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Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition: FAQ/Walkthrough by oldschool312 ersion: 1!

" # $ast %&dated: 2""'(")("1 # ie*/Do*nload +riginal File ,osted by -eturn to Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition ./C0 FAQs 1 2uides Would you reco33end this FAQ4 5es 6o Assassin's Creed Created 11(17(") ersion 1!" 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 9able o: Contents 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 ;ntroduction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<;69D= ersion ,istory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!< >,5= Controls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<C69$= 2a3e&lay ?echanics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<2/?C= >ynchroni@ation!!!!!!!!!!!!!<>6CA= ?oBe3ent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<? ?9= Fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<F292= ;nBestigating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<;6 2= Alerts/Esca&e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<A9E/= +&tional +bCectiBes!!!!!!!!!<+/+D= 2eneral 9i&s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<269/= Walkthrough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<W$E9= ?e3ory 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<?E?1= ?e3ory 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<?E?2= (9raitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<9-9-= (9a3ir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<9?;-= ?e3ory 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<?E?3= (2arnier de 6a&louse!!!!!<2D6/= (9alal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<9$A$= ?e3ory F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<?E?F= (Abu'l 6uGoud!!!!!!!!!!!!<A6QD= (Willia3 o: ?ont:errat!!!<W?9F= (?aCd Addin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<?HAD= ?e3ory I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<?E?I= (Hubair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<HDA-= (>ibrand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<>D-D= ?e3ory 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<?E?7= (-obert de >able!!!!!!!!!<-DD>=

?e3ory )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<?E?)= $egalites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<$2$>= 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 ;ntroduction <;69D= 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 Assassin's Creed *ithout giBing u& too 3uch is a story o: an Assassin in 11J1! 9he only *ea&ons he &ossesses are his blades and the skill *ith *hich he *ields the3! 9his guide &roBides an eK&lanation o: a 3ethod that *ill *ork to take out all the assigned targets! Feel :ree to Cu3& :ro3 section to section using the C9-$ F search :unction to :ind eKactly *hat you are looking :or! 9he &rogress to*ards co3&letion can also be tracked in the Bersion history! 9his section *ill also be a Guick *ay to :ind out i: and *hen anything has been added! As *ith all the guides ;'Be *rittenL ; don't &roclai3 to be an eK&ert! 9he teKt belo* is Cust a descri&tion o: a *ay to *ork through the tasks the ga3e o::ers! EnCoy! 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 ersion ,istory < >,5= 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 ersion "!3I .>ub3itted 11(1'(2"")0 (Walkthrough u& to ?e3ory F (Controls :inished (>ynchL 3oBe3entL and inBestigation sections co3&lete ersion 1!" .>ub3itted 11(2I(2"")0 (Walkthrough co3&lete (;nBestigations descri&tion co3&lete (2eneral 9i&s section began (Flags and 9e3&lars soon .ho&e:ully0 ersion 1!" .>ub3itted )(1(2""'0 (2aBe u& on describing/:inding the :lags 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 Controls <C69$= 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 $e:t >tick: 3oBe3ent

-ight >tick: ca3era >elect: ?a& $1: 9arget lock $2: Chase ca3era -1: ,igh &ro:ile status 9he directional &ad is used to Guickly change the eGui&&ed *ea&on %&: ,idden Dlade Do*n: Fists -ight: >*ord $e:t: thro*ing kniBes/shortblade 9he :ace buttons control di::erent &arts o: Altair's body 9riangle: ,ead Circle: E3&ty ,and >Guare: Wea&on ,and M: $egs Each button *ill &er:or3 a di::erent task de&ending on the &ro:ile status! $o* /ro:ile co33ands include 9riangle: ision .enters :irst &erson Bie*0 Circle: 2entle /ush .to 3oBe through cro*ds0 >Guare: Attack M: Dlend .3oBe 3ore slo*ly and &ass in:or3ed guards *ithout alert0 ,igh /ro:ile co33ands .aBailable by holding the -1 Dutton0 Cicrle: 2rab and thro* or tackle .de&ending on 3oBe3ent0 >Guare: Attack M: >&rint .Altair 3oBes Guickly ada&ting to the enBiron3ent as necessary0 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 2a3e&lay ?echanics <2/?C= 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 ;n this section *e *ill take a look at di::erent as&ects o: the ga3e and ho* they can hel& 3ake Assassin's Creed an 3ore enCoyable eK&erience! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( >ynchroni@ation <>6CA= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ;n the to& le:t corner o: the screen there *ill be a 3eter that has seBeral

bars! 9his is the >ynchroni@ation Dar! 9he conce&t is that Des3ond needs to stay in synch *ith Altair *hile in the Ani3us 3achine! 9he bar increases by co3&leting obCectiBes! >aBing citi@ensL collecting :lagsL killing 9e3&larsL inBestigationsL :inding Bie* &ointsL and assassinations *ill contribute to increasing the si@e o: the synchroni@ation bar! 9he bar *ill de&lete *hen da3age is taken .either :ro3 co3bat or a great :all0 or by killing innocent citi@ens! ;: the bar de&letes it *ill regenerate oBer ti3e but Guicker i: there is not an ongoing alert! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ?oBe3ent <? ?9= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Altair is Bery sleek! ,is agility is outstanding as he 3oBes through the enBiron3ent *ith ease! 9*o basic ty&es o: 3oBe3ent eKists in Assassin's Creed! 9he :irst is $o* /ro:ile! $o* /ro:ile 3oBe3ent goes 3ostly unnoticed! Altair is Cust like any other citi@en 3oBing about to*n! 9his ty&e o: 3oBe3ent also includes the blend :eature that allo*s the assassin to 3oBe around guards *ithout dra*ing attention! 9he other :or3 o: 3oBe3ent is ,igh /ro:ile! Altair 3oBes in this 3anner *hen the -1 button is held! ,igh &ro:ile 3oBe3ent stands out and *ill dra* the attention o: guards! Altair 3oBes 3ore Guickly .basically in a s&rint0 and *ill &er:or3 the reGuired action according to the enBiron3ent! For eKa3&le i: in high &ro:ile 3ode Altair *ill cli3b *alls and lea& :ro3 building to building! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Fighting <F292= ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ;nBestigating <;6 2= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Four ty&es o: inBestigations eKist in the ga3e: /ick&ocketL EaBesdro&&ingL ;nterrogationL and ;n:or3ers! When an inBestigation is aBailable it *ill be 3arked on the 3a&! ?oBe to the area and &er:or3 the a&&ro&riate action.s0 to co3&lete the inBestigation! NNNNNNNNNNNNN /ick&ocketing NNNNNNNNNNNNN

