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A Project Report on


Submitted during PGDM-PDM course of Alliance Business Academy

Submitted by Ms.Ishita Samajdar (Roll.No:21) (2003-2005 Batch) UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Prof. M.A.Raja Sekhar

ALLIANCE BUSINESS ACADEMY 19th Cross, 7th main, BTM 2nd stage, N S !"a#a, BAN$AL%&E


I Ishita Samajdar, student of PGDM-PDM course (7th trimester) declare that the project on The Market Research and Market Potential of UPS system for Emerson Network Power has done it as a part of my course curriculum, as per the rules of Alliance Business Academy. This project has been solely done by me and not copied from any other material.

I further declare that this project has not been submitted earlier to any university or institution for the award of any degree or diploma.


An in-depth study about The Market Research and Market Potential of UPS system for Emerson Network Power was carried out which requires genuine co-operation and considerable interaction with number of respondents and I shall remain indebted forever.

I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Sudhir G. Angur, president of Alliance Business Academy, without whom this study would not have been a success.

My special thanks to Dr. B.V. Krishnamurthy, Director of Alliance Business Academy, for his kind co-operation and constant encouragement. My sincere thanks to Prof. M.A.Raja Sekhar, our Programme coordinator, for effortlessly guiding us throughout the completion of the project.

Last but not the least I would like to thank all the respondents for giving the valuable data required for the study and also to my friends,

without whose support the project would not have completed successfully.

Content o' gra!hs and ta("es E)e*+ti,e s+mmar# Cha!ter 1 Cha!ter 2 Introd+*tion Design o' the st+d# 2.1 Statement of the problem 2.2 Objective of the study 2.3 Scope of the study 2.4 ethodolo!y 6 8 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 14 23 3' "1 "" "6 "' "8

2." #imitation of the study Cha!ter Literat+re re,ie. 3.1 $hy a project on %&S Cha!ter / Cha!ter 0 Cha!ter 1 Cha!ter 7 Cha!ter 3 Cha!ter 9 Cha!ter 15 Cha!ter11 Ind+str# !ro'i"e Com!an# !ro'i"e 2rod+*t !ro'i"e Data Ana"#sis and inter!retation 4indings &e*ommendation Con*"+sion Learning


Bi("iogra!h# Anne)+re

Content o' Diagrams and ta("es

(i! 6.1 (i! 6.1 (i! '.1 (i! '.3 )merson *et+or, &o+er -loc, dia!ram of %&S -rands present in the mar,et .ifferent industries to cater 30 38 "2 "3

/able '.1 /able '.2 /able '.3 -rands available in the mar,et %&S brands used in 0/ and soft+are 1ustomer response "1 "2 "3

E)e*+ti,e S+mmar#

%ninterruptible po+er supply 2%&S3 systems have been on the mar,et for appro4imately 40 years. /hese devices ori!inally +ere developed to provide protection a!ainst the loss of data in a computer because of a sudden po+er failure and to affect an orderly shutdo+n in the event of a po+er interruption and enable users to save data that other+ise +ould be lost.

/his system is lar!ely true and has been accompanied by an increase in the number of sensitive electronic devices that need po+er protection. /he medical5 0ndustrial5 military security5 telecommunication and commercial mar,ets have produced lar!e and by importance of this device.

6dvances in technolo!y have improved and e4panded the functions of %&S systems. Smaller and more po+erful devices are bein! sold to meet the re7uirements of chan!in! mar,ets. /he increase in the number of data centers5 telecommunications functions5 and the rise in net+or,in! have chan!ed the demands of po+er mana!ement. 0n addition5 more critical data is bein! !enerated5 and it has to be protected from po+er outa!es and malfunctions. po+er5 in addition to its continuous supply. ore businesses are a+are of electrical po+er problems and are interested in the 7uality of their


/here is a continuous increase in demand for electric po+er. /his is really true in lar!e metropolitan areas and 0ndustrial comple4es. -ut at the same time there is insufficient capacity to supply it. 0n addition po+er 7uality can be further de!raded inside an office buildin! or manufacturin! plants. #ar!e industrial loads5 such as motors5 air conditioners5 and other machineries can cause more fluctuations of po+er used for sensitive loads. $e are in an era of unprecedented use of po+er for computers and net+or,in!5 fueled by the !ro+th of 0nternet.

/his study presents a +orld+ide industry structure5 e4amines the competitive aspects of the industry5 and analy8es current mar,ets5 and projects shipments and their values for each major technolo!y throu!h 2009.


%&S system is ,no+n in 0ndia5 since the time5 0nternet and savin! the data has sho+n its importance. 0t is the most critical and sophisticated device for other related hard+ires. 6s the po+er bac,up in e4tremely important in any industry5 hospital5 pharmaceutical5 corporate5 service industry or any !overnment or!ani8ations. /herefore this particular device has catered all the se!ments +ith e4treme efficiency and effectiveness.

0n this5 project the mar,et research done by me for )merson net+or,5 a leadin! manufacturer of %&S system sho+s that 8": of the mar,et is loaded +ith online %&S and another 1": uses offline %&S. /his company is also speciali8ed in manufacturin! &recision air conditionin! solutions for server rooms and /;SS device 2/ransient ;olta!e Sur!e Suppressor3. .urin! the research it also sho+ed that the a+areness level is very lo+ and brand recall is ne!li!ible in the minds of the customers.

/he research +as confined +ithin fe+ areas of -an!alore 2<oraman!ala5 -/ #ayout and =aya *a!ar3 +here most of the corporate offices are established and the hi!her>level mana!ement ta,es purchasin! decisions. /his research has not only been an effective tool for creatin! a+areness in the mar,et but also converted several companies into leads and prospect customers.

/his report also sho+s a broad picture about the various brands of %&S in the mar,et and their mar,et share. 0t further describes the hard+are infrastructure

of various companies and the re7uirement of %&S system in <;6. /he measurement of po+er for %&S system is done in <;6 or ;6. /he %&S system is a devise5 +hich is also ,no+n as %ninterrupted &o+er System.


Cha!ter 2
Design o' the st+d#

2 1 Statement o' the 2ro("em6 6s the company is in its e4pansion phase thus it +ants to find out the a+areness level of )merson *et+or, &o+er in the minds of customers? other companies. 6s the research says that the presence of @/6/6 #ibert?)mersonA brand of %&S is only ": in the mar,et and the brand recall is only 12:5 thus this research has also +or,ed as a tool for creatin! a+areness in many ne+ and old companies. Th+s the !ro("em 'o+nd o+t .as 7,er# "o. "e,e" o' a.areness 'or this !arti*+"ar (rand and generating "eads *on,erting into !ro'its 8

2 2 %(9e*ti,e o' the st+d#6 1. /o find the mar,et potential for )merson *et+or, &o+er +ithin a confined area of -an!alore 2<oraman!ala5 -/ #ayout and =aya *a!ar3. 2. %nderstandin! the e4pectation and re7uirements of the customers. 3. (indin! out the hard+are infrastructure of each company. 4. (indin! the ar,et share of )merson *et+or, po+er and its competitors. ". 1reatin! a+areness and positive ima!e of the -rand in the mar,et. 6. 1onvertin! every suspect customer into a prospect customerB !eneratin! it as a lead.


