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NZQA registered unit standard

28023 version 1 Page 1 of 7


Demonstrate and apply knowledge of electro, proportional, and servo hydraulic components and systems 5 Credits 20



This unit standard has been developed for engineering maintenan e personnel responsible for the servi ing and maintenan e of h!drauli omponents and s!stems omponents" People redited #ith this unit standard$ are able to$ demonstrate and appl! %no#ledge of& h!drauli s!mbols$ devi es$ omponents$ ir uits and terminolog!' the prin iples and operation of ele tro h!drauli omponents and ir uitr!' the prin iples and operation of proportional h!drauli omponents and ir uitr!' and the prin iples and operation of servo h!drauli omponents and ir uitr!"


(e hani al )ngineering * (aintenan e and +iagnosti s in (e hani al )ngineering

vaila!le grade

A hieved

"ntry information #ecommended skills and knowledge ,nit 2727 Service hydraulic power system components under supervision$ and ,nit 2731 Service hydraulic power system components' or demonstrate e-uivalent %no#ledge and s%ills"

"$planatory notes 1 .eferen es /01 121231&2012$ Fluid power systems and components - Graphical symbols and circuit diagrams - Part 1: Graphical symbols for conventional use and dataprocessing applications" /01 121232&2012$ Fluid power systems and components - Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams - Part 2: Circuit diagrams " +efinitions ndustry practice 4 safe and sound pra ti es generall! a epted b! ompetent trade persons #ithin the h!drauli s industr!" !rainers 4 %its$ apparatus$ or devi es designed spe ifi all! to fa ilitate training" Assessment notes
Ne# Zealand Qualifi ations Authorit! 2019

5ompeten6 007 5ode 101871

NZQA registered unit standard

28023 version 1 Page 2 of 7

.elevant h!drauli ir uit diagrams should be used to e:plain the operation of h!drauli s!stems and omponents" +ifferent s enarios and e:amples #ill be presented b! assessors for assessment purposes" All relevant formulas #ill be provided for the assessment purposes" ,se of soft#are pa %ages for al ulation purposes is a eptable" Pra ti al e:er ises given should refle t the ompeten ! level re-uired of a s%illed maintenan e te hni ian;tradesmen" All al ulations and solutions to given pra ti al appli ations <). 1"8$ 2"3$ 3"12$ and 9"8= should be verified b! simulations on trainers or b! using appropriate soft#are pa %ages < omputer simulations="

%utcomes and evidence re&uirements

%utcome ' +emonstrate and appl! %no#ledge of h!drauli s!mbols$ devi es$ omponents$ ir uits and terminolog!" "vidence re&uirements 1"1 >!drauli dra#ing s!mbols$ devi es$ omponents$ and ir uits are identified from diagrams in a ordan e #ith /01 1212" .ange devi es and omponents in lude but are not limited to& h!drauli motors and pumps$ dire tional ontrol valves$ a tuating modes$ pressure valves$ flo# valves$ !linders$ energ! transfer and pressure medium$ measuring devi es$ ele trome hani al s#it h elements$ onta ts$ sensors$ solenoids$ rela! and onta tors$ solenoids$ plug onne tors"


5ontrol ir uit terminolog! is defined in a ordan e #ith industr! pra ti e" .ange in ludes but is not limited to 4 normall! open onta t$ normall! losed onta t$ hangeover onta t$ limit s#it hes$ pressure s#it hes$ pro:imit! sensors <indu tive$ apa itive$ opti al$ and through3beam= reed s#it hes$ rela!s$ onta tors$ solenoids <a $ d $ #et$ dr!=$ ar ing$ spar% suppression$ ontrollers$ amplifiers$ set point value ards" ordan e #ith industr! pra ti e"


5ontrol te hnolog! terminolog! is defined in a .ange

in ludes but is not limited to 4 signals 4 binar!$ analogue' valve a tuation 4 s#it hing valve$ d!nami valve' blo % diagram 4 input signal$ output signal$ step response$ transition fun tion' signal flo# diagram 4 series ir uit$ bran h$ ?un tion$ parallel ir uit' test signals 4 transition fun tion$ ramp fun tion' open loop and losed loop ontrol$ feedba %"

5ompeten6 007 5ode 101871

Ne# Zealand Qualifi ations Authorit! 2019

NZQA registered unit standard 1"9 1pen loop and losed loop ontrol ir uits are ompared" .ange 1"8

