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The Escape 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Unlike most of the inmates, Barry actually liked rison life and more than anythin! en"oyed the three meals a day# $e had come from a %ery difficult family, and had &een in and out of a series of foster homes# 'ocial 'er%ices had often &een in%ol%ed &ecause of his ste (father)s drinkin! and %iolence# Barry)s first attem ts to make friends *ith +olin *ere met *ith moody silences, &ut finally his easy manner and ersistence aid off# $e felt %ery sorry for +olin, *ho *as heart&roken that he *ould miss the &irth of his first child# +olin *rote endless letters and called home *hene%er he could, &ut hearin! ,aren)s %oice only made him feel *orse# -fter a cou le of *eeks of *atchin! his cellmate *ee e%ery ni!ht, Barry came u *ith an idea# ./)m ne* to the *in!, ri!ht0 1o&ody really kno*s me, and /)%e ne%er met any of the officers on the main !ates#)

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+olin shru!!ed, not at all interested, until Barry e2citedly su!!ested the idea that he could, if they *orked to!ether, lan +olin)s esca e# /nterested and sli!htly &emused, +olin asked *hat the lan *as# ./t)s sim le# -ll *e do is s*itch identities3 4ou !o in my lace to the ma!istrates) court in a cou le of *eeks and do a runner *hen you !et there,) Barry said# -t first, +olin thou!ht it *as the most stu id idea he had e%er heard# - art from ha%in! similar hair colour and &ein! the same hei!ht, they didn)t e%en look that much alike# -nd doin! a runner from court *as *hy +olin !ot four years in the first lace# $o*e%er, des erate to &e at the &irth of his &a&y, he decided to listen to more details of Barry)s lan# 5he more the t*o of them discussed the esca e, as farfetched as the idea *as, the more it seemed as if it mi!ht *ork#
-uthor6 5itle6 8u&lisher6 /'B16 7ynda 7a 8lante 5he 9sca e 'imon and 'chuster 978(1(47113(228(5

British Council 2014

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