2 - S*o!e o' the st+d#6 1. 0mportance of %&S system for 0ndian mar,et. 2. 6vailability of product ran!es of )merson net+or, 3. Strate!ies follo+ed by )merson *et+or, and its competitors. 4. &osition5 distribution and corporate clients of )merson *et+or,. ". 6s the findin!s of the research sho+s that customers ,no+ )merson *et+or, +ith the name of /6/6 #ibert -rand5 thus it needs to create it a+areness level +ith its o+n name.

2 / Methodo"og#6 1. /he research +as based on &rimary data. 0t +as completely one to one basis. 2. 0t re7uired ta,in! an appointment +ith the system administrator5 meetin! the person in the !iven time and tryin! to understand their needs or re7uirement5 their interest level and their perception for %&S system. A**ording to their interest, 'e. :+estions .ere as;ed, the

:+estionnaires .ere 'i""ed and the (ro*h+re o' Emerson Net.or; .as handed o,er to the s#stem administrator o' the *"ient *om!an# 2 0 Limitation o' the st+d#6 /his study is limited +ithin a confined area and thus it can not be applicable in other parts of the country. /his study +ill not be directly helpful to desi!n any decision on the company.


Cha!ter Literat+re &e,ie.

- 1 <h# a !ro9e*t on U2S s#stems A <hat are the !ro("ems at #o+r !"a*e=

;olta!e variation at input. (re7uency variation 2 S)- or Censet supply3. Output (re7uency and volta!e re7uirement. Do+ much battery bac,up time do you needE /ype of battery re7uired. 6uto 1han!eover re7uired or not at output of %&SE Femote 6nnunciation panel re7uired or not &lus 1omputer 0nterface re7uirementE $hat is the e4act load and its #oad factor e4istin! to decide ratin! of %&S re7uired. 6ny startin! current re7uirement to be catered toE 0ndications5 meterin! and isolation re7uired. 6ny particular choice of battery volta!e. 3 phases or 1 phase re7uired at input and output. $ho +ould supply battery and its stand5 inter connectin! lin,s5 etc. #ocation of %&S and battery and distance. /rainin! to maintain system re7uired or not. 6synchronous ? Synchronous trac,in! of 0nverter re7uired or notE Do+ critical is your load in terms of po+er outa!e acceptabilityE a> .o you need load>sharin! %&SE (> .o you need critical?non critical confi!urationE *> .o you need hot stand byE 13

B <hat is the e:+i!ment +sed=

1omputersE Special purpose e7uipmentE /elecom productsE 1*1 machinesE

C Can #o+ ana"#?e #o+r site 'or@@s@=

-lac, Outs ? -ro+n outs SDi!h volta!es Sur!es ? Sa!s #o+ volta!es /ransients ? spi,es -attery bac,>ups


Cha!ter /

Ind+str# 2ro'i"e

)conomic conditions for %&S mar,et5 at best is hi!hly volatile. /+o thin!s ho+ever remain stron! in the area of %&S and its functionG 1. /he economy has become more po+er driven. 2. )lectronic device re7uirin! sensitive po+er protection continue to increase in number.

$ith the !ro+th of &1s and 0nternet the importance and re7uirement to save the data from blac,outs became more necessity. ore companies +ere dependin! on 0nternet for there business and protection had to be afforded for telecommunication device and computers. /hin!s have pro!ressed in the past decades and the lar!e installations includin! data centers have become challen!es for po+er protection 2%&S3.

/he value of +orld+ide shipments of %&S e7uipment and supplies is estimated to be H'.3 billion in 2004 and projected !ro+ at an avera!e annual rate 266CF3 of 6.8: to total H10.1 billion by 2009.

/he value of electronic 2or battery>bac,ed3 %&S devices5 the lar!est e7uipment mar,et se!ment5 is projected to rise at an 6CF of ': to total H8.' billion by 2009.


$ith the &1 mar,et breachin! the three million mar, in 20035 %&S vendors have benefited. ;endors observe that the connect ratio of %&S +ith &1s has !one up to 60 percent in the last three to four months. 0n other +ords5 for every 15000 &1s sold nearly 600 %&S +ere also sold in 0ndia. /he 0/eS sector and data centers in lar!e enterprises are e4pected to fuel the !ro+th of this mar,et in 2004. any enterprises in 0ndia are loo,in! at Ido+ntime costJ implications no+5 more than never before. Dome buyers have reali8ed that as a stabili8er is necessary for their refri!erators and television sets so is the %&S5 +hich provides bac, up as +ell as protection. - and 1 class cities are provin! to be an untapped mar,et for %&S systems and vendors are e4plorin! these ne+ mar,ets.

The U2S mar;et in India

6ccordin! to 0.1 estimates5 the 0ndian %&S mar,et +as +orth around Fs '00 to 800 crore in 2003. Of this5 the SODO and the S ) se!ment accounted for nearly '0 percent 2bet+een Fs 4"0 to Fs ""0 crore3 +ith lar!e enterprises bein! responsible for the rest. 0.1 predicts that unit !ro+th in terms of lo+>end %&S systems tar!eted at the SODO and S ) mar,et +ill be around 40 percent.

/he share of national players in the %&S mar,et has increased due to strate!ic initiatives ta,en by them to counter local players. 6merican &o+er 1onversion5 )merson *et+or, &o+er5 $e& &eripherals and /;S>) are the leadin! %&S vendors in 0ndia. 2SourceG 0.1 0ndia3 /;S>)5 $e& &eripherals and 6&1 have maintained a leadin! position in the lo+>end %&S se!ment +hereas it is 6&1 and )merson *et+or, &o+er +ho are the leadin! players in the hi!h>end %&S mar,et. C) .i!ital )ner!y is !radually becomin! a national player. any branded players have started to offer competitively priced %&S models +ith added features to increase their mar,et share. Sanjit Sinha5 head of hard+are research5 16

0.1 0ndia says5 @.ue to the lo+erin! of prices by some national %&S vendors5 +e may see many local %&S players losin! out to competition and becomin! e4tinct in the lon! run. /he lo+ price points offered by branded players +ill on the one hand eat into the share of local vendors but on the other help in e4pandin! the %&S mar,et. One can understand the true potential of the %&S mar,et once +e loo, at &1 shipments5 specifically consumer &1 shipments.A

ITeS and data *enters

0ndia has a !ood potential for !ro+th in hi!h>end %&S models. /his is due to the fact that 0ndian enterprises tend to have lar!e sin!le locations for business. #ar!e enterprise customers such as 0/eS players +ant hi!h levels of uptime. /he 0/ infrastructure in these cases is +ell inte!rated +ith %&S and precision air conditionin! systems. 0/eS players are also rampin! up and continuously increasin! their head count. Similarly5 corporate data centers that are used to house servers from different countries canJt afford even a sin!le minute of do+ntime. 0/eS and corporate data centers are !oin! in for hi!h>end %&S models. Sectors li,e manufacturin!5 telecom and the ener!y sector are also e4pected to !o in for hi!h>end %&S purchases in a bi! +ay.

