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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Chapter 3 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

[Note to users: You can click on the case icon end of the IM chapter.] Chapter Objectives:

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The ob ectives for the chapter are to i!tro"#ce st#"e!ts to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964$ provi"e the %echa!ics of the Act$ i!cl#"i!g to &ho% it applies$ the prohibite" categories$ ho& to procee" &ith allege" violatio!s #!"er the Act$ the t&o theories #po! &hich clai%s ca! be bro#ght a!" the cases &hich spa&!e" the theories' (he! fi!ishe" &ith the chapter$ the st#"e!t sho#l" have a goo" overvie& of the %echa!ics a!" specifics of Title VII a!" &h) the la& &as e!acte"' Learning Objectives (Click on the icon following the learning objective to be linked to the location in the outline where the chapter addresses that particular objective.) At the conclusion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. 2.

Explain the history leading up to passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Give examples of the ways that certain groups of people were treated differently before passage of the Civil Rights Act. Discuss what is prohibited by Title VII. Recognize who is covered by Title VII and who is not. State how a Title VII claim is filed and proceeds through the administrative process.

3. 4. 5.

6. Determine if a Title VII claimant is able to proceed after receiving a no reasonable cause finding. 7. Distinguish between the various types of alternative dispute resolution used by EEOC. 8. Explain the Post-Civil War statutes, including what each is and what it does. 9. Discuss what management can do to comply with Title VII.

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Authors Note 2#ri!g the first fe& %i!#tes of )o#r first /%plo)%e!t 3a& class$ if )o# &ere to as4 st#"e!ts &hether it is illegal to "iscri%i!ate i! e%plo)%e!t o! the basis of ge!"er$ race$ etc'$ virt#all) all of the% &o#l" sa) )es' 1earl) ever)o!e 4!o&s this$ )et the area of /%plo)%e!t 3a& re%ai!s alive a!" &ell--a!" i! fact flo#rishi!g %ightil)--i! the co#rts' ,ost of the cases of "iscri%i!atio! for &hich e%plo)ers are fo#!" liable to"a) ste% !ot fro% the e%plo)er bei!g overtl) "iscri%i!ator) or i!te!tio!all) %alicio#s' I!stea"$ %#ch of it co%es fro% policies or respo!ses base" #po! societal !otio!s abo#t certai! gro#ps &hich !otio!s %a!) of #s gre& #p &ith or have gotte! thro#gh the %e"ia' Therefore$ the st#"e!t si%pl) 4!o&i!g the %echa!ics of the la& is !ot e!o#gh' 5!o&i!g the) sho#l" !ot "iscri%i!ate is !ot e!o#gh' (e %#st teach the% ho& "iscri%i!atio! occ#rs i! the %a!age%e!t "ecisio!-%a4i!g process fro% &hich "iscri%i!atio! clai%s arise' If &e are to effectivel) teach st#"e!ts ho& to avoi" liabilit) for &or4place "iscri%i!atio!$ &e %#st also teach the% ho& to recog!i0e it i! all of its %a!ifestatio!s' It &ill "o little goo" for the% to lear! that the) %#st !ot "iscri%i!ate o! the basis of ge!"er a!" thi!4 the) #!"ersta!" this$ the!$ for i!sta!ce$ !ot recog!i0e that it is ge!"er "iscri%i!atio! &he! a! e%plo)er ref#ses to allo& a fe%ale e%plo)ee to have toileti!g facilities that "o !ot ca#se her to beco%e ill 6 Lynch v. Freeman$ the -e!"er chapter7' Th#s$ i!here!t i! a goo" "eal of the s#b ect %atter$ a!" #st as i%porta!t$ is %a4i!g st#"e!ts a&are of the e8iste!ce of e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! a!" its %a!ifestatio!s a!" i%pacts' (itho#t appropriate bac4gro#!"$ st#"e!ts &ill thi!4 of "iscri%i!atio! o!l) as so%ethi!g 9a&f#l9 people "o$ a!" %iss the s#btleties the) %ight e!gage i! &hich ca! be #st as great a so#rce of e%plo)er liabilit)' It is i%porta!t to 4eep i! %i!" that %ost st#"e!ts ta4i!g the co#rse &ill have bee! bor! %ore tha! t&e!t) )ears after the 1964 Civil Rights Act &as passe"' :or all of their lives it has bee! illegal to "iscri%i!ate o! the basis of the prohibite" categories' Bri gi g st!"e ts# atte tio to the act!al e$spaper classifie" a" i "e% fro& j!st before passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act is helpf#l to sho& the% i! a ver) real &a) &hat !ot havi!g the la& %ea!t' .o&ever$ si!ce "iscri%i!atio! has bee! illegal all their lives$ the) &ill have little or !o e8perie!ce &ith overt$ i!stit#tio!ali0e" "iscri%i!atio!$ tho#gh the) &ill be vag#el) a&are of the slaver)$ ;i% Cro& la&s$ a!" civil rights eras of <= histor)' 2o !ot ta4e too %#ch for gra!te" i! this area' >#r e8perie!ce &ith both st#"e!ts a!" e%plo)ees is that %a!) &ill have o!l) the vag#est 4!o&le"ge of this' 'si g reso!rces s!ch as the (eb) *o!r librar*#s vi"eos or boo+s o the s!bject) or televisio sho$s or e$s ite&s to s!pple&e t the i tro"!ctio to the Act set forth i! the te8t$ &ill be %ost helpf#l i! provi"i!g a %eas#re of historical perspective o! &h) s#ch a la& sho#l" be passe" a!" is still so active to"a)'

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

,#ch of the st#"e!ts? i"eas 6as &ell as those of e%plo)ers$ %a!agers a!" s#pervisors 7 of &hat e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! is has bee! shape" b) the %e"ia$ their fa%il) a!" frie!"s$ a!" b) &hat the) have hear" of the co!cept of affir%ative actio!' To the% the co!cept te!"s to be !egative a!" %ea! blac4s a!" &o%e! get obs the) are !ot @#alifie" for$ &hile &hites a!" %ales &ho are @#alifie" a!" ha" !othi!g to "o &ith "iscri%i!atio! are left o#t' It ca! also %ea! so%eo!e has bee! Apla)i!g the race car"B or bei!g Atoo se!sitiveB abo#t so%ethi!g' =i!ce this attit#"e ca! get i! the &a) of the% seei!g the realit) of ho& e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! occ#rs a!" &he! liabilit) %a) be li4el) to attach to a! e%plo)er$ it sho#l" be "ispelle"' It is also i%porta!t to !ote that the &orl" the st#"e!ts have live" i! is @#ite "iffere!t tha! the o!e that has heretofore e8iste"' The) have see! a fe%ale a!" a blac4 %a! as serio#s co!te!"ers for the presi"e!c) of the <'=' a!" have live" thro#gh the electio! of that Africa! A%erica! to the co#!tr)Cs highest office' The) have see! a fe%ale a!" a! Africa! A%erica! fe%ale secretar) of state a!" a! .ispa!ic as hea" of the <'=' 2epart%e!t of ;#stice a!" a! associate <'=' =#pre%e Co#rt #stice' The) have see! states pass legislatio! per%itti!g sa%e-ge!"er %arriages a!" &atche" the fall of the %ilitar)Cs A2o!Ct As4$ 2o!Ct Tell polic)' ,a!) of their favorite TV sho&s have &o%e!$ %i!orities a!" ga)s a!" lesbia!s i! the lea" roles' The) have &atche"$ a"%ire" a!" cheere" o! high profile Africa! A%erica! athletes a!" perhaps liste!e" to the %#sic or &or! the clothi!g li!es of Africa! A%erica! perfor%ers or athletes' The) %a) &ell have go!e to school &ith st#"e!ts "iffere!t fro% the%selves a!" !ever have !otice" a "iffere!ce' It %a) ta4e a! effort to get the% see that eve! the possibilit) of "iscri%i!atio! still e8ists si!ce it see%s so at o""s &ith &hat the) have perceive" as their realit)' .o&ever$ o#r e8perie!ce has bee! that the effort is &orth it' >!ce st#"e!ts are a&are of the realit)$ the) te!" to be i!ce!se" that the &orl" is !ot as the) tho#ght it &as a!" the) &ish to get o! &ith the b#si!ess of %a4i!g s#re the la&s are e!force" so that it &ill be' I! or"er for st#"e!ts to #!"ersta!" &here &e are to"a)$ it is i%porta!t for the% to #!"ersta!" fro% the o#tset that the reaso! the la& &as passe" &as beca#se of a! e!tire societal approach to certai! gro#ps &hich !egativel) i%pacte" the% i! the &or4place$ i! ho#si!g$ e"#catio!$ voti!g$ p#blic acco%%o"atio!s$ etc'$ therefore protecti!g the% fro% "iscri%i!atio! "i" !ot affor" the% special privileges$ b#t &as !ecessar) i! or"er to atte%pt to provi"e the% &ith the same opport#!ities as ever)o!e else--a co!cept &ith its roots i! o#r co!stit#tio!' Also %a4e clear that affir%ative actio! is !ot abo#t A%a4i!g #p for slaver)$B &hich has lo!g passe"' It is abo#t correcti!g i%bala!ces i! e%plo)%e!t 6ge!erall) vie&e" as vestiges of a "iscri%i!ator) s)ste%7 &hich have bee! fo#!" to e8ist i! the e%plo)erCs &or4place today' Doth the .o#se a!" =e!ate !ote" a %#ch i! passi!g their apologies for slaver) i! rece!t )ears 6=ee te8t7' The st#"e!ts have little "irect 4!o&le"ge of the historical basis for the passage of the Civil Rights Act$ a!" this for%s a! i%porta!t platfor% o! &hich the rest of the co#rse is b#ilt$ therefore &e have fo#!" it %ost helpf#l to spe!" so%e ti%e "isc#ssi!g these %atters' Eo# %a) &a!t to co "!ct "isc!ssio i! &hich the) si%pl) tell )o# &hat the) 4!o& of e&plo*&e t "iscri&i atio ) or "iscri&i atio i ge eral' Eo# %a) ,!estio the& o iss!es s!ch asF

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

&hether the) thi!4 "iscri%i!atio! occ#rs &ith a!) fre@#e!c) &hat the) thi!4 it isGhave the% give e8a%ples &hether the)$ or so%eo!e the) 4!o& has ever e8perie!ce" it &hat the) thi!4 the effect is o! the e%plo)ee "iscri%i!ate" agai!st &hat the) thi!4 the effect is o! the &or4place ho& the) thi!4 it ca! be stoppe" &hat their feeli!gs are abo#t the gro#ps &e hear %ost abo#t allegi!g "iscri%i!atio!F that is$ are the) bei!g overl) se!sitive$ too co!fro!tatio!al a!" i%patie!t$ etc' &hat &o#l" the) s#ggest as alter!ativesH if "iscri%i!atio! occ#rs$ ho& "o the) thi!4 it ta4es placeI that is$ "oes a! e%plo)er si%pl) sa)$ 9&e "o!?t hire &o%e!H$9 is it s#btle harass%e!t b) fello& e%plo)eesH$ etc' if the) ha" bee! i! a positio! of po&er i! the 60?s a!" this iss#e arose$ ho& &o#l" the) have a""resse" itH =a%e legislatio! as Title VIIH 2iffere!t i! so%e &a)H .o&H &hat "o the) thi!4 is a! appropriate role for a! e%plo)er &ho sees e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! occ#rH

The p#rpose of the "isc#ssio! is to assess &here the st#"e!ts are i! their 4!o&le"ge of the iss#es a!" to la) a fo#!"atio! for &hat is to co%e' There are !o right or &ro!g a!s&ers' .o&ever$ it is i%porta!t for st#"e!ts to thi!4 abo#t their attit#"es beca#se their attit#"es for% a goo" "eal of &hat the) ta4e i!to the &or4place as %a!agers a!" s#pervisors a!" #se as a basis for %a4i!g #"g%e!t calls abo#t sit#atio!s that arise o!ce there' This greatl) i%pacts &hat actio! the) &ill ta4e &he! e%plo)ees co%e to the% &ith co%plai!ts of "iscri%i!atio!$ or the) the%selves vie& i!sta!ces of "iscri%i!atio! a!" "eter%i!e &hat actio! &ill be ta4e!' This respo!se ca! #lti%atel) either help or h#rt a! e%plo)er?s liabilit)$ "epe!"i!g #po! the !at#re of the attit#"e a!" respo!se' (e have fo#!" that it is a! i%porta!t part of "isc#ssi!g "iscri%i!atio! iss#es for )o#$ as the professor a!" the o!e i! charge of the class$ to provi"e a safe$ !o! #"g%e!tal classroo% e!viro!%e!t i! &hich st#"e!ts feel co%fortable to share their real feeli!gs abo#t these iss#es' 1ot %#ch real lear!i!g ca! ta4e place &itho#t this' This ca! be "o!e$ i! part$ b) telli!g the% )o#r i!te!t a!" "isc#ssi!g &ith the% the i%porta!ce of their perceptio!s abo#t these iss#es to the "ecisio!s the) &ill %a4e as %a!agers a!" s#pervisors$ the i%porta!ce of the classroo% e!viro!%e!t to the @#alit) of "isc#ssio!$ i!cl#"i!g st#"e!ts bei!g respectf#l of each other a!" of the professor a!" vice versa' (e %a4e it clear that each a!" ever) st#"e!t has a right to feel ho&ever the) &a!t abo#t the gro#ps "isc#sse"$ a!" eve! to e8press their vie&s respectf#ll)$ b#t it is i%porta!t for the% to separate their perso!al feeli!gs fro% their legal respo!sibilities to their e%plo)er i! this area' This relieves st#"e!ts of the b#r"e! of thi!4i!g the) %#st %a4e s#re the) Asa) the right thi!gB all the ti%e 6&hat so%e call bei!g Apoliticall) correctGa ter% &e "o !ot #se or e!"orse$ as &e believe it to %i!i%i0e a!" %argi!ali0e the i%porta!ce of the iss#es7' It also %ea!s the) "o !ot feel li4e )o# as their professor are p#shi!g a partic#lar age!"a 6if the i!for%atio! )o# provi"e happe!s to be "iffere!t fro% their positio!7' Allo&i!g the free flo& of i"eas a!" e8ploratio! of o#r vie&s creates the opport#!it) for !e& lear!i!g to ta4e place that better i!for%s the st#"e!tsC approach to %a4i!g "ecisio!s as %a!agers a!" s#pervisors i! the f#t#re'

