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Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

1 Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

1 Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept 1 1 Objectives.....................................................................................................3 2 Executive Su !r"......................................................................................# 3 Introduction...................................................................................................$ 4 %he technolo&" behind the MSC Server S"ste .........................................' # (ene)it o) the Solution................................................................................14 $ *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s, -!lue .roposition.............................................24 / Conclusions................................................................................................2# 0 1loss!r"......................................................................................................2$

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

odule6 the student should be !ble to7

4)ter co pletin& this

Outline the structure o) the 31 Rel.4 networ+ 3ist the bene)its o) the MSS concept 3ist two t"pes o) MSS i ple ent!tion Expl!in the evolution p!th )ro Rele!se '' networ+ tow!rds 4ll8I. networ+s

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

Executive Summar

%he obile business environ ent is )und! ent!ll" ch!n&in&. *on8re!l8ti e d!t! tr!))ic is &rowin& while revenues per voice inute h!ve st!&n!ted. %he industr" de !nds ore e))icient business !nd uch ore cost8e))ective networ+s. %he *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s 9*S*: MSC Server S"ste is ! hi&hl" cost8e))ective core networ+ solution th!t h!s ver" low cost8o)8ownership to help oper!tors eet their de !nds. %he *S* MSC Server S"ste uses circuit core networ+ !rchitecture6 independent o) the tr!ns ission b!c+bone6 !s speci)ied in the 31.. Rele!se 4 speci)ic!tions. It is ! !jor develop ent in the i ple ent!tion o) the core networ+ )or voice !nd SMS services. 4s well !s tod!",s %;M !nd 4%M b!c+bone solutions6 it supports I. )or both tr!))ic !nd si&n!llin&. %his !+es it ide!l )or inte&r!tin& voice services in &rowin& I. b!sed ulti8service networ+s. %he *S* MSC Server S"ste sep!r!tes c!ll control !nd si&n!llin& !nd the !ctu!l tr!))ic into distinct networ+ ele ents7 the MSC Server !nd the Multi edi! 1!tew!". %his split !rchitecture en!bles th!t site costs c!n be ini i<ed bec!use o) the hi&her c!p!cit"=)ootprint o) the *S* MSC Server S"ste 6 which is up to three ti es better th!n tr!dition!l MSC S"ste s. %he hi&h c!p!cit" o) the ele ents !lso e!ns th!t )ewer sites !re needed6 reducin& networ+ !inten!nce !nd up&r!des wor+lo!ds. %he si pli)ied l!"out o) the circuit core networ+ eli in!tes the need )or tr!nsit MSCs in MSC Server -oI. networ+s. %he 31.. Rele!se 4 !rchitecture !llows opti u networ+ exp!nsions > c!ll control !nd tr!))ic c!p!cit" c!n be exp!nded sep!r!tel". *S* MSC Server supports both 1SM=E;1E !nd ?C;M4 r!dio networ+s. Core networ+ c!p!cit" c!n be d"n! ic!ll" sh!red between these two r!dio !ccess networ+s6 &ivin& best use o) the circuit core invest ent !s subscribers i&r!te to ?C;M4. %he *S* MSC Server S"ste supports !ll the si&n!llin& inter)!ces o) existin& networ+s6 !llowin& s!)e inte&r!tion with both sin&le !nd ulti8vendor networ+s. 3oo+in& )urther !he!d6 the !dvent o) 31.. Rele!se $6 / or 0 will st!nd!rdi<e I. ulti edi! voice c!lls.

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Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept


%he obile industr" is )!cin& new ch!llen&es in tod!",s turbulent business environ ent. *etwor+s !re &rowin&6 but the revenue per inute o) obile phone c!ll is decre!sin&. I ple ent!tion o) E;1E !nd ?C;M4 networ+s de !nds !n econo ic!l b!l!ncin& !ct )ro industr" pl!"ers. In this ch!llen&in& environ ent6 oper!tors need the best solution to the )ollowin& @uestions7