Ban;ing and 'inan*ia" segment .i"" go 'or a mi) o' (oth

-an,in! and finance is e4pected to !o in for a mi4 of hi!h> and lo+>end %&S systems. 0ndian ban,s have a lar!e number of branches and 6/ s spread across the country. -an,s tend to have a lar!e central data centre that re7uires a hi!h>end %&S model of around 40 <;6 capacities. 6n 6/ 5 on the other hand5


can !et by +ith a 2 to 3 <;6 %&S system. Since lo+ and medium ran!e %&S systems are used in bul, by the ban,in!5 financial services and insurance 2-(S03 se!ment5 this +ill drive both the hi!h> and the lo+>end %&S mar,et in 0ndia.

Unta!!ed mar;etsAB and C *"ass *ities

;endors are bullish about the SODO and the S ) mar,ets in - and 1 class cities. 0n recent times5 the telecom infrastructure in 0ndian - and 1 class cities has come on par +ith those in the metros. Cone are the days +hen small 0ndian cities had le!acy telecom net+or,s that +ere not compatible +ith the latest technolo!y. /he chan!es have really helped 0/ penetrate deeply into these cities and into adjoinin! rural areas. $ith 0nternet cyber cafes mushroomin! li,e the S/. and the 0S. telephone booths across the country5 %&S usa!e is definitely on the rise. oreover5 it has been seen that many 0/eS and -&O players have also been eyein! these - and 1 class cities5 +hich +ill drive the !ro+th of the %&S mar,et in 0ndia. /he fact that many of the initial 0/eS centers in - K 1 class cities +ill be smallB there is a possibility of them usin! lo+ and medium ran!e %&S systems. 0t is also a ,no+n fact that po+er cuts and fluctuations are +orse in small cities.

<idening the U2S distri(+tion net

6lmost all the vendors are +idenin! their distribution net+or, throu!h their channel partners. (or instance5 6&1 is involvin! channels heavily and has a field sales pro!ram and a reliability provider pro!ram 2F&&3 runnin! across the country. %nder the former5 6&1 !au!es the channelJs needs and trains the channel


to sell its products successfully across 400 to "00 to+ns. 6&1 tries to identify lar!e customers throu!h the F&& and tal,s to them directly to sell its products. Similarly5 recent entrant C) .i!ital )ner!y is also aimin! to e4pand its presence deeper into - and 1 class cities throu!h channels. Lo!esh -hard+aj5 country sales mana!er5 C) &o+er 1ontrols 0ndia says5 @$e already have a substantial presence in the 0ndian metros but +e aim to !ro+ +ithin the - and the 1 class cities in 0ndia for +hich +e plan to e4pand our distribution net+or, +ith the help of channels.A

2enetration o' U2S mar;et

0t is hoped that %&S penetration +ithin the S ) se!ment +ill accelerate e4ponentially. F.Sudham5 product mana!er>po+er products5 /;S>) says5 @$e are bullish about the 0ndian S ) mar,et as a+areness amon!st them about %&S systems is increasin!. /here +ill be a drastic chan!e in the product buyin! behavior of the S ) se!ment +ith a drop in the prices of branded %&S systems in 0ndia in the near future.A

%&S adoption in rural areas5 in e>!overnance projects and in the education sector is on the rise. Du!e deployments in the !overnment sector are e4pected to materiali8e. #ar!e players are chan!in! their strate!ies to tar!et local %&S manufacturers. $hile small and unor!ani8ed %&S players may survive for at least a fe+ more years the scales are tiltin! to+ards the branded national players +ho offer better features and competitive pricin!.


Be#ond the U2S

&layers li,e 6&1 are tryin! to create a ne+ mar,et aimed at loo,in! beyond the %&S to chan!e the complete physical infrastructure of a data centre. 6nand 0yer5 country !eneral mana!er5 6&1 0ndia e4plains5 @ )nterprises need to loo, beyond the %&S and should concentrate on properly desi!nin! the physical infrastructure of their data centre.A

0ndian enterprises are definitely loo,in! at Ido+ntime costJ implications and selectin! the ri!ht solution. Ditesh &rajapati5 head channel business5 )merson *et+or, &o+er says5 @&rioritisin! I%&SJ purchase plans alon! +ith critical net+or, e7uipment has already started happenin!. 0t is not decided only as a derived demand product to be ordered last. &roject mana!ement !roups increasin!ly include Iuptime propositionsJ in their overall infrastructure solutions. /he infrastructure perspective +ill definitely come in more seriously and po+er audits +ill !et more formalised and mandatory in critical applications.A

0t is boom time for %&S vendors +ho are !oin! all out +ith their mar,etin! drives and strate!ies to +oo customers. -randed players are set to emer!e the +inners5 havin! customised their products accordin! to 0ndian conditions and also +idenin! their channel and distribution reach. 6nd of course5 they are all set to play the price !ame by lo+erin! the prices of their products.


C+stomising U2S s#stems 'or Indian ! *onditions

ost %&S vendors in 0ndia are playin! the product customisation card to ma,e deeper inroads into the mar,et. &o+er fluctuations in some small 0ndian cities can vary bet+een 1"0 to 290 volts. /herefore5 it is important for %&S vendors to localise their models as per 0ndian conditions. ;endors are !ettin! re!ular feedbac, from different re!ional mar,ets across the country and then tailorin! their products as per re7uirements. S *a!arjuna5 !eneral mana!er mar,etin! $e& &eripherals says5 @$e have been investin! a lot of money in terms of understandin! customer e4pectations and in comin! out +ith solutions based on their feedbac,. $e have some specialised %&S models aimed at the rural mar,et and especially for diary applications. #ocalisation of %&S systems is the only +ay to reach the common man in 0ndia.A )ven a *1 %&S player li,e 6&1 has realised the importance of localisin! its products in 0ndia and is locally desi!nin! and manufacturin! some of its %&S models to suit 0ndian needs and conditions.