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

=e%ester after se%ester &e fi!" &e are able to "isc#ss eve! the %ost co!troversial topics &ith the %ost se!sitive st#"e!ts$ si%pl) b) approachi!g it the right &a)' =t#"e!ts appreciate the hea"-o! approach a!" the opport#!it) to be able to "isc#ss these iss#es i! a !o!- #"g%e!tal for#% that provi"es the% &ith i!for%atio! the) &a!te" to 4!o& b#t "i" !ot 4!o& &here to co%fortabl) go for a!s&ers' >#r st#"e!ts have bee! profo#!"l) challe!ge" a!" have co%e a&a) fro% classes &ith f#!"a%e!tal cha!ges i! their vie&s si%pl) beca#se the) have !o& ha" e8pos#re to %ore i!for%atio!' It is to#chi!g to see the classes bo!" as the) ta4e the o#r!e) together a!" go thro#gh the process of gai!i!g i!sight a!" i!for%atio! fro% each other o! s#b ects the) %a) !ever have "isc#sse" ope!l) across racial$ c#lt#ral$ ge!"er$ religio#s$ affi!it) orie!tatio! or eth!ic gro#!"s before' It is also i%porta!t to co!ve) that histor) is histor) a!" ca!!ot be cha!ge"' 2isc#ssi!g histor)$ i! &hich &hite %ales %a) have ha" over&hel%i!g respo!sibilit) for &hat occ#rre"$ is !ot at all a co!"e%!atio! of all &hite %ales$ is !ot Apic4i!g o!B or Asi!gli!g o#tB &hite %ales for "erisio!$ or a!) s#ch thi!g$ a!" %a4e s#re that the) recog!i0e this' 2isc#ssi!g histor) is !ot for the p#rpose of %a4i!g a!)o!e feel g#ilt)$ b#t rather to gai! a proper perspective o! &here &e fi!" o#rselves to"a) a!" &here &e ca! go fro% here' (e have fo#!" it helpf#l to re%i!" o#r st#"e!ts that the) are !ot respo!sible for histor) a!" sho#l" !ot la%e!t &hat ca!!ot be cha!ge"' .o&ever$ the) ca! i!s#re that histor) !ot repeat itself b) the choices the) %a4e to"a) base" o! bei!g a&are of that histor)' (e have ha" e8celle!t s#ccess i! getti!g the st#"e!ts to ope! #p a!" fra!4l) "isc#ss iss#es &hich the) %a) !ot have heretofore "o!e' This$ i! t#r!$ has give! the% a! i!cre"ibl) rich appreciatio! of the "epth of the challe!ges "iscri%i!atio! ca#ses &hich goes far be)o!" !e&spaper hea"li!es a!" "i!!er table spec#latio!' I! t#r!$ that better prepares the% to be %ore effective %a!agers a!" s#pervisors' Eo# %a) have the st!"e ts +eep a jo!r al for the class' The) sho#l" "etail &hat their tho#ghts are o! the area "isc#sse" that "a)' >ver the co#rse$ the) are bo#!" to cha!ge a great "eal a!" &ill s#rprise eve! the%selves &ith &hat the) have lear!e"' The o#r!al also has the i%pact of forci!g the% to thi!4 abo#t &hat the) have lear!e" a!" it th#s te!"s to sta) &ith the% better' 2#ri!g the co#rse of the class$ it has bee! o#r e8perie!ce that the) &ill beco%e %#ch %ore a&are of their o&! attit#"es$ those of their frie!"s$ fa%il) a!" %e"ia$ a!" the) &ill beco%e %#ch %ore se!sitive to the pote!tial for liabilit) i! the &or4place' ;o#r!ali!g$ eve! for those &ho have !ot "o!e so before$ greatl) helps &ith this' I! fact$ the i"ea ca%e fro% o#r e8perie!ce of havi!g so %a!) st#"e!ts at the e!" of the class tell #s ho& far the) have co%e i! their thi!4i!g abo#t o#r iss#es' (e fi!all) "eci"e" the) &o#l" get a 4ic4 o#t of seei!g it for the%selves' It has bee! a s#ccess'

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

(e have fo#!" it profo#!"l) helpf#l to assig st!"e ts to rea" articles &hich are partic#larl) helpf#l i! she""i!g light o! eval#ati!g a!" shari!g$ the realit) a!" vie&s of others to &hich the) %a) other&ise !ot be e8pose"$ b#t &ho the) %a) have to a""ress as %a!agers i! the &or4place' Rea"i!g abo#t ho& %i""le class blac4 professio!als e8perie!ce race "iscri%i!atio! i! the &or4place a!" life$ the terrai! a ga) e%plo)ee %#st traverse i! the &or4place each "a)$ or ho& a "isable" perso! perceives her life a!" "isabilit) gives the st#"e!ts a !e& appreciatio! of the "epth a!" ra!ge of these iss#es' I! t#r!$ this better prepares the% as %a!agers a!" s#pervisors$ to be se!sitive to pote!tial tro#ble spots &hich %a) lea" to liabilit)' :or i"eas for articles$ feel free to access the (eb page for De!!ett-Ale8a!"erCs /%plo)%e!t 3a& class for a loo4 at the articles she assig!s st#"e!ts to rea"' The <R3 is http:--$$$.terr*.!ga.e"!-/"a$ "ba-' A o!e page paper abo#t the article is ge!erall) assig!e"$ e8plori!g ho& the st#"e!t thi!4s this article i%pacts the &or4place a!" their role as a %a!ager or s#pervisor' (hile the) thi!4 of the assig!%e!ts as a pai!$ st#"e!ts have ro#ti!el) bee! very gla" the) rea" the articles a!" &ere re@#ire" to p#t their tho#ghts i! the for% of a paper' It allo&s the% to process their tho#ghts a!" co!ve) the% i! a &a) the) &o#l" !ot be able to "o other&ise$ a!" the) gai! i!val#able i!sight i!to iss#es the) ha" o!l) hear" of before--iss#es &hich the) !o& reali0e greatl) i%pact the &or4place a!" their role as %a!agerial e%plo)ees' A goo" tool for %a4i!g st#"e!ts a&are$ o! a! o!-goi!g basis$ a!" i! the co!te8t of the &orl" i! &hich the) live is to have o!e of the% assig!e" to bri g i a " "isc!ss a e$s article each "a* ' The article %a) co%e fro% a!) so#rce$ b#t it %#st have as its s#b ect %atter so%e t)pe of "iscri%i!atio!' (e "o !ot li%it the articles to e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! beca#se &e &a!t the% to see "iscri%i!atio! i! all of its %a!ifestatio!s$ o!l) o!e of &hich happe!s to be e%plo)%e!t' It is i%porta!t for st#"e!ts to #!"ersta!" that e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! is !ot isolate"' It is part of a larger e!viro!%e!t of "iscri%i!atio! i! ever)thi!g fro% ho#si!g loa!s to hospital care' The prese!ter tells the class abo#t the article$ the! the class ca! as4 @#estio!s for clarificatio! or i!sight' It &ill !ot ta4e lo!g before st#"e!ts begi! to see %a!) of the &a)s i! &hich "iscri%i!atio! is %a!ifeste"$ &hat its i%pact o! the &or4place ca! be$ a!" ho& costl) it ca! be for a! e%plo)er' The %ore &a)s the) see "iscri%i!atio! %a!ifeste"$ the %ore ope! their e)es &ill be as %a!agers$ s#pervisors a!" b#si!ess o&!ers$ to recog!i0e the possibilit) of it &he! the) see it i! the &or4place' (he! articles are !ot "irectl) abo#t e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio!$ b#t so%e other 4i!" of "iscri%i!atio!$ it &ill !ot be "iffic#lt to #se this a! e8a%ple of the ripple effect of e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! 6or vice versa7$ a!" also to give f#rther %a!ifestatio!s of &a)s i! &hich people %a) be treate" "iffere!tl) a!" its i%pact o! the% a!" societ) a!" societ)Cs vie&s abo#t s#ch %atters' 2iscri%i!atio! i! areas other tha! e%plo)%e!t provi"e a! overall co!te8t for "iscri%i!atio!$ i! &hich "iscri%i!atio! i! e%plo)%e!t ca! be see! as #st o!e %a!ifestatio!' (e &ere i!itiall) co!cer!e" &ith &hether there &o#l" be e!o#gh appropriate "iscri%i!atio! articles to cover the e!tire aca"e%ic ter%' <!fort#!atel)$ o#r fears &ere #!fo#!"e"' There has al&a)s bee! %ore tha! e!o#gh for st#"e!ts to report o! for the e!tire ti%e &e &ere i! class' =t#"e!ts are ro#ti!el) asto!ishe" at the fre@#e!c) of the iss#es arisi!g$ a!" ho& bli!" the) ha" bee! to the% before 6their characteri0atio!s$ !ot o#rs7'

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

(e have fo#!" that sho$i g the vi"eo of the AB !rime "ime Live televisio! piece$ 0Tr!e Colors0 is ver) helpf#l i! setti!g #p the class for a "isc#ssio! of "iscri%i!atio!' >#r e8perie!ce is that so%e of the st#"e!ts %a) have alrea") see! the piece a!" !o& have a co!te8t i! &hich to vie& it as %ore tha! #st televisio! e!tertai!%e!t' Tho#gh it &as aire" i! 1991$ the sho& is still asto!ishi!gl) 6a!" #!fort#!atel)7 releva!t' I! the piece$ t&o %e!$ o!e blac4 a!" o!e &hite$ &ho are virt#all) the sa%e o! paper$ are se!t to =t' 3o#is to see &hat their e8perie!ces &ill be &he! the) tr) to start life there' The) loo4 for a place to live$ loo4 for obs$ shop at a car "ealer$ shoe store$ e&elr) store a!" %#sic store' /ach has a hi""e! ca%era that recor"s their e8perie!ces' I! each i!sta!ce$ there is little overt "iscri%i!atio!$ b#t rather$ thi!gs s#ch as the &hite %a! bei!g &ar%l) greete" as he &al4s i!to the shoe store$ &hile the blac4 %a! is left to fe!" for hi%self as the sales%a! si%pl) ig!ores hi%' A stop&atch recor"s the ti%e it ta4es for each to be &aite" o!' It is al&a)s %#ch lo!ger for the blac4 %a!' The blac4 %a! is follo&e" aro#!" i! the %#sic store$ &itho#t the cler4 eve! as4i!g to help hi%$ &hile the &hite %ale is !ot' The blac4 %ale is %a"e to &ait &he! shoppi!g for a car$ &hile sales perso!!el are gathere" !earb) tal4i!g$ &hile the) i%%e"iatel) co%e o#t to help the &hite c#sto%er' The blac4 c#sto%er is @#ote" a larger "o&! pa)%e!t a!" higher i!terest costs tha! the &hite c#sto%er' (he! loo4i!g for a ob$ the blac4 %a! is lect#re" o! blac4s bei!g la0) a!" givi!g a&a) ob lea"s to others &ho "i" !ot pa) for the service$ &hile the &hite %a! is pleasa!tl) tol" of the ob' At the ob site the blac4 %a! is tol" the ob is !o lo!ger ope!$ &hile the &hite %a! is tol" that it is' I! searchi!g for a! apart%e!t$ the &hite %a! is give! a 4e) to the apart%e!t a!" tol" abo#t the !eighborhoo"$ as if &elco%i!g hi%' The blac4 %a! is lect#re" abo#t ho& strict the place is$ is !ot give! a 4e)$ is escorte" aro#!"$ a!" at o!e place is tol" a! apart%e!t is ta4e!$ &hile it is offere" to the &hite %a! five %i!#tes later' If )o#r school "oes !ot have a cop)$ the vi"eoKC2 ca! be or"ere": Lho!e 1-M00-J3N-3130 or or"er o! li!e at httpFKKCorvisio!'co% The seg%e!t title is ATr#e ColorsB a!" it aire" 9K+6K91 It ca! also be fo#!" o! Eo#T#be via the search Tr#e Colors 2ia!e =a&)er +0K+0 or so%e variatio! thereof' The piece is a! e8celle!t "e%o!stratio! for st#"e!ts to see ho& ofte! s#btle$ #!co!scio#s actio!s to&ar"s %e%bers of vario#s gro#ps %a) for% a pervasive patter! of "iscri%i!atio!' It %a4es the% a&are of the fact that &e %a) !ot al&a)s be loo4i!g for &or4place "iscri%i!atio! &hich is obvio#s or people &ho 9loo49 li4e the) &o#l" "iscri%i!ate' (e "o !ot &a!t &or4place liabilit) for "iscri%i!atio! to attach "#e to o#r bei!g #!a&are of the possibilities'