Aow c!n I !xi ise voice revenueB Aow c!n I protect existin& networ+B Aow c!n I deplo" ?C;M4 while incre!sin& pro)it!bilit" in 1SMB
%o solve these ch!llen&es6 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s introduces the MSC Server solution6 ! co on circuit switched core )or 1SM=E;1E !nd ?C;M4. %he MSC Server S"ste is circuit core networ+ !rchitecture6 independent o) tr!ns ission b!c+bone !nd speci)ied in the 31 .!rtnership .ro&r! ,s Rele!se 4 speci)ic!tions 931.. Rel.4:. It sep!r!tes c!ll control !nd si&n!llin& 9control pl!ne: !nd tr!))ic 9user pl!ne: into sep!r!te networ+ ele ents7 MSC Server 9MSS: !nd Multi edi! 1!tew!" 9M1?:. %his division en!bles ! tot!ll" new st"le o) structure )or the core networ+. C!ll control c!n be centr!li<ed into ver" l!r&e center !nd the !ctu!l voice tr!))ic )low c!n be opti i<ed b" loc!tin& the M1?s close to tr!))ic hot spots !nd the interconnection points closer to other networ+s. 31.. Rel4 speci)ic!tions o))er the )irst re!l possibilit" to i ple ent -oice over I. 9-oI.: in the obile environ ent in ! st!nd!rdi<ed w!". %his !llows oper!tors to !chieve the bene)its o) -oI. s!)el" without the li it!tions o) propriet!r" solutions. It !lso ensures ! s!)e interwor+in& o) the obile -oI. core networ+ with the existin& networ+ in)r!structure. %he I. b!sed b!c+bone !rchitecture brin&s the oper!tion!l )lexibilit" !nd cost s!vin&s o) -oI. to obile networ+s. %he *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server S"ste provides ! st!te o) the !rt s"ste co pli!nt with 31.. Rel4 st!nd!rds6 b!sed on )ield proven *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s ;C222 !nd I.42022 technolo&ies.

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Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

MSC Server System Interfaces

C4.6 I*4.6 M4. M4. I* A3R M4. M4.8; ASS

Cx %C 1SM (SC A 9(SS4.: Nc 9SI.8I6 (ICC CS26 ISD.: Mj, M 9SI.:

A, Ater, AoIP9(SS4.: MSS Mc 9A.240: I.=4%M=%;M (!c+bone

MSS Mc, Mn 9A.240:


Iu-CS 9R4*4.:


.S%*=IS;* -oI.=IMS=SI. M1?




Ei&. 1 MSC Server S"ste Inter)!ces


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Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept


5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

"he technolo# behind the MSC Server S stem

%he 31.. Rel.4 co pli!nt MSC Server S"ste consists o) MSC servers 9MSS: !nd Multi edi! 1!tew!"s 9M1?:. %he MSC Server is responsible )or c!ll control !nd si&n!llin&6 while the M1? t!+es c!re o) switchin& !nd c!rries the !ctu!l tr!))ic. In the *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s i ple ent!tion6 the MSC Server h!s si il!r c!ll control !nd si&n!llin& )unctions !s the MSC !llowin& !n existin& *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSCi to be up&r!ded to !n MSC Server. In order to )ull" s!)e&u!rd the existin& MSC invest ent6 the ele ent c!n oper!te !s both ! MSC !nd ! MSC Server si ult!neousl". %wo t"pes o) MSS7

