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INTEGRANTES: Ubills herrera, Carlos Cdigo: 09170164



LECTURA 1: WHAT IS INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING? Industrial engineering is a set of many disciplines, which allow the study of industrial production systems of assets and services. Industrial engineering is a career with wide field of action, which allows the performance in different areas of the production sector, which is oriented to the improvement and development of production systems, implementing, managing and establishing strategies to optimize processes obtaining the maximum performance and productivity from them.

LECTURA 2: DEFINITIONS ABOUT INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. There are many definitions of the Industrial Engineering but all redound mainly the same, Industrial engineering directs the efficient conduct of manufacturing, construction, transportation, or even commercial enterprises of any undertaking, indeed in which human labor is directed to accomplishing any kind of work . Industrial engineering has drawn upon mechanical engineering, upon economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, accountancy, to fuse from these older sciences a distinct body of science of its own. It is the inclusion of the economic and the human elements especially that differentiates industrial engineering from the older established branches of the profession

LECTURA 3: THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Durante los 1960 en adelante, se empez en introducir en las universidades el grado de Ingeniero Industrial adoptando nuevos mtodos y tcnicas de operaciones.

Posteriormente, el avance de la matemtica empleada en la optimizacin y la estadstica, permitieron cubrir las falencias que tena la ingeniera, por la que haba sido considerada teorica. Aun as, hasta la aparicin de los aparatos computacionales, la ingeniera industrial no se pudo dar el abasto que necesitaba. La aparicin de la calculadora permiti que la labor de optimizacin de los ingenieros, se resuelva de una forma ms rpida. Antes los clculos hechos en un ordenador podian tardar semanas o meses, pero con los sistemas computacionales, los tiempos de ejecucin de estos procesos se redujeron a minutos. Con las capacidades de almacenamiento de la computadora digital moderna, los resultados de los sistemas anteriores podran salvarse y se comparan con la nueva informacin. Estos datos dieron ingenieros industriales una poderosa manera de estudiar los sistemas de produccin y su reaccin a los cambios.

LECTURA 4: WAGE ADMINISTRATION (p. 10) Workers are compensated for their efforts on two main aspects: on hourly rates and a financial incentives. An hourly rate paid to the employee for the number of hours of work and is usually dependent on the quantity or quality of production of the worker. The overall level of the hourly rates of a company is determined by reference to the level of community rates, which are obtained from salary surveys conducted by the company, a local business group or a government agency. In general, companies that offer lower wages attract employees less competent and less permanent.

The benefits of encouraging employees to financially are the increase cohesion between staff, and increase the commitment and loyalty of employees.

LECTURA 5: INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (p. 11) Increasingly, companies are increasing in negotiations on working conditions, hours of work, wages, etc. These negotiations can be managed by unions formed by employees of the company. Mainly unions are formed to seek agreements with companies on some abuses or injustices that workers may be suffering. To avoid these things, companies must ensure that their workers to feel accepted, important and safe in their work and their safety. With respect to selection of workers must be considered to have the ability, and this can be detected in the screening tests to which they are subjected. The inclusion of a personal best at the business, generate higher productivity, especially when quality circles are for the continuous improvement of our company.

LECTURA 6: AUTOMATIC MANUFACTURING (p. 41) Production of many products involves activities of both manufacturing and assembly. Fabrication is the manufacture of the components later assembled into the final product. Among some manufacturing methods found the casting, molding, forging, forming, stamping and machining. The assembly may be manual or automatic.

Automatically manufacturing a production system that is comprised primarily of a automatic equipment that works thanks to several integrated subsystems,

using a database and a computer, which allow the production, with certain characteristics, using a minimum of human effort. There are different ways of assembling a product can be manual first, this way you have great advantages sensitive, but not limited to work in dangerous conditions, and can then be automated assembly, which can increase production volumes can be do things faster and you can work effortlessly hold.

LECTURA 7: HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS (p.39) The goal of human factors and ergonomics is to improve performance, reliability, and efficiency of operating systems in humans together with machines. Among these factors are a consideration called psychomotor behavior, which is the activity of receiving sensory input signals and interpret and respond physically to them. Humans can receive contributions of sight, hearing, smell and skin senses that respond to temperature, kinesthetic, etc. and the vestibular sense information about the location and position of objects. The choice is determined by the situation and the task being performed by the person or persons who executed the task. For example, the perception of objects and events is the result of the inputs and the interpretations that the brain has of the senses. The level of worker performance is variable and is affected by individual

skills, training, motivation, attention, workload, work schedules, social environment of the activity, and deterioration due to abuse of substances, stress or fatigue.

LECTURA 8: PLANT ORGANIZATION (p.2) Sort means to distribute the functions of the company 's personnel qualified to perform that function. Currently companies base their plants in lines or staff organizations. By using flowcharts, companies show the relationships of the major divisions and departments and lines of authority direct superior-subordinate. The lines of authority are usually shown as vertical lines and personal authority is indicated by dotted lines. Departments or activities are clearly identified within framed boxes. The names of the persons responsible for a department or activity often included with titles of work organization. Many companies today find it fruitful to establish organizations '' temporary '' in which a team of qualified, reporting to management, met to carry out a mission, goal or project, then this organization was dissolved when the goal is reached. The term virtual enterprise is used to identify combinations of business and industry in which technology is used in a broad range of temporary alliances in order to take advantage of specific market opportunities.


The Just- in-time is a technique developed by the Japanese as a method of inventory control and continuous process improvement. Requires parts to production and are delivered at the right time, when required.

Often, the time difference between the production and the presence of inputs is substantial and inventory costs and performance can sometimes soar. Procedures manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) recommend that materials are delivered at the time the plant need inputs. There are many applications and production control strategies, such as an adaptation of the Gantt chart, PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique), has considerable application and guidance to the project schedule. This forecast planning and management control graphically describes the optimal way to achieve some predetermined goal, usually in terms of time.

LECTURA 10: COST ELEMENTS (p.14) The main factor contained within the cost of a company is related to manufacturing costs, including direct materials, direct labor and factory overhead, and selling and administrative expenses. The cost of purchased materials is recorded from purchase invoices. When materials are used in the factory, it must make a cost flow, i.e., and analyze the cost based on the first-in, first-out method of calculating costs, or costs based on the latest in in, first-out costing. Labor costs are divided into two: Direct labor, also called productive work involves materials that comprise the finished product. The Indirect labor, in contrast to direct labor, can not track specifically for the construction or composition of the finished product. The term includes the work of supervisors, store employees , general assistants, cleaners and employees engaged in maintenance work .

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