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SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS SMA PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Periksa dan bacalah dengan cermat setiap soal sebelum menjawab 2. Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang bila ada tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang. 3. Jumlah soal 5 !lima puluh" butir pilihan ganda dan semua harus dijawab. #. $ahulukan menjawab soal yang kamu anggap mudah. 5. Periksalah dahulu pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas. SELAMAT BEKERJA Text (For questions no 1-3) %n &ednesday, my students and ' went to (ogyakarta. &e stayed at $irgahayu hotel which is not )ar )rom *alioboro. %n +hursday, we ,isited the temples in Prambanan. +here are three big temples, the -rahmana, .yiwa and &ishnu +emples. +hey are really ama/ing. &e ,isited only -rahmana and syiwa temples because &isnu temple is being reno,ated %n 0riday morning, we went to (ogyakarta keraton. &e spent two hours there. we were lucky because we led by a smart and )riendly guide. +hen we continued our journey to -orobodur. &e arri,ed there at # pm. 1t 5 p.m we heard an announcement that -orobudur gate was closed. 'n the e,ening, we le)t )or Jakarta by &isata bus. +he te2t mainly discusses 3. a. the writer4s trip to (ogyakarta d. the writer4s e2perience at (ogyakarta keraton b. the writer4s )irst ,isit to Prambanan e. the writer4s impression about -orobudur c. the writer4s impression about the guide &hich temple is being reno,ated5 a. .yiwa d. -orobudur b. &isnu e. .yiwa and wisnu c. -rahma &hich o) the )ollowing statement is TRUE5 a. the writer and the students went to (ogyakarta )or ha,ing a research b. the writer went to -orobudur )irst and then to keraton c. the writer was ,ery disappointed with the guide d. *alioboro is ,ery )ar )rom $irgahayu 6otel e. the writer le)t )or Jakarta on 0riday Text (For questions no 4 - 6) 1 )o2 )ell into a well and couldn4t get out. -y and by a thirsty goat comes along. .eeing the )o2 in the well, it asked i) the water was good. 78ood,9 said the )o2,9 it4s the best water '4,e tasted in all my li)e. :ome down and try it yoursel)9. +he goat was thirsty so he got into the well. &hen he had drunk enough, he looked around but there was no way to get out. +hen the )o2 said,9 ' ha,e a good idea. (ou stand on your hind legs and put your )orelegs against the side o) the well. +hen, '4ll climb on your back. 0rom there, '4ll step on your horns and ' can get out. 1nd when '4m out. '4ll help you out o) the well.9 +he goat did as he was asked and the )o2 got on his back and climbed out o) the well. +hen he coolly walked away. +he goat called out loudly a)ter him and reminded him o) his promise to help him out. +he )o2 merely turned to him and said,9 ') you only had thought care)ully about getting out, you wouldn4t ha,e jumped into the well 7.




+he goat )elt ,ery sad. 6e called out loudly. 1n old man walking nearby heard him and put a plank into the well. +he goat got out and thanked to the old man #. +he te2t tells the story o) 3. a. a )o2 d. an old man and the )o2 b. a goat e. the goat and an old man c. a )o2 and a goat 5. Paragraph two mainly tells 3. a. how the )o2 helped the goat d. the )o24s idea to get out o) the well b. why the )o2 got into the well e. how both the goat and the )o2 got out o) the well c. how the )o2 got out o) the well ;. 7+he goat did as he was asked 3.9 !p.3" &hat does the abo,e sentence mean5 a. +he goat drunk enough and looked around b. +he goat came down to the well and drank c. +he goat called out loudly a)ter the )o2 got out d. +he goat waited someone who might help him e. +he goat stood on his hind legs and put his )orelegs against the side o) the well Text (For questions no 7 - 1 ) 0orest are ,ery important to keep the soil )ertile and to pre,ent )lood. +he )allen lea,es and decayed plants become humus which makes the soil rich and holds the rainwater. 0or many years, people ha,e not been obeying the go,ernment4s regulations. +hey ha,e been cutting down the trees carelessly. 1s a result, thousands o) hectares o) land ha,e become worse and the ri,ers will be )ull o) mud. 'n the wet season there will be erosion and )loods which will destroy the )arm lands and ,illages. <. &hat is the main idea o) paragraph 25 a. ri,ers are )ull o) mud d. erosions ha,e caused )loods b. land becomes in)ertile e. de)orestation has caused a lot o) destruction c. )loods destroy ,illages =. +he )ollowing statement are the ad,antages o) )orests mentioned in the te2t, >?:>P+ 3. a. they keep the soil )ertile d. they hold rainwater b. they pre,ent )lood e. they produce )resh air c. they produce humus @. 6umus is made )rom 3. a. )ertile soil d. a kind o) arti)icial )ertili/er b. rown lea,es e. decayed plants and lea,es c. the root o) tree 1 . +he soil )ertile and to pre,ent )lood. +he underlined word is synonymous to 3. a. cause d. change b. mo,e e. produce c. hinder Text (For questions no 11 - 1!) 1lways take o)) your jewellery be)ore doing housework. $etergents and cleaning powder can make it dull Put jewellery on last when dressing, per)umes and hairsprays can tarnish it $on4t swim when wearing any goldA you might lose it. 1lso, chlorine and saltwater can ha,e a bad e))ect :lean it regularly. .oak in warm soapy water and gently brush with toothbrush. Binse in clean water and dry with a so)t , clean cloth. +o pre,ent scratching, keep gold separately in a jewel bo2 11. &hat is the topic o) the te2t5 a. carat guide c. going )or gold e. &hat to look )or b. -uyer4s 8uide d. caring )or gold 12. &hich o) the )ollowing can make your jewellery tarnish5

