< is t e te$ ni$al term *or grap s/ $ arts/ %ra1ings an% pi$tures. Figures 3ot er t an pi$tures5 may be %ra1n in bla$0 an% 1 ite only 3using a ruler an% pre*erably on grap paper5 or t ey may be generate% 1it a $omputer grap i$s program 30eeping it in t1o %imensions5. Center ea$ *igure on t e page verti$ally as 1ell as ori2ontally an% arrange *or t e *igure to use t e bul0 o* t e page. I* t e *igure is a $ art or grap / verbally label t e a!es 3%o not use EJE an% E9E5 an% provi%e a 0ey i* ne$essary 3e.g./ e!plaining 1 at open vs. *ille% $ir$les are5. ,n t e ba$0 o* ea$ *igure 31it a pen$il5/ put t e manus$ript page ea%er/ t e *igure number/ an% t e 1or% #%; to in%i$ate o1 t e *igure s oul% appear on t e page. Do not put t e *igure $aption on t e *igure/ sin$e t at is 1 at t e *igure $aptions page is *or.

1B. 16. -=. -1.

III$ &e!e2r1- &e'ie4!

T ere are a number o* 0in%s o* resear$ revie1s. 9ou $oul% %es$ribe a p enomenon/ revie1 an e!isting t eory or present a ne1 one. 9ou $oul% $riti$ally evaluate o1 one t eory a$$ounts *or some %ata as $ompare% to some ot er t eory. W atever t e 0in% o* revie1/ t e goal is to organi2e/ integrate/ an% evaluate previous resear$ in or%er to $lari*y a parti$ular problem or issue. T is type o* manus$ript %oes not *ollo1 as stan%ar% a *ormat as a resear$ report. Instea% o* t e intro%u$tion/ met o%s/ results an% %is$ussion se$tions/ t ere is an intro%u$tion/ bo%y an% $on$lusions. I. Intr"du1ti"n 1. Begins on page : 3a*ter t e title page an% abstra$t5.

14 -. :. 4. 7. Start t is page by retyping your title 3$entere%5/ t en begin typing t e se$tion 3on t e ne!t %ouble spa$e% line5 using normal 37 spa$e in%ente%5 paragrap s. Do not type t e 1or% Introduction. T e intro%u$tion s oul% $learly %e*ine t e problem or issue. T is se$tion is not unli0e t e intro%u$tion *or a resear$ report. It starts out broa% an% be$omes more an% more spe$i*i$. It is o*ten use*ul to use ea%ings 3an% per aps sub ea%ings5 in t e bo%y o* t e resear$ report to elp $ommuni$ate t e outline an% organi2ation o* t e paper to t e rea%er. It is a goo% i%ea to pre$e%e t e ea%ings 1it a paragrap in*orming t e rea%er o* t e logi$al organi2ation 3i.e./ ot er ea%ings t at 1ill be employe%5. T is paragrap s oul% appear at t e en% o* t e intro%u$tion 'ust be*ore t e a$tual bo%y o* t e paper an% is important be$ause it lets t e rea%er 0no1 t e %ire$tions t at t e paper 1ill ta0e.



="dy 1. I* you use ea%ings/ t e primary main ea%ing levels s oul% be treate% li0e t e main ea%ing o* a resear$ report/ t at is/ type t e main ea%ing using upper an% lo1er $ase/ an% $enter it ori2ontally on t e page. Se$on% level ea%ings are *lus le*t an% un%erline%. T ir% level ea%ings 3i* ne$essary5 are in%ente% li0e t e normal paragrap s t at t ey start o**. T us/ t e 1or%s o* t e t ir% level ea%ing lea% o** t e paragrap / are separate% *rom it by a perio%/ an% are un%erline% 3in$lu%ing t e perio%5. T e rest o* t e paragrap *ollo1s t e perio%. -. T is se$tion s oul% present t e relevant literature an% i%eas. :. ,*ten t e instru$tor 1ill set a minimum number o* re*eren$es t at are re8uire%. T ese re*eren$es 1ill be liste% in t e re*eren$e se$tion an% are $ite% using a parti$ular style 1 i$ you $an see most $learly in t e literature you are rea%ing *or your revie1. 4. A $ommon mista0e t at stu%ents o*ten ma0e is to organi2e t e paper aroun% t e spe$i*i$ re*eren$es t ey are using 3even using t e re*eren$e titles as t e main ea%ings o* t e manus$ript5. T e paper s oul% be organi2e% aroun% t e relevant p enomenon or t eory an% not by t e spe$i*i$ re*eren$es t at one uses in t e paper. 7. T is se$tion $an be lengt y 3%epen%ing upon o1 mu$ material is presente%5. >. 9ou mig t try to i%enti*y relations/ $ontra%i$tions/ gaps/ an% in$onsisten$ies in t e literature. A. 9ou mig t suggest possible solutions to any problem3s5 i%enti*ie%. B. 9ou mig t suggest *uture %ire$tions *or resear$ to ta0e. C"n1*u!i"n! 1. Finally/ you nee% an en%ing se$tion/ in 1 i$ / you summari2e t e main points you ave ma%e.

