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Vote in Primary Election ]>fext Tuesday

Serving Cranford, Kenilworth and Garwood

Vol. 78 No. 22 Published Every Thursday '* JUNE3,V1971 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, NX 07016 15 CENTS

A park and ride facility to connect with the proposed $200 million rapid transit rail link to Newark Airport has been proposed for an area near the intersection of Route 28 and the Garden State Parkway in Cranford, New Jersey Transportation ' Commissioner. John C. Kohl announced last Thursday. The commissioner-made the announcement at a meeting of the mayors of the

Discussion. On Traffic Problems

Discussion on traffic problems through Cranford was scheduled to occupy the center of last night's Planning Board . meeting, according to Mayor Malcolm S., Pringle. The meeting "took place after the Citizen and Chronicle went to press, The meeting brought together- members of the Union County Planning Board, "Cranford Planning Board, the Cranford Township Committee and the jCranfordj^Traffic. Coordinating Conimittee. The.mayor said that the meeting would present differing views on the part of the township and the county as to projected traffic problems north and south through the township and those expected to result from expansion of Union College. i- Mayor Pringle said that Walter Gardiner; traffic engineer of the Union County panel, would present the results of traffic surveys conducted along Springfield and Centennial Aves. , and around Union College. "With the expansion of the college,", the mayor explained, "we wanted a study of what the-impact of that expansion would be. In addition we feel that it is conceivable that we could need some help' irv storm, drainage as well.." "We think we need some feel for the next 15 years," he continued, "on how much the college will expand, and what the county will do> The mayor added that some county plans' for ^ Springfield and Centennial "Aves. are"somewhat'dif : ferent than ,What we would do."

five municipalities affected: Newark, Elizabeth, Roselle, Roselle Park and Cranford. Township Attorney Donald R. Creighton attended the meeting in the place of Mayor Malcolm S. Pringle, who was out of town. Speaking on the proposed new link, Commissioner Kohl said: v^-^The^improvements^ envisioned include the creation of viable transportation centers wTHflfie" rehabilitation of existing rail stations, the possible construction of new ones and, the addition of park and fide facilities' where these, -are found-to be"desirablle~ and feasible. "Concurrent' legislation by the^ States of New Jersey and New York will authorize the, Port of*. New York Authority tcf. construct and finance, this new rail facility," Commissioner Kohl added. "The Department x>i Transportation with the cooperation of the Port Authority will undertake the preliminary . studies required to develop the

specific plans for financing and construction." ,. According' to Mr. Creighton, the feasibility study has been completed, but the engineering has been started. Present right-qf- ways will be used, which will speed up the process of engineering,' Mr. CVeighbn added. He --said-thalrin roughly ~ three years, merely an estimate he emphasized, the engineering - will be completed. The municipalities involved in the new plan will not participate in financing the new link, Mr. Creighton bbserved,~~although"on theplanning, Creighton felt the Commissioner intended that the municipalities involved would be closely advised and consulted with. "I was impressed" with the com- . missioner's sincerity to follow through on this," Mr. Creighton added. Particularly ^related, Mr. Creighton said that Mr. Kohl was aware of the problems a park and ride facility might
(Continued on Paga 6)

''Celebrations: Slated For Next Two Weeks

By Arthur K. Bufditt The high plateau of the Centennial Year begins this Sunday with Regatta Day, sponsored by the Cranford Jaycees. It continues with the State Lottery Drawing, June . 10th, on No. Union Ave., .the Cranford Sales "l^ays fronrJune 10th to1! and the Centennial Parade on June 12th. along With the Centennial Fair; sponsored by the Knights of Pythias, at Cleveland' School grounds, and the Fireman's gala display at the Cranford Motor Lpdge, "Under "the general chairmanship of .the Jaycee's Past President William H. Hicks, Jr., the club has made every effort to provide the finest Regatta in .Cranfqrd's experience.Eighteen floats, sponsored by various Cranford organizations, have been confirmed by John Mattson, chairman of the club's float committee, assisted by Charles Stevens, Jr., and George Forrester. The floats will be led by an American Legion Color Guard and will parade along .Nomahegan Lake to feature 100 years of progress, , . U / In addition to the parade' of floats, rriany other attractions have been provided. The program will include entertainment for a full family day. Beginning at 11:30 Sunday morning, * foodwill be available at stands that will sell frankfurters, soft drinks, potato chips, sandwiches, and .ice cream, until about 4:00 P.M. Master of Ceremonies, Ken Tedstrom, will begin the foYmalities at 1:00 P.M. Mayor Malcolm S. Pringle will present the greetings of

FORECAST FOR SUNDAYPicture of one of the winding floats in the.1961 revival of the River Carnival by the Cranford Jaycees gives a forecast of what may be seen as the Centennial Regatta Day is held at Nomahegan Park this Sunday afternoon.

Mayor Warns Parents On Damage by Youths

Mayor Malcolm S. Pringle sharply warned parents this week in the wake of incidents at Memorial, Park and jn the Police Station last Sunday evening. VI want to make it quite clear to the young people who break the law and destroy munjcipaj , property," Mayor Pring)e x emphasized, "and make" it equally clear to./(heir parents, that such^acts will be prosecuted.-^The' youths and their ^parents will be made full accountable for the property damage." The Mayor referred to the incident at the park in which a gang of youths surrounded Patrolman John, .Herzer * after he responded to.a call that a group of young people were Throwing beer cans around the park.-The gang apparently _suiroUnded._ Patrolman Herzer'."in a menacing manner" when he tried to break it up. Several other patrol -cars,, then responded to ah alarm, and '. ^^\helped (Q clear the .area. 1 One youth was arrested at 'the park, and police.-took him into custody on a disorderly person charge. Police identified the youth as William Meyer of 191, North Ave., E. / After the arpesi, a group of about 20 Souths arrived at police / h e a d q u a r t e r s demanding to know what bajl had been set for Meyer. .Susan Titherington ^of Westfield was taken into custody then for using loud and obscene language, according to police. As they were leaving police headquarters, after this arrest, the youths apparently caused further damage. Signs were ripped down, a door to/ the Municipal Building was damaged and the lights were taken off a ^police car and thrown vcAjb the river, Police'Chief Matthew T. Haney asserted. Mayor Pringle in a -statement released later said he and Chief Haney > "believe the people in Cranford Want -the law enforced strictly but fairly." "We have been reasonably tolerant," the mayor said, ^pf the young people gathering in the parks and the parking lots. However, we,will not allow this privilege to be abused. We are expecting our young people to act like good citizens, not hooligans." "I ask for the cooperation of our young people and their parents in making this a safe and law nhiriint* town," the mayor concluded. "~ The mayor 'added that several more arrests have been made.

Cranford officialdom, and is expected to read a letter of g r e e t i n g and congratulations from - President Richard Nixon... . Other guests, to be -introduced will include State Senator Fra^k McDerm6tt and Jim Jeffries, State President of the N.J. Jaycees, The Westfield Colonial Chorus and a Cranford Hign School Band Ensemble are scheduled , to provide entertainment. Troop 80 Explorer Scouts will give a canoe demonstration. The Cranford Creative Art Group will feature an art display along the edge of he

baseball field. The Classic Car CluB of America will exhibit, a dozen, old cars, owned by members of. the club. -.: _ .-,,, ... A special feature of the day will be the costumejudging contest at 4:30 P.M., in which anyone may register between 1:00 and 3:00 P.M. The costumes are to cover the period from 1870 to 1905. Individual prizes will be given for the best adult male qostume, the best female costume, teenage and sub-teenage costumes. Special prizes will be awarded to the best husband and wife costumes and to the best costurriing of

a family with two or* more children. A special prize will also be awarded for the most" authentic apd original costume. Limitedyftlee'parking will be available at the - Union' CoUegeparking lots, and on the/baseball fteld offGenii worth Blvd., near Springfield- Ave., . but the Jaycees strongly urge walking to the grounds, if at all possible, to avoid severe traffic congestion. . TUESDAY, June 10th, the State Lottery Drawing will honor the- Cranford Centennial by holding the event on North Union Ave. at 11:00

A.M. New Jersey's Governor William T. Cahill will be on hand to supervise the drawing. A 55 foot trailer will' house the, equipment, and will beparked on North Unron ' AVe. between Springfield Ave, and Alden St. North Union Ave. will be closed to traffic, between those two points during the morning. * From June 10th to the 12th, the merchants of Cranford will hold their sale days, emphasizing Centennial bargains.

First Law EnforcemenfHGraduates

Union College will confer associate in arts degrees on some 200 candidates for graduation enrolled in seven curricUlums, including the first graduates in the law enforcement program, at the. College's 38th annual, commencement Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. on the east lawn of the Cranford Campus. Degrees will also be awarded in the fields of liberal arts, business administration, engineering, life^ science, physical science and education. The first three graduates of the law enforcement program are Sgt: Harry W. Wilde and Sgt. George W. Kane, Jr., of the Cranford Police Department, 'and Patrolman Darmon Toney of the Rahway Police Department. The two Cranford police officers were on the dean's list and the president's list during their college careers, and their high academic

Tripp Memorial Fund Set Up by Welfare Assn.

The Cranford Welfare Association has voted to establish a Memorial Fund" in memory of Charles W. . Tripp. The following statement was issued by the association's board. ."Mr. Trjpp was a dedicated member of the board for.33 years, serving as treasurer 20'years. In-the last 10 years he has been the historian, keeping an accurate file of all the activities of the organization. "Mr.' Tripp was deeply interested in the problems of the citizens of Cranford and tried jto help and relieve them by serving on the local assistance board and the board of the Cranford Welfare Association. He was an outstanding citizen, a man of great wisdom, and still very sensitive to the frailties of mankind. "The Charles W. Tripp Memorial Fund is set up to provide assistance and specialrieeds for the elderly residents of Cranford. In this way it is hoped that his enthusiasm and wisdom may continue to be felt N throughout the community he so loved." Donations may be sent to the Charles W. Tripp Memorial Fund, 8 Springfield Ave., in care of the Cranford Welfare Association.
\ .

Harry W.Wilde averages made them eligible, for membership in Phi Theta Kappa, the JUTrfoT college

George W. Kane, Jr.

scholastic honorary society. The "law enforcement program was started at the college in. tnrougn ei-

Creative Art Group's Outdoor Show

The Cranford Creative Art Group wilr hold its annual Spring Outdoor Art Show this Saturday from 9a.m. to 5 p.m. in front of the Municipal Building, Springfield Ave. Rain date is June112. -^ The show will add to the gala atmosphere prevailing with all the Centennial programs that are slated during June. . _ . Many professional painters reside in and around Cranford and some very excellent semi-pros W{K>, though they class themselves as amateurs, show some very excellent work. All media, oils, watercolors, graphics, collage will be shown. Receiving time for pictures is 9ra.m., with work framed for hanging. Six paintings each may be s.hown with any number in portfolio. Pick-up of work mast be made by 5 p.m. Etta i Minetti, Sophie Miranti land Luigina Monti will share the chairing of the show. They will be assisted by other members -who will be attending their own displays. President Etta Minetti. issued an invitation to the public to attend. Hella Bailin, a top award artist, will be featured at the show from 2 to 5 p.m. She

Changes in the Newspaper

This is the last article in a , series on your new Citizen and Chronicle. What is the philosophy of the Citizen and Chronicle? This newspaper is the legal paper for the communities "it servesCranford; Kenilworth, and Garwood. That fact alone imposes a "special responsibility to be fair, accurate, and complete on The Citizen and Chronicle. Fairness, we hope, will be unlimited. The newspaper will make every .effort to cover both sides of any controversy, and provide space to. competing points of view in politics, -public affairs, and other activities. Accuracy is part of any good newspaper. We seek a level of professional news writing which will give our readers every reason to have confidence in what they read. In the event of errors, we will make retractions. Completeness is the heart of editing. To any given reader, interested in some matters more than others, the coverage in any given issue of some subject may seem, to be inadequate. To other readers, less interested, it may seem more than adequate. In the end, the editors must decide what makes a complete newspaper, subject to the limitations of space,.time, and reportorial staff. In the long run,-The Citizen and Chronicle expects to be able to, reflect the events of our communities in good detail apd without gaps. " An important part of the news philosophy of the newspaper is the contributions of readers. They are welcomed, both as news and as letters to the editor, to appear on the editorial page. Again, they are subject to editiing-letters with extreme care and if possible with the assent of the writer-so that the paper may cover as many items of news as possible. Above all, The Chronicle hopes to reflect an attitude of courtesy and good will in its editorial comment -and its news coverage. It feels that civility and good humor are as much the mark of a good newspaper as of a friendly person, and hopes that its standards of good will merely reflect the qualities it is sure its readers value in themselvesand their friends.

Cleanup Project by Scouts

Cranford's Boy Scout troops, Explorer posts and Cub packs will participate this Saturday in a national cleanup program sponsored by SOAR (Save Our American Resources) and KAB XKeep A m e r i c a Beautiful). . More than 200 scouts and scouters from Troops 75, 78, 79, 80 and 176, Explorer Posts 75, 80 and 278 and Cub Packs 75 and 80 will start from the tiuter perimeters of

SATURDAY, June 12th, climaxjes the week with the ' Big Parade, the Knights oif Pythias Fair, the Firemen's Affair, and the- Walk through the Farm with Josiah Crane (Dr. Homer J. Hall). Josiah Crane will meet with any visitors at 9:30 A.M. at Memorial Park forts of Chief Matthew T. for a walk around his farm." Haney of < Cranford, The Fair, sponsored by educational coordinator for the Knights of Pythias, will the Union County Police open on the grounds of Chiefs- Association, and Dr. Cleveland School, on North Kenneth W. Iversen, Union Ave., at 11:00 A.M., president of the college. and continue until after 7:00* P.M Victor Thomas,: James C. Kellogg III, chairman of the Fair senior partner t>f Spear, Committee, stated that 35 Leeds and Kejlogg, New -.brokerage.'Jirm^-aniL.4. booths,_JKiddie rides._and g Snacks "will'be sold by 30 LN chairman of the Port pLNew l o c a l p a r t i c i p a ting York Authority, will be the organizations,'" with the vs principal speaker. , funds raised to be Prof. Forrest P: Dexter^ designated for charitable Jr., of Cranford, a member projects. The booths will ' of the engineering-physics provide such things as department, will preside -at Goldfish games, Cake Sales, the ceremonies and'degrees White Elephant Sales, and will be conferred-, by 'Dr. Centennial Souvenirs. The Kenneth" W. iversen, fence around the grounds. presidentpf^the College, and will be used for an Art Show. Edward T^born of Fair Highlight of the CenHaven, chairman of the tennial Year will be the board of trustees, assisted parade-which will begin at by Prof. Elm'er Wolf, dean. 10:00 A.M., at North Ave. and Orchard St.., and continue on North Ave. to Centennial Ave. It will then proceed east on Centennial Ave. to the Hillside Ave. School grounds^ This will do portrait sketches in parade, the largest in both pastel and charcoal of Cranford's history, will anyone attending. have over 1500 marchers, 14 Miss Bailin conducts bands and numerous floats. vprivate classes at her own Fourteen of Union County's studio in Union and is well 21 communities willv be known in this area for her portraits as well as her represented. Fire apparatus other work that has taken featured in the parade, will J many awards throughout continue to the parking area the state. ot the Cranford Motor ' Lodge, by way of Myrtle Avc. and-Commqjteo'-Driytoi There the Fire Department will' play host to visiting organizations as well as spectators. The parade is a town and work in toward the joint effort by the Township Municipal Building, picking Committee and the Crajiup litter, bottles and cans to ford Chamber of Combe deposited in township merce.1 Charles J. Pfost, trucks. chairman of the Centennial The group will meet at the Parade Committee, has municipal parking lot at extended an invitation to alf Springfield and North Union Union County residents to Aves. at 9 a.m., and the join in the day's fun. The cleanup is expected to be firemen will have numerous completed by noon, when attractions on" the Motor the workers will go to, Lodge grounds,- with booths, CleOitJand School to be souvenirs, Kiddie rides, a^id served, lunch provided by the display of old and new local Girl Scout troops. apparatus.

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Page 2




June 3. 1971

Award Band Scholarships To Eight Harding Pupils

KENILWORTH-- Eight Day" and a .play*. "One Life Harding-School-pupils-have- in I^nse." Superintendent of Schools been awarded scholarships totheGranfordSummer- Tnh Kish rpimjnds parents of Band School by the Harding students who will be transJ ferring at the end of- the Band Boosters, They are: Scott Walyus, school year to notify the Elaine Lloyd, Nicholas school office immediately Lordi, Dehise Materia, that transfer records will be Langston McCain, James needed. Pappas, Pamela Peterson and Jariies Van de Water. Albert G. Fredericks, The sixth grad? classes of son of Mrs. Ann Fredericks Joseph Binder, Miss Mary of 8 Stratford Ter. was one Jane Curley and Mrs.of 16 cadets decorated : Lillian Geist presented a during, the annual ROTC. Memorial Day program at Awards Day ceremony at Harding. The program F u r m a n University, include patriotic songs, a Greenville, S.C. He reading, "Meaning of received the Reserve Memorial Day," * a Officers' Association recitation of ."Decoration Award.

ition Timetable Reve&led

expansion of the existing libraryr~TmdariditionalRegional High School is classroorh spac6. expecfedlo be completed in Among the new~feacliers" December, 1972,. the Union hired for the David Brearley County Regional High building were: Lonnie L. School District -No. 1 an- Paffeer, driver education; Miss . Ellen D. Prete, Inarreport at last week's physical education to regular monthly meeting, it( replace " Miss Nancy was noted that according to Mumford, wlio resigned; the architects' timetable, Richard " R, Grandey, bids forthe construction and English, and Mrs. ^nn D. renovation "work will be "l^inney, business education,, advertised and contracts In other business? a report are expected "to be awarded noted that the David in February; 1972. .,._--,, A total of $595,000 will be Brearley musicale showed a spent for an addition and profit of $115. ftlie next regular monthly renovations to the school as part of a "$4,730,000 bond- meeting of the board^ill be issue, that was approved by held at 8 p.m. Tuesday, June the voters of the Regional 22, in the cafeteria of the Arthur L. Johnson Regional District on May 4. " Construction wil include High School, Clark,

College's' evening session. ; and . is a I graduate _ of He plans to transfer to Abraham Clark High School," Roselle. *Mr, Krbk is a Blobmfield College.. . A veteran' of -the United brother of Alpha Sigma Mu, States Army, Mr.Krok is veterans' fraternity, and "the son of Mr.' and Mrs. played on their intjramural Bruno Krok. He majored, in basketball and Softball K E N I L W O R T H business administration in teams. He plans to transfer -James GrGill of 666-Trenton Unibn College's day session to Montclair State College." Ave., Michael Hauranchalk d Frederick P. Krok of 207 N. 20th St. are among"200 candidates for associate in SAPOLIN POLICY arts degrees at the 3,8th annual commencement bf Union College, Cranford, at 6:<J0 p.m; on Wednesday,

Kenilworth . Candidates for Degrees

thursday, June 3, 1971


Page 3

FJyup Ceremonies Heh Fdr Garwood Brownies

GARWOOD - , crimo-Theresa. Donou-sr-ceiemoniegw ghue,CindyHartcr.aft,nembers of Cherylann Ohngemach, DPS at St S B J L f y i t , recently as fo Patricia Scrimo, Eva Troop 328^ under the Wanca, Jeanmarie Severino leadersbip^of Mrs. DanieT -and Lisa LiquOre. ,- Magm$tti and Mrs. Belford Troop 414, under the -^Minering ~ Alice " Bator, leadership of Mrs. Anthony / / Maureen Black, Suzanne Rego, \ M r s . Thepdore Carrol, tacy DiMarco, Kim Stawas$-imd Mrs. Richard Farese, Laurie Suske, Nieder"m a i ^ r - - C h e r y l Patricia Yutz, Pauline Niedermaier, Cathy Smith, Magnotti, P a t r i c i a Sandy Brodie,\ Carol Master son, C l a i r e Schulties, Ricki x Hego, McCarthy, D o r o t h y Sandra Duncanson, Lynn Millering, Cathy Sphler, Scanelli,-Robyn Munn, Rim. Angela Venturino and Lisa Guerriero, .Karen Blaney, CicaleSe. Mary Ann Ulaky, Lisa Fol Troop 446, under the. and Terry Tsakiris. leadership of Mrs. Vincent The :flag ceremony was DiBattista, MrsTTtobefr conducted by the girls of Featherstone and Mrs, Paul, Troop 414.
:; ,;".',-. /.i f\.d

IS o Contests In Garwood

Slates Pennsylvania Encampment H o t e l The Cranford

F o r Garwood Girl Scout8

I Softball
took the Pink Submarine, 348, and it was Hotel, 9-0, over Rathskeller. Pep p i e ' s Express defeated Danes and Moore, 19-11, while the Knights of PythiastookPinkSub marine, 16-10. The Lodge, in "" vy outing g oflhe weelcT T picked up a win on a forfeit by Danes and Moore.

June 9.


Belter Protection


BeW* Sick Room and Health Necessities

Mr. Gill/a graduate of David Brearley Regional High, School,, majored in liberal , arts in the day session at Union College. The son of Mr. and Mrs., JFrank Gill, he was named to the dean's honor list. 'Mr.1 Gill is sports and is, a member of a local drum and bugle corps, He will transfer to Fairleigh Dickinson University. FACTORY AUTHORIZED A graduate of David HOUSE PAN\ Brearley Regional High FLOWERY BANK Clarence hi. Doty, executive vicepresident ot Kenilworth State Bank, admires fresh fldtoer School, Mr. Hauranchalk arrangement? which were displayed In the lobby of the majored, in ^-business ad276-6100 i ministration in Union FINEST QUALITY LAT bank during "lts~"SpcingFlower .Festiyal' --recently.GARWOOD Alan didates for^sociate in arts Arrangements were made by members of the Kenltwbrth Ferraro of 507 Myrtle Ave., degrees at the 38th annual, Thomas L. Firraritello of^68 commencement ofUnion- Garden Club. With, Mr. Doty are the garden club's North Ave., Robert, Kapke of College, Cranford, at 6:30 president, Mrs. ConstanfTne BarbarTse, " 439 Willow Ave., Miss Ellen p.m. on Wednesday, June-9. president, Mrs. Harry Stoll., A graduate of Arthur L. Kelleher of 310 Hickory Ave. Representing and Miss Marybeth Johnson Regional High 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Trelease of 353 Hemlock School, Clark, Mr.Ferraro is National VFW the son of Peter Ferraro and Ave. are among 200 canMrs. Thomas J. Butler-of the late Mrs. Ferraro. He Scher's Seager's Bell's 428 .Casino Ave. will majored in liberal- artsrepresent the national Covefi'iolidiy. t i l l and city Soap and watei cleanup! education at Union Colleger ^Administrative WILL BE CLOSED proced- fectively with the problem. Ladies' Auxiliary "of the Paint tun in damp wealhft-ifjn't; blittenni and B YEAR DURABILITY A veteran of the United" ures-to be followed for a A lack of knowledge coupled -peelitij Dint in ' j hour fyug U-tt and dult dee * Veterans of Foreign Wars at GUARANTEE bcellint color retention retutt unujhtly chiikini* State's Navy, Mr. .Firran- student suspected of using with a distorted picture of Sapolm't leilett 2 coat syttem itopi "cedar bleid" and tello majored in business or being under the influence addiction and all that it four state auxiliary con- ether PAINT ^ lap'staminf on wood iriinftti adjninistratiqh at -Union of drugs, has been adopted comprises, Thas led. many, ventions during the next few While uninhlly THE WORD "MIRACLE" IS NO mil I I ready mued modern am) colonial colon weeks. Mrs. Butler" is College. He is affiliated with by the. Union County communities, boards ' of lISNOMER FOR TODAY'S DRUGS national conductress of the the JWestfield YMCA and Regional High Sclrool education, school, ad- VFW Auxiliary. | ' and1".4 " plans ,to be a teacher. . District No. 1 in Springfield, ministrators and teachers to KENILWORTH" She will visit the South Mr. Kapke", son of Mr. and ifwas announced today. Marilyn Seelig, a junior at minimize any form of in- Carolina convention in" they are actually INEXPENSIVE Mrs. Richard Kapke, isj^a the David BrearleyRegional The Regional District, struction about drug abuse. Greenville, June 4-6; the too, when you consider how High School, received a gold graduate of 'Governor c o m p r i s e s Berkeley This must not happen in the Montana convention in medal in the annual Union Livingston Regional High Heights, Clark, Garwood, Regional Distript." quickly they speed recover^. Billings, June 9-12; the PAINTSHOP County -Regional High School, Berkeley Heights. Kenilworth, Mountainside Nebraska convention in He. majored in business and Springfield, and Senior Citizens School District Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Closed Wednesdays BE SAFE BE SURE Columbus, June 18-19, and Mathematics Day com-administration at Union operates four high schools, the" Missouri convention, in BUY YOUR DRUGS IN A DRUG STORE " " 101 N. Union Ave. ' 276-2540 Crrfhford College^ and served with the They are: Jonathan Dayton Attend Conclave petition. St. Louis, June 25-27. New Jersey National Guard. Regiori^r, Springfield; . The . purpose o f _ the 4 competitions is to stimulate ' A graduate of-Arthur. L.- ArthurL: Johnson Regional; . KENILWORTH-Twenty an interest in mathematics Jorhnson Regional High Clark; Governor Livingston members of the Kenilworth B e r k e l e y Senior Citizen Club attended and to recognize out- School, Miss Kelleher R e g i o n a l , and David a session of the Governor's standing students through majored in liberal arts in Heights; R e g i o n a l , Conference the presentation o( awards. Union College's day session. B r e a r l e y on Aging Kenilworth. The daughter of Mr. and yesterday In the War There were three levels of Building, competition, one for each of Mrs.Thomas Kelleher, she .TKe guidelines are Memorial the three years of was named to the dean's required by the State Trenton. . mathematics study. Fourth honor list for two semesters. Department of Education. Jack Landau, president, Dr. Warren M. Davis, year students were not Miss Kelleher plans to served as a delegate and continue her ' college school superintendent, said: involved. 0 Myers; alternate. A "The school staff as well George Other winners in Level 3 education in the evening conference will be held in at Brearley were: Susan with a major in history and as students are to be made Washington, D.C., next work full-time in New York aware of the physical and November. Wolski? second, and Richard City, psychological dangers inStern, third. Miss Trelease, daughter curred through the im- , Four club members, Betty Level 2 winners were: George Groezinger and of Mr. and Mrs. William J. proper use of driigs.'.In so Johnson, Florence Schacht, Robert Landau, first place, Trelease, majored in liberal doing, the . school must Sophia Fela and Henry and silver medals; and arts. She is a graduate of provide the kind of Mueller; were honored at Union Catholic High School educational .experience, the May birthday party waiter Dudzinski, third. which help, all to deal ef- recently. for Girls, Scotch Plains, - Peter Swaszek received a bronze medal for first place ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED "in the Level 1 contest. Other J winners wefe: Cheryl MANUAL HOSPITAL BED Marko,-second, and Denise Jaskot, third.

Five Garwood Students Candidates for UC Degrees

Math Day Winners At Brearley

Scho6ts Adopt Procedures For Student Drug Suspects



We will fllP^yqur freezer with government graded "Prime" meat*, personally selected and custom cut to . your satisfaction. ^ ' Call for an appblntmenrwlth Mr. Rau personally or ask to have a brochure senr^xplainihg the program. No contracts to sign!


PHONE 201-376-55&

! .:U '-7

Mhenthe heat monster attacks,

GARWOOD-There will be GARWOODA patrol Pennsylvania as well; as to from Cadette Troop 791 of meet other teenagers frorri no contests in either , the Garwood Girl Scout ^E United States. -primaryasthePrimary Community has beer7 Senior Citizens, PTA, f a nation-wide cleanup Election is held here ^next The girls will live in a field selected hy th<> -Tuesday^-The-polls-will-be- 5ffort~under~directionof -KnightsofColumbus it^blthdbth Girl Scouts, Pioneer Rock Girl Scout Council to selves open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. OAR (Save Our American TARS, on the campsite and attend a Patriot Day en-' Boys, youth of David Councilmen Edward W. Resources), many borough Brearley Regional' High campment to be held at the sleep in roundup tents. Krempa and ,Frank J. groups wiH participate in a and the First Aid Daniel Boone Homestead in Spera, Jr., are unopposed litter pickup on Saturday- School' Baumstown/ Pa., this Squad. beginning at 8:19 a.m. from for the Pemocratic weekend. ^ ... WE ARE p o i n t s t h r o u g h o u t The councilman said he nominations for the two This is the first tirne a Cenil worth. .-.-. Su&ar impressed by, the Borough Council posts to be Garwood troop has had girls filled at the General Boy Scouts and other "immediate enthusiasm" qualify for this honor. of persons he asked to help Election in November, and uth will collect litter and Members of the honored two former councilmen, hen place it on display for in the project. Carnielo A. Cusmano and he public in the parking lot He added that the~ patrol are: Karen Stabe, Frank Wajica are unop- across from Bjprough Hall! borough is looking into the Peggy Krone, Denise Warne, Sandrea Hidi, posed for the Republican T h i s program, is aimed at possibility 'of creating a Deborah Q'Such !and Jill nominations. howing people the amountof conservation commission in Greve. The leaders of the litter that has accumulated Kenilworth. troop are Mrs. LeRoy H. in town," Councilman Utter" bags and refresh- Krone and Mrs. S. James bseph F. Walyus said. .. __ ments .:for__Satur day's Brady. Councilman Walyus, who cleanup are being provided Groups from the Girl headed an organization by McDonald's Ham- Scouts, Boy Scouts, CampSubmarine Sandwiches meeting of cleanup par- burgers. fire Girls and 4-H Clubs will Those taking part are be attending. Young people last Wednesday GARWOOD - Members ticipants A Complefe Meal in a Sandwich asked to meet at 8:15 at the partaking in the ennight, noted that' although of borough scouting units, Community Center, rain or the project was campment will have an Boy Scouts* Girl Scouts, Cub Children are opportunity to explore a Scouts and Sea Explorers, spearheaded nationally and shijie. Half Whole requested to wear gloves. locally by the Boy Scouts, it portion of 18th century jjrejjoining in a recycling No. 1 - Pressed Ham - Cheese - Salami .95 project T^aimed ^~at~en^ No.2^Ham -Cheese - Cappacola 1.10 vironment improvement. LEGAL NOTICE No. 3 - Cheese - Proscuitti Cappacola .65 tee has been - ChftftsR Ri Pflppa'rpnj, .65 1.20 NOTICE <3F I N T E N T I O N , " formed dnd will meet at the Tako notice . that CRANFORD' No. 5 Sorrento Super-C,hee% & Combination ^ Sea Scout Training Center HOTEL, I N C has appllod Jo the of all hams ' . . behind Borough Hall ownshlp Committee o{ the ownship pi Cranford, .N.J. for a tomorrow night' to discuss "lonary .65 ' Tuna 1.10 Retail Consumption license KENILWORTH-A re- Democratic mayorai plans, lor premises situated at One South 1.70 .90 R.B. Avenue; Cranfbrd N.J. match between Joseph A, nomination. _J5ieyoungpeople wjr[help Union 1,45 30 Names .MtJ ...eidclre^os pf. the of Turkey Miele anchMayor William, E.Two ^nominations will be 1-rby sorting Bottles and leers and stockholders are: .50 , .80 ' 'Cheese President'anct .Treasurer: Frank Conrad, Jr., who: were made by each party for processing cans at the DITulllo, 206 Pawnee Road, CranRepublican m a y o r a l . Borough Council. The bortough^deposit depot for ford, N.J. ' All Served with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, vinegar, oil .and oregano. VicePreslderxt: Greta- DITulllo, Primary opponents two Democratic candidates are,. bottles and cans at the 206 Pawnee Road, Cranfordi N.J; Miss Patricia Rein, a buyer borough garage on South Secretary: . Edward J . ToV 115 years ago, will be the only Beach St., Cranford, NJ . " local contest in Tuesday's for Hahne's and Anthony Ave. The borougtf wjll. William We specialize in 3 & 6 foot submarines D i T u l l l o , 207 Walnut Zeleniak, a chemist for transport the deposits to Avenue, Cranford, N.J.Stockholder. Primary Election. t r y one for your next party or picnic Obloctlons, If any, should be made Mayor Conrad, an Schering Pharmaceuticals. recycling centers and mmedlately. In writing, to Clerk of executive- in the Wall St. proceeds will be turned over he. Townshln of Cranford, N.J. Running in the Also available (Signed) office of.xMerrill, Lyjich, Republican Primary are tovthe various scouting CRANFORD HOTEL, INC. M i l k - 9 9 c per Gallon units. Pierce, fenher & Smith, is^ Charles Scheuermann, who EdwardJ . Toy Secretary May 27,June 3, 7 1 seeking his, second term." is with the Newark law firm - Residents taking bottles Adv. Fss$l|2.48 ' Mr. Miele, a teacher in the of Jung; Rathman, Dwyer, COLD CUTS - S O D A J C E CREAM - BREAD - EGGS T'and cans to the deposit Newark public school Lisbona & Peer, and center are requested to cut MANY SNACK FOOD ITEMS ^ v LEGAL NOTICE system, also maintains an Michael Padula, a superthe tops and bottoms out of accountant's office and is vising underwriter for steel cans, place them inside NOTICE OF INTENTION editor and publisher of the Consolidated Mutual and flatten the cans,, and Phone Orders Filled Immediately For Pick-upTako notice that WILLIAM J. tradlnfl as FITZ Kenilworth Times Insurance Co., Brooklyn;1 also to flatten aluminum FITZPAT.RICK, PATRICK'S, has applied to the ~ The winner of the N . Y ; cansRings ,at thejops of AAayor and Council qf the Borough of ' Kenilworth, N.J. for_ a Plenary RepublicajLQiatch^wilWace rb<j(ttlest shQ-UldRQt-5Tl .Con^umptlbnl IIcense f o r " Livio r Mancino in the -- Constant.O7MaTTey~oF34~ before depositioET" premises situated' ai MIchTgan Avenue, 350 feet from Route 22, November General ElecBurchfield Ave., owner of Kenilworth; N.J. the Constant O. Maffey Co. ObieclTons, If anV7Should be made tion. Mr. Mancino, who Open 10 A.M. -. 7 P.M. Daily mmodiately, In writing, to owns travel, insurance and of 48 Hale St., has been Maroarel AAcGevna, Cldrk of the tax consulting agencies in elected vice-president of the Borouoh of Kenilworth, N.J. - (Signed) Kenilworth and Jersey City, Closed Sunday Master Locksmiths' WILLIAM J. FITZPATRICK is unopposed r for the Association of New Jersey. North Michigan Avenue

leanup^ P r o g r a m

Hotel defeated the 'threatening PBA, 13-1, to move into sole possession of first place in the Wfen's Recreation SoftbaHHLeague this week. IrrotheractionEngelBros. took People's fofpfesS, 17-2, .SnTJTh~T Knights of Pythias; 10-9. Harvey's Confectionery


Scouts Join

In Recycling

105 North Union Ave., Cranford, N.J. Phone 276-9866

Miele-Conrad Ma tch To HighlightPrimary




Kenilworth, N.J. Adv. Fao $7.92 May 27,J une 3, 1971



How to

M i 'J|f,-( wit


NOTICEOF INTENTION Take notice t h a t ' R . FRED KELLNER, trading as THE CANTEEN BAR and GRILL, has pplledto tlie Mayor and Council of he Borough of Kenilworth, N.J.,for Plenary Retail Consumption; License for premises situated at Michigan and Fairflold Avenues, Kenilworth, N.J. ' " ObloctionsTif any, should bo made. mmedlatelv. in writing, to Maroarct AAcGevna, Clerk of the Boroughof Kenilworth, N.J. (Sioned) R. FREDFELLNER 519 Lafayette Street Roselle, N.J. Mav 27,J uno 3, 1971


Ml) TBARTinN FHill

Rotary Plans District Golf

Ralph Taylor, outing chairman for the Cranford Rotary Club, is signing up pairs to compete in the annual Rotary District .Golf Tournament, to be held at the Battleground Country Club, Manalapin, on Thursday, June 24. A moment of silence in memory of Charles Tripp, a long-time resident of Cranford who died on May ata-recent Thursday^ meeting of the club at the Cranford Motor Lodge. The club's best wishes were extended to Rev. Robert G. Longaker, who has announced plans to retire as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Charles Wilder was presented with .the club's honorary "Chapter 11" award in connection with the announcement of management change at the ClarkDoor Co.

hot water.



'158 E. Westf ield Ave.

[ NOTICE OF INTENTION Take notice that JOHN CHINHAR, trading s ThIEGARWOOD REST, has applied to the Mavorand Council of the Borough of Garwood, N.J. for a Plenarjj. Retail Conjjmpllon licejiso -for premises I flj 2 . S 9 South A
Garwood, N . J . Obieclions, if any, shouldJxrtrTade mmodiatelv. In writing, to A. T . Wosca, O e r k of the Borough of or wood, N . J . o (Signed) " JOHNCHINCHAR J59 South Avenue Garwood., N.J. Adv. Fee: J8.64 Mv27^ u n 3 , 1O7T

toe of America's oldest and mo^Lrelyible FORD dealers

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1969 FAIRLANE 500, 6 eyl., 4-Dr., Auto., PS 1967 FORD 8, Cust. 500, 4-Dr., R&H, Auto..fS, Air 1969 MUSTANG, 8 cyl., Fastback, Stand. Trans., R&H 1967 THUNDERBIRD, 4 Dr., Full Power & Air 1963 CADILLAC, Sedan de Vijle, Full Power and Air

$1,695 $1,095 $1,695 $1,895 $7951


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To cool a horribly hot room fast presi the panic^putton (SUPER COOL) lor quick comfort NORMAL COOL setting plus NIGHT COOL for quiet, Qorriiortabia^leeplng 11,000 BTLJ AHAM-cerlKled capacity Insla-Mount quick, easy Installation-* 2-way air direction control .Dual air changer control EXHAUST and FRESH AIR settings Handsome, simulated frultwood-graln paneled front baffles operation

Insulated In a 2-Inch blanket of (IbQF,glass. Ask about our S-year tank warranty. "t vj We can Install a modern Mobil Thefrtno Flow oil-powered water heater for your family, right now. We have convenient extended terms planned to suit your budget. Ask us lor the details. Your savings on tha.c'ost of hot water should pay for It. So you can easily keep your whole family in hot water-without getting into anyyouraelf.


Includes 1-year seryicel



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1966 FORD, 8 cyl.. Fairlane 5 0 0 Station Wagon, R & H , PS. Auto., Air . . . . . - . . ...



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CALL 276^0062 17 N. Union Ave. Cranford

Small wonders can be seen at

1967 FORD, 8 cyl., Galaxy 500, 2 Dr., HT, PS, Auto. 1965 FORD 8 Galaxy 500,4-Dr., HT, PS, Auto., R&H

$1,295 $1,395 $895

NOTICEOF INTENTION Tfike notice that AMERICAN LEGION KENILWORTH POST NO. 170 has applied to the Borough Council of the Borough ol I'rhilwnrthi Hull for n Club l i r n n < : n for promises situated at 238 North 14th Street, Kenilworth, N.J. Names and addresses of the of ficers and trustees ol American Legion KeniLworth Post No. 470 are: Commander: R. Truan, Rahway Ave., Elizabeth Adiutant: H. Edwards,~"Colonial Ave., Union Finance Officer: Pascal Pironli, 8 Commonwealth R,d., Kenilworth, N.J. Trustees: Frank Goger; 1036 Mopsick Ave., Linden, N.J.; Donald Anderson, 53 No. 10th St. Kenilworth, N.J.; George Fairchild, 561 Richfield Ave., Kenilworth, N.J.; Carl Bergtrorn, 711 Monmouth Ave., Kenilworth, N.J. Objections, if any, should be made immediately, in w r i t i n g , to Margaret McGevna, Borough Clerk, Kenilworth, N.J. (Signed) R. TRUAN , Commander Adv. Fee: 15.52 May 27, J uno 3, 1071



Linden, N.J.

COFFEY'S Appliances, Inc.

Open Mori, idru Sit. from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thuridayi to 9 p.m.



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Water HeiUrt
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OPEN DAILY 8:30 A.M. to 10 P.M.


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900 E. Elizabeth Ave. 486-6200

29 Aldon St.



^ # OU # UlJ ^^ ^^ ^^ ** ^^ Day or Nit*





Office: 3 Nortk Av., E.

heats besll



Lexington Ave. at LVRR

Tho '-Cranford Citizun and Chroniclo is published ovory v Thursday 'by, tho Rivorviow Publishinfl Co., Inc., a corporation at 21-23 Aldon Stroot,. Cranford, N J . Subscription rntos by mail postpuid: ono yoar, within Now Jorsoy. 3j6.0O; ulsowhurp In Continental United Stntus, $6.00; ovorsoss, $15.00. Official novvspapo' ( o r CronJord, Konilworth and Garwood. Second Closs Postaflu Pnid ut Cranford, Now Jursuy 0 7 0 1 6 . Tulophpno 1201) 276-6O00.

11 Nartl|

llttion AUP.

Drawing June 12th at 3:00p.m.

Drawing June 12th at 3:00 p.m.

/ .

\ .-x


V v

. / . \

_J( '
. . . / - - : . ' -

\^, L^H:.-_:;,:;L
Need help In^ proparlrjO VP.ur odvortislng nrtos&age? Call The Cltlzon and thronlcle office at1 276-6000. ,


Thursday.:June 3,.197,1


Page 5.

TOWNSHIP OP CRANFQRti Cranford, Navv Jarwy, BOARD OF HEALTH ORDINANCE AN ORDlNAKlCfe t O AMEND J\N ORDINANCE ENTJTLED " T H E SANITARY CODE ' OF T H E TOWNSHIPPCRANFORD/'ADOPTED FEBRUARY 13, 1967, AND AS AMENDED. tTEHTTJITOArNET TOArNETbyt of Health of the Townthlp of Cranford In t h * County pf Unlbn, , NewJeruy: Section 1 . That Chapter 4, LICENSES 8 PERMITS, Section (4:17) If hereby rescinded and amended to read ai follow*: (a) The owner or hit representative charged with lupervlilon of the operation 9< a retell food wtblltv mint shall tucceufully complete;'at a time and place detlqnated by the Health Officer," training courts In the , Prlrlblpfe* of Proper Food Handling. (b) The Health Officer may at hit . discretion.' .when f<?und nectuary, require uch__ptartont to attend . supplementary courtet. (c) No retalf food etabllhrnnt llcented unlest the.owner or hit repretentatlue .charged with the supervision, operation and pei'ionnsl have compiled with subsection (a) and (b), of thlt section; Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances Inconsistent herewlth,-r hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect Immediately after final . passage and publication at provided by lew. '% . ' Marlon E. Bonnell ' . Secretary r Malcolm Pringle President ,. STATEMENT ' The foregoing ordinance was adopted on final reading following - a public hearing at_a meeting of the Board of Health on May 24, 1671. Marlon Ev Bonnell "Secretary

Tlappy Anniversary to~Cranfor

Tliere will be some exciting times in the made by Cranford since the horse and old town during the next two'weeks as buggy, days when the firsUjroblems faced Cranford rea^hes-the-c-ulmination-ef-its-Jiytlic first Township Committee conCentennial Year celebration! Highlights will cerned the need for a pound and ways to include the River Carnival at Nomahegan control free-roaming horses and cattle, Park this Sunday arid the Centennial Parade Progress, and. growth .have meant inon Saturday, June 12. "creases in the number, variety and size of '. . . f ,, ' . . " t ' the" problems faced by our township and tunes of the varied e v e p t ^ ^ ^ ^ thg feut ithosfi. a e r i a l hoto. appear in a story on page 1 of this week s h s i n ^ h e Centennial .Ediifen give one a Citizen and Chronicle. , gense o f p r i d e at t h e w a y o u r t o w n h a s "And the story of"Cranford's first 100 S0Ned its problems-in many fields in the years as a township is told in words and p a s t a n d a feeling of confidence that pictures in a special Centennial Edition, progress in the right direction will continue .printed on high "quality paper to insure i n the y years to come, preservation, during years to come ^and As Cranford celebrates its Centennial, included free of charge in this issue." the Citizen and' Chronicle, which has been Additional, copies of this practical Centenone of .jthe factors in the township's growth nial memento are available at the Citizen during 78 of those 100 years, extends and Chronicle office at 50 cents apiece. hearty best wishes t o ; the town and its Th'cofriparisoh pictures^on the front people for' continued good health and page of the Centennial,Edition offer sttik- progress as we loqk forward t o the second ing evidence of the progress that has been century.'

" Hillside Development Co., Inc., 1439 North.B-od-.r stteet, Hillside," New Jersey. .-Vestal Development Co., Inc., 1439 North Broad Street, Hillside, N e w ' Jersey. . . . . Oblectlons, If any, should be made Immediately, In writing, t o : TownsKIp Clerk ot the Township of Crawford, New Jersey. CfeAflFORDMOTELpFFICE 10 Jackson Drive Cranford, New Jersey 07016

WARREN 4We Care ToV Program

ON THE OCEAN , , SPRING U K E . N . i . 07762
wliR". E l C H . oiomous SUKF

Applications Now Available

Tho CltUon and Chronicle woicom us nows from all orpanl2atjop In tho Crontord, Kenllworth , and Garwood area.


f2ifoo May 27,J una3, 1071 ' NOTICE 6F INTENTION

- Take notice that Breen's Llquora, Inc., a. New Jersey corporation, hat applied to the Township Committee of the Townthlp of Cranford, N J . , for a plenary, Retail Distribution License No. D-3 ; for thjs premise* located at 21 North Unh Avenue, Cranford, N J . - /; : Names and Addresses of the Officer.end Stockholders^: President,. Treasurer and Stockholder: David Rlchmanl' 2B03 Stlllwell Road.Unlon, N J . ; Secretary and Stockholder: Gerry B. Rtchmsn, 2503 Stlllwell Road, Union, MJ. . . . . . . "" Objections," If anyshould- be made Immediately,- In Writing, t o C^erk of the Township of Cranford, NJ. Breen't Liquors, (no. June 3, June 10 1071 Adtf. Fee $11.04 "' -.

The. Township of Cranford is 1.00 years But it shoufd be kept in mind that there - old, but there are times when the actions of are a lot more of us around Jhesp days- " . .some of its citizens rnake it seem that they both young and old/^td be inconvenienced : should^still be wearing diapers. ~ .'''''' Or perhaps even physically -injured "by such i n "saying this, we have in mind the unbridled exercises of free'dom. from all disgraceful episodte'on Sunday night, May decent resjjjgjnt' as that exhibited at 30, at Memorial Park.the site of monuments MemoriaLPark Sunday night. erected in memory of those who were honored earlier that evening at services ne fault lies not only with the^voung dedicated to-those who gave their lives to a^ople but also with their parents, who protect the freedoms we still enjoy today"y should have known wher& their. children But freedoms to act as those desecratii were and what,they were doing, and who youths did, botb/at "the park and late/at prohably should have started exercising the center of local government, pur rela- more discipline, along with diapering in tively new Municipal Building? earlier days.' - 'Yes, the township jus 100 yea/s old, and We agree with Mayoj; Pringle that both the stories of Cranford's hisjofy which go back more than 250. yeaj include some the youths and their parents should be episodes of. rowdyism apd even defiance of "made fully accountable for the property damage" in any such occurrences. -j_ficxns!itiited_ authority y
, r [ ' "- ... ~ -/-

Letters to the
Local Scenic Routes


4tters to the Editor

> Track Now!

" To the" Editor: lay Indirect my remarks the people in Cranford who might be called friends of the Cranford High School track team? * There must be folks in this town who are not aware of the fact that there is no decent track in our town. Since 1958, we have had no home track meets. In 1963 we did have some kind of small "thing," but no home meet since 1958. It would be great for those who as high school students and-or college students have experienced the thrill andsatisfaction of victory, andor the agony of defeat in the field of track-to come forward now and support 'what will have to be a people effort: Getting a track built NOW!! Those QJL you wfio SFeT interested because your son j s a member of the team-or you know how it feels to have been, a track rnan--or you are concerned, please join the effort. It* is my understanding that the money is there; the idea is there; -the space is, almost not there (due to pool plans). There can be no more excuses given by anyone in Cranford, especially since the needed capital is avairabfe. Great! It must have accumulated quite a sizeable amount of interest over the years. Oh! Oh! I hear a cry. No money?! Where is it? What was it used for"? Who authorized the expenditure? Why wasn't it directed toward construction of a track. Please, no more stalling! Answers now! Thirteen years is a long time to wait for a decent track to work on and have home meets. Considering the fact that those who pole vault go to another gracioup nt]d understanding towrr-to practice. Considering the fact that the areas for long and high jump, shot put and discus are almost nonexistent-is it not astonishing the showing of the trackmen from CHS? In spite of the neglect and apathy, they perforjnn unbelievable feats, . One wonders, what the results might be if Coach Ray White and staff had decent field conditions with which to work. One cannot know what to feel and to be ashameduntil it"is experienced. This is not a pleasant sensation. It is particularly uncomfortable when the track coach of another town

Additionally, the town must consider the profits to be realized by allowing local newsdealers to compete favorably with their airport tnd Times Square couh-" terparts. From the economic standpoint, it would seem quite unsound to force the traveller to seek his reading material at the doubt and speculation by suddenly realizes, AGAIN, point of departure. those of Penn Central who that the Cranford track SECOND: Let us create a will ultimately decide ourteam is without adequate C ommittee for destiny. facilities. It is even more^ Lest * this once-in-a- . Asphaltization. The word distressing when one acand the idejwire admittedly centennial opportunity slip companies the team and the unique, ""but, if the comby through the disdain of eye is dazzled by even the mittee is able to meet its those in control, it is - oldest accommodations. Of challenge, future ages will suggested that our Towncourse, the newest a r e recognize "asphaltization^;. ship Committee act imbeyond belief* . ' as peculiarly indigenous. to mediately to foster an atOften the ht>st coach will, Cranford. , mosphere of realistic and be most understanding and The primary;. respond modern thinking so that we offer the Cranford team use 1 sibility of this committee might be deemed worthy of of the facilities upon comwill be to supervise the becoming an airport ter-, pletion of the particular asphaltization of all * unminus. It is to this end that I event. Believe me, the team developed area (parmake these, my Modest does, to the best advantage ticularly the parks) in order and with relish and pleasure \ Proposals: provide for the parking of FIRST:' Departing on the unbounded' . the thousands of ears which It is not right that ,these Chronicle's suggestion that will be transferred from the the rai|way would enhance , men should be placed in this .Newark meadows to the retail trade, it-Js suggested position due to the neglect ' Crariford termimis. I and apathy of the town they v that the Township Comsuggest that the Hahway" represent. Is it not time for ' mittee set up a Consumer River could be channeled Committee for Study of Air those interested to stand and into large conduits so that Traveler Needs. : One i be counted? parking areas could Jje refcp e c t e d a n d Mrs. Jeanne Sauer placed over its' present path. knowledgeable member , 39MunseeDr. Perhaps Jp_apDeas^ceVtain ofourcommunityhas youhg and unsophisticated 'Modest Proposals' suggested to- me that "the rrjembera of our community demand on taverns and who are not wijjing to make liquor stores will quadruple To the Editor: - small concessions for the as a result of'the rail line. I The May 20 issue of the "new era," small stretches do not doubtthe veracity of Ciitizen- and Chronicle anof the channel might be his thesis, but I suggest that nouncing the proposed opened up to allow fishing, there are other air- traveler Crahford-Airport Rail Link and ice skating. needs which might be heralded it as "the beginTHIRD: I propose a' capitalized on by our ning of a new era." Committee for Highway & mercantile establishments. The juxtaposition of "new Development Planning. As For instance, I take perera" against the current the Chronicle's editorial has. . spirit of our village with its _sjana.l, note that travelers suggested, the fail terminus often "forget their- tooth nostalgic, return to River will create problems of brushes, an3' the conCarnivals, historic tours and congestion, However, this |s gftleTHtlon uf tint, might open triendlygatheringstrr up an entirely new con- tiot insurmountable, and" I bucolic settings is indeed would suggest that sumer market in Cranford. ironic, and could give rise to economic development and highway planning could Centennial Calender of Events proceed together. There is an immediate example available for study at Route 22 in the Union area, where the divided highway allows trade in the center portion.Perhaps we could follow this June 5 SaturdayCreative Art Group Outdoor example on North and South Show and.Sale. Rain date Saturday, June 12. Aves., allowing the,, con*, June6SundayRiver Carnival struction of two divided June 10ThursdayState Lottery Drawing on highways with an enclave of North Union Ave., 11 A.M.' <\ , - ^ taverns arid night clubs ^June 10 to 12Merchants' Sale Days " , along the railway line. To . June 12SaturdayDowntown Parade and Fair minimize the danger to aParade time 10 a.m. y "-pedestrian traffic, we might Guided Historical . ToursCrane's Ford aria" construct tunnels going Mills under the highways at Tour time 9:30 a.m. Riverside Park (Crane's appropriate intervals. Ford) FOURTH: As the last of Dr. Homer J. Hall my Modest Proposals, I Fireman's ShowCranford Motor Lodge propose that^a sizeable Parking Area UU 9:00 p.m. grant be given to, the beptemberUnion College Event. Cranford Historical Society October ^ThursdayRotary Club Salute to so that they might record Industry Luncheon and photograph our village October 15-16 Fri.& Sat. Spadenhoe Fall Flower in its present rural and Show.-Featuring Chrysanthemums and unsophisticated condition Geranium^ Municipal Bldg. Community Room for comparison with the Fri. 2 to 9 PM, Sat. 10 AM to 4 PM "new era." Interviews of "October 16SaturdayIndustrial Area Open those who oppose the airport House Tours rail terminus could be . October 23SaturdayReturn Engagement of recorded, so that future Cranfora" Department of Works' Old Maps, generations might applaud Supplemented by Cranford Historical Society the courage of our town Slides. Municipal Bldg. 0.00 p.m. fathers. r^rNovefnberCultural Event Peter A. McCord ' DecemberClergy Council Event 53 Spruce Street



To the Editor: Not too long ago, my wife and I were impressed by the scenic drives of Victoria, B.Ci*4n this beautiful little . city, the tourist bureau outlined routes for tourists x to follow by painting route stripes on the street pavements.' The other day sylvanus J. Shaw,. Jr., calleclbn us with the suggestion that Cranford could be eyen.mpre scenic than it is, more scenic than Cqpncjl any locality nearvhere, and South. Vietnam's ttn$to|y,jf . ,0And> Kenllwo>th^for'?tMtr(Jotlon T>1 that it still has some historic including croplands and unitary Mwer tynam In Borlflht Avenue, Lafayette Avanua, North areas that are really worth grazing -lands, have ' been Fourteen Street and North Sixteen seeing. He suggested a 10destroyed. ; Street;-to be opened and read In public In the Kenllworth Borough year development program Hair on TuaMdav, June 2 2 , 1971 at What wjlf, be the likely to embellish some of the 8:00 P.M., for the following work legacy ,pl_ our mission of to be done and material! fu*nlhxh already scenic drives. The, I t e m - 1-B'-' Trantlte Iripe, Clau freedom: Ecologists "state areas are already beautiful, 150. ..BOO LF thatit will take decade^ for anda littje planning would Item 2-8" Trantlte Pipe, Clau the environmental damage 3300. . .3900 LF make them outstanding. y Item 3-8" Catt Iron. . .80 LF to -heal. Many areas will Item 4-4" Caat Iron. ...1200 LF Mr. Shaw quoted Item 6 - Standard Manhole.. .20 never recover.'* Though EA Meredith Con ley , a s ' lushly productive when. Item "6-54" Broken Stone.. .800 r remarking that only world undisturbed, the tropical t TON Item 7-StabllUed Bate.. .62 TON travel leads to real apenvironment of Vietnam i s . ; f ltem 8-Quarrv Bland, Subbeie. . .86 preciation of Cranford's susceptible to irreparable YON / beauty. He also said that he eeologieal-destruction.- Drawlngt, tpociflcfctloni and formi would seek the support of ~of~bld prepared bv -FrankV Defoliated areas, defenKociur, P.E-.', have been filed at the the Men's Garden Club and seless against .monsoon Borough 'Clerk'* Office In Kenllthe" Cranford Historical worth, and may be Impacted by rains and baking sun, will be ' protpectlve bidder* during bulne* Society in a coordinating unable to replenish itself-as hourt. Bidder*- will be iurnlthed development of a number of with a copy of^the tpeoHlcatlont .. unchecked soil erosion will r ' and blue prlnttot the drtxwlngi by -scenicroutesduringthe- , wash away essential soil the-EnpInr-t-th-cot nf t?5J3Qj_ 1 next decade. They will non-returnable. --/., nutrients while smothering Bldt mutt be encloted In taalad feature both beauty and the marine resources in envelope* bearing narita-and address history. Of bidder and the name of streets Vietnam's rivers with 1 "*bn the outtlde^addreuad to the> ' sediment overload. The"' Mayor and Council of tha Borough One of the points he made of Kenllworth. Bldt muit be accombarren soil-of Vietnam will was beautification of the panied by a certified check for not , undergo laterization, a leu than ten percent of amount of flood-control dyke along bid. process in which tropical Riverside Dr. Flowers and By order of the Mayor and Council soil, exposed to the broiling of tha Borough of Kenllworth. shrubbery, properly MARGARET UcGEVNA selected," could provide - sun, turns into a hard Borough Clerk rocklike substance in which summer-long coloration. Adv. Fee $12.00 nothing wUVgrow., June 3. 1971 The conversation led to NOTICEOF INTENTION some interesting conTake-notice that KENILWORTH Again, please forgive me* " clusionsa* to Cranford's MOTEL CORPORATION, trading as HOLIDAY INN, has applied to tho ' potential loadtirchip in tho ' if I can't share your full Borough Council o the BdfoUg'n.of indignation over me graffiti Garden State. Kenllworth, N.J. for a Plenary written oh our famous Retail Consumption license lor Arthur K. Burditt premlsos situated at 31st Street and monuments and the , __ 18 Elm Street South, Konllworth, N.J. trampled- grass on .the Boulevard Names and addresses of the ofWashington Mall. You see I ficers are: President: Myron Shoffstall, R.D am numbed by the thought No. 5 Somerset, Pa. ' Object of Protest Vico-P'fesldont: Samuel F. King,, of ecocide - destruction of 10 Milton Drfvo, Yardlcy, Pa. South Vietnam's enTo the Editor: Secretary: Nathaniel A. Barbera, R.D. No. 4 Somerset Pa. vironment -- in the Many readers were Treasurer: Roland W. Renkol, misguided name of 1419 Edqer Ave., Apt. D. Chamdoubtlessly angered by a borsburg, Pa.. democracy. recent letter to the editor's Oblectlons, If any, should bo made John Madden, Jr. Immediately, . in writing, to eye-witness description of Maroarel McGovna, Clerk of the 86 Centennial Ave. the legacy of litter and Borough of Kenllworth, N.J.. (Signed) pointless vandalism left KENILWORTH MOTEL behind in Washington by a CORPORATION Vote in Primary minority of zealous, 15 Exchange Place Jorscy City, N.J. thoughtless protesters. It is Adv. Feo: W1.M ' ' To the Editor: indeed regrettable that some Mey 11,\ u " e 3, 1971 Th -antiwar activists were not Primary, y, June 8, , is a NOTICE ". ^ t election lti t choose h party to bejier behaved, but you will TAKE NOTICE that CRANFORD candidates for the General MOTEL O F F I C E , BLDG., INC., excuse me if I remain more as CRANFORD MOTOR Election this fall. County ' trading outraged by the object of LODGE has applied to the Township and municipal offices will be Commlttco < o f t h e - Township ofthat protest. Crnnford^Toc the ronowal pf tholr voted on. The entire Neuf Since we began our Plenary Rotall Consumption license Jersey Legislature will be for premises situated at 10 Jackson mission to win the hearts Drive, Cranford, New Jersey. elected this year from and minjds of the VietThe names and addressos of all newly-apportioned districts. officers and directors of said cor namese, we have dropped poration are as follows: In past years, about one in six million tons of bombs on Director and President: David O. five registered voters acEvarts,< )439 North B r n d Street, Vietnam. This is a Hillsldff. Now Jersey. tually voted in the Primary. staggering figure conDirector and Secrotary: Lconla The Primary is your Buscham, 295 'Whltowood Road, sidering it is the equivalent Union," New Jersey. ._ chance to have your say in of almost 20 -tons of exVirt' Pri-sicfenl. lretTi,urer <ind the way things will be idqneAs',^t,in1 Srcr^tary Ann E: Gtb. plosives for every square lions, 13S Urnokside Plitce, Crantor'd, your chance to choose who mile in Vietnam, and three Mr-.v ll-rw-y _ the candidates will be this times the tonnage 6f bombs The names_and addresses of all fall. Vote.^-.the "chdice is stockholders holding moro than Ion we dropped on Europe and (10 par cent) percent of any of the yours. Don't vote." -.the stock of said corporation are: Japap in World War II. With choice j s theirs!! Interstate DcvoloBnJcnt C o . J n c , this unprecedented aerial 1439 North Broad Street, Hillside, ~ Katie Englejt^ New Jefsey."' ..bombardment, we have Elberon Development Co., Inc.,. Voters' Service Chairman destroyed the complicated 1439 North Broad Street, Hlllsldo, League of W<jmen Voter's New Jersey. irrigation system of* South

Vietnam, the backbone of rice production and Vietnamese society, by .causing 25 times the earthj-empval than the Suez Canal excavatioh; spraying of herb i c i d e s continues even though we have already killed prime hardwood forests there covering an area the size of Massachusetts. Over 400,000 acrejs of coastal mangrove forests have been killed leaving lifeless swajnps., Jnv sum, over V2 percent LoU^ bldawltt''bar4rftttbVtl

NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Treetop Corp. he* applied to the Mavor and'Council of the Borough, of Garwood, County of Union and . State of New Jertey for a Plenary . Retail Consumption Llcsnse N o . C-4 for-premise* situated at 7 8 North Avenue, Garwood, - N e w Jefaey. ^ V The name* and addreMM of the ,, officers and stockholders tret Yale Manoff, Pre*. Dlreotor and Stockholder, 6B Tree Top Drive, Springfield, New Jersey 07081. Irwln Welnberg, Sec. Director $ ISwiTStocKhoIder, riDB. I fee p I op in* 3, 1971 Drive,, Springfield, New Jersey 07081. . NOTICE OF INTENTION Objections, If any, should be Take notice that KENILWORTH made Immediately, In writing, t o VETERANS' CENTER, INC., has A.T. Mosce, Borough Clerk of the applied to the Mayor and Council of Borough of Garwood, New Jer*ey. tho Borough of Kenllworth, N.J. for Welnberg & Manoff, Esqs. a Club license for the pDemises . "^266 Morris' Avenue situated at -33 South .-llstlstreit.-..; Sprlfi#f*ld, New Jersey OTOSt Kenlttoorth, N.J, " ',,. June 3, June 1O, 1971 Names and addresses of the of- Adv. Fee $12.48 ficers and trustees of tho Kenllworth Veterans Center, Inc., are: NOTICE OF INTENTION . OFFICERS?., ' Take notice that KLEEMAN'S ' Edward Romalne, 121 So. 23rd si., LIQUOR STORE, INC., T-A T H E Kenllworth, N.J. President. BOTTLE SHOP, has applied to the John Sturtevant, 153 So. 23rd St., Mayor and Council of the Borough of Kenllworth, N.J. Vice President. Garwood, N.J. for- a Plenary Retail Arthur S.Russo, .8 Via V l t a l e , ' Distribution license for premises Kerillwortb,, N.J. Secretary. situated at 304-308 North Avenue, Joseph F. Jacobl, T734 Church St.,Garwood, N.J. Rahway, N.J\ Treasurer. Names and addresses.of the ofMEMBERS-TRUSTEES: ficers are: Andrew Cannarlato, 14 So. 20th President: T . N . Vultee, 245 St., Kenllworth, N.J. 07033 Brooklake Road, Florham Park, Leo O'Brien, 214 Locust St., N.J. Cranford, N.J. 07014 Secretary Treasurer: Wlnfred A. Nicholas Capece, 225 No. 16th St., Gordanler, 214 King George Road, Kenllworth, N.J. 07033 Warren; N.J. . Daniel Do Fablo, 44 No. 20th St., Objections, It any, shqjjld be made ' Kenllworth,"NJ. 07033 Immediately", In writing, to A.T. Denis Moulder, 45 No. 19th St., AAosca, Clerk of the Borough of Kenllworth, N.J. 07033 Garwood, NTJ. Michael Vcnezla, 29 Rosclle St., (Signed) Cranford, N.J. 07014 Wlnfred A". Gordanler Vincent Werner, B 3 Ivy HIM Rd., Secretary Treasurer Matawan, N.J. 07747 Kleeman's Llguor store. Inc. Charles Reutcr, 33 So, 33rd St., f Nor-HrAVenbe.7: V b Kenllworth, Garwood, N.J. Burton Lamont, 528 Newark Ave., ,Adv.Fee.$13j44 Kenllworth, N.J. 07033 May 27, J une 3, 107-1 ' Nunce Zampagllone, 324 Monroe Ave., Kenllworth, N.J. 0703.3 (Signed) NOTICEOF INTENTION EDWARD ROMAINE Take Notice that Robert M. Byko* .... " President and Irene Byko, trading as KenllworthjVoterans Center, Inc. RIVERSIDE I N N , have applied to -33 South 21st Street the Township of Cranford, N.J. f o r a Kenllworth, N.J. 07033 Plonary Consumption license for Adv. Fee: J2O.6O premises situated at 54 North May 27, June 3 '71 Avenue, East, Cranford, N.J. Robert M.-Byko and Irene Byko BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH -^reside at 54 North Avonue, East, Kenllworth, Mow Jarwy Cranford, New Jersey. NOTICE TQBIDDE.BS i, Oblactlons, If any should be made Notice It.hartttfy-afven t h . t walid " B l l In writing,to the Clerif,..