St!nd 4lone MSS Inte&r!ted MSS

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

$%o $y&es of MSC Server

Inte rate' MSS Stan'-a(one MSS

Mc 9A.240: 46 4ter6 4oI. *b Iu8CS 1SM (SC %C 4

MSS Mc 9A.240: *b



M1? ?C;M4 Iu8CS R*C




Ei&. 2 %wo t"pes o) MSC Server


5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept


Sa%e Interwor&in# with Existin# networ&

%he MSC Server S"ste supports !ll existin& inter)!ces with le&!c" networ+ ele ents. Eor ex! ple6 Intelli&ent *etwor+s 9with I*4. or C4.: !nd 1SM=.S%* 9with ISD.: networ+s c!n be connected to MSC Server S"ste in ! si il!r w!" to their connections with MSC s"ste s. 4lso6 inter)!ces with 1SM (SS 94 inter)!ce: !nd ?C;M4 R4* 9Iu8CS inter)!ce: networ+s !re identic!l with tod!",s )ield proven inter)!ces !nd protocols6 ensurin& th!t MSC Server S"ste is co p!tible with tod!",s networ+s6 includin& those with ele ents )ro sever!l vendors. %he si il!rit" between the current MSC S"ste !nd the MSC Server S"ste is illustr!ted in Ei&ure 3. -oice M!il S"ste s 9-MS: !nd Short Mess!&e Service Centers 9SMSC: connect to the MSC Server S"ste with the s! e inter)!ces !s currentl" used. In the c!se o) the inte&r!ted MSC Server6 the connection c!n re !in in the MSC Server without ch!n&es. Eor ! new st!nd!lone MSC Server6 the -MS !nd SMSC c!n be connected vi! the M1? with ISD.. I) the SMSC supports Si&tr!n6 ! direct connection )ro the MSC Server b" Si&tr!n is !lso possible. Ei&ure 4 illustr!tes the options )or connectin& !n SMSC.

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s


Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

Inter%or*+n %+t, -.+st+n


I* 9I*4.=C4.: A3R 9M4.: .S%* 9ISD.: R4* 9R4*4.: (SS 9(SS4.: .S%* 9ISD.: I* 9I*4.=C4.: A3R 9M4.:

SI/$1AN2 3424"
.S%* 9ISD.: R4* 9R4*4.: (SS 9(SS4.: .S%* 9ISD.:



Ei&. 3 Interwor+in& with Existin& *etwor+

A SMSC connect+on to a MSC Server can use t,e same +nterfaces an' &rotoco(s as SMSC connect+on to a tra'+t+ona( MSC

Ei&. 4 4 SMSC connection to ! MSC Server c!n use the s! e inter)!ces !nd protocols !s SMSC connection to ! tr!dition!l MSC


5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept


'ew Inter%aces and (rotocols

31.. Rel.4 technic!l speci)ic!tions de)ine the )unction!l entities !nd the inter)!ces needed to support the obile service. %he !in new inter)!ces !re the )ollowin&7

Mc inter)!ce 9MSC Server > M1?: *c inter)!ce 9MSC Server > MSC Server: *b inter)!ce 9M1? > M1?:
%he !in protocols introduced b" 31.. Rel.4 !re A.240=Me&!co6 Si&tr!n !nd (e!rer Independent C!ll Control 9(ICC:. 3424"2Me aco is ! control protocol th!t is used b" the MSC server to control the M1? over the Mc inter)!ce. S+ tran is used to tr!nsport C/ si&n!llin& over the I. networ+. Si&tr!n is !lso used between the M1? !nd MSC Server to tr!nsport .S%* !nd 1SM = DM%S R!dio *etwor+ si&n!llin& to the MSC Server over the Mc inter)!ce. %hus M1? !cts !s !n inte&r!ted Si&n!llin& 1!tew!". In the CS do !in6 Si&tr!n c!n !lso be used between the MSC Server !nd A3R !nd I*=SC.. 5ICC is used )or c!ll control between two MSC servers in the *c inter)!ce6 !llowin& ! b!c+bone independent Control .l!ne !nd Dser .l!ne. %he *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server supports Sess+on In+t+at+on Protoco( 6SIP76 connectin& the MSS to *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s I. Multi edi! Core ele ents.

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s


Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

*ene%it o% the Solution


5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

In this ch!n&in& industr" it is critic!l to ensure service continuit"6 exploit opportunities !nd e ph!si<e the i port!nce o) reducin& oper!tion!l costs in s!)e&u!rdin& the )in!l pro)it !r&in. 31.. Rele!se 4 !rchitecture6 i ple ented with the co pli!nt *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server S"ste 6 provides +e" bene)its th!t incre!se revenue !s well !s decre!se costs to help the oper!tor eet these ch!llen&es.