-eceiBing in:or3ation by &icking &ockets is not di::icult! ?oBe to the location indicated on the 3a&! 9here *ill be t*o &eo&le talkingL one o: *hich *ill be the Bicti3 o: the:t! /ress $1 to lock onto the target and a cut scene *ill sho* a conBersation bet*een the t*o characters! +nce the conBersation is oBer :ollo* the 3arked citi@en! As long as they are 3oBing the /ick&ocket atte3&t can be success:ul! ;: they sto& you *ill get caught! 9he action necessary is si3&ly &ress and hold circle *hile :ollo*ing the Bicti3! +nce the ite3 is stolen 3oBe a*ay :ro3 the target and go about business as usual! NNNNNNNNNNNNN EaBesdro&&ing NNNNNNNNNNNNN 9his is de:initely the easiest 3ethod :or gathering in:or3ation! All that is reGuired is to :ind a bench near the targets and sit do*n! +nce seated lock onto those engaged in coBersation and &ress 9riangle! 9hey *ill talk you *ill hear and an inBestigation is co3&lete! NNNNNNNNNNNNN ;nterrogation NNNNNNNNNNNNN An interrogation al*ays starts the sa3e *ay! 9here is a loud 3outh s&outing his 3outh to *hoeBer *ill listen! Walk u& to his location and lock on *ith $1! When he :inishes his s&eech he *ill *alk a*ay! +nce the s&eaker is in a 3ore secluded area &ress do*n on the D(&ad to eGui& your :ists! Degin to &unch the orator until he giBes the desired in:or3ation! Don't be sur&ised *hen the guy &unches back! ,e *ill not *in the :ight thoughL a:ter all you are a highly trained assassin! NNNNNNNNN ;n:or3ers NNNNNNNNN 9he in:or3ers are dressed in *hite Cust like Altair! >o they usually stand out in a cro*d! 9he in:or3er *ill ask you to assassinate or collect :lags! 9he kills 3ust be stealth kills! ;: an alert occurs the Guest 3ust be retried! 9he :lags 3ust be collected in :ull and returned to the in:or3er *ithin the giBen ti3e &eriod! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Alerts/Esca&e <A9E/= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Any ti3e Altair is seen doing so3ething out o: the ordinary others *ill be alerted to his &resence! 9his can be as 3inor as a citi@en noting Altair's

ascent u& a *all or as seBere as a grou& o: guards 3oBing in :or an attack! A :ull out esca&e is necessary *hen guards are on :ull alert! While in this status guards *ill attack Altair until he is dead or hidden! 9he 3ost co33on situation *here an esca&e is necessary is a:ter an assassination! ;n order to success:ully esca&e alerted guardsL Altair 3ust :irst break the &ursuer's line o: sight! +nce the line o: site is brokenL Altair can OhideO in seBeral locations! 9hese hide s&ots include: blending in *ith scholarsL sitting on a benchL diBing into hayL and roo:to& gardens! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( +&tional +bCectiBes <+/+D= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 9he o&tional obCectiBes in Assassin's Creed *ill &roBide bene:it by increasing Altair's >ynchroni@ation Dar! +ther bene:its are discussed under each indiBidual o&tional obCectiBe! NNNNNNNNNNN ie* /oints NNNNNNNNNNN ie* &oints are large scalable structures throughout each o: the districts in the di::erent cities! Finding and cli3bing each Bie* &oint &roBides 3ore in:or3ation on the 3a& thereby giBing a better idea o: the city's layout! Finding Bie* &oints Guickly reBeals the location o: the Assassin's DureauL saBe citi@en o&tional obCectiBesL and the inBestigations reGuired to obtain a&&roBal :or an assassination NNNNNNNNNNNNN >aBe Citi@ens NNNNNNNNNNNNN 9hroughout each city Altair *ill encounter innocent hel&less citi@ens being hasseled by that &articular city's guards! Altair can choose to saBe the ha&less indiBiduals or ignore their eKistence! >aBing the3 can be o: bene:it! ;: a scholar is being &icked on and Altair de:eats the guards a 3oBing hide s&ot *ill be created! Dy blending in *ith the scholars Altair can 3oBe into areas *here he likely *ould haBe 3ore trouble gaining access to! ,el&ing the daughters and *iBes o: igilantes *ill &roBide a bene:it as *ell! >aBing a relation to a Bigilanted *ill 3ake the3 :riendly to your cause! Any ti3e you are being chased by guards and enter a street *here Bigilantes roa3L they *ill i3&ede the &rogress o: Altair's chasers 3aking esca&e easier! +nce the citi@en is saBed a 3arker *ill a&&ear on the 3a& indicating the location o: the scholars or the Bigilantes so you *ill kno* *here hel& eKists! NNNNNNNN