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

(e have also ha" great s#ccess &ith a! e%ercise &e "o prior to "isc#ssi!g the specifics of "iscri%i!atio!' Calle" Ac!lt!ral i tro"!ctio sB$ st#"e!ts are p#t i!to gro#ps of 3 to J a!" are tol" that each of the% has abo#t J %i!#tes or so to tell the others their !a%e$ &here the) gre& #p$ their socio-eco!o%ic stat#s$ a!" %essages the) receive" gro&i!g #p abo#t 6each7 race$ ge!"er$ affi!it) orie!tatio!$ eth!icit)$ "isabilities$ age$ &eight$ appeara!ce$ a!" religio!' ,essages %ea!s !ot #st &hat their pare!ts tol" the%$ b#t &hat ge!eral i"ea the) ca%e a&a) &ith abo#t the iss#e fro% pare!ts$ frie!"s$ ch#rch$ teachers$ TV$ %ovies$ %#sic$ boo4s$ etc' >#r e8perie!ce is that the) &ill e!" #p &a!ti!g to spe!" far lo!ger tal4i!g o!ce the gro#ps get starte"' As the professor$ sta) a&a) fro% the gro#ps &hile "isc#ssio!s are o!goi!g so that the st#"e!ts are !ot te%pte" to cha!ge their "isc#ssio! beca#se )o# are there' (he! the gro#ps are fi!ishe"$ bri!g the st#"e!ts bac4 together a!" ta4e each topic i! t#r! a!" as4 the st#"e!ts &hat the) "iscovere"' A!)o!e ca! spea4' Eo# ca! &rite their co%%e!ts o! the boar"' >#r e8perie!ce &ith tho#sa!"s of people 6st#"e!ts a!" e%plo)ees7 has bee! that it @#ic4l) beco%es appare!t that !o %atter &here the) gre& #p$ certai! i"eas te!" to prevailF &o%e! are the careta4ers$ %e! are brea"&i!!ers$ &hite is better tha! blac4$ .ispa!ics have lots of 4i"s$ bei!g ga) is a !o-!o$ people &ith "isabilities %a4e #s #!co%fortable b#t &e are s#ppose" to be !ice to the "isable"$ etc' 3et their respo!ses flo& a!" p#t !o #"g%e!ts o! the%' 2o !ot let the st#"e!ts arg#e abo#t &hat co%es o#t i! the "isc#ssio!' It is !ot abo#t &hether the %essage is right or &ro!g$ AcorrectB or Ai!correctB' It is abo#t &hat the %essages &ere that &ere receive" !ot &hat the) !o& believe' This frees the% to be ho!est a!" !ot have to "efe!" or !ot share the realit) of their %essages' (he! )o# have receive" all the co%%e!ts for a partic#lar categor)$ clarif) for the st#"e!ts the botto% li!e that see%s to co%e fro% their "isc#ssio!s' >#r e8perie!ce has bee! that the) see that !o %atter &here the) co%e fro%$ &hat their perso!al e8perie!ce has bee!$ etc'$ &e prett) %#ch all receive" the sa%e basic %essages' 3et the% 4!o& that &e co%e here as e%pt) trash ca!s &ith !o filters a!" %#ch goes i! lo!g before &e "evelop filters for o#rselvesGofte! this is !ot #!til the) co%e to college' These i"eas sta) &ith #s a!" are 4!o&! to #s$ co!scio#sl) or #!co!scio#sl)$ eve! after &e are ol" e!o#gh to for% o#r o&! i"eas a!" %a) thi!4 "iffere!tl)' It is e8tre%el) i%porta!t for the% to 4!o& &hat is i! their hea"s$ as this for%s the fo#!"atio! for %a!) of the tho#ghts$ stereot)pes a!" i"eas the) have abo#t others a!" the "ecisio!s the) %a) %a4e as %a!agers a!" s#pervisors that %a) lea" to &or4place clai%s of "iscri%i!atio!' 1othi!g %agic happe!s &he! &e step foot i!to the &or4place' All of this "oes !ot %agicall) e%pt) o#t of o#r hea"s' It is i! there so%e&here a!" &e sho#l" 4!o& that so that it "oes !ot lea" to tro#ble i! "ecisio!s &e %a4e as %a!agers a!" s#pervisors' (ith the "isc#ssio!s &hich ta4e place regar"i!g the histor) of the Act$ the social cli%ate s#rro#!"i!g its passage$ the st#"e!ts? assess%e!t as to their o&! 4!o&le"ge a!" appreciatio! for ho& it fits i!to the Title VII$ their "iscover) of the %essages the) have receive" i! their lifeti%es$ a!" the i!for%atio! fro% the "ail) articles$ a soli" fo#!"atio! is lai" for the s#bse@#e!t chapters'

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

(e %a"e the "ecisio! to i!cl#"e this a#thorCs !ote for )o# beca#se &e #!"ersta!" that it ca! be #!co%fortable "isc#ssi!g %atters of race$ color$ ge!"er$ affi!it) orie!tatio!$ religio!$ age$ "isabilities$ a!" !atio!al origi!' ,ost of #s "o !ot have e8perie!ce "isc#ssi!g s#ch iss#es i! a %ea!i!gf#l &a) or eve! &ith others o#tsi"e of close fa%il) or frie!"s' /llis Cose$ i! his boo4$ "he #a$e of a !rivile$ed lass$ sa)s that as A%erica!s$ o#r "isc#ssio!s o! race are ge!erall) i! sho#ts or &hispers a!" it is tr#e' (e 4!o& that it "oes !ot have to be this &a)' (e have e8perie!ce" the e8hilaratio! that co%es fro% co!!ecti!g &ith a roo% of st#"e!ts or e%plo)ees &ho have e!gage" i! %ea!i!gf#l a!" pro"#ctive "isc#ssio!s o! these thor!) iss#es a!" reall) co!!ecte" &ith it a!" #!"erstoo" the val#e' (e are s#re that )o# ca! have the sa%e e8perie!ce' As for the pe"agog)$ recall that the case @#estio!s ge!erall) have !o pre-set a!s&ers' The) are provi"e" i! a! effort to pro%pt st#"e!ts to thi!4 of the cases the) have rea" fro% the poi!t of vie& of &hat %a!age%e!t sho#l" co!si"er a!" iss#es to be a!al)0e"' There are !o real right or &ro!g a!s&ers a!" st#"e!ts sho#l" be e!co#rage" to let their %i!"s flo& "#ri!g "isc#ssio!s' As the professor$ )o# &ill see fro% the st#"e!ts? i!p#t that the "isc#ssio!s ta4e o! a life of their o&! &hich )o# ca! "evelop as )o# thi!4 appropriate' I! so%e i!sta!ces tho#ghts abo#t the case @#estio!s have bee! provi"e"$ b#t the) are i! !o &a) "ispositive$ a!" %erel) provi"e foo" for tho#ght' :eel free to "isregar" the i!sights a!" "evelop the @#estio!s a!" "isc#ssio!s as )o# see fit' The reaso! the @#estio!s are str#ct#re" as the) are$ as4i!g for st#"e!tsC i!p#t$ is to get the% #se" to thi!4i!g o! their o&!' It is !ot abo#t legal a!al)sis$ b#t rather$ abo#t the %a!age%e!t "ecisio!s that have res#lte" i! the sit#atio! beco%i!g a legal case' The %ore the) lear! to thi!4 thro#gh sit#atio!s to avoi" liabilit) clai%s$ the better %a!agers the) &ill be for b#si!ess'

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Birdcage - Loi!ts for 2isc#ssio! This piece has bee! i!cre"ibl) i!sightf#l i! helpi!g st#"e!ts to #!"ersta!" ho& ever)"a)$ see%i!gl) i!sig!ifica!t %atters e!" #p helpi!g to create or co!ti!#e a s)ste% of "iscri%i!atio!' It is effective for all t)pes of "iscri%i!atio!$ b#t it is partic#larl) helpf#l &ith affir%ative actio! a!" ge!"er "iscri%i!atio!' (ith affir%ative actio!$ st#"e!ts ofte! bri!g #p a sce!ario i! &hich a frie!" or fa%il) %e%ber or so%eo!e the) hear" of 6ge!erall) a &hite %ale7 has ha" a !egative e8perie!ce &ith affir%ative actio!' That is$ their frie!" sai" he "i"!Ct get hire" beca#se the e%plo)er tol" hi% the) ha" to hire so%eo!e blac4 or fe%ale or so%e variatio! o! this the%e' (ith ge!"er$ st#"e!ts$ both %ale a!" fe%ale$ ofte! have "iffic#lt) #!"ersta!"i!g ho& so%ethi!g li4e %a4i!g catcalls at a &o%a!$ or ogli!g big breasts$ ca! have a! i%pact o! their attit#"es at &or4' It see%s li4e s#ch a s%all thi!g$ a perso!al thi!g$ a!" i! !o &a) relate" to "iscri%i!atio!' .o&ever$ i! both these i!sta!ces$ seei!g that the AbigB "iscri%i!atio! is %a"e #p of little$ "ail) attit#"es$ helps the% to see the bigger pict#re' It has &or4e" &o!"ers &ith o#r st#"e!ts i! facilitati!g the% co%i!g to grips &ith ho& the) fit i!to the e@#atio!$ a!" &h) it is i%porta!t !ot to #st loo4 at the little pict#re 6i'e'$ &hat happe!e" to their frie!" &ith affir%ative actio!7 b#t also the larger pict#re 6affir%ative actio! a""ressi!g a! i!stit#tio!ali0e" s)ste% of "iscri%i!atio! that a"versel) i%pacts people to"a)$ eve! tho#gh the s)ste% %a) have beg#! lo!g ago7' It is this larger pict#re that is al&a)s at &or4$ so it is i! their best i!terest to #!"ersta!" it' <!"ersta!"i!g that thi!gs ca!!ot be a""resse" i! a vac##% 6i'e'$ the proble% is %#ch larger tha! #st their frie!" a!" his obtai!i!g this partic#lar ob7 reall) helps to p#t these %atters i!to a %#ch better perspective for the st#"e!ts' 1ce arios - Loi!ts for 2isc#ssio! Scenario 1: The class %a) &ell respo!" to the obvio#s iss#e of &hether !atio!al origi! is covere" b) Title VII$ &hich it is' .o&ever$ there still re%ai!s the iss#e of e8ha#stio! of a"%i!istrative re%e"ies' The e%plo)er %#st first file a co%plai!t &ith the //>C or the appropriate state age!c) before goi!g to co#rt$ therefore the la&)er &o#l" tell the e%plo)ee that it &o#l" be #seless to file a la& s#it before the //>C proce"#res ha" bee! follo&e" first' Scenario 2: Ees$ if she ca! prove her clai%' (hile Title VII has a 1M0-"a) stat#te of li%itatio!s for fili!g clai%s$ #!"er the 3ill) 3e"better :air La) Act of +009$ if ge!"erbase" pa) "iscri%i!atio! is base" o! a! illegal act$ each pa)chec4 re-starts the r#!!i!g of the stat#te of li%itatio!s' Therefore$ eve! tho#gh it has bee! si8 )ears si!ce the se8#al harass%e!t that res#lte" i! the "iffere!ce i! her pa)$ she is !ot barre" fro% her clai%' Scenario 3: 1o$ Ri!so! "oes !ot have a vali" Title VII clai%' Title VII prohibits "iscri%i!atio! o! the basis of race$ color$ religio!$ ge!"er or !atio!al origi!' If Ri!so! ca!!ot prove that his bossCs actio!s &ere gro#!"e" i! a!) of these factors$ he has !o Title VII clai%'

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

A 2istoric Rights Act

Learnin$ %b&ective ': ()plain the history leadin$ up to passa$e of the ivil #i$hts Act of '*+,.

Learnin$ %b&ective -: .ive e)amples of the /ays that certain $roups of people /ere treated differently before passa$e of the ivil #i$hts Act. 'se the i for&atio i this chapter as a stro g bac+gro! " for the st!"e ts to be i tro"!ce" to the ee" for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Ti%eli!eF 1619-1M6J O =laver) 1M6J O 1964 O ;i% Cro& 19J4- Dro&! v' D"' >f /"#catio! "ecisio! "esegregati!g p#blic schools 1963 O A#g#st +M$ ,arch o! (ashi!gto! for Civil Rights 1963 - =epte%ber 1J$ 4 little girls 4ille" i! =i8tee!th =t' Daptist Ch#rch bo%bi!g 1964 O Lassage of Civil Rights Act of 1964 196J O Lassage of Voti!g Rights Act of 196J 1' .ave the st#"e!ts ta4e a loo4 at a!" "isc#ss /8hibit 3'1 6;#!e 1961 6Lre-Title VII7 1e&spaper (a!t A"7' +' Also have the% rea" /8hibit 3'+$ the AI .ave a 2rea%B speech$ a!" "isc#ss ho& the classifie" a" reflects &hat 2r' 5i!g spo4e of' 3' :or co!te8t to appreciate the e!viro!%e!t at the ti%e$ a!" as a ga#ge of &hat 2r' 5i!g a!" the Civil Rights ,ove%e!t &ere #p agai!st i! tr)i!g to have the Civil Rights Act passe"$ !ote for the% the @#ote b) =e!' Richar" R#ssell 62--A7$ &ho ha" a rep#tatio! of bei!g the lea"er of &hite s#pre%acists i! the =e!ate a!" &as the hea" of the ver) po&erf#l =o#ther! voti!g bloc' =e!' R#ssell le" the filib#ster to bloc4 the bill$ the lo!gest filib#ster i! histor)$ a!" sai" A(e &ill resist to the bitter e!" a!) %eas#re or a!) %ove%e!t &hich &o#l" have a te!"e!c) to bri!g abo#t social e@#alit) a!" i!ter%i!gli!g a!" a%alga%atio! of the races i! o#r so#ther! states'B 1 4' As4 st#"e!ts &hether it appears to the% that the "rea% has bee! f#ll) reali0e"'

=ee 2avi" C' Co0a4 a!" 5e!!eth 1' Cibos4i$ /"'$ AThe A%erica! Lrsi"e!c)F 1elso! .all$ 19MJ$ Charles (hale! a!"


