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Committee: Climate Change Topic: Causes of Climate Change Country: Brazil Rotaract Club: Rotaract Club of Lala Lajpat

Rai College A) Developed countries have greater historical responsibility for the concentration of greenhouse gases ( ! s" in the atmosphere and# therefore# must adopt international and ambitious targets to limit temperature increases to less than $%C& Climate change is a global problem that re'uires urgent and coordinated action from all parties involved# prioritizing available mitigation technologies that are economically viable and ensure short(term impact& The Clean Development )echanism of the *yoto +rotocol (CD)" is an important step in establishing projects that aim at the reduction of ! emissions and is highly important to engage developing countries in global mitigation efforts, !o-ever# it is imperative to improve ho- CD)s -or.s# -hich re'uires: (i" reducing transaction costs# (ii" e/panding their scope# and (iii" assessing the possibility of merging or interconnecting CD)s -ith complementary mechanisms# -hile respecting the principle of retroactivity for e/isting initiatives# -ithout damaging environmental integrity& The Copenhagen 0ccord that -as drafted -ith the and 3outh 0frica on December 45# overnments of Brazil and other countries li.e 1ndia# 23# China

The Copenhagen 0ccord is the document that delegates at the 2nited 6ations Climate Change Conference (26CCC" agreed to 7ta.e note of7 at the final plenary session of the Conference on 45 December $889 (C:+(4;", 1t is a draft C:+ decision and# -hen approved# is operational immediately, +resident Luiz 1nacio Lula da 3ilva has signed a la- re'uiring that Brazil cut greenhouse gas emissions by <9 percent by $8$8# meeting a commitment made at the Copenhagen climate tal.s, Brazil announced at the summit a =voluntary commitment> to reduce C:$ emissions by bet-een <?,4 and <5,9 percent in the ne/t 48 years, B) Brazilian mitigation policies -ill be guided primarily by the reduction in deforestation and commitments to deforestation reduction contained in the 6ational +lan on Climate Change# -hich have been implemented and internationally registered as 60)0s in the scope of the Convention& Brazil -ill develop a broad 6ational +olicy on Climate Change# -hich -ill include aspects of mitigation and adaptation based on the follo-ing structural points: (i" the country@s future gro-th and development needs& (ii" the effective involvement of federal ministries responsible for managing the Brazilian energy matri/ and industrial production# to avoid contradictions in different public policies& (iii" the need to speed up the definition of the federal ecological( economic zoning&(iv"incentives for the production and consumption of rene-able ra- materials and energy sources& (v" the need to improve the consultation process -ith diverse sectors of the Brazilian economy# and Ampo-ering states and municipalities# so that they can legislate and formulate regional and local policies in accordance -ith their specific re'uirements& Considering the vulnerabilities to climate change of numerous communities# ecosystems and agricultural and forest activities (food sources and biomass"# it is important that Brazil dedicate increased attention to 'uestions involving adaptation, To that end# it must pro(actively pursue the development of regulation and the best possible use of the adaptation fund created by the Convention# thus developing and encouraging research and the introduction of preventive systems to fight adverse effects of climate change, Bearing in mind that the burning of fossil fuels is the principal cause of the anthropic emission of greenhouse gases# the development of rene-able energy sources is a fundamental part of the efforts to-ards the mitigation of global -arming, Brazil has been leading those efforts: the 6ational Athanol +rogramme and the 6ational +rogramme of Bio diesel +roduction and 2se have been particularly successful, Athanol has substituted B8C of the petrol used in passenger cars# thus helping to limit ! emissions in the transport sector, C) To facilitate and optimize the process of defining baseline scenarios to fulfil additionality criteria through the development of tools and methodologies that are simpler# more effective and customized at the sector level# -ithout harming the environmental integrity of the *yoto +rotocol, 1t is imperative to recognize that there are still significant fla-s in the -ay the current system is regulated and fla-s in developing countries# that hinder consistent financial analyses, These and other impediments ma.e it difficult to pursue the legitimate development of projects and additional mitigation programs# the promotion of more efficient uses and the e/pansion of rene-able fuels# especially -here the many forms of energy derived from biomass are concerned& 1t is essential to recognize that forestation and reforestation projects (DER" in the scope of the CD) have special relevance for forest resetting (replacement"# the increase of carbon stoc.s and the promotion of sustainable development, Fith this in mind# it is imperative that the CD) continues to contemplate DER activities in upcoming commitment periods# and that all 0nne/ 1 countries# especially those in the Auropean 2nion# recognize the above( mentioned importance# by e/empting any and all restrictions to trade in forest credits# -ithout damage to non( permanence ris.s and environmental integrity, 0bove and beyond methodological difficulties in dealing -ith non( permanence ris.# the main impediments for the development of DER projects come from the lac. of li'uidity resulting from the barriers imposed by the Auropean 2nion,

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