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Economic Stimulus Money for Water Projects

In the United States, some regions face continual issues in relation to water use and management. Water related problems are compounded as a result of droughts in places li e !alifornia while shortfalls in budgetary allocations limit what the State "o#ernment can do to alle#iate these problems. Federal Aid in the form of Economic Stimulus Money for Water Projects $or areas facing long term water challenges, relief under the %merican &eco#ery and &ein#estment %ct of '(() comes in the form of federal economic stimulus money being pro#ided for projects in#ol#ing the supply of clean and reliable drin ing water and impro#ing of Waste water treatment plants around the nation. *he US go#ernment+s aim in pro#iding economic stimulus money is to fund clean water projects while also creating new jobs that will help re#i#e the economy. Water Projects Eligible for Economic Stimulus Money Wastewater contracts projects to upgrade or e,pand sewer infrastructure and waste water treatment plants, restoring the e,isting waterways to impro#e water -uality and projects that use inno#ati#e methods to recycle and utili.e water, all recei#e economic stimulus money. Small communities often face problems with water systems in the form of small waste water treatment plants that may be unable to pro#ide the re-uired ser#ices effecti#ely. $ederal funding or economic stimulus money is also made a#ailable to such communities that face water related issues. Wastewater projects also get federal funding so that rural communities ha#e access to -uality water supply systems and waste water treatment plants. Economic stimulus money for water projects has assisted in setting up wastewater treatment systems, water recycling facilities, storm water treatment, sewers and sewer interceptors and gi#en a boost to watershed and estuary protection efforts. Screening Process for Economic Stimulus Money *o be eligible for economic stimulus money the applicant must underta e a financial credit re#iew. Construction tender desirous of federal funding must abide by Public !ontracting !ode. *he recipients of economic stimulus money must possess the technical capability to complete the project within the stipulated time. In addition, they must also ha#e the financial as well as managerial e,perience to ma e wise decisions to ensure financial #iability of the project. *he applications for economic stimulus money go through a screening process wherein the Water /oard+s engineering staff e#aluates the project plans. Project specifications and designs are re#iewed to ensure that the design is able to achie#e the project goal. *hroughout the construction phase, the recipients of funding must submit progress reports each -uarter. &eimbursement of costs and re-uests for payment must be supported by in#oices that are #erified by the project manager in order to ensure that the costs claimed are indeed meant for the Go ernment Procurement !ids appro#ed for economic stimulus money. %lso, spot inspections are carried out by the /oard+s officials to #erify the progress of construction. Going forward President 0bama+s economic stimulus pac age has gi#en a major boost to Construction bid. %lthough a lot more funding is re-uired, it is a step in the right direction to safeguard and impro#e the country+s water infrastructure.

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