Darbara (hale!$ AThe 3o!gest 2ebateF A 3egislative .istor) of the 1964 Civil Rights Act$B =eve! 3oc4s Lress$ 19MJ'
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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

J' Eo# %a) &ish to "isc#ss the i%porta!ce of the fight for these A%erica! i"eals res#lti!g i! the >ctober 16$ +011 "e"icatio! of the ,35$ ;r' %o!#%e!t o! the 1atio!al ,allGthe o!l) o!e !ot for a presi"e!t' The 1tr!ct!re of Title VII Learnin$ %b&ective "hree: 0iscuss /hat is prohibited by "itle 1II.

Learnin$ %b&ective Four: #eco$ni2e /ho is covered by "itle 1II and /ho is not. (hat is 3rohibite" ' "er Title VII4 1' Title VII prohibits e%plo)ers &ho e%plo) 1J or %ore e%plo)ees fro% "iscri%i!ati!g i! a!) aspect of e%plo)%e!t o! the basis of race$ color$ ge!"er$ !atio!al origi! or religio!' +' This i!cl#"es "iscri%i!atio! i! pa)$ ter%s a!" co!"itio!s of e%plo)%e!t$ trai!i!g$ la)offs$ be!efits' 3' Virt#all) a!) &or4place "ecisio! ca! be challe!ge" b) a! applica!t or e%plo)ee &ho falls &ithi! the Title VII categories 6/8hibit 3'N Title VII Lrovisio!s7 (ho 5!st Co&pl*4 1' <!io!s a!" e%plo)%e!t age!cies are covere" also$ b#t !ot i!"epe!"e!t co!tractors'

+' The la& applies to oi!t labor a!" %a!age%e!t co%%ittees a!" other si%ilar hiri!g e!tities %a4i!g referrals for e%plo)%e!t' 3' The la& o!l) applies to e%plo)ers &ho "eal i! i!terstate co%%erce$ b#t that is al%ost a !o!-iss#e$ as the i!terpretatio! of i!terstate co%%erce b) co#rts has bee! so broa" #!til it &o#l" be "iffic#lt for a! e%plo)er to #se that as a basis #po! &hich to be e8e%pte"' (ho is Covere"4 1' L#blic a!" private e%plo)ees are both covere"' +' All levels of e%plo)ees are covere" b) the la&' 3' <'=' citi0e!s e%plo)e" b) A%erica! e%plo)ers o#tsi"e the <!ite" =tates are covere" b) the la& #!less it violates the la& of the co#!tr) the) are i!' 4' <!"oc#%e!te" &or4ers are covere" b) the la&' .o&ever$ si!ce their re%e"ies co#l" co!flict &ith those per%itte" #!"er labor la&s$ it %a) affect the availabilit) of so%e for%s of relief s#ch as rei!state%e!t a!" bac4 pa) for perio"s after "ischarge or fail#re to hire' 3offman !lastic ompounds4 Inc. v. NL#B$ J3J <'=' 13N 6+00+7'

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

(ho is 6ot Covere"4 1' Religio#s establish%e!ts %a) "iscri%i!ate if to "o so is i! f#rthera!ce of their religio!' =ee .annon v. !etruska at e!" of chapter i! &hich the ch#rch #!iversit) &as s#pporte" i! ter%i!ati!g its chaplai! after she p#she" for the a"%i!istratio! to a""ress se8#al harass%e!t iss#es'

!etruska v. .annon 5niversity +' Those &hose b#si!ess is operate" !ear 1ative A%erica! reservatio!s 6a!" &ho "iscri%i!ate i! favor of 1ative A%erica!s7$ a!" those &ho &ish to "iscri%i!ate o! the basis of %e%bership i! a Co%%#!ist orga!i0atio! are per%itte" to "isregar" Title VII?s prohibitio!s' 7ili g Clai&s ' "er Title VII

Learnin$ %b&ective Five: 6tate ho/ a "itle 1II claim is filed and proceeds throu$h the administrative process. 1' 1o!-fe"eral e%plo)ees &ho believe the) have e8perie!ce" e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! %a) file a charge or clai% &ith the //>C' +' It is i%porta!t for e%plo)ers to be a&are that it costs a! e%plo)ee e8cept ti%e a!" e!erg) to go to the !earest //>C office a!" file a clai%' D) la&$ the //>C %#st i! so%e &a) ha!"le ever) clai% it receives' 3' To "isco#rage clai%s a!" e!s#re the best "efe!se &he! the) arise$ e%plo)ers sho#l" e!s#re that their policies a!" proce"#res are legal$ fair$ a!" co!siste!tl) applie"'

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964


.o&ever$ #st beca#se fili!g &ith //>C is free "oes !ot %ea! that ever) e%plo)ee &ho thi!4s he or she has a clai% is %a4i!g a beeli!e to the //>C office' :ili!g a clai% agai!st a! e%plo)er is a serio#s %atter' ,ost e%plo)ees &or4 beca#se the) %#st i! or"er to fi!a!ce their lives' 2oi!g a!)thi!g to i!terfere &ith that is a sha4) b#si!ess'


There are far %ore people &ho have legiti%ate clai%s &ho choose !ot to p#rs#e the%$ tha! those &ho "o so$ or &ho "o so for @#estio!able reaso!s' There are %a!) reaso!s a! e%plo)ees %a) choose !ot to p#rs#e a clai%F The) %a) !ot 4!o& their rights #!"er the la&' The) %a) be afrai"' The) %a) fear retaliatio!' The) %a) feel it is easier to #st go alo!g or to fi!" a!other ob' The) %a) have val#e" frie!"ships the) &ish to %ai!tai!' The) %a) feel the process ta4es too lo!g a!" feels too #!certai!' The) %a) fear the e%otio!al cost of the procee"i!gs' The) %a) !ot &ish to ris4 the ire of their fello& e%plo)ees' The) %a) fi!" it too #!co%fortable to &or4 i! the &or4place &here the) have file" clai%s agai!st the e%plo)er' The) %a) thi!4 thi!gs &ill get better o! their o&!' The ob %ar4et %a) %a4e their prese!t sit#atio! see% li4e the best choice #!"er the circ#%sta!ces' The) %a) !ot &a!t to p#t their fa%ilies at ris4'

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964


/ve! &ith the best case i! the &orl"$ there are !o g#ara!tees' A clai% ca! "rag o! for )ears$ a!" "#ri!g that ti%e the clai%a!t$ &ho %a) have bee! ter%i!ate" i! violatio! of Title VII$ %#st still eat' The) %#st obtai! other e%plo)%e!t a!"$ b) the ti%e the case is fi!ishe"$ the) have %ove" o! &ith their lives'


The <'=' =#pre%e Co#rt rece!tl) "eci"e" a ge!"er "iscri%i!atio! case agai!st (al-,art that too4 te! )ears #st to "eter%i!e &hether the case co#l" be bro#ght as a class actio! s#it 6the a!s&er &as !o7'+


Regar"i!g the ease of bri!gi!g //> clai%s$ there is goo" !e&s a!" ba" !e&s for e%plo)ers' The goo" !e&s is that the vast %a orit) of charges are sifte" o#t of the s)ste% for o!e reaso! or a!other' :or i!sta!ce$ i! fiscal )ear +010$ of the 99$9++ charges file" &ith the //>C$ 9'3 perce!t &ere settle"$ 16'J perce!t ha" a"%i!istrative clos#res 6fail#re of the clai%a!t to p#rs#e the clai%$ loss of co!tact &ith the clai%a!t$ etc'7$ 64'3 perce!t res#lte" i! fi!"i!gs of !o reaso!able ca#se$ a!" reaso!able ca#se &as fo#!" i! o!l) 4'N perce!t of the charges' Co!ciliatio! &as s#ccessf#l i! o!l) 1'3 perce!t of the cases$ a!" #!s#ccessf#l i! 13 perce!t' 1


The ba" !e&s is that the //>CCs s#ccess rate i! litigatio! has bee! at least 90 perce!t for )ears' I! fiscal )ear +010 //>C obtai!e" Q319'4 %illio! i! %o!etar) be!efits eve! tho#gh o!l) 14 perce!t of the charges settle" or ha" a reaso!able ca#se fi!"i!g' This is the highest level of %o!etar) relief thro#gh a"%i!istrative e!force%e!t i! //>C histor)'+ There is !o "o#bt that sharehol"ers of co%pa!ies that ha" to pa) o#t this %o!e) i! settle%e!ts a!" #"g%e!ts believe that the













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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

avoi"able Q319'4 %illio! co#l" have bee! p#t to %ore pro"#ctive #se' 10' <!"ersta!"i!g a!" i%ple%e!ti!g effective &or4place policies ca! help avoi" s#ch o#tco%es' The best "efe!se is a goo" offe!se' Avoi"i!g tro#ble i! the first place lesse!s the cha!ces of havi!g to "eal &ith the //>C a!" therefore the cha!ces of bei!g #!s#ccessf#l'

1o!-fe"eral gover!%e!t e%plo)ee clai%s %#st be file" &ithi! 1M0 "a)s of the "iscri%i!ator) eve!t$ e8cept as !ote" i! the !e8t sectio! i!volvi!g N06 age!cies' :or fe"eral e%plo)ees$ clai%s %#st be file" &ith their e%plo)i!g age!c) &ithi! 4J "a)s of the eve!t' I! a sig!ifica!t <'=' =#pre%e Co#rt case$ National #ailroad !ass e n $ er orp. 9Am trak: v. Mor$an4 ; these "ea"li!es &ere %a"e a bit

%ore fle8ible b) the Co#rt for harass%e!t cases'


I! the Mor$an case$ the =#pre%e Co#rt sai" that si!ce o!-the- ob harass%e!t is part of a patter! of behavior$ if a charge is file" &ith the //>C &ithi! the stat#tor) perio"$ a #r) ca! co!si"er actio!s that occ#rre" o#tsi"e the stat#tor) perio"' The violatio! is co!si"ere" to be a co!ti!#i!g o!e$ so the clai%a!t is !ot li%ite" to o!l) evi"e!ce relati!g to the specific eve!t res#lti!g i! the la&s#it'


1ote$ ho&ever$ as briefl) "isc#sse" i! the tool4it chapter that i! +00N$ the <'=' =#pre%e Co#rt hel" that it &as !ot a co!ti!#i!g violatio! each ti%e a! e%plo)er iss#e" a pa)chec4 base" o! ge!"er-base" &age "iscri%i!atio!' I! Ledb e t t e r v. .oody e ar "ire and #ubb er o.4 Inc.4 , "isc#sse" i! %ore "etail i! Chapter

9$ the Co#rt re ecte" the pa)chec4 accr#al r#le that &o#l" have allo&e" the e%plo)ee to restart the stat#te of li%itatio!s each ti%e she &as pai"' The Co#rt "isti!g#ishe" Mor$an b) sa)i!g the act of &age "iscri%i!atio! &as a "iscrete act rather tha! a patter! a!"$ th#s$ "i" !ot %erit the sa%e treat%e!t as the harass%e!t

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

i! the Mor$an case' Co!gress$ ho&ever$ respo!"e" b) passi!g the 3ill) 3e"better :air La) Act of +009 that a"opte" the pa)chec4 accr#al r#le' 14' <!"er the 33:LA$ the 1M0-"a) stat#te of li%itatio!s begi!s to r#! all over agai! each ti%e a pa)chec4 is iss#e" base" o! pa) "iscri%i!atio!' That is &h) i! >pe!i!g =ce!ario +$ =hell) is still able to bri!g her clai% eve! tho#gh it has bee! %ore tha! 1M0 "a)s si!ce the eve!t' 1J' The reaso! for the fairl) short stat#te of li%itatio!s i! Title VII is a! atte%pt to e!s#re that the !ecessar) parties a!" &it!esses are still available a!" that eve!ts are !ot too re%ote to recollect acc#ratel)'

Violatio!s of Title VII %a) also be bro#ght to the //>CCs atte!tio! beca#se of its o&! i!vestigatio! or b) i!for%atio! provi"e" b) e%plo)ers %eeti!g their recor" 4eepi! g a!" reporti! g re@#ir e % e ! t s #!"er the la&'


:e"eral e%plo)ees are protecte" b) Title VII$ b#t the proce"#res for ha!"li!g their clai%s si%pl) follo& a "iffere!t path' The //>C is see4i!g to %a4e it co!for% %ore closel) to the !o!-fe"eral e%plo)ee reg#latio!s' J

1tate 8a$ I terface i the 7ili g 3rocess

1' =i!ce %ost states have their o&! fair e%plo)%e!t practice la&s that trac4 Title VII$ the) also have their o&! state a!" local e!force%e!t age!cies for e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! clai%s' ,ost of these age!cies co!tract &ith the //>C to act as a N06 age ! c ) 6!a%e" for the sectio! of the la& that per%its the%7' >! the basis of a &or4shari!g agree%e!t &ith the //>C$ these age!cies receive a!" process clai%s of "iscri%i!atio! for the //>C i! their o&! state offices' =tate a!" local age!cies have their o&! proce"#res$ &hich are si%ilar to those of the //>C' +' Title VIICs i!te!t is that clai%s be co!ciliat e " if possible' 3ocal age!cies serve as a t)pe of scree!i!g process for the %ore serio#s cases' If the co%plai!t is !ot satisfactoril) "ispose" at this level$ it %a) eve!t#all) be ta4e! b) the //>C a!"$ if !ecessar)$ litigate"'