a. hairsprays and chlorine c. cleaning powders and per)umes e. salt water and warm soapy water b. hairsprays and per)umes d. detergents and cleaning water Text (For questions no 13 - 1") +he Jakarta Post, a leading >nglishA language daily newspaper, reCuires a Cuali)ied reporter. +he )ollowing Cuali)ications are reCuired D 1. 'ndonesian citi/en 5. Eot more than 2; years old 2. uni,ersity degree ;. pleasing personality, highly moti,ated and dynamic 3. willing to take a series o) tests <. 1ble to operate a computer #. 8ood understanding o) >nglish, +%>0L score at least 55 Please send an application letter in >nglish, a copy o) current curriculum ,itae, a photocopy o) identi)ication card, a photocopy o) diploma, a photocopy o) +%>0L score, a sample o) writing in >nglish, and a recent passport si/ed photograph to 6uman Besources *anager +he Jakarta Post P% -%? Palmerah, Jakarta, 11 1 Application should reach us before March 20, 2009. 13. Fnder what heading is this te2t likely )ound5 a. housing b. education c. )urniture d. job ,acancy e. tra,el agency 1#. +he Jakarta Post is looking )or a person who is Cuali)ied in 3. a. +eaching >nglish c. making a series o) tests e. being a human resource manager b. &riting news report d. leading a daily newspaper 15. +he Jakarta Post, a leading >nglish language daily newspaper, reCuires a Cuali)ied reporter. +he underlined word means 3. a. hires b. )ind c. needs d. looks e. employs Text ( For questions no 16 - 1# ) J$% D there was a bad accident on .udirman street last night. 1 bus which was tra,elling south was hit by a large truck. .e,eral people in the bus were killed, including the dri,er. +he injured people were taken to the hospital. +he dri,er o) the truck was drunk. 6e was taken to the police station to be interrogated. 1;. &hat happened on .udirman street last night 5 a. a bus crash d. a dead drunken dri,er b. a truck crash e. a )ight between two dri,ers c. a terrible accident 1<. +he accident happened because 3. a. the dri,er o) the truck was drunk d. the dri,er o) the bus escaped b. the dri,er o) the truck ran away e. the dri,er o) the bus was ill c. the dri,er o) the bus was killed 1=. +he injured people were taken to the hospital. +he underlined word means 3. a. killed d. damaged b. blooded e. destroyed c. wounded 1@. 0rom whom did the police get the in)ormation about the accident 5 a. pedestrians d. the passengers o) the bus b. the dri,er o) the bus e. both the bus dri,er and the truck dri,er c. the dri,er o) the truck Text 7( For questions no ! - !1 ) %A&'AKE Ingredients : 2 cups all purpose )lour, si)ted be)ore measuring 1 egg, slightly beaten 2 G teaspoons baking powder 1 G cups milk

G teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons melted butter Direction : .tir together )lour, baking powder and salt. 'n a separate bowl, combine eggs and milk. +hen, add to )lour mi2ture, stirring only until smooth. 1)ter that, blend in melted butter. :ook on a hot, greased griddle, using about G cup o) butter )or each pancake. :ook until brown on one side and around edge, turn and brown the other side. Becipe )or pancake ser,es # 2 . +he goal o) the te2t abo,e is to tell us 3. a. the process o) making cakes d. a description o) pancake b. ingredients needed to make pancake e. how to make pancake c. how to ser,e pancake 21. +he melted butter is mi2ed together into 3. a. the mi2ture o) )lour, egg and milk d. the mi2ture o) baking powder, salt and egg b. the mi2ture o) milk and baking powder e. the mi2ture o) egg, )lour and salt c. the mi2ture o) egg and )lour Text (For questions no !! - !3) +om H ' am going to 1nula supermarket to get some sugar. &ould you like to turn the sto,e on when you are home5 ' ha,e put some soup there. Just heat it )or about 5 minutes and then take it out )rom sto,e be)ore you ha,e dinner 22. &hat is the message about 5 a. +elling +om to eat the soup d. +elling +om to heat the soup b. 1sking +om to buy some sugar e. +elling +om to wait )or about 5 minutes c. 1sking +om to go to supermarket '4,e put the soup there. the word there re)ers to 3. a. home d. the supermarket b. kitchen e. 1nula supermarket c. the sto,e Text (For questions no !4 - !6) -irds belong to a class o) warm blooded ,ertebrate animals with )eather co,ered bodies. Ee2t to the animals, birds are the most important group o) landAli,ing ,ertebrates. 1ll birds ha,e )eathers, although in some types, particularly those that cannot )ly, the normal structure o) the )eathers may be much modi)ied and be downy, woolly, or straw like. +he )orelimbs o) birds are modi)ied into wings. +he bony part o) the tail, e2cept in the ,ery earliest )ossil birds is ,ery short, and the ,isible tail is composed o) )eathers only. +he teeth are absent e2cept in some )ossil )orms. 1s in mammals the only other group o) warmAblooded animal , the circulation is highly per)ected so that there is no mi2ing o) arterial and ,enous blood, but the arrangement o) ,eins and arteries by which this is accomplished di))erent in the two groups. -irds ha,e keen hearing, although they ha,e no e2ternal ears. +he sense o) sight also is ,ery keen, but the sense o) smell is weak or lacking, e2cept )ew ,ultures and others birds. +he passage is about the 3. o) birds a. species d. classi)ication b. de)initions e. characteristic c. clari)ication 0rom the te2t we can conclude that both birds and mammals ha,e 3. a. backbones d. downy )eathers b. keen sights e. weak sense o) smell c. keen hearing &hich o) the )ollowing is &(T possessed by birds5 a. 0eathers d. +ails b. &ings e. >ars c. +eeth Text (For questions no !7 - !))








3 .