28023 version 1 Page 3 of 7

form of signal$ designation of signal flo#$ measurement of output signal$ feedba % of output signal"

@no#ledge of h!drauli omponents and ir uitr! is applied to develop h!drauli ir uits for given situations" .ange in ludes but is not limited to 4 dire t solenoid a tivation$ indire t solenoid a tivations$ h!drauli ontrol$ ele tri al ontrol$ servo ontrol"

%utcome 2 +emonstrate and appl! %no#ledge of the prin iples and operation of ele tro h!drauli omponents and ir uitr!" .ange relevant h!drauli ir uit diagram should aid the e:planation"

"vidence re&uirements 2"1 The operation of a h!drauli drive using an ele tri al ontrol s!stem and s#it hing valve is e:plained" .ange 2"2 pressure relief and flo# ontrol$ hange in flo# rate and flo# dire tion$ automation of pressure and flo# ontrol"

A series of e:periments is ondu ted to demonstrate the operation of a h!drauli drive using an ele tri al ontrol s!stem and s#it hing valve" .ange pressure relief and flo# ontrol$ hange in flo# rate and flo# dire tion$ automation of pressure and flo# ontrol"


The prin iples and operation of ele tro h!drauli omponents and ir uitr! is applied to provide solutions to pra ti al appli ations" .ange eviden e of solutions to a minimum of eight given pra ti al appli ations is re-uired"

%utcome ( +emonstrate and appl! %no#ledge of the prin iples and operation of proportional h!drauli omponents and ir uitr!" .ange relevant h!drauli ir uit diagram should aid the e:planation"

5ompeten6 007 5ode 101871

Ne# Zealand Qualifi ations Authorit! 2019

NZQA registered unit standard "vidence re&uirements 3"1

28023 version 1 Page 9 of 7

The operation of a h!drauli feed drive using an ele tri al ontrol s!stem and proportional valves is e:plained" .ange pressure relief and flo# ontrol$ hange in flo# rate and flo# dire tion$ automation of pressure and flo# ontrol$ dire tional ontrol"

3"2 3"3

The signal flo# in proportional ontrol h!drauli s is des ribed b! s%et hing a labelled blo % s hemati diagram sho#ing all omponents of a t!pi al s!stem" The advantages of proportional ontrol valves over s#it hing valves are e:plained" .ange ad?ustabilit! of valves$ effe t on drives$ effe t on energ! onsumption$ ir uit simplifi ation"

3"9 3"8 3"A 3"7 3"8 3"2

The design and operation of proportional solenoids are e:plained" The mode of operation of a proportional solenoid is des ribed b! s%et hing a t!pi al hara teristi urve" The operation of proportional pressure ontrol valves and its a tuation me hanism is e:plained" The operation of proportional dire tional ontrol valves together #ith its a tuation me hanism is e:plained" The advantages and disadvantages of pilot a tuated proportional valves over dire tl! a tuated proportional valves are des ribed" The orrelation bet#een the overlap of the ontrol signal edges and flo#;signal fun tion is des ribed b! s%et hing ontrol signal and the flo#;signal fun tions" .ange positive overlap$ 6ero overlap$ negative overlap"


The terms asso iated #ith and the fun tions of the s#it hing me hanisms;pro esses using proportional valves are e:plained" .ange speed ontrol& flo# hara teristi s of proportional restri tors and dire tional ontrol valve$ load3dependent speed ontrol #ith proportional dire tional ontrol valves$ load3independent speed ontrol #ith proportional dire tional ontrol valves and pressure balan e$ differential ir uits$ ounter pressure' lea%age prevention' positioning drives& rapid traverse; reep speed ir uit' energ! saving measures& fi:ed displa ement pump$ variable displa ement pump"

5ompeten6 007 5ode 101871

Ne# Zealand Qualifi ations Authorit! 2019

NZQA registered unit standard 3"11

28023 version 1 Page 8 of 7

The purpose and advantages of using different t!pes of ontrol edges is des ribed" .ange triangular$ re tangular"


The prin iples and operation of proportional h!drauli s omponents and ir uitr! is applied to provide solutions to pra ti al appli ations" .ange eviden e of solutions to a minimum of eight given pra ti al appli ations is re-uired"

%utcome ) +emonstrate and appl! %no#ledge of the prin iples and operation of servo h!drauli omponents and ir uitr!" .ange relevant h!drauli ir uit diagram should aid the e:planation"

