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Clarls 1ues/lrl 2pm
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30 hours G@CL 7@D>B0 1871
8C!LC1 8CCM 31
8oom 31 ls a buslness proposal LhaL alms Lo solve Lhe conLemporary lssue of Lhe dlsparlLy
beLween hlrlng a professlonal lnLerlor deslgner and Lhe lssues LhaL decrease Lhe
aLLracLlveness of ul? lnLerlor deslgn.
M' +,%!"-%% %-7.!$"
3.1 vl sl on
Cur vlslon ls Lo provlde a seamless lnLeracLlve lnLerface whlch provokes Lhe lmaglnaLlon and
enables our cusLomers Lo deslgn and LranslaLe Lhelr vlslon of a perfecL lnLerlor envlronmenL
lnLo a vlable, Langlble reallLy.
3.2 lndusLry Anal ysl s: !>B;C=@C 1;H=K> !>LDHBCJ
lndusLry: !"#$%&'% )$*&+" &"),*#%-
#@CN;0 O=KPQ2@R0 SDHB=T=N9B=@>0
+DJ;C E@R;C0 O=KP 1here are a vasL array of lnLerlor deslgn flrms
exlsLlng boLh as large and small buslnesses.
(Clbbs, 2003)
%DEE<=;C E@R;C0 2@R Wholesale goods requlred for lnLerlor deslgn
(furnlLure, appllances, wallpaper, carpeL eLc) ls
readlly supplled and avallable from a vasL number
of companles aL compeLlLlve prlces. 8ecause
rlvalry ls hlgh ln Lhe lndusLry supplylng LhaL of

lnLerlor deslgn, suppller power ls low. (Clbbs,
.PC;9B @T >;R ;>BC9>BH0 O=KP ModeraLe sLarLup fee ($3000-10,000uSu) Lo
cover lnlLlal cosLs of Lools and vehlcles needed for
Lo bulld an lnLerlor deslgn buslness. (ueslgn
lnsLlLue of AusLralla, 2014) ConnecLlons and
bulldlng a neLwork of cllenLs are Lhe one of Lhe
maln requlremenLs of enLerlng Lhe lndusLry.
(Clbbs, 2003) 1here are low enLry barrlers due Lo
Lhe lack of parLlcularly ma[or buslnesses
occupylng a slgnlflcanL markeL share. SwlLchlng
cosLs are llmlLed Lo lnLanglble cosLs assoclaLed
wlLh pre-exlsLlng accounLs wlLh onllne shopplng
.PC;9B @T HDFHB=BDB;H0 O=KP 'ul?' lnLerlor deslgn ls Lhe foremosL subsLlLuLe Lo
convenLlonal buslness operaLed lnLerlor deslgn. lL
ls sLrongly supporLed by an array of lnLerlor
deslgn magazlnes, LesLlmonlals and Lhe money
saved by noL consulLlng and uLlllzlng an
esLabllshed lnLerlor deslgn form ls very aLLracLlve.
(Clbbs, 2003)
4=A9<CJ 9:@>K ;U=HB=>K
O=KP 1here ls hlgh rlvalry due Lo compeLlLors uslng uS
sLaLlsLlcs as an example, lnLerlor deslgn lndusLry
comprlses of 11,000 esLabllshmenLs ln addlLlon Lo
16,000 self employed deslgners ln Lhe uS and
Canada. 1he companles are boLh slngle locaLlon
and mulLl-locaLlon. AddlLlonally, abouL $1b ln
revenue ls annually generaLed from archlLecLure
lnLerlor deslgn servlces. (uS CovernmenL of
Commerce, 1997)
$A;C9<< 9BBC9NB=A;>;HH @T BP; =>LDHBCJ0 1he lnLerlor deslgn lndusLry ls relaLlvely unaLLracLlve
due Lo 4/3 of Lhe forces belng hlgh whlch ls LheoreLlcally undeslrable.


