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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004


Bernhard Westfechtel
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Goals of this chapter

‰ Introduce different kinds of expressions

» Types of operands and operators
Ö Arithmetic expressions
Ö Relational expressions
Ö Logical expressions
» Notations
Ö Prefix notation
Ö Infix notation
Ö Postfix notation

‰ Describe the evaluation of expressions

‰ Sketch the translation of expressions into machine code

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Historical remark

‰ FORTRAN was one of the first high-level programming languages

» Developed at the end of the 50´s
» Evolved through multiple versions
» Still in wide-spread use today (in scientific applications)
‰ FORTRAN stands for FORmula TRANslater
» One of its most important contributions is that the programmer may write
formulas (expressions) close to the way it is done in mathematics
» The programmer need not program formulas in terms of instructions
written in an assembly language (LOAD, STORE, ADD, etc.)
» The compiler performs this translation

Formula Compiler Assembly code

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Focus of Levels of abstraction

this course
Language which abstracts from
the capabilities of the hardware
Problem-oriented language and introduces abstractions
matching the respective problem
domain (e.g., arithmetic expressions)
Translated by a
Language which makes
machine programming easier
Machine-oriented language (e.g., by using symbolic names),
but which is mapped more or less
1:1 to machine code
Translated by an
assembler “Bear” language executed
by the hardware:
-Program = sequence of
Machine language instructions
-Instruction = bit pattern
interpreted by the hardware

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Hardware architecture



(ADD, MULT ,etc.)


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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Assembly program for an arithmetic expression

# Calculate (A+B)2 = A2 + 2AB + B2

STORE H1 # H1 contains A2
MULT 2 # Multiply with constant 2
STORE H2 # H2 contains 2AB
MULT B # Accumulator contains B2
ADD H2 # Accumulator contains result

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

What is an expression?

‰ Expression
» A formula which is composed of operators and operands (and other
parts, e.g., parentheses) and whose evaluation yields a value from a
certain domain (e.g., an integer value, a real value, etc.)
‰ Examples
» 17 + 4
» a + b*2
» 14 – (5 – c)
» a+b=c–d
» 56 < 11
» (a or b) and d

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Parts of expressions

Lexical element Function Examples

Identifier Name of variable or function

Constant value from a
Literal certain domain (e.g., integer 0.7
or real)

Marks the beginning or end (

of a subexpression )

Operation which is applied +, -, *, /

to one or more operands =, <, >, <=, >=

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Types of expressions

Type of expression Explanation Example

Expression whose
Arithmetic expression (a + b) * (c + 87)
evaluation yields a number

Expression which compares

Relational expression numbers and yields a a<b
boolean value (true or false)

Expression which operates

Logical expression on boolean arguments and a and (b or c)
yields a boolean value

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Operations, operators, and functions

‰ An operation takes a sequence of arguments and returns a value

‰ The arity of an operation is the number of its arguments
» Unary operations: one argument
Ö Examples: fac, sin, cos
» Binary operations: two arguments
Ö Examples: +, *
» ....
‰ An operator is an operation which is denoted by one or more special
» Examples: +, *, <, <=
‰ A function is an operation which is denoted by an identifier
» Examples: fac, max

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Application of functions

Notation Comment Example

Comma-separated list of
Most wide-spread notation
arguments, enclosed in max(x, y)
for function applications

List of function name and

Rarely used in programming
arguments, enclosed in (max x y)

Rarely used in programming

List of function name and sin x
languages (but used in
arguments without
mathematics for unary max x y

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Application of operators

Notation Explanation Examples

Operator is placed between

its arguments (most wide-
Infix notation x+y
spread notation for binary

Operator is placed after its

arguments (rarely used in
Postfix notation programming languages, xy+
but used by some desk

Operator is placed before its + x y

Prefix notation arguments (primarily used
for unary operators) -x

Bernhard Westfechtel 12
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Composition and evaluation of expressions

‰ An expression may be
» An identifier
» A literal
» A function applied to its arguments
» An operator applied to its arguments
‰ An argument is a subexpression which is
» Smaller than its enclosing expression, but
» Obeys the same rules as its enclosing expression
Î Expressions are composed recursively
‰ An expression is evaluated as follows:
» For an identifier denoting a variable: take the value of that variable
» For a literal: take the value denoted by that literal
» For a function applied to its arguments:
Ö Evaluate the arguments
Ö Apply the function to its arguments
» Likewise for an operator applied to its arguments