7Bisa Saja9 is choosen as the )irst single o) the album and theme song o) -B%&E'>., since the lyric re)lects the story in the mo,ie. -udjana o) 8'8' demonstrates his skills in playing acoustic guitar in 7 :inta +erakhir 7. +hree other brand new song 7 Dile a9, !"angan Bilang #acar$u% and 7 Se ua &rang Berha$ Mendapat 'asa Bahagia%, gi,es supporting nuances to the mo,ie )low as 8'8' composed them by imagining how the scenes would like look based on the screenplay. &hen 6anung -ramantyo, the director, and $ewa -udjana o) 8'8' chated, -udjana e2pressed his interest in making soundtrack album. +hen, he recommended a )ew o) 8'8' songs, which the producer accepted because o) the chemistry they created with the mo,ie. .ince 8'8' can pro,ide a ,ariety o) colors to add all kinds o) musical nuances to enrich the mo,ie, the producer deemed it unnecessary to )ind other musicians to complete %.+ o) -B%&E'>.. 1rmand *aulana !,ocalist", ' 8ede $ewa -udjana !guitarist", +homas Bamdhan !-ass player" , and 8usti >rhandy !$rumAstandAin player )or -udhi haryono" put a lot o) e))ort to this album. 1s a result, they4,e created per)ect blend o) mo,ie and songs that makes -B%&E'>. tastier. 't4s always )un to ha,e a piece o) -rownies in your mouth. -ut ha,ing it in your stereo set is more entertaining. Eo mo,ie is per)ect without musical score and %.+ o) -rownies pro,ed it e2cellent. +he passage is mainly about 3 a. the description how the album is accomplished through a series o) steps b. an account o) unusual or amusing incident retold by the album c. a re,iew an o) an original soundtrack o) mo,ie d. the process in making original soundtrack o) mo,ie e. an amusing story dealing with e2perience in di))erent ways &hich o) the )ollowing statements is &(T TRUE according to the te2t5 a. -udjana is the acoustic guitar player o) 8'8' b. ! Bisa Saja% is the theme song o) -B%&E'>. c. 6anung -ramantyo is the director o) 8'8' band d. 1rmand *aulana is the ,ocalist o) 8'8' e. %.+ o) -B%&E'>. is e2cellent Text (For questions no !# * 33) +s S,o-in. /oo0 For Us1 -e)ore we smoke, it is better to look at the )act o) smoking e))ects, not only )or smokers but also )or non smokers. 1bout 5 thousands people die e,ery year in -ritain as the direct result o) smoking. +his is the se,en times as many as deaths in road accidents. Eearly a Cuarter o) smokers die because o) diseases caused by smoking. Einety percent o) lung cancers are caused by smoking. ') we smoke )i,e cigarettes a day, we are si2 times more likely to die o) lung cancer than a nonA smoker. ') we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen times greater. Einety )i,e percent o) people who su))er )rom bronchitis are people who smoke. .mokers are two and hal) times more likely to die o) heart disease than nonA smokers. 1dditionally, children o) smokers are more likely to de,elop bronchitis and pneumonia. 'n one hour in a smoky room, a nonAsmoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as i) he had smoked )i)teen cigarettes. .moking is really good )or tobacco companies because they do make much money )rom smoking habit. .moking, howe,er, is not good )or e,erybody else. &hat is the te2t about5 a. 1 report o) deaths caused by smoking b. +he e))ects o) smoking )or people c. 1 calculation o) how many cigarettes that may cause cancer d. 'n)ormation o) the e))ect o) smoking to non smokers e. +he result o) smoking habit )or tobacco companies &hich o) the statement below is TRUE1 a. .moking only does a good impact )or the tobacco company b. EonAsmokers don4t ha,e any threat o) getting pneumonia c. 0i)teen cigarettes a day is all right )or smokers d. .moking can risk ninety )i,e percent o) the people in a country e. +he risk caused by smoking )or nonAsmokers is low &hat is the e))ect o) smoking to nonAsmokers5 a. 't makes nonAsmokers healthy d. 't causes so much )un







b. 't makes nonAsmokers ha,e a good li)e e. it results in a better lung )unction c. 't risks nonAsmokers4 health &hat is the purpose o) the te2t5 a. +o make people reali/e the risk o) smoking b. +o make nonAsmokers stay away )rom smokers c. +o make the go,ernment stop tobacco production d. +o make the doctors )ind the cure o) lung cancer e. +o make people in -ritain stop smoking +his is the se,en times as many as deaths in road accidents !p.1" +he underlined word re)ers to 3. a. +he smokers d. the accident b. +he nonAsmokers e. the company c. +he data Text (For questions no 34 * 37) $uring the twentieth century the world has witnessed the in,entions o) many ama/ing things. +ele,ision is a great in,ention, but there are arguments )or and against whether it is the best in,ention o) the twentieth century +ele,ision was in,ented in the1@2 s and )irst came to 1ustralia in 1@5;. 't has played an important role in communicating news. &e can learn instantly about what is happening in the world because o) tele,ision. 1lso, tele,ision has pro,ided people with entertainment in their own homes. People in isolated areas can still )eel the other part o) the world because o) tele,ision. 0or these reasons ' )eel that tele,ision could be considered the best in,ention o) the twentieth century. %n the other hand, there are other in,entions that could be considered better than tele,ision. .ome might argue that computer should be awarded the distinction o) being the best in,ention because computer has made li)e easier. %thers might argue that medical in,entions such as heart pacemakers are best in,entions because they help to sa,e li,e. 't can be seen that there are reasons )or and against tele,ision being considered the best in,ention o) the twentieth century. 1)ter looking at both sides ' still belie,e it is the best in,ention. &hat does the te2t mainly discuss5 a. +he role o) tele,ision in communicating news b. +he positi,e and negati,e impacts o) tele,ision c. +he best in,ention o) the twentieth century d. +ele,ision is the in,ention o) the twentieth century e. 1n argument whether tele,ision is the best in,ention o) the twentieth century. &e can learn instantly about 3. a. with ease d. without delay b. rather lately e. without doubt c. ,ery simply &hich o) the )ollowing is &(T the bene)it o) a tele,ision5 a. 't communicates news b. 't makes people ha,e easy li)e c. 't pro,ides people with entertainment d. 't in)orms people instantly what is happening in the world e 't makes people in isolated areas can )eel the other part o) the world &hich one is TRUE according to the te2t5 a. +ele,ision is the only great in,ention b. +ele,ision makes people )eel isolated c. :omputers make people4s li,es more di))icult. d. +ele,ision keeps ama/ing things )rom around the world e. +he writer is sure that tele,ision is the greatest in,ention Text (For questions no 3) - 41) 0acsimile, o)ten called )a2, is a way o) transmitting te2ts and pictures o,er telephone lines. Eews ser,ices o)ten use )acsimile to send news, stories and photographs to newspaper and tele,ision stations. -anks, law )irms and other businesses use )acsimile to send copies o) documents to clients and other organi/ations.