9e3&lars NNNNNNNN NNNNN Flags NNNNN 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 2eneral 9i&s <269/= 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 >o3e tasks in Assassin's Creed can be re&etitiBe! 9his guide *ill not &roBide detail on cli3bing each Bie* &ointL saBing each citi@enL or on 3aking each esca&e! ;nstead so3e general ga3e &lay &rinci&les eKist that can &roBide guidance :or 3any obstacles throughout the ga3e! Delo* is a list o: ti&s that *ill be hel&:ul in 3any situations (Find all the Bie* &oints in a section o: to*n! 9his reBeals the inBestigations and i3&roBes the 3a& Bie* o: the city! (>econdary obCectiBes i3&roBe Altair's synchroni@ation 3eter (EaBesdro&&ing is the easiest inBestigation ty&e (When esca&ing alertsL break the guards line o: sight by cli3bing buildings and turning corners be:ore hiding! (2uards killed be:ore assassination a&&roBal see3 to rea&&ear once the :eather is obtained! 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 Walkthrough <W$E9= 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ?e3ory 1 <?E?1= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( When the ga3e starts Cust sit backL *atchL and listen! 9he inital &art o: the

ga3e is so3e back story told through cut scenes! 5ou *ill be asked to lie do*n and a tutorial *ill begin! 9he tutorial is Cust like any other ga3e! ,ere the basic controls o: the character are eK&lained and &racticed! ;'d reco33end &aying close attention to the uniGue control layout! 9he A6;?%> tutorial *alks you through the di::erent scenarios that 3ay be encounter and ho* to use the Assassin's abilities! +nce you are :ully synchroni@ed the tutorial *ill end a:ter describing the Assassin's Creed! >ubCect 1) is then &laced in the *orld o: Altair! Hu3& across the *ooden bea3s and :ollo* the assassin ahead! 9he ladder leads to a guard :or a &ractice kill! >te& into the neKt roo3 to see your target! Altair's :ello* assassins are in disagree3ent *ith his 3ethods! /roceed d*on the ladders and engage teh 3en belo*! $ock onto the target and atte3&t a kill! Altair's e::orts are th*arted! A:ter being thro*n into the neKt roo3L run to the right! Quickly 3oBe u& the stair like &lat:or3s to the rock ledge! Around the corner at the to& o: the ledge is a cli3bable rock *all that leads to the eKit and a ne* 3e3ory! ArriBing in a to*nL Altair's goal is to return to Al ?uali3! ,ead u& the dirt &ath to the northeast! 9he best adBice is to hit select and Bie* the 3a& to :ind out *here to go! Continue until you arriBe at a gate *here 3ore discussion occurs! 9he guy in:or3s you that the 3aster is *aiting in the library! ?oBe u& the incline to the right and enter the *ell guarded building! At the to& o: the stairs Altair's 3aster a*aits! ?asya: co3es under attack! EKit the $ibrary and 3oBe do*n the gate! 5our goal is to distract the 9e3&lar *hile others are rescued! ?oBe do*n the &ath traBeled to reach the library and de:eat any ene3ies encountered! ;t is an eKtended :ighting tutorial! 2rabbing an ene3y and thro*ing hi3 to the ground &roBides an easy kill! +nce you reach the botto3 o: the hill the 9e3&lars regrou& and the 3e3ory is :ast :or*arded! Altair reenters the :ortress to be guided u& a ladder on one o: the nearby *alls! Follo* the other assassin u& the ladders! At the to& 3oBe to a &lat:or3 and &re&are :or a lea& o: :aith! Follo* the on(screen co33and to lea& :ro3 the &lat:or3 into the hay belo*! -un across the bea3s to a *all *ith grooBes! When you reach the to& attack the *ooden *all to release a tra& :or the inBaders! +nce the ending cut scene is co3&lete the ?e3ory concludes and you are in control o: Des3ond! 9o the right is a roo3 *ith a bed! Enter the roo3 and go into the bathroo3 to listen to the researcher's conBersation! +nce their discussion is oBer eKit to the &reBious roo3! Dr! idic reco33ends you get so3e rest so return to the bed and lie do*n! A:ter a rest 3ore story is reBealed and a ne* 3e3ory *ill be initiated by using the A6;?%> 3achine! >elect ?e3ory Dlock 2 and begin the >aBe Citi@ens ?e3ory

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ?e3ory 2 <?E?2= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N9raitor .?asya:0N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN <9-9-=

Altair has been stri&&ed o: his rank and his *ea&ons! ,e 3ust &roBe hi3sel: again to Coin the brotherhood o: assassins! ?uali3 beliBes there eKists a traitor in the ranks o: assassins! Find hi3 and bring the treacherous dog in :or Guestioning! ,ead out o: the $ibrary and to*ards the to*n! ?uali3 asks so3eone to assist Altair in re3e3bering ho* to be a true assassin! ,e reco33ends beginning the search :or the traitor in the Billage 3arket! 9he 3arket is located at the botto3 o: the Billage! %se th 3a& to locate the eaBesdro&&ing icon and let it be your guide! 9he t*o 3en neKt to the *ell are the targets! A bench sits Cust &ast their location! >it do*n and :ollo* the on(screen &ro3&ts to listen to their conBersation! 6o* 3oBe Altair to the &ick&ocket e3ble3 on the 3a&! As you a&&roach the target a *indo* *ill a&&ear reGuesting $1 be &ressed to initiate the 3ission! +nce &ressed the 3an and *o3an to the right begin a conBersation! 9he 3an is the one *hose &ocket *ill be &icked! As he *alks a*ay 3oBe to*ard hi3 and hold circle *hile in lo* &ro:ile! ;: success:ul in:or3ation is gained and the 3ission continues! ;: unsucess:ul the &ick&ocket &ortion o: the 3e3ory is reinitiali@ed! 9he key is that the guy has to be 3oBing :or his &ocket to be &icked! ?asun a&&ears to be the traitor! ,e is under a cy&rus tree in to*n! $et's go haBe a talk *ith ?r! ?asun! ,e is standing on *hat can al3ost be described as a stage s&outing out in:or3ation! >tand behind the :lags and &ress $1 to begin the interrogation &ortion! +nce his s&each is oBer :ollo* hi3 to a secluded &lace and beat hi3 until he talks! ,e 3oBes around the corner to an area *ith no citi@ens! /unch hi3 until he sub3its .he *ill :ight back0! ,e is brought be:ore ?uali3 and killed! Altair regains the right to carry a s*ord! Fro3 this &oint you can &ractice :ightingL eK&lore the to*nL or *ork on :inding :lags! ;n any eBent Altair needs to head to the other obCectiBe icon! At the to*n gate he *ill :ind a horse that *ill take hi3 to Da3ascus! Along the *ay you are &roBided *ith a riding tutorial on eKactly ho* to control the 3oBe3ent *hile on the 3ighty steed! -ide your *ay to the Eingdo3 3arker to eKit to Da3ascus! %&on your eKit o: ?aysa: you should see a to*er *ith an eagle :lying oBerhead!