+ewer Sites

Sep!r!tion o) user pl!ne !nd control pl!ne !s shown in )i&ure # en!bles the respective ele ents to be loc!ted independentl" o) e!ch other. %his e!ns th!t MSC Servers c!n be concentr!ted on ! )ew sites !t the ost convenient loc!tion6 reducin& the nu ber o) sites needed. 4ccess costs c!n be +ept low b" loc!l switchin& in distributed M1?s which c!n be loc!ted in existin& (SC !nd=or R*C sites. %hus the tot!l nu ber o) sites c!n be Ei&ure $. ini i<ed. Site cost s!vin&s !re illustr!ted in

%he c!p!cit" per )ootprint r!tios o) *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSS 9(AC4=)ootprint: !nd M1? 9Erl!n&=)ootprint: !re si&ni)ic!ntl" i proved co p!red to ! t"pic!l MSC. %hus MSC Server S"ste opti i<es the nu ber o) sites !nd the tot!l )loor sp!ce re@uire ent.

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s


Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

Se&arat+on of P(anes

MSC Server System MSC

%r!dition!l Mobile Switch
Control G Si&n!llin& Speech G ;!t!

MSC Server Medi! 1!tew!"

Control & Si&n!llin& Speech G ;!t!

;e)ined b" 31.. 9Rele!se 4:

Ei&. # Sep!r!tion o) pl!nes


5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

S+te Cost 1e'uct+on

Onl" Si&n!llin& between MSS !nd M1?

MSC Server S+ na((+n 8N9:;;

4 9I.=%;M: Iu CS 94%M=I.:

*u berGloc!tion o) MSS site is independent o) tr!))ic *u ber o) site c!n be reduded. M1? seldo re@uire ! site visit. M1? ele ents c!n be loc!ted to existin&

Medi! 1!tew!"

*b 9I.=4%M=%;M: .S%* 9%;M:

(SC=R*C sites *o dedic!ted site re@uried MSS=M1? !re co p!ct in si<e Eootprint 1=3 o) t"pic!l MSC )ootprint )loor sp!ce cost ini i<e

Soc Cl!ssi)ic!tion level 1 5 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Ei&. $ Site cost reduction

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s


Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept


"ransmission Savin#

%he MSC Server S"ste s!ves tr!ns ission costs b" loc!l switchin& when the c!ll is !n!&ed b" ! sin&le6 loc!l M1?. Incre!sin& the c!p!cit" o) the c!ll control ele ent le!ds to incre!sin& dist!nces between c!ll control !nd tr!))ic hot spots. ?ith MSC s"ste s6 this !" le!d to expensive inter8cit" tr!ns ission connections6 even )or loc!l obile8to8 obile or obile8to8.S%* c!lls6 due to the )!ct th!t in MSC s"ste s !ll tr!))ic is tr!nsported to the MSC to be switched. ?ith MSC Server S"ste s6 the distributed M1?s c!n do loc!l switchin&6 re ovin& the need to c!rr" loc!l tr!))ic over lon& dist!nces. %his is illustr!ted in Ei&ure /. %he *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server S"ste !lso s!ves tr!ns ission b!ndwidth c!p!cit". %r!ns ission in tr!dition!l s"ste s is b!sed on dedic!ted $4+bit=s connections6 where!s the MSC Server S"ste c!n !+e use o) ! p!c+et b!sed tr!ns ission networ+. %r!nscoder Eree Oper!tion 9%rEO: !nd %!nde Eree Oper!tion 9%EO: with *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s speci)ic enh!nce ents reduce the tr!ns ission b!ndwidth re@uire ent to less th!n 22 Hbit=s per tr!))ic direction. %his b!c+bone c!p!cit" c!n be sh!red b!sed on tr!))ic needs.


5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

Se&arat+on of ca(( contro( an' s%+tc,+n enab(es ,+ , ca&ac+ty contro( e(ements an' (oca(+<e' s%+tc,+n 4 $,+s e(+m+nates (on transm+ss+on (e s +n (oca( ca((s4

MSC Ai&h MSC c!p!cit" incre!ses !ccess tr!ns ision costs. ;i))icult to reduce nu ber o) MSCs


(SS=R4* M1? MSS

MSS 3oc!l tr!))ic is switched loc!ll" in M1? MSS c!p!cit" c!n be !ccess cost incre!se. !xi i<e w=o

Cit" 4

Cit" (

Ei&. / Sep!r!tion o) c!ll control !nd switchin& en!bles hi&h c!p!cit" control ele ents !nd loc!li<ed switchin&. %his eli in!tes lon& tr!ns ission le&s in loc!l c!lls.

