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REAL NAME: Experimental Subject XCV-112890 OCCUPATION: Professional thief and gangleader BASE: Emerald City (under it, actually) Morgenstern Labs was one of the many corporate fronts used by the Labyrinth to hide its myriad interests in the world of scientific research, legal and otherwise. One of its special areas of experimentation was adapting DNAscendant technology and processes to use on animal subjects, experimenting not only with bootstrapping specimens to higher levels of sapience, but also chimerization the adaptation of species-specific traits from species to another. The research saw great success, producing a number of animal hybrids with human-level intelligence, as well as numerous impressive chimeras that displayed cross-sections of melded animal, reptilian, and even insectoid biologies. One problem with being a front for powerful criminal organization is that by hiding the association, you lose much of the intimidation factor. The animal rights group that heard rumors of illicit testing in Morgenstern Labs thought they were merely vandalizing another in a string of pharmaceutical concerns guilty of torturing (testing on) animals, learning painfullyand fatally in a couple of instancesof their error when they accidentally released the specimens from their cages. The specimen that would become PackRat never looked back, heading right through the waste cycling systems, into the sewers, and out to freedom. Hesitant, fearful exploration revealed a fascinating world to him, and he rapidly educated himself through the benefit of poorly-locked libraries and downscale bookstores. When he helped a group of vagabonds being beaten by a rowdy street gang, he gained valuable allies willing to overlook his appearance in a world of demonic invasions and alien powerhouses. They named him Pack-Rat and beginning with those first few members, he gradually built a pack that he has taught to survive by capitalizing on societys natural inclination to ignore them. of petty thieves that he uses as surrogates for the packmates ripped away from him by his transformation. As a rat uplifted to human-level sapience, he has difficulty grasping the intricacies and motives of many human behaviors and morality systems, like this arcane concept called property.


As a humanoid rat, Pack-Rat has claws and vicious teeth with which he can defend himself, and when he drops to all fours he can move with impressive speed. He also has a highly developed sense of smell and taste. Even in comparison to human intellects, Pack-Rat is brilliant, with a savant-like grasp of bizarre and exotic technologies. He is never without a few utilitarian devices almost absentmindedly kludged together from scraps of materialshis tech may look odd, being comprised of junk and various odds and ends, but that doesnt make it any less effective.

Mutation into a humanoid form has turned instinctive acquisitiveness into avarice and pathological envy. Pack-Rat is a driven collector of discarded things, whether it be raggedy clothing and old transistor radios or street people. He exhibits many symptoms of what in humans would be called autistic behavior, none of which get in the way of efficiently running a guild


Claws and Sharp Teethies, Oh Yes Indeedies: Strength-based Damage 1, Precise 2 points Everybody wants to be a Rat: Extra Limbs 1 (Tail), Features 2 (Insulating Fur, Iron Stomach), Immunity 1 (Disease), Movement 1 (Surefooted), Senses 2 (Acute Olfactory, Tracking Olfactory) 8 points Four on the Floor: Speed 3 (16 mph) 3 points Ramshackle Arsenal: 23-point Array, Removable (-5 points) EM Vari-blaster: Ranged Damage 8, Accurate 4, Indirect 2, Variable Descriptor (EM Spectrum effects like lasers and electricity) 23 points Phase Field Generator: Deflect 9 1 point Gravitic Hand: Move Object 8, Accurate 3, Precise 1 point








40 points of various tools, weapons, gear, and makeshift headquarters and the like, allocated as the GM sees fit.

Size: Large Toughness: 1; Features*: Communications, Computer, Concealed, Defense Systems, Grounds (connected tunnels), Laboratory, Living Space, Security System, Workshop 15 points
*All of these features are noticeably cobbled together from various junk and repurposed items, obviously makeshift but still as effective as PackRats other tech.

INITIATIVE +12 Claws and Teeth +12 Vari-blaster +13 Close, Damage 2 Ranged, Damage 8

Acrobatics 6 (+10), Athletics 9 (+10), Close Combat: Claws 8 (+12), Deception 6 (+7), Expertise: Undercity of Emerald City 8 (+14), Insight 3 (+6), Investigation 8 (+14), Perception 8 (+11), Sleight of Hand 8 (+13), Stealth 9 (+13), Technology 15 (+21)

DODGE PARRY WILL 13 11 11 FORTITUDE TOUGHNESS *Without Defensive Roll 8 8/4*

Animal Empathy, Benefit 2 (leader of The Rats in the Wall*), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 4, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 8, Evasion, Grabbing Finesse, Improved Initiative 2, Improvised Tools, Instant Up, Inventor, Seize Initiative, Skill Mastery (Technology), Well-informed
*Use the Criminal, Gang Leader, Street Informant, and Thug supporting cast archetypes from the Heros Handbook for these people, with numbers totaling 50-60 throughout the entire city.


His most obvious allies are The Rats in the Wall, a loosely organized but highly effective ring of petty thieves with a reputation for unmatched knowledge of the undercity and hidden corners of the urban landscape. Hes also on good terms with the Menagerie, the animal rights terrorist group formed from the other escapees that broke out of Morgenstern Labs with him.

Motivation Greed: Pack-Rat has the rats natural avarice grown proportional with his size change. Prejudice Strange Appearance: Hes a 4 foot tall talking humanoid rat that refers to himself in the third person and uses odd sing-song phrasing and erratic syntax. Hes rather distinctive and tends to provoke a negative response from people. Quirk Didnt Grow Up Around Here: Pack-Rat has limited ability to process modern cultural norms and behaviors beyond a purely intellectual basis. Hes a mutated rat, not a human with odd features. Quirk Psychological Problems: Obsessive-compulsive collector of odds and ends always looking for the new shiny and a hardcoded survival instinct bordering on cowardice which informs his constant behavior (such as avoiding open spaces if at all possible).

Aside from the authorities and various hero-types that all take exception to his choice in profession, Pack-Rat is also aware that he is hunted by agents of the corporation behind Morgenstern Labs, though he has yet to figure out the existence of the Labyrinth itself.

Pack-Rat, who defends his friend and his lair. Things may get even more interesting if Pack-Rat finds information in the wallet that exposes the heros secret identity! Pulling back the curtain: After exhaustive research into his clandestine pursuers, Pack-Rat finally manages to work out the existence of a terrifyingly large enemy the Labyrinth. He decides the best survival tactic is to expose the organization to the authorities and all those pesky costumed heroes. Wide scale collateral damage ensues.

Hey! Thats my wallet!: While in their civilian identities, one of the player characters is robbed by one of Pack-Rats gang. Pursuing the thief takes the hero into the underworld of Emerald City and into conflict with a protective



Mutants & Masterminds Threat Report #1: Pack-Rat Writing: Aaron Sullivan Design, Editing, and Development: Jon Leitheusser Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Interior Art: MK Ultra Studios Publisher: Chris Pramas Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, Jeff Tidball Mutants & Masterminds Threat Report #1: Pack-Rat is 2011 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Mutants & Masterminds, Super-powered by
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