" We CareToo"poSters are who volunteered their ar1 to tHe Inter -" appearing in Cranford area tistic talents ~fdlth~SoeiaIJ-ActionCpm--lops anfj^cJiufches. . TTiey are the creations of mittee's effort to publicize Mary Lou Walsh, Patricia ''the sunjmer program which Behan and Barbara places Newark children Lawless, all. 15 years old, with Crantrprd area host r families .for- two-weekvacation periods. Posters also were made for the Humanity Baptist Church in Newark, urging parents of children ages 6 to 10 to sign applications and arrange for the interview and physical examination required -,bf all applicants. The committee thairmarH Mrs. Henry" Smitners, 19 DRUG ABUSE PROGRAMThe Mayor's"Comtrilttee" on .Drug "AbGe presented" a HerningAve., reported that program .at St. Michael's School last Thursday. It was organized by Herbert Mason of. applications are now being Bell's Pharmacy, educational chairman and former head of the mayor's committee, and Martin Mi/ster, phys'rtal education teacher at the school. In the pictures above, Mrs. Jean ^accepted,, ajidj^at-anybody^ ;Dickinson, at right, addresses a class, while, at left, Mrs.. Daniel Heyburn, nurse, answers. wanting further information questions from a group of students and their teacher. Sister Clement. Other speakers .may'call her, or Mrs. Peter included John McGuire, an attorney and preserif chairman of the mayor's committee, and Weyerhaeuser Forestglo* MCCord, 53 Spruce St., or FarrlsS. Swackhamer, chairman of the chemistry department at Union College. Each yrefinished hardwood Mrs. William Doheny, 114 speaker discussed an aspect of the drug scene and-then answered questions. Morethan 120 Makatom Dr. fifth and sixth graders participated In the program. paneling gives you walls This yesir host families that look like a million may choose either o j f two vacation periods. July 17 to Institute for only pennies a foot 31, or July 31 to Aug. 14.

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Thomas J. Hubiak 'of 43 Alex E. Silberman of 2 Iroquois Rd:- and' Howard Princeton Rd., controller of Levitt of 3 Aberdeen Ct; Village Super Markets, Inc., . James Dv Haag of Boy returned home on Tuesday has been named a member Scout Troop 79, sponsored from London, England; of the American Institute of by the First Presbyterian they, vacatjoned -for Gwpor-ateC&nitoilexs. Church, received the Eagle five days. Theyare the sons according to information Scout Award at a Court of 33* CcnlMinial Av.. 2 7 ^ 0 5 Cranford, N. J. of Mr", and M^s. William received from the institute's Honor follqwuK the annual Hubiak and Mr."*and Mrs. national headquarters in troops father-an>*ajajiinner ; "the- church Tuesday Sidney-Levitt, respectively. Washington, D.C. Mr. "Silberman, a night. _ graduate of the University The presentation was of Newark, has.been-with made by A: Camp Hopkins, Village Super Markets, Inc., Jr., former scoutmaster of for th past S3 years. He the troop. ACADEMIC-Grades 2-12 Model* Swimming Preview or Review in: Sewing serves as vice-president of Comprehension Games' . > . Cook-Outs the Cranford Lodge of B'nai Son of Mr. <and Mrs Art . 3 or 6-Week , . ' Tournaments Crafts courses B'rith and is active in the Charles M, Haag of 206 JJutdoor Play Mathematics New Jersey rAssociation. of Manor Ave., James started ADVANCE CREDIT- Enrollment Limited SPECIAL COURSES Modern Lanuages : Grades 9 1 2 Public Accountants* and his scouting career in 1962 in Grade 6-12 6 Weeks Only Biology Penmanship No Transportation National Association of Tax Cub Pack 103 sponsoce'd by Chemistry Spelling, Available for the First Presbyterian Accountants. DAY CAMP-Agea 5-14 Physic* Typing Nursery Campers Daily: 8:50-2:30 Church. After earning the Algebra 1,2 The American Institute of Great Books Two Swim* Dally United State* History Webelos rank, -he joined Composition Corporate Controllers is i Sport* Modern European READING INStlTUTE- . Study Techniques Troop-79 in 1965. national! j professional -Grade -Painting r Art organization of" corporate Sketching ------R emedlal ~ - -T~ NURSERY CAMPWhile advancing through CrafU Developmental Ages 3 and 4 financial officers and Literature'Seminar Woodworking Ihe scout ranks, he served Increase Speed and Daily: 9:45-2:30 Tennis Clinic controllers. as assistant patrol leader, }Th Pin(KV School ll nondiiaimlnslorv inililullon patrol leader, scribe and TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE THE PINGHV SCHOOL instructor. He earned the 216 NORTH AVENUE. HILLSID&, NEW JERSEY The Cltlzon and.Chronldo offfco Colonial Patriots Medal and TELEPHONE: IJO1W35B-699O Is open Monday" through Fridays from 8:30 n.m. to 6 , the Valley Forge Medal. He has attended junior leader training at Camp Winnabago and has been uv

million you aouldut get a w d '* natural beauty Ot one thai lthJ mdtlaagar-to-K*|>-lt-lovaY._A namp-iiui tt imVm. Foreattlo it available in >idaj vatit naturally beautiful tordwooai W complement decor. When you o n have thia jAuehi(>utjr f<*

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structor on training* weekends. He is a brotherhood member, of the Order of the Arrow: " V ' .> In the summer of 1968, he attended t h e ' .oy Scout1 National Jamboree ii Idaho, serving as.troop, scribe for the Union Council troop. / * His brother, pharles, Jr.; earned the IjXgle Award in 1967.

Sponsoring Boy In Appaiachia

IRENEBYKO May 27,June 3, Ti / " Adv. Fee $7.48 NOTICEOF INTENTION Take notice that KENILWORTH VETERANS CENTER, .INC., has applied to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of konllworth, N.J. for. a lub license for the premises situated at 33 South 21st Street, Kenllworth, N.J. Names and addresses*of the offleers and trustees of the Kenllworth Veterans Center, Inc., arc: OFFICERS: . . Edward Romalne, 121 So. 23rd Sr, Konllworth, N.J. President. John Slurtftvant, 153 So. 23rd St., Kenllworth, %-i. Vlco President. Arthur Russp, 8 Via Vltale Konllworth, N J . Secretary. Tosepn:F7*JCBbl7t734 ChurchSI-,Rahwa^, N.J. Treasurer. MEMBERS-TRUSTEES: Andrew CaTinarlato. 14 So.'-20th St.,'Kenllworth, Leo O'Brien, 214 Locust St., Cranford, N.J. 07014 Nicholas Capece, 225 No. 18th St., Daniel De Fablo, 44 No. 20th St.,Konllworth, N.J. 07033 Denis Moulder, 45 No. 19th St., Kenllworth, N.J, 07033 Michael Venezla, 29 Roselle St., Cranford, N.J. 07014 Vincent-Werner, 83 Ivy Hill Rd., -Matawan, N.J. 07747 Charles Reuter, 33 So.~23rd St., Konllworth, N.J. 07033 , Burton Lamont, 528 NoW3fk-Ave.,' Kenllworth, N.J. 07033 Nunce ZampagllonCi 324 Monroe ' Ave., Kenllworth, N.J. 07033 . (Signed) NUNCE 2AMPAQLIONE President Kenllworth Voterans Center .Inc. 33 South 21st Street ' Kenilworth, N.J. 07033 Adv. Fee: $20.60 May I T .June u, 1071 ; -, NOTICEOF INTENTION Take notice that BARNETT'S WINES & LIQUORS, INC., (A New Jersey Corp), trading as BAR NETT'S WINES & LIQUORS, has , applied to the Township Committee, of the Township of Cranlord, N.J. for a Plenary Retail Distribution llcenso for prernjsos situated at 30 32 Eastman street, Cranlord, N.J. Director, President and Troa'surer, ovor 10 percent Stockholder - Wilbert M. Bar-notl, 48B JAeadowbrook -Place, Maplowood,' N.J. .-07040. s-.- Director, Vlce-Prosldent and Secretary, ovor 10 ^percent 'Stockholder Dorene Barnott," 720 Tamaquos Way. Wottflald, N . J r 07090 Director Lona Barnott, 720 -Tamaquos Way, Wojtflold, N.J. 07090 Oblectlons, If any, should be mado Immediately, In writing to Clerk of the Township of Cranford, N.J. ,-, _ r, i (Signed! Barnett's W'nesH Liquors, 30-32 Enstroan Stroot Cranford, N.J. . Feo: J12.74 May 27, J^no 3,1071 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF MARTHA GLADYS WEST, also known as M. GLADYS WEST, Deceased. Pursuant to tho ordor of MARY C. KANANE-, Surrogate ol the County of Union, made on tho 21st day of May A.D., 1971, upon the application of the undersigned, as Executrix ol the estate of said docoasod, notlco Is heroby given to tho creditors of said docoascd t6 exhibit to tho subscriber under oath or affirmation tholr claims and demands against the estate of said decoased within six months from the dalo of said order, or thoy will be forever barred W i n prosecuting or recovering the same against tho subscrlbor. Lois W. Bollows Executrix Ira D Dorian, Attornoy. ISAIdenSt. Cranford, N.J. May27,June3, 1971 .-eesJ12.84

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LESABHE '2-Doof Coup*: Twilight Tufquolu with BUck vinyl top a B!*di vinyl bneh I M I ; lurbohv drimalic 360 tram., radio; r u r ipatkw; AIR CONDITIONED; tinted &U"; Acctw. youp; WSW tlri; d*IUM WHMI COOHI; prottetlv* body ud &' (rbnl- Unit moUHn^; curfotn <ULm vn*l-uid\i ' - - ' -' ' "* '


~_ . RIVIERA . 2-Ooor Sport Coupa; Vlntao* Had with Sandalwood vlnvl roof & > Sandalwood vlnvl nolehbaoV Mat; AIR CONDITIOMED,' tintad glata; 6-wav powaV taat; powar wlndoWil^radlo wllh "" vaakar; 2 itrip* WSW tkai; rau guartai ball moldlnl Slock No. 171 -0204


Miss Shirley G. Ansley of 2^ Park Ave. is sponsoring Tlonnie, a 12-year-old Appalachian boy^ from Clinchport, Vay through Save the/ Children Fecjeratian, Norwalk, Conn., il^was announced today.-by Sharlene Landers, coprainator of program field
SKYLARK 2 Door Coupv: turbo "hydramaTic 3G0 diiV nioht . miiiUt mat view mirror.' padtiod inilrumunl panel l i u i boltod |ir%l' (fuul liojd lam pi haater' ctalroitw ude wew 2 tpotni wiiulihiold wipon & waiiioft 4 wd h i a r d (laihur bdek up Ittjliu WSW t i r s t ' i

family improve ' its economic situation by investing in a self-help project that will raise its annual income..




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ELECTHA22B 2-Door Sport Coupa; V/ar; damlkt Oraan with Slack vinyl "Barich ia>t; radltJ:' , raar ipaakar; AIR CONT-OIYONEO; tofwav-tintad~. I wlndihlald; Black ulnyl'l , roof: Whlta Sdlawall tlrai; J "uawa* windnwi' | " " * y * i " * 1 -' body *>da moldlngt & from I fandai moldlnot. Stock No. 17)0277. ' . Originally S5S68.Q0

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Sponsorships are adMiss Dianna V. Krogman ministered by the federation in the poverty-stricken of 6_Moss Lane has been areas of Appaiachia in the named to the dean's list at University, forirfof interest-free loans Indiana ' thai enable the proud Bloomington, Ind. " Douglas Sanford, son- ot "moutatain people there to Mrr and Mrs. Arthur. help themselves.. Funds are used to help the Sanford of 25 Cherokee Rd. ahs been named to the deair's^lis.r^atr Johnson ~&TWales Junior College of Business, Providence,. R.I.

College Corner

MEMBERFor Less-Sell At Lowest Eastman St. (ODD. 1 theatre) Revolving Charge; Master CENTERTTwrsday,,J CHARGE

On PingryHonor Roll


Cpa. DaVllla; Foratl Qraan with Sandalwpod vinyl roof; A M / F M itarao radio; full pwr.; fact. AIR; III! whl.; pwr. dr. locki; window lock oul; A

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Donnvllla 4 Dr. H.T., Green with, Qran uinyl roof; lull ppwtr; AIR C O N D I

Six Cranford boys were named to the honor roll for academic achievement during the fourth marking period at the Pingry School, Hillside. They are: James Daubert of 620 Riverside Dr., Karl Gustafson of 315 Prospec Ave., John Kuemmerle of 15 Brookside Rd. and N. Gregory Mankiw of 42 Rutgers Rd., all of Form I. Christopher Walsh of HI Pawnee Rd.4, Form II,' and Michael Goldberg, 26 Rutgers Rd., Form III,


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Clacira; nd wllti DIKU vinyl roof full power; l u i A i n . pwr. nttnn, r*# dt*o; A quality Autol '

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V /\\

Thursday, June 3,.1971 ' CRANFORD (N.J/i CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE Page.6. CRAWFORD (NJ.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE Thursday, June 3, 1971 ' . .

Page 7

Announcement has graduate of Perth Ambby made by. Mr. and Mrs High School and is employed Eight piano students of Plans are.being made for Yadlovski of Perth Amboy as a secretary by the O.K. Evelyn^ Polli of Hi Adams the 10-year reunion of the of the engagement of their Electric Supply Division, pAve-wiil-play-in-a-concerLtd!erarifordHigh-Schbol~eiass be held in her home ~aaugfiler, Miss JoAnn TertJFArnboy. of 196L The affair, will be Yadlovski. to BUCN David Miss Patricia Maria Stanton. daughter Mr. Walulik is a graduate \-tomorrow-evening^ d ^ p b C. Walulik, USN, son of of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Stanton of 1 .-...-- Catholic High Performing will be Karen Wally's Tavern on the Hill, Brookdale Rd;, became the bride of Karl' Munster, Betsy>v Kluge, and Mrs. Albert B. Walulik School and is serving with Watchung. A > cocktail hour Andreas Schricker, son of .Mr. and Mrs. the Sea Bees, stationed at Diane Sanford, \ Susan of 10 Osage Dr. Otto Schricker of 109 Edgewood Rd., ; will precede dinner, to be The bride-elect is a Port Hueneme, Calif. Sanford, Jeainette Friday afternoon at the Church of the followed by dancing. Manhar.dt, Elaine Assumption, Roselle Park. The following class^ Manhardt, Cecelia Obie and members have,not as yet, Rev.- Sebastian J. Chiego, pastor, Patricia Meehan, all of been located: Jartet Arinofficiated at the double-ring ceremony. Cranfbrd. " * sberg, Joe Bapista, James R. Lenney of Cranford was Gerald Fay of Vailsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. County Pharmaceutical organist. A reception followed at the Lawrence Beauchea, Nancy Newark, guitarist, also will Eisenberg of 128 Sjpring Association. Town and Campus, Union. Bianco, Alba Bonfiglio, play some selections. <? Garden St. will move next Frank Carithers, Walt The bride was escortedMo the altar by Miss-I^lary Jo Gabardine Mrs. Polli is a member of Thursday to "Bast Orange. . Mrs. Eisenberg is a -forDickinson, Ron Fernandez, her father. She wore a white <lace floorthe Music Educators' They have been Cranford mer member of the League Miss JoAnn Yadloytkt lengths coal-over a crepe floor-length Wilfreds-Fletcher, Lois of Women Voters and served Association of NewrJersey. resideiltsfdr 34 years! dress and her illusion veil was attached Foster, Ray Guralski, Carol Mr. Eisenberg was theas a member of the board of Attends Conclave to a white crepe bow. Her gown .was Greuter, Robert Irslinger, owner of Bell's Pharmacy directors of Temple Bethmade by her brother, Michael J.'Stanton. Lynn Hebbard. ichard Poston, science for 30 years. He retired six El where both were She carried a bouquet of white roses and Also, Ed Traylor, Carol -teacher-at-Hiljside Avenue members. She also assisted years ago. He is a membeF The engagement of~Miss babies'-breath. ' >. Laurel, Mary Lunsden, Junior High School, recently Mr. Eisenberg in the of theCranford RotaryClub; Jo Gabardine, Mrs. Charles R. Harvin, Jr., of Lynn Marley, Bob Mat-Mary attended an invitational a director of the Cranford pharmacy. Cranford was matron of honor. thews, Linda Macall, Bob daughter of Mr. and Mrs, introductory vocations They have a son, Warren, Savings and Loan Bridesmaids were Miss Patricia Mc'Ginness, Ed Miller, Bob Eugene L. Gabardine of workshop on "Fields in Association; past president of Chevy Chase, Md., ah Schricker, sister of he bridegroom; Mrs. Plant, Malena Rodriguez, Westfield, to John G, Environmental Occupaassociate of Congressman of the,Cranford Business Robert Goellner of Plainfield and Mjss John Schuster, Jim Walter, McCullough, son of M. and By Lawrence Rausch. Greene of tions." The weekend program Association, presently the William ArleneCostanioof Cranford. They wore Ron Waterman,and Betty Mrs. W. Joseph McCullough was held at Stepping Stone Philadelphia, Pa., and three of Pittsburgh, Pa., formerly Chamber of Commerce, and blue crepe floor-length gowns and Cranford High Schooi'si Cameron. Environmental Center, 2 Berkeley PI., has been chapter of the New Jersey past president of the Union grandsons. carried .baskets of forget-me-hots. The Anyone knowing the of Stokes State Forest. announced by her-parents. attendants' gowns' were made by the Chemistry- League con-whereabouts of the'aboveorMiss Gabardine is a cludedt its year's activities mother of the bride. anyone wishing to make a Mrs. Karl Andreas Schricker reservation should call 276- graduate of St/ Luke's High smith attendancft-atla-dinner 3543 or 272-7432 or write School-in Ho Ho Kus and was held recently at Fairleigh college roommate of the bridegroom, Association and the New Jersey P.O. Box 51, Cran- graduated recently from Dickinson University at served as best man: Ushers were Education^Association. She is a teacher Marietta( Ohio) College which ' awards ford.' were Michael J. Stanton of tfew York City, at the Tralrrmg-^School for Boys in where she was elected a presented to the top scorers If you can't leave town, Italy were- closely watched brother of the bride; Charles R; Harvin, Skillman. member of Sigma Kappa in Chemistry League tests, "go by book" So advises and any one;wilth sketch Jr., and Henry J. Zielinski, both of Mr. Schricker also is a Sorority. the Cranford Rublic Library pad or. camera was highly, | k ^ h l i r f i t ^ariford r ^d_Tliomas_CuIlqugh77rs a. Cranford. chapter received in a special exhibit geared to suspectTTn Ifaly^^n par-* attends Washington^ Jpniversity, St. todther of the bridegroom,, } . ..j ^ C^anford Higfi the,Book, "Why/Chemical the traveler, ' [ . .ticular,, ' certain,, economies -" "fiie bride is a.graduate of Cranfprd ^Loui&, Mo?, ivfiere ffe is majoring in cnqoK and of Marietta Reactions Occur," -for- his j 'Featured are sketches 6* were p o e regulatetf^by g u e t f ^ y thli tl HighSchool, Class of 1867, and received b u s i n e s s . - ^ ; > * : - :* . r::?;-v College, where he wasachievement on the tests-.! Gerrhany, France and Italy government 'to the'-acute a B.A. degree in elementary education Followihgii wadding trip tqfthe Pocono MINIMUM RATES ^teeted- a, member of M a r t i n ^Goldstein, in the years 1937-38 done by discomfort of the traveler* from Trenton State College in January. 1 Mountains, the newly weds will reside in MAXIMUM CARE- ; The marriage. of Miss La"mbda~~--~-^Chi Alpha Roy F. Hammond. A local chemistry instructor, began Mr. Hammond finished She is a member of Lambda Mp Cranford until September, when they FULLY INSURED Susan Guemple of .Santa Raternity. He~~--~aj tends resident and a registered the Chemistry League Club most of his Italian sketches o Sorority, National . Education will make their home in St. Louis. Barbara, Calif., daughter of Emory UniversitylTaw^ at the local high school this architect associated with a in his unheated hotel room' REM0DELING-REPAIRINO Mr. and Mrs. Lednard W. School, Atlanta, Ga. year-~j&[ith the aim of in- Newark, firm, Mr, Ham-wearing his outdoor clothing Alumnus Award Guemple of 1 Mendell Ave., An August 28 wedding is , teresting^--5tudents * in mond has had two other and the blankets from his . Robert C. Hall of 26 Pitti exhibits of his work in the and Robert Terry Suchan of planned. science. T h e c r l u b n a r bed. ' sfield St. was awarded a library in recent years. Santa Barbara, son of Mr. ticipates in the chemistFy< The French sketches are "Distinguished Alumnus" 1 Fulton Lewis ""^-Thfese sketches were done views of an area he ; was and Mrs. Robert Suchan of examinations held at djf service certificate at the Goleta, Calif., took place on To Be Speaker ferenf high schools during underSome^difficulty, since revisiting then, having annual' meeting of the travelers tcMSecniany an4 served there with the May 15 at the home of the the school year. Pingry Alumni Association, bridegroom. Fulton Lewis III, During its first year, the American Expeditionary held recently at the Pingry" " Judge Frank Kearny nationally known: news local club earned a second rces during the armistice School in Hillsider~*"~ officiated at the ceremony. place, two third places: and a commentator, speaker and T h ^ d of World War I. a Mr. Hall, a member of the Miss Barbara Cuozzo of writer, will be the featured fourth place in competition The exhibits will continue Pingry Class of 1954, was -Goletar-formerlyof- Cran- -speaker-at-the-sixth,-annual -within-its-aVeawhich-in-. through-June cited as a past president of ford, and Ronald A. dinner meeting" sponsored " eludes jl schools. .The last the association who "stood Berinstein of Santa Barbara jointly by. the Republican test was given during State i'he Cranford Duplicate firmly for the' continuance were the couple's dnly .at- Citizens Committees of Science Day on May 8.Bridge Club, which meets in and continual improvement tendants. Union and , Somerset Several physics students the Community Center, 114 of the high quality education instructed by Robert Miln ,St., announced this The bride is a graduate of Counties. provided_by Pingry."_ Hyndsman also took tests on week that a new game will Cranford High School. Mr. the affair will be held A graduate of Williams that day. Suchan is a graduate of San start Friday, June 11, at 8. Friday night; June 11, at 8 College, where he received, p.m., and will be played on Marcos High School in Santa o'clock, at Wieland's Steak Members of the To*Control Inch Worms honors in geology, Mr. Hall alternate Fridays Barbara and is a selfHouse, Mountainside. Chemistry League" Club is a partner in,,MeMullen & And . employed artist.' Tickets for the affair are include:, William Hardman,- thereafter. Hard, members of the New . Gypsy Moth Caterpillars The Wednesday game at 1 The couple will reside at available from any member James Haustein, Michael York Stock Exchange, and a 116C Bath St., Santa Bar- of the Republican Citizens Inchalik, Paul Litwack, p.m. will continue through director of the Columbia bara, following a wedding Committee, or by writing to P e t e r M c C o r m i c k , the summer la. .the airWe use ooly SEVIN and MARLATF Corp. j the Bunberry Co. and trip. R a y m o n d P a i n t e r , conditioned Community the organization at'P.O. Box. the Windham Foundation, .--, 673, Westfield; N.J. 07091. Lawrence Rausch, Mark Center. ' '' Inc, The winners for May 26 (The Safer Insecticides) William John Pfeiffer of Cranford Schlesinger, Thornton " and Eric were: is chairniari of the. Union ON THE JERSEY COAST North-South--First, Weisgerber., County group. GOLD CUP WINNERSThree dancers f r o m the Yvette Shirley Bernstein and Dot Dance Studio, 118 Walnut Ave., a r e shown w i t h their Gold Prediger; second, Marion and MOTOR LODGE Advancements Cup Awards. They a r e , ' l e f t ' t o ; r i g h t : Lynn Capobianco, Hazeldme and Bea Caruso; An Entlr* Block on lh Ocaan Fun Lynn Loveland and Linda Rooney. These students have third, Enid Bross and Merle Members of the senior SPECIAL PBEStASON HALfRATES For Boy Scouts Roller. received 15 points in proficiency rating examinations in. class at Cranford High MAY 11 - JUNE 35 ballet technique, sponsored by the New Jersey Dance School and the finance (Contlnuod frbm Pogo 1) East-West-First, Frances Theatre Guild, with from 1 to 5 points awarded a t each t M ^ ^ Of Troop 79 Dulicai and Meg Lincommitteefor the Senior yearly examination. The girls a r e now eligible to compete raise in Cranford. Local denmeyer; second, Wilma Prom recently ~ expressed f o r s c h o f a r s h . i p s w i t h girls from member-s schools traffic through town,'as well A'number of advancement Eaton and Ahde Bottorff.; , throughout Central New Jersey this month. They are thanks to parents for their as increased traffic along awards were presented third, Eva Edge and Audrey members of +he New Jersey Dance Theatre Guild Junior response to, requests for, the Parkway, Mr. Creighton during a Court of .Honfor Smithers. ' donations to help defray the Ballet Co. and appeared in the guild's production of-"The observed, .mak-e the which followed the annual cost of this year's Prom and QUALITY DRY CLEANERS Nutcracker" last Christmas. ' r proposal of a Cranford park father-and-son dinner of Boy issued the following list of and Corner of: ride facililymore dif- ScOut- Troop 79, sponsored Spadenhpe Club additional Prom patrons: ficultto Riritan Rd. and Walnut Ava. assess as to possible by the First Presbyterian Mr, and Mrs. Arthur ' J , E)eaman>, effects of the facility. . Church, at the .church Plants Flowers CLARK,N.J. . Jr.,"Lawrence H. Bernslefn, Mr. andT h f i ' j j i a n d JCuesday-jught AArsedwardBerloloMlr-Mi7-od7 lA/estfiefds Mrs. Andrew G. -Bracuto, 'Mr. and Sam* Day S.rvlc* 382-2424 srtiue'tural^desigiif" work," Tenderfoot investiture In Local Part " Mrs. William Caddie, M r . and M/s. which has not been started, ceremonies were conducted William J . Cox, Mr. and Mrs. John As a civic project, D e P a l m a , M r . and M r s . R. will be undertaken by thefor James Cook, Wayne members of the Spadenhoe ; The DiPasquale. Port of New York Authority, Jackson, Joseph Figurelli, rdestaurant "Mr. a n d ' M r s . Frank J. Doo|ey, local Pioneer^ Boys troop, Mrs. Richard H. Dudley, Mr. and who will assume the cost of Roger Steele, Raymond Garden Club liave planted geraniums and alyssum in which recently leased the Mrs. Samuel R. Edmonds, Mr. and it ateo, Mr. Creighton added. Karp and James Karp. Memorial Park for the Mrs. John Elliott, M r . .and Mrs. former Girl Scout House William J. Etlel, M r . and Mrs. ' As to the specific parking Michael Rapp was ad- Memorial Day services Eugene C. F l t z p a t r i c k , John from the borough, is holding problems Jat the proposed vanced to second class Monday. or IADICS , SKIRTS a cdotest to rename the Flangos. Mr. and "Mrs. Olio Gold, Mr. and Cranford facility, in a letter ran-k; Gregg Martkiew, Attending the .planting 2 PC. SUITS Mrs. Burton Goodman, M r . and Mrs. building. A prize of $10 will to Mayor Pringlei Mr. Kenneth .Ewing and Craig wer^e' Mrs. Campbell J . Gorrlnge, M r . and Mrs. OR TROUSERS be given for the name Norman R.C. Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Creighton stated: "While Johnston, to first class Johnstone, Mrs. Frank Haviland, M r . and M r s . William PLAIN DRESSES chosen. much of the traffic would rank; Thomas deBrigafd to Johnson, Mrs. Chapman Mrs. Dorothy B. Hughes. Entries are to be sent to: Huhiak, Claanad nd Flnlthed SWEATERS Scout,' and Alan Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. 'Anthony J. Isaac, come from the Garden State Star f, Mrs. " Joljn and Mrs. Robert L. Johnson, Parkway, the station would Pioneer Boys of America, Mr. Admonds to Life Scout. V Cleined and Flnhhcd . Cutinello, Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson, M r . 109 North A w . Inc., 463 Washington Ave., anrl Mrs. Reni.imin V. Karalis, Mr, _anin=. Merit badges.wef'e- F.ngstromT Mrs, Edwar.'cl -EArand M r s . Kenneth Kaiser, Mr. and creased amount of traffic Kenilworth. awarded to Thomas Cleminson, Mrs. Charles (Closed Sundays) c o r Central Ave., Westfield 1 Mrs. Anthony Katawick. JUAU> suns The troop held an awards Mr. and Mrs. Robert M . Kurisko, through the Township. deBrigard, Alan Edmonds, Collette and Mrs. Harold Mr and Mrs. Joseph LaBracio, Mr. dinner recently at the and adequate James Haag, William Paehlke;' M r s . Sidney Levitt, Mr. and Additionally, Kenilworth State Bank Mrs.' John P. Lynes,-Mr. and Mrs. parking facilities must be Jackson and Arthur Vail. The new officers of the DRAPERY SPECIALISTS MaMiore, M r . and Mrs. meeting hall. Guest Thomas club are as follows: Mrs. The Com : James H. Maher, Mrs. f r a n k W. provided. DECORATOR FOLD NO EXTRA CHARGE speakers were Henry (W.iy. Johnstone, president; Mrs. missioner assured me that t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l M.r and Mrs. Fabio Mazzeo, Mr. BOX STORAGE FREE MOTH PROOFING Crookall, supervisor, and <ir\d John Leone, vice-president; Mrs. Robert L. McCormlck, Jr., both of these problems David Crookall, assistant Mr. and Mrs. Choster J . Micek, Sr., would be given due con-Association of Chiefs of Mrs. ' Robert Bryan, Mi*.-and Mrs. A.R. Mirante, Mrs. regarding security in recording secretary; Mrs. supervisor. in the Police ^George W. Morton, Jr., M r . and Mrs. sideration TRY HARVARD'S QUALITY SERVICE the home. Arrangements for Johnson, corresponding Boys between-the agos of 8 William A. Morrison, Jr., Mr. and engineering and layout M. Mozer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank its showing riiay be made'by and 18 are invited to join the Mrs secretary, arid Mrs. Jbhn Nnssbercj, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. design. contacting Mr. Maffey. troop, which holds meetings NL-VIII, M r . and Mrs. 5tevc Ozl. Cutinello, treasurer. "The conference was and Mrs. Edwin L. Pierce, takes pleasure in . Friday nights from 7 to 9 at MrMrand Mrs. Richard Ptaft, Mr. and productive,"-JVIr. Creighton the Harding School gym. Mrs. William J. Rentz, M r . and Mrs. added, "and ~T was parannouncing Frank R Reynolds. M r . and Mrs. ticularly impressed with the Martin V Ross. to its patrons that we have Paper Drive Mr and Mrs. Richard Rudolph, Commissioner's knowledge Mr. and Mrs Vincent F. Sarnowski, moved to a nicer, more Boy Scout Troop 178 of St. Mr and Mrs. William R. Scar of the subject matter and of Mrs. Ann Schaler. Mr. and the areas that would be convenient location at Michael's Church will hold a brough, Mrs William F. Schmidt,- Mr. and MILLBURN, N.J. : affected by the plan." Mrs L Schwartz. waste paper drive on Mr and Mrs. Nieson N. Shak, The meetings last ThurSaturday, June 19. OldHoward M, Siegel, Mrs Edith 107 Walnut Avenue Mr and Mrs. Gcorgo W. sday was also attended by a newspapers and magazines Statue. proudly presents Stolpe, M r and Mrs R. Strauss, Mr. will be accepted in the cind M r s . Vincent R . V i e d , Mr, and representative of the Port of Mrs Robert W, Walker, Mr. and New York Authority, as well parking lot of St. Michael's Mrs Robert W Wallace, Mr. and School, where a trailer will Mrs Richard J. Walters, Mr and as several Senators and We look forward to serving Mrs George H. Weinberg. Assemblymen. be parked all day.

Patricia Stanton Becomes Bride of Karl A. Schricker

Class of '61 Reunion Set

Concert Slates Piano Students .


Eisenbergs Plan to Move

Aug.Wedding Chemistry League Club Awards Told

. % .

Cimis> Honor Graduate

GermahyVTrance, icted inLibrary Exhibit



To D. JHiill

New Efridge Game Slated


Additional Patrons Told For Prom




New Name Sought for G.S.








Silhouette Salon de Beaute








for ' "' 'i:'

graduate of Atlantic City High School and of Douglass College, New Brunswick. Mr. Senoski received a B.A. degree from Boston Dollege, Miss Donna Althea parents, the bride wore a Norma Patterson and Miss "Miss Deborah Ray^ d Lirtda~Patterson7"sisterrof r a g t F f g gf h i t i l k l ^aughTer of~Mr. and~Mrs. enrolled in the Graduate and Mrs. Leonard K. with a cathedral-length the bridegroom, and Miss James B, Ray of 6 DartSchool-of-Actuarial-Science] ~Dunikoskt~pf trainy-trimmed-with-beaded -JeanetteBe HaasniouUj Rd., wasrnamoti at Northeastern University, Ave., E., became the bride Alencon lace. Her silk Princeton, ^ h e y wore girls chosen ol for Li-toonBoston, Mass. Both are of James Alan Patterson, illusion veil wa$ attached to yellow gowns, and carried awa, th - sophomore employed by John Hancock son of Mr. and Mrs. James a cap trimmed with match- bouquets of yellow jlaisies, women's honorary Life Insurance Co., Boston, W. Eatterson of Cherry Hill, ing beaded lace and she turquoise carnations arjd, organization at .West Mass, Saturday morning at the carried a Bible with a baby's-breath.^^-" Virginia . U n i v e r s i t y , Scotch Plains Baptist cascade of red roses and Robert Patterson served A November wedding is. Morgantown, Va. Selection Their ? second daughter,; planned. Church. as best man for his brother. lilies of .the valley.. Is based on grades and Beth Ann,-.was born to Mr. Miss Deborah Dunikoski, Ushers were Leonard ReV. Ralph J. Kievit, activities. Miss Ray parand Mrs. William Fennelly pastor, performed the sister of the bride, was maid Dunikoski, Jr., brother of ticipates in the honors of 8.English Village on May double-ring ceremony. Miss of honor. She wore a the bride; Stephen Hoffprogram at the university 22 at Rahway Hospital, RahSarah Beels of Knox, Pa., turquoise govm and carried mann of Princeton and Rev. and is aP co-leader of a way. The new baby joins aMiss Christine Neumark was organist. A reception a bouquet of turqjioise George Whittemore of,, brownie troop for retarded sister, Julie, 2 years old. was held at the Polish Home daisies, yellow carnations Somerset. Paul Patterson, children in Morgantown. The annual strawberry Mrs. Fennelly is the former and b a b y ' s - b r e a t h . another brother""of "the in Irvingtori. "She also is active in Students Miss Braunstein Miss Mary ( Anna festival sponsored by the for Appalachian American Given in marriage by her Bridesmaids were Miss bridegroom, was ring Couples' Club of the First McNamara,"daughter of Mr. Honor Graduate People, a group which bearer. . and Mrs. John E. Presbyterian Church will be !the bride is a graduate of Miss Susan Beth teaches reading and other McNamara of Ridgewood.: held nextThursday from -6 CranfordHigh SchooI^Class Braunstem, daughter of Mr. subjects to adults and p.m. to 8 p.m. in Fellowship of 1968, and will graduate in and Mrs. Milton Bfaunstein children in the surrounding Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall of the church. January from Douglass rural area. She is a member, of 7 Brown Ter., was Schneider of Willingboro at Rugerrs College, New. Brunswick. Strawberries,, cake, ice Gerald M. Cimis, sdh of program of Alpha Phi sorority. graduated Magna cum tyave announced the birth of cream and beverages will School, of Mr. aijd Mrs. George Cimis Graduate Mr. , Patterson is a laude from the College of their second child, a son, ' be sold. There also will be a oif 42 Lenhome Dr., will Business, Newark. He is a graduate of Cherry Hill Jay J. Hoffacker, son of David Paul, on May 26. The ' home-baked goods sale and Liberal Arts, of Boston graduate with high homors member of Orriicron Delta High School West, Class of (Mass.) University "in Mr. and Mrs.-. Albert J. new baby joins a brbther, Epsilon, honorary economic helium-billed balloons will ^from Rutgers University, 1966, and of Rutgers College, Mrs. James Alan Patterson -.' commencement exercises Hoffacker of 201 Oak "Lane ,Steven, 3 years old. sold. Newark', \n commencement society, and of. Phi Bet Class of 1970. He attends has been.; named to the held there on Sunday. Schneider is the former Kappa, national scholastic Mr. and Mrs, Robertv exercises Jto be held there L -Gordon-Conwell-Theological__OnEriday-^=ievening dean's list for the springMiss^^Cory^ Friedman, honorary: ~~ MacDonald are"^~co tomorrow. He .will receive semester at North Carolina Sehiinary, Hamilton,-Mass., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. chairmen. Committee preceding graduation she State the Mr. Cimis was a dean's and is a member of Phi Beta the Wall Wall Street Journal University. was initiated into Epsilon MartinFroidmanoflist student, vice-president Kappa,.national scholastic Award for Mountainside, formerly of Maurice Bak^r, Rev. andChapter of Phi Beta Kappa, where he vcompleted^" his of Bet Sigma, Rho Rrater- honorary, and of Pi Sigma cellence today. ^. s c h o l a s t i c sophomore year in the Cranford. The paternal Mrs. Paul Letiecq, Mr. and n a t i o n a l An economics major"^ he is nity, IFC -representative, Alpha, national political of , , " Electrical grandmother is Mrs. Mrs. Carl Peterso,n arid Mr. honorary. Miss Braunstein School been gifts", to the garden. Samuel Stein of Lewistoh, and Mrs. Walter-Yost. " enrolled in the M.B.A. member of the American science honor -society. is a graduate of Cranford Engineering. He also was Mr. and Mrs. George R. Chemical Society, research garden Me. Following- a wedding trip McGrath of 5 Tuxedo PL, from individuals, g The publjp is invited to High School where she was awarded a varsity letter in assistant in the p economics o tp, Virginia, the,newlyWeds- Cranford have bqen named: club and m .other attend in - Centennial "ected- a member^pf the swimming,.accumulating 57 dep^ir-tmentarid-alsopar^ ^ i l l m a k * t h e i r 4 i o m ^ i n i l H S f e t izai.ions_jvhb make both annual and. com- Main of Scotch Plains have ticiapted iji IF.C sports- " ; Massachusetts. County R-hododeridrufi memorative contributidnB. announced th& birth pf their '- A1 (graduate -of; -.^, jOrfmmitfe'6 'Siiehich -is af-; Catholic High School He will. filiatedwith the New Jfersey .The"garden is planted and; second son; David William, Chapter of the American maintained by the Union on May 21 at Muhlenberg train as a dental rnechanic Douglas J. Hull, son of Mr. County Park Commission on Hospital, Plainfield. The Rhododendrun Society. and Mrs.Theodore J. Hull of in the Army Reserve during property in the Wat- new baby joins a brother, .This committee has been park 586. L'udlbw Ave., will the summer, -stationed at chung Reservation. - It is Douglas Thomas, 2V2. years set up> to solicit funds to open to -receive a.B.A. degree In the Fort Sam Houston, Tes.,~ the public at all old. Mrs. Main is the former purchase plants, to be " ..., English in commencement base hospjtal. times and without charge. Miss Carolyn Thbden, donated to the' Rhododen- Anyone desiring exercises t o ; be ~ held more in- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dpun Display Garden, tomorrow at Lafayette Join Society has registered her choice formatiotrabout the Display Hamilton Thoden of 291 located near Lake Surprise Garden may contact College, Easton, Pa. either Bloomingdale Ave. The of china, crystal and silver in Mountainside." Mr. and Mr. Hull is a member and & Mrs. McGrath or Mr. paternal grandparents ate Mrs. Everett A. Heim of 3 Mr. served as treasurer of Theta J?6r Journalists Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Main at Martin's of Georgetown. Burchfjeld Ave: are the& Mrs. Heim. Delta Chi Fraternity and Miss Carol Ann Bunck of of Linden. newly-appointed treasurer was a member of the 41 Iroquois Rd. was initiated She has chosen: and secretary. Anyone who Student Council, / t h e - into Sigma Delta Chi, Announcement has been desires to contribute a plant Lenox China Committee of / the professional journalistic made by Mr. and Mrs. as a memorial may do so by Curriculum, varsity track society; at a recent meeting Richard Cprritore of Waterford Crystal .qontactingjpne. of the above teaihi- - a n d servedas of the NeW Jersey chapter at Piscataway- of-the-Jbirth-otnames. president of the^nior class. Holiday Inn, Newark. Silver by Lunt The Cranford-Kenilworth- their third daughter, Kari Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. He will ente/Rutgers Law Miss Bunck, a graduate of Anne, on Mother's Day, May GarWoOd Community Blood Haag, who have been at the School, Camden, in Sep\ Union College and Douglass paid a visit to Cran- 9, at Muhlenberg Hospital, head of this committee since Bank, tember. 7 He is a graduate of \Qollege,. New Brunswick, is last week at the First Plainfield. The new baby Martirjf Jewelers Miss Patricia Ann Sliker the Display 'Garden was ford Roselle Catholic High news .editor of the. Cranford Presbyterian Church. The joins two sisters, Tamara founded 10 years a" go as a Bloodmobile was SchoolT Citizen and Chronicle. V z years old, and of Cranford features: staffed by Lynn, 2 joint project with the Union volunteer workers Laura Lee, 14 months old. of the County Park Commission, Cranford-Kenilworth-Ga- Mrs. Corritore is the former Lenox China will be moving out of the rwood Chapter of the Miss Lorraine von Gerarea. ' The Haags, wjio American Red Cross. Waterford Crystal sdorff, daughter of Mr. and Planning A Summer Vacat reside at 711 High St., are Mrs,. .Ev.erett ^ypnGersdorff Volunteers,, a.ssis.tyng., .\x\well known in rhododendrun' .'> Silver by Lunt4 ^VJ ,, time, to book that exdting J of 133 Hillcrest Ave. circles.for their propagating, cluded: Mrs. Herbert I. Mitchell, ^ yadatiort you've" been'promising yourself. And an outstanding bridal hybridizing of Sherwood K. Sliker of and Mrs. Albert Banscher, Mrs. Come in and check our excellent 'buys4i rhododendrun and to others Schools Plan Roselle, formerly of registry . service, plus the area who B.W. Jones, Mrs. John V. CranfQrd, has announced throughout Starr, Mrs. D.S. Paterson, have visited the Haag's a beautiful free gift MultkSubject the engagement of his gardens in May when they Mrs. John Law, Mrs, daughter, Miss Patricia Ann Andrew E, Voss, Mrs. V.J^ for all registered brides. CRANFORD TRAVEL, INC. 'Aliker, to "Aiwrian l-C have beeri opened to theGrunewalder. ., - . ' Ecology Course Thomas John McSQlla^II, public. Mrs. M.o! Hallenbeck, 4 Alden St. . . 276.7663 Isn't It nice to shop where all brides The late'John Jennings of Mrs.^F.H. Blanding, Mrs., An infer-disciplinary son of Gottfried McSulla oF 115 Roosevelt Ave. and Mrs. Summit created the original R.S. Brescka, Mrs. Roderic approach to environmental have the same choice as solving is being Nyce of Greenbrook. landscape design . for the Jones, Mrs. William 1F\ problem developed by secondary ~J. Ruth the president's daughter? . Miss Sliker is a graduate Display' Garden. Mrs. Gray, J.r.,.Mr.s. !ft. Schalef, staff members of .of Cranford High School and Walter A. Klute, former Mrs. J.P. Sommerville, -school of the Noncy Taylor secretary; Williani S. Mrs. A.J. Wallner, Mrs. J.J. Cranford public schools. Ask about Our Revolving Charge Plan Attending a meeting last Business Institute, Plain- Miller, former, treasurer; Walsh. " Wednesday ^ in the ' " . . * X. Mill | I field. She is employed as a Mrs. Thomas Roy Jones and 300 CENTENNIAL AVE. Mrs. William A. Yuill, curriculum office at Lincoln Mrs. Edward L. Coffey, all. secretary by the consumer (Comer of Elm St.) Miss Dorothea Van Derlyn, School were Mrs. Jane Van products division of the A.O. of this area, were also Mrs. Mamie Cox," Mrs., Vranken, high school home members" of this original Joseph P. JHteiier, Jr., and Smith Corp.. Union. Mrs. Eileen Mrs.. John Kingey^. all offecdnOmics teacher; Richard Mr. McSulla also is a' comjnittee. Poston, science teacher at graduate of Cranford "High Ostrove, the immediate past Cranford. Hillside Avenue Junior High treasurer, will advise the Cranford 27$-6718 12 North Ave., W. School and was g graduated School, and Richard -new-eomm itteer ""Store Hours: R)on thru S5t. a t l with honors from Sheppafcl Other Stores: Westfield & Plainfiold, ^Rosenberg, high school The original goals remain INew Frogram Wod. D to 1; T+iurt. 9 to 9 Air'Force Base, Tefc., where soctal studies teacher. the same-to educate the h.e attenede technical \\ . ttraining- courses for Air general public and promote Director for Y \ their interests in and apForce aircraft engine mechanics. He is stationed preciation for the genus Day Camp rhododendrun in particular at McClellan Air Fore Paul M. Giegerich of 21 and gardening in general. Base, Sacramento, Calit To this 'end the committee PershingAve., Cranford, an not only raises funds. to elementary teacher in the purchase plants that are Elizabeth school system, Receives B.A. added to the garden each has been narned program Miss Linda Vail, daughter spring, but also helps to lay director of the' Westfield PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vail out future planting . areas YMCA's Day Camp Mjnof 20 Hillside PL, was and attempts to develqpe dowaskin. -frorrr new Day'Camp MindoWaiSklrrt" techniques for Kentucky Wesleyan College, providing information to serves Cranford" Garwood Complete Line Of Pet Supplies Owensboro, Ky., with"a B.A. park visitors. and Mountainside as well as degree in health and Dog Accessories Over 300 hybrid varieties Westfield. physical education. She was and species of rhododendrun A graduate of Seton Hall president of Kappa , Kelta have been placed inMJie ' T E L E P H O N E : 272-7527 Sorority and did - her Display Garden. They come University, Mr. Giegerich St. John's practice teaching at Apollo into bloom in mid-April, attended Opn Tua. Hiru Sal. 9 to 6 - Thur*. 9 lo 9 - Cloied Mow. Junior High School, reach their peak in mid-May University and hag had many years experience in day PARKING I N REAR OF BUILDING Owensboro. with a few varieties carmo work. He has served ^*J^J*J~ blooming well into,June. as camp counselor and Many-of the plants have swimming instructor at Delbarton Day Camp as senior counselor and bus Awarded A. A. driver at Day Camp Minoi . Miss - J o y c e Reade, dowaskin. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Swimming instruction, From our poolside, seaside E. Reade of 1 1 Franklin boating, hiking and fishing ,Ave., was granted an are among the activities collection of swimsuIt'S . . . "associate'of arts degree in offered at the 2,000-acre bikinis, one piece and two piece commencement exercises Watchung Reservation 49 N. 20thSt. in Kenilworth held on May- i at Shenan- Campsite for the Day varieties plus smashing (One Block in off t tie Boulevard) doah College and ConCampers, who range in age cover-ups!... in misses and junior sizes servatory of Music. from 6 to 12. ALL DAY FRIDAY JU NE 4th TILL 9 PM SATURDAY JUNE 5th TILL 6 PM

Miss Donna ^[. DunikosM Student

SenoskMVeumark Betrotlial
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nuemark of 1590 Springfield Ave. have cmriounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Christine -EvelynNeumark.toMichael J. Senoski, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael, J. Senoski of Billerica, Mass. Miss Neumark is a'


Strawberry Festival Set

Rhododendrun Committee Headed by LocaTUfficers

Tricia Nixon

Blood Bank Staff Told,

Miss Sliker, Ex-Resident Is Engaged




The Cloth<3S Closet


Our hour* are the game.


A Camp for Boys: 7-13 A Camp for Girls: 7-13
Providing fine ndventure and responsible leadersliip for campers from IS states, England^iud Holland. Realistic tuition for fdur or eight we*ek periods. ' v ,



gracious dining


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Jonathan Logan Ellen Tracy Wilroy & Many Others


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Froo Cuilomor ParLinfi in our lot at 13? EKior Sifimi

, ;








-- v.' -


Thursday, June i, 197 V.

Thursday, June 3, 1971


Page 9"

EC, McMahon Dies Day After DeatK of Brother

Edward C. McMahon, ettredpuW if her_ ofthe_ Cranford Citizen and Chronicle and an employe of the newspaper for more than 55 years, died suddenly of an apparent heart~attaok late Tuesday afternoon at his home, 20 Parker Ave. With Mrs. McMahon, he had returned from Royal Oak, Md. earlier in th&x afternoon where he had observed his 92nd birthday Friday at the-home of their.v son and daughter-in-law,' Dr. Ernest E. McMahon, retired dean of university extension division, and director of the Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers 'University,... and . Mrs. McMahon. > . Mr. McMahon began his long newspaper career as a carrier boy "In ' 1893, distributing initial issues of the Cranford Chroniclewhich was then printed in New YorkdGity. About four years later Mr. McMahon decided to enter tfie printing business and became a printer's "devil on The Chronicle. The staff of the four-page Chronicle at that .publisher, printer,and: Mr.. McMahon. The'-Tiewspaper was all set by hand arid printed on a hand operated press. He subsequently became foreman of The Chronicle print shop and in 1-921 Drought the owners of The Chronicle and The Citizen, which hasbeen founded in 1898, together to form the present Cranford Citizen and Chronicle. A short time. later he became foreman of the print shop of the combined newspapers. Mr. McMahon was named -business _manager_Qf_Jhe_ newspaper ' in 1934 " and served as publisher from 1939 until his retirement in 1952. A native of Cranford, he resided in Elizabeth for several years, returning to ^Cranford in 1941. He participated in almost every community event during the past three quarters of a century. An ardent Republican, he served severaik terms as GOP
" ', ' J * . """1*

Cprfimunity Service Project St. Michael's Priest Feted tenans Planned by By Rosairs
For the second summer, perientiaY 15ackground, hurch provide The Rosairs of St." the division of children and improved self-image, closer assistance to the teachers Church were youth of Hie First teacher-pupil and peer-peer" and specialists in various I , hostesses at a breakfast Presbyterian Church is relationships, activities. Tuesday morning a t ' the sponsoring a Community The school, which The students will be home of Mrs. John O'Brien," Service Project, which is an conducted from 9 a.m. to brought to the school in 705 Linden PI., in outgrowth of the -Project noon Monday through. buses--which Will follow a celebration of Rev. Joseph Uplift formerly conducted Fridafy. for two weeks route encompassing the V. Derbyshire's 25th an-by the Cranford Public beginning on" August 2, will township's elementary niversary as a priest. .Schools. ^directed by Mrs. George schools. Buses will also be Enrollment blanks are W. Chaseof 31 Henley Ave. used. to transport the Father Derbyshire, being sent out by teacher and Rev. Paul Letiecq. The youngsters to the two field assistant pastor of St. ecomrrtendation to those staffT which will consist of ^rips which are planned for Michael's, was ordained on pupils who have completed professional teachers, will each week and which will June 15,1946 in St. Patrick's first or second grades and also include ajpsychologist, serve as bases for the Cathedral, Newark. He was would prof it by ~r ein - and n<3ac, art, and physical development r^of "1 further presented with'.a ,_silver. forcement in several areas educaHHk s specialists.\ In learnings and concepts. . plaque. including ^ communication ^ l X j p from The committee which is Rosairs > attending were and lisfenihg skills, ex- the Youth F e u W h i p of the formulating plans for this

Edward C. McMahoh

municipal chairman and had been a director of the Cranford Republican Club, He served, as disaster chairman of Cranford . Chapter,American- RedCross, for many years and .rhfjr_iinriri_r,iyg.ojr_ the y
American Heart Society. He is a past president of the Cranford Lions Club and Honorary Branch of Cranford Local, 52, PBA; a past high chief rajiger of the Irrdependent Order, - of foresters, a, forirter - yicepr6sident of "the Printers' State League, and served as co-chairman of the mechanical committee of the New Jersey Press Association. He was one of the oldest members of Plainfield (now Dujielleft) Typographical- Union, in which he was a member for more than ! 5 0 years, . Long active in athletic circles, Mr. McMahon was widely known as a baseball player. He also was an ardent bowling enthusiast and "was a' long time member of theCranford Bowling League. Mr. and Mrs. McMahon celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary last July. -Surviving in addition to Mrs. McMahon, the former Edith Dunn, and their son-, Dr. McMahon, are a granddaughter, Mrs. Audrey W. Stahl and two great grandsons, Brian and Roger Stahl of Staten Island, N.Y..

asB1! requiem-willJje celebrated in St. MichaeHs. Church today for James H. McMahon, 89 of 115 Retford Av'e., who died Monday in Muhlenberg. Hospital, Plainfield, after a long illness. He was the husband of the late Mrs., Helen Madden McMahon. His older brother, Edward C. McMahon, 92, died Tuesday. Born in Bayonne, the younger Mr: McMahon was brought to Cranford when he was iwo weeks old:. He CREATIVE ART EVENT France Lieber, newly-elected retired 25 years ago after president of the Cranford Creative Art Group, at lefti Is operating a retail grocery shown receiving the gavelof. office from Etta AAinetti, store on N. Union Ave. for 25 outgoing president. Others elected to the executive board years. He was a founder of are: Rose Marie Gatto, vice-president; Sophie AAlranti, the Cranford Businessmen's treasurer; Luigina Monti, assistant treasurer; Ann Stratton, recording secretary, and Elaine Pascal, ..Association, a forer-unner of corresponding secretary. France' Lieber has served the the Cranford C a m b e r of CCAG since 1958 in many chairmanship's and on executive Commerce.. and advisory boards. Her award-winning art is exhibited iri A membeN^f the New numberous galleries and1 has been accepted in state and Jersey Exempt Foremen's national juried shows. ' Association; Mr. McMahon was^.president of-^theCranford Firemen's Relief. Association for many years
He also was" a trustee of St. Michael's Church for more than 60years,-a life member" of its Holy Name Society and a member of the SJ. Vincent de Paul Society and the Granford Historical Society> ^ . ' (SurViving are two grandsons, Dr. James J. Daubert, a physician, and Jon M. Daubert, both of Cranford, and Six greatgrandchildren. The funerat will be lat Q: 15 a.m. today from theDooley Funeral Home, 218 North Ave., W., and interment will be ih St. Mary's Cemetery, Plainfield,. . | mass

ue Talten Over b y Orioles

ion Leaders Defeated 1>y Abbey

On Europe Bicycle Tour With Wdndering Wheels

Paul King, son of Mr. and usgally makes a cross

George Kernan, Sr,, Father of Policeman

KENILWORTH A'high mass of requiem was celebrated yesterday ih St. Theresa's Churoh._^for_ George F. Kernan, Sr^-, 74, of 30 N. Seventh St., who died>

Dies at 74

summer program consists Mrs. Joseph Burd, Mrs. of Howard Milius, chairman Theodore -Chamberlain, of the division of children Mrs. Eugene Dohn, Mrs. and youth; Rev. M. Letiecq, James Donovan, Mrs. youth minister; Miss Grace Raymond Eilbacher, Mrs. Kingsburg, former school Victor Gatto, Mrs: Robert director; George Zobal, Kiley, Mrs. Joseph Leahy, Mr. Kernan was a former session representative, and Mrs. Charles Lyons, Mrs. member of the Board of Mrs. Dorothy- Gross, Edward Obie, Mrs. Edward Health, the Kenilworth chairman. Schmidt, Mrs. John Pfanne Senior-Citizens and -was_an-and-Mrs.^JohnJWrhel, adtive member of the Kenilworth Democratic
World War I.

Mrs. Shallcross "

KENILWOfkTH Fimeral services were held. Tuesday at Gray Merrioriar Funeral Home, 12 Springfield Ave.,- for Mrs. Olive Harnett Shallcross, 74, of 434 N. 15th St... who died Friday in Alexian Brothers Hospital, Elizabeth, where she had been a patient several weeks. A native of Oldham, Lancashire, Mrs. Shallcross came to the United States 45 years ago, settling, in Kenilworth. She was a member of Community United Methodist Church. The widow of William Shallcross, she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Joan Rilloof Kenilworth and Mrs. Minerva Fronhofer~"oT Argyle, N.Y.; a son, Robert, of Bernardsville, 21 grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Surviving also is a brother, Harold in England.

'' '


Sunday June 6 PROGRAM NO. 23
Listen this Sunday to the "Christian Science Radio Series for some interesting insights on this ^question. It's on many New Jersey stations, including: ' 6:45 8:15 9:45 7:00 A . M . - VtfNEW A . M . - WERA A . M . - WVNJ - ' A . M . - * WMTR 11306c. 159Okc. 620kc. 1250kc.

Girl Scouts
' GAUWOOD-Sixty peopleattended a Court of-Awards held for Girl Scout Troop 551 in the educational building of St. Paul's United Church of Christ, last Thursday night.. ' , . .Receiving badges for requirements completed during the year were the following girls: , Lori Beyerl, Phyllis DiBattista, Denise DeBeau, Jill HasJiagen, Tracy T T S P i k k Susan Severage, Michele E v a n s / -Peggy Black, Suzanne Eriksen. Denise ScaneUi, Linda dblachinski, Lisa Alimonti, Sharleen Ayres,- Carol Bober, Robin Mills, Debbie Liquore and Angela Vlaho'giannis.

Mrs. Cruiksharik Appointment For Reynolds

Mrs. Julia M.^ruikshank died Tuesday at Island Terrace Nursing Home, Lakeville, Mass. Memorial services wTQ" be held Monday at 10 a.m. in St. Gabriel's Church, Marion,

(i'lrtit Kunilitv of Kiu-W .Month)



-SERVICES"' SUNDAY:. 10:45 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. WED. 7:45 P.My

A former resident of Cranford for many years, Mrs. Cruikshank taught as a substitute teacher in the elementary schopls. She was affiliated with the Cranford Garden Club ari'd a member of Trinity Episcopal Church. Survivers are a daughter, Mrs'. Holmes ' Dyer of Marion,. Mass., several grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.

Church Picnic/
Osceola*", Presbyterian Church will hold a church family picnic at 11 -a.m. Saturday in Nomahegan Park."
Tl'iu CltUun'wnd Chronicle wulcomoi Lottors to tho Editor. All lottors must contain thu slflnoturo uncl udctroos pf tho wrkr.




