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The National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia, ta#in$ responsibility for the development and establishment of !ublic %nstitutions of Western Armenia, preservation of the existence and identity of the Armenian people, the restoration and reconstruction of the economy of Western Armenia, Dec!are The decision to form the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia to consolidate the forces of the Armenian people& The decision to adopt the fundamental re'uirements of the Armenian people to the ((Armenian issue((, considerin$ the basis of the principles of national unity and immutable la)& The decision to adopt a sin$le resolution to the ((Armenian issue((, that is the Armenian people must live in one self-sufficient and, in the future, in the *nited and %ndependent Armenian State+ The National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia adopt this declaration based on, -" The official .esolution of the National Council of Western Armenia adopted on /ecember -0, 1223 and the /eclaration on the .i$hts of Armenians of Western Armenia adopted on 4anuary 12, 1220& 1" The .esolution on the establishment of the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia adopted on 5ebruary 3, 12-- and the .esolution on the $overnment structure adopted on 6arch 1, 12--& 7" The .esolution on formin$ the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia adopted by the 8th Assembly of Armenians of Western Armenia on November 72, 12-1+ To "ec!are Considerin$ the fact that contrary to human morality and la) to reco$ni9e Armenian ri$hts in respect to the 6otherland Cradle, the Sultan, :oun$ Tur#s and ;emalists, as Tur#ish successive $overnments, carried out the Armenian /eportation and Genocide in -<=3--=17, )hereby they unprecedently chan$ed the demo$raphic vie) in the .e$ion+ Subse'uently, reducin$ the number of Armenians in the occupied territories as a >supplement> of their crimes, they violated the normal ratio bet)een nations in the Western Armenia, and considerin$ the reality of the mentioned above, declare The National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia declare that the 4urisdiction of the National Assembly !arliament" of the Western Armenia is spread on not only on nationals of Western Armenia but on the occupied territories of Western Armenia, )hich are le$ally de ?ure" and in fact de facto" are the areas and re$ions of Western Armenia based on the follo)in$ fundamental international le$al instruments, -" The delimitation of Armenia and Tur#ey accordin$ to the arbitral a)ard by Woodro) Wilson - the 1<th !resident of the *nited States - on November 11, -=12& 1" The independence of historical Armenia includin$ Western Armenia and Armenian ;ili#ia in

accordance )ith the *N declaration of /ecember -3, -=@2 on #Grantin$ of %ndependence to Colonial Countries and !eoplesA& 7" As indi$enous people, accordin$ to the historical, $enealo$ical, cultural, perpetual civili9ation and indisputable ri$hts for Armenians to form a State of Western Armenia in accordance )ith the *N /eclaration on the B.i$hts of %ndi$enous !eoplesA of September -7, 1220+ The above 4urisdiction applies to the follo)in$ states and territories, -+ Can 1+ Ditlis 7+ Er9rum Garin" 3+ Trapi9on Eamshen" 8+ Sivas Sebastia" @+ /iarbe'ir /i#rana$ert" 0+ ;harput ;harberd" <+ ;ili#ia includin$ Cesaria, 6arash, Adana, Feytun, Aynput, Antio'" =+ ;ars and Surmalu" -2+ 4ava#h' --+ Na#hi?evan Dased on the above-mentioned official documents and articles, the National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia declare the Establishment of the Central Elections Committee entitled to or$ani9e and run elections for the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia+ 6ore at, http,)))+)estern-armenia-election+or$"+ $oter re%istratio& Citi9ens of Western Armenia Eomeland" are considered all those )ho can prove their status of bein$ exiled from their Eomeland Western Armenia" and prove their ori$ins far as even a fe) $enerations bac# )ith direct $enetic connection"+ 1) Coter re$istration for elections of the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia is open to the citi9ens of Western Armenia and to public patriotic or$ani9ations and unions as of 6ay 13, 12-7 until /ecember -, 12-7+ 2) Coter re$istration for the citi9ens of Western Armenia is available online at, http,GG)))+)estern-armenia-election+or$GvotesG.e$istration12-7-en-ru+php Re%istratio& o' (o!)&teers ca&"i"ates -" The si$nature drive of volunteers candidates for the Western Armenia !arliament hereafter candidates" starts on 4une -, 12-7+ Candidates must use the candidate petition form+ 1" The National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia consists of citi9ens of Western Armenia+ All candidates for the National Assembly of Western Armenia must have a valid passport of Western Armenia+ 7" Candidate re$istration starts on Hctober -, 12-7 and closes on Hctober 11, 12-7 at --,8= p+m+ 3" Elections )ill be held online at the )ebpa$e of the Central Elections Committee and in )ritin$+ Elections start on November 11, 12-7 and close on /ecember -, 12-7 at --,8= p+m+ 8" Election results are validated and published by the Central Elections Committee on /ecember -0, 12-7+ @" Candidates must collect more than -22 si$natures from the citi9ens of Western Armenia to 'ualify for elections once a person"+ 0" Candidates must submit a bio$raphical s#etch and a brief proposal+

<" Candidates must re$ister online at http,GG)))+)estern-armenia-election+or$GvotesGCandidature12-7-fr-arm-en-ru+php http,GG)))+)estern-armenia-election+or$GConsultation-ElectoraleG12-7GTe'nad9ouneriItimoume12-7+pdf http,GG)))+)estern-armenia-election+or$GConsultation-ElectoraleG12-7G.e'ueteIdeIcandidature12-7+pdf The National Council of Western Armenia, the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia certify that candidates for the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia )ho officially abide by the /eclaration of the National Council of Western Armenia and the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia and the foundin$ documents there of may be self-nominated andGor be nominated by a public patriotic or$ani9ation and union, the National Council of Western Armenia, and the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia+ The core mechanisms for the formation of the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia included raftin$ re$ulations to set the date of the first session of the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia, the number of elected parliament members, and the $uidelines for the participation of public and patriotic or$ani9ations and unions set by the National Council of Western Armenia+ Appea! to t*e a!! Arme&ia& peop!e to protect and sustain its indisputable and perpetual ri$hts to reali9e that one of its most important tas#s is bein$ part of the process of formin$ the National Assembly !arliament" of Western Armenia to ta#e active participation in elections upon obtainin$ citi9enship of Western Armenia and usin$ the uni'ue opportunities the latter offers+

President of the National Council of Western Armenia Armenag APRAHAMIAN Prime Minister of the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia Tigran PASHABEZYAN Chief of the Special Commission on the formation of the National Assembly Par!iamen"# $% &es"ern Armenia Armen TER'SAR(ISSIAN

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