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 3' If there is a N06 age!c) i! the e%plo)eeCs #ris"ictio!$ the e%plo)ee has 300 "a)s rather tha! 1M0 "a)s &ithi! &hich to file' If a! e%plo)ee files his or her clai% &ith the //>C &he! there is a N06 age!c) i! the #ris"ictio!$ the //>C "efers the co%plai!t to the N06 age!c) for 60 "a)s before i!vestigati!g' 4' The e%plo)ee ca! file the co%plai!t &ith the //>C$ b#t the //>C se!"s it to the N06 age!c)$ a!" the //>C &ill !ot %ove o! the clai% for 60 "a)s'

Proceeding through the EEOC


(ithi! 10 "a)s of the e%plo)ee fili!g a clai% &ith the //>C$ the //>C serves !otice of the charge to the e%plo)er respo ! " e ! t or resp o ! "i ! g part ) '


It is a separate offe!se for a! e%plo)er to retaliate agai!st a! e%plo)ee for p#rs#i!g rights #!"er Title VII' 1oti!g that retaliatio! clai%s ha" "o#ble" si!ce 1991$ i! 199M the //>C iss#e" retaliatio! g#i"eli!es to %a4e clear its vie& o! &hat co!stit#tes retaliatio! for p#rs#i!g Title VII rights a!" ho& serio#sl) it vie&s s#ch clai%s b) e%plo)ees' 6 I! fiscal )ear +010$ at 36'3 perce!t retaliatio! clai%s for the first ti%e &ere$ the largest perce!tage of clai%s file" #!"er the protective legislatio! &ith race at 3J'9 perce!t a!" ge!"er at +9'1 perce!t' N

Mediation 1' +' The //>CCs approach to %e"iatio! has bee! ver) aggressive i! the past "eca"e or so' I! respo!se to co%plai!ts of a tre%e!"o#s bac4log of cases a!" clai%s that &e!t o! for )ears$ the //>C has a"opte" several i%porta!t steps to tr) to strea%li!e its case-ha!"li!g process a!" %a4e it %ore efficie!t$ effective$ a!" less ti%e-co!s#%i!g for clai%a!ts' 3' Lri%ar) a%o!g the steps is its a"optio! of %e"iatio! as a! alter!ative to a f#ll-blo&! //>C i!vestigatio!' I! f#rthera!ce of this$ the //>C has beg#! several "iffere!t progra%s i!volvi!g %e"iatio!' 4' J' I! 1999 it la#!che" the e8pa!"e" %e"iatio! progra%' I! +003$ i! recog!itio! that %a!) private sector e%plo)ers alrea") have e8te!sive %e"iatio! progra%s set #p to ha!"le &or4place iss#es$ the //>C bega! a Areferral-bac4B progra%' Lrivate sector e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! clai%s are referre" bac4 to participati!g e%plo)ers for %e"iatio! b) the e%plo)erCs o&! %e"iatio! progra% to see if the) ca! be resolve" &itho#t goi!g a!) f#rther'

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 6' The sa%e )ear$ the //>C #shere" i! a pilot progra% to have local fair e%plo)%e!t practice offices %e"iate clai%s o! the //>CCs behalf' I! respo!se to the //>CCs fi!"i!g that there &ere %ore e%plo)ees &illi!g to %e"iate tha! there &ere e%plo)ers &illi!g to "o so$ the //>C i!stit#te" A#!iversal %e"iatio! agree%e!ts$B #!"er &hich e%plo)ers agree to have their clai%s %e"iate" b) the //>C &he! "iscri%i!atio! charges are file"' N' 1atio!al #!iversal %e"iatio! agree%e!ts have bee! sig!e" &ith s#ch e%plo)ers as :or" ,otor Co%pa!)I .#""le .o#se$ I!c'I R)a!Cs Resta#ra!t -ro#p$ I!c'I a!" =o#ther! Co%pa!)' M' (hile overall$ %e"iatio! has acco#!te" for o!l) a s%all perce!tage of clai% "ecisio!s$ i! fiscal )ear +010$ there &as a 10 perce!t i!crease i! the !#%ber of resol#tio!s over the previo#s )ear$ %a4i!g it the highest !#%ber of resol#tio!s i! the histor) of the progra%' ,e"iatio! resol#tio!s acco#!te" for over Q14+ %illio! i! %o!etar) be!efits to e%plo)ees ' M 9' After a "iscri%i!atio! charge is file" b) the e%plo)ee a!" !otice of the charge is give! to the e%plo)er$ the //>C scree!s the charge to see if it is o!e that is appropriate for %e"iatio!' 10' If it is appropriate for %e"iatio!$ the //>C &ill offer that optio! to the parties' Co%ple8 a!" &ea4 cases are !ot offere" %e"iatio!' 11' The age!c) esti%ates that it offers %e"iatio! to 60 to N0 perce!t of its i!co%i!g &or4loa" of !earl) 100$000 cases per )ear' >f those$ abo#t 1J perce!t are act#all) %e"iate"' 1+' Doth parties are se!t letters offeri!g %e"iatio!$ a!" the "ecisio! to participate is vol#!tar) for both parties' 13' /ach si"e has 10 "a)s to respo!" to the offer to %e"iate' If both parties elect %e"iatio!$ the charge %#st be %e"iate" &ithi! 60 "a)s for i!-ho#se %e"iatio! or 4J "a)s for e8ter!al %e"iatio!' 14' The //>C has e8pa!"e" its %e"iatio! progra% to allo& a re@#est for %e"iatio! at a!) stage of the a"%i!istrative process$ eve! after a fi!"i!g of "iscri%i!atio! has bee! iss#e"' 1J' If the parties choose to %e"iate$ "#ri!g %e"iatio! the) &ill have the opport#!it) to prese!t their positio!s$ e8press their opi!io!s$ provi"e i!for%atio!$ a!" e8press their re@#est for relief' A!) i!for%atio! "isclose" "#ri!g this process is !ot to be reveale" to a!)o!e$ i!cl#"i!g //>C e%plo)ees' If the parties reach agree%e!t$ that agree%e!t is as bi!"i!g as a!) other settle%e!t agree%e!t' 16' :ro% 1999$ &he! its %e"iatio! progra% &as f#ll) i%ple%e!te"$ to +010$ the //>C co!"#cte" over 100$000 %e"iatio!s$ &ith a satisfactio! rate of &ell over 90 perce!t' 9

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

99OC:s I vestigatio 1' If %e"iatio! is !ot s#ccessf#l or the parties choose !ot to %e"iate$ the clai% is referre" bac4 to //>C to ha!"le' +' //>C i!vestigates b) spea4i!g &ith the e%plo)er$ e%plo)ee a!" a!) other releva!t i!"ivi"#als$ a!" vie&i!g a!) releva!t "oc#%e!ts 3' The average ti%e for a! i!vestigatio! is abo#t 1M+ "a)s'

99OC:s ;eter&i atio 1' After i!vestigati!g$ //>C &ill either iss#e a reaso!able-ca#se or a !o-reaso!able-ca#se fi!"i!g for chargi!g the e%plo)er &ith violati!g Title VII' +' After either fi!"i!g$ either part) %a) re@#est a reco!si"eratio! of //>CCs "eter%i!atio! 6o<Reaso able =Ca!se 7i "i g

After i!vestigatio!$ if the //>C fi!"s there is !o reas o ! a bl e ca#s e for the fi!"i!g that the e%plo)er has "iscri%i!ate" agai!st the e%plo)ee the e%plo)ee is give! a "is%issal a!" !otice of rights$ ofte! 4!o&! as a right- to- s#e lett er'

+' If the e%plo)ee &a!ts to p#rs#e the %atter f#rther "espite the //>CCs co!cl#sio! that Title VII has !ot bee! violate"$ the e%plo)ee is !o& free to "o so$ havi!g e8h a # s t e " the
a" %i !istr a tiv e re% e "i e s of //>C'

3' The e%plo)ee ca! the! bri!g s#it agai!st the e%plo)er i! fe"eral co#rt &ithi! 90 "a)s of receivi!g the !otice' 6=ee /8hibit 3'10$ AThe Lroce"#re for Dri!gi!g a Clai% &ithi! the //>C'B7

Reaso able<Ca!se 7i "i g

1' If the //>C fi!"s there is reaso!able ca#se for co!cl#"i!g that the e%plo)er has "iscri%i!ate" agai!st the e%plo)ee i! violatio! of Title VII$ it &ill atte%pt to have the

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

parties %eet together a!" co!ciliate the %atter' +' I! co!ciliatio!$ the //>C &ill bri!g the parties together i! a fairl) i!for%al setti!g &ith a!
//> i!vesti g a t o r'

3' The //> i!vestigator sets forth &hat has bee! fo#!" "#ri!g the i!vestigatio! a!" "isc#sses &ith the parties the &a)s the %atter ca! be resolve"' 4' >fte! the e%plo)ee is satisfie" if the e%plo)er si%pl) agrees to provi"e a favorable letter of reco%%e!"atio!' J' The %a orit) of clai%s file" &ith the //>C are a"e@#atel) "ispose" of at this stage of the procee"i!gs' 6' If the clai% is !ot a"e@#atel) "ispose" of$ the //>C ca! ta4e the %atter f#rther a!" eve!t#all) file s#it agai!st the e%plo)er i! fe"eral "istrict co#rt if it is "ee%e" #stifie" b) //>C'

>!"icial Revie$
1' If !o co!ciliatio! is reache"$ the //>C %a) eve!t#all) file a civil actio! i! fe"eral "istrict co#rt' +' A co#rt ca! o!l) ta4e a Title VII "iscri%i!atio! case for #"icial revie& after the //>C has first "ispose" of the clai%' 3' If the //>C origi!all) fo#!" !o ca#se a!" iss#e" the co%plai!i!g part) a right-to-s#e letter$ the e%plo)ee ca! ta4e the case to co#rt$ see4i!g #"icial revie&'

Title VII re@#ires that co#rts accor" //>C "ecisio!s de novo revie& '

J' Th#s$ i! ope!i!g sce!ario 1$ ;ac4 ca!!ot i%%e"iatel) file a "iscri%i!atio! la&s#it agai!st his e%plo)er beca#se ;ac4 has !ot )et go!e thro#gh the //>CCs a"%i!istrative process a!" e8ha#ste" his a"%i!istrative re%e"ies' 6' <!"er de novo revie&$ #po! goi!g to co#rt$ the case is ha!"le" e!tirel) as if it &ere !e&$
* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

as if there ha" !ot alrea") bee! a fi!"i!g b) the //>C' /%plo)ees procee"i!g &ith a !oreaso!able-ca#se letter are also free to "evelop the case ho&ever the) &ish &itho#t bei!g bo#!" b) the //>CCs prior "eter%i!atio!' If a part) is !ot satisfie" &ith the co#rtCs "ecisio! a!" has a basis #po! &hich to appeal$ the case ca! be appeale" #p to$ a!" i!cl#"i!g$ the <'=' =#pre%e Co#rt$ if it agrees to hear the case'

I! rece!t )ears$ %a ! " a t o r ) arbitra tio ! agre e % e ! t s have gai!e" tre%e!"o#sl) i! pop#larit) a!" have a "eleterio#s effect o! the e%plo)eeCs optio! #!"er Title VII to see4 #"icial revie&'

M' Lrevio#sl) co!fi!e" al%ost e8cl#sivel) to #!io!s a!" the sec#rities i!"#str)$ these agree%e!ts are e!tere" i!to b) e%plo)ees &ith their e%plo)ers &he! the) are hire" a!" stip#late that a!) &or4place "isp#tes &ill be "ispose" of b) s#b%itti!g the% to arbitratio! rather tha! to the //>C or the co#rts' 9' The appeal of %a!"ator) arbitratio! cla#ses is that the) greatl) "ecrease the ti%e a!" reso#rces parties &o#l" spe!" b) fighti!g &or4place legal battles i! co#rt' 10' There are at least t&o %a or "ra&bac4s for e%plo)eesF 6a7 (he! the) are tr)i!g to obtai! e%plo)%e!t$ pote!tial e%plo)ees ge!erall) feel the) have little choice abo#t sig!i!g a&a) their rights to go to co#rtI a!" 6b7 o!ce a case goes to arbitratio!$ the arbitratorCs "ecisio! is !ot s#b ect to #"icial revie& b) the co#rts #!less the "ecisio! ca! be sho&! to be the res#lt of fra#" or coll#sio!$ is #!co!stit#tio!al$ or so%e si%ilar %ala")' 11' This %ea!s that the vast %a orit) of arbitratio! a&ar"s$ %a!) re!"ere" b) arbitrators &ith !o legal bac4gro#!" or gro#!"i!g i! Title VII iss#es$ re%ai! i!tact$ free fro% revie& b) the co#rts' It also %ea!s that &hile e%plo)ers gai! the a"va!tage of havi!g fe&er cases i! co#rt$ e%plo)ees have the "isa"va!tage of esse!tiall) havi!g the co#rts close" to the% i!