FUNERAL DIRECTORS FRED H. GRAY J R . President and General Manager DAVID B.CRABIEL Executive VicC'Prcsident C. FREDERICK POPPY Vice-President W E S T F I E L D : 3 l F.ust Broad St., William. A. Doyle, m a n a g e r C R A W F O R D : 12 Springfield Ave., Fred II. G r a y , Jr.,- m a n a g e r 233-0143 276-0092

John M. Tyne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius F. Tyne of 25 S. 24th St., Kenilworth, has been promoted to firfet lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. Lt. Tyne, a communications electronics officer, is assigned to a unit of the Air Force Communications Service^ at Grand Forks AFB, N,D. A 1965 graduate of Roselle Catholic High School, he received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering in 1969 from Newark College of Engineering and was commissioned there through the Reserve Officers Training Corps program. He is a member of I GIFT FOR SCHOOLSVincent'F. Sarnowski, superin- Tau Epsilon Phi. Marine S g t Peter' Ml tendent of schools, examines bool^sr) presented to ^he elementary scnoojs by Mrs. William'Grunstein (left) and Bertolotti, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baron on behalf of the Anti-Defamation League Mrs. Peter P. Bertolotti of 5 committee of Kadjmah Chapter, B'nai B'rith Women. The Ivy St., has. reported for books stress the league's interest in brotherhood and love of duty at the Marine Corps country. Titles and authors are: '^A Land Full of Freedom," Supply Center, Albany, Ga. Sunny Eskie; "The Rabblt'Brothers,'' Robert Kraus, and Airman Fred L. Roode, the "The World-'of Wonderful. Difference," Hans son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Guggenheim. Similar sets of books are being presented to Roode of 1 . Cedar St., St. Michael's School arid to the public and parochial schools has been graduated at in Kenilworth, Garwoo^Clark and Roselle'Park. . JSheppard AFB, Tex., from the . technical training course for U.S. Air Force helicopter mechanics. Airman Roode, who was Mr. Reynolds also is a . Robert R. Reynolds, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. member of the First trained to inspect- and Reynolds O f 711 Tulip St., Presbyterian Church where perform maintenance on is being has - received, an ap- he is moderator ' of the helicopters j assignedto-TyndallAE f-nrrtf-Senior I ligh -Fellowships h t t Fla., for duty with a unit of. Congres&wojpan Florence the Aerospace Rescue and P. Dwyer to the United Recovery Service. The States MilitaryAcademjratairman is a 1970 graduate of West Point, N. Y., and wU Thomas Jefferson High report there on July 1 to " The Cran-Kenil Choir has School, Elizabeth. begin his plebe year. been invited by the AME Navy Lt. ^junior grade) He will graduate from Cranford High School on New Jersey annual con- John C. Everett, husband of June 22. An honor roll ference committee to the former Miss Jacinta in "Youth Smolinski of 54 Pembrook student, he will be accepted participate v Nfght ' tomorrow at Atlantic Drive, Kenilworth, has as a member of the National completed basic jet flight ity High School. Honor Society on Tuesday. The choir, organized four training with Training He is vice-president of the student council and received, years ago, is composed of Squadron Four at the Naval a letter in football, playing youth from the Cranford, Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. quarterback on the varsity Kenilworth a r e a - . l t is Fla. He is a 1969 graduate of directed by Mrs. Harriett the U.S. Naval Academy. team. x L_. Marine Pfc. William A. Maney and supervised by Chatfield, son of Mrs1. Anne Mrs. Bernice Mason. Chatfield of 51.-South Union Ave., recently was graduated from a threeweek Intelligence Assistant Charles E. Angelbeck of Course at the Landing Force 35 Park Ave. recently was Training Command, promoted fctom perVirginia K > . Meyer, formance supervisor to senior at Cranford High Pacific, Naval Amphibious operating engineer at the School, has been selected as Base, Coronado, Calif. Linden station of the electric an alternate in' the 197 Marine Capt. Charles L. generation department of poetry seminar to be held Sizer, son of Mrs. Charles Public Service Electric and this summer at Carthage Sizer of 33 Tulio- St., and Gas Co. husband of Mrs. Susan F/ College, Kenosha, Wis. Mr. Angelbeck started She submitted threi Sizer of 488 South Ave., E., with Public Service! in 1954 poems, "for love," "thi was promoted to his present as a cadet engineer and time ran with pegasus" ani rank 'while serving at "worked at the Burlington, "people." Marine Corps Air Station Sowa/en and Essex stations Her teacher is Mrs New River, Jacksonville, prior to being made per- Frances Witherington. N.C. formance supervisor at Linden in 1968. He received his mechanical engineering degree from Newark College of Engineering.

was celebrated Tuesday in the Church of St. Anne by Rev. Michael R. Mascenik,. assistant pastor^ *-for -Mrs. Anna M, KonQpack,74l of 451^ Fourth Ave., jvhti died.^ Friday at home of an apparent heart " attack. She was the widow of Edward J. Konopack. Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pa'., she lived here the past 41 years. She was a communicant of St! Anne's Church, a member of its Rosary Society . and a. member of the Hudson

GARWOOD of requiem


Camp 7882, Royal Neighbors General Hospital, Uflion, of America, Jersey City. after a, brief illness. He was Surviving are two sons, the husband of the late Mrs. Francis R. of Cranford and Bertha Wolf Kernan. Edward J; Jr., of Garwood; Born, in Orange, Mr. ; i ^, TMrsT^-Mary-fKernat movjngr, " t o lN[mes,,and Mrs. Katjierine before,,. Wils6n,'bo'th of "Jersey Cityr Kenilworth 43 years ago.'Hethree brothecs, John, formerly was employed Thomas and George many years as'a trucker by Faleska, all of Jersey City, the Volco Brass and Copper. four grandchildren apd two Co. and had worked the past great-grandchildren. 10 years as a bartender at Interment was in St.. the Sycamore Tavern, Gertrude Cemetery, Kenilworth. Woodbridge. The funeral was from ' the Dooley Colonial Funeral Home,' Westfield. .

Sickert Earns Theology Degree

Surviving are a son, Police Sgt. George Kernan, Jr., of ^Kenilworth; three daughter^. Mrs, .Myrtle Wnki of\^Mouritainside, \ ^ , tB W l of f Dof otBy, Wrley, Neptune and Mrs. Florence

News of Our Servicemen

Choir Selected For AME Event

Frederick Sickert, son of Retford/Cherry TVlr. and Mrs. Otto Sickert of 14 Greaves PI. was awarded' SUNDAY; ~ j , ^master of theologsrdegtee^T30-jortr~Biblc-Scboolin pastoral counselling last, 10:4SjLiTj'. Worship Service week : frotti" 3 Princeton = > ^:00 p.fn." Tccri Activities -Theological Seminary. \ 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Neville of EdisojiiabrotheC j - A graduate of Cranford Francis Kernan of Brick High School and. Wagner WEDNESDAY: Town; 10 grandchildren and College, Staten Island, he '7:45 p.m. Prayer Meeting eight great-grandchildren. also received a master of Interment was* . in divinity degree in 1970 from OTHER ACTIVITIES: Rosedale Cemetery, Linden. the Lutheran . School of Women's Missionary Fellowship Theology, Chicago. He is rHome Bible Studies ^ married to the former Janet Pioneer,.Girls - Teen Time Chilstrom of Litchfield, The "Unseen" Coffee House Robert I. Dubin, son of Minn. They have a yearold Mr. and Mrs. Milton. Dubin daughter, Heidi Jo. of 20 Lenox Ave., has been promoted to airman first class in the U.S. Air Force. Airman Dubin, an administrative speciajistris on duty at Dyess AFB, Tex. He is: in a unit of the Tactical Aii' - Command, which provides combat units for air, support of U.S. ground forces. The airman is a 1969 graduate of CranfordTHigh S h l " Army Pvt. Richard L. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Wood of 219 N.^lOth St., Kenilworth, recently completed a 14Jweefc6fice station radio equipment operation and maintenance course at the U.S. Army Signal Center and School .at Something more,than human love. Fort Monmouth. Dpnald P. Heller, son of It takes a more spiritual Jook at yourself and the Mrs. Edith E. Heller of 15 other fellow. An understanding that you both have Roger Ave., recently was the same Father-Mother, God. , promoted to Army sergeant fii;st class while serving It takes realizing that no man is your enemyp with the Staff and Faculty Battalion at Fort Sill, Okla. Your real enemy is evil - hate, envy, irritation, Sgt. Heller is an instructor revenge. When these are overcome .you find you with the battalion's Battery have no enemy. . D. First Lt. Leonard K. Children enjfty the relevance-of spiritually-base^ Dunikoski,- Jr.,. whose thinking like this. They're always welcome at our parents live at 366. Lincoln Sunday School. Ave., E., recently was named honor graduate of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL the" chemical officer basic course at the U.S.' Army Chemical ; Center, Fort McClellan, Ala. The nine11 A.M.SUNDAY week course prepares newly-commissioned off- FIRST CHURCH. t>F CHRIST, SCIENTIST icers &>r duty in chemical units at platoon through MILN ST., CRANFORD, NJ. command levels. Lt Dunikoski is a 1962 graduate of Cranford High SchooJ



~and~John~~Benderr~singles -Mrs-E^F-urman-King-of-13- eountr-y~trip-in-the-United-ciftack. Rodger Helwig was ( don bied~Tom~Greenlaw7~ Orioles took sole position of the big hitter for the Orioles" Vince Gower and-Jeff Klien Glen Zuhl of the Seals hit a Marsh St., a former let- States, This summer they terman in foothall apH tr^flf -Aw]l-wde-4hroughHBelgiur TA\ got singles for tho Indi ~firsl place in the American with thret! hits ay's.-Shell foams atCranford High School, left France, Germany, Switplayed no favorites as they League this week, winning Harrington, Arthur and win. Mark Irwin was the The Chiefs also beat the beat the American Legion VFW Cojts, 7-2. Dan by^plane yesterday with a zerland, Italy, Jugoslavia, two of their three games. Nichols also hit for the winning pitcher for the Red Sox with a home run and Chiefs, 15-10, and the Hullerman was the. winning group of 45 students from Hungary; Austria and the The birds defeated the Birds. Cranford Lion's Club Blues, pitcher, with Bob McMahon Taylor University, Upland, Netherlands. They will Kohler-MacBean Dodgers The Senators won a close single. Lou Korngut, Joh 22-13. ' and the Albert H. Antoine one over the Robbins and Papp, Jeff Jacobs, Don losing. Paul Clausen hit a Ind., to tour Europe on return to the United States on July 14. Tigers but lost to a hot Allison Phillies of the Skrdlant and Bob Murphy Jim Sheehan was. the single arid a triple for the bicycles. Paul has completed his Sportsman's Shop Senator National. League by the all contributed to the Sox winner iri;the game with the Chiefs; Curt Jester, a "Because Wandering score of 7-6. John Barbour attack. team. ~ ; Chiefs, striking out five. Bill double; Ray Forte, a single sophomore year at Taylor, Wheels represents a The Medics Athletics also The O's swamped the was the winning pitcher and Pawlick drove in four runsk_ and double; Chuck where he lettered" in football significant international Dodgers, 18-3, behind 12 hits was also the top Senator won two games- this week, with a_ double and three Stevens and Kurt Ullom,. and track, placing second in youth event," a spokesmanx and the One-hit pitching of hitter wjth two doubles and their first win was over the singles and Bill McKinney singles. Bruce Correnti and javelin in the Hoosier for the group said, "New Terry Moran; Moran struck 4 single. Carl Munkel Cranford Kiwanis Giants, 5hit a .bases-loaded triple. Dean Ellis, both of the Colts, Conference. He is a member York officials, -Taylor of. the Cranford Alliance University representatives^ out six . Dodgers and only knocked . out two singles 2. Charlie Marcino goLthe Sheehan wdr Pat Green hit singles. Church.-' and members of the press gavedip one hit, a single by while Dino Albanese add win while Don Wojciak took each had a double, and Rich The <Marlins increased The cycling group, known were on hand to greet the Rieder who also took the Bobby. Goodman each the loss. Gary Lozier singled McKinney and.. Joo loss forthe Dodgers. Rodger collected a single. Forrestal twice wiiite. Marcino tripled, Christiano a single each. their record to 12-2 as they as the Wandering Wheels, riders on their departure froimKennedy Airport. Helwig, Greg Hartnett, took the loss and also and Jim MeKenzie and Tim Ken Hopper was the losing defeated the K of C Council "The group will- hold Terry Moran and Dan singled. Jackson>and Sabora EaFbrge_. doubled^ Pete" pitcher, with Forte and 6776 Angels, -23-10. Bruce and ' Dan promotional services Arthur air got two hits iof each tripled while Hopkins Dkrdlant Klein relieving'. " Paul Bishop won hjis sixth game evenings, demonstrating, the birds while Paul Rinaldi, & Colineri also got hits for McCarthy each got a hit for Clausen had three hits and in relief, for the Marlins. , -, the &%. Mike Mason and that a deep;: rejigious exJim Harrington, Rich the Phils. three rbi's, and Forte, The Marlins overpowering perience can satisfy the .. Nichols,and Steve Eckler all Cermak; Stevens, Hopper offense was led by Andy The Senators stoppled the Kevhr Owens each got two LONG AND SHORT OF IT-Shown are the co-captalns for and Jester connected for the HoffmahV who hit two quest for peace and love for got hits. Builders General Yankees, hits for. the Giants. the youth of today." , The Athletics knocked the next season of the basketball team of Junlata Colleger Chiefs. The Orioles slipped by the 6-3, behind* the pitching of . doubles and a triple. Mike Cranford High School's Reel-Strong White Sox out of Huntingdon, Pa. They are, left to right: Tom Rinaldi of Tigers, 7-6, with six runs in Dino Albanese who struck The Fire Department LaForge, Kevin. Quinn and and Tom Griffin of AAeadvllle, Pa;. Rinaldi, a Marlins increased their Joe Serzan had two singles tfack team finished seventh the last two innings. Greg out nine Yankees. Arthur first place with an 11-3 Cranford junior, averaged-betterithanJ5_p_olnts> per^game last year each for the Marlins, Also out Of 18 teams in the Union whipping. Tim LaForge won. Hartnett got the win with-10 Walch-and-Bobby Goodman, for Juniata and was named most valuable player. A 1969 record to defeating strikeouts. He also got three led the team with two-hits~ it for the A's with seven graduate 6f Cranford High School, where he lettered In the the Cranford Sports Center hitting were Jqhn Esposito County Meet recently. and.Bruce Bishop, doubles, Mike Roche won the twohits including the game each and also were murder strikeouts while Dave sport porter C.fach RIM Martin, he Is the son of AAr. and Beavers, 12-2, Wednesday rqr-p as hp rwrrpirprl his pitching- -andBob-^SpeecancLJBichwrnMing^oubie in the~iast~ -on rufiners"; trying to steal g^ way -Mrs. Peter RInaldl of 100 Veronica Ave. . . Hi'uiinllnK'r;in-er In Sabalot, singles. Dan Burke own school record with a 9his first grime of the year, inning. Jim Harrington second base. Dino Albanese Sox; whije striking out five. purniaiu-til hair run'mval. struck out six on his way to and Tom Lenk each had 31.7 time, fifth, fastest intthe added two hits to the Bird tripled, Carl Munkel and LaForge and Charlie Aju1 n < > barrier. three hits for the Angels. state. Hoolkb took second in victory. attack while Terry Moran Tim Scheletich singled for Marcino led. the ' Athletic " l-'ull or part lime. May or Kvi-. -Men,, W'ornmi. the pole vault and refurnihg and Rodger Helwig doubled the other Senator hits. Gary; hitters with three hits each. The Marlins continued The Marlins^thert went to Larry Pierce finished third dime, write nr phone for and Tom 'Serzan singled. Thill.took the loss forjhfe Pat Garrett vsmacked out a FIIEB BOOKLET K. their attack again by. Joe 13-2 as they defeated the iri^the^oMtaiurdles.'_J___' Serzanvrwho-had two-singles ^taTs7n2=2;^ohn~ESiiosito~ iefean"Yanks 7 ; i '/ELECTROLYSIS May 25*th>e team ended'its contributed a double to the" A struck oflt eight dnd added *a' Dave C W an X ,*md a double. Also hitting won his fourth game of-the j single to* his own cause. jgot the only Yankee hits. attack. Bill Dbheny, fand ? "'The long arid th'e^iprt' of and therefore-were a logical" for the Marlins were Jeff- year. The Marlins1, offense duaKnjJeet season at 6-3 'as^ 152 W.42-5t., NT10QX6- (212) 2794210, WORLD'S FAMOUS TRAINING CENTER they beat Clar.k, 68-63-. Other Tiger hits , were by The Senators with good Pete Skrdlant qnd Dan jt...." That's the way choice. Thompson, Mike .LaForge He observed that Rinaldi and Bill Higgins, with was led by Gary Newhard, Neil Shuttner two and team play now have a Tive- McCarthy all contributed Basketball Coach Jack who, hit three times, inhits to the A's win, as did Swinderman of Juniata Was the team's leading doubles, and Ken Avery, two cluding a double. Bruce Dennis Stratton one. game winning streak. THE The Qrioles lost to ; .the The Indians won two Dave Thompson and Bob College, Huntingdon, Pa., rebounder and second in singles, and Gary Newhard, Bishop and Ken Avery had jSenators, 11-8, in a close games this week, their first Willoughby, Dave Lipari, sees his second season at the scoring and was the only, Andy Hoffman .and. Bob three singles apiece; Mike FAMILY TREE game. Steve Madotiia was ~win was. over the Dodgers, Geoff Walters, Ron Cunha Indian hardwood helm, and underclass starter last Speelr,. singles. Bob Vicci LaForge, a double and a season. It was also his first had two hits for the Beavers. triple; Andy Hoffman, a the winning pitcher while 10-7. Jeff Klein-an4 Jim and Mike Lynch got the only he has two good reasons for SERVICE full season at the pivot spot. it. .. ' s Jim Harrington took- the Murphy combined for^ the. Sox hits. The Rams evened their single, Joe Serzan, two Tree Surgery Pruning loss. The Senators ac- Indian win, while Reider. The White Sox defeated "' The reasons are -the co- "We're expecting some slug-fest series with the singles; John Esposito a .Removal Stump Removal big things of him in the next captains he has appointed cumulated 15 hits, three took the Joss for the> the Indians, 7-2,jbehind the Blues at 1-1 with the Rams single and a triple. -Tom Spraying " Feeding. two years," Swinderman each by Bobby Goodman Dodgers. Charlie Williams pitching of Mike Lynch who for next season: Six-foot-six taking a lead in runs scored. Paterno, JaeV Hoffecker declared. junior Tom Rinaldi of and John Barbour and two and MikeTfownfey each got a struck out feix batters. Mike Pat Green was the winner and Bob Jordan had the Free Estimates - Fully Insured each by Dino Albanese and double and single while Jim Lynch tripled and Dave Cranford and five-foot-eight on an eight-hitter with four Stars' three hits. senior Tom Griffin, of Arthur Walsh. Munkel, Murphy pounded out .two Lipari doubled for the Sox. K's.Pawlickhadfour rbi on 755-2167 V Helinski, "Paul Meadville, Pa. The VFW Colts-beat the Madonia, Blumenfield, doubles for the Indians. Dave two hits-, Green, three rbi on Rinaldi, a center who Mulvaney and Schetelich all Other Indians hits were by Halligan, Chuck Scaturo two hits; Dick Wallner, Rotary Club Bears, 8-6. averaged 15.4 points per and Bill JRoss alLsingled for Jhree rbi on one hit and, a Mark Beinkowski was the -added-hits^-to- the-Senator- -MarkSwetman.-Fitzgibbonsbases-loaded walk, and winning pitcher,,, and Tim and Gower, Del Sandro arid tfie Sox. Jim Murphy led the game in the 1970r7r"cam-: Sheehan, two rbi on a hit and Fitzgibbon pitched for the Welcoma Soring O'Leary led the Dodgers in Indians in hitting with a paign, was recently-chosen THE little STORE hitting with two-.hits each. double and single while Tom by his teammates as most The following boys have a sacrifice. Bill McKinney, Bears. Armand Correnti hit . with tho B I G G E S T Bargains In their other win the Greenlaw; Jeff- Jlien and valuable player of t h e . been voted to the 1971Rich McKinney Kamin, & double and a single which DOES IT AGAIN!!! Packing Engineering Ron Marotta followed wjth a season. Griffin is notorious Hational League All-star Schwalbach and Christiano drove in three runs, and Tim Lies singled for the Colts. Indians nipped the Rankin single each. Swetman took as the quickest man on the roster. This team will op- also hit for the Rams. team, a playmaker, and an pose the American League Di Lorenzo was the loser Tim Fitzgibbon and Dan fFuel Red Sox, 8-7. Charlie the loss for the Indians. excellent ball handler. 1113 Williams got the win and he The Tigers slipped by the All-star team on Sunday, but contributed a triple, two LeRose each doubled for the struck out four batters, Lou American Legion Cardinals, - Swinderman said he felt June 13, at 2 p.m. at the singles, four runs and three Bears; Mike Scfiaeffer, RARITAN rbi to his team's attack. Gary Fingerman, Paul Saur Korngut took the loss fpr'the 7-6. Tom" Donahue won his that both young rfien possess Patrick J. Grail Field. ROAD Tim Moran each SOCK., Charlie .Williams and first game and also added sufficient leadership ability, Players selected include: Alan Jacobs had three and CLARK Mike;JPowney.: again led the, two singles, to the Tigers, Pirates, Brian Bradford, singles, Okum a single, and singled. j attack. Dennis Stratton also George a two-rbi double for Indian hitters with two hits Ray Eilbacher, Chris 382-5104 Team standings: ntSjfood, Drink ftFup Morris, Rickey Newcombe the Blues. POINT KEASANT BEACH, N J each while Mark SwetmarT got two singles while Ray^ Master Charge DIVISION A ( Tiiwi^no and J i m Murphy each Callahan also singled. Glen The .a Cranford Sports and Robert Osolin; Braves, W Bank Ame>"icard L McMahon took the loss for Jim Carsey. and' Charles Center Beavers defeated the 13 Marlins 2 11 2 Bluos the Cards and also got a Fowler; Phillies, Mike A. Spindler&Sons Stars, 8-3. 8 5 Angola single. Eric Tarver led the 7. Forrestal and Johnny Ed Stobierski was the 7 Colts 10 3 Soals Card hitters with two hits winning pitcher, with two Grice; Cubs, Billy Thompwhile Benner, Corba and - DIVISION B Stelzer's Twins defeated son and Joe Bountempo; home runs. DaveTruesdale W Erickson all singled. 10 3 DelleDonne's Mets, 19-8, in Dodgers,, Bobby Stokas, was the losing pitcher. Dave Chlofs Heins got two hits for the 7 Boars 6 W L Glen Baldwin and Bobby last Wednesday's game. The - We Delivery* We Service i W e S e l l * 3 Orloloi* 10 2 Rams 9 Stars, ' Delsandro; Reds, Dean 3 9 Beavors 10 White Sox winning pitcher was George 3 1 Open 9 to 9 Five Days 4 Stars 12 8 The American Legion Athlotlci Forrester, who was relieved Roberts and Ray Gribble;' 5 7 > Senators ' Chiefs defeated the GoldCards, Jim Hardman and 6 Tlgor , 6 by John Gorgoll. Mark Egan 8 Indlant 4. had an outstanding nightr Tim Brunton; Giants, berg Men's Shop Seals, 13-2. Neod holp In preparing vour, 4 8 Red Sox moasago? Call Tho 2 1 0 Yankoo* with five hits. Mlyke Mitchell Donny Wojciak and Michael Tom Cepmak was the ndvortlslng CltUon and Chronicle office at winning pitcher, dealingout 276-6000. and Mike Buonaguro had Mason. 1113 Raritan Road, Clark two hits edch and played a : ...Terry Gallagher will six strikeouts. Marty Klein fine game. Steve Lorenz and serve as manager and relieved him in the fourth Eric Simorisen each got a Frank Nusek, and John inning, giving out four ks. hit. . \^>' Sodomora and Johnny Pete Costanzo was the The Bloomingdale PTA The Met's pitchers were Colineri Will coach. Bob losing pitcher. Jim, Kastleman hit two finished its bowling, season 'Scott Granting and Scott Delsandro is the league doubles for-the-Ghief By-Ke^ tWednesday wiffiTheJGo Rubenstein r TTTtT Mets" -vise-presidents Hopper thr*ee singles, Paul. Getters as champs. received two hitsone by M01. Clausen a^ single and a -^Bhe Go Getters, Flo John DelRusso, and another Wont to sail? Want to buy? Uie double, ^Curt Jester two Christrano, June Pfirrmarin by Scott. Rubenstein. ' 1 tho cloMlf led , columni of'' 'The and Jeah Lindberg, lost twi Mike. Buonaguro pitched C l t U o n and Chrpnlclo. Call singles, .Mike-Walch, Tom 276-6000. Cermak, Chuck Stevens, games to the Pin Wheels t Pirk I Tlllord Dlitltllnq Co.. NY., 16 or oof -the Twins to a close win over end up with 45 wins and 28 Mafrczi's Expos-on SaturOpen-.Monday and Thjjrsday 'Til 9 P . P loses. The Dipsy Doodles day. The, score was 3-2. took three games from the Buonaguro struck nine out Name Droppers to go into while only walking two and second place by a half giving up five hits. Trip to all airports, railway stations & piers game. The Gasers lost two Forrester, Stelzer, Warren Call CHdstriut 5-2581;- B Ridge 6J2272 from the Set Ups and and Buonaguro each got one ' Limousines for weddings - TripsTB anyplace drbpped from second place

Track Team Is. Seventh In Co. Meet


Rinaldi Named (Hrf-Captain

National League Ail-Star Team Is" Aiinqunced


If your scotch costs $2 more than &Xyou should >e able to taste the difference.

Twins Win Two in Pinto League


Go Getters Finish First

307 SOUTH AM. WESTFIELD 233-0248

Special Limousine.Service

Pis Promotion For AngelTbeck

CHS Senior Poetry Winner

Penn Coach Hole in One Cranford Rollie Massimino, former High School
Dr. Jeari A. Herz of 1130 Raritan Rd. scored a hole in. one recently at Shackamaxon* Golf and Country Club in Scotch Plains. A former professional soccer player from France who has been playing golf for only six years, Dr. Herz made the perfect tee shot with a No. 2 iron on the 190-yard fifth hole. -

to a tie for third with the Emanons. High Average for the year was 144 by Helen Manhardt. The high series for the year was ' 512 by, Sandy Sielkowski. High Game for the year was rolled by Mary Ann Jones - 213.

\Orrico of the Expos. pitched a strong game. Levinson got two hits, and one each for Orrico, Rinaldi and Heligan.

Prices Very Reasonable-


Massimiiio j
varsity baseball coach and Jayvee basketball coach, has been named an assistant basketball coach at the University of Pennsylvania. Massimino, who has been serving as head basketball coach at Stony Brook (NY.) State College, left his CHS post in 1959 to become head" basketball coach at Hillside High School.







It wasn't built in a day.

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"1971 Membership"


Conrad J. Wozniak, Mgr. ' 511 Washington Avenue Kenilworth, N. J.
(Cor. N. 21st St.) . .,

Miss Linda Fidlor, daughter of Dr." and Mrs, Larch F-rdler III of 12 Hampton Kd., has been accepted at"Juriiata College, Huntingdon, Pa., it was announced by Macdonald Halsey, headmaster of the Kent Place School, Summit.

A Funeral Home., of homelike atmosphere, completely modern, air conditioned, offstreet parking faciliiie*.

AnJ >.M.


WATCHUNG, N. J. A Private Family Swim Club Open Till Labor Day
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SPECIAL TRAINS Direct to Grandstand
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Men's Suits
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Husband and One Child, or l . _ . ^ Wife and O w Child j Each Additional Child - ^

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Air Conditioned Chapels Ample Off-Stroot Parking

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Initiation Fee, tint Ycyv _ . $10.00 For information Cad 467-0470 or DR 6-53(24 John H. Mttkmouah, rV*.

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POST 2-PM Daily Double 1:50 PM



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' V '

CRANFORD (N.J.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE Page 11 Thut^sday.June 3, 1971 4-41 A and F, and 24-42A end B, f tye Zoning Ordinance to permit HELP WANTED LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ho nonconformlng uso of a hanging WOMEN oh Lot gn already a l r a y In existence ien ' known a> 300 17. Block 239,' SUMMARY OR SYNOPSIS OF lonionnlo.l Avenue. It was the 197O AUDIT REPORT INSURANCE claims, Fire and leclsion of tho Board thBt no OF BOROUGH OF GARWOOD AS Casualty, some ^ cx]>crienco. 'ariance was necessary. '/ REQUIRED BY N.J.S. 4OA:5-7. Large general agency locat1 6 / 7 1 : 'Appllcat)on o< THOMAS COM&rNlED COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET ing in Cranford fjiortly. Good i A R A N for ^ vorlance from tho DECEMBER MINIMUM AD DECEMBER ,'frrrtirry,"full benefits. Call 354- equlromonts of Section 24-48(e) of 31,1969 31,1970 $2.00 fo)1 25 words. :ho Zoning Qrdlnanco to pormlt 8350.ask for Mr. Jackson. '-ASSETS 10c' for each 'acttiiffonal :onstructlon of one-family dwelling Caib.,nnd'_lnvostmonts_l _$3PJL,6BPjO1_ in sub-standard"IB"t oh Cbta~71E TBXQS,-Assessments 24,258.34 , e s o r ' Liens Receivable nd ^ I D , Block 6 6 , known - Property Acquired lor Taxos $1.50. ' typing neccKaai-y. Good at I was the h ddo- Aii;tnrl Vnllin Lexington Avenue. It 30,664,00 3d,564.OO ;fi(fur<!H;Good-Hulary- and all- "cIsTon of Baard~"tHat f th hVB " 21,1110.70 " 2679187.67 Acqounts Rocolvoblu ' Henorita. Cull :jM-H:i.r>0, ask DISPLAY'CLASS'IFIED onlod. Deferred Charoos to puturo Taxation . for Mr.-Wliflan. 1 7 / 7 1 : Application of HENRIK HELP WANTED" ' $3.00 per, inch. Rfepcat in294,682.78 306,000.00 SERVICES Gonornl Capital A N D CLAIRE SALHER for n var- Doferrod Charges to Rovonuo of Succeeding nertion half, ol" oiigijial MEN OR WOMEN ' iance from the requirements of . Years 7,750.00 cost. ' , . SECRETARY Soctlon 24-15 of the Zoning Ordi$687,015.83 $786,434.74 GRADUATING? nance to pormlt onlorgemont of side LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS , (;<>t a bead start, register novf Foi- law finn ' l^egal exporch with less than roquirod side Bonds and Notos Payable $286,000.00 $285,000.00 Copy deadline \ p . m . T u e s . _,tpr the ri.ght npot for YOU perience not " required. ord on Lot 33, Block 277, known Improvomont Authorizations 50,934.27 32,758.85,, ; PAINTING CO. s. <3 Control Avonuo. It was tho Other Liabllltios and Spoclal Funds many openings. Good Salary. Benefits. Fee 127,127.291 104,905.63 INTERIOR EXTERIOR doclslon of the Board that It bo Rosorvo for Cortoln Assets Roceivablo 66,260.50 . S U M 58,949.07 l>aM.TCall grontod. Satisfaction. Guaranteed1 2V,122.68 Surplus ' 205,402.28 EMVLOYMNET SERVICE 1 9 / 7 1 : Appllcotlon of MR. & $786,434.74 ; ' ' " $687,015.83 Reliable, Reasonable SlCE PERSONNEL 227 South Ave. W., Westfield viRS.. P. KAU FMAN for a variance " COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF OPERATION ' Fully Insured 10 A'LDEN. ST. CRANFORD from tho Koqulromonts of Soctlon 23.'t-(!li45 V N D SU RPLUS CU RRENT EUND Free Estimates 24-45(d) of tho.Zoning Ordinance^ 'tJ 272-4ii40 "V K . - v t ~YEAR 1970 YEAR 1969 to pormlt tho construction of on ofujo (Cosh Basis) all 272-7541 jifter 6 p.m.DATA PROCESSING SELLING AVON CAN MEAN addition to dwolling with loss thon Surplus Bnionco, January 1 $ 255,194.83 t 239,472.2i CONSOLE OPERATORFUN, SELLING AVON roquirod roor yard on Lot 16, Block Mlscollonoous From Othor Than Local . . . known as 33 .Wadsworth HELP WANTED Proporty Tox Louios.. . 370,790.62 ^. 370.B11.a-. . * CAN MEAN HIGH KA-RN- 7 5 1 , : Torr*co. It wot tho doclslon of tho Collection of Delinquent Taxos end . * ' . . . . , . WOMEN INGS, SELLING > AVON Boorti that It bo or on tod. CLEAN-UP " , Arc You A- - / t a x Tltlo Lions 24,974.59 -26,196.2! CAN. MEAN A. BUSINESS 2Q/71: Appllcotlon -of. MOBIL Collections of Curront Tax Lovy ' , 1,032,372.17 997,189.1i ' SECRETARY SRAGES, C E L L A R S Big Time Operator? OF. YOUR OWN. For more OIL. CORPORATION for aVorlonco _Tjotal Funds , $1,683,332.21 $1,633,669.2 No steno. Outstanding s]iot CLEANED I O U T . REASON- Then (ret into the' \)\fi. time information' and no obliga- from tho roqulremonts of'.Soctlons Expondituros (Accrual. Basis) ' . with research dept of top " f thd Budgpt Expondituros: ABLY I 272-837!) OR 276- with the comimny that produces ' tion, call Linden; Cranford 24-30, 24-31 and 24-49 o notch local concern. Salary 7353 Easy-O.ff, Woolite and other Municipal Purposos . $ 593,270.00 $ 523,146.Oi please call 353=48.80. Kenil- Zoning Ordinance to pormlt con1 str'ffetlfln~of o nowsorvlco station open. Keo paid. *"' 711;84B.73 " 663;179;4 -famnus^produe's.-Mtp are lobkwyrt-th please call 731-8100; with wldor" curb cuts, than .pormlt- Local and Regional School Taxos County Taxos i , .. ' 181,351.35 192,149,9' S U M-' ' inir for a CONSOLF>>OPERATfGarwood please cal) 756- tod ond to pormlt tho non-conform- Othor Expondituros'" DRESSMAKER ' '50.00 EMI'LOyMENT SERVICE. OR to work with data that 828. ng uso in.,an R-4 zono.on Lots 49 Total Expondituros, ; " . $1,486,517.08. $1,378,474.4 ALTERATIONS 227 South Ave. W., Westfield conies in from various plants and 50, Block 184,. known us Loss: Expondituros to Bo.Raisod 233-6645 184-186 North Avonuo East. 1twos and office. Experience with Bv Futurojnxos . 7,750.00 IVRTOM DRESSMAKING d,otho doclslon of tho Board that It bo Total Ad)ustod Expondituros ^ $1,478,767.08 $1,378,474.4 RCA-wpeclra 70, model'35 preHELP WANTED sicfn, tailoring, pnd nil lands RECEPTIONIST , to wldor curb cuts ond Surplus Balance", Docombor 31 $ 204,565.13 $ 255,194.8 ferred. of altorations. Formal and Exciting front desk spot of rocommondod to tho Township MEN ;> RECOMMENDATION Good starting salary, excellent Commlttoo for approval of noncocktail 'dressmaking our prominent.local Co. Outataml-1. That tho -combined amount of surotV bonds of tho Magistrato and Court benefits ii"nil ii l)ii|i|)y-ln-<onu> Bpccialty. Call 276-17.04. ' ing benefits '& op|)ortunity SCHOOL CustodianFull time conforming uso In rosidontial aroa. Clork bo incroosod to dt loast $7,500.00 pursuant to roqulromonts. to-work kind of place. Lotg. of 2 1 / 7 1 : Application of CARL, R. Tho abovo summary or synopsis was prepared from tho report of audit of work. Libeual fringe benefits. for sharp gul with light typPETERSON for a variancei from tho theBorough of Gorwood, County of Union for tho colondar yoar 1970. Thli chances to get ahead topJualK Apply Superintendent's Of ing. Steno helpful! roqulromonts of Soctlon' 24-43 to report of audit, submlttod by Suploo, Cloonoy ond Company, Roglstered : =i:j = i i i = = -write^-tp Personnel-DcpurtiL FOR SALE, ftr: <jir== f tUoai<lof-^Edueatiori, U l f E d permit two-family c(wolllng-In ono-- Municipal^Accountants-^nd Cortlflod Public -Accountants-is -on-flle-at-thenient. ' ; . Thomas Street, Cranford, b'c- family rosldonco district on Lot 55, . Borough Clork's'offlco ond may bo inspoctod by any Intorostod person. ' EMPLOYMENT SERVICE . 276-3'JOO .. '' . A.T. MOSCA tween 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Block 45 known as 3~Bloonilr}gdolo 9.9.1 South Ave. W.. Westfield '- ("lO'MI'r.KTR Avnuo. it was tho doclslon 4' tho 233-6645 INTERIOR & F.XTER1OR Board that It bo denied. Moy 27, J une3, 1971 2 2>71: Application . o f THE WORK WANTED G R E A T E R - MT. Z I O N HOLY Adv. Foo $66.64 \vb of Am. Home Prod. Corp. GHU RCH for a varianco from tho T,.\T.EX WALL PAINT roqulromoptg.of Soctions 24-39(b) CAPABLE ami .serious pre3,000 Colors to choose from SOUTH AVE. AND'HALE 'ST\ ' college student looking for ft) and 24-32 to pormlt tho 'con- 4 3 0 ' C.Y. roadwoy oxcovatlon, summer employment. Any- struction of a churcrt with loss than unclassHlod; 1 7 5 0 S.Y. *tablllzod . LEGAL NOTICE . , , .. CRANFORD, N . y . . . - . N O W roquirod sldo y'ords and loss than ba'so 6 " thick, Typb 440 Tons o f ' thing considered ?T- can t' required "pork.lng aroa on Lot 96, F & B C - 1 , 2 " . thlck,TVf>?- Nb.'.B Mix' Lntox p have car. Call 276'-G9#5. An^Enqal Oppprtflnity Employer Bldck 378, known as 43 Johnson oponod ond road In public at ' Tough Floor FiiiRihoa Avonuo. It was tho doclslon of tho Borough Hall on July 13th, 1971 .. . NOTICE TQCREDITORS-' M/j? Color Match ing. Service 17 YEAR . _ , OLD- High Scho(?l Board that It bo grantod. E S T A T E ' OF. JE.ANNETT6 '-B. a ' 8:00 P.Mf? ' Local Pr6voH|/ig ARMSTRONG Deceased. Junior seeks suminer'empl^y. "BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT T i m e . ' . . MIEM1COTE PAINT WOftKS TRAFFIC Pursuant to the order^of MARY C. " '. By: W.M. Coopor, Chairman nient. Call ?7(i-9421 fitter 3:30 "Drdwlngs, ^specifications and 09 Boulevard Kenilwnrth K-AUAWE, Surrogate, of the County B. Borgon, Socrotarv forms of bids, contracts and bond or weekends, ask for Art. . CLERK/TYPIST 27fi-lR8(5 of Cmion, madeoh the 7th daof Way " Dated: Juno 3, 1971 for tho proposod work,.propored by A.D., 1971, upon the application o f ' , Adv. F6o: $40.08 Frank P. koczur, P.E. & L.S., REDUCE excoss body fluids the undeYsigned.'as Executor of the ' Englnoor, ond approved by tho USEDCARS FOR SALE . estatc'of "said deceased, notice Is.,- with FLU ID EX diuretic tabCommissioner of Transportation, hereby given to the creditors of said _ " lets,- only $1.69 at Baron hovo boon filed In tho. offlco' of tho deceased toxhibit to the subscriber " LEGAL NOTICE " 1969 PONTIAC Grand Prix. Exr Drugs. i said Borough Clork, Borough-Hall, : .under oath or affirmation their cellent' condition, all options and of sold- Co.rnmlsslonor of Transclaims and demands against tHe ; including- real (cath'cr seats. BOROUGH OF GARWOOD portation, TreViton, N.J. and tho' estate of said deceased within, six? GOOD FAIRY DOLL MUSCruise control', AM/FM radio, Now's thp time t?i' seo us Gorwood, Now Jorsoy Division iof Locfol Govornmant Aid months frord the dale o( aia*o/der;,; ' EUM, 205 Walnut Avenue, inNOTICE TO BIDDERS District 6fflco locatod a t Toanock power windows, etc. Mechaniabout good-paying office work or they will befbrcv^r barred frpm - .i vites you to wiite for HQeciul Soalod bids will bo rocolvod by Armory, Toanock,-Now Jorsoyj and prmseoutihg or recovering the sanje; The direction is UP! The cal perfection.. Available \v/ during the summer period groun.rates and dates for up tho Mayor and Councilof tho may bo Inspoptod by prospoctiv.o against the-subscriber. t "- . . > ' starting po1nt~is~this position Reese travel -trailer' hitch. ahead. We have requests pourto 30 persons. Borough of Garwood, County of blddors during4 'bu'slnoss ^.hours. Henr"^ R.Armstrong, Sr. " with a large manufacturer of .ipg in. now for exiici'ieiiccd . $330.,Call 276-1020. Union, Now Jorsoy at a regular Bidders will, be furnis'hocf^wlth a " Et MYRTLE 75c, Pachyaandra famous home products such office workers to' work iX mooting to bo hold In tho Borough copy of thp specifications and bluo Ira Dorian $7.00 per 100, for those bald as Easy-off and Woolite. The Hall, Gorwood, N.J., on Tuosday, prints of the1 bVa.wlhgs by tho week or two several weeks . Attorney. . Juno 2 2 / 1 9 7 1 , at 8:30 o'clock P'JM. onglnoor on^ proper notice, and spots. Plantain and day lilies, end?'. or'all summer. If you have LEGAL NOTICE 15,Aldep 3lr (provalltng tlmo) for tho construcpayments o f . cost of propqratj^n. / ajugn. sweet vookot. others. free time u|id offico experCran'fofd, N.J tion of a combination rocroutlon Bids must bo modo on. standard As faVas you want to g<>. All . Comblnnti'in TV, radio. Hi-fi ience,, flold and playground on tha southr proposal forms'-.In tho. monpor TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD you need is the ambition and $.60. Driftwood Hansevir-rin. . soe us now! orly sido of Second Avonuo bodoslgnatod therein and roquirod by Cranford, N.J. a very minimum amount < > f ] Hnmilion Ave., Cranford. twoon Walnut and Maplo Stroots, tho specifications, must bo onblosod1" BOARD OF ADJU.ST-MENT^ ' experience, in. other words, 276-3356. , Gorwood; Now 4rsoy, . -^- ---|n seojed onvolopes,- bearingtno (Zonlno) ~ 7 practically a beginner. You nomo, "and- oddross- df: blcjdor' andBid forms and specifications may MOT.ICE OF DECISION "nomo of tho. rood on outside adDANfSH Djning Room set, Kenba obtainod at tho offlco of tho will receive u good salary 1130 E. Jersey Street Tho Board of Adjustment (Zondrossod to Borough Clark., Borough Borough Clork, Borough^ Hall, more washing npachino. Both PLUS excellent benefits.'Aping), Township of Cronford, Elizabeth v of Konilworth', ond nrtust bo occomGarwood, N.J., on any buslnoss day County of Union, Now Jorsoy.ihold in excellent condition. Webeor ply in person jio Personnel ltoom 50!) mootlngson April 5 and May 3, bqtwoon tho hours' of 9:00 A.Mi' paplod by a Financial S^atomont, record player and records. Department. t > E(|iuil Opportunity Ki Cortlflcata of a S^uroty. Cqmibony 1971, and rondorod its decisions on arid 4:00 P.M. through Juno 22, Call. 789,-0896. ., guorontoolno to' f ur/Msh a "PWform* 1971. ... W tho following: onco Bond for 10(M^'of,Controct In All bids must bo submlttod In B/71: Application of WILLIAM ovont Qf oyvord,- a Non-Collusion, soalod onvolopos clearly marked: J. AND SHARON WASHBOURNE BUSINESS * offldauit and-a gortlflod chock.- lor "proposal for tho construction qf a SECRETARY <1 for a varianco from tho roqulroDiv. of Am. Home Prod. Corp. h o t less^thoh; t(Jn*(10) por cent of' OPPORTUNITIES combination rocroQtloh f|old. onq monts of Soctlons 24-9 and 24-45 Diverse duties in -active loyal b i d , provided sold playground along Second Avonuo, . tho- pm'ount (o) of tho Zoning Ordlnnnco to SOUTH AVE. AND rTALE ST. distribution office. Require;-, chock 1 nqoti - not bo moro thqiw Borough'of Garwood, Now Jorsoy." pormlt tho construction of a slnglo good skills, Business matur$2O,000.6b nor shall oot ijo'toss and tho blddor's nomo and addross. family dwolllna on sub-stondurd lot ARE YQU A MANAGER? CRANFORD, N. J. ity and desire to lend. A cortlflo'd'!chock for 10% of tho, than $500.00 and bOifioHvorod lit on Lots 22JJ-228, Block 105, tho orv' p r ^ j r f o r b ' t h o hour" S U Mknown as 15 Park Avonuo. It was omount bid, or .cush In,, liou- -of Let mu show you> how you An Equal Opportunity Employer .rVamod,' obovij.^-Tho standqrd protho decision of tho Board that it bo chock, shall occomporw ^ttjo proKM PLOY JLENT ; BEUVJ CEcan pumjigc(.a busine^. of posal, Tho sold deposit sholP bo posal- fofnr^and tho Mon-Cc^lus^on gran tod..' " WV 227 South Ave. WV Westfield your own with an income Affidavit aro attoVhod. to tho supconsldorod ' a fjuarantoo that tho 9/71: Application of HERBERT potential or $1,000. pet blddor Is ablo and ,.wllling" to por- ^Irjmpntolrvspocl^cotfons, coplos'Qf & SYLVIA REICHMAN. for a vorform jho work In strlc.t uccordonc^j-- wfilofi will bs furnfajhod on appllcar month in one year on an MATURE Woman for local lonco from tho roqulromonts of . , with tho Vpociflcailohl attachod^to.' t l o n to ohglrioor,. initial investment of under Soctlon 24-45(d) of tho Zonlno Noed help ih propurlng vour Savings & Loan Office. Lim- Ordlnanco to pormlt tho constructho proposal orvtor.lntbr.a'contriict "BV ordor of Moyor-ond.Boroijgh $30., early retirement posndvortlslng message? Call Tho ited-'typing required. Reply tion of an addition to rosldonco with the Mayor and Xoundill, and C o u sible. Training and guidCitizen ond Chronjolo office at furnish a corpp^otJon bond should Box' No. 133 c/o Cranford with lass than roquirod roar yard on W I L L I A M E.'CONR'AD JR. 276-6000. . > ance given. Call Mr. Ro-' " 3>'" ' , MayorL6t 27, Block 500, known as 15 tho blddor bo awardqoV-sUch cdri-. Citizen and Chonicle. berts 322-9252. tract, Folluro to. comply wlth'^tho ' M A R G A R E T McGEVNA" Brown Torraco. It was tho decision abovo may bo causfr^or tho Moyorj Bq UBh C .of tho Board that it bo grantod. Adv. Foe $T8.0ff > ' 'rk' and Council to njtpln pnypart br all 10/71: Application of MIGO ,Juno 3, 107.1. " ' \M of thov'funds _so dpposltod., , to INVESTMENT CORPORATION rplmburso tho Borough of* G.arvvpod. for a varianco from tho roqulrofor tho oxponsa Incurrod.. bv^s.uch monts of Section 24-48(d) of tho failuro. Zonlno Ordiriiinco to pormlt tho 'Tho Bprough df Garwood ro-. norwjgnformlno use bv subdivision sorvosttho right to ro|oct:bny or all of-iixlstlnn, lot which would rosult bid;, which action, Irnlts 6*plnlon,In -roar .yard of existing dwolling to ' EUZABEtH wlll bost sorvo tho Intp'rests of tho bo loss than 25 foot on Lots 634 ,ond 635, Block 409, known as 521 Borough of Gurwood. " ' Now tfiru Tuesday ', R06EULEJPAM - ' 'ERFECT for young couple, 2 Loxlngton Avonuo. It was tho dcr- ~ ' By ordor of tho Mayor and1 M/ipner of. 7 Academy. Awards Wow. th ru" Tuiesday' \ ' Council of tho Borough of Gorclslon of tho Board that It bo bedrooms, tile bath, separNEW LISTING, wood Now Jorsoy. grontpd. ate dining' room, paneled ' Complete color program _ A.T. Mosoo * 11/71: Application of ; CU RT RefaT Estate Broker basement, low maintenance, CENTER HALL . Bgrbra S T R H ^ A N D Best picthre, Best aqtorl i'. Borougfi Clork P E T E R S O N & J O H N C. convenient locution, quiet Adv, Feo $14.16 , , - George SBGA L * CONOVER for a vurlanco from tho 272-8337 V- :j,"^PQ"'ge\c. SCOTT ' CpLONIAL- . stree.f, semi-attached $2'1,000. lur\o 3, 1971 . 'v > roqulromonts of Soctlon 24-49 of 115 Miln Street Cranford Principals only. 272-8250 aftha Zoning Ordinance to pormlt tho Hard to find executive's nonconformlng uso of a bull.ding In ter Ti p,m. ^- '^ . Member Cranford Board of home in fop location. 4 LEGAL NOTICE \ R-4 Zono for gonoral offices, In(Rating GPl Realtors' Bedrooins, 2'- baths, extracluding root .ostato und Insurunco CRANFpRD1* C O L O N I T L ~ 7 " also lal'ge Living Rooms ,w/ offlcos, on Lots 37 and 38, Block rooms, den, 2Vj baths, excelBOROUGH O F X e N I L W O R T H 53, known as 21& Walnut Avonuo. fireplace, full Dining Room, -'fent 'landscaping, finest locaKonilworth, N.J, ' " ' , - , Tho Board rocommondod to tho distressed' pine paneled kit- ^ ' tion, call 276-4370 after 7 (RntlnaR) N O T I C E T O BIDDERS' \1S Township Commlttoo that It bo chen, knotty pine recreation and weekends. Prjncipnls onljt.^ Elliott GOULb _ 4. That sold advort|somont sHa.ll grontad. ' (Rating GR) . . ^ . . room, sinrmll room for ofrood as follows: T ' ' ; , ' < ' $62,500. 12/71: Application of JOIW W. Sally KELLEfrWIAN ' It hs. 4 bedrooms, 2. baths "TPfjfeT'. jalousied poi-ch, gas. , Gregory P.E6K / "Notice Is' horeby glvon that WEBER'for a varianco fro'm tho and a 2-citv garage. A lacpe DpiiSUTHERLANP, c soalqd bids will bo rocoWed by tho heat, central air conditionroqufromonts of Section 24-35D of ' i Omar SHf^fVI F. , lot, handy to shoppijip; and .. . / .Sat. l^atine.e Only ' .Mayor and Borough Counall fo'r tjio tho-'Zonlno Ordinance to permit tho Sat. & 5yn. Motrnqes ; - .' , McPHERSON i n g , 2 car garage, many transportation. A real opconstruction and resurfacing 'of* nonconformlng uso of oxlstlno T H E TROUBLE.VVITH ANGELS' extras. Asking $62,000. VH E TROUBLE WITH ANGEL& portunity at lest) than $37,South 21st Stroot In tho^Borouflh of bluck-top driuoway as pormanont ~ REALTY CO Color cartoons ' I ' Coioncartoons . . Konilworth In tho County ' of .off-stlroot parking spaco In front 000. Call . , Starts Wed. JUrje 9 t h / , THE DEACON AGENCY .'Wodnosday, Juno 9 t h ' '' U n i o n . Tho major construction yard on Lots 20 and 2 1 , Block 455, JREALTOR . - "WOMEN IN LOVE" VVALDE2 IS CONH.NG Horns, "units und quantities oro:known,jls 108 Oak Lano. Tho Board PHIL P. HENEHAN MARIE R. DEAtON. ' ' "THE MUSIC LOVERS" 2 1 8 0 L.F. 9 " x 2 0 " concroto durb, Tocdmnxondod to thp Township 'TWO MULES, TOR SISTEB SARA' Open Daily 9-6 ' Sunday 1-5 Comrpittoo that It be grantod. REALTOR REALTOR' 276-5051 13/71: Application of DAVID C. 9 ALDEN ST. 276-0400 .111 North AVc:. W. BROWN for a variance from tho 25 Aklen Street 276-7933 CRANFORD 2 7 6 * 9 1 2 0 requirements of Suctions 24-9, Or by Appoflitruent ""' Evenings' 276-9124 25 North Avo. Multiple Listing Servico 24-51(b) and (o) ond (f) of tho HMT.BBWD ST FREE PARKING IN REAR Zoning Ordinance to purmit the Evenings jpall - WESTFtELD.N.J. $ construction of a two-family dwellCOMPLETE ' . . Evenings Call Salesmen iV< Lighted Parkingwith loss than minimum front MULTIPLE LISTING 272-(ifi47 ing .ibby nrewster 276-1995 Kathleen Jenkins ..age and squaro footage on Lots 4 . ' SERVICE . 27fi-liS<i4 and 5, Block 3 7 1 , known us 6 Mary Becker. 276-4023 John A. Thi-isx Hope Milius 276-5215 Washington Place. It was the do cision of tho Board that It bo Doris Covle 276-1791 " ' BEST STDRY' AND SCREENPLAY granted. 14/71: Application otJJRANK $43,900 -. NAPURANO for a variance from SHAHEEN AGENCY Delightful Care-Free Home 'the -fcoq u irumonts of Soctions Newly listed split level \v/ with Aluminum Siding ami ffealtora -." entrance hull. Living Room, Storms anil Screens. Living Dining Room, Kitchen 3 Jersey's!.'.Summer Barn Theatre 35 North Ave., K. room Dining room, Kitchen, Bedrooms, 2'J Baths. Ilec. 2 HeAiooms, Hath and rear room plus lurge julousie<l 276-1900 and 276-0777 enclosed porch on the 1st enclosed rear poreh w/ floor. '2 Bedrooms, nnd OPEN WEEKENDS . .fireplace. Don't w.ait till WnlU-in Storu'ge. Full basejt's'slild, i)lease call this Evenings Call Beechwood Avenue mMil finished ihfo a R c o office today. Salesmen: Middlesex, N. J. rciition mom. Wink room Marguerite llrarwin 27<i1 nnd Luv. (larugi' 54 X' 1 14' > COLONIAL -YW) Eleanor Ilia.irield 276May 2b thru Juno S liindscnpcd yui.'d with iuc<' Ireno .Kowalskl 272-5672 Brick and frame) .magnifihluiile ti.'.H." I'KIC'.KD' AT Ruth P. Detering . 276-8022 A Chjrmi 11<|, Cii'iv 'Musicitl cent family room on 1st A CNEMA, CENTER FILMS PCEWTATIQN Kleauor TT Craig .. . 276-1118 floor w/ beamed ceiling. 2 ^ Paul F. Humpson 276-0576 cur garage, 9.T x 110' lot A Niitlonnl Gonorol Plcturos RulooM in" High School urea. Priced 57 Years of Sorvi.ce at $5-1,11(10. .^ ^Realtors nnd insurors

Page 10


Thursday, June 3, 1971

3 Games Former CHS Star Braves In National League Ef/rns Scholarship

-his debut on the-moUnd-for_ / Ron ,The Cranford' Savings' the Cards and pitched a DeLonge Entered 'Michigan good game, striking out Braves behind the ' strong State University he arrived pitching of Jim Carsey. eight. Kevin Papa led the with some pretty impressive' Dodger hitters 'with two, ; downed the Senators by a athletic credentials. score of '6 to 3, in the doubles and Bob Delsandro had one. Glenn Baldwin He was all-county National League of the punched out three singles. selection, jn football, "most Cranford Boys" Baseball Leagues. Carsey -allowed The tap Card hitters were valuable player in hockey an au-star selection in only two hits and struck out Brunton, Jlrn Hardman and and Chris Korba, with two hits baseball. But Ron was 12. unable to obtain a Heavy hitting for the apiece! scholarship and he made the The Knights of Pythias Braves was contributed by MSU baseball team as a Cubs scalped the Packing Charles- Fowler and -Jim "walk-on." ~ Shubert,"each collecting two Engineering "Indians by la score of 7 to 1. JoeTranio singles. Qollecting one The hard-hitting, 5-8, 170single apiece .were FtQb pitched an excellent game, pound sophomore, who has allowing only two hits and Jones and Sean Deery. The been the Spartans! regular lone Senator hits were by striking out 14^. and didn't .second baseman, will be on walk any batters. Heavy Albense arid Walsh, each scholarship - next year getting a single. The losing hitting for the Cubi was though ~ he has earned i t provided by Rich Frierpitcher was Steve,Madoma muth, who smashed twowith two strikeouts. Playing in 39 of the triples, and Pranio, The Braves topped the Thompson, Buontempo. Spartans' 44 regular season Indians by a score of 8 to 5. Schwalbacher', Khouri and games, Ron has been hovering Rob Jones was on the mound Schwager, who collected consistently for the Braves' and struck singles. Hitting for the around the .350 mark. He out nine.~The-Brave-attack_ Indians were Swetman and has collected six doubles, a was led by Jim Carsey with Downey. The losing pitcher triple and two borne runs in his plate appearances and a double and two singles. Iveri in 28 runs. Also collecting two singles Team standings: ' apiece were Charles Fowler W "Ron has done a . 11 .and Sean- Deery. Steven Plratos Bravos ff tremendous job for us this Wingard and $ill Fitzula Phllllos 7 'year," said Spartan Coach Cubs 5 eacrrgot-a single. . Rods ' 4" Danny Litwhiler. , . . . ' . * .Hitting for- the -Irtc -,3 - _.. 7 "Assistant 'Coach Tom^ .2 8 we.ce> J^lein, ' a triple; O 10" Smith, who had Ron'on his ^ SweeJ^na.n,. Williams^ junior varsity last year, &aid Murphy andJFizgipbon, av that Rorijusf keeps imHillside Avenue single each, and fiowney, proving: two singles. Williams was Winning Streak the losing pitcher with nine "He's aggressive, strong strikeouts. Jhe ' Hillside _Avenue and a very intelligent The Braves shut out the Junior High School fresh- player," Smith siad. "And White Sox by a score of 4 to man baseball team, coached he loves to play ttffe game of K 0. Jim Carsey was the by Joseph Leva, is presently baseball." winning pitcher, striking out on an eight-game ; winning Ron has been in11. The Braves were very streak. The team now has a strumental in-making this effective on the field, and record of 9 wins and 4 losses. year's Spartan baseball catches by Mike Cheben and Bruce Bishop, Chris team the winningest team in JFtob Jones helped save the DeLorenzo and Jerry the school's history and victory. Fensterman are leading the capturing their first Big Ten Hitting-well for the Braves hitters! while Tom Donovan, title in 17 years. were Charles Fowler, with 2 John Weaver and Tom Heading into district j singles, and Bob Imbriaco, Paterno.are doing the pit- tournament play and a " Sean Deery and Mike Miller ching. ..-.., .,.,:.- possible trip {6 the College with a single apiece. Walters of the White Sox looked good on the mound and smashed out two singles ' in a losing cause. Abrams and Sullivan each collected a single apiece for the White
Ct litttt

Cranford High Nine Wins Three More

-^By.CharlieiJtecher, Jr..

Lenapes Tie for Second In Unami League Action

Of anj|fe Ave. Wins Two



field, in the semj-finalsl of The Multi-Amp Corp. had two singles, and Bill The_l JQtange Airenue. "3 the Union County Jour- Lenapes took t h e i r two "Accardi, "who liif. two baseball team recently went Cranford High School's nament. In the 5-0 shutout games last week and two doubles. Banks and to Iselin and defeated John baseball team made it 21-lj Cranford scored four runs in this week to tie for second Donovan (2) singled for the" Adams, 64. Don Serventi this pastweek as they won the sixth to put-'the game -place in the Unami League. Lenapes; Wallace doubled; went the distance for the three more games^ The firsts against the clearing the bases'; COugars. away. Mintz hit a single; Against Union, Mazzella DiFabio singled Mintz to Baron Drug Hurons, was Powowitfc singled twice and In the first inning Davis won his third game as he second, and Connolly won 10-5 by pitchers Jon doubled, and Matyas doubled and stole third. struck out five, while, walked to load up the bases. Banks and Rob Donovan. doubled twice and singled. Then Hoffman walked and Bob French took the loss. allowing only five hits. Kevin O'Donnell of the went on to steal second and DiFabio went two for three Mintz scored on a wild Ahimovac, Maged jand Me Shawnees hit two grand the t catcher made a as he had three RBI's, and pitch and all runners ad- Gtath singled for the slams over the fence to throwing error, scoring Cranford won, 6-2. vanced. Brown doubled Hurons. The Lenape hits power his team to an 11-5Davis for their first run. In On Saturday, Cranford DiFabio and Connolly in, came from the bats of Banks win over the Crees. Winning the third Davis, - Lies, beat Westfiejd, 6-3,-in the and Watson singled in and Chelston, who singled; pitcher was Mik'e Nester; Walters, $aniejs and SerMatyas.. and Weiner, who losing pitchers were .Bill venti all singled, tallying up . State Tournament. Mazzella Brown* singled and doubled, and "^ccardi and E d . Scott. three more runs. stole two bases and hit a Cranford meets Union at Powowitz, who doubled Accardi and Gargano hit for At the end of seven innings triple: Connolly also stole two bases! and Watson hit a Plainfield today in the State twice. _the Crees. Pi Capua (2) andJLwas tied 44, But in the double and collected two Tournament. On June 11, In the second game the Nester singled; Benner eighth inning Quinn walked RBI's. , ' the team goes against Lenapes nipped the doubled, and O'Donnell and reached, second on an On Tuesday, Cranford Roselle Catholic in the finals Michael's Custom Kitchen singled in addition to his Jwo error. Davis, for the third again went against West- of the County Tournament. Chicasaws,, 6-2, on one-hit home runs. time, singled to score Quinn, pitching by Rob Donovan; The J . B . W i l l i a m s and on the throw to the Pawnees will be manager of who was relieved by Bob Comanches widened their plate, which was no good., he the team and, the coaches Matyas. Steve Kozakiewicz first place lead by routing took second, then stole, third are Vic Zych, Cherokees, took the loss. The sole Chic the Lenapes, 112. Winning and came home on an error second run of. the and Pat Garrett, Navajos,. hit was a double by Hicks, itcljer^was_Joe. La Magna .for the 1 '"' -^ Nomahegan League" batting in twd-runs^For the- * b K h ~ = -inntngf standings as .of Saturday: Lenapes, DpnovarTdoubled Lenapes were held to eight Cranford also defeated Ron DeLonge and Powowitz tripled. -hitssingles-by PowowitZr MrMantis of Linden, Banks singled and doubled Banks, Mittler, Donoivan Daniel Burke was sent to do World Series, Ron could be a Entering Track and Weiner singled twice and Matyas; a double by the' pitching and was The ..following players big lift to the Spartans. and tripled. ,v have, been named to the Banks, and triples by relieved by John Esposito The local athlete was the Championships This weeVs action saw the Matyas and Powowitz. Thefor one--third of an inning. Nomahegan League. team subject of a sports feature in Lenapes down the Union ;Comanches went on. a hit- Cranford got one run: on four a recent isue of the fpx.the All-Star game to be By Charlie Stecher, Jr. County Trust Co. Sfiawri&es, played in the Cranford Boys' Michigan State News,. in-: The. Crartford High Sdippl 8-3, behind the hurling of. -ting spr^e scoring-six runs walks in the first inning, In. Baseball Leagues at 1:30 second " Sarnowski eluding a picture' with a varsity track team wjll,be Rob. Donovan. Losing -pit- in the first on singles by the caption relating :?* "In ""a ^ K ^ d wfell represented, at the St&te cher was Sam DiCapua. He'" -Miller^ v Lissner- (2), walked and Burke singled. Apacnes,^ Chrjsi Meade' Group II Championships in Eisenbud and Bishe; and Quinn walked to load Uie game with Northwestern ,pn receivedihe qnly hit for his Greg" Lawlor; Highland Saturday, DeLonge proved and Park this^ team - a double driving in triples by La Magna and bases uj) and Speer walked he is as tough a man On the Cherokees, Scott Schwartz, Saturday. ?*><, two runs. Hitting for the Mitchell twice more on to force one run in and then singles by Miller and Bishe Davis sacrificed another' base- paths as he is at the Jeff Anclein and John Ten boys did a good job for were Matyas, and a home run by Sillito. La run home. . plate as he bulldozed the Weber; Cheygnnes, Dave Cranford at the Central Lenapes Mittler - (2) and Magna tripled and Ditzel Again in the fourth, Speer Wildcat catcher who \vas Moran and Gary Ijenhoff. Jersey meet. Jim Grun, Dentsman, Weiner with singles r Banks singled delivering another walked and stole second and Mohawks, Roy Ear-Imam blocking his path to home Rick'Hoolko, Larry Pierce; and Roger Thomas; Bob Haddad, Mike Roche, (2), Weiner and Powowitz run. Bishe singled in the then Hoffman came, through plate." with doubles, and Weiner A financial administration Mohicans, Mark Novello John O'Brien, Mike Levin, and Powowitz (2) with next two innings to go 4 for 4 with a base hit to score and Alan Cunha; Navajos, in the game. Miller and Speer. major at Michigan State, he Dave Cohn, Doug Woodson triples. Sillito doubled to drive is the^sQn .of Mr. dnd Mrs. Billy Garrett and Joe and Mike Agostino all stand Jon Banks and Craig Kenneth A>^DeLonge of 215 Warren; Pawnees, Bruce a good chance of doing well Weiner pitched the Lenapes across the final two runs. Finish Third Marshall, Mike Prussack Mrs. Walter Bean and L Central Ave. in the finals. w to a 10-7 victory over the Comanchei 10 1 and Phil McGovern, and partner took third place AH oclal and qhurch, nbtlcei Crow* 7 4 Seminoles, Brian Kastner should reach The Citizen and Pathmark of "Cranford The CltlziSn and Chronicle vialLenapet with a net of 67 in the Sally 7 4 Chronicle office no later thBtv 3 comos Letter^ to the EdltpTvAII Crees. Scott Buchanan took Huroni . ' "4 6'. and Jim .McNamara. Gresham Tournament of the p.m. Friday for Imertlon In the lottors njust contain the ilgnattlfj) Shawneat 4 7 the Joss. The Crees' four hits Bill Knudsen of the next edition. V and address of the writer./*--^ \ Ash Brook Women's Golf Creet 3 B came from Brian Trela, who Chlcatawt Association-lasjt Thursday.


