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Match these meanings with its words:

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) Dispatch: 16 Uprising:14 Mob: 10 Heresy: 11 Fall apart: 1 Neglect:4 Relapse: 2 Sought: 17 Sap: 3 Remnant: 5 Conscription: 6 Zealot:7 Cold-shouldered: 8 Proponent: 12 Entail: 15 Anarchy: 13 Stave off: 9

2. Answer these questions: 1. What were, according to the text, the main reasons for the failure of the September Revolution? Raymond Carr states that the reasons must be sought in the composition of the September coalition and the rival claims of its constituent elements to power and patronage. Although the cancer of the September Revolution was the Cuban war. 2. Which parties integrated the September Coalition? The September Coalition was composed by Unionist, Progressives and Democrats. 3. Why did the Cuban Creoles rebel against the Spanish Government? They felt neglected during twenty years. They also felt resented due to the presence of an administration staffed by Spanish peninsulares. Therefore, they rebelled for an independent Cuba when their petition of a grant of autonomy was rejected by the peninsulares and their allies in Madrid.
Livia Fernndez Prez 2bach-A 12/01/14

4. Why was the Cuban war so negative for the September Revolution? The government had to send Spanish troops to Cuba and it also had to abandon two important promises that the Revolution had brought; those promises were the abolition of conscription and of food taxes. 5. What were the most important democratic conquests of the Constitution of 1869? They were: universal suffrage, the jury system, and the recognition of freedom of religion. 6. What was the main problem that the Republican Government had to face? The Republican Government had to face the renewal of the Carlist war in the north and it failed to re-establish the harmony of the liberal family. 7. Although the Glorious Revolution was a political failure, the author asserts that it was really important. Why? The Constitution of 1869 meant a challenge for the Catholic monarchy. Because the Glorious Revolution meant the consolidation of liberal and progressive ideas in the late nineteenth century, as Romanones said it could never, never be reversed. Those were unquestionable facts. 8. How and when was the monarchy restored? Did Canovas agree with the way it was done? Why? Serrano restored the monarchy by a classic pronunciamiento at Sagunto in December 1974. Antonio Cnovas de Castillo did not agree with it because he wanted a civilian restoration by an organized party. 3. What is the meaning of the underlined words given in the text? 1. Genuinely, adv. Genuinamente. 2. Fell apart: v. Rompi. 3. Statement: n. declaracin. 4. Stave off: v. prevenir. 5. Relapse: n. recada. 6. Rewards: premios. 7. Party rivalry: rivalidad entre partidos 8. Neglect: n. abandono, descuido, negligencia.
Livia Fernndez Prez 2bach-A 12/01/14

9. Creoles: Criollos. 10.Grant of autonomy: n. Cesin de autonoma. 11.Entailed the dispatch: conllev el envo. 12.Conscription: n. reclutamiento. 13.Taxes: n. pl. impuestos. 14.Freedom of religion: libertad religiosa 15.Uprising: n. levantamiento. 16.Suppressed: v. reprimida. 17.Zealots: fanticos. 18.Restrain: v. sujetar. 19.Constituent Cortes: n. Cortes Constituyentes.

Livia Fernndez Prez



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