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Controlling the evaluation of expressions

‰ Priorities
» Operators of higher priority are applied before operators of lower priority
» Examples:
Ö Multiplication has a higher priority than addition
Ö Logical and has a higher priority than logical or

‰ Left-to-right evaluation
» Operators of the same priority are evaluated from left to right
» Example:
Ö 18 – 7 – 5 = (18 – 7) – 5 = 11 – 5 = 6 ≠
18 – (7 – 5) = 18 – 2 = 16
‰ Parentheses
» An expression enclosed in parentheses is evaluated before being
applied as an argument
» In combination with priorities and left-to-right-evaluation, parentheses are
only needed where the standard evaluation order is not desired
» Example:
Ö 18 – (7 – 5) = 18 – 2 = 16

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Adding parentheses to expressions

‰ We may add parentheses to expressions to make the evaluation order

‰ The meaning (semantics) of expressions is not changed by this
transformation if it conforms with priorities and left-to-right-evaluation
‰ Example:
» 17 – 4 – 5 * 9 + 32 * 3 =
17 – 4 – (5 * 9) + (32 * 3) =
((17 – 4) – (5 * 9)) + (32 * 3)

13 45 96



Bernhard Westfechtel 15
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Priorities of operators (highest priority first)

Operator class Operators

*, /
Arithmetic operators
+, –

<, <=, >, >=

Relational operators
=, #


Logical operators and


Bernhard Westfechtel 16
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004


17 + 4 * 3 < 18 * 5 and 17 + 4 = 18 + 3 =
((17 + (4 * 3)) < (18 * 5)) and ((17 + 4) = (18 + 3)) =
((17 + 12) < 90) and (21 = 21) =
(29 < 90) and (21 = 21) =
true and true =

Bernhard Westfechtel 17
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Expression trees

‰ The structure of an expression may be represented by an expression tree

‰ An expression tree is a recursive data structure which is defined as follows
» An elementary tree consists of a single node for an elementary operand
» A composite tree is structured as follows:
Ö The root node (top of the tree) represents an operator
Ö Each operand is represented by a subtree
Ö Directed edges connect the root node of the tree to the root nodes
of all subtrees
‰ Evaluation proceeds recursively as follows:
» For an elementary tree, the value is defined as follows:
Ö Literal: corresponding constant value
Ö Identifier: current value of the respective variable
» For a composite tree:
Ö Evaluate each subtree
Ö Apply the operator of the root node to the values of these subtrees

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004


Expanded expression (fully parenthesized)

((17 + (4 * 3)) < (18 * 5)) and ((17 + 4) = (18 + 3))

Root Inner
Expression tree and node node

< Left Right =

operand operand

+ * + +

17 * 18 5 17 4 18 3

4 3 node
Bernhard Westfechtel 19
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Algorithm for the creation of an expression tree

input: a fully parenthesized expression in infix notation

output: an expression tree representing this expression
if expression is elementary then
create leaf node for identifier or literal
decompose expression into operator and operands;
create root node for top-level operator;
for each operand do
create subtree for this operand;
connect root to subtree

Bernhard Westfechtel 20
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Algorithm for the evaluation of an expression tree

input: an expression tree

output: the value of the corresponding expression
if expression is elementary then
if expression is an identifier
then return current value of variable
else return constant value of literal
for each operand do
evaluate subtree
apply operator to values;
return result of application

Bernhard Westfechtel 21
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Evaluation of an expression tree by step-wise reduction

input: an expression tree

output: the value of the corresponding expression
while expression tree is not elementary do
select an innermost operator; /* all operands are leaf nodes */
apply operator to elementary operands;
reduce operator subtree to elementary tree
return value of root node

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Example (1)


< =

+ * + +

17 * 18 5 17 4 18 3

4 3

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Example (2)


< =

+ * + +

17 12 18 5 17 4 18 3

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Example (3)


< =

29 * + +

18 5 17 4 18 3

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Example (4)


< =

29 90 + +

17 4 18 3

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Example (5)


true =

+ +

17 4 18 3

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Example (6)


true =

21 +

18 3

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Example (7)

true =

21 21


true true


Bernhard Westfechtel 29
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Recursive algorithm for the factorial

input: a natural number n

output: n! ‰ Execution of the algorithm is
computation: divided into two phases
if n = 0 then 1. Expand the expression by
return 1 recursive calls
else 2. Reduce the expression by
return n * fac(n-1) performing multiplications