Appendix 1 - Ex27p*e Tit*e P2ge 3belo15


)ttitudes #owards )&ortion

3unning head? ),%3#I%@ )##I#AB5S I@ 7%//5C5 S#AB5@#S

)ttitudes #owards )&ortion in 2idwestern 7ollege Students 2ark ;lonsky Aniversity of Wisconsin . Stevens ;oint

In partial fulfillment of the reEuirements for ;S=+:! Instructor's @ame Bate

Appendix 2 - Ex27p*e W2y! t" Pre!ent &e!u*t! 3belo15

manuscript page header page num&er )n e$amination of the num&er of hours of television viewing and the freEuency of aggressive acts for each of


the 9" children revealed a positive or direct correlation &etween television viewing and instances of aggressive &ehavior. )n analysis using ;earson's correlation coefficient supported this o&servation, r((:) F .9+, p 0 "."(. #he control group (2 F -. ) remem&ered more words '.+).

on the memory test than the drugged group (2 F #his difference was tested using an independent

groups t test, and was shown to &e nonsignificant, t( :) F .'+, p 1 ". ". #hus, the data fail to support

the notion of a drug effect on memory. #he mean scores for the short, medium, and long retention intervals were (.!, ".+, and -.', respectively.

) one way analysis of variance revealed a significant effect of retention interval, *(', +-) F '+."4, p 0 ."" .

While 9"G of the males agreed that their map reading skills were strong, only +(G of the females did. ) ' $ ' 7hi SEuare analysis revealed that this was a significant difference, $' ( , @ F !) F ".( , p 0 ."'(,

suggesting that there was a relationship &etween gender and confidence in map reading skills.

Appendix # - Ex27p*e &e0eren1e Se1ti"n 3belo15

manuscript page header page num&er


3eferences )nisman, H., 3emington, C., 6 Sklar, /. S. ( !4!). 5ffects of inescapa&le shock on su&seEuent escape performance? 7atecholaminergic and cholinergic mediation of response initiation and maintenance. ;sychopharmacology, 9 ( ), "4. '-.

,eck, ). #. ( !94). Bepression? 7linical, e$perimental and theoretical aspects. @ew =ork? Hoe&er. 7icero, #. <. ( !4!). ) critiEue of animal analogues of alcoholism. In 5. 2aIchrowicJ 6 5. ;. @o&le (5ds.), ,iochemistry and pharmacology of ethanol (Dolume ', pp. + .(!). @ew =ork? ;lenum ;ress. Borworth, #. 3., 6 %vermier, <. ,. ( !44). %n >learned helplessness>? #he therapeutic effects of electroconvulsive shocks. ;hysiological ;sychology, (, +((.+(:. ;lonsky, 2. ( !!:). ;sychology with style? ) hyperte$t writing guide (Dersion +). 3etrieved from the We& !/ /!:. http?// A.S. Bepartment of Health, 5ducation, and Welfare. ( !4 ). )lcohol and Health. Washington, B7? A.S. Covernment ;rinting %ffice.

Appendix 6 - Ex27p*e T23*e 3belo15


manuscript page header page num&er #a&le )verage )ges Se$ual Information was )cEuired 7ompared with the =oungest and %ldest )ges Su&Iects ,elieved the Information Should &e )cEuired ...................................................... )ge )cEuired Information How &a&ies are made How &a&ies are &orn Se$ual intercourse 2enstruation @octurnal emissions 2astur&ation ,irth control Homose$uality Cenital terminology %rgasm S#B's 2ean ". "." .9 .9 '.( +." +.! +.'.-." -. SB '.! +. '.9 '.' '.9 '.9 '.'.: '.! '.+ '.+ =oungest )ge 2ean :.( :.".!.! ".: .'." .+ ".'.( '." SB '.: +. '.9 '. '.9 '.: '.' '.: +.+ '.4 '.%ldest )ge 2ean .! .9 +. '.9 +.-." -.+ -. +. (." -.4 SB '.4 '.: '.9 '. '.4 '.9 '.'.( +.+ '.9 '.-

.............................. ......................................................

...................................................... S#B's F Se$ually transmitted diseases

Appendix 9 - Ex27p*e <igure C2pti"n! P2ge 3belo15

manuscript page header


page num&er *igure 7aptions *igure . 2ean activity counts as a function of maternal

diet and age of the rat at the time of testing. *igure '. @um&er of people arrested for drunken driving as related to the day of the week.

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