Cli3b to the to& o: the to*er to co3&lete a Bie* &oint! ?ore ite3s are added to the 3a& that *ill hel& your &rogress! 9ry to :ind these Bie* &oints and use the3 :reGuently! 9o get do*n &er:or3 a lea& o: :aith into the hay belo*! Continue :or*ard and be *ary o: soldiers ahead! %se the blend :eature to 3oBe &ast the3 *ithout alert! 9he &ath to the le:t leads to Da3ascus! Along the *ay you can :ind at least three 3ore Bie* &oints to cli3b! 9hey are o&tional o: course but can be Bery hel&:ul! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N9a3ir .Da3ascus0N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


ArriBal at the gates o: Da3ascus allo*s Altair to encounter the :irst citi@en in &eril! A saBed citi@en 3ay be an asset at a later &oint! Dis3ount and engage the guards! ;t is three on one but they are no 3atch :or Altair's blade! 9hro* the3 to the ground and attack :or so3e chea& kills! 9alk to the citi@en then look nearby :or so3e scholars to blend in *ith! 9his *ill allo* Altair to 3oBe :reely &ast the guards! /ress M near the scholars and Altair *ill *alk a3ong the3 and enter the to*n! 9he 3ain initial goal as ?uali3 noted is to ask &er3ission :ro3 the Da3ascus Assassin's Dureau to conduct business in to*n! 9he Dureau is 3arked on the 3a&! ;t is located in the southern &art o: to*n! Along the *ay you 3ay :ind citi@ens in need and Bie* &oints to cli3b! 9here are a total o: 12 citi@ens to saBe and nine Bie* &oints to :ind! $et the 3a& be your guide to their locations! Find each o: the side obCectiBes be:ore or a:ter seeking out the Dureau! +nce you arriBe near the Dureau a 3essage a&&ears in:or3ing you o: the entrance's location! -each the roo: to :ind out 3ore about the :irst assassination targetL 9a3ir! >eeking out the Bie*&oints reBeals the inBestigations that 3ust be &er:or3ed to access the Assassination ?e3ory! +nly t*o o: the siK &ossible inBestigations are reGuired to assassinate 9a3ir! 9he choices include three eaBesdro&&ingL t*o &ick &ocketingL and one interregation o&&ortunity! Delo* is a list o: the general location o: each inBestigation and a descri&tion o: the in:or3ation gained! ;nterregation: 9a3ir is &reoccu&ied *ith the &roduction o: *ea&ons EaBesdro& >outh*est near interregation: Friends are hel&:ul :or clean esca&es EaBesdro& Center: 9he bea3s *hich cross the central courtyard can be accessed EaBesdro& East: 9a3ir is *ithin the souk /ick /ocket 6orth: +btain letter stating 9a3ir &lans a shi&3ent /ick /ocket East: ?a& o: the souk sho*ing the northeast roo: easily connecting to the central courtyard

+nce t*o haBe been co3&leted return to the Dureau! +nce the in:or3ation obtained is discussed *ith the head o: the Da3ascus DrueauL &er3ission is granted :or the assassination o: 9a3ir! ,is &osition should no* be 3arked on the 3a&! ArriBing at the 3arker begins a cut scene *here 9a3ir 3urders a 3an! +nce it is oBer i: you loose track o: the target use eagle Bision and locate the :igure outlined in gold! 9he guards are on high alert! 9he slightest un*arranted 3oBe3ent *ill trigger the3 to attack! >o don't &er:or3 any high &ro:ile 3oBesL bu3& into a guardL or cause a *o3an to dro& a &ot! A lady *ill la3ent about her &roble3s to Altair and then sto&! +nce she is gone 3oBe behind 9a3ir *hen he is talking to a 3erchant and assassinate hi3 *ith your hidden blade! AlternatiBelyL you can Cust *alk u& to hi3 and start s*inging your s*ord! +nce the assassination takes &lace be &re&ared to run! 9he entire to*n is on alert! ;: you get near a guard they *ill attack! 9his can be :rantic es&ecially since it is the :irst eK&erience like this in this ga3e! Degin by running in the genral direction o: the bureau! ;: you can :ind a *ay u& to a roo:to& do so then :end o: the guards that :ollo* or i: the line o: sight is broken hide! ;n order :or the Dureau to be o&en you haBe to arriBe in a non alert status! A:ter sho*ing the leader o: the Da3ascus Dureau the blood soaked :eather a ne* 3ission *ill beco3e aBailable! 9alk *ith $ucy a cou&le ti3es to gain so3e back story then check out her co3&uter to read her e(3ail! When ready go rest in the bed and ?e3ory 3 *ill be the neKt A6;?%> 3ission! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ?e3ory 3 <?E?3= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N2arneir de 6a&louse .Acre0N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN <2D6/=

?uali3 is &leased *ith Altair's &rogress and grants hi3 ne* abilities! 9he counter attack can be &racticed as you leaBe the library! ;t is an i3&ortant ability that i: 3astered *ill 3ake Altair near unsto&&able! 9here are t*o ne* assassinations aBailable! +ne takes &lace in Acre *hile the other occurs in Herusale3! +n the &ath to the t*o cities 3ore Bie* &oints can be :ound! ;ts your o&tion but you 3ay *ant to go ahead and :ind the3 be:ore continuing *ith the 3issions! As you a&&roach the gate to Acre there *ill be so3e guards hassling so3eone to the le:t! >aBe the citi@en to trigger so3e scholars to *alk by! Dlend in *ith the3 to enter the gate! +nce inside :ind a Bie* &oint to locate the Acre Dureau! ;n this to*n the Bie* &oints are .usually0 guarded by a single soldier on the roo: to&s! 9hey *ill beco3e alerted at your &resence and reGuest you leaBe the