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Title VII cases$ eve! tho#gh Title VII provi"es for both a! a"%i!istrative process a!" #"icial revie&' 1+' (ith fe& "o&!si"es for e%plo)ers$ %a!"ator) arbitratio! agree%e!ts have beco%e so pop#lar &ith e%plo)ers that the) are !o& fairl) ro#ti!e'

/%plo)ees &ho co%e to the //>C i!te!"i!g to file clai%s of e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! are tol" that the) ca!!ot "o so beca#se the) have e!tere" i!to a %a!"ator) arbitratio! agree%e!t &ith their e%plo)er$ &hich re@#ires the% to see4 re"ress thro#gh arbitratio!$ not the //>C or the co#rts'

14' This occ#rre" rece!tl) i! 1e& Eor4 Cit) to a fe%ale Citiba!4 i!vest%e!t ba!4er &ho &as ter%i!ate" beca#se her s#pervisor sai" that her fig#re &as too "istracti!g to the %ale e%plo)ees'10

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964


T&o rece!t <'=' =#pre%e Co#rt cases have "eci"e" i%porta!t iss#es i! this area' I! ircuit ity v. Ada m s 4

the =#pre%e Co#rt hel" that %a!"ator) arbitratio! cla#ses

re@#iri!g arbitratio! of &or4place clai%s$ i!cl#"i!g those #!"er Title VII$ are e!forceable #!"er the :e"eral Arbitratio! Act'

I! ((%

v. 7affle 3ous e4 Inc.4 '- the Co#rt hel" that eve! tho#gh a! e%plo)ee is

s#b ect to a %a!"ator) arbitratio! agree%e!t$ si!ce the //>C is !ot a part) to the agree%e!t$ the agree%e!t "oes !ot preve!t the //>C fro% p#rs#i!g victi%-specific relief s#ch as bac4 pa)$ rei!state%e!t$ a!" "a%ages as part of a! e!force%e!t actio!' 1N' Th#s$ the //>C clai%s ca! be the s#b ect of %a!"ator) arbitratio!$ b#t this "oes !ot preve!t the //>C fro% bri!gi!g its o&! e!force%e!t actio! agai!st the e%plo)er a!" eve! as4i!g for victi%-specific relief for the e%plo)ee' 1M' /%plo)ers ca! avoi" a Title VII co#rt case b) re@#iri!g %a!"ator) arbitratio! of &or4place clai%s$ b#t still %a) have to co!te!" &ith the //>C bri!gi!g s#it o! its o&!'

3egislatio! to overt#r!


ity a!" o!l) per%it vol#!tar) arbitratio! agree%e!ts

&as i!tro"#ce" i! both the .o#se a!" =e!ate shortl) after the "ecisio!$ b#t "i" !ot pass'

Lerhaps this &as$ at least i! part$ beca#se the =#pre%e Co#rt gave f#rther i!"icatio! of ho& it &ill vie& %a!"ator) arbitratio! agree%e!ts i! a later ircuit ity case'


I! its i!itial "ecisio!$ the =#pre%e Co#rt re@#ire" the


ity case to be re%a!"e"

to the lo&er co#rt for actio!s !ot i!co!siste!t &ith its r#li!g' >! re%a!"$ the co#rt of appeals applie" the :e"eral Arbitratio! Act a!" r#le" that the e%plo)erCs %a!"ator) arbitratio! agree%e!t &as #!co!scio!able a!" #!e!forceable beca#se it &as offere" o! a ta4e-it-or-leave-it basis$ "i" !ot re@#ire the co%pa!) to arbitrate clai%s$ li%ite" the relief available to e%plo)ees$ a!" re@#ire" e%plo)ees to pa) half of the arbitratio! costs' (he! the co#rt of appealsC "ecisio! ca%e bac4 to the =#pre%e Co#rt for revie&$ the Co#rt

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

"ecli!e" to hear it$ leavi!g the co#rt of appealsC ref#sal to e!force the %a!"ator) arbitratio! agree%e!t i!tact'13

Lerhaps also$ at least i! part i! respo!se to %a!"ator) arbitratio! agree%e!ts$ the //>C steppe" #p its %e"iatio! progra%s i! or"er to provi"e e%plo)ers &ith a! alter!ative bet&ee! litigatio! a!" %a!"ator) arbitratio! &ith its several alter!atives cite" previo#sl)' =i!ce 1991 the //>C ha" bee! %ovi!g i! the "irectio! of %e"iatio!$ b#t the iss#e heate" #p after the =#pre%e Co#rt "ecisio!s o! %a!"ator) arbitratio!'

Re&e"ies :or re%e"ies available #!"er Title VII$ see Chapter +F AThe /%plo)%e!t 3a& Tool4it'B >!r* Trials 1' :ro% the creatio! of Title VII i! 1964 #!til passage of the 1991 Civil Rights Act +N )ears later$ #r) trials &ere !ot per%itte" #!"er Title VII' +' The Civil Rights Act of 1991 a""e" #r) trials to Title VII' 3' ;#r) trials are !o& per%itte" #!"er Title VII at the re@#est of either part) &he! co%pe!sator) a!" p#!itive "a%ages are so#ght' 4' There is al&a)s less pre"ictabilit) abo#t case o#tco%es &he! #ries are i!volve"' Arg#i!g o!eCs ca#se to a #"ge &ho is a trai!e" %e%ber of the legal professio! is @#ite "iffere!t fro% arg#i!g to a #r) of 6 to 1+ #rors$ all of &ho% co%e &ith their o&! bac4gro#!"s$ pre #"ices$ pre"ilectio!s$ a!" little 4!o&le"ge of the la&' J' (ith #r) trials$ e%plo)ers !o& have eve! %ore i!ce!tive to e!s#re that their policies a!" actio!s are &ell reaso!e"$ b#si!ess-relate"$ a!" #stifiableGespeciall) si!ce e%plo)ees have eve! %ore i!ce!tive to s#e'

* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Reco str!ctio Civil Rights Acts 1' The Civil Rights Act of 1964 &as !ot the first piece of legislatio! ai%e" at prohibiti!g racial "iscri%i!atio!' +' These other la&s are still #se" to"a)' 3' There are three %ai! preOTitle VII la&s' 6=ee /8hibit 3'11$ AThe Reco!str#ctio! Civil Rights Acts'B7$ collectivel) 4!o&! as the postOCivil (ar stat#tes$ or the Reco!str#ctio! Civil Rights Acts' 4' The la&s &ere passe" b) Co!gress begi!!i!g after the Civil (ar e!"e" i! 1M6J i! a! effort to provi"e a %ea!s of e!forci!g the !e& stat#s of the e8-slaves as free citi0e!s' J' I! 1M6J$ passage of the Thirtee!th A%e!"%e!t to the Co!stit#tio! abolishi!g slaver) ha" %erel) set Africa! A%erica!s free' 1othi!g i! the la& at that poi!t sai" &hat that pict#re ha" to loo4 li4e' 6' 3argel) i! respo!se to the Thirtee!th A%e!"%e!t$ states e!acte" ADlac4 Co"esBG%ostl) revisio!s of their preOCivil (ar A=lave Co"esBGthat co"ifie" "iscri%i!atio! o! the basis of race a!" li%ite" the rights of the !e&l) free slaves'14 N' Degi!!i!g i! 1M66$ Co!gress bega! e!acti!g the postOCivil (ar stat#tes$ #!"ersta!"i!g that &itho#t legislatio! provi"i!g rights for the !e& stat#s of Africa! A%erica!s$ thi!gs &o#l" al%ost certai!l) revert to preOCivil (ar stat#s' M' It passe" sectio! 19M1$ %a4i!g all Africa! A%erica!s bor! i! the <!ite" =tates citi0e!s a!" e!s#ri!g the% the right to %a4e a!" e!force co!tracts the sa%e Aas e! o)e" b) &hite citi0e!s'B 9' I! 1M6M$ Co!gress passe" the :o#rtee!th A%e!"%e!t to %a4e its la&s applicable to the states$ "ictati!g that !o state Ashall %a4e or e!force a!) la& &hich shall abri"ge the privileges or i%%#!ities of the citi0e!s of the <!ite" =tates' ' '[or] "eprive a!) perso! of
* +01+ b) ,c-ra&-.ill /"#catio!' This is proprietar) %aterial solel) for a#thori0e" i!str#ctor #se' 1ot a#thori0e" for sale or "istrib#tio! i! a!) %a!!er' This "oc#%e!t %a) !ot be copie"$ sca!!e"$ "#plicate"$ for&ar"e"$ "istrib#te"$ or poste" o! a &ebsite$ i! &hole or part'

Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

life$ libert)$ or propert)$ &itho#t "#e process of la&$ [or] "e!) to a!) perso! &ithi! its #ris"ictio! the e@#al protectio! of the la&s'B 10' The three postOCivil (ar stat#tes are co"ifie" as 4+ <'='C' sectio!s 19M1$ 19M3$ a!" 19MJ'

The) prohibit "iscri%i!atio! o! the basis of race i! %a4i!g a!" e!forci!g co!tractsI prohibit the "e!ial of civil rights o! the basis of race b) so%eo!e behavi!g as if the) are acti!g o! behalf of the gover!%e!t 6#!" er color of stat e la& 7I a!" prohibit co!certe" activit) to "e!) so%eo!e their rights base" o! race 6the 555 stat#te7'

1+' =ectio!s 19M1 a!" 19M3 are the la&s %ost fre@#e!tl) #se" i! the e%plo)%e!t setti!g if a clai% is !ot bro#ght #si!g Title VII' 13' =i!ce Title VII is part of a co%prehe!sive stat#tor) sche%e to prohibit race a!" other "iscri%i!atio!$ it is the preferre" %etho" of e!forci!g e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! clai%s' 14' /%plo)ees bri!gi!g clai%s #!"er Title VII go to //>C to file their clai% a!" "o !ot have to pa)I e%plo)ees bri!gi!g clai%s #!"er the postOCivil (ar stat#tes are o! their o&! a!" %#st go to a! attor!e) a!" %#st pa)'

The stat#te of li%itatio!s for the postOCivil (ar stat#tes is lo!ger tha! #!"er Title VII' (hile Title VIICs basic stat#te of li%itatio!s is 1M0 "a)s fro% the precipitati!g eve!t$ the <'=' =#pre%e Co#rt has r#le" that the stat#te of li%itatio!s o! race cases #!"er sectio! 19M1 is fo#r )ears'1J

16' I! a""itio!$ the "a%ages #!"er sectio! 19M1 are #!li%ite"$ #!li4e those #!"er Title VII that have caps' 1N' (he! )o# p#t the postOCivil (ar stat#tesC li%itatio!s together &ith the historical co!te8t i! &hich Africa! A%erica!s operate" after the Civil (ar #!til passage of the Civil Rights Act i! 1964$ 99 )ears later$ it %a4es se!se that these la&s &ere !ot #se" as %#ch as Title

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

VII' :ro% the e!" of the Civil (ar #!til passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964$ ;i% Cro& la&s a!" iro!-cla" social c#sto%s segregate" Africa! A%erica!s a!" "e!ie" the% basic rights' This &as ofte! e!force" thro#gh viole!ce' :e& Africa! A%erica!s ha" the %o!e) to s#e' Det&ee! !ot havi!g the legal right to have a ob base" o! their race$ !ot bei!g able to affor" to bri!g la&s#its$ a!" ta4i!g their lives i!to their ha!"s if the) trie" to e!force a!) rights the) "i" have #!"er these la&$ the postOCivil (ar stat#tes provi"e" little relief to Africa! A%erica!s faci!g e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio!' 1M' =till$ the Lost-Civil (ar stat#tes re%ai! a viable so#rce of e%plo)er liabilit) 19' 1ote that the la&s &ere create" to a""ress the iss#e of the !e&l) free" slaves$ b#t the la!g#age applies to a!)o!e$ so !atio!al origi! cases are also bro#ght #!"er the stat#tes' +0' D) a!" large$ %ost of the cases are bro#ght #!"er these stat#tes as oppose" to Title VII either beca#se the clai%a!t &as o#tsi"e the Title VII stat#te of li%itatio!s "ea"li!e or beca#se the clai% i!volves a gover!%e!t e%plo)er'

4? '.1. C. 1ectio 19@1 1. 1ectio 19@1. 9,!al Rights ! "er the 8a$ < All persons /ithin the &urisdiction of the 5nited 6tates shall have the same ri$ht in every 6tate and "erritory to make and enforce contracts. . .as is en&oyed by /hite citi2ens. ?. This provisio! of the postOCivil (ar stat#tes has bee! #se" to a li%ite" e8te!t i! the past as a basis for e%plo)ees s#i!g e%plo)ers for racial "iscri%i!atio! i! e%plo)%e!t'

I! a case of first i%pressio!$ the =eco!" Circ#it Co#rt of Appeals hel" that sectio! 19M1 "i" !ot cover a race "iscri%i!atio! clai% file" b) a! Africa! A%erica! e%plo)ee for actio!s occ#rri!g &hile he &as o! te%porar) &or4 assig!%e!t i! =o#th Africa beca#se$ b) its ter%s$ the la& o!l) covers those &ithi! the #ris"ictio! of the <!ite" =tates' 16

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964


The <'=' =#pre%e Co#rt hel" that sectio! 19M1 prohibits p#rel) private "iscri%i!atio! i! co!tracts$ i!cl#"i!g e%plo)%e!t co!tracts' I! Patterson ! Mc"ean Credit #nion )

provi"e" at the e!" of the chapter$ the li%itatio!s of sectio! 19M1 beco%e evi"e!t' Patterson &as !#llifie" b) the Civil Rights Act of 1991' The act overt#r!e" PattersonCs hol"i!g that sectio! 19M1 "oes !ot per%it actio!s for racial "iscri%i!atio! "#ri!g the perfor%a!ce of the co!tract$ b#t o!l) i! %a4i!g or e!forci!g the co!tract' 1ote that the li%itatio! o! "a%ages the Co#rt spo4e of as part of Title VIICs a"%i!istrative sche%e !o lo!ger applies' A. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 per%its recover) of co%pe!sator) a!" p#!itive "a%ages' .o& "o )o# thi!4 this s@#ares &ith the Co#rtCs state%e!t$ A1either part) &o#l" be li4el) to co!ciliate if there is the possibilit) of the e%plo)ee recoveri!g the greater "a%ages per%itte" b) sectio! 19M1BH 6. =ee if )o# ca! "eter%i!e &h) Co!gress &o#l" &a!t to overr#le the =#pre%e Co#rtCs "ecisio! b) e!acti!g the 1991 legislatio!'