# .





1 de,ice called a )acsimile machine is used )or transmitting and recei,ing images. 0acsimile machines resemble small photocopiers. 6owe,er, they are eCuipped with a telephone or are connected to one. +o send a document, the user inserts it into the machine and dials the telephone number o) the recei,ing )a2 machine. 1)ter the connection is made, an electronic scanner on the transmitting machine mo,es across the page and con,erts the image into a set o) electric signals. +hese signals tra,el o,er the telephone line to the recei,ing )a2 machine. +hen machine con,erts the electric signals back into an image o) the original document and then prints a copy. .ome business people use small desktop )a2 machines or portable models at home or when they tra,el. 1 personal computer can also be used to send and recei,e documents i) it is eCuipped with a special electronic circuit board called a )a2 board &hat is the main in)ormation in paragraph 25 a. a )acsimile machine is a small photocopier b. a )acsimile machine is eCuipped with a telephone to transmit images c. a )acsimile machine transmits and recei,es images d. a )acsimile machine con,erts the electric signals back into an image e. a )acsimile machine sends documents to distant places &hat do you call in the )acsimile machine that con,erts the image o) the document into a set o) electric signals5 a. a copier d. an electronic scanner b. a con,erter e. a transmitting machine c. a telephone &hat do you need to enable your computer to send and recei,e documents like a )a25 a. a )a2 board d. an electronic circuit b. a transmitter e. an electronic scanner c. a signal con,erter 3. transmitting te2ts and pictures 3. +he underlined word may be replaced by 3. a. sending d. translating b. changing e. connecting c. processing Text (For questions no 4! - 4") T2e /oo0 Ste3,ot2er +he old witch locked 6ansel in a cage and set 8retel to clean the house. .he planned to eat them both. >ach night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go. *eanwhile, at home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had ne,er tried to get rid o) the children. 9' must )ind them,9 she said and set o)) into the )orest. *any hours later, when her )eet were tired )rom walking and her lips were dry )rom thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. +he stepmother peeped through the window. 6er heart cried out when she saw the two children. .he picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. +he witch was putting some stew in the o,en when the stepmother ga,e her an almighty push. +he witch )ell into the o,en and the stepmother shut the door. 7:hildren, ' ha,e come to sa,e you,9 she said, hugging them tightly. ' ha,e done a dread)ul thing. ' hope in time you will )orgi,e me. Let me take you home and become a )amily again. +hey returned to their home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to ha,e, and o) course they li,ed happily e,er a)ter. +he story is about a stepmother who 3. a. cried e,ery night d. tried to run away )rom a witch b. planned to eat her children e. .a,ed her children )rom a witch c. begged a witch )or money &hich statement is TRUE about the stepmother5 a. .he was the witch4s )riend. d. .he locked her children in a cage b. .he lo,ed her stepchildren. e. .he ,isited the witch to see her children. c. .he hit the witch with a broom. 7+he witch )ell into the o,en and the stepmother shut the door 3. 9 !p.#" +he underlined word can be replaced by the word

a. b. c. #5.





closed d. marked opened e. polished painted 6ow did the witch die 5 a. .he was burnt in the o,en d. .he was locked in her house b. .he was trapped in a cage e. .he was pushed against the wall c. .he was hit with a broom Text (For questions no 46 - 4)) Philipines D 1t least nine people were killed and do/ens were injured when the Philipines security )orces clashed with do/ens o) slum dwellers who resisted the tearing down o) their homes in the northern pro,ince, a police commander said +uesday. Baul 8on/ales, the police chie) in the northern :ordirella area, said that the soldiers and police o))icers traded gun)ire with do/ens o) people who are illegally occupying the pri,ate land in Ialinga pro,ince. 7our team was ambushed on their way to the community to be demolished,9 said 8on/ales. 6e added that the security only de)ended themsel,es a)ter the residents dug )o2holes and opened )ire with automatic ri)les. 7nine people were killed and do/ens were wounded, including 1 police o))icers during almost 1 hours o) )ighting. &e e,en had to e,acuate some o) our o))icers who needed surgery to get the bullets )rom their bodies.9Beuters &hat is the passage about5 a. 1n illegal gun)ire trade. b. 1 demolition o) illegal slum dwellers. c. 1 )ight between the police o))icers and the soldiers. d. 1 clash between the security )orces and the slum dwellers. e. 1 clash between the police o))icers and the security o))icers. +he clash happened because 3. a. illegal slum dwellers resisted the demolition o) their home. b. the police o))icers and soldiers shot the dwellers. c. nine people were killed by the security )orces. d. the police o))icers )iring the dwellers. e. the people dwelled on pri,ate land. Baul 8on/ales said that 3 a. ten police o))icers had to be e,acuated. b. ten police o))icers were killed in the )ighting. c. ten police o))icers were injured during the )ighting d. some o) the wounded people needed surgery. e. more than ten police o))icers were killed and injured an the )ighting Text (For questions no 4# - " ) +he polar bear is a ,ery big white bear. &e call it the polar bear because it li,es inside the 1rctic :ircle near the Eorth Pole. +here are no polar bears at the .outh Pole. +he polar bears li,e at the Eorth pole. +here is only snow, ice, and water. +here is not any land. +hese bears are three meters long, and weight #5 kilos. +hey can stand up on their back legs because they ha,e ,ery wide )eed. +hey can use their )ront legs like arms. +he Polar bears can swim ,ery well. +hey can swim 12 kilometres out into the water. +hey catch )ish and sea animals )or )ood. +hey go into the sea when they are a)raid. People like to kill the polar bears )or their beauti)ul white coats. +he go,ernments o) :anada, the united states and Bussia say that no one can kill polar bears now. +hey do not want all o) these beauti)ul animals to die. &hat does the passage mainly discuss5 a. +he si/e o) polar bears d. &hy people hunt polar bears b. &here polar bears li,e e. 1 brie) description o) polar bears. c. +he habitat o) polar bears

5 .