If either owner \ 06 o r , . older Wo will charge you ' only 5 o/o commission (throughout tlicontjrc listing) to sell your home, l"his will Bavo you up to SPENCER HEAL ESTATE - - ? O N E - OP N.J.'S- FASTEST =-;-; GKOWINd PlilMS" " , 'Cranford: ,(108 N, -Union Ave. "272-8200



789-1103 or 276-6431





PHIL F . ftENEHAN, SRA Society of ''" Real Eslnto AppruisciH 25 Aldcn Street, CranfordK 270-7933 . -


BENNEH'S SERVICE POOL does'.moHt cvcrythj^K, Carpentry, plumbing, remodelinir, electric wiring; appliance i 27C-S35G.

Nomahegan LeaffuelLists,

ALL TYPES OF RUHB1SH cleared away and removed. C l l t t t d d Beach Island. From $75. per pertly cleaned. Prompt uerweek. Ocean front -from $125. vicc. Call anytime. S'JO-OOGl. 4 D ^ A t .ANfiSCAPING Complete Ship Bottom, N. J. 609-494landscape ^ei"vice, spring ,8117, Brokers. cleaning", build and repair POCONOS - ^ Lake Wallcnluwn^ 8odding,;'power raking, paupack. Modern fulTy "equipcleaning areas, shrub planting ped heated lake front homo /and monthly, care. Tree and Svith-privacy. Prime area, drainage work- y Freq cstiHock; fircrjlacp arid porch, 3 niatcB. Call"8JQ-2i5"i&o*m 7 bedrooMS. $300. weekly. Call to 9 p.m. ' 276-5933. ,.





$3.50 per,gal.


ALUMINUM SHOWROOM Porch and Patio Enclosures Jalousies-Awning Windows

for silver coins, silver,, dollars, Nuprime Replacement Windows stamps, gold coins, and coins. Storm Window and THE MONEY TREE Screen^ Combinations * 103 SOUTH AVE., CRANFORD CALL 272-8484 lombination Doors' 25 Styles LIFETIME

Where do you think you're going?

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SPACE, for rent. Prime Cranford location. For information call 354-8350. DUMP TRUCK FOR HIRE Cull 322-8801.


ALUMINUM 276-3205

South Ave,, W.



SEASHORE Sale: 12 room hnmu, five bedrooms plus; four baths; all oxtrun; private beach on oiean; Commuting diHtanca to I'hiladel phia and North Jersey area Long Boach Inland. Oonoviii ABHociatcs, Brokers, Ship Bottom, N. J. 0!M(.Mr8117 Price $65,000.00.



INTERIOR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Experts Insured $25.00 Minimum Call M, Bnrich~at 276-6530


Benner's Auto Body Pirates, league.leaders, sailed to their 11th straight - conquest by 10 to 0 over the ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Yankees. BoJb . Qsojyin ^sui.d NewK Ne'wcombe, pitching LIFETIME ALUMINUM for the sailors, combined for PRODUCTS, INC. a three-hit shutout.' Buc offensive rapid fired Home Improvement Products artillery came off the bats of Storm Window and Doors Ray Eilbacher, with two 276-3205 triples and one double; Joe 102 South Ave., W. Cranford DiTulio, one triple two singles; Rick Newcombe, -one double and one single; AUTC* BODY REPAIRS - Brian Bradford, three singles, and Marc Gbldberg, two, singles. Collecting one BODYIVRT single apiece were Bob Osolin and Jim Gallagher. George W. Kochora For the'Yanks, Palmer got a triple and single and Colbert Collision Specialists a single. Creewas the losing Auto & Truck Refinishing pitcher. 24-Hour Towing The Kohler-MacBean cBody & Fender Shop Dodgers defeated the "American Legion Cards, 3 to RES.: 789-0604 1, behind the Tine pitching of 6 South Ave. Garwbod Glenrf Baldwin, who struck , out 11. Marc Erickson made



JACK DAVIS - CHUCK BENNINGE* if Alterations if Addltlont if Remodeling

Dependable. Frisndlv Service Since 1925 Heating, Oils Installations 3 North Ave., E. Service ' Cranford 276-0900


, Complete Line of LUM^R BUILDING MATERIALS Garwood Dial 276-4600 orJ89-1100 10 South Ave.

Plumbing - Heating Cooling Repairs - Alterations Air-Conditioning 36 North Ave. E. Cranford ' ',, POCKETBOOK REPAIR LEATHER GOODS

COMFORTABLE room 'To gentleman, . Westfield, convenient to all transportation, Call 232-7545. CRANFORD quiet neighborhood. Gentleman preferred References call 4 - 8 p.m 276-6222.' ,

Uoofintr Si'diiiK ~ r Readers Gutters.' Fully Insured Paneling and, Alterations FBEE ESTIMATES

- Authorized -


SALES 81 SERVICE Call HUnter 6-6200 9 0 0 Elizabeth Ave., E. Linden


*"~ Baked Fresh Daify

Open Sundays 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. -. 276-0622 101 MilnSt. ..

van ESTIMATIS Call JE76-1474 Cranford of 5lb-O576 - Scotch Plains


h i . ItOJ 24-Hour FUEL OIL Seryico WinklerL.P. Oil Burners Stewart-Worner Products Boiler Burner Urtlu Conversions Air Conditioning ' "Call" 352-7430 241 North Ave.,W. 2324464 Weitfield

PLUM6JNG &,HEATIKR3 Electric Sewer Cleaning Water Heaters Sump pumps ' Alteratioiis - Repairs EDDIE URBAN 276-5520
2 Adams Ave. Cranford


(Ibe (Cobbler





, Cranford

AUTO DEALERS Reilly Oldsmobile, Inc.

Authorized OLDSMOBILE . Salos & Servlco 232-7651 5605ftlbrth Ave., E Westfield

KENILWORVH STATE BANK* Kenilworthls Own Bank
Mambors: FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Dial 2 7 2 - 4 5 0 0 4 7 7 Boulevard- Ken i I worth

Moving and Storage Packing

PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Geo. CUOMO < Tony DiFabio 'Over 35 Yrs. Experience .. SAME DAY SERVICE Bathroom and Kitchen Modernizations SEjWICE_lSALES

COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS. Dial 276-4600 or 789-1100 10 South Ave. Garwood



209_ Prospect Street, next to EnRlish Village. Call 276 WE BUY DOLL P A R T S . China 3B32 after 6. & Bis(i*ue heads, Arms,1* legs, and bodies of old dolls for WANTED TO RENT repair part si" ICeAypies, Hyo-lo Ildbics, French or other AnHOUSE OR Apartment to tique dolls wanted. Also windlease, 5 or more rooms. Not up toys- or what hav6 ,you, toy$ced_ $200. Call 27CExpert doll repairs, dolls reG526. T-~ -.-. strung, $5.00 and. up.' Special prices on naw. wif?s. Call Mrs. Connors,- Good Fairy Doll Museum, 205 Walnut NURSING SERVICE VISITING NURSE; ASSOCIA GET FULL HOUSE POWER TION. CRANF.ORD*- KEN 220 volt installations ILWORTH . GARWOOD. our specialty Office hours, Monday through . ZIMMERMAN BROTHERS Friday, 8:30 n.m, to 4:.'tO u.m Electrical Contractors nursuii? available, 27(i-0757. 688-0344 27(i-G8I)8. Saturday on call. T O COMPLETE LAWN CARE Aerating & Reseeding Treatment of any Kind Shrubbery & 'Tree I'lunting , H. LANDSCAPE SERVICK 233-6097 GENERAL CONTRACTOR/ Al types of- interior nrrfTl cxter ior carpentry. Roofing and al types of siding. Fully insured LOU JSAVARESE, "272-5351

MASON-WORK WATERPROOFING and REPAIRS..,. Stepn, walks, patioH, Call 270-3520'





Service* First NORRIS

Funeral Directors 12 Springfield Ave. Cranford, N J . 2764)092

CONVALESCENX^ I 2 Acre Estate - Fireproof Building* Reglttered f*Jprtei In Charg* 276-7100 600 Lincoln Pk.,E. Cranford

We Do The Complete Job "REASONABLE RATES" .. . 276-5367

Most Unusual Cape



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Since 1928


Antkorlud l a b * I Iwvlc* f W Ovr A Quarter CaMwy Bruce Frncli Gen. AAshager tAlEJ, SERVICE t PARTS

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Wntfleld Central A v / l NoHh Av v I .



Our 46th Year
Dry Cla>nri Dripry SpecltlliU * Shirt Liunderin Fur Storsoa Viul* Wedding Gowru Claarwd

WILLIAM ROKSKL In'orim . nnd Exterior Pnintinpr, Skilloi mechanics. Personal supervision. 430 Munor Ave., Cranford. Calf 276-3715.


W. L. Schroeder, Prop. 276^3474 Authorized Ford Dealer Since 1920 Sales Service Rentals Open Eves, 'til 9:30 p.m. Sat. 'til 6 p j n .


Funeral Directors Phone: 276-0255 218 North Ave.,W. Cranford


Glasses Fitted - Prescriptions Hlled-Lenses Duplicated-Sun Glasses-Plain or Rx HOURS: i. Mbh. 9 a.m. to 9 pjn. Daily 9 a.m.. to 5:30 pjn.





COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE - Aoentt For Most FOREIGN & DOMESTIC AIRLINES STEAMSHIPS Margarot Erdol, Travol Consultant Professional Sorvico Without Charge 38141260 or 687^907 / 1066RaritanRd. Clark

Members F.D.I.C.

Ample Free Customer Parking


Prt and Libor, Froa One-Year-Adj. (Self Ad), too).While yon wait No up! Axel Set

158 West field Ave Roselle Park 245-6100 ROTCHFORD PONTIAC

Authorized PONTIAC TEMPEST " SALES 8f SERVICE Goodwill Used Cars 433 North Ave., E., Westf ield, N J ^ . 232-3700 P A I N T & BODY SHOP 74 North Ave. Garwood, N J .

For Convenient "Full Service" banking in Cranford. . . Craitford OfFICB 100 South Ave., I! 031-483) CRANFORD -AUTOBANK Chestnut St. & Walnut Av. 931*6831

176-3300 44 North Av*., E. Cranford

JEWELERS Jjtn-<SVlol JewtUr*

J*elry r- "Keeptake" Diamond* WalchM<7~ Oiftt - Sllvrww Chine Clodu Engravlno Bring f h i i Ad in (or opeela.1. Discount

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369 South Av., E.

Home B i k i n g Sandwiches for Parties On Order

110 Central'Ave.

Westf ield





VOLVO -Sales and Service

WILLIAM J. CLARK LTD. 505 Somerset St. No. Pifd

Colonial Cape

John Wayne Rictawd Boone



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Incorporated 1887



EXPERIENCED-House Paint ers 3 college students Have own equipment. Reasonable Rutes. (lull 276-Bl6ry or 272-5926. / KNESVICS Radio and Television Repairs 276-2673

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All types Of V

Open A Personal Charge Accbbnt Handi-Charge or Community Credit Plan


nion County Trust Company

Member: Fodoral Rosorve'System Foderal Deposit Iruuranco Corp.

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J!'WHILE YOU WAIT! We replace all types of lenses, too. Just bring in the pieces
of your broken glasses.






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Insured Savings Hours: Mon. to Frl. 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. Eve. 6 to 8 Dial 276-5550



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181 North" Ave., E. 276-K110, 8111, 8112, 81 Ki CRANFORD FREE PARK.INC.

Wfld , Thins il 00 Mualcill $3 00 Fri S2 50 Sal $2 50 Musicul S3 bl) V Cur urtain 0 40 RESERVED LLffl3A



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2 N. Union Ave.


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Salos & Sorvico


Tuna-I 'ii*

MILL END STORES, INC. M iMtloa el irwbHea By Ywrd w Holt V ttublw Hu). D lwur. INTKlttlOB OECORAT1NO HPKC1AJJHW Call.. .688-9416 962 Stuyvosant A v o . ^ Union

Robt. E. Brenner
Westfield Cranford Toms River

Roofing-Siding Gutters-Leaders
Since 1936

Apy where in the U. S. or Canada Safe, Reasonable and. Immediate Service By V a n - R a i l - B o a t Air

Route 22, Scotch Plains, N. J. 233 0675

272-5415 332 North Ave., E., Cranford


GOOD USED CARS 339 N. Broad St. 3*4.1300 Elizabeth


Mortgage Loan*

G*nrl Repalni Altai Tlr( & BatterUu Brake Servlos ' BOWLING SNACKBAR COCKTAIL BAR, EU 1-4700 140 Central Avo. Clark '' lubrication

Lumber Dullcllno Materials Mlllwork Diali76-0606 336 Centennial Ave. Cranford

J.T. Qriffin, Prop. PLUMBIWG - HEATING & TINNING -276-0269 206 South Ave., E. Cranford Saving* Insured

When yon giv the United Way you give to

* Local and Long * * Distance Moving Storage Packing


John J. Di Fabio


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"Over Half a (Century of -Service'

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LINDEN, NJ. HU 6-2726 HU 6-0059


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235 Chestnut Roselle

, ' ( Est. 191-2 213 South AVc, E. 2 7 6 - 0 8 9 8



15 - 17 NORTH AVE., E;..".'. \




_:_ r ._

Page. 12


Thursday. June 3J971

OPEN TrtlS SUNDAY, JUNE 6th 9 A,M. to 7 P.M.

tehend Two Men In High-Speed Chase

A high-speed chase which" the corner of North) and orightateirJ~iTiCranford- -CentralAves;;Westfieldrl around 4 a.m. Sunday ended only to have the fleeing car abouttwp-hourslaterin-1 -turn-into-a-sidestFeetr-;^ The police cars continued Scotch Plains with the ^apprehension of two young to follow, with Scotch Plains 'men, on charges of eluding Police; now in pursuit also, police officers arid reckless until they had lost sight of . .',' driving, according to the "vehicle. Cranfocd Police. Units from After a short period of four area towns took part in systematic searching, the, .chase. however, Westfield. Police The action apparently reported 'the suspected began when a Cranford vehicle found on Beyllium ftlBITBrad Wolansky, Mrs. Elaine Cohn, art patrolman spotted, a car St., Scotch Plains. At 5:45 teaciier; Mary Massa and Carol Andersen (left to right) going through a red light at a,m,. the Westfield Police view some of the 465 pieces of art. work-by pupils In grades the intersection of. South apprehended two^-inea one through six in the Crartford pubjic schools. The weekUnion an,d South Avenue. hiding behind^Kousiness long exhibit, held at the .Cranford Pybllc Library,/ closed With the vehicle traveling establishment in Scotch Tuesday. It will be followed oh Saturday by an exhibit of south toward South Union, PlairjSi-Tfiey were taken into work by secondary school art classes, which will ruri at the' library until June 11. Hours are 10 a. m. to-4p.m. Saturday the officer proceeded to give and 1 to5and 6;30to9 p.m. weekdays. ____; . chase, radioing other upUs -Westfield Police identified to try to block the^fl^eing the two suspects as Edward H. Kraslinski, 21, of Linden, automobile. _^~ The fleeingciar proceeded and Bruce W. Heeney, 19, of toward Garwood along Roselle. ' The Westfield 'North Ave., however, with Police Reported that the two Cranford patrol cars in suspects gave^ no . more pursuit, and later with two explanation than that ftiey Garwood Police cars did not want' to get "infollowing ^also. -Estimated Ernest ^E.-McMahon, The . suspects were Dr.~ speed d exceeded liO mph, p son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward f>f said, ns.thft released Sunday on bail {HMeMahen-of20-P-arJcerfleeing car sped toward from the_V(?estfield jail; Ave., will receive ' "an "pending charges of reckless honorary doctor- of lawsWestfield. . < Meanwhile . Westfield driving and eluding police degree during comPolice set up a roadblock-at officers. mencement ' exercises at Rider College in. Trenton


1971 Centennial Edition

JUNE 3, 1971

$2.50 Value

Crahford 100 Years Old, But Its History Goes Back 250 Years
By Dr. Homer'J. Hall . . " '



Chairman of Trustees". Cranford Historical Society Cranford, like most early comrriunities.'starled. on the -river. Actually, it was when the river and the railroad came toother near Crape's Ford, but if wc.go back t o . the beginnings, it was the Rahway River that started it




HOMEMAKERS RECEIVE AWARDSMrs. Norman Brubaker "of,710.Willow St. (at left), first vice-president of the Visiting Homemaker Association of New Jersey and member of the boaKd of directors of Visiting Homemaker Service! of Central Union County, and Mrs. Thelma AAair, supervisor of homemakers for Central Union county (at right)' are, shown as they presented service awards to homemakers recently. The recipients arju-teff to right: Mrs. Catherine McGuire of Elizabeth, 15 years of service; Mrs^JWai^aret Montague of Roselle, 15 years; Mrs. Sophie Chapin of Cranford, 10 year-sfMrs. Clara ( Schiesel of Elizabeth, 10 years,.and_Mrs. Rhoda Prince of Plalnfleld,^0-years.

Rider College Honor For Df. McMahon


' .



/ i V

Car CrasK Injures 3

OC AJjLHttni to Honor

. I

bkrit^Poljsh Recover


<- . - .


\ <

4 Purpose

SAVE 6O R9; . $ $2.35 2.35


* "



Hair Spray


Creme 6leach 00
. , * < *


' . " ' ; " ' * : i


Aspinit '

A two-car, .headman" ihis 1 Sunday J ^_;___ -'_ cbllison SundavjBvening Dr.lMcMahon served on slightly hvjur'ea three 1 Prof. Elmer Wolf of 116a bachelor of science degree the" administrative stafif. of personj^jnoVe. badly injured Kehilworth felvd., a in mecljaniCai engineering Rutgers University, New ajjoonh, and resulted in a member of the Union and a master of scietice Brunswick, for 40 years. He7 'charge on one driver of College Class of 1944 who degree in electrical was. dean of the Rutgers driving. while under the was appointed dean of the engineering from Rutgers Extension Division for 20 influence of alcohol, College last October and this University, New Brunswick. years until his retirement Cranford Police reported year-is completing 25 years He joined the Union College last year!" *: .Tuesday afternoon. Acuity in 1946. of service .with the college, Now dean emeritus, he One of the injured, Mrs. and his wife Doris, also a Wolf's also served the State Helen Sias, 45, of Linden, 1944. alumna, will be the Under "Prof. university as director of the remains in satisfactory guests of honor at the annual eadership, Union College's jpgirieering program was Institute of Management condition at Rahway dinner-dance of the Union modernized and broadened and Labor Relations, as Hospital with a broken left College Alumni Association, o provide a more scienceprofessor of adult education Ankle. it was announced today by oriented program, including in the Graduate School of According to Police, & car Richdrd P. Muscatello of modern physics and difDr. E.E. McMahon Education and in driven by Edward Kelly, 48, Elizabeth," association ferential equations. In 1968, WALL TRANSFORMATIONBaV-bara Behrens, Susan relations and alumni' public work. of Fairview, was proceeding president. he department phased into Campbell I, Patty Russo, Jeff Cymbaluk and Mary Kry^lak, Dr. McMahon. earned his Former mayor of east on Raritan Road at 6:30 sixth grade pupils at Roosevelt. School,,work on one of 12 computer science. bachelor's and master's Metuchen, Dr. McMahon p.m. Sunday evening, when The dinner-dance will be colorful murals being painted throughout the school by the degrees from Rutgers and it we'aved in front of the on Saturday evening, June J Chairman of the faculty's sixth grade classes". The project.started a few rVionths ago has written books on adult his doctorate from and evening education. and automobile -driven by Jef- 5, in the Campus Center citfrriculum committee for, during'rehabilitation work at the school. When old<:orrjddr Columbia University. A has served as president of frey T. Sjas,' 18, of .Linden, gymnasium on the Cr!&ifo! were replaced, the old window openings above the member of Phi Beta Kappa, many years, Prof. Wolf, as doors doorways were sealed and plastered over. In these,- art both the National University The" vehicle driven by-Kelly Campus of Union Collegey he now is a consultant in responsible fop'ail/ Extension Association, and' teacher Ron^CzeBrowski saw an opportunity for rtiural apparently s k i d d e d 8:30 p.m. Buffet will .higher education and academic affairs, including the Association of sideways into the Sias car. served at 1 p.m. Music will faculty ' relations . and ajl. work. Each mural depicts one aspect of the theme "Man University resides with his family in E v e n i n g and Learning." . " Riding in Sias' car in be ; , provided 'by AndjN Tsttrdent personnel services, Royal Oak, Md. Colleges. ' addition to the driver wer.e Mingione and his orchestra. ncluding admissions, his, mothei-Mrs. Sias, .and . Tickets for the dance are registration, counseling and hls'sjtster Michelle Sias, 16, available by contacting the student activities.. . ; also of Linden. Mr. lKelly's alumni office-sat Union car cdntained --no College. Mr. Muscatello Prof. Wolf served as a passengers. All persons invites all former students, consultant for Nytroirics, involved in ^ the accident friends and colleagues of Inc., Berkeley Heights, and The Jumble Stone of were taken; to Railway Prof, and Mrs. Wolf to at-Is a past president of the "To prepare for the sumCranford plans to'close for mer closing, Mrs. Mackonis Hospital.. All except Mrs. tend. Rutgers Engineering ".. /' the summer' in order to said, the store must sell all ?Sias were released after Society. He Is a member of make additions to the entire . its stock. To effect this, she brief .treatment at Rahway Prof. Wolf was appointed he American Society for store, Mrs. C. F. Mackonis, said, a Bag Sale, starting dean of Union College after Engineering .Education and Hospital/ chairman of the Jumble June 8, will allow all serving as acting dean since erves on its affiliate Store announced this week. customers to purchase for $1 1968. Chairman of t h e membership committee,. ..: This is only the third time in everything that can be put Date Aninounced engineering-physics-mathe 20-year history of the thematics department since Plans are> "Underway for its formal establishment in Mrs. Wolf, a life science store .that it .has closed to into one of the store's large bags. The sale-will continue the. Patriots Drum and 1959,.he holds.the rank of full major at Union College,, make revisions. until the closing on June 18. Bugle Corps Association's professpr* received her bachelor's ' "In order to better serve fifth annual Stardust and degree from Upsala College, our customers here and in *Brass . competition, to be After earning an associate East Orange. A former Proceeds from the store, surrounding towns, Mrs? staged at Memorial Field on in arts degree at Union biochemist and Union Mackonis said, vthe com- Mrs. Mackonis emphasized, Saturday, July 3. \ College, Prof. Wolf received College instructor*. in the Cranford mittee has decided to benefit microbiology, she serves as renovate and . enlarge the Welfare Association. Store vice-president 'of the entire store. When the store- hours at 10 North Avenue, IMPORTED 4 YEAR OLD American Association of Opens in September, it" will East, are Tuesday through CANADIAN WHISKEY University Women, Cranhave a complete new look!" Friday; 9:30 to noon in the ford Branch. . The store is owned- and morning, andl until 3:30 in operated by the Junior the afternoon. It is also open Prof, and Mrs. Wolf have League of Elizabeth arid from 7 until 9 on Thursday UNBELIEVABLY served on the board o{ Cranford. ' evenings.' PRICED AT directors of the Union ONLY College Alumni Association BOTTLE for over a decade and were among the top leaders of the 1958 Silver Anniversary CASE OF SDt^- $59.35 Fund j Raising Campaign. Prof. Wolf i s / a past A special program The disciplines of president of the Alumni featuring "a first grade language arts, ' social DON'T MISS THIS BUY! Association. He arid his wife class .in action" will be held science, , science and were recognized with a in the board room of Lincoln mathematics will be inf silver plaque in l%3 by the School at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. volved. alumni for their many years Mrs. Lallis ,.said the According to Mrs. Marica of service to the Association. Lallis, director , of program fe rd&fened to, curriculum and instruction, aquaint peopleTwith "some first graders from Mrs. of the numerotKrlearnings_ Many White's^ class at which all CranfoHrifrsT Avenue School graders experience duJing' IN ONE Livingston Of will share some of their their first year*, of more ^ OF knowledge and skills with structured instruction." By WARREN RANKIN THE parents, Board of Education Now find the man A special invitation is JERSEY'S STATE'S members and other in- being extended to parents of MOST terested citizens. who sold you the insurance MOST kindergarten children.


Jumble Store Plans Summer Renovation


John Crane built two mills in 171(3 at what is-rtow the Union Ave. dam. He was overseer of highways for . Elizabeth Towne, and the Rahway River marked the western- boulitlary of the original settlement. He was also one of the 'first Town Committee ;of seven freeholders ..selected by the Klizabethtowne Associates to represent-their rights-in-tht> growing argument with the British Proprietors, over duplicate absentee1 landlord titles t " till tlvir property ' This was choice land, arid the."West Fields" beyond .tho Rahway River had just been divided'up among the growing second generation of the Associates in H)cJi). The original farmlands had.all been filled, and the initial . boundaries were extended west by "reinterpreting" the '; .1 (>B-4 treaty vy ith {li.o.Inilfiins.Tlii.s- was oj.u< of n-iany s-L-idi- "imfnrtnTiate inndfMTtsnn early colonial historyT-The river here meant' -food J,ind. water for live Lenni Lenape .Indians-, and? tht*..Mjhnisink 'Trail, their"main''highway r across the state, ran along its western bank. It ran between their winter home oh the headwaters of the Delaware and their summer camping grounds on. 'tidewater at Shrewsbury Inlet'., In this area the- Jjrail crossed from ftcho Lake, to a large springjiear the pond at I'nion College, at what is now Indian Spring Rd., and .on down the river, towards the site of (-'nine's Mills, pa-st Crane's ford ;i,t the upper Sprirlgl'ickl Ave. bridge. ' The name Rahway is said to -be a eq.rrup.tion of the Indian name_VVahakewany, meaning "place where eggs are found." Apparently the marshy areas along the river with their plentiful supply of eggs and berry patches nearby were an important factor in determining Ijie path of the Indians. 'The next settlement north along the river and t h e : trail, received the descriptive name (of Spring Fields or Springfield in the early days, about the same time as Westfield. / The road from . Springfield ,.to< Kli/.abeth T.owne. followed approximately lh(\ path of the Minnisink Trail % as far as Crane's'Mills. It crossed the Rahway River at ('Knife's Ford just above the niills, at what is now the second Springfield 'Aviv bridge. From Crane's Ford to the mills vy'hat is now Riverside Dr. appears'on early .maps' as- Old Springfield Ave.,irwhich now dead ends at> the river. The site is marked by a monument, and, the 1 path of the old road leading to the ford can be easily seen on the northern bank.- ' The Fli/.abethtowne farms came up to the east .f'mhl< of the river, and John -Crane built a grist' mill there to grind their grain into a coarse flour. On the west bunk he built a sawmill, to cut timbers.and- lumber from the virgin forest. The first settler to cleara home site, in the, WesJ. Fields was John Denman, and the road- he cut through the forest to ('rane's sawnuU finally became the. main street of the'village. A half-century later,'at the time of the Revolutionary War, John Crane -III encouraged the local farmers to donate grain which he ground free ol'-charge for the use of Cieneral'W'ashmgton's troops encamped at Morristown. Thf village of Westfield-was raided in Juiie, 1777, by the niajn armies of Howe and Comwallis, who ca/ried away everything movable. This included J'ood, livestock, and even the church bell which vvas-lattrryecovered in New York City, {.'rane's Ford was a natumj'outpost for colonial military patrols-and the gUarri-posted there in 1777 were a part of thevKssex Brigade, yo-mmanded by -Major Oliver Spencer o'f Mizabethtovvii;_ The farms durjng'tlm'p'eTtm'^nTl-w^llJxito the lH00's4 were largely the original 200-acri1 plots of the West Fields, and major street line's still follow this pattern. The road^s in colonial days all ran from farmhouse to ..farmhouse. " * " , " The road past Denman's became part O f the York

.highway and stage-cpach route from .Elizabeth Town -thro'ugh -Westfield Lo Sonierville, and on-west to.Easton. This was renamed as Lincoln Ave. at the time of the Civil War. It.ran from the Faitoutehome in Roselle Park to Jonathan VVinans' blacksmith shop at the corner of the road-to Rahway, rvow~Centonnial Ave. over^to Denman's, then curved ba'ck toward the church in the center of Westfield. . Main ;St. i'rom Denman's'to the mills was also renamed as Union Ave. during the'Civil War. The little red schoolhouse at the corner of Lincoln and Union was Westfield District School No. 2, and the only public building here of aay kind from about 1-7-70 to 1850. As the virgirfKoil became exhausted by'generations of intensive farrnmg", .--tTops gave way to .sheep, raising and orchards! AI.'i-nP}o"f^iTuli!isLry"'~i:lui"ing~aiTd~after-the Revolutionary ,War was- the wotjTe'h blanket m+11 known ~a~s~" Wtlliams 1'^fctHrxrTrrhi was ltnratetHw-h^re-t-lie-iwt-i-nhighway.crossed the river', and it is the only old mill in Cran/ord which "j#- stjlL standing) It lias been .known in recent years as Droesohe'r's Mill, on Lincoln Ave..-at High St. J t has recently been purchased by Robert Brooks, _ Who" is taking an ay-five interest in. its history arid. ' rehabilitation. Tlil'.-*^(.'(.tuencc; from eropi.^to. shee^ t o . orchards is_rharact('rrsUi.',.und O.rc'hardj s|7"i^' Cr4n|p,rd'/is aiyijit di's-cripjLWfi^tif tluvarea through which it'i;aii:wften the town 'waifbeing laid put. . ,'. .*.-'* j ^ * " j _ _ By the time John Crane Hr.'-die7r'in"Tftn7 l.hjCmiTk" were no longer very-profitablo.and they were sold by his estate. The-grist mill was converted to a paper mill and then destroyed. The sawmill continued for a while, and Josiah Crane build a thriving cider mijl nearb-y.<The old mill survived during the sixties as a factory for Dr. Phineak Loimsberry's Malt Extract; a popular patent medicine, as a silk factory during the seventies, and ended its days durihg thegay nineties as a hall for public entertainments. . " .' When the Elizabeth Town and Someryille Railroad caine through in 18,'58 this was.still entirely pural area,

and it is said" there-were'only seven farmhouses within a mile of the Main St: crossing. At first the tra.ins'started' at Broad St. in Elizabeth. When the tracks were extendedjo Elizabethport they ended at a sailboat ferry for NewYork. This" took three hours with a favorable wind, but on at least-some occasions it-took .two to three days, one way. . The railroad brought increasing prosperity. In the summer of 1849-a group of Sunday School youngsters ,, on a Fourth 8of July picnic enjoyed the hospitality'of ' Josiah Crane at his farm along the rlverbank. On leaving at. the end of a. pleasant day, they jokingly, chalked "Craneville" j n large letters on the side of a. building near the railroad. The name'caught on, and Craneville it
was. . - . *?

-By 1851 a'new-Union-ehapeHatertalrerraver-by-the Presbyterians was built on Main-St., near the railroad. farms as country homes. One of these was Sylvester Cahill, later first mayor of Cranford. By 1856 the. "' community had grown enough to support its own lecture series, largely- clergymen from New York City, .but the-only streets in town were still Main Street, old \S'prirtgfrL'lrd Road,-.and tbe' highway- to IV'eslffcld. The ' first"Simday^clToirt7ro~rTTeTriirroufn^Ln:^ ;" ^taTtedby the Metliodisti in-1861^ '-"--' . -' ' i^ . '- What really' -opened-up the-area 'for rap id development _ ' the completion df the railroad. bridge^fQ^ military traffic across Newark Bay. This was started in 1862, and when it was finished in 1864 commuting to New York became practical" for all the communities along. the .railroad, . _ ' Josiah Cffano sold.his farm land in 1864 to Alden.Bigelow, a brother of Mrs. Cahill, who was joined by William and Charles Bigelow in the real estate firm of Dayton, Eastman and Bigelow,' ' - . , . The village as first laid out jn 1865 was a. two-block square, between Holly St. and Union Ave. Springfield AvC.


! '

TOWN" CiENTER.IN 1888 Believe it or not, the above picture shows the Cranford business center, at the- intersection of Nortji Ave. and Eastman St.-.- but back in 1888. Store signs that can be deciphered read,'from left: Wrrjw J. Mart, Real Estate & . Insurance; "J. &. Det-by, Groceries & Provisions, "with Post Office sign be(ow; J. N. Irving,

Cranforci Meat Mar.kfitr and (at extreme right), W.-.Y-. Retifern, Pltomber Steam Gas Fitter. Note lady, pushing parasol-covered baby carriage in "front of Cranford Meat Market and horse'-drawn vehicles parked in front of plumber's shop. . -

was opened up from Crane's Ford to Union. Alden St-. was named lor Alden Bigelow and led up to the front door of. the Presbyteriajj Chapel near the railroad. Molly and Miln were the first names'of other members of the firm. . Alden Bigelow donated a site for a new Presbyterian church at Springfield and Union and built himself' arrim-' posing residence next door, which he named Marl borough > q House for his boyhood home in Massachusetts. This is how thesiteof Cleveland.School. and Marlborough Street (.which explains the surprising offset in Springfield Ave.) originally led straight into the private driveway curving in front of his home.' Traces of this c^jT*still"be seen in front of the school. . The name Craneville was changed shortly after 1865 to Cranford, a shortened form of Crane>s i'ord. The change. apparently started_because^the_cailroal_ob.jected_to_the similarity in sound of Craneville and Plainfield for station calls. Both names appeared together for a while on legal" documents. The transition was completed about 1867, when the post office became known as Cranford. . A new school district was set up and the first grade school on thcvslte of the old Grant School building was- built in 1868. New.,chur.ches were started tiy.both the Methodistsanji.itlg.Pregbytonans.*anfl'_aj^itafmh foeg&n to incorporate (he village tfs a .separatIa^7minTI>\ -. : ' -fhefirst''developmehteaStof"the r| was Forest Awe-, in -V4.870, parallel .to the^river^jand Cranford Ave. parallel to I'rt'ion from Forest bver to where the old road turned, right to Flizabeth. This was all part of Union Township, and residents had to g o to Connecticut Farms to vote. It had been part of Rahway until 1861 when Linden and Union were set apart, and those southeast of the river and the railroad stilfhad to vote in Linden. The growing community was thus on the fringes of five neighboring towns,.half of if in Westfteld, spilling over at the north and south into Springfield and Clark Township. "The move for a local, government was pushed by the developers. buKwith some opposition from potential taxpayers. Negotiations took well over a year, and the Township of Cranford-vyas officially created by an Act of the _ New Jersey State Legislature on'March 14," 1871. Once established, the expansion of Cranford continued. North and South Avenues parallel to the railroad were opened in 1871 and 1872,'and new'ehjurches were'organized by both Fpiscopalians and Roman Catholics. But there was trouble ahead. A po^t-war depression had hit the country, and it kept getting worse. School budgets hit a peak in 1874 and dropped steadily to half this amount over the next five years. Tax > collections fell off and developers werecaught shor'Uwhen property sales began'to drop. * * J3fhe situation became so serious that a series of bills were privately introduced into the legislature to split up the township and give it back to theoriginal communities. This aroused public spirit, and the offensive bills were quickly dropped, but financial troubles continued. The City of Rahway defaulted on its municipal bonds; tho mayor of Cranford went bankrupt, and foreclosures were all too frequent. In most cases title reverted to the original owners under a compromise settlement, because no buyers could be found. . Revovery from this period of hard times" was slow. By 1884, thqnew street lights were installed that were ordered in 1872, things.were, well underway again,, and normal "growth was continuing. Renewed real estate development emphasized the advantages of ther river winding back and forth through the town. This was used for swimming iji summer and skating in winter, but most of all for canoeing. The first of a series xtf annual River Carnivals was 1886, a twilight regatta with gaily lighfed'.canoes' and musicians following them-along the river bank. The car-, nival was likened to a night scene in Venice by an eloquent visitor who later became- Governor of New'York, and
* ' . . . .


ComiiiiiiHi on'pa<|0'2



Pareitts-Invited to See How Fifst Graders Learn

Our TownTodayiScenes of Industrial Pa*k and Center Area





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You're a thousand miles from horr\e and things go all wrong. Cart you count on fast help from your insurance agent-bacK home? You can, if he's an independent agent. And you can count on immediate local assistance from one of his 170.,0uQ associates coast to coast. Each is ready, willing, and able to help you when you need it most. We're independent insurance agents. We've built1 a business by serving policyholders. Because wp owe allegiance to no one company, we're free to be at your side, ready to see that you get fast, fair claim service. When you need insurance for your home, car, or business, look for this Big " I " symbol. It's your guarantee of service beyond the call of duty. To display it, an insurance .agent must meet professional. standards- designed to protect you.

Your school days Will be in the past in retrospect they '" sure went fast. You've worked hard to attain this g o a l and now you'll p l a y another role. A milestone in your life, indeed our hope Is that you do succeed . . . and tliat your present' dreams come true. This is our wish for each of you. Wish you could cut down on fuel costs? One. way is to Icecp your burner in top condition. ArningftJ.n hiivp. it, cleaned and checked now by the Rankin Fuel C6mpany, 2 3 0 Centennial Avenue, Crahford. Phone BR 6-9200.



Junior Women Supporting Kidney Foundation Project

The 1971-1972 state project being used periodically to of the Junior Membership filter toxic wastes from the blood. The damaged kindDepartment of the New Jersey State Federation of neys dre incapable of Women's Clubs will be performing this vital work. In the coming club year, assisting the Ruth Gottscho Kidney Foundation through the Cranford Junior Women conduct various a fund-raising goal of will ,$20,Q00. The Cranford Junior projects to promote this Woman's Club of the Village endeavor. Improvement Association and other junior clubs in the Art Show Set state-- will share the responsibility of this work. By Girl Scouts Through this foundation, needy patients with severe, kidney disease are aided by |thxf7lDan7for"honni'Tiserdf a, dialysis machine, commonly called an artificial kidney. This machine maintains a person's life by KENILWORTH The Kenilworth Girl Scouts will hold an art show from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Kenilworth State Bank. Prizes and trophies will be awarded in different categories.








(Opp. Cranford Thwr)

For Identification of Btuldings, $ee Charts on Page 2

\ ,



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fJ,!()(. 2

Thursday, June 3. "1971

(JRANFORQ CENTENNIAI SECT-ION Thursday. June 3. 197.1-j


Pdye 3

For Help,, CJranford History The whole idea was finally shelved thereafter as Youth Turns Cranford became known as "Tht! Venice of America." much. "old-fashioned."It is interesting that this same note had Tire carnival was a>complete success. It was cdnftnued brought it's revival, in, recent yeaps as a center of civic ineach year and expanded in 1890 to invite participants from terest, but only as a daytime event. To Hotline 61tieFa)rptwTiiltes7r^ dtts-ca^ to Th^CJalTro77 to the the
Coh?Hi'uedlfmiViaoe 1 " . ' V . ' .. . T

The' idea of a Hotline" to serve Cranford youth originiated-itrthe-PTA-bqardof Hillside Avenue Juwidr High School in June of 1969. A group from the. board discussed it with the Youth seliingService in Westfield,. whose director helped outline what must be done to start such a service. The idea was to make available" on weekend evenings, a plume number to serve as -an anonymous sounding board . for teenagers and a referral service to various agencies which could help.our youth to face and solve- their problems. The Cranford Clergy Council was . contacted, followed by Church Women United,, who, along with Hillside PTA members, started recruiting volunteers to man the phone. ByJanuary 1970, attorney James Bell was contacted arid Hotline was incorporated: '-- < -

In 1892 the Cranford Casino was built as a center of Social 1'yents, at a beautiful location on the bend of the river above the dam Guests frequently arrived by canoe,^n3~3urjlng the Gay Nineties the Casino was known as one of the' finest clubhouses in New Jersey. The population of Cranford more than doubled between ISOwTd-rawrrrehTTrrsno 2,654, But the attendance at the river carnival was over 8,000 in 1896. The program for 1908 lists a hundred decorated canoes, with a prize of a new canoe for the most beautiful float, and fireworks followed by a dance at the Casino. The banks of the river were lined with ith over 3000 3,000 J Japanese lanterns, l t and d the th river i e rs ^ a s spanned in many places by arches of lanterns. The advent of the automobile made the crowds attending the carnival even larger, and unfortunately , less well behaved. Each year the "notices in the jirogram asking visitors not to destroy Shrubbery or walk off with the decorations became more prominent, and more emphatic. The Carnival- was Interrupted during the war and resumed afterwards, but 1928 was the last. The crowd that year was tremendous, and the damage done was just too

Crity P k t development of the Union, Colirity Park system. The idea _wasstariedJoy-the-edi(tproLthe-Ct;anfordX:itizenrand picked up in 1919 by the editor of the Cranford Chronicle as a possible memorial for local boys in the World War. It was helped along by the possible donation of Sperry Park, the origiffal site of Crane's mill, developed by D.C;N; Collins, township engineer, and finally converted to a county plan by Charles Hansel, president of the Cranford Civic Board and a consulting engineer for railroad construction. The population of Cranford continued to double every 20 L^ears on a remarkable smooth curve from 1900 to about J960, until the land available for residential development was very largely gone Schools, churches, and new light business enterprises; have grpwn with the community.' Local growth in.,recent, years has emphasized.a selected type of industry,Jsuitable for a suburban community, which offers employment without the necessity of commuting long distances to work. . /-""* Cranford, having arritfStLat its hundredth anniversary ir^ 1971, is proud of its/pak, aw^Sve look forward with confidence to its future

zsday Morning ated 80 Years As M ok Review

Eighty years aB6qMarch c l u b ' m e m b e r acted as the organization of the 17, 1891, a small^gMoup of librarian twice each month, C r a n fo r d - &><-> a 11 v e r A r t womoii' docidod-to!')-meet on and the library was open for (^Jroup. Another"cTiiId of th( Wednesdays, to iftudy and two hours on each of three Wednesday Morning. Club is the . Cranford Unit of review books arrijj>ng cllher days per week. Concerts, teas, musicals Parliamentarians organized things. On the oc,a_sid| of the and exhibitions all helped to in.1964. build up a -library fund birthdhy, Mrs. club's 75th* Currently, the club holds Hollis L. Leland" mave ,an which also, received sub- two meetings each month. account of the. clulj I s;history stantial donations. In Oc- The monthly .business in the Cranfocd. C ii'7.en and tober l'9O2," Miss May meeting is'held at the public as library. . The Calvary Chroncle on Marc^ i 16, 1966'. Bradley was hired er She was reporting:a talk librarian at $10 "p month. Lutheran Church" hosts the given by Mrs. JTOJiliiennon, In 1896, the library had been monthly teas at which a paid then the club's historian', moved to the Opera House speaker is a frequenl guest. which ' reviewed the Building, site of the present Contributions at these afdevelopment of tHe clubs Suburban Trust Co., then in fairs form the basis for activities, aims ahg objects 1903 it was moved to vacant philanthropic -funds. .In over the years of its township rooms. In October addition, each member is existence. This article has 1907, the VIA, the Progress assigned to two cornmittees been drawn from this talk,, Club, and the Wednesday Which.aJl rpeet monthly at the as well as from later Morning Club joined efforts homes of-members.' > * material' furnished by Mrs.. to incorporate the Public The .original stated obII.T. Rearwin^'t,he present Library Association, with jectives of the club still hold. RECENT WEDNESDAY CLUB' PROJECT-Among recent; men included in the adt projects of -the Wednesday Morning Club was the donation' club historian. - "the intellectual,, elhkal of a tree for Cranford's Centennial Cherry Tree Pro^ct,, . visory board. The Yit'lub was formally 4_and social improvement of featuring plantings .in....various_areas_-alon'g.:rthe'l-R-ahway CRANFORD LIONS -CLUB TODAY -"A group- of present ward C: Rearick, George,AA. Coffey, John F. Laezza,. Jr., organized in, January 1892, The Miln St, site was members af. the Cranford Lions Club gathered, retejntly for past deputy district governor, and /\Upert J. Aza.r,- standing with a limitalionf of 40- purchased for $2500, and an the^ The active Ri-ver-in town. Shown w.ith the club's tree are, left to-right: membership is now limited Mrs. Seymour Marsh,. Mrs. William H. Lange, past -l-he-ptehffe-abov-e-:rFhcy-w'fci-lt.vfHo-righl: Sca+edv-Ne+st>n-|-(7gaT "TDwsi^Dn6a+manHtm+er-jteon ar-dDolan^Sr-^rrlthW|rrthe100 women. ~ "t^esideTTt, and. Mrs. byivanus bhaw. 1 ; ' r M.' Lightcap, Jr.,-second vice president.; William J. For Laycock, Martin Alban, Alvin E. Peterson, tail Herbert W. actUal ^iarlier,- merhbership $10,000 made possible a new to dham, first vico president; Matthew J. Haney, president; twisfer; Robert H.'Lamb,'August W, Thermann , Jr., Albert had been ten. In ^bbruary building which opened on Dr...Victor Stibeh, third vice president, and John'_ Davis, W. Kantner, zone chairman; John Hall, past zone cHair 1802, the 'first committee August 15, 1910, with over secretary, standing.(front row) Albert J. Haddad, An was formed, "to. provide for 4,000 books. I/i 1,961, came 'l-hony-laione, Johrv Er! Allen, song 'Loader,- Dr. Walter' K. man; Sylva,nus J. ShaAw, Jr., Elmer Wolf, John D. Irbvando 1 sflci'aljthe he s a l "' ^f^ the most re'eent m'ove-to the"' Fasnacht,-. Robort J. Lfiicr, iofernatiQnal. counselor, EH chaplain, and Jer'ry eftosa, past zohe"chairman. J tortainrnc4nt actiyiil^s of-the-.. new' buil'ding on-- Walnut .club. In March j | 3 , the Avenue when the 'old Club'of 15 womenj'iwas of- building" was razed for the . ficially chartered;i|jBy the Central Business Area new (Jeneral Federation of Parking Lot. The club Women's Clubs, rffltjetings furnished equipment for the were held weekjy,*1ram the children's room, and a photo third Wednesday : o | Sep- copy machine. tember until the' J Second During the first World Wednesday of Jund|ii|;i had been, established two.. The organization meeting liahway Itiver . By Robert J.Laier War, the club suspended v -Originally the hostess for \_ears eaili(''i ,Two incn, I'ar- and luncheon was held at Sight conservation, in many meetings to ..con-, Internattonal-Gpunselof s(;(:ing and public spirited, llayashi's Restaurant on -many forms" and under the day served as president centrate on Red Cross work, for the occasion, but with - Vv'itli ;,i rapidly gnnving>( therefore moved to' organize July :il. 1925 with the many titles and in many Liberty Loan drives, arid cominunity in W2f>, il was' a n t h e r Service Club in following Charter members lands, has been a primary the chartering of the club an preparing "Buddy Bags" annual slate of officers was fell Ihal Hie mrrcasing ('ranlorfisJ.)ne late William presVnt:. Lion-'objective for several F^dmund and books for soldiers and demands in tht* field lor .1 Willsey and Charles M. This ' was elected, and Mrs. 7 William J. Willsey. Felix decades. B, Morton took office in sailors. Similarly, during service w a r r a n t e d nd; Ycakt'l.' initiated thf* l)i Fabio, Philip Krkmaii, ! recognized in the " club's World War II. the club' March 1H94. She had served dilional recruits beyond movemenl that brought ,Ir.,J,ouis N. Stevens, Harry S early years, and in 1928 the appointed a war-service on' the club's constitution those that could be absorbed forth the Lions, Club of H. HeiiiK, Orion'C. Hopper, | sum of $1,000 was given to committee, and had helped chairman to coordinate in the Ilotary Club which Cranlori Ivli. Houghton, Albert. S. i the Blind Babies' Home in to organize "the New Jersey war-related activities. ' Clark and Charles M\ 'Summit. Ten, years lator, State Federation which the In 1919, a group" parYeakel. H.ev. ' Orion ('. , the'' club initiated the. club soon joined. In addition Hopper, who was pastor,of J movement to establish the to the book reviews and ticularly interested i,n the the First Presbyterian i Union County Association reports, some of t^.e sub- club's dramatic .activities, formed the Cranford the Blind. This 'hurch, "was elected 'as . for jects studied were, drama, charter president v,ol the ' association has become the world religions, laws for. Dramatic Club. The first communftv* airt exhibit, CranlordLions Club at this | major blind service of the Women, the art sponsored by the club, ocLions clubs in Union meeting. . >'' of WHERE conversation, and Lcurred in 19!i3, and conCounty. the ab|{e\- Mr.-Ilopper was an surdities of currentHtinued for 25 years. The late honorary- member'"of the All- funds for sight con- fashions. Leslie Crump became the dub al the ti/iie of his death servation work are- raised first : instructor " in art In August, l<>()9. Tffough"" through the annual sale"'v6f~' Community service early classes. The club'was thusresiding in Princeton for Blind Seals, and the thanks engaged the attention of the Brimarily responsible for many of his later years, he of all people benefited anil of club. The first contribution never tailed to visit the. t'lub the Lions Clubs go to those was for the A!menians^ in prior to''each; Kaster and who so faithfully buy these 1895.- Card parties were Christmas, to deliver his ' seals- year after year. As held to raise money for inspirational messages. only one (if the many results lunches, milk, -fruit and this, community books for. the Cranford, The first contribution to a of' Prizes were generosity,' the Lions Club schools. community enterprise was a -- v through the modest donation of $5 to the has an arrangement with awarded CranforcJ 'Welfare schools, for essays on Public Bulletin "Board, and .the the first resolution affecting Association KO that no child history and citizenship, and athletic . ac - the civic, \tife of .the com- or adult unable to pay for- tor . complishments. . The VIA the proper care of the^eyes munity was offered in o'pp<>s-ition to the erection of an _should go without the was sometimes associated injtrinrftmdrfl-itti n ge-on^ apartment'* building and n e c e s s-a r y a fTe ii 11 o n certs and lectures; to stores at Orchard andJIolly and eyeglasses. -c provide the funds. CRANFORD^ Sts. Because toe are all Two-year scholarships The club's first activity in deeply concerned with ecology ,at..this period, it- is are offered to students pmmoting_ i\_. | r J^ public interesting to note that -desiring to attend thaUni OIL library occurred on~Ja~nuafy" another- resolution in " the' i County Technical School. In :!(), 1H95, when it suggested minutes oJ;'Mtiat first year 195B the club contributed to that the" mil* books of the Library .was- tha' civic committee he tJnion Junior College do'r m a n t cooperate with other groups Building Fund. Kvery year Association' He> "loaned in to check pollution of the a Christmas party is given trust" to a village library. for. a group of children, Other books and equipment selected by thiwWelfare w-ere donated to the Association, along' wil-h movement. . The "Library Santa Claris, gifts and all the Association had, been fixings. |)L. started in , 1881, 'but The Blood Bank became suspendedbperations in 1B93-, an established and suc- and the books stored, for cessful war'activity under lack of a librarian. Uuujoint sponsorship of the The-whole club served as Lions and Rotary Clubs. The a library committee and two men-who made it a began to function, in the reality were Dr. Cordon Rath building, where .the. .Petersof the Rotary Club*, Cranlord Savings and Loan and Dr. Walter Fasnacht of is now located. The new the Lions Club. They and library opened on April 16,' their associates worked long 1895, with. lOlil books and 04 hours at great sacrifice and subscribers who paid $2 a organized a fine group of year'lor membership and 5 workers for a Vitally im- cents per book week. Each portant service to our soldiers and,sailors. Karl- A: Dunl'ee, 1932-33;" The Lions "Club was Kdward ( . McMahon, 1933responsible for the creation !4; A.T. Baker, 1934-35; of the First Aid Sqiiad in William Klein, 1935-36; Cranford and contributed James A. Strong. 1936-37. substantially to its Harry R. Heins, 1937-38; McLaughlin, organizational cost. Victor 'homas "STTaFreenT~anffiTT5pp.T president becarjje its first 19:W-4(); Robert J Laier, 'president. 1M0-41; Joseph Warsinski, The Cranford Boys' Camp JiM'l 12; August Thermann, h;is been nnr* of the major j acitvities of the club, and 1943-44; Victor I). Shahecn, during 1947 and 194 a large 1944-45; Thomas (i. (lilley, amount was contributed to 1945-46. itsj capital improvement .Manning Iv Rowitz, 1946fund. Since then, a definite, 47, William J Fredrick, sum is set aside each year 1947 48, ..William Barron, toward ...this project. In 19411-49; William Courley,addition; -free camp weeks 194(1-50; August Thermann, are given to boys. Jr., 1950-51; Frank J. Police Chief Matthew T. Dooley, 1951-52; Dr. Walter Haney is the current K. Fasnacht, 195253; Roy To Celebtafe Cranford's Centennial president of the club. Listed K Schelle/, 1953-54; Albert below are those who have Da vies, i , "l954_55. l _ Complimenfary Tofe Bags To led the Cranford Lions for Alfjfrd K. Fngola, 1955-56' almost a hiilf century: t Kdward J Shaheen. 1956-57. All New June Registrants Orion ('. Hopper, 1925-27; Danie Heyburn 1957-58; -Oni-pr-tir -Tetter,- -WlS-aHr ('bu g ' , 1958Open Thursday Evenings CW-orge K Warner, 192H-29, 59; John V Nostrand, 1959RfGISTRATION-JUNl 19th-T0TAM TO 2 Charles M Yeakel, 1929-:!():. M)\ John Hall, 1960-61; N. UNION AVE. CRANFORD William J Willsey, 19:)0-:U; William Mutter','1961.-62; Df. Fred W. Lange, 19:!l-;i2; Dr. (lillliijdman, 1962-63. ,

Congratulations to Cranford on your100th Anniversary

Identification Charts for Photos of Center, In dust ial Park

services were investigated, from Los Angeles, to Lancaster 'County- Pennsylvania, to' ' H-untero'iofi i - o n i c f - ^ ^ ' p ^ .;Bu)lding^.J>,T!J^.ii3t".Pr:esbyte.r.Lari. Qhurch;.>12,. County, New Jersey, -- the Temple; S, ChVist-Evangelical C h u r c h ^ , FfS^t Aid SqtJa'd ! 'CleVejatYd-School; 13; StJilWichael's R. C. Church; "14, Sfc 'billy New Jers'ey*'s>ervice of ?l'^ School; 15, Moiliit Carmel Mental Health Center; this type. to precede CranBuilding; g 4, Public Service Substation; 5* Rob'bTws S. Allison were traded,and 16, Cranford Recreation Center; 17, First Church of"Christ, ford. Ideas Storage Warehouse; 6, Jersey Central pailroad Station; 7, Hotlinf1 was ready for Scientist; ' 18, Old Grai id School-Cerebral Treatment St. Marks AME Church; 8, Kingdom JHall gV Jehovah's Center, j business by March. Appeals ' .; Witnesses; 9 Cranford Municipal Builc|Jng,^fO, Cranford were made to Cranford institutions and agencies for a place to house the phone, and a suitable one was
f o u n d " -



X ".-"

Served By The DboJef" Family Since 1913

Lions Glub r Organized in 1925, Active in Community Projects

Weaving The Best Of The Old And The New v . .


The first donation was from the Methodist Church, and. the second, from the Hillside School Student Council, each in the amount of $100.This carriedjjbotline over until the fund drive-in, October. , _/' The Cranford Public Library designed a brochure, and these were made available at the schools and at the library.

INDUSTRIAL PARK - 1 , Gibson Associates; "'2, Supermarkets, general Corp. (Pathmark) and. Remington; 3, Para Manufacturing Co, and Ruson-Shield Corp!; 4, W. W. Grainger, Inc.; 5, Fowler Equipment Co.; 6, Coulter Electronics," Inc.; 7, Graber Rogg, Inc.; 8,%Crantord Motor

cards. The" original eleven ; trustees were Mr. Bell, Mrs. William Collins, Rev. John I Dexheimer, Mrs. John Grice, Burton Mandell.Mrs. j Thomas Murray, Norman \ Poppel, Mrs. Dennis Jichlessingeiv -M-FS-4r-aSchecter, Mrs. Leonard Silver and Samuel Valla.. In its first year, Hotlirfe received 634 calls, in an uninterrupted record ol7 service on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings, with a total of 780 hours manning the telephone by 63 volunteers. Phone calls during the year have fallen in the following .. categories: parent-child probJefff^T 2 1 ) percent; boy-g^l, 32'percent; drugs and alcohol, 12 percent^ pregnancy, 7. percent; girl-girl, 6 percent; school problems, 2 percent; legal aid,i 1 percent;%, Lodge and Bell Laboratories; 9, I B M ; 10, Universal depressions or suicidal Corrugate'd Box-Machinery Corp.; 11, The Wing Co.; 12, tendencies., 2 percent; Cali Associates Building,No. 2; 13, Region 9 Headquarters, venereal diseases; percent; United Auto Workers; 14, Cali Associates Building No. 1; 15, and miscellaneous/*- 11Apollo Distributing Co.. 16, August Spindler & Sons.. percent.- , ~

Cranford Knitting & Fabric Center



- 2 1 8 North Ave., W.