area! Eill the guard and cli3b to synch! ;: you can 3aneuBer into &osition *ithout the3 seeing you assassinations are the *ay to go! 9he Dureau o: Acre is in the souteast corner o: to*n! Access the roo: to enter! -a&hiGue su&&lies *hat a3ounts to &ointless in:or3ation beacaue you likely haBe encounter seBeral o: the inBestigations only 2 o: *hich are reGuired! ;n:or3er 1: 9he in:or3ant is in the sout*est corner o: Acre! ,e *ants you to assassinate a target be:ore deBulging in:or3ation! 9here is a guard &atroling the area! ?oBe to a roo:to& and use eagle Bision to key in on the &ath he takes! ,e *ill circle the area near the in:or3ant then *alk do*n a back street! Follo* hi3 do*n the street a:ter he circles the area near the in:or3ant! ,al: *ay do*n he sto&s looks and turns around! Assassinate hi3 as he sto&s then run by hi3 to aBoid alerts! -eturn to the in:or3ant and he *ill reBeal: 6one 3ay enter the :ortress saBe the scholars and guards ;n:or3er 2: .6ortheast0 -un a course collecting :lags and return to the in:or3ant be:ore 3 3inutes are oBer! 9he :lags basically 3ake a sGuare around the area! 9hey a&&ear on your 3ini 3a& and 3:"" is &lenty o: ti3e! ;: you 3ess u& the :irst ti3e the second ti3e around *ill be 3uch easier! ;n:or3ation gaine is: 2arnier secludes hi3sel: *ithin his :ortress *alls! ;nterrogation: ,e is standing in :ront o: a church s&eaking o: the doctor and his eKtensiBe *orkload! When he nears the *ell attack *ith :ists to receiBe the reGuired in:or3ation! 2arnier re3oBes hi3sel: :ro3 the *orld around hi3 *hile tending to his &atients /ick /ocket : .Central0 AcGuired letter *hich sho*s connection bet*een 2arnier and t*o other 3en! /ick /ocket 2: .West0 AcGuired 3a& sho*ing candelabras and &atients *ithin :ortres EaBesdro&: 9here are so3e :ortress roo: guards absent :ro3 &atrol duty +nce at least t*o inBestigations are co3&lete return to the Dureau :or the assassination a&&roBal! -each the to& o: the church/hos&ital take out all o: the archers .at least 70 and dro& into the center :ro3 aboBe! .AlternatiBelyL a grou& o: scholars *ill &atrol the area i: you saBe the nearby citi@en but killing the archers is 3ore :un0! +nce insideL a cut scene sho*s so3e o: 2arnier's brutality! ?oBe into the area *ith the &atients! >o3e o: the &atients see3 to haBe lost their 3inds and *ill angrigly lash out at Altair as he a&&roaches the3! 9here is a *indo* that is broken out on the east *all that *ill &roBide an eKcellent esca&e route! ?oBe to the north *all and stand near a &atient! ;: you turn and :ace south the esca&e *ill be easier! Wait :or 2arnier to *alk by and unleash the hidden *ea&on :or a stealth assassination! ;: you

haBe to :ight hi3 he is kind o: tough es&ecially *ith seBeral guards and unstable &atients nearby! Quickly lea& u& to the broken *indo* on the east *all and eKit the building! 9here is a garden nearby to hide in! /roceed to the Dureau cautiously to &roBe the kill! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N9alal .Herusale30N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN <9$A$=

9he :irst thing you *ill notice is the 3ass eKodus :ro3 the city! 9here is a long line o: citi@ens leaBing Herusale3! /roceed do*n the &ath to the city! 9o the le:t o: the 3ain gate so3e guards are giBing a scholar a rough *ay to go in the ce3etary! >aBe hi3 to blend in *ith a grou& o: scholars so as to enter the to*n! Find the nearby Bie* &oint to synchroni@e and locate the Herusale3 Dureau! 5ou 3ay saBe citi@ens and :ind 3ore Bie* &oints i: you like! A:ter talking to the Dureau leaderL the inBestigation begins! EaBesdro&: .6orth0 >aBe the scholar near the inBestigation &oint and blend in *ith the ne*ly created grou& o: *hite robed 3en! +nce in the building listen to the conBersation to hear ;n a :ight 9alal *ill try to shoot his ene3ies using his bo*! ;nterrogagtion: .East0 9alal holds his slaBes *ithin a *arehouse ;n:or3er 1: .6orth0 9here are t*o targets that haBe seen a :ello* assassin's :ace! 9ake the3 out *ithout alert and return to the in:or3er! +ne is stationary *hile the other 3oBes around the sGuare! 9ake out the &atroling target *hen he reaches the alley o&&osite the stationary target! ;n:or3er 2: .>outh0 Find the 1' :lags in and return *ithin 3 3inutes and :ind out: 9alals loyal :ollo*ers *ill sacri:ice the3selBes giBing hi3 ti3e to esca&e! /ick&ocket 1: .>outh*est0 AcGuire 3a& sho*ing &osition o: 9alal's guards /ick&ocket 2: .>outh central0 AcGuire 3a& detailing the souk *here 9alal *ill hide i: he esca&es 9alal is held u& in the 6orthern &art o: to*n! %se the nearby saBed citi@en grou& o: scholars to enter his do3ain! +nce you arriBe at the target's &osition Altair :inds that it is a tra&! 9alal sends his 3en to kill you! Fight the3 o:: *hile slo*ly *orking to*ard the ladder in the roo3! +nce at the to& o: the ladder 9alal *ill run! 2iBe chase and be &re&ared to strike *hen you are close! ;: you can get a hidden blade assassination that *ould be best! ;t is &ossible to 3oBe aboBe hi3 and lea& do*n :or a kill! ;t Cust takes a little luck and so3e really good ti3ing! At the Bery least you should be able to catch u& to hi3 and