&hich o) the )ollowing statements is &(T TRUE about a polar bear5 a. 1 polar bear weigh #5 kilos d. 1 polar bear goes into the sea when it is angry b. 1 polar bear is three meters long e. 1 polar bear can swim 12 km out into the water c. 1 polar bear catches )ish )or )ood

Soal-Soal Bahasa Inggris UN SMA an !a"a#an

Posted by Farida Asmarani
$%&' ()or *+%s'ions no 1-3, On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu hotel which is not far from alioboro. On !hursday, we "isited the tem#les in Prambanan. !here are three big tem#les, the $rahmana, %yiwa and Wishnu !em#les. !hey are really ama&ing. We "isited only $rahmana and syiwa tem#les because Wisnu tem#le is being reno"ated On Friday morning, we went to Yogyakarta keraton. We s#ent two hours there. we were lucky because we led by a smart and friendly guide. !hen we continued our 'ourney to $orobodur. We arri"ed there at ( #m. At ) #.m we heard an announcement that $orobudur gate was closed. In the e"ening, we left for *akarta by Wisata bus. !he te,t mainly discusses -. a. the writer.s tri# to Yogyakarta d. the writer.s e,#erience at Yogyakarta keraton b. the writer.s first "isit to Prambanan e. the writer.s im#ression about $orobudur c. the writer.s im#ression about the guide Answer / D Which tem#le is being reno"ated1 a. %yiwa d. $orobudur b. Wisnu e. %yiwa and wisnu c. $rahma Answer / $ Which of the following statement is $RUE1 a. the writer and the students went to Yogyakarta for ha"ing a research b. the writer went to $orobudur first and then to keraton c. the writer was "ery disa##ointed with the guide d. alioboro is "ery far from Dirgahayu 3otel e. the writer left for *akarta on Friday Answer / 4 $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no - - ., A fo, fell into a well and couldn.t get out. $y and by a thirsty goat comes along. %eeing the fo, in the well, it asked if the water was good. 56ood,7 said the fo,,7 it.s the best water I."e tasted in all my life. 8ome down and try it yourself7. !he goat was thirsty so he got into the well. When he had drunk enough, he looked around but there was no way to get out. !hen the fo, said,7 I ha"e a good idea. You stand on your hind legs and #ut your forelegs against the side of the well. !hen, I.ll climb on your back. From there, I.ll ste# on your horns and I can get out. And when I.m out. I.ll hel# you out of the well.7 !he goat did as he was asked and the fo, got on his back and climbed out of the well. !hen he coolly walked away. !he goat called out loudly after him and reminded him of his #romise to hel# him out. !he fo, merely turned to him and said,7 If you only had thought carefully about getting out, you wouldn.t ha"e 'um#ed into the well 5. !he goat felt "ery sad. 3e called out loudly. An old man walking nearby heard him and #ut a #lank into the well. !he goat got out and thanked to the old man !he te,t tells the story of -.





a. a fo, d. an old man and the fo, b. a goat e. the goat and an old man c. a fo, and a goat Answer / 8 ). Paragra#h two mainly tells -. a. how the fo, hel#ed the goat d. the fo,.s idea to get out of the well b. why the fo, got into the well e. how both the goat and the fo, got out of the well c. how the fo, got out of the well Answer / D 9. 5!he goat did as he was asked -.7 :#.2; What does the abo"e sentence mean1 a. !he goat drunk enough and looked around b. !he goat came down to the well and drank c. !he goat called out loudly after the fo, got out d. !he goat waited someone who might hel# him e. !he goat stood on his hind legs and #ut his forelegs against the side of the well Answer < 4 $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no / - 10 , Forest are "ery im#ortant to kee# the soil fertile and to #re"ent flood. !he fallen lea"es and decayed #lants become humus which makes the soil rich and holds the rainwater. For many years, #eo#le ha"e not been obeying the go"ernment.s regulations. !hey ha"e been cutting down the trees carelessly. As a result, thousands of hectares of land ha"e become worse and the ri"ers will be full of mud. In the wet season there will be erosion and floods which will destroy the farm lands and "illages. =. What is the main idea of #aragra#h 01 a. ri"ers are full of mud d. erosions ha"e caused floods b. land becomes infertile e. deforestation has caused a lot of destruction c. floods destroy "illages Answer / 8 >. !he following statement are the ad"antages of forests mentioned in the te,t, 4?84P! -. a. they kee# the soil fertile d. they hold rainwater b. they #re"ent flood e. they #roduce fresh air c. they #roduce humus Answer / 4 @. 3umus is made from -. a. fertile soil d. a kind of artificial fertili&er b. rown lea"es e. decayed #lants and lea"es c. the root of tree Answer /4 +A. !he soil fertile and to #re"ent flood. !he underlined word is synonymous to -. a. cause d. change b. mo"e e. #roduce c. hinder Answer / 8 $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no 11 - 12, Always take off your 'ewellery before doing housework. Detergents and cleaning #owder can make it dull Put 'ewellery on last when dressing, #erfumes and hairs#rays can tarnish it Don.t swim when wearing any goldB you might lose it. Also, chlorine and saltwater can ha"e a bad effect 8lean it regularly. %oak in warm soa#y water and gently brush with toothbrush. Cinse in clean water and dry with a soft , clean cloth. !o #re"ent scratching, kee# gold se#arately in a 'ewel bo, ++. What is the to#ic of the te,t1 a. carat guide c. going for gold e. What to look for b. $uyer.s 6uide d. caring for gold Answer / D +0. Which of the following can make your 'ewellery tarnish1