Im!ortan*e o' U2S

/he need for po+er conditionin! at a data center is as basic as the need for breathin! to a livin! bein!. 0f you have to ensure that the data center is up and runnin! all the time5 you have to ensure that all the associated infrastructure li,e routers5 servers5 s+itches5 and air conditionin! is dra+in! po+er.

O+in! to the critical nature of the 0nternet .ata 1enter 20.13 business5 ;S*# had to !uarantee very hi!h levels of uptime to all its nation+ide customers. 6nd in order to live up to the S#6 promises of uptime at its five data centers5 it +as necessary that the infrastructure +as conducive to offer uninterrupted business. 21

/he company thus decided to adopt a po+er conditionin! strate!y and deploy a po+er conditionin! solution that +ould help ,eep its business tic,in! at all times.

Net.or; +!time is im!ortant

/he fundamental re7uirement +hen a customer outsources to a data center is that the infrastructure should have all the in!redients for runnin! on a 244' basis. 1ustomers need the hi!hest possible uptime +ithout !ettin! into the hassle of mana!in! that infrastructure on their o+n.

6 customerMs +ebsite is the !ate+ay to his business on the internet and offers +orld+ide potential. /his translates to the need for reliable po+er5 temperature and 0nternet connectivity.

6nd for certain customers5 Service #evel 6!reements 2S#6s3 commits an uptime of 99.9 percent. 6 ,ey observation to be made here is the penalty clause5 +hich comes into play if the %&S manufacturer does not fulfill the re7uisite net+or, uptime.

-randed %&S players are !ainin! mar,et share by playin! the value pricin! and locali8ation card.


U!time is defined as the amount of time your infrastructure is on5 up and uninterrupted. 0n other +ords5 the time +hen it is not do+n. /oday5 unreliability in po+er5 climatic and other environmental factors your net+or, infrastructure faces ma,es it more susceptible to do+ntime. 6 !rave matter of concern if your business relies on the infrastructure.

(ortunately for you5 there is Emerson Net.or; (rom industry> leadin! precision air>conditionin! solutions to uninterrupted po+er solutions from SODO to the )nterprise5 +e ,no+ that a solution is only as stron! as its +ea,est component. /hatMs +hy our products lead their industry cate!ories in providin! consistent Nhi!h ninesN reliability.

/he cost of do+ntime for 0ndia 0nc. is a sta!!erin! &s 25,555 *rore in direct losses due to poor po+er 7uality and do+ntime. Sophisticated economies reco!ni8e the importance of uptime even thou!h the 7uality of po+er is not an issue. /his is the reason +hy the si8e of mar,ets li,es the %S and =apan is much more than that of 0ndia in this space. 0ndian companies need to thin, about po+er protection strate!ies the same +ay they are loo,in! at disaster recovery solutions today.


Cha!ter 0

Com!an# 2ro'i"e

<ho Is Emerson= (ounded in 1890 Fecord of consistent lon!>term performance Clobal product?mar,et leadership Feco!ni8ed outstandin! mana!ement process Stron! !lobal presence Solid financial position (L2004Sales of H1"."-

Over 1235400 employees and 320 +orld+ide plants


Emerson net.or; ! BIndia> 1. ar,et leaders in %&S Systems and &recision 6ir 1onditionin!.

2. .ivision of the 16 billion H )merson !roup. 3. )merson *et+or, &o+er 203 &vt. #td. formerly ,no+n as /6/6 #iebert #imited5 +as 0ncorporated on arch 105 1993.

6 reliable po+er system for your communications net+or, is imperative. Seconds of do+ntime turn into millions in losses. Lour customers count on you. /heir customers count on them.

*ever before has the need for uninterrupted po+er been more critical than in todayMs net+or,>driven economy. 6nd never before has one company been able to provide a total net+or, po+er solution.

Emerson Net.or; +hich is currently the "argest (rand of the 10 Bi""ion USC )merson !roup has the technolo!y e4pertise5 !lobal reach5 and breadth of products and services to build and support your entire po+er net+or, infrastructure. (rom po+er components to climate and po+er systems5 )merson *et+or, &o+er solves all your po+er reliability needs.

)merson *et+or, &o+er is the only one@sto! so+r*e 'or net.or;@ de!endent *+stomers. Our cuttin! ed!e5 climate control and reliable po+er


technolo!ies help safe!uard your net+or, infrastructure from aberrations. 1ombined +ith our industry e4pertise5 technolo!ical ,no+>ho+ and Clobal reach +e are able to provide you +ith Nhi!h ninesN reliability any+here in the +orld.

$hen your reputation and success depend on consistent po+er for your net+or,5 reliability isnMt somethin! you add5 itMs the foundation of your system > consistent and dependable from grid to *hi!.

NDi!h ninesN reliability is simply a +ay of e4pressin! +hat percenta!e of time the po+er is on. /he po+er !rid system in the %nited States5 for e4ample5 provides Nthree ninesN reliability5 meanin! the po+er is on 99.9: of the time. /hat translates into 8.8 hours of po+er disruption annually.

)merson *et+or, &o+er ,no+s that todayMs net+or,>driven business environment demands consistent Nhi!h ninesN reliability.


/hatMs +hy )merson *et+or, &o+er strives to deliver 99.9999: reliable5 uptime solutions5 translatin! into a minimal 3.2 seconds of po+er disruption annually. 6nd at the heart of this very hi!h standard of reliability lies a fully inte!rated suite of superior po+er reliability technolo!y.

C+stomer S+!!ort

Emerson Net.or; offers the best in uptime solutions that ,eeps your infrastructure protected and coupled +ith our le!endary5 a+ard +innin! 1ustomer Support serviceB +e literally eliminate do+ntime ensurin! your peace of mind.

)merson *et+or, &o+er Clobal Services 2EN2$S3 throu!h its rich resources of technical e4perts and stron! infrastructure offers a ran!e of services !uarantyin! product uptime and thereby ensurin! continuous availability of clean air and po+er at application end.

EN2$S Strengths6

*et+or, of 4 Oonal offices5 13 -ranch offices and 31 .ealer ? (ranchisee Service centers to provide prompt and efficient service throu!hout the country.

6vailability of spares at all the metro cities bac,ed by sophisticated supply chain mana!ement system of (C>&FO. $orld class manufacturin! setup at /hane follo+in! latest mana!ement techni7ues. 2'

Stron! FK. -ase to continuously update and provide latest products. /echnically trained e4pert service personnel under!oin! re!ular trainin! pro!rams to ,eep them abreast of latest technolo!ies and products. Service personnel e7uipped +ith sophisticated tools and measurin! e7uipment. 6dvance communication facilities to deliver prompt response. 6vera!e Fesponse times in metros maintained belo+ 2 hours. 1all monitorin! system and 22>8>243 escalation procedure to eliminate pendin! calls.