:inish hi3 *ith the s*ord! +nce he is dead do eBerything &ossible to esca&e! 9hus :ar 9alal is the 3ost di::icult stealth assassination! 5ou are returned to &resent day .ga3e ti3e0 and are in control o: Des3ond! 9alk to $ucy so3e :or 3ore story then go to your roo3! >o3eone has been in there! ;nBestigate the closet to :ind a code to the door! %se the code to o&en the door and :ind a &en near the A6;?%>! -eturn to your roo3 :or so3e rest! idic *akes you the neKt 3orning! $isten to hi3 and *hen he is done :ollo* hi3 to the area behind his desk! ;nteract and take a &en :ro3 his &ocket! $ie do*n in the A6;?%> 3achine to 3oBe on to the neKt 3e3ory! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ?e3ory F <?E?F= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 9he string o: success:ul assasinations has brought you 3ore abilities! 6o* *hen you set out to the to*nsL Guick traBel is aBailable! 6o 3ore horsies to Da3ascus! 9his 3e3ory reGuires three assassinations in three to*ns! 5ou *ill be traBeling back to Da3ascusL AcreL and Herusale3! NNNNNNNNNNNNNN NAbu'l 6uGoudN NNNNNNNNNNNNNN <A6QD=

First to Da3ascus! Finish any citi@en saBes or Bie* &oints in the &oor district then go to the Dureau! ?oBe to the *est and into the rich district :or so3e ne* Bie* &oints and inBestigations! For this assassination to beco3e actiBe you 3ust co3&lete at least 3 o: the 7 aBailable! ;nterrogation: 9he s&eaker 3oBes into the guarded area! ?oBe to the right and there is a to*er that can be cli3bed to 3oBe across the bea3s aboBe the guards! 9ake the target lock o:: the character so the cli3b is easier! 9he ?echant Eing *ill co3e out and s&eak to his &eo&le during the :east! /ick&ocket: AcGuired a letter stating the ?erchant Eing is holding a :estiBal *ithin his &alace EaBesdro& 1: .6orth0 9here's a &ath leading u& to the ?erchant Eing's Guarters EaBesdro& 2: .East0 9he ?erchant Eing is &re&aring :or a :east ;n:or3er 1: .6orth*est0 Collect 2" :lags in 3 3inutes and the in:or3er 3entions A :ountain in the 3iddle o: the courtyard can be scaled! ;n:or3er 2: .>outh0 >tealth assassinate t*o targets and return to the in:or3ant

*ithin 3:""! 9ake the in:or3ation gathered back to -a&hiGue :or assassination a&&roBal! ,ead to*ard the assassination target 3arker! +nce you arriBe at 6uGuod's &alaceL si3&ly scale the gate and 3oBe through the &artially o&ened door in the center o: the buiding! 6uGuod giBes a lengthy oration and is killing all o: his guests! Quickly cli3b the :ountain in the center o: the courtyard! Hu3& to the bea3s on one o: the sides then to the :lag&ole and the balcony *here 6uGuod stood! Chase hi3 through the door to the le:t and *hen he is caught assassinate hi3! 9here *ill be guards along the *ay but :or the 3ost &art you can run by the3! 9he i3&ortant thing is to catch the target and kill hi3! Esca&e and return to the Dureau once the alert is gone! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NWillia3 o: ?ont:erratN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


Quick traBel or ride across the Eingdo3 to Acre! +nce outside the to*n blend in *ith the scholars to get by the guards at the gate! isit the Assassin's Dureau :or so3e in:or3ation! 9he rich district is no* o&en :or eK&loration! +nce in the area look to the sky to :ind a soaring eagle to unlock a Bie* &oint! 9here is a total o: 11 in the -ich District o: Acre! 9hree o: siK inBestigations are still reGuired be:ore a&&roBal :ro3 the Dureau leader *ill be granted! ;nterrogation: Willia3 *ill be distracted to day by -ichards Bisit /ick&ocket 1: .West0 Another 3an in the harbor see3s connected to Willia3 /ick&ocket 2: .Central0 AcGuired 3a& *hich holds the &osition o: Willia3's archers! 9he guy tries to *alk into the guarded alley but it is &ossible to &ick his &ocket be:ore he 3oBes by the guards! ;: not there is a citi@en nearby that can be saBed to create a grou& o: scholars :or easy &assage into the alley! /ick&ocket 3: .East0 A :orgotten structure can &ose as a &otential entrance! 9his &ick&ocket Bicti3 is located inside a guarded area! >o you *ill haBe to dro& in :ro3 aboBe or blend in *ith so3e scholars! ;n:or3er 1: .6orth0 >tealth assassinate t*o targets and return to the in:or3er! ;n:or3er 2: .>outh0 +nce you haBe the in:or3ation reGuired 3ake haste to the Dureau to begin the assassination! +nce near the target the 3eeting occurs outside the gate!

-ichard rides o:: on a horse and Willia3 *ill reenter! 9o the right *ill be t*o guards blocking the &ath to Willia3's location! Cli3b a nearby *all to reach the roo: and 3oBe to the >outh! 9here are a :e* guards on the roo:to&s but the goal is a *alled o:: area :ull o: soldiers! Willia3 is s&eaking to the3! >tand aboBe his &osition at an angle and lea& do*n to*ard hi3 *ith your hidden blade eGui&&ed! As you hit the ground si3ultaneously attack :or a Guick kill! De &re&ared to esca&e because it is unlikely Altair *ould *ant to :ight the nu3erous soldiers that are no* likely angry! ;ts actually Guite :un to Cust stay there and :end o: the 1" to 1I soldiers! ;t is &robably the largest grou& o: ene3ies Altair has been surrounded by thus :ar! ;: you eli3inate the3 all the alert is auto3atically re3oBed! NNNNNNNNNNNN N?aCd AddinN NNNNNNNNNNNN <?HAD=