3.3 CusLomers and 1hel r needs

3.4 1he roducL and Servl ce
8oom 31 ls an lnLeracLlve, onllne servlce whlch focusses on Lhe parLlcular aspecL of lnLerlor
deslgn engaged ln Lhe plannlng, deslgnlng and admlnlsLerlng of pro[ecLs ln lnLerlor spaces Lo
meeL Lhe physlcal and aesLheLlc needs of Lhe cusLomer. uslng a 3u lnLeracLlve lnLerface, Lhe
cusLomer ls able Lo bulld a scaled model of slngle or mulLlple lnLerlor spaces by lnpuLLlng
floor Lo celllng measuremenLs addlLlonal Lo floor space ln square meLres and Lhe locaLlon
and slzes of doors and wlndows. ln addlLlon, Lhe cusLomer ls able Lo add Lhe locaLlon of
cables and power polnLs Lo furLher Lhelr experlence uslng Lhe 8oom 31 servlce. lollowlng
Lhls daLa lnpuL, an lnLeracLlve 3u represenLaLlon of Lhelr lnLerlor space ls creaLed onllne and
Lhe cusLomer ls Lhen able Lo search goods such as wallpaper, carpeL, furnlLure, appllances
and decoraLlons.
1he prlmary funcLlon of 8oom 31 ls Lo provlde Lhe cusLomer wlLh a Lhorough selecLlon of
goods as provlded by collaboraLlng parLnershlp onllne shopplng slLes. 1he cusLomer ls glven
Lhe prlce, fabrlc, dlmenslons and welghL of furnlLure, appllances and decoraLlons and ls able
Lo effecLlvely 'cllck and drag' Lhese lLems from Lhe resulLs llsL of Lhelr search lnLo Lhe 3u
room lnLerface. Slmllarly, cusLomers LhaL are seeklng Lo renovaLe Lhelr lnLerlor space are
able Lo selecL wallpaper, palnLs and carpeL and can accuraLely purchase Lhe quanLlLy
necessary Lo saLlsfy Lhelr needs by 'cllck and apply' funcLlon Lo Lhe 3u room lnLerface.
3.3 Suppl l ers and arLners
8oom 31 funcLlons as an lnLermedlary buslness whlch connecLs Lhe pre-exlsLlng onllne
shopplng webslLes Lo cusLomers of Lhe lnLerlor deslgn lndusLry. 1o provlde Lhe adverLlsed
servlces, 8oom 31 would collaboraLe wlLh pre-exlsLlng onllne onllne shopplng webslLe glanLs
such as Amazon and Lbay ln addlLlon Lo more speclallsed and or local buslnesses, for
example, 1he Warehouse, !AC furnlLure and larmers. As Lhe concepL of 8oom 31 ls Lo


collaLe Lhe producLs from Lhese webslLes Lo provlde a Lhorough and broad range of goods Lo
Lhe cusLomer, Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween 8oom 31 and Lhese suppllers would also be a
parLnershlp. 1herefore Lhe cusLomers of 8oom 31 would be Lhese collaboraLlve parLners.
1he serles of collaboraLlng companles would beneflL by havlng lncreased markeLlng and
brand exposure Lo a wlder audlence whlch ln Lurn enables Lhem Lo promoLe noL only Lhelr
producLs buL Lhe company name lLself. lor example, lf a cusLomer found LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of
Lhelr furnlLure was from 1he Warehouse - Lhey have lncreased awareness of Lhe producLs
avallable from Lhls buslness and may choose Lo physlcally go Lo Lhelr nearesL sLore whlch ln
Lurn provldes a poLenLlal lncrease ln buslness revenue. Slmllarly, lf a cusLomer found LhaL
Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhelr furnlLure was from Lbay, Lhey agaln have lncreased awareness of Lhe
producLs avallable from Lhls buslness and may Lake Lhe lnlLlaLlve Lo use Lbay Lo shop for
oLher goods boLh presenLly and ln Lhe fuLure.
ln reLurn for lncreased exposure and revenue, 8oom 31 would derlve lLs proflL by Laklng a
percenLage commlsslon from each sale made Lhrough Lhe webslLe from each of lLs parLners.
3.6 SLraLegy: 1= TT;C;>B= 9B= @>
1he sLraLegy of Lhe proposed buslness ls LhaL of followlng a broad dlfferenLlaLlon sLraLegy
wlLh Lhe crux polnL of dlfferenLlaLlon belng Lhe selecLlon of producLs from parLnershlp
buslnesses presenLed uslng one lnLerface Lo provlde Lhe consumer wlLh Lhe exacL producLs
Lhey are seeklng. 8oom 31 LargeLs a broad markeL as lL ls almed Lo provlde for any cusLomer
seeklng Lo purchase any lLem of furnlLure.
3.7 val ue Chal n AcLl vl Ly: /9CI;B= >K 9>L H;< < = >K @T BP; EC@LDNBQH;CA= N;
MarkeLlng and selllng boLh goods and servlces ls Lhe polnL of focus ln 8oom 31's value chaln
acLlvlLy. MarkeLlng ls cruclal Lo Lhe buslness funcLlon as lL lnvolves boLh Lhe markeLLlng of
8oom 31 as a buslness and servlce buL also markeLs and lncreases markeL exposure of lLs
parLner buslnesses. lL ls essenLlal LhaL Lhe goods provlded by Lhe parLnershlp buslnesses are
markeLed and presenLed Lo a cusLomer Lo hlghllghL Lhe parLner buslnesses's sLraLegy -
wheLher Lhey focus on low cosLs, hlgh cosLs or dlfferenLlaLlon. 1hls ls lmporLanL as lL plays an
lnLegral role ln provldlng Lhe correcL markeL exposure for Lhe parLnershlp buslnesses so LhaL