"vidence re&uirements 9"1 9"2 9"3 9"9 The benefits of using servo valves are ompared to those of proportional valves" The variables in a h!drauli s!stem ontrolled b! means of servo valves are des ribed and the hara teristi urves are e:plained" The usefulness of appl!ing a positive overlap ontrol signal to proportional valves is e:plained" The purpose and advantages of using different t!pes;shapes of ontrol edges is des ribed" .ange 9"8 triangular$ re tangular"

5losed loop ontrol terminolog! and its fun tion are des ribed in a ordan e #ith industr! pra ti e" .ange ontrol variable$ referen e variable$ s!stem deviation$ orre ting variable$ final ontrol element$ ontrolled3s!stem omponent$ ontrolled s!stem$ interferen e variable$ measuring s!stem$ stabilit! and instabilit!$ stead!3state behaviour$ stead!3state s!stem deviation$ d!nami behaviour$ ontrol -ualit!$ response to set point hanges$ response to interferen e$ fi:ed3value ontrol s!stem$ follo#3up ontrol s!stem$ timing ontrol s!stem$ differentiation of a signal$ integration of a signal' blo % diagrams$ ir uits$ and input;output; ontrol; orre ting signal #aveforms ma! be used to support the e:planation"

5ompeten6 007 5ode 101871

Ne# Zealand Qualifi ations Authorit! 2019

NZQA registered unit standard 9"A

28023 version 1 Page A of 7

5losed loop ontrol terminolog! is des ribed and an e:planation given on ho# ontrol is a hieved in pra ti e using losed loop ontrol ir uits" .ange ontrol s!stems #ith ompensation 4 6ero order ontrolled s!stem$ first order ontrolled s!stem$ se ond order ontrolled$ ontrolled s!stem #ith dead time' ontrol s!stems #ithout ompensation 4 6ero order ontrolled s!stem$ first order ontrolled s!stem$ se ond order ontrolled$ third order ontrolled s!stem' operating point' ontrolled s!stem gain' ontrol fa tor' losed3loop gain' interferen e variable' blo % diagrams$ ir uits$ and input;output; ontrol; orre ting signal #aveforms ma! be used to support the e:planation"


5ontrollers and ontroller stru tures$ their operations$ and appli ations are des ribed" .ange d!nami ontrollers 4 P <proportional= ontroller' / <integral3a tion= ontroller$ + <derivative= ontroller' non3d!nami ontrollers 4 three3step a tion$ ontroller$ t#o3step ontroller$ multi3step ontroller' P/$ P+$ and P/+ ontrollers' blo % diagrams$ ir uits$ and #aveforms ma! be used to support the e:planation"


The prin iples and operation of servo h!drauli s omponents and ir uitr! is applied to provide solutions to pra ti al appli ations" .ange eviden e of solutions to a minimum of eight given pra ti al appli ations is re-uired"

Planned review date

31 +e ember 2018

*tatus information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process +ersion Date Last Date for ssessment .egistration 1 18 Bul! 2013 N;A

Consent and ,oderation #e&uirements -C,#. reference 0013 This 5(. an be a essed at http&;;###"n6-a"govt"n6;frame#or%;sear h;inde:"do" Please note Providers must be granted onsent to assess against standards <a redited= b! NZQA$ before the! an report redits from assessment against unit standards or deliver ourses of stud! leading to that assessment" /ndustr! Training 1rganisations must be granted onsent to assess against standards b! NZQA before the! an register redits from assessment against unit standards"

5ompeten6 007 5ode 101871

Ne# Zealand Qualifi ations Authorit! 2019

NZQA registered unit standard

28023 version 1 Page 7 of 7

Providers and /ndustr! Training 1rganisations$ #hi h have been granted onsent and #hi h are assessing against unit standards must engage #ith the moderation s!stem that applies to those standards" .e-uirements for onsent to assess and an outline of the moderation s!stem that applies to this standard are outlined in the 5onsent and (oderation .e-uirements <5(.s=" The 5(. also in ludes useful information about spe ial re-uirements for organisations #ishing to develop edu ation and training programmes$ su h as minimum -ualifi ations for tutors and assessors$ and spe ial resour e re-uirements" Comments on this unit standard Please onta t 5ompeten6 -ualifi ationsC ompeten6"org"n6 if !ou #ish to suggest hanges to the ontent of this unit standard"

5ompeten6 007 5ode 101871

Ne# Zealand Qualifi ations Authorit! 2019

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