Batter# *are6

<eepin! your -atteries in 2ea; Condition is a sure si!n of lon!evity for your bac,up solutions and besides you !et the best out of your %&S. So even thou!h your %&S solutions are up and runnin! and your batteries are in !ood condition5 over a period of time it does help if your maintain your batteries and !et that e4tra bit out of your a!in! batteries.

<h# Batter# Care=

6n %&S +ith reliable -attery -ac, up is an essential consideration +hen installin! critical data processin! systems5 telecommunication5 industrial process automation and similar applications


Do+ever once the system is runnin!5 it is easy to -attery


overloo, > until there is po+er failure. /hen it could be too late. &artially dischar!ed cells5 o4idi8ed connections or internal corrosion mi!ht mean that +hen it comes to the crunch the bac, up fails to +or,.

S+!!ort 'rom Emerson Net.or; $"o(a" Ser,i*es Fe!ular &reventive aintenance &ro!ramme ana!ement &ro!ramme consists of planned

Our advance -attery

preventive maintenence visits. Our Service en!ineers +ill measure ,ey factors such as battery impedance5 volta!e and operatin! ambience etc. +ith our advanced -attery onitorin! instrument follo+ed by detailed analysis.

Batter# &e!"a*ement S*heme

/he company offers a ran!e of -attery replacement schemes tailored to suit the site re7uirements.

&rompt detection and proactive 6ction Sin!le ;endor service for both your %&S and -attery systems Puic, 0dentification of +ea, batteries

4a*tors, .hi*h a''e*t U2S Batter# Li'e

6!e and %se /emperature %niformity


aintenance Fe!imes

A.ards 2ort'o"io 4rost D S+""i,an India E A.ardsF A+g+st 255/ &roduct K 1ustomer Service #eadership 6+ard in 0/ ? 0/)S ? .atacenters &roduct K 1ustomer Service #eadership 6+ard in /elecom products 1ustomer Service #eadership 6+ard in Dospitals &roduct K 1ustomer Service #eadership 6+ard in #ar!e )nterprises 1ustomer Service #eadership 6+ard in -an,in! K 0nsurance -est ultinational %&S 1ompany in 0ndia for 2002>03

60/ #evel 2 6+ard for Puality 219983G first manufacturin! 1ompany to reach this level 100 1ertificate of Feco!nition for Stron! 1ommitment to /P the 100>)4im Puality 6+ard &rocess @1ustomer Service #eadershipA 6+ard for e4cellence in Service in the industry 60/ )4cellence in e4ports a+ard in hard+are cate!ory 2003 -est *et+or, 1ritical &hysical 0nfrastructure 2*1&03 facility in the country by ;S*# 219993 under



/echies 9'5 985 99 Soft .isc 19965 199'5 19985 1999 0 1 6+ards Q 1999 &1 Puest )ditors 1hoice 6+ard Q2000 &1 Puest )ditors 1hoice 6+ard Q 1998. )*&0 received the aharashtra 0/ 6+ard for the Lear 2004

(rost K Sullivan @;oice of 1ustomers 6+ards and best vendor for 1ustomer supportA for the 0ndian %&S 0ndustry.

Emerson Network Power

Ind strial A tomation 2!% Climate Technologies 16%

Process Management 19% Appliance& Tools 21%

Netw ork Pow er 21%

LIEBE&T 2re*ision En,ironmenta" Contro" and U2S s#stems and Net.or; 2rote*tion 2rod+*ts Ge# *+stomers o' Emerson net.or; 2artia" List o' H 25;IA



Dutch otorola /ata 0ndicom /ouchtel 2-harati /elenet3 6irtel 2-harati obile3

Spice 1ommunications Feliance 0nfocomm 3. *et+or,s

ITJITESJS%4T<A&E 00ntel .ell Source 1aritor Samsun! Soft+are /1S (1C Soft+are Clobal



0*C ;ysya et#ife D.(1 #ife /6/6 60C 01010 #ombard ;ijaya -an, 1orporation -an, /imes of 0ndia .eccan Derald /he Dindu * 6 0/ 0SFO Q 0S/F61 %ther *or!oratesJgo,ernmentJman+'a*t+ring

Covt. of <arnata,a Q 0/ .ept. /6/6 Doney+ell D##


Ma9or C+stomers o' Emerson net.or; ! Te"e*om %!erators 1. 6/K/ $ireless 2. -ell South 3. -harti Croup 4. 1able K $ireless ". 10 $orldcom 6. *// .ocomo '. P+est 8. S-1 9. Sin!tel 10. Sprint 11. /ata /ele Services 12. ;odafone 13. ;S*#

Te"e*om%EMs 1. 6lcatel 2. )ricsson 3. (ujitsu 4. Du!hes ". #ucent 6. otorola '. *)1 8. *o,ia 9. *ortel 10. Siemens 11. /ata -rodband


Internet In'rastr+*t+re 1. 6O# 2. 1y7uator 3. .i!ital 0sland 4. )7uini4 ". Clobal 1rossin! 6. Clobal /elesystem '. )4odus 8. 0ntel 9. #evel 3 10. *et a!ic 11. Feliance 0nfocom 12. Satyam 0nfo+ay 13. /ata 0nternet

Com!+ting D Net.or;ing %EMs 1. 6pple 2. 1isco Systems 3. 1ompa7 4. D& ". DS-1 -an, 6. 0'. 01010 8. 0nfosys 9. *at. Stoc, )4chan!e 10. Standard 1hartered 11. Silicon Craphics 12. Sun 13. /1S icrosystems


14. /imes of 0ndia

E)e*+ti,e 2ro'i"e o' the *om!an# )merson net+or, &o+er 20ndia3 &rivate #imited is a +holly o+ned subsidiary of )merson )lectric %.S.6. > a (ortune "0 company5 +hich +as earlier ,no+n as /6/6 #iebert #imited.

/6/6 #iebert #imited +as a joint ;enture bet+een the /6/6s and #ibert 1orporation5 a +holly o+ned subsidiary of )merson )lectric %.S.6. Q a fortune "00 company. )merson ac7uired the 100: sta,es in September 2001 and renamed the company as @)merson *et+or, &o+er 20ndia3 &rivate #imitedA. /he company manufacturesK mar,ets #ibert ran!e of %ninterruptible &o+er Supply 2%&S3 systems5 /ransient ;olta!e Sur!e Suppressor 2/;SS3 and &recision 6ir 1onditionin! 2&613 systems.

/he company also mar,ets #iebert Fan!e of e7uipment for specific re7uirements of soft+are e4port houses and other soft+are /echnolo!y &ar,s. )merson products are compact5 aesthetic intelli!ent5 reliable5 virtually noiseless and incorporate microprocessor based technolo!y.

/he company also has the e4pertise to provide comprehensive solutions includin! po+er mappin!5 site study and load study.

