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Gauntlet Part Duex Goals/Challenges: 1. Check in with Dan everyday 1.

I'm going to cut down my credit card debts - I have approx 11k in debt. - I make approx 5k a month. 2. Create and stick to a permanent budget - Figure out my total costs per month for bills - Figure out where I spend my disposable income - going out - clothes - fun stuff 3. Continue my self growth - Read Psycho Cybernetics - Read Way of the Superior Man - (Find other belief based books) - Journal my thoughts, my insights, and my self-image questioning proces s 4. Dating them challenges Figure out situations where I feel uncomfortable and throw myself into Get more comfortable with directness Seek out only high quality women even if it means less dating. Get numbers / dates without speaking Go out alone and be social.

5. Health and Fitness maintenance - yoga 3x week - boxing gym 1x week - Take one or two classes of some other combat sport (Krav Maga, Ju Jits u, something...) - create a workout for gaining strength and size (I'm already very lean) - interval sprints (10 x 10) 1x week (Or other HIIT cardio) - weights 1x week (or HIT Thrusters) 6. Get to know the guys. - go out with guys from the mission / gauntlet at least once a week 7. Complete one mix per month from the Slate Cup Challenge - I can pick the two songs I like the most out of the twelve available o r just go by month 8. Spend 15 minutes 3 days a week on Imagination Practice - singing - boxing - starting the artist co-working space - getting the band project going 9. Meditate for at least 15 minutes every day 11. Take only ice cold showers every day - it's good for you and it's very uncomfortable 12. No JO or IP for 2 months 13. Limit alcohol consumption

- two drink max if I go out 14. Go through all of the stuff I own and get rid of what I absolutely don't nee d. - I have a suitcase full of random stuff, boxes that just move from plac e to place without being opened 15. Take singing lessons and perform at one open mic per month - This will help me get over my selfconciousness - Go through my list of vocal exercises 5 days a week - Take 3 vocal lessons within the first month 16. Instrument Practice - Guitar: george van eps method for major and harmonic minor in various keys 5 min each day - Piano: learn a new scale (major or minor) and chords for each scale (m aj, min, 7, maj7, min7, 9, maj9, min9, 11 (maj, min), 13 (maj min dom)) - Bass: Learn the major and pentatonic scale patterns all over the neck 17. Work on my public speaking by going to Toastmasters 18. Check out an improv class 19. Check out a tantra meetup 20. I want to start an artist co-working space with a recording studio - Research business structures - Research existing co-working spaces - Mind map my ideas for it - figure out how to start it at the most granular level while provding r oom to grow 21. Write songs for 1 hour every day

------------------------------------------------------------------HIT Workout 1. Warm up for three minutes 2. Exercise as hard and fast as you can for 30 seconds. You should be gasping fo r breath and feel like you couldn't possibly go on another few seconds. It is be tter to use lower resistance and higher repetitions to increase your heart rate

3. Recover for 90 seconds, still moving, but at slower pace and decreased resist ance 4. Repeat the high-intensity exercise and recovery 7 more times** 5. Cool down for a few minutes afterward by cutting down your intensity by 50-80 percent ------------------------------------------------------------------Things to improve my interactions with women: 1. I notice things don't really go anywhere with a lot my "nighttime" interactio ns. Why? Maybe I'm not direct enough, maybe the conversation gets boring, mayb e I just burn the intereaction to the ground and the girl wants to leave. 2. Flakes. It seems with some women it's hard to get them to meet up... why? Ma ybe I didn't make a strong enough impression when meeting? 3. I feel like I still sometimes identify with my ego... like I worry about look ing stupid, or I approach a woman because I'm feeling arrogant. 4. What do I talk about... Maybe I ask too many questions and not enough stateme nts (not giving enough in the conversation), maybe I still feel anxious about sa ying exactly what I want to say however I want to. 5. Convey my intent. Tell the damn woman I think she's hot and I want to see her ... not one night stands. I want quality people in my life and I've outgrown ON S's. Have presence. Perhaps I need to convey more energy! I think I still some times experience dissonance with what I'm "allowed" to say 6. I think I need to smile more. Sometimes I get self conscious about my smile! I think because my teeth aren't perfect... need to work on exuding the confiden ce to always smile. 7. What does a girl get from being with me? - I'm a great listener - I'm honest and don't sugar coat things - I'm emotionally strong - I'm dedicated to finding my true mission in life - I'm dedicated to rooting out the negative aspects of my personallity s o I can be the best man possible - My love is unconditional and I'll continue to love in spite of being h urt - I'm willing to stand strong in the face of challenging feminine energy - She gets my unique creativity which I express through what we do toget her and the way I love her - She gets my presence when I'm with her - I will seranade her and make music for her :) - I'm an amazing lover and will give her an experience no other man can. - She gets the garuntee that her life will be better off having met me.

You need to step to every single girl like a fucking bomb. You need to have pre sence. You need to stand out, and not in a surface level way such as what you're wearing, but as who you are and the way in which you communicate. You need to b e unforgettable. You need to create a sense of urgency, that you are now or neve r. You need to push and at the same time be completely willing to walk away. It is essential to disidentify with the ego, otherwise the inherent rejection assoc iated with pickup will destroy you.

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