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s


Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept


+ield (roven ,ualit

Mobile teleco unic!tions networ+s h!ve &rown )ro niche !pplic!tions to the pre)erred c!rrier o) !ll voice !nd d!t!. %o )!cilit!te the cost8e))ective oper!tion o) l!r&e networ+s6 the networ+ ele ents ust o))er )ield proven technolo&"6 hi&h c!p!cit"6 low ener&" consu ption !nd s !ll )loor sp!ce. In the *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s solution6 the MSC Server !nd the Multi edi! 1!tew!" !re b!sed on the )ield proven ;C 222 !nd I.42022 pl!t)or s. %he *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server S"ste provides the hi&hest proven c!p!cit" in the !r+et6 with !n initi!l c!p!cit" o) $226222 subscribers plus !n !ddition!l 2226222 tele etric subscribers. Onl" #.1 +? = 4.# s@u!re eters !re needed )or the !xi u c!p!cit" st!nd!lone *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server. %he processin& c!p!cit" is $226222 (AC46 e!sured with ! he!v" us!&e pro)ile th!t includes I* services. %hese c!p!cities !re oper!tion!l tod!" in *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s, ;C 222 MSC in co erci!l networ+s. %he *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s Multi edi! 1!tew!" provides %;M6 4%M6 !nd I. connectivit"6 re ovin& the need )or ! sep!r!te .S%* &!tew!". %he *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s Multi edi! 1!tew!" !lso h!s inte&r!ted !nnounce ent6 tone &ener!tion6 con)erence c!ll6 !nd S%. )unction!lities. *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server S"ste supports both 1SM=E;1E !nd ?C;M4 r!dio networ+s. ?hen subscribers i&r!te )ro 1SM to ?C;M46 the s! e core networ+ ele ents c!n be used throu&hout the i&r!tion. *o ch!n&es in the ele ents or the networ+ topolo&" !re needed6 +eepin& the cost !nd ris+ to ! ini u .


Savin#s b mobile optimi-ed .oI(

In ! *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC server networ+6 the %;M point8to8point connections o) MSC networ+s c!n be repl!ced b" Ethernet inter)!ces to the I. b!c+bone. %r!))ic ch!n&es c!n be !cco od!ted in the inter)!ces without odi)ic!tions !nd the l!borious con)i&ur!tion )! ili!r )ro %;M connections is !lso unnecess!r". %he routin& o) tr!))ic !nd si&n!llin& is provided b" the b!c+bone. %his e!se o) oper!tion o) the I. b!sed networ+ will dr! !tic!ll" reduce the re@uired OGM wor+. %he I. b!sed networ+ will !lso re ove the need )or ! tr!nsit l!"er. I. tr!nsport in the b!c+bone en!bles sh!red tr!))ic inter)!ces inste!d o) dedic!ted %;M inter)!ces )or e!ch tr!))ic direction. %o&ether with the )lexible oper!tion o) I. co p!red to %;M6 this en!bles even l!r&e networ+s without ! tr!nsit MSC l!"er6 without co pro isin& networ+ oper!bilit". %he di))erences between MSC !nd MSC Server networ+s !re illustr!ted in Ei&ure 0. *on8re!l8ti e 9non8voice: p!c+et d!t! will &row si&ni)ic!ntl" durin& the co in& "e!rs6 !lon& with 1.RS !nd ?C;M4. %he MSC Server S"ste is i port!nt in this develop ent !s it provides the voice c!ll 9!nd ?C;M4 re!l ti e video c!ll: services in these networ+s. MSC Server6 which supports !ll current tr!nsport technolo&ies6 includin& %;M !nd 4%M6 !llows the oper!tor to consolid!te voice !nd d!t! tr!nsport networ+s into ! sin&le I. b!sed tr!nsport networ+.


5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s


Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

MSC net%or* an' MSS net%or*4 $,e MSS System uses t,e mu(t+-serv+ce IP net%or* to trans&ort traff+c an' s+ na((+n

Ei&. 0 MSC networ+ !nd MSS networ+. %he MSS s"ste

uses the

ulti8service I. networ+ to tr!nsport tr!))ic !nd si&n!llin&.