#iebert &61 systems mana!e air temperature5 humidity and dust levels +ithin very precise tolerances. ain application areas include telecom s+itch rooms5 pharma clean rooms5 computers and industrial process control centre. 36

/he company also offers number of service products to provide post +arranty support. /hey include %ltra care series. -attery care for battery maintenance and the li,es. )merson *et+or, &o+er 20ndia3 also caters to the international mar,ets in 1hina5 nations. $ith more than 60: of its personnel bein! trained and e4perienced en!ineers and mana!ement !raduates the company is e7uipped to cater to its discernin! and demandin! customers. iddle )ast5 and South )ast 6sia and S66F1

/he products are manufactured at a modern? state>of>the>art plant in /hane5 in the 0ndian state of aharrashtra. /his facility is ac,no+led!ed to be comparable to the best in the +orld. Dybrid flo+ line process is employed +hich permits a sta!e assembly process +ith variety. /he plant is +ell e7uipped processes are desi!ned for 7uic, delivery.

$ith 13 offices of its o+n>manned and e7uipped>coverin! the +hole country and a country+ide dealership net+or,5 the company provides the best nation>+ide service +ith the ) )FSO* !uarantee of 7uality and reliability. #ibert is the ac,no+led!ed leadin! brand in the %&S and &61 mar,ets. 6n 0SO 9001>2000 certified company5 launched its /P a!ainst t+o of the tou!hest /P -aldri!e 6+ard3 and )(P initiatives referenced alcolm models> =F. P; 2modeled on the

2)uropean foundation for 7uality mana!ement3 the

companyJs desi!n processes are verified and 1ertified by S01) 0taly the company crossed a major milestone in its 7uality journey +hen it +as accorded level 00 reco!nition by 60/ 2manufacturers 6ssociation for information technolo!y3. 0t 60/ in 0ndia for a +hole company and is hi!hest ever reco!nition recorded by the first in the manufacturin! sector.


Cha!ter 1

2rod+*t 2ro'i"e

6 study says that the three basic topolo!ies in electronic battery>bac,ed %&S devices areG standby5 line>interactive and on>line. 0t also e4amines the status of rotary fly+heel %&S technolo!y5 typically used to protect very lar!e installations +ith hi!h capacity re7uirements.

/here are various models of %&S to cater servers5 mini>computers5 multiple servers5 &-R and 0nternet +or,in! e7uipments. /he research that is done for this product sho+s that the po+er of an %&S is measured in <;6. /he most popular in -an!alore mar,et sho+s that on>line %&S is +idely used by most of the companies. $hereas of>line %&S are very fe+ in the mar,et5 26ppro4imately in the proportion of 8"G1"3

/he bloc, dia!ram and its +or,in! procedure is !iven in the ne4t pa!e5 +hich e4plained by itself ho+ the device +or,s +ithout any time !ap durin! po+er cuts.


B"o*; Diagram o' U2S








%n "ine +!s s#stems Be)tra hi@range>

K2 Series @ 35GIA to 105GIA B-2h@12h> E)tenda("e +! to 255GIA ost of the %&S manufacturers choose to connect a 3phase to 1phase transformer at the output of a 3phase to 3phase %&S system5 6plab stands out by offerin! a /F%)5 full po+er5 Sin!le &hase %&S System of 1"0<;6 ratin! that too +ith 200: short term overload capacity. /his feature5 added +ith the redundancy options ma,es it an automatic choice for applications such as 1all 1enters5 Soft+are .evelopment Or!ani8ations5 and Dotel 0ndustry etc. Since all 1omputers loads +or, on Sin!le &hase &o+er5 the e4tra hi!h ratin! coupled +ith the short>term overload capacity ensures handlin! of 0n>rush 1urrents of almost any ma!nitude.


M2 Series @ 35GIA to 105GIA B-2h@-2h> E)tenda("e +!to 255GIA

/his series is desi!ned to match the severe 0ndian 1onditions of e4treme temperature K humidity. 6dded to this5 the lo+ runnin! cost +ith the best dynamic re!ulation K unbalanced load performance ma,es it the ideal choice for three phase utility users. /he reliability is multiplied t+o fold by the redundant confi!urations offered in this ran!e +hich is the reason satisfied customers li,e Feserve -an, Of 0ndia5 State -an, of 0ndia5 Fail+ays5 O*C15 F1( etc5 choose 6plab systems as the Safest -uy. Ban; series 1;IA %n"ine U2S /rue On #ine 0C-/ based Systems. 1old Start on full load facility.


1S1 Dot Standby 1onfi!uration. Cenerator 1apability. Static -ypass +ith Oero /ransfer. 0nput over>volta!e cutoff devices )4cellent overloadG 1"0: (# for " seconds Output short circuit protection S+!er /55 series 2)15;IA, 2)25;IA %n"ine -uilt in &arallel Fedundancy .ual icroprocessor 1ontrolled

0nbuilt 0solation /ransformer $ide 0nput ;olta!e of 290>"20; 1old ? -lac, Start 1apability. #). ? #1. .isplay +ith 200 alarms. /emperature compensation battery char!in!. *etcom for !lobal monitorin! 41

iTr+st series -5, /5, 15;IA %n"ine &arallel for Fedundancy up to 4 units (ull .i!ital Si!nal &rocessin! usin! .S& $ide 0nput ;olta!e Fan!e #o+ 1urrent Darmonic .istortion of less than 3: Di!h 0nput &o+er (actor Di!h Overload and Short>1ircuit 1apacities 0ntelli!ent -attery ana!ement imic &anel for Feal>time information

#ar!e #1. .isplay and


TISS 20@155;A mode"s Transient Io"tage S+rge S+!!ressors 1onnection /ype............................................... &arallel Operatin! ;olta!e Fan!e................................. S?>1": (ault 1urrent Fatin! 26013................................ 2" ,601 .imensions.................... .................................. 4.'2A44.'2A42.36A Operatin! (re7uency Fan!e............................ 4' Q 63 D8 1apacity............................................................. 1ontinuous "0. ) 0?F(0 6ttenuation ................................. 40 dFesponse /ime................................................. T0." ns .ry 1ontract ratin! ........................................... 12"vac5 8.065 1.0pf Operatin! /emperature .................................... >40Uc to S"0Uc Operatin! Dumidity........................................... 0: to 9": Status 0ndication............................................... #).5 .ry 1ontacts


1ertifications..................................................... %# 14495 1%#5 1) $arranty............................................................ " Lears

%n"ine +!s s#stems Bmid@range>

E,erest Series @ 15GIA to 15GIA B-2h@-2h> /his latest );)F)S/ series from 6plab is pac,ed +ith all the latest features and is fully controlled by .i!ital Si!nal &rocessor 2.S&35 performin! the Feal /ime &rocessin! of a lar!e amount of system data. 1onsiderin! the importance of the battery in a %&S system and to ma4imi8e its lifetime5 );)F)S/ uses a special technolo!y termed M*)O>1D6FC)FM. );)F)S/ series %&S ensures hi!hest po+er protection and ma4imum reliability for the most critical applications.