Appliances, Inc

On Your 100th BIRTHDAY

Holiday Scenes



Rosarj^JJnit In Existence 80 Years

- By Mrs. P, J.i/Valsh, Jr. ' The Rosary Society of St. Michael's Church has served l>oth the church and the community for the past H O years. Composed of women of the parish, the primary object of the group is thi- enrichment of the spiritual life of its1 members. Over the years the membership'has grpwn from 15 ladies to the present membership of 250. As ;i church ^sponsored organization, the Rosary Society assists the pastor in many activities of the parish, and its altar committee cares lor vestments, altar linens and floral arrangements used during religious services. - In the years ol serving in the community the society has joined with the Cranford 'Church Women Tinted, the (' r a n I o r il We 1 I a r e Association, the Mount Carmel (luild and the National Council ol Catholic Women During Cranford's Centennial year Mrs. Patrick Callaghan served as president and Mrs Thomas Dooley has been named president eject. Msgr John Davis. pastor ol SI, Michael's r Church, is the moderator

" S," '




I 8 L E P H O N E : ( 2 0 1 ) 2 7 2

Dance Studio



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Cranford's Exclusive W h i r l p o o l Self Servicing Dealer

Serving Industry From O u r , Cranford,,,Location For 4 Years With Custom Injection Mo-ldecl-Piastre-Parrs



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118 Walnut Ave. Cranford



\ -.,
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,. t


A:'\ '~f


...... |
Panel Page 4 . . CRANFO-RD U H f l N r U n U CENTENNIAL UtiM I tlMNiHL SECTION o c u i IUINJ Thursday. 1971 I uursu<)y. June JUMC 3, J , ->'
. . . .. , ,.
. ' . i


Thucsday; June 3,-1971


Page 5

VIA Has 75-Year History of Service to Cranford

By Helmut Larsen Tin1 Village Improvement A>"soc*ittlioHT-hisbeenan' 'active clul) since its inceplioi) Us roots reach deep . into' The history " of I 'nion .County, and extend even into the National Archives .Shortly be fore the turn of the cchlury. a widow, Mrs. Fannie F Bates;, moved into the rapidly expanding village of (Yarvl'ord. A foresighted woman, s h e .soon recognized the, "need lor much improvement" in her^iew -community.. On February 12. liWIi, sh^jruy secretly with 2(i civ'icnn'nded friends to discuss , the problems caused-by the expanding population. Five days iater, M r s . Hates oailed a public meeting to explain conditions, and invited those interested in working for the hettermeni of the, com-munjty to join t h e movement. Thus, " o n F e b r u a r y ,17 1896, the... ! .Village - I m p r o v e m e n t Association came into being in the formation pf both the Visiting JMurse Association of_Ci:anfoi:d_and_the_Cran^_ ford Welfare Society. In January, lftO4, Ajice Lakey, then president, became strongly inspired to support the Pure Food Bill which was before Congress at the time. > With- the backing of her 6wn club, she uidged / t h t 1 . General Federation of Women's Hub's to support the bill. As -a'^result of her work and the strength of women to influence the politics of our
country -* : . - -

Dramatic Club Didn't

By Mary Crane " (Ivor a half century ago, in October of the year,1919, the

Have Its Own Theatre

In January, 1904, Miss Alice Lakey, thenpresident, became strongly inspired to

support the Pure F'ood Bill which was before Congress at the time. With the VIA OFFICERS The present officers of the Village I m - backing of her own club, she the, General provement Association are shown as follows:' Top-row, left urged to right Mrs. Thomas feallagher, recording secretary; .Federation, of Women's Mrs. Lawrence .Tabelman, auditor. M r s . John Fahrion, Clubs to support the bill. As federation secretary'; Mrs. Frank Johnson, treasurer, and a result of her work and the Mrs. Thomas Leahey, secorfd vice-president. Bot.ton-row, strength of the General left, to. right Mrs. Russ D'Arcangelo, corresponding Federation of -Women's secretary; Mrs, Carroll'Leonard,, president, and Mrs. Boh- Clubs, the bill was passed" dan Pacholok, first vice-president. - ; . after two years, The Village * 1 _ !_ pyAssuc'iatrorr wagon and two horse.s to be be used by the horses to became the first society of women." street-cleaning. women to influence the used for" summer refuse facilitate Through" the "indomitable energy and perseverence",. collections. Also during the The project was successful politics of our country. A way--except citation to^hat effect, and first year, the VIA created a, "in every (if- Mrs. Bates, "the niem1 *. hership soon grew to several .park lrom.' ".;j -barren- pot financially...and at the end" thi* n$me-'pf Miss Alice. . ' hundreds The "VIA became, 2 \\hereonjijh.c. ,.storekeQpei;s pf the season; we .sold_ one. Tyak-eyy is. noted -in the btit-nedfhejr rubbfsh and the.i'norse i'6" straighten up our National one of"Cranford^s -greatest Archives in s boys played "ball, en- accounts.' Tha, remaining civic influences in its duel Washington D.C. dangering-passers by. An horse was used to pull the role of'/ staunch supporter The. years* between- 1940 ordinance obtained by the covered wagon in the and sevWe^cWtic. and 1950 brought to Cran summer and to .drag a snow VIA prohibited both these One of t'he first projects of the newly formed VIA was evils; and abolished the plow in the winter. But, gathering!)!' th'e clans on the alas, "our poor horse had a to acquire a much needed sanitation service, for" the corner opposite the stat- had fall, owing to the uneven . ' * grade of-the...walks which did town. Once' .his...was. tioii.'-' , .__..During the. second club not show when covered with established, the members .war, VIA members 'pur- snow, and our man, to use worked to provide the chased a sprinkling cart to his own words, had to give community with, a covered him the axe.'-' (Apparently, this mishap marked the end By Mrs. August Engel starting in 19fil, improving as well as the Christian of the horse-era in the VIA, Chnrcii-^Women United race relations, housing and Play-skool. history, for since 1897, no has had many names, but its the Cuban situation in This year we have been additional references to VIA purpose has remained the Florida. working with the League of l-N owned animals could be same - to encourage church In 1966, the name, was Women Voters on a study, of found!). women to come together in a again changed to Church the School Lunch program. Wo havxi, been concerned Many-of'the cultural and visible fellowship to witness Women United. During the last year the .with the needs of Cranford educational 'resources now to God; to study, speak and act on conditions and issues group under the leadership children as well ~tvs the enjoyed by the residents of involving the religious, of Mrs. William Collins has broader problems of the cityCranford are the result of the early work of the club.^ moral, social ;md civil needs continued to. provide the children. They fought against" of the people of Cranford, Golden Age* luncheons, sell . Our concern for the enNf.J. and the world. UNICEF cards, sponsor the vironment/welfare reform, dangerous overcrowding of a n d abused classrooms and unsa'nitary It started in Cranford in U N I C E F . c h i l d r e n ' s UUoando'ned a n (1 juvenile conditions in the school. As a February, 1947,' as Cjanford collections, support the/o*>+Mrt>n. result of their campaign, Council of Churctef women Cranford Hot Line which it detention has led us up and two new schools were with representatives from helped to ^organize, work down many paths, but we Trinity Episcopal, St. with t h e M a y o r ' s Drug will continue our journey, erected . They also worked to Mark's A ME, Cranford Committee assist in" theworking with other" ifiMethodist, C a l v a r y volunteer tutoring program '.terested groups. improve' the school system Lutheran, Temple Beth-El,and to organize a school board. In 1906, the VIA Cranford Baptist arid the Independent Financial Agents Inc. Presbyterian " churches. joined with the Wednesday Morning Club to form the Mrs. Charles Albury was and first Free Public Library. The organizer preside/it. Mrs. Carl Nees VIA also established, the I l l North Ave., W. Cranford, N.J Welcome Wagon in the era. was vice-president, Mrs. . A.G. Rothc, recording During ' the First World secretary; Mrs. H.L. Bates, 272-4120 War, club work was cur- .corresponding secretary, tailed because there was a and Mjp. Clarence greater need for Red- Cross, .Wausmann, treasurer. hospital and welfare work Two 6l^lh(?~~lTT5t~~}abs~ Through the-experience and tackled were trying to get knowledge gained in these charitable enterprises, the better nil vies in Cranford VIA was later instrumental and getting, a permanent township memorial" for" the honored" dead The~second~ succeeded if not the first, The council began the "Newcomers Club" and got 2,B0().signatures.on a petition to get a Recreation Directorin-.1' 1948. They sponsored "Cranteeh" for high school students, .helped form Cranford Community Council and the Golden Age Club-, was and still is active from in UNICKF and .other UN projects. ,. Irt 1953 the name was changed to United Church Women when it merged with several other national and state women's groups. The outlook and 'outreach were widened'hnd' United Church Women became interested in helping migrant workers, promoting mental health, improving prisons especially lor youth- and,

ford the origin of Cranford After consulting with other Days, the establishment of groups, the t6wn council adulLeducation_at_the_high_ .agneed-that-theneed_was_ school, installation of present, and the community several new traffic lights, is now enjoying the results erectfonof^Vi?lroTTre~to* Ttr a ~ Well~,~organi7ed Cranford" signs, and the recreation center. planting of trees and shrubs In 1969, the VIA" joined (particularly a large .blue with the Junior-Women in spruce with a plaque undertaking two new dedicated to Alice Lakey in projects :-r- they sponsored Mac Connell P a r k ) , all the Mothers' March of through the efforts of the Dimes and collected the VIA. largest- amount of funds Since 1952, nurses' realized to the present tnne scholarships have been in the -fight against birth awarded annually, laun- defects; and; they have ching-24 young women into joined together, to . help this much needed field. support the- Union County Each year an "Open House" Cerebral- Palsy Center has been conducted so that which is located in Cranford residents can meet Cranford. To this end and become acquainted with members,of both the Senior Board "of Education can- and Junior divisions have didates. ' volunteered their services In more recent years-, the_._ at the center, and have organization conducted a given donations as well. "For survey of the town's elderly the 'past .three years a residents to determine their benefit luncheon is held to need for senior citizen advance this caused housing, which resulted in Throughout the years, the the formation of a Housing VIA has supported many Board, and also conducted a Federation projects and campaign to inform the philanthropies. It has. pnhlir" of received ntimprnnt; ^w^pi treatment for epileptics.. and citations for outIn September of 1968, the standing Tdadership In -VIA sent a letter to the improving comiYiunity life. mayor urging the town to The Village Improvement purchase- a'- vacant Acme Association has "mej. many, Market for use as*a Com- challenges during" i t s munity"Center wfficti-jyoulcl existence, and the residej)tsprovide n e c e s s-a r y of Cranford" have reaped recreational facilities for many benefits frbm the tiny" both the, youth and 'the seed planted by Mrs. Bates senior citizens of Cranford. so many years ago.

GRADE CROSSING DAYSPicture taken on April 5, 1928, shows grSde crossing of the Jersey Central Railroad tracks from North Union Ave. toWalnuf Ave,, looking toward. Garwood, prior to raising of tracks and creation of present Walnut Ave. underpass.

B'nai B'rith Girls Chapter B^gan Activity in 1964

The CranTord Chapter Lynda - Beacken, LaurieBy Mrs. Allan Kane became active in 1964 and Schloff, Ann Kpstein and The B'nai. B'rith Girls several times won the "Best Francine Klein. Chapter, sponsored by the Chapter Avtfard" for this The advisers-; in order of B'nai B'rith Women, is otpen area. their service, have, been r-l^from 9tb--grade | -(iir-tswhoscr-ve-d ;.a.s" ]VLr~.v. A|l:in Kan*'. Mrs through 12th. They belongjp presidents since 1964 areLarry Bernstein.;' Mrs. M. Gilbert,- . Sue Nevitt. Miss Linda Franks a lo"ng tradition of fellowship J e a n Kopelman. Leslie Kane, and Mrsv*P!rwin Kausch. >'and service


Womeri*s Unit Has/Changed Names, But Purpose Is

A Great Town?'

On Its 100th Anniversary


38North Ave., East

276 1569


Congratulations To Cranford
On Its 10OYears Of Progress


Trowell, Trellis Garden d u b frrnrrrfed iirHI-955

The Trowel and Trellis (Jarden Club, a federated member of the Garden Club of New Jersey, was founded in 1955 to stimulate an interest in gardening and to urge the preservation of trees, birds and wild flowers. Club members assisted with flower and Christmas .decorations at East Orange Veterans Hospital*, and with Christmas decorations at John F. Hunnells Hospital, Berkeley Heights. The club also participates in ' placing flower arrangements in the Cranford 1,'ubli* Library and Has contributed to the azalea planting on the river banks A planting for Cranford's Centennial Year is planned

Cranford Citizen:: - "The Cranford Dramatic Society organized October 2!!, 1919, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert C. Miller, 2:*- Holly St. Fleeted president was Mrs. H.D. West; vice-president,' R.H. to planned to Tans Pond, an overnight Plans^are now being made W h i t o n..; r e c o r. d i n g Hocagee House, the assigned productof thii rehabilitation programs, such as art, camping trip to ML Whif- for the youth to produce a secretary, Mrs. Moses A. sub-committee of the drama, modern dance, tenburg, N. Y., an ecology f i l m ' Craig; corresponding '...' Mayor's Committee on Drug photography, ecology, trip to Ujng Beach Island,', secretary, Mrs. Margaret Hocagee House is a place Abuse, opened its doors to tumbling and grooming and and a Sunday afternoon trip, Pierce, and tresurer. Rev. The to the Museum of the- Oflity of where young people can talk the. youth of Cranford self-improvement. K. .Marten-. M r s . ^ J . S , about themselves' with, exactly one year ago (his program at Hocagee House New York. Garriso.n wa.s_the directop. ., June^ . . also provides for rap Thirty members" were Under the guidance of plenty of listeners and can ^ achieve a 'Hdcagee means" "to sessions; growth groups and staffers, the young people seek . ways to * enrolled and they will have know thyself" and the individual counseling by also produced and starred satisfying life, confidence monthly meetings on the center is geared toward professional staft- volun- in a variety show at the and. mostly, personality first Tuesday." growth.. . individual growth through teers. In May ol that year the Cranford Methodist Church. A d d i t i o n a l w e e k e n d structured activities and Wednesday Morning Club group sessions. The ; I louse s e m i n a r type p r o g r a m s had . produced an original is located in the second Jfloycir have evolved over the pla.wfor its membership and. of the Cerebral Palsy winter and recent ones have sevc'fi ladies who were Treatment Center at 2 Hi been given by-Dr. F-orest members'of the club; Mines. Holly St. and is regularly Dexter of Union College,on Garrison, West, Baiikc open from 7:30. to II) p.m. ecology;' by Dr. Douglas Miller, Furinan and Pata Cranford Sunday through Wednesday Langdon. terson, felt compelled .and physician, on drugs; and by and frqm 7:30 to llp.m. on inspired lo form an inFriday and Saturday. It is the Rev. Dale Forsmen of dependent group that would staffed entirely by ' adult Cranford Methodist Church devote itself to the media of on reljgious music aimswere, to drama The]r The young people * are There has also been a hike "promote and foster a cominunity spirit wherein each mem her'would.receive tribntelo his'or her talents (HUH) WISHES <uUj. as stated iti the minutes . of tjiat, fir-sl meetingI'Miiiiinthrop'ic and S'Vu'iaf. From seven to HO, to the present 'membership of over G+I :i(M), and to include als(i the and social organizations, producing'them wherever.a,stage many who have at one time T AR'LY DRAMATIC CLUB BENEFIT -Scene frorrf "Death was offered in school auditoriums at the former Hampton Takes a Holiday," presented by the Cranford Dramatic or another shared active Club atjhe former Casino in February, 1934, for benefit of Hall and Casino.and later in Sherlock Hall ofTrinity, Church'participation in the c l u b ' s .the Milk Fund of the Junior Service' League. The late" Lesjie prior to the opening of ,the club's own theatre on Winans programs.' those sj'-ven Crump was director forthis production. Through the years Ave. in September, 1957. pioneer ladies would seem the club h < = ) S played benefit .performances for many cjvic to have succeeded. In the'beginning they read -stamps and hostess-ing walls" and put a roof over November. was dedicated in tribute to . plays at the monthly si|ver teas, but the theatre their heads - the rest was up - .lust one year later the the late Mrs. Low as the! meetings held- in each building ne'ver s(>emed to be to the membership. Low Memorial club suffered a great loss in Clara other's homes and gave at wjthin linancial limits until, .. the death of Clara Low, who Lounge. COMPLETE LINE OF At a t h e a t r e opening least one public production in the middle lilSO's when had been with the club for its As birth-pam problems each year, the first having Arha Taylor was president. reception in September, :!0 years. Filtered int-o the presented themselves and been (ieorge Bernard a boiid issue was drawn up 1057. - (i Winfield Scott, IIALLM A K K G R EETING CARDS minutes of that month's Shaw's "(letting Married!" and sold to club members. president, announced that1 board me.eting:"The town of were overcome in such in December ol 11119. At last, land wtis purchased I he first major production. Cranford, you and l\ have ambitious dramas as "The PARTY GOODS P.jg Knife," "Mister . Animal dii^s were $2 and j on Winans Ave! - "The Soiid Cold Cadillac," lost a kind and dear friend." Roberts;" "'A-. Majority " of the lirst w a r they collected A c o n t r a c t o r dug a under the direction of Flsie In 10(i() when "the second One,"- they produced in May WRAPPING PAPER Minus expenses of Midgley, would open in floor lounge Was completed it of lOlii! their ffr'srt "cast of loiindation. erected t h e $i:i in they finished the GIFTS OF DISTINCTION season ".with $00. (ill in the treasury! QIAUTYCLKANKRS That spring, Clara Low, a club director,'was appointed of La<li\s* chairman of a committee to Calvary Lutheran Church Behrens left in 1942,. and on years later the congregation new, different condesign a float for a pageant (Jenllemen's & (Ihildren's Apparel to be held m Fcho Lake is a member of the Lutheran April 15, ,1042, Rev^Wflliam experimented by. giving temporary church. Calvary Park co.inmemorating the Church in America and will H. Niebanck became the Pastor Wagner a new call as has become .known as "the (KANFORD celebrate its A'.Ud birthday second pastor of Calvary. end ol World Wat^l a- co-pastor with liev. Mr. church with the .three RA^ITAN AVH. & WALNUT AVI:. CLARK 382-2424 f. 2 8 EASTMAN ST. is In 1920a meeting was held this year. It was formally During the tenure of.the Dahlquist. This worked so' wooden crosses" in the pastor, the at .the Parish House of organized on September 16, second satisfactorily that when courtyard. Calvary now has Trinity .Fpiscopal Church to 1928, alter a full year of hard congregation bought and Rev. Mr. Wagner accepted a over 700 adult communing form, a const ft ut inn and by- work. During.the summer of renovated ." the present" professorship at a Lutheran members who come not only laws, - and these have 192H the community was parsonage at 113 Alden St., college in 1963, Rev.'Gordon, from Cranford but also from changed very little to llTTr canvassed and near the end and converted "the former L. Huff, was called as co- Westfield, Clark, Fan wood, present day At this time the of July, 25 persons attended Fastrruui St. parsonage pastor that same year. Scotch Plains, Garwood, society became the ('ran- thje worship service and two into, Sunday School space. On Palm Sunday, 1966, the Kenilworth, Roselle, Rose.lle pupils were enrolled in the Kev. Arnold J. Dahlquist lord Dramatic Club first service was held in the Park, andMountainside Sunday School 4 became Calvary's third Plays whose titles* are no Rev. William F. Hehrens, pastor in July,; 195-1. During longer lamiliar to us were enacted " in school if . became the first regular the last 20 years additional properties at 114 and . 1 1 6 _MJitliJi.ii:LJi.m.>; ;mrl H a m p t o n . jiastor of Calvary on June 1, Hall and perlormanees, for l9297Tirfi).'!l ,_("afvary rented Kastm'an':VST7 .were purpublic were given the church formerly known chased. The present church administrative-educprimarily in Sherlock Hall ;fs stw Paul's Methodist and were and in theCranlo/d Casino - Fpiscopal Church,.. and in ational . buildings where one dollar would 19:i(i itbought the property at completed' along with a f - older assure the purchaser of an Hit! Fastmaiw St. a fid this major renovation o became' the new chlircb, buildings. evening "sure to please" - a home. The congregat-jqn Rev. VValter I I . Wagner play and a dance and buffet grew under the leadership of became Calvary's- first supper afterward. Pastor Behrens. But Pastor assistant pastor in I960. Two Through the years the i'lub also played benefit performances for many civic and - social (/ rtl'hl organizations and produced By Mrs. John Robinson them whenever a'stage - or anything resembling one : . . T h e C a r d e n Club of Park - and the Public . was offered. Often sets were Cranford was organized in Library. 1 A continuing project of the constructed in u n h e a t e d ' 1027 with the objectives stor.;fge sheds in town, being: the advancement of Garden Club of Cranford is whore the Cranford Theatre horticulture, conservation, the care of the shrubbery is noAv-, and transported by civic . and ' roadside 'and gardens around the and all CnVnford Historical Society " the staging crews, by any beautil 'icatfon available method, several. aspects of the line art of Museum. Also, an annual scholarship is given to the days before an opening gardening. 59-1 South Avenue In -the past the club has .most qualified Cranford night To those who remember, contributed in helping to High School graduate who (irunford. New Je.rsov these were indeed trium- beautify the town in many wishes to continue his or her waus. Flowering cherry education in any branch of phant productions. And then, there was ti+'Os in Nomahegan Park the plant sciences. (201) 276-6800 Future plans for the club always that dream - the were donated by the club as dream ol a theatre of their w e r e trees and plantings at include improving the' the high school, Post Office, phlnters throughout the own VINCENT LI-TA (Owner) ' A building fund drive was railroad station, Memorial town, started in 10:i4, Creat Depression and a l l , by Leslie Crump, John Cloud

"ours." and every year In the membership something is a'dded-on-to. ' In their seasonal schedule Last wirier the production of three major productions, thousands]' musical,' "The- crew and all available hands two Assembly productions King and I." It was so designed- a n d . built a and three or"* four F x Successful, that they had to revolving stage; before that perimental' Workshops and schedule an extra Sunday the eyclorama.. was, pur- classes offered in . acting-, matinee performance to chased' and installed, again, lighting, sound, m a k e u p , meet reservation requests. by willing hands i as. also etc., members of t h e when twflaseasons ago;the -Cj:a n I ot:d-I-ii"a i -n at-ie-M u I >-n iiL -- the theatre is truly wound booth was completed constantly striving lor tin

pro.tessioiial -their audiences" demand it. But the ..comparaderie onstage and, just, as importantly backstage, makes great fun and satisfaction out of the work as they constantly deepen their art and enlarge their talents clearly I til HI ling (liegoals-of thooriginal founders.

Helps Youth Aciiiev^Persohality Growth-

ana Uvuntry

ta tie




Calvary*Church Noting


I \sown ana Gauntry


Wishing Cranford A Happy

Our'jhanks to all the

. ---



fine people df Cranford for making this-'

Garden Club Of Cranford

a most, delightful.-community to do business;in.

M U \ U a m l d d


" I h e (. r a n f o n l H o a r d o l K c a l t o p ^ l c o l s p r o u d t o h a v e scry I'd t h e t o w n l o r m a n y \L-ars, c o n t r i b u t i n g t o i t s . K l v a n c c ' i n c n t . a IR1~1I c 1 p I tie I D m a k e i t . a m o s t d e s i r a b l e plaCi.' t o I n i' & i;nso d i i k l i e n .
t h e .iluivii si.un ih.rt only A realtor uiay




Our 54th Year

Mrs Fverard K(inpshall; who later introduced the "Club Dramatique," annual Hal Masques given ai the Shackamaxon Country Club, the proceeds of which initiated and increased the fund In Fcliruiirx of 19:w we iford High tool and \i\ new, alcoustically .trcatfd auditlo/r i u m lor Mfl. and Mrs Moses A Cnug ^o produce and direct two productions of "<;reen Crow the Lilacs" with six set changes and a cast of:)! This was the first community-wide dramatic production to be held there and an Estimated 2,000 theatregoers ^tended Charles Messerve was president then Twenty yars of dances, benefits, 'saving trading J

Biach Industries Salutes Cranford

Leading Producer of Hydraulic Stud andrliolt Tensioners for Nuclear Reactors, Bridge Cables, Refinery Meat Lv-xclumges . . . and Other Stud Loading Applications Limited Only By Your Imagination.


21O South Avenue E., Cranford, N ' J . O7O16 . (2O1) 276J-311O

fl Cdarnrr U Nortl? Muion Au (flranfnrb.



. . /


'?. {.


Thursday', Junu 3, t971

* " '

Thursday, June 3, 1971

_ _ _ ' , , '


' * . . * . . ' '

Page 7

Milk Fund First Club Project

aims had grown to 'include Club include Mrs. Thorn, donations to more than 1 5 president;, Mrsr Thomas' local charities such as the Campbell, vice-president; jQundod.._'.'ta-..cflp:y_.'on a., school milk fund, Through- -C-r-a-n-f-o-t-d- -Wei f>a-r-- -Mrs John -Banker-,program ol philanthropic this fund, needy children in Association, the First Aid corresponding secretary; and cultural aims," joined the township received milk- Squad iuid. Girl Scout Mrs. ^eroy Reigner, the State Federation of daily . during recess _camp'erships a n d many "recording secretary, and Womens" Clubs in May,throughout the school year." projects of t h e state Mrs. Daniel T. Gregg, 1949. It became the first club federation as well as the treasurer. * in Cranford to Meet,in the Other charter members To Vaise funds for this milk fund. ' evening, thus giving an. project,1 the club instituted were Mrs. A.E. Biddle, Mrs. When the Cranford school opportunity to young what has now become a J a m e s Brewster, M r s . business women and traditional Xranford event, system was given federal William Cole, Mrs. Frank aid for the milk program in mothers of small children to the annual Colony Club Cooper, Mrs'. James Duffy, take part in the acitvities of Charity Ball. By. 1955, 1964, a philanthropic fund Mrs: K. A. Howell, Mrs, E.. was initiatedr-under the federated women's clubs. successful A. Killian, Mrs. Roy Martin fund-raising chairmanship of Mrs. enabled the group to sponsor "Benedict Morelli to disburse and Mrs. Pa,ul Martens. Mrs. Walter E . Thorn, several, children for fullmonies collected for the Alsoamong the formerly of 207 Beech St., time treatment a n d organi/.ed ^the group in educational programs at the milk fund. Today, the originating group were Mrs. RIVER CARNIVALS REVIVED-AAodern day spectators present a mor.e Informal ap April, 1949,. and was sub-Cerebral Palsy Center in philanthropic fund, headed Phillip Morin, Mrs. A. E, pearance as they watch passing of a flat.participating in bnp of the series of River Car by Mrs. Richard Carlson,,, Poole, Mrs; Edward Rathje, : nivals revived by the Cranford Jaycees in 196T.. ' . . . ' . . . sequently chosen to be its K-lizabeth. .' r disburses-all of the clubs Mrs. Frederick Schultze, charter president. At that -i - ' X charitable donations. Mrs. John ,Silliman, Mrs. time, membership totaled . Charter officers of Colony 'Charles Stevens ... In 1957, the philanthropic order to' start the- con-' 21,' " * struct ion of a permanent church.
1'he ColonyClub~~on assumed its first major Cjranlord, a women's club philanthropic venture, a

Hy Mrs.J.T..Stewart

Two years later,-the club

New Martin Reflects Dream

"The prototype o

jewelry store of the future " "A new concept in a jewelry

County Planning Board auaid for outstanding store renovation"


. ,10-J

museum that sells." Those According to the firm's are some of the ways Martin Jewelers, Cranford, have president, Howard M. Sie'gel, a desire' for notoriety been described. With the'opening ' of- its had nothing tordo-with the expanded' headquarters at construction. '.'We'v.e been in business 12 North Ave., W., almost two years ago, Martin j 'here for almost 11 years." Jewelers took a giant step i Mr. Siegel said. "And we've frorri local merchant to I been activtvparticipants in. national celebrity. The store | the community during that has been. written about in .time. So. .we. knew. Jhat national publications, was gimmicks and short-lived featured- in the- April 1970 sensationalism h a v e no issue of the industry's place in Cranford's-business What we set magazine Jeweler's C i r - community cular-Keystone, has drawn out to do was find a better numbers of "-idea-hunters" wav to serve dur customers.


A Tradition in Cranford

4 Seasons Episcopal Gardeners Services

By Mrs. Robert Flph'l



As one hundred-year-old-to another, we know the pride which comes with a century of service. We're especially proud that UCTC has - shared the growth and progress of Cranford for almost half of its history. The fullseTvice Cranford Office, formerly the First National Bank, has served the Cranford area since 1922. In 1965, the modern Cranford Autobank was opened at 201 Walnut Avenue. And now, in this centennial year, UCTC presents its all-new Clark Office, 315 '' Central Avenue, to extend its serviceto a broader segment of the. Cranford market. ' . We salute the people, commerce "and.industry of Cranford on their accomplishments of the past. As an active member of the community, we pledge the best in full-service banking in tjfie growth years ahead.


Where Your Family's


Has Been.Our Concern For Three Decades 17 N. UNION AVE. 276-0062

called as rector of the local By H . Joseph Walsh , Monday's and Thursdays church in the same year. He The Four Seasons Garden The Cranford Senior Irom ]():'M) a.m. to 4 p.m. in Club of Cranford w a s j The first 'Episcopal ser- served' until 1879" Citizens Club 'was ''formed I he Community Center, a t ' vice in Cranford was held in organized in 1954 with a The cornerstone of Trinity ' February liS. 1WH. in (he Miln and Alden Sis.' October,] 872, at the home of h AcJ i v i t ics ITT'O"""sewing," f fTujerrTTR" ii is today was I II SI I THIMIiUI 1\A tlllgl'ULdl The name of the_club' was Mr. and Mrs. James A. ,laul on October 5, 1922, with- Church. needle 'work.- travel slides Smith, Ave. There suggested by a past charter Bogart an Miln Sf.'^nother the Rt. Re.v. Paul Matthews, were 3 1 members,,, Twenty ancl other films, speakers service followed al the home member, Mrs. Jane Emling. D.D., then bishop of the of the original group are still both local and outside The club became a of Mr, and Mrs. John M. Diocese of New -Jersey, in I he- present membership : business firms, Christmas Atwater on North Ave., and provisional member of the parfjos and.a.birthday party officiating. 'The organ was' Garden Club of Nt!w..Jersey thereafter services were dedicated in 1-925.-On jime 7v = the 'live-first .officials.-elected 'Hie-'Jast, -Monday f * in Mdr"ch, ..1959, .and a held 'from'time to time' at the l()2(i. the oldiire house bell, were: President, JohirRalt, month.. There are, sjj< bus 4 original, federated club in March, homes' of the 1 vice---pre-sideik!. . Louts trips throughout Die year^lo of the was purchased and installed Silsby: secretary.. Clarence Xevy. Jersey and- PennI960. H has been a.member members in the church tower, and of the Cranford Council of congregation. I re. a su r e r . sylvania and a one^veek trip where "it still hangs today: M a d d e n : . Garden Clubs since its .in- Soon after this the group ('la r e n e e R om i n g c r ; in .Augu^t> to Echo. .Lake arranged for the use of an ception. auditor. Willjjim Allen; | Lodge, in Kayettc. Me. The original constitution old public schoolhouse for director of'hall. II. .Joseph i . -Meiiliters also make all of the Four Seasons Garden their services, which .were Walsh. Hospitality chair- kinds ol 1 "articles for the Club was instituted in '1954 conducted by clergymen f ni;m was Mrs.. K.F. George pa.lien.ts-. at_ Run.neljs and ywas revised ~ to its -from -Elizal)th.>4fa!i_wood-. - of t he Junior Service Hospital, lolied over 1,000' For 1 7 years, Cranford l.wiguc. 'present form in February, a>and Ijnden. ' bandages lor cancer An.effortto raise fundsior children and adults have I960 The club library The,following helped with dressings, addressed enbeen learning the a r t . of the erection of a church was originated in. 1956, and the rclH'slmienls until' (lie club velopes, inserted letters and first yearbook was com-'begun in 1H73, ground for the dance through the efforts of moved to the Municipal helped mail them for local site having been donated by the Yvette Dance Studio. posed and distributed in Kuilding in October of 19(>:i: charities. .' . ' Miss Yvette. as she is .Junior Sei - vice "League. 1957. Tfie club became , a .John M. and Harry K. "The club is a member-of Atwater known to her . students, Colon-y Club. Jayreo>', member of Trailside Nature the,.'National "Council -of .neiglr- Cranioid Council of Church At ahout this time the began" leacbiTfg and Science Center in April, S iMi i o i" "C i I i /. e n s , 1958. jl contributes annually women of the church met | borhood children in herWomen, SI. Michael's Washington, and the New to the Patients' Garden Club andfyrmed t h e Parish'-' home on Chester Lang Place Rosary Society and theJersey CiHiticil of Senior of the United States Public Circle, the forerunner ol the !in 1954 She then'rented the Department of Health and Citizens. The president, H Health Service Hospital present Episcopal Cliur- Veterans Hall on South Welfare. Joseph Walsh has been (Leprosorium ) at Carsville, chwomen's group. Thjs unit Avenue one day a week to active -fti Senior Citizen Those attending the first l a r g e r I meeting were" . Moses housing, the. Community La, Trailside Nature and raised'large sums of money a c c o m m o d a t e to help meet the increasing classes and taller girls. and Herbert'Jacobus from' '('enter and- many other Science Center-, and the Rhododendron'Society of needs of. .the;, growing After a few years, she found the Township' Recreation activities bfh ;lt a state and parish. An 'outstanding there was more space Union County. Department. VV.N-. Philo.* lederal level- for senior Over the years "club achievement of this period available at the no longer publit" affairs com-' Tiii/.ens. was the securing, of-land, on members have participated North Avenue on which a existing American Legion in&sioner; Anthony laionc' ..The club has certificates Casino on Riverside Drive a trustee representing the (il iippreciation from* the in Cranford Day, made rectory was built. and rented days church. and Rev. A bedside bouquets for East Uunnells Hospital. March of Although times were a week. Now, ir> its own Mangione, pastor. Orange Veterans Hospital, Dunes. National Multiple, Brookside .Nursing Home, difficult during the financial building on Walnut Avenue, Meeting's 'were held, from Sclerosis Society, and and Cranford ' Hall; panic o f 1873, the Vestry the studio boasts an ]:M) to I p.m. .Mondays. National'Council of Senior distributed house plants to issued bonds at $50 each iii enrollment of over 5^0. MVetings now 'at'O held on Citizens. Washington. shut-ins through the Visiting Nurse Association, and held annual flower shows since 1957 for participation by members only. TnJVIay_, 1961 the club held its first public plant sale and us"ed the p'roceeds to purchase one-half, acre of land for the Gr/wit Swarnp JMiitionalVtildLifu-Retugethrough the Worth American Wildlife Foundation. J^ . Other club activites since then have included planting of two pink dogwood trees at the corner of Springfield and North Unjon, _a Holiday Potpourri at Trinity Episcopal Church and a closed" home flower show. Trte d u b was awarded a Sears and Roebuck grant of $100 in May of 196ii, and aSears "grant of $35 in May of last year.

Began 1872

Senior Citizens Organized "The Rev. E. M.Reilly was Club in Cranford in 1963

Dance Studio l^Years-Old

ra tu Iat ion s C ranford*

On Your Centennial


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I f
) .

"ThTirsdav, June3, 1971 ' CRANR3RD

Page6 CRANFOflD CENTENNIAL SECTION Thursday, June 3, 197.1 v " . -.
5 'J r-As-cecorjied earlier, the two School budgets have gono history when many towns were voting down school up along With enrollment, junior highs came along, in and this has been another building plans, GrTlnford ..School population has sore point with many voters. voters passed a $(i.2 million By Carol Ann Bunck Just as in, 19W, the south meeting of the Board of iss.uefor the In recent years, several bond grown from a handful of The story of the Craniord Kducatiorv in February of gqt a.sehooi and the north renovation and expansion of school budgets have been r-dA rl -\-a iu-c,1- Thex-hurch-was-orgaiuzed in t h e pre-pt.tblie-sehools-is-like-most fliatyealr-Hvhentheold- .iloLa-jiChQQl, The south side pupils JLL1 Cranford High School. Work -defeated 'aitho.Uiilu_UisL Church began In Tt)9B with a -Revolutionary biUleRedas a corporation on Fjoraphile Garden Club storie'.s -- i[ has elements of building was declared building was called Sherr Schoolhouse," tb 409 in 1898- February voters passed the on this, tiielatesfclTaplt*r in -tfxLup nl wom.eiL known a s -November 22, 1922. a s the stalled as-an-.outgrouth. of both triumph and defeat. "inadequate, unfit and man School. ^ the history of Cranford th'e-YouMg Ladies' Christian (iospel Tabernacle of. the the Newcomer's Club. It Progress in "the last 100 iheapable "of enlargement.'" - In 1903 three schools M'ere 99, 2,683 in.}934-35, 2,874'in 1971-72 budget. .public, school^. Is'- Another "nofHwOfir-iumph 1947-48, 3,6915 in 195^54"and League T h e group met in Christian and '-Missionary. was formed on July 10, 1950 years has brought forth The meeting, howover, in use - Sherman, Grant and the present B,3(>5. came last June. ATaTtime in t o begin in the summer. various homes, and in, 1905a Alliance. Two of the trustees and numbered" 25 in many new building, ended in confusion, and no McKinley School, which was . branch work of trie Alliance are still living. K K King membership. The first modcrni'/at-ions and adaction was taken at several completed that year on the wa- established in Cranford and C. II. ifaniels. ^Boulevard in the then New ditions to the curriculum, subsequent meetings. president was Mrs^Leonard at the .home of Mrs. C C On January I, 1925, theK Moody, who is still an but in between there has Orange set'tion of Cranford. Finally in April, Drake of 7. Orange Ave original huildiivg was active jiiember, though at been dissention over cost, voters passed by 127-117. N<AV Orange later became As m e m b e r s h i p grew, the completed with Rev. David present on. leave in Japan. location of the schools and proposal to raise $30,000 for rfne borough of Kenilworth location w a s moved to a Mason as pastor.. Rev. sometimes the educational a new school on the Grant and the Mclfinley School The club/celebrated its philosophy. prayer room at St. Paul's Frank 'Havila'hd became * * ' * School site. Opposition, became a part of its., school' Met h o d i - s t Ivpi s c o p a I past6r in August. 1927, and "Jot.h anniversary with a .- Craniord residents w h o nevertheless, cpntinued s'ystem. Church. The first 'reported- the original building later dinner parly in December. Because of the grpwing because south siders wanted have lived here at least 10 -.membership w a s 20, with a was " remodeled _ a n d 197.0. population, the Board, of a school in their area and years will remember the : - iriissionary offering' of-$315 Tlie'.c-1-ub's'e-iv-ic projects enlarged. Fducation in L912 again some of the men objected to several -school building lor the year. In' 1970 the total have been landscaping and Rev. Dr. George A. Ait- mainfeiutnce of the First' referenda that were the fact that women had began planning""l'or two new reached $34,89(5.73. eheson begatrhis ministry in been allowed to cast^ballots. schools. Completed in 1914 defeated during that time: The church then moved to' Aid Squad- building lor 1H. 4 H. and in 1954 the parking This was 23 years before were Lincoln School and One of the most bitter an office room in the Opera several years. In recent lot on Retford Ave. . and suffrage: was granted Cleveland School, a comcontroversies developed in House, now occupied by t h e years, and at present bination grammar an*high Suburban Trust Co. Cherry St. was purchased. involved in the landscaping lfl(H)' and HKll over a women. school In-. 19f>(> an educational proposed new high school on At the May 15, Ili97! Following a fire in and improvement of the The y e a r 1924 saw building was completed. February. 1912. which property on Springfield Orange Ave. Two referenda meeting oT the school board replacement of the, old were rejected, in part a petition . containing 200 destroyed t h e building, Rev. J. F. Shepherd, the Avenue adjacent to the ShermaivSchool with a new meetings were_ held n the present pastor, served as a public "tennis courts., where because the north and south signatures was presented brick building, and in 1927 si'des of town could not agree cajling.lor purchase of land C h r i s t i a h S e i f n c e missionary to China from the old~Ciirl Scout house once on the location .of the schoql". "on the south side of the Roosevelt School was built C o n g r e g a l ion1 church... l!)4fi until all Christian stood. Cost, also was a factor. Jersey Central along with an addition to building and i n a store at 108 missionaries were expelled Floraphile Garden Hub Need, however, was not.New V Railway t r a c k s " for Lincoln School.' Walnut Ave. Among the from the country. .He then became a part of the New When proposals lor a new since everyone agreed that building of a new school at pastors were Rev. W. W. taught in the 'Philippine Jersey State Federation of high school were put forth, the current double sessions an expense riot exceeding -ItcvTttr Islands'-Tmul- serveda+^ -(4arden- Clubs-.m11152,. und at the hlgb. schrf"! M trouble erupted once more. M \A krgtmwnt -was put htgtp m Francis, later a missionary chairman of t l y Missions for tluvpast five years has High" , BABY PARADE FLOAT 1916David &nd C. Stanley Wyckoff are shown in float whichj should not continue. forth that the 127 votes cast Before C r a n f o r d to' Japan, and Rev. H. L. Department at St. Paul- had a Junior Garden Club. ; T'.nd PI. shou School on West Knd PI. was won second prize in baby parade held during Cranford River Carnival in June, 1916. The Only when the school in the recent election did not Turner, w h o became (Minn, i Bible., College, lie completed in 193H, building "sailors" are brothers of Mrs. Edward Kreig of 9 Orchard St. David is now retired,and i hoard proposed^ conconsitulte a clear rnajority. 4 president of the Christian also served as director of structing-, twin junior' high, . Another special meeting proposals wei;( rejected living in Florida^nd Stanley lives in Roselle Park. and Missionary Alliance. fjie Jaj'fray School' of I schools, one on each side of was called in July, at which twice by voters - once in ,.\Hssfons, JMya,cls.JN..-Y-... **od.. -p t-townT -and-. ..the . the previous decision ...was 19/22' and again x almost 13 started, at the time the as-personnel secretary of present high school where it Uliiiown out iia favor a years 'later in' 'HISS* The church wet inutile Opera the Latin American Mission.' ; was;. did/The-t*>wn unite and .jresolution, to-ljnikka $3,500 proposal which led loathe By Mrs. R. J. Blood and ryirs.-G.C. Smith House under the'dlrectibn of Brian Anderson, minister -purcfyi'ses' books,, 'f-md -building, "was pass a third' referendum'" | prim'ary'schooi fort he south present Miss Mirian Cromwell. Rev. | of Christian Kducatip.n, speakers and conducting an .paintings -for the school, acceptecUn 1935 under the The Walnut Avenue jlater in 1961. Thus: Hillside Junior | side and appropriate $4,01)0 Irving G. lloff was called to recently established a col fee j The - Cranford PrbHi<C Works Ad- School PTA can look back on annual safety poster con- subsidizes class trips and land Orange Avenue Junior f Woman's Club Alumnae was I for the rehabilitation of the 1 serve as the first 1'uLf-time house, the "Unseen." at 1 contributes |,o the .Joint ministration system of Hi years of dedicated work test. Cherry St for young people. i formed in February, 1970. High Schools were horn in i'prcsent school. pastor in 1920. The PTA also:;, annually Scholarship Fund. " '_ I The first meeting was held 19113. " I No sooner had > this outright grants for schools. and contributions to the at the home of Mrs. Walter A look farther back into (I e v e I o p th e n t b e e n Total cost- of the school, school. equipment, The school's cornerstone I,. Wronski, ..and...was^_at- the annals of local school publicized, than advocates i n c l u d i n g -was-laid on January 14,-1955. tended by 13 former Juniors. history will ~r?veTiT"fTiar There a r e presently 20 north-south; conflict existed the new proposal did not the athletic field was and the^ PTA was-organtf.ed . members. in Ihe 19th Centur\ as well, have the support of the WtiW.OOO. comprised of the in April.ofclhivt.year. From government grant ' of- the beginning-it has proved The alumnae was formed As in' 19(>(), the town then majority in town. to assure a continuous was laced with insufficient With the "Compromise of $3ri2.-O00 and a township bond to be a strong and beneficial . relationship between ./"the classroom space to handle October 12. 189" 7" town issue ol $498,000. Among the agent, of the parents, pupils former Juniors, present the growing . student harmony .was. restored. dignataries at ground and school. Since its inception .them Junior Worrtan's Club and j population. -Grant School at Voters by 219 to 52 passed a breaking exercises on the. Village Improvement I the corner ol Springfield building plan authorizing December 15, 1935, were have been eleven presidents. (ieorge Iv Beginning with- the.Jirst, Association. L a i s o n i Ave. and Holly -St. mow the the purchase "'of a site on Mayor Board of Mrs. Michael Carlozzi>who members from both ' Cerebral Palsy Treatment LjneoltT Ave. lacing (Jrove Osterheldt. o r g a ni z a t i o n s a r e ', ('enter i originally was St. for $1,800. construction dT Kduc-ation President Joseph served from 1955 to 1950 the represented at the jnonthly constructed in l.lilil! and ! a school there at a cost not A. PJumnier and Super- list includes: Mrs; Michael vising Principal Howard R. Battaglini," 195(i-195H; Mrs, meetings which are held at ivnlarged in 1HH4.'R\ 1H96 itU'xeeeding $3,500 and ap-. Harold Rothhard, 195H-19<)0. . , member's homes on the first i had become too simrll. ] propriatio.n of $24,000 for a Best.'- * ' Between 1940 and' 1960Mrs. William Kltinge, l%<>Friday of each month. ] Kfl'orts to construct a newj new school building,on the Cranlord's population more 19til; Mrs. IJonald Hoothby, The alumnae strive to ; school beg'an at a special i (irant School site. than doubled, climbing from I9(il-19()2; Mrs. Theodore attehd and support all ways Weiner. 1962-1%3; ' M r s . 12.'6n .to 2(1.424. Conand means projects held by sequently , four new Walter Pu/.io, 19(>3-19(>5; both groups. _ / elementary schools Were Mrs.,Anthony Chirico, 19(i5Membership is open to built - Wainut Avenue and 19(>7; Mrs. Henry (Ireenanyone who was at one time Hrooks'ule Place in 1954 and steini \9(i7-19(i; . Mrs. John a member" of the Junior Woman's Club, but who.. I'hder. the leadership of a i Pisansky is the represen- Blooinmgdalc Avenue and Leone, 19(i8-19(i9, and Mrs. Livingston Avenue in 1958.Richard Blood, . 19(19-1971. because of - the age group of local alumni, the I tative from Clark. The PTA's contributions limitation, is jio longer Rutgers Club of.Cranford to the .school cover a broad eligible. . . . " ' - " KKAITOK was- chartered by Rutgers range of interests and acEach meeting is devoted I'niyersity in 1952. Since tivities. A sampling of it's to learning a new creative that time, the alumni body .in work includes: daily art form. The hostess for the the area from all branches volunteers for the school evening arranges to have all of the university has inlibrary, book sales and other n e c e s s a r y w o r k s h o p creased to over 500 and all 113 N. Union Ave. 276-1032 fund raising activities, 'materials available. are welcome to join the club. arrangements for guest In " 195(> arrangements .were made with the Rutgers Uic alumni fund

Oanford Alliance Church* Fioraphile Club Began Wjth.Group in 1898An Outgrowth

Granford Public Schools

Rotary Grew With Town During Past Half-Century

Allison. Clyde C. "Bell, The /story of Cranford Clarence K. Blakesloe, J, J Ro,tafy' begin,s~ wj111 IW~ Chicago Rotary club, Doyle, (ieorge A. Lutz, organized February 23, 1905. (ieorge A. Mack! Thqmas Kdward A member of this Chicago Mac Meekin, Kdward F . club was Manuel- Munoz, a Maroney, tMorris, Dr. , . J a m e s L.. native of Craniord. He was, transferred by his firm to 1'erkins. Clinton ('. Staples the Pacific Coast, where his and .lames K.vWarner. Rotary "experience led him Rev. Martitir then. rector to organize two new Rotary of Trinity Kpiscopal Church, Clubs. Following this, within had established himself as a live years, the expansion line community leader, was so great that a National particularly iii scouting. Association of Rotary Clubs Sortie of his '-scout troop still was formed, to be succeeded, honor him for his Cranford in J922. by Rotary In- activity. It was'he who led ternational: the club, a s charter ('ranl'ord'jK direct ancestor president, to -establishing was the Paterson Rotary the Craniord Roys' -Camp Club/" which was formed in Association, which is still I9T.V This club sponsored operating-^' one in Kli/abeth in 1917, and - His . stay in Cranford Kli/.abeth Rotary, in turn terrninated in the fall of sponsored the Westfieldl 1927. when he accepted a "Club in 1921. Robert W. call to" Kenosha, Wise, after Harden, charter president 10, years. in the Trinity^ of that club, and one of its Church, lie frequently organizers, together \vith' returned to ('ranlord: the Dr. Gordon Losee, came to last time for the 40th an(1. whore' Ihe' two- niver^iry ol the club -and ted the late Dr. has assured the club that he M. Hinirw'ln imd the will be on hand for the 50th Rev. Kenneth I). Martin in anniversary in 1973, when he organizing .the Cranford will be (!3 years old. Charter 1 Club on February 23, 1923, members still riving. in addition UrKVv... Martin., are .-/Fne charter- membership included' Rev... Martin as .Me. Ma'i" Mcckiri, an'c.1 Mr. 3 president, Raymond. A." CleiiKMit, . botvh "ranlqrd Clement as vice president, residents. The Rotary .Club imLyman L Loveland, Jr., as 1 -A -' secretary, Dr. Ilinman as mediately toolj. an interest in treasurer. Alonzo I), lloiigh youth It begyn a long series as sergeant alarms, and ol annual Youth Weeks, and Je'sse G Wheeler and soon entertained 79rcollege Charles A... Sjul linli n- as students, from Cranford. d i r e c t o r s . . Other charter soiiie of "1iom" ar('- strll members were: Louis R. active in the communitw

in the. ownership and name, ol the"" i( hcc;imc> owlanarirm .incorporated and known as (j K. 'Howland, Inc The Originated original officers of trft"' corporation, who are stiil" In Roselle ^e'rvmg. a r e Gilbert K. The real estate and in- Howland. J r . president ; surance brokerage firm now ' Gilbert F Howland. S T . /

Ex-Junior Women Form Own Club -^

Walnut I*TA Born In 1955


Rutgers Club Has Given Scholarship Awards to 53

.. Marie R. Deacon

Dehmer's Flower Shoppe




Shapiro Dept. Store

19 N. Union Ave. Cranford, NJ. 07016

Betty Ann's Cranford Bake Shop

101. MILN STREET 276-0622
"Funnily l u i k o r s f o r 2 7 y<-ars

is first aid and water safety One of the most effective instruction! We are "most promotional endeavors ever fortunate' to have the serundertaken by ' the vices of Paul Selby, Stan American Red Cross was its Grayson, Hugo' Staiger, "Write Hanoi'.' . campaign Jack Delaney, Ed Rouvet initiated in the fall of 1969. and Karl Jobson, who is In 1967 the Club broadened This campaign received presently in the Air Force,. also its program in recognition of world-wide attention and Anne Willoughby line support "from Clark, to resulted in the writing of assists- in this program. . Military family service is giytv consideration to thousands of letters ongraduates of both Cranford behalf of captured American a "24-hour job every day of High School and Arthur s-L.., servicemen. The April issue the year, standing by to help financial . aid, Johnson Regional lligh of. Reader's* Qigest is> with School, Clark. | proving once again that the emergency leaves d?"1eaye The current awards are Red Cross is a tangible extentions, . as well as $300 pei' college year and the expression of our concern guidance for compensations recipients, besides meeting for one another in time of and benefits. Highlighting the growth R ji t g e r.s eC u t r a n c ev need. The daily inpouring of requirements;|*inust aTso' (i,000 letters dpruesnthe apiathy and development of Red show a very1" definite need of which we are accused. It Cross is the blood story. is hoped that many hun- Founded here in 194^ by Dr. lor financial tfs-sistance" Since the inception of (Tie dreds of these letters were and Mrs. Walter Fasnacht with the help of the Lions program, the club has given sent from Cranford" ^53 awards totalling $15,650 Nationally and locally the Club and Rotary, the blood * and is currently carrying six Red Cross is governed by program is now headed b scholarships at Rutgers. volunteers, most of its Lucille Mitchell. In 1970 the Two are seniors, one is a'duties are performed by Red Cross collected 3, 174, junior, two are sophomores, volunteers, and it is 572 units of blood. The and one is a freshman. financed by volunteers. It is organization continues to The Cranford club has the the instrument chosen by expand its research for unique distinction of having Congress to help carry out prolonging the storage life of the largest scholarship the obligations-assumed by blood, blood products and program of any Rutgers jiur government under the plasma fractions. Over the years the Red club in Ihe nation. Its Geneva Convention. sujTessjsjIue lo the.-'faithful' Our own chapter, one jjl Cross Roll Call in Cranford and generous '""siipporT^'of 3,250, walT~esTabirshe"d oh' has -found-the nameol'main local alumni and to March 12,1917, With William Charles J. Stevens,\Mathew some 25 former residents J.McKee as its chairman. I). Hail and JFtol\ert M. who continue support from Today Mrs. Benjamin Jones' CraneT^iJLoj^ayhom directed as- far away as California, holds thst position following war funu drives. Seven, Florida. Texas, Con- such conViunity leaders as young women from Crannecticut. 'Maryland and Channinf- Rudd, George iord served overseas during Vietnam Appreciable aid Morton, (ieorge Bates and World War II. Serving on. the present also comes from certain Don McGinn is. lu'ins who match Ihr JUOH- Immediately after its board a r e 21 members, I ribut ions of their" em- founding the huh-of activity 'including Amelia Cooney, a ployes for the local, chapter cen- r e p r e s e n t'a t i v e I r o in The club president is tered in Camp Kilmer, Kenilworth. The chapter Robert ' (' Simons, the where the setting-up and hdonus to the United Fund, t r e a s u r e r is Robert Iv furnishing of recreation and its financing is handled Risberg and, Harold C. rooms was led by George by Howard Cowperthwaite Stevens has been the and Klizabeth Bates. Today, and Delano Ives. _ In..its modern organization . chairman of the Club's Mrs. Bates can recount Scholarship Committee hundreds of stories con- the Red Cross is both a |X)tent since 1957 In addition to Mr. cerning her contacts with meant; for helping' the Stevens. Ihe scholarship the military personnel. Mrs. distressed land an excn-minittee' consists of Lilly Hibson was busy with pression of-thi*Hi"4?af moral Robert (' Simons. Robert K. the Canteen service at the forces oj -man's highest Rlsherg. -.. I,Liquid J- Aldene railroad spur where impulses. The citizens of Seymour, .li . .Theodore C. soldiers were stopped en Cranford have good reason Bothmaun and John P . route to camp or overseas to he proud of its \{oi\ Cross Dohn from Cranldnl John An extremely vital ser- chapter.

raising organization, - to establish a special Cranfor-d Club scholarship program by making it possible for alumni to, earmark their normal annual contributions specifically to the Cranford program.

Hanoi' Among Projects Of Red Cross

By Helen S. Hoffmann

111 North Ave. W.


Congratulations To Cranford On Its Centennial


This was hosting of the high sclv Inc. was initally licensed II o w I a nd ! se c r e t a ry Kemor~clilrss^In1-930? and opened under the name treasurer .. club entertained t 7) rnr~fttlow 1 an dz -Its-fir s t- The agency 1 T T T K rrh defeated Cr'anf lGt^atton was in the-Roselle specialized in the --sale of School Basket Jbtfll team residence of Gilbert K. .b'oth' new, and ('xi'stiug" well a s the fathers of the Howland. S r , founder of the ' r e s i d e n t i'a I p r o p e r t ies. players. From 192<i to 1929, business started in 1938. <iilbert F llowlaiui. Sr and the club .won honors and In 1942, the agency moved Jr . base both been active in recognition Tot its three years" into new offices in a brand the local Realtor Hoards of. of perfect attendance on the, new combination home and ( Yjinlord and'Fastern I'nion . part of all of its members. office, built at 444 Chestnut County, and in the I'nion St., Roselle.. The agency, County Multiple Listing In 1928 and 1929, the club which "grew during the Service Mr I lowland jSr. began sponsoring atboletie> 1940's , opened several was one". of t|ie original events, including swimming branch offices - one inmembers and diirctors of'the at the Canoe Club,' H'tilso I'nion and one in Westfield. t'nion Coimt\ 'entered a float in the 1928 Multiple One year after Gilbert Iv ,Listing Service Kcho Lake Union County Howland, Jr.. entered tlje Pageant. Christmas parties Toda\ Gilbert' 1 10. agency." the office moved I lowland. J r is treasurer of .were held for the children at wide vdriefy of civic and philanthropic projects during the during October 1953 to the . Crippled Children's. CRANFORD ROTARY CLUB 1970Shown are present pnsuing the Multiple Lrsting Service .43 years'. There were 20 charter members and the_ members of the Cranford Rotary Club (minus two dozen present locaffon at 13 i-and the munetliate pastHome in Westfield. present mernbership of the club totals 72^* "members not present for the picture). The local, club was I'las'tman St., Cranford. The ! (jresident of the. Cranford In 193(i, the "late Rev. organized on February 23,-1923, and has participated in a year 190.4 brought a change I Hoard ol Realtors. . Frank M. Sherlock, "then rector of Trinity Church and vice-president of the Rotary {equipment were also given Club, organized the Cran- to the Firl Aid Squad. hi the "period from 1%1 to lord Welfare Association which. 35 years later, still KIM, floats'.were entered in serves Cranford, a-nd is his .the riv:e,r .carnivals and inemojial. leadership was provided The Cranford Council of Men's .Garden Club joined Lrj1937 the Lions and from Ihe dub membership G&rden-Gkjbs-was founded Rotary Clubs " united in in _the Cranford Days in 1955. The membership In 1958, the council ran a. raising funds for the Boys' p r o g r a-iH s . T o d a y , consistes of local garden litter-bug campaign and a Camp The following year; scholarships)' are given to clubs. The meetings a^e Garden Center was both clubs " again Boys' State,(j,o the winner of held three times a year, established. This project Collaborated in the first of a tfj'e lligh School Leadership January, April and -Sep-has been carried out series j > f sports carnivals Award, and to a pro,spectivet tember... Each club sends1 through the years which- provhlcd . canr- F'nion College-fre"shman.' i t esetati's"fb"lKese" two'representativ6s"fb''lKese".1'last' center held^aT the persh'ips foj;--needy hoys. At ,c The. Mayor's Committee- meetings-..-and, .executive' library on M 16,17 and Mltis"period*.'Patrirk JN('!rall on Drug* Abuse has fieon commfltee members' of 18 V began t h e > basketball awarded a large sum for its president, vice-president, On-rtJtine 10 and 11, 1961, leagues "which years later llocagee Hous'e. Support. i)l r e c o r d i n g s e c r e t a r y , the council sponsored a were taken over by thethe t'nited Furul has been corresponding secretary- flower show in which each Recreation ..Department. \ substantial "for several and treasurer are nonr member club participated. Another project was his , years, and many Rotarians from the local clubs. January o f 1962 a Duck inanageinent of x t h e | ha_ve served in key posts in F'und was estafclished^to The_purpose-of thecouriciL Hallowe'en Parades "whrch: [I he Fund as well asUnHher feed'the ducks on the fiver was and still is to keep each during the winter months-. alter 1 2 years, were un- ;projects. dertaken by other j Two "Salute to Industry" garden club informed of the. Trubenbach's Feed & Seed, organi/ations. - - iprograms"have been held,' activities of all and each Inc., now handle the supyear the council sponsors a plies, which are purchased The Lions and- Rotary I and another is scheduled for project. rWjr.'* (,o io SIIIOOL to learn CHEW BEEHMTS PtPSIH QUIT UIJll I HooH.kllrlKU > > Clubs again collaborated in ; October 14, 1971,, to help , In 1950 mrytle was planted by donations fr6m. each m PERFECTION OF CHEWIHQ^OUM. HM2. hi supporting a Blood ; bring industries of Cranford on the embankment of ciub. Through the years1' the close association with Cleveland . Bank. During the 'war "into j School and period. Rotary's support of 'the community, especially dogwood tress were planted T'ouncil has been responsible 3 SUGGESTIONS FOR XMIiS. Wai" Bond Rallies w a s ' in Ibis Centennial Year. along the riverbank behind for planting trees at the. BOYS of GIRLS various schools, the latest 1. Am. Pboto OutOU. I Instructive, In 196"), nine British the Riverside Inn. outstanding, not only in i B. Scroll Bawl. jlnepemivo, being at Bloomingdale students were entertained Von'ductijig drives, hut in \ School in November, 1970. UENU H T * M C Kll^ I I I . I < Tl.lli:i . by members of the club, in Iji 195.7 it was decided to purchasing bonds The club T H ( J. WILKINSON CO., The plantings at the share the job of keeping the Uat Hl>l Ht(vl. I blrslv, III. purchased $63,375 in bonds | connection with the Kxover a three-year period. " , perin'ient in International Public Library supplied triangle on Kenilworth Blvd. Vocational Guidance, in 'Living Another project of with lfower arrangements and Springfield Avenue all year Each club take one were sponsored by the the cooperation with the high (his ^period wa_s JERRY KEMMERER, Prop. promotion of the Craniord month in chronological council with contributions school, began in 1 9 1 7 and . OLD 'I ASIIIONi I) was carried on for several YMCA now func- order and the Garden Club from local clubs, business WISIIIS \ears. During the following tioning The latest object of of Cranford started in and residents. In keeping with this year's years. Nursing Scholarships attention has been the October of 1957. This project is still carried on by the celebration the council will Mayor's Committee on Drug' were offercfL The 19-17 CRANIORD . sponsor a float for the River Rotary Riot SIVIJW, and the Abuse and its ''llocagee council. > 7 WALNUT AVE, 272-5270 CRANFORD.-IN. J, Carnival. In January, 1957, the 19-1B Ro.tary ReVels, raised House." RHILDKRS' CKNKKAL J large'sums for a capital improvement program for .<.Ui Centennial Ave. Ihe Boys' Camp. The co-sponsorship of Dramatic Club per-; lorinances, as well a s Barbershop Quartet concerts, and" Symphony The Cranford Men's 000 Agenti wanted at onca. From $9 to $10 per day may be made. concerts, helped to'buikl up Garden Club has been in scholarship and student loan existence for 15 years. Its TO itn*i* . funds., and to allow ad- aims are to .improve the "Th BnineiMi Ooido, or Safe Method* o( Brndnsaa." gardening' skills of its ii'1"iilr : I l l ' fributions-:to the -Union -members. Meetings aj-e Junior ' College Building held nine months of, the Fund. Assistance and "years in the homes of the members." * Membership is limited to 25. The officers for 1970-1971 are: 1 ' J.S. Shaw, Jr., president; W.N. Philo, vicepresident; HerbertJacobus, corresponding secretary; A. N. Low, 'recording secretary, and ~ LeRoy Roberts, treasurer! The most recent clabeffort has been the very AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL successful Cranford Centennial Cherry Tree OF YOU.WHO HAVE DONE SOJVIUCH Planting Project. As a result TO MA'KE CRANFORD ONE fiffflf.. of the club's efforts, over 100 flowering trees will beautify FINEST RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES Cranford in the yeaps to "IN THE COUNTRY. come.

Garden Club Council Dates From 1965


inJCranford 12 Years. (About 12%

Cranford's Centennial)



OHKMIOAL OO., Ol**l*nd, O.





/ '

K r l r #

Garden Club For Men Is 15 Years Old


ll f ' - - | | - I n , i i..H ntllll'ia C n ' i . U>1 Klgur*. Hxi.l w, r.iil* L.r . <wii,|il <'..tir l l mil **nU*rlt>rf B"F "III.*' P'"">l'Hl " ' D ' ) " I | B < . M T . I ..f n | n u > IF. ul. i . i,.| T r r I,,, t., A fjr a ! Kr*.


As the Chamber of Commerce

Ceiebrating our Tenth Anniversary Are Proud





to be Serving a Communit:

Celebrating its 100th Anniversary

From the Office and Staff of


Where integrity and sincerity are foremost in being of service to you.

B'nai B'rith Boys Active Since 1968

By Mrs. Allan/KIrTe B'nai M ritn Boys is open lo b o \ s Irom grades 9 through 12. The scope of the chapter's -activities a r e athletic, religious, social and cojjmumilv service, --l-he-y-(Higage i n -MKiny athlelie[^ventsv5.wilh other A'/A chapters _ i n the surrounding area. Recently* in conjunction with tbe-B'nai | B'rith Girls, they produced Ihe show, " T h e Apple Tree" ' .Hick Greenherg has been tin- _ ajlviser since >rre chapter was started in 196ti by Mrs. Allan Kane, past president of the B'nai B'rith Women, KadinialTChapter. The boys who have served as President a r e Peter Rudoy, Bruce Kal'cnhautn, Bruce Kalcher and Michael Kapin
This XAA 'Chapter is but oil(^ small unit in tbe national' B'nai R'nth Youth organization thai work together l.o promote fellowship and good cili/ensl




Cranford Rep. for

All Points Relocation Service


' &

MEMBER-UNION COUNTY MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 2 Alden Street Bus. 276-7618 Cranford, New Jersey Res. 233-1584



& ' < / / / .

"it K "


/>\ n

/ /v y

* /\
. / . . ;



thursday, June 3, 197,1

Thursday., Jurte 3^ 1,971

CR A I\J V (i W b CI:N I bNNIAL SE'CT ION ' Page 11

-By FtedM .-G ra-y-vir-,. ' A~m*tle ovei- 22 years ago,

Local Kiwanis Club ^ Chartered April r 1949

Ward and II. Neil Wither spoon'.