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Example (1)
fac 6 fac
6 fac
6 -
6 1

* 6 *
6 *
6 * 5 *
5 fac
5 fac 4 fac
4 -
5 1
4 1

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Example (2)

* 6 *

6 * 5 *

5 * 4 *

4 fac 3 fac

3 -

3 1

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Example (3)

* 6 *

6 * 5 *

5 * 4 *

4 * 3 *

3 fac 2 fac

2 -

2 1

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Example (4)

6 *

5 *

6 *

4 *

5 *

3 *

4 *

2 *

3 *

1 fac

2 fac

1 1

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Example (5)

6 *

6 *

5 *

5 *

4 *

4 *

3 *

3 *

2 *

2 *

1 fac

1 1

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Example (6)

6 *

6 *

5 *

5 *

4 *

4 *

3 *

3 2

2 1

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Example (7)

6 *

6 *

5 *

5 24

4 6


6 120

Bernhard Westfechtel 37
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Converting infix into postfix notation

17 + 4 * 3 < 18 * 5 and 17 + 4 = 18 + 3 expression
Add parentheses
((17 + (4 * 3)) < (18 * 5)) and ((17 + 4) = (18 + 3)) infix
Create expression tree

< =
+ * + +
17 * 18 5 17 4 18 3
4 3

Post-order linearization
17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and
Bernhard Westfechtel 38
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Post-order linearization

function: linearize expression

input: an expression tree
output: expression in postfix notation
variables: output (a sequence for the postfix expression)
output := empty; /* Start with an empty string. */
if expression is elementary then
append identifier or literal to output
for each operand do
/* Note: operands are processed from left to right */
linearize expression(operand);
append linearization to output
return output

Bernhard Westfechtel 39
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Evaluation of postfix expressions

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and

12 90 21 21


true true

‰ No priorities required
‰ No parentheses required
‰ Since the operands are placed before the operator, all operators may be
applied immediately

Bernhard Westfechtel 40
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Algorithm for evaluating a postfix expression

function: evaluate postfix expression
input: a postfix expression, given as a sequence
of operators and operands
output: value of the postfix expression
variables: evaluation stack (of values)
create empty evaluation stack;
for each element of the postfix expression do
/* Elements are processed from left to right. */
if element is an operand then
push operand onto the evaluation stack
/* Element is an operator */
pop operands from the evaluation stack;
apply operator to operands;
push result onto the evaluation stack
return value of top element of evaluation stack

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Some general notes on stacks

‰ Stack: data structure with the following properties and operations

» Contains a sequence of elements e1...en (n ≥ 0)
» Operations
Ö empty Creates an empty stack
Ö isempty Tests if stack is empty
Ö push(e) Pushes e onto the top of the stack
Ö top Returns the top of the stack
Ö pop Removes top element (if stack not empty)
» Last in – first out property
Ö Last element pushed is the first to be popped

‰ Example: stack of plates

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Using the evaluation stack (1)

Postfix expression Evaluation stack

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and empty


17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and 17


17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and 17


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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Using the evaluation stack (2)

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and 17

second := top; pop;

first := top; pop;
push (first * second)

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and 17

second := top; pop;

first := top; pop;
push (first + second)

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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Using the evaluation stack (3)

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and 29


17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and 29

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and 29
second := top; pop;
first := top; pop;
push (first * second)

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Using the evaluation stack (4)

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and 29
second := top; pop;
first := top; pop;
push (first < second)

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and true


17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and true


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Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 2 Summer 2004

Using the evaluation stack (5)

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and true
second := top; pop;
first := top; pop;
push (first + second)
17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and true


17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and true


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Using the evaluation stack (6)

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and true
second := top; pop;
first := top; pop;
push (first + second)

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and true

second := top; pop;

first := top; pop;
push (first = second)

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Using the evaluation stack (7)

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and true

second := top; pop;

first := top; pop;
push (first and second)

17 4 3 * + 18 5 * < 17 4 + 18 3 + = and true

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‰ A.V. Aho, R. Sethi, J.D. Ullman: Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and

Tools, Chapter 2, Addison-Wesley, 1986
(Standard text book on compilers)

Bernhard Westfechtel 50

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