a. hairs#rays and chlorine c. cleaning #owders and #erfumes e. salt water and warm soa#y water b. hairs#rays and #erfumes d. detergents and cleaning water Answer / $ $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no 13 - 10, !he *akarta Post, a leading 4nglishB language daily news#a#er, reDuires a Dualified re#orter. !he following Dualifications are reDuired / +. Indonesian citi&en ). Eot more than 09 years old 0. uni"ersity degree 9. #leasing #ersonality, highly moti"ated and dynamic 2. willing to take a series of tests =. Able to o#erate a com#uter (. 6ood understanding of 4nglish, !O4FF score at least ))A Please send an a##lication letter in 4nglish, a co#y of current curriculum "itae, a #hotoco#y of identification card, a #hotoco#y of di#loma, a #hotoco#y of !O4FF score, a sam#le of writing in 4nglish, and a recent #ass#ort si&ed #hotogra#h to 3uman Cesources anager !he *akarta Post PO $O? Palmerah, *akarta, ++AA+ Application should reach us before March 20, 2009. +2. Gnder what heading is this te,t likely found1 a. housing b. education c. furniture d. 'ob "acancy e. tra"el agency Answer / D +(. !he *akarta Post is looking for a #erson who is Dualified in -. a. !eaching 4nglish c. making a series of tests e. being a human resource manager b. Writing news re#ort d. leading a daily news#a#er Answer < D +). !he *akarta Post, a leading 4nglish language daily news#a#er, reDuires a Dualified re#orter. !he underlined word means -. a. hires b. find c. needs d. looks e. em#loys Answer / 8 $%&' ( )or *+%s'ions no 1. - 11 , !2P / there was a bad accident on %udirman street last night. A bus which was tra"elling south was hit by a large truck. %e"eral #eo#le in the bus were killed, including the dri"er. !he in'ured #eo#le were taken to the hos#ital. !he dri"er of the truck was drunk. 3e was taken to the #olice station to be interrogated. +9. What ha##ened on %udirman street last night 1 a. a bus crash d. a dead drunken dri"er b. a truck crash e. a fight between two dri"ers c. a terrible accident Answer /A +=. !he accident ha##ened because -. a. the dri"er of the truck was drunk d. the dri"er of the bus esca#ed b. the dri"er of the truck ran away e. the dri"er of the bus was ill c. the dri"er of the bus was killed Answer / A +>. !he in'ured #eo#le were taken to the hos#ital. !he underlined word means -. a. killed d. damaged b. blooded e. destroyed c. wounded Answer / 8 +@. From whom did the #olice get the information about the accident 1 a. #edestrians d. the #assengers of the bus b. the dri"er of the bus e. both the bus dri"er and the truck dri"er c. the dri"er of the truck Answer / A $%&' /( )or *+%s'ions no 20 - 21 ,

PAN3AKE Ingredients : 0 cu#s all #ur#ose flour, sifted before measuring + egg, slightly beaten 0 H teas#oons baking #owder + H cu#s milk H teas#oon salt 0 tables#oons melted butter Direction : %tir together flour, baking #owder and salt. In a se#arate bowl, combine eggs and milk. !hen, add to flour mi,ture, stirring only until smooth. After that, blend in melted butter. 8ook on a hot, greased griddle, using about H cu# of butter for each #ancake. 8ook until brown on one side and around edge, turn and brown the other side. Ceci#e for #ancake ser"es ( 0A. !he goal of the te,t abo"e is to tell us -. a. the #rocess of making cakes d. a descri#tion of #ancake b. ingredients needed to make #ancake e. how to make #ancake c. how to ser"e #ancake Answer / 4 0+. !he melted butter is mi,ed together into -. a. the mi,ture of flour, egg and milk d. the mi,ture of baking #owder, salt and egg b. the mi,ture of milk and baking #owder e. the mi,ture of egg, flour and salt c. the mi,ture of egg and flour Answer / A $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no 22 - 23, !om I I am going to Anula su#ermarket to get some sugar. Would you like to turn the sto"e on when you are home1 I ha"e #ut some sou# there. *ust heat it for about ) minutes and then take it out from sto"e before you ha"e dinner 00. What is the message about 1 a. !elling !om to eat the sou# d. !elling !om to heat the sou# b. Asking !om to buy some sugar e. !elling !om to wait for about ) minutes c. Asking !om to go to su#ermarket Answer / D 02. I."e #ut the sou# there. the word there refers to -. a. home d. the su#ermarket b. kitchen e. Anula su#ermarket c. the sto"e Answer / $ $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no 2- - 2., $irds belong to a class of warm blooded "ertebrate animals with feather co"ered bodies. Ee,t to the animals, birds are the most im#ortant grou# of landBli"ing "ertebrates. All birds ha"e feathers, although in some ty#es, #articularly those that cannot fly, the normal structure of the feathers may be much modified and be downy, woolly, or straw like. !he forelimbs of birds are modified into wings. !he bony #art of the tail, e,ce#t in the "ery earliest fossil birds is "ery short, and the "isible tail is com#osed of feathers only. !he teeth are absent e,ce#t in some fossil forms. As in mammals the only other grou# of warmBblooded animal , the circulation is highly #erfected so that there is no mi,ing of arterial and "enous blood, but the arrangement of "eins and arteries by which this is accom#lished different in the two grou#s. $irds ha"e keen hearing, although they ha"e no e,ternal ears. !he sense of sight also is "ery keen, but the sense of smell is weak or lacking, e,ce#t few "ultures and others birds. 0(. !he #assage is about the -. of birds a. s#ecies d. classification b. definitions e. characteristic c. clarification Answer / 4 0). From the te,t we can conclude that both birds and mammals ha"e -. a. backbones d. downy feathers b. keen sights e. weak sense of smell