9he last assassination o: this 3e3ory occurs in Herusale3! A:ter ?uali3 is done talking eKit to the Eingdo3 and :ast traBel to Herusale3! 9he &eo&le are still leaBing! ,ead to the gate and use the scholars to gain entry! 9he Dureau leader reco33ends heading south to :ind in:or3ation on the target! Altair should head to the &oor district and :ind so3e Bie* &oints to reBeal the inBestigations! ;n:or3er 1: .6orth0 ;n:or3er 2: .West0 /ick&ocket 1: .East0 AcGuired 3a& detailing the &osition o: ?aCd Addin's guards /ick&ocket 2: .West0 AcGuired 3a& sho*ing the &osition o: the eKecution &la@a ;nterrogation: ?aCd Addin has decided to rule Herusale3 through :ear EaBesdro&: ?aCd Addin is &er:or3ing an eKecution today +nce the inBestigations are co3&leted return to the Dureau :or a&&roBal! When granted 3oBe to the eKecution site! 9here is an eKtra obCectiBe this ti3e be sure that the eKecution does not take &lace! ;t is a :ello* assassin that is due to lose their li:e! 9he eKecution site is near southern border o: the -ich district! For this assassination it *ould be a good idea to scout the nearby roo: to&s and take out any soldiers! ;t is not a 3ust but 3akes the esca&e easier! Check the 3a& once you arriBe at the eKecution site! 9here should be a grou& o: scholars &ractically on to& o: the target 3arker! 9hey are located on the side o: the area closest to the ,arlot Addin discusses! .;: they are not there you 3ay haBe not rescued the a&&ro&riate citi@en0! %se the3 :or coBer to arriBe at

the base o: the stage .boy those guys can go any*here0! De care:ul because there is a 3ad3an that *ill &unch Altair as he 3oBes to the scholars! Any sustained unusual 3oBe3ent here *ill trigger a large :ight against the guards! 9he scholars traBel to the end o: the stage *here your :ello* assassin a*aits! EKit the blend *ith the scholars at the botto3 o: the stage near the harlot! >tay in blend 3ode and *ait :or Addin to turn around Guickly 3oBe on to the stage and assassinate the target! +nce Addin is dead a large battle ensues! ;t is actually kind o: :un to :ight the3 o::! ;: you are not in the 3ood :or a :ight head north to the bureau! A:ter the assassination idic is not &leased! +nce you receiBe 3ore story in:or3ation $ucy leaBes the area! she can not leaBe though until Des3ond is back in his roo3! A:ter the door closes use the &reBiously :ound code to eKit the roo3! Check out idic's co3&uter .and $ucy's i: you like0 then return :or so3e rest! When ready reenter the Ani3us :or the neKt 3e3ory! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ?e3ory I <?E?I= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ?uali3 has t*o 3ore 9e3&lar targets! +ne is located in Da3ascus and the other is in Acre! -ace to the Eingdo3 and Guick traBel to the city o: choice! We *ill start *ith Da3ascus! NNNNNNNN NHubairN NNNNNNNN <HDA-=

-ide do*n and blend in *ith the scholars to enter to*n! 9he Dureau leader suggests checking out a :e* areas in Da3ascus' ?iddle District to :ind so3e in:or3ation about the target! +nce you :ind a Bie* &oint 7 inBestigations are reBealed! Co3&letion o: three is reGuired be:ore the assassination 3ission begins! EaBesdro&: Hubair holds daily 3eetings *ithin the ?adrasah ;nterrogation: Hubair's scholars are destroying all books in Da3ascus /ick&ocket 1: .East0 AcGuired letter *hich states Hubair should be *ithin a garden .*ait :or the guy in the dark colored robe to eKit the *alled in areaP inside the area *here the &ick&ocket is initiated there are too 3any goo: balls that *ill s*ing at you0! /ick&ocket 2: .West0 Hubair is at the ?adrasah Al Eallasah is surrounded

;n:or3er 1: .6orth0 ;n:or3er 2: .>outh0 A:ter :inding the target a cut scene sho*s the burning o: books! Hubair sends his hench3en out to :ind 3ore *orks o: literature to burn! +nce you are back in :ull control o: Altair you *ill notice seBeral 3arkers on the 3a&! >o3e are the hench3an but only one is the &ri3ary target! ,e is located in the southeastern &art o: the ?iddle District! 9he easiest *ay to kill hi3 is to stand on a roo: aboBeL Cu3& do*nL and assassinate! For this late in the ga3e this assassination *as not too di::icult! 9he kill is &retty easy once you :ind the right target 3arker! NNNNNNNNN N>ibrandN NNNNNNNNN <>D-D=

A:ter a talk *ith ?uali3L Altair receiBes 3ore u&grades and is o:: to Acre :or his neKt target! Quick traBel to Acre and ride do*n to the gates! %se the scholars :or entry and :ind the Dureau! +nce the Dureau leader &roBides so3e ti&s head to the east and :ind a Bie* &oint in the ?iddle District to reBeal the reGuired inBestigations! EaBesdro&: .6orth0 >ibrand is hiding on the docks ;nterrogation: >ibrand *ill install a naBal blockade /ick&ocket 1: .Central0 AcGuired a letter stating >ibrand has no guards on the 6orthern Docks /ick&ocket 2: .>outh0 ;n:or3er 1: .West0 ;n:or3er 2: .East0 A:ter success:ul co3&letion o: three inBestigations return to the Dureau to obtain authori@ation :or this kill! +nce the :eather is yours head to*ard the docks in the southern &art o: to*n! %&on arriBal at the docksL >ibrand is tor3enting a scholar he belieBes to be inBolBed *ith the dreaded assassin! $ittle does he kno* you are *atching the eBents un:old! +nce the scene is co3&letedL >ibrand 3oBes to the large shi& in the center o: the dock area! 9raBel slightly north to*ard the only Bie* &oint at the docks! While a&&roaching the docks look to the east to s&ot >ibrand's shi&! 9he larger shi& has a s3aller boat at its base! Work your *ay to the s3all boat and grab

hold o: the shi&! ?oBe around to the area o: the shi& *ith the steering *heel *hile not actually boarding the shi&! Altair should be hanging :ro3 the side o: the shi& *atching as >ibrand co3es near! >ibrand *ill stand at the end o: the shi& and :ire so3e arro*s! While he is shooting arro*s into the air he is Bulnerable to a stealth kill! $ea& u& onto the deck and kill >ibrand! 9he esca&e can be tricky si3&ly because any :all into the *ater is an instant death! +nce the :eather is deliBeredL Des3ond eKits the Ani3us! >&eak *ith $ucy and she *ill be interru&ted by a &hone call :ro3 idic! Follo* her and initiate another conBersation! +nce the talking is oBerL enter your roo3! 9ake a rest and idic *ill *ake you the neKt 3orning! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ?e3ory 7 <?E?7= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N-obert de >ableN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN <-DD>=