5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept


/on# "erm Investment (rotection

%he current *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSCi ele ents c!n be up&r!ded to MSC Servers in ! si ple w!" b" !ctiv!tin& the MSC Server so)tw!re. %his will )ull" s!)e&u!rd the existin& MSCi invest ent. %he MSC Server S"ste supports 1SM=E;1E !nd ?C;M4 subscribers si ult!neousl" !nd c!n d"n! ic!ll" !lloc!te !n" sh!re o) its c!p!cit" between the . %his e!ns th!t )ull use c!n be !de o) the MSC Server invest ent with ! purel" 1SM networ+. ?C;M4 subscribers !re expected to &row r!pidl" !nd MSS c!p!cit" c!n then be t!+en into ?C;M4 use b" !ddin& inter)!ces to R*Cs. In ter s o) ?C;M4 i&r!tion !s well !s i&r!tion to -oI.6 the MSC Server S"ste is ! s!)e invest ent. 31.. Rel $ or Rel / will )ull" st!nd!rdi<e I. ulti edi! voice c!lls in )uture. MSC server will be the s"ste needed )or interconnectin& voice c!lls between the I. Multi edi! 9IMS: do !in !nd existin& circuit switched 9CS: do !ins6 such !s tod!",s l!r&e circuit switched 1SM=?C;M4 networ+s !nd .S%*. -oice i&r!tion )ro CS to IMS will h!ppen &r!du!ll" !nd invest ents in MSC Server S"ste s will h!ve ! li)eti e well into the I. Multi edi! er!.

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s


Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

'o&ia Siemens 'etwor&s1 .alue (roposition

%he *S* MSC Server S"ste is the opti !l solution )or !ll +inds o) oper!tors6 re&!rdless o) their current situ!tion !nd networ+ structure. Eor &reen8)ield oper!tors6 the *S* MSC Server S"ste is !n ide!l solution !s it provides best8in breed products !nd hi&h c!p!cities. 4s the *S* MSC Server S"ste h!s been developed on )ield proven *S* pl!t)or s6 the oper!tor &ets the l!test technolo&" to&ether with hi&h @u!lit" !nd !v!il!bilit". 4lso6 since the *S* MSC Server S"ste h!s !ll the inter)!ces )or interconnectin& with 1SM6 ?C;M4 !nd .S%* networ+s6 *S* c!n provide ! )lexible solution to eet di))erin& needs. Eor the existin& *S* 1SM=E;1E custo er6 the *S* MSC Server S"ste provides !n e!s" i&r!tion to the 31.. Rele!se 4 !rchitecture6 !s the existin& MSCi inst!lled b!se c!n be )ull" re8used. %he *S* MSC Server S"ste !lso uses the current %;M b!sed !rchitecture where !pplic!ble. Eurther ore the networ+ c!n be split where cert!in re&ions !" be built with the MSC Server S"ste !nd other re&ions continue with tr!dition!l switchin& !rchitecture. %he *S* inte&r!ted MSC Server co bines the current MSC !nd MSC Server technolo&ies !nd c!n !ct !s !n MSC Server while !lso h!vin& %;M connections to (SS !nd .S%*. Eor *S* ?C;M4 custo ers6 the i&r!tion to MSC Server !rchitecture is even e!sier !s the current networ+ ele ents6 31 MSC !nd M1?6 c!n be )ull" reused in the MSC Server !rchitecture. *S* 31.. Rele!se '' networ+ ele ents c!n be up&r!ded to MSC Server S"ste networ+ ele ents with ! si ple so)tw!re up&r!de !nd in so e c!ses with inor h!rdw!re ch!n&es. Eor oper!tors currentl" usin& circuit switched core in)r!structure )ro !nother teleco unic!tions vendor6 the *S* MSC Server S"ste is ! )e!sible solution )or exp!ndin& the current networ+. *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s h!s ! lon& experience in ulti8vendor inte&r!tion !nd interoper!bilit" testin&6 &u!r!nteein& ! se! less exp!nsion with the *S* MSC Server S"ste b!sed on the open inter)!ces.