Patterson &as specificall) chose! for i!cl#sio! here to "e%o!strate ho& see%i!gl) s%all$ i!sig!ifica!t %atters ca! acc#%#late a!" provi"e a soli" pict#re of "iscri%i!ator) treat%e!t lea"i!g to e%plo)er liabilit)' Agai!$ vigila!ce pa)s off' ,a!agers sho#l" c#rtail "iscri%i!ator) activit) as soo! as the) see it$ so that it "oes !ot progress a!" res#lt i! liabilit)'

4? '.1. C. 1ectio


1. 1ectio 19@3. Civil Actio for ;eprivatio of Rights < (very person /ho4 under color of any statute4 ordinance4 re$ulation4 custom4 or usa$e4 of any 6tate or "erritory4 sub&ects4 or causes to be sub&ected4 any citi2en of the 5nited 6tates or other person

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

/ithin the &urisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any ri$hts4 privile$es4 or immunities secured by the onstitution and la/s4 shall be liable to the party in&ured in an action at la/4 suit in e<uity4 or other proper proceedin$ for redress. ?. The Civil Rights Act of 1MN1$ co"ifie" as 4+ <'='C' sectio! 19M3$ protects citi0e!s fro% "eprivatio! of their legal a!" co!stit#tio!al rights$ privileges$ a!" i%%#!ities$ #!"er color of state la&' That is$ so%eo!e acti!g o! behalf of the state ca!!ot "eprive people of their rights' 3. (ell-4!o&! e8a%ples &o#l" be 617 the 1e& ;erse) state troopers &ho &ere co!victe" i! +00+ &he! racial profili!g a"%itte"l) ca#se" the% to shoot 11 b#llets i!to a car &ith fo#r #!ar%e" blac4 a!" 3ati!o st#"e!ts$ &o#!"i!g three$ a!" 6+7 the police officers &ho &ere vi"eotape" beati!g Ro"!e) 5i!g "#ri!g his arrest i! 3os A!geles i! 1991' (hile perfor%i!g their "#ties as gover!%e!t e%plo)ees$ the) &ere allege" to have "eprive" 5i!g of his rights b) #si!g e8cessive force a!" th#s "eprivi!g hi% of his rights as if it &ere a legiti%ate part of their "#ties' 4. I! the e%plo)%e!t area$ sectio! 19M3 cases arise &he!$ for i!sta!ce$ a cit) fire "epart%e!t or %#!icipal police "epart%e!t "iscri%i!ates agai!st a! e%plo)ee o! the basis of race$ ge!"er$ or o!e of the other bases protecte" #!"er fe"eral or state la&' A. 1either the :o#rte e ! t h A%e!" % e ! t !or sectio! 19M3 %a) be #s e" for "iscri%i! a tio ! b) privat e e%plo)e r s ' The) both re"r e s s actio!s b) gover ! % e ! t pers o ! ! el' 6. The gover ! % e ! t %a) !ot be s#e" &itho#t its per %is sio! bec a # s e of the /leve! t h A%e! " % e ! t to the Co!stit#tio !$ so the actio! is bro#g h t agai!s t the gover ! % e ! t cap acit)' official i! his or her i!"ivi"# al a!" official

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

A I&porta t 6ote 1' There is a co%%o! %isco!ceptio! that all a! e%plo)ee or applica!t %#st "o to bri!g ho%e to!s of %o!e) fro% co#rt is to allege "iscri%i!atio! a!" s#e a! e%plo)er' This is !ot so' +' 2iscri%i!atio! cases %#st be prove" #st as a!) other cases are re@#ire" to be prove"$ a!" fail#re to "o so res#lts i! "is%issal of the case or plai!tiff other&ise !ot &i!!i!g' 3' The Ali v. Mount 6inai 3ospital case at the e!" of the chapter is a great e8a%ple of this'

Ali v. Mount 6inai 3ospital

4' (hile %#ch of the litigatio! #!"er the Act at this poi!t is for fi!e-t#!i!g$ //>C has !ote" a rise i! cases s#ch as harass%e!t agai!st ,#sli%s a!" !ooses o! the "es4s of Africa! A%erica! e%plo)ees' J' //>C is %ovi!g i!to other areas s#ch as h#%a! traffic4i!g as it relates to race$ !atio!al origi!$ a!" se8#al harass%e!t$ the #se of cre"it histories of &o%e!$ %i!orities a!" the "isable" as a! #!la&f#l scree!i!g "evice$ a!" a! i!itiative to a""ress the %ore s#btle %a!ifestatio!s of color "iscri%i!atio! give! the i!crease i! %#ltiracial e%plo)ees i! the &or4place 6/-RAC/ i!itiative "isc#sse" i! the Race a!" Color 2iscri%i!atio! Chapter7$ a!" caregiver "iscri%i!atio! &hich falls heavil) #po! fe%ale e%plo)ees' 5a age&e t Tips

Learnin$ %b&ective (i$ht: 0iscuss /hat mana$ement can do to comply /ith "itle 1II. =i!ce pote!tiall) all e%plo)ees ca! bi!" the e%plo)er b) their "iscri%i!ator) actio!s$ it is i%porta!t for all e%plo)ees to #!"ersta!" the la&' This !ot o!l) &ill greatl) ai" the% i! avoi"i!g acts that %a) ca#se the e%plo)er liabilit)$ b#t it &ill also go far i! creati!g a &or4 e!viro!%e!t i! &hich "iscri%i!atio! is less li4el) to occ#r' Thro#gh trai!i!g$ %a4e s#re that all e%plo)ees #!"ersta!"

(hat Title VII is' (hat Title VII re@#ires' (ho Title VII applies to' .o& the e%plo)eesC actio!s ca! bri!g abo#t liabilit) for the e%plo)er'

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

(hat 4i!"s of actio!s &ill be loo4e" at i! a Title VII procee"i!g' That the e%plo)er &ill !ot allo& Title VII to be violate"' That all e%plo)ees have a right to a &or4place free of illegal "iscri%i!atio!'

Case Ico s Petrus$a ! %annon #ni ersit& 3'( )! Supp! 2d *** +,! -! PA 2((./ C Iss!e: (hether a ch#rch affiliate" #!iversit) co#l" "iscri%i!ate o! the basis of ge!"er agai!st a fe%ale chaplai! &ho reporte" Title VII violatio!s of a s#perior' 7acts: A fe%ale chaplai! at -a!!o! <!iversit)$ a private$ Catholic "iocesa! college &as i!str#%e!tal i! bri!gi!g to the atte!tio! of the area bishop acc#satio!s of se8#al harass%e!t of a fe%ale e%plo)ee b) the presi"e!t of the #!iversit) for a !#%ber of )ears' The #!iversit) e!gage" i! a cover-#p of the eve!ts as per i!str#ctio!s of the bishop' /%plo)ee &as vocal i! opposi!g the cover#p a!" the #!iversit)Cs policies she vie&e" as "iscri%i!ator) agai!st fe%ales' I! her capacit) as chair of the #!iversit)Cs I!stit#tio!al I!tegrit) Co%%ittee$ she &as i!str#%e!tal i! s#b%itti!g a! accre"itatio! report &hich raise" ge!"er-base" pa) i!e@#alities of -a!!o! e%plo)ees a!" &as critical of its proce"#res for a""ressi!g se8#al harass%e!t a!" other "iscri%i!atio! clai%s' The #!iversit) press#re" her to cha!ge the report a!" she ref#se"' =he alleges that the) retaliate" agai!st her a!" i! co!te%platio! of bei!g ter%i!ate"$ she resig!e"' The !e8t "a) she &as !otifie" her resig!atio! &as i%%e"iatel) effective a!" she &as to gather her thi!gs a!" leave ca%p#s' .er access to the ca%p#s a!" st#"e!t &as li%ite" b) the #!iversit)' ;ecisio F The co#rt sai" the %i!isterial e8ceptio! to Title VII applie" i! "iscri%i!atio! cases i!volvi!g religio#s i!stit#tio!s$ roote" i! the :irst A%e!"%e!tCs prohibitio! o! gover!%e!t e!ta!gle%e!t &ith religio!$ precl#"es co#rts fro% a" #"icati!g e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! s#its bet&ee! ch#rch a!" %i!ister' These are %atters of ch#rch a"%i!istratio! a!" &o#l" !ecessaril) i!volve a! i!vestigatio! a!" revie& of ch#rch practices a!" a"%i!istratio! a!" threate! the separatio! of ch#rch a!" state' Case D!estio s 1' 2o )o# agree &ith the co#rtCs "ecisio!H /8plai!' "his $ives the students a chance to discuss the issue of ho/ &ust because somethin$ is discriminatory doesn=t necessarily mean it is covered by "itle 1II. 6tudents have a common misconception that any /orkplace discrimination is ille$al4 but this is an e)ample of the fact that there are limitations. %nly /hat "itle 1II says is discriminatory violates the la/.

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

+' As a %a!ager i! this sit#atio!$ ho& "o )o# thi!4 )o# &o#l" have ha!"le" the chaplai!Cs co%plai!tsH 6tudents are pushed to try to think of /ays to create an or$ani2ation that is pretty much discrimination free even in the absence of la/s coverin$ such thin$s. 3' -ive! the po&er that religio#s orga!i0atio!s have #!"er Title VII$ ho& "o )o# thi!4 e%plo)%e!t "iscri%i!atio! co!cer!s ca! be a""resse" i! the religio#s &or4placeH "hou$ht <uestion for the students4 in order to e)pand their vie/ of possibilities4 as /ell as to deal /ith bein$ /ithin le$al limitations. lick here to return to chapter outline at location of above case reference.

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Patterson ! Mc"ean Credit #nion) 491 '.1. 164 E19@9C Iss!eF (hether 4+ <'='C' sectio! 19M1 per%its a! actio! for race "iscri%i!atio! after the %a4i!g of a! e%plo)%e!t co!tract$ "#ri!g its perfor%a!ce stage' 7actsF A blac4 fe%ale allege" a lo!g list of actio!s over the co#rse of her e%plo)%e!t a%o#!ti!g to racial "iscri%i!atio! i! violatio! of sectio! 19M1 i! that she &as treate" "iffere!tl) fro% &hite e%plo)ees a!" !ot pro%ote"$ o! the basis of race' ;ecisio F The co#rt hel" that sectio! 19M1 &as !ot available to a""ress this proble% si!ce the case "i" !ot i!volve the %a4i!g of a co!tract$ b#t rather$ its perfor%a!ce' Case D!estio s 1' 2o )o# thi!4 #stice &as serve" i! this caseH /8plai!' (h) "o )o# thi!4 Latterso! &aite" so lo!g to s#eH 6tudent response. I have included the latter <uestion because students seem to find it difficult to deal /ith the substantive issues in the case because they cannot understand /hy anyone /ould stand for such treatment for so lon$. !erhaps you can discuss /ith them ho/ the point of vie/ of a black employee in an isolated situation like this mi$ht play a role. If the treatment of the employee and the comments made4 particularly initially upon her hire4 /ere reflective of the environment of the place in /hich !atterson lived4 she may /ell have felt that this /as as $ood a &ob as she could $et4 so she should &ust >shut up and take it.? Also4 discuss /ith them ho/ these items she alle$es contributed to her difference in treatment may have seemed fairly insi$nificant at the time4 particularly if she had to report them. After all4 tellin$ someone that your supervisor looked at your for minutes at a time &ust doesn=t sound like a bi$ deal. Also4 in an effort to try to make the best of thin$s4 /e often &ust $o alon$4 tryin$ to bear it4 until some precipitous event happens. 3ere4 it /as her termination. "his is also a place /here you can have them look at the micro vs. the macro picture. (ach of these thin$s4 in and of themselves4 may not have seemed like a bi$ deal4 but taken to$ether4 they created <uite a different /orkplace for !atterson than the /hite employees. At any rate4 don=t allo/ the students to $et so carried a/ay on the issue of /hy she /aited so lon$ to sue until they miss the bi$$er issue of !atterson=s difference in treatment and ho/ it /as a combination of little thin$s that added up to race discrimination. +' If )o# ha" bee! the %a!ager &he! Latterso! i!itiall) i!tervie&e"$ &o#l" )o# have %a"e the state%e!t abo#t &hites !ot accepti!g herH (h) or &h) !otH 6tudent response. 3' (he! loo4i!g at the list of ite%s Latterso! allege" ,c3ea! e!gage" i!$ "o a!) see% appropriateH (h) "o )o# thi!4 it &as per%itte"H 6tudent response.

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

lick here to return to chapter outline at location of above case reference.