c. keen hearing Answer / A Which of the following is NO$ #ossessed by birds1 a. Feathers d. !ails b. Wings e. 4ars c. !eeth Answer / 4 $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no 2/ - 24, 5Bisa Saja7 is choosen as the first single of the album and theme song of $COWEI4%, since the lyric reflects the story in the mo"ie. $ud'ana of 6I6I demonstrates his skills in #laying acoustic guitar in 5 8inta !erakhir 5. !hree other brand new song 5Dile a7, !"angan Bilang #acar$u% and 5 Se ua &rang Berha$ Mendapat 'asa Bahagia%, gi"es su##orting nuances to the mo"ie flow as 6I6I com#osed them by imagining how the scenes would like look based on the screen#lay. When 3anung $ramantyo, the director, and Dewa $ud'ana of 6I6I chated, $ud'ana e,#ressed his interest in making soundtrack album. !hen, he recommended a few of 6I6I songs, which the #roducer acce#ted because of the chemistry they created with the mo"ie. %ince 6I6I can #ro"ide a "ariety of colors to add all kinds of musical nuances to enrich the mo"ie, the #roducer deemed it unnecessary to find other musicians to com#lete O%! of $COWEI4%. Armand aulana :"ocalist;, I 6ede Dewa $ud'ana :guitarist;, !homas Camdhan :$ass #layer; , and 6usti 4rhandy :DrumBstandBin #layer for $udhi haryono; #ut a lot of effort to this album. As a result, they."e created #erfect blend of mo"ie and songs that makes $COWEI4% tastier. It.s always fun to ha"e a #iece of $rownies in your mouth. $ut ha"ing it in your stereo set is more entertaining. Eo mo"ie is #erfect without musical score and O%! of $rownies #ro"ed it e,cellent. !he #assage is mainly about a. the descri#tion how the album is accom#lished through a series of ste#s b. an account of unusual or amusing incident retold by the album c. a re"iew an of an original soundtrack of mo"ie d. the #rocess in making original soundtrack of mo"ie e. an amusing story dealing with e,#erience in different ways Answer / D Which of the following statements is NO$ $RUE according to the te,t1 a. $ud'ana is the acoustic guitar #layer of 6I6I b. ! Bisa Saja% is the theme song of $COWEI4% c. 3anung $ramantyo is the director of 6I6I band d. Armand aulana is the "ocalist of 6I6I e. O%! of $COWEI4% is e,cellent Answer / 8 $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no 21 5 33, Is S6o7ing Goo )or Us8 $efore we smoke, it is better to look at the fact of smoking effects, not only for smokers but also for non smokers. About )A thousands #eo#le die e"ery year in $ritain as the direct result of smoking. !his is the se"en times as many as deaths in road accidents. Eearly a Duarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking. Einety #ercent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke fi"e cigarettes a day, we are si, times more likely to die of lung cancer than a nonB smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen times greater. Einety fi"e #ercent of #eo#le who suffer from bronchitis are #eo#le who smoke. %mokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than nonB smokers. Additionally, children of smokers are more likely to de"elo# bronchitis and #neumonia. In one hour in a smoky room, a nonBsmoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes. %moking is really good for tobacco com#anies because they do make much money from smoking habit. %moking, howe"er, is not good for e"erybody else. What is the te,t about1 a. A re#ort of deaths caused by smoking b. !he effects of smoking for #eo#le c. A calculation of how many cigarettes that may cause cancer d. Information of the effect of smoking to non smokers e. !he result of smoking habit for tobacco com#anies Answer / 8








Which of the statement below is $RUE8 a. %moking only does a good im#act for the tobacco com#any b. EonBsmokers don.t ha"e any threat of getting #neumonia c. Fifteen cigarettes a day is all right for smokers d. %moking can risk ninety fi"e #ercent of the #eo#le in a country e. !he risk caused by smoking for nonBsmokers is low Answer / D What is the effect of smoking to nonBsmokers1 a. It makes nonBsmokers healthy d. It causes so much fun b. It makes nonBsmokers ha"e a good life e. it results in a better lung function c. It risks nonBsmokers. health Answer / 8 What is the #ur#ose of the te,t1 a. !o make #eo#le reali&e the risk of smoking b. !o make nonBsmokers stay away from smokers c. !o make the go"ernment sto# tobacco #roduction d. !o make the doctors find the cure of lung cancer e. !o make #eo#le in $ritain sto# smoking Answer / A !his is the se"en times as many as deaths in road accidents :#.+; !he underlined word refers to -. a. !he smokers d. the accident b. !he nonBsmokers e. the com#any c. !he data Answer / D Answer / $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no 3- 5 3/, During the twentieth century the world has witnessed the in"entions of many ama&ing things. !ele"ision is a great in"ention, but there are arguments for and against whether it is the best in"ention of the twentieth century !ele"ision was in"ented in the+@0As and first came to Australia in +@)9. It has #layed an im#ortant role in communicating news. We can learn instantly about what is ha##ening in the world because of tele"ision. Also, tele"ision has #ro"ided #eo#le with entertainment in their own homes. Peo#le in isolated areas can still feel the other #art of the world because of tele"ision. For these reasons I feel that tele"ision could be considered the best in"ention of the twentieth century. On the other hand, there are other in"entions that could be considered better than tele"ision. %ome might argue that com#uter should be awarded the distinction of being the best in"ention because com#uter has made life easier. Others might argue that medical in"entions such as heart #acemakers are best in"entions because they hel# to sa"e li"e. It can be seen that there are reasons for and against tele"ision being considered the best in"ention of the twentieth century. After looking at both sides I still belie"e it is the best in"ention. What does the te,t mainly discuss1 a. !he role of tele"ision in communicating news b. !he #ositi"e and negati"e im#acts of tele"ision c. !he best in"ention of the twentieth century d. !ele"ision is the in"ention of the twentieth century e. An argument whether tele"ision is the best in"ention of the twentieth century. Answer / 4 We can learn instantly about -. a. with ease d. without delay b. rather lately e. without doubt c. "ery sim#ly Answer / A Which of the following is NO$ the benefit of a tele"ision1 a. It communicates news b. It makes #eo#le ha"e easy life c. It #ro"ides #eo#le with entertainment