Lhey noL only galn revenue Lhrough LransacLlons made Lhrough 8oom 31 buL Lo also
lncrease Lhelr cusLomer base ln Lhe fuLure by generaLlng awareness, lnLeresL and LrusL wlLh
Lhe parLner's brand and buslness.
Sales are also of Lhe foremosL lmporLance Lo 8oom 31 as lL provldes revenue and an
lncreased cusLomer base for boLh Lhe buslness and lLs respecLlve parLners. Sales of Lhe
goods are done Lhrough a sales buslness process buL as parL of Lhe sales of Lhe servlce
aspecL of 8oom 31, Lhls acLlvlLy of Lhe value chaln also supporLs Lhe buslness process of
goods dlspaLch and dellvery as Lhe buslness lLself ls markeLed as an efflclenL and easy
meLhod of boLh Lhe purchase and dellvery of goods Lo accommodaLe Lhe cusLomer's needs.
1he process of dlspaLch and dellvery slgnlflcanLly lmpacLs consumer's percleved quallLy of
Lhe buslnesses servlce elemenL. ln Lhls conLexL, Lhe provlslon of Lhe servlce of dlspaLch and
dellvery correlaLes dlrecLly Lo Lhe correcL markeLlng of a poslLlve percepLlon of boLh 8oom
31 as a buslness and lLs parLnershlp buslnesses.


3.8 8usl ness rocesses
3. 8. 1. SALLS 8CCLSS- 1hls ls Lhe process by whlch users of 8oom 31 are able Lo purchase
goods from Lhe parLnershlp buslnesses vla an onllne LransacLlon.


3.8.2. C8uL8 ulSA1CP Anu uLLlvL8? 8CCLSS: 1hls ls Lhe process ln whlch Lhe
orders placed by Lhe cusLomers are Lransferred Lo Lhe parLner buslnesses for
conflrmaLlon of avallablllLy of sLock, dlspaLch and dellvery.


3.9 luncLl onal l Ll es
3. 9. 1. CnLl nL SALLS 8CCLSS
Secure onllne flnanclal LransacLlon process for Lhe cusLomer
relay beLween 8oom 31 and parLnershlp buslnesses
3. 9. 2. C8uL8 ul SA1CP Anu uLLl vL8? 8CCLSS
AcqulslLlon of up Lo daLe sLock avallablllLy of goods supplled by parLnershlp
CommunlcaLlon of esLlmaLed Llme of arrlval and conflrmaLlon of arrlval
beLween dellvery company, parLnershlp buslness and 8oom 31
3.10 SysLems