Ali ! Mount Sinai 0ospital ) 6@ 9&pl. 3rac. ;ec. ECC2C F44)1@@ E6-1?-96C Iss!eF (hether a! e%plo)ee ca! receive a #"g%e!t i! a race "iscri%i!atio! case &itho#t offeri!g evi"e!ce of racial "iscri%i!atio!' 7actsF A blac4 fe%ale e%plo)ee s#e" the e%plo)er for racial "iscri%i!atio! i! violatio! of Title VII$ for "iscri%i!ator) e!force%e!t of the e%plo)erCs "ress co"e' /%plo)ee allege" she &as "iscipli!e" for violatio! of the co"e &hile &hites &ere !ot' I! s#pport of her clai%$ e%plo)ee gave evi"e!ce that other e%plo)ees ha" violate" the "ress co"e$ b#t she gave !o evi"e!ce that the) ha" !ot bee! "iscipli!e" as she &as for si%ilar offe!ses' 2espite the fact that e%plo)er ha" %a"e state%e!ts to e%plo)ee &hich e%plo)ee perceive" as "erogator)$ there &as !o sho&i!g of race "iscri%i!atio!' ;ecisio F The co#rt fo#!" that the e%plo)ee offere" !o evi"e!ce of "iscri%i!ator) e!force%e!t$ therefore it ha" !o choice b#t to hol" for the e%plo)er' Case D!estio s 1' (hat "o )o# thi!4 of the &a) i! &hich Ali &as approache" b) 2r' =hiel"s abo#t her violatio! of the "ress co"eH 2oes this see% a"visable to )o#H 6tudent response. "he purpose of this <uestion is to $et students to think4 as mana$ers4 of other /ays to approach undesirable situations rather than sayin$ the first thin$ that comes to mind /ithout thinkin$ of the possible le$al conse<uences. "he employee could have easily been approached in a /ay that $ave her the necessary feedback4 in the stron$est terms4 /ithout bein$ belittlin$4 unnecessarily harsh and potentially racial 9steer clear of references to black employees bein$ e<uated /ith animals4 since the history of race relations in our country has included comparin$ blacks /ith monkeys4 apes4 >coons4? etc.: +' .o& %#ch of a role "o )o# thi!4 "iffere!t c#lt#ral val#es pla)e" i! this sit#atio!H /8plai!'

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

learly the employee=s response as to ho/ she looked >beautiful? differed from ho/ 0r. 6hields thou$ht employee looked >like somethin$ in a 2oo... or disco?. 6ince 0r. 6hields did not confine her comments merely to employee=s violation of the dress code by the /earin$ of inappropriate apparel and hairstylin$ at odds /ith the code4 she leaves herself open for analysis of her estimation of the differences bein$ based on a <ualitative4 culturally8based difference in the employee=s appearance. "hat is4 of course4 based on cultural preferences. "hat is4 6hield=s did not merely say to employee4 >Your attire and hairstyle is not in keepin$ /ith the dress code.? #ather4 she said employee looked like somethin$ in the 2oo and someone $oin$ to a disco. 3ave students discuss /hat the role of cultural differences may be in mana$ers= perceivin$ and &ud$in$ the behavior4 includin$ attire4 of employees. For instance4 ho/ somethin$ like sayin$ >conservative dress? is a particular cultural concept /hich means it can be left open to interpretations /hich may differ based on one=s culture. #emind the students that this is aside from the fact that the dress code /as clear4 the code /as specifically desi$ned to meet the needs of the particular /orkplace involved4 and employee4 in fact4 violated her boss=s interpretation of the code. 3' (hat ca! the e%plo)er "o avoi" eve! the appeara!ce of #!fair e!force%e!t of its "ress polic) i! the f#t#reH 6tudent response. lick here to return to chapter outline at location of above case reference.

Chapter<9 " D!estio s 1' (hile revie&i!g pre-e%plo)%e!t reports as part of her ob$ clai%a!t rea" a report i! &hich a! applica!t a"%itte" co%%e!ti!g to a! e%plo)ee at a prior ob that A%a4i!g love to )o# is li4e %a4i!g love the -ra!" Ca!)o!'B 3ater$ at a %eeti!g co!ve!e" b) her s#pervisor$ the s#pervisor rea" the @#ote a!" sai" he "i"!Ct #!"ersta!" it' A %ale s#bor"i!ate sai" he &o#l" e8plai! it to hi% later$ a!" both ch#c4le"' The clai%a!t alleges that !earl) ever) actio! after the i!ci"e!t co!stit#te" retaliatio! for her co%plai!t$ i!cl#"i!g a lateral tra!sfer' (ill the co#rt agreeH EClar+ Co! t 1chool ;istrict v. Bree"e ) '32 #!S! 2*1 E?GG1CC

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

No4 the 6upreme ourt did not a$ree. In its per curiam decision it said that claimin$ se)ual harassment for incidents that do not alter the conditions of employment to be able to claim retaliation should there be later employment actions /ith /hich the employee disa$rees4 is not permissible. 3ere4 the ourt held that no one could reasonably believe that the incident violated "itle 1II4 and based on its precedent4 "itle 1II forbids only behavior so ob&ectively offensive that it alters the conditions of the employee=s employment. "he ourt made clear that every sin$le occurrence of se)ual harassment dies not constitute le$ally actionable se)ual harassment either for purposes of violation of the $ender provision of se)ual harassment or for the anti8retaliation provisions of "itle 1II. +' .o& lo!g "oes a private e%plo)ee have to file a clai% &ith //>C or be barre" fro% "oi!g soH '@A days. 3' 3i! Te#!g files a co%plai!t &ith //>C for !atio!al origi! "iscri%i!atio!' .is #ris"ictio! has a N06 age!c)' (he! Te#!g calls #p //>C after 4J "a)s i! or"er to see ho& his case is progressi!g$ he lear!s that //>C has !ot )et %ove" o! it' Te#!g feels the //>C is violati!g its o&! r#les' Is itH No. If there is a state or local BA+ a$ency4 and the complainant files /ith ((% 4 ((% must hold off on investi$atin$ the complaint4 for +A days. 4' Althea$ blac4$ has bee! a "ee a) for a local Christia! %#sic statio! for several )ears' The statio! gets a !e& ge!eral %a!ager a!" &ithi! a %o!th he ter%i!ates Althea' The reaso! he gave &as that it &as i!appropriate for a blac4 "ee a) to pla) %#sic o! a &hite Christia! %#sic statio!' Althea s#es the statio!' (hat is her best theor) for procee"i!gH 0isparate treatment. Based on an actual situation. 6ince the statistical base /ould be so small here4 Althea has a better case for disparate treatment. J' ,eli!"a &a!ts to file a se8#al harass%e!t clai% agai!st her e%plo)er b#t feels she ca!!ot "o so beca#se he &o#l" retaliate agai!st her b) firi!g her' =he also has !o %o!e) to s#e hi%' A!) a"vice to ,eli!"aH It is a separate offense under "itle 1II to retaliate a$ainst an employee for pursuin$ his or her ri$hts under the Act. Melinda can file her se)ual harassment and retaliation claims /ith the ((% and need pay nothin$.

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964


=aei"$ a ,#sli%$ alleges that his s#pervisor %a"e !#%ero#s re%ar4s belittli!g his ,#sli% religio!$ Arabs ge!erall)$ a!" hi% specificall)' The co%%e!ts &ere !ot %a"e i! the co!te8t of a specific e%plo)%e!t "ecisio! affecti!g =aei"' Is this s#fficie!t for the co#rt to fi!" "iscri%i!ator) ill &illH E5aaro!f v. (al+er 5a !fact!ri g Co.) ?1G 7.3" BAG EB th Cir. ?GGGCC Yes. "he court determined that even under the circumstances4 the comments /ere evidence that the supervisor=s opinion of the employee /as tainted by discriminatory ill /ill4 thou$h not direct evidence of discrimination.


A co!str#ctio! co%pa!) &as s#e" for harass%e!t &he! it faile" to ta4e serio#sl) the co%plai!ts abo#t offe!sive graffiti scra&le" o! re!te" portable toilets' The e%plo)er "efe!"e" b) sa)i!g 617 e%plo)ees sho#l" be #se" to s#ch r#"e a!" cr#"e behavior' 6+7 the e%plo)er "i" !ot o&! or %ai!tai! the e@#ip%e!t$ &hich ca%e &ith graffiti alrea") o! it' 637 it too4 actio! after a for%al e%plo)ee co%plai!t$ a!" 647 the graffiti i!s#lte" ever)o!e' (ill the "efe!ses be s#ccessf#lH E5alo e v. 7oster<(heeler Co str!ctors) (estla$ ?1 7e". App%. 4BG EBth Cir. ?GG1C ! p!b. opi io CC. No the court did not buy the defenses. As to 9': the court said that even thou$h employees in the construction industry may re$ularly see $raffiti4 it did not mean the employer could i$nore it. 9-: the employer /as responsible for the $raffiti even thou$h it did not o/n the e<uipment since it /as responsible for providin$ employees /ith restroom or other facilities that did not create a hostile environment. 9;: Because the employer could see the $raffiti on the toilets4 it should not take a formal complaint for the employer to abate the harassment. 9,: .raffiti that is e<ually insultin$ to everyone does not make the $raffiti that creates a hostile environment acceptable.


A! e%plo)ee files a race "iscri%i!atio! clai% agai!st the e%plo)er #!"er Title VII' The e%plo)ee alleges that after fili!g a clai% &ith //>C$ her rati!gs &e!t fro% o#tsta!"i!g to satisfactor) a!" she &as e8cl#"e" fro% %eeti!gs a!" i%porta!t &or4place co%%#!icatio!s$ &hich %a"e it i%possible for her to satisfactoril) perfor% her ob' The co#rt "e!ie" the race "iscri%i!atio! clai%' ,#st it also "e!) the retaliatio! clai%H E8afate v. Chase 5a hatta Ba +) 1?3 7. 1!pp. ?BB3 E;. ;9 ?GGGCC. No4 the &ury re&ected the race claim4 but found sufficient evidence for the retaliation claim and $ranted the claimant C+AA4AAA.


2a) Care Ce!ter has a polic) stati!g that !o e%plo)ee ca! over J foot 4 beca#se the e%plo)er thi!4s chil"re! feel %ore co%fortable &ith people &ho are closer to the% i! si0e' 2oes Tiffa!)$ &ho is J foot N$ have a clai%H If so$ #!"er &hat theor) co#l" she procee"H

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Chapter 03 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

"he employerDs policy is neutral on its face4 but has a disparate impact on men4 since4 statistically speakin$4 most men /ould be taller. 3o/ever4 "iffany is not a man4 and thus4 does not have standin$ to sue on the policy. 6he is not adversely affected by the policy based on $ender4 but rather4 on hei$ht4 /hich4 in and of itself4 is not a protected cate$ory. It /ould only be a problem if it adversely impacted those of the $ender of the claimant. .ender4 throu$h the hei$ht re<uirement4 /ould not be appropriate as a BF%E because hei$ht is not reasonably necessary to the employerDs business of carin$ for children. "hat is4 those over a certain hei$ht do not lose the ability to care for the children. 10' 2#ri!g the i!tervie& -ale ha" &ith 3eslie Acco#!ti!g :ir%$ -ale &as as4e" &hether she ha" a!) chil"re!$ &hether she pla!!e" to have a!) %ore chil"re!$ to &hat ch#rch she belo!ge" a!" &hat her h#sba!" "i" for a livi!g' Are these @#estio!s illegalH /8plai!' Yes. "hese <uestions are often asked of /omen in intervie/s4 but they are ille$al. Euestions about children4 childbearin$ and /hat one does for a livin$ are almost e)clusively asked only of /omen4 and thus4 is disparate treatment4 since men do not receive the same <uestions. %nce a <uestion is asked4 it is assumed that the employer must plan to use the ans/er in makin$ a determination as to suitability of the candidate for the &ob. It is virtually impossible to prove other/ise. "herefore4 it is best to fore$o such <uestions or ask more direct4 relevant <uestions. For instance4 it is appropriate to ask every intervie/ee if there is anythin$ /hich /ill interfere /ith his or her ability to come to /ork consistently and on time. For the reli$ion <uestion4 since most employers ask it to find out /here an ill employee should be taken for medical assistance4 or /hat reli$ious fi$ure to call in case of serious on the &ob in&ury4 simply askin$ this specific <uestion4 and doin$ so after hire4 /ould accomplish the employerDs $oal4 /hile eliminatin$ the liability.

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//>C =olicits Co%%e!ts o! Lropose" I%prove%e!ts to :e"eral /%plo)ee 2iscri%i!atio! Co%plai!t

Lrocess$ 1+K++K09 httpFKK&&&'eeoc'govKeeocK!e&sroo%KreleaseK1+-+1-09'cf%

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Abo#t Retaliatio!B httpFKK&&&'eeoc'govKla&sKt)pesKfacts-retal'cf%

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AIs This (o%a! Too .ot To De A Da!4erH$B /li0abeth 2&os4i!$ The Village Voice 1e&s$ 6K+1K10



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Lress$ +00+I Tho%as A"a%s <pch#rch$ A3egislati!g Racis%F The Dillio! 2ollar Co!gress a!" the Dirth of ;i% Cro&$B The <!iversit) Lress of 5e!t#c4)$ +004I a!" 2avi" 5' :re%o!$ A;i% Cro& 3a&s a!" Racis% i! A%erica! .istor)$B HHA': A"" place of p!blicatio II/!slo& L#blishers$ I!c'$ +000'

1Fones v. #.#. 0onn ell e y G 6ons

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1%fori8 "enkora n $ v. AI.4 460 :'3" +96 6+" Cir' +0067'

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