L2 Series @ 10GIA to -5GIA B-2h@12h>

/his series offers the user a ran!e of medium <;65 floor mounted %&S system +ith latest &$ 20C-/3 technolo!y. /he series features... %. display5 parallel operation5 Di!h efficiency and scientific coolin! system and are an inherent part of the desi!n and contribute immensely to the reliability of this ran!e.


L2 Series @ 10GIA to -5GIA B-2h@-2h>

/his series is specially desi!ned to suit three phase loads +ith facility to handle unbalanced loads. #atest state of the art &$ 20C-/3 technolo!y usin! microprocessor ensures lo+ output distortion and better crest factor handlin! capacity. &arallel operation 2even for char!ers3 +ith "0: load sharin! facility is a uni7ue and unmatched specification +hich is the result of 6plabJs FK. stren!th.

AU-555 Series @ 0GIA to 15GIA B-2h@12h>

/he series covers ratin!s from "<;6 to 10<;65 Sin!le>&hase output and is ideally suited for installations havin! a three>phase input supply utility. 0t is an automatic choice for most users5 due to its slee, desi!n and user friendly features such as uni7ue dual display system as +ell as easy adaptability +ith battery installation to form a @%&/A 2%ninterrupted &o+er /o+er3.


$LT AI series

1, 2, -;IA %n"ine

/rue on>line double conversion technolo!y (ull .i!ital Si!nal &rocessin! usin! .S& $ide 0nput ;olta!e Fan!e #o+ 1urrent Darmonic .istortion Di!h 0nput &o+er (actor )4tendable batteries for lon!er bac,ups 0nput po+er factor corrected Di!hest efficiency (ree auto>shutdo+n soft+are on 1. 0nternal bypass


%n "ine +!s s#stems B"o.@range>

&hino Series @ 2GIA to 7 0GIA

/his series has been introduced by adoptin! various proven techni7ues implemented till date and is an immensely reliable5 field proven system. /he Fhino series caters to the needs of todayJs ne+ technolo!ical advancement in 0nformation technolo!y5 /elecom5 edical and 0ndustrial se!ments. /he Fhino series stands by its name as a ru!!ed5 but effective solution to your po+er problems. /he systems offer complete isolation of load for ma4imum protection and have the hi!hest overload capability to handle heavy start up loads. /he series also boasts of the 0ndustryJs hi!hest /-( fi!ure.

D#nam IT Series @ 1GIA to 1GIA /he series covers ratin!s from 1<;6 to 6<;6 and is armed +ith an array of features. 6ctive 0nput &o+er (actor 1orrection5 icroprocessor 1ontrolled

Operation5 $ide 0nput ran!e and advanced S* &. /hese %&S are desi!ned to provide not only clean po+er5 but also po+er>up cost effectively throu!h inherent competitive price and lo+er runnin! costs.


$LT 2U series 1, 2, -;IA ra*; Mo+nt V V V V V V (le4ible Fac, or /o+er mountin! icroprocessor 1ontrolled /rue On #ine 2.ouble 1onversion3 /echnolo!y %ser replaceable inbuilt batteries %ser friendly #). display Soft+are K Cenerator 1ompatible.


U2S Com!arison %'' "ine +!s

/his system is basically an %44@LINE U2S system. 0n this system5 the output +aveform is synchroni8ed +ith the ains +aveform. /hus the chan!e over the inverter mode is faster 2about 2ms3 compared to the common %44@LINE U2S 1ompounded +ith automatic ;olta!e Fe!ulator 26;F3. /his may be a cost> effective solution for a stand>alone computer +here po+er conditions are less severe. (or #6* application thou!h5 it is 7uestions. (irstly5 +henever mains po+er is available5 it is directly !iven to the load thou!h it is controlled to some e4tent by the built>in 6;F. /hus the load is not completely isolated from the mains. /he .ifferential mode noise 2. FF3 can be !reatly attenuated in this systems5 ho+ever the 1ommon computer. ode noise 21 FF3 is still passed on to the oreover5 if this is such a !ood system that it can replace an O*>#0*)

%&S system5 one +onders +hy the same companies5 +ho manufacture #0*)> 0*/)F610/0;) system5 also manufacture the O*>#0*) systems.

%n@"ine +!s6

/his system is basically a double conversion system. 0n this system5 the ains po+er is first converted to .1 volta!e of appropriate value and fed to the inverter that converts it bac, to 61 po+er. /hus in this system5 the load is al+ays po+ered by the inverter. /he battery is connected to the .1 bus. /hus this is truly a *o>-rea, system. /he load bein! totally isolated from the ains po+er5 . FF as +ell as 1 FF noise is filtered out and the load !ets clean po+er.


/he on>line %&S means 8ero transfer time from e4ternal to internal po+er. $hen utility po+er fails5 the critical load remains supported by a seamless flo+ of po+er from the CR/ 2%. /hese are those devices5 +hich do not re7uire to !et s+itched on manually5 to continue +ith the pro!ram5 +hen there is a po+er cut. $here as Off>line %&S re7uires manual interruption for continuin! the pro!ram and the dataJs +ill also remain un+ashed if it is saved from time to time.

/he fla!ship brand of )merson *et+or, 1ompany is CR/ 2%. /he CR/ 2% is easy to install5 easy to set up and even easier to use. 0t features simple operation +ith sin!le s+itch for uncomplicated5 error>free start up. 6 front> mounted panel display system status5 load levels5 battery capacity and alarm conditions.

%n"ine U2S !rote*tion 'or essentia" and *riti*a" a!!"i*ations

/he CR/ 2% +ill transfer the critical load to utility po+er 2bypass mode3 in the event of adverse conditions +ithin the %&S. /his adds an e4tra measure of reliability and availability to the supported e7uipment. *o additional cabinets are necessary for it. 0t also offers a variety of communications options to provide the monitorin! and control capabilities5 demanded by todayJs net+or, computin! system.

)ach CR/ 2% is shipped +ith $indo+s compatible soft+are that allo+s the user to pro!ram a verity of operatin! parameters. /his capability allo+s you to customi8e the CR/ 2%Js performance to your specific re7uirements5 providin! a ne+ level of po+er protection control and adaptability.


0t is desi!ned from the inside out for ma4imum reliability. 0t includes operatin! features li,eG po+er factor corrected loads5 fre7uency conversion and internal automatic and manual bypass capability.