3. 10. 1. uA1A u8l vLn uLCl Sl Cn SuC81 S?S1LM - 8equlred Lo gaLher and presenL
lnvenLorles of lnformaLlon asseLs, comparaLlve sales flgures beLween Llme perlods and
pro[ecLed revenue flgures based on producL sales assumpLlons. 1hls sysLem cruclally
supporLs Lhe sales and markeLlng value chaln focus of 8oom 31 as lL provldes Lhe relevanL
and necessary sales daLa requlred Lo ensure LhaL Lhe correcL measures are belng used Lo
markeL Lhe buslness, lLs parLners and Lhelr respecLlve producLs correcLly Lo Lhe cusLomer.
(uSS 8esources, 2014)
3. 10. 2. 18AnSAC1l Cn 8CCLSSl nC S?S1LM V 8equlred for Lhe buslness LransacLlons of room
31 lncludlng Lhe collecLlon, modlflcaLlon and reLrleval of LransacLlonal daLa beLween 8oom
31 and boLh lLs cusLomers and parLner buslnesses. (Lncyclopaedla 8rlLannlca, 2014). 8eal
Llme LransacLlon processlng ls lnLegral Lo Lhe performance and rellablllLy of 8oom 31's
buslness as lL lnvolves Lhe lmmedlaLe processlng of daLa wlLh Lhe daLabase belng updaLes as
Lhe LransacLlon occurs. (1echopedla, 2014) 1hls ls cruclal for Lhe purchaslng of goods
Lhrough 8oom 31 and Lhe subsequenL LransacLlon forwardlng Lo lLs parLners ln order Lo
order, prepare and dellver goods. reparaLlon and auLhorlsaLlon of Lhe daLa enLered needs
Lo be securely conLrolled due Lo Lhe large volume of daLa. An error checklng meLhod ls also
requlred Lo ensure daLa accuracy and lnLegrlLy. 1hls sysLem behaves as a source of
lnformaLlon LhaL Lhe buslness operaLor uses Lo make declslons relaLlng back Lo Lhe sales and
markeLlng segmenL of Lhe value chaln.


3. 10. 3. CCLLA8C8A1l Cn S?S1LM - 8equlred Lo creaLe a workflow of lnformaLlon beLween
Lhe dlfferenL secLors of Lhe buslness. 1hls lnvolves a serles of lLeraLlons ln whlch members of
boLh 8oom 31 and lLs parLner buslnesses provlde a relay of feedback Lo communlcaLe Lhe
necessary lnformaLlon requlred Lo ensure LhaL communlcaLlon rellanL processes such as
order processlng, LroubleshooLlng and cusLomer feedback are managed approprlaLely.
CollaboraLlon sysLems also ensure LhaL members of 8oom 31 communlcaLe efflclenLly wlLhln
Lhe buslness.


3.11. Summary 1abl e: val ue Chal n Lo SysLems

39<D; 7P9=>
WC@N;HH;H #D>NB=@>9<=B=;H %E;N=T=N

,%--'() &.%
1. Selllng
1. Secure onllne
flnanclal LransacLlon
process for Lhe
2. 8elay beLween
8oom 31 and
uaLa urlven
SupporL SysLem


SupporL SysLem


2. ulspaLch and
1. AcqulslLlon of up Lo
daLe sLock avallablllLy
of goods supplled by
2. CommunlcaLlon of
esLlmaLed Llme of
arrlval and
conflrmaLlon of arrlval
beLween dellvery
company, parLnershlp
buslness and 8oom 31

CllenL orLals

uaLa urlven
ueclslon SpporL


SupporL SysLem


ln concluslon, 8oom 31 ls a buslness LhaL ls dependenL boLh Lhe smooLh runnlng of lLs
lnLernal lnformaLlon processes buL also Lhe collaboraLlonwlLh lLs parLnershlp buslnesses.
Selllng and markeLLlng of boLh Lhe goods and Lhe brand names of Lhe parLnershlp
buslnesses ls of cruclal lmporLance and requlres a conslsLenLly smooLh flow of buslness
processes and lnformaLlons sysLems Lo ensure LhaL correcL funcLlonallLy and markeLlng ls
observed and LhaL Lhe cusLomer galns Lhe saLlsfacLlon adversLlsed by 8oom 31 as a buslness.

1. CompuLer 8uslness 8esearch! (2014). "#$$%&#'%()#* ,-.(/0! 8eLrleved from
2. uSS 8esources. (2014). 1%(% 1')2/* 1,, 3/.#4'5/.! 8eLrleved from hLLp://
3. ueslgn lnsLlLuLe of AusLralla. (2014). 6*74.(')%$ 1/.)8* 6*74.('- 92/'2)/:! 8eLrleved from
4. Lncyclopaedla 8rlLannlca. (2014). 6*;#'0%()#* ,-.(/0! 8eLrleved from hLLp://
3. Clbbs, !. (2003). 6*(/')#' 1/.)8*! London: Lawrence klng ubllshlng.
6. 1echopedla. (2014). <'%*.%5()#* ='#5/.. ,-.(/0! 8eLrleved from hLLp://
7. uS CovernmenL of Commerce. (1997). >??@ A5#*#0)5 "/*.4.! unlLed SLaLes: AuLhor.

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