d. It informs #eo#le instantly what is ha##ening in the world e It makes #eo#le in isolated areas can feel the other #art of the world Answer / $ Which one is $RUE according to the te,t1 a. !ele"ision is the only great in"ention b. !ele"ision makes #eo#le feel isolated c. 8om#uters make #eo#le.s li"es more difficult. d. !ele"ision kee#s ama&ing things from around the world e. !he writer is sure that tele"ision is the greatest in"ention Answer / 4 $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no 34 - -1, Facsimile, often called fa,, is a way of transmitting te,ts and #ictures o"er tele#hone lines. Eews ser"ices often use facsimile to send news, stories and #hotogra#hs to news#a#er and tele"ision stations. $anks, law firms and other businesses use facsimile to send co#ies of documents to clients and other organi&ations. A de"ice called a facsimile machine is used for transmitting and recei"ing images. Facsimile machines resemble small #hotoco#iers. 3owe"er, they are eDui##ed with a tele#hone or are connected to one. !o send a document, the user inserts it into the machine and dials the tele#hone number of the recei"ing fa, machine. After the connection is made, an electronic scanner on the transmitting machine mo"es across the #age and con"erts the image into a set of electric signals. !hese signals tra"el o"er the tele#hone line to the recei"ing fa, machine. !hen machine con"erts the electric signals back into an image of the original document and then #rints a co#y. %ome business #eo#le use small deskto# fa, machines or #ortable models at home or when they tra"el. A #ersonal com#uter can also be used to send and recei"e documents if it is eDui##ed with a s#ecial electronic circuit board called a fa, board What is the main information in #aragra#h 01 a. a facsimile machine is a small #hotoco#ier b. a facsimile machine is eDui##ed with a tele#hone to transmit images c. a facsimile machine transmits and recei"es images d. a facsimile machine con"erts the electric signals back into an image e. a facsimile machine sends documents to distant #laces Answer / 8 What do you call in the facsimile machine that con"erts the image of the document into a set of electric signals1 a. a co#ier d. an electronic scanner b. a con"erter e. a transmitting machine c. a tele#hone Answere / D What do you need to enable your com#uter to send and recei"e documents like a fa,1 a. a fa, board d. an electronic circuit b. a transmitter e. an electronic scanner c. a signal con"erter Answer / A -. transmitting te,ts and #ictures -. !he underlined word may be re#laced by -. a. sending d. translating b. changing e. connecting c. #rocessing Answer /8 $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no -2 - -0, $h% Goo S'%96o'h%r !he old witch locked 3ansel in a cage and set 6retel to clean the house. %he #lanned to eat them both. 4ach night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go. eanwhile, at home, their ste#mother was beginning to wish she had ne"er tried to get rid of the children. 7I must find them,7 she said and set off into the forest. any hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her li#s were dry from thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. !he ste#mother #ee#ed through the window. 3er heart cried out when she saw the two children.








%he #icked u# the broom leaning against the door and cre#t inside. !he witch was #utting some stew in the o"en when the ste#mother ga"e her an almighty #ush. !he witch fell into the o"en and the ste#mother shut the door. 58hildren, I ha"e come to sa"e you,7 she said, hugging them tightly. I ha"e done a dreadful thing. I ho#e in time you will forgi"e me. Fet me take you home and become a family again. !hey returned to their home and the ste#mother became the best mother anyone could wish to ha"e, and of course they li"ed ha##ily e"er after. !he story is about a ste#mother who -. a. cried e"ery night d. tried to run away from a witch b. #lanned to eat her children e. %a"ed her children from a witch c. begged a witch for money Answer / $ Which statement is $RUE about the ste#mother1 a. %he was the witch.s friend. d. %he locked her children in a cage b. %he lo"ed her ste#children. e. %he "isited the witch to see her children. c. %he hit the witch with a broom. Answer /D 5!he witch fell into the o"en and the ste#mother shut the door -. 7 :#.(; !he underlined word can be re#laced by the word a. closed d. marked b. o#ened e. #olished c. #ainted Answer / A 3ow did the witch die 1 a. %he was burnt in the o"en d. %he was locked in her house b. %he was tra##ed in a cage e. %he was #ushed against the wall c. %he was hit with a broom Answer / A $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no -. - -4, Phili#ines / At least nine #eo#le were killed and do&ens were in'ured when the Phili#ines security forces clashed with do&ens of slum dwellers who resisted the tearing down of their homes in the northern #ro"ince, a #olice commander said !uesday. Caul 6on&ales, the #olice chief in the northern 8ordirella area, said that the soldiers and #olice officers traded gunfire with do&ens of #eo#le who are illegally occu#ying the #ri"ate land in Jalinga #ro"ince. 5our team was ambushed on their way to the community to be demolished,7 said 6on&ales. 3e added that the security only defended themsel"es after the residents dug fo,holes and o#ened fire with automatic rifles. 5nine #eo#le were killed and do&ens were wounded, including +A #olice officers during almost +A hours of fighting. We e"en had to e"acuate some of our officers who needed surgery to get the bullets from their bodies.7Ceuters What is the #assage about1 a. An illegal gunfire trade. b. A demolition of illegal slum dwellers. c. A fight between the #olice officers and the soldiers. d. A clash between the security forces and the slum dwellers. e. A clash between the #olice officers and the security officers Answer / A !he clash ha##ened because -. a. illegal slum dwellers resisted the demolition of their home. b. the #olice officers and soldiers shot the dwellers. c. nine #eo#le were killed by the security forces. d. the #olice officers firing the dwellers. e. the #eo#le dwelled on #ri"ate land. Answer /A Caul 6on&ales said that a. ten #olice officers had to be e"acuated. b. ten #olice officers were killed in the fighting. c. ten #olice officers were in'ured during the fighting

d. some of the wounded #eo#le needed surgery. e. more than ten #olice officers were killed and in'ured an the fighting Answer / A $%&' ()or *+%s'ions no -1 - 00, !he #olar bear is a "ery big white bear. We call it the #olar bear because it li"es inside the Arctic 8ircle near the Eorth Pole. !here are no #olar bears at the %outh Pole. !he #olar bears li"e at the Eorth #ole. !here is only snow, ice, and water. !here is not any land. !hese bears are three meters long, and weight ()A kilos. !hey can stand u# on their back legs because they ha"e "ery wide feed. !hey can use their front legs like arms. !he Polar bears can swim "ery well. !hey can swim +0A kilometres out into the water. !hey catch fish and sea animals for food. !hey go into the sea when they are afraid. Peo#le like to kill the #olar bears for their beautiful white coats. !he go"ernments of 8anada, the united states and Cussia say that no one can kill #olar bears now. !hey do not want all of these beautiful animals to die. (@. What does the #assage mainly discuss1 a. !he si&e of #olar bears d. Why #eo#le hunt #olar bears b. Where #olar bears li"e e. A brief descri#tion of #olar bears. c. !he habitat of #olar bears Answer / 4 )A. Which of the following statements is NO$ $RUE about a #olar bear1 a. A #olar bear weigh ()A kilos d. A #olar bear goes into the sea when it is angry b. A #olar bear is three meters long e. A #olar bear can swim +0A km out into the water c. A #olar bear catches fish for food Answer / D

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