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Characteristicsof Various Passive Heating Systems.

Collecting Storage Walls

- The indoor temperatures are more stable than in most other passive systems. - Direct sunshine, and its associated functional problems, are eliminated from the inhabited space. - Installation is relatively inexpensive where construction would normally be masonry, or for retrofitting existing buildings with uninsulated massive external walls. Some practical shortcomings and disadvantages are: - A room relying only on this system is denied light and view from the south. - In a climate with extended cold cloudy periods, without adequate operable insulation with closely controlled operation, the wall may become a heat sink. This drawback may be minimized by the use of a selective surface, or prevented by the effective use of operable insulation. Summer overheating problems may outweigh winter benefits in regions with mild winters and hot summers unless effective shading, also from ground reflected radiation, is provided. - This system can only be used in practice to heat the southern rooms of which it forms one wall. Even in such rooms the effective heating is felt only to a depth of about 1 1/2 times the wall's height. - In multi-story buildings applications problems with maintenance of the glazing may necessitate the provision of access balconies. Note, however, that such balconies can function as the shading overhang for the glazing below. . Some of the functional disadvantages of thermal storage wall systems may be eliminated by the incorporation of windows alongside or within the wall. Direct Gain through these windows can provide quick heating of the space in the morning, while the mass was is still cold. The integration of windows within the wall will also avoid the darkness, blocking of view and air, and general llheavinessll associated with early examples this system. Design Factors Affecting Performance of Masonry Thermal Storage Walls

a) Material's Properties for Thermal Storage Walls

Thermal storage walls combine in one element the functions of collection, transfer and storage of the solar energy. For optimal energy transfer through the wall, materials of conductivitv are necessary. In practice, relatively ' this u s u a l l m concrete, solid concrete blocks or dense bricks. Materials of lower conductivity, like adobe, will result in lower efficiency. b)Thickness of the Wall From point of view of total energy saving, the thickness will have small effect,but is a major factor from the indoor temperatureviewpoint. Fromthis aspect, and also in considering the time of peak heating, the optimal thickness for concrete in residential buildings is approximately 30 cm. For each lOcm of concrete, there is a lag of about 2-2.5 hours between peak solar absorption, and delivery at the inside. Below a thickness

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