Cha!ter 7

Data Ana"#sis and Inter!retation

Sam!"e si?e6 ;isitin! and ta,in! do+n the dataJs of 255 companies. U2S Brands 6&1 26merican po+er corporation3 /6/6 #ibert? )merson &o+er One /;S>) 2/;S )lectronics3 Oenith Others Mar;et share '": 12: 4: 4: 3: 2:

Ta("e 7 1 Brands a,ai"a("e in the mar;et .ith its mar;et share


6ccordin! to the above data it is understood that 6&1 is still a mar,et leader +ith a mar,et share of '":. $hereas ) )FSO* *)/$OF< is in the 2nd position and re7uires penetratin! the 0ndian mar,et.


90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

APC Emerson Power One 3-" Co#$mn 4 3-" Co#$mn 5





Zen t!


4ig 7 1 BrandFs !resen*e in the mar;et

Brands Used 6&1 )merson &o+er One Oenith /;S>)

M +sed 48: 3': 10: 3: 2: in GIA 80 <;6 120 <;6 60 <;6 20 <;6 40 <;6

Ta("e 7 2 U2S Brands +sed in ITJ So't.are Com!anies

Inter!retation6 /he follo+in! data sho+s that 48: of 0/ firms in -an!alore uses 6&1 brand of %&S system5 +here as 3': of 0/s uses )merson net+or,. /hus to compete +ith 6&1 brand is not a problem5 to cater this se!ment.


TVS-E% 40&VA Zen t!% 20&VA APC% 80&VA%

Emerson% 120&VA


Ind+stries 0/? Soft+are -&O? 1all 1enters 6cademic 0nstitutions &arma? #aboratories (inancial institution

&es!onse 0nterested 0nterested 0nterested but not no+ *e!ative 0nterested

Ta("e 7 - C+stomer &es!onses 'or Emerson Net.or;

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 'T (PO 'nst t$t on P!)rm) * n)n+ )# ntereste, Not now No

4ig 7 - di''erent ind+stries to *ater


Inter!retation6 /he above data sho+s that the 0/?Soft+are companies5 -&O?1all 1enters and financial institutions still have the potential to be tar!eted and catered.


Cha!ter 3
/his research has helped )merson *et+or, to understand the perception of the )4istin! clients and cater the re7uirement of prospect customers. 0t has also found that a hi!h level of a+areness has to be created in the mar,et. 0t has also found that a hi!h level of a+areness has to be created in the mar,et. Since 6&1 brand continues to play as a mar,et leader5 so the research helped in findin! +ho could be the prospect customers5 so that before 6&1 caters them5 )merson *et+or, should convert them as their #oyal 1ustomers. 0t +as also able to find out the chan!in! perception and re7uirement of the mar,et for %&S products. #i,e5 today customers are loo,in! for an %&S system +hich +ill be able to control the entire net+or, of their plant or office. 0t also found that ne+ companies 2customers3 are loo,in! for hi!her ran!e of <;6 for there %&S system5 so that +hen they !o for e4pandin! there net+or, in future5 they should not re7uire to replace or up!rade there e4istin! %&S systems. .


Cha!ter 9

6fter completin! the project5 the findin! su!!ests that> 6 brand ima!e has to be created in the mar,et5 by advertisement in science ma!a8ine and -usiness journals. /he e4istin! customers should continuously !et the benefit of after sales service5 so that a positive +ord of mouth +ill help5 in creatin! a positive ima!e for )merson *et+or,. Since it is an industrial product5 so belo+ the line activity +ill help in creatin! a favorable ima!e in the mar,et. #i,e5 !ivin! lectures and presentations in colla!es5 institutions and other academic centers. Supported +ith scholarship and !ivin! other values for motivation. 0t should also do events li,e e4hibitions and participatin! in 0/ fests.


Cha!ter 15


/he over all project is a study on %&S system in 0ndia and findin! the mar,et potential for )merson *et+or, &o+er 20ndia3 &rivate #imited. /his project report also hi!hli!hts the various ran!es of %&S system present in the mar,et and +hat can be re7uired in the near future.

/he company profile sho+s that )merson *et+or, po+er has continuously sho+n their interest in 0nnovation5 supportin! customers and caterin! all the se!ments. /his report has been an e4cellent mar,et e4posure and practical learnin! +ith addition to my 6cademic ,no+led!e.


Cha!ter 11
M# "earning

/his project has helped me learn lot of ne+ thin!s. 0t has helped me to apply all the research techni7ues +hich usually available only in the boo,

/his project has provided a deep insi!ht of not only the %&S indsustry in the country but of the process5 their +ay of !ettin! customers as +ell. 0t also helps me to understand their re7uirement and perception for %&S.

6part from this it helped me to learn ho+ customer satisfaction studies are carried out. Do+ research methodolo!y is implemented5 ho+ 7uestionnaires are desi!ned5 ho+ customers are intervie+ed and contacted5 ho+ data is collected5 ho+ it is analy8ed5 interpreted K ho+ recommendations are made on the basis of findin!s.



Boo;s6 1 NMar;eting &esear*h, An Integrated A!!roa*hF, by 6lan $ilson5 Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh, 2002 Oo+rna"s6 1 NB+siness <or"dF, Edition January 2005 2. IS*ien*eF5 -ritish &ress5 March 2005 - NB+siness Toda#F5 Edition March 2005 <e( sites6 1 ... m#iris *om

2. ....indiain'o"ine *om / ... emersonnet.or;! *o in ... +!sind+stries *om


Designing P+estionnaire 'or *"ient *om!anies

P+estionnaire6 1. a. 1ompany *ameG b. 6ddress G

c. 1ontact &erson G d. .esi!nation G

e. &hone number G f.. e>mail G

2. -rief information about the companyG a. Area of Business: Soft+are 1orporate -.&.O. 1all 1entre


b. Number of offices in Bangalore: E)isting Kard.are in'rastr+*t+re6 G

a. *umber of &1s

b. *umber of ServersG c. *umber of FoutersG 61

d. *umber of &rintersG e. *umber of %&S G

Fatin! of %&S 2in <;63G -rand of %&S /ype of %&S Off #ine G G #ine interactive Online

4. )4pansion plans if anyG ". $hat capacity %&S you may re7uire for accommodation purposeE

6. .o you plan to up!rade or replace the e4istin! %&SE

'. $hat are the reasons for up !radationE 0ncreased need of hi!her capacity &oor performance &oor after sales service (aster ta,e over time (re7uent brea,do+ns Outdated technolo!y i.e. Obsolete 62

8. $hich all %&S brands are ,no+n to youE

9. Dave you heard about /6/6 #ibert ? #ibert %&SE Les 10. 6re you a+are of /.;.S.SE Les *o *o

11. $ill you be interested in ,no+in! more about /;SS solution to protect critical loads from transientsE Les 12. .o you have a separate server roomE Les *o *o

13. $ill you be interested to ,no+ more about &recision air conditionin! Solutions of Server FoomE Les *o


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