5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept


In the current ch!llen&in& !r+et situ!tion6 obile networ+ oper!tors ust both invest less th!n in the p!st6 while ensurin& the" will not be le)t behind b" continuin& networ+ evolution. %he MSC Server S"ste serves both o) these needs b" providin& ! cost e))ective opti i<ed circuit switched core solution th!t will evolve to !cco od!te I. Multi edi!. %he MSC Server S"ste brin&s c!pit!l !nd oper!tion!l cost s!vin&s. C!pit!l cost is s!ved b" co on MSS=M1? ele ents )or 1SM=E;1E !nd ?C;M4. %his !+es it possible to roll out ?C;M4 cover!&e6 while +eepin& the nu ber o) ele ents to ! ini u . 4lso6 opti u networ+ exp!nsions en!bled b" the 31.. Rele!se 4 !rchitecture ini i<es the c!pit!l expenditure. Oper!tion!l costs !re reduced b" s!vin&s in site costs due to co p!ct hi&h c!p!cit" ele ents !nd )ree loc!tion o) the ele ents. 4n I. b!sed -oI. networ+ is e!sier to oper!te th!n ! %;M b!sed networ+6 which brin&s s!vin&s in OGM wor+. ;ue to this si ple oper!tion6 the tr!nsit l!"er !nd its !ssoci!ted costs c!n !lso be !voided6 even in l!r&e networ+s. %he MSC Server S"ste is co p!tible with I.6 %;M !nd 4%M networ+s6 so re&!rdless o) the oper!tor,s chosen b!c+bone technolo&"6 the *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server S"ste is the best solution. Since the *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server S"ste supports %;M6 4%M !nd I. inter)!ces concurrentl" it existin& tr!ns ission technolo&" to be used6 while !t the s! e ti e it !+es possible ! &r!du!l i&r!tion to SI. b!sed -oI.. MSC Server will be !n i port!nt p!rt o) the I. ulti8service networ+s b" inte&r!tin& voice to the I. b!sed networ+s !nd services. 4n invest ent in the *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server S"ste per its e!s" !nd s!)e i&r!tion )ro 1SM to ?C;M4 r!dio !ccess !nd to pure I. Multi edi! core throu&h si ult!neous support o) existin& !nd new core inter)!ces !nd st!nd!rds. %he *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s MSC Server S"ste &u!r!ntees service continuit"6 ensures )ull invest ent protection !nd !int!ins v!lue when developin& ! obile networ+ to +eep !he!d in the co petition.

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Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept


3/PP %hird 1ener!tion .!rtnership .roject. 4 &roup o) or&!ni<!tion!l p!rtners th!t h!ve !&reed to co8oper!te in the )or ul!tion o) technic!l speci)ic!tions )or third &ener!tion obile s"ste s b!sed on )urther evolved 1SM core networ+s !nd r!dio !ccess technolo&ies. 5ICC (e!rer Independent C!ll Control. 4n Inter8MSC Server si&n!llin& protocol speci)ied b" I%D8% !nd 31... %he use is de)ined in 31.. Rele!se 4 speci)ic!tions. CAP C4ME3 4pplic!tion .rotocol. 4 si&n!llin& protocol between Service Switchin& .oint !nd Service Control .oint. It en!bles Intelli&ent *etwor+ services )or ro! in& subscribers. INAP Intelli&ent *etwor+ 4pplic!tion .rotocol. 4 si&n!llin& protocol between Service Switchin& .oint !nd Service Control .oint. It en!bles Intelli&ent *etwor+ services. IP Internet protocol. 4 co %!s+ Eorce 9IE%E:. =M$S Dnivers!l Mobile %eleco unic!tion protocol speci)ied b" the Internet En&ineerin&

unic!tion S"ste . %hird &ener!tion

obile s"ste .

>oIP -oice over I.. %echnolo&" to c!rr" voice co on the Internet protocol.

unic!tion over ! d!t! networ+ b!sed


5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s

Introduction to Rel 4 with MSS Concept

5 2212 *o+i! Sie ens *etwor+s


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