$isten to the coBersation *ith ?uali3! ?ake a Guick tri& to Herusale3 and s&eak *ith the Dureau leader! 9his o&ens u& the ?iddle District :or eK&loration! Find a Bie* &oint or t*o to reBeal the location :or the inBestigations! EaBesdro&: -obert *ill be attending a :uneral ;nterrogation: What are -obert's true 3otiBes4 /ick&ocket 1: .6orth0 %se scholars to gaine entry /ick&ocket 2: .>outh0 AcGuired 3a& detailing -obert's &osition during the :uneral ;n:or3er 1: .West0 ;n:or3er 2: .East0 When the inBestigations are co3&leteL Altair should :ind his target in the southern &art o: the ?iddle District! Hu3& to the to& o: the :ence :ro3 a nearby building to access the :uneral site! A cut scene begins like 3ost other assassinations! 9he di::erence this ti3e is that Altair is s&otted during the scene and the guards are auto3atically on alert! Fend o:: the guards *ith counter attacks and *ork to*ard -obert! >trike hi3 *ith your s*ord to begin the kill seGuence only to :ind it is not -obert at all! A *o3an *as &laced at the :uneral instead to tra& the assassin! Esca&e to the Dureau to discuss the

situation *ith Herusale3's assassin leader! 9he neKt area to traBel to is Arsu:! Either grab a horse and ride out :ro3 Herusale3 or Guick traBel to Acre .its a little closer to the goal0 and ride to Arsu:! 9he &ath through this area is Cust one battle a:ter another! 9here is Bery little roo3 :or stealth kills! ;t basically &uts Altair's s*ord skills to the test! At the end o: the &ath -obert stands neKt to -ichard! Altair &leads his case but -ichard says he *ill belieBe the *inner o: the battle! Altair 3ust :ight through seBeral soldiers be:ore :acing -obert! %sing counters is a 3ust! EBen i: you are able to counter eBery attack so3e o: the guards are so &o*er:ul that they *ill break through the atte3&ted block and deal so3e da3age! 9he good thing is that i: you :ail the ga3e restarts at the beginning o: the battle so you do not haBe to :ight your *ay to the battle site again! +nce the attacking 9e3&lars are dis&osed o: -obert attacks! Dy this ti3e 3ost o: Altair's synchroni@ation bar is highly di3inished! Eee& your guard u& as -obert attacks! 9he :ight *ill be a &rolonged battle i: you atte3&t to kill hi3 *ith the s*ord! ;t is &ossible to grab -obert and thro* hi3 to the ground! +nce he is on the ground haBe your hidden blade eGui&&ed :or a Guick kill! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ?e3ory ) <?E?)= (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Altair returns to ?aysa: but the to*n see3s di::erent and the &eo&le are no longer :riendly! ,ead to*ard the libarary *here ?uali3 has al*ays been! 9his 3e3ory si3ilar to the &reBious one is one :ight a:ter another! De:eat a :e* *aBes o: ene3ies be:ore the calBary arriBes! +nce at the library 3oBe through the cro*d and into the garden to :ace Al ?uali3! At :irst ?uali3 su33ons each o: the assassination targets Altair had killed throughout the ga3e! 9hey are &o*er:ul :oes but a :e* counter attacks *ill thin the :ield and eBen the odds! >tay on the de:ensiBe and counter inco3ing attacks to 3oBe through the 9e3&lars *ith relatiBe ease! 9he neKt trick ?uali3 has is to create nu3erous co&ies o: hi3sel:! 9hey *ill attack Altair Cust as all ene3ies haBe u& to this &oint! 9he only *ay to sto& the attack is to take out the real ?uali3! 9he real Bersion can be seen by using Eagle ision! 9he target *ill be colored in gold! >o3eho* the only ?uali3 ; :ought *as the real one so the battle ended Guite ra&idly! 9he :inal :or3 is ?uali3 hi3sel:! ,e *ill attack *ith deadly :orce! Counter or dodge his s*ord attacks and retaliate *ith your o*n .a thro*n kni:e *orks *ell here0! +nce he is da3aged he *ill disa&&ear only to rea&&ear in another location in the garden! Continue to aBoid his attacks and counter *ith your o*n until he is no 3ore!

Des3ond *ill eKit the Ani3us and the 9e3&lars haBe *hat they desire! idic's bosses are standing in the distance! +nce there conBersation is oBer eKa3ine the :loor *ith Eagle ision :or so3e cry&tic 3essages! When ready 3oBe to your roo3 and use triangle on the *all behind the bed :or another 3essage! A:ter a :e* seconds the credits *ill roll! $et the credits 3oBe to the end and you can reenter the Ani3us and re&lay any o: the 3e3ories or :ind :lags and 9e3&lars!

888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 $egalities <$2$>= 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888 9his 3ay be not be re&roduced under any circu3stances eKce&t :or &ersonalL &riBate use! ;t 3ay not be &laced on any *eb site or other*ise distributed &ublicly *ithout adBance *ritten &er3ission! %se o: this guide on any other *eb site or as a &art o: any &ublic dis&lay is strictly &rohibitedL and a Biolation o: co&yright! E(3ail: oldschool*B312 at yahoo dot co3 Co&yright 2"") Hason Fryer a!k!a oldschool312 Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition: FAQ/Walkthrough by oldschool312 ersion: 1!" # $ast %&dated: 2""'(")("1 # ie*/Do*nload +riginal File ,osted by -eturn to Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition ./C0 FAQs 1 2uides

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