7 Foreign Students Have Stayed j College GLub Organized j n 1932

Here Since AFS Program Began
Swackhamer. Homer Hall, -an AFS Club, Funds have Ry-M rs.-E 11 iott H u roe ' "and KoTiTroilr" Cranford's Centennial"*1 <\FS program has moved concerts and dances, by iLUi^proccods Iroin Ihe year inarks the sixth anniversary of the , formal ion \ears. and community -in- I iTgl i school musical l>y of the local chapter of terest and support have organizing bond drives, aiid American Field Service, an been fostered. In 1(1(17 inid by selling Christinas cards'' organization that promotes l!)(>9-,Cranlord was a bus stop ;md cookbooks SchooL international understanding lor AFS students on lours of .advisers David Naylor am) through a program of America Many Cranford Mrs. -MiclKiel Marcus have student exchange. families had the privilege of worked bard to promote the II was in the fall of H)(i5 e n t e r ' ! a i n ing I'orei gn AFS program. Fulure plans call for that a group of citizens met students during their and agreed to be the sup memorable slays. Two .par.licipalion in Centennial portive adults needed by the | international dinners have activities .a float will be in Student Council (if Cranford j been very successful. and the rjvcr carnival and.there High School if lhe_ school ! school students have uill be an AFX booth at Ihe wished to' pa'rticipale - 1 met AFS' students from lair ('ranlcird's convmittee ' lively in AI-'S. at her communities when will also lake part hi_the_2f>th T h e ' true meaning ol , ihe\ come to speak at international convention ol litreign exchange will be i special assemblies, to visit AFS lo lie held in Atlantic realized . Ihis summer eiassvs. or In -all-end social City in September. .The chapter, hope's, lo increase Scarbrough, Jr., Fritz'Brown, Dean Van Der Clute, Wdrreiv because Jane ' Johnson.' j lunelions. Rankin, Jac|t Langella,.'Helmut Bob Larson; third rw: daughter ol A'lr.^anil Mrs. j Such activities arc .now community awareness olLouis Salemy' John Fitzgerald, Harrison Weaver, Walter liolterl Johnson. lias been I planned by Hie AI-'S Club. Ihe laet that international selected to rejiresenl ! Although' Yost, Douglass Woodson, Robert Biunno. , AFS , was "peace can conic ' with Cranlord High School as an I originally - part iil ^Ihe sealer internal ional" unAmericans Abroad student. j Sludenl Council, it became (lei.'st'anding. the natural 1 ol AFS's student I'hal interest 1 outgrowth I'nder 1 lie* capable evidenl 1 presidencies ol Farris wiirranled the lormalioij ol program"

Crane's Ford Gardeners

The ('iai\i\s Kord (jar bowl lor horticultural ex deners originated as the '; ccllencc from the ('larden first garden department of.! Club of. New Jersey. the Newcomers .('lul) in : In ltf>4 and 195r the March 1949. When the c-lub had reached ;i .membership ('cane's Ford (iaideners Ijuidscaped the Walnut -of-25it-se.veped-itkell-lrom- ~A~venue SrFTooI" I the Newcomers. Five years I hey have chosen a.c -charier,- members are Mill active in the club ; landscaping of the Cerebral The Gardeners have. T'alsy ('enter. presented a series of fltiwer shows. The first, a, zinnia -I'rcsenl ollicers are: show, was staged, in 1949. president. Mrs. John K. followed by a marigold Allen; -first vice-president. show, Fair,y Tales m Mrs.. Robert A. Wilson; Flowers, A ".Travelogue in' second \'ice-president; Mrs. Flowers, Country Life, r Nelson.. M Ligh'tcap; Hours with FlowerK. recordliig 'se.cAstyry, Mrs. Invitation to Spring, and i William ('. *' Philpot; ()ctoher Holidays. A corresponding Secretary; chrysanthemum; show i Mrs.-Herbert J- Frank, and entitled October Holiday, , treasurer. Mrs.'"' Benjamin 'won the-Helen Hull silver K I teller FIRST MAYOR AND WIFE -Shown are portraits of GranfortTs first mayor, Sylvester M. Cahj.ll1, Sr., and AArs. Cahill. The Township of Cranford was created, by an act of the State Legislature passed on March 14, 1871, and af the first'Township Commitfee meeting on April 15^ 1871, Mr. Cahill was elected "president." In.the first official action of the local governing body, "it was voted that the President be authorized to-4ease a piece of land for 10 years to build a pond on." ' " ' '

Khzabeth, The Kiwanis Club motto "We Build" dedicates each club to civic service, ill Cranford received l1ts charter Irom Kiwanis In- active concerni for'the youth of the community, and lernational - 1 Kiwanis was first .formed unites Kiwanis for better service to-the community, in Detroit. w Mich., - in December' 1H1-4-? and was slate and nation. The Cranford, Club is helping to chartered by the state of . Michigan on .January 21, build tomorrow's better l!HT>. -A .'. national citizen by actively sponthe,, following organization of clubs was soring -" formed fti May, 191(1; and (i- projects:' - ' l. A' scholarship fund months later, on November '2. The". Little League 1. lil(i, it became Kiwanis ,. International . with the, "Gian.ts" baseball team. ;i Work projects "-foiformation of. the Hamilton; Cranford Boys\ Camp at ..Ont.. Club. ... . The' first. New Jersey Hope, and life Cerebral Kiwanis Club, was chartered Palsy Center on Holly ty.. in iit'N'ewark, on April 20, 19U., Cranford. Other organizations that " r O a n l o r d ' s , sponsoring Kiwanis Club was the the club -has assisted Flizabeth Club, which itself through the years a r e : had been chartered March Nancy-Luzon School for lietarded ^Children. Union (>. 192:5. Cranford's :\:\ charter County Summer Band and members were:. J.-Wesley Orchestra School, Cranford Dramatic Club, -United Ainge. Jesse D. Allen; L)r -yVH^-^-i-LfcuuiLnl'..f r :t n lord Cri|t)f ppd. J. Coffey, Harold S. Comp- Adult School, Junior Service ton. James J. Coupland, League,. Cranford Board of Muhlenberg Wilbur II. Dehmer, Frank Kducation, DiTullio, Fred 1L.Gray, Jr,, Hospital Building jTurrd, wHitaf John G. IforneVj Russell .Union County Hoag-land, James F. Ker-- JKgjene Clinic in Flainl'ield, vick, Joseph A. Kowalski, Cra'nford Visiting .Nurse Raymond G. Lauer, John" D.. ./tesociation, Camtf En'MaVkey, Richard N* Mc- deavor in Scotch. Plains^ Union College, Boy and Girl Fadden. Also. Arthur F. ^letz. Dr-.' Scouts, and many others. The, club's main . fundHenry J. Mineur, George C. Mory. Rev. William H. raising projects, at present,, Niebanck,-Sidney L. Nunn,- are itstr-pancake breakfast,. -Dr. John J. O'Leary, Geprge- its aucUon_auil-Jts annual W. Orrok, Frank Ramsey, sale of Christmas trees.'". Cranford Kiwanis first George F. Richards, Vincent j . 'Rizzolo, Walter E. met at the Chimney Corner, Schweitzer, G. Winfield- (later the Coach and Four), Scott, Dr. William Silver- Marko's, Kenilworth :Inn, man, Grover C. Tranor, Jr., then the Cranwood' in Coval Wagner. Kingsland Garwood. and now Marisa's

CRANFORD KIWANIS CLUB- First row, left to rightEdwin Reade, Lawrence Etanhell, Gilbert Rothlein and Andrew Voss; second row: .Kenneth W. Iversen,.'Stanley Burdett, Joseph . Briefstein, Fred H. Gray, Jr., William Resta.urnnt in Cranford cacti' Wednesday evening. During its life-of service, the following men have led. the club as presidents:

Henry J. Mineur, John G. I la rney. ('banning Rudd, Frecj K. Gray, Jr., Dr. Kenneth W. Iversoii, Walter K, Schweitzer. Russell 'E Howard, V>* Calvin Shire, James FM<or\ick. Sidney k.a Nujjn. flared S. 'Cbrnptoii, W. Dean Com.pton.-Edvvard 'P. XIarkowich.- Winfjeld J. Kohler, Robert F . Biunno, Millard A.-Williams. John Fitzgerald. William Iaione, Warren Ran kin, _Chark-s Popik. .and cuprenlly, Gilbert Rfithlein. Lawrence Bonnell is .president-elect. The present Coster of 45 nienibers includes: Thomas Benton. Robert Biunno. Cass Bolano\\rski, Lawrence

Visiting Nurse Assn. Formed 1923

By Alice Tomlihson The Vfl'age Impravement Association felt that nursing care; was a vital and much needed, service in the community and it was through its efforts that the Visiting Nurse Association of Cranford, was organized on November 2, 1923. The original trustees selected for the first year of operation were:. Abbie B. ~ Ruthrauff, Julia Hayes, Beatrice Warner, (wife of J^mes-E- Warner, former owner and editor of the Cranford Citizen and Chronicle), Belle M. Fay , and Leah Goeckel, who all signed the original Certificate of Incorporation. \ The Township Committee was finally.convinced that -__thf>__i.nwn dirt np<4 siK'h_a_ service and it assumed the , ' cost of operation until a board could be formed and an organization established. The Red Cross helped by giving surgical supplies and dressings and also by donating a car for the nurse to use on her rounds, ,!*Since that time local conditions-have changed enormously. Today a visiting nurse (who is arv R.N.) must'fill many more roles than were required in former years. In addition to her, primary' function of patient care,- she teaches .disease prevention, is a social worker and a link between individuals and organizations, such as hospitals, schoqjs and social agencios. T h i s career requires not.only specialized training^ but also good judgment, perserverance and a genuine interest in and love of people. The VNA is a non-profit organization with standards set by the National League for Nursing, and revenue comes from contracts with the Township o! Cranford, * the Borough of (jarwood, the -(->-v-<i o^.pj t a 1 Association, the United ' Fund of Cranfordrpntients lees a-nd private ^contributions This immey (,-overs the subsidy and-care, of indigent and part pay patients and advisory service , The VNA has always kept standards high and is proud that its service to the patient and family is' its primary consideration. Every attempt is made to be con ce.rn.ed not only with the immediate areas of nursing, but also the.broader aspects , ..-of. humanitarian welfare. such as rehabilitation and public relations and a constant rerevaluation of function - i> terms of a society that is dynamic. Teaching a family how to care for the sick patient in the home is ; r very important part of' a nurse's visit, and the VNA aim is to jnake the family in- is such'that a family cannot dependent as soon as p a y the, entire Joe. an adpossible.and to enable them i justment is made. The into carry on with the skill and j digent patient receives free techniques learned from the i care. No one is turried away because of inability to pay. nurse. ' A demand for this type of The VNA is non-sectarian non-political. No service has. been steadily and ^^distinction is made as. [o% growing over the years, due in part to the treatment ,bf *race. color, age or sex, and disease by* various all work is carried on in medical ions given by in- close cooperation with the jection, to crowded con- medical profession, Many changes have taken ditions in the hospitals requiring more care for the place during the 48 years of sick in their own homes, and our existence and there will to the shortage and.high cost sjie many more. The one thing that remains unof private duty nurses. For this home service a changed is- the skilled fee is charged, but in cases nursing service available to where the economic status anvone in need.

Bonnell. Joseph Briefstein, Fritz Brown! Stanley Burdett, John Fitzgerald, Fred II. Gray. Jr.; William, Iaione, Kenneth W. Iverson, J a m e s LancasTeXT DT7" Douglas Langdon, Jack Latrgella, Helmut Bob Larson, William Lehman, Henry Maddi, . PhillipMcGovern, Joseph O'Leaw, Charles Popik-. ^-s--^' v AlSai'^W.a'Vr'.en dia.rjkin., Edwin..' Reifdfc. Ari'Ltyr Roberts."' Morris Rbekoff, Gilbert Rothlein. Louis Salemy. William Scar.brough, Jr., Richard .Shuttner, James Simpson, lingo Straiger, Murray Stetson . T h o m a s Taylor, Dean Van Der Clute, Andrew " Voss." . H a r r i s o n ' Weaver', Patrick White, Arthur Williams, DouglasWoodson, Walter Yost, Richard Howlett. D. Lloyd Jones. James Kervick, K d wa vd Ma r k o w i c h , Wjntield Kohler and the .senior member, Charles W'. Tripp. >

Artist & Craftsman Guild Adds to Town's Culture

Not many communities of workshops, with classes just -one- strssto This size can boast ol an arT center which combines all ha^e encouraged beginners the facets of the Artist & to try new ideas in handCraftsman (iuild. Cranford crafts. Classes, are held through is the home base, but interests and activities are far- the .year, and the summer ranging- i.ind- afjd- to. L'ran-. schedule. \Vjll begin in .July. The teachers are ford's cultural horizon. .x4n~the4?aller-Jy ajcohstantly p'-jnfessionals "who- exhibit changing exhibit of pain- widely. .The- guild has tings, graphics and sculp- sponsored scholarships for ture delights the eyes and l'ilen|ed junior high school appeats to the senses. The students and the Recreation used the gallery acts as a showcase, Department tor many- professional' and classrooms while thev were prize-winning CiTanford~and':t-.waiting--tor--now- -quart Supplies for the fine arts New Jersey artists. The guild offers clas'ses in student are available, 'as painting, sculpture "and well as craft-supplies for' crafts for adults and leaded glass, candlemaking. children. With the return of deeoupage and the newest interest in hand-crafted nige, macrame. The guild is through objects, the guild is offering open . Monday | classes in pottery, batik, Thursday, from 10 to f>::!0; Copper-enamel. leaded Thursday night from 7::)o to glass, candlemaking 'and \):'M), and on Saturday from ni a c r a m e . Sat u r d a v 10 to ;').

On # # a t Centennial Anniversary



fartls assembly in the high 1965 when it was changed to There are four charter- awartls By Mrs. M. B. Rosenthal ' ,-| "fThe College Women's Club members stiH in-the^club,, school. In mid-winter of 1931-V932' of Cranford*" Fund raisers for the namely Mrs. John F. Fast, six Cranford members of _ Mrs. Frank Sprole was Mrs. Burton ' H. Leonard, scholarship and loan fund ~weremany-and varied-over elected presulenl on their way home from a Howard, Park, first the years since 1932. There Miss Beatrice Whipple. meet-ingdiseus-sed-theprcsidentr-Mrsr-fti Prtrjeeta-terai^emoney -were.c.ard parties, concerts" possibility of organizing' p gg a - Day, second vice-president; for scholarships were-begun food sales, bazaars and toy simiUir c l u b for Cranford. Mrs. Donald W. Mc.Ginnis, at a very early date, and in sales, a Simple Simon nieht, They called their college treasurer;- Miss Esther February, 1934, a fund was and various plays including My Darling corresponding established. In October, "Yes, friends a n d t h e f i r s t .Ilinman, m ' e e t i n g.'with^J p r e s e n t secretary, and Mrs. Arthur 1936, it was named The Daughter",, presented in ' . was held on J a n u a r y 7, 1932, Burch, recording secretary. Kleanor Sprole Scholarship 1938. Membership was open at and Loan Fund in memory One of the very first at the a p a r t m e n t of Mrs. thai time to women who had' of the first president. At first projects was an old Alfred C. D a y ] A second meeting in completed at least two years only, loans were^ made to newspaper drive that netted February had 4.$ present of college. Now a degree 'junior and senior* college only $4.16 for the club and the third ..meeting from a four-year college women who . needed because the price of used brought out 70. The Cran- makes a woman eligible for assistance, and the first paper fell a-few days before, ford College Club was.-no-- membership. scholarship of &.100 was delivery?"' The club has grown in size awarded ,in 1940 to-Mary The first book^sale under . longer an idea but an entity. was used until to almost :)()() members. Sheridan at a special the chairmanship of Mrs. Wilfrid O. Taff was held in October 1950 and more than 3,-000 books swelled the fund's monies by $514. This ways and means' project became an annual then a biennial event. The club now' holds two sales a year at. its' own permanent selling quarters in the Community Sunday Center. Over _ 10,000 books 1 mile Midgets June 20th, 1971 were ^handled in the two 5~milcs >-^ Intermediates; sales,, this year and profits 5 mile-si--jrEntiles i:30 P.M. were nver-$3,400. RO kilometers The dub is alsrt' welF~ 100 kilometers Sro Race Weather No Barrier known for the Citizen and Chronicle drive in which Sponsored and Promoted By members canvass the town. Nlorth Jersey Bicycle Club and Recreation Department,Township of Cranford: far-subscriptions to thelocal" paper. This was a' project Held tmde-r the,sanctfon-of the':Amateur Bicycle League of America, .Inc started in. 1957 with Mrs,. _ f ~ "7: " ^ '-* ; . ; . Farris S. Swackhamer as its ^LOCATION: '" - " . ' ' " >"''^i'. first chairmdn. Kach drive, l ' Commerce Di'ive & Jackson Drive, Cranford, N.-.I, ' has been more" profitable "( off Garden State Parkway Exit //136) Behind IBM than the last and the scholarship and loan fund Building-and Cranford Motor Lodge, received- over $4,100 from PARKING: " the latest one held in 19(i9. Parking at IBM Building, at own risk. As alI ol , these., projects - RECEPTION: " ,. - =--5_../'... were -^swelling the' Reception-desks for advance entries and Post Entries open at noon. scholarship and loan fund, Desks will be situated at Cranford Motor Lodge parking lot. the awards to deserving Numbers will "bn distributed 5:15 P.M. v "girls were also gradually RULES: " . ' - increasing.from the.wriginal ABL of A RULES TO GOVERN. . , $100 for one girl to the $5,000 award given to 13 girls in COURSE: 1971. In the years since 1940, Township of Cranford s t r e e t . Lap distance is 1 mile; 1 T > 2 ' girls have received Course is comprised of-st-fainlit runs, curves, level roadways, $58,150 in scholarship aid. turns, inclines ;*nd declines. Road surfaces are good and Loans are still available to clean and will be) free from sand. Course familiarization per<uiy Cranford girl who has mitted up to'1:00 P.M., Road markers will be displayed. completed at least one year Vehicular traffic will not interfere with'race. policeVontrol of higher education-



Cards, of Distinction Starring in



Booster Glub Offers Aid to School Sports

The Cranford" Boosters_ -Ctntr sr; nrd- tttToi g
The following equipment *c4*&a4odtothe

Knitting, Fabric Center j Here 22 Years |

The Cr-milord Knitting & 1 FabTlFl't-'nter located at 15- ! 17 North Ave.. W. has beerrH serving area residents at the same location for the past 22 years. Its present' ow7)or, Mrs. FranWci'sman. and her four ai?s i si a n bji; ..offer nwiny specialized services to all their.'customers. Mrs. Weisman. a former top fashion designer on the New York Markel for years, offers' the special


- scheduled. PRIZES: / Trophies and merchandjse in accordance with ABL of A Rules.



./BY (il.OKCI.. INC

The club also supports programs that bring educational improvement to our schools and community and has contributed both money and manpower to many local funds, and projects. The object of the organization has remained the same since the original by-laws: "To unite college women for work on the educational, civic and social problems of : the communitv."1

\H NOR 111 AVI-.NlJ.l-.Wl-.ST

147 Mll.N SIK1-1 I


10 Youn Bachelors Call Southern Club Hxmie'

Holme for ten'of ("ran--' In addition"to the basic . lord's young bachelors, Ihe services provided at the Southern Club is an club, the members pursue recreational .organization forroed to numerous. provide a residence and activities such as canoe social functions for its. outings, fielding a basketball members. The club's team in the Cranford uniqueness is in affording Recreational League, and "family style" living lo the annual touch football members of differing game against the Squire's temperaments, talents, Club ol .VVestfield. Other c o n v i c t i o n s . ; , a n d annual events, are formal backgrounds. The Club parlies - the alumni party in boasts a 41 year history "of late fall, the Christmas party and the spring garden serving-this goal. The Southern Club was party. formally incorporated with the State of New Jersey in 19:!2. It's founders were engineers for Standard Oil 'Company who were Iran-, sferred irom Baton Rouge, La. to Linden. Recognizing By Mrs. Robert Hassard T he C r a n f o- r d the ncvil for" a home for young men new to the state Newcomers' Club was which could offer a started in the spring of 194H congenial atmosphere for through the efforts, of the living and socializing, these Cranford Council of Church "Southerners" founded the Women. The idea for a-s Southern'Cluh-The firscsite / newcomers' club arose of the club was in Elizabeth. when vaVious methods of The Southern Club, has improving community spirit been in Cranford for 15 were discussed. years, and is p r e s e n t l y The club met for its initial located in an eight-bedroom meeting at a luncheon in J 15MB_ilL_thll.. Calvary house at 30 Springfield Ave--The club isheadee'l by four Lutheran Church with 100 officers elected each year women attending Five-by a vole of the members. newcomers were chosen by Currently they are: Stephen the church council to act as V Terni, Jr., president,. a working committee to be Ronald C. Silacci, vice- in charge of the Newcomers' president ; Lawrence B Club This committee drew , Cahill,. treasurer; and R up a .proposed constitution Douglas White,- secretary. which was adopted by the The Club has traditionally club at the next meeting. employed a .maid and a cook In the beginning years, who perform light the,club met for luncheon housework and prepare the meetings at various churevening meal during the ches In time, the club week. The club also leases a de.eidcel to meet at different summer home at the New restaurants. Today the club Jersey shore. alternates between lunToday, all of the members cheon'meetings and evening are college graduates from meetings held at the In all parts of the country who, Community Center are working in the area as addition to meetings, the businessmen' or engineers Newcomers have one night a month for a couples' acAll members agree that tivitity*. There are novice residence at the club- has and advanced bridge smoothed the transition groups, and an arts and from college life to Hie craft workshop is planned professional world. for the fal).


Church Women Helped Organize Newcomers' Club

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Building A Pool? Planning A Patio? Adding A Room?

Let us prepare a plan to evaluate and incorporate all aspects and give you a total picture. That way the plan cart be executed in steps, if necessary.


Evfeiyene4n Granlord.deservesto celebrate. After alLyptive come a long way to yw100$ Anniversary. We've enjoyed growing with you. l ofus who serve you at NewJersey Bell our hearty congratulations.
New Jersey Bell \\ /

We pfl'cr profession;^ advice on the use of all our lawn and gaTclen products. " . -^



Let us-help you design that special area and select plants from our nursery. Or we can plant for you.


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Scpte'mbor 19, 194(5- by a Board, of Education to help group of men whose purpose wilh our athletic program: was-.-, to foster a greater Flectric scqreboarcNat general interest in high Memorial Field (given school sports activities. This jointly \vith Student Council, was- to bo dpm-" by spon- 'Class of 1.969;- universal gym soring" prjig'rams at.: the 11 we 1 v e - m an c a 1 i a (h e n i c Ibotbajlj^amos, paying, for* niaXrhinei used'' by"",^ill awards for athletes, holding athletic teams; pitching awards d.i n n e r s for ''the machine. Hi millimetervarious teams, and camcra'with magazincs.and presenting a scholarship to tripod, film projector., 'the outstanding scholar- whirlpool therapeutic bath | athlete of the senior class., and. Kodak analyst An executive committee! projector. s e r v i c e of p ^ wjis-formed which included dress designing j r m a t e r uU Officers of the club are: W. II Rarron. Patrick Grail, is purchiisedjirfim the store.. 1 President. Hugh Dunlop , Charles J. Stevens, William Paul Also, they will assist with K. Hill, Howard C. Beadle. v i c e - p r e s i d e n t " F I). Reeves. S. K. Krevetski; . vice-president, all k n i t t i n g and s e w i n g Thompson. James Rudd, J. Ted Rutmayer; treasurer, problems, lor the beginner F. Fast. Kdwarel Aborn, Howard Kfippendorf, and as well as the advanced Clarence F/itz, T. K. secretary, William Martin. knitted and sewer. lleslon. Ronnie Kelsey, John Laezza. George Kettle, Walter Bennett, Arthur Boertmann,Norman Gibbs, Louis T. Wciersbaeh, Nicholas A. .Tomasulo and Ben Lapousky. The first officers bl" trie club were: President, James W. Rudd; vicepresident. '"Louis T. Weiersbacb; . secretary, Howard Beadle. and treasurer. Arthur Boertmann. These men started an organization which will celebrate its 25th anr niversary this September. By their interest and enthusiasm, they provided aid to the athletic teams/ and encouragement to boys who came out for the teams: Their staler! purpose was "to foster good sportmansh'ip and team spirit oh" the part oj the high school students and- within--the community." At the beginning this was nof an easy job for some money w;rs needed to provide awards for the varsity teams and the scholarship to honor the outstanding senior athlete. The. first "scholarship in the amount of $200 was awarded in 194H. Kventually.- the scholarship amount was raised to $:!(IO, and the rkib continued to help .the high school teams and student body in many ways. Since its organization the Booster Club: Has awarded a $300 scholarship annually to an .outstanding student athlete. The scholarship was raised to $4()0 in 1970. Gives a sweater 1 to each varsity letter winner in all sports at an annual cost in excess of $1,000. , Gives a gold charm to every graduating varsity letter winner, as well as senior band members and senior cheerleaders, at an annual cost in excess of $450. Gives three annual sports baiiujtu^s_for varsity teams one each in the'fluX winter and spring -.with all coaches partieipa-ting, at an ' h e R c \i > l n t i o n a r y W a r ' s l a s t b a t t l e , n f annual cost in excess of '$1,200. c o n s c e | u c [ H ' e m i J e r s e y snil w a s t o u g h t . Mans the refreshment a t C r ane's Kurd, from w h i c h t ' r a n t n n l later stands at all vat-sit* football games; Ihe pro-fJHj)! which ^ ' o t Tts n a m e . are spent to auPmc' sports (icorijc W a s h i n g t o n statinncil liglit program Conducts a fund drive l i o r s c h ' i c n a t C r a n e ' s 1'Dril t n g u a r d t h e p a s s each year one week t o S h o r t I ( i l l s a m i t o s t o p the1 M n t i s h I r o m preceding.the opening of the s u r p r i s i n g h i s t r o o p s q u a r t c r o ! in " M o r n s ' football season to raise money and aW-rt the comt o w n . T h e B r i t i s h i n a c l c t w oi l c s p c r . i t c e H u r t s munity to (he opening of the to b r e a k t h r o u g h w i t h o u t success. season Gives an annujil subsidy T o d a y , a ' h i s t m g tribute1 tn t h em e nw h o to cheerleaders and to the Cranlord .High School Student Council in excess of $:)(). ' Makes up and has printed football programs for home games

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is n o i n o m l i n e n I C o o k p t - . u e s o m e e ' l i n i m i j o t i-l e.-r t I I L I t \ with eleitru |io\\er.

later. T h e

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s i u ( eH'ile'il.

I M I n i l a l lo f u s . i t I ' u h l u the npiplc o | Cianloi'il.

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J Public Service Electric and Gas Company

IA/ lV>/e






Thursday; June 371971. Mrs. James Bride, Mrs. Walter Wasowski, Mrs. . ThelDigrind Delve Garden 7 members to attend the taming ivy planting at the Richard Bradfield, Mrs. ('lub of Cranford was schools conducted by the railroad station, support of William . Lueddeke, Mrs. organized- in 1955 and is Garden Olub of N. J.,the Board of Education's Robert Williamson, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. .affiliated with the Garden planting and maintaining landscaping program > and Thomas _Lawrence Simonsen Mrs. the-Hierb-Mvheelatthe partici pation iii thc__197JL Club o f N. '.)., "National" Council of State Garden Cranford Historical Society Centennial program and its H. Raymond Kirwan frsT Ch r- Lsi.nuLS_ rJA/^^-dieixy_li^e_pjmitings^ Arlynn Ells, Mrs. John TlnlKTrrnnndtheeraiiford- m_, The fifteen presidents who Henry, TVTrsT Will tarn Couneil of Garden Clubs. decorations ..provided for The club was founded for the Runnels Hospital, main-- have served .the club are: Campion, Mrs. Paul Curcfil,


1 -T

Dig, Delve Club 16 Years Old

Mrs. John McCarthy. Mrs. Thomas Dooley. Mrs. Fr.arik Krtiuse is currently serving a second term as president. Membership is 18 active and four associate members. Special events of the 197071 seasoTi incTiKle" a ITul\T sale, card party,.plant sale, t l b niversarv tea.

FiskeVFW P 51 Years Old

Sperry building fpr thethe pbst in numbers. "^uT^l)ST!r^30"f~~joiTimg<r- -M eel i ngswere_held_i n_a r v'eterans group. They . vacant store on South Ave. decided.on the Veterans of which is presently occupied Foreign Wars.. by the Duff Sign and Display On March 15, 192(1, Deputy Studio. A. rodeo, broom Chief of Staff William sales, picnics, dances and Oehler, first raffles replenished the CRANFORD JAYCEES-AAembers of Cranford Chapter of Jaycees in picture', mander (1912-13), officially depleted treasury. As the right:--Seated,-William McLaurine", secretary; Alan jacobson, vice president; Dr. organized the post -and membership rose from 8(i to Clair Flinn, president; William Hicks, past president, and Warren Parkin; standing, presented it with a charter. over :K)(), . the Lincoln Joseph Stark, Dr. Frank Krause, Nick Precone, president-elect; "Charles Stevens, Jr.; -The post was entered on the building on Lincoln and Robert Hazard, Edward Burke, John Ferris, Thomas Keyhoe, James Salway, Thomas rolls a s Captain Newell Meeker Avenues became White, Richard Kimba.ll, Robert Kenny, Richard Pinto, Richard Waller, John Onufer>Jr.;. Rodney Fiske Post 335" in the home of Post.3..3j5. Arthur Zier, Leonard Korn, Jr.; Heinz Brenwald, George Forrester and Henry Dreyer.' honor of the first Cranford Motivated by the soldier killed in action. leadership of Commander Carjt. Fiske gave his life on Tom Butler and given^an Musical Club Gompletirig 56 Years of. Activity July 15. 1918. while fighting initial cash advance by the in France. lateCapt. James B. Dryden, The club is] made up of students operates under By Mrs. Channing Rudd . Thirty-six names ap- property was acquired on women living "in the West- regulations approved by the peared - on the. original South Avenue and the first' The_ Musical .Club- o . f field, , Cranford area. Senior executive board. charter and Kdwin A. spade of dirt was turned by LOCAL VFW POST.IJsl 1920--Members of Capt. N. R. Fiske received its charteron March 15 of that year, was named m Westfield is completing its Membership categories are -Ac I i v e in e m her s hi p Post 335, VFW, gre shown after participating in Cranford's honor, of- Capt. Newell Rodney Fiske, the first Cranford 56th year of pursuing its Cruikshank was named the the then mayor of Cranford, comprises, solo perTorm,ers, active, privileged active, first post commander. tl}e- late George Osterheld, first, Memorial Day parade in 1920. The post, which soldier killed -in action in World War I. objective of the fostering associate and honorary. a chorus", instrumentalists The early days of the post on August 15, 1949. The and -encouraging of good-) w\ junior club made up of and a madrigal, singers' were filled with activity, building was completed and music. high school and .college group. . climaxed by the formation officially opened in April! of a bugle, and drum corps 1950. It was designated as thai was acclairtied the Veterans Memorial The local, chapter of the- sored the State Cham'-' designed to. I nffk4;il stan- o1d. The current sponsorship throughout " the state, t h e Home A Membership had iyc,ees, is Cranford's pionship Rmul-K-O contest dards, and siinilaiiv, a of the Centennial Regatta, -dcpressifin years -brought now ieach<'d_j)vej_4oo_ [ v *+s-er-v+e-e -t4u4-.-4-Wwl> -fir-ow-ids - of Union standard track, previously mentioned, is a troubled times and,interest K Two members were of Jaycees are College. tremendous responsibility in the post died, but a few elected to4he highest office A ' imvol fund-raising -comrades held the post in the state when the late Irom .21' lo :!5 years of age In .laHilary. 1963; the project iised by Ihe Jaycees tind undertaking. It has been and have the hiotto. Jaycees incorporated a handled strictly with a view . together.^... Mrs. William C. Jones . " L e a d e r s h i p s T r a i n i n g Scholarship Fund, and ab>o inliielall of H)6f> was its first U providing a " wonderful HERE WE ARE-34 YEARS YOUNG became president of the Th r o u g h R a f f l e . " program for Centennial Coin m u n i t y undertook a two-year " M a n p o w e r iRarty Gibers state auxiliary. She 1964-65 project was guests. . -comprehensivesurveyu! Another r tollowvd'by Mrs. Thomas' J. originally established as the community" and its Tlu "~"s"pTflXFroTsntpofir Often Visit r'lirreii'fly Ihe chapter : .Btltler--, -who later became -life " Junior Chamber of. facilities. This survey" ' "Hooteiiani]\"-Folk srnging meets.on .the third Tuesday 1 nationalguard'.;, and was Contest. In1961!. -a, comCandle Kitchen national conductress in 1970. Ciimjnerce, ,in St. Louis, Ihe lojlmv.ed'"'''- by a strongly ,-, inillee. reviewed ' the com- evening, (if each -month, at From t.he -Buster Brown Haircuts of the Before the days -of elec- Next year, she'will become orgiinizat ion officially supported plea-.- lor a munity survey, and another IVkitisa'S Restaurant, Trie 30's to the Shag's and long tre'sses of the Coninuinity Center, to host became the jfiycees in accompanying .photograph tricity, candlelight was a national president. aJhletic contests, drama, was .appointed to study the I. shows.many of the members 70's Scarborough's Beauty' Salon has -March ol 1963. -\ ' necessity when the sun went/ problem.' in of Ihe chapter, Others, not IJI 1966, Roy Brinkerhoff The Cranlord chapter was performances-and. concerts, .narcotics been a part of the-progress of Cranford. down, but since Thomas became the. first post hoped to provide for Cranforrt. originally "organized as Ihe present at the-tmie of the Kklison invented-the.._in- member to- be elet-tei ^'tmlowi-K-enHworth Junior-^holography a r e : 'Richard candescent"light bulb, the commander. His chief of ("liainher of Commerce in ill) sufficient seating - to establishnu-'nt ol "a J.uniiir. /Xlidorsoii" Alan Bernard, wick's flickering flame has stall'was Willis ( ' B i r d , also January. 1955, and its first ost basketball . tour- Ch.'imp athletic program-for Charles Berwitz. "William become the symbol of a of Post 335, For 34 years it has been a gratifying major project was a teenage naments-i a swimming pool hovs between H and 13 vea^rs Bryan, Richard Conley, roinatic interlude'--whether The Vietnam conflict driving Road-KO. It was experiencx' to play if part i)i enhancing Roger OiPeppe. Alan it be over champagne or brought new members to the action ol the Jaycees- thai I-1 o I k h a r t . (' h a r I e s the beauty of our' Cranford Patrons. r 'dinner lor two post. Life membership led lo the revival of the Galiszhewski, David Hart. * And. consequently. Union reached 3(1 and the post was ; Riv<\r Carnival in 1961. Ten Norman Hegna. Dr. Caiman County housewives; the .presented, with a perpetual ,| >ears later they are again Hunter. Anthony Kinimick. same as" their counterparts charter. Six post 'com- , sponsoring the carnival ,as Arthur Kusiv, Dr. Kenneth throughout vthe country, manders vvei:e named to the : llicir Centennial project. We: Mattie, Olg;i, Jcannette, Bunny, Konegan, Kenneth Lawlor. have been known to travel- AJI State team, uncl Mr. i" Also in 1961, the Cranloidm eie tings, and we are Thomas Lear. Charles Nancy'and Bill, at Scarbrough's, wish By Mrs. F. A..Wagner .. miles to obtain an unusual Brinkerhoff was named to i Kenilworth responsible for the flowers Lyons. Walter . Marshall, chapter candle centerpiece to- the All American team of to take this -opportunity on Cranford's Milton Masoiij John MattSunny Acres Garden Club to be placed on the float. enhance a special dinner state commanders. In ,19(17, ! ..established a separate had its jjtart in June, 1947, Our club has hud many son. Tlionuis McClosky, ; Kenilworth chapter, and the 100th Birthday to Thank You, The party he was elected national | Cranlord chapter becamt when.'-a small group of programs of, speakers on Rrtbert Montague, John Patrons oP our Beauty Saiohr With thescjhings in mind, c O u h c i I in e iii- b e rI solely composed of. mem1 neighbors in a newly- j various subjects through the Murpfiy, Lin Nlewswanger. Alice and Rich 'Lefebyrt\ representing New Jersey hers Irom Cranford. The'' develOped . section of years. Our workshops, one Frank O'Donnell-, John decided to open a candle and Maryland. ? .; chapter's last 1961 project Cranford, known 'as Sunny each month, have been very Reilly, James Robinson, shop in Cranford -called In 'l96!l a lire almost i w,;is Ihe sponsoring ^ of .Acres, banded together in interesting and educational. Edward Sabelino, Dr. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Sabeh. PcTer Money donations have Victor "Candle Kitchen." which destroyed -the post home, \ Operation - Santa. in the interest of their new Stevens, Ernest Stuehring, been made to shcools, would carry the most but with the help of friends, i cooperation gardens. Their maximum with -''the unusual in candles, hand- it was rebuilt. i ('i\uiiord Chamber of membership was to be 25 in colleges, hospitals, and Kenneth Tedstrom, Thomas 276-1471 Harry crafts and candle making *. In H)70, the Post observed ; Commerce. The following order to accommodated in nursing homes, scholar- Wade, ' and : 1 Wohlgroth. ships, several conservation , supplies spring, Ihe cllapter spoil- the small h o m e s ^ This Us 50th aniriversarv. maximum w a s finally projects, seeds for Egypt reached tn March of 1970. (World and for During the years since feeding duckstfnthe river, 1947 much has been ac- also for trees to be planted complished many flower and for memorials. We have expressed shows, both, standard and closed, including' our opinions at various times bills ' in standard show "Arc of 'regarding Color" in 1965!, which, won vvriting .to state and national awards. Senators and Congressmen-. Twenty .members ,were -in We are enrolled ,as the club at that ti'm^4 We members of the Garden bad several garden centers, Club of New Jersey, the -oi-ui- of w.hich_iaJviay._195(i ~tYanford4fomrei 1-of-Gttf denwas awarded the Elizabeth Clu[)sV t h e "TraiVside Vance Hood Trophy from Museum- Assoclat-ion - and the Garden Club of New the Palisades Nature Arand -are , a Jersey. There also were boretum many plant-sales and break-, Memorial Founder in the. fast sales held. ^ Umon County Rhododendron Display Garden in v The club has taken part in .. many civic projects such as Watchung. planting flower box'es in Besides the,, state and. town, and window boxes for national awards for "Arc of Cranford . Days. Also we Color,' we received the have made boutonnierfes for Elizabeth Vance -Hood train passengers for Trophy for the outstanding The polyethylene bag in this ad id only one of a ,virCranford Days. Flower Garden Center in the state , tually uplimited range of sizes that are now available. arrangements were put in in. 1957. Polyethylene bags are only one of the many forms of the library one month each polyethylene film Polaris 'offers the cost and quality Aiwiward was made this year for many years. We conscious buyer. As one of the nation's leading exsame year by the Garden donated and took part in truders and converters we also manufacture pallet Club of New Jersey to one of planninng the Kenilworth covers (shrink and conventional), drum liners, box and our members, Mrs. J. Triangle (as part of a large carton liners, maltress bags, furniture covers, |)onald Savexcool, for the council project). We also 1948 trash- liners, flat sheeting, lay flat tubing, textile bags second best garden in worked for many years on and shrfnk film, Jn all wiflthsy lengths, and-colors and the Osceola Church grounds Cranford for thai year. The most important all quality products at the lowest posin Clark, removing small Savercool garden also, won sible price. Call or write Polaris Plastics Corporation, trees Which had grown up first in UnionTounty in the 364 North" Avenue, East, Cranfoul, New Jersey 07016. Telephone in N. J. (201) 272-5440, N. Y. (212) 227-7752. among the shrubs, pruning New Jersey; State Tershrub's and planting bulbs centenary inr 1964. geraniums, etc. Last, but not least, our MORISS FERN - IRV & SELMA GORSKY - LILLIAN WHEELER Kacli year we make and club can boast of three DAVE RICXARt ALAN GORSKY - I. H E R M A N iESTER HOLMES deliver many hundreds" of Accredited Flower Show bedside .arrangements and Judges for the state: Mrs. MICHAEL RUSSO several large arrangements Rudolph F-ianish.. Mrs. Carl to the Past i Orange 11. Holmc]vist and Mrs. Veterans' Hospital'; We also Walter Knorr.. have made arrangements for nursing homes, hospitals, Cjanford l-Jibrary.-Cr-apfocd-^ PTA-and- Cramf*ml- Council 30 Years Here luncheon. Another project was the B a r n c t t ' s Wines and Litterbug Campaign in the Liquors, Inc.,-was founded schools. in 1941 in quarters located As a _ member of thebehind a candy store on Cranforfd Council of Garden South Avenue. Three years Clubs we have undertaken later it moved to Walnut responsibility of many of Avenue and in 19511 to I S O their projects. In March, Eastman St., the present 1970, a member of Sunny location. Acres Garden Club acted as The store was expanded chairman of the." Garden and remodeled in 1956 and is Center held by the council in now rcco^nt/cd as one of the the Library. For two years most modern stores in the another member of our club slate II was, A subbidiury ol recognized at a AsMund OH, Inc. did all the publicity for the national 'rvf; il liquor store Garden Center. convent ion held in Las Sunny Acres Garden Club Vegas. New ID 19611, and Ifas had a large part in the was named "Store of the 1971 Cranford Council of Garden W a r . " Clubs'Vinat for the Cen- Bill Barnett is president, QUALITY FURNITURE FOR OVER 23 YEARS teimial celebration this ;nid Tom Hand is the right year, attending planning band roan.
~~ ." ' ff ' -^ . '

In February, 1920, a group With thtend of World War P i i h l d -M-retwrning-vet-erans-joined-

M^MRFRS OF DIG AND DELVE GARDEN CLUB-Oifi^vrs'of Ihc Dig. rind Delve-Garden Club tor 19Z.L-.are shown scaled, loft to right, as' follows: Mrs. Edward f>flb<itino. corresponding secretary;. Mrs. Richard Waller, vice president. Mrs. Frank Krause, president; Mrs. Henryi Hi'nsenkamii member at l a r g e ; Mrs. William Hecks, recording secretary, and- Mrs.. Liam Ryan, treasurer Standing, left to right', are: Mrs. Albert Hogan.

purpose of studying a l l aspects the Jine art of gardening and the conservation of trees, shrubs, flowers aiid birds. Annual activities a n d civic projects include a yearly donation' to the Mrs. Lawrence Smnonsen, Mrs, Thomas Leahey, Mrs. John Runnels Hospital garden Mattson, Mrs. JohYi McCarthy, Mrs. Frank Vodraska; Mrs. therapy -program and Donald Smith, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. James McNamara monthly visit to the hospital, arid Mrs'.'Thomas Dooley. Not present'for photograph: ' for garden itherapy, floral Mrs/August Barberi, Mrs. Frank Coons, Mrs. Arlynn Ells, arrangements to be placed Mrs. RowlancLjJudor, Mrs. Edward Burke, Mrs. Paul at the public library for one month of the year, awarding Curcio aWft/^r^. Harold Johnson. of two scholarships to club


Formed in 1939 To Consolidate Drives, United Fund Has Had Growing Pains
agencies of the fund had to hold supplementary drives of their own to make ends meet. By 196:$, when. John L~ effort. An editorial in t h e $10,000. while James W. Rudd was in Bond campaigns, were a same issue regretted t h e " For 19411, with Mr. Smith charge of the 1948 cam- Brennan was president" and , c o n s t a n t , y e a r - r o u n d oc\ failure of the attempt. again as prosiderit, the paign. Both were successful Donald Me Ginnis was currerice. Clothing drives, secondlUnited Fund Drive in $15,000 drives. Similarly", chairman of the drive, two paper, drives, 'metal drives, In July of the same-year, undertaken w a s more the 1949 campaign under votes , on the board of relict -..contributions.... I'SO, the Cranford. Hotary_ CJub Shaheen .--.raised d i r e ct o r s p r e v e n t e d Red C'Voss iboth national deciclcd to try a ComrriunitH;, rambitious in-that-in addition- Victor ttf'the $10v"000 for, the local $17,100..James P. Duffy wan abaifdonTrient- of the 1964 ; and overseas t. Polio ami Chest- pi its Town.' f h e campaign. With -.the* emother health agencies, all -"membership* was to forego agcHvcies, the... funcj. --un- president for that -year. ployment -of professional dertook'to raise.'$25;(too for During the period from) 1 competed for attention. The . independent drives and to fund raising organizations, ,War years had been pool all contributions for War Fund. Agencies, in- 1950 to 1957;,the fund was. the results began to imcluding the USO. This time, under the presidency, in p r e c e d e d by depression- distribution by a committee the drive,was directed''"by turn, of C.C. Goodfellow, prove, and the high-point in caused relief calls. of the club. Sanl'ord'K. Thompson and it Albert E.-Johnson and the history of the fund was _Xhis situation had begun Three years later, reached in the 1969 camto; concern some Cranford \ Roderick \V. Smith.-wax was held in the fall, as have Nelson Lightcap. The goals paign, without professional been all subsequent UnitecT were raised,".as needs, inr e s i d e n t s . ' A c a m p a i g n elected president of. a United > Fund Drives. Nat R. Foster, creased, to $21,000. In 1956, help. ', CRANFORD "CAKQITCtUB committee of ;H) people was Fund Drive that included Mrs. . F.J. Deller, Mrs. the First-Aid Squad was Those who have served as formed, with 11.R. McKenny five agencies for a modest as chairman. The Cranford goal of $7,500. The division George .Mack and'Robert J~. included in the fund; for president in the late years, Citizen a n d Chronicle for of the proceeds was to' be Laier were division heads. $2,500. Also included were include Fred J. Ball, Dr. Feb." 2nd. 1939. carried a C r a n f o r,d ' W e i f a r e Unfortunately, the drive fell the Welfare Association for Watkins F. John, Robert M. news item that two ol the six Association for S2554, Boy far short. Western Electric $5,000.. the. Visiting Nurses Crane, Karl L. Shea and local agencies approached Scouts for S2105. Cranford employees made a large for $2,500, the GiH Scouts for Albert M. Gessler. Chairto join a United, 'Fund. Boys Camp lor SI 158,: contribution that brought $4.700,'the Bpy Scouts for men of the drives have been the total to $20,000.$8,500, and expenses were Mr. Crane, Karris J. refused -to become mem- Yisitinfi^Nurse's Association anticipated at $800, for a Swackhamer, Dr. Homer J. The same management bers. T h e committee felt tor $1052, and six.- months set a goal of $25,000 lor the total goal of $24,000. The. 1956 Hall, Charles M.G. Wilder, 1944 drive, which reached drive succeeded in raising Mr. Shea. Mr. Gessler, and S20.705. The" commitments only $22,114, or 92 percent. Robert W. Me Arthur. for both 1944 and 1945 had The . First Aicj, Squad anThe number of agencies been $12,000 lor the local nounced its withdrawal HEST WISHES FROM included in the fund has five agencies and $13,000 for from any future drives. USO, United ^Seamen's The 1957 drive was the last risen to 18, and the goal for Service, and War Relief. under the auspices of the the next drive-will probably 272-7660 CRAINKORI) 16 N., UNION AVK. John H. Me Clintock had original United Fund. The be close to $100,000. MADAN PLASTICS been elected as president for drive fell $5,000 short of its. Mrs. J.C. Klein served as ' the 1945 campaign, with goal, totalling only $19,000. secretary from 1958 to 1965, George Apgar Charles W. Tripp as First There was considerable when she was succeeded by Owner vice-president and Mrs. dissatisfaction with the Mrs. Sherman H. Kisner. G.B. McDiarmid as second conditions of fund raising on Mrs. Dorothea Fleckenstine vice-president. Mrs.' R.L. every side. yThe United became secretary in 1970. Tomlinson and Winchester Fund, with only . four Britton/Jr., were; secretary agencies on its roster-, wits and treasurer, respectively. far fronY"being an inclusive The following year, 1946, soliciting agency, and there the National Wai; Tund were still many competing Agencies were no, longer a drives besieging the compart of the campaign, with munity. Lack of sufficient the end of hostilities. Mr. volunteers and some Smith was recognized for evidence- of public apathy several years as honorary caused concern as to the president andChanru'ng future of the fund. Wl. A1U PROUD TO il.Ayii.SIlARl.-D Rudd was made executive OUR llFTl'.l'N Y1.-ARS OF PRO-' viae'-president. Lewis H. M. Crane was appointed (iRl.SS WITH llll- V-ITIZHNS AND Zepfler was executive chairman of a s%dy group chairman of the 1940 drive, b^the community Council, O F F I C I A L S -OI-" CRANFORD and Mr. Me Clintock con- in cooperation with the SI.-RVINC; INDUSTRY WllTl FNCiltinued as president. The Township Committee. The NFF.RF.D PLASTli" PRODUCTS. goal for the -five local Study group, which -also agencies was set at $14,086, rncluded Arba Taylor, ,and $16,235. was actually .recommended that The Township Committee apraised. Burton C. Belden was point a special committee with broader powers L o . achieve a solution. >-. Joseph' R . K o h n wa* appointed in March, 1958,. to chair an official committee to consolidate all door-todoor canvassing. This' committee mailed ballots to ,|E GEi'.S Cranford homes and its plans were endorsed by a 15 to -1 margin. ' The old fie yniirs <KJO, w opened ihu hot doq stand,shown above h h;ic) eight sIooK and pretty yellow lights Bt-'twoen .organization agreed to then iiml n o w . wo had enough lun, work j n d heartaches to l.isl (i liletiniedissolve itself and at a public meeting held at the Totlay. we'seat ,one hundred- and seventy live people in our lovely colonial dining rooms We seivj^ luncheon, dinner and Walnut Avenue School the snacks till eleven at night. Our cocktails and desserts are delicious. Our menu is comprehensive and moderllu/y pi iced and we olfer .i chdtlre'n's menu lor those under (welve Mi|or credit cards are accepted new United Fund was born with new by-laws and rules The next teyv yearswill see t>eigi.v's Restaurant develop into one ol the linest ealm<| place n the county We are going to of guidance and procedures try harder and have fun Y o u and your funnels .ire'invited t o participate prepared by Mr. Taylor, with assistance from Louis P S S p u c i d l i l l . i n k s l o o u t o l d l u c n c i s , i n d CUSIOIULTS F r o m tin.' i ] u y w h o .Hi; IWL-IVI. h o i d o t j s . i i u l d i i i n k IWUIVL t r o s t i - d 1001 J. Dughi, of Westfield. Mr. 1M.M;I S i l l on).- l u n c h , t o I h e w o n win w h o d l w . t y s SI.MHIS h.ii. k ht-i l o o d , w e nt;t!d y o u . t n d i;n|oy the; i.h.illt.MKjtTaylor 'is still with the Cranford United Fund, as well as the Eastern Union County Fund, and the Union County Ctt.mmerrial yun(^ The new organization, with Mr. Kohn as president, started out -with'12 agencies, including the Visiting Nurses, Horn e m a k e r s, Retarded Children', Mental Health. Sfster Kenney, M u s c a l a r D i s I r o p h y,, Psychiatric Clinic, and the Wcllare/Vssociation. A year Modern Pneumatic ^Hydraulic Components later, the Salvation Army joined the United Fund. Burton C Beldon. active INDUSTRIAL & MARINE m the old fund, now served three terms as president of the- new 'Clarence L. Fritz, Clifford 1) Siverd and Boris DISTRIBUTORS: Bergen served as drive chairmen, with goals of 'PUMPS $li:i.00(), $112,000 and $70,000. VALVES The percentages -attained CYLINDERS 84, 70,-and 78 of the P.O. Box 444 were ACTUATORS quotas.. The 1962 campaign, 'LIFTS - ' /-' with ('banning Rudd as . Cranford, N.J. 07016 chairman and Russell II. POWER UNITS Herman, as president, had CONTROL SYSTEMS .(201) '276-7330 the same experience, and
that at least five oftfiesix needs of the GirJ Scouts at elected president of the fund local agencies 'was a $(;:n, Charles Stevens was for both 1947 and *1948. John During the period of the minimum and therefore executive chairman for the Manger was executive -iSm->H< I W-or4d War fund itnatrarrdemHre- -drm*-; chairman of the 1947drivG, drives, in addjtion to. War

By- -Arthur K, Burditt

Jaycees Youngest Cranford Service Club

Scarbrough's Beauty Salon




Sunny Acres Garden Club Accomplishments Outlined




We Are 21!


Congratulations To Cranford On Its 100 Anniversary





x /"




T h u r s d a y , J u n e , 3, 1971

C R A N F 6 R - D - C E , N T E N N I A L S E C T I O N -' Page 1 5 '


Thursday. June 3, 1971

(tattforft (fritizm attft

Boy Scouts Will Observe 60th-Anniversary4B 1912
Centennial Edition Section

Cranford Girl Scouts Marking Forty-Two Years of Service


CITY FEDERAL SAVINGS JOINS WITH THE -REQBLE QLE_C.BAN_ED_BJQ IN,CELEBRATING THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THIS GREAT TOWN. The history of Cranford over the past 100 years is growth and the story of City Federal Savings is also grqwth growth that matches the economic, industnal and residential expansion of New, Jersey and, in particular, Union County and Cranford. We expect that this growth will continue for' both Cranford and City Federal Savings.

Our Cranford Office on South Avenue at Walnut, designed by Edward-Durell-Storie-and Associates,-! 968-wJnner_of the Union County Award for Architectural'.Excellence. .


City Federal Savings is the largest savings institution in Union County and the largest Federal savings institution in-New Jersey. _, i Since 1964, when we established our office in Cranford, our assets have increased by more than $238 million! We've kept pace with this tremendousgrowth by a continuing increase in services to the saver. We offer all types of savings accounts, including Passbook Savings and Savings Certificates as well as Christmas and Vacation Clubs. At City Federal the saver Vias-a wide choice. .

Boy Scdut Troop 1 was founded in'Cranford in 1910 with 'George C. Teller as scoutmaster. In 1912, Curtis" (J. Culin, Jr., took over as scoutmaster of Troop 2. The charter of Troop 2, which met regularly at (Irani School -- today the Cerebral Palsy. Center at Holly St. and Springfield Ave.' - can be seen in the Cranford Historical Society Museum, The records of jhc original Troop 1 are lost in < antiquity, but(thc charter pf Troop 2 lists 5!) boys and boars the facsimile signatures of William Howard Taft, honorary-r , p r e s i d e n t; T h,e o.d o r e Roosevelt, honorary vice president, and Krnest Thompson Seton, chief scout. ' . From its beginnings, the movement has more thankept pace with the growth in population. By .. 1912, the town, '.with under 4,000' residents, supported at least one large troop and possibly two. In- 1971. with*, a population over 27,000, Cranford provides for. nine fully'chartered troops, nine cut) scout packs and (ive Explorer posts totaling almost- one thousand cboys and" supervised by :U)0 adult leaders. . From its inception," the scout movement in Cranford has: received the sponsorship- of the First Presbyterian, United M e t h o d i s t, Tr in ity Kpiscopal and St. Michael's churches. Troop 75 of the Methodist Church has been .continuously chartered for 45 years, and is today the oldest continuous troop in Cranford...Troops 79 and iiu of the. Presbyterian Church have held their charters for 43 years St. Michael's troop 78 has been continuously chartered for U(i years, and the church's second troop. No 178,-g.oes back 12 years. Troop 84 of the Calvary Lutheran Church is the fourth oldest in Cranford;

By Jean Koeriig : as director. The \ . During the war years, Girl 'IVrr dating back 27 v , -As-Cranford served thair_ mm* following irr close succession with Pack 3 (today Pack 100th anniversary, Cranford girls but grew to over 100 I immity and country in many are Troop 176 at Brookside 103) . of the Presbyterian Girl Scouts officially girls in later years. In 19f>l. j ways": Ushering at defense School, Troop 206 for han- Church for 17 years: celebrate 42 years as an a separate, day camp for j ralivs; working for the Red The' pack, was one of the dicapped youngsters organization. The early Brownies was organized'.^ Cross. Needlework Guild sponsored by the Elks Lodge first three "experimental" years found girls and adults From the moment of its | and, United Fund, selling now 1n its fourth year, and Cub Scout, units in the struggling to! keep troops organization, it was the war stamps and . bonds, Troop 174 at the Walnut United States. It served ds a active. The girls made and dream .jil_ the Cranford collecting" fat. .tinfoil, silk Avenue School, which model for many ' of the sold donuts to raise funds lor Council to own its own scout stocking,4 metal sc-rap and," received its charter in nation's present day Packs. their troops. Fifty girls were house. The Little House toys for British children, S.K. Thompson served as September, 197,0. members of Girl Scouting in started out as a barn, and haking cookies for Camp the pack's first cubmaster. Almost simultaneously 1928. later was remodeled'into a Kilmer and making 'toilet < with, its start in scouting, a Both Mr. Thompson and Mr. canoe club. In \[)'M the .kits lor merchant neamen. , In November, 1929, 18 Smith received their Silver Cranford scout, Kenrieth B. Cranford Council took over ! Girl Scouting continued to representative womeili Hopkins, who still maintains Beaver Award in 1942. ' the ' property by assuming | grow in '^Cranford; and by headed by Miss Rachel Mr, Smithj who then lived a residence at-4 Riverside the $2,000 mortgage. For j 1950 there"\vere (i()4 girls in Robinson as commissioned, Drive, won scouting^ at 40 Manor Ave., recalls nearly two months, leaders J 42 troops. Mrs: Dwight organized the Girl,, Scout highcsLhonor by saving the holding hfs Den No. 1 Council of Cranford, and husbands-, parents of j Copeland served as director life of a six year old boy meetings "in the basement received their charter item I girls and friends worked of the council and Mrs. .whil-e - the youngster's inthe winter and the garage National, and the first of-| ijvenings and weekends to Howard Best was the mother watched. The story in the summer." ficial Girl Scout Troop-of. 16 get the house in; shape. council commissioner. In With the same enthusiasm of Hopkins, then a first class girls was off to a good start, :Fina'lly,.on January 3, 1935, 1952, Mrs. Burton Belden scout and a patrol leader in it had shown for.scouting, under the leadership of Miss Cranford Girl Scouts met for was elected president of the Troop 2v was recounted in Cranford took to cubbing. Katherine Greene. A total of the first time in their new council (the name comthe December, 1912, issue of Today,-almost 400 boys are . ' . rfii'ssioner having~ been, five troops was organized. home. ' members"of nine cub packs Boys.'.. Life. Ownership of the Scout changed): In 1930, Mrs. Daniel Neal which* are divided into rr For this act of bravery, numerous" dens meeting" became director of the fast House necessitated a steady In 1952, two Senior Scouts KenJIopKins was awarded -weekly in the basement or rising Girl Scout movements Income-and' so -a house-to- .from our community were scouting's first Gold Medal garage of a hundred difThe first Brownie Troop was house canvas for funds was selected to attend an enof Honor. > His name is the ferent homes,-much as they, organize^,in 1931 with Mrs. held. Tn October. 1935. This campment at Rockwoodv first in the Golden Book at did :!9 yeaTs ago. Masie Nelson as leader. > became' an annual"'affair National Camp. "fn Boy Scout Headquarters, In the early years pf until in 1942- the Cranford 195:!. a Senior wasAgain "We had many fi{ the selected New Brunswick. / _ , ,1'nited Fund .campaign was scouting much, energy and same problems -- getting attend the' All-States In 1954, a secbrid Cranford adult help - that today's! effort was expended on organized and we .joined to Kncampment in Cody scout, William Maher of packs do," Mr. SmHh bugle playing, organizing that body, which has. con- Wyoming. In 1956, three' Troop 78, St. Michael's recalls. "When a newJ boy several times a fife and tinued successfully through Seniors were selected to Church, crawled put oruto wanted .to join theJ-'ackfhe'; . ' ." drurrj*eVps, but finally the tjhe years,; attend the J'irst National of the-Railway River was'told "Bring your dafl or mbre regular /Girl.- Scout Girl Seouts^-"C"e)obrated Roundup in Michigan. J at the corner of Springfield don't come.". ." program of 4iomemakfng their l'Oth' an'njversary in -. ; ancLOrange Aves. to, rescue The year 1957 was to bring and eamptng->was initiated, .19:59 with over 250 (jirlsjn 25 "Prior to.securing the land Alvin Wynn, Jr., who had .lor Camp Winnebago Scout with bugle and drum troops! In June of U)40 Miss 'big changes in the Cranford fallen through the ice some Reservation at Marcella in playing relegated to the Rachel Robmson, after 11 Council. In May of that year, 10 feet from shore. For his 1940, the scouts camped hobby section of. the years ol service, resigned as area .Councils, joined presence of mind and where they, could at Allaire program. : commissioner ..of Cranford together to form th.e courage, Tviaher received" or other State Parklarids. - A.-.Mariner troop- was Girl Scouts-. Mrs, Joseph- .Washington'Rock Girl Scout the National Life Saving Today, . the reservation j UNION COLLEGE AS SEEN FROM THE A I R ^ T h i s aerial photograph points out in formed in 1935. Miss Miriam. ..Pluinmer was elected to the Council. Washington Rock * Award from the Boy Scouts Council was divided into facilities lor more | detail Union College's 50-acre Cranford Campus and its surroundings. The Union County Kisenring was the. leader of position. Mrs. Herbert districts of America on .July :i() of that provides wHh a district Terrill served us director this group of Seniors, with a than 2,00(1 scouts and .is I Park Commission's Nomahegan Par^.is shown in the foreground with Springfield Ave. year. chairman presiding over after Mrs. Neal and in the strong interest in boating ; separating that facility f r 6 m t.he College Campus. On the right is Princeton Ave. and oh visited winter and summer community neighborhoods. spring of 1942 Mrs." R.A. activities. Roderick W. Smith of :\2 by Cranford scouts .as'well i1 the left is Yal&Ter. The building, nearest to Springfield Ave. represents the newest ad- and water dition to the Cranford Campus, MacDonald HaJI which houses administrative personnel Although, an inland com- Waters was named director This system was to continue Colby Lane played an im- as inner city troops. till 19(55. when districts and portant role in scouting as a Cranford's scouting units andfaculty offices, and is the headquarters for the Union CouYity coordinating Agency for munity, the girls were able after Mrs. Terrill retired. were den dad and later as a have annually contributed Higher Education and the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of New to complete Mariner badges On November. 1942. the neighborhoods district and -regional "boy . power" to the bet- Jersy. Across the semi circular vehicular entrance and exit waV is "the Nomahegan at nearby summer homes of Girl Scouts met for a service discontinued in favor of the 1959. It contains including the burning of the Community rAssociation. troop members. chairman. Today, he is one terment of the town with :' Building, the first building to be erected on the Cranford Campus^Jn lecture halls, offices, a book store, laboratories, cafeteria1 and the Arthur L. The day camp had In the early years mortgage and naming and of five men who serve as serious efforts to clean the classrooms, JoJinsoiVMemorial Library. Further beyond, at the end of the covered walkway, is the dedication of the Neva outgrown the scout house Cranlor'd shared camps with trustees Ol" scouting' Rjihway of hazardous Campus-Center dedicated in 1963, oontaining a gymnasium, a 50Q-seat theatre,'art gallery, Sykes Memorial (lirl Scout .and so was discontinued for Patewion and Rahway property in Union County-. debris, collect waste for student lounge, staff_offices, and conference room,.,At the left is the Science Building, One of perhaps 10(1 men in recycling and participate in ' whicfiTiouses classrooms, laboratories, conferencerooms letture halls-and was Scouts, also Lou Henry House, iiv memory of the two years from 1957-1959. In Hoover, the then Elizabeth late Neva Sykes,'"a charter 1959. the new Nomahegan I'nion 'Council to hold civic campaigns. dedicated in 1967. At the top of the picture, adjacent to the David Fables Wildlife Sanc(ji'rl Scout Camp. The first" member of Ihe council and Day Camp was started: The scouting's Silver Beaver ' In, Rod .Smith's .view, tuary and next to the circular drive, is the William Miller Sperry Observatory. The twinaward - lor noteworthy "scouting is more exciting -domed sky scanning complex also opened in 1967, is operated b y ' t h e College In day camp, called the one of tlje most jxpdon\. camp has grown from one Summer Club, originated in workers in behalf of Girl session to two wjth aver 250 service of exceptional and more important today cooperation with Amateur Astronomers, Inc. girls being s-erved ' . 1937 with Mrs. Herbert Scouting. character to boyhood - Mr. than it ever has heen." -




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As the Township of Cranford pridefuUy celebrates its Centennial Y^ar, Union College marks with comparable pride the-near-completion of its third decade as a resident of this fine community. Included among the faculty and staff are many Cranford men and women who are playing~an important role as the-College fulfills its responsibilities of bringing higher education to Union County residents. Union CollegeTextends^its hand in congratulations to Cranford on the occasion of this very memorable milestone.


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Thursday, June 3, 1971,

Thursday, June 3, 1971

Miss Katherine Kais'ef, Mrs. Catherine Lig'htcap, Mrs. Shirley'Mandoni, Miss Irene Schulman, Miss Kristin-Swanson arid "Mrs. Anne Willoughb'y. In order to insure con; -tinuityi^ofoperation the_ Protective- Ass-oeia.tionTTr Tmd revolver. ^"TlTey also r e c e i v e r . Tn SocTatiofrorCranford:By Rosalie Gross had police powers for the c a r r i e d a key to the lime, there was a According the minutes squad instituted a cadet \HJ s t Vbule-,-01'- t h e old: -takenai~thxriTnTi?, it -was" program in the latter part of I'.rluic \i'A\\\ Cranloid loi'ce lot' two years. The Presbyterian Church where halterylijiid code card.. announced on July 19,1894, 1970. To date, 12 cadets M ' s i d m t s w e r e d-isturbe'd-liy association was composed the sexton left the tollingthat "the cage or cooler have passed their first aid \Vhetllihe charter expired under the Hose House is course and are responding ''l;ii's rhiclxfn thieves of the principal men of the bell rope hang down to ue 1889 (h association had 45 ready for business." .mil '(iccasidiKd horse YlJIilliC. to calls with senior mem-when an alarm was needed. iye members. The new iliirM's The* t o w n g o v e r n "Vranford had no jail then. When the alarm sounded, bers. Young* men and In" 1899 the Township women between the ages of lislaturi' imposed harsh inriii e l e c t e d t w o c o n s t a b l e s II- a prisoner Wvis captured HTC nrpii, divided in pairsT Committee added a clause 16 and 18 years, they operate i ,ich ve;ir. b u t u i l h a s a l a r y too late- in tl\e evening to 'hurried to guard the,seven stipuRJfidhs and the charter to the charter providing for on a part-time basis accojld nofvb^, renewed. ill ini c e n t s l o r m a k i n g a n transport to Kli/aheth. her "bridges, the main highways the establishment of a cording to their school ,irri-.| ; i m 1 t u r n i n g the u;is locked up lor the ni^ht and railroad crossings- to Police Department with the programs. The CJuanford Protective p r i s o n e r o v e r to t h e County in a Convenient box car.'ofi' prevent burglars from FIRST MOTORIZED EQUIPMENT-The local department's first motorized duly of preserving ,the d a. I d iil m p r o v e m e n t tail in K l i ' / u h o t h . ' t h e the railroad siding. The., escaping. ' tJ J f t ) fqllowed ll q peace., enforcing the -Tbe-number of calls a n equipment was a 750-qallon pumper purchased In 1921 (showaat Jeft), in 1924 by Association was organized .|insilions u e r e d i f f i c u l t ' io prisoner could then either protecting life and property swered "by the squad has: a housedTTrTf a l,000,gallon LOOOgallonpumper m e r (center) ( e n t r ) anda a d ldd^V truckrTh6y t c k r T h 6 y are shown houdTTTfTi' t lil'l . ' . ' ' : ' wiiit to be transported in-the* In_4-88J Rmm.or K. Adams on April j-js, 1889. It was later fire house, which was built in 1909. <-and apprehending violators. increased from 25 during the changed" j to the Citizen's morning. di|4 his way free, became captain and hi .ludmnant citixenslscallcd a Uniformed police ap- first month of operation" to through the .wooden floor or iiirrliiiu in l.lKi'.i to organize a st itut.ed a more .modern As there .was little money peared in. 1901. In 1912 the an average of' 110 calls a 1 \. l u i l a n r e c o m m i t t e e (Mi lind his car attached to a alarm system. Poles were 'in the treasury;, minstrel police committee consisted month at the present time. l.ri'ight ' t r a i n during the erected with wires strung to shows April I. t h e New Jersey and other en- of the mayor and the public To date this year, ,the I ('gisla.ture ' g r a n t e d . a night and carted a w a y . the c o n s t a b l e s ' homes, to tainments were arranged FIRST .POLICE CAR safety eorrrmissioner, as membersHaveresponded to i liarler to the Cranlord' Kacli constable ;had a. w here each had a sjx-inch to finance, the telephoneCranford Police Depart329 calls and traveled a total today. . . . hurt'lar .and Thief shield, club/ belt, whistle electric gong a n d a alarm' system. ment's rolling stock back in The Police Department of 6,321 miles. . the days of the old "bastille" mov' the new Municipal headquarters consisted of Shortly after the squad. Ruildihgon March 17; 19612. the one Model T Ford shown . The present force, led by^began operating, thought^ of abave. Present modern Chief Matthew T. Haney, having their own buiramg department boasts of nine has two captains, .five .'were paramount in the radio-equipped cars and two tteujcnants, six sergeants, minds*,of the .members. motor scooters. four^detectiyes^-four-traffic -p'resid|brit^Shaheen_: and officers.. and twcnty-pight Vice-President. Walter M. patrolmen. The department Coopeii approached townhas riine"radio-cquipped ship officials with the hope vchicles and tvvo motor of obtaining a parcel, Many "locations were scooters. suggested; and the squad Cranfoi'd's present-day Recognize An Old Friend ? police department also has finally accepted a plot on the southwest corner of Cenone of the . most...modern, communication setups in tennial and North Aves. the t i m u P u t into use iast runhing. along the -Rahwiiy ' October, it consists of a two- River. position console with status Plans'" for the building map. card slots and |wo- w;ere drawn 'and Work began ehannel^tape recorder. The under the direction of the status map gives.- (he late Manning Rowitz, local dispatcher visual indication contractor. Squad members -.9.L'he location of all man- Volunteered evenings" and power and units, while the worked with many local tape.recorder is capable of masons and carpenters who r ecord i n g e i g h t volunteered to assist with simultaneous radio and or the project. The building telephone calls. In an was completed and VEN ICE OF-AMERICA-Scene as spectators on river bank and bridge awaited arrivalof emergency, the console also dedication ceremonies were decorated boats and barges, in one of a series of River Carnivals whichbegan on the Rahcan be operated from as held in May of 1955. way River in Cranford in 1886 and ear'ned for the community a reputation as "The Venice many as five positions usiqg of America." I . ' nearbv- offices. Through the years, the First Aid Squad lias received many awards, ON YOUR CENTENNIAL including the'Yirst, citation given by B'nai B'rith for FROM meritorious service to the residents of Cranford, in February, 1962. A certificate of appreciation was By J. Jerome Raftis courses with' A. Nic the squad. She is one of 10 received from Cranford members > now .Local 52, PBA, in March, The Cranford First Aid Hoagland as instructor. female _aL_: Squad was formally in- There were 22 charter serving, on tho squad and 1969,' and safety awards stituted on November 1, members of the squad. operating night and day. were presented by the 1953, when Mayor Fred P. Police Sgt. Harry P. Page, The others are: Mrs. Edith National Safety Council-and V I 5 R t N T S l . ( . * f S . . . F U n i R E S P U M U u n i ANDOTHER H N t C H n v s LCRI1UILTCAHS Mrs. Roberta the Autproobile Club of Andersen presented the Jr., was elected the first Carey. ' . . . ' ] . -Grissey/ May Kopf, America. keys to the township-owned captain. Funds for operations of ambulance, a 1941 Packard 1 which had served the town the- ,squad came from by having a policeman and a donations received from fireman assigned to handle various,/ organizations, and calls when requested by a $7,000~ in the town ambulance replacement fund doctor. Officials saw a need for a was transferred to act as a first aid squad after the cushion in the obtaining of a Brookside Nursing Home new ambulance, which was lire in March, 1953. purchased in 1954 from the ' ' Representatives of com- Miller Cadillac Co. ' Both the 1941 Packard.and munity organizations were invited to attend meetings the 1954 Cadillac were used conducted by Public Safety until 1957, when the squad Commissioner Clarence L. held a fund driVe and purFritz which resulted in chased two new rigs from the Wolfington Body Co. of formation of the squad. Victor D. Shaheen was Philadelphia. A township ' ordinance named chairman and later was elected first president later was passed allocating of tbe squad. M^any $3,000 a yeaf as a ddnation to UNION AVE. 276-6169 12 volunteers came ' forward- help frnance the squad and wore given first aid activities, which amount is still received by, the squad each year. At first the Civil Defense siren on op of the firehouse was used to summon squad Vnember to answer calls, n was used_ until eight yejirs ago, wjjett an electric aren was^fnounted on a >ole hehind the Municip; Building. This was ufili; .ed until a year ago, when a P ectron system was installed including a base OUR STYLES set at the! squad building and a re mo e unit at police ARE REAL headqua, ters, When the squad is needed the police desk officer HUMDINGERS presses a button to sqund a lone signaj- received by squad members and a voice message gives pertinent information. The individual units are portable for use in the member' homes p'r c_arjv_ Since its inception, the squad has purchasednirie new ambulances and 4he members have traveled over 300,000 miles in answering over'13,000 calls. Over the years it was found that the men . responding to daytine calls were I'eWer due to changes of -employment, rotating shifts and other factors, and in 1966 it was decided, to accept application from women Six female residents made application and were accepted and trained, with the result that the squad was then able to FOR 18 YEARS SERVING CRANFORD WITH THE LATEST IN MEN'S AND'BOYS' FASHIONS: including Botany make some calls, which 500, Palm Beach, Cric-kateer, Arrow, Puritan & Janzen national brands. before had to be made after (i or 7 p.m. because of lack of manpower. Mrs. Barbara Herrington, one of the first women to be 34 EASTMAN ST .J accepted, i.sjmjw captain of

Burglar and Thief Protect|^l Association Was Foretunrter of Presen|liPoIice Setup

Fire Department Started* With Hand-Drawn Cart in 1892

_By RosalietSross

Emmpr K. Adams, Jr., was the founder of the ""CranfortlT'ire DepartrnefttT .In 1879 he began to circulate ~~a~spbscriptiun Hattor-aise-built on the "North Ave. money for equipment. railroad site' .in 1896'. The In 1890 the Union Water following year Mr. Adams Company, in completing a obtained the Township project jor supplying.water Committee's consent to to the" town, stipulated.that purchase nd install 18 fire 25 hydrants at $25 eacji must, boxes at $35 each. Mr. be provided before com- Adams served as fire chief pletion of the negotiations. from 1899 tp. 1901.

In 1895 the. Volunteer Fire Department.was altered to the Buffalo system of half the force of paid men and halfDf~volQritecr"helpT A wooden fire house Wtis

Congratulations Cranford


Crariford's First Aid Squad Serving Residents Since 1953






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Where GoodJFood tins Been A Tradition For 20 Years




By 1892, Adams had ob- The present fire house tained $4T0"by subscription was built In 1909. At thatand purchased a second- time, the township purhand; . fouK-^vheele chased its own horses, as. renting them had become ANNIVERSARY C E L E B R A T I O N - M e m b e r s of t h e K. Adams, Jr., who was the organizer of Liberty Hose Co. cart with a reel and .Cranford Fire Department are shown as they marked No. 1, chartered in ,1892. Seated at center wearing No. 1 of hose,''. connections and increasingly difficult. department's 25th anniversary with open "house in 1917. helmet .is. Gideon E. Ludlow, a chartqr member of the spanners, t h e cart., was. x" In 1920 the first paid fire ij Standing at right With white cap and speaking trumpet is E. company. , - " x ' " * hand-drawn. It was placed in C. L. Abry's barn, which chief, William Xunison, took is now the corner of South office,, and the first and South Union,Avenues. motorized equipment the .The bell in the Presbyterian replaced . _, ..._ h'ofse-drawn k in 1921. The new apChurch was the first fire truck By Mrs..Harold Wait, Jr. week was "to aid .the of " t h e , Grant-Roosevelt 'robes and-66 sfyawl^ collars, alarm until .-.the Central paratus, was a 750-gallon splendid work heinji done by group and has served both and $100 toward the band's Railroad of '. New. Jersey American LaFrance The story of the Cranford the Hoard of Kdut'atian school and civic expenses in attending the' provided a split engine tire pumping engine. During th'e -Jli(4fci School PTA began in along educational lines and organisations ever since. Virginia Beach competition for the purpose. . next several years a ladder September, lilM, shortly Io bring the homes and the this month, to n a m e a few. The first officers of the truck ahef a 1,000-gallon i after tlu dedication of the school'in closer touch." The Union Hose Co. No. 1 pumping engine were, Cranford High School PTA The. scholarship, once $' 1 00 Lincoln 'and ('leveland.were Mrs. D.I>. Marsac, because parents _ a n d that.- amount of Cranford was chartered purchased. Schools, when school board,, president; Mrs. Wesley, represented the cost f one on November 15,1892. It wast e a c h e r s from all four trustee S II Chadwiek located at the Abry bgrn. . T h e . d e p a r t m e n t ' s Slanger, first vicesiifWste(J the startingo| a schools met jointly at first, president: Mrs. F. Myers,. year's tuition at a state Arrangements were made working conditions and they later grouped into t h e teachers' college, has been have been PTA unit hef-e.~-.\ second vice-president; Mjss increased "to meet rising the following year wjth the equipment .Lincoln-Sherman Home a n d steadily-improving since The National' Cougress of (,'ranford livery Stable to School League and t h e Sarah Edmond (supervising costs and to assist a growing 1920. The men worked a'n'84-Mot-h * i-s-; l-oii n d i?-(T i n supply horses to draw the. rnmTrrfW'landPTA. With' W a s h i n g t o n D C . in. 1IW7, "ciu^tTByTOO^tnere were 23 "hour week then. Now they I he completion of Roosevelt :.jH*>sidont; JR. .A: Clement ''the' PTA of all- 1 > . 1 school^ active- members Jn tlve work.42 h.ours a week'over had" encour'a(<( d L l l i e I'br("principal,) fourthviceSchool'in 19211, members of plus the. Crairfftrd Teachers % . m a t ion "of prt^i-'nt jtnd \ an-eight week cycle'* " the /Crant-Cleveland PTA' ; president; Mrs. K. English, Association pooled their ^dquble' hose company. t e a c h c r ." -rfv fi a n i /. a t i o n s '.hose wagon responded to the "recording "secretary Mrs. Today's force', led by do'cit!e<l "in view of."the in -1964, first alarm and a hose 'throughout the Kast. Hibbard and Mrs. Charles scholarship.'funds Chief Bernard Fleming, has i n c r e a s i n g - number o f six scholarships totalling T r u s t cc C h a d w i ck ' s carriage upon the ,second 29 regular fire fighters and schools in the district", io Si m in s, c o r r e s p o n d i n g $1,475 were provided". proposal, therefore, became alarm. . ' afi'd Mrs. 16 call men. The apparatus lorm a PTA lor. the' high the subject of a public Kpnpe PTA projects Hook and Ladder Truck includes a 65-foot aerial school alone iCleveland), .Richards, treasurer. , ' tnt't'liMJ; and-onOctober Hi, and 'another for fhe (JraiitThe" "new assoeiatfon's; represent a contribution .of. Company No. J. was. truck., .a 1,000-gallon p,um.1.914, I lie first cxeciitive schools. -. first moot ing. was held^at the. time rather than money. In organized on April 17, 1893, ping truck, three 750-gallon . meetiiipi .of the new parenthigh school!Clevelandi on 1952, members "wanting to and" '""b'o'asTC'd"" eighteen" pumping^: trucks, a squad teacher association was Mrs. Charles (',-. Albury. truck and a chief's car. provide' a prom so attractive members by 1903. The held at the Cleveland- |ii'csideiit of the original October " , 192H. The our yoimg people would stay5 truck, equipped with, lad.speaker. from the Kach fireman has a plectron School association, appointed a educational department of in Cranford," worked with ders and fire extinguishers, in his home-to notify him^of^ "Its ^oal fis reported in the com in it tee lift nominate teachers, students and* incost $71)5. It was drawn by L, Bambergor & Co., talked any fires 24 hours a day. ('ran lord Ci'ti/en & officers to the new PTA. She on "The Advantage of a terested townspeople to two horses. ". Chronicle the continued in office as leader bring in a "name" hand, College Education," a topic which has reappeared.on the transform the gym : and program often times in the serve an elegant post-dance y dinner. The, PTA has given'' intervening"43 years. financial assistance to the Membership' for .1928-29 totalled 107 parents and prow ever since/and until it teachers out of an w;is moved in 1967, provided During tjie year 1908 enrollment of 363, or about the nucleus of the prom group of men and womeri^olV Henry Pinkney. Also Mrs." committee,,on its board. * Lila Speed, Miss Bertha 3d percient. The 1970-71 Cranford gathered^wll-the Tyree, and William Tyree, figures reveal close to T > 0 Other social events wnieh home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry percent membership, 553 the PTA sponsored in the FJinkney, 40 jlohnson Xve., Jr., nieces and nephew of Martha Eason out of 1.037. . I95()'s were summer block and engaged in a prayer Mrs. Paralleling its growth in dances, ballroom dancing ineeting/After continuing Goodman. Bo a part of Crantord's Conmembership has been the lessons and open house for fKfew weeks they went tonnial Obsur-vuncp-. Plan on boInQ tho major ovont of tho town's PTA's expansion of parties for junior high across .the street to the home ax 100th annivorsary celebration. Bo programs, services and students. The i"962 board, "of Mj\ and. Mrs. John at , tho Contbnniol Parado Sat ' gifts. Budgeted items in concenu'd with problems^' Franklin, 31 Johnson Ave. urdav. Juno 12. 1(128-29 included mpn.ey for a 'alcohol and late- hotfrs, They alternated between the scholarship,'a cup given to conducted a siuXey of two homes for^^^ilmost a the winning si dip- i r 'V the parents' attj>tfde_s and_ year, and irr^fWYented a. junior-senior debate, and a s u m m a r i z e d / ^ hem ih'jr" ball at 212 South Ave., E. prize <Hl\ $10 lor the top booklet.. >Teen Topics Jor Under- the pastrirage of a guide for student in Latin and Rev. S.P>. Kelly the group student social activities. mathematics. was organized into an While the scholarship has The High School PTA has A f r i c a n Methodist Ijecn awarded almo assisted jn collecting Episcopal Church which continuously since clothing for Hungarian was named. St. Mark's. other gilts are lisU^Twhich Relief, in sponsoring trips to Among _t_he members reflect specj-ctl needs- (lie UN, in supporting the "met"- $60 for Hoard of Education's other than the Pinkneys and football tKfuipmcnt in 1938, building programs, in Franklins. were. Mrs. $20W/roward the chapel guiding the parents of in- Martha Goodman, Mrs_. opgatv first used in the coming Students through the Martha Spencer, Mr. and HOUSEW ARES-HARDWARE 'hristmas program of 1953", school, and in augmenting Mrs. James Marteen and a contribution toward the library's services. The the Pinkney's daughter, GADGETS-GfFTS jacketsfor Cranford's state high school, in turn, has Miss Ellen Pinkney,.'who championship football, team helned the. PTA by sup- became the first organist of Avas of 1957, mohev for choir -jjrying speakers from every St; Mark's. The group 1 department for a variety of then joined by Mr. and Mrs. programsNby. reproducing John ' Parker, and their the newsletter., and PTA daughters Mrs, Estelle 'by helping to staft Wallace and Miss Carolee the executive board, and by Parker. The members held providing a meeting place. a i'ive dollar rally and bought a lot on High St., the Food fairs and bake sales site of the present church.

Story of the Cranford High SchjooL PTA

FIRST.FIRE DEPARTMENT Shownare member.^ of Union Hose Co. No.'l of'Crw'fo'rd, 1892. First equipment was a second hand, four-wheeled, hose cart with feeland 500.feel of hose,. At time of picture, taken inf 1893, a horse to draw the Cart was being furnished by the Cranford Livery Stable. Hook and Ladder Truck Co. No" C , organized in 1893, had a truck equipped with ladders and f ire'extinguishers drawn by two horses. 0, /


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Happy Birthday
And Thank You Cranford For Making Possible ~ Our 25th Anniversary This June

have led the list of ways and means projects. Kven the recent PTA Cookhook capitalized on appetite appeal. Rummage s a l e s , Dramatic Club benefits and bridge parties have made their bed for support as executive b o a r d s have pondered ways to meet the budget.

From 1911 to 1912 they worshipped under a tent. Rev. Mr. Kelly was succeeded by Rev. Charles Crumidy. In 1913 Rev. J.J. Derricks was. ' sent to Cranford and under his leadership the basement of the present church<^was built. Rev. W.Y. Delaney followed Rev. Mr. Derricks and the plans for the main auditorium were drawn.


TIH:SI-: C O U P O N S T A N ' I J R I N C ; B.VCK n i l


19 c




* Thank You To Our Patrons Its Been A Pleasure -Serving You For The Last 19 Years

What next'? Minutes of the 1970-71 hoard's final meeting reveal plans for PTA representation a s Following Rev. Mr. Delaney requested in the township's were the Reverends, Stili, Centennial and on the glass Gassaway, Clark, Boycl, re-cyeling committee. Also, Vick and I.C. Steady. Rev. the outgoing board will Mr. Steady on the 13th of present)' orgen <rnrlwve m "JTTty 11)25;1 aidti hership vote its proposal nerstone . for the main that money left, after auditorium. .cummLhiLls hajie h m i paid, liev. M Y ~ STeacly 'was he set aside for furnishings for the new school addition. succeeded by the Reverends Many parents, teachers J. D. Drake, W.II.Hicks, and school administrators,. II.J. Jackson, Herman Voncerned with students, Duhart, E.A. Lattimore, A. have given the Cranford Anderson, J.J. Jenkins, High School PTA its J.W'. P Collier, Jr., S.I. m'eajiing, through their hours of participation. The Matchett, G.W. Moore, association's own award for J.A.DeVeaux, Jr., and F.N. The present outstanding service is that Williams. of life membership, and the pastor is Rev Rudolph P Cranford- High School PTA Gibbs, who came to St. has presented life mem- Mark's in April ,1968 berships as [ollows: Miss (irace 'UrAllnster (1949); F'ank Mart/ and (i. Krank Zimmerman il954>; James A very (195(>); Paul Selbyf 19<i5> and Dr. Charles Post (19(i9).



35 c


OR .COLOR yd. "



15C ^




We appreciate the many, opportunities you have given us to serviwou.

101 N UNION AVE 276-2540





The only survivors of the original charter inonibers arc Mrs Emily Woody, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,1,1. Marteen, and Mrs Rac-hel o Monroe, granddaughter of Mr and Mrs




:;> A-.V



y.'----' ,

/ :


.a . .


ORANF.ORD CENTENN lAL-'SE.CTIOM ; .Thursday, June 3, 1971

Azure Unit Baseball Women's Mothers'Unit B^Carol Ann Bunck Of OES 14 Years Old she Betty Friedan.may think, By Mrs. Louise O'Brien started the'' Women's

Lib Started pi the1890 s

to vote, signing their name Association in 1896. She was woman treasurer, a post she with an X, while all I could 77 when she died in 1918. still holds. . . ' : do was watch," Mrs. Bates Women's Lib, neverivfiss Alice. Lakey, who explained. lived at 209-<Miln, St.,.made theless, has some way'to go. l There haiTyetto be a woman -W berationmovement,but LocaL_men_CQntiaued_to_ -hermark_in_-history_as_a_ Th"e~Mothers ~Anxiiiary"of~ \/1j11 VhapliT. order nl' on Township ComniTttee. T h 7 ~ ~ C i t t e e look with' dismay* on there in the were women c o n s u m e r p r o t e c t i o n the Cranford Boys'Baseball . was inand according td a report Suffrage movement. i vuhofnnght crusader. She campaigned for -hetttfuewasorganisedin ITrrcT in . iTa\'~ ~~ " The following- opinion was throughout the nation and is ^presented a\ a recen i|i ol :i'(i m e n Septeml)er, 1957, for the women's rights long before expressed" by ah angry but credited with helping to pass -meeting of the League of purpose of raising funds to Miss Friedan's birth. i) ol \\ lui-ill m a l e the federal Pure Food and Women Voters, there was a Back in 1894 when the u n i d e n t i f i e d help create new baseball IIHMII-IHTS ol decrease of 80 percent in fields, and later for the annual school.election, was correspondent in a January, Drug Act of 1906. , maintaining, improving and approaching, several of the 1913, issue of the Crarrford' Miss Lakey was president women entering politics in. ' the upkeep of the present town's bolder women were Chronicle: "We must at all of the VIA for 12 years and. 1970. . old Masonic1 Not only are there j no ones. . - ' .. hazards and at any expense was instrumental in the talking about voting in.the located al members of thissuffragette-^ -.establishment of the ioca,l female .'election. As expected, the curb Ahli'ii S| and Over the years funds men of Granford took a dim movement in Cranford. It is PTA, Needlework- Guild and Township Committee,, but A\i> AI thai raised .by. .the . auxiliary view 'of the ladies doing something to read of* Visiting Nure Association. not a single woman serves -have-been-used-Ior. -Fencing,. more than- their traditional- -weightyessays . deli veredL She also was a member of at the. present time on the l i a i i ( | U e l i d i ' i l t i s \UTi> l o c a t e d Iftr-ass seed, clay, sand', ""Board of Education, im t h e third. !lo<>r. while t h o | c;inder blacks, chalk, fer-; Cooking, cleaning and child- before the VIA, it, is the Wednesday Morning ENOUGH to have the same Club, the Republican Club Planning Board or Con rearing: . ', . iir-~t a n d s e c o n d Floors of t h eI tllizer and repairs to the ..Hoping to keep the girls sentiments handed to you at and the Dramatic Club. She servation Commission, the b u i l d i n g w e r e occupied by Fields run. by the Cranford report pointed out. home on election day,.John thebreakfast table, but it is died ill 1936. -lures a n d ' oil ices. T o d a y Hoys Baseball League. The One reason cited was the LIMIT and UNENAlfred Potter, cJfrd owner fr Among other, women Mils b i i i l d n i ^ h o u s e s a auxiliary also pays part of male prejudice. Shades of DURABLE to have your publisher of the Cranforti Cranford will remember is h m c h e i i i i e t l e a n d b e a u t y the fee paid the umpires inChronicle, wrote thQ ^helpmate appear at the Miss, Sarah Edmond, who the 1890's? --.ilon (.m I lie nTain Floor a n d the Pony League. ..Mrs. Joan Collins, who following editorial: "It is dinner table wearing a sign was supervising principal of ihe c n l i r e s e c o n d a n d third' gave the LWV report, made on\the broad ribbon that earnestly to be hoped" that the local public schools from ' i|iKirs a r e oceupm'd . In olfund Many raising this observation: "Male and -4++iVH.A/vif'^t 'haptei- holds -project's are run by the the propriety arid common adorns the front of her 1914 to 1934. whichhavea 1 wa y s-^-InrnoFr-ecentyeacs^ female roles are undergoing y ils l>i ininilfiJv- m e d i u m s in" Mothers' Auxiliary besides 'Votes for" there have been several great changes in our the |,r,esent -Masonic the annual membership characterized the women of Women.' women on the Board of society. We can no longer Temple. I'IIMM' in- Itilil) at the drive in March. The oldest Cranford" will prevent them Despite suc larnorings, Education and -various neatly say women don't, miner ol South Ave, and and best known fund raiser from attempting to vote\br progress was made, for in municipal units. In 1966 men do. The mold is being is sponsorship of a play stand for election in the Thomas SI ... _1913..Mrs,_Qeorge C, /Hughes Mrs::-_Agnes _Matlaga cast aside and both sexes The ('ranlord Chapter is every year put on by the approaching.-eltfCtion-f or_ became the town's Tirst became the township's first are stepping out of it.""""' " school trustees."\ one ol over 200 Kas-tern-Stnr Cranford Dramatic Club. school board trustee, and a v .chapters in the State of New Other, projects have been " Mr, Potter had his way, Jerse\. Tlie local, mem- cake sales, candy Sales and for none of the women year later Mrs. Bates was elected to fill Mrs. Hughes', showed up at the polls. bership'has thrown Ironvthe a Miss Baseball contest. unexpired term.. She The fight, however, was iiritiin;il :ifi to a]mosi 500. uhile statewide the mem- . The Mothers' Auxiliary not over. Continuing it was received the highest number the second Monday of Mrs. George H. Bates, now of votes of any other canbej'ship" numbers nearly emeets The purpose ol"'thW | a c h m o n t n except J u l y a n d 91 years old and a resident didate and went on to serve ST2.II00. 'is ' t o . jvrom-ote-; Auguest, a f 8 p . m . in . t h e of"21 Central Ave., .who 14 .years on the board. iii'C'ler L !ti "1922, Mrs. Bates had; emieern '-'- suffr.agKte CW'isl.ian. l o \ f and I "-|K>1iYd r o o m at . Lincoln j became, -^a tor our fellow mini. ' ant) School. All mothers of boys ^shortly after the turn of tne, the distinction bf"being the" former first woman summoned to ulvilv its charitable .works playing '- in lr>e '" Cranford century. The X Boys Baseball League a r e Elizabeth Miller of Hamp- serve on the Union County are' lor the most part not Serving Crdnfor<d For ? 6 Yrspublicized, some ol ils ac-. invited to attend these" ton St. joined the Cranford Grand Jury. Another well-known Equal Franchise -League, tivilies a r e well-known. meetings. and was one _of its woman'of the,.'era was her representatives at hearings mother-inrlaw, Mrs. Fannie on - the -suffrage bill in E. Bates, _who._ioperated Trenton, In 1913 she mar- Hampton Hall, a popular ched in a suffrage parade in hotel on Hampton St. STATIONARY & GREETING CARDSx Nicknamed "Mother of Newark. ' "I guess I became a Cranford," the elder Mrs. suffragette because it made Bates is rerriembered_ for CIGARETTES & CIGARS my blood boil to see her organization of the Improvement drunken, illiterate jnen able Village

Patriots Drum arid Bugle Corps Provides Pageantry and Color

The Patriots Drum and

FORMER SUFFRAGETTE HONORED-Mrs. George H. Bates of 21 Central Ave. (center) os shown ks she was named to the honor roll of the New Jersey Federation of Women's Club in May, 1969, at a convention in-Atlantic City. Mrs. Bates, a former suffragette,'is one of Crahford's best known senior ci'tizens;-fhe'rs-pidured left to right are Mrs. Arthur Venneri, president .of'the Village Improvement Association; Mrs, Carroll. Leorrardr-first vice-president of the VIA, and Mrs. Thomas McGl.dde', federation president. '_. , ' : . . . ,

Happy 100th Birthday

Morgenroth's Luncheonette

Congratulations To Granford



Thank You For Making Our Business^ A Success For Over Half A Century

On Its 100th Anniversary

Junior Woman's Club Organized in

Almost. 21 years ago, the Cranford Junior Woman's Club of, the Village Improvement Association was incorporated into the Junior Membership Department of .the New Jersey Federation of Women's Clubs. The club membership comprises civic-minded women between, 18 and 35 years of age committed to serve their community. Although the club was chartered in 1950, it was organized by 12 young women in 1949, undeC the guidance of Mrs.-Charles Sehillinger, the first adviser from the VIA. The ' first meetings were, held in the library of Union Junior College, then located on Holly St., at what is now the Union County Cerebral Palsy Center. The meetings have- since been held, always in the evening, at such, places as the Calvary Lutheran Church, Veteran's Memorial .Homo, Cranford Baptist Church and, now, the Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center. Cranford Juniors participate in an anryial large-, scale .-undertaKjng "called a state project in which each of New Jersey's.118 Junior clubs pa.fticipate. Some past projecP\included the purchase, of an eye mobile, and the --.establishment of a permanent fund for upper extremity amputees. The eye unit tours the . ytate.and provides free eye examinations and .encourages , good - visual,practices. .The amputee fund provides money' for" treatment and for the purchase ' of necessary prosthetic devices> A recent state project raised. $25rOOO to build new kitchen and dining facilities at Ranch Hope in Allqway, where a residential school <ares for and rehabilitates troubled' l>oys. National and International agencies which ht\ve received assistance from the Juniors are Project Hope, the Hospital Ship Hope, Project Concern, and UNICEF. The state projects of the past year have been the control of drug abuse, and Ihe preservation of.Jhe environment. In 19G4, the Juniors presented the pediatrie ward at Muhlenberg Hospital in Plainfield with a -book wagon that is stocked each year with books and games for bodfast children. In Cranford, the Juniors' have sponsored library story hours, the Halloween p a r a de , s um mer playgrounds for retarded children, and baby-sitter training courses. Volunteer services and funds have been donated to the Janet Memorial llomefor (Jirls, in Kli/.abeth, the Union County Unit of the Retarded Children's Association, the New Jersey Commission for the Blind, and the Union County Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center. Most recently, the Juniors and the VIA have co-sponsor'ed two campaigns of the Mothers' March of Dimes.




22 Eastman St.


102AN.Union Ave.,





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Gas gives you a better deal
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our Community Since IK5,5

fieafs test!

lino skirts, white blouses, white bucks, t h e color -I >1 aek-epwgi r l~ha ts-a nd-ties . Jiuarxl_wJas_sinauiarljLatti.red_1 -in February, 19(17, by- Virr- In July" to get additional but with blue skirts with -Writ- P. -V'l ^Tntrrrrtyers, cur psmem- -white-kick-pleats-and-white Richard J. Donovan to bership was opened to all boots.The year 1968 also saw provide a ,worthwhile ac- Union.County youth., 1 Isador M. Gross, president 'tivity lor Cranford boys. An Roy Earlman of Cranford* .immediate houseto-holise and Anthony LoRocco of of Multi-Amp Corp., present .'^campaign was initiated to Winfield, who volunteered to the Patriots with a corps 'collect funds to buy. in- teaVih drums and horns ,1'lag. The presentation of the ORIGINAL UNIFORMSMembers of the girls' color guard okthe Patriots Drum and Bugle Corps model original respectively, were the -flag, which reads Patriot uniforms worn as the Patriots made thejr first appearance Drum and Bugle Corps, Shortly t h e r e a f t e r , corps' first instructors. ., WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY ^('ranlord Post :)35, VFW and Among the Patriots' first Cranford, N.J., the Venice in a parade at Belvedere on July 3, 1967. Boys' uniforms at ('ranlord Post i l 2, paid instructors were Lester of America, was made thaMime consisted of black chino-pants, white shirts, black Arbor Day cowboy hats and iies. American L(^ion r accepted lipow-n-jdr-uros-;- Jcftrey- during ^sponsorship of "the corps. Schick,'horns; John Leahy, Ceremonies. March of 19(57. saw-ttte.corps (iriil^and Mary Ann Byron, In 1969, a boys' competing TO THOSE WHO ARE-NOT F AM (WAR WITH OUR MANY SERVICES. incor|)orated as a non-profit color guard. Through the color guard was formed organization. ' under the direction of summer and fall months of Two months later,'a girls' 1%7^ the Patriots appeared Joseph Policastro, who also color nuartl was formed. in several parades and were instructed the girls' com , Juu?v~of 19(17 saw corps named Warren County peting guard. During the fall hcad(|uart('rs established on American Legion Parade and. winter of 1969, both1 guards competed in the Tn the second floor- ot the C h a m p i o n s . . (Vrohral Palsy Treatment January, 1968, saw a State.Color Guard Circuit -I'he-^BOys^-Golop-guar-cLwai.. c On July :i. 19(17,' 'the Red, White, and hlue were disbanded at the end of the Patriots made their first established- as. corps colors, 1969 competing season. public appoaraju'o in a and in the SU Patrick's Later that year a. com parade ;it Belvedere. The Parade in Newark the hoys plete set of chrome hoys' uniforms at-that time in tho corps debuted in the was purchased to replace consisted of black chino new uniforms - blue sparkte the old brass horns: During pants, white shirts, black shakoos. white satin blouses' 1970.and 1971 there also were cowboy fiats and ties. The with a diagonal, red stripe, .replacements, and sevenal. color nuard wore black A- red sashes, blue pants and additions to corps' in; struments, uniforms and PRESENT UNIFORMSDrummers above are wearing color guard equipment. present uniforms of the Patriots Drum and-'Bugle Corps, _ Several drums and cymbals adopted in January, 1968blue sparkle shakoes, white satin have been purchased. New blouses witri a diagonal red'stripe, red sashes, blue pants In bathroom remodeling we do the whole job. We have our ; .Plumbing &, Heating would like, to take this white' satjn blouses' and. white_bucks. .The g,lrls in the color guard now are similarly attired,.but with blue skirts with white-kick pleats own carpenter, tile man and electrician with a minimum of opportunity to congratulate Cranford on its 100th Anniverfeaturing a stylish red V and white boots. , . '. " ,* " . .. sary and at .the sa/ne time'introduce ourselves t<{ those who arei J.iine.delay due to lack of coopera'tion-arnpngs.ubcontractors-. design anil red sashes have v There are four Reynolds trucks at-yoiir disposal. TwoWe not familiar"witlT our many servitMs, . ., .. . .'V" repjact'd the "old ohesr Ad- * ditional pairs of pants, We consider ourselves the rriost progressive plumbing'' used for jobbing such as repairs on -faucets', vaK/es,ele'etric skirts, blouses, sashes, and concern in Union County with the most modern up to date sewer and waste line cleaning, water"'mains and leaks o f all shakoes have been purtools and equipment at your disposal. types including installation of gas equipment. chased to accomodale the We are members of the Cranford .Chamber of Commerce One truck specializes in installation.of complete heating growing membership of the and of the Master Plumbers' Association. systems, boilers, heating repair and maintenance. Check our -corps". JRiteen,l'lag poles and Reynolds has-'the only showioom in Cranford, ideally. price's before having th_e work done, there is no bargain when it six flags have been.added. located at 358 North Ayenye^ East,'directly across Irorri the "r comes to workmanship. . " These purchases have By Lois G. Bagmann Dairy Queer! and just west of tRe Parkway. In our showroom ' The' other truck is a shop on wheels which specializes inbrought the total assets of we are displaying many vanities,.two complete bathrooms and alterations and bathroom remodeling. Duncan * Smith School on Crane's Ford Chapter of the corps to over'$15,000. Now a word about the personnel that comes into your Gunter Mountain, Ala', and kitchen eqiKprnent. We also display dishwashers, sump pumps, the Daughters of the Since its .formation, the water softeners, medicine chests, humidifiers, fauceis of all the, Crossnore School in horpe which is the most important, item. Not one of our corps has participated in l()0 American Revolution of North-Carolina', which are types and showei heads. , ^ mechanics has baen working for us for less than six years and Cranford was organized in parades; 1 0 exhibitions and DAR'sponsored. Our 'phones are covered from 7;00 A.M. until 11:00 P.M. has less "than eight years experience. These are bonded, 14 ensemble competitions. March, 1944, by 23 members We are also the solS idisttibutois of CPM which stands for uniformed and qualified men; injured while on trie job and of the.Westfie'ld Chapter of The objects of the The girls', color guard has Chemical Preventive Maintenance.. This is the only pioducfof you are insured, after he'leaVes; for the work he ha.s done. competed in 40 shows and the National Society of the National Defense Committee its kind recommended and sold by plumbing contractors. CPM Reynolds Plumbing is owned by Tony Di ,Fabio and George put on six exhibitions. In DAK. Mrs Linford - B, are both, educational and is not. a burning acid or fuming caustic. Its' unique formula Cuozzo. Tony smarted plumbing in 1955, working for local their parade and contest FJa/zard was installed as the patriotic, and many fine doesull lust melt grease, soap and fat, it dissolves then.i and plumbers the whole time. George started in 1948 and worked competitions, the Patriots first regent of the newly?- reports have been given at whvu. urcut-xrumlinotlier'-' and grcut-grand-, turns thein info a free-flowing liquid which easily flows down formed chapter at an meetings by Mrs. A. Donald in Newaik, East Orange and Irvington before coming to ''have won 24 trophies. In fathcr^wcrc married, she probably /irvscntvd your drain. CPM is more effective than dangerous supermarket Cranlord. Both have tit'en Cranford residents for fifteen years. 1970, the Patriots won the organizational meeting at Green, defense chairman, poisons and acids. We as an iridustry regard this as a long step "him jvitli her ili>\vr\ mid lie. in return, gave In Cranfoid'the Reynolds name means first class.quaiity. title National Circuit- 1 her home, .512 Springfield on current events and forward in tbe fiytit against pollution. - . * her H'Melrv, in SIKIW that- it was she and not A v e . . ' timely-news on national and S u m me r K n se m h le state levels. her wealth he tlciircd The piece- u) jewelry Champions. Although many charter she mi>sl-likel\: rci eived was q pair oI pierced The Patriots march an- members have moved .to The lineage-chairman and nually in the county and other parts of the country registrar, earn nits , Mrs. George state convention parados of though retaining their Coffey, plays an' important ('nsti)ins Jiavc channel] the past 100 the American Legion with membership in. the local, part ' in the chapter by vears .'.hut not women's love of jewelry' /the Cranford Post 212 and in chapter, we have as present h e l p i n g prospective Xur the practice <>t having ears pierced . . so . the VKW and Klks state charter members Mrs. John. members establish their ///<// heaulijul earrings may he worn in convention parades with the . K. Allen of Cranford, Mrs'. eligibility for membership. coml'iirl and without loss. Cranford Post HIV VFW, K, Duer Reeves of Summit Todav. there's nothing old-fashioned about and the Elks Lodge 2006 of and Mrs. James C. Wilson of Annual pilgrimages to Cranford. Wcstfield. the way liiore aiul more women are having historic points of interest Tbe -Patriots' presenthave included a trip to their-ears pierced': At Ear Piercing Houtii/iw. instructors a r e Carmen The objectives of the DAR Rockinghanvat Rocky Hill, liy .a registered i.mrse using our. specially Cirlincione, horns and drill; are historical, educational where General George patented, completely sterile instrument Dean McCoy, beginner and patriotic, and in this Washington and Martha horns; Ken DeStephensi respect the ' chapter lived several months while drums, and Karen Buckheit, cooperates in th(5 nationwide "awaiting-the "signing of the; color guard. Patricia Sliker Good -. Citizenship ., contests Peace Treaty with England;' the .Richmondtown isthe drum majorette, and field each year, open to to Rita Rienkiewicz is the color Senior class girls of high Village Restoration- on guard captain. The corps at schools, the winners chosen Staten'Island, which was, in present consists of 88 for . their qualities of the early 1700s, a Dutch members - a 41 member", dependability! service' and settlement, and to Allaire horn section (21 soprano, 7 patriotism. A certificate and State Park, a Colonial" I'rench, 9 baritone, 3 contra pin are awarded to the Village restoration. U 1 bass, l mellophone), a 19 winner, and "she .is enmember drum section (4 tertained by,' the State J w o special meetings snare, 2 tenor, 4 bass, 1 Society . a t Trenton to rudimental bass, 1 double receive her award, meet the each year are the holiday bass, !! double tenor, 4 governor, and tour the State luncheon at Christmas and tbe birthday -luncheon in cymbals) and a 28-girl color - House. March, T-he annual' May guard. - I l-ormerly Ear Piercing Center L Mrs. Robert A. Sutton, picnic in the garden of. a The corps sponsors two .* u shows annually - the Regent, in line with the DAR member is 'also -a special occasion. . aid to . foreign born apPageantry of Colors, a combination color guard plying for citizenship, atThe preservation and and ensemble show, in tended the Naturalization marking'of historic sites is Court ceremonies last January, and the Stardust of great interest' to the and Brass Drum Corps .October and presented 93 organization, and at present new. citizens with United competition in July. This plans, are.' underway in year the Patriots will,,, States flags, welcomecards connection with the CranNorth Union Ave. Cranford and patriotic literature. sponsor a third show - the ford Centennial Celebration After sharing moie than a quarter of CranJord's past Festival of Music '-''-. in with Mrs. Edward A. J August. cuntury.' And doing the type of personalized, people to The chapter annually Howard, heritage and people business that makes it all worth while. Wo chose observed Constitution Week preservation chairman, in Cninford for the location of our dream store. Which, when from September 17 to 23 by charge. opened last year, was called, "the prototype of the |ewelry placing historic displays in As community conthe library v and stores, siore of the future, " and "the unique ini.senni tHat sells," by which is to remind the .tributions, the' chapter national publications. HAPPY BIRTHDAY American people of the donates annually to the We call it the store that offers the same quality significance of that week in' Cranford Historical Society, merchandise and unbeatable values that have won us our 1787, and to revitalize ap- and also several cherry coveted reputation, plus a better, more convenient way o , preciation of our great trees to the Cherry Tree serve our customers . . . our friends! CRANFORD heritage in the Constitution Project sponsored by the of the United States, when Men's Garden Club of Toward the the Federal Convention -Cranford. approved the United States restoration of the Girl Scout Constitution. The Gover- House in Rahway, the nors' Proclamations of chapter also contributed. February as- History Month Although MTs. Sutton, also are observed by they -regent of Crane's Ford 'Cranford To Another chapter, ^ \ Chapter from 1968-1971, is a ^resident of Westfield, she Also Wustfiuld & Pliiintiuld Crane's Ford, under the grew up in Cranford and attended Cranford schools. chairmanship of Mrs. W.K. Flanagan, Jr., supplies aid She recently was elected to to the American Indians the State Board of theTtfew coordinated through the Jersey Society of the DAR is serving as American Indians Com- and corresponding secretary. mittee, by giving contributions toward At the annual meeting this scholarships and sending "THE PAINT SPOT" clothing to St Mary's School month, Mrs Moses A. Craig PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. for Indian girls in South was elected regent for 1971Dakota and :to Tamassee 1974: 'Elected with her were: Wholesale * Retail first vice-regent, Mrs. Hinc* mi School in South Carolina. CH 5-7831 - 2 t Frederick G. Baumann; W W E S T F I E L D AVE., W. Fine Paints' and Wallpapor The chapter also helps second "vice-regent, Mrs. , ROSELLE PARK, N. J. support two .other,, schools Howard; chaplain, Mrs Opor. 7:30 AM, to 4 r.M. - M . rill 9 J. Muldowney; forunder privileged John mountain children, the Kate recording secretary, Mrs.

Martin J McHuglu corresponding secretary, Mrs. Flanagan; trcas-urcr. Mrs. Arthur (r Lennox; registrar, Mrs. Coffey; historian, Mrs. Kenneth K. Baldwin; librarian, -Mrs1 (.'arson j Tollivor; bo;frd ..rncmbefis. Mrs. Curtis

cliiiH'inan ot committees as VFJag of the I'mterl Sialcv lollims ' v lurs .-\riiI\ (' Iniiocenli. Honor Roll.. Mrs Culin; hospitalllv.. Mrs* Jonathan membership. Miss-" Mrtrion W Apgar . naliniiiil 'Icleiise. Hoiiiwll.: , heritage and Mis Grj'cn . program. Mrs . pi'Cscrvxilion, Mrs Howard; Ha constitution, and American llislor\ VVeok. Mrs Frank Ways and means. Mrs W Krause; DAR school Howard. . telephone- and Culin, rs.'Walter J. Miller colnTiTittee: MTsTTTaiiagaiK -fransporftti oiiT-MrsCuhn Mag-ii/.me, Mrs. Arru>k C Wilson/ DAR G-ood Citizens; Mrs. Craig has announced Kennox;

Mrs Baumanii, aiullineage. .Mrs Colley.

Be a part of Lranford's Centennial Observance.- , Plan on being at the major event of the town's 100th anniversary, ceje- -br-at-iortBeatthe-Gentennial Parade Saturday; ^ June T27



IN 1871

Crane's Ford DAR Organized in 1944




Some Traditions

Deserve to be Updated.

Pierce Your Ears Today!

The Spirit

Ear Piercing Boutique

:J^: ,i

of Cranford's Past Made us Invest In Cranford's Future!

From One Old-Timer






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A new century oi hometown banking at our allnew, lull service banking center
Beautiful new facilities
"Beautiful beyond belief!" "Fantastic is the word for it!." These are just a few of.the delightful words of p-ratee we have been hearing about our'newlyj'enovated office "in Granford. It's alt new, totally new, from walls to ceilings; to the sheltered walk-tip windows in front, to the convenient entrance from the parking lot in the rear. And we did it just in time for the Cranford Ce tennial Celebration. Come, see our n office-It ushers in a new century of hometown banking service for you.

Centennial Glasses
Suburban Trust fs so much a part of the history, of Cranford that we designed a special set of centennial glasses depicting scenes of historical interest, and commissioned one of New Jersey's foremost artists to prepare the drawings. They will be sold at our Cranford office below costat $4 for a set of six, eight ouncStumblersstarting Saturday, June 26th: We hope you'll like them as much as we do. P.S. They-will be free if you operr a new checking or savings account wjth $100 or more. - ..

$9)600..' Another $400 contributed a little .later brought the1 total to the desired goal. John Fisher^-a Rotarian, was named treasurer and the camp, committee set to workJ. Two committee members who were atMr?s James R.-French Mrs. Grady continued in for less fortunate families in assistance and camping. By Arthur K. Burditt torneys, . Buckley and During the spring and her post until December the township through the The Department of Public summer of 1936, members of 1952; when she was suc- annual holiday project of the Welfare assists with money_ From the Memoirs of the Edsall, not only donated thei rser v icesrbu te venS the CranforTrTJimior Service mKieqfiy Mrs"! Hutfi T7 CWA. Some groups give for milk andshoes, ifitTLlons late Wesley Jhennnx. ' Upon Carrie C. -l,('fU'.l".. Holy Trinity Christmas parties, fill giant Club assists in eye care, and The Cranford Boys' Camp their expenses! to secure, the Kpiscopal Church'; Rotary Grady's death in 1956; a sloe kings lor particular TrTPTftniior League rt i -property, which wac i-nC[ub. and other interested memorial fund was set up to- chifdren,; donate Christmas monthly , donations for the life of Cranford youth for pretty rough shape, The citizens organized and be used for camp vacatrons trees, recondition toys, or general relief. The Needle a period of 53 years, arid (his boys were not, however, founded . the Cranford for underprivileged children "adopt" a child or family Work Guild Ingathering year seems to have closed willing to wait a year for it Welfare Association to in need of special guidance and supply them with donates several hundred its career, at least for the to be cleaned up. They set up coordinate'Wejfare'work in and supervision. needed items and gifts. items of new clothing' an- time being. Its origin is a tents and went to work, the community. In, December 195(1, on its Fruit baskets,are delivered nually. Many other service tribute to Rev-. .Kenneth D. doing carpenter ^work, Operation began October 20th anniversary, the to shut-ins. In 1965, for and church groups make Martin, who is still living in painting^ and shingling the I, 1936, with George H. -association paid tribute to example, 44 fam.ilies.ahd 12] donations of cash, clothing, Wisconsin and stiU .in- roof of the main building, with the aid of ,.a,gang of Bates as the association's George H. Bates and children were remembered and food, and private terested in its workings. first president. Other Charles W. Tripp lor their "Iff some way. contributions,, are also The. beginnings of the carpenters and . masons founding directors included years of faithful - Health care with em-_. substantial. Canned goods camp were in" 1918, although" hired locally-. The committee decided Carl Mason, G.K. Warner, the association, Mr.'Tripp phasis on school children and clothing donations keep the present organization did and Mrs. Harold Millard. served asr treasurer of the and" senior citizens is. th,e pantry shelves in Mrs, not start until five years that jt would he necessary to Mrs. Carrie C: Grady Was association for 20.years and ^provided through the Lennox's office supplied for later, when the Rotary Club buy the property on which a employed as the "welfare then as historiarruntil hist "Doctor of the Month" plan 'emergency assistance.. was organized and took a, spring was located and worker" or executive death in May of this,,yea/. of the (Yanford Physicians The latest development in hand in the, development-of found that they needed an secretary. A membership The office", formerly at 10 Club. Pediatricians provide the Welfare Association's the camp. Originally Rev.. additional $4,000. Mr. drive lor' funds was.con- N. Union Ave., moved lo the shots and medical pare I'or^ long history is the formation Martin was interested in Buckley came up with a' ducted and furniture and Municipal Building in 1963, infants, and the dentists of an auxiliary to begin combatting 'the growing check for the amount that office." equipment were Then in. 1969, the welfare cooperate by providing functioning in' the fall of number of "Drug Store permitted this expansion of -donated:' - ^er-wes-oM^r-af^iHl^Hvepe-f-servTces-a oevura^ The-camp was closed for The .Junior Service reorganized. Instead of two" organizations in "town fur-r assist the Junior League in a .-group of. citizens-~t,o League accepted spon- sep'arate~offices, all welfare nish free motor, corps ser- the operation of the Jumble promote a.summer camping the.war seasons, but Wes Stanger reorganized the sorship of the agency at the needs of the community vice to drive needy patients Store with the result that the program. dormant organization and, first regular board, meeting have since 'been "centered in to hospital clinics and C r a n f o r d W e l f a r e The original committee that fall and soon alter one' otfcjce', though the doctor's offices.- _ Association will share consisted of W. W. Buckley,-. withthe assistance of the -United Fund -"which--was established the Jumble Department of Public In January" .1967, the directly in the profits of the Fred G: Sykes, John B. Turk holding- an unclaimed Store. Yearly, the Junior Welfare and the .Cranford disastrous Elise St. fire, Jumble,Store. Herbert Farrell, J..'Rose ^Service, League made large Welfare Association sl.ill which destroyed the, homes Over the years many. Bates, Fred Frazier, George allocation, the camp "was donations to the association" maintain individual needs, of 1 Cranford residents have Lutz, William G.Kline, John ready to re-open. A new 2 families, tested the board of directors and new services and budgets. froiri the profits of the efficiency of the association. contributed their time asi Fisher, Charles Skillrnan, Highlights of the welfare The Cranford Welfare members and directors of Dr. Samuel Hinman, Fred officers were elected for the ' Jumble Store' Tii 1964, when the Service. activities each year include Association coordinated the the association.',Thc board,is Zundel, Jules Du Barry, and season. League merged with the summer camping programs assistance from many composed of 18 directors Wesley A: Stanger Sr. A Boy Lack of applicants this Junior League of Elizabeth, Ibr children of less fortunate cbm m un i.t y ..ser v i c\> y olected in groups of six per Scout troop was'," re- year has forced the of the camp for the newly formed Junior families. For %i\any 'years .organizations g as well .as the year to serve for a.three- organized within a short suspension this season. ' 0 League of EJizabcth arid., more than- 50 CranJord. Red Cross "and Salvation year period. In' time, with 20 or 25 boys from Cranford a> took. "oyer children", "haye enjoyed-; Army, business establish- ih</ elected directors ,-xthe -the Sunday Schools oL the .ownership"and. operation of camping "Experiences at ments and., individuals,; .The board is.1 composed.of fp; Presbytericin,-j' Methodist the Jumble Store and Sa l,ya t ipn A rmy_ Camp^ generosity of the Cranford pointed representatives of and the Episcopal Churches,. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR TOWN continued to make donations Cranford Boys"' -Camp, citizens was overwhelming 21 local organizations who Rev. Mr. Martin was the to the ("WA for general Camp Union, Bonnie Brae in proyidingclothing, shoes, are invited to all board rector of the latter' church',, Farm fory Boys, Camp food and furniture. Mrs. meetings,may" take part in relief. - Members of the original FOR 100 YEARS OFSUBURBAN LIVING REALTORS AND INSURORS ..The primary objectives of Endeavor, Camp Tec urn - Lennox..took ah active part. all discussions, but are not committee contributed MORTGAGING, AND APPRAISING . the association are short- stvh; "(tfrl "Scout "Camp, -in-helping torelocate -tin -officially- entitled to vote. -financially -to get a ScputFOR THE MANY LUCKY FAMILIES term welfare help, follow-up YIVK'A Day Camp and families. camping progr-arriv unf h e ^ College and s u p pIe m e n t a r y others derway. Families of. the In 1967 Mrs-Lennox was. WHO CHOSE THE VENICE OF NEW JERSEY. assistance as well as Women's Club?- Red Cross selected by the Cranford boys were asked to con: counselling and guidance, and Police Department Neighborhood Council for tribute $5 each, during the all 'designed to return have . transported the one of its first "Good Neighearly years. The Scouts disadvantage! families to children to and from camp' bor" awards, honoring "her themselves collected waste "Other-group's have for years years of work, patience, and self-sufficiency. paper, shoveled snow and As._a private organization provided pajamas, and understanding with the I By Beanor Leone did various jobs to acsupported by voluntary bedding. cumulate money for .the', people of Cranford." .On At Thanksgiving time food August 1, 1967, Mrs. Lennox i .donations, not by taxes, thef succeeding year's- en! In 1953 10 women from the campments.. J. Ross Bates executive secretary can baskets are prepared for retired alter 1 4 years of I Newcomer's . Club of answer problems and needy families, made .service: . Mrs. " a'friend who owned a H,E formed the had emergencies immediately. [Kissible by the generosity of Hinebauch replaced JUrs. Cranford' large farm near Garden Club The financialaid the agency our civic, church, scout and Lennox for a. little over a Spadenhoe Weckapaug, R.I., lacing the with Mrs. John A. Pankuch, gives goes principally to school organizations. , GERT AND SID year, but had to resign current historian,."as the sound. Permission was those in need who are not _ In the true spirit of because of relocation. On first president. granted to hold the camp /\ eligible for care/ by public Christmas many local October 1,1968 Mrs..Lennox LIVING IN AND LOVING CRANFORD As, the membership grew there. organizations and inagencies, but need special resumed the duties of | they planted shrubs on the The following year, 1919, a help that the public agencies dividuals tune contributed executive secretary, and grounds of the newly built group of about 20 boys, SINCE 1938 cannot provide under the time, effort and donations to she is currently serving the Livingston Avenue and under the leadership of Rev. make the holidays brighter i association in that capacity. .Walnut Avenue schools. law: Mr. Martin, William C. For the past 10 years Klein, and Fred Frazier( Mrs ' LennoxV outmembers have planted and went there for two weeks'. standing service to the The boys had such a fine community was again maintained . evergreens', time that they repeated in cherry trees and annual recognized in 1969. The first 1920 and 1921. woman torex'eive this honor fulips and geraniums along Not long after this, the the walks to the monuments ; in Cranfordi Mrs. Lennox at the Memorial Park Rotary, Club of Cranford -was cited by the: Cranford Trfangle ! was organized, with Rev. Chamber of Commerce as Avenue. on Springfield Mr. Martin as. its first i "Citizen of the Year" for her president and many of the ! compassionate,- understA member of the Cranford committee as club memanding service to the people Council of Garden Clubs, bers. There was, therefore, a of. Cranford regardless of they. have., contributed common interest in the race, color, or creed. money and man _hours to planning of a permanent' many of-thfcjoint projects-o: which Mrs. Lennox sub- Cranfar"d~Gard enCtu bsr newer member of T T e ~ mitted tin February 5, 1970;' J including arrangements one committee, George Lutz and showed"" ?89* persons sefved month a.year at the Public Rev. JVIj. Martin induring the year.. The Library. vestigated and recommonthly case load was 35, In keeping with the mended a site that had been and new cases were "H. Centennial celebrations, a located by John Fisher. There were 1891 interviews flower 'and 'horticulture The camp committee and home calls and 1 1 5 cases show will .be held at. the estimated that the purchase I told you we should have gone to the Coach & Four serviced. Funds and Municipal,- Building in of the property . a n d resources were listed at ""October and will be open to preparation for occupancy $20,829.00, of which a little .the public. ol the abandoned farm more than half came from The current president is, would cost about $10,000 the United Fund. The United Mrs. Edward Ostroye and which was a considerable Fund- money maintains tne Mrs., Campbell Johnstone sum to be raised in a staff and expenses of 1 will be installed as the new community of 5,000 people. operation of the association. president at the June , A TRADITION OK GRACIOUS DINING ' , Cranford was very tennis Expenditures for welfare meeting. consciousin that some of the services totaled $11,804.00, scouts were excellent covering milk, clothing, There are : 22- .active players and Dean' Mathey, "medication, dental and 'members, five of which are then a Cranford resident, medical care, financial charter mernbers. was one of the tennis greats, 276-4765 24 NORTH AVE. E. while Wes Stanger, Jr., and Jean Montenecourt were nationally rated. The idea of a tennis exhibition seemed a - WE CONGRATULATE CRANFORD very fine way to raise the money. The exhibition was. '.' ON ITS 100TH YEAR staged under the joint AND SAY "THANK Y O U " auspices of ' the camp TO ITS WONDERFUL PEOPLE committee and the Rotary

Cranford Welfare Association Began Operations in Oct., 1936

Boy's Camp Serv&d Youth 53 Years ^


From ...-..'


Serving the Area for 25 Years with Handcrafted Customized Kitchens



360 North Ave. E.

Spadenhoe Gardeners

4n Our 30th Year (1941-1971)

i ,i

To A Gracious Town On Its 100th Anniversary



From One Old Timer To Another n%


i .... * !



2 North Avenue West, Cranford



^ BY

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation



The"two organizations their sights highland Stanger, Sr., was able to persuade Big Bill Tilden, _world_ champion, the Istar attracTljQn^.Tjra'ei^TioV only agreed to appear, but paul all the expenses of other big players, so that their appearance cost nothing. Dean Mathey donated a sterling silver bowl which was to be awarded to a Cranford Boy able to win it three times. Wes Stanger, Jr., won the bowl and played a couple of sets with Til'den Wes and Jean Montenecourt won the 'doubles matches The $1,200 earned in the tournament was matched by an equal amount from the Rotary Club. A financial drive was then scheduled for one week, and enthusiastic support brought the total to



FREE B R 6 - 1 0 4 4 DELIVERY


FREE PARKING IN REAR Use Roar Entrance 30 EASTMAN S T . (Opp. Cranford Theatre)


' / )// // A \ A/A

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,.. ,

1 , 1


th^rsday, June 3, 1971



Page 23



Thursday. June 3, 1971

' *'--.r ' * ' '

Wnai B'rith Lodge Founded Here in 1960

n i n n . r . r j rhtr TrorldV service 1,11 u J e s l " .)<'* i s f rrf ni)j,;iiii/;ii i o n . i i.uiliiifl mi May .17. -Kino, i in ihal dal relatives and Irii'iids -ill 7-4 c h a r t e r


Osceolfi Presbyterian Church Took Name of Seminole Chief

counselling services, amonu olliers. funds sixty percent of the raised go lo maintain voutli programs.

members Iron) Cranford .mil Clark 'unthered at the \ T'W Mall L u Kcniluorth to uiine's's lliKjormation of the ( i anliinl Hod^c. U n a i 1','nih. JLTTI; The uroup' meets on the first Tuesday II| rath .'n'uinth at Teniple I'.cllhKI JiUre. in Cranl'ord. . Serving as presulents of By Pete,r McCormick I lie Incite were Murray , C r a n f o r d ' s B r e m n e r r.i.'ekerman ( deceased i, Chapter of the|)rder. of lleiiry Kiicer, . Robert DeMolay was instituted in I., II \v.i'ii s t e i n'. M a r v i n 19:12. -II is sponspr-ed by dressier. Michacl'Chasnoff, Azure Lodge, 129, T&AM, ' (inndwiti Horowitz. Frank and meetings are hejd in the. . \;issberu". Norman Einziger Masonic Ternple on the. B,KAI B'RITH CHRIST/yiAS PROGRAM-Carrying out program in which.-members of and Michael Arnold. ') fourth Thur-. Cranford Men's Lodge of"B'nai B'rith take over routine duties of police and firemen to enable them to spend extra time with their families at Christmas, some members ot the : Leslie I*, (ilit'k;.was in sdays of the month. lodge are shown as they received briefing a t polke headquarters last December. StanT h e Order of DeMolay is stalled 'as president, on ding,left to right, arc Philip Kaufman of the project; David Cotler,- and Police Chief Saturday. May ,' 15. 1071.. a n " i n t e r n a t . i o ival Matthew T. Haney. Seated at the communications desk are Howard Burakof and Police organization for young men Seated with him were: Vice Lt. Henry Polidoro.' ' . ', \ ^presidents,MorrisKlei.n,- _bejween thejiges of 14., and Alcx Silbenruin, Leo 21. i t s . main goal is the building of better citizens " ,secrolfiri.os. Henry RickHs. and'helping-young rrierTIive" clean, upright,, manly and "...IIHI Abraham' ('has'nol'f: On June, 15. 1925, the Reel - its present position as one of Fuel Oil Committee of "(he linancial secM-etary, Dr. patriotic lives. DeMolay is Strong Fuel Co. joined the the loading 1' in its field American "Petroleum In set apart from other youth V-TVW S e h a r l en b e r g ; stitute. by its Crnniord business scene as in this area. treasurer. Samuel Kim-' organizations 'Reel-Strong's entire fleet .. On the local scene^Mr an outgrowth oLtMe former ritual-a dramatic and yet melnwHL a n d . guardian.solemn presentation that Rindell Coal Company,1 .-of", fuel oiL-> and service Crane is a member and past ' " ( "Michael Arnold." impresses an obligation on a .dating back to the turn of the vehicles are controlled by president jt>f t h e Rot any century. -William Reel.and two-way radio I'rofn both^the Club, a past president of the For Ihe past nine- years.- 'hoy; to .jive arn* do right. diiri;n.g the month of ... The members of Brernner J a m e s Strong were the ( main office at 'X North Ave., old Cranl'ord Businessmen's. incorporators; F. 'arid t h e .yard. TJie Association, one o{ the . Kchi'iuary,-' the 'lodge has Chapter -are continuously original presented' an'. annual active,throughout the year, followed by Joseph Plum- company now operates in foundeis^and past president cil izc.n.ship award to a engaging in civic" service, m'er and then by Robert M. both the heating and cooling of thcU'ranford Swim Club, _-\ .-.-.. citizen or fund- raising; -athletic" and Crane,: the present owner. .fields, finder theperscmaJ a founder and past president. For- the' past 46 years,' supervision of Mr. Crane' of the old CVanford Com^organization for outstanding social activities. The, local Council, past (Mintribuljqn to the life and 1 chapter., fLeids._.t.eams_ in Re?L:Str.ohg'S yard and and his son, Clinton . . . munity president oTthifUriited Fund welfare of the community. softball. basketball -and storage facilities have been ""Crane." ''. ~ ~ ' Mr. Cl-a'ne* S M S president jind an elder and trustee'of Harold Block was chairman bowling in state-wide located on Cexington Ave. at Presbyterian d-ol' Ihe first award com- DeMolay J tournaments. the Lehigh Valley R.R., of the Union County Oil Heat the F i r s t mittee, which honored the Bremner's bowling team originally a part of the old . Association-.-.-, vice-president- Church. and trusfee" of the Fuel Cranl'ord First Aid Squad. won first place hoiiors in the August Behnert farm." Mr. Crane's home af'42O Starting as an anthracite Merchants Association of state bowling tournament other recipients have Riverside Drive is a preN.J., past president of the coal distributor, the comincluded Patrick .1. Grail. this year. revolutionafy landmark of B rejn.n e r Ch a p t e r pany soon branched into the OiJ Heat Council of N\J., and Dr. Henry -.J. Mineur, the community. a former "member of the 'fuel oil business and grew to Herbert. I;. Sjursen, Karris currently sponsors a, young orphan, named Bobby S. Swackhamer. Rev. George II. White, former Leggett, in the State Colony Mayor Edward (Jill, former at New Lisbon, a home for Chief of Police LesterJ mentally retarded boys. Frequent trips are made to t Powell, Mrs. Thelma. Purdy. visit Bobby, because the '.John Swiniek. local DeMolavs are his only Boris Bergen received the contact in the outside World. All DeMolay chapters are Citizen'of the Year Award 8 for 1971. Philip Kaufman led by three elective"and 1 chaired the- award com- appointed .officers. Peter L. mittee, making the McCormick is -presently presentation to Mr. Bergen serving as master councilor at the February 2 meeting. of the local chapter.. Ronald To acknowledge the Hade and Charles Wacker . contributions of young are currently senior and people, the Oranford'-Lodge junior councilor, respec' ' ' ' ; instituted ' a junior tively. citizenship award several .years ago ' an event which had led to similar action by other lodges. Jane Susan Wilner. daughter of Mr. aitd ( ' Mrs. Irving Wilner. received the award for 197L. T'h e-'. . . T r a n s p l a n t e r s She is a senior at Cranford Garden'' Club, a young l,I-he-=nward-i,s organization., -was-lormed-joRhrcrritnscholarship --nrnd~ -April,, 1968An- outgrowth'of the Newcomers' Club,' 'community service, , / answered the need for an In" December.'1968, in the additional garden cjub ^ t spirit ol .brotherhood and that'time. fellowship, the lodge, em^The club is a'member of harked on its Christmas program"^ a program in' the Garden ' Council. of which the' men of B-'nai Cranford, with .two council B' volunteer to take over delegates. Club activities ' (He"routine duties, of police", include- making Christmas " antl -.- other arrangerY\ents, an annual nuinieipal employees-xo that plant sale, Garden-Council they might have a little. .library project, - flo-wer V'extra time to spend with arranging, workshops, and their families at Christmas. guest speakers.

Cranford Has Active Unit Of DeMolay


- '


Reel-Strong Fuel Company





Garden Club Transplanters

w .
' '<:

Funds raised by the group , Ihrouuh social 'functions, dues and other means have gone' lo support its m'an\> faceted programs such as the'Hillel ' Foundations' on colfege campuses,-the Anti; Delain'ation L.eague. the - li'iiiii B'rith Youth


. Two club projects include the planting and care of mettir baskets in the center of Cranford and planting at the Community Center. Club tnembers also are assisting with the Gal-den. Council float lotf the centennial river carnival.. - ;

. The Ladies Auxiliary unit o.l the post, now being led byits' president MTiJ^Evelyn urk. -has-been active-over the l'938 flood in the By Walter E. Cooper The work of which f t is the years1' in welfare' work Township, and-in connection the cpuntry for their fine recognition on E a s t e r probably most proud is thJ> using the proceeds, of .the The present Cranford By Mrs. John B. Watson other, disaster sponsoring breed of horses and cattle. Sunday. April 5, 1942, at an i each year' of-the / annual salc'ol poppies prior American Legion Post 212, with Sperxyi; who i*pcnl_|_eariyLComraunion_ser_v.ici -iit.j.endance-of-locaJ.-boys^aL Ka rTy-itvI 94Vth. |-Depar-tment-ofrNew-Jersey-r-| .-situations^ The Legion's regular work Boys' State.' which includes duriiiu; World War-II' was On Sunday afternoon, July Missions Committee'of the tlieir winters in Florida and received its charter in 1933,knew Chief Oseenla of Ihe \i\') over the years has included,. _a_wegk stay at. a New Jersey ; n-h\el\ engaged- 'in for i Elraateeth-thepe-ha v i ngbeen-a-prior_) T i t -s Dy i i. i y~ jihe sponsoring i 61 a Boy college campus fn observing. warding packages to Legion Post in existence "ih became awaje. of the many Seminole Indians, named ceremonies were held on the " r Scout Troop, a Sons of the the operation of govern Cranlord residents in the their New .Jersey farm after site of. the future building, from 1920 to about 192&. The new homes arising in the 1 Sperry first meetings of 212 were Legion unit, supporting" ijn.ental functions, and in the service (Kceola area of Cranford. It him which was in turn ap- where Thomas Legion baseball and Little plied to the hew Osceola re-moved the first spade full held in a private house on was also expected, that a of earth. Several ministers Forest Ave., until the taking league teams "in the local new area would be opened Presbyterian Church. over of the Cranford Casino leagues, aj,so the sponsoring lor w a r workers. " The In this, humble way -a participated inthe service. and support of the Cranford The church building was grr>up eventually combuilding in 1935. Presbytery authorized the Patriotic Drum Corps, and completed in September prising 21! persons, was t h e activities of the the training of majorettes in gathering of funds for a Casino were continued by twirling. . church building to be enmlled to start -what ha>- 1942, and though the interior the Legion Post,/for public erected. In the summer of grown to become Aho was not finished, services The creation of Cranford lamiln-s- MI) that a r e a . Until discontinued by ,the regularly. use and enjoyment for many 1941 National , Missions Oscirola - P r e s b y f e r i a n were \heJd Baptist church began with a Results of this survry- was "local high school, the post Shortly after, a building' Church. years thereafter. Numerous Committee engaged Donald telephone conversation' the -determining factor that sponsored students in the In November 1941, about fund was started to raise organizations used the K. Theobald; a student at OSCEOLA CHURCH-Picture shows Oceola Presbythe ^participation in th between Phillip H, Enlow led to . thc.-.-.c'sLablishing of. funds to complete the inhowling alleys, played table Princeton Seminary, to "f:i5 families moved" info the church. terian Church, 1689 Raritan Rd., Clark,'as it appearAmerican Legion National and Charles H. Matthews on another Ba'ptisi tennis and badminton, and canvass the field.>Man'y of new community of Winfield terior of'the building. On T h e lirst worship^services Oratorical Contest, and for a November 1957 evening. February 12 ,1942, Donald ed in 1946. The building was completed in Septem; also on one occasion, the Ihe families in. the area and it became more apwere . held on ' Sunday ber, 1942. : '_'' '".' post^ witnessed the playing years has furnished one" or This continued intense evenings dt.Brookside Place agreed to open thoir homes parent that a place of K. Theobald was ordained two judges for the county concern for a church of our as a 'minister -of-1 tie Gospel. of the New "Jersey-. State arid state oratorical com-, for~srrvtcs~'nf worship. : . _ . worship had to be erected to School under tlteieaHership On July Hi, 1943, Osceola tennis table championships petition. It has participated laith ,in Cranford gj-ew and of Re.v^ Ralph Drisko in . -'National M i s s i o n s care for these families. A spread to many other ^inPresbyterian Church was there. In addition, the in every Memorial Day Committee,, headed by thehouse in Winfield, providing families and Fel)ruar\' I95H'' After about ^facilities for wedding observance in Ihe townshjp terested liite 'Rev. William*'- C. four classrooms, was made formally organized and was finally a meeting was held six months t h e ehureh._ TTrrrrlird as a chuirli of IheFelmeth. D.D., thenpastorot' available, TWeptrorrs^rrreermgSrand-| . . . . transferred to the Roosevelt the Third Presbyterian dancing classes " were since its organization and at the home of the Mat- School under the leadership The plans cajled for a one- Presbytery of Flizabeth. Oil thews' ea'rly in January October 22, .194:!.4he inhas furnished members for Church. Flizabeth, raised story - frame structure; continued, and it has been ol I.M. "Scott" Chapman. through various sources, a approximately 1(1x25 feet, al stallation service of Rev. said that there were very the committee work and 1958. . During-the winter of 1959 Donald K. Theobald as On advice of the New masters of .ceremonies in sum of .money sufficient to an estimated cost of $-12,000. lew young people of the time Jersey Baptist Convention, the name was changed from start a ^church building. During Holy Week,-1942,.a pastor was he)d._The church who did not receive .their this work, and has had building wa,s rdedicaled ByTarol Ann Hunck , UnTmi~Averuie~"has~Tne a survey was made of the ,Cranford Baptist Fellowship membership in the Joint first dancing lessons in these Through the generosity of special .service was October 24,. 194:!. Nearly 200 years ago a J -f the Union of Civil Civic Committee Cor Ennorthwest sector of1.('ran- j to Cranford Baptist Church n a m 0 0 .quarters. Thomas Sperry of Westfield, arranged for those destiping . J a m e s - ^ W a r d a y s - w h i l e Centennial couraging Candidates for fordlo -determine the and 'the. church moved-to its and "hiiTmotherTMrs7 Kate to be"cbmtr"meml)crsrorilie~ Thechurchtnidehur-eh- , - s e n t r y ^ n a - m i ' d The Lpgion headquarters" school continued to grow in Morgan was tried a n d ! Avenue was named in honor of unchurched present location. 'the Board of Education. number Sperry (loodrich, a lot .new church. The group met number , and. spiritual convicted of murdering of the 100th anniversary ot were used for relief work in " approximately 175 x 200 feet ,in the First Presbyterian strength so that it became Parson Cald'.'H' young ] - t h , . yg DeMaration of on Raritan Road was made Church, Rahway, and were necessary to consider chaplain in Wa.siiirigton's ri' ,. Independence. " examined by the Session of available Uf the committee enlargement of the church army, lyiorgan's execution, ; Several streets were The p r p n t r t ^ w a s part of the. host church for adTp A Grand Old Town JitouituwiDii-April 14. 194(i. a-hanging.. T.wilL long j).e j. Earned after United States T ' I he'"'"RpTrry *7)r~'O's"P'e"(l1'a public the new building, which.f;;r remembered, tor ,i.{ ' UtPkJ P r e s i d e n t s - . F.arnis. famous throughout* were given on Your 1.0-Oih- Annivorsary more than doubled the s'izj> place ini an- area that later " Buchanan Street, foPAfames of Ihe church facility, was became known as Gallows Buchanitfi; Arthur Terrace, [dedicated. -.. Hil[RoajJ. ',; for" Chester A. Arthur; Not a' l .K-i of C r a n f o r d ' s McKinle'y Street", for Alter a successful three,'-, year- -building fund cam : streets' have such a n ' ih.- William McKinley; Coolidge paign, begun in March 19f>2,. liimous.history, but m a n y of Drive, for Calvin Coojidge; the mortgage on*the churc-h their n a m e s tell a part of t h e Roosevelt' Avenue, for town's past. Several streets Theodore Roosevelt; Grant was liquidated.' A stained glass, .window were named after early Avenue," for Ulysses S. was placed in the chancel as" settlers and prominent Grant-, and Lincoln Avenue, Lincoln. - a memorial by the Lincoln families. Denman Itoa.d.for for Abraham Somevof the town's warj \ Isaac Family and example, was -named for carpel installed in the John Denman, the first dead also have had streets permanent white settler in named alter them. Among sacluary on Ihe occasion of our tenth anniversary year. Cranford, who came herein these are Fiske Terrace,.for In 1954 I he -sanctuary Vas the early 170()'s, Crane ('apt. Newell Rodney Fiske, beautified with the addition Parkway bears the name of an Army infantryman killed Come in and Visit Our Store ol 1 4 memorial windows and the family of Stephen Crane, in World War I, and Alan For Ou,r In-The-Store Specials a memorial window in the one of the original Elizabeth Okcll Place, Roger Norton Associates who acquired Place, Chester Lang Place .' vestibule ' . s T h e ' church continued lo property in the West Fields and Keith Jeffreys-Avenue, in 1699. for men killed in World War grow and- prosper and in Dunham Av&nue was February 19(11 ground Another .group!of streets, j breaking for .enlarged named for an old family whose members included .known as the College was begun. QUALITY I9(>:i was a year of change. Grandmother Dunham, a Estates, bear, the names of bold old lady who reportedly w e 11 k-no w n American 736 MOUNTAIN AVE, ' Rev. Mr. De/.so celebrated 956-STUYVESANT AVE. his ir>th anniversary at was not afraid of the British 'college's. These include Springfiefd' DR 6-5505 (isceola. and in .July of that and would sit right by her Colby Lane, Cornell Road, yean, resigned lo * become front window while a raid Dartsmouth Road, Brown Union""' ML) 8-8622 pastor' of Bellmore ' was going on. To scare them Terrace, Harvard Road, Presbyterian- Church. Long off, she placed a placard in Vale Terrace, Penn Road, the window with "Smallpox Princeton Road and Rutgers N.Y. CLARK DOOR COMPANY, Inc Island'. Rev. .William M. -Elliott.. H e r e " written in large Road. .Ir . who came from Pitts- letters. Alden Street took the first 69 Myrtle Street burgh, was-caljed as pastor OH May :t,- 19(i4, and wasname of Alden Bigelow, a Cranford, N.I. installed on June 21,1964. real estate developer in thetfiSO's, w.hose property -is now . Cjeyeland School The-Youth 1 Employment grounds,.. In oa similar iieinicr - -of - Cra,nford; manner, Miln Street wascommonly known as YES, named foj'Miln^P. Daytonone of the partners in operates five days a week, Bigelow^sfirrcv andBast 5:^wiiks-a-vcar-:to-pro-vide_-! Tnan Street w.as7"namedToT- R a i nf u l~em p 1 o y ntcn to p the third partrfer. _ "^ portunities. for the* youth of Mendell Avenue carries Cranford. YES is an entirely f^OVIDING THE - COMMUNITY WITH the name of Judge William volunteer organization and SUPERIOR CARE AND A WIDE, RANGE W. Mendell, a'Civil. Warf t+tiere is noicharge to either veteran and justice of theemployee or employer.-. OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR YES first opened its doors peace here for 50 years after eight years ago and since PATIENTS WITH PDST-ACUT.E ILLNESS, the vyar. "* that time has arrnngod for. Cranford's first PAT TENTS WHicR-NO LONGER REQUIRE Sylvester Cahill, was more than f),000 jobs for the honored through the naming young people of Trauford. .THE INT.ENSIVE~CAR~ExQFFE:RED BY THE of Sylvester Street after Hundreds, and perhaps HOSPITAL, BUT WHO A^KE NOT .YET thousands, of these intial job Tiim. contacts have led to adAdams Avenue bears the READY FOR RETURN TO THE COM. employment n a m e of the first tax d i t i o n a l MUNITY OR FO-R THE CUSTODIAL TYPE collector, Emmor K. arranged directly between employer and their youthful Adams. CARE OFFERED BY-T-HE AVERAGE NUR -employee. Ludlow Avenue SING HOME. During its second year of named Tor Gideon Ludlow, who was chairman of the operation, the YES office Westfield e n l i s t m e n t moVed from the telephone "conTrhittee during the Civil, building to quarters in the Eleven years of study and demonstration by Sherman School. War. experts iqjong-term care have culminated in the modern 'facility-anid' the individualized skilled services programmed for Cranford Health and Extended Care Center.
. '
" u

American Legion Post's Casino Was Activities Center for Years

Town's Baptist Church Began with a Phone Call

Cranford History


Congratulations, Cranfford,

Hats Off to Cranford

on its Centennial


B.W. Frey Supply Corporation

554 E. South Avenue, Cranford

|YES Began in 1963

Congratulations Cranford

From . The Cranford Healthxand Extendedf Care Center


Your GrandpW bought his fuel from us!



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A d m i n i s t r a t i o n and staff, as w e l l JV. p h y s i c a l e q u i p m e n t and l a y o u t , are dlj strui-turetl to met t h e patient's need for m o t i v a t i o n t o live each d a y t o its fullest.

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Enroll Now! ! Summer classes in Air-Conditioned Studios.

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Page 24


Thufscjay, Aune.3, 1971 Thursday, June 3, 1971 CRANFORD,CENTENNIAL SECJlt ' f'age 25

Chapter of B'nai B'rith Women

By Mrs. Allan Kane Sixteen years ago when the Kadimah Chapter of B'nai B'rith: (Sops . of the Covenant) was started, a organization that already ;4aorldTikth would jo'in 5,000 , other women in chapters in this area in the oldest and largest" Jewish service organization, serving the highest interests; of humanity and dedicated to '' B r o t h e r Iy love, Benevolence, and Harmony." The chapter encompassed Cranford, Kenilworth and Koselle Park. The first"" awareness- of1 community president, Mrs. Albert needs. Kadimah Chapter Khrlicb, was a resident of also gave awardsjx)' adults Rosolle Park. With the influx of many new families in in the three communities as thelatd-50sr-the-"chaptcr~ grew and flourished ine memorable of which .chapter received many i W i i r l g i Jy Jiti d f theiFTnllTeTins, awards-for inen's lodge to the Cranford. scripts and community First Aid Squad in 1962. v service. The D611 Lady program is The Kadimah Chapter well known in this area. The also presented many awards. Each year a Ttond" narrator has dolls of various was given to a high school races and religions that are senior, rotating between specially made to look like Cranford, Kenilworth and famous people. The stories Roselle Park. The award is of these celebrated perbased on scholarship,' good sonalities have been told to citizenship and an many a class and scout troop. ;. Bqoks published by the B ' n a i B'"'-r i t h Anti'Defamation League "Land Full of Freedon, 1 ' riWorld of Dif ferences" ... have been distributed to various ,schools in this area. Several years ago a Bible poster project was instituted in Cranford. Each week a reprint of a poster por? traying something from the Bible was published in the Cranford Chronicle along with an article by a guest clergyman. At the same' time various -poster* were, placed in the churches and temple and rotated each week. More recently the B'nai B'rith Women have been invited to different ch.ur'cheswith, the program ",Ydur Neighbor... Celebrates." Traditional Jewish foods are served and an explanation of the various holidays' is given. Kadimah Chapter has contributed toys and books to cerebral palsy, adopted welfare families and donated Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets.. Members also have given womanpower to various drives and relieved some of the nurse's aides at the Cranford Health and Extended Care Center, on Christmas Day sp that the aides could celebrate with their families'. ' "."""" Inline with the U'nfli B'rith program of remembering the veterans, the local women regularly visit and give parties in the ward% of the East Orange and "Lyons Veterans hospitals. : B'nai B'rith operates^a vocational service office in Union which is available to the public., The women who have senved as president of Kadimah since its inceptidrT are": Mrs Albert Ehrlich, Mrs. Alvin Krevsky, Mrs. Bert Rudoy, Mrs. Leonard Silver, Mrs. Micky. Bressler, Mrs. Al.Chodosh, Mrs. Aljan Kane, Mrs. CoVky Burstein, Mrs. G,. Kaye," Mrs. Jerry ftodman, Mrs. Buddy Bernstein, .Mrs. Harry. Baron, Mrs. Feed Lefkovic, Mrs. Nat Kaye, Mus. William '.Grunstein, JVlrs. Burton Mandell and Mi's. Lew Halpern. . '

Local BPW 0 u b Organized 1955

The Cranford Business board. They have served as and Professional Women's ground observers on the CivilDefense"Com m i tt ee r py Westfield club and held its and participated in the on Cranford- ; Communitv.April 14, 1955; The charier Forum and the" Crantord membership list "was closed Community Council. The on July 1st, 1955, with 42 club was represented on the members, and the charier Cranford Days Committees dinner was held on October and participated actively in 21, 1955. In February, 1961, the River Carnivals. the club was incorporated. Since 1955-56, U.S. Savipgs Today, the club has 65 Bonds are awarded to tvj/oJ members, who meet on the Cranford High School girls fourth Monday of each in the commercial departmonth for. dinner at rnent who achieve-;-the Marisa's R e s t a u r a n t . highest grades. Starting Following C h a r t e r with 1962.-63, an annual President Gertrude Nunn, in" grant has been made to 1955-56, have been Mary Union College. Louis? Wetjen in 1956-58, CareerAdvancement Margery > Hoff in 1958-60, Days have been held to help Marie TJeacon in 1960-62, Dorothy Bowers in 1962-64, Aline - Robbins- in -1964-66, Mary List (Knierim) in 196667, Josephine" Rudnicki in 19,67-69, Beverly Murray in 1969-70, and Mildred Mauthe in 1971-72. Helen Duryee is president-elect for 1971-72. The National Business Woman's Week is a feature of-the-BP-W-vJTederation.-On. this -occasion, local club activities have included displays) at the- Public Library, posters in, store windows, newspaper' accounts and teas for Cranfofa*s~^uslMss"women. The" Cranford club w*on the N.J. State President's award Jn 1962-63 ,for its.BPW' Week theme "Wake the Town and Tell the People!" " The members of the Cranford BPW have been an active, interested group participating in many civic activities/One of these was the Committee for Educational and Cultural Advancement . during Cranford's participation in the N.J. Tercentenary. Another was -Cranford's Beautification Program. The club has maintained its membership in the Joint Civic Connmittee' for Promoting Candidates ijor the Board of Education ,since 1956, and has sponsored women as candidates for t h e ' board- and- Tor tovvnsh i p treasurer.

higji school girls from seven on good grooming and the ' communities. During some correct . procedure for job of the National' Business i n t e r v i e w s Another Woman's Weeks. Cranford philanthropic activity has Ftigh School girls have been I given 'the opportunity to'] project.. /Good observe and'to work with a Samaritan,]' in which over number of. the .club mem-I lour tons of, clothing have bers. BPW' lias held clinics ; been sent \n Appalachia at the Cranford High School since 1962./

Cranford Council 6226, Knights of Columbus, was instituted on May '3, 1970 A Iraternal organizatio'ti, its objectives can" be summed up as follows: "Helping the | church, assisting children. | aiding the community, | serving -the country and i advancing culture." ; . The council- was started with (10 members and already it has grown to 133. During this first year the council has participated in

linci! Merer
hefping the patients at Lyons Veterans'" Hospital, conducted an eighth grade spelling Bee, held a family picnic., had a communion breakfast, participated iri state aryjl national membership drives, .ran a Children's Christmas party and held several dances for its members and guests..- The council plans to participate in all of the Cranford Centennial programs next, .month.

Oldest Financial Institution

Voter Service Projects Among LWV Contributions

By Reggie,Bleemer Over 50 years ,ago the "national League? of Women Voters sprang' up, Its foundationswerein National American Woman Suffrage Assdciation.. Its founder, Carrie Chapman Catt, formed the league in anticipation of the ratification of the 19th. Amendment' which gave women the right to vote in landmark, has been given important convention year, full attention in a pamphlet in -Atlantic City. ' The entitled ''The River - Cranford League won first Recreation or Disaster." prize-again. This time it wasBeeause^of-national-eoneer-nfor-a-displaydepicting_oiir_ sponsored a towriship-wido about the conservation- of. local "schools. conference on "Community our environment, a comMany names have shared Planning." Some years mittee rfeaded by. a member the spotlight. Among' the later came a study of local of the league was formed. charter members were recreational facilities.. After Itsjldpision was to establish Nancy Christensen, Sandy consideTableT^tirrie ^anfd~ a permanent conservation' energy * the recom- commission to preserve the Snook "iind Jane Hawkins, who served as the first three mendations, were made for a beauty of our river apd all presidents; Others in the 1920. " " , . ' . " community pool and a other natural endowments. original group were. Marge The Cranford - league recreational director. We Again a league study from Coe, Mrs. Leonard Moody, began its activities with the' then devoted tirne to a. which an entire community Addie Isaacs, Doris' Goldsame project pursued by all Master Han, from which will benefit. smith, Shirley Willrier, 1,250 new branches of' the emerged -the publication of Greatest recognition has Rachel Brantley, Mary Cranford's most reliable national organization, the .been achieved through SuU,Lvan._Marian.Hazeldin.e, ..-. booklet "Kjiow Your. Town." map,' ' V o t e r s ' ; ' S'er' e . Eleanor Van Hirturn, 1 It detailed the government; The Rahway^ River, out\- Registration drives have Deborah Partridge Wolfe, education arid facilities-. town's outstanding scenic been , among its strongest Evelyn Rodstein, jvIoTlie S pursuits. In" T970, the Reddin and Mrs. Charles J. ^committee produced, a Albury.Many are still a c "Voter Happening" with the tive, others have left the registration of 68 new voters area and have subsequently taking place outside of the become members in their MunicipaJ Building for the new home state. first time in the town's The years 1970 and 1971 - history. One-quarter million have been, unusually busy candidates information ones. We amassed- 1,700 sheets have been distributed signatures to back Home in still another aspect of Rule in the- District of Voter. Service. Candidates' Columbia. 'We, supported night in October has drawn . ^anti-hunger measures for a good portion of interested ' poverty stricken Americans citizens. The opportunity to .with hundreds of letters to see and hear all prospective our Senators and President. representatives has proved Decals- were sold ema great attraction. phasizing the strong need A very well attended and .support of fair housing. "Evening With Township In 197J we have published a Officials"'in 1969 led to an directory of elected and "Evening With the.Board of appointed officials Education" in 1970. In 1971 In the decade ahead, WE ARE PROUD TO HE an "Evening With the pollution, poverty and Freeholders" took place. public transportation will A PART OF CRA IS FOR D \S Several hundred town- continue to challenge the speople were guests of the Cran/ord membership. organization during these The effectiveness of the interchanges with officials League can be gathered eonduetedon' an informal from the comments of a basis.. senator who was surprised Several prizes and honors af the relatively small have come our way. The membership and said, " I , first in 1957 at the state thought there were at least a convention was a first prize million of them." lor a membership display. April. 1969, was another From there it Went on to a study of the municipal budget, then towilship planning. As a. natural

Flowers Are



We're proud to participate in hpnorihg our town for its 100 years of growth
It is a delight'to be part of C'ranford's 100th anniversary celebration and a member of-the community. The spirit of neighborliness, cdpperlition and working together with all businesses have built a great town. This spirit also spurs us into helping as many as possible achieve their financial goal. Though, vv,e are only S4 years old, C'ranford Savings has kept pace with the expansion of the town by making loans to help develop the area. With the opening of our branch-office, financing homes-became easier, in addition to-many other J helpful services that contribute to the town's progress.*-. -. So as a-partner in the centennial celebration and the. growing town of' C ran ford, we pledge continued assistance in the years to come.

Fondest Memories Of Your 100th Anniversary Cranford From

Cranford Lodge

Gi^ows From

55 To 235,
By Milto.n Dia.iur.d

. . . and to celebrate the occasion Cranford Savings has issued a Commemorative Centennial Coin
H e r e is a o n c e in, a lifetime chance, t o get this specially m i n t e d coin d e p i c t i n g . t h e , 100th annivera-Fy-aubliiULiu}_jhe_tYorit and t h e new C'ranford m u n i c i p a l seal on .the back. It is P/2" in d i a m e t e r arid has a t w o t o n e ' o x i d i z e d silver finish. Truly a m e m o r a b l e souvenir of a memorable year."Come in ^ d get y o u r s while this, limited issue lasts. T h e p r i t c is only^S2.00>each. \ "...-'"

'HAPPY 100th


Clark Opens Many Doors


ON J U N l i 12th

Let your children "eiijuy'the parade with a colorful helium- .tilled balloon, tjianding in front of the ('ranforU Saving's main'office will be "Wiiuly"'rhe magic, clown- hallooilblower. '"Windy"- iirJlate's," seals und'suui^v-balloohs with just a .tap of the magic .-wand - air-tomatieally. Get tlietn while supply lasts. , .v . .

__ 1)uuiqg ;a- -.y.ear. when.. Thomas-A-. - Edison was awarded a patent for. his .phonograph,-Clark opened its-doors for business as a lumber and' millwprking merchant. That was in 187ft. In 1936, when in Newark, , the company decided to manufacture doors . exclusively. "Since then Clark Door Company has .developed many new types of doors including the first completely automatic cold storage door, the Shock absorbing fmpact door, the first door with tirethanc -insulation. . . , Expansion of the business and the need for- more modern facilities led to the construction in 1962 o. f Clark's present planfcJfitMiiJ1 Myrtle St. in Cranford'. Clark electric," air .powered and manually operated doors not only lock cold air in and keer^warm air out in such applications as frozen food processing plants, for example, but control humidity, noise, contamination and security. Installations" include plants, computer rooms, explosive atmosphere areas. Horizontal and vertical sliding, hi fold and double action impact units arc designed and manufactured as completely a s s e in b 1 e d packages. Clark insulated and noninsulated doors are found in countries.throughout the world. They ' are also manufactured in Sweden and Africa. Along with its diversity of design, Clark offers a wide choice of covering materials J J I addition to galvanized arid hot rolled steel, textured and mill finished aluminum, -doors are clad in solid colored and textured plastic, wood, stainless steel and fiberglass.

The Knights of Pythias, a fraternal non-sectarian international order, was Club members, have founded in Washington, D, C, February, 19, MM; by assisted at Cranford's Adult 116 North Ave.,W. ~ 276-4700 Cranford Justus" H. ftuthbone' and School registration, and 130 W. Third Ave. - CH 1-2700 Roselle embraces 2,000 subordinate served on its advisory lodges in the United States and Canada. , The founding lathers of Cranford Lodge 175-Lionel Weinstein, who is now grand chancellor elect of the State of New Jerseys past Chancellor, Irving Pianka, and' pust ' Chancellor Comrnander Bernard Garlinger (who became the first chancellor commander of Cranford Lodge 175 on March 2&,--L9e2r>-enli'sted-the-. support 6T 55 men in "the greater Cranford area-and a charter was granted to them by the Grand Lodge of New pass the best home buyers in the world; the buyers who Jersey,' . -, The Knights who became have sufficient income to buy the homes they- warvt, who the first .officers were: are interested in locating in the community of which tyou* Chancellor Commander and we are "proud ' Garlinger, Vice-Chantv , : ' " ; . < < ? ; ."...."' ' ellor Norman Perlman, Prelate Sidney Fischtrom, Master of Works Lionel AND THROUGH THIS Weinstein, Secretary Milton .Diamond, Financial SAME MELON DOOR Secretary Morris Schalef, Treasurer Edward Dorfman, Master* of .Works walk the owners of Cranford homes who are interested in Irving Pianka, Inner Guard ATbert Brodsky and Outer selling their homes at their true value to buyers in aGuard David Levine. position to complete the home'purchases they enter into. The first meeting, place was Temple Beth-El, - * - ' ,. ' Crfplocd, and it is still the home of this lodge." You are invited-to-wa'lk thorugh that Cranfprd Lodge 175-.has been' the host of a, 11 the .lodges in New Jersey on two SAME MELON DOOR separate occasions arid it's present membership of 21)5 knights have, an ihfluenfAaJ to the office of voice in. the ,-national and state business of the Order Knights pf-Pyi-hiaiS. During the' short life of



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Branch Office 655 RARITAN ROAD EAST OF WINFIELD CIRCLE' 272 8222 , _
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leaders, "P.f.B.' 1 Garlinger,. P, C. Edwacd Dor-fman, P. C. Albert Brodsk'y", P. C. Mel Feld, P. C/Sidney Weingus, P.C. Dennis Diamond; P. C-" Sy Herbst a.nd 1. C'Milton (iarber have strived to increase the, community activity of thelodge and now with the support of these men, the present chancellor c o m.nv a n d e r , * K a 1 iya n Lurinsky, and V. C. Howard Parish, Prelate Bernard (ireenberg, Master ()1 Arms DonltT3L~lVrin,di>s, " Inner Guard Harold Hoth,. Outer Guard Victor Thomas, Secretary Melvin Z-i rein e r m a n , F in a n t11 a'l Secretary Arnold Klein and Master "of Works P. C. Milton (iarber, are engaged in planning for the Cranford Centennial Carnival on June 12.

whera home'bilyers and fibnie seTleis rheeI

Mary List" .Carol Mershon Marga Hoffman Mary Howland

Geruld Ashfield Cathetirie JackowsUi Gerry Morris

G.E. HOWLAND Inc., Realtor

13 Eastman St. at North Ave. 276.5900.


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I c

l',K|i; Vb ' ' QHANMJtVlO CffNlTl NNIAfSECT ION Thuiwlay, June 3. 1971

" . : ' . * /

1st Presbyterian Church 'Born' iri CraneviUe

H. Conlcy
till' I. l l ' s t
lii'Kisrt' ()ne


tow TTTT

]: c n i i l d

minister-at that time, noted in a history he wrote for the T1 Inn-c h" s ^ ; o 1 d cTi^-Jubife e celebration in 190r- "Not
- t-R-0 h-OUKCO L

Temple Beth-El^ Half Century Old

By Ruth Banks
..' "Temple part of Crauford's history for more than hall of these KMLyears. The building of a viable Jewish cowNiunily, with the synagogue as its ' center, has taken more than 54 years- and " the work of many people, From the first organizational meeting in .November. 1917. ; lo the p r e s e n t , 'the g o a l s h a v e always-been lo shape good citizens and c o m m u n i t y , leaders in the best American and Jewish traditions. ...The Jir_s_t_.. p r e s i d e n t . G'eorge .Spcctor. was i n stalled in December 1017. "and in ATTKTIST rrrre rnzr

County, initiation of the " d r a m a t i c s e r m o n " ' <]r religious drama, and the reactivation of the 'choir, under the direction of llaz/.an Samuel Lavitskv.

I A h;il - ad'ihirnm eyes - the worship too small to meet ca-rl> \.illagei''5 gazed upon the lurther growth that was this, thru 1 Iirsl temple ol looked I or. but it 'also began find and outward token of to- be felt tnat ,tho severe. 11^ pi I'siince m then' midst, plainness of the building7 and with what Vejoicings jts was out of keeping with the wall.-t u ere i e a r e d and its 'outward attractiveness of Vlooix opened lor tt'orship."- the'town," The new, and present, Tin l.iKt home ol the First i\ I e n a n ( ' h u r c h ' of sanctuary was. dedicated v illt-.. l-'ssex County. June. 19, 1894* "" Cra Se.w .lerses . w a s . t h u s The church's first bell was. Josiah Crane. It hung at Hirst in a bell tower on the grounds of the original" church, and later was moved to the tower of th"e new one to" call town7 speople to services for many years-.- Before the existence police force iruCranford, there was a Vigilance incorporated as the CranCommittee to protect the ord-Garwood Hebrew community. Its members Association/ At firs! they had a key to the tower and mot in each other's homes, could sound the church bell but liy 1924 they took li'tle-<lo - known- now'as-South-UnionHo-call-help-in-any-case-of the site of the1 first templeon ancj 'Lincoln Aves. / trouble. South Avenue, and in. -F- it iy- peo p 1-e-en ter ed into The. Golden Jubilee of_the__ August. 1927. the coran agreement to build a First''Presbyterian Church nerstone was laid. ' church here following an was celebrated June 9-12. With the grovvth to mi i ttrg^i'.iiyation meeting on 1901, with a series of special families by 1945. a choir was January 24. 1850, in the exercises and services. 'the first ecclesi-asfical edifice of which the town could formed; under the direction home ol Josiah Crane at the, As it heared its fiftieth FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TODAY--Shown are 1 - corner,::oLN_oHh_.and . L'nion. birthday,1 the congregation the present day facilities of the First Presbyterian-Chu.rch, boasf," stood on Alden St. between North and North Onion of Mrs. Samuel Roth, which ..was part ,i)l Iho .a^socjajjoii .Yves., present home of the ?had become aware' that " Cranford's first church. Seen from the Springfield Ave. side- Avos. and the concfregation.first met there on.-March 3,. 1851'. site was erected in lor lo years. The name was Suburban* Trust Company. there was need in Garwpo'd are.the church prdper, Memorial HalJ (constructed In 19^9 Thcfirst church building on the present .' " (> amended lo read TempleThe I irs.t -edifice stood on lor some organized religipus on the site "of an eaf lier Sunday School building), Education 1 8 6 3 . ' ' Building and Fellowship Hall.'The first church building, 1 Beth-F,'l iiiWes.llk'ld Alden St.'.- between '. North activity, and the"Session had | Cranford. Ihe first, of several and North'Union Aves. The acteded to the request of a Observance of the Cen- Cranford, N.J.. 1932." ': j complete sta.iT offices, ..a ,Astudent assfstant name changes, and. in li)4(i"first met there group there that they be March ':!. - 1851, although connected with the Cranford tennial also included ' the ' Fellowship . Hall was ' lounge, a library to house a minister tvas employed by they 'raUiihod t h e i r ' first lending library of over 1500 the church in 1950,. and- the permanent spiritual loader. of china organization was not for- church. Sunday School issuance constructed in 1957 on the books, music, center, nur- needs" of the congregation . Rabbi Jordan Taxon., . anniversary plates bearing mall\;..complete until; June classes were being held in a corner of Springfield lor leadership have steadily Not six years after they "26. . 1H51. under the schoolhouse and later in the a picture of the church, and Avenue and Miln St., and sery and service rooms. the writing of a history of made additons to the staff had dedicated the addition Presbytery of Brooklyn as a Lent -Building'in_ Garwood, Memorial Hall in 1969 on the Most recently, during the necessary. At present, for J o the South Avenue Temple. New School church. There and occasionally*^ minister the church frorn, - its site of the earlier Sunday beginnings. The .history, by past lew months the en- the membership of 2300, the congregation purchased were -22( members, who could be secured for church School building. Fellowship .trance of the sanctuary has [there is a multiple ministry joined- by letter from the services. Under the.parent Miss Lida B. Earhart, was Hall incorporates an. | been renvodeled, enclosing ; headed by Dr.- Robert G. its present site at Walnut the third one compiled. Dr. Avenue, and retained its' Wes'tfi-old Presbyterian church' Seminary student auditorium with full Church, with three ruling pastors were employed and Greene's Golden Jubilee facilities for dramatics, a ' the old open porches into a . Longaker.' Rev; Milton B. third and p r e s e n t spiritual assoc i at e | l e a d e r . Rabbi Sidney group volume had been followed kitchen and gymnasium. I narthex. This work has been KTa s t w i.c k , elders and'two deacons. The. the Garwood by Rev. ..William R. Sloan's the gift of a Foundation j minister for pastoral ser- j Shanken. For Ih'ree and oneSunday School moved into flourished. ,A site for a "Year Book of the First vices, advises the divisions I |ialL years, the members -.the' new quarters, with 29 Garwood chapel w a s p u r - Presbyterian Church of Memorial Hall provides a dedicated to the restoration ; 1 new chapel, youth center, of historical sites. of evangelism and missions. labored lo work out building 1 members A Ladies-Sewing i. chased in f904 and a new Circle w is a Tread v building was dedicated there in 1906; This chapel established. Josiah Crane"had donated called its" own minister in the land 'for the 'church, a 1914, and continued to manse and burying grounds. 'receive financial support The burial grounds, located from the parent church to on the south- side of the some degree until 1925. railroad between High St.With the- growth of its and the river, were sold in i-membership and its Sunday 1868 and femains moved to School, the Cranford church Fairview Cemetery to a plot i felt the need for space for purchased by the church. recreation, the activities of When the town-'* name its. many nqw organizations became Crani'ord in 18H9, and the preparation and the church changed jts serving- of meals and name accordingly. refreshments. The present site of the Property at .the corner of church, at the corner . of Springfield .Ave. and Milh 'North Union and Springfield St. was acquired in 1949 and Aves.. was bought from the manse that haa\ stood John. Grant Crane, and. a nextUolt was razed. In 1951, new^ building was erected when the Church School had there in 18(S8. The original^ over..1,000 students (second' building was moved to the- highest in the state) a new , Year of the new and used as brick Education Buildiftg "an;d~Spnday School was constructed on the - ' building. Two wings-were manse site. added to it in 187.3, and it was. The completion ol its first replaced by a new charjel in one hundred years was 1888 as the congregation marked by the church itua outgrew the facilities. Centennial celebration Item 'Further enlargement June 2-10, 19al. A special needed in 1894. project to "perpetuate the The church was tran- spirit and ideals of the sferred by the Synod-of New I'.ourisers of our church and Jersey to the Presbytery of gratefully acknowledge our Newark in 1,865. and finally heritage" was- the establishJjecamo connected with the ment of a Centennial Presbytery of Elizabeth Scholarship to be awarded when there-was a reunion of annually to some young "New ' School" and "Old person ijvepaiing tor, lullSchool" Presbyterians in time s'er.yjco in the 1870 Presbyterian Church U.S.A. "By 189:1 the need for a Twelve young men and larger house of worship was witmen have been awarded V being felt, and contracts the scholarship. Two young were let I or,-a new building. men of the congregation Charles G. Jones of New currently have applied to be York was the architect and taken under the -care of the Diedrich Kreie of, Presbytery with the goal of the building contractor Dr. entering1 full-time church ' George !'i-an'cis Greene. service.
the church many years .later E a r l y s e t t l e r s ol thjs \.:llagc between 'Elizabeth and \\ est field had been among .the lounders ol tlv Firs'l .PresbyterianChurch in., Westl'icld in. JT?7. attended services there. Sunday School exercises for the'il' childi'en. were* held '-from' IB32 on in a small-' schoolhouse on the corner

The- sense of .challenge of lho'70's with an which had been nurtured educational fund drive Jo for Ilii'ough the years grew even provide the m e a n s stronger . as . I ho modernization-: to, t e a c h congregation p u l l e d Hebrew, reborn in Israel for together towardstFre a modern world, as a living language, and to leach tho_ realization- of .a common Bible in dialogic style in a" Ireani. high school program. In so The congregation numbered :UU. The'(id's saw the d o i n g , the congregation recommitted Vt.seff!, |o that new building furnished, r e s p o n s i hi1,i I y wh i c h improvements and changes motivated live .origina.1 made In the religious school group of 12 families 54 years program, adult, education ago: the transmission of its ..introduced, affiliation with heritage from generation to the Jewish Community generation., .Council of Eastern Union

Jj Vol. 78 Nfo.-23 Published Every Thursday

Serving "Cranford, Kenilworth and Garwood

JUNE 10, 1971 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 07016 15 CENTS,

Centennial Parade This

Cranford's Centennial Parade is scheduled to s^ep off this Saturday at 10 a.m. It is the most ambitipus in. the 100-year hjstory of the township and will feature a~ large representation from h i t i i U i r i County, as .well as some "Trom other counties. ~ Charles J. Pfost has headed the paracje committee, with the assistance 6T Parade! Marshal _S'her^_ wood K. SIiken, who has been its manager, andnjf " Firerhari^Dale Gangaware" who arranged for the large numbers of visiting firemen and their equipment. .Prior to the parade, josiah Crane, Sr., in the "persohirjfDrrHomerrJ^Hal^ will welcome.guests at 9:30 a.m. at MbmoriarPark,,for a short toUr of his farm. A fair-will be held all day on the grounds of Cleveland School and, following the parade, additional attractions will be found at the Cranford Motor Lodge parking area, where the visiting-r-firedepartmentswill gather. ^-Whiletheylast-rfr-ee^balloons for kiddies will be available at the North and North Union Ave. corner, adjacent to the Cranford ^Savings and Loan Building. Final plans call for the parade to start at the corner^ of North, Ave. and Orchard St, It will move along North Ave. eastward to Centennial Aye. and down Centennial to the Hillside 'Avenue Junior High School grounds. Fire gqtriptrrent "willturnat~ Myrtle Ave. tb.vthe Motor' Lodge grounds, riear-the foot of Commerce Drive. -*. The official- reviewing- stand will be located at the Board of Education parking lot at Lincoln and Cen- -tennial Aves. From the reviewing stand, . past mayors of Cranford, serving -as-judges r ^will_decide_six winners jn ' various -eategr-ies^-W-i nner-swil receive fine trophies that incorporate the 'Centennial Coins. IVlrs. .Elizabeth Bates, almost 92,._. and Frank Braxton, at ,88, are to be specially honored as two of. the older residents o$ Cranfoitd, representing senior citizens of both races. Mrs. Bates and her late husband, George, have been noted Tor their community ~services-irrthe-pastrdeeadesr-^ Mr. Braxton, during World War I, had worked for Mr. Bates in the Bethlehem Steel shipyards,.and later for -the Rockefeller Foundation, until retirement. He is a former deacpn of First Baptist .Church. * - The parade will be led by, a police escort, followed by Mayor Malcolm S. Pringle, and others of the Township the two senior citizens will be followed by the former mayors of Cranford, and the Patriots Drum and Bugle Corps of Cranford. Outside, communities participating will include Berkeley Heights JwithT fire" apparatus and the fire auxiliary. Clark's delegation will be led by Mayor Thomas Kaczmarek and members of.the council, the-^-Glar-k-^Lodge --of-the BrP.O.E., and the American Legion Pftst' No. tM 328. Elizabeth will send.a-float and one of the newest and finest pieces of fire equipment. Fan wood will also send fire equipment. Garwood will be represented by the 25-man Emerald Lancers Band, as well as a Mummers Band mentioned ,.later, fire ap' and the fi auxiliary, the First A i d / Squad, and 20 men and the guard of the Knights ot Columbus. Kenilworth. will have a band, a 20-man marching. contingent and fire apparatus, Linden and ."Mountainsidewill--also-'be represented. Mayor Frank H. Blatz and other officials of Plainfield are planning to participate, as is the City of Rahway.
Rnsftllft's contingent will

From all of us at C/Sr "Congratulations, Granford, on your 100th year!"

We are proud to have been a . part of this progressive, fast-moving community for' ' more than 15 years. And - ' with you-in the years ahead.
Come and visit one plant dliring Industry Week in October.

. .

be led by Mayor Theodore w! Osbahr,- Jr., and. will

' R l V E R CARNIVAL WINNERSShown Are the first and second place winners In the floaty competition at the River Carnival staged b y the Jaycees at Nomahegan Park on Sunday Ahp rp\phr^\\hn nf Crwnfnrri's Centennial. Thfi t h X f d Lions Glub (at right) Wok-first prize, and the Cranford Kiwanis Club's float Was the first






. . -

CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC. 55 Windns Avenue Cranford, N.J.

Aluminum specially products for the huildint; construv-tjon industry.

River Carnival Attracts 10,000 As -Cejntennial Week Begins Here

The Jaycees < ruled Nomahegan Park and even ruled the Weather Bureau last Sunday; Rain showers detoured around Cranford following a morning threat, to permit the finest conditions for the- Centennial\ Regatta. An estimated 10,500 Cranford citizens and friends gathered to spend the day, honoring the past and reaching to the" future. The entire Jaycee Committee under Chairman William H. Hicks, Jr., undertook anenormous task in bringing success to the event. Secretary John Reilly, , treasurer riJohn Murphy, Special Events Chairman Tom White, Pageant 'Committee members George Forrester, John Mattson and Charles Stevens, Jr., all contributed J o the success. Others, equally active, were the Souvenir Committee of Tom iVfeClosky and Nick Precone, Publicity Chairman Art Kusiv, Site Preparation ChairmaD_Alan_ Jacobson and Food Confollowed by a demonstration ' cessions Chairman. Norman floating pumper, prepared Hegrta. The Art Exhibit was by the Fire Department and arranged by Jim Salway, the Jaycees Float. and the Fashion Parade by The judges awarded the Tom. Lear. ' Grand Prize to the Lions Chjb entry. Runner-up Master of Ceremonies trophy went to the entry of Ken Tedstrom expressed the Kiwanis Club, while appreciation' for the second runner-up was the \x:ooperation of the Township entry of the Chamber of Committee under Mayor Commerce. Malcolm S. Pringle, the Public Works Department The. third runner-up was under^Patrick J, Grail, and the entry of the Sophomore the officials of Union College Class of Orange Avenue as well as the Union County Junior High School. Park Commission. Honorable mention went to. An emergency w a s " -the float of the Cranford ' Board of Realtors. Most of.. created by vandalism to the the floats will reappear, in lake dam, intended to the Centennial Parade prevent the regatta by scheduled for Saturday. draining the lake. The break Mayor Pringle read the. was discovered in time to be Centennial Greetings O f ^ closed during the night, and President Richard M. pumping restored the lake Nixorn- Rev. Arnold J. to its normal level. Dahlquist invoked divrne On the reviewing stand blessing on the day's acwere seven past mayors of tivities. Cranford who served as Master of Ceremoniesjudges of the 17 floats enTedstrom introduced neightered in the contest. An American Legion Color boring mayors and other notables.. The Westfield .Float Jed the precession, ^Colonial Chorus and the Cranford High School Band Ensemble provided music during the afternoon. Later in the day a costume contest was held in which 129 citizens dressed in oldtime garb competed. Of this number, 89 were 12 years old and under. Winners in the various categories were as follows: Dr. Homer Hall, individual male; Mrsv Robert Scherer, individual female; Mr. and Mrs. John Orrico and children, family; Barbara Hall, teenager; John and Peter Cosmoglos and Susan Goscinsky, children 12 and under; Mr. and Mrs, Steven Ozl, couple, and Mrs. James Davis, most authentic design and construction. Judges for the contest, were Mrs. Benjamin J. 'Moffettf' Mrs. Robeft M. Crane-and Mrs. Norman H. Brubaker. -


extends, cordial greetings to

The Township of Cranford

ALMOST EVERYONE WAS THERE-Shown Is part of the crowd, estimated at 10,000, which attended the, River Carnival at Nomahegan Park pn Sunday. Many brought their own lawn chairs and blankets for. more comfort as they watched the procession of colorful floats on

Nomahegan Lake. Some families brought picnic lunches with them,and icecream, hot dogs and cold drinks were sold at nearby booths. " Many of those attencJi'ngywore. oldfashioned costumes in keeping with the theme of the Cranford Centennial. / .
. . . "

upon fhe occasion of .its Centennial Celebration

Excessive Traffic Not Seen Due to College Expansion

town already, he observed, but fortunstely-^thecom-' . muter peaks and the student peaks along Springfield Ave, miss each other. Basinigliis projections on a system of curves, the results of traffic survey^ taken during one week last winter, Mr^ Gardiner explained that tne intention of the county road system should be "to make good county roads .. like Springfield Aye,, and to make- them satisfy im tercommurrity traffic needs>!' ,. ' Mr. Gardiner ruled out the possibility that Gallows Hill Rd. might take some of-the burden off Springfield A*ve. He said at the moment Gallows Hill.Rd. takes very little traffic, a n d . the j^rojection for 1985. expected the street behind Union College to take at most onethird of the college traffic away from'SpringfiQld Ave. He.said the street could-be.a "good local collector." . .Hoy Smith,. public _ relations director.of Union College, commented that most students in the future ' would come from the eastern end of\ Union County. In other discussion, Mr. Gardiner listed a group of recommended projects in Cranford, which, he said, might help to * ease congestion'along Springfield. and Centennial Aves. Implicit in these" recommendations, he added, was that the counfy would most likely assurpe the con- struction^ costs o[ .these improvements. Mjenael-Bury, also of the Union County Planning Board, emphasized that the board can only recommend .to ' municipalities on road changes. "The- county has tried to operate by-persuasion." Mr. Bury said. "We think that the road plan is a reasonable plan. It we take it piecemeal, we're not going

JQnly 177

Reception to Fete Father Derbyshire in Primary

Hall Preparatory School ' Rev: Joseph V. Derajid Seton Hall University. , ; byshrre will mark the Following studies . "at twenty-fifth anniversary of Immaculate / Conception his ordination -as a Roman Seminary, Tie was ordained Catholic priest at a. con-, on June 15, 1946, at St.' celebrated mass to be of. Patrick's ^^ProrCgthedralrfered at 6 p.m. tomorrow at St. 'Michael's Church. All _lNewark7i5yniie7late Archbishop Thomas.jyValsh. He _ar_inuited toatteTuTitfie served as curate at Holy c mass. Rosary Church, Elizabeth, Among the concelebrants will be former classmates at , for seventeen years and at. Immaculate Conception St. Joseph's Church, Jersey Seminary, Darlington. The City, for two years, at which sermon will be preached by . time he was also chaplain to Rt. Rev. Msgr. William Christ Hospital and Hudson Daly, assistant superinCounty Jail. tendent of schools of the For the past six years, he Archdiocese of Newark. has been stationed at St., - The Rosairs, a singing Michael's in Cranford^.1 He group composed of women has- served as chaplain for of St. Michael's parish Council 3310 and Fourth ^ under the direction of Mrs. Degree Shea Assembly, JoTin J. O'Brien, Jr., will Knights -of Columbus, ..UCoyide a program of Elizabeth, for 10 years and Rev. J : V. Derbyshire special music duning the chaplain, for the Ancient ~ mass. Mrs. Edward Obie is Order of Hibernians, accompanist for the group. Elizabeth, for 15 years. He is '"" An' open house in honor of the present chaplain of the Father Derbyshire will be Cranford Knights of held Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. > Columbus 6226 and also of in St.- Michael's School the . -Cranford Police The 10th. anniversary gymnasium. The comDepartment and the Union Chamber of Commerce mittee, headed by Mr. and County Police Chiefs Membership Directory, Mrs. Frant Pfaff, Mr. and Association, with up to date street map Mrs. Jerry DeRosa and Mr. Over 450 persons will and-Mrsv-Thomas-JBenton,--""" jatteml" arrrceprtoriarrd . and useful facts, is now available. ' ""extends a welcome to all to dinner in honor of Father A copy may be picked up meet with father at this Derbyshire tomorrow at at any of the local banks or " time. 7:30 p^m. at the Sulphur real estate dffices. Copies Father Derbyshire was Springs. Inn, Berkeley also wiU be distributed to born in Newark, the son of Heights. - local homes by the Youth the late Thomas and The' invocation ftt the Employment Service. Margaret Derbyshire, and dinner will be given by Rt. was graduated from Seton Rev. Msgr. William B. Donnelly, pastor emeritus of St. Michael's. Toastmaster The Cranford Municipal will be John J. McCarthy of Pool opened last weekend Cranford. Rt. Rev. Msgr. and also will be open this Walter Jarvais of Persons who have weekend and June 19-20, Immaculate Conception reserved extra copies of the from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Seminary will, be the Centennial Edition of the Saturdays and from 11 a.m. principal speaker. Citizen and Chronicle are to 8 p.m on Sunday&. Police Chief Matthew T. requested to pick them up Starting June 25, the pool Haney and LeRoy Bowman immediately as they will not will be open daily through are co-chairmen of the be held beyond next MonLabor Day. reception and dinner/ dayi June 14V

An expansion of Union College to 2,000 day students and 2,000 night students by 1985 will not create ex-cessive-traffic problems S i f i l d d -Centennial Ayes. Walter W. Gardiner, traffic engineer of the Union County Planning With no contests m either Board, told a meeting of the 1 primary (except for one Cranford Planning Board, Democratic committeeattended by representatives woman jposU^. only 771 of theTraffic Coordinating Xr-anford^volers..turned out , Committee and Township for the Primary Election orV' Committee last Wednesday Tuesday. This represented night., * 1 less than 6 percent of the Ifjiowever, the increase, total voter registration of in Rodents amounted to * 14,33.1. There were 475 votes 4,000 students during the cast in the Republican .day and an equal number at Primary1 and 296 in the night, Mr. GardineV Democratic Primary. projected, then Cranford In the" only contest,. Mrs. would have to make some Angelica Maggio was significant changes in its elected Democratic comtraffic control on Springfield mitteewoman in the 14th Ave. district, defeating Mrs. Many students come Elizabeth M. Lee by a vote through" the south part of of 30 to 11.

Cahill Due At Lottery Draw Here

Cranford is the site today of this week's drawing of the New.1Jersey State Lottery ori North Union /We., between Alden St. and Springfield Ave., at 11:00' a.m, Dr. Thomas E. MaggiOychairman of the .State. Lottery Commission, scheduled the event today, in support of the Cranford Centennial. ,New Jersey's Governor William T.-Cahill . is expected to be on hand. A 32-foot "Snowmobile," first used pn May 13, enables the Lottery drawing to.beheld out of doors as it travels around the state during the - summer. It rs fully equipped - with a self-contained '" electric generating system for operating the lighting.. the public address system and the lottery drawing equipment. .



"() annc,

let us worship

ami how clown, let us kneelhejorc

the Lord, our Maker' "

J'sahns 'AVVi

l-.vcry c o m m u n i t y is enlivened a n d enriched by i t s . w o r s h i p of Almighty ( i o d . T h e w;iys of w o r s h i p , which are many and varied, lurye always, lield'a c e n t r a l anil respected place in ("nTiifonl's life. They, c o n t i n u e to be lionoieil annong us. llenc,e C i a n l o r d ' s C'lejpy C'ouneil, a -fellowship of o u r t o w n ' s Catholic. Jewish, and l'rotcstaht spiritual leaders, rejoice that t h e ^ following houses of worship stHVu-thert'+itiioiis aspirations and needs o\ all our k'llpw cUi/.ens. - 1 he Kev. J o h n K. De\heiiiR'r. Council President " . .

is Club ^Offering $2,000 C of C Directory In Scholarships The . scholarship and Now Available grant-jn-aid committee of

Winfield Circle Put High on Priority List

New Address For YES Office

.The Cranford Youth Employment Service has relocated its office in the Community Center'at Alden and Miln Sts. The YES officei had been located in Sherman School for the past five years.' ' r i\hss Helen' Scott. YES^ -presidenT sauTTfie "move'" was prompted by a desire lor a more central location ""pernrtr^extenaVcrOt'fice hours The office is now open from 2:3D to T > p.m weekdavs

Take this' opportunity to wish the town of Cranford and its residents continued Progress & Prosperity.. As the town is keeping irvStep with the times
- We also dt- Rantan -Barbers are offering timely i n n o v a t i o n in To-tal Hair Care for
MK.TI ar-iel children

Crani'ord United Methodist Church Walnut and Lincoln Avneues /Mli.i-irce ( j i HI eh '* Ke^'wrd- Avenue and Cherry Street Calvary L u t h e r a n C h u r c h IDS l a s t i n a n Street L irsl C h u r c h of Christ, Scient ist Springfield Avenue ami Miln Street - _- 'lirst Baptist ( ' l u n c h * 100 High Street ' L irst Presbyterian ('hureli N. Union and Springfield Avenues St. Maj.k's A.M..I'.Church ' X X Hii>h Street St. Michael's Roman Catholic, C'hurcl Miln and Alden Streets I einple Ik'.th-LI 3,vS Walnut Avenue trimly Chinch, Lpiscopal I'orest .iiul Nort h Avenues



Christian I1 vangehcal Clmreh

47(i Soiitlv^vcinrf, l a s t V ( ianfori.1 Baptist ( liuixb T 7 S o u t h Avenue. West

Reserved Copies Held till Monday

Pool Hoiirs Told

Ciil:ii mi/ A special de/Kirtnwnl

CUSTOM MADE HAIR PIECES! Sales - Services-Supplies

Ladies welcome a$ always for Haircutting & Shaping.

Ml. / i o n I lolmess Clnireh 'Johifson Avenue

Traffic improvements at Winfield Circle and creation of a jug handle to improve the traffic, situation at the Cranford Kiwanis Club . Centennial Ave. and Myrtle announced thjs week that St. are high on a priority list $2,000 is again available for of recommendations of the scholarships, Unicm County Planning These monies are the Board, it was reported by r-os-ultoL_the_. y.axLo.us_ Walter-W^Gardincr-^tr-afiic Kiwanis "Club " projects engineer of the county conducted^during the year, board," at a meeting of the including the pancake Cranford Planning Board breakfast, rummage sale, last Wednesday night. bulletin distributions and Mr." Gardiner said the Christmas tree sale. Union County Planning . Any junior class student Board primarily recom who is a resident of Cranmended improvement of i'ord may apply for a , Winfield Circle by widening scholarship by obtaining an the road and placing a application in his school signal there. He said the guidance office or from improvement there could be Fritz T. Brown, assistant underway by 1972. principal of Orange Avenue # Other recommendations Junior Hig\i School. included, in decreasing Members of try.1 . order of priority: scholarship committee this A new ip-second traffic year include Mr. Brown, signal p r o g r essi-on chairman; Walter Yost and throughout all of Cranford; Cass-Bolanowski.

A jug-handle approach at [he CenteYinial-Hillsideto do \l."a Myrtle' complex in order to On the"iminediate'traffic "reduce a "single-file dribble problem along Springfield problem;" Avo:, My;. Gardiner said that Building the Cayuga Rd. it most likely was an enjug handle, which would forcement problem on include two lanes of traffic speed. He recommended, and stoplight; however, tfiat^parking .be Widening the intersection prohibited on both, sides ol ~al CenTefin i a I ~TmdSctath f i f c W Aves; He also recommended a i Widening the intersection widening of the intersection at Centennial and Lincoln at Springfield and Orange Avl's; and Aves. ' Widening Centennial and On other, problems. Mr. Springfield Aves .to !() feet, Gardiner said truck weights to allow for four lanes of , were s,et ])> complicated traffic. formulas, and that man*1 Mr. Gardiner added that \ h r i d g e signs as a result were" on financing these projects, misleading. The sign on the should the town decide to go Springfield Ave bridge, for ahead with them, the county instance, he said, did not would handle the,, road include Id tons gross construction-. The township weight; rather it applies to a would pay for the stoplights. complicated formula for computing weight according He also recommended to'load. axle weight, width of that Cranford investigate a lires, and distance Ivetvveen new federal aid program ;ixles. . called " TOPICS.

The Inside Story

Church Classified Coming Events . . -. Editorial . Obituaries Social Ssnnrts